The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 21, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 18.
"Tublished Every Friday by
n,s oi .ab.criptlon-il.fiO a year when paid
.mail arrives from Ml. Hood at 10 o'clock
He.liiesday and Saturdays; depart the
Vi'lioMo'vc'hI'ieave. at 8 a. m. Tuesday.,
uv a.ul Saturday.: arrive, at 61.. in.
Vk hue Salmon (Wash.) leave, daily at 6:45
iii-rive.1 fit 7:15 p. TO.
whlio Salmon leave, (or Fulda, Gilmer,
,1 i ke and Gleiiwnod dally at 9 A. M.
fli'iujun (Wash.) leaves at5:45p. m.; ar-
(iv I. 0. 0. F. Meet, first and third Mon-
in each month.
I Mis Stella Richardson. N. 0.
;J IIibbahd, Becretary,
viiv POST. No. 16, U. A. R Meeta at A.
II U W Hall second and fourth Saturday.
ai( h rnoiitli at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R.
ber invited to meet with us.
M P. Isenbero, Commander
". J. CUNNING, Adjutant.
"i7nV W R. C, No. 16-Meet, flr.t Satvtr
Jv of each month In A. O. U. W. hall at i
' Man. Auklia Stmanahan, President,
lis Ctivu Dukes, Secretary.
flOD RIVER LODGE, No. 105, A. F. and A.
M Meets Saturday evening on or before
h full moon. G. E. William., W. M.
,, McDonald, Secretary.
iOob RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M -
Meets third Friday night of each month.
-' G. R. Cahtner, H. P.
Williams, Secretary.
-OOP RIVER CHAPTER, No .25 0. E. 8.
I .Meet. Saturday after each full moon and
a weeks thereafter.
Mrs. Mahy A. Davidson, W. M.
IF.TA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans.
( J -Meets second Tuesday of each month at
.irrnal hall. F. C BROSIUS, M. A.
!). McDonald, Secretary.
TAt'COMA LODGE, No, 30, K. of P. Meeta
I in A. 0. U. W. hall every Tuesday night.
E. 8. Ol.INGlR, C. C.
Frank L. Davidion, K. of R. & S.
5IVKK81DE LODGE, No. 68, A. O. U, W.
1. uwo first and third Saturday! of each
I V. Watt, Financier.
M. L. Howe, llecorder.
(OLEWILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F .
i i Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday
11,1. A. G. Getchicl, N. G.
fl. J. HiBBARD, secretary.
TflOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M..
I meets at A. O. V, W. hall on the first and
ilrd Fridays of each month.
J. E. Rand, Commander.
i HONOR, A. t). U. W. -Meets first and
did Saturday, at 8 P. M.
i Mrs Geo. P. Crowell, C. of H.
Mrs. Chas Clabkr, Recorder.
F. SHAW, M. D.
I Telephone No. II.
3tll Calls Promptly Attended
Office upstair, over Copple's store. All call,
lift at the office or residence will ba promptly
attended to.
For 21 yearia resident of Oregon and Wash
birton. lias lrad many years experience In
Beil Estate mallets, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent, Batlsiaction guaranteed or no
J F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially
equip). ed to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
1 Special terms for oflice treatment of chronic
j Telephone, office, 125, residence, 45.
1 Harbison Bros., Profs.
I Ground and manufactured.
$ Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom
binding done every Saturday. During the
lusy sciiRon additional days will be mentioned
in the local columns.
I If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
1 Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No oire 110 pay.
On-shririfrvu i A. M. till 6. P. M., and all
.'i&ight if necessary.
t Men's half soles, hand eticked, $1;
nailed, best, 75c ; second, 50c ; third, 40c.
I.alie8' hand Btitched, 75c; nailed, best,
M)c; second, 35. Best stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
j Is the place to get the latest and best it
j Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
I" Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: J' io II A. M. ; 2 to 8
and o to 7 P. M.
ToMLi.vsoN Bkos, Pbops.
Of the best qnality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
Do a general banking business.
Kardware, Stoves anil Tinware
Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers'
Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc.
. i v
We have a new and complete stoefc
of himlN ctnirM and tinware.
hich we will keep constantly adding
Our prices will continue to be as low as
Portland prices.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
" I
n Interesting Collection of Item. From
.he Two Hemisphere Pre Mb i
In a CorlenW Jrcvm-
Conger advices
Americans to leave
Colorado Democrats nominated J
Oran for governor.
General Botha is said to be making
overtures to surrender.
Forest fires destroyed no timber in
Cascade reserve this season.
A man fell from a fruit tree at En
gene, Or., with fatal results.
Negro vandals were tried by court
martial and shot at, Galveston.
New York Democrats nominated
John B. Stanchfield for governor.
A number of vessels were lost or
stranded in the gale on the lakes.
American troops await the presi
dent's word to march from Pekin.
Fire at Narragansett pier, R. I.,
destroyed property worth $350,000.
President Kruger is at Lourenco,
Marques preparing to sail for Euiope.
From 15,000 to 20,000 Chinese con
verts were massacred in July by Box
ers. Nine persons were killed in South
ern Illinios by the wrecking of a the
atrical car.
Three thousand bodies of storm vic
tims have been buried at Galveston.
The property loss is estimated at $15,
000,000. The city of Dallas, Texas, has sub
scribed nearly $15,000 in cash and sx
carloads of clothing for the South
Texas flood sufferers.
Dr. Dennis Dowling Mulcahy, once
an active Fer.ian agitator, who was
imprisoned in England in the latter
part of the '60s with O'Donovan Rossa
and others, died in Newark, N. J.,
aged 53 years.
The trouble that was threatened be
tween the whites and Indians, arrayed .
on one side,, against the Japs, on the
other side, in the hop fields above Puy
allup, Wash., seems to have been avert
ed, at least for the time being. No ac
tual clash lias yet taken place, but
there is bad feeling between the fac
tions that may at any time break out
into open hostilities.
, The three silver parties in Colorado
will fuse.
France will accept Prince Ching as
a peace envoy.
Americans and French nearly
clashed in Pekin.
Lord Roberts is pushing operations
in Eastern Transvaal.
Amerioan soldiers took no part in
the looting of Tien Tsin.
Many gulf coast towns in Texas ent
ered severely from the storm.
The state department is not ready to
begin negotiations with Li Hung Chang.
New Hampshire Republicans nomi
nated Chester B. Gordon for governor.
Colonel W. B. Shaw, of Illinois,
will make Republican speeches in Ore
gon. The steamship San Pedro arrived at
Seattle from the north with 300 nas
sengers and $80,000 in Nome gold.
Americans on their way to hunt gold
in Siberia cot the best of a trick at
tempted by Russians, and seven Yankees
took iy) Kussians.
Tho controller of the currency has.
issued a call for the condition
of na-
tional banks at the close of
September 1, 1900.
The population of Dulutb, Minn , as
officially announced by the census
bureau, is 52,909, an increase in popu
lation of 19,854, or 59.9 per cent from
1890 to 1900.
At Reno, Nevada, a wreck on the
Nevada, California & Oregon extension
derailed 14 cars of beef cattle, reduc
ing the cars to kindling wood ana Kill
ing 20 head of fat steers.
The destruction of shipping at Gal
veston may reduce the. volume of early
cotton deliveries at Lancashire, Eug
land. Reports from there show that
20,000 loams had stopped and that 24,
000 operators were idle.'
The postmaster-general has received
a communication from F. W. Vaille,
director of- posts in the Philippines,
showing that there will be a surplus of
receipts over expenditures up to June
80 of $19,447. This does not include
fees for money orders of $6,500, and
rlmva ia firm iBT)rtment. that ol Baco-
VUC1V ww r
lor, yet to hear from.
The government transport Lawton
sailed from San Francisco on her
errand of mercy to the far north.
With all available space bblow decks
devoted to berths, provided with bed
ding for nearly a thousand persons, be
sides the regular complement of offl
cers and crew, the big transport will
oroceed to Capo Nome, stopping at
! Seattle for supplies.
Chicago police have recovered a $1,
000 poodle that was abducted the other
day. but there are a number of 54.38
children quite hopelessly missing, to
gay nothing of a $25 parrot.
-r-.-l r.l,n. of IoWB. and of
the FourteentL United States infantry,
snhli-r to olanttheAmeri-
LU . T - . - f . III
can nag on we waus 01 1 o.
be remembered that a certain inns
battered down the walls of Jerusalem,
After all, there may be something in
list of dead unmbert
Six persons perished In a Cincinnati,
Ohio, tire.
Bryan' letter of aooeptanoe was
given to the public.
The powers have aocepted LI Hung
CbanK as 8 ne80tiator.
Plans aTe being drawn for harbor itn.
provements in Manila.
Americans are building a permanent
telegraph line to Pekin.
Lord Roberta will leave South Africa
for England about October 3.
Colorado Republican nominated
Frank C. Gouily for governor.
Great Britain is preparing to have
more troops in readiness for service in
j Troops of
I hustling for
nationalities are
quarters at Tien
Portugal has authorized the depart
ure of President Kruger from Lourenco
Cuba had an orderly election, and
closer relations with the United States
are desired.
All Alaska is infected with small
pox and strict quarantine regulations
are prescribed.
Government is building railioad
spur to secure direct delivery of rock
to Columbia river jetty.
Li Hung Chang sends memorial to
the throne, advising the impeachment
of several anti-foreign advisers.
Roosevelt's letter aocepting the Re
publican vice-presidential nomination
discusses the financial question, trusts
and "imperialism."
The steamer City of Grand Rapids,
built for the Yukon trade, was burned
to the water's edge in the West Seattle
harbor, causing a loss of $20,000.
An official dispatch from Shanghai
says a German naval battalion, uo
companied by 40 Bengal lancers, oap
tured and, burned the town of Liang
September 11. Chinese regular troops
occupying the place had previously
fled. The German loss was one man
killed and live wounded.
Professor David Starr Jordan, of
Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.,
has returned from a three months' trip
through Japan, where he succeeded in
securing the largest and most complete
collection of Japanese fishes ever oh
tained by scientists. Collections or
descriptions were made of all but 15
known species, besides 125 species un
known to science. .
Boxers-are again active at Pekin.
A gradual reduction of the Russian
lorces in Pekin has begun.
Other towns in Texas besides Gal
veston are in need of assistance.
General French has occupied Barber
ton, capturing 100 Boers and some roll
ing stock.
The first thimbles were made in Hol
land. They were brought to England
in 1695.
At Tacoma, Wash., the North Taco
ma shingle mill was entirely destroyed
by fire. Loss unknown.
John Wilson, a pioneer merchant of
Portland, Or., who began busines.
there in 1850, is dead, aged 74.
The exodus from Galveston grows in
number as the facilities for getting
away from the city are increased.
At Eau Claire, Wis., seven men were
drowned by the overturning of a boat
while trying to cross the river at that
Mexican thieves entered a saloon at
Guthrie, Arizona, for the prupose of
robbery and were compelled to kill
two men and then escape.
Three men were drowned and two
gasoline launches sunk as a rseult of a
collision between the small crtfft and a
steamer at Stookton, Cal. -
Another plague case has been re
ported at Glasgow, making a total of
17. In addition there is one suspect
and 115 persons under observation.
Near"Nanaimo, B. C, two coal
trains collide 1 on the center of a tres
tle, killing four men and reducing one
engine to scrap iron. Misplaced sig
mils was the cause.
The division of customs and insular
affairs of the war department has given
out for publication a statement of the
rRrw intB of the Havana custom house
for the month of August, 1900, show
ing that the total receipts lorthe
month were $991,926.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire--men
convened at Des Moines adapted
resolutions denouncing the governor of
Idaho for maintaining- martial law in
the Coeur d'Aleue district, the gov
ernment for using the government
troops and congress for making public
the testimony taken at the investiga
tinn hv the house committee last win
The Boer delegates, Messrs. Fisher,
Wolmarans and Weasels, have ad
dressed an appeal to all nations for in
tervention in Sooth Africa. The ap
peal concludes as follows: "In the
name ot justice and humanity, we ap
peal to all peoples to come to our aid
in this supreme moment and save our
nnt,o ' commit ourselves to
God, tTustmg that our prayers
be heard."
Teais are the diamonds of the fairies.
The "missing link" has again been
found, this time in Java, where Dr.
Dubois has unearthed certain fossil re
mains of such an interesting character
that Prof. Haeckel, the celebrated Ger
man biologist, has determined to go
i.;nif mil invflsticate. Dr.
I nnhm. ia firuilv of the opinion that the
, to , Bpecif,g intermediate
j the behest ape and prehistoric
British to Have Men Conve
nient for China.
Americana Ilttvo Kcgun Construction o
Fvruiauont Telegraph Between
Tleu Tain nd Pekin.
London, Sept. 18. In accordance
with the prediction of Sir Robert Hart
that there will be further hostilitiei
in China in November, the press uu
drestands that the British government
ia already considering the transfer of
troops from South Africa to India in
order to make it praoticab'e to send
more British troops to China. The
military authorities consider the win
in South Africa so far ended that
troops may now be safely moved.
It is possible that the Russian lega
tion has already been removed from
Pekin to Tien Tsin, but there Is no
definite news as yet as to whether Li
Hung Chang will after all go to Pekin.
General Dorward is going to the capi
tal, leaving the British troops at Tien
Tsin under command of Brigadier-General
Campbell. Vice-Admirai Alex
left has returned to Takn.
The Americans have begun at Ho Si
Wu a permanent telegraph line be
tween Pekin and Tien Tsin. ;
The Pekin correspondent of the Daily
Mail says that the assassin of Baron
von Ketteler has been shot.
The Morning Post's representative at
Pekin says that the question is being
discussed of sending relief to a few
British, French and American engi
neers, who are besieged in a City 200
miles south of Pekin.
Chinese officials estimate that 20,000
disbanded Chinese soldiers, by the
simple expedient of turning their coats,
managed to remain behind in Pekin.
Other dispatches confirm the report
that in addition to Hsn Tung, the
guardian of the heir apparent, Yu Lu,
viceroy of Chi Li, and Wang Yi Yung,
president of the imperial academy,
with 200 members of official families,
oommitted suicide when the allies en
tered Pekin.
Boxen" Forcibly Kxpel bowls
Teacher. From the City.
Mansfield, O., SerVs. 18, A mob to
day drove Zion Elfler Ephriam Bas
singer, of Bluffton, jlnd.f and two of
Dowie's converts here out of the city,
and thus broke the monotony of the
usual routine followed for the past lour
Sundays. "
Elder Bassinger was in the oity yes
terday, held several meetings without
molestation, and had a number of con
sultations with his attorney, A. A.
Douglas. lie left last night, but re
turned again today and was holding a
meeting at the home of E. II. Lei by,
when the officers went there and took
him to the depot, followed by a jeering
mob of several hundred. He was a
target for apples, tobacco quids, mis
siles and kicks, as he was escorted to
the depot, and when he arrived there
he was a pitiable sight? The passenger
train was missed by about two min
utes, and while they were waiting for
the next train the mob went to the
home of E. II. Leiby and took him'and
Frank Calver, both .Zion followers,
and marched them to the depot. When
an express train arrived all three were
put on it and hustled out of the city.
Brutal Murder of a Portland Saloon
Keeper Motive Waa Robbery
Portland, Or., Sept. 18. A brutal
murder, followed by robbery, was com
mitted at an early hour yesterday
morning in a saloon on the southwest
corner cf Fourteenth and Marshall
streets, H R. Dickel. the proprietor of
the place, being the victim.
Although the tragedy occurred about
2 o'clock, nothing was known of it un
til nearly 4, when Partolman Wheeler,
on his regular rounds, was passing the
premises. He noticed"that the saloon
was lighted up, which was something
unusual, and he proceeded to investi
gate. On entering a little cardoom at
the rear, he found the body of the
murdered man in a corner, ' leaning
against the wail, where the murderers
had placed it after, riling the pockets
and helping themselves to the contents
of the safe, which it is thought
amounted to over $256
New Iturllngton Line Opened.
Denver, Colo., Sept. 18. The first
train over the new branch of the Burl
ington road from this city to Dead
wood, S. D., left this city at 11:30 to
night. The first train from the north
will complete its journey of 455 miles
at 11:30 tomorrow night. This new
route to the Black Hills country is al
most due north from Denver, the main
line of the Burlington being left be
hind at Brush, Colo. The road then
leads across Eastern Colorado and
Western Nebraska and into the Black
Hills. .
The Russian government is invest!
gating the cost and probabilities of
ouick delivery of 30,000,000 feet of
lumber from Puget Sound to Ylaidvo
stock. Three Keg-roet Lynched.
St. Louis, Sept. 'It. A special to
the Post-Dispatch from Memphis,
Tenn., says: A masked mob of be
tween 60 and 100 men broke into the
jail at Tunica, Miss., early today and
took out three negroes, whom they
strung op to a tree within 100 yards of
the jail. Not a shot, was fired. Each
negro bad committed a murder. The
lynching is a climax of the intense
feeling against desperate negroes which
bas been brewing in the neigbboihood
of Tunica for months.
Q belt Ion of Repine lug Volunteer Troop.
With Fillpluu Soldier.
Manila, Sept. 17. As the time ap
proaches for the volunteers to loave
these islands and return to the United
States, in ordor that all may be mus
tered out there by Jnue 80 next year,
the question of how to replace the de
parting troops has brought the matter
of an armed native militia to general,
For more than a year there has been
In the service of the United States a
detachment of native Macabebe scouts,
and their work lias in the main been
satisfactory. It is argued that other
native fighting organizations can be
used with as good a result as the Maca
bebes, especially if tho authorities take
advantage of existing tribal hatreds
and jealousies m selecting native sol
diery to operate against the Tagals.
In many of the village garrisons
throughout the i8luu'iar,"rjative inhabit
ants are being employed as a local po
lice force to protect their own villages
against depredation and attack from
robbers and othor malefactors. These
local police are in sotffo cases given
firearms and uniforms, and they have
at times done effective work to the
limited field of action allowed them,
namely the protection of their homes.
They have also been used in operations
against the insurgents, both in Luzon
and in the Southern islands. In Leyte
they did good work two months ago
when they helped eight American sol
diers repel a persistent insurgent attack
upon their town, and two weeks ago,
near Lipa, 20 native policemen went
out alone against 40 insurgents, scat
tered the enemy, killing one, and re
turned proudly to their town with two
of their number wounded.
Those are the beginnings of what
must eventually come to puss in the
Philippines, namely the organization
and use oi native soldiers to preserve
order in the counrty. Just how these
men will be organized and officered is
not yet decided; but Major Allen, of
the Forty-third regiment, on Samar
island, has lately been given permis
sion by General MacArthur to organize
two companies of Visayans for uso
against the insurgeuts, and Colonel
Kenuon, of the Thirty-fifth regiment,
now stationed in Cabanatuau in the
Nueva. Ecja, province of Luzon, has
been experimenting along the same
lines with Ilocanos from tho northern
portion of Luzon island.
In December of last year, about 600
Ilocanos came to Colonel Kennon, at
Cabanatuau, and asked to enlist under
the American flag. Colonel Kenuon
at once ouened negotiations with the
corps headquarters in Manila in the
matter, and Juue 1 he was granted per
mission to enlist 50 Ilocanos as scouts.
Durins this intrim of six months the
600 men were employed as far as pos
sible as road builders, ration carriers
and guides. The success of this first
detachment in the service will pioba
bly soon lead to the enlisntmeut of
other Ilocanos tribesmen.
Galveston !
lowly itecoverlng; From the
Terrible Blow,
Galveston, Sept. 17. More than
2,000 dead bodies have been identified
and the estimate of Mayor Jones that
5.0U0 souls perished in Saturday's hur
ricane does not appear to be magni
fied. The city is being patrolled by
troops and a semblance of order is ap
pearing. Though the city appears pitilessly
desolate, the authorities of the com
mercial and industrial interests are
setting their forces to work, and a start
has at least been made towJrd the re
sumption of business on a moderate
scale. '
The presence 6f troops has had a
beneficial effect upon the criminal
classes, and the fear of a brief, but
desperate, reign of anarchy now no
longer exists. The saloons have at
least temporarily gone out of business,
and every stroug-limbed man who has
not his own abode to look after is be
ing pressed into service, so that first
of all the water service may be re
sumed, the gutters flushed and the
streets lighted.
The further the ruins are dug into
the greater becomes the increase in the
list oi those who perished as their
houses tumbled about their heads. On
the lower beach yesterday a searching
party found a score of corpses within a
small area, going to show that the bul
wark of debris that lies straight across
the island conceals many more oodieg
than have been accounted for.
Fire at Port Huron.
Port Huron, Mich., Sept. 17. Fire
at noon today destroyed the entire
plants owned by the McMorran Mill
ing Company, the Port Huron &
Northwestern Elevator Company and
D. McMorran & Company. Tho loss
will reach $225,000, covered by insur
ance. One hundred and fifty thomand
bushels of grain stored in the elevator
were destroyed.
Buffalo Butcher' Strike.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 17. Eight
hundred butchers employed in the
packing houses of the Jacob Dold Pack
ing Company and Klinck,'s and Dana
hay's packing houses are on a strike,
owing to the refusal ot the Dolds to
discharge two men who refused to pay
their dues to their union. Dold claims
to have 150 men at work today.
Chinese Fund Confiscated.
Pekin, Sept. 17. The Rosso-Chinese
bank, which, as announced yesterday,
closed here today, and removes to
Shanghai, will confiscate, as part of
the iudemnity to be paid to Russia, the
imperial university fund of 5,000,000
taels deposited with it, against which
the Chinese drew for the payment of
their troops.
Pittsbutg, Sept. 17. The Carnegie
Steel Co. has given $10,000 to the Gal
veston relief fund.
Coal Miners Out in the
thracite Region.
Violence Una Thus Far Keen He
ported -Strike Kxleuda Over
Large Territory.
Ilazleton. Pa., Sept. 19. The grea.
etruglge between., the anthracite coal
miners of Pennsylvania and their em
ployers war begun today. Each sido
is confident of winning, and neither
of the contending forces shows any dis
position to yield. The contest thus far
has been devoid of any violence.
The exact number of mon who struck
cannot at this tune be told. Reports
received by the United Miueworkers
officials from the entire anthracite re
gion were to them most satisfactory.
In this territory, known as district No.
7, there are 16,000 men employed in
and about the mines. Of this number,
it is conseravtively estimate. that
about 50 per cent obeyed the order of
President Mitchell to quit work. live
thousand of these belong to the col
lieries which did not work at all, and
the remaining 8,000 to mines which
work short-handed. The district
south of this place, known as the
South Side, was tied np completely
with the exception of Coleraine, Beavei
Meadow and Carson's Washeries. In
this territory the United Mineworkers
are very strong. On the north side,
the Upper Lehigh, Minesville, Ebernle
and Drifton No. 1 collieries, employ
ing about 1,500, are shut down. The
mines at Lattimer and Pond Creek,
employing 1,200, are wroking full, but
every other mine in that big territory
is working with badly crippled forces.
Three of the Markle mines,' over which
there has been so much contention,
worked all day with aobut 65 percent
of the men. On the West Sido every
colliery started up today minus its
union men, except at the Hazle mines,
where the union miners went to work
in consequence of a misunderstanding.
Ilazleton today presented an ani
mated appearance, strikers from all the
surrounding mining towns coming in
early in the day and gathering in
groups on the street corners and dis
cussing the situation. It was a most
orderly crowd. Around strike head
quarters, at the Valley hotel, there was
more or less of a crowd of men all day.
President Mitchell, who arrived from
the West last night, was kept busy all
day and evening, receiving reports
from every section of the region. Mes
sengers bringing information to him
from near-by points kept coming regu
larly. Mr. Mitchell decided an important
point today in the matter of arbitra
tion. Last week the miners employed
by G. B. Markle & Co. decided not to
strike until the firm had passed upon
a set of their own grievances, which
differ somewhat from those of the Unit
ed Mineworkers. The firm has an
agreement with its men that if any
differences fail of adjustment, then the
grievances shall be arbitrated, John
Markle, ol the firm, yesterday agreed
to have Archbishop Ryan, of Philadel
phia, arbitrate the differences, if the
mediators already decided upon by tho
firm and the men cannot oome to a
satisfactory agreement. President
Mitchell, however, stated today that
he should ask the men employed by
Markle to cease work. The men might
gain concessions through arbitration
he said, but it was now a case of secur
ing a uniform settlement throughout
the anthracite region.
About 100 foreign-speaking miners
left Ilazleton today, and will take a
steamer for Europe. These men ex
pect a long strike, and, rather than re
main idle here, they preferred to go to
their former homes.
President Mitchell tonight gave out
the following statement:
"Information received np to tonight
shows that 112,000 mineworkers uie
on strike in the anthracite region. Of
this number, 72,000 are in district No.
1; 80,000 in district No. 8, and 10,000
in district No. 7. Reports received
are to the effect that a large number of
those who went to the mines today will
join in the suspension tomorrow. The
number of men now out on strike ex
ceeds that of any other industrial con
test in the history of our country.
Ttewrad For Atnerlenn Mead.
Victoria, B.- C, Sept. 17. Among
the advices brought by the Brecouslnre
from China were stories of the arrest of
Chinese with the heads of foreign sol
diers in sacks. It seems that head
monev of 50 taels is paid for each bead.
This fact was brought to light by the
discovery of the private papers 6f Vice
roy Yu Ln, of Tien Tsin. In his day
book there is an entry which reads:
"Taels, 100, paid for the heads of two
American marines killed in the ad
vance for the relief of Tien Tsin. Taels,
SO, for the two guns captured on the
same occasion."
More Plague In Glgow.
Glasgow, Sept. 19. Five additional
cases of bubonio plague have beeu re
ported here, four of the stricken per
sons being members of the same family.
Prince of Saxony Killed.
Dresden, Sept. 19. Prince Albert
of Saxony was killed ln a carriage ac
cident yesterday at Wolkau, a short
distance from Dresden. He was born
in 1859 and was unmairied.
Kefuaed to Work.
Bloomsberg, Pa.. Sept. 19. All
effort to settle the difference between
the Reading Iron Company, of Dan
ville, and its employes having failed,
the 600 men employed at the plant re
fused to work this morning.
Kockhlll Gael to Fekln Operations ol
American Troop..
Tien Tsin, Sept. 18, via Shanghai,
Sept. 19. William W. Rockhil', spe
cial representative of the United States
in China, has left for Pekin. In an
interview before leaving, he said he
did not expect to remain there more
than a few days.
Li Hung Chang is at Taku on a Rus
sian vessel. It is not believed that he
will come to Tien Tsin.
Americana Fight With the Ho-or.
Tien Tsin, Sept. 18, via Shanghai,
Sept. 19. A British signal officer re
ports a sharp engagement between a
company of the Fourteenth United
States infantry and 2,000 Boxers at
Matow, on the road to Pekin. The
Americans made a gallant stand, and
a detachment of Bengal lanoers nearby,
hearing the firing, came to their rescue
and charged the Boxers in the rear.
The Chinese were routed, leaving 200
dead. The Americans had no casual
ties. The Germans report an engagement
with a heavy force of Boxeis west of
Pekin yesterday. The German low is
said to have been 20.
Indications now point strongly to
the withdrawal of all the powers from
Pekin to Tien Tsin. The Britiah have
issued an order prohibiting the selling
or renting of any building within the
limits of the British concession. Gen
eral Fukushima is here arranging win
ter quarters for the Japanese troop..
The Germans are pouring into Tien
Tsin, and all nationalities are scram
bling for buildings. One British bat
terv and 200 Australians have arrived.
TtussUii. Push Into Manchuria.
Tien Tsin, Sept. 18, via Shanghai,
Sept. 19. The Russians, it is rumored
here, are rapidly pushing through into
Manchuria, where all indications point
to extensive operations before the arri
val of winter. They have suspended
work on the railroad to Pekin, which
adds to tho complications. It is be
lieved that their objeot in this is to
compel the other powers to oonscnt to
the destruction of Pekin.
The Tu Liu expedition has returned
to Tien Tsin.- The march back was
unopposed, and it is reported that the
Boxers have retired in force to a vil
ltge 80 miles up the Grand canal.
The Americans did not participate
in t'ho burning and looting of Tu Liu,
and this caused considerable comment
among the other commanders.
The Sixth United States cavalry, it
is rumored here, has been ordered to
camp at Yang Tsum, up the Pel Ho,
with a view of strengthening the line
of communication. The regiment will
take two heavy guns.
Twelve thousand Germans arrived
Corporal Hughes, of the Third Unit
ed States artillery, was killed, and bis
companion wounded, while trying to
force a passage of the French bridge
after dark.
Award of the French President on the
Boundary Question.
Washington, Sept. 19. The minis
ter of Costa Rica at Washington, Sen
or Calvo, has received a cablegram
from the minister of Costa Rica at
Paris, which conveys the information
that the president of the French repub
lic, M. Loubert, who was the arbitra
tor appointed to deoide the boundary
question between Costa Rica and Co
lombia, by his award of yesterday,
fixed the boundary limit between the
two countries on the Atlantio side at
Mona Point and on the Pacific side at
Pnnta Barica. The republio of Colom
bia claimed that the limit should be
fixed at Cape Graelas Adios, on the At
lantic, including the whole of Costa
Rica and the Nicaraguan Atlantio
coast, and that the limit on ths Paoifio
side should be placed at Boruca river,
to the northwest of Golfo Duloe, which
would have given Colombia a right to
half the territory of Costa Rica and
about, two-thirds of that of Nicaragua.
Costa Rica claimed the old limits be
tween Central America and Colombia,
placed at the Island of Escudo de Ver
agua, on the Atlantic, and the river
Chiriqui Viejo, on the Paoifio. The
award fixes the boundary line on the
Paoifio side at Punta Barica, as claim
ed by Costa Rica, and on the Atlantio
denies the right of Colombia to any
pait of the territory of Nicaragua or
any portion of that of Costa Rica be
yond Mona Point.
An Arizona Murder.
Thoenix, Ariz., Sept. 19. Some
time last night, Fermina Ochoa, a Mex
ican woman, about 50 'years of age, .
was murdered in a horrible manner at
Yuma. Her body was found the fol
lowing morning in front of the house
where she had taken lodging the night
before. Her skull had been fractured
by a blow on the forehead and a piece
of cloth torn into strips and twisted
into a rope was tied around her throat
so tightly as to produce strangulation.
There was also a deep knife wound in
the body.
Captured Boer Gun. and Store.
Cape Town, Sept. 18. The military
authorities have taken over The Nether
lands Railway. General MaoDonald.
operating in the northeast corner oi
Orange colony, compelled the Boers to
make hasty flight from Vet river. He
captured 81 guns, a quantity of cattle
and stores, and 65,000 rounds of am
munition. In the Hayiuarket Itlot.
Chicago, Sept. 19. Police Lieuten
ant Edward J. Steele died suddenly
early today. Lieutenant Steele was
the man who led the police np Des
Plaines street to the scene of the Hay
n,arket riot, his company being at the
bead of the column that advanced to
disperse the anarchists who were mak
ing speeches. He was prostrated by
the force of the bomb explosion and
had one of bis wrists broken. Nine
out of 24 of Ms company were severely
- ;. t