The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1900, Image 2

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ooa iiver tolaaer.
FRIDAY, OCiOBER 26, 1900.
A Tent of Stranberrir-H.
A meeting was held in Sulem, Oct.
13th, to witness a test of canned straw
berries as a commercial product. Five
kinds of the canned fruit were poured
out in glass fruit dishes and sampled by
those present. The K SODS
a full ronort of tho month,., i, t.;,.i. L. ,V v,1"l'J e 'ocnig in the
..ii... Cl,y '" Portland ami recistered the)
"vrlv ' T. " names. In addition there have been
i ne canned uerries opened wore one visitors Irom all parts of the world in the
can from a Salem store, such as are rooms. No agency in the state is doing
generally sold by retailers, one can of more to make Oregon known to its own
uie rirsiantj second grade of hemes put people, as well as the world at large
nun ..m uv iim illll'Il 1 niininir in Ulllll Lilt! tri't'On 1 1 lHri.ri.'n 1 Kin' i.tu
in order to place the society on a soun
basis. At this date the membership ise
!), twelve of the members being in Hood
River, a larger number than in any oth
er town of its size in the state, and is
(iisinuuiea .mrougnout 'ii counties,
I ho collection already gathered, includ
ing a large number of photographs
pioneers, is of priceless value to the xtnti
and accessions are being constantly add
ea. itie measure of public interest
shown in the work is indicated by the
fact that since Dec. 10, 181)9. 8,900 hit
representing every state in the
plant at Hilt-m, one can of the famous
Hood River strawberries, and a can of a
new variety that has lieen tested at Hu
lem for several years, called the Oregon
Ideal. The large glass dishes showed
the color of the canned product. Ordi
narily canned strawberries haveamushv
npiearance when emptied outof the can,
and are bleached out in color. The fruit
is a shapeless mess and has onlv a little
of the strawberry flavor left. 'The first
can opened had stood on the shelves a
numler of years and had nil these qual
ities in the highest degree. No one
Mould want to eat them as a relish or
made into pies on their flimenranrn. nml
it is no wonder people don't buy such an
uninviting article.
The next one tasted were the first and
second grade Wilson berries put up by
the Salem cannery under Mr. Allen.
They were solider and had a (Inn (In vor.
and for color and flavor are far superior I
' unv canned fcimu hemes wiuir v
Mount Hood.
Rambler In Pacific Farmer.
r . t i.i . .
Jiouni iioou, tne oest known of our
snowpeaked mountains, stands 1 1,225
feet in height, and covers with its base
more than two townships Its five prin
cipal glaciers aro as follows: Clarke's,
named in honor of Newton Clarke, who
surveyed several townships around Jit.
milium o.i or o. i ins glacier is six
mnes mug irom apex of dome down to
its lowest borders, with a length of five
miles around its base. Eliot glacier.
running imin near Kt or peak, 3 miles
long and y mile wide, extending down
into canyon of middle fork of Hood riv
er; Coe's glacier, miles long and M
nine wide, on north side; lute river
glacier, 2 miles long aud one mile across
lower rim ; Sandy river glacier, 3 miles
long with a base of a mile or more. Be
sides these there are two other small
wold. They are superior to any (.'alitor- .,U!H' -"- illiam Ladd gla-
nia canned strawberries r aWvn in CIer8' hero are some flno waterfalls on
this market.
The fourth can tasted was the justly
famous Hood River strawberry. This
surpassed the two cans put up' by Mr.
Allen in size and color, but Mr. Allen's
berries surpassed the Hood River berry
in firmness of textnro and flavor, having
more fruit and acid quality than the
Hood River berry. This may be due to
the fact that the Salem berries were a
very fine crop this year, and again, are
produced without irrigation. All pro
nounced the Hood River berry verv fine,
and indeed it takes the topmarket'price.
It has been made a great industry at
that place.
The last berry to be tasted by the com
mittee was a new berry that has been
grown for three yearsat Salem in a small
way to test it and produce if possible the
ideal berry for commercial canning. All
present sampled it and agreed that in
color, firmness and flavor it surpassed
all the others, and that was saying a
good deal. Rut the berry spoke its own
praises. In the same dish as the others
it had easily 50 per cent more color, be
ing a oeauiuiu rosy wine red. The ber
ries all held their shape and color and
had tho highest and rid
ot any that wero there
. i. mi
jwr cum. i ney wero at least no per
more solid than the Hood River berry,
and averaged larger in sizo. Rut it
should be said they wero picked selected
rMJu uuova wnai iney wjn average in
or near the mountain on the streams
running from its perpetual snows. On
one branch of the middle fork of. Hood
river there is said to bo a waterfall 2U00
feet high, another, Feather falls,150 feet,
and another 100 feet. The fall of Sand
Creek, two miles southeast of Cloud Cap
Inn, 200 feet. On. 'September 2nd, ye
Rambler went alone on Clark's glacier
up to tho apex of the great crevasse,
stretching along under the dome of the
peak, and wide open from the precipice
at the head of Eliot glacier, and as
there was no way of ttettimf over in safe
ty the anticipated trip to the top had to
oc aoandoned, particularly as the safety
ropes had been removed ten days before.
Looking from the snowfields downward
over the Hood river valley one can get a
tuinrviieiiHive view oi us size ana ex
tent, from Cloud Cap Inn down to the
Columbia, 28 miles, with an average
width of 4 to 5 miles, comprising about
100 square miles hemmed in by slopes of
Mount Hood and the moiitain spurs em
anating from it. Tho long spur or ridge
separating tho upper and lower basins
of the valley in about equal extent, is
well defined. It was probablv caused
Efficacy of Sprajlng.
The efficacy of spraying as a remedy
against codlin moth has been demon-
It Happened in a Drug Store.
af .i . . . .
jna uay last winter a lady came to my
ui ug mure aim asKCd ior a brand ot cough
strated in the Berlin orchard, north of medicine I did not have in .tort " K!.v
the college campus. A portion of the Mr.C.R.Grandin, the popular druggist of
orchard was sprayed under direction of Ontario.X.Y. "She was disappointed and
i rot. cord ley at the college, as a test, wanted toknow what cough preparation I
All trees-east of the house were spraved, cfM recommend. I said Jo her that I
while those west of ifwere not. t.-it could freelv roconmutul .rimniliorluin'ii
week t he fruit from most of the trees Cough Remedy.and that she could take a
iremeu was cantered, of wira him. oott e oi w wnwi vum ..ft....,.;,. t -
dred bushels less than half a do.mi nr.- fair trial if she did not find it. worth th..
pies were aiiected. i he fruit on the trees money to bring back the bottle and I
West of the house, which uor not imrnv. would refunil tl
, ... mj i - . . i ' . . -.v, jnuu. il I II V to 111 f5v.
cu, nan so wormy mat it was unlit for i auay or two the lady came back in coin-
use. .one of it was anthf-ri'il Tho fuctu nanv with n friom! iii ni..l nln o,.,,,.!. n...A.
in the case are so marked that all famil
iar with the details are thoroughly con
vinced of the advisability of tlu.rnn.l.
and patient spraying. In the test the
trees were sprayed six times. The first
application was April 5 and 0, just as
the flower buds were opening. The sec
ond was may 12 and 14, a week after the
blossoms had all fallen. Tim third ua
June 25; the fourth, July 20 and 27:
fifth, August 31, and the last Sept. 18.
In the first application Bordeaux mix.
ture, consisting of four nnmwlu .f
sulphate and six pouikL of limn . r.n
gallons of water was used. Tn th imp.
reeding applications a fourth of a pound
of pans green was added to the former
mixture. Corvallis Times.
leineand advised her to bin- n hottl.. of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I con
sider that a very good recommendation
for th If f,.,. I... iv:u
, . io mi ciu i j v it iii-
iams x llrosius.
Koberer's Butter.
Kobe's Hood River 'riiiiifry Hiittor, al
"",r." . "tz v re in:iMiiuu k. nz'J
Dissolution Notice.
Notice In hereby given ihul the UHilnerKhlp
heretofore existing between E. J. Jukes unit
a. I'. 1-oiiK under the firm immo of Juke &
houtn. In thin tiny iIIkkoIvciI. llitHhipx will
continue under the firm name of Font A Hon,
who will collect nil duo and pay all bllln
ttK'ioi"!. uie oia nrm.
ilood Itlvcr, Oct. 18, 1!X.
R J. Jt'KEH.
8. F. KOUTS.
Indifference of Voters.
Tf IU ttnt cfvnn.m . 1 -
. - . uuv oi i iiiitic lunL n. i;i ri.M iirnnnr. I
i: ... " .. .' "l." i wo or three tons of utrnur oiiim
iioii ui voters are comparative v in f nr. ni,i i.i,i ... i;.i :: " r""v.
not tl.o ...!. .. .t 7 . . x- " v, ni ommoiii
icmiiio ui I.UI3 county anu state "i"""Jr- 11. u. i.atkiiam
aim even national elections. Most of
them count for nothing, except on elec
tion day, hence the frantic effort of those
who have a personal interest at stake to
WE .DON'T SEIL . " Cordwood, - s
or Hardware, ,.v
.. ............... or Dry Goods,
or Boots and Shoes,
' or Groceries,
Though we have occasion to buy more or less of those
goods all the time. But
and Books,
and Papeteries,
and Tablets,
and Writing Materials,
and everything in the Stationery line.
And respectfully solicit your patronage along these lines.
With much respect for the motto, "Live and Let Live,"
Yours for Business,
For Sale
OCTOBER 20, looo
1. I'our acres at Trankton
good spring; only $550.
.1. John Noma farm, in l,.tu f..
20 acres : too to nor ana .
4. Lot opposite schoolhon
square, rrice, f 175.
mi 5 to.
is easy.
so; 75 f,..,t
Tlminniiiil nul.. . ,1. .. .
The annua! meetlno. nf r
-V VTl"1 urowcrs' I'nltm will be iu n.. u. u. w. nan, Hood Itlvcr, on
Saturday, November 10. ID00.
AU0 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of cleolln?
oiittlmnmn,. n,w1 tl. ..;'. "..!"".. ! "'""'.ilinif tl.e bylaws
. , V -""i o ure con- "m-unn uny omer Dusiness tlmt may
r"",v-'. no . . . '-s, w record tne ,, , "7."."S, "
iioRupH' ani omnn: m . n.ui iri ' i -, niiv.
. . ."..vvuvmuj mil. llie IHJ. n I tlKtairl-VCl E t
f..l..... I'll 1 ' "uiirmiv
Jimoo;ilt, lip mi
STOCK. The Columbia Numm Is on hand
ffaln. its umiiil. with u Inrire sfock of Fruit Trues.
Strawberry l'lunt. and all klndnof Nursery stock.
Get our prices unu see the stock.
11. U.
5. The Atkinson property, cor P t
and Oak streets ; host bargain hi toi"
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; fr.o perU.'
HO down and f5 per month ; iioii'S'.
w. i ne J . it. I rary place, East Side
:!!r, 5 200 , m-arlv a i
level; part well improved
make the voters believe they must help
"save the country." The bosses run the
conventions, name the candidates, col-
cui mm uisinoute tne lunds, and parcel
will be sold i nforty-acretr C
advance. Terms. thrp,..n,,;.r at
or more cash. A great bargain. n
tical machines are
.estfru flaWr l,,ili!,ly bv a sct:otlary glacial' drift of
also" bXut 60 "J it T Vlt '"rC0' th fir,St,oni ttn"
it least 10 per cent &r ! hat,', having covem,1 t,10,J0Wr
liasin and valley ages ago when Mount
Jiood was many times its present size.
no nas not at times noticed a misty
vapory cloud hoverini? over thn ran a
Mount Howl, and that, too, in an other
wise cloudless sky. Ye Ram bier noticed
Plymouth Rocks.
.".i" .l"t "r thomuftlibred Tmrred I'lvm-
uitu tvocK pullets ana a few cockerels forxulo
l"j JJ. U. ill I J,.
Shakes Wanted.
nmeo, lotinue apples forshiikes. Applv
ULLil,tiiLpi!!imJ1'e J- J- Luekcy ranch. 'M
Rooms for Rent.
ITnrnrnlshcd rooms for housekeeping
single rooms, for rent bv
Baby Carriage.
hi carriage, In good repair, for kSIp by
n. vv. AU.
On the rnnd from Mosier, n sack containing
dpulr IcKKlngs. severul aprons, pair scissors
und stockings, finder please leave at OIhcIit
Pekin Ducks.
I mve two very fine young Jmpprlnl Tekin
u. w. Hyci lee.
drukes for salo.
size, but crown in a matted l.l Thov
culture. oi.,. J '? wl,on lIP on the mountain, and
.twentv quarts but in tho same process "?.h iUi'r wa! me slight breeze
as hlHlither stnek no fi.nt n,n i.Jt . tue tlmo. the cloud did not seem
be mado under the same conditions. cl1m"s?. "? VMou, except that it seem
Xlio test mui n on Kntnnlnv u.,y u f,.i, tl ' i'i 'uu)umi air ai tne poin
one and was not mado tn ,f..rnet fro.,, ?."a '. tl( direction it should float,
. nn. uhi ira too e.iianauon ; is It not
mat the vapor being formed by the gas
Kti Humuurus nres intermittently ris
ing from the cracks and crevices of tl
crater rock, near the summit, cominc
contact with the air, gradually dissipates
itself after the manner of steam vapor?
i no ne.i uay wiiuo Hittinar 12 miles a
way in the doorway of Uobert Leasuro
u: x m .i .... . ..
ino uiui ub ui omer products lu tins line.
But it lias proven that this vicinity can
produce the best strawberry in the world
for commercial canning, and it is just as
easily produced as corn in Illinois or cot
ton in Mississippi. The strawberry hind.
ness is in its infancy in tho Willamette
valley. Other varieties will no doubt be
Ylliml tlitlt mniftniMiuioGil,.,'! T.1....1
but for tl,. t Th s b Z n Z ?i.od tm,rist guide for Clo
pushed to the front in the caniierv trade ua,p 1,1,1 VIMItors "'js season, the pli
by Mr..Allen and others interested
Poultry Talks.
Hood River, Oct. 24 l!)00.-Editor
Cilacier: Did you ever seo such a scraw
ny, ill bred, ill kept lot of poultry as we
exhibited at the late fair when consider
ed as exhibition fowls? It was a shame
and a disgraco to Hood River. In all
my experience and observations, extend
ing over some nineortendifferentstates,
I have not found a locality that would at
all compare with our valley as a poultry
raising district. The light sandy soil,
rolling, well drained land, abundance of
shade, mild winters, nearness to market.
ireedom trom troublesomo "varmints"
and many other favorable features tend
to make this the best poultry country I
have ever seen land wo do not even mm.
li 1)1, I I . I..U n,ir.
.iw,vu oci o iui-ni uiurKULi ine
nomena was noticed, the boilinc mi of
uit3 uiisiy vapor, over tno cap on the
ngnt with no apparent increase in the
cioua ot vapor to the left, hut rather
umuuiii iiiBsipauon and disappearance
mr. ieawure said tne same appearance
happened more than once while lie was
on tne summit this season, and at such
times tno smell of sulphur
iturai wortnwost of Oct. 15th. onotino
General Freight Ayient Markham of the
Southern 1'acille Railroad, savs that
more than 500 carloads of poultry and
ectjs wero iuiMirted trom east of the
iiocKy mountains last, year
. "Almost ns Good" is Good.
The-apples of Oregon are evidently al
most as good as those raised in this state
L. L. Cassidy brought an Oregon apple
to tno Uegister othce yesterday and
ttioiiL'li the monster weitrhs eiulituon
ounces, he said thert wero many in the
uua Mint were larger, ami 4a ot them
nnuio an even bushel. The apples, whicl
ant oi tne iving variety, were raised at
iioou mvor, Oregon, by Ji. E. Savairo
lormer J)es Monies citizen. Iowa State
Wasco ('eiinty Properly.
Miiem, Oct. -'.I. I he summary of. the
amounting assessment in AVasco county for IDOOhas
r-T . ii J'. ' UV0 ulllIornl1 been filed in tho office of the Secretary
alone besides the imports of Oreizon and .,r o. . i . ur'
Washington points. These figures iml - l ,A,at? d 1''S a einall re-
n i .'i ... . ? ,; ",U1 duction in valuation from thnt. of ioti
vitiu nn autiiiuiiiitju ui riiiiiii iitr -nYnnn.
'ex pan-
.10.5. but the - exomntitiiia
A I. .. t A.,, ,,-v., ... ------
uioHtevcirvfamilvin tho viw ntu f w, which leaves
sion" in our poultry products -it L..t. i. .0,?:')ss. vauiution shows i a decrease of
danger of depressing the market. Al- it"!,
es of tillable lands, RS,r.27
are do-
tilO ill,.
of Hood River and many who are Inside .,'"" nin vn m,,lon W--
could raise w th little trnnhl.i n.ul n t 7,,v"'"B'''"'Jars snguresiii do-
good profit, 60 to 500 fowls per annum, a",'
My hens have already netted mo ovor Acn
one dollar per head this year, and I
jiave been handicapped in almost every
11'N noil til lltuli. inula -l'i M it
Inuiroveineii s on iliilil
Town ami elty lots
IiiipiDveineiits on town nml elty ' i'ot's
Iniprovenienisoii lantU not deeded...
lYIi'Kinpli and tetophono iliiM,"!""""
KoIIIiir stock
Bteiimhoals, stiillonary iMiaines'iuia
iiiHiiufituturtiiK imielilnerv...
Mitrehmullriiknnd stiH'k hi trade
Jiai-nilnK Impleiiieiils, wusons, "euiv
i-H.,,, , ,
onoy "
es and iiei-ouiils
urea oi stock..
"j owit s regarosinemarKOl. Ulth
the favorable conditions that exist on
many of otir valley farms they would al
moet doublo it. The care of the fowls
is work that can be done largely in spare
moments, is light, agreeable pastime
and aside from tho dol ars and cents in
it, tho pleasure derived from taking care 5?'
of a well bred and well kent flock will Si?.
more than repay one for the little troub- Household ftiruitiVro'
le incurred. How many of the Glacier oU'- ; -,-
readors win agree to make a start to- oittu. ' ' '
ward building up a flock of pure bred lW".V"Z
iowis tne coming yearr l!uy from some ow"10'
ronauio oreeuer pure bred ogga, hatch
and raiso them carefully, sell off all the
scrubs in the fall and start tho following
year with only pure bred fowls. It is
an exploded theory that crossing pure
bred fowls improves the stock. In most
cases it deteriorates and after two or
three crosses you have nothing but
ecrubs. Then let us see how many of ns
can start in tho coining season and com
bine to put up as good a poultry show
Biournoxi nuraswe mado of fruit at
. 1II1.KV0
nU.Hi 0
.... ai,2ii5
Oross valui) of all property ...
Kxcin pt Ions. ' "''
T,.t vui ,ef ; IVX"I,1 Pmiwrty RI,I2!,82
"v .ii.Miui-pipt-ny 1SIW...J,,U.') 1U!
Triplets Born to Twins.
. Huntington, W. V.f Oct. 17. Mrs.
Walter J. Sw-auson gave birth to trijdets
yesterday aitemoon at 4 o'clock. An
hour later Mrs. Howard E.Swanson sim-
lliirlu (turiktotii.I ho !,..! J rri
i,i.,0. u- i. j." .... rr ',,oi"',v' MU- a'o cir-
,, v.-.. u 1V ii no iry, aim auu cumstoiiivs aro surpnsinii. Less than a
gold and glory to our names. As many year ago Horothy and Parthena l'rve
as wish to try this plan the coming year, man, twin sisters, w ere the belles of
urop me a card in Hood Kiver l-u-ist orti
when I will have something of Interest ors, and' finally chose? V 1 " 5 "and
10 8y tu th" I- K- Bykrlkk. Howard E. Swinwn. voun timbermen
and also twins Ma ter Snnwn i...
shortly before election, and then their
mani'iiulators become frantically solicit
ous. I hey expect the voters to null
icm throuirh. and then fro homo ami
ttend to their own nrivatn lii(o'ia on.i
let the ollice-holders alone for another
two or four years. The right kind of a
primary election law may give the voters
a little more chance to have a vol in
politics, and something to say as to who
sunn oe candidates and how office-holders
shall perform their duties. Then
voters will not be so indifferent. Port
land leiegram.
When Brynu and Roosevelt Met.
Their private cars came alongside in
the yards at Alton, 111. Each stepped
upon the platform and recognized the
other at once.
"Hello," said Roosevelt, thrusting
forth his hand.
iieiio, ' quoth J!ryan, grasping the
extended hand. "How is your voice?"
"It's rough as tho populist platform.
How is yours, Col. Brvan?" laughed
"Mine is as broken as republican
promises," retorted the Nebraskan,
laughing, too. Then evervhndvl
and cheered, the democrats with Bryan
shouting "hurrah" for him, and Roose
velt's followers yelling for McKinlev.
the meeting came Wholly by chance
and was as cheerful as it was pictur
esque. Salem Journal.
Old Fashioned Cancer Cure.
Take the common "sheep sorrel" that
grows in your yard, and which the
children eat because of its sourness;
mash it up into a pulp in some vessel
Hint .. ill ..11 41.- !..' . ii .
ottSrwte be 1 ; t the ,Z K!. haw. we
1, j a wiie i wj tt- new oiAjuit. UI
squeeze out all the juice onto a new-
er plate-to get some of the acid from Millittp.T'-W' H-olc
the metal ; then put this out in the sun ""U.lIJ.ery UfOOClS,
mm lei it. dry until about as thick astar;
then put in a tight bottle; if the skin is
not broken, put a drop of chloride of
potash or lye on it to break the skin and
then apply the "sorrel" on the
just covering it with a thin coat. If the
sorrel" cots too thick a littt!it..K ;n
make it so that it can be handled. The
Of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING has arrived. These goods are
strictly up to date, and it will pay you to examine them before buy
ing your fall suit.
We have also added a full line of Ladies' Dress Skirts at $2.50 to
$5.00 each, values that cannot be excelled anywhere.
of Mexican hand
Also to their new
Wish to call your attention to their sample line
carved leather goods, consisting of Belts, Purses, etc.
arrivals in Papetries and Tablets at prices that you cannot kick about,
: "When you see it in our Ad, it's so."
nas opened a shop In the Odd Fellows
....imiim, opiMisne tne tjiiieier office. Klflepn
yeuis experience. All work waiiented. dl2
Dress Making
and Millinery.
Below Portland prices and von also s.ivp
ine ireignt.
on the county road north andensVol 'the
Barrett farm; 20 acres in eni.i...
W fruit trees Price f 1,600. 11
12. 100 acres on Hood
giWK n,,": 8 "";
13. Tlie W. II. Bishon ll AlVin I,, TT.
River, lot 6 and part of lot 7, blwki
Waucoma addition to tnJ.
pretty home. Only $1,100, ' a .
14. The Allen Fulton farm, lfiOacrei
I town ; price '00; term!
10. John Sipma farm, lOOacres J5nnn
$1,000 or more cash and balance at 8 Z
cent, or the east 40 acres, cleared Z
12,100. toOO r more cash.Vala, ?a
per cent. Best farm in the valley.
19. The Sun lot and building; $70O.
2- ,P; Ac-iT,ran,a I,,nce W1"te Salmon
insight of Hood River; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 17.OU0 strati"
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plant.
No irrigation required. Price $700
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E hite Salmon; fine
timber land ; $lo pt.r acre. .
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range;. tfl,5oo
23. Lots 5 and fl, hlock 7, Winans ml
dition ; faO a lot, or $85 for the two. .
24. Bernard Wnrrn'o fr.,; f
e... ...... .,i,vli, i-ra, fi.ou . lannuiii, pieniy oi water, cond
W same Old price. Ynni Yum W V AI..t. .to 17 ;.... 7. 'Jr. 1
tress, f2.2ol-reduced. Excelsior Wool ",'7 "-
r.A Hi ' iO. 6. ii. UOX'S flllft-rpaiil
. . .... , w.l MlLtl, II ItM 11
. Iron beds, $3.50
cliines, $3.50 reduced
3" Lumber, Lath, Lime, Doors, Windows, mont; 35 acres; $2,
Moldings, Building Material of all kinds. 28 A strin of 1,
- Lowest prices on Wall Paper. niileloi,g!7hh t,ie
fnV v ! S" i , , ,est R,y,os' !nrt rospect-
.V. V. . . ii . 1 11IM"' itiver una vi-
i.! . '' ,.- r"' "U Inspect goods.
Kvery eltoi t will be iniulc to nf isfy ,nr cu
River, lot 100 x 100 ; price $1,200.
OT T -k . .
J. it. Mckelspirs til-i t.,i
100. lernis easy,
d 30 feet wide by W 1 1.1,11 l.n...
.1 ... i - --"-, .Auneeii
oi iiiower's addition and
the county road at Piirnrlio .., p.:....
$750. .. r - a w
29. Twenty acres lying north of Peter
Kopke s, Last Side; good land; uuiin
proved, l'rice $500: terms ennv.
pain will be severe, but it is otherwise
harmless. Keep un these nnnlieniione
one every day, until the cancer can be
lifted out without pain. It took four
days in my case. The "sorrel" will cook
tlio cancer, but it dneu not. put. it nu if
does the flesh, hence it eats all the rlesh
away and lets the cancer loose. When
you see the cancer put the "sorrel" on
it and not on the flesh. When thn em-.
cer is out heal the soro with any kind of h:lsis-
healing ointment. J
Appeal to Reason.
A. AVayland in
Hood River Meat
and Produce Co.
Will conduct business strictly on a CASH
Market second door south of post office. '
I-. E. DENZER, Manager.
Kitchen Welghls and Measures.
Four teaspoonfuls of liquid make one
table spoonful.
Four table spoonfuls of liquid, one gill
or quarter of a cup.
a taniespoonful of liquid, half an
A pint of liquid weighs a pound.
A quart of sifted flour, one pound.
Four kitchen cnufnls of flour nn
Ihree kitchen cunfuls of eornnipnl
one pound. '
One cup of butter, half a pound.
A solid pint of chotmed
pound. '
len eggs, one pound.
A dash of pepper, an eiirhth of a tnn.
A pint .of brown suear, thirteen
Twocupfulsof half powdered
one pound. Novemht'r T.mlii.s.'
Advertised Letter List.
Oct 15, 1900.
Buswell, Miss I Larson, T
Stuart, Mrs O L Martin, W B
Kobmson, G W
Oct. 22, 1900.
Cockerels for Sale.
vvnno vvynniioltes, llitr.-ed Plymouth
Kocks, White Plymouth liotks and Jilnek
jiiiiiii-ciw. mioKens bought and sold. Vea
etables and iruit of nil kinds furnished to
"" r i. i.-Al.KlS.S,
novi7 I rankton Poultry Yards.
For Sale.
2,100 feet ) by 10 and 12 inches at SI. flood
ior oiu-n llooi-s, flume, etc. 2,m feetlbvS
..j 1 iiiuiut-i. a.iitui ieei.
oU B. k. TUCKER.
I have
To Exchange.
lour benutiliil bullilin iota In
n I
("-'J sr. U. NOM.E.
.! ""lein, near ine state capltol, to ex-
...... w .... o. -...lull iiun riinen in Hood Klver
....... j .
To exelmiifte, a. Winchester rifle, improved
style, for a bicycle. M. K. KOKI.K.
Saddle Ponv.
ye broken to harness or to ride, for sale
r trade. Jilts. N. C. KVANS.
ilbert. Miss E
radio, Mrs Alias
.Smith, Mrs F R
Still, Lulu
Young, A L
Brooks, Albert
Kellogg, A J
McCroskev, Milton
ftadig, Jolin
M. Yates, r. M.
Klfhtv neren. well itninm.1. m i . .
n-uit ranch. Also, two or three small trncls
...... ........ Hlil-III.S. -I- II. ('(W,M
Cockerels for Sale.
I have a few thoroughbred Silver-Spangled
Rooms to Rent
Four nlensnnt. .... .
with board. (Students preferred. Annlv to
SUtS. K. B. FlTIro.N.
Ash sheet, near I lie Armory. Hood Klver.'
To Whom it May Concern:
Orders from headquarters are to make a
Commencing Sept. 8th, for a short' time only, comprising a big stock
of goods, of which we will make mention here of only a few lines.
A big stock of the latest tailor-made Pantsthe strongest on earth
to sell at less than manufacturing cost. '
A large assortment of newly-received Hats.
A mammoth stock of newly-received Shoes of all kinds.
A fine lot of the best Underwear, just received.
A nice lot of Shirts, received this week.
Xewly-received Clothing for men and boys.
Xew line of Sweaters, just received.
mgs, Suspenders, and other lines of mn,i
one. to mention in this space, in order to make room for more goods
daily arriving from the East. REMEMBER THE Pf. rv t .i
othing Store.
proved. Price $500: terms easv.
tor fdoOO flOO per acre in 15 or 20 acre
'fin- Tlie L5-il,r tnict in 5-acre tracts
at 12 per acre; K cash; balance to
suit purchaser; interest, 7 per cent per
annum. .
1 Pii-in-in r T.l'. t
r Vo- ouinson s -iu acres,
iast hide, adjoining A, I. Mason's fruit
ranch ; unimproved ; f S50.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
D,ry1r ,),ilce; fille timber; uiifni
proved; if875.
,, For ale Eligible residence lots oa
the hill, near cannon house,' onlv 75;
u,rm.Sortv!'- I" Spangler's Subdivision,
block 2, Parkhurst.
For Sale at the Emporium 100 acres;
h 0 can be made ready for plow for $100;
40 good timber. Fine soil ; no rock on
too acres; big hay shed; school and post only mile ; on dailv stage line;
we 1 watered, $50 down, $50 in 1 month,
Mm 2 months ; bal. in 4 vears. Only
o00; a rare bargain; 15 miles distant';
For Rent. The Wickham three acres,
"?au i i8- Alma Hcm'ei tor rent- Fur
nished house; bearing orchard ; straw
berries netted $200 this year. Rent f 150
for one year; payable in three instal
ments in advance. : -
To Loan $300, in one loan. ; .
Timber Lund, Act June 3. 1S7S.J
hCHent,"iMi.Jm .?me' , v",onver,
wiisn., Sept 4, WOO. Notice is hereby civen
that In coinnl nnee u-ltii tv. i,m.i. ! ZlXr"
aet of eonRress of June . 1S78, enti led 'Un act
for the sale or timber Ii nds in t ie stt of
t'allfornla .Oregon. Nevada and Wasl ingfo f
territory." nsexteiidni m.n ih, , i ' T.J
states by act of Augnsi i, lsi)2. v maa
Of Trout Ijike, county of Kliokltnt .i.i. r.r
wnnltlnirtiin li..u ...... . . . ..'... ...
, ...m. vni uu.v niea in this office
his SWOril shltmnnnt V .jnir, ..... .," "V" "'"te
ortiiA ... i ; r?"! " puremwe
soufheasT snethm'.in'd"1, 5." 6
Oregon Historical Society.
The Oregon Historical Society was or
ganized Dec. 16, 1808. Its present olll-
cers are as follows: President, II. W
bcott, editor of the Oregonian; Vice-
president. Judge C. B. Bellinjter; Secre
tay, Prof. F. 0. Young, of tlie Univer
sity of Oregon ; Treasurer.Chas. E. Ladd,
Portland. On Jan. , 18SH). Geo. ,
Ilimes, who came to Oregon in 1853, and
who has been secretary of the Oregon
Pioneer Society since 1885, was chosen
assistant secretary, on account of his ac
quaintance with earlv settlers in all
part of the state, to gather historical
data of all kinds, documents relative to
named his twentvseven pounds of girls
after Bryan, calling them Willie, Jennie
hiiu iiryaua, wnuo lug brother Howard
who is a staunch republican, glories in
being the happy father of Hanna, Mc
kinley and Teddy. Judge John 11.
Holt, democratic candidate for govern
or acted as godfather for the democrat
ic triplets.
Pyspepsiaean bo cured bv using Acker's
Dysxpsia Tablets. One little tablet w ill
give immediate rvlief or money refunded
25c and 5Cc. Williams & Bro'sius
I nd Office nt Tlie l),iil.. n....- ...
l!W.-Noli,v In hereby irlve.i tlmt ihl VCi V.
. ......... -tn. i imx nieu notice of i s Inten-
ion (o make final nmf in ....,.. . i
claim, and that wild proof will tK! made before
ioijteT. fiaihcr. It. si, t)m,I(Slion,.r ,,,
l-W vl ' 0rvs"u' 00 KHll!l'' November 30,
ik iioou luver, Oi-jon h. k. No. 521, for the
southeast U section si, townsbtp i noiVli
raniro lllensf. W. M H noiio,
ile names the following witnesses to prove
!& ZdTy"00 upo" and Cllv-
Jam.-s Eiifflish, Krank Neff, Sam Winans
and M lehucl Nelf,all of H.H.d Kiver, Oron
JUJCAS, Kl-glster.
Hood River. Or.-!
Estimates furnished. Plans drawn.
-""'" 7 sc.-iion si, tmvnsli p jfo. (I north
?hT,ua0: 1 He"st' 1Jnd.wil1 "ffer proor to "how
i. hi'.16 ln"t,.80"S't Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than fur ri....i, '! L
poses, and to establish his claim to s id I nd
before the Itegister and llereiverof '$ ?i ire
H. Kittenhm;;, nil or Trout Lake Wash
!7a,nrN,onyeberffl,0n "r
8ln W. It. Dl'NBAR. T?elc(,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.1
illTi' Ln.nd,Pfflee, The Dalles, Oregon, Sent
tl. 1H00. Notice Is hereby ffivmi ihSi Vi 1
pliance with the provisions of thi-V i?r ,n
gress of J,,ne s, lm, enUtted 2 ?f c!',n
Bale, of timber lands In th" Wnlof Qiitftmtaf
stalement n W ",u 'r sworn mi UniDerchi ma
.CKei ....".-. the pureha V'V .'
prt?of to shl?w hat the 'land souilbl u' '0ffer
ay. the sth daVorDeettembeVSn, 0!1 atar:
their claims In th"s o.tlTon eqailtel to tile
lhdayorixinVber hS.1 r belore sl,ul
-- itrCAS, Register
fTimber Land. Act . t.,.o r
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyors transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and Mocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying. , . .
. B. Terms pra ohhka. nil il.r. lir.,.a
lands, with interest at 0 nar cent. Per
ms on homesteads
hould apply at the
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium,
Carpenter and Builder.
Estimates hirnlshed for all kinds of work.
Repmrln a swially. All kinds of hm.
hliop on Stute street, bet. 1st and 2d.
land omce at The lalles, Oregon. Oct.
!H.-Noite Is hereby given that' the follow,
ng-named sett er has HI...I n..n. ..i- i...
ten I ion to coin mute and make Mnai primf in
MiPlKirt of Ins claim, and that said pnwf vi
be made befor,. uw.rge 1 Praiher, C. s. vJ, "
Clubbing Offer.
aii suoscrioers to the Ulacler who pay In
nu mien nnu one arnntlonal can have the
Iwh-e-a-vi-eek Kepnblie or tho Toledo Blade
iw Hiru fluuiTNi lurone year. .
Klver. Oreiroii. ou .M.m-
A telesrram received
.iiam states mat Jus partv arrived at
earh setUenents, and to obtain members high. ' "cu B"tt ,ueal
mlssioner. t ll,wl
day, December s, iml vir.:
HKNJ A M I v if v nn vi . -
SIT Ktr t,rKon. ILK Na riiri for the
v .ft . 1 . w n,m Bnu southwest
1 ulll's land swilheast H southwest
MVtion iX townships north. rsngeKeast. W I
lie names the following witnesses to prove
!hm",f:t:rz,,n-ii-nc! upou Hnd eJ,"-
ii'Lh? iiIVks, ""'"'l Kelly, Arthur Pearee,
Albert Antone, of Hood Uiver, Oregon.
02 dS) JAY 1 LVCAS.TRetlsr. 1
City Property for Sale.
I have for sale the well.k
Protwrty i n Hood Kl ver. wnsisi i ng of 3 lots
...... ......... ..siv nir inner renting lor SI) a
hiislnessslrcels, within a bUn-k of the depot
Priw $1,700.
C. J. HAYES, J. P.
Office with tJeo. T. Prattler. Business will
beattendeil toat any time. Cullee! Ions made
f.rilLTo "S,I,JSS K'yn n will be attended
to sfiecitily and results made promptly. Will
linate on g,i,l government lands, eitii-.-r tim
ber or farming. We are in touch with the U
KLauUOffloatTb.eial!es. tjive ns cwJt.
Thomas W Lusk, ln vld Schoek and Charles
K. lU'NBAR. Rlt
Notice ot Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given tlmt the partnershln
5f. between theffied
under the firm name of Evans and Kuwll 5
thisday -dissobed by mutual consent All
accounts due the firm n-ni ,Ti"r?H
Grant Kvans. who ii.VV .V.??"'
Dated at Hood Kiver. K-i. "usmess
tilSn'XJTektSv Hood River'
i . 7 . v' n'i-n iiiiii, iiii; io iktv. th..(. 1 "'iirrj K nrn iu t..
uis-immeu settler has Hied notice of I ii Tn 1. ." r"nP'""'ce with the nm.7i 15 1 en
tention to make final pnnnupport of hls" U'faf . of Jne 3 fs?H oS,0,'
V '.'''1lhats.lld proof will b'madenef, kl?1 le of i b?, t'L1,.IJ(1
ZiX fif.ii?' Superior :urt of
W ashlngton. on Ortober 27, 100, viz: '
Homestead Application Xo. osjs. for the
northwest, southwest U of section r easi v
southeast of stvtion 1, und northed i?
norlhem. tVt or section 10, in township "north
of range 9 east, V. M. 'ii nouu
Heuames tho following witnesses to prove
n fiw PL'",!!","?. rs!J;" P and cuWva-
Davidson Fruit Co.,
' . .".'. AURUt J L II.H
Of The Railed cotinfyof wKMAN-
son, has this dv m$ rnf ate of Ore-
statement No. (S tor the Il'f 1,18 Stto''n
iu"V" , section No m i T. ' "uueast
north, ranKe No. Beast w r '"'"'P ?'. 1
proof to show that the lr.H ' an.d offer
valuable for its t mh. "Rht is more
rieultuml purpose? aSd8")nf ,thnn
to Mid lanS bB'toSS,"1' "elaim
f tins office at The Kecelver
re of
Steamer IRALDA
111 IPHVP 1 QSftlilA nobii nA. . .
River at KM a. m.. daily (e!cfnt"s.in3v.T2
Itntl WAV 1-irtfiin.N 1...
will hmveThe Da!lt L"","",Jt
and liiht treiirht. Ketiim iivi'. . .V?
Illy nd Regulator are good on tills boot
W. G. ALLAW AV, Agent.
eiron. nnrt I VI m. i ' ll III ilood Rivai ...
Any and all S J he Dalles.Oon
ot November 1900 .ore said
Una, t . v V i..
ShMeJ,s Meeting.
at 10 oVlockmF.S'J-1!.
reetors and other'bosioe'?" Sf L'T rd I-
jf Packers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruit3.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
ages. Fertilizers and Agricul-
liurai implements.
Horsfi fn-r ci
A 0-yeawild horse
for sale or trade by fell broke
l'ift?nv0.?,ee-at Th Dalles. Oreeon.Sept. 21.
ln ' hereby given that the folia
!SfnT?ed se,IIer has fllecl notice of his inteu
nort , mm" nd make final proof in snp-io-i,iLl,is
c!in.and t hat said proof will be
io.r f',r eorge T. Prather, V. 8. Comnils
3f&i2L.H,SS ?''. Oregon, on Fridaj-,
Of D,tFK'-,0-,' W. SWESEY,
L. i?"1 R Ier- Oregon, H. K. No. TiOT, for th
v IZ mnlliest t:, northwest u soutlieast
t7.Vn-M80?thwest K northeast section 1,
township 2 north, range 9 east, W. M.
bis l.methe fo"wing witnesses to prove
tiorS ?Unn?" residence upon and colllva-
uon or said land, viK
4 Al Z,xk' an of iixl River, Oreson.
l-ai-- - JAY P. LUCAS, Register.