The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 11, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XI L HOOD KIVEll, OKEGON, FlllDAV, JANUARY 11, 1901. y0. 1.
1'ubllshed Every Fridny by
8. F. lll.YillK.
Terms of tnbseriptioii--lI..XI a year w lie" paid
III IMlVtil.l'L.
The mail arrives Imm Mt. Hood at 10 oV. iok
a. in. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs Ilia
Mlllie dll S Ht lll'dll.
for Chrnotte li, leaves nt 8 a. nt. Tuesdays,
Tl,uisd:iys mid Sttluila s; arrives at ti p. in.
I ur U hue NUicmii (vt ash.) leaves daily HI 6.4S
a. in.: arrives nt 7:l.'i i. m.
1-roiu While salmon loaves fur Fulda, (liliner,
Tinttt Lake and dlcmvood daily nt A. M.
for H nucn ( n.-li . ) leaves at :4o p. in.; ar
ri es at 'i p. in.
i Kin-:-.
I m ki.i. Kl.liKKAII UMIKF.K l.olxlK, No
Ji K, i. II. (i. K. Meets liisl and third Mon
days in cacti liiotiih.
Ml Stella r.K'HAi'.DHDN, N. 0.
11. J. IIihiiahii, Secretary.
i t A.N BY I'OST, No. Ki, (i. A. li. Meets at A.
I (). V. . Hall second and fulirlll Sattiriava
of each moot ti at 'I o'clock p. m. Alio. A. tt.
mchibcis inviled to meet with us.
M 1'. iBKMitKO, Commander
T. J. Cvnninu, Adjutant.
1AM!Y V. H. r., No. K. Meets first Sutur
l iluy of chi'Ii inohlli in A. (I. I'. W. hull at 2
). ml Mrs. A iii;. a Sihanaiian, President.
Mm. t'lisri.A In khs, Secretary.
II OOP KIVF.R I.OIM1E. No. Irrt, A. F.and A.
Jl M . Meets Saturday evening on or helora
each f 1 1 1 1 moon. i.. E. Williams, W..M.
1). Ml lioNAi.Ii, Secretary.
noul) KIVKIt CHAPTER, No. i7. R. A. M.
Meets liiird Fridav iiiitht oi eaeii moiitli.
(i. K. CASTNER, II. F.
(i. F. Williams, secretary.
I I uoii l:IVKK CHAI'TER, No. itf, ). K. H.
il Meets Saturday ailer each full moon and
ivt u weeks tuereafter.
Miss. Mary A. IUviliso.N, V. M.
01.KTA ASHKMIIi Y, No. in:l, Putted Artisans.
Meets : e-oiid Tuesday of eHeh month at
FiRternal hull. K C. llausirs, M. A.
I). McUoNAi.n, Secretary.
-IITAI CUM A 1 OIXiK, No. m, K. of I'.-MceH
? in A. CI. li. W. hail every Tuesday nttfht.
E. H. Ol.iM.Bii, C. C.
Frank I.. Iuviubon, K. of K. it s.
) IVKRKUIK I.OIxlE, No. 8, A. (). V, W.
i Meets liist and tliiul Saturdays of each
month. (I. (1. CHAMBERLAIN, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
11. L. 11'. ue, lleeolder.
il.KWIl.HK I.OI'liK, No. 107, I. O . F.
Meels in Fialernal hull every Thursday
Oifctlt. A. ii. tiEl'CIIKL, K..
II. J. lIililiARI), f-'eerelary.
1(KU) KIVI.Il TFNT, No. 19, K. O. T. M..
J I mei ih at A. (). I', W. hall on the first ami
third Fridays of eaeii month.
J. K. It and, Commander.
IjivF.iiMi 15 i.oik;k no. 40, hkckkk ok
k IIOMHl, A. O. II. W. -Meets first and
third Kumrdiiys at I". M.
Mas. HE). F. CnowKi.1., C. of II.
Mrs. Cmas Clarke, Recorder.
fy F. SIIAW, M. I).
Telephone No. II.
All Calls, Promptly Attended
OflU'ft Mpf tflim ovrr Popple's store. All tulli
toll at Die titlicu or re&idcuee will be prouiptljr
11 U'lulf d tu.
TAItY I'l ; and REAL
. KsTATK AliliNT.
F Jl 'ens a resident of Oregon and Wash.
1' i.s Imd ninny years experience in
I ' te in. tieis, as al.sliacter, searcherof
I ,id nnciil. bans. action guaranteed or no
ti.. e.
J F. WATT, M. D.
KurRcon for O. R. & N. Co, I especially
equ . ed to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and disen-es of women.
special terms lor ollico treatment of chronis
'Itlcplioite, olliee, l-'i, residence, 45.
KstiinRtcB fnrnisheil for all kinds of
work, lft'pairiittr a specialty. All kinda
of nhop work. Sliop on State Street,
lii tvu't'it KirntHiid Second.
If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
K. 1.. l(OOI.
Consultntion free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
0 It m !i i ir ir i n i A. t. till 6. P. M., and all
niglit If necessary.
nucK i.isy.
Jlen's lialt poles, hand sticked, $t;
nailed, heat, 76c; tecond, 50c; third, 40c.
1 H'lics' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
MV; Reiotid, I!5. Jiest stock and work
in lloinl River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Ih the place to pet the latest and best in
C.inf ci icineries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Ciuatp, etc.
COLE &. GRAHAM. Traps.
p C. BROSil'S, M. 1).
'Phone Central, or 121.
Oltice Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to I
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Tomi.ivsom Bros, Props.
Of the lient quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
glll'Ll R & CO.,
Do a eerier! banking business.
' ilooo Riykr, Ohkoom.
Fsiimates Furnished. - v Tlas Prawn
office with fieo. T. PTflIher." Pnlness will b.
HtlPnded to at any tithe.-Collections mad,
and anv beftner j;ivri to us will be attended
tosped:ly and results ma.le promptly. M11
locate on itood aovernment lands, either tim
fceror larmltiit. We are la touch with the L.
Land oaiee at The DaUaa. Ulv u a aail.
J Of 1 10
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penings of the Past Week In a
Condensed Form.
The I!ritih second-cla cruiser Am
till ion lias univml at I'uimnin.
The envoys were surprised by the
prompt acceptance of tiie note. "
A movement is on foot looking
toward Canadian independence.
Cheat changes are said to be planned
for the C., M. & St. P. railway.
Governor Geer announces the ap
poiutmeut of Oregon's text book com
mission. A Russo-Chinose agreement gives
Runs in protection of one Mauchurian
The semi-annual statement of Ore
gon's state treasurer shows nearly 1.
700,000 cash ou hand.
The transport Meade, which carried
a large amount of specie from San
Francisco, has arrived at Manila.
Variety of Europeau prunes which
ripens two weeks earlier than preneut
crop is to be introduced iu Oregon.
A bill will be introduced at the com
ing Oreogn legislature making life im
prisonment the penalty for kidnaping.
It is nndrestood that at the conclu
sion of operations in South Africa,
Lord Kitchener will become commaud-er-in-chief
iu India.
United States Consul Wildman, at
Hong Kong, has been granted a leave
of absence and will return to the
United States immediately for the
benefit of his health.
The l'oer invasion of Cape Colony
bus not yet been stopped. On the
other hand the burghers stem to be
gaining grounl daily and are at pres
ent half way to the Cape.
The new Argentine-Chilean agree
ment, in regard to the frontier settle
ment, has been signed and the presi
dents of Argentine and Chile have ex
changed friendly telegrams of congrat
ulation. The war department ban authorized
enlistments at Vancouver bairacks,
Washington, for service iu new regi
ments to be sent to the Philippine is
lands. Recruits will be sent to the
Presidio at San Francisco for assign
ment to regiments.
The steamhip Thomas Brooks, with
the Cuban ollicials ou board, has ar
rived at Port Antonio, Jamaica. The
ollicials will inquire into the British
methods of colonial government and
adopt the desirable features into the
Cuban government.
Costa Bica is pleased by recognition
in the canal negotiations.
The British are nnaldo to check the
Boer invasion of CapeC olnny.
The foreign troops in China are well
prepared for the winter season.
The Republican caucus in Pennsyl
vania selected Quay for senator.
The United States training ship To
peka has arrived at Tangier, Morrocco.
The Earl of Hopetoun was sworn in
as first governor of Federated Aus
tralia. Oregon, Washington and Alaska
have been formed into a life-saving
Fire in Seattle destroyed the city li
brary, containing 25,000 volumes and
vauled at $30,000.
The revenue cutter Perry will sail
from Astoaria in search of overdue
Columbia river ships.
Pat Crowe, charged with the almdc
tion of young Cudahy, of Omaha, has
been captured in South Dakota.
Kdwunl Rice, an Idaho man, sen
tenced to death for murder, made a
desperate, but unsuccessful attempt
to commit suicide by cutting his throat.
An insane man, being conveyed from
Multnomah county to the Oregon state
asylum at Salem, jumped from a mov
ing train, bruising himself about the
head. It is thought he will recover.
Famine in some of the provinces ol
China is becoming worse. The rice
crops, owing to the war, were almost
total failures, and eanihalism- has
broken out. The authorities are un
able to do anything. .
The assassin of Baron von Ketteler
was beheaded in I'ekin.
The final payment has been rnade on
the Bald mountain kroup of mines in
Eastern Oregon, near Baker City.
The purchase price was $50,U00. Tht
new owners are men of means, and
work on a large scale will commence
at once.
Ignatius Donnelly, politician and
author, died very suddenly at his home
in Minneapolis, aged 70 years. Mr.
Donnelly was a candidate for vice
president on the Middle-of-the-Road
Popoulist ticket at the recent general
The way of the transgressor is hard
in modern times. The persons who
commit crimes are daily coming to
grief. Escape is less frequent than in
former years.
In New Zealand there exists a brass
band whose members . are wholly
mounted on bicycles. This baud,
wbich is located at Christchurch, con
sists of 10 players, arid these not mere
ly ride their bicycles to practice bat
fulfill engagements on the wheel.
Ppaiu and France are having snow
MaoArthur will deport captured Fil
ipino reliels to Guam.
Twenty-seven perished iu an orphan
home fire iu Rochester, N. Y.
A British detachment lost heavily
in a fight with Boers near Liudley.
Plans are on 'foot for annexing the
Idaho "panhandle" to Washington.
The Moraus, of Seattle. h.ive been
awarded a contract for a battleship. .
The first municipal election was
held at Buguiiis. Philippine islands.
The Thirty-SBventh regiment was
reviewed at Manila prior to its return.
Maitial law has bean porclaimed in
foveral more districts in Cape Colony.
Fred T. Dubois was nominated for
senator by the fusionists at Boise,
The Oregon supreme court lias de
cided that a loan of a savings and loan
society can be collected.
France is experimenting with sub
marine boats. Several recent tests
are reported as entirely satisfactory.
After satisfactorily filling the p:e
liminary stages, Count Lamsdorf 1 a
been definitely appointed minister t
foreign affairs for Russia.
Theodore Colwell, employed at the
Tacoma smelter, was terribly burned
about the face, hands, arms and neck,
by falling into a pot of boiling slag
while at work. Although badly
burned it is thought he will recover.
Representative Kahn, of California,
has introduced a bill continuing in
force for 20 years after May 5, 1902, a
laws prohibiting and regulating the
coming of Chinese persons and persons
of Chinese descent into the United
During the absense of William Chi
dester, of Marietta, O., Thomas, a
9-year old son, shot and killed his
sister, aged 14. No reason is known.
Ho apparently does not realize the
enormity of his crime, and fought for
the possession of the gun when a neigh
bor arrived. The pareuts are pros
trated, and the mother may die.
Silk manufacturers of New Jersey are
endeavoring to have a bill passed by
congress requiring a label on "dyna
mited" or weighted silks. Bythe pro
cess of weighting inferior goods are
made as be.ivv as first class goods and
a bill of this nature would protect
those manufacturers who use pure dyes
and also the purchaser, who would be
able to tell what was being bought.
Philip D. Armour, the great pork
packer, is dead.
Portugal i.s sending rein Coi cements
to Lourenco Marques.
Eight men met death by suffocation
in a Minneapolis hotel fire.
D;tvid J. Schuebly, the oldest news'
paper man in the Northwest, is dead.
An-effort is being ipade to revise the
Russo-Chinese agreement about Man
An agreement restricting operations
of allied troops has been made by Von
Eight hundred colliery employes of
Pennsylvania coal and irou mines are
on a strike.
China desired envoys to delay sign
ing joint note, but was informed by
them that this was impossible.
Samuel S. White, a pioneer of 1845,
aud Oregon's first probate judge, died
at his home in Portland. He was 81)
years old.
Five bags of registered letters have
beeu stolen on the road between Turin
and Rome. Three bugs came from
New York.
In an affray at Altgeberg, Hungary,
between striking miners aud gend
armes, there were seven of the former
killed and 40 wounded.
The following Washington post
offices have been discontinued: Dish
man, .okaue county; Green River,
King county, and Laurel, Whatcom
Chailes W. Norton, a switchman,
was instantly killed at Tacoma, by
being crushed between two cars. He
leaves a widow and three children at
Mount Pleasant, la.
Severe cold weather has suddenly
set in throughout Fnrope. The cold
wave is accompanied by a gale which
has wrecked several vessels aud caused
heavy lo84 of life aud properly.
The coal miners' strike at Picton,
Nova Scotia, has been settled, livery
demand of the men was conceded.
The managers sought to bind the men
not to ask for a further increase for 12
months, but failed.
Governor Allen, of Porto Rico, has
just returned to the capital after an
extensive visit to the towns in the
western part of the island. He visited
places where no governor of Porto Rico
has visited before. Everywhere he
was enthusiastically received.
Henry M. Hoek, agent for the
Knights Templar's and Mason's Life
Indemnity Association, of Chicago, is
under ariest at the central police ta
tion, Chicago, on a telegram from
Washington, D. C, which stated that
he was wanted in that city on a chargo
of forgery.
Health authorities estimate that 10
per cent of the men who go to Cape
Nome never come back alive.
Over 800 of the leading German
goldsmiths met in Berlin recently to
take part in the celebration of the
fourth centenary of Benveuuto Cellini'c
. Electric fountains have become very
popular, especially as attractions foi
amusement parks. Ju Eugland, espe
cially, they have lately been installed
in large numbers.
OH if
Terrible" Holocaust at Rochester,
New York.
rwnty-Sfven Persons Perished and Twenty
Five Were Injured, Some Fatally
Blaze Started In Hospital.
Rochester, N. .,. Jan. 9. This
morning at 1 o'clock fire broke out in
some mysterious manner in the hos
pital section of the Rocht'ier Oiphau
Asylum, in Hubbell park, aud '11 per
ions are known to have perished aud
25 were injured, soino doubtless fatal
ly. It was the most serious conflagra
tion in Rochester since the lantern
works fire, in 1888, when ' there were
31 victims.
The flames were discovered by two
young men, W. Clark aud F. Young,
who happened to be passing the build
ing on Exchange street. Clark ran to
the nearest fire alarm box and sent iu
an alarm, after which both turned
their attention toward arousing the
nurses, attendants and children. They
proceeded to batter in the door, when
a terrific explosion was heard in the
other end of the building.
In a few moments the entire half of
the building in which the hospital was
situated was a mass of flames. The
smoke poured out of every window,
and screams and frantic cries could be
heard from the panic-stricken chil
dren. Long ladders were strung up,
and firemen plunged into the stilling
smoke and bore out scores of inanimate
forms in their arms. All the rescued
were unconscious, many were dean.
In the hospital were only two small
children and twp women attendants.
All are believed to have perished. A
telephone message was sent to all the
hospitals for ambulances, and as fast
as they arrived on the scene they were
sent back to the hospitals. When it
became known that the fire was ex
tended to the main building a general
alarm was sent iu. tailing out the en
tire department. The fire was fought
from every available point, but the
buildings were doomed. Most of thj
inmates knew nothing about the fire
until aroused by Young and Clark,
though one woman stated that she
heard an explosion before she smelled
The scenes about the building while
the tire was at its height were heart
rending in the extreme. Crazed wo
men were running about trying to find
out whether certain little ones had
bten taken from the building in safe
ty, while othors were looking for their
friends. All who were rescued had
nothing ou but their night clothing.
Policemen, citizens aud firemen united
in the work of rescue.
Four little children had been forgot
ten on the fourth floor, until a woman
screamed out that they had been left
behind. lustautly a dozen voluuteors
started for the stairway. Two were
allowed to go to the rescue, and in a
moment it seemed ages they re
turned with the babes in their arms.
A cheer went up from the crowd,
which was hushed as the chil ren were
seen to be unconscious. They were
removed to the house of a neighbor
across the street.
Miss Comelieux, one of the attend
ants, was resuced from a third story
window by a fireman. When part
way down the ladder the fireman slip
ped and fell to the grouud. Both were
terribly injured, though they will re
oover. There were 109 children in the asy
lum at the time, and a corps of about
30 nurses and attendants. Sixteen of
the dead are at the city morgue, sev
eral are at the hospitals and some were
left at the home of Mr. Behn. The
injured consist chiefly of children who
weie more or less overcome by smoke.
It is impossible to get the names of the
injured at this time.
The hospital building was entirely
destroyed, and the main building dam
aged, entailing a total loss of about
$30,000. The buildings were heated
by steam, and the fire was caused by
the explosion of an engine boiler.
Orders for Chinese Troops.
Shanghai, Jan. 9. It is reported
from Sinan Fu that the empress dow
ager has ordered General Feng Tse
Tsai, commauder of the province of Fn
Yun Nan, to proceed with his army to
the Yangtse valley, and from that
section to move northward. His force
is said to consist of 15,000 men, armed
with modern weapons.
Northwest Pensions.
Washington, Jan. 9. The follow
ing Northwest pensions have been
granted: Oregon Origiual widow's,
Mary h. Burnside, Sellwood, $8;
Washington Original, Eugene H.'
Wood, Westport, $6; Idaho Original,
Hazen Squire, Lewiston, $12.
Biscuit Factory Burned.
Galveston, Tex., Jan. 9. The Gal-
veston factory of the National Biscuit
Company and a grain elevator belong
ing to the Jerekusch-Davisou Company
were burned tonight. The loss is
Morton Gets His Traveling Papers.
Washinaton. Jan. 9. The Turkish
government has furnished Dr. Thomas
Norton, who was appointed United
States consnl at Harpoot, what are
known as traveling papers, constitut
ing a safe conduct to enab e the doctor
to uroceed to his post. Thesis rea
son to believe that this action forecasts
a compliance by the Turkish govern
ment with the request of the state de
partment for a regular exequatur foi
Dr. Norton.
Discovery Was Made by a Chicago Detective
Chicago.' Jan. 7. The Record says:
"On information from a source which
be declines to make public, Detective
Sergeant McLaughlin located a gas
pipe bomb in one of the niches of the
La Salle street tunnel shortly before
midnight The bomb was taken by
the policeman to the central station,
aud thence carried to the lake front
and exploded. Detective McLaughlin
said he received a hint to the effect
that an effort would be made to blow
up the tunnel used for the passage of
the North Side cable cars. He has
tened to the scene and found a pieci
of tnree-inch gas pipe about 15 inches
long in one ot the small arched opou
iugs in the dividing wall oi the tan
nel. A half-burned fuse protruded
from one end. When touched off the
bomb is said by the policemen to Lave
exploded with a loud report.
"Iarlier in the night one of the
sweepers employed in the tunnel saw a
man about 25 years old aud shabbily
dressed loitering in the tunnel. He
was asked what he was doing there,
and replied, 'Nothing.' The stranger
left the tunnel hurriedly. The police
Buspect the bomb was plaoed there by
a discharged employe oi the company."
Over 16,000 Hardy, Determined, Invincible
Patriots Under Arms.
New York, Jan. 7. Charles P.
Tierce, consul-general of the Orange
Free State in New York, and treasurer
of the Boer relief fund in America,
has given out the following statement:
"The news coming to us every day,
both by public and piiavte cable,
shows the reported conquest of the
Boers to be a delusion. There are
under arms on the Boer side over IB,
000 hardy, determined, invincible pat
riots, of which 5,000 are now invading
Cape Colony against the 210,00(1
troops landed ftom Great Britain and
her dependencies. The Boers' total
loss in killed and dying from wounds
have not exceeded 1,500, but their loss
in property has been very great. Part
of the Boers are armed with Mausers,
using a plain bullet, but many have
Lee-Metford rifles, which use the dum
dum bullets, aud all of the latter were
captured from the English; they
bear the arrow mark of Woolwich.
The British Foreign Office Has the Canal
Treaty Ameadments.
London, Jan. 7. United States
Ambassador Choste presented the Hay
Pauncefote treaty amendments to the
seeietary of state for foreign affairs,
the Marquis of Lansdowne, today.
No discussion occurred and the na
ture of L)rd Lansdowue's answer is
not indicated. Mr. Choate simply
notified the secretary of state for for
eign affairs that he had sent him a
document forwarded by the state de
partment. An answer piobably will
not be sent until the cabinet discusser
the matter fully. The interview be
tween Mr. Choate and Lord Lans
downe was chiefly devoted to an ex
pression of the latter's view on China's
answer to the demands of the powers.
It is understood that Secretary Hay
desiredj to know what Great Britain
thought of those points, which China
in her answer said she was unable tc
fulfill at present. No diffeieuce of
opinion appears to exist between Sec
retary Hay and Lord Lansdowne.
Tried to Drown His Landlord.
Chicago, Jan. 7. In view of several
persons, Joseph Schweir committed thi
final act in a confessed plot to kil'
John Korda, Schweir's landlord. He
pushed Korda iuto the lake from a
pier at the foot of Michigan street, at
a point where the water is 12 feet
deep, and then ran from the scene,
leaving Korda to drown. The plot
failed, for the intended victim was
rescued from the water by workmen
in a near-by factory. Schweir wa.v
anested late last night. He was sur
prised to learn that Korda was alive,
and confessed to an attempt on tin
man's life.
General Batchelder Dead.
Washington, Jan. 7. General Rich
ard N. Batohelder, quartermaster
general of the army, died here tint
afternoon at 2:25. General liatc leldei
had been in delicate health for several
years past, bat his illness did not
assume a critical phase until just be
fore the holidays, when he suffered
from an attack of angina pectoris. In
terment will be made at Arlington
cemetery, Monday. General Batchel
der served in the quartermaster's de
partment of the Pacific coast, doing
duty as chiof quartermaster at Port
land, Or., and depot quartermaster at
San Francisco.
Extensive Repairs to the Baltimore.
Washington, Jan. 7." The naval
board of construction today decided to
rehabilitate almost completely the
cruiser Baltimore, now lying at the
New York navy yard. Her improve
ments will involve an expenitare of
about $500,000, and take at least a
year and a half.
End of the Venezeulan War.
New York, Jan. 7. A dispatch to
the Herald from Curacoa say: It is
announced here that General Celestiue
Peraz, ex-secretary-general of Vene
zuela, who proclaimed a revolution
recently at Leeina, in the Miranda
district, has been decisively defeated.
He is said to be fleeing with a few
followers toward Colombia. No de
tails of the engagement have been re
ceived. He bad gathered 700 follow
ers at La Pasoua.
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ments of the Many Industries Through
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Grants Pass is cousideiing plans for
better fire protection.
The Burns postofiice has received a
Dumber of combination boxes.
The new depot at La Grande is
ready to be painted and furnished.
Ninety Danes have made their
homes west of Eugene since last tail.
Leonard Lingren lost three fingers at
Mineral last week iu a shot gun acci
dent. Construction of the new hospital at
Baker City will begin in the early
Colonel J. T. Grayson has bought the
Last Chance mine, in Cable Cove, for
Two carloads of mining machinery
for the Cornucopia mines has arrived
at Baker City.
Quince Davis, who was seriously in
jured recently at the Coos Bay jetty,
is recovering.
J. P. Abbott a farmer of Wasco
county has finished the most up-to-date
residence in the county.
Plans are being drawn for a numbei
of modern residences at Baker City to
be erectod in the spring.
The discovery of two new veins of
copper at the Greenback mine, Grave
creek district, is announced.
The Bison group ot mines near
Quartzburg, Grant county, has been
sold to a California syndicate.
The Medford bank presented to its
customers and friends in Jackson coun
ty, 700 buckskin money pouohesy.
The men who carried out the dead
Chinaman that succumbed near Can
non beach received $50 for the work.
A poition of Pete Peterson's dike, on
Hayne mongh, Coos couuty, washed
out. The damage is estimated at
Constance Duffy is held in $100
bonds to await the next term of court
fur having assaulted John Toleu at
The road from Miami bridge o
Garibaldi is obstructed with driit logs,
aud it is possible to get by them only
at low tide. .
Two Marshfield youngsteis had a
duel with air guns last week. One
was shot in the linger and the other iu
the forehead.
Paul Ronco killed a cougar nea
Bald Mountain, Polk county, for
which he received $20 bounty from the
Livestock Association.
Joe Peters, aobut 90 years old, who
lived about three miles south of Los-
tine, Wallowa county, was found dead
near his cabin several days ago.
Tom McEwen states that a three
foot body of oro averaging $24 has
been encountered iu the shaft of the
Snow creek property at a depth of 55
Dan Yager, who has a group ot
promising claims at old Center, about
six miles from Sumpter, on the Gran
ite road, has gone to Montana to buy
mining equipment.
The Granite Hill mine located in
Louse Creek district, and owned by
Messrs. Hull, Mougum aud Bootn, is
being operated on full time, with pros
pects of a good run.
JFrs. Captain Geary of Corvallis
made a comproni) te with the .nsiiranee
company iu which her husband was
insured, accepting $3,000 in lieu o'
the claim of $5,000.
In a drunken brawl an old man
named Aldrich stabbed Heury Zum
walt severely several times in the back
and shouldeis. The wounds are not
considered dangerous.
A barn belonging to John Reith, of
the Lewis and Clark river, Clatsop
county, was blown over recently.
Four head of stock were buried in the
ruins but none were injured.
Sidewalks nearly two miles long
leading to the jliurch Rre contemplated
at St. Louis, l'or this and other im
provements on the church property the
parish expects to use about 100,000 feet
of lumber.
A new coal mining town, three miles
southeast of Wilkeson, by the name of
Hillsboro, has been platted by Andre
J. Hill and Joseph Finkellierg. The
plat contains 12 acres. A logging road
from Wilkeson runs near the new
The Croweil ranch of 300 acres, near
Jacksonville, has been sold to O. J.
Knips, of Grants Pass, for $8,000. It
consists of 20 acres in apples, 30 acres
in prunes, 10 acres in alfalfa, and 30
acres in new sown wheat. The pur
chasers are recently from Iowa.
John Colter, alias "Scotty," has
been held in $1,000 bonds to answer at
the next term of court on the charge of
robbing Thomas L. Fdwards, of Mil
ton, of $100. Colter snatched a purse
from Edwards at Pendleton.
The Spaita and Sparta-Carson stage
lines in Eastern Oregon have gone into
the bands of the bondsmen lor the
mail contracts. The reason given was
that the contract was taken at too low
a rate, and running expenss could
not be made.
Chinese Envoys M.iy Not Agree to the
Powers' Demands.
Pekin, Jan. 9. This a it'trnnon agree-
j nient identical for each nation were
I presented to Prince Ching. Those
i close to Trince Ching and Li Hunj
! Chang say that they have declined to
I f'gn, even if they lose their heads,
! w ithout regard to the latest orders of
i the court. Others ay that they will
not sign it, and that it would be im
polite for the Chinese plenipotentiar
ies at present to act for themselves.
The report that the Chiuose court has
instructed the Chinese envoys to sign
the joint note is confirmed. The court
referred to the obections of the south
em viceioys. Prince Ching informed
the court that it was too late, and a
reply from the court is expected
Count von Waldersee says that
Chiua's request, through her represen
tatives at foreign courts, that the ex
peditions cease, cannot be complied
with at present. No expeditions, he
asserts, are sent out without adequate
cause. Where there are scenes of
bloodshed or disorder, the troops are
scut to it, this being the only means of
preventing outrages. He declares
tht the expeditions are not intended
for punitive purposes, but merely for
police purposes, with a view of giving
the necessary protection to life and
Duties and Responsibilities of Officers in Charge
of Transports More Clearly Defined.
Washinotou. Jan. fl. On the recom
mendation ot Citiaitermaster-General
Lndiugton, the secretary of war has
made a slight amendment to the army
regulations relating to military trans
ports, the object of which is mors
clearly to define the duties and respon
sibilities of the principal officers in
charge, viz., the master of the vessol
and the quartermaster.
The quartermaster has supreme
chargo of the vessel when in port, and
also directs the movements of the ship
from one port to another, in execution
of the orders of the war department.
He, however, has nothing to do with
the navigation of the ship when under
way. Then the master of the vessel is
in supreme command, and is the only
person authorized to give orders to his
subordinates. This has been the gen
eral Bystem of operating the transport
system foi mouths past, but there
seems to have been some misunder
stauding as to the relative authority of
the quartermaster aud the ship's mas
ter at sea, and the new regulations
were issued to prevent the possibility
of any further douht on the matter by
the persons directly concerned
Cashier Is Missing.
Richmond, Mo., Jan. 9. John W.
Shotwell, Jr., cashier of the Ray
Couuty bank, has been missing since
Monday last, and the state bank exam
iner is going over the books. Whether
there is a shortage in Shotwell 'i ac
counts cannot be known until the ex
aminer has finished his work. A. M.
F'owler, president of thobauk, said
that the stockholders had subscribed
$21,000 "to cover any shortage that
might be found." He professed to
kuow nothing of the missing cashier's
President Fowler declared that any
shortage fouud would have no effect
ou the standing of the bank, which
was opeued today as usual. Shotwell
was about 35 years of age, aud had
been in the employ of the bank for
several years. The Ray County bank
is one of the oldest in the state. It
has a capital of $50,000, and deposits
of $75,000.
Hearty Welcome to President Diaz.
Puebla, Mex., Jan. 9. President
Diaz has beeu welcomed here with a
remaikable display of popular enthusi
asm. Governor Martinez today ex
tended a welcome ou the part of the
state of Puebla, and President Diaz
formally opened the new schools and
penal law courts. A garden party was
given in his honor this evening, and
the city council banquetted the presi
dent and a distinguished party from
Brown Fog in London.
London, Jan. 9. A choking brown
fog enveloped London for several hours
this morning, causing great incon
venience. There were uiauy collisions
in the streets and several casualties.
Thousands of outdoor workers were
compelled to suspend their labors, the
railroads experienced delay in train
arrivals, and river traffic was com
pletely stopped.
Contemplate Moving to America.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 9. The Molo
kanen, a sect numbering 40,000, whose
founders removed in 1840 from various
parts of Russia to the Caucasas, and
whose delegates have just brought
(flowing reports from the Doukhobors,
or Russian Quakers, in Canada, con
template emigrating to America. The
sect secured state lands from the Cau
casus almost rent free, but recently
the Russian government announced,:
that the rents would be three or four
fold. Now they are petitioning the
government to restore former rententa.
Colorado Strikers' Demands Granted.
La Fayette, Colo.; Jan. 9. The
Northern Coal Company is the only
large company owning mines in this
district that has not as yet granted
the extra 10 cents per ton demanded
by the men who struck several days
ago. Al trie otner companies today
posted notices conceding the demands
of the strikers, but no action has yet
bee a taken on the notices and no meet
ing has been called by the miner a.