The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1901, Image 1

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Publlxheil Every Krlilay by
H. V. lil.YTHK.
Terim of miliscrliilioti- 1.IM a year when paid
In mivmitn!.
The mall arrives (roin Mt. Hiwiil at 10 o'o'. k
a. in. Wi'iIiu siIbvh and nturlay; de par u the
ame ilm ut iiiioii.
Kir ln'iimvctti, Ivarn at 8 a. tn. Tuesdays,
TIiiiiMhvh and smmdii; nrrivi's at 6 p. in.
Fur W liitc ShIimihi (v anil.) Irani daily at 8:45
A. in.; arrlvi'n ut 7:Ki p. in.
Jrnm W h 1 ' c halmnn Wve for Fnlda, (illiner,
Trout Lake and (IIiiiwckmI daily at A. M.
For HutKvii (Wunli.) leaves at fi:4."i p. m.;' ar
riven at 2 i. m.
Ai Kl'.l. KhHKKAH DKtiKr K I.OIxiK. No
ll S7, I. f). o. K. . Meets tlrnt and third Mon
iluys in eaeli month.
Mi-m stki.i.a Rkhabdson, N. Q.
II. J. HllillAKIi, Secretary.
1AMIV POST, No. lfi, (i. A. K -Meets at A.
i (. I.'. W. Hall second and fourth Hntur lavi
of raeh month ut It o'eloek p. m. All O. A. K.
ineuibi'is invited to meet with us.
M V. Ihf.nbkho, Commander
T. J. Oiknino, Adjutant.
(1ANHY W. It. C, No. 16 - Meets first Hatur-
day ot each month In A. 0. V. W. hall at 2
p. m. Mhk. auklu Btkanahas, I'rustdent,
Mas. Ursula Iu kks, t-ecretary.
HOOD ItlVKK l.OOtiE, No. Urt, A. F. and A.
M. Meeta Saturday evt'iiiiur on or before
eih full moon. (J. E. W ii.uamb, W. M.
It. McDonald, Secretary.
HOOD It I V K K, No. 27, R. A. M
Meets third Friday niKlit of each month.
U. K. t aht.nkk, 11. V.
0. F. Wii.mam, Secretary.
Mcets Suturday after each full moon and
two weeks thereafter.
Mr.B. Mary A. Davidson, W. M.
OI.KTA ASHKMIII.Y, No. HKl, United Artisans.
Meets lecond Tuesdav of each month at
Eiaternal hall. F. C. Baosil'8, M. A.
1). McDonald, Secretary.
UTAl.'tlOMA I-ODdK, No. 30. K. of P. Meets
V In A. O. U. W. hall every Tuesday niKht.
K. H., C. C.
Frank I,. Davidson, K. of R. k s.
Meets tirBt and third Saturdays of each
month. ' o. u. chamberlain, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
11. L. Ilowit, Recorder.
IDI.KWII.DK I.OIKiE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meeil in Fraternal hull every Thursday
nlht. A. U. liKTCHEL, N.U.
11. J. HiBBARii, Secretary.
HOOD RIVKR TENT, No. 19, K . O. T. M.
meets at A. ). I'. W. hull on the lirsl and
third Fridays uf each month.
J. E. Rand. Commander.
HONOR, A. O. U. W. -Meets tirst and
third ttaiurdays at 8 P. M.
Mkh. i;eo. p. Crowell, C. ol II.
Mrs. Chad Clarke, Recorder.
fyj F. 611 AW, M. D.
Telephone No. II.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Ofllce upstairs over Copple's store. All calls
left at the office or residence will be promptly
attended to.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. II us had many years experience In
Ileal F.-tnte iniilteis, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Salisiaction guaranteed or no
F. WATT, M. D.
b,.r....n.. r,. C P Ar K Pn la Ar.n,tnltv
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
end diseases of women.
Special terms for ollice treatment of chronic
Telephone, ollice, 125, residence, 45.
Estimates furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second. i .
If your walls arc sick or mutilated, call on
K. L. HOOI).
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
0 His h ) Kf ir i n i A. t. till 3. P. M., and all
night if necessary.
rmcK list.
Men's half soles, hand stieked, $1;
nailed, best, 75c; second, BOc; third, 40c.
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
fiOc; set ond, 35. Best stack and work
in Hooil River. C. WELDS, Prop.
In the place to pet the latest and best in
Conf' I'tiotuwies, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cin'f''i etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: o10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to I
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Tomunsox Bros, Props.
Of the beet quality ahvas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
gUTLl R A CO.,
Do a general banking business
Hood Rivb, Oregon.
Estimates Furnished. Plans Drawn
in.... nn T Ir.lhi. Hnilnl will ha
attended to at any time. Collections made.
a . k.,.inn.. .icn ti n will lu. altAnded
tospeedilv and results made promptly. Will
locaU on good government lands, either tlm-
beror tarming. -e am in iuuu v
, Uod Ofllot at Tba PaUes. a We tu e eeU.
H5 Of If Ifl
From AI! Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penings of the Past Week in I
Condensed Form.
Dewet is no longer a lion with the
Another oceuu to-ocean railroad in
Russia turned over the Tien Tsiu
railroad to Germany. ,
Admiral Dewey is confined to his
home by an attack of the grip.
T. M. Patterson was nominated for
senator by Colorado (unionists.
The supreme court decided that
Neely must be extradicted to Cuba.
Oregon will send three messengers
to curry the presidential vote to
Much damage has been done by
snow and landslides and high water
in Oregon aud Washington.
There is a famine in the province
of Shan Si, China, and it is said 0,000,
900 people are facing starvation.
A county superintendent at Seattle
and a county treasurer at Spokane re
fuse to give up their respective onices
to successors.
Ten persons were killed and many
were injured ns tne resun oi an ex
plosion in a hat factory at Denton,
neat Manchester, England.
The steamer Tillamook, carrying
United States mail between Juneau
and Dutoli Harbor, Alaska, was
wrecked on Wood island reel and is
a total loss.
A special from Ashcroft, B. C, says
that three cases of smallpox are re
ported to have broken out among the
Indians on the ret-ervation near CJues-
nelle. The place has been quaran
Word jjst received from Dawson re
ports a (ire on January 7. Three large
bindings were entirely destroyed. JJut
little of the contents were saved. The
origin ol the fire is unknown. Loss
The most serious accident that has
resulted from the combination of heavy
snowfall and high winds occurred to
day, says a special from Vancouver,
B. C. when almost the euttre north
ern end of the new brick drill halt of
the Duke of Connaught's rifles col
lapsed. The wall was built to 45 feet
in height, and was six feet wide. The
scattered bricks represent a loss said
to approximate $4,000.
The kingdom of Saxouy solicits a
loan of $20,000,000.
Burglars blew open a iafe in a store
at Irving, Or., but secured no booty.
Boers captured three agents of Brit
ish peace commissioners and put one
to death.
The Umatilla reef lightship has
again broken loose and dir'ted from
her station.
The rebels in Colombia made a des
perate attempt to enter Colon but were
driven back.
Prince Chang protests acainst con
templated appointment of successor to
Li Hung Chang.
Governor Hunt, of Idaho, has abol
ished the famous permit system in the
Coeur d'Alenes.
Loudon papers loudly demand that
reinforcements he sent to the scene of
war in South Africa.
A Leavenworth, Kan., fiend only
escaped lynching by being placed in
the state penitentiary.
Northern Pacific train was wrecked
in Washington while passing over
sinking bridge and five people iujuied.
Samuel Lewis, the notorious money
lender and usurer, who has been called
the greatest aud meanest of modern
Shylocks, ia dead.
During a theater performance in Chi
cago, a man raised the cry of fire aud
as a result seven persons were killeJ
and many injured.
While engaged in thawing dynamite
in one of the tunnels of the Ample
mine, near Liilooet, B. C, John Ole
jon, a miner, was instantly killed and
two others seriously injured.
Oregon's Btate levy tax has been
fixed at 5.7 mills.
An artesian oil well has been struck
near Beaumont, Texas. Thousands of
people are flocking to the place to see
the novel sight. So far, it is esti
mated 60,000 barrels have been wasted
ou the prairie.
The Chehalis-Sonth Bend, Wash.,
train ran into a landslide about eight
miles west of Chehalis and the engine
and three freight cars ran off the track
into the Chehalis river. The passenger
coach left the track aud the front end
hung over the river bank. The engineer
was the only one Injured.
Five hundred motor carriages per
year is the average output of a Paris
firm for the past five years.
The Esikmos of Alaska make water
proof boots and shirts of the skin of
the salmon.'
In the Boston high schools the girls
outnumber the boys by 1,000 or so, but
iu the primary and grammar schools
the boys outnumber the girls by nearly
Delgado and His Command Lay Down Their
Arms in Panay.
Washington, Jan. 16. General Mao
Arthur reports the surrender of Del
gado, commander-in-chief of Ho llo
province, Panay. He also reports that
other important surrenders are expect
ed during the next few days. General
MacArthur's telegram to the war de
partment is as (ollnvs:
"Delgado, commandant in llo llo
province, Panay, surrendered January
11 to Brigadier-General Hughes, with
four officers, 21 men and 41 rilles.
His command was scattered. Other
surrenders are expected during the
next few days. Important signs of
the end of "organized armed resistance
in llo llo province, Panay."
The dispatch gives much satisfac
tion to the war department, although
the command surrendered is not a
large one. It also was noteJ by the
ollioiuls that the assurances were for
the end of "organized armed resist
ance," indicating that there was con
tidetable unorganized marauding still
in progress.
A Brighter Outlook.
Manila, Jan. 16. Optimism is tak
ing the place of couseivatism among
the military men here," the cause being
the numerous surrenders, captures and
destruction of insurgent camps,
coupled with the increasing under
standing of the Americans' intentions
among the natives. The propagation
of the principles of the 'Federal party
and the knowledge that they are ap
proved by the United States Philip
pine commission and the military au
thorities and the carrying out of the
terms of General MacArthur's procla
mation, which classes all who com
mit acts inimical to the interests of
the army a rebels and traitors, are
having pointed effect The cutting of
communications and supplies has de
stroyed the remnants of the insurgents'
organization. The inhabitants of the
towns are disinclined any longer to
contribute to a hopeless cause, and it
Is generally believed that the pacifica
tion of the necessary number of prov
inces to inaugurate the scheme of prov
incial government will be accom
plished before many more weeks have
elapsed. The most pronounced reist-
jnce at present is in remote southern
Luzon, northern Miudianao, Cebu and
The first batch of 80 leading insur
gents who were ordered deported to
the island of Guam will sail on the
transport Rosecraus tomorrow'.
General Wheatou reports that 63
irmi'd bolomen have surrendered at
Sixteen of Ueronnno g band were
captnred Sunday night and brought to
Everything in Readiness for the Livestock
Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 16. Every
thing is in readiness for the fourth an
nual convention of the National Live
stock Association. The hall has been
gorgeously decorated and every con
venience provided for the delegates
and members of the press. The indi
cations are that it will be the most
successful convention in the history of
the association. The headquarters of
the association and the principal hotels
are thronged with visitors tonight. A
large number of delegates arrived dur
ing the day It is safe to say that
nearly every prominent stockman west
of the Missouri river will be present.
A large delegation is present from Chi
cago, and a fair attendance from othr
points east of the Missouri river. The
famous Pueblo Cowboy Band arrived
this afternoon aud was met at the de
pot by the local committee and es
corted through the principal streets ol
the city. The executive committee of
the association held a meeting this af
ternoon and discussed, in a general
way, the subjects to be takeq up by the
From Spokane to the Mines.
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 16. A new
railroad hue is being planned to run
from Spokane to Republic, with'
branches to the Metliow and Okanogan
mining districts in Eastern Washing
ton, about 250 miles of road in all.
The estimated cost is about $4,000,
000. II. W. Mangold, the promoter,
claims he has the necessary captial in
sight. He promises to cut the present
freight rates from those districts
squarely in two when the line is com
pleted. He pioposes the building of
a big smelter in'Spokane to handle the
ores of these districts to be brought in
by the new railway.
Assaulted by Highwaymen.
Chioago, Jan. 16. Edward Kelly,
a prominent race horse man, is at
home in a dangerous condition as the
result of a desperate battle with two
highwaymen. Kelly was on his way
; home and in an effort to save his
money and valuables resisted when
'. the footpads presented revolvers at his
' head and ordered him to hold up his
bands. In consequence he was knocked
down and then brutally beaten and
; robbed of money and valuables to the
amount of $500.
Work of Trainwreckers.
Tampa, Fia., Jan. 16. Train wreck
ers are oelieved to nave caused the
I derailment of a West Coast Plant sys
j tern train a few miles south of Dim-
nell, Fla., causing the death of En
i gineer Tom Roachand, the injuring of
I several passengers. The names of the
t passengers said to have been hurt are
not known here. A survey of the track
! at daylight showed that a rail had
I been removed. Five men suspected
jbave already been arrested.
Will) If All
Russia Demands an Indefinite
Lease on Liao Tung.
Treaty With China Will Also Give Her
Complete Possession of the Man.
churlan Railroad.
London, Jan. 1. "Trince Uchtom-
sky's mission to Pekin," says the St.
Petersburg corieeponileiit of the Daily
Mail, "was to secure a convention, I
understand, ou tli; flowing basis: Iu
return for renouncing her claim for
war indemnity, Russia demands an in
definite, instead of a 90 year lease of
the Lia Tung peninsula, and of the
Port Arthur. In other words, bIis de
mands annexation, as well as the com
plete posession of the Manchurian rail
way, which, under the existing agree
ment, reverts to China after 90 years."
The Concert Breaking Up.
New York, Jan. 14. A dispatch to
the Herald from London says:
Attention was drawn to the sus
picions similarity iu the tendency ex
isting between the official views eman
ating from Vienna and the dispatches
cabled by English correspondents in
the United States.
Another striking instance has oc
curred within the last couple of days.
As usual the unanimity of views is
manifested in a sentiment of hostility
to the American government. This
time the state department's proposal
to refer certain points of the Chinese
negotiations to a commission which
would meet at Washington or else
where, furnishes the pretext for at
tack. The Daily Telograph's Yienua
correspondent tells how the suggestion
has aroused the ire of Austrian dip
lomatists against the United States
may. be asked to leave the concert of
Wm Hm Hurlburt who has just
the O. R. & N. Co., to become president
land. He has been an active railroad
In the East aud with the Union Pacific
powers in Uhina, 18 ireeiy aiscussen.
This unanimity is too pronounced to
pass unnoticed. If the matter were
probed to the bottom, the person who
inspired many statements would proba
bly prove to be the kaiser, who is at
the 'head of the triple alliance, aud the
only member of the Anglo-German al
lianc3 whose hands are unfettered.
Englaud being kept busy in the Trans
vaal, is in no position to dictate with
a fair chance of being obeyed.
His majesty is more concerned in
shutting the United States out of the
concert than any one, for it is the
United States that has thwarted his
scheme of wholesale slaughter which
was to imbue China with terror of
the German empire, while the other
powers were to thrust into the back
ground as of no account.
As a matter of fact, however, there
Is no concert of the powers now.
Russia has virtually withdrawn from
it of her own free will, preferring to
make an important treaty with China.
According to the Daily Telegraph
the idea is contemplated of leaving out
the United States. And France, the
ally of Russia, and united by the
friendliest ties to America, will scarce
ly work cordially with the stumps of a
concert, namely, the triple alliance
snd England. This simply means the
concert is breaking up into aompanies
of which the divisions are becoming
more marked as time goes on.
Lawshe Goes to the Philippines.
Washington, Jan. 14. Auditor Law-
she received the final instructions 'rom
the secretarv of war today, preparatory
to leaving Washington tonight for the
Philirpiues, -where he will enter upon
his duties as auditor for the Philip-
nine archipelago. One of his duties
will be to re-examine the accounts of
officers of the army who handle all the
government funds in the Philippine
Indiana Farmer Removed Railroad Track
From His Properly.
Crawfordsville, Iud., Jan. 14. The
rails of the Chicago & Southeastern
Railway, which crossed the farm of
Wesley Grantham, near this city, wore
torn up and removed from the farm
last Wednesday night by (Jherifl Ca
nine, acting on a writ of ejectment,
peeured by Grantham. All train traf
fic including the government mail
service was effectually blocked.
Injunction proceedings were immed
iatey filed against Grantham, but to
day in the circuit court Judge West
refused to grant a tomporary restrain
ing order, tjcolarlij that Grantham had
already been kept out of bis property
seven years, aud that the constitution
guaranteed him certain rights, with
which the court did not propose to in
terfere. The road's attorney asked
that an order be made giving the road
possession until the land could be con
demned, but the court refused to do
this, saying that the company had had
seven ve trs to do this aud had failed.
The court issued an order, however,
forbiddiug any further destruction of
the road's property.
Grantham's land
armed men. Last
road's bridges were
them CO feet long
Manv loads of rails
ia guarded by
night two of the
blown up, one of
and 15 feet high,
were carted off to
a school house, three miles from the
right of way. Two hackloads of armed
men went down from Ladoga last
night to the Grantham farm. The
road will be blocked now for several
days at least, and Grantham's attorney
declares possession will not be relin
quished until the road pays $3,000.
Seattle in One Week Subscribes $103,000 for
the Battleship Contract.
Seattle, Jan. 14. The people of Se
attle have completed the raising of a
$100,000 bonus to be paid the Morau
Bros. Company, of thw city upon the
launching of the new sheatliod battle
ship, which they havo been awarded
resigned as general passengor agent of
of a street railway company In fort
man 30 years, with several large systems
in San rrancisco and fortland.
by the Navy department. The Morans'
bid of $3,873,900 must be (oiled down
$100,000 to bring it within the limit
fixed by congress. The business men
volunteered to furnish this amount if
the company would accept, the contract
at the reduced figure The entire Hum
was raised in a week, being oversub
scribed $3,835. It is estimated that
the battleship contract means the ex
penditure of J2,100,()0U in wages on
Puget Sound during the next three
i years. Moran Eros, will build at once
new machine shops and
power house,
to cost $400,000.
Commander John W, Quackenbush.
Washington, Jan. 14. Commander
John W. Quackenbush, United States
navy, retired, died today at his home
in this city, aged 54 years.
Commuted by the President.
Washington, Jan. 14. The president
today commuted the sentence of Chas
L. McUin. who was to have been
hanged in this city tomorrow, to im
prisonmeut for life. In December,
1899, McUin, who was a motorman on
one of the street railways, killed an
i other motorman. Jealousy was the
Sentenced to Death.
Princeton, Ind. Jan. 14. J. D,
Keith was this afternoon convicted of
murdering Nora Keifer and sentenced
to death.
Danish West Indies to Be Ours.
Copenhagen, Jan. 14. The negotia
tions for the sale of the Danish Wes
Indies to the United Sttites are seem
inlev anM'oaching settlement. The
niatter has been placed in the hands o
the finance committee of the rigsdag
with the view of 'arranging the differ
' ence in the price asked and offered
j The king and ministry are in favor o
; the sale, but final action mav be de
j layed by powerful opposition both in
the islands and here.
m Of 111) MID
nteresting Events and Gossip of
Cities and Towns in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
Thurston Hutching, a well-kown
stockman of the state, died at Boise.
A movement is on foot at Caldwell,
looking to the early closing of stores.
raul Jacot, a resident of St. Joe, has
been committed to the Blaukfoot in
sane aslyum.
John Hurley, a pioneer of Idaho
City, is dead, aged 70. He came to
this state in 1863.
Callender is the name of a new post-
office in Idaho county. Edward W.
Taylor is postmaster.
A branch telephone line has been
run from Dewey to Swan Falls. This
gives the Falls a direct line to isoise.
S. B. Wright's two-story residence
at Bonner's Ferry, on the north side of
the river, was entirely destroyed by
The aggregate valuation "of the in
struments filed for record at Wallace
with the county recorder in 1900 is
Henry Ott, a well-known pioneer
farmer of the Boise vallay, has sold his
ranch of 450 acres. The purchase
price was $6,625.
Thomas W. Bates, promoter of the
Idaho Midland railway, has returned
to New York. He says the road is in
the best possible condition.
The P. & I. N. railway has an
nounced its intention of extending its
road into the Seven Devils country.
Steel rails have already been pur
The county commissioners of Ada
county have selected 1. C uatun to
represent their interests at the Na
tional Live Stock Association meet, to
be held in Salt Lake City.
The preliminary steps have been
taken toward organizing a Pioneer As
sociation at Lewiston. All who re
Bided in the state prior to the close of
the year 1877, are eligible for mem
bership. Judge Stewart has rendered a decis
ion of considerable importance to
Boise. He holds that the city council
has no authority to act as a board of
equalization. Therefore increases of
valuation of property made by the
council are illegal and void.
Fire at the Bunker Hill mine.
Warduer district, destroyed a tram
way which leads to the Stemwinder
mine. In consequence, the latter
mine had to be temporarily shut down.
The fire originated in the pumping
house. Loss is estimated at $2,000;
fully insured.
James Patten, a rancher living near
Bonners' Ferry, lost a valuable horse
while triyng to cross the river. He
attempted to drive the team across on
the ice, but when near the middle of
the stream the ice gave way utder
the horses and before they could be
drawn out one of them was drowned.
It is sail that Iloquiara will have a
basket factory.
The Aberdeen Order of Eagles will
elect a $3,000 building.
Spokane has accepted plans for a
crematory which will cost $4,500.
The old Hartford hotel has been torn
down and loaded on cars, billed for
Jackman, Skagit county.
New Whatcom is endeavoring to
have the appropriation for the water
way project raised from $15,000 to
Whitman county boasts of the
youngest court bailiff in the Unites
States iu the person of Willie, the II
year-old son of Judge McDonald, of the
superior court.
Dr. L. R. Markley has bebn ap
pointed quarantine officer for Belling
ham Bay. Heretofore vessels have had
to wire to Port Townseud for instruc
Measures are being taken to intro
duce a bill in the legislature to sub
mit to a vote of the people an amend
ment to the constitution designating
Tacoma as the state capital instead of
The miners working on the Admiral
Dewey claim, near Republic,, have
killed lour cougars recently. The
largest measured 8 feet 4 inches from
tip to tip and the smallest 7 feet 10
The board of county commissioners
for Lewis county has let a contract to
the Northwest Bridge Company for the
construction of a 140-foot span bridge
across the Chehalis river at Black s
Station. The contract price is $1,494
An important strike has been made
on the property of the Oro Grande
Gold Mining & Milling Company, a
few miles from Marcus. Previous as
says gave from $3 to $21.65 in gold,
silver and copper and the ore from the
new vein is expected to go much
The executive board of the Thurston
County Bicycle Path Association re
ports $1,901 received last year from
the sale of bicycle tags and 4o6 from
other sources.
David Jathley, who has returned to
Everett from Dawson, brought home
the petrified jaw of a prebistorio mas
todon. From point to point the Jaw
measures 37 inches, and it still con
tains two teeth nine inches long. It is
thoroughly petrified, weighing 60
flEBOKj m
the Past Week Reported From
A 60-yeur franchise h is boen granted
for an electric railway between Seattle
aud Tacoma. The' line is to be iu
operation iu 18 months.
The machinery for the new mill at
Hartford is now ou the ground. It
will cut 35,000 feet of lumber per day,
and tho shingle null in conjunction
will have a capacity of 150,000
As the result of eating fanned meats
aud salads at a lodge eiitertainmet at
Ballard, F. S. Stillnmn, a drug cleik
of that city, is lying in a critical con
dition at his hume, suffering from pto
maine poisoning.
Word has been received of the death
ol Captain William Haines, a pioneer
mining man, at Northport. He was a
native of North Carolina and had been
on the coast since the palmy days of
Virginia City, Nevada.
The Northern Lumber Company's
sawmill at Everett, which was burned
a few months ago, is to be rebuilt.
New machinery is on the way from
the Fast, and plans for the building
are ready for the contractors.
It is announced that the logging
camps adjoining the Sedro-Wooley
towusite on the north, staited up again
by a new concrn. These camps, two
in number, are among the largest in
the Northwest, each employing about
150 men. The operations of the new
firm are expected to be on a scale even
more extensive than heretofoie.
Judge Moore at Seattle has issued a
peremptory writ ot mandate to the
King county board of commissioners
requiring them to call a special elec
tion within 40 days to permit the resi
dents of that part of the reservation
lying within King county to vote
whether they desire to have the reser
vation annexed to Pierce county.
Natural oil indications have been
discovered near Spangle. The discov
ery was made ou the adjoining ranches
of A. D. McMichaol aud J. B. Butler,
and a lease has been secured on one of
these by capitalists who will prospect
for oil and gas. F. K. McCoy, a repre
sentative of an oil company in Cali
fornia, has been examining all the
fields of the Palottse looking for oil
Ituds for his enmpauy, and he has se
cured a lease on Mr. MoMichael'a
The organ factory at Dallas is en
larging its plant.
The Hybee bridge across Rogue river
is being repaired and is closed to
The free ferry at Liverpool, Benton
county, is not yet iu operation, owing
to high water.
F. E. Dunn, of Eugene, sold 67
bales of 1899 hops to San Francisco
buyeis for 8 cents per pound.
Fred Walters, of the Farmers' Cus
tom mill, has purchased the Cheapo
mill property at Peudloton for $5,500.
The telephone office at Sutnpter has
abolished its telegraph office, and mes
sages are now transmitted by telephone
to Baker City.
A test pit, sunk 15 feet ou the Ore
gon Boy, a recent location iu the Ala
mo district, is said to have disclosed a
ledge with $12 values.
Oscar Dillev, of Oakville, is building
a dairy building which will be large
enough for 50 cows and will have all
up-to-date improvements.
J. A. Fitzgibbon has bought the
Cook aud Miller ledge ou Foot's creek,
Southern Oregon. This is a ledge in
which two feet of $50 rock has boen
A young man, aged 18 years, the
adopted son of Thomas Smith, was
thrown from aloud of railroad ties near
Elgin, and received injuries which re
sulted in his death.
The shaft on the Little Breeches
claim, in the Bald Mountain district,
is down 28 feet, and average assays of
$5.40 are reportod. No cross cutting
will he done until the 100-foot level is
Farmers living between Lebanon
and Sodaville will make an effort to
get free rural mall delivery. The
route will be about as follows: From
Lebanon to Sodaville, thence west
about six miles, thence north about
six miles, thence east to starting point.
Georue Nowsome, a farmer living
near Murquain, was held up and
robbed in his . own doorway. Mr.
Newsome answered a knock at the
front door and was surprised to find a
revolver in bis face ou opening the
door. He gave up a few dollars he
had in his pocket.
C. S. Warren, Jr., has purchased
from George Day a one-sixth interest
in the Crown Point property for $500.
The property adjoins the Diadem in
the Greenhorn Mountain district, and
has been developed by a 40-foot shaft.
It is said that average assays from a
8-a-foot ledge are $25.30. while some
specimens assayed $104.
An important mining deal has just
been consummated in Eastern Oregon,
whereby tne Quebeo and High Ore
claims changed hands. The considera
tion is placed at about $40,000,
A mass meeting of citizens of Gil
liam county was held, at which it was
decided to ' organize a company and
build a railroad from JL'ondon to the
Columbia. This would grVatly benefit
the wheat men of that county, as at
present all wheat is being hauled ia
wagons 40 to CO miles.