The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 16, 1900, Image 2

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    vfood iiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, Nov lbER 16, 1900.
The National Irrigation Congress
which will meet at Chicago, Ills., Nov.
21, 22, 23 and 24 is creating wide interest
and promises to bo an unusual success.
The national irrigation movement has
b .come a broad popular movement and
Eastern commercial interests have read
ily taken hold of the idea of reclaiming
and populating the arid West and thus
creating a great home market for their
goods The best authorities on irrigation
and forestry have been secured to speak
and give illustrated lectures, and men of
national fume and renown as orators and
statesmen, will address the congress at
the great auditorium theatre on subjects
of national interest to the West. Under
the constitution of the coneress the
mayor of each city of 25,000 or less pop
ulation is entitled to appoint two dele
gates. Each agricultural college, organ
ized irrigation, agricultural and horti
upsoeiation, each society of encineers.
irrigation company and each board of
trade ana chamber of commerce Is also
entitled to two delegates.
Portland is moving for a big exposi
tion in 1902. Immigration is needed in
Oregon and tho whole Northwest, and
nothing would advertise our resources
to better advantage than a trans-Pacific
exposition, conducted in a manner to
bring visitors from all parts of the world.
Portland, the chief city of the North
west, is tho place to hold such an expo
sition. If tho citizens of Portland and
of Oregon take hold of the matter in the
right spirit, the state legislature and
congress may bo expected to do the rest
towards raising the money to make a
big exposition a success.
A good many voters at the late elec
tion marked their ballots on the right
hand side with two X marks, one oppo
site the name of William McKinley, the
other opposite Theodore Roosevelt, or
the same mark was made before the
names of William J. Bryan and Adlai
Stevenson. These ballots were con
erally counted when the election board
could readily see the choice of the voter
but they were counted for only two of
me presidential electors, the two names
on a line with the X. This may ac
count for much of tho discrepancy in
the vote for presidential electors on the
same ticket.
Farmers are making a success of
growing peanuts in Yakima valley. It
is claimed that with irrigation they can
raise 80 bushels to the acre.
A Test of Strawberries.
At the Davidson Fruit Co's ofllco,
during tho first of the week, was opened
a can of the Oregon Ideal strawberrios,
sent from Balem by E. Hofer, editor of
the Balum Journal. There wero presont
Hon. K. L. Smith, Mayor F. C. Ilrosius,
11. F. Davidson. A. P. Bateham and the
editor of the Glacier. A can of Clark
strawberries put up by the Davidson
Fruit Co, lust spring was opened for
!omparinon. It was found that the
Oregon Ideal had a shade more color
and seemed to be more solid than the
Clark, but in flavor it was wanting. A
' tsst showed that the same amount of
sugar una been used in puttimr up both
cans, but the Oregon Ideal was much
the Bweetcst. Tho can of Ideal was
irom a pickod lot of which on v twenty
cans were nut im. Tim nan f ci...b.
I -.... ... vjiwi nn
"opened wus taken ttt random from a lot
vi niiuu iiuiuuuM cnuueu last season ior
shinment to nmrlrnt,. A pan nf IMrtuka
, - . - v vim no
of the crop of 1899 was thou opened, the
umor oi wmcn was louna to ie nearer
that of the Ideal than tho first can
opened. The Oregon Ideal is shaped
Hiiiiouiiiig iiko me vvuson ami grows
about the same in size, we should judge
from the samples shown, but is a solid
berry and no doubt good for shipping
and canning. It was the unanimous
opinion of those present that the Clark,
Krown ac noou uiver, is still in the lead,
but that the Orwnn Tdonl If omn I..
our-IIood River climate, might prove to
Mount Hood Notes.
The Mckinley club and the Bryan
club met on the field last Tuesday at S.
M. Baldwin's to settle national disputes,
una uie mcs. were in a majority of on v
three. The hatchet is now buried for
another four years.
CIiub. Holmes went to Portland last
week to meet his family, whieh arrived
here on last Saturday, Nov 3d.
A. Leroux took a trip to Portland last
week and sold some of his apples. He
la expecting Mrs. Leroux to come homo
The Mt. Howl Stage Co. sent word to
W, II. Edick and had him take out
their bridge across the east fork of Hood
river last Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Graves of Oregon City,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
R. Censure, returned home lust Thurs
day. Last week there una a lu
about 18 inches in the East Fork of Hood
Kiver ana the logs that John Bird has
noen putting in moved along nicely, and
it he had 30 inches of a rise his logs
on iu nave an gone aown to the Col-
uniDia without any trouble.
The King's club came together the
ouior night at tho call of the president
, for the purpose of discussing the full
dinner pail and full pocket took. All
were well pleased with the prospect for
me coming winter. Several new faces
wore seen in attendance.
Poullrjr Notes.
Hood River, Ore., Nov. 13, 1900.
Editor Glacier: It is funny the way some
people look at things. Let some fake
nprlHnr atari ilvrnmrh 41. a j.M,r.t.... ...Ill
a pack of cheap jewelrv.shoddvclothini'.
notions, etc., and he will sell at almost
every farm house from one to two dol-
lnr' worth nf his utnff
any of which might be purchased of our
stores in town for less money. The
same amount of money invested in a
clutch of pure bred eggs.insteadof being
a swindle as in the case of the peddler,
would be the beginning of what would
ultimately be one of the most profitable
branches of the farm's productions;
Vet I have been Irvine fnr thn riouf hvn
or three weeks ta indnm a fou- f r.i.r
good ranchmen to agree to blow them
selves 10 this extent for the r own eood
I have no fiT tn trriiwl. Ti
in it for me, except the satisfaction of
seeing a high class poultry replace the
i. 1 - -
yr, m-uiy ipggeu, mcasiy, scruu. dune
lull fowls which are now too prevalent
in me vanev. 1 nave secured the prom
1KU OI BOmn lift T! tn tin intn am.
thing that will tetter the condition of
uui yuuury aiuius. rome lew oi our
tW)Iiltt nr An'tmr o.mnfl.i'im n1MAn..
having pure bred flocks, and these take
me greater interest in tne matter; but
many OI our fnrmara n.
houses or none at all. These will tell
you that "poultry doesn't pay; the feed
costs more than the poultry and eggs
bring in." A man cannot expect to
take a lot of half starved scrubs and for
a house nail a lot of old rough boards and
an equal number of big cracks upon the
rninv emu oi ii poie sianteu over towards
the Philippines, and let the hens "root
hog or die," and come in every night
iui a oanKeuui oieggs. Good, clean,
comfnrtnhln well ......,..
... ...... ..git.... ijuaiiuio,
good, clean, healthful food ; good, clean,
niBi uniiKing water must he Judiciously
vrovidedanrlfuinnlipiltitham ni nil ti.,.,,,.
jfhe would expect a generous return for
ins money ana trouble. And, while
haVA llllfl fniw Dll.m,n. ...UU . t. II
in DutLt-os niLii BuruuB, tney
cannot compare in any particular with
jmiD urou iowih, anu me oest is none
too good for a resident of Hood River, bo
hid Bi-ruu mom, move on.
We need a poultry association. They
have them in other places not nearly so
lavorably situated as we are. We have
our fruit growers association, why not
havo one to look after the interests of
our poultry products. Borne one of our
ranchers who is interested in poultry
should call a meeting and cet as many
of our people together some Saturday
HIW.-I1IUU11 uh posHiujo anu organize a
poultry association. Tlii.n 11,
bo some basis for systematic.harmonious
nuuoii. tan we near irom some of your
reuuera on IfllS topic ! V. . BYEBLBE
School Report.
Following 1b the report of school dis
trict No. 7 for tho month ending Nov.
9, 1000:
Number of days taught, 20; number
of days attendance, 053; number of pit
pus enrolled, 57.
The following pupils were neither
tardy nor absent:
Lizzie Mohr, Rufus Ordway,
Raymond Onluav ('ui-l M,,i.-
Mike Mohr, Marion Hproat,
Leonard Mickelson, Julia Mickeison,
IIllL'O l'llllBfll. Tlnv Vn,i All,..,
Lena Van Allen, Alphonse Mohr,
nuowjr linruiHon, uerue Crosby
Marie Mohr.
Fred Mickelson,
George Winchell,
Edith Snront.
Daniel Prathur,
Annie Mohr.
Elmer Boordman,
Anna Mickelson,
Nellie Wishart,
Ruth Harbison,
Rosa Wishart,
Edward Loge,
Carrie Board man,
warren Wells,
T. B. M. Cuastain, teacher.
Iielglnu Hiiro.
Belgian hares, haunts and habits, who
the chief subject of discussion before
the board of supervisors this morning,
and the marvelouB fecundity of tho rab-
uj io nun moiruusiruciivequanties where
gardens and orchards are concerned.
The Belgian hare fad struck southern
California about a year ago.Los Angeles,
as usual, being the cheif storm center.
Bix months ago tho furor was at its
height, fancy imported hares being
bought and sold in Los Angeles and Pas
adena for as high as 1)1,600 each. Soon
whole avenues were lined with signs an
nouncing Belgian hares for sale at prices
from flO up. Then it dawned upon the
rabbit fanciem that. Hi.lirian I, ..,.
- .. .. v a u;ic
great multipliers and that the market
iui i in urn, mum, was not unlimited.
Then rnnin tliu omul. . k i
. , UllIOWJU
boom, and t.'io u luiln himimi f..n ... .i.-
. - . . ....... muu.i.voo iuu w n J u
grouuu wiin a uuu sickening thud. Now
A Republican Tarty. ,
Editor Glacier: A republican party
and an oyster was given at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler in
honor of William McKinley and Teddy.
The rooms were decorated with flags,
bunting and pictures of McKinley and
Roosevelt. Bupnor was served at 8
o'clock, and as the guests marched to
tho dininur room nil duhhwI nnrW Hip
Liberty bell. The table was decorated
with Hags, and each gave the flag salute.
Thn tnttln ivna ...tfl.
low chrysanthemums, which means the
1.1 .1,11 A II 1 I ...
gum uuiiitr. .in jibu sonieuiing to say
about the election. Those present were
air. ana Kirs, uiianaier, iMr. and fllrs.
Ward and daughters, Mr.Sherwood, Mr.
ntul Mm J 11 Kl.rt(.muli-.f. Ala n v
Shqemaker, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Bailey,
ivuoy unaiiuier, vernon Mioemaker,
(ileil Khot'innkAl- Frd flianillar Mr.
Chandler called on II. H. Bailey for a
1 1 I. .
iuubi. uuu nere n is:
"Mm. Chandler Is from Old Ktmtuck:
Vmi .hA'.uil Hl..l.t '
Yon ought to have heard her laugh and hook
XS hun tha flamn. ( u l..u 1Ih 1 . . 1 .
Hurrah for Teddy and Willie Mol
TliPV lulrl Itrvan flf.l n It I
Who run nil over the country shooting off
But AU'Kliilry teat him sixteen to one."
.T. TT MlAfimnlrui tini-a offa n mIiii
rf fnim .tinwa f 1. - 1 1
v tum jcbid inuic vi pryuurii-v( no win
furnish tlio oyatera for ail the repub-
I i ,, , n n r . t . . .
m vuney. iiurrun ior J. 11
bhoemakerl Mks. B
TTnTiAro-'n "Rntf at
Kobore'i JJood ltTvcr dreamery liutter, al
tiro u.. n M. u.i 1. 1-.? ..-
The U. B. Aid in Verse.
'Twos a beautiful day in November,
..v o.. mvnu mi ijtin 111 UIU HHJ,
The cloud.i banked above the horizon,
uwm, u ijko wureiiips nailing uy.
Friday, ninth, ten o'clock In the morning,
J'huro atartvd from Hartinem' utore
A Hiimn party of Hood Klver Indies,
Fourteen in number, no more.
Well filled baskets, with work and luncheon,
" c ntui u Hlllljr III luu IIUL'K;
For an outing of profit and pleasure,
Mot a thing sei to lack.
"What's np?" asl.ed a (ten tinman passing;
"Only women, you know, are curious,"
The U; B. aid. with some friends Invited,
War-A lirtmiH r..v tl.a L',,.,. ........ L, r.
Is there auijlit to the heart more eiichuntlnit
. uau uciu. wiiiuu v vr leuun a cuarnir
As we wound up the hill to the southward,
,mu tll.wj ItClD I1UUI UI
"Uow beautiful and white gleams the mouu
"J ust listen to that sweet bird."
"The Columbia looks like a mirror,
"There's the boat, see the ripple Its stirring
Allusli with the suns warm glints." .
Arrlv'd too soon at our destination,
All received a welcome kind;
Boon at work we were plying our needles
Our tongues were not idle, mind.
Creations of texture and gay fabric
were niuueieu inio rorm,
Either beautiful, useful or pretty,
Dainty, substantial and warm.
At nna nnma iY,a onll tn I
. The spread would have made kings' smile
With f rAliwt. u,a 1,1 I.- I ...
.. .... .vni T.O 1C-IMKTI1 U III, UUUULJr,
Laughing and chatting tho wliile.
Some said that if thirteen were the number
At table they would not sit,
While others declared It a "lucky" '
Number, for they hud proven it.
Ihe remainder of the day passed quickly:
You will tlnd at the bazaar
What our Augers fashioned and finished
Without a contest or Jar.
And not a word of gossip or slander,
We ventured to tell a man,
But he scoti'ed and hooted the statement.
And said, "in the blood it ran."
Each one voted a thanks to the hostess
For the pleasure of the day.
We returned as the shadows of evening
Were creeping o'er hills away.
Those present, Mrs. Watt, Cams and Stewart,
Shaffer, Cook, liartniess, Willis and Erwln,
A.uiiuu, viiiiueiB uuu newion.
One of thk Tabty.
The Youth's Companion Calendar.
More thought and expense than ever
ueioro Have been lavished on the cnlnn
dar which the publishers of the Youth'i
companion win present to every one
HUhscrinini? for Um now vnlnma mm
-.- a .... ,...v ..v. .. iji iaji.
since it is to be a souvenir of the paper'i
im.ii VHiir. ir. ia an atoQntintin ..
tlve cnlenflnr. nml Ima luon ,lot;.
lithourrauhed for thn
i vely. tho central figure of the calendar
m nuiucui iM iriuiui a puritan maiden
of Plymouth, and the 12 colors iu which
tne calendar is lithographed reproduce
. n v, i. 1 1 n v o i I ' K
inal painting with perfect fidelity After
t.llH iha nlnn,4,,H i.
v.,,.v " vntcuuur ia UHot
l.rt t n .:ii . . . r
hid jjui iruii oi iTiHcuiM can oe cut out
and framed and preserved as a beautiful
household ornament.
This calendar, which is sold to non
subscribers to the, Youth's Companion
for 50 cents, will be given to all new sub
scribero. for 1001 . who mill l..n
' ..v ... mou ivtcllC)
in auuuion to ino oz issues of the new
volume, an tlie issues of the paper
...... n uiv,nvmilU bllllll. 11IIW I IU1I
uu can i uy lieigum hares m Los Angeles the remaining weeks of 1900 free from
. .v . jUU uull t want mo
to pay anything you cau have the hares
IOr noimilir. 1. Hthn (mmu u.,..
. P , "v IIUIO 111 &iu
iJlOL'O. AlrpJirlv mnnv hraa. n
5' J '""J MivLiioiomrj U1C
paring to turn their rabbits loose on the
country, as they cannot sell them at any
price and the fear has become general
u ii una is uoiie me country will be
literally overrun within five vears. It
appears that the favorite food of the
tllllA of Mm fillhenrivit inn TIlnotMA
ed announcement of the volume for 1901
Will he StMlt frtA U'lHl Bimnla rt.J.n .f
the paper to any address. The Youth's
f i . . .
v-uuipuiuun, uosion, xuass.
To remove a troublesome corn or bun-
ion : First soak thn mm nr l.nn;,.,. in
- - " w. a. vi . .,,,,V1. llg
warm water to nnfl-on it tl.nn ,. ;t
. .. . . v. ,. , , , 1 1 V. , . 1 IV
aown aa closely as uosRible without.
iielirian hare is tha tn.W haL- t ., arawmff hlontrl and ntmiv nhamKafioin'
fruit trees, und if the hares are not v. Iain, Balm twice daily; rubbintr vitror
be. Ban
terminated the fruit trees will
Liiego sun.
Offlclnl Vote of Wasco County.
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
fiehe, Indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Uemoves all
vrupuun oi ino skin, producing a per-
iwi complexion, or money refunded
xoc. ana ouc Uliams & Brosius.
Tho total population of the United
btates as shown by the census of this
voar, is 70,:'4,8ui, of which iiuruber
89,541 are Indians. Oregon's nopula-
"i Have used Chamberlain's Colio,
Cliolera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
"woea great medicine," savs Mr. A. S
Phipns of Poteavf, Ark, "It cured me of
bloody flux, I cannot speak too highlv of
it." This remedy always wins 'the
gooa opinion, it not tne praise, of those
w ho use it. The quick cures which it
enecia even in tne most severe cases
dmko ii tavonte everywhere. For
saie uy v imams & jBrosiua.
IVe have received with the ccmpli
crestt of D. X. Byerlee a nicely printeii
pamphlet setting forth the merits and
advantages of Hood River, Oregon, as an
biding place for men and wouifiu. D.
N. writea that it is "'tha finest Country
ea earth.." Uoion, Alhia, Ion.
fiii. "
U'l'Mt HlUul IMv.,
Kant H.uid lllv.,r""
Hitldwit) , " '
Monler ,
W'ettt litlla .
Troavilt "
ItlBtilow ,
Klifht Mile ,'
Columbia , ,
Nunone ,.,.
Dul'ur ,
Hainsey .,..,
KhiKsley ,
Oak Orov
Wnmlo ,
link ixi von , ,
South HiwdHTver.'."
MounUtln ,
OUxl V for flvfi lTlinntra nf o,.,.K
tion. A corn plaster should be worn for
ion uuya j protect ii irom tne shoe,
Afl ft Dtmiarul linlmnt.t onMln. 1,..,:
" O' i,v iui nM cn ii r, umig.
es, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm
in uiii-iimuuu. rorsaie uy wuiiamscvc
u roams.
Dissolutinn "NrntirA
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between K. J. Jukes and
8. K KouU, under the firm nnine of Jukes 4
touts. In this day dissolved. HusineHs will
continue nntler the firm name or Kouts 4 Son,
who will collect all due and pay all bills
Hood Xtlver, Oct. 18, 1000.
H. K. KOl'TS.
20 Tons
Tn "'A
I have four beautiful bulldiiiK lots In the
city of Hnlem, near the state capltol. to ex
change for a small fruit ranch In Hood Hlver
vaney. (n'j M. K. NoRI.R,
To exchnncrc.
style, for u lilcycle.
n Winchester rifle. Improved
si. . xvuiii.r;,
Plymouth Rocks.
pnth Kock pullotH and a few cockerels for dale
liV f i!l it si iiir f
Shakes Wanted.
wanted, to trade apples for shakes. Aoolv
to A. C. HtHten, on the J. J. l.uckey ranch. 211
Rooms for Rent.
Unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, or
"1" M 118. ADA SMITH.
Baby Carriaee.
A baby carriage, In good repair, for sale by
"I" K. W. WAIT.
On the road from Mosler. n snlc eontnlnlnir
pair leifgltigs. several aprons, pair scissors
I., un.KiiigH. rmuurpiease leave atuiacier
II 117
Pekin Ducks.
I have two very fine young Imperial Tckln
u. IN.
drakes for sale.
. Uyerlee.
Watclto U Judo.
, . " " " III 1 IIC VUU Jf tTI IUW B
lUllUllllf. HIinilHlIfl I. IIP I t Inn tor nHlnu h'lrinan
yeara experience. Ail work warren ted. U12
Dress filaking
and Millinery.
Tn mnnmltnn wit h tnm rtMun.n,nili ...
hai'AiiianuH iin i,.i. .r "
Millinery Goods.
(ludlnarall Mia latcut utviaa an
mute hid iuie atKMi mver anu vi
cinity t4i cull at our rooms and Inspect goods.
Kvory effort will bt) made to satisfy our cua-
i iwii uAnn.
Hood River Meat
and Produce Co.
Will eOn fl lie, hlialnona .frlnllt, rn n PAOU
. ....... ...j , i ,,,,,, vli v, , V i .
Market second door south of post office.
F. E. DENZER, Manager.
Carpenter and Builder,
KmtlniAtPM fhrnluhoil Am nil Hn,i0
Rena Irinir a hncchiltv ah L-in,iu nr m..
num. nuuu uu oiuwj sirct'L. net. iKi ana an.
Steamer IRALDA
will leave Cascade Locks at 6 a. m.: Hood
River nt K'2U n. m.. rlnllv ..v.t u..n.ia..
ino mines ana way landings. Hetnrnlne
Will iHllVll The Illllll.u nt n ... 1.. .... .7.
and llKlit Irelfjht. Return tickets from Dulles
jiiy uuu xveguiaior are gooa on this boat.
" t,. a ijxja wai. Agent.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Not.lee In herehv irlran fl.n, ,l,a ...,n,i. i
. ... ,..t, l.l (IIVI,-I niti (itu
has heretofore and on the 7th day of Novem
ber x i limn nui. n,..m
7.; .. ... mvimiijoiii iiieouuiy
Clerk of Wasco comity, state of Oregon, her
....... -i.w,m. no cauu i. ui me nisi, win ana
eKlllte nf Perrv nnrHun lln.,,, .,nnA 1
that tho judge of the county court of said
county has, by an order duly entered, set
Monday, the 7tli day of January, A. D. 1D01, at
the hour of o'clock a. m. of said day as the
. ......v . uujf.,:tlullH MimtlU
tlniil account that may be filed tliereto in snld
court and for the settlement of said final
tixeeutrlx of Jie lust will and estate of Perry
t.v.ii.tiu uniirii, uticeiiaeu.
nm 8t Hood Klver' 1-een Nov. 9, 1000.
Timber ljind, Act June 8, 1878.
2ll! 2
fiu! li
n5; 4
KV 8
:-2 10
i 4
10 ..J
4 111
2S i
For Sale.
A Rood work horse, also some dry fir wood.
TTniled Stntes Land Office. The Tiolloa r.
P. v , e" iwv. mince is nereoy given
tlmt In compliance with the provisions of the
... - w. p. ... u.,.,c o, Ao,o,viiLii.ieu "An act
,r ile8Jle of timber lands in the States of
; .nniiuuiaurcguu, ivevaua ana Washington
ATTfllTSTITa i nnwwrv
Of Tygli Valley, eounty of Wnsco. stite of Ore-
Frill Ima IhU tn auj i .i.i . .
"" " vi tv mru in ins umce nm
of the west southeast and lota 7 aud VI
eoetlon 7, towiiHhlp 2 n4rth, range 9 east!
. in., mm win oner proor io show that
the ltmd anight In more valuable for Its tim-
hfr ef slnna t. . ....i...n i
before the Register and Receiver of this oillee
7,r ,,v,rK"" "u ouiuiuny, me loin
Henry Meauire, p. li. Hartley and Leslie
k x a ti 'c,?uu utwiuuus auverseiy tne
above-described lauds are requested to file
ir,i oIttll" ln this mce on or before said
JAI r. IjIIITAS. Rm eiii
Reciprocity Corner
Also, large shipment Sugar, Hams, Bacon and Lard. I am ready
for business and shall furnish good goods at lowest prices.
15 pounds Sugar. $1.00.
And other goods in proportion.
Free Delivery. Phone 21.
A. A. BONNEY, Proprietor.
E. R. Bradlev.
Job Printing, Books, Stationery, Hag
.i n j i
azmes ana renwuicuisi
In addition to my line of Books and Magazines, I carry a complete
and well selected stock of Stationery. I am also constantly adding
to my Job Printing Department and respectfully solicit your patron
age along these lines.
Orders by mail given prompt attention.
Confectionery, Nuts, etc
e sell nothing but the best fresh goods and are certain if you
give us a trial you will always buy of us.
Remember tne Name.
It Will Interest You When You Bead of the
Great Reduction
Denver Clothing Store.
in newly-received Clothing for Men, Boys, Youths, Children. The
best of Star brand Shoes. Men's, boys, ladies, misses and children's
heavy and dress Shoes. A large assortment of tailor-made Pants, the
strongest on earth, and the latest styles for men, boys, youths and
children, at bottom prices. A large assortment of Underwear for men,
boys, ladies and children. A nice line of every-day DRESS
SHIRTS. A large assortment of latest styles of Hats for men, bovs,
youths and children. A large assortment of Rubber Shoes for men,
ladies and misses just received. Also, Leggings for men, boys,
youths, ladies, misses and children. New line of Mackintoshes,'
Sweatere, Hosiery, Neckwear, Collars, Men's Gloves, Notions.
REMEMBER, Everything is newly received from the East, and
if you are ready to buy you will get everything nearly for your own
What is Home
Without a few shrubs, vines or fruit trees?
"."1 IV! WllOfc JTUU Hill IU
Of ttll klllriH At 1,'ntttnim nrlna 111 u,..M,
oil. Breakages. If there Is a flaw. niu,imil
ami iiiuk t.i"
tVeo of charge.
Belgian Hares.
1-.. ......... .... a .... uivwu ui'iiiinu uurr ai
; O. Everhart'a, or call upou Mrs. K. J.
era ney, ior Saturday delivery, d9
11)18 8 i
The president's lmwlHniAtmn iUai,,.
in i... i " -'"B-
mtii-n xiitiisiiHV. iiivi,mn.i "mn,
M . , , . . .v . -Vll, ff
iiiniiKivuig uny.
i..penonw is the best teacher. Use Ark.
er s English Kemedy in anv case of colds,
coughs or croup. Should it'fail to give im
mediate relief monov r,fiiii,l..,l o.nn
Mi., win: l ... .
t.,.. i. . v. , , .
uv. v.. una iMCKeisen nnunihiui
nion iu the M. E. church at The Dalles
u iruig uie revival services ast wepk
Hie ChromrlH biv- x-;.,i,..i .
- .....w. ..... i, IVUvlMTII ff
theme was the 'Curse of Merot,' and it
was n rvmarKaoiy able ettort, conimand-
IU2 mo earnest attnin f i:..
. ..v.v... t, IVIIKIV
gation from start to finish. Mr. Nick-
eisen is a rimg young man who is just-
Iv MtwnwJ nc of tlmohl
, ti,. " .: ;r "
Twooldwnmitn (mm Micmnn J.
UD to tho toll Pfltrt nf nna nf thn K.i.l
inn Missouri at iavenworth and
asKou me man in charge how much the
and horse," eaid tlie gate keeper. "Well,
wii get out or tne way; we re two old
women and a mar. n fia,;
And the tcaa stood in opeurinouthtd
For Sale.
10. 9fi Sft nr Jfl nnra. nf 1 wl ,
lirilVeii i:iUl(l cil.nll Kni, M.n ' L
l v....... ..,,.,, c,,A nuiK duuin
oi iown, i-jwi mho, near Harbison mill. 75
prune tre8 benrlim fruit. Io0 nnl trees.
1 lenly of binall fi-uli. Inmiiru m .,i,vo ,.r
U Sll.I.l.MAN.
Rex : Rheumatic Ring.
iniswonaermi enre mr rheummUm. seit-
tPA liMlivululu l.,..,l....... a ..... , . .
.. . ... u luiuvnEi. Hllll, NU11 KinunHi
diseases is for mile by Chas. Tempel. It has
rureq yj eases out of every 100 where trleil.
United Htntes Tjnd Offlee. The nHna
ton. Oet. 30, 1(K.-A sufflelent eonteilt am-
.....iu iiuwiiiH iiicii in rnti Aini.a t.,i,a
vuuvvniiKiir v . ruuirHiiini. nurniriai,....
Elltrv Nil r.-ill k'i,..l,.,. i ii,;1?"
lOLS.t mill A unri nnlh 1 n,,.., 1. iV
township 1 north, range 11 east, bv
uooei-t w. Mitchell, contestee, In whleh It Is
alleged that said . ltobert VV. Mitchell
luui whnlltf n Ki, ... I ....... I .... i .1 , . .
. . V . J ivv. ,iu LllH'i, Hull
changed his residence therefrom for more than
six months Rince making, milil m,ir
next nrinr to ilnta nf ...n . " i
that the alWeil ol,ur,,lr,..,, i.
deieudant s employment in the army ornavv
of the United states tn tlmo of war. 8uld
parlies are hereby notified to appear, respond
mid otrer evidence touching said alleftationat
Wo clock a. ni. on lw. IS, ltJOO, before the
Hegislerand Heceiver at the United Suites
Land Offce In The Dalles, Oregon.
fldavit. Hie . ""V,' lr.""
whleh ihow hi L" '
,.rv.i. .hi". r. " """tv'" ly."'?!
. - . ... .uio iiviiv Vmi uui ue maue, it is
BTnrK Tho rnlnn,!.!. X- ." :
nsaln, as usual, with a large stock of Krult Trees
StraWDRITV P unto n,l,,ll l.l-j."....' . .
Oct our priceiand tto.ti: 8l0CK-
Of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING has arrived. These goods are
strictly up to date, and it will pay you to examine them before buy
ing your fall suit. ' .
.We have also added a full line of Ladies' Dress Skirts at 2 50 to
fo.00 each, values that cannot be excelled anywhere.
Below Twt.l
the freight Com XS
Matter iV . m xcelS10'- Wool Top
;"rf 'S.'A2rsan e old P"ce. Washing Ma.
redn WreUUCed- Iron f3.50-
Lumber. TjitK T r .... .
.MaMi. n7T ,:"' f ' ' V00.... windows
" Tj iZZ ,?.le,1:1 01 tt kinds.
r ..w..v.v ii. iv m, inline, 11 IS
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
hoir von hvliiail 1. 1 1 ,
$,V..D by due na" Proper publication.
JA LUCAS, Itegister,
Traoc Marks
. -
Anmu HKrilna - . W .1 W , j . . .
i,,-.,, , L V , 1 ' ire. wuot an
I"." "'17' ; r. '""r. l-ommonlc
ciennnc mmm.
eulaUon cf ny (dwiuilo kmniii
Terms, 3 a
SiiVt?rJ!,iEU' t,11 nlealC
mum & cfl ssiBm,.
rTtmber Land. Act June X kts l
21, 1HU -Notice Is hrebv ir vkii thai i A.V .,
DliHUee With thA nnwUlna ll.,, .. -
sie of timber lands tn the States of CH.lfornia.
Oregon, ievailn and Washington Territory'1
I Of IlOOil Rlvtr iiinlu ftl U'.,.-, -. j-y.
iron, has th Is day tt led In t Ills offlee her sworn
statement -No. litx, ior the purchase of the
northwest Hj southwest ,nd southwest Si
northwest i of section No, 5 in UwnshlpNor5
north ranne No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer
. i.T. i I. , . " ""isiii, is more
valuable for lt ttn,Kr . v...
, . . , p..i. iii.u inrnri-
.ui nuu iitesinuiisn neream
to said Ihiii! Vu.ri.rA i.a u..i...... .....i ..."
at lh;in; n-.. "V.....8 ""T,,rr
I ' ' " Ai'viiiiier, 1.1". unmai as wnnesses: Joseph Mavs
Kdward Ways and Clyde Boi.ney of Hood
ley.oion. '
Any and all persons claiming adversely (he
above-described lands are requested to Bie
tlieire iilins i o.i. ... k... "
Mh day of JDvceinber, ix
KSMl.ll JAY 1'. l.I-PAS. lLyrltr
3 Waeons
; ct&sfor tai cheap, u. P. WOODWOKTH
Innd Office at The Dalles. Ommn n in
(t lC'l"" V'"1'' - maoe before
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. Xo. 5299 for th
He nnmes the following witnesses to prove
u'rddnvi opon nd coTuv-
Jrm,VtfcnS.lls"' anlc Neff, Sara Wlnans
l" v-ai3, Kegisier.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslirned
F ,l"ny ;u-nlcJ ln theofTiceof the County
Uerk of Wasco county, state of Oregon, bis
final account as executor of the last will and
estawot Ellas. Middleton.deceVed.and that
he Judge of the county court of sa d eounty
!S&D r1,er dul" Monday.
the th dMV Of Juminrv A n lurn . J
of o'clock a mVof Taid day l 5 ' '."e for'
settlement of an v ..hi.i i.,.,. .. s j i ' ",r
Hint that may be tlfed thereto In said court
uicKiutruR-niiii said nnal account.
"'n lh,BS UI ""l estate "of Et a
VfM at UKd Kiver, Orecow, Nov. ,
Tiniber Land, Act June 3,1878.1
imltedbtatesLand omee Th rw,,,
gon, Sept. 12. 19ai xIiiL' "? Dalies, Ore
tlmt in .VJV- 'c is herebv iiv
rtaK . iPRdrin the
the public land states b'y a" of AuSfllV
statement No. Ib2 for h u,llworo
lots 11 nnrt i P'rehnse of th.
quarter of Wlon NoTis "li'T of "?"thea.t
north, ranKe No. 9 east. v ,0.w.n.sniP. No. 1
.S?J,Siw..,.h !e land sou.Z1 ?!.r
" mud before the ReotViL. . "Iscla"i
' mis onice at The r.n u receiver
Morse and C Mor1rilUa,n R"i,L.E.
Any and all pwsoMlai DaJles.Orgon.
above-described 23. l?J. dversely the
their claims inh s oml rl,es'el to fll
lh ' aayofNovemb?a or ton sfid
"''Aa. Registi
Clubbine- nTo
.n'5.. 1" Glacier .i .
! seaith?r ,W"0r Ibe 'eSo Wdl aUSS Kelly. Arthtti
i ' r iQPs fat oa yea- Wde I A,brt Actoae, of Hood Klver. Oregoi
For Sale
' ; AT
NOVEMBER 9, igoo,
1. Four acres at Frankton, In,nr, ,
good spring ; only $550. ' lproH
3. John Sipma farm, in l0tf,,,,
20 ucres; $50 to $00 per acre "tenSi1
4. Lot opposite schoolhouse- n
square. Price, $175. ' '8 ft
5. The Atkinson 'property onr t
and Oak streets ; be'st targViS j
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; (GO nor u.
$10 down and $5 per month; Kg
9. The J. H. Frary place. East b;i
near Tucker's .iU acres !
level; part well unproved; price i? !
acre ; will bo sold in forty-acre trace s.
or more cash. A great bargain?11"1'"
11. The G. T. GftlliKaii 40 acres Kin
on the county road north and ernst i i 1
Barrett farm; 20 acres in cultivati 16
900 fruit trees Price $1,500 &
easy. vmi
12. 160 acres on Hood river
f&SSfS-jSftf 1574?
Maucoma addition to Hood Riw.. .
pretty home. Only $1,100, '
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 160 acre.
easy 5 l'm''
i,1LJohn SiPma arm-100 acres, 15 om
$1,000 or more cash and balance atC
$2,100. $o00 cr more cash, balance s
percent. Best farm in the valley.
19. Tho Sun lot and building; $700.
2- ,P; At- TT,ran,a ldace' W1,it Salmon,
in sight of Hood River; 8 acren, 5 i
strawberries and tomatoes 17,000 itrw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plaw,
No irrigation required. Price $700. '
21. N. id fi. F. u' S 1 w v i ...
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon: fi
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homeHtead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range; $1,600.
23. Lots 5 and . hlnnt 7 Win.-...i
dition ; $o0 a lot, or $85 for the two.
24. Bernard Warren's fruit farm at
Frankton, plenty of water. onnA i,;ij.
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price $3,500.
2(i. S. H. COX'H fin IDIlilllihlU in
River, lot 100 x 1(50; price $1,200.
27. J. R. Kickelsen'n nlncn t ri.
mont ; 35 acres ; $2,100. Terms easy.
28. A' strip of land 30 feet wide by V
mile loner, with erot l,.inn Ki...i
the west side of Blower's addition and
the county road at Paradise farm. Price
29. Twenty acres Ivinw nnrtii nf T).
Kopke's. En'st, Sidor nmorl 1
. ----- 7 ,l,llui uuiur
proved. Price $500; terms easy.
30. 35 acres nf .T. f!. Bum.1 tmti to.m
for $3500 $100 per acre in 15 or Mine
tracts. The 15-acre trnet.
at $125 per acre; cash; balance to
suit purchaser; interest, 7 per cent mrr
31. Etnma G. Rnhinsnn'a ill an
East Side-. ftdiniiiino A . 1 M tlRnn'a fruit
ranch; unimproved; $850.
32. Emma G. Rnhinsnn'B Ififl (icrndnn
hills east of Whitn
the Dryer place; fine tiniber; tinini-
proveu; fao.
For Sale Illirthlfl roiHrinpn Into mi
the hill, near cannon house; only $75;
terms easy. In Spamr er's Bubdivie on.
block 2, Park hurst.
For Slllfi (it. th 'Rlrinnriiim Ifirtoprof
60 Can be mailn rp-irK- fnr nlna- for 1 VI '
40 good timber. Fine soil ; no rock on
loO acres ; big hay shed ; school and port
office only mile; on dailv stage line;
well watered. $50 down, $50 in 1 month,
$50 in 2 months ; bal. in 4 years. Only
$500; a rare bargain ; 15 miles distant;
For Rent. The Wickham three acred,
near Mrs. Alma Howe, for rent. Fur
nished house; bearing orchard; straw
berries netted $200 this year. Kent $150
for one year; payable in three instal
ments in advance.
To Loan $300, in one loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre-
i vv nic nuiB, OI 1 11 V 1 1 J UUI wv.v
age property in lots and blocks, and do-
11, rt oil lr:.l.. C -
. mi aiuua ui eurvejuig.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteadi
and timber claims should apply at th
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Hood Eiver's Famous
Packers of the ,
Hood River Brand of
uanned Druits.
Alanuraeturera or
Boxes and Fruit Pack
Dealers in .
Fertilizers and Agricul-
tural Implements.
T n ... . .. no
, "uu. umce ai The Dalies, u regno, w. i
j.uu. police is nereoy given tnai ia
Ing-named settler has filed notice of Bl
tention to commute and make final propf'"
support of his claim, and thatsaid Proof!
missioner, at Hood Klver, Oregon, en Moo
day, December S, 1900, vii:
RL'-vi&miv. t.- i, mrr U1V
of Hood Kiver, Oregon, H. K. No. TaT4 tor m
west H noriheast section 27 na pohio"
settlon S2, township3 north, rangeSeast. Jr
..c niiuins me icuowing wiineis- i - -nls
cuntinuons residence upon and enlti-
s"u iauu, vi: ,
AI I"1" - "