The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 19, 1900, Image 3

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iftosd River Glacier. 4'&StS
I """FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1900.
va , W1,e' was in town
Wednesday and went out to inntwt. th
nnrsprv stsuilr of f'l..u; "
m " d-v . vulu,1,ula nursery.
Mr. Schanno Baya Hood River' "should
have had a representative at The Dalles
carnival, some one who could have staid
there all the time and given out infor
lnation to the manv vimtnra h
askingabout oursection. It would hav
The bank has a heavy draft horse for
Wanted. 10-inch oak wood, by C. D.
f Thompson.
J Go to C. L. Rogers & Co. for
f fine neck wear.
I For Sale or Rent C. Welds'
one mile east oi town.
luncn baskets at
one n ght last week, set tire to the kit
tu.ung m could burn a hole in it 'and
S P. He succeeded all
rht n making a fire, but smoke soon
nlled the room. Hn vonA i,i.. ,
fortunately for him Vdmy, theTa'sh
man came to his assistance in time to
vo mm irom suffocation. A hole biu
fSAtm th. Pri80?er t0 ck his heal
rr?u ? uurnt m the corner of the
bmlding. Marshal dinger arrived and
took the prisoner 'h mnWi aa Hut La .....
not desirous of repeating the dose.
w. 11. I'uBh and fnmil
Pf. Brosius' horse for sale, f 75.
fwond hand bikes at John Hullt'a,
Harness and bikes repaired by J.Hullt. Pai'd Hood River well, too, he says, to
List vour real estate with E.E.Savase. i!?Vet!iad o hbe' Quantity of our de-
- . i DLiiiiLivn 1 1 ii 1 1 r i r 1 1 1 r rrtAam ,i i t
tion. About 6,000 strangers visited the
'""ii nuu uiuny were nome-snpkpra n.,:. .i i i. " . r :"""v ' vcu at
Mr. Schanno is proLd of the eiS of !ff'r01iho,uet Ncbraek- Oct. 5th,
fruit made at tL Dalles from dXl? fe-fe"1.' trlP.on tue cars- The
ladieB' Pas of the county. Z LT3" lu V. out t0 meet thein
. Judge L. J. Davenport of Hosier mrf KmKm
P'ce. Li,.fn80clde"t M Friday which re- writes that in UtoZhnJXi
ui in a oroKen arm. He drove to kelnian farmers are , .
c, those Brownie lunch baskets ".B,lw """ .wno i Pony took fricht A f L T . .
I Sherrill's furniture store. " 0f the mill and broke lie V.!le7 ChriabCThV W
j c,L.Kogers&Co.have aniceline of SZld and tVAlK eTn-
boys' ana gin s nats ana caps. . . wa whil . n,n ,r Y" . wiu conauct the
For Sale. Four lots in Blowers addi
I tion, the choice of that suburb.
iu. u. oavaiik. i Hnnr, nnn cnnaoii him n .
way, while going down the hill to the tiZ V' ST. ,. ul? w8 ?nd
e near his ulace. the hmt.n.i,.( r:"V"cuo K" lu" e sincmg.
LreJ-.ditti"8) W in""a tencier cTncSTorkeT lle8r
. . . , , nv 'pi. - i j; l . .
1 For Rent Five unfurnished rooms for JurtB s tlirown out of his bueev anrl l" 11.,ules. aw. .society of the Concrcea-
- .. . , . . . .. i nnj - i , ' i rjnnni phnrnh will v, t.-ij .
! family housekeeping ; city water in the
kitchen. Inquire at the Emporium.
1 E. E. Savage, notary public, convey
1 ancer, deeds, leases, all kinds of legal
) papers drawn. Office, LaFrance house,
j For sprains, swelling and lameness,
J there is nothing so good as Chamber
i Iain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale bv
Williams & Brosius.
For Stile fia acres, mile and a quarter
f Muth west of town ; good large nouse :
? voung orchard, fine location. Inquire
j 'of Geo. T. Prather.
Here is a Bargain A four room dwel
ling in good repair; lot 50x100 ; centrally
! located ; three blocks from depot ; in town
S of Hood River, Or. Price, spot cash,
f500. Call on Geo. T. Prather for furth-
j cr particulars.
I Here is the best bargain in the town
j of Hood River, Oregon ; one of the best
business corners in town; 3 lots; good
must be sold in
auaiuuieu u urouen arm. He iuti tn
Hood River on Saturday ami rr vtt
net uie iraciurea arm
with Mrs. J. L. Hershner at the narso'n-
age. All members and friends of the
The little steamer Tr.1,1 n-oa n . ? stt to be present. As
tronked by Hood River mo, nh,J7J I' lJl '"". 1,0 worK a' PBent,
The Dalles carnival last Kridav. Amnn- v . '" VWB'
the passengers from Stevenson were VA. .,f re?e,Piwn was tendered W. E. Slier
itor Gmder and family. Frank rurh rm a,29 Driua at the residence of Mr.
and EiiPfiim RubIi, v.naan k. k : nd Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell VVednesdav
the employ of Frank Clark for the nan el'e?'n8- A large number of the friends
two years. He was dad to mePt J P1 lV newly-married couple were on
many Hood River DeoDla nnd ;i ha "u,m l u"er congratulations.
hoped to come back some dav tn Vwa in Farmers have had fine weather tnr Mm
Hood River. The ex-candidate far Mtv past two weeks in which to enthr thpir
mnffilml rnn 1 it onnlao ttnA tl,n.. V... 1 i i
uiaiaimi ma iUUIklUg WU1I. I nuu nave U1UUO UlO UVHl US6
Special Bible Studies. At the wnlur m.n: inur?aay as w.e.g to press it is
prayer service. Wednesday
24th, Rev. II. C. Shaffer will iHva hB There were six accessions to the f!on
first of a series of eight Bible studies at gregational church last Sunday morn-
mo xirsi u. rs. cnurcn. me subject i''iK present pastorate 78
will be, "The Holy Spirit and His accessions have been made to this
Work." All who mav wish to pntr th cnurcn.
..Idea nm w,,. .. .1 1. 1 1 , I T' 1 , . .
wooa mo itvjucntcu w uriu b. smau tao- x.u. veicn oi ita eiffii. lire., wan nn
let and pencil. The voune neonlp. are on a business trin am? viaiipH ith
Oup Millinepjf
Department is now complete in all the latest and most correct styles
in Caps, Street Hats and Trimmed Hats, and prices are aa low as any
one anywhere would think of accepting. Especially in trimmed hats
prices are decidedly lower than the city establishments. Caps and
street hats, 35c to $3.
Labor-saving devices are prominent features of the present age
desirable, too, even at extra expense, but especially so when it COSTS
YOU NOTHING, as in our ready-to-wear LADIES' SKIRTS, which
cost no more than the material. We have them in creion, ladies1
cloth, worsteds, etc. ; black, gray and other colors, and prices as low
as they can be.
Our RUBBERS are as good as the best in quality and have an im
proved, reinforced back which is superioi to all others. We also fit
each to insure best service. Prices same as all first quality goods.
Our Royal Tailoring samples always open for inspection. If yon
want something good and up to the minute in stylo, this is your line.
; buildings, title perfect;
the next 30 days. I rice down to the specially iireed to take advantnwn nf half hrnthr. c.rant PoHTm.Io., a
bottom. Call on the right person. Geo; these studies. retnrneH hnm vaHnAi. '
T. Prather,
Public Speaking. Hon. Dell Stuart
j of Portland, and Earl C. Sanders of The
Dalles, will, on the 31st of October, 1900,
at 2 o'clock p. m., address the citizens
; of Hood River on the political issues of
j the day. All are invited so attend.
Ir. F. C. Brosius has removed to his
i new residence at the west end of Oak
The Dalles carnival closed Saturday
night with a wedding. Shirley E
f arfcer and Miss Laura D. White of
Wapimtia were the happy couple. The
Ualtes merchants cave them enoueh
presents in the shape of j
noiu gooas, groceries, etc., to set them
up iu housekeeping. The carnival was
a great success m every way and will
I street, midway between the school house Prove a gd advertisement
; and armory, and can be found in his of- Dalles and Wasco county
: lice over Williams & Brosius
Mrs. J. D. Dishman and children anil
little Emma Gibbons went to The Dalles
last iridny.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gallitran were
visitors at ine Lanes carnival.
Frankton Notos.
Everybody busy nickins- and nackin
- v u . O
c nu.
Trrf Ttawmaa . wl ATI,,. T ,
IT a t!.i j .in. i , . I YV luina uivu
u. O. niUIUUUUU OI Ml. llOOa. W-nODUt tho r a umont
in me past two or tnree summers as for
est ranger in the Cascade reserve, came
home last week. He says he will not
accent a reaDoointment but will here.
after devote his time to his ranch at Mt
Hood. His orchard is bearing this year
sell or rent bv the vear to richt nersnn. for the first, and the apples are of the
Don't forget to eee the right person, best quality. Mr. Richmond says $1,500 HvWain
non T Pi.otV.o- ' wouldn't, tamnt. Viim tr, nark ivifh hi. 'fy gam.
When you cannot sleeo for cousin,, homestead, undeveloped as it is. ". wn visited w. h her
it is hardly necessary that any one Jas. Welch and wife of Astoria spent Cim 'ay iuruay ami
slinnlrl tll j last Thursday in HnnH Pivpr iha ou"uny-
ofl hamlierlain'snniiD'h Varna Am tnall I cuests Of JMr. and Mrs. 11. J. Hibhard.
tln irritatinn rf
I leep noFHible. It is coocl. Trv it. For - Oregon and paid Idlewilde lodge
oaiu uy tfliliitllia x iroelU8. I n 11 (il Vl f' inui nuajf itijiii. iuio,
Read This-One of the best and Pari, " eicn is president of the JNative Daugh-
drue store
between the hours of 10-11 a. m.. 2-3
and 0-7 p. m.
I Now is your chance to get a bargain in
a good home, mile from P. O. ; 2 acres ;
? good house ; fine well of water ; place
i wen improved; an Kinaa ot truit; win
.f m U X. "1 A.
are in
Claude Copple is buildimra fine dwell
ing house down at the Davenport planer.
Noble and Eastman are the carpenters.
Wonder what Claude .wants with a
We regret the loss of Mr. Gerkine and
bis estimable family, but our loss is the
? lest fruit farms, within two miles of
; town, for sale. Contains 75 acres. Boat
lands at the place twice a day. Good lo-
cation for store and hotel. "For further
I particulars, call on or address Geo. T.
j Prather, Hood River, Or.
i Republican Club Meeting. The re
j publican club will meet at the office of
Ceo.'T. Prather, Saturday evening, Oct.
, 20th, at 7:30. A full attendance is de
I sired, as there will be important bnsi
; ness on hand. H. D. Lanoiixe, Pres.
j Gro. T. Pkather, Secretary.
5 Say, can you tell me where to get a
township plat? Yes; Geo. T. Prather's
j got e'm ; also, blank deeds, mortgages
j and any kind of blank you want ; up" to
f date, too ; no old stock to sell off ; most
nil hta blanks are nrintorl at linmp nnd
t Ills tsiumcliir. nlnla tl T !,., 111
lever seen be running next week
I One of the best farms in Hood River
valley, West Side, containing 94 acres;
j well improved; plenty of water; 1
I aiiles from town. Price $50 per acre,
i A fine farm, 160 acres, three miles
J from White Salmon landing, Wash.
J "ell improved, and goes at a bargain.
i j.or sain nv nan. r. Kratnor
For Sale A fine stock and fruit farm,
containing 240 acres, 8 miles from town.
Will sell all in one body, or I will divide
it up into 80-acre tracts. Small orchard,
house, barn, and nearly all under fence;
80 acres in cultivation ; plenty of good
water, 3 large springs. Call on or ad
dress Geo. T. Prather, Hood River, Or.
"For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bers," says M.E.Lowther.clerk of the dis-
The Davennort Bros, must be doinn a
big business from the amount of lumber
that is being handled by that firm now,
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Noble were moBt
agreeably surprised last Tuesday even
ing by a goodly number of "their friends
and neighbors breaking into their house
with well-filled boxes and baskets of the
The Pacific -Monthly for October is a Picest 0,.al1. tliat. lf? K0.0? to eat, it being
most excellent number. The fourth ar- alrs- Die'.s d Dirthday. Hie pres
HfllA in Hip. BPripH nn "Thn P.i.-p f ents were nice and showed the high re-
Orefmn" nonpars in this issnp. Th 8apu er friends tiave for her. After
ters of Oregon. Both are making the
rounds oi their respective lodges through
out the state.
appears in this issue.
fifth, whieh is now in preparation, will
be devoted to the Columbia. Geo. M.
Gage, subscription manager of this fa
vorite publication, is now in Hood River
and will make a thorough canvass of the
The Davidson Fruit Co. has received
some heavy orders for canned apples
and pumpkins. They are paying 40
cents per hundred pounds, or 20 cents
per fifty pound box, for apples. This is
for second-class fruit not suitable for
shipping. Their 6team cider mill will
! running next weeK.
A syndicate, composed of P. Spangler,
J. Bagley, R. R. Erwin, C. D. Thomp
son, t. a, iiarnes, L. .Bradley and John
L. Henderson, have bought block 2,
Parkhurst, for $000. This block lies just
south of the cannon house on the lull
It will be cut up into 16 lots and sold for
cheap homes,
Politics are )eginning to warm up
even in Hood Kiver. We occasionally
hear the presidential candidates men.
tioned on the streets and are reminded
that the election is only three weeks off.
Gov. Geer will speak here on the 27th,
and later Dell Stuart and x.arl Sanders
will speak.
Uhri8 Dethnian took first prize on
fruit at The Dalles carnival. Wm.Ehrck
received special mention for his box of
Hyde's King apples, one of them meas
m ui wieuin i ,., i ... t i
trictcourt,Centerville1Iowa.. "Ithought I "Z
a tried adozen dif-1 .v" j : "5 ..r
should surely die, and tried a dozen dif
ferent medicines, but all to no purpose. I
wnt for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three
doses relieved me entirely." This remedy
to for gale by Willisjms & Brosius. have been asking for a cheap
place and want good land, with some
improvements. Well, who's got it?
Why, Prather. Well, what is Hi Why,
it contains 139 acres, 8 miles from town;
9 acres in cultivation, 400 fine fruit trees,
a pretty good house and barn, and 70
acres of as fine fruit or grass land as
there is in the valley, that can be easily
cleared and is almost level, and can be
bought for f900. You had better go and
see Geo. T. Prather at once and buy the
place ; it is a bargain.
The editor of the Glacier was given
credit at The Dalles carnival for exhib
iting the biggest squash. The squash
was grown by W. P. Watson and pre
sented to the editor just before Mr. Wat
son left on his visit to the Sound.
Fred Bailey and family went to Port
land last Saturday. Mr. Bailey, who is
an expert drummer, will take lessons
and practice on the tap drum in the or
chestras of the leading theatres. He
may remain in Portland all winter.
?. ii-M nnnlna svf IfirxA XHtfAm 1iata
i a iJi?.n ; flcrftDe all crease and flesh from the pelt
thrPP. u-Pfika. The rain of two weeks aeo Take four pounds salt and one of pul-
the time was spent in social chat and
mirth till a late hour, when all returned
home saying it was good to bo there.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Belieu, Mr.
and airs. Bcott Uoorman, Mr. and Mrs
Win. Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Oat Eastman,
Mr. and Mrs. Ka nh Ellis. Mr. and Mrs
Alfred Boorman, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Ellis, Sam Eby. Nix.
A Sociable Send-off.
Ben Lage, son of Hans Lage of the
East Side, started last week for Corval
lis to enter tho agricultural college. He
was given a surprise Wednesday even
ing Dy trie young ioiks oi ine neignuor
hood gathering at his father's house.
where they had a joyous time, lasting
till the wee sma' hours. John Crosby
and Chet Sears furnished the music for
the dance. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Hans L&ae. Mr. and Mrs. John
Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scobee, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Robertson, Mrs. Mar
garet Eeid, Tne Misses Ella Stauffer,
Lucille Roberts, Augusta Jochimsen,
Bessie Van Allen, Miss Crockett ;Messrs.
Ben Lage, Ed Lage, Charley Lage, Henry
Lage, Chester Sears, John Roberts, Otto
Ehrck, Will Magill, Don Crosby, Earl
Clark, T. B. M. Chastain, and James
Hanna of Baker City.
Change of Voting Place.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 11, 1900. D. S.
Crapper, Hood River Dear Sir: I am
authorized by the honorable county
court to inform you officially as chair
man of the election board of South Hood
River precinct that you are instructed
to notify the voters of said precinct that
they are to vote at the Barrett school
house in the future, unaiigea from
Markham's. A. E. Lake, Co. Clerk.
Tanning: Hides.
Stretch the hides firmly on a smooth
table and fasten well with tacks, then
Mrs. Fred Howe spent last Thursday
at The Dalles.
Miss Ida Nickelsen visited at The
Dalles last week.
Miss Katie Sinnott, took in the Dalles
carnival last week. -:;
Miss Carrie Butler visited The Dalles
carnival last Friday.
Mrs. Langille visited th carnival at
The Dalles last Saturday.
Miss Anne Smith spent eeveral days
of last week at The Dalles.
.Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morse and children
v sited The Dalles carnival.
verizedalum, dissolve in 20Jquarta of
warm water. Immerse hide in this 12
hours, or until hair is fast. Wring out
and rinse thoroughly. Put hide in a tub
filled soft water to which has been
added one pound sal-soda, half pound
pulverized Iwrax, one ounce aqua am
monia and enough soap to form a good
suds. Wash well and scrape flesh side
again. Take half a bushel wheat bran
and seven pounds salt to ten gallons of
water, stand in a warm place until
and the fine sunshiny weather since
have caused the apples to color beauti
E. E. Savage last week bought of the
Emporium lot 1. block 1. Waucoma;
consideration 250. This property lies
jnat north of Dr. Shaw's residence. Mr.
Savage will build upon the lot in the
near future.
Up to the first of this week the David
on Fruit Co. had sold to Hood River
fruitgrowers 30,000 apple boxes for this ferments, strain out the bran and add
year's crop. It is estimated that 20,000 tw0 and- one haj anda sulphuric acid,
more will be required. add slowly and stir all the time. Pntiu
Richard Kirbyson and family are the pelt and stir often and keep the pelt
greatly in love with the site of their new under the liquor from one to five days,
house. -It is situated near the bluff and according to thickness of pelt, when it is
ftommands a fine view up and down the white and feels like wet leather it is
Frank M.Trai-ian in nn frnrn pnrtiT,i 1 rilumbia river. tanned. Stretch in ft cool airy place in
us ioiuu ao u u m. j (iauuu -
for a fnw Aa ii I ti f wt,u anA Hartley the shade to dry. w hen dry. sand pa-
Miss Brown, primary teacher at the will open tomorrow. Part of their goods per smooth, then w hip and pound the
FranktonschnIsu3ntyVhUhee ?S!SLS .1? SSTtt fl&V'&J
me lumber in the fair building was PulIwe.wul T CB..J ,v" . 7 T". bin. take two Iona wooled skins, make
, i'o A t H mrninwr a strong suds of hot water; when it is
ast Saturday from Milton, wming over- 8 the skins in it carefully squeez
and in their own convey ance. They are them between the hands to get the
l.u.bin fn. farm In rAnL . .... 1. . ?
'""""s " , dirt out witn Clean coia water, sxow.
Miss May Boorman is attending the dissolve a half pound each of salt and
high school at The Dalles. Her mother Duiverized alum with a little hot water,
visited her last week, returning nome wuicu t jn a tub of cold water sufn
onday. cientto cover the skins and let them
J. L. Gordon, having completed his k 12 hours, then hang over a pole in
new dwelling house. now ouiiaing a thB .hade to drr. and draw them out
commodious barn. well bv hand several times while drying.
Mrs. Chas. Early and children of Vi- While still a little damp, have one ounce
onto visited relatives in Hood River the each of salt petre and aium pulverized
r r.n. t - f fKn wspk. and sprinkle on the flesh side of each
W :.:. ? "Sui .J.iVl " .:i .kin. rnbbine in well.tben lay the flesh
next spring. last week.
roatmaeter Yates' new dwelling house
U Pr.a u- . 11
.. .""" -ue most commoQious ae wen , k
tl hart j . j . - . - rl . aA - I
. "uienra ana most convenient 01 . , ..,t, j:w:rh rvr
Eu Hooi Hirer. M. A. Cook was Gov. Geer is annonncpd rr. .. --. J
'te builder and he did a nest job. ' H-?d ;ver .-.a -
Saturday by H. Pugh for
wnght las:
. M. B. Potter and Benj. Davidson fin
ished setting ten acres in strawberry
Plants last Monday.
Wm. Boorman and wife, Alfred Boor
!San sr..! M.., w rnin. t
' oe Dalles carnival, last Friday, by the Monday.
-valuer iraida.
tA good picture of the late Madison N.
f"y "Ppeared in the Oregonian of Oct.
"th. It is a true likeness of the old
two or three days, turning the under
H Henderson, s carpenter at Grass skin uppermost every day. Then scrape
Valfevred Several foreed checks and the flesh sides of the skins a blunt
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
the body ,smki ng at the pit of the stomach ,
lossof appetite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences of impure
blood. No matter ho w it became so i t must
be purified in order to obtain (rood health
Acker's Blood Eliser has ne .'erfailci to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
any other blood diseases. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every bot
tle on a positive guarantee. Williams &
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
In Hood River valley, Oct. 11, 1900, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wheeler ,a daughter.
Near Woodvillo, Jackson county, Ore
gon, at the home of the bride's parents,
October 10, 1900, W. E. Sherrill of Hood
River and Miss Lizzie Schmidtlcin of
Woodville were united in marriage.
Mr. Sherrill is one of Hood River's
leading business men, being engaged in
the furniture business. The happy
couple arrived in Hood River Tuesday
evening and will go to housekeeping in
the house of O. L. Stranahan. The Gla
cier extends congratulations.
In The Dalles, Oct. 11. 1900. 8. F.
Fouts and Miss E. A. Jukes, both of
Hood River.
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herb drink. Cures constipation and in
digestion.makesyoueat, sleep, work and
nappy, oansiaction guaranteed or money
back." 25c and 60c. Williams & Brosius.
Church Notices.
M. E. Church Service. SundayBchool
10 a. m. ; preaching followed by class
service, 11 a." m.; Ep worth League
o:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:30 p. in.
regular prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 8 p. m. F. R. Spaulding, 'pastor,
U. B. Church Sabbath school at 10.
Beginning with next Sunday, the pastor
will preach a series of sermons on the
subject, "Tho Mosaic Institutions as
Types of Christ and Christianity." 1
The Tabernacle, 2. The Priesthood.
3. The Sacrifices. 4. The Day of Atone
ment. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. Preaching
in the evening at 7:30. Special music
in the evening by male quartet. J. R.
Nickelsen will also sing a solo. Visitors
in the city will be given a cordial wel
come to these services. II. C. Shaffer,
Congregational Church. The pastor
will conduct services next eunday at 11
a. m. and 7 :45 p. m. Subject at morn
ing service, "Prosperity in Others."
C. E. service at 7 p. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.
Valley Christian Church Sunday
school at 11 a. m., Endeavor at 7 p. m.,
preaching at 8 p. in. Subjects of dis
course: "Law and Grace contrasted."
"The punishment of sin." . .
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a
positive guarantee. Cure heartburn.dit
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief. 25c and 50c.
Williams & Brosius.
O) 0.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound.
- 11:25
8:27 p.m.
Mall and
Ex press.
11:42 p. in.
8 p.m.
8 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
10 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
7 a.m.
Tuos. Thnr.
and Hut.
8 a.m.
Tuen, Tliur.
ana Hat.
Salt f.okc, Denver,
Ft W orlb.Omuhii,
Kansas Oily, fcttJ
IxtnU, Chicago
unu 111- iuisu
Walla Wnlln, Hpo-
Kune, Minneapolis
Ht Paul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Wortli,Omaha,
Kunsaa city. t.
IjOuIx, Chicago
uuu me Hast.
Ockan Steamships!
t or Han Frnclo 1
Hull every utluyH.
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
Oregon City. New.
nerg.Httiem a way
Oregon City .Dayton
Graining, Natural Finishing, etc. .
Estimates Gratis. E. H. PICKARD.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Office, The Dallex, Ore
gon, Hcpu 12, I!KW. Notice II uereny given
that In compliance with the prnvUionn of
the act of consreHD of June 3. 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lundH In the
fttaten of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," a extended to nil
the public land state by act of August 4, 18112,
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn
statement No. 162, for the pitrchae of the
lots 11 ana n ana south nuir or southeast
quarter of section No. Ill, In township No. 1
norm, range ro. y earn, w. 01., ana win oner
Droof to show thftt the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural Duruoxe. and to establish Ins claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, itiextth day ui Hoveinber, iwiu.
He names as witnesses: William Hand.L.K.
Morse and C. L. Morse, all of Hood River, Or
egon, and 1. H. Phirmanof TheDalles,Oregon.
Any and all persons elalmlnrndvernely the
nbove-descrlbed lands are requested to me
their claims in this office on or before said
24th day of November, 1900.
5:36 a.m.
Hud way landings,
Willamette River.
Portland to Corval
lisifc way landings.
Hnakk Rivbb.
HI pur la to Lewiston
W. Bound.
x:vd p. 111
Mall and
4 p.m.
4 '
4:W p.m.
S:! p.m.
Mon, Wed
and Fi t.
4:30 r.m.
Mon., Wed
ana t ri,
I,v Lewlst'n
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
J. Baglky, Agent, Hood River.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
Regulator and
Dalles City
iiany jexccpi nunaayi DOiween
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks,
Vancouver anu Portland,
Touching at way points on both sides of the
Columbia River. :
Both of the above steamers have been re
built nnd are tn excellent shape foi the sea
son of 11)00. The Regulator line will endeavor
to give lis patrons tne best service possible.
For comfort-, economy and pleasure, travel
Dy me steamers oi uie tieguiaior ijilie.
Dulles City leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Regulator leaves at 7 a. m, Monday, Wed.
nestlay and Friday. "
Leave Portland 7 a. m.j arrive at Tho Dalles
6 p. m. Arrive at Portland 4:30 p. m.
Portland ofllce, Oak st. Dock. The Dalles
office, Court street,
General Agent.
Land Office at The Dalles. Orecon. Hent. 10.
1(100. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has flied notice of his Inten
tion to make final r.roof In snnnort of his
ciaim, ana tnut saiu proof win be niaae nerore
UcorgeT. Prather,' II. H. Commissioner, al
Hooa Biver, Oregon, on Friday, October IV,
Of M Oiler, Oregon, H. E. No. iai, for tho
southwest yt section 23, township 2 north,
range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultiva
tion of, suid land, viz:
M. Duty, (Jra. Huskey, Charlie Stark and
Elijah Huskey, all ot Mosier, Oregon.
si4c10 . JAY P. LUCAH, Register.
JAY P. L0CA8, Hfigltfer.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
tJ. 8. Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon. Sept
1. lduO. Notice Is hereby given that in com
Dliance wltb the provisions of the act of con
gress of June 8, IS78, entitled "Ad act for the
sale of timber lands In the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
. . .rtvr.II I ' I,,..- I' flT
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 103, for the pnrchas of the
northwest yt soutnwest , ana soutnwesi y,
northwest of section No. 6 In township
north, range No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or sne than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Registettnd Receiver
of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, tbe 8th day of December, UO0.
isne names as witnesses: josepn si ft
Edward Mays and Clyde Bo&ney of Hood
River, Oregon; A. A. Boaney of Tygb Val
ley, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Die
their claims In this office on or before said
gib day of December, UM0.
airiM jai y. LUCAS, Keg inter.
Clubbing Offer.
All tmnoirrlbers to the loeler who pay In
s i vtnee end SOc additional can have the
T lr-'l: ter-ablic or the Toledo Bi-ide
o tt-e:r fedrirs ivc 0 ?ir.
In the Circuit Court for the Htute of Oregon,
In the County of Wasco.
Celia E. Houston, plff., ) Hult for divorce.
v. VHuminons bv Diilill-
John M. Houston, deft.) cation.
to .101111 m. riousuin, tne noove namea ae
fendant: In the name of the slate of On iron.
you are hereby refiulred to appear and answer
Ihe complaint filed agulnst you in the above
entitled suit and Court, on or before Monday
the 12th day of November, A. !., 1000, that
being the first day of the November termor
said Court, and the lust day prescribed In the
order for publication of said summons, where
in it was oraer'H!, that wild publication be
made once a week for six consecutive weeks.
and for seven consecutive insertions. In the
'Hood River Ulacler '.0 newsuaner of general
circulation, published weekly In the Town of
nooa ttiver, saia uounty ana MUtic; ana ir you
fall to appear and answer said complaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judg
ment agulnst you for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and now
exlstlnv between iIm nlln,ir gnd de&ndafit
xrmr., :ni s. . ."S piasnv.n ine care, con
trol and custody of the two minor children,
daughter and son of the parMes of this suit,
and for general relief.
The fcfci vloe of this summons Is therefore
made upon yon by publication thereof In the
said Hood River Glacier, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation, published weekly In said
Wasco County, Mate of Oregon ,by order of said
court, Hon. w. L. Bradshuw presiding, under
date the 27th day of September, l00,forslx
consecutive weeks and Pr ven consecutive
insertions, tlic date of tlie first publication of
which is the Wth day ofHcptember. A. !.. '.000.
Carry a Dice line oi
Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Underwear,
Choice Cured Meats and first-grade Lard,
Flour and Feed.
Our prices will be found as low as is cousistent with fair deal
ing and legitimate profit.
tjGF" floods delivered free of charge, mt
Beautiful Photo.gravure Mounts.
Ciloicfi Pictnres for Home AflommeBt.
Notice Our Great Offer:
We will give you free your choice of one of these 'beautiful pictures
each time that you purchase, for cash, (1.50 worth of our goods till
you get them all.
- No other store in our line can offer them." Come and see them.
r? H. 0. EVERHART.
Carries a full and complete stock of FURNITURE, including new
and elegant designs in Floor Matting, We aim to keep in stock the
latust designs in Bed Room Suites.
" Step in and look at our Hammocks, from 75c up.
In Builders' Supplies our stock is unequaled. Picture Frames a
. specialty. :
Patronize home industry and buy Boyed's Bricks of us.
A carload of lumber and shingles just unloaded.
W. P. Fuller's prepared Paints are unequaled. We carry a full
assortment. '
We appreciate the patronage given us by tho people of Hood
River and vicinity and hope to continue to merit it.
,1 1
Held high
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more gquare
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
On to him for purs fresh Drugs, Patent Medicine and Wall Paper. Prescriptions and
Family Recipes a specialty.
U. S. Commssioner,
Notary Public.
Alistraclep ana ConyeFancer, Real Estate ana la;
I have lots and blonks for sale In difRront parts of the town of Hooil River.
Also, have the exclusive sale of lots In Itlowum' Addition, the most beautiful build
lug location Iu town. ,
Business, such as paying taxes for non-residents, or anything pertaining to Hie
County Court, promptly attended to. C'uu furnish township phtu to home-seekers
or those looking for lands, lluve been a resident of Hood Kiver Valley for 'i
years. Correspondence solicited. Telephone !.
(Buceessor to E. L. Smith Oldest lOstubUshcd House in the valley.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Flour and Peed, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all its
goods ; it pays no rent i It employs a clerk but does not have to divide
with a partnerall dividends are made with customers in the way of
reasonable prices.
Attorney fat Plaintiff.
Timber Ijind, Act June s, 187S.J "
United Slates Ijind Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon. Sept. 24 im Notice Is hereby given
that in aniif.'.'.zr.z: r!lh th provisions of the
act of congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Of Tygli Valley, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day flied In this ofllce his
iora statement No. IMS for the purchase
of the west southeast and lot 7 and la,
section 7, township 2 north, rang. 9 enM.
W. M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more vaiuabie (or IU tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to suid land
before the lU-gimer and Receiver of this ottlce
at The Dalles, Oregon, on baturds), the I5lb
darof December, WOO,
He namea m witnessw: Clyde T. Bonney,
Henry McOulre. O. K. Hartley and llle
Butler, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
fthove-dewrlbed lands are requested to 111
their claims tn this office on or before said
15th day of December, mx
CM7 JAY V. Lt'CAH, Beglstor.
asfisssw mmm imm iimiiwssssssMnsi.a mmm fmm
J WMCaaasOsi wttm W I II ah y
Harness and Horse Goods.
Is iii receipt of new goods every week.
HIDES and FURS houtdit and tnlton in frmla.
Bicycles repaired and Bicycles for rent.
And all kinds of supplies for
Printing papers, card mounts, developers and toning solution.
Prices range from 5 to f20 for Kodaks.
i 1
triTTWiiiai'BfUsst Itm wm
With F. E. JACKSON. Ha and the DAVEN
PORT BROS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.