!l$jc& Iivcr Slacier FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. BRIE luia-u i Bird cages at Sherrill'a. Full line of furniture at Sherrill's. Second hand bikes at John Hullt's. Bargains at Denver Clothing Store. Harness and bikes repaired by J .Hullt. tixmunrM. 112.50 at Sherrill's. : klTl'l t' l'V" 1 1 . , . i " ...i.-.,V..onainwflIWliini1 . Y r01ev. 01 -r0K OUntV .Miernunj - - down last week to visit his father, who Fice8, . .. u . i n . is laid up with the rheumatism. Mr. For nyrKcu " toieyana ins partner, E. H. Sparks, own 4,800 sheep. Ho started in as a $3.75 and and $4, herder for Mr. Snarks and now is a full partner, owning half of the ranch, sheep anu ouier biock. ineir sheen in sum mer ume ranee in the uascade reserve near Mt. Jefferson. The flock is now on David Irwin, father of Mrs. Geo. V Coe of Hood River, is 101 vears old. He lives at Byron, Michigan, and ex. pects to come to Oregon to visit his daughter as soon as he gets better of his rheumatism, ol which he has been re cently so severely afflicted that he has to go on crutches. He is a veteran of four wars and was a commissioned officer in the civil war. An enlarged photo of the old veteran taken at the age of 98, has recently been received by Mrs. Coe. It looks like a man in the prime of life. Jlr. Irwin alwavs shaved clean till the ago of 95. when his mus- tache came out clack, and since then he has continued to wear it. W. A oi ltook count v came to Bone fe MeDonalJ i Washing machines; st Sherrill's. f Just received, one half ton coffee, at Lne & McDonald's. TV, i i.;n nf all lei ml q on in llio nlttr Jenersoii. ine dock is now on IPJ&'M 8 l the the ranch in Crook county. Early rains irii I John Kelley has strawberry plants for le. See him for prices, i Pee Bartmess' rug display. Pocket fold Jig lunch boxes at Bartmess.' I por guns, ammunition and fishing tackle, go to Bone & McDonald. i Buy Sunflower lard, guaranteed the I . !,.. I. MnIViii, Jest. have made good feed on the ranees. In winter the sheep are fed hay when snow- is on the ground or the weather is severe. Attorney A. A. Javne of The Dalles was in town Tuesday. He was called to defend Mrs. D. H. Kiser, who was charged by Dr. Adams with taking apples from his orchard. The case was brought before Judge Hayes court and an r . . t., t nr rr,i ..,:n k,i oroueni u .Lrr'Y''"l Mr. Jayne says he would 1110 1 u. i;.. o I Henderson's fruit farm with good 'dwelling house to lease, at the Em jiorium. f V. II. Pugh will sell his household good's at public auction at Jackson's corner iuui"' , move to Hood River if he could find office room for rent, iheuavidson fruit Lo. received an order yesterday for quinces. Quinces were never grown very extensively m Hood River, but they should be. This fruit alwavs commands a fair price. In I Those Brownielunch boxes are just the setting out fruit trees the orchardist tiling IOr IUU CllllUIt-Il W bticii I BiiUUUl nut HL'glUUi w pmub uio 4111111:0 lunches in. At bherrni 8. rj0 y0U want a deed drawn, or a mort- I Yum Yum matresses, f 2.25 ; common gage, or a lease or contract of any kmdr Viweii-wire mattresses, fi.ou: vv estern remaps you wouia line to mane your washers. fS.oU, at B. JBi. isanmess.' will but nesitate about doing so. t. I a.om; mwters for the Hood River Savage will attend to any of above for ' fair are out. They bear the imprint of you E. R- Bradley, Hood Kivers job printer. and anv work done will be treated confidentially. Just as well have it done right. fiet vnur exhibits for the fair in on Thursday, Oct. 4th. The rules have been changed, making exhibits to be placed on Thursday instead of Friday. The awarding committee will begin their work Friday morning. If 5'our time is worth anything, if your team's time is worth anything, it will cost you a dollar every time you hitch un to bring your children to W J school. Do a little figuring and buy i,ari ana iue.gs o. ... . ..u ,ot jn Waucoma Park on your own term8. ,.r. cv- i IV hv DRV vc ior nurhnuu wucc niicu we will eell you good bulk coffee for 15c I per fl. Bosr & McDonald. I H. H. Eailey caught ten salmon trout lomrt.h w hile out fishing in f Hood river, near Tucker's mill, last 1 Priilav. 1 Hood River's local telephone system I nnw has 65 nhones. The system was I started less than two years ago with 13 I phones I Furl 1 Ilnviilson have cone to Lorvallis to re- i sume their work in the agricultural col- i lege there. I For Sale 5) acres, mile and a quarter f south west of town; good large house; I voting orchard, fine location. Inquire J of Geo. T. Pralher. H. II. Weston of Wyeth was in town i Monday. He is contemplating taking a i trip this fall to California and may go f as far east as Colorado. I See Bartmess' reduced prices. Also J (intft the articles marked "same old price" and see n you nave neen purcima- nig these cheaper elsewhere. Rlnc.k 2. Parkhurst. 270 by 300V 12 fine lota: abstract of title; fine view of Columbia river; cheap if sold in 10 days part cash at the Emporium. Sam. Heppner has decided that Hood River is good enough for him and has iMiiwhasp.d 18 acres of E. E. Savage, at Belmont, and will improve it for a home Mr. mid Mrs. J. V. Armor and Mr and Mrs J. L. Ilershner are attending the state association of the Congrega tional churches in session at Hillsboro. Miss Susie Mohr came down from The Mrs. P. A. Mann of Baker City, cousin of W. N. West and brothers, vis ited in Hood River last week. W. N West came ud from Viento and spent the week in flood River. He had not met his cousin for about 25 years. W. H. Pueh and family will leave next Monday for Binkerman, Neb. He changed his mind about going to Clark county. Wash. The old soldier says there is too much rneumausm in una country for him. Wm. Boorman and wife attended the state fair at Salem last week. Mr, Rnnrman savs the fair was a ereat suc cess. The live stock was well worth traveling so far to see. Don't nav water rent. $1.25 a month is 115.00 a vear. which is interest on 4187.60 : twice as much as a lot in Wau (oiina fark will cost vou ana oniy iv w 20 feet to water. Mrs. Alma Howe has rented her house in II. R. Lewis and family of Portland fnr the winter and will co to Monmouth where she has eneaeed a house lor ine winter. w. P. Watson left a sauash at the Dalles last Saturday and will spend her Glacier office Tuesday, that weighs 120 i.. mlahrnB n n it I i .. ri-1 . ,. nn u.Hitli if oravu ten oiners, Home iicawj friends on the East Side for two weeks. Mrs. Phmhe Jones, who has been eininine with Mrs. Rose McCoy at Ar mor's place during the summer, was the guest of Mrs. J. U. ierguson last wee J. A. Shoemaker of Santa Clara, Cal., Mrs. C. B. Curtis and Mrs. N. Curtis of Rfifflttln hrnther and sisters to the Shoe maker Bros, of Hood River, all visited their brothers here last week. Here is a Bargain A four room dwel contained ten others, some nearly as large, The Christian Endeavor of the Congre gational church will give a dime social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson, Friday evening, Sept. 28th. Judge E. E. Savage has moved into S. J. LaFrance's house, where he win aiso have his office. He is prepared to iook after all kinds of legal work Aro vnn cninor to move to town ling in good repair ; lot 50x100 ; centrally gend your children to school? Then brfy inmtaA thrPA Works from deDot : in town . int m Wftiifinma Park and save house of Hood River. Or. i"rice, spot casn, and water rent. $500. Call on Geo. T. Prather for furth- M p, R. TonM 0 Rochester. N. er particulars. I v arrived in Hood River the first of Mrs. M. B. Potter, while helping to the week on a visit to her motner, Mrs. prepare the parsonage at Belmont tor pnoebe Jones, the new minister, stepped on a nan, which entered her foot and made a very nainful wound. She has since been un able to do her housework. Dr. F. C. Brosius has removed to his new residence at the west end of Oak T( v r -i t. .... . . aj. i, . iuuiiri?. ft, nn RP KIM, r nhn a 1 brother of Mr. Joseph McGuire, and wife, visited hissisterand family in Hood iiiyer last week. They went from here tO Seattle. Mr. Mnnr i an nM roc,'.!.,,,. of Boise valley and amassed considerable wealth merchandising in the early days of that country. He is now president of me nrsi national bank of Boise City. Uoth expressed themselves as delighted wun Hood River. Mrs. McGuire had not met ner brother before for 37 vears, flir. Moore has a fine residence in Boise City that was the first house in the United States heated by natural hot water, lie piped the water from the boilinsr hot snnnifs in the mnnnti!n. Now most of the dwellings and business nouses in noise are heated by hot water from these boiling springs. v.iyue i. ixmney on Monday made an assignment of his business in Hood Kiver to R. L. Sabin, manaaor of the .Merchants' Protective Association. This action was taken for the benefit of all the creditors of Mr. Bonney. A. A. Donuey, miner oi c. T. tionney, is now n Hood hiver in chartre of the business. For the present, the business will be carried on as usual, except that every thing will be done on a cash basis. Mr. lionney has been one of the most enter prising business men we ever had in Hood River, and has brought business to our town more than any other man, and regrets are expressed on all sides that he should become involved through no mult oi his own. We hope that his business affairs may be straightened out so that he can continue in business in Hood River. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. are building a platform eight feet wide across the Rogers place at Belmont, which will be used for taking lumber from the flume to bo sorted and stacked, until seasoned, or is wanted for shipment. The rough lumber can be hauled from tins point more readily than from the planer to any point in the valley, or it can be sent down the flume to the planer to fill an order for dressed lumber. This platform will greatly facilitate work in the yaids of the Davenport Bros. Lum ber Company. Thos. CalkinB had a birthday party on the 22d of September. The young folks of the neighborhood gave him a genuine surprise. A very pleasant evening was spent and the supper, it is said by tnose in attendance, was the best ever sat down to in the valley on &n occasion of the kind. Those present were: Maua Noble, May Foley, Mary Gerking, Mrs. D. Galligan, Carrie Byerlee, Edna Gar- rabrant, ldel Woodworth, l). uauigan, Robert Garrabrant. Perry Belieu, Walter Hull, Edward Byerlee and Will. Warren. Do you want clover hay? If so, try Tucker. Fourteen tons first class baled clover hay ; price for the next ten days only $8.50 per ton, cash. After that date, price will be more. fi. a. TUCKER, Sept. 25, 1900. Tucker, Ore. Moki Tea nositivelv cures Sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25c. and 50c. Williams & Brosius. ' Mr. Morey, principal of the Barrett school, and family arrived from Gilliam county Tuesday and are occupying C. E. Markham's house. School will begin next Monday, Oct. 1st. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. 25c and 50c. Williams & Brosius. Thos. Bishop, Jr., returned from Sher man ennntv last Saturday and Tuesday he started for Colville Indian reservation in the Okanogan country. Richard Kirbyson is building a neat cottage on his fruit farm west of town. From the house he will have a grand view of the Columbia and the mountains. The public school library contains over 200 volumes. An entertainment for its benefit will be given during the latter part of October. Mrs. E. B. Clark returned to her home at St. Stevens on Monday, after a visit of two weeks in Hood River. Misnx Laura Bishon will start next week for Corvallis. to enter as a stud at the agricultural college. GV3 ILLS NER Y. Street Hats, ranging in price from 35c to 3.00, including the pop ular Ladysmith and Rough Riders, in stitched and plain felts. Some of our dress Hats are ready now. This line will bo more complete in a few days. In Trimmings, wo have the latest novelties in Hackles, ronpons, fancy feather and jet goods, etc, just in from San Francisco. Don't fail to see our School Hats before they are all gone, from 35c up. We offer new and stylish goods selected from Eastern and coast markets with a thorough understanding of tho requirements of the trade and a keen eye for good values. We pay cash, get lowest prices and give you the benefit. We will bo pleased to show you the lino, whether you buy a hat at 35c, $15.00 or none. Our time is yours and our aim is to please. RUBBERS For gentlemen, ladies, misses and children. Only first quality goods, and they have a NEW AND VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT that you will not find in any other. Trices same as last year. bone & McDonald Carry a nice line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps and underwear, Choice Cured Moats and first-grade Lard, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Flour and Feed. Our prices will be found as low as la cousiatcnt with fair deal ing and legitimate profit. fW Goods delivered free of chargefiCf THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Agents for Royal Tailoring. -DEALER IS Harness and Horse Goods, Is in receipt of new goods every week. HIDES and FURS bought and taken in trade. BICYCLES FOR SALE, . Bicycles repaired and Bicycles for rent. MEET US! Not on the Midway, but at the Gateway of the Great INLAND EMPIRE - THE DALLES, AT THE- IKarTrest Carnival and Street Fair, October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will be the createst event in the history of the City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and un Onen River to the Sea. The products of this prolific region will be An ovhihitim, anil farmers, flockmasters and all others will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting arid instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE v.pllfint. Pntertninnients day and night. Five days ol sighUseeing and Tliora will h nmnlo accommodations for all guests. Come and The jucaauivi uvi v . ... l Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge for space in the fair buildings. No entrance fee. Reduced Rate3 on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES. Miss Bertha Sunderland returned to Portland after a couple of weeks visiting i Hnnii RivAr. The euest of Mi6S Nellie Clark. TWt. hnv that new suit until you see -A .1. l .vtnn'a a TtA hnvfl' H fit h- our new hvuuk. ui mm ""j street, midway between the school house . nQW on the roftd rora te eaBt. and armory, and can be found in his of- . 5 g. Blowers & Son. fice over W illiams & Brosius' drug store between the hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 6-7 p. m. G. J. Gessling, secretary of the Union, is Khinnine aDnles to Seattle for Alaska the be I PoDtoripa. tablets and writing ma to:nf, host mialitv. as well as cheaper grades at Bradley's Book and Stationery store. ... 1. - I l,nw,.,t,a lnnlr in aska.traV The apples must be nf etTstore of ETK and wrapped and marKea wm. - -- . , - . t WBnt ft8k for it. number ot tiers on eacn uox. xuc Seattle market is now netting 75 cents to $1 a box. Ta vmir title clear! You think so; Maybe it is. Perhaps not. Better get nn abstract ana . nave n exuimuou. Easier to correct it now than later, pos aihiw aftpr ii lnwKiiit. E. E Savage will MaminR and eive vou an opinion. Over twenty years' experience. . Read This One of the best and earl ioot fruit farms, within two miles of frvrsalp. f!nntains75 acres. Boat ian,W at the nlace twice a day. Good lo- Matinn tr atnra flnrl hotel. F bnuuu v. .,,;,.io,a call nn nr address deo. 1 Prather. Hood River, Or. n w Twins and G. D. DeGoit, old aemiflintanees and neighbors of Geo. F. Coe and family back in Michigan, were visitors in Hood River Monday. They were taken out over the valley by I' red rvn ivpm much interested in our orchards and strawberry patches. O. J. Gesslinsr furnished an article on Hnotl River strawberries for the South ,.at T.M;eV0l at. Siirinefield, Mo. about a month ago. Since then he has been overwhelmed with inquiries about Hood River from residents ot Missouri, Arkansas and other Southwestern states, n,, nf the hest farms in Hood River valley, West Side, containing 94 acres; -a1I imnrnved: nlentv of water; y r;ia f,m t.m-r, Price 50 ter acre a n. form 1 fin acres, three miles from White Salmon landing, Wash Well improved, and goes at a bargain For sale by Geo. T. Prather. i iv, r t. V.nveTR & Co. can be found a more extensive variety of goods than probably any other store in town. ' Mr. Jleuariney is hand to wait upon customers ti, if vnu don't see what you Alio 1 " J " . NV;,. thn arlriress ta on your oi i'uwvv . . - , , ,r cier and if the date doesn't snow uu, rnmft in and have us change it for you. lot. 100 by 123, north oi vw '. . - . 1 nr Shaw's, for sale cneap lor ca with typhoid fever, is improving nicely. R. B. Lindsay is building an addition in his home in the shape of a kitchen SL. Young is nursing a boil on his left hand. the best teacher. Use Ack er's English Remedy in any case of colds, coughs or croup. Should it fail to give im mediate relief money reiunaea. ou uu 50c. Williams & Jirosius. A Family Reunion. Mr. B. F. and J. II. Shoemaker are en tertaining their brother, James A. Shoe maker, and wife, of Santa Clara, Cali fornia and their two sisters, Mrs. Kate Curtis and Mrs. JNancy v,uru oi Seattle, Wash. The combined ages pi the five surviving members of the family is 306 years. Some of them have not met before in 46 years. All born in Will county, Illinois. The visitors will remain until after the Hood River fruit fair and express themselves aeugnieu with Hood River valley. in on This . . . i j : t,rt,i.nortara tnr thft rent oraiiua kww ffa ni-ia in all tines ox low ss the lowest. rm Thnmnson. the eood - natured proprietor of the 6treet sprinkler, asked, while it was raining why he wasn't out with V b TT.V" ( . He said his partner was domg the wors. T !.: u: .'loftinna at the end Ot x ii. mttltilig Ilia - - the week one of his patrons said he had paid. "Guess not," said Thompson; "yon didn't pay me. No, I paid your partner; I gave it to the Lord that is, to the church." 10 davs at the Emporium . - -, r a m TTndorwnod was in town iUOn- aiiivD ----- dav and reported that ine sniaii-yuA cases have all gotten well nr. nA TMrs W. P. Watson went to Pn tret Sound Wednesday, where tney will visit lor some ume. xtj ninti.a lft. last Saturday for For further to resume his work in the Uni- verBitv OI urwon. eafa npanuta Bmce xney fjvet yuwj vv r - can get them fresh roasted at the Golden Rule Bazaar. " .Tack Frost made his first appearance " - . . in Hood River on the morning ui av, 9llth. Tj . rnr;,iiro rptnrned from nis t-ir. to the Williamette valley, Tuesday. The October magazines just received ot Rradlev's Book and Stationery store. Charlie Temple found a horse mannei which the owner will find at las store. Best place to buy all kinds ot meaw is at the H. R. M. & V. U. marsei. t o Smith came UP from ASlorw XJVUiaii . . on Tm-sdav on a business tnp. r't noaoi. to pack your choicest apples in boxes for the lair. Fred Snow of Portland was Tj;,-r Snndav and Monday. A new lot of those popular trout flies t no. F. Coe & Son's Mrs J. H. Frederick has been quite in fm tiip nasi week. ill w. .. i - , tk W R. M. A P. Co. rune a free de livery at all hours. Wm. Rogers has graph gallery. ' For bacon, hams, and lard market. r...... .wte' shirts and collars at Rlnwers'. Dr. Riggs of Mt, Hood was in town Monday. , u R.hnr.1 supplies at Bradley's Book store. Fancy baskets at Coe's Umbrellas at Coe's. i Hood rented the photo- eo to the was last week, his sprinkler, Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and fm How complexion. Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out, and do not have a appearance, you should try Riond F.lixir. It cures all blood H. F. Davidson, who has been laid up disease!, where cheap sarsaparillas and ea punners mn , Kiiuwuig w"i erv bottle on a positive guarantee. llliams & Brosius. Born. At. Nikolai's mill. Sent. 23. 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. West, a son. Married. In Hood River, Sept. 25, 1900, Mark A. Cameron and Miss Belle Day ; Rev J. W. Jenkins officiating. The bride has been a resident of Cas cade Locks. The groom is a well known of Hood River, engaged in farming. The Glacier extends congrav ulations. Died. In Hood River valley, Sept. 25, 1900, rw ftpne.va. infant child of Mr. ano Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, aged one month and two days. Church Notices. Timber Land, Act Jun 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tt a i.oni nfflM. The Dalles. Oreicon. Bept. 21 1000. -Notice is Hereby given wihuii cum- Eoworth League at 6:30 sharp. Topic, pnce Wnh the provisions of the act of con L Luke. 14-15 : 24. ereas of June 8, 1878. ent tied "An ct for the Elder J. W. Jenkins did not go to Wasco this week as expected and wm fill his pulpit at the Valley Christian Church Sundav morning and evening. Rev. H. C. Sliafer, the new pastor for the U. B. church, will arrive with his wife today or tomorrow from Portland. He will fill the pulpit at the church next Sundav. Mr. Shafer is from an Eastern state, but has been attending Philomath college since last ian. Congregational Churcn services wm be conducted by the pastor at 11 a. m. and at 7 :45 p. m. At the morning serv ice the pastor win spean uu uk . i 1 i.rtl1 Hillsnoro. in i)ir JdJoifliollxlo easant ufipiise In each "Rocky Ford Canteloup:" Inside information The flesh is green, sweet and delicious. Watson's Celery, crisp and tender. Above usually to be found at EVERHART'S STORE. D 1L THE HOUSE FURNISHER, Carries a full and complete stock of FURNITURE, including new and elegant designs in Floor Matting. We Him to keep in stock tho latest designs in Bod Room Suites. Step in and look at our Hammocks, from 75c up. In Builders' Supplies our stock is unequaled. Picture Frames a specialty. Patronize home industry and buy Boyed's Bricks ol us. A carload of lumber and shingles just unloaded. W. P. Fuller's prepared Taints are unequaled. We carry a full assortment We appreciate the patronage given us by the people of Hood River and vicinity and hope to continue to merit it. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Held high In the estimation f Practical Painters. Every gallon of , The Sherwin-WiuJaus Paint will cover 300 or more square feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Faint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Faint made. SOLD BY Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy. On to him for pur. frch Drugs. Fatent Medicines and Wall 1'aper. rrwcrlptlons and Time Schedules. E. Bound, Cblrago lhttu a.m. Spokane Flyer 8:27 p.m. Mall and Kxpreuj. 11:42 p. m Depart 8 p.m. Fr'm HOOD KI VEK Salt Lake. Denver. Ft Wortb.Omuntt, Kaunas City, Bt LouIh, Chicago ana tne i'.aiit. Walla Walla, Bpo- kane.MtnneapoiiH Bt Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, vnv cago and East. Bnlt 1-ake, Denver, Ft wortn,inianft, KansaH City, tn LduIm, Clilcago and the fcoHU From PORTLAND. Ocean Rteamsi?if8 For Han KrunciKCo bull every oaay. W. Bounn. Portland Hpeclal 2.C6 p. in. Portland Flyer 4:30 a.m. Mall and 6:00 a.m. Arrive 4 p.m. 8 p.m. Ki. Humlay Haturday, 10 p.m. .m. Ex. Bunday Sale of timber fande In the States of California, Oregon, revaua uuu nww"Rwu rf, MATTIB C. BONKEY Of Hood River, county of Wasw, stat of Ore eon, has this day filed In this ortlce her uworn Statement No. MS, for the puronase 01 ine northwest southwest , and southwest northwest S f section No. 6 in townshipMo.!i Sorth, range No. 9 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land soiiKht is more valuable for Its timber pr stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thlsoflice at The Dalles, Oregon, on fetttur- a L. U K -tn it rf tuuiX 1 1 I Witt. 7 a.m. Tues. Thur. ana Bat, t . 1. .. , .ti ua wiir.MU.miT .1 , in. 1,11 T?A.rt mv nd Clvde Bonnoy of Hood A. A, UUllucj vi Ae,u Val- Subject at evening fervice, "Has God ,i. " fi- HerHhner and epoKen w man i . Mrs. Armor will Bing at the evening the selection entitled, V tusper- ' C. E. flervice at 7 p. m. led by the president, Mrs. Armor. The first quarterly conierence oi u.c Ttplmont charge well be held at Belmont Chapel next Saturday 2:30 p. m. ana Dreacning services ouuuh ""( livening. Kobt.Wr, E. church service. Sunday-school preaching loiiowea uy tiaro 11 1 . m Enworth League praver meeting, 6:45 p. m. ; general ser viced of League, 7:15 p. m. ; Ping 8 p. m.; regular prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 8 p. ni. F. A. fepalding, pastor. Klver, Oregon; Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to nie their claims in t his office on or peiore 8l' DCem JAYK LUCAS, Resistor. Dalles, Portland & As toria Navigation Co. M. A. COOK, Hood River. Or. Estimates furnished. Plans drawn. M. 10 a. m service Horse for Sale. A good work horse. F. H. MILLER, Alarm Clocks. - Aflne line of Alarm OyrgH PaDBr Hanaiis aufl Wall Tiatiag Graining, Natural Finishing, etc. Esthutes Gbatib. E. U. PICKABD. Timber Land, Act Jane S, W78.1 KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore- e.,n, ... . ,v ,h. nroiilhs of ... r...,,ri. r Jnn, . W7S. entitled "Anactfor ti.S sale of timber lands In the ti,,M t Pttlifornla. Oretjon. nevaua anu ... , , . Taniir ' ntt extended to the public land states by act of August 4, IBM, OEORGE A. PH1RMAN, nr Th Dalles connty of Wasco, state of Ore "fj?" Sa in this office his sworn Statement No. 1S, for the purchase of the to U snd 12 and sonth half of southeast .t- ..u. m In tnwnshlD No. 1 2rmngeNo. east, W. M., and wfll offer prof to show that the land wugl.t I. more I,. ,imi,rr,rum than for aif- rlcu Itural purp.es, and to establish his claim ..m i.nrt lJ-r.,re the Reeistor and Receiver rrn.i.r.tfiMatTbe Italics. Oregon, on Hatur- aB:'"cr'".r.'., W III am Rand.L.K, Morse and C. L. Morse, all of Hood Ulver.Or " , .Vi h Phir,nnof The Itlle.Oiv(ron. . ' a imII luminni puiimint adverMiV the bove-dcrlbed lands are requests to nm .,,-1, inim In this office on or oeiore saiu Wth day of November, 1W0. illnSf JAY P. LUCAS, EejUter, 8 a.m. Tues, Thur. nd SU Columbia Rivkr Ktkamk.kh. To Astoria and way landings. Willamette River. Ormron Cltv. NeW' berg.naieiu way lanaings. WlLLAMBTTB AWD VAMHU.t, KIVKK8. Oregon City .Dayton ana way wnuiiigs. Willamette River. Portland to Corval lis it way lanaings. 4 p.m. ExJUunday, Lv.Klparla i:.v a.m. dally. 4:30 n.ro. Exuuday S: p.m. Mon, Wed, anu r ri. 4: r.m. Mon.. !Wed ana r ri. RlCHKa RtVRB. Rlnarla to Iewiston w II. T1III1I.IUII11 Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or J. Bagliy, Agent, Hood Hiver. Lv Lewlst'n 8 a.m. dally. Family Recipes a specialty. U. S. Commsaloner. Notary Public. GEO. X. PRATHER, 18 HOOD RIVER, OREGON. 1 lots and blocks for sale In different parU of the town of Hood River. AISSiCStitoSrtoU lu Blowe.V Addition, the most beautiful build- lDg iinMnMs 'sucTas' paying taxes for non-rcsldents, or anything perUlnlns to th years. Correiondence solicited. 'I"M GEO. P. CROWEIX, Successor to E. L. Smith-Oldest Established Hous In the valley .J Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. 'VV' This old-establluhed house will continue to pay cash for all iU goods ; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. (Steamers Regulator and Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way polnU on both sides of the f'iinmhln. kiver. - Both of the above steamers nave oeen ro hnllt and are in excellent shape foi the sea son of 11)00. The IK-gulator line will endeavor A. S. Blowers & Son Are still in the procession and prepared to supply your wants In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Feed, etc. Just arrived, a carload of Walla Walla Flour bought before . the advance In prices. Will meet all competition. In Shoes we have a great deal of competition in pbices but none in quality. The Miller Shoe is the best wearer on earth. The iMlles ... Im nutrnn, IhA IHSt service DOSHlDie. For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel Kv the atPHtnKrs of the Regulator Line. iw.il... cltv lHives The Ilalles at 7 a. ta.. Tuesday. Thursfiay and Haturdav. KguiaU)r leaves at 7 a. tn. Monday, Wed nesday and Krlday. TV-.,, Leave Portliind 7 a. m.; arrive at The Dalles 6 p. in. Arrive at Portland 4:H0 p. m, Portland office. Oak st. lock. TI office, Court street. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent NOTICE FOlTTUBLICATIONr Ind Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Bept. 10, us v.,ifi i. tirMv irlvflo that the follow hua filed notiraof his Inten tion to make final proor in support oi nis claim, and that said proof will be inade before Hood River, Ortaou, on Friday, October U, CHARLIE TEMPLEMIRE Of Mosier. Oregon, H. E. No. 6129, for the southwest Yt si-rtln 13, township nonu He names the following witnesses to prove hts continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, vli: a.-.w .r.A M. Duty, Geo. HuBk-y, Charlie SUrlt and Klllah Haskey, all ot Most". Oregon SI' 4ol JAY P. LUCAS. RejUter. Kodaks And all kinds of supplies for MfisiialiiAitePiortfiis. Printing papers, card mounts, developers and toning solutions. Prices range from 5 to 20 for Kodaks. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. LEAVE ORDERS FOR fo IS3 Jy issa With F. E. JACKSON. He and the DAVExi PORT BROS, have over One Million feet of good Dry Lumber at Haynes' Spur.