The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 19, 1900, Image 2

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    food Jftver Slacier.
The price of apples keeps up well con
sidering the reported full crops every
Where. . The crops may be full, but the
-'ppics are said to be lacking in quality
in many 01 the apple-grow ing sections
Nothing will be lost by holding good.
keeping apples till after January. The
trouble with Hood River is that u .
coiupelled to sell before freezing weather
Because we are not prepared to keep
our apples tor the want of cold-storage
room, i ho aggregate losnes on this ac
count will amount to thousands of dol
lar! in Hood River this year. A cold
storage warehouse of sufficient capacity
to hold the winter apples of those who
have no way of keeping them at
home is an urgent necessity. If a suit
able building could be erected for the
storage of apples by the Issue of stock
the same as our big irrigating ditch was
built, the stockholders, among apple
growers at least, would be amply repaid,
indirectly, if their stock would not fetch
in the market 10 cents on the dollar.
and publishes more items about the
fruit and farm products than appear in
any other local paper in the Northwest.
Ihese are written in such a av that
their trntlifnlncim in ,....i. r
, ......... i1oiciiv. f ruin
tne Columns nf f 1,of:la,.;..l, .. - .
" "' urai iorinwest ana other
A nne pepper plant, carrying a well
imiureu crop was shown by it. 0. Ever
.From the Bkamanla, Pioneer. 1
Last Friilnv niArnin,. . : i . i
. ,. ,,7 ' hjo pvuuu UUSI1-
- -w. v.. nco auu uiucr i uie I JOIieer Climbed a xinri nf ihn
state papers, and man v of them reappear swift and commES liuie steamer
n horticultural and fruit trade papers Iralda and started out to see thllK
in all parts of the United States. and take in the Hood ItLer fruit fair
mi" Vm""' 0 Ycc?.unt of Kht crop, leaving Stevenson at about 6 o'clock
most of the orchard.sta at Hood River Th.lini ?!.C'?T -S
,i,-,i ti
- ....... nv nuuit uivcr
aid not spray their orchards thoroughly.
iitin ,wr ,.1 !. U tf . 1
M.-.p ui uic cars ol rorier orchard,
8 1) raved earlv ami Into !, i. '
ough manner, and secured a fine crop of
Dtl, no r.i ,1.:,.t. ll I.. i . .
centage were free from worms. The
ravages oi me rodim moth in other or
done and how he did it
The Wheeler County News is making
r on tne traveling merchants who
open out a slock of goods In a town "for
few days only" and rake in the cash
from the unwary who would rather buy
of fakirs than patronize their home mer
chants. It calls upon the city dads of
Mitchell to enforce the license ordinance
. or shut up shop. . Country merchants
are too often made to suffer by traveling
fakirs selling chean-lohn Poods fur pnuVi
to their customers who have it charged
when they buy of the home tncrchant.
The University of OregorTMonthly for
October has been received. It is a neat
specimen of the printer's art. The ar
ticle, "On the Oregon Trail," by Joseph
Shafer, one of the new instructors of the
university, will be road With fntiirnaf k
the old pioneers w ho came the plaina
acrons in the days that tried men's soles.
till a..l..H.I.M rTM
fir BirietiUHi. i tiPra un i
varieties of ruita displayed, but the
u..iuy was apples, which was
the finest that could be collected any
where. Tim I
largest and finest mwimiu,. ,j ,.i, ..
riety, were present in large quantities.
Z len heard oKf and Ton,'ey K
article and n 1.1 wZ,.. :BV ""l",v,;n en ".ned, were to
Rural Northwest but i7 lum,r'a.
papers all over the count anrl Mr ,ui i.. A .- ... ral, ft
Sears' nnm unu- fi.. s' v "ver valley;
V,.0, i ,-" "v. .ium town, among them Amos L'n-
,i ii " i r rw..v. iu wiuui iiini i --- -i "'i ii everywnere, and
the Hood River district has secured a ?Ir Kenzer, who was at one tin e
verv des rab a c .,1 u.ith. Tk.... u wnl tho ?J . Jl un,e
are the kind which ara nninruiiu Mr. Denzpr in nr
..vy u w m uuiiiiiieu inineuiacier. CI onup in xiooa itiver.
It Happened in a Dnisr Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to my
drug store ana asked for a brand of
medicine I did not have in stock," says
.u.iv.urniiuin, uie popular druggist ot
vhwi . i . one was disappointed and
wanted toknow what cough preparation I
lULuiuuiuiiu. i said to lier that I
tough Remedy and that she cuild take a
rMltMrt nt iha H)mAI.FAn.l .. n :l -
. . Y '"'J"; alm i'w-t giving n a
fair trial if she did not find it worth the
money tn hrinrr lmrlr tl. K,..n i i
nuuiii reiunn tint nru-o .1 i n... ,....,
of aday ortwo the ladv came back in com-
rn tr..-rl. . I I .
ri" nuiiinrienu in need oi a cough med
icine and advised her to buy a bottle of
mnioenain 8 Cough Remedy. I con
sider that a very good recommendation
for the remedy." It is for sale by Will
iams & Brosius.
i ne advantages to everybody in the
community from having that claes of
pi-opio engaged in the fruit growing bus
iness snows itself in many ways. When
iUT. ntmrH inavlu Ilia ui.nnaua !.... - .L.
. . . auvvwra ,unb cui tliu
ww.v, Binrrn um not say H WBS lUHt a
matter oi luck, but declared they had
a H.TWII, una mis year,
with one accord, they also sprayed early
uu iate, ana noort Kiver has a great
crop of apples free from worms. That
mo worms would have been numerous
"u not oeon tor the spraying, was
anoarent. A pur..fni v.n,!.i; ?'i a.
a , . vAnuiiiinHuii til IUV
Hippies grown mere this year shows on
uKreainumner ot them a little scar
which resulted from the work of the
worm on the akin (infarct tl.
MfllTTIA lb.
There were a number of eliilit.fl nf
Jonathan apples. This is a very attract-
hij'" Hieuium size ana nne color
nml niinKr.i Jr. - ll 1 ,t .
A Peculiar Caup.
I he woman who died two U'Ppka fttrn
w,e Mde, whose name was re
fused by the family for publication, was
Mrs. Murip. Kflllar Tlin f ;i l: i t .
illc .aiinir uvea ior
awhile on land purchased of J. C. Boecs
Is T -Y ' "uvuu to a piace about
eicht mihta nn Ik. . ..II.. i , .,
, - y " "h" oiicy, n. gon oi the
dead woman and her brother, Frederick
wc. , ubiiio w wwn ior a con n. They
refused to titll tl, n.i.u. Vi '
m : - ....v.i unci wm, me
coffin was for, fctating they had enemies
WIlO had nilwH Ihmn a i. .11 r
trouble, and they didn't want them t
know of the death. Last Sunday, a
Week after tha m.Hin i JJ
, . I " " D IHftCIl uut. ine
neighbors reported that the corpse was
still un buried. IWntv uir.-n Vtn
went out to the place and -brought the
remains in the coffln to town. He ar
rested Never and vonn K..or o,i
. anil
inty cor-
Judge W. L. Bradshaw of Th DallnB
was elected grand chancellor of the
ft-nignts oi rythuts at the grand lodge in
Astoria last week. A good picture of the
judge appears in the Portland Telegram
of October 11th.
J. O. Pngh is selling his household
8.d at lute Salmon and will return
with his family to his old home in Kan-
Of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING has arrived. These goods are
strictly up to date, and it will pay you to examine them before buy
ing your fall suit.
We have also added a full line of Ladies' Dress Skirts at $2.59 to
$5.00 each, values that cannot be excelled anywhere.
I . ' ; . -:
Geo. F. Coe&Son
Wish to call your attention to their sample line of Mexican hand
carved leather goods, consisting of Belts, Turses, etc. Also to their new
arrivals in Papetries and Tablets at prices that you cannot kick about.
"When you see it in our Ad, it's so."
Rooms for Rent.
l7nfurnlhArl nrwma i . .
ln?le roomB, for reut bv """BeIne- or
" - J.Msn hji 1 1 ii,
Baby Carriage.
A bubjr carriage, In good ropnlr. ft.rsnlo by
m ii yu wait
On t tlA IVktll fW.m r t ...
, , miu (ivill IVlIfNIffr. a Bnnir AAnlalnlmt
8 pair legKlnes. noveriil mron nnir .i..JS
ami BUxil
MnderplettMe leave at Ulaclttr
Pekin Ducks.
buna ,,;.?,"v.",i"e-"u.a
years experience. All work wnrrented. dS
Kind Words for llood Itlw.
From the Iturnl Northwest,
It would be glory enough for a large
cuy to finest fruit fair in the
world. Hood River is not a great city,
uut l mm mir it makes the finest
display of apples which is mado any
wnerein mo world. The fair held at
that place October 5 and 6 surpassed all
previous enorts. The orchard! f
quality, is aoDareutlv destined tnha. le , . .f'er young Su,
cornea leadina market vritv. Th orouK'i them along. The cou
Northern Hnv t.r tw.inin was notified and camo fr
i n...i ti: ." n.i " im essnr hlrl on jnn,.nni t-. t.
hi jiAtuLi Ai.ivi!r. I nftrft wam uAmn n K ; i. i . i'h;di. ir. itrfi
Its of apples of this variety of great alze, ?!"" h5mjn"nd te.etifl.ed
uui. me most striKing thinsr about them k, V cancer in tne
was the fact that there were boxes in j R &fnld !PUk ? El,glish' Stockholders Meeting
which the Northern 8 . ,ii, ?.na J- Rr Aickelsen acted as interoreter. k,..i .J . .rL.c.V uu&-
nil nvor Ti,.r- ... i '"rwJ'? '."". eyer said he had been exn.ti.,, , tvhZM.n'JZf ; ',",n "? nnnu'"
Baldwins, some of them phenomenally f,- ayl a?d, wlT U came il was ha1?inCHZr.Lw"' held ln a. o! Imv!
lareo for this varintv -iifin T,.riZ oten 10" to take the remains to Port- "a" ,n "te.0". .
!lI.9.?'clocM j"v K'oet'on of a'boardof dl
rector and other business win be tninHucled,
a. n. JiAlljcjY, Becretnry.
Below Portland nrices and vou also save
the freight. Common W. W. Mattress, $1-50
same oUi price, l urn Yum W. W. itat-
treaa. 2.2S rftdiiwd . RrPMlainr Vnn Tun
Mattress, f2 same old price.- W ashing Ma
chines, $3.50 reduced. Iron beds, $3.50
r Tnntlio. T u T ;, t
unuiuvi xoiu, x.niir, iuum, iiuiuuno
-Moldings, Building Material of all kinds.
Lowest orices on Wall Paner.
largo for this variety, weighing 22 ounces
each, iherfl nwna alun nuiin .
- ------ '.vivBin-MjHiHi u uuiiiuur
oitne i aKima, a seedling of the Bald
win tl-MnK .nn. 1 -I .A! f t .
, ......... tuiiin,!, ub uiotinguisnea
from Its nnran lliilouo If Ka 41... u
, .w vtiab 4t aver
ages larirer. which is a clai
, - ... vi
ii. it wan naflt tha anaann f...
, I w iivhowii vy V 1 n V C 11
Bicins, ana even Jungs were not very
"v,,, c.iuuiwu. vvagener is prov
ing to be a very valuable apple at Hood
tuver. n is ordinarily of mad mm oiW
Hood River vallv I,.,. r,tl .Cfl k. i.i. ""'". V?'"' "leu,UIfl. 81Z.
Iieriod when i V.V,". ,'.v i8,r8e oneg were shown.
;.i.i -I i 7 r . uie iiiiuuii uuscrioea as a veuow annl
b lme?L' lr",l WSMto exhi. with red streaks, it is alniosolidred
fi!r w. . , ' i Ti 1,10 iate niooa itiver. it is a ong keeper and
hKTK'. ' vHeties of an apple of high quality, i few Ganos
- ...v.icutmiu miuwv won wore snown. J in vnr ann.In.
Kiver, and its tw n in iVn tl,'m.... nnfl,.t " i,:. : . ""i-" i
J.IUHUI, were not wholly absent, but
re oniy enough of them to be seen to
show that Hood River can raise thein to
perfection. Jilg attractive Wolf River
1 1 c?n do grown in a multitude of
Places, but the Spitnenborg and the
Yellow Newtown are grown to perfection
j:,; ,'T? lK" "'""v favored local
ities, It was n lot of Yellow Newtowns
Krownoyw.j uakcr of Hood River,
".in.!! Mirnciea so much attnnt nn nt
being almost a solid red. It is claimed
at Hood River as at La Grande, that it
is decidedly h(tAr in uiniit,
-j ------ uuu nio
Bon Davis and has all th vninnhia
characteriH!pH nf ln ..u..... ..
. w 'v fvnioiii. Vftliuty.
there were a good many exhibits labeled
Arkansas Black," and a few labeled
.Mammoth P.liwlr TVi.r " pnc,,.. i.
. ..... unoii ii iiuru-
cultural authorities hold that these two
varieties nro the same, but it would be
hard work to convince anyone who Baw
o, iv . . iy niifimun at "uiu urs to convince anyone who f
eSlvSrf fc"0" ..dl,rin .,h0 th? "d R.ivr w Wt that there w
.1V t "Aruo'"u, wnen i iwo varieties there carryinor one
S .V11 i i i oinor states were al- "o other of those names. Ti e apples
niOHt Wholly lacking. l'r.r n lr, . I u-ura 1... .1 . " nWa''l
, . - . " - " fimv n uuij v.i v miTCiun uv nio icrowers in accnrii.
wprvnri''0 ?lt eT'l,rs .f 1,H0d Kiver once with the names given by ' the nur
1 1. v, ? cautious about planting Yel- serymen. A majority of the.
weT3i " f"U 1 contained ,p
Hood ltiyor apples of this variety have
..ever wiu touring paying prices, and
even in this year of abundance, if tlmv
could sunn v I mm hv (I... i . .. f
: y . "j fv huiii iiHiii. vi uio irut'M uiniirnT. mi ;
K ZiHT: 1".? e specimen
i j , . , , - "t,ui(jD, inn i i.iiuuu i.-imiiu ureenings
JVI&lfrjrtto thiBa.PoiH not w.4
k.jni.uiiijcri's are which is a peculiar fact, fnr ia ,.f
B River inTlfnn, Pj"'" f ,,,e wry bc8t l'Pl quality. There
S"' ,tl, nPI'10 Yellow are some very peculiar things about the
Sr t fil! variance in ti taste of peofle in dif
PICS Identical in annenrnnpa with tl.,.u
Ifron il nn trnna l,.i.,,l, ... iia .1
til l lr . .. "uSv nil XUlllllUIUtU
Black Tvig,' and quito distinct in ap
learance from those grown on a portion
of the trees bouuht as Arku nana lilunlr
.... ...uv. aiih 1 ...i.w touum uiirtiiiiiivH. i-irnwitra am
'ear and the amiltta this anolo in nn ivoniui 1.,- i,.-i (
. - i i . . , . ..i . ui umiUi
DltyAllhrtrfru ar.. whll'li lu n nnnul n. f..t I. I- .
hiu . ....... .H i.vvuimi inui.. mr il m nn rn
6,ni, , ooutiiern
Oregon, are almost nidiHtinguishable in
appearance and excellence from those
Kr.m hi noou Kiver, but nowhoreelse.
" "u"i siicn peritct Buitz
nlutrrro I., n i . . ft
, ..uicu ub in J10ou itiver sec-
iu.1, me iiuing some of the territory on
the Vt ashlngton side of tho Columbia.
.imoweremniiy exhibits of iSpitzon
lieres at the fn r. oml tl.n., ....... .11 "
markable for the perfection of the fruit
..u uio ricmiess oi the coloring. A
DiHweiiuerg cannot do grown at as low
ent cities. Nomn v Aim U l.,t- vi
lis pears are grown at Hood River. This
IH'lir is L'OHenill V rlnrrni,l na I,..,..
pear grown unless it be the Beckel, but
uiere is very little demand for it in
i on una. nun t in HimH 1?
say that on an average they get three
''" "iucii ior n inter iveiiis pears in
Seattle as in Portlnml. A i
... .... . - . ..... luuuim
Willi Milte Winter IVnrmnin n,lQ.
tiivo u wiy intrucuve exiuoit.
1110 most striking feature of the fair
cost, even at Hood River, but when it is Vil iTSt 8tnkin,g feail.ire of tho f,lil
1. .1 .r't""1 iien 11 is was tl elarure nmii mn ln i
thZown' ft" LW 8 The apples in these boes were 9
load Iota, thoy will sell at a Z nrta i?m0n tho p1'8.- In sorae
for shinmont to .i nf ii.i ,Pn .the t""8. wo packed with unusually
the United State-. Th-"EE.?.1 fta W .for th variety, but the ma-
made a more i.rnm!n ' ' :'" V? ?n,y 01 luo "oxes were samples of what
... - . ------ rw.,UIW,w auiicuritiiiH it. tim fVMmi.. 1 i t . .
this fair than at the urev ous n. ; :; K":",U" U""H 'y me hundred
Hood River. There is Whimr tl,n m LT..8 .,?ton.d. to represent
.'verBen Davis apple's, 2" V
Bt.iiiuy Wnen grown by orchardist nf mo,i w if . i - """'"lo
established good reputations TlT lla llT' hl owed a nuniber
. evidence of this is found in the fact thai n S 1 ' L. ?.ur.
oears is rortitr. nf t in h,i t: . "vl " "' u narrow strins.
had alrtady th s al sold over 5m bZ h StriP T ?lo" row of PP' d
of the Ben yDavis an Z 1 i? m?i?;I28 hu8 P0l e PPm the box. It
land for hurmt tho ha v.,i .
i, . .7 " jiiuuc n mi
box for the corpse and soldered the box
airtight rtnru!tn. I. : .u..
Lpon being questioned as to hia object
in keeping the dead woman's name from
...v j. nuii i:, no Ban,f aner ome jieff,ta.
tion. that u itphoo in t r,.,i t:.. i. ,
caused the family a good deal of trouble,
O nl T lml li n J 1. . J A. . '
u i 'u''pea to get away from
here Imfm-a tia riQ.i, c
i l i . "u Known,
and before the witches could get in any
.,lc1 umi buiji, iiiier tne cor
oner a jury found there had been no foul
i--v men wire aiscnarged. The
corpse was left in its coffln in the dead
room of 8. E. Bartmess' undertaking es-
......... ,,,,nuiiv ingiii, and Monday
mornins. uist iHtfnm davi;i,f x- i
procured a livery team and, without no-
'i 1 i ' em-ereu me aead room
and took the coffin and its contents back
to his home in the country. At 7 o'clock
Jiartmess discnvftrnd ii,t tua
misHing and he made search for Never
.u..ii qrituur. ieyercouiu not be
found, arid Rn
. 'ivuiiiiB nuuui
the corpse being taken. Later it was
Vi:r,, 1 VV" -eyer got a team of the
tiovuriu witcncraft; otherwise his ac
ilOnR. aft it nrnvrf n ara nil j. mi.
family came from Germany four vears
Hern TIt. Ann ,1 7
. wuubu woman was aiUicted
with cancer before she came to this
0. A. R. nnd W. R. C
At the regular meeting of Canby post,
u. a. k., last iaturdnyt Joseph W.Mon
roe was mustered as a member. Mr
iuonroe recently came hnr frnm Pni.
i (urn m and
John Monroe of the East Side, who is
ii J1 t, s "le 01 Joseph
. AlonroM anrvo.l n,.n. f... .. . .V .
years iu ine
4l h inu.a ;tr..v.... 1 i ' :
....anuj, u lms a war record
IllUUtl 111. I-IU U'Ofl nmina ..i l
, nna liovvr HIVK
rtuy and never miusl o mni .
iu inuiiy uuuios ins regiment engaged
in. He fought mft Siogel in Missouri,
was at Pea Bidge, Chickasaw Bluff, Ar
T V." . "01' 1,1 1116 ' icKsiourg campaign,
at Missionary Ridge, in the Atlanta
c.uiijnugii marched with' Sherman to
H.e anu through the Carolines and
Virginia and participated in the grand
parade at V ashington at the close of the
Adjutant Cunning called up charges
H frill nut Ii iv. . fe .
Dress Making
and Millinery.
Tfl InnnOAflnn wItU
In va i " ' ' noaing w
Millinery Goods,
I.J.VTOII ui uur riioniA ana nsnerl irnndu
Si.' wl" be '"lsrf?'oitt
$28 1 UU ljr A m
Hood River Meat
and Produce Co.
DEAI.Kns n.
U'IIUnn,l.,l I....I.,, ......
hn,.; ""v nu ieuy on a CASH
-Market second door south of post office.
r. t. uiiNZER, Manager.
V ould hardly think of going to a lumber yard to purchase dry goods,
or to a drug store to secure cordwood. Likewise an intelligent buyer
seeking stationary and writing materials will naturally go to the
dealer who makes a specialty in that particular line.
. At BraOiey's BooR aafl Statioflery Store . .
You will find the best selected and most extensive stock of Pape
teries, Tablets, Note Paper, Envelopes and writing ma
terials of all kinds to be found in Hood River.
IT IS OUR BUSINESS to keep the best, and we propose to do that
very thing.
Books, Magazines and Periodicals in stock, and orders taken for
those not carried.
JOB PRINTING promptly and neatly done and at reasonable prices.
For Safe
JULY 20. limn-
1. Four acres at Frankton
good spring; only $550. ' lnl)rveii;
3. John Sipnia farm, in lots fP .
20 acres; f50 to G0 per acrel trm6'0
4. Lot Opposite schnnll.n.,n. .
square. Price, 175. '
75 fmjt
5i T.he Atkin8n property cor t
and Oak streets; belt Lrglft
. S!irri't.t.Sinimo .J.l!i!.
Nursery Stock.
The rolumhlu nin runri' Id n l. I
iiKiiul win, ii;;" "n" again an
Oct our Drl.. V.rt J,uraery sl0CK-
o 14 ' 1 M?ii .
Cockerels for Sale.
w iiiih wvannnitnn rt .
wi, ' " i-y,Mii kooks and Black
etabla Tan,, V.iT", " ,e,".6??a. .': in-
order. " """"u?. '"'.n'snea to
novl7 FrankTni, Tp?..'.?
" J UI US,
For Sale.
9 Jrirt i . , ... .A .....
: "i iwunu ii ine lPRat si n,i
r imrn nMrn, flume, etc. 20(X) foV i h i
same ur ce. Mi ,.r S'lS "t! 1 by .
" ' B. k. TUCKER.
t " To Exchange.
..I..",.llr beantlftil btilldli,? lot
against Comrade Blount. Blount, it cltVot Su len,, ne.,r '". eauwAoifti '? ,ho
that had been turiH'tl nnt valley. (n2n r. n. Bi,ni
v The Most Attractive of Hood River Suburbs
Is now for tllA firet . . , . . Q
, lL V" v ie niarKet. tn lay ng out th s new
addition the proprietors have r-i t , ' . " ew-
.. . , , . w,c ul nioueraie means an on-
J. t'?t su f : hor in the Iov,iest portion f "w
village, the inducements to lrmnto am ,o.. Tt . i ,.,
mud or wind : it is close "I Z I . ZV 'i .. " . nen "y ? n d,,8t' .
i,. , . " "i reguiuiea PUD11C SCllOOU ill
Wasco.county; the great public highway from the ciiy to tl e Znt y
passes on the west side of this addition, but not through Co L Tee ts
will not be muddy in w ntw nn. w ' . ecta
i , , , "okjt m omiuiier. cseveral wel s lmvn
been bored and fine water found at about 16 feet. An abu, dance of iter
for irrigating purposes can h,H otmn .x , UUIU ',nceot water
i to,. nj.iu, nrrc2 ;'jrr
I ou gc, . ,t 0. (rom rst ,d, 0lepir Uou t . .
Hood River orooertv hnu no. . . .
croakers when th tell k7 !T " prlCe' Uoil,t bel5eve the
nothing ferthe town to ,rn" " T i"" V ' gr0W,ng' that tl,ere
store wiahnilt .mini, V V . 8ung ever since the first
have you heard tbem?-that mean hu " uZZlZZtoT
Park, another at Mt. Hoo,1 h ii. . 1 .. 1 1 close to aucoma
lasting glacier stordious s of old Mt Ho d It h , 6Ver'
that will buy lots in Waucoma Park A lvt- "g 1,ome-eekers
sell. Buy L on J "
of the Ben Davis apples at 11.00 per hot
delivered at Hood itiver. wi,cruox.
Mentioning fruit growers of estab
Iished rvunution, suggests a diversion at
uiiojAJiiiu mere are more factors than
who m iimKiiig a gnoa reputation. A
Bren mny persons proiluce articles of
very high marit, but the fact never be-
E "re" ."0"" m tne general public.
inose wno mink that an article oi high
went will "sell itself at a profitnlJlo
rV ' ; iinu ii misiakeii. Hood
River Btrawbcrnea and Hood River an-
' l I, v 1 "leu ttruiuiiopuiaritv
not solely because of their merits, but
because their merits have been made
known to so many people. The Hood
River people have done much them
selves to advertise their fruit, but it is
probably impossible for many of them to
realize t in vhIma ...i..- , "
' , . i : . V '. . " men nas
urouuuiiooy uie uiacier, under the
management of 8, F. Blythe, in promo
ting knowledge of the excellence of Hood
the United States whose papers, week
mivr wwk, ion woiulerful tales of the
prouueuvenessoi tlie orchanls and the
. uiHjnumy oi meir iruit. If vou would
ueiwvemeir statements, every one of
jiibw paper is published in the best
fruit growing districts in the world, and
raises fruit such as can ba grown no
where else. In each of these uneoualed
localities the best fruit in the world is
grown, aud the orchardists aro making
more money than those anywhere else
These statements fool no fruit buyer and
attract only a gullible class of purchas
ers ;of orchard lands, whoso very Kiilli.
bilitv marks thm in ,l,.o. '
. --- --- ... ... iiiiiureg
In the fruitgrowing business. Mr. Blvthe
hll frtM linn. f . i .
Glacier. Probably many of the sub
son berg of his paper think it would have
been better if he had done more brae-
oinn kAiif 1!,-..! 1: i .. o
t'"f inver s .merits as n
iruit growing district He has, however
confined himself to telling facts, and he
has not guesKed at theee. A practical
fruitgrower himsdlf and in closa t.n..-i.
with the farmers and fruitgrowers of hi-s
section, he is at the same timr n -.
IS A Vflrv tffiintn-n u.a t ju...i...
i ' i.r: V." "'"siraving
Muiiu iminiug. mr. Aonneay also had a
box of immense Northern Spy apples
ii iu i.ii ii r. ... i. .ii.'.. u-Mra. . . i i . . . . .....
out several inches on all four sides. This
box was labeled, "We believe in expan
sion." AI. V P,in,l K...1 :S ..
i.i -"" jiyrumiu oi
Gloria Mnndt apples, the largest apples
at the fair. surnionnto.I h n .
crab apnlo, a placard over which an-
Dethnian lunl n K.. i nn . i
... , - " ""t-'.v.iv,. uniici llliuu
with superb Soitzenlier fl nulno num.
which aupaared conspicuously, "Gold I
was pre-eminently an apple fair.
xnere were some excellent pears. The
luiwiii uh)k uie lean among tho pears
lliere were a few grapes, a One dtsohiv
OI VPCetahlea umi nrn ..i':i '.
r - i miu uuu CMlllJH
J i I. tl,rtt had the apiH-arance of a
7 ! , "l cms8 article and was put up
in the most approval stylo. There was
also a hue disjilav of fruit in glass jars
ft till ff nflba nn. I k-... 1
The canning industry at lIood River
IS milk in vniiM . .
;.n.:f i ... .1:.1. wi,iion
. "V , " yy wispmys oi canned
.. . -tt niiw vcgeiaoies made hv the Da
vidson trillt llllllMl.l..o.l w' r- ,
The Davidson Fruit 'Company, which"
commenced in a very modest wv
' hichjuiiij oilm
en a moderate scale, but is increasiua
nm output rapidly. The prtxluct of
both caiuionoa pni.iv. a
tatiou. rel,u
A basket nf Wt
a poles ftttni,-t..l o,...i,...j....
VLx.. . Ii '"j'"ys Ruennon
.... .iunnji uie remarKAb e lnt i
this apple. M. It. IVith.r . 'i.r
of apples of unknown variety but almost
equally beautiful. iuiosv
nnlV i. .nno,,y 11nde an exhibit of
cured Italian prunes, Petite prunes and
evaporated apples. 'The, presented
the anoe.irnnru .vf i: i.:,i..f. .
4 ' . . . fMiuuiiy cureu
if r r?p,,iked in first pll,.ss 8t
i. V e . "P8 "tspber
r:es frtKh from tin. A .. . . .
m.,1 i-m V 1 l"evutnixrt
nnd iM,n Queen variety Rd iBn,,j
,it . , "f - "'"" uiu norse
that had been turned out on the com-
uuu" "J "nie returned Sherman county
KlOllIlt. it Iu II ..rrn.l f.x.l
i. u ft"t, u nuu groomea
i i . v, t'" .nm uij uuu iraa
ed him to Comrade Calkins for six sacks
... pouuoes. iiiount, in his defense,
claimed that Calkins knew the horse
was cultus but reckoned he was worth
f 10 for sausage meat or chicken feed.
Ihe case was postponed till next meet
ing owing to the absence of Comrade
I helps, t ho .
pi..: . Vi ,r :-"""" "".new, timer
Blount or Calkins, or both, will beeourt
niartiulcil mift ai.nt i, ...
"" nro iiret lur seuini;
mi. Vi ri iiumo w com
rade with one leg left on the sattleficl.t
the other for allowing himself to be
MiiiiuiHi uy an oiu soldier.
The W. f! ii,iv!.. -i i . j
an enterlninniAnt o-... i... . p.
...... wuiuuuuee was appointed from
. , iu msisi in preparing a pro
gramme. All on
;i(i, iv ii n " n,m meinoers
1 h?L:-?r Pted to attend
iw,,tZi ,a"""0", A gooa time is an
style, for i brcyuto, "s,'
Sad ti l A PnriTT
Well hwikn ... .rrJ.'. .
ortrn.ii. ""'....L"!,1" J'l?j.'"r Rale
. ' v. tiYnrt.
. r j . .'www uiujn hi if in una in i
iiuuriiiauon app y to iaum . r-, A .: " lu"
. . Bargains.
aignty ftores. well wntmwri. k
"rtv.n.o. I . K. I I M I V
(ioafs R So (itwd.
ine iiuie of the goat is now on the
wire fence of Geo. Steers, of Turniptop
""-i nuu uie lllIlLnwfi nro l,,i, ;.. !....
... OI .ius iuio
wun it. it cannot butt them
Iu ijeorgo s offhand reading he imbild
theuloa that a goat would help guard
IllN 1 liwn tmnx ........ i . 1 S""1"
i. u ', V ,.."-,ulls Bm' ucars. So
lm IHIIILTfir a Stilli ns. .
vi, 'S ,' "l "iix'V price
"'t'r inreatened, the goat
...a ' nuuiu pnimci mm,
and he was a wav w io i, 1
no.,...! ir.-. V .., nwojHil
al,i,t A "I"""'" Vc, 8 f?8 nd
f... ,u t,i,a imro wire
i i roy ti the ace curtains
on tha rl,iM,ooi; in. r ,.. "1B
r. " "l -'irs. steers
pt after him he dittoed her. He also
u. vuct-u uieir tans.
Heppner Gazette.
School Report.
Following is a reunrt f tho r;., n
stuooi ior the month endingOct.l2,li)00
Aumoerot days taught, 20; number of
pupus enrolled, SS; number of davs at
tendance 650. The following pupils
LlffA. RA U' i,!.. 1... us .
Harbison, Ae i. Wish.rt. Fred Mickel-
Son. Ann MiklH n ... ,.
,,n v lu-MtT riaroison
and Itlancho Harbison.
1 B. M. Cii staix, Teacher.
Cockfirftlst fnr QolTT
T . w . w v WCUd
wh!T'.Si5?M to rent.
. u.....ln piuiiTrreci. APDIvin
-w,aJlilJory. Hood I RtVer.
A fl-l'm ..1 1. .. w
1-ade b7' STCv''
Alarm Clocks.
A fine line of Alarm Clock Just reived by
- OH AW TKMfl. I.
w anil M
Hood River. Or.
Jgstimates furnished. Plans drawn
Carpenter and Builder.
rjiiiniutda r,M tv - .. .... .
RBn riV,. """""" mr nil Kinds of work
KepHirlng s sptylnlty. All kind, r Vi. '
bnop ou State street, bet. 1st and 2d.
To Whom it MaCoicnrn.
. Orders from headquarters are to make a
A large assortment of newly-received Hats
A mammoth stock of newly-received Shoes of ail kind,
A fine lot of the best Underwear, just received . - ' '
A nice lot of Shirts, received this week.
Newly-received Clothing for men and boys. '
New line of Sweaters, just received. " . '
Gloves, Leggings, Susiv.mWs .,.t ,. .
ous to mention in this space, in order to Zl t0 nm'
daily .rrivino tmm ti. J . ,?".to make ro for more ,1.
0 mi i-mBL. Ivfi, h iDPT rr. . r. "
rv AX r:MBERTHEicK,atthe
Denver Clothing- Store
worm pTntin
i-.Ihe.J- "-Frary Place, Eflst . J?
iieur xucxer 8 mi 1; 200 acrpa . i uf'
acre ; will be sold i'ii forty-acre VS an
small advance. Terms, Cel? 81
or more cash. A great bargain
11. The G. T. Galligan 40 acres K-i
l the conntv i-r.n ,.-.i. . Lreg' Owe
Barrett farm; 2C .ere
900 fruit trees Pr Zl flT"'
easy. fi.ouu. Term.
12. 100 acres on TI,1 . .
above Tucker's m fl . g acroi , ttile'
Price I1.8D0. ' aCrcs c,eJ.
13. The W. H. T!i0i, i .
River, lot ami n. ' l""T '."Hood
Waucoma n, hi " v t',"1 1.
pretty home. On 1 1,100 .
14. The Allen Fulton farm lfin
, 1i?AAJo,ln Si')ma farmi lOOacres fi nnn
1,000 or more cash anj balance k sT
19. The Sun lot and building ; $700 '
20. P. A. Tronn rl in., .
strawberries and toniatoeg-17,oS,stra!n
berry plants and 1,400 tomitoriSto
-No irrigation required. , Price $700
21. N. i fi. V. U a i xt . .
, ,.iV ci UUI
22. The
mile east of town ffine range"
23. Lots R find A Mi.
24. Bernard Warren's fruit farm it
-o, v.-. , ura. rnce fa,500.
20. g. H. fWn fln .m . .
viver, lot 100 x 160; price J1.200
27. J. R. NinkplBPIl'll Tlln TI ,
mont; 35 acres; "Cms easy""
28. A strin nf 1
he west side of Blower's UfohZ '
the county road at Paradise farm. vZ
29. Twpnttf atxraa i, . .
r- i v,oijruiif iiurtn oi i pfpr
Kopke's. Knat. RUo. ,..i i .
' j ' . K"uu llllllt Ullllll.
proved. Price 500; terms easy.
trlcta rT$ ,? Pei" ".Cre hl 15 or 20
"'"'Mntorest, 7 per cent per
PnisM1"1"1!?-. .Robinfion's 40 acre,
tast bide. llillV.inin A T nr , ..'
... 1 J '""..g Ji. l. 1UUHU11 s iruit
ranch; unimproved; $850.
r,in2;oT,nal?iTlobinon'8 100 acres on
Xdr!aCe! 11,16 timber; Unin"
fiO n 'If'6 at,the El"Pfrium-lfi0 acres; .
S ii8 plow for
U V i inesuii no rocK on
offlceCon ' l .P
noil , mi uauy stage line;
50 in 2 months ; bal. in 4 vears. Only
foot), a rare bargain; 15 miles distant;
nearrMrntA7TheTTAVickham tee acres,
?hii ,8-A,maL IIo.we for rent. Fur-
hAi-rioo "v"ec, xueanng orchard ; straw.
for m? netted 200 """syear. Kent f 150
tor one venr: MnM,. 1- .u 1..T...1
manl. ! j lvuiu 111 uireB 1I1BIUI-
ments m advanco.
To Loan-J300, in one loan.
At the Emnorinm in
Zin Jr 8 tr-an8it- and the proprietor
Deina a nrnotinai c... ..1..,n
i . . , wor mymg out acre
ina Wy ,ots aild b'ocks, and dc
ng all ktinds of surveying.
la.' B-:TLr.nis nre easv on all theabovs
w-lt-h ,nteref! at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
Emporhim' ,lmS 8huld at t,,e '
Mony to Loan.
At the Emporium,
Steamer IRALDA
will h" i.r-L1?,":1'" Keturnln,
ami llh. (w.rC. " ?' '"r "uweiwre
,1, 7";.? " ,nla txwt. '
? JinA I IAIaa . W.. . .......
mm v. -1 . ",r l"",es 'regon, Sept
vn. on Saturday. Noveiiihr VM' ure"
.u.h s utkTi;- .umT :x7t
hu",?."Leyi"w,nf wltne to prove!
Wa.Uington. on Itotobr "f 1 vl tevcnaon.
uu,iaji E. DARK,
nonifstead Appllcntlon No. osa r. .k.
mirthwest y ,,nihwt H ofotSa hi
oii heant of wctlon it iT nwtlXt
h,.!l?,J?.w.1'7 witness topror.
llT,S-" "au
Crk of Underwivxt, Wa,'h 1 Ud John
Kloi 117 t, ..... .
- . uuailAK, Register
Notice ot Dissoluti
onnl due the firm will be ud hi
(Timber f oh 4 .
Cnltcl s,i. ,
a.., H.iimce with th iir,,..; , ' B,ven
52 Sr2?!?7? f June i sT; ?l"n.7 of the
i;,nV.: . ,eo1 timber liinrt i .L"1 Anact
Oregon. Nevm v? of
h?.'.?!?0". thin of
of .h "ru.s'waent No iu. S?r tL 11118 fflee
ri.jy thl?Jwbie for iS
u. 4 x. , ii.nj ' WW
u. Kitbnbiui.Bii of n"!".e.r nd Chari.'
K"yf nd " Persons i eiii; i w.
their clHim, in thl om,Tere,,ast to file
hu?yof Nove,nbe?.ffl,n w Wbts
Davidson Fruit Co.,
TT j -r- ""'PPe or
iiooa River's Famous
raeiters or the
Hood River Brand
Canned Fruits.
. inaDiuacturers or
Boxes and Fruit Pack
.... "eaters in
t ertiuzers and Ag ricul-
tural Implements.
1 .nn il riAln& . m. ,, 1 . . oi
iiifiir , inetmiiea, ure?on, mtjik a:
L Jotiee ' herebv given that the dillow-
ii 7 -mer ans niea nonce oi uis ioi
"" vocommute and make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Ueorge T. Pratlier, if S.Commiii
."l -Ho Rlv. Oregon, on Friday,
Novembers, 190n,viK '
1 J1,00 Rl ver, Oregon, U.K. Ha. 7497, tor M
ji suDineast northwest H outoea
4. and soathwest W nortbenut 14 ectio 1.
township 2 north range east, W. SI.
uis continnoua residence upon and cultiva
tion of sold land, vlj:
UdH T... . x . fc.
on and Al Zwk. all of Hood Hi Owim.
JAY P. LUCAS, nefWti.