3food Iiver Slacier. FHIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1901. CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Uriah He? p cigar. Dr. Brosiu' horse for sale, f 75. Wood gutters and spouting at Savage'. Uuilder's hardware, nails at Ravage'. Old papers 25c a hundred at the Gla cier office. E. E. Savage, sole agent for Oliver plows and extras. For the Iiest logger Bhoe in town go to lione A McDonuld. For Rent Small house, $3 a month. Inquire at People's Store. When you want a good smoke, buy the "Crinh Ilecp" cigar. For sale by all Uualers. JuHt arrived. A ft no line of spectacles at Chas Kigga the jowdur's. Cull and eee his prices. ' Thin in the season of the year to cut cordwood, grub trees and do your prun ning. (Jet your croNB-cut saws, mattocks, xes, wedges, pruning shears and saws it Savage's. , , E. E. Savage has been appointed agent for Hood River and virinity for the K. L. Allen & Co.'e I'lunet Jr. goods, and will carry a fuil line of these celebrated t win, and extra parts for the same. Dr. F. C. Urosius has removed to his new residence at tlio went end of Oak etTeet, midway bet ween the school house and armorv, and, can be found in his of' flea over Williams & Brutus' drug store between the hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 mid 6-7 p. ni. ' Eureka Market w,M",TYave,,&ii'- hand Saturday - rffOstd chickens, Belgian hares, Eastern oysters, ralmon, smelt, A-rabs, sweet potatoes, celery, cabbage, pure homsi luade pork sau.wge.link pork amsage, l'raukforth sausage, Hamburg tak, pickled pig's feet and tripe, fine stork of fresh and cured meats. We employ no hired lielp,. We do all of our own work. Thus we are able to com pete with the other fellow. Free deliv ery ; phone 25. town dist- 'Sneeial school mating in Tict tomorrow at 10 o'clock. E. C. Rogers moved into his new house at Belmont last week. , , ,- J. F. Armor was registered at the Perfciiae hottl,. Portland, last Thursday. W. Ivie of Silverton, Or., recently arrived in Hood River with his family. Mrs. A. Ieronx of Mount Hood was in town lnrt Monday on her return from I'ortland..- . . . Mrs. M. II. Nickelsen :is visiting the family of her son, Rev. C. D. Nickelsen, At Ileppner.- Mrs. John A. Wilson is under tlue- loctor's care. Mie was quite sick last week but is better again. Mr. and Mrs. 1-enlie Butler started Tuesday evening for a trip to Michigan, to visit s daughter living there. Charlie Tempo! caught a severe cold during tlifc' snow storm, and- has leii suffering with neuralgia for the past two weeks. The regular nieetinir of the teacher's association of Uond River will be held fratnrdtiv. Jan. 20th, at 10 a. m., at the school house. The ladies' aid of the Valley Christian church met at the residence of Mrs. (iarneron Lyman Smith ave.last Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Middleton and Mrs; Kline, after a pleasant visit of more than a month in Hood River, returned to their, home in Portland last Friday. S. P. Shntt and his brother of the Hoonner Times were called to their old rennsylvflnia.home,' last week, by the aerious illness of their mother. Mr. and Mrs...Shorrill gave a candv nul) Saturdav iiieht. Everybody bad a good time. ' Music, games and refresh ments were the order of the evening. Mrs. Stoghill wants the parties who took her wood during the snow storm, while she was in Portland, to return the aame and no questions will be atked. Mrs. E B Clark.who with her daiieh ter has been "visitiue her parents. Mr end Mrs Everhart at Belmont, returned to har homo at Ft. Stevens last Friday Fred. Rorden recently made a trip to the Willamette vallev iii finest of Angora goats, wishing to enlaree his Imnd, but he came home without being able to se cure them. A muley cow belonging to E. 1icke became unruly a few days ago and hunt- rd several other of his cows until one .died of her injuries and another is not f juected to live. Caleb Richardson met with a painful accident, one dnv last week, while scuf fling in the Mt." Hood Stace Co.'s barn, lie put his knee out of joint and now goes on crutetie.. Phelps crichers thawed out Inst Mon Aav evenimr and eave Uncle Bill Me Kinley (better known as Wm. Eastman) and wife a surprise in their new house. They wore slivers in the new floor Prof. C. G. Morev's little daughter Idadell. 10 years old. came on the cars from Snokane to Hood River,, last week Trnvilinor without escort, she made many friends among the passengers. Tim "nip esters" met at M. P. Ison lmrir'a Inst. Thursday evenimi. As usual U hands had a Bond time, and devoured a goodly amount of that delicious edible from which tne duo lias ucnveu name. .. Our reporter at Barrett, wishing to give a new firm a- free ad, says Austin Wilson and M. Chamberlin are prepared to do any work in the veterinary line for .canaries or. the feline tribe on snort no tice. Charges moderate. Mrs. . B. Castner was called (o Port land last' week by the serious illness of lier mother. Mrs. Newcomb. A letter received from Mrs. Castner states that there has been no change for the better in her mother s condition Miss Bernice Folev, who was injured in a runaway during the late snow storm, is improving rapidly. Her many friends arc pleased to know she was not so taily hurt as was at. nrsi supposeu and that she can move her injured arm Robert Treasure brought his wife down from Mt. Hood Monday, on the way to 8t. Vincent's hospital "in Portland, for treatment for intiamatory rheumatism and a complication of diseases that have paused her to be very low for the past two weeks. The Christian Endeavor society of the rVinTriMat1onal church took possession of the residence of Mrs. Blythe, last Friday evening. Election of officers was first held, and then the vouna foIVs en loved themselves with eames for thehal aiice of the evening. Lunch was served at 11 o'clock. The following were pres ent: Judse and Mrs. Geo 1 rrather, Mr and Mrs Til Clark. Mrs F H Rix Mrs E E Savace. Mrs A J? Canfield M ra C L Rourers. Mrs C T Thompson Mrs J. F. Armor. Misses Acnes Dukes Mellis Olinsrer. Carrie Butler, Vera Jackson. Mella White. Pmma Bonney Edna Sherrill. Nellie Rogers, Kellie Clark. Minnie Brewln. Kate Davenport Nellie Krwin. Pe;ir rilusber, Clara B'vthe. Rev. J L Horshner. Bert Hnck a'l'ay, Chas Jlosers Winfield Olinger, J S K;oth, KIph Button, The C. E. society of the Congregation al church reorganized at its business meeting last Friday evening, with the following result: President, Miss Emma Bonney; vice-president, Bert Hucka bay, Recording Secretary,. Miss Eva Nickalson, Corresponding Secretary, M'ss Bertha Prather; treasurer, Miss Mella Olinger; Chorister, .Miss Clara Blythe; Look out committee, Miss Eva Nickluson, Bert Prather, Miss Kellie (.'lark; Prayermeeting committee, Mrs. Anna Armor, Prof. F. B. Barnes and Mrs. Rachel Hurshtier; Social commit tee, Miss Bertha Prather, Miss Agnes Dukes and Miss Carrie Butler. The Glacier is in receipt of a sample copy of the limbic that appeared in the Chicago Sunday Chronicle of Jan. 20th, entitled, "She's the Real Thing, My Baby." This is one of the most popular airs of the day. All music published by the Sunday Chronicle is handsomely printed in six colors, and on good paper, and the music which w ill appear in the future will be fully equal, it not super ior, to that which it has published in the last four weeks. The Sunday Chron icle is 48 pages filled with articles of in terest on all leading subjects. It is bet ter than any magazine. Two dollars a year. ' Old Dan, tho old gray horso that has been in tho livery business in Hood Riv er for aliout 20 years, died Tuesday. He had evidently been playing with his mate, Old Ben, and fell and bursted a blood vessel. Old Ben is nearly heart, broken over the loss of his mate. The two had been associated together all the vears they have been in Hood River. Old Dan's age is unknown. G. W. Lane and wife left last week for Klamathon, Ciil., where he has accepted a position in a large saw uniii.' i.. a. Lane left this week to join his miner ai Klamathon. Both are e-pert saw filers. They have been guaranteed -situations in their new home at $5 a day each for nine months in the year, with a promise of employment for a part of the re mainder of the year. The woman's missionary board of the United Brethren church have called upon Rev. H. C. Shaffer and wife of Hood Uivor to go to the nmippine is lands to do missionary work. Rev. H. K. Benson, a former pastor of the church here, has also been called for this work. Neither of them have decidedyet togoor r.ot. P. R. Mil's employed at. Pavrnnoit s planer, was seriously 'hurt last Saturday while irymg lo uisiooge a jam wi i" flume. His back was injured, his wrist broken, and he sustained several severe bruises on other parts of the body. Dr. BrriBins has charge ot the case aim mt. Mills is getting along nicely. Grant Patton. who has been working in Davenport's planer the past year or two w ill go oact to rortiann as soon as the grippe lets go its hold on both himself and wife. Grant thinks quite strongly of going to Southern Oregon where he lias a vroiner engugeu in wining. The ladies' aid society of the M. E, church held its annual election of officers last Friday at the homo of Mrs. T. H. Clark. Mrs.E.R. Bradley was re-elected president. This society begins the year with 155.00 in its treasury and a. good interest manifested in the work. Memorial services in memory of the late J. R. Warner will be held under the auspices of the White Salmon grango in the church at that place on Sunday, Jan. 27th, at 11 o'clock. Comrades of the G. A. H. and all others aro invited to be present. N. C. Evans is one ot a committee to place before the legislature new laws recommended by the convention of asses sors and county commissioners held in Portland last fall. And for this jmrpoee, it is said, lie is now in Salem. The Hood River Poultry Club -will meet in the A. O. U. W. hall Saturday, February 2d. Thera is soma import ant business to come before the club and every member should be in . Ins place promptly at 2 o'clock. The latest New York success, a new song by Julian Jordan entitled, "The Great Heavenly Choir," will be sung by Mr. Grenville Goddard, with orchestral accompaniment, at Mrs. Boydcn-God-dard's next recital. . Doiii Ijincrille returned from Tacoma Monday. He has been engaged for the past six' weeks in making out reports of work done in his department of the geological survey last summer. Lost On the road to Tucker, a pack- niro in v-pllow paoer.containing an alarm clock, black shirt, white shawl, night Rhirt. cloak and nftir of slippers. Finder please leave at this office. J C. Tineas recently bought 15 acres of Mrs. John Parker. The land isunini proved but no heavy clearing, and Mr. I$oggs will have some of it put in straw berries in the spring. Hon. E. L. Smfth ison the programme for an address at the meeting 01 the Northwestern Fruit Grower's Association in Portland, Feb. 5, 6, and . Mr.. Levi Bradley is to take a leading r.nrt in thn oneretta entitled "Love and Whist" to be given at Mrs. Boyden-God dard's next recital. Wm. Doorman, who has been laid up with the Brio since the first of the month, made his appearance on the streets Tuesday. - C. L. Copple recently purchased the place he is living on from Jesse Imbler. Th nrica iiaid for the 20 acres was 1 1.900. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Chas. N . Clarke. . Tho primary department of Frankton school will start up nexi nionuuy, oau 28th, Miss Edna Brown, teacher. The ladies' aid society of the Cpngre gational church will meet with Mrs. E E. Savage on Friday afternoon. The state encaniptnerit of the G. A. R ill.ln held at Forest Grove. June 25 to 28. Old-Timers '" Tina their dav. but their time is past and mmo. and the smoker of today buys "Uriah Heep," the best 5c cigar on the market, 'iryone. Pensions For 1) S.Klser and Tom Pierce. Washington, Jan. 10. The bill of Senator Tillman of South Carolina giving the benefit of the bounty laws to soldiers who served in the confederate armies, but afterward concluded their service in t.h north was unanimously agreed to hv the bouse committee on invalid pen sions today. It affects a number of veterans who were peculiarly circum stanced and whose cases are considered nieritoriouSj Obltnary. Mrs. Minnie Wright wife of J. W Wricht, died on the lftth inst., at the residence of Henry Macomber, aged 28 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wright came to Hoqd River about two months ago from Mis souri. Soon after reaching here she was stricken with pleuro-pneumonia, and was unable to rally from the severe and prolonged attack. Iter parents, who re side near Pendleton, her hugoana, little bov aired 3 vears, and several sis- ters mourn her departure.. Funeral services were held by F. R. Spaulding at the M. E. church on Saturday. .Mrs Henrv Macomber is a sister of the de- rossed. Council Proceedings. The council met Monday evening; Mayor Brosius' Li the chair. Present, Aldermen Bell, Blowers, Davidson, Mc Donald and Shaw, Recorder Nickesen, Treasurer Prather and Marshal Olinger. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. II. D. Ijingille having failed to qualify as alderman on the day specified by law, the council proceeded to elect a member in his stead. J.J. Ltu-key was elected to fill tho vacancy und took the oath of office. On motion, it was ordered that the lumber delivered for street crossing and not used for that purpose be gath ered up by the committee on streets and public property and placed in a secure place. The committee on health and jolice reported several open drains in River street that were complained of as a nui sance. The committee was ordered to see that the nuisances were abated. The special committee on charter re. ported. Report was accepted and com mittee discharged. Ordinance granting privilege to the Hood River Spring Water Co. to lay mains in the streets, construct reser voirs, etc , was read first time. Bills against the town were allowed, as follows: Mt. Hood Stage Co., $3.3?; Glacier, f U.25 ; Marshal Olinger, fit); A. A. Javne. $45; Recorder Nickelsen, tl.fiO; S.'O. Mi-Cufferty, fo.SO. The bond of Treasurer Prather, with Geo. H. Crowell and G. W. Graham as sureties, was read and accepted. . . The mayor reHrted the standing com mittees, as follows: Finance Beil, Blowers and McDonald. Judiciary Davidson, Luckey mid Mc DonUld. " ' " Fire and Water Blowers, Bell and Shaw. - Streets and Publie Property McDon ald, Luckey and Davidson. yealth "and Police Shaw, Holland Blowers, . . Communication from J. S. Booth, ask ing council to take up the ordinance re ducing license on skating rink, was read and ordered laid on the table. Communication from Hood River Electric Light and Power Co., show ing ul an for settine poles in the streets, was referred to special committee. Mayor appointed Shaw, Blowers, Bell, Luckey and McDonald as such committee:. Adjourned. This season there is a large death rate a- mong children from croup and lung trou bles. Prompt actionwill save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothins so certain to cive instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be re lied upon in grippe and all throat and lung troubles of adults. ItiB pleasant to take. Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy. Church Salices. Vallev Christian Church Elder P..M. Neul will fill the pulpit at 7:30 in the evening of Jan. 27th, subject: "Adam and Eve s rirst Clothes. Congregational Church Preaching services with worship next Sunday at 11 a. ni. and 7 p. m. Subject at morn ing service, "Sin the Separator.-" Sun day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. O. E. at (i:K0. Miss Emma Bonney, leader A horns choir consisting of young people under the leadership ol Dr. t. u. isrog ius will furnish music at the evening service. A cordial welconio to all who do not worship elsewhere. United Brethren Church Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Sermon bv- the pas tor at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:80 p. m. Music by male quartet Sunday evening. Revival services will besrin with the Sunday evening service and will continue for several weeks. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of Hood River to attend these services. 11. V. Blianer, pastor. Appointments, Belmont Chargd 1st Sunday Pine Grove, 11 a. ni. ; Crapper, 3 p. m. ; Belmont, 7:30 p. m. I'd isunday lieimont, li; wrapper, a; Pine Grove, 7:30. 3d Sunday Jlosier, on the lull, 11; lower school house, 7:30. Pine Grove and Belmont supplied at It. 4th Sunday -Mount Hood, U ; .Bel mont, 7:30. At Belmont, prnvcr meeting each Thursday evening, at 7; Junior -League, Sunday, at 3; S. L., Sunday,, at 6:30. Everybody invited. J. u. Alford, pr.stor. M. E. Church Service. Sunday-school 10 a.m.; preaching followed by class service, 11 a. m.; Lpworin .League 6:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:30 p. in.; regular prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 8 p. ni. F. R. Spaulding, pastor. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks Trof. Roxa Tyler of Chicago, vice presi dent Illinois Woman's Alliance, speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says :"I Buffered with ft severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my s'.omaeh. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it reliev ed me at once. I am now entirely recov ered, save a doctor's bill, time and suffer ing, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again." For sale by Williams & Brosius, Born. In Hood River, Jan. IS, 1901, to and Mrs. J. H. Gerdes, a daughter. Hied. In Hood River, Jan. 21, 1901, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Gerdes, aged three days. Your Face S Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out, and do not have healthy appearance, vou should try Acker's Blood Elixir. . It cures all blood diseases, w here cheap sarsaparillas and so-called purifiers fail ; knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee Williams & Brosius. .. .. ouare Every time is what we give you. In Shoes we have some lines we are closing out. What WE mean by cost is wholesale unst to us plus freight. We will NOT try to deceive you by saying, These are FOUR DOLLAR SHOES for ONE DOLLAR. We try not to deceive you either in our advertising or our goods. Sometimes we are deceived in buying but de n't want you to stand the loss. If they do not wear your money' worth, we want to audit your claim and adjust it fairly, giving you the benefit of the doubt. Youths and niis.e' oil-grain Shoes, lace and button, UOc to $1.00. l?oys kang. calf Shoes, one piece, nun rip, f 1.35. Ladies' best Puritan calf heel and spring heel, $2. Men's satin calf Shoes, fl.25 to f 1.75. Our men's Hercules and Dis. 70 school Shoes are STANDARD UNITS OF VALUE. We sew your Shoes free if they rip while in good condition otherwise. On the square, THE PEOPLE S STORE. -NINTH SATURDAY SUEPRISE SALE. FOR SATURDAY ONLY Men's Working Shirts, heavy sateen, double front and back, double stitched throughout , 48c STATIONERY Pen and Pencil Tablets 4c Envelopes, per package . v 4c Fine box of Paper and Envelopes 12c New Sheet Music and Valentines. Come Just to See THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES, Clearance Sale. For thirty days, commencing January 11th, we will offjr in our Dry Goods, Furnishing -Goods, Hats, Shoes and Rubber Goods at Prices Kbtet More Mafie i Hooi Eiyer. ' This is no fake nor sell out, but a purely business proposition and up to date. Now is your golden opportunity. , , Many of these goods are priced lowest now when you most want them. - S J. E.:RAND.; :' Advertised Letter ist. Jan. 21, 1901. ? Jimmy Bill, Indian, Kimves, Charlev McDo'uald.R. Tenslev, A. L. Wm. M. YXtks, P. M. Persons who suffer from indigestion can notexjiect tolivelong because thevcannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is import ant to cure indigestion as soon as possible, and the best method of doingthis istouse theprepa ration known asKodolDyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and" restores all the digestive organs to perfect health. Chas. r. Clarke, uiacier 1'harmacy. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness to our dear departed daughter Daisy during her late illness. To Dr. Watt, especially, we feel that we owe a debt of gratitude that we will never be able to repay. Mb. axd Mrs. '.'J.Campbki.l. A Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to express their sincere thanks to the people of Hood River for their kindly sympathy and ready assistance during the late ill ness and death of their wife and sister. J. W. Wright. Mb, ako Mrs. W. H. Macomber Held High In the estimation of Practical Painters. Every gallon of " The Sherwin-Wiluams Paint will c6ver 300 or more square feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Paint made. SOLD BY Chas. N. Clarke. Afirt, at the Glacier Pharmacy fin in him for mire fresh Druirs. Patent Medicines and Wall Paper. Prescriptions and Family Recipes a specialty. . PAINTING. PapsrHaiiaOT mil Graining, Natural Finishing, etc. Estimates Gratis. E. II. PICJKARD. NOTICli FOR PUBLICATION. f. and Office at Thft raHes, Oregon; Ttec. 21, 11)00. Notice Is hereby given that the follow. Ing named settler has (lied notice, or hts Intention to make final proof In support nf hi claim, and that said proof will be made before (Seorsa T. Prather, U. 8. Com missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, n Fri day, February 1, K)l, viz: CHA.RLK3 ALBERT WELLS, Of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 4T02. for the northeast section 17, township 1 north, range 11 east. W. M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: J. 11. Jackwm, Peler Kopke, V. Winchell and Msrk Robertson, all or Hood Kiver, Oregon. dZSfl . JAY P. LUCAHt. Register. u4 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itartiflcially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is tho latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, hour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and all other reaults of i ni perfect d igestion. Price 50c. and $1. Lrge size contains tH time small six. Book all about dyspepsia mailed tree Prpord by E. p. PWITT CO.. Cbhwjw- III! PUffi Time Schedules. E. :BofcnD.Wm HOOb RIVEilTW. Bouvn. J1 Gblcngo Hpccial 11:25 a.m. salt r.nke. Denver. Ft Woi th.omaha.i rortiana Spokane Klyer 8:27 p.m. Mall and Express. 11:42 p. ra. Depart 8 p.m. Hpccial p. m Kansas City, bii Ixuls, Chicago and tne taut. Walla Walla, Hpo- kane.M I nneapolla. i'ortland Ht Paul, Ilulnlh, Milwaukee, uni cago and liast. Salt l ake, Denver,! Kt w ortiurniana Kanxaa City. Ht. Ixiuls. Chicago and tne r.asi. From PORTLAND, ocean steamships For Stan r ranoinco 1 Ball every i day. 8 P.m. Coi-rMBiA kivkr k t snnrinv STEAMERS. Saturday, To Astoria and way 111 p.m. lauums. ( a.m. Ex. Sunday Klyer 4:30 a.m. Mull and Express 5:50 a.m. Arrive 4 p.m. 4 p.m ExJSunday. Willamette River. 4:30 p.m Oregon City, New- Ex-fcunday, bcrg,salem E way landings. SATISFACTORY Foot 1 Was YOU KNOW, in nut always easily attaiuable. Sometimes the price i objectionable; often it in the (inulity, and occasionally liOTH are unsatisfactory. ( Wo always try to liave both juice and quality right. If we can furnish you a shoe that meets these requirements, we know you will become a shoe customer of ours. The C. G0TZ1AK & CO.'S SHOES Combino both ensontiuls to a remarkable degree. We carried them last year and are now restoeking with the name make. We have them in men'n, women's, youth's, misses and children's, and ask you to examine QUALITY AND THICK. LATEST SHOE fcr t WO MEN. r m CORRECT J 3 50 SUPERIOR STYLE .QUALITY I GOODYEM Welt V. I . h will inriiBLt CORK iOH anulaotured .N'THEY FIT THE FEET SttS 'iiSkff'v 3v Sflua! to any $5 Shoe n the Market Jl giadt? I lf Your dwtUf 4m uni fctwa fthm, (ntiat on hi a gvMtnv Llinncsota Shoe Go- s tJ'pau iifi I wTu FOR SALE BY BONE & HcDONALD. Mow is ; the Time! SHERRILXS IS THE PLACE. I have jiiHt opened a line of elegant Pictures for tho holiday trade, . the finest assortment that has ever been nhown in Hood Itiver, in cluding some of the finest designs in Photo Panels and Color PhotM. Also, the Newest dosigus in frames. I am offering these to my pa trojis at very low prices. Ishallopen a stock of new Furniture this week, including the newest patterns in Bedroom Suites, Iron Beds, Kockers, Dining Chairs, etc., at Portland prices. I have an expert-mechanic in tha shop to frame pictures. My skick of Doors, Windows, Moldings, Paints and Oils is unsurpassed for a town of this size. W. E. SHERRILL. U. S. Commissioner. Notary rublic GEO. T. PRATHER, 1 ill HOOD RIVER, OREGOtf. I have lotganrt blocks for le In different parts of the town of Hood River. Also, Irav. the exclusive mile of tola in WoweiV Addition, Ihe must beautiful build-lug- locution iu town,. . ... - - " ' V Hnln nuchiu pvlD( tae'Air un-rsldit, or 'anything pertaining to th. Countv Court, prociplly attended to. Can furnish town.hlp plan to honieeeKj .r or Uione looklne for liuirtn. Have been resident of Hood KiverValley for 11 yearn. Correspondence .olicited. Telephone bo. GEO. P. CROWELL, (Successor to K. L. Smith Oldest EstobllHbed Houne In Ui valley. ---- Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and reed, etc. This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all Its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide ' with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. E. R. Bradley, Job Printing, Books, Stationery, Hag. azines and Periodicals. In addition to my line of Books and Magazines, I carry a complete '. and well selected stock of Stationery. I am also constantly adding . to my Job Printing Department and respectfully solicit your patron age along these lines. Orders by mail given prompt attention. NURSERY ktH'K The Columbia Nurserv Is on hen. RirtUn, as nsniil, with a luree stock of Krult Tree. Straw berry Plants, and all kinds of Nursery.stoek Uet our prices and see the stock, U. C. UA1U1AM. FURNITURE Below Portland pricoB and you also save the freight. Common W. W. Mattress, $1.60 same old price. . Yum Yum W. W. Mat-, tress, ?2.25 reduced. '.Excelsior Wool Top' Mattress, $2 same old price. Washing Ma chines, $3.50 reduced. Iron beds, $3.50 leJuoed. Lumber, Lath, Lime, Doors, Windows, Moldimrs. Building Material of all kinds. . Lowest prices on Wall Paper- FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMEALMER. And all kinds of supplies for Aite PMi Frinting papers, card mounts, developers and toning solutions. Prices range from $5 to $20 for Kodaks. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. LEAVE ORDERS FOR iWlLtAMETTK AWnl S:D0 p.m. T.m. YAMIU1.I. RJVKH -Hon, Wed. Tues. Thur. Oreiton Citv.Itayton and bat. and way uiuaings. aud KrU .m. Willamette Klver. 4::wr.m. Tues. Thur. Portland to Corval-:Mon., Wed. andSaL I ll way landings. and Kri. I.v.Hlparia. 5:Aa a.m. daily. Mask Rivrr. IRIparia to IwlMon H. Ht'KLBL KT, Lv Lewtst'n .m. daily. W. ' Oen'J Pass. Anent, PorUand, Or J. Baglky, Agent, Uood Uiver, turn With F. E. JACKSON. He and the DAVEN PORT BROS, have over One Million feet of good Dry Lumber v- at Haynes' Spur .