The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1901, Image 3

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    3ood Iiver lacier
FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1901. '
Uriuh Heap cigars.
Excelsior 1U01 diaries at Coe'g.
Dr. Brosiits' borne for sale, $75.
Wood gutters and spouting at Savage's,
liuildor'd hardware, nails ut Savngo's.
Light wagon for talc. Inquire of II.
Old papers 25c a hundred at the Gla
cier office.
K. E. Savage, solo agent for Oliver
plows and extras.
Shoes to fit vour pocket book at the
Denver Clothing Store.
When you want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all
Wanted. A resident of Hood River
valley who has not heard of Coo's fresh
roasted peanuts.
Just arrived. A fine line of spuctacles
ut ('has Riggs the jeweler s. Call and
sl'6 his prices.
This is the season of tho year to cut
cordwood, grub trees and do your prun
niim. Get your cross-cut saws, mattocks.
axes, wedges, pruning shears and saws
at Savage's.
Dr. F. C. Broaius has removed to his
new residence at the west end of Oak
Direct, midway between the school house
and arniorv.'aiid can lie found in his of
fice over Williams & Brusiun' drug store
between the hours of 10-11 a. ml, 2-3
aud o-7 p. in.
J. R. Warner, an old resident of White
Salmon, died at his homo in Bingen,
January 15, HKH. He was in his usual
good health on that day ami went out
and shoveled some earth to mend the
road, and soon afU?r was tnkeu down
with heart failure and expired. J. R.
Warner was a veteran of the civil war
and served in the 62d Massachusetts reg
iment. He was a member of J. W. Nes
mith post, G. A.- R., at The Dulles, and
always took a deep interest in the work
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
lie was a niemler of the council of ad
ministration, department of Oregon,
and never tailed to attend a state en
campment of tho G. A. R. Hu was 78
years of ago.
The oldest inhabitant In Hood River
says be never saw it rain like it did last
Saturday and Sunday nights. Saturday
was a mild, springlike day, with a light
chinook breeze, and the nierenry jumjied
upto(il). About three o'clock in the
afternoon it commenced raining and
there was a heavy downpour till next
morning. Hood river was roaring and
many logs that wero cut and thrown into
the river during last fall came down and
about 500,000 feet were caught in tho
Lost Lake Lumber Co's boom. The
streets of the town wero badly washed
in manv places. The roads throughout
the valley suffered washouts. Thesixteen
inches .of snow that covered the ground
Mrs. A. Maves came up from Portland
Wednesday. Her son Joe Mayes, who
is being treated for blood poisoning at a
Portland hospital, is not yet wall enough
to come home.
Dorrance Smith is running the White
Salmon ferry while Mr. Huckabay is on
bis bridal tour.
This season there is a large death rate a-
mong children from croup and lung trou
bles. Prompt act ion wi!!.ave the little ones
from these terrible diseases. We know ot
nothing so certain to give instant relief as
One MinnteCoughCurc. It ran also be re
lied upon in grippe and all throat and lung
troubles of adults. It is pleasant to take.
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Conirressman Moody secured the pas
sage of a bill granting a pension of $30 a
month to James Coventon.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a
positive guarantee. Cure heartburn.dis
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate reiiei. -'oc and ouc.
illiams & lirosius.
W. H. Ilurlburt has resigned as gen
eral passenger agent of the O. R. & N.
to accept the presidency ot the 1'orllanu
& Oregon City Railway Co., Mr. Ilurl
burt has been general passenger agent
of the O. R. N. Co. since 18DL
Persons who suffer from indigestion can
not expect to live long because they can not
Friday morning was alxmt all gone Tues- eat the food required to nourish the body
day except in tho timber. and the products of the undigested foods
'The Hood River Electric light Co., on they do eat poison the blood. I tia import-
Titiwlnv. received endar txilea from ant to euro indmestion as soon as possible,
Portland, enough to string their wires and the best method of dningthia istouse
all over town. The poles were delivered theprepnration known asKodolDyspepsia
on the ground rendy tor setting by ue
Clearance sale at Rand's.
J. F. Armnr is building a cattle shed
on the west side of his barn.
Miss Virginia Marden ' of Tho Dalles
is the guest of Miss Anne Smith.
No excuse tor going barefooted now.
Read Denver Clothing Store prices.
Mr. M. B. Potter is visiting his daugh
ter Mrs. Frank Mcl'arland in Portland.
Extra meeting of the Sunshine society
at Mrs. A. J. Graham's Saturday, Jan.
19th, at 2 o'clock.
John Thompson cut his foot severely,
last week, with an ax, and has since
walked with a cane.
Miss Anne Smith gave a party last
Saturday evening. All present report
having spent a very pleasant evening.
Dr. Haney of San Francisco, a cousin
of Miss Mella White, visited her last
Sunday. , He is on his way to Missouri.
All communications and notices for
publication should be brought in not
later than Tuesday to insure publication
same week. ,
Joseph A. Knox of Dukes valley was
in town Tuesday. He reports more
anow in bis section but worse roads than
we have here.
Mr. Truman Butler gave an interesting
address before the B. of A. & P. last
Tuesday evening. His subject was
"Advantages of Magazine Reading."
Acker sEnelish Remedy will stop a
conuh at any time, and w ill cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and 50c. v illiams & Brosius.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Wait entertained
about thirty of Hood Kiver's young
folks one evening last week. A
delicious oyster lunch was served and
nd every one present had a delightful
In publishing the marriage notice of
Clarence English last month, the Glacier
was given the wrong name lor the bride,
.She was Miss Alice Clark, not Stewart
The marriage took place at Toniales
A special meetinu of tho taxpayers of
Frankton school district is called to
meet Saturday, January 2tith, to vote a
tax for school" purposes for tho coming
year and to provide more room in the
school house.
A party going from Crocket's place,
on tho East Side, to Odell school house,
last Friday night, lost, the tongue of
itheir bob-sled and hauled the sled home
with a chain tongue. Finder is not asked
to leave the tongue at this office.
A Conerezational Christian Endeavor
fiocial and business meeting for the pur- :
pose of electing officers tor the coming
six months, will be held at the residence
of Mrs. Blythe on Friday evening. All
members and friends of the society are
cordially invited to be present.
J. R Nickelsen.the village blacksmith,
Is kept busy these days making steel
vedges for splitting wood. He has
caught on to the wav of making a dura
ble steel wedge, and no one now thinks
of sending away from Hood River for
wedges when he goes into the business
of making wood.
J. H. Filsinger has purchased 15 acres
of Hie Heald place. He will build a
dwelling house on the land and move
his family upon the same in the spring.
There is eight or nine acres of apple
orchard nine years old, five acres of
strawberries and )Z acres of clover on
the place. The price paid was $100 per
acre. Mr. Filsinger and family recently
came here from Illinois.
At the annual meeting of the trustees
of the ldlewikle Cemetery Association,
held last Saturday, A. O. Hershey was
(elected sexton and authorized and in
structed to collect all outstanding ac
counts. The sexton will have the sale
of all the lots. The sexton was also in
structed to place a lock on the gate.
The kev will be kept at the sexton's
house, and no teams will be allowed to
enter without his permission.
Mrs. C. G. Hansen died in Portland,
January 11th, of chronic appendicitis.
She was the wife of C. G. Hansen, con
ductor on the O. R. & N. They were
living at The Dalles, but she was taken
.to Portland for treatment. Mrs. Hattie
Hansen was the daughter of Nathan
Hackett of Hood Iliver and was a twin
sister of Harry A. Hackett and a sister
of Mrs. Dunn of Hood River. Her age
was 39. She left no children but had
adopted a child one year old. She was
most estimable woman.
The condition of our streets after the
j-ains and melting snows of last Saturday
And Sunday are a reminder,, that we
peed a superintendent of streets. As it
is now, the town is divided in two road
.districts, and the supervisors live some
.distance from town. No doubt they
fiuinH nlontv to do in lookina after the
roiidn in the immediate vicinity of their
jiomes. Here in town, if some one had
lHn around with a shovel Sunday morn
ing he could have saved much washing
nut of street liv confining the water in
ih ditches b'v a few shovelfuls of
Mrs. Oeo. P. OoweH returned from
her trip to California last Tuesilfty. On
the trip down she went by the steamer
Elder and was in the worst storm that
ovpr mired on tl Pacific ocean. For 5
Java mid fi niirhts the trio lasted, and
Mrs. Cxowell arrived in San Francisco
two days late for the wedding of her son,
(Clarence C. English. Returning, .Mrs
11 came, bv railroad. She came
throuuh tuet a'fter the snow blockade
opened on the Southern Pacific and saw
enow 7 feet deep in places in the Sieki
vou mountains. hen Mrs Crowell
left Hood River she had been afflicted.
Mountain Staee Co. Tho dynamos and
water wheel have been ordered from
San trancisco. 1 lie route ol the poles
out of town w ill bo by the road leading
south by the school house, thence south
to E. N. Benson's place, thence east to
the lower house on Hood river. The
es to be set in the streets are on oo
poles t
feet in
Cure. It digests what you eat and restores
all the digestive organs toperfect health.
Chas. Iv. Clarke, Olacier fliarmacy. ;.,
Beat Out of An Increase of Ills Pension,
A Mexican war veteran and prominent
editor writes: "Seeing the advertisement
of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy,! am reminded that as a
length and 8 inches in diameter goldierin Mexico in '17 and '48, Icontract-
... i.:u ...ll1 im i-i i.i. r i..
at the top. On the hill the poles wid
be 30 feet in length
Miss Bertha Prather cave a party
Tuesday evening in honor of her birth
dav. Games and light refreshments
were the order ot the evening, ah
present spent a very pleasant evening.
Those oresent were: Hie Misses Mellie
Olinger, Emma Bonney, Eva Nicklason,
XMellie liOgers, r.unn niicrriu, wiik
Butler, Tina Cramer, Nellie Clark, Pearl
Slusher, Vera Jackson, Uiata isiyttio,
and Messrs. Clarence Gilbert, John
Booth. Charley Tostevin. Louis Llrieh,
Bert Prather, "L. M. Davidson, Winnie
Olinirer. David Flemming, Ralph But-
ton, Howard Searles, lien nucaaDay
Mrs. Bovden-Goddard has in course
of preparation another of her enjoyr.ble
entertainments, widen win
ed Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has
kept me from getting an increase in my
pension, for on every renewal a dose of it
restores me." It is unenualled as a quick
cure fordiarrhuea and is pleasant and safe
to take. For sale by illiams & Broaius.
Church Notices.
U. B. Church. Sunday school at 10
a. m.j sermon dv me pastor at it a. m.
and 7 p. m.; C. E. at 6:30; Brotherhood
of Andrew and Philip, luesday even-
ening at 8; Prayer service Wednesday at
7 :30 p. m. Special music at tne preach
ing services. Come. II. C. Shaffer,
Congregational Church The pastor
will conduct services next Sunday at
11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
be given school at 10 a. m. C. h. service at 6 :!0
about the 1st of February. In addition and Junior at d p. m. W eek y prayer
tr. ti.n iiqii.iI nr.wraiiniif. there will be meeting at 7. p. m. 1 lie public is in-
nresented an operetta in one aet.entiueu viteu io auunu mums ewivicun.
md hist, widen win oo siageu Appointments, lieimoni cnarge isi
by Mr. Grenville Ooddard, and in which Sunday Pine Grove, 11 a. m. ; Crapper,
he wi l also take a part, lho lull pro- 3 . , l!e mont. 7:30 p. m.
gramme will be published later on. 2d Sunday Belmont, 11 ; Crapper, 3;
xt . tlm nnnnnl nipetim? of the Water l'ine drove, 7 :).
Rnnnlv Co. Jan. 5th. the following direr-
tors were elected : F. C. Sherrieb, H. J.
Hibbard, C. E. Markham.G. J.Oessling,
I). (J. Hill. Chas Chandler and R. J.
Ellis. The board afterwards organized
by electing F, C. Sherrieb, presedent
if. .1. Ilibbard. vice-president : C. E
Markham, secretary; G. J. Gessling,
Another proof that it pays to adertise.
D. A. Turner sent an advertisement to
find the owner of a stray animal that
came to his place, and before the notice
reached the office bv the free delivery
the owner was on his wav to get his an
imal. Adverlise iu the Glacier.
A special meeting of the taxpayers in
school district No. 3 is called for Jan.
2(th at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of vot
ing a tax to pay interest on bonds, to
pay for furnaces, for school purposes and
lor incidental expenses.
For one week only we will sell a din
ner set of 44 pieces of our semi-porcelain
ware for f-J.L'u. won i miss huh.
J. E. Rand.
Ye that are. hungry for shoes should
read the Denver Clothing Store ad.
Bond River Honored.
Our fellow-townsman Dr. Adams has
often received invitations from San
Francisco, Boston and other places to
write for magazines and other period
icals giving incidents of pioneer life in
by-gone days, lie has lately received a
pressing invitation from publishers of a
popular magazine in Portland, w ho say,
"If you would take up the story of men,
measures and incidents of pioneer life,
telling the ins and outs of the w hys and
wherefores, ill a historical reminiscent
..... i i i.i. a t .:.
vein whittling along cioseiy to me iw
toricul. vour articles would bo a contn
butiou to history that would bo quoted
for all time. A resume on this line we
are very anxious to secure, and we know
of no living mind that retains its youth
. . . . . i . . i i-i
fnl activity and wealth oi woros line
yours. In' fact, those whocame here at
the dato vou did are all dead or in their
dotage. Those who write express but
seennd-hand sentiments and assertions,
coloring them to suit those whom they
would Hattor or condemn. Hoping mat
you will write for us, we are very truly
yours. we near tne rummaging
n round in Ids drawers 10 nnu aim ntiuru
enuDthe old goose quill that set all
Oregon agog long years ago.
Time to Change the Subject
It was in a Western town. There was
a large audience to hear the morning
service. The minister desiring to learn
thy pffpet of the orosperous times on the
congregation, asked all who paid their
t..hi a tn stand un. . Every man in the
audience stood up witti tne exception oi
one rather aejecteu looaing muiviuum.
He was dressed in a faded suit of black,
unit tli natches on his pants were part
ly hidden by his long tailed coat. After
oil M-Pi-R sputed. the minister asked for
all ho did not nav their debts to arise
The man with the faded suit arose slow
ly. All eves were turned upon mm.
The minister in rather a severe tone
..lint him hv he was the only man in
the congregation who didn't pay his
f! Unsaid. "I am the publisher of
the local newspaper here, and all the
hrpthren who mat stood up are my sub
scribers, and" "I-et us pray," said the
Dnisv Maud Campbell, daughter of
W. J. and Minnie Campbell, died of
nnlnionarv trouble on Monday, Jan. 14,
1901, aged 15 years 4 months and 17
During a long and painful illness
Daisy bore her lot w ith a peaceful res
ignation that greatly endeared her to
her schoolmates and many friends who
called to see her. A few days before her
death, when she grew rapidly worse, she
displayed rare christian fortitude for one
so voting, and her end was very peace
ful"and happy. She was a member of
the Oongrega'tional church. Her school
mates and teacher were present at her
funeral service which was conducted at
the family residence on Wednesday by
Rev. J. L. Hershner. The funeral ser
vice was largely attended and many
words of sympathy were spoken to the
bereft family.
3d Sunday Mosier, on the hill, 11
lower school house, 7 :30. Pine Grove
and Belmont annulled at 11.
4th Sunday Mount Hood, 11 : uei-
mont. 7:30.
At lselmont. prayer meeting eacn
Thursday evening, at 7; Junior League,
Sundiu-. at 3: 8. L,., Mimtay, at o:ou.
Everybody invited. J. G. Alford, pastor.
M. E. Church Service. Sunday-school
10 a.m.; preaching followed by class
service, 11 a. m.; r.pwortu jague
6:30 p. m.: preaching at 7:30 p. in.
regular praver meeting Thursday even
ing at 8 p. m. F. R. Spaulding, pastor
In Portland. January 14, 1901, W. A.
Huckabay and Miss Sadie Truax.
The bride is a resident of Jefferson
Or. The groom is the popular Hood
R ver and White Salmon ferryman.
Original in design.
Attractive in appearance and
Terfect in fit.
The name alone does not make the man,
nor does it make a shoe.
"A rosu by any other name
MAY smell as sweet,"
But no shoe BY WHATEVER name
Like the Famoui "Julia Marlowe."
(ace Bool
bone & Mcdonald
Carry a nice line of
Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Underwear,
Choice Cured Meats and first-grado Lard,
Flour and Feed.
Our prices w M bo found as low as it cousisteut with fair (deal
ing and legitimate profit.
Goods delivered free o chargo.x7
mom onwiNi
THEY fit like a glove,
THEY never pinch the foot.
THEY are beautiful in design. 0
THEY fit high or low instep.
THEY yield to every action of the foot.
THEY conform in vital points to the shape of tho wearer's -foot in
stead of pressing the foot into the shape of tho shoe.
TRY a pair. They are sure to please you. For sale by
the Time!
I have just opened a line of elegant Pictures for the holiday trade,
the finest assortment that has ever been shown in Hood River, in
cluding some of the finest designs in Photo Panels and Color Photos.
Also, the newest designs in frames. I am offering these to my pa
trons at very low prices.
I shall open a stock of new Furniture this week, including ttio
newest patterns iu Bedroom Suites, Iron Beds, Rockers, Dining
Chairs, etc., at Portland prices. I have an expert mechanic in the
shop to frame pictures. My stock of Doors, Windows, Moldings,
Paints and Oils is unsurpassed for a town of this size.
Unbleached Turkish Towels, 15x28 5c each
Unbleached Turkish Towels, 18x40 12;'2c
Extra finish Cotton Towels, 10x35 9c "
GENTS' FURNISHINGS Linen Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes;
Neckwear iu the most genteel and up-to-date fabrics.
Come Just to Sea
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Everr gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Faint made.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
Go to him for pure fresh Drugs, I'ateut Medicines and Wall l'aper, rrescnpuou
Family Recipes a tspeclnlty.
For thirty days, commencing January 11th! we will offer in our
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Rubber Goods at
Prices M Mm Hs ii Hoot Elver.
This is no fake nor sell out, but a purely business proposition and
up to date. Now ia your golden opportunity.
Many Of these goods are priced lowest now when you most want
U. S. Commssioner.
Notary Public.
I have loin and block for Rle In different parln of the town of Hood Rtvw.
Also, h v the exclusive ale of lotn lu Hlowers' Addition, the most beaiittful build
ing location lu town.
BuslneM, such a paylnif taxes ror non-Temoiia, or aoyminn y'
A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks
Prof. Roxa Tyler of Chicago, vice presi
dent Illinois Woman's Alliance,"speaking
of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy, says :"I
suffered with a severe cold tins wintor
which threatened to run into pneumonia
I tried different remedies but I seemed to
grow worse and the medicine upset my
stomach. A friend advised me to try
Chamberlain's Coiiih Remedv and I
found it was pleasant to take and it reliev
ed me at once. I am now entirely recov
ered, save a doctor's bill, time and suffer
ing, and I will never be without tins
splendid medicine again." tor sale Dy
illiams & lirosius.
Advertised Letter List.
. January 7, 1001.
Brown, Mrs C II Melby, Orril
King, Frank 2 Moreying, C J
McDoual, U Pace, J
Jan. 14, 1901.
Smith, Mrs. Minnie Steal, Mrs. Ida
Strong, Mrs F.B. Lambert, C. C.
Malcolm, J. is.. Mectit, Mr. lorn
Rankin, Robert Tubbs, C. II.
vvm. m. yates, r. M.
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach,
loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences of impure
blood. No matter how it became so it must
be purified in order to obtain good health.
Acker's Blood Eliier has never failed to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
any other blood diseases. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every bot
tle on a positive guarantee. Williams 4
-jin fiirn4h townxhlD dIkI to home-seek-
er or those looking for land, lavo been a resident 01 uoou "f "
Correnponuence aum-iuxi. i
County Court, promptly atu-nupii 10,
Graining, Natural Finishing, etc.
Estimates Gratis. E. II. PICKARD.
Farm Implements, &c.
Exclusive Agent for Oliver Plows.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Highest price paid for fat Stock.
Free Peliverv. Phone 35,
Usui their ditv. but their time
is past
...i.i. .. ,.-.,,,,1, f,.r ,,,rrt 1 ,!in urn 1 a ml iMiif. ana tne smoKer 01 louuy
months, but came home entirely cured "L ruih Heep," the bestoc cigar ou the
of it and in the bait of health, ' ninrkot. Trjoue.
Dress Making
and Millinery.
In connection with oar Dressmaking we
have opened np a now stuck or
Millinerv Goods.
Including all the latest style, and respect
fully invite the ladies of Hood River and vi
rinilv to call at our rooms and Inspect roods.
b.verv effort will b made to satisfy our cus
tomer. MRS. CLARK.
Land Offlce at The Dalle, Oregon, Pec. 21.
1900. Notice is hereby given that the follow.
Ing named settler ha filed notice of hi
Intention to make final proof in support
of bis claim, and that said proof will
be made before Oeoi-Re T. Prather, U. 8. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Fri
day, February 1, 1901, v(7
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 4702, for the
northeast l4 section 17, township 3 north,
range 11 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldeuce upon and cultiva
tion nt MnlH knd. viz'
J. 11. Jackson, i'eter Kopke. V. Wlnchell and
Mark Robertson, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for
Wasco County
Chris Dethman, Plaintiff,
Linnaeus Wlnans and L. C. Winan. J. M.
Huntington, P. J. McGowan and Hons, a
corporation. Cincinnati C'ovcnton, and
Iallcs Lumbering Company, a corpora
tion, Defendants.
Rv virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale, duly issued out or and under the seal
of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
the County of Wasco, to tne directed ann aai
ed the 7th day of January, 1901, upon a decree
for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and
Judgment rendered and entered tn said Court
on theiith day of December, I900,ln the above
entitled cause, in favor of the I'laintiir and
against the Defendants Llnnaen Winans and
L. C. Wlnans as Judgment debtors lu the sum
of two hundred aud twenty five dollars, with
Interest thereon from December 31, 1NW, to-wit:
the sum of $2)9.32. for the further sum of S?.2d
on account of tuxes paid by Plalntitt on the
premises herein described, and the further
sum of flftv(S30.00.1 dollars, as attorney fees,
and tne lurtner Bum 01 mirietn ijiAwjaonars
costs.and the costs of and upon this .V nt, and
commanding mo to make sale of the real
property embraced In such decree of foreclos
ure and hereinafter described, I will, on the
Otli day f February, Itui, at the hour of two
o'clock. In the afternoon of said day, and at
the front door of the County Court House In
Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at
nubile auction to the highest bidder for cash
In hand, all the right, title and interest which
the Defendants. Linnaeus Winans and L. C.
Winan or either of them had on the 31st day I
of December.lKWI, the dale of the mortgage I
iorociosea nereiu.or wmensuen iieienuunis or
any of the Defendants herein, have since ac
quired, or now have in and to the following
described real property, situate and being in
Wasc County, The southwest
quarter of section thirteen (13), township one
(1), north of range nine (iij.east of W. M., or so
much of said property as will satisfy said
judgment and decree, with costs and accru
ing costs..
.Said property will be sold subject to con
firmation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Kth day of
January, 1901. ROHKRT KELLY,
Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon.
l flllfl
iL;Oil Ho iiiO
Time Schedules.
E. Bound.
11:25 a.m.
8:27 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth.Omaha,
Kansas City. Bt
Louis, Chicago
and the bast.
Walla Walla, Spo-
kane.Mlnnea polls Portland
Mall and
11:42 p. m,
8 p.m.
W. Bousd.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In th. valley .1
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Flour and l eea, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all its
gooda ; it pays no rent ; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide
with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of
reasonable prices.
2:06 p. m.
8 n.m.
Ex. Hunday
10 p.m. .
8 a.m.
Ex. Sunday
7 a.m.
Tue. Thnr.
and Hat.
8 a.m.
Tues, Thur,
and Sat.
Ht Paul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth.Omana,
Kansas City, Ht.
Louis. Chicago
and the hast.
Ocean StkaxhitipsI
For Han r rancisciv
Sail every 5 days.
Steam eks.
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
Oregou City, Now-i
berg.Maicm at way
Yahhii.i. Kivkrs
Oregon City, Dayton
and way landings.
Willamette River.
Portland to Corval-
11a dc way landing.
Mail and
4 p.m.
E. R. Bradley,
Job Printing, Books, Stationery, Mag.
azinos and Periodicals.
- In addition to my line of Books and Magazines, I carry a complete
and well selected stock of Stationery. I am also constantly adding
to my Job Trinting Department and respectfully solieit your patron
age along these lines.
Orders by mail given prompt attention.
4 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:35 a.m.
Snakb River.
Rlparla to Lewlston
ttTiu-KV The Columbia Nursery I mi tiaa,
aealn. as usual, with a large stock of Fruit Tree.
Straw berry Planta, and all kinds of Nursery too;
Oet our prices and see tuestock.
XI. C a,lir.ann.
3:30 cm.
Mon, Wed.
and Frl
Dyspepsia Cure
3 Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature ia strewrtheninir and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. Itisthelatestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic, No other preparation
can approach It m efficiency, it in
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausen,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price5nc idtl. Lanre size contains time
small sue. Book all about dyspepsia mailedtre.
Prepared by E. C D.WITT A CO, Chlcas
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
J. BAQI.BY. Agent, Hood Itlver.
Dalles. Portland & As
toria Navigation uo.
Regulator and
Dalles City
TiallWexcent Sundnvl between
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks,
Vancouver and Portland,
Touching at way points on both side of th.
Columl la River. !
Roth if t'.ie above steamers have been re-j
built rc :j are In excellent shape fot the sea-)
son of lM. The Regulator line will endeavor!
to give Its patrons the best service possible. 1
For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel 1
by the sten mers or the Keguiator iine.
Dalles City leaves The Halle at 7 1
v Tit ami Matnctuv.
Regulator leaves at 7 a. m. Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.; arrive al The Dalle.
S p. in. Arrive at Portland 4:30 p. m.
Vortland office. Oak L Dock. Th. Dalle.
office, Court street.
Oeneral Agent.
M"?d -YMfm
LvLewist'n J. . '',?i.,i3W
1 It? JD Iff ,nff,JIilW- mr-" "T'f'ir'-
Below Tortland prioM nd you also av
the freight. Common W. W. Mattress, fl-W
same old price. Yum Yum W. W. Mat
tress, $2.25 redueed. Excelsior Wool Top
Mattress. $2 same old price. Washing Ma
chines, 3.50 reduced. Iron beds, $3.50
reduced. .
Lumber, Lath, Lime, Doors, AVindowa,
Moldings, Building Material of all kinds.
Lowest prices on vv an rapor.
And all kinds of supplie. for
Printing papers, card mounts, Jevelopera and toning solutions.
Prices range from $5 to $20 for Kodaks.
Frankton Express.
Passengers taken to and from Nteolai and
Davenport camps, and single rig furnished
lor family shoonine,
Those deslrlnr a nurse In coiiflnment.pleae I
address Mrs. W. T. Haaiberry. Reference I
furnished If desired.
With F. E.
BROS. have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur. 0