"IT'S A COLD DAV WHEN WE GET LEFT." 1 1 i HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1900. NO. 32. VOL. XII. 1 I HOOD RIVERGLACIER 'Tubllshed Every Friday by g, F. BLVTHK. -J1.6Q a year wheu paid ynu of subscription- In crivaitce. ii .,rivps from Mt. Hood at 10 o'CJCk ,CnS5Vr "d turday.! depart, the JBcdayMt noon. m; Tuesdays. ?T tt'X "arrives at 6 ,.. m. - ra" "wMie'mouieaiea for Fulda, Gilmer, f "I" l in.lt lenwood daily at 9 A. M. Ben (Wash.) leave, at 5:45 p.m.; ar- rives at 'I P-m- Hc IKTIKt. - .ii iil'ul it i .i 1 1 ii h. nn i h T O O. K.-Meets first and third bod. n " - i. djrt in eacn "" "x,,k RlcIUnisoN. N Ml , J. HIBBAK1), a. Secretary. ,,,v post. No. 16. O. A. K.-McetsaiA 0, tarn " "" :-,-., ,, 11. neuters 'p' l8KNBKR0 commander T. J. CUNNINO, Adjutant. f-vnv POST. rso. J"t u- A "CD""-" An u. W. Hall second and fourth Saturday. .Jih month at 2 o'clock p. m.- AUO. A. B. TKnY W. K. C, No. 18 -Meets first Hatur 0 dej of "ch month in A. O. U. W. hall at a m Mm. AtKUA Si'ranahan, President. JIM. Cksula. Dukes, Secretary- HOOD RIVER LODGK, No. 105, A. F. and A. Meets Suturday evening on or before ch fill moon. G.E. WILLIAMS, W.M. D. McDonald, Secretary. H"O0fTRlVKK CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. eetsliard Friday nitfehmomh. 0. F. Williams, Secretary. HOOD K1VER CHAPTER, No. 25. O. E. 8. Mectn Saturday after each full moon and two weeks thereafter. Mbs. Mart A. Davidson, W. M. ,wi cai,-MHt.Y. No. 103. United Artiiani, 1 1 i0i'.,wiiid Tuesday of each month at fraternal hall. F. C. Bbosius, M. A. D. McDonald, Secretary. of Pi Meeti ITTAUCOMA LODGE, No. 30, K IV in A. O. U. W. hall every J nesuay Fbank L. Davidson, K. of R. Ss 8. 11 1VERS1DE LODGE, No. 68, A. O. U. w.- Meeu lirst ana intra onuirunys u; Eolith. O, ti. CHAMBEKLA1N, m. II J. F. Watt, Financier. , .. H. L. Hi'WK, Recorder. night. H LODGE. No. 107. I. O O. F. Fraternal hull every Thursday A. O. umcHKL, k.u l.J. Hibbard, Secretary. 1DLKWILDK 1 Meets In HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first am third Fridays of each momn. J. E. Rand, Commander. Tl 1VERPIDE LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF l, honor. A. O. U. W. Meets Bret anq third Saturday, at 8 P. M. Mrs. Gso. P. Crowkll, C. of H Mrs. Cha. Clabke, Recorder. nsofin From All Parts of the New World .- and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap penings of the Past Week In a Condensed Form. IF. S1IAVV, M. D. Telephone No. II. All Calls Promptly - Office upstairs over Copple's store. All calls left at the ulhce or residence will btp promptly attended to. ; JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For 21 vear. a resident of Oregon and Wash Infton. Hiis had many years experience hf nl Estate matter., as abstracter, searcher ol titles and Hjjeut. btttisiaction guaranteedor no chaige. . LATER NEWS. F. WATT, M. D. R. & N. Surgeon for O equip' Co. Is especially t ed to treat catarrh ol nose ana uitohi and diseases of women. , - Special terms fur oUice treatment of chrome ca-e. , , Telephone, office, 125, residence, 45. H. FREDERICK CARPENTER AND BUILDER . Estimates furnished for all kinds of work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of shop work. Shop on State Street, between First and Second. jpAPERIIAXGING, KALSOMINING, ETC. 1 If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on E. Ja. KOOI). Consultation frcse. No charge for prescrip tions. No cure no pay. 0 n s h rti fr a .i A. . till S. P. 31., and all night if necessary. . - CONOMY SHQE SHOP. PKIOK I.IST. ... Men's' half soles, li am sticked, $1; nailed, best, 75e; eecond, 60c; third, 40c. ,nlies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best, .Or; seionH, ?5. Best stoclrand w6rk in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop. JIIE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get the latest and best in Conf' ctioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE & GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121 Office Hours: 10 to U A. and 0 to 7 P. M JlJT.'HOOD SAW MILLS Tomlivsoji Baos, Pbops. ... FIR AND PINE LUMBER..... Of the best quality alwas on hand at in ices to suit the times. ,. gUTLlR&CO., BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, A. COOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Hood Rivbb, Obkoox. All the ministers at Pekin havo signed the iidnt note. 1 - England is alarmed over the Boer Invasion of Cape Colony. The senate committee made many changes in the army bill. The Morans, of Seattle; will not get the contract for new warship. Speaker Henderson is opposed to en argement of the Portland postofflce. The river and harbor bill will not be ittde public until after the holidays. Martin Stickel, the self-confessed Castle Rook assassin, will be hanged. A company has been organized in Iowa to build a fish cannery in Alaska. Anna E. Smith, was appointed post minstress at Camas valley, Or., vice H. Allison, resigned. Thomas Parker, a native of England, was frozen to death near the mouth of White river, Klondike. Samples of two dangerous counteifeit silver coins have been obtained fiom Portland and Sopkaue. A collision occurred on the Sumpter Baker City road in which two locomo tives were slightly damaged. Memorial services were held at the Oregon university in honor of Henry Villard, one of the college's greatest benefactors. It is announced that the total tax able property in the city of Salem, Or., will be approximately $230,000 less than last year. A pitched battle is imminent be tween the British under General Cle ments, who has been reinforced, and the Boers under General Delarey. The clearing house banks at Tacoma, it... ' - folded thnt after January l, tney wiu accept wuuiumi)i f.-.. Heretofore it has been taken at 5 per cent discount. All attempts to float the British steamer Laura, Captain Yule, from Sa vannah via Norfolk for Bremen, ashore on the coast of Holland, near Petton, have been unsuccessful. The steamer Sarah Dixon collided with the breakwater neai Mount Coffin, on the Lower Columbia, and now rests in 15 feet of water. This is the steam er's second experience under water In Panay, 21,000 persons have sworn alleganoe. Morocco pays the American indem nity claim. - Ashland, Or., voted against licens ing saloons. . The Boers raided Cape Colony at two separate points. ; - v The misunderstanding at Pekin was due to a oable error. Only 85 lives were lost in the found ering of the Gneisenau. The French chamber of deputies adopted the amensty bill. The return of volunteers wll cause renewed insurgent activity. nninrnrin i-auitalists have bonded the old Gem mine, in Eastern Oregon, Reapportionment bill reported gives Washington no extra congressman CalW hrnthftrhoods Will ask th8 Santa Fe to re-employ its operators. The naval construction board recom mends four awards for warship con- etruction. Superintendent Calbreth, of Oregon Insane asylum, , nas sudiuiubu ujb nual report. Farmers' institute was held at Staf. ford under auspices of the Oregon agri cultural college. . Washington county, Oregon, has fcsnrr reward for the arrest ol the murdeier of Andrew uamoerg, The schooner Pioneer, lumber-laden fnr sn Francisco, went ashore Nestucca beach during storm. ' - Associate Supreme Court J ustice George U. Ludlow, ex-governor of New Jnrsev. died at his residence in New Brunswick, N. J. Two transports will start in a few (mm Manila for San Francisco with 1,000 sick and wounded soldiers The stranded bark Poltallocb, on Wiliipa harbor, withstood the recent sale eood. In fact she is in better po gition than before. in u.Bt Providence. B. I., de- A 11 O ' " - - - stroyed a wharf on which 2.000 tons oi coal. The mated at 200.000. , Two biehwaymen' who stopped Portland, upon discover ing that it contained two ladies, apolo gized and allowed tnem to onvo uu M. ; 2 to t OREGON. the on the recent Dewet is the guiding genius of th Boers; Minister Wu thinks the joint note demands too much. Minnesota has experienced her fiist blizzard of the year. The Japanese minister of communi cation has resigned. Spokane has deoided to hold a min eral fair during 1902. Oregon has paid out nearly $100,000 In scalp bounties during 1899. Publio attention in Germany is oo oupied with crime in high ciroles. Kitchener reports that Boer invasion Into Cape Colony has been checked. Germany wants the sultan to pay its bill before buying an American war ship. Rebels are scattered in the pro vinces of Panar and Cebu, Philippine islands. England will buy 60,000 horses and mules in the United States for array in South Africa. Delay in negotiations has caused great change of sentiments as regards China in Japan. A tornado did great damage in Ala bama. News is meager, owing to all wires being down. H. Phelps Whitmarsh has been ap poinced governor of the province of Benguet, Philippine islands. Forty-five insurgents were killed and one American wounded in an encounter near Gunubatan, Philippine islands. E. H. Southern, the well known ac tor, who ha been laid up for some time by an aooident, is entirely recovered. A large portion of the Philppines must be abandoned unless the relief of the array is immediate, says Secretary Root. , The police are working on the case of Long, the Portland burglar recently arrested. It is thought that a charge of murder will be laid at his door. Fire whioh started in a Pennsylvania coal mine 42 years ago is under control, and it is said that the next two years will see it extinguished. The fire has consumed about 35 acres of the finest coal land in the ttnthraoite region. . Frank H. Morris, auditor of the war department, was shot and killed. by Samuel MacDor-ii'.d, a -tioatomce depart ment clerk; . Fancied grievances and liquor were the causes that led up to the shooting. MacDonald afterward shot himself and will not recover. There is another hitch in the Chinese negotiations. Troops are being concentrated i Northern Cape Colony. The English war office has arranged to reinforce Kitchener at once. Nicholas Darnell, a pioneer of East ern Oregon, is dead, aged b years. Senator McBride has asked for large appropriation for customs . service launch at Astoria. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company will change its headquarters from Sag inaw to Eugene, Or. t Governor Ueer asks Pacifio Northwest states to join Oregon in celebration oi Lewis and Clarke centennial. A mob at Gulf Port, Miss., lynched a negro, it now appears ii the wrong man. The supreme oourt of Ohio has dis missed five - cases brougnt unaer tne trust laws of that state. It is probable that the president will visit Portland and tne rugm cities on his trip in May. State of Washington pays ?11, 300 sugar bounty to local sugar tory for Spokane county crop The striking telegraph operators on the Santa Fe have given up tne ngnt Their places have been filled by men. Over 1,000 Christians are reported to have been massacred Dy luriss. aho Turkish authorities show the utmost indifference. The controller of the currency has appointed a receiver foi the American National Bank of Baltimore. It is thought that depositors will be paid in full. A dispatch from Tien Tsin says: "Prince Chin asserts that Emperor r.no TTan. nnaccomTJanied by the ' . TS- Empress Dowager, leit binan ru w there was loss is est! HOT IS THE POPULAR VOTE Senate Approves Hay-Pauncefote Convention. WAS ADOPTED BY A VOTE OF 55 TO IS All Amendments, Except Those Offered by the Committee on Foreign Relations, . Voted Down. sound beet fao- new Washington, Deo. 34. After spend ing the greater part of the past week in considering the Hay-Pauncefote treaty for the modification of the Clay- ton-Bulwer convention of 1850, tne senate consumed only one hour and ten minutes in amending it and ratify ing it as amended. During the time there were several roll calls and viva voce votes. The first five of the roll calls were inly 'amendments offered by individual enators and the last one of the resoiu. ... . . A . J-J tion to rauiy tne treaty hb nuieuuou. All the amendments except those of fered by Foraker and reported by the committee on foreign relations, were voted down by majorities averaging ftbout 19. The ratification resolution was adopted by a vote of 55 to 18. The Benate was in executive session for about an hour before the time for voting arrived, listening to speecnes bv Thurston, Gallinger, woicott ana Bard, explanitory of their ttitude. The first roll call was upon j&ikius amendment deolanng that "notuing contained in this treaty shall be con strued to prevent the United States from acquiring at any time sufficient sovereignty over the same to operate, defend, fortify, protect and control said canal or for any other particular as the United States may deem best in us own interest." It was lost, to 40. The other amendment roll call was as follows: On Butler's amendment to striKe out section 7 of article 2, prohibiting forti fication 26 ayes, 44 noes. Upon Mason's amendment authoriz ing suoh protection of tne unueu States to discriminate in the canal traffic, 27 ayes, 44 noes. . On Tillman's amendment autnonz- lng defense. urt--ff.sintenRiy;sy w United States, 87 ayes, 44 noes. Allen's amendment amending ar ticle 2 was voted down viva voce, as nas also an amendment suggested by Tnllnr rractioallv striking out all of article 2. Foraker withdrew bis mn..H,onitt rinnanae thev were the same as those reported by the commit OQ nn fnrnion relations: Penrose, he oause his were practically identical with F.lkins'. and Beveridge, because his was covered .by the second of the nnmmittHB. All amendments suggest ed were voted upon, and tnose oi uie enmmittee adopted. Allen asked for the reading oi tne hreatv a amended. This request was complied with, and the vote was taken noon the treaty Itseu, resulting oo iu and 18 against ratification. FIGHT TO THE BITTER END The Santa Fe Telegraphers Say They Will Keep Up the Strike. nMnnao. Deo. 24. The striking tele ronhr on the Santa Fe road declare that thev will continue the fight against the road to the bitter end with nnt reference to the results of the con ference held here recently between the committee representing the other or oanizations of the road and Third Yioe Prudent Barr. This announcement u.a made today by President Dolphin, of the telegraphers, after receiving re Tinrra from Galveston. Fort Worth, To peka and other points alung the road he .aid: - . : "We regret that the organizations do not feel that they can give aciive uV nort. out we ao uui prwyvi any controversy with them. There no cause for the oouipiaim mmm noma of the members of the committee that wa did not notify them of om pur pose to strike. We were not catiea upon to do this, and there were good reasons why we did not." McKinley't Plurality, According to the Present Figures, Was 859,824 New York, Deo. 24. The Times this morning publishes a table showing the popular vote for presidential electors in the recent election. Minnesota was the last state to declare its vote, this not having been done nntil yesterday. In some states, as in Louisiana and South Carolina, there were the nomi nations of but two parties, Republican and Democrat, upon the ballots; in other states there were three or four, and in some eight. The total vote, inolnding 6,311 scat tering, was 18,907,299. Of this Mo Kinley received 7,217,677, and Bryan ,857,853. Woolley, Prohibitionist. received, so far as reported, 207,368; Barker middle of the road Populst, 50,- 188; Debs, Social Democrat, 94,552; and Maloney, Social Labor, 83,450. McKinley's plurality, aocording to the figures of the Times, was 859,824; Mo Kinley'i majority was 468,055. In addition there were votes re turned in five states for the candidates f the National Union Reform party, Seth H. Ellis, of Ohio, for president, and Samuel T. Nicholson, of Pennsyl vania, for vice-piesident, and in two states for the candidates of the United Christian party, J. F. R. JLeonard, of Iowa, for president, and John G. Woolley, of Illinois, for vice-president. WILL BE $400,000. Amount Settled Upon for the Improvement of the Columbia River. Washington, Deo. 24. The river and harbor bill will contain an appro priation of $400,000 for the month cf the Columbia, and aTurther provision that this improvement be placed under the continuing contract system nntil oompleted. It is understood, however, that the total amount of the contract will not be as great as that recom mended by the engineers. It will probably be in the neighborhood of $ 1,500,000. This cut m tne estimate is veiy favorable to many other states. Chairman Burton was anxious to have some repeal legislation to qualify the large amount in the river and har bor bill. One of the items whioh he wanted repealed was the Dalles boa railway. The Orea delegation in sisted that it should remain until as surance of some other project for over coming the obstruction could be bad. This contention now prevails. i ii on sut Every Employe of the Scranton Street Railway. DEMAND BETTER PAY AND FEWER HOURS Company Says It Is Not In a Position to Grant Increase Negotiations Under Way for Speedy Settlement. Soranton, Pa., Deo 26. Every one of the 800 car and bam employes of the Scranton Railway Company obeyed the strike order, which went into efieot at 5 o'clock this morning, and as a consequence only two pars weie run in all of the Laokawana valley today. These two were manned by Superinten dent Tatterson and dispatchers, fore men and clerks. No attempt was made to .Dolest them, and, although rain feP a great part of . the day, the two oai seldom had a passenger. The tied-up region extends irom Pittston to Forest City, a distance of 80 miles, and includes 65 miles of track, on whioh are run ordinarily 80 cars. The men of the Wyoming Val ley Traotion Company, operating all the lines south of Pittston as far as Nantiooe, threaten to go on a strike. With both oompanies tied up there would be a total cessation of Btieet oar traffio on a busy stretch of country 80 miles north, including the four big cities of Soranton, Wilkes barre, Pittston and Carboudale. The strikers met tonight and ap pointed committees to man the differ ent railroad stations. They are to watoh for men who it is rumored have been recruited in Philadelphia to take their places. They will distribute cards to strangers, notifying them of the strike, and asking them not to ride on the oars. An appeal to the local publio has been issued, asking that (he cars be not patronized, rf - " - The men 'dowvsi 20 cents no hour for old .atnfloyes and 15 to 17 ' for new men. They also demand ft 10 hour day. The company, iu its answer Millie grievance committee, sayB it is not in a position to afford any inmoase in wages at the present time. Presi dent Clark arrived tonight and stated the road would be operated with new men if the old men cannot be seourod. THE BOERS ARE CHECKED Such h the Report of Kitchener From Pre toriaBritish Surrounding Them. London, Deo. 26. The war office has received the following dispatch from Lor J Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Deo. 24: "As far as it is possible for me to form an opinion from reports of officers on the spot, I think the Boer movem ent into Cape Colony has been checked. Of the two forces that en tered the colony, the Eastern is still north of the Zoutspsnsberg rango, while the one that entered west ap pears to have been turned in the direc tion ol Biitstown and Prieeka. Oor troops are getting around both bodies, and a special column is also being or ganized whioh will be dispatched im mediately when know where its serv ices are most wanted. The Boers have not received much assistance in Cape Colcny as far as my information goes. We have armed some of the colonics, who are assisting out forces. Rail way and telegraph communoation has been muoh interrupted by the very bad weather. "Dewet is in the neighborhood of Senekal. General Frenoh, in conjunc tion with General Clements, attacked a force under Beyers wnth of Magalles' Berg. The Boers broke away in a southwesterly direction towards Po tcheeBtroom, and were followed by General Gordon with a column of French's force. Yesterday evening about 6 o'clock Clements' force was engaged south of Ollphant's Nek, bus I do not yet know the result." f A later dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated at Pretoria, says: "The western column of Doers occupied Britatown and cut the railway south of De Aar Junction. The enemy is being fol lowed up. General French has been in oouiiitt-for two days with the com maiidoos of Beyers and Delarey, south of the Magalies' Berg. He is purn ingthem. The enemy have lost con siderably, and Commandant Kreuz and and otli t s haw btien captured. Gen eral Colvillo engaged . two separate coiiimansdoR Deoemmber 21 near Vladkfontein, with Blight losses, the enemy retiring." FILIPINOS AND AUTONOMY. RICH STRIKE IN LUCKY BOY. More Stamps Are Soon to Be Added to the Present Milling Facilities. Blue River. Or.. Deo. 24. A. new body of rich ore has been struon in the last orossout from the middle tun nel in the Luckv Boy mine. This crosscut has been run in about 20 feet tnwards the hanrfns wall. A tine hndv of tree cold rock, some of whioh shows cold to the naked eye, is re vealed. A new tunnel has been started nn the level with the top of the mill, that will soon tap the pay chute nearly 100 feet below the upper tunnel, ims will soon be connected with the two nnoer tunnels W an upraise, ana vuub ha made the main wonting tunnei The tunnel can be extended into the mountain for nearly J.000 feet along the course of the ledge, gaining a per- nendicnlar depth of nearly 2,000 feet, K - - . a -wt J J- ( from 20 to u leet wioe. ripuureua ui thousands of tons of ore can be taken out without expense for pumping or hoistina. An additional number of stamps will be added to the present mill the cornice season. Crushing of ore began December 19 last year, and the plant has neve stopped an hour, day or night, since except for sliaht repairs or to olean up - Mystery Surrounds Boy's Death. Chehalis, Wash., Deo. 24. A boy named Wilson met his death in the Chehalis railroad yards in a mysterious manner. He WBS found about o'olook, still - alive, and carried into the denot. He had been badly bruised on one side. He died a few hours after being taken home. What the Company Offers. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Deo. 26, The em ployes of the WilkeBbnrre & Wyoming Valley Electric Kail way uompany ann the officials of the company met in conference today to talk over certain grievances whioh the men submitted to the company. lne employes ng manded, 20 oents an hour for every hour worked and shorter hours. Pres ident Rigg said he wanted to be fair with the menbut their demands were too sweeping, and the company could, not afford to grant them. As a com promise President Rigg offered the men 16 cents an hour, but no reduotion in the hours. The conductors and motormen refused to accept this offer. Indian Outbreak Feared. Seattle, Deo. 26. Advices have Estimates Famished. Plans' Drawn Q J. HAYES, J. P. Office with Geo. T. Prather. Badness will I attended to at any time. Colle;llons made, and nrb.jiiHK riven to n 1U be atiended topeed;lr and results niaile promptly. WU1 locau-on eood government lands, it her tim beror farming. We are in toueta with the U. S- Land Odice at Tne DallM. tWe us eU. Twenty-five terra cotta statues in the Boston museum of fine arts prove to be bogus. To the naked eye not more than 6,000 stars are ordinarily ivsible. A owerful telescope will reveal 5,000,00 stars at once. Tn China anyone who writes an im- moral book is punished with 100 blows of the heavy bamboo and banishment vwiif. Anvone who reai's it is also 1 punished. cember 19, bound tor feim Th dead body of Peter P. Johnson was louna in a namiuiiwum.'. avenue, Payallup. The presumption is that Johnson, fell into the ditch and was unable to rescue himsen. Coneer was instructed to sign the note. A nnal mine under the city of Pitts wr Pennsylvania, has partially caved in, allowing part of the principal street of the town to fall into tne mine. It is feared other sections will also sink. . Following the break of the Lulu is land dyke, floods have caused further damage to the seawalls protecting the farmers of the Eraser river valley. Owing to high tides, strong winds and heavy rains, the lands have been badly flooded, and the village oi bwvoukhi is three feet under water. The. agricultural departmment has established at Washington a laboratory f jr testing all torts of road materials. The immigration bureau has al lowed contract laborer, from Porto Rico to laniS in the United States as citizens. . The cost' of the public schools of Greater New York for the year'1901 ha 17.700.178. The number of tincils in the schools is estimated at 408,112. Prevented a Lynching. ' Dallas, Tex.. Dec. 24.-At the trial at Corsioana of Andrew Norris, a negro charged with the murder of the wife ol J. L. French, a white farmer, a mob, led by the dead woman's husband, at tempted to take the prisoner from the courtroom and, lynch bim. The sher iff's forces saved the prisoner. Gover t., BavM-a was appealed to and a oom- pany of state militia is now guarding the prisoner, courinouao uu . Row In Spanish Chamber. Madrid. Dec. 24. During the dis Pinii in the senate of the royal mes- i .L. ma..toi,. In thm sage announcing mo & near future of the pTinoees of the Aus tria", heir presumptive to the throne, with Prinoe Chailes, second son of the Count of Caserta, Senor Artega, a re publican, raised a storm of protest by wan a iiinu the conspiracy oi the Burbon princess against other Bourbon royal ists, which he feared this marriage would have a tendency to renew. Asaid insulta 'from all parts of the bouse the speaker gave up the floor. New Washington Postmasters. Washington, Deo. 24. The follow ing Washington postmasters have been anrmmted: O. N. Erickson, at Auburn; Sutton, at Dole. Negroes for Hawaii. Chicago, Deo. 24. A special to the Record from Nashville, Tenn., says: About 200 negroes will leave Nashville in the morning for San Francisco, whence they sail for Honolulu. The neeroes are going to work on sugar plantations. Scotch Steel Industry Suffering. Glasgow, Dec. 24. Clyde sblpbuild ers recently placed orders for 150,000 tons of plates in the United State! at a saving of 50,000. The depression in Sootch stel and iron trades is aoute. Fourteen furnaces will be damped at the end of the year. The steel works are talking of closing indefinitely. Washington Man Dead In Dawson. Seattle. Wash.. Deo. 24. Advices Z. B. invasion It is re The Invasion Spreading. Cape Town, Deo. 24, The f p.tm fin Ion v is spreading. ported that the Boers have occupied Colest:vg, near th Orange River Cot ony frontier. from Dawson state that Elbridge Bart- lett. seed 48 years, died there JNovem hr 25 of pneumonia, after a week's illness. He was from Puyallup. He has daughters in Puyallup or Tacoma. Bartlett was a member ol the uao rei lows. He had been mining on iiunlter, but witb only moderate success. Advance to Raisin Growers. Fresno, Cel., Deo. 24. Local bank ers have airanged to advance to the Raisin Glowers association f 5OO.0OU, ss required , to fulfill its contracts. Bales have been slow of late, owing to tbe sluggishness of the Eastern mar sets. The packers have taken 1,700 sarloads of raisins and paid for them. About 600 car loads more have been narked, tint there is a dispute be tween tbe growers and packers about the grades. been received from Sitka, Alaska, stat ing that that town is in a condition of suppieseed excitement, fearing an out break of Indians. The United Stales marines stationed there are under arms, and the marshal and dap uties are tak ing every precaution to protect the whites in case of trouble. The aspect of affairs is very serious at Sitka, as the Indians are by far the strongest numetic ally. There are 65 marines command ed by Captain Pendleton at Sitka. Sympathetic Strike. Wilkesbarre, Pa,, Deo. 26.-Two hundred and fifty girls employed at the Wvomina Valley lace mills, in this city, have notified the management that thev will not report lor worn minor row. They go out in sympathy with the weavers of the mill, who have been nut nn a strike for nine months. The failure of the girls to report for work will necessitate the total suspension of the plant. Struck and Killed by Cars. St. Paul. Deo. 26. Charles M, Mil ler, assistant engineer on tbe Montana division of the Great ivortnern railway, was struck and killed by an electric car in this city. Miller's headquarters were at Williston, N. v., and he was on a visit to relatives in this city. N. F. Miller, for many years chief engi neer of the Great Northern system, was a brother of the deceased. Strike Declared Off. ' Muncie, Ind.. Dec. 26. The strike of the snappers in the Trust window glass plants in Muncie, which threaten ed to close all the Western plants, was called off tonight. The workmen met and decided not to return to woik un. le.-is they received the same pay as be fore. The management then offered terms which were accepted by the men Recently Organized Party Has Been Formal, ly Launched. Manila, Deo. 28. The recently or1, ganized autonomy party wa launched today at a meeting atteudel by virtu ally all the loyal Filipino leaders in Manila. , The de claration of principles was read and after some discussion adopted by ft vote of 123, less than, half a dozen declining to vote . ' AH signod an endorsement of tbe platform, including Senor Pateino, one of tile niOBt influential of the former inw gent leaders, " whose real attitude toward American authority has been much questioned. ' The principal discussiou was with reference to the organization ol the government of the party. A council of 28 members was elected together witn an executive committee, lucumiun Senor Arellano, chief justice of the supreme court; Frank H. Bourne, Senor Amriosos Fiores, a former insur gent; General Senor Florentine Torres, attorney-general of the Philippines, Sinir Jose Near, prriuouting attorney, and Senor Tom as Del lios irio. The smallest number ol votes received by any candidate was 80. Japanese Minister Resigns. Yokohama, Deo. 26. Ilouhl Torn, minister of communication, and for merly Japanese minister to the United States, has, resinned his portfolio in consequence of the persistent allega tions of his implication in financial scandals. He will be succeeded by Mr. Hara, ex-minibter to Corna. It is possible tht the stability of the Ito cabinet will be affepted. Alfred J, will psy Large Deal In Coal Lands, Falrmount, W. Va.. Deo, 28.-The largest coal deal ever made in Harrison county will be consummated in a few days. The territory comprises 13,000 acres, or 19 square miles, lying around Salem. The purchasers are: James E. Bron, of Uniontovn, and Cochran, of Dawson, who $842,000 for the entire tract. Killed InaTralnwreck. Texarkana. Ark , Deo. 26. The Texas & Pacido passonger train of the Laredo & Foit Worth was partially wrecked 10 miles west of her today. The engine struck a cow, jumped the track and turned over. One of the fire- Ed Cattersoa, was killed. En- Attornev-General Griggs has cov nlnrlBfl his areument in the Porto Rico oase. Murder Case Decision Reversed. Rnnth Bend. Deo. 24. Judge Elliot has reserved his'decision on tbe motion made for a new trial of Slanuel Uates, Ana sloted of murdering William Bee- son. The counsel for the detendant In trnrWed as new evidence the affidavit of J. S. Stout, to the effect that be heard cries ol distress coming from the launch Leonore, of which Beeson was captain, av two miles below where Gates is sup ,cs-?4 to have attacked Beenu. men, No gineer Cubbity was badly scalded. one else was seriously hurt. Roumania Declined Russian Loans. Londoii,-Pec 28. "Russia offered Roumania a loan on 16,000,000," says the Vienna correspondent of the Daily Express, "to assiBt her m tbe finan cial crisis; but the offer was declined, because there were conditions attach ed undermining Kouraaniua iudepeud-nece." Railroad Will Be Extended. It has been learned from reliable fiOurces that the Nevada-California rail way will he extended from Termo, Cal., to Lakeviow, Oregon, iu the near future. ; - . ' . A Schooner Bottom Up. Emnb-ft City, Or., Dec. 26. The schooner Hem, which arrived here from San Francisco this evening, aftet a bard struggle with the wind and waves, sighted a vessel bottom up about 80 miles west of Cape Arago. Tbe vessel was painted white, and had a clean bottom. The schooner Ivy, which also arrived today, reports Boe ing considerable lumbar afloat Decern- -ber 21, but did not sight t!ieschoonoi bottom ui. i i I I I I t. f P- v i. - It Is i f