.4 V L " IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WB GET LEFT. VOL. XII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900. NO. 1G. Bp Hood river glacier Published Every Friday by 8. F. BI.YTHE. f Tsrms ol subscription 11.60 a year when paid jdvauce. THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock m Wednesdays and Saturday!; depart the Tims days at neon. S Tot Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays iriiiiriday and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m. White Salmon (Wash.) leaves dally at 6 :4S i m arrives at 7:16 p. m. i RnVm White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer, trout I-ke nd "Icwood daily at 8 A. M. i ForBingen (Wash.) leaves at5;4Sp. in.; ar Jives at 2 p. m. r HOCIETIKH. T"aIIRJ!,L REBEKAH DBfiRKE LODGE, No L m" 0- - ' -Meets first and third Mon days' in each month. i ' MlssBTELLA RlCHABDSON, N. G. J h, j, Hibbaro, Secretary. fiANBY POST, No. 18, 0. A. R.-Meets at A. OU W. Hall second and fourth Saturdays si each month at ii o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. MP. Ihknbkro, Commander T J. Cunning, Adjutant. CANBY W. K. ro. id nieeis ursi oauir day of each month in A. 0. U. W. hall at 3 m. Mrs. Abulia Stranahan, President. S1K9. UMVM rv.., w-v.."-y . HOOD RIVER iajuub, no. iu, A. v. ana A. M Meets Saturday evening on or before ,ach full moon. 0. E. Williams, V. M. D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each month. U. R. Castner, H. P. G. F. Williams, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25. O. E. S. Meets Saturday alter each full moon and two weeks thereafter. Mrs. Mart A. Davidson, W. M. OLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans. Meets second Tuesday of each month at Fraternal hall. F. C. BR08IU9, M. A. D. McDonald, Secretary. WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P.-Meets in A. 0. V. W hall every Tuesday night. E. 8. Olinuir, C. C. Frank L. Davidson, K. of R. fc S. RIVERSIDE LODGE. No. 68, A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. O. G. CHAMBERLAIN, M. W. Jt. F. Watt, Finaneier. H. L. Howl, Recorder. IDLEWILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. P! Msets in Fraternal hall every Thursday night. A. G. Getchel, N.G. A. J. Hibbard, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M., msets at A. O. V. W. hall on the first and rd Fridays of each month. J. E. Rand, Commander. TJ F. SHAW, M. D. Telephone No. II. All Calls Promptly Attended i Office apstatrs over Copple's store. All calls Mt at the office or residence will be promptly attended to. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. Parll vears a resident of Oregon and Wash- ltn. naa BM many years experience m .J tt.fatA milters, u abstracter, searcher of ties and agent. Eatlsiaction guaranteed or no Charge. J F. WATT, M. D. Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. Special terms for office treatment of chronic canes. Telephone, office, 125, residence, 43. piONEER MILLS Harbison Bros., Profs. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL EREALS '. Ground and manufactured. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custoir rinding done every Saturday. During tlu usv season additional days will be mentioned In the local columns. HOOD K1VEK. OREGON. pAPERHANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC. If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on B. I,. ROOD. Consultation free. No charge for prescrip tions. No cure no pay. Office hours from 6 A. M. till 6. P. M., and all night if necessary. gCONOMY SHOE SHOP. , PBICE LIST. , Men's half soles, band (ticked, $1; nailed, best, 75; second, 60c; third, 40c. Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best. 50c; second, 36. Best stock and work in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop. JHE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc . ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE & GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 P. M. JflT. HOOD SAW MILLS ToMLrssos Bros, Props. FIR AND PINE LUMBER..... Of the best quality alwas on hand at prices to suit the times. gUTLER k CO., 7 BANKERS. 1 i - Do general banking business. HOOD RIVER, . OREGON. DALLAS & SPANGLES, DtALIKS I Hardware, Staves and Tinware Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete moo of hardware, store and tinware, to Which we will keep constantly adding. Our price will eontiaue te b as low as tn...i i i iEPisa TiaiuE a whaltt. EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FllO fiK WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items From he Two Ilemlsphere 1'resTita i lu a C'or'lei'd i'lvm- A Gerinun gunboat has been ordered to Anioy, A plot to burn Shanghai has been discovered. Bryan has decided on an Eastern stump tour. Seventy missionaries from China reached Vancouver, B. C. Washington fusiouists renominated John R. Rogers for governor. Nancy C. Eoff, great aunt of Gov ernor (Jeer, died at Maoleay, Or. Bressi, the assassin of King Hum bert, was sentenced to life imprison ment. It is reported that Prince Tuan and 1,500 Boxers were killed in a great battle. Earl Li asks the appointment of sev eral Chinese officials to the list of peaoe makers. Yn, the governor of the province of Shen Si, is reported to have invited the foreigners in his province to come to his protection. About August 21, 50 accepted the invitation and. all were massacred. It is said that the Standard Oil Com pany will soon be purchasing the pro duct of California wells, now having obtained in the East a number of tanks fur ilin xtnrnop. which will he located at Bakersfield, whore ground has been secured for them. The United Status t run snort Thomas arrived at San Francisco, -'9 days from Manila, via Yokohama, she has ou board ''tU sick and wounded soldiers. 31 military prisoners, 51 cabin passen gers, 173 in the steerage, and seven stowawavs. Seven deaths oocorrea during the voyage. TV P. S. Kfillot'o. who has Inst re turned from two years' service as a sur geon in the Philippines, denies the charges of neglect on the transport Sherman, made by Captain Crenshaw, of Atlanta, in his ante-mortem state ment. Dr. Kellogg, who came home on the Sheinian with Cienshaw, says the captain was badly wounded; that it was only a question of time when he should die, ana it was at nis own request that the captain was allowed to come home. Dr. Kellogg avers that Crenshaw had every possible attention, including the best physicians and nurses. Boxers attempted to miue the Ameri can legation. A strike of 140,000 anthracite coal miners is threatened. General Chaffee is preparing to win ter 15,000 men in Pekin. The battle-ship Alabama averaged 17 knots on her official trial. The Nehalem and Tillamook fisher men's strike is at an end. Several of Minister Conger's guests have arrived at Tien Tsin. A movement to clear the country south of l'ekin is in progress. ntfiMHl American dispatches are be ing tampered with in China. From St. Petersburg it is reported that peace negotiations have begun. Primary returns indicate that Croker will control the New York Democratio convention. senator Scott, of West Virginia, says the Republicans whl lose 100,000 votes in New York. Heavy righting is leportod to vhave occurred at Maebadodorp, between Boers and British. p ft Sr.wnrt. member of the pro visional government of Oregon, is dead at Tacoma, Wash. Tri fna-nshina surrounding Sho shone Falls, Idaho, have been reserved for a national park. Sun Francisco's population, accord ing to the United Mates census, 342,7fcl; Bostons', 560,892. Ton Bnrmre miles of forest reserve in tun ftuririel reservation, near Los Angeles, Cal.. have already been swept by fire, and still the names are devour ing the timber. It was reported from Sturtevant's Camp that the fire had spread on the north siae oi iue wean fr.-t, nf fhn Kan Gabriel river and the south sideof the Tejnnga river, between Devil's canyon and the bnori uu. , t.. rwrn Garcia.- who was arrest- ed in Havre, France, on July 20 last, charged with absconding rrom rorvu Ricowith 12,000 of United States funds, has arrived in New York. He was in the custody uu un.i assistant chief of the insular pouco mi Potto Rico, who went to Havre to bring back the alleged embezzler. By his extradition the. French government recognizes the sovereignty of the Unit ed States in Porto Rico. It is stateJ that Germany will take more first prizes at the Paris exposition than any other nation. Fifty residents of Massillon, O., left for Oklahoma, where they will take up claims on government land and estab lish a colony. The comptroller of the treasury has decided that a common carrier is respon sible for the loss of goods received by it even though such gooas are not ac companied by a bill of lading or ship ping directions. LATER NEWS. The pay of Chinese officials has been topped." Ex-Governor Llewellyn, of Kansas. is dead. The British garrison at Ladybrand is invested. German troops have been landed at Wu Sung. Several forest fires are raging in Coos county. Oregon. An outbreak has occurred in Bohol, Philippine islunds. The czar is trying to frustrate Em peior William's plans. War on the foreigners was ordered by the empress dowager. The entire Democratic state ticket Iq Arkansas was elected. Lord Roberts has issued a proclama tion formally annexing the Transvaal. Labor day celebrations were held in many cities, Koosevelt and Bryau speaking in Chicago. Labor day was celebrated in St. Louis by a labor parade, wherein more than 25,000 men of all trades partici pated. In an altercation near-Walla Walla, Emanuel Edwards shot aud slightly wounded P. B. Knight in the left leg. The trouble is said to have started over a horse. Labor day was celebrated in Cincin nati by a parade of workingmen. esti mated from 12,000 to 15,000. It wag the best-appointed procession ever seen there on Labor day. Santiago, Cuba, is experiencing the severest weather known since 1877 The lower part of the city is five feet under water. The firemen and police are assisting the sufferers. Having lived 26 years, Miss Emily II. Trevor, one of the most popular youne womn of Yonkers, N. Y., has come into a fortune of $1,158,795. This large amount represents Miss Tre vors' share left bv her father, the late John B. Trevors, who died December 20. 1890. At a sheep slaughtering and dress ing exhibition at Indianapolis, Ind., Charles J. Gardner, of Indianapolis, broke the world's record. In 1898 he killed and dressed 10 sheep in 82 min rites and 9 seconds; this time he killed and dressed 10 sheep in 30 minutes and 22 seconds. So much of the general orders of August 1 last as direct Light Batteries C aud M, Seventh artillery, for duty in China have been amended so as to direct those batteries to proceed instead to the Philippine islands for assign ment to a station. Major George Greenough, Seventh artillery, has been ordered to acoompany the batteries tc the Philippines. The public debt increased nearly $3,' 000,000 in August. Philippine volunteers will begin re turning in November. There are 83 suspected cases oi plague in Glasgow, Scotland. Charles A. Towne opened the cam paign in Idaho for the Demorcats. General Otis has been assigned to command the department of the lakes The governor of Shan Tung has 20,' 000 men ready to oppose German ex pansion. Li Hung Chang is intriguing to set the foreigners to quarreling among themselves. Thirteen persons were killed and manv injured by a railroad collision at llatheld, PS. The Chinese situation now depends on the responses of the powers to the Kusso-American proposals. W. W. Rockhill, American commiS' sioner to China, says now is the time tn spttla the status of foreigners in China. The Brallamer copper mines, situated mi Hnwe Sound, near Vancouver, is O.. have been sold to English capital ists for $2,000,000. ' A 18-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his 16-year-old brother at Hutchinson, Kansas, while attempting to remove cartridges from a revolver. Secretary Fosters' annual report ol (be cotton crop of the United. States makes the crop for 1899-1900 9,4ao, 416 bales, against 11.274,840 last year About 25,000 idle tinplate workers of the American 'iinpiate company have resumed work, owing to the tin pi te makers agreeing to a new wage scale. : Fire destroyed the plant and yards of the Otter Creek Lumber Company t Hambleton. W. Va with 12,000, nnn fppt of lumber, causina a loss of $250,000. Six hundred longshoremen who went on a strike recently at the Jrle ran war ore docks, returned to work pend ing a settlement of their grievances by arbitration. A serious conflagration occurred at Gnavmas. Sonora, Mexico, a few days aeo which consumed the general rner chaidise estabiisnmeni oi r. a. aiiuu lar. The building covered an entire block and was the largest of its kind on the west coast of Mexico. The t,ir nf eoods carried was valued at Jil.000.000. on which a loss of $300, 000 was sustained. rmriiafi irmT experiment with a bl cycle corps as a defensive force is pro nounced a success. ifn. Hvimr with her husband for 41 f Ara a Topeka woman has dLscovered li.o t,. i tuit her affinity and asks rlivorce. Work has begun in Baltiomre on the silver serivce for Rear-Admiral Schley, to be made from the silver coin cap tured on the Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon. The cost, when completed, will be about $8,000. USION AT SEATTLE ohn R. Rogers Renominated for Governor. CONTEST WON ON EIGHTH BALLOT Refers Men Foreed Nomination of ltop ertnon, of Spokane, euil ttonald, of Seattle, for Congress. Congressmen-at-large F. C. Robert son, of Spokane; J. T. Ronald, of King. Governor John R. Rogers. Lieutenant-Governor W. E. Mo- Croskey, of Whitman. Supreme Jadges E, C. Million, of Skagit; Richard Winsor, of King. Secretary of State J. A. Brady, of Snohomish. Attorney-Genera Thomas Vance, of Yakima. Treasurer W. E. Runuer, of Spo kane. Auditor L. Silverthorn, of Douglas. Land Commissioner O. R. Hoi- comb, of Adams. Superintendent of Publio Instruc tion F. J. Browne, ot King. Presidential Electors James Mc- Neeleyof Pierce; N. G. Blallock, of Walla Walla; J. G. Heim, of Pacific; George T. Cotterill, of King. Seattle, August 81. John R. Rogers was renominated for governor by the union Democratio convention on the eigth ballot, at 1 o'clock this morning Hereoeived 708,4 votes, or 6more than the necessary number. The con test throughout was most exciting, and creat disorder many times marked the course of proceedings in the tonven tion. Rogers on the first ballot ! ceived 633 votes, and gained on every ballot until his final victory. He was actually nominated on the seventh bal lot, but in the confusion and through misunderstanding as to the vote of the Walla Walla Populists he lost four vot8 intended to be cast for him. He then wanted only W votes. The chairman ordered another vote, which wns decisive. The unexpected turn of events in Roger's direction came about with the nomination of Robertson, of Spokane, tor congressman. This state nominates both congressmen-at-large. It was the plan of the anti-Rogers faction to put T. Ronald, of King, whom a great majority undoubtedly favor, against Robertson, for one nomination, and thus kill off Robertson, and leave the way open to Voorhees as a candidate for governor. Robertson proved a very strong candidate, and led Ronald, and as the balloting proceeded seemed cer tain to defeat him. Many delegates voted for Robertson, expeoting to give Ronald the second nomination. The King county man had made a combi nation with Thurston Daniels for the other nomination, and be could not honorably enter the second contest. Daniels finally solved the problem for King county and saved Ronald's neck by offering to withdraw. Ronald and Robertson were then nominated by ac clamation. The Platform. The following platform was adopted by the convention: We, the representatives or the Dem ocratic, Peoples and Silver-Republican parties of the state of Washington, as sembled in joint convention this 29th day of August, 1900, respectively re affirm our faith in the principles enunciated by our respective national conventions; and we pledge our earnest support to the peerless representatives of the people, William Jennings Bryan and Adlai E. Stevenson. We still believe in the Declaration of Independence, and therefore hold it aloft in preference to the imperialistic policy of the Republican party. We oppose trusts and combinations which corner the products of industry and levy tribute on the people. We denounce these twin relics of barbarism imperialism and militar ist,, whether in the form of trusts at home or greed of conquest abroad. We pledge our reporsentatives ia congress to work for the passage of a measure providing payment for the time consumed by our state volunteers in the late war with Spain. We favor just and liberal pensions to the true and faithful soldiers of the United States, including the gallant Indian war veterans. We demand such legislation as will insure to the farmers and producers oi the state of Washington a reduction of freight rates and fares to a just basis. We demand the inauguration of such measures as shall give the people the right to express themselves, when they so elect, upon all important ques tions, by the system known as direct legislation. We commend the official conduct of all our state officers, and c?.ll attention to the contrast between the present ex cellent financial condition of the state and the blight and ruin prophesied by the opposition to surely result from the election of our state officers. , We commend the wise, courageous and patriotic manner in which the Hon. George Turner, our representative in the United States senate, has defended the honor of his country and fullilled his duty to the people of the state of Washington. Lamd Esiiloped. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. . 1. A. Rescia, wife and child were burned to death here this morning. Their two story frame house wa discovered on fire about 8 o'clock and as soon as the flames were partly extinguished, the firemen entered and found the charred remains of Mrs. Rescia on the lower floor. Rescia was in bed with the burning clothes wrapped around him, suffocated. The baby had rolled from the bed to the floor in its agony. MURDERED BY SIBERIANS. Scott Morrison, of C III oh go. Shot by Natives Captnln Glllvy Drowned. Seattle. Sept. 8. The steamship Sen- star, which arrived today from me, brought news of a brutal murder, iu which the life of F. Scott Morrison, of Chicago, was sacrificed to the blood thirsty savagery of Siberian natives. She brjui;s nlo the report of tbe drowning of Captain Gilley, a noted Alaskan exploier, whose good or bad fortuuo it was to have killed five North ern Indians some years ago while they were trying to take forcible possession of a vessel of which he was master. Gilley was captain of the sailing schoonor Kdith, which, with F. Scott Morrison aud Edward Foregreu, as pas sengers, sailed from Nome, August 8, for Siberia on a trading aud prospect ing expedition. They had enlisted the cervices of an Indian named Sam to pilot them to Siberian shores, where they arrived the Friday following their departure. That afternoon was passed in making exchanges' with the natives, who appeared to be both friendly and peaceable. About 10 o clock at night, Morrison retired to his stateroom, aud a fow momenta later shots lrom ashor were heard. The reports had hardly subsided whon Morrison exclaimed: 'I've been shot." His shipmates hurried to his assistance. They found that the bullet had penetrated the side ot the schooner aud stateroom, enter ing Morrison's groin. A few minutes later the vessel set sail for American shores, but Morrison sucoumbed to his iujuries at 5 o clock the next morning, The next day, when in the vioinity of Sledge island, 15 or 20 miles off Nome. Captain Gilley went on deck and seated himself on the rail of the ves sel. A second later the poom swung around, striking him. He toppled over into the sea and drowned before assistance could reach him. His body was reoovered. Foregren assumed command of the Edith, and, with the aid of a Sledge island Indian, succeed ed in reaching Nome in safety. Mor rison was a passenger to Nome on the first voyage of the Jeanie, which reached the distriot May 2. With M. C. Anderson, he was encoKed in the Saloon and general merchandise bus! ness at Nome. His widow and five step-children, one of whom, 11. C Heisler, accompanied him to Alaska survive him. Captain Gilley was 60 vears old and a native of the Island o Borneo. He had been a resident o! Alaska for nearly two decades. His fight with the Indians, in which 10 are said to have been slain, occurred at Cape Prince of Wales. "Jack" Hawkins, a passenger on the Senator, says tbe steam schooner Samoa arrived at Nome from Sibera the night the Senator sailed. In cross ing from the 'czar's domain, her pas sengers, composed of Russians, Eng lish and Americans, are reported to have engaged in a goneral row, result ing iu the master of the vessel calling for the United States marshal as soon as he reached Nome. Hawkins did not learn the particulars, though he is inclined to believe that there was seri ous trouble aboard. The Senator sailed an hour alter the Samoa's ar rival. TAFT COMMISSION. Beady to KstnblUli Civil Government In the rhlliupliies. New York, Sept. 8. A special to the Herald from Washington says: All arrangements have been practi cally perfected by the Taft commission for commencing its dutins iu oomtinoc tion with the establishment of civil government in the Philippine. The connuittee will assume on September 1 all the functions which properly belong to the legislative branch of tbe govern ment. It is not proposed that it shall be in supreme control. Major-General Mao Arthur will be. the executive of the islands aud the commission will be co ordinate with him, jut as the execu tive and legislative branches in the United Slates are on the same plane. Civil government will not be establish ed excecpt iu those towns where the military authorities are satisfied there is no dangor of insurrection. The commission aud the military will work together to propitiate the natives and induce them t3 return to their peaceful avocations. For the suppression of those insur geuts who continue in arms it huinder- stood measures will be taken as soon at the dry reason begins. General Mac Arthur will soon have a force of nearly 70,000 effective men, who will be used to destroy the insurgent organization when operations can bogin. WEBFOOT BONANZAS. A Little Booklet Oleen Away by O. It. N. Co. the The famous Pat Donan has written another of bis inimitable "folders" for the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. This time it is a descrip tion of the gold fields of Eastern Ore gon but such a description 1 The glories, the riches, the possibilities of this wonderful region are set forth in a wv to cause throbs of interest in tbe most phlegmatic man that breathes The folder is entitled "Webfoot Bo nauJiHs," and is given away to anyone who will write W. II. HurlLurt, gen einl panseuger agent, O. R. & '. Co. I'oitlaud, Oreeou. Canadian Strike Knded. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 8. The strike of railway mechanics on the Canadian Pacific railway has been de clared off, and the men in all the shops from Fort Wiilliam to Vancouver will return to work tomorrow. At Winni pes some of tbe strikers resumed work - s . i.. this afternoon. The only matter now The people worked like Trojans to save in dispute is the rate of wages to be the town and prevented the flames from paid machinist)!, and this will be set-1 peaching any government protxrty or tied by arbitration. The strike lasted buildings. The news reached Skag 23 days, and was everywhere quiet and way by telegraph and no details were orderly. obtainable when tbe Amur sailed. OUTBREAK IN BOHOL MacArthur Reports Fighting in Southern Philippines. AN ENGAGEMENT NEAR CARMEN l'he Forty-fourth Volunteers Lost One Klllnd aud Sli Wounil.l-rUi. llao Lose Was 190, Washington, Sept. 5. The war de partment today received the following! dispatch from General MacArthur: "Manila, Sept. 6. Adjutant-Gen eral, Washington: Geueral Huuhes reports an outbreak in Bohol. First Lieutenant Lovak, Forty-fourth volun teer infantry, reports an engagement near Carmeu. At Bohol, our loss in killed was one, wounded six; the ene my's loss in killed, 120. Have nut re ceived futrher details. "MACARTHUR." Bohol is an island in the southern part of the archipelago, 305 miles from Manila. It lies north ot the large island of Mindanao and is not far from Cuba. The war department reoeived a ca bleu ram this morning from General MacArthur announcing that the trans port Stephens sailed September 1 for Seattle. She has paymasters and army wagons aboard for our forces in China and will put them ashore at Taku en route for this country. General MacArthur ohronioles two recent deaths among his oilioers in the Philippines in cablegrams reoeived at the war department today. Captain George II. Botley, Forty-seventh in fantry volunters, died on the morning of Auugst 26 from wounds received in action near Camalig, Luzoa, August 21. Second Lieutenant Roy L. Fer nald, Twenty-sixth volunteer infantry, was accidentally drowned in the Jau bar river near Pototan, Panay, Septem ber 1. The body was not recovered. NOT THE END OF IT. There Will Be an Inquiry Into the Oregon's Mishap. Washington, Sept. 6. The report ol Captain Wilde, exonerating everybody connected with the Oregon 'rom blame, is not likely to end with the ex-parte statement of the commanding officer. There will be a court of inquiry to de termine whether the great battle-ship had the oare and attention whioh should have been given it by the offi cers who were aboard her. Although theie is a determined ef fort to prevent anything like the con trol of Chinese territory by the United States, the best-informed here think that it will be inevitable, or that this government will have to give up all idea of indemnity for the outrages which have been perpetruted upon Americun citizens. There is a suspicion now that the movement of Russia for the with drawal of troops was made with full knowledge that the other powera would not consent, and that it is sim ply a plea for another diplomatic post tion when negotiations open with Chi nese authorities. Election In Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 5. The en tire Democratic ticket, headed by Hon, Jefferson Davis, of Pope county, for governor, was elected in Arkansas to dav. Early returns indicate that the vote will be lighter than was expected, II. L. Remmel, the Republican enndi date for governor, made a good show imt and his increased vote over two years ago will probably reduce the us ually . large Demooratio majority. There was no opposition to the Demo cratio ticket for any office except the governship. The negroes voted in larger numbers than usual, but their vote is not large enough to affect the result. A fair estimate places the to tal vote as follows: Davis, Democrat, 100,000; Remmel, Republican, 40.000; Files, Populist, 8,000; Davis' major ity, 67,000. Boat Cut In Two. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 6. Four campers from Vancouver put out in row boat from a point near Powell lake, a short distance north of Vancouver, last night, for the purpose of boarding the steamer Comox, for home. The Comox in the darkness ran into the boat, cutting it in two. Two of the four, Aubray Lund and A. Vaughn, were drowned. Killed While Huntlnf. Spokane, Sept. 5. Jay Carr, a 12, was accidentally killed this after noon by his 14-yeur-old brother, Burt Tbe tragedy took place near the Carr homestead, at White Mud Lake, three miles north of Colville, Wash. The boys were hunting. Burt was oarrying a rifle, which in some way exploded the bullet taking off tbe top of Jay's bead. Germans Become Indignant, Berlin, Sept 5. The presence of the bubonic plague at Glasgow is com inented upon here iudignautly as going to show criminal negligence on the part of the British authorities. Manila, Sept. 5. The United States transport Californian arrived here salu ly this uiorutng. She was de'.ayed 16 days at Guam with a broken propeller. 40.OUU J-'Ire at Atlln. Victoria. B. C, Sept. 6. The steam er Amur, lrom Sksuway, reports that the liusiuHss section of Atlin City was (nearly wiped out by fire Sunday last. (Ten of the largest business buildings ,weie destroyed ine lose 11 over f-iu. I . . JhjO. with little, it any, insurance, TOO DEEP FOR THEM. iillpinoa Inonpahle of Comprehending N jw Conditions. Manila, Sept. 5. The Filipinos seem incapable of realizing the scope and purpose of the legislative fuuetions ol the commission of peace. There is no possibility of separating the legislative from the executive branches of the government, and, therefore, the com mission's announcement of its assump tion of power has mot with childish oommeuts at the hands of the Span iards and foreigners, who sneer at the new arrangements, as they are apt to do, at every ocuellcial innovation on the part of the United States authori ties. The co'nmission enters upon the gov ernmental Hold under the following conditions: A majority of the island ers desire pernio and the Resumption of business under American rule, but they are so cowed by a long series of mur derous atrocities and destruction oi property by their armed countrymen, that they dare not actively show their feelings, especially because experience has taught them what such an expres sion of sentiment will bring upon them from the mercilessly revengeful rebels. A geuuine reign of terror is exeroised by insurgents and ladrones over peace ful country folk in order to collect the revenues and recruits their operations require, and widespread vengeance is wreaked in the vicinity of uarrisoned towns, For example, the insurgent ieueral Cailles, in the province ot La- guua, put to death the president ana officeholders of the town of Bay, on La- guna de Bay, officials who had beon in stalled by the Americans, and gave or ders that a similar fate should be meted out tn other adherents of the American cause. He also ordered that all Fili pino soldiers who sold their rifles to the Americans should be killed. ' Any change ol policy involving the withdrawal of the United States troops without substituting for them an ade quate defensive force is certain to re sult in fear of retaliation at the ex pense of the "friendlios." The ap proaching return of the volunteers tend! to influence the situation unfav orably. In Northern Luzon the status quo is fairly well maintained and the people in that quarter are quiet and engaged in planting, except in tTie provinces of Neuva Eoija and Bulacan, where there has boen a rooent outburst of rebel and ludrone activity. But in Southern Luzon conditions are far Iohb satisfactory. Life there is not safe outside of the garrisoned towns. Trav elers are subjoct to ambush by guerril las. Rarely does a day pass without on encounter between the United States trooops and the insurgents or la drones, resulting in casualties. There are 18,000 troops in that district, Gen eral Bates commanding, and in three regiments ovor a third of the men are sick. The activity of the enemy in creased last month. There is evidence that the insurgents have come into pos session of new ritles andthat they wish to annihilate some small American garrisons. Conditions in the Visayas continue virtually unchanged. The lack of troops prevents aggression. Hegros, i Romblou, Masbate, Sibuyan, 'lalbas and Bohol are tranquil, all desiring civil government. Mindanao also is tranquil, except the districts of Tea gayan and Surigam, where occasional encounters with the Filipinos ooour. The enemy's fighting force there "Is limited but it has a number of rules. The surrenders, although they have notably decreased since May, continue. The experience of Northern Luzon shows that the American occupation of any locality tends to its pacification and well-being. An unsettled Ameri cun policy retards the investment of capital. Nevertheless, the imports for the last quarter and a half were greater than during any period of the Spanish regime. No doubt, the needs of the army of occupation are responsible (or a very considerable portion of this. The internal revenue collections are a third greater than those made by Spain. This is due to an honest system of ac counts, to a lack of favoritism and to impartial enforcement ot the law. The military officials will turn over $0 000,000 (Mexican) to the commis sion, and this will probably be expend ed in publio improvements, notably in harbor develcpmments, the need ol which is greatly hampering the ship ping industry. The commission will first oragnize municipalities in the provinces, notab ly in Pampanga province. Subse quently it will turn its attention to needed reforms in tbe civil and crim inal codes, passing, in due time, to other featutos of its instructions, with the idea of establishing a central civil government during the next 18 months. Twelve Americans, including two captains and two lientonants, have been killed during the past two weeks. The official reports of the encounters in which these casualties occurred are meaner. Thomas J. Powers Killed. Philadelphia, Sept. 8. Thomas J. Powers, commissioner of bunking f ir Pennsylvania, was killed by falling from si train in the outskirts of this city last night. Mr. Powers was 65 years old, and was a conspicuous figure at Republican national conventions, aud was one of the 80 who held out for a third term for (Jeueral Grant. One of his sous, Lieutenant Powers, is in the regular arniv at Manila. To Bring Home the Destitute. Ban Francisco, Sept. 5. The United States transport Lawton, which arrived today in ballast from Seattle, is, to be sent to Cape Nome to relieve the desti tute miners, many of whom have peti tioned, through lieueral RandalL for transportation south before tbe bard .laskan wiuter sets in. The Lawton 'ill sail tor the north as soon as she an be got ready, probably within a iw days. Hlie has accomodations for bout 700 men?