The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 14.
Published Every Friday by
"Terms oi jubscrlptlon $1.50 a year when paid
lo advance.
The mall arrivos from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
I m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the
lime days at noon.
Kor Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
rhurirtavs and Batnrdayn: arrives at 6 p. m.
For W hite Salmon (tt ash.) leaves daily at 6:45
I m.s arrives at 7:1a p. m.
from White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Cillmer,
Trout Lake and (ilenwood daily at 9 A. M.
For Bins-en (Wash.) leaves at 5:45 p. in.; ar
rives at 2 p. m.
i 7, 1. 0. O. F. Meets first and third Moil
iaya in each month.
Miss Stella Richardson, N. 0.
H. J. Hibbabu, Secretary.
niK'RV POST. No. 16. 0. A. R. Meets at A.
I j O. U. W. Hall second und fourth HHtnrJnva
of each month at l o'ciock u. m. Ail ti. A. K.
mpmbT8 invited to meet Willi us.
M. P. Isenbkro, Commander
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
ANBY W. R. C, No. 16-Meets first Satur
day of eacn momn in a. . u. n . nun hi i
Mrs. Adelia Shunahan, President.
p. m
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
HOOD RIVKR LODGE, No. 105, A. F. and A.
M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
ench full moon. O. E. Williams, W. M.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
Meets third Friday night of each month.
G. R. Castner, H. P
G. F. Williams, Secretary.
Meets Saturday alter each full moon and
two weeks thereafter.
Mrs. Mary A. Davidson, V. M.
OLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans.
Meets second Tuesday of each month at
Fraternal hall. F. C. Bhohius, M. A.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
UTAUCOMA LODGE, No. 30, K. of P. Meets
W in A. 0. U. W. hall every TucBday niht.
Geo. Stbanahan, C. C.
G. W. Qbaham, K. of It. Ai 8.
Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month, O, G. Chamberlain, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Recorder.
Meets In Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. A.G. Uetchel, N.U.
ft. J. Hibbard, Seerotary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. 0. T. M.
meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first anc
third Fridays of each month.
J. E. Rand, Commander.
'Ifi F. SHAW, M. D.
Telephone No. SI.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office upstairs over Copple's store. All atli
left at the office or residence will be promptly
attended to.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
J F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for 0. R. & N. Co. Is especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
Special terms foroflice treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, 125, residence, 43.
Harbison Bros., Profs.
Ground and manufactured.
Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom
grinding done everv Saturday. During tb
busy season additional days will be meutioneti
in the local columns.
If your walls are sick or mutilate J, call on
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
0 flea hours frj u 6 A. St. till 6. P. M., a.iJ ill
night if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand eticked, $1;
nailed, best, 75c; second, 50c; third, 40c.
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
M)c; second, 35. Beet stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Candies, NutB, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
"p C. BROSiCJS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121. .
Office Hoars: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to t.
and 6 to 7 P. M.
ToMuxeoN Buos, Props.
Of the best quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
Do a general banking business.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware
Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers'
Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stockr
of hardware, stoves and tinware, to
u i..L ii i Mnotanll frlinr.
kuicu wo win .ecp tuunwtinj
Our nrirM will continue to be as low ar
Portland prices.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
JNews of the World.
n IntereHtlng Collection of Item From
he Two, Hemisphere Preita i
In a CoDiensed I'lvm-
Fort Sherman, Idaho, is unsuitable
for an Indian school.
Ex-Secretary Boutwell announces
that he will vote for Brvan.
Seven persons were killed in a train
wreck near Grand Rapids, Mioh.
The Frink slate went through the
Washington Republican convention.
The war department publishes Fili
pino correspondence captured by Fun-
Pritchard Morgan savs the powers
have decided on a new form of govern
ment for China.
General Chaffee reported the allies
at Ma Tou, 20 miles from Pekin, three
or four days ago.
Preparations to extend the railroad
down the Yukon from White Horse to
Selkirk are in progress.
China will send a high official to
Tung Chow to arrange for delivering
the foreigners to the allies.
Foreign and domestic wheat markets
have a downward tendency, and the
local situation continues dull.
Oregon supreme court decides that
district attorney's fee must be deposit
ed with clerk when divorce suits are
The transport Thomas, which left
Nagasaki A mm nr. 10. will hrinu 21(1
sick and four insane soldiers from the
Revere floods have occurred in .Tamil
and it is reported that 2,200 persons
nave been drowned. Hallway tratnc is
Three lives were sacrificed by fire as
the result of an exnlosion of natural
gas in Thirty-fourth street, Chioago.
liiree other persons are supposed to do
in the ruins.
Secretary Gage, of the treasury de
partment, ays that as long as the
United Status maintains the cold stand
ard and keeps the public credit good it
can retain for its own use all the gold
it needs.
A severe hailstorm destroyed 40,000
acres of the finest grain in North Da
kota, even that cut and in the shock
being destroyed. Many of the hail
stons were from three to four inches in
Maurice Brennan, who is under ar
rest at St. Louis, charged with being
a dynamiter, was inilentined as one of
the men connected with the blowing
up of the stieet cais in the southern
part of the city several weeks ago.
Theodore Roosevelt will not visit the
Pacific ooast.
Shanghai has word that the Pekin le-
agtions were desperately attacked Aug
ust a. i
In a collision near Colorado Springs,
Colo., two passengers were killed and
five injured.
President Kruger has applied for a
temporary asylum in the American
consulate at Lourenco Marques.
C. P. Huntington, president of the
Snnt.linrn Pacific railroad, died in the
Adirondacks, N. Y., of heart disease.
The armv of the Philippines elected
General F. V. Greene president, Gen
eral 0. Summers as second vice-,
The clothing factory of K. B. Olson
& Co , of Chicago, was destroyed by
fire, with a loss on buildings and goods
of $95,000.
Contractors are making close exam
ination of the route for the Klamath
Falls railway, preparatory to signing
the contract.
Sroamer Dentschland made the run
from New York to Plymouth, England,
in 5 days, 11 hours and 45 minutes,
breaking the record.
Tom Sharkev
have been matched to fight'' August 25
before the Coney Island Club for a
purse of $25,000. Charley wnite is to
be referee.
Th nnestion of making the perma
nent rAllftirfl nil the Oregon at home in
stead of in Japan has been discussed by
some of the authorities oi tne navy ue-
imrtment and inav result in her Demg
brought back to the Pacific coast.
The official report of the Colombian
.,r,i,t nnmmnnder in the recent
battle at Panama says the rebel casual
ties were 600 and those oi tne govern
ment 100. The commander intimates
that the consuls favored the rebels, and
that their intervention was dangerous
and pernicious.
The detective bureau of ew xorx
Citv. is looking for Antonio Pesce, a
banker, with offices in that city, nt
has mysteriously disappeared. ntoron
nf excited Italian depositors have
thronged Pesce's offices, and it is re
ported to the police tnas we uauaor
has gone to Italy, taking with hiui
$16,000. '
Petroleum fields of some importance
are being opened in Japan.
Belgium is one of the few countries
which the deatn penany, wjuuKU
part of the criminal coae, is neyor
iforced, in deference to public opm-
iree women, the wives of famous
, have been accorded tne nonor
; iVoctminfiter AbbeT. They
iriai ui -
Lady Palmerston, Lady Augusta
iv. wife of in etaniey,
Count Ton Waldersee started for
Roumania and Bulgaria aje on the
verge of war.
The emperor and empress duwager
have left Pekin.
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, will
support McKinley.
A tornado did great damage in sev
eral Wisconsin towns.
Ex-Senator John J. Ingalls left an
estate valued at $250,000.
Japanese are beginning to distrust
the Continental Europeans.
Chicago's population as shown by
the United States census, is 1,698,575.
More rebels are reported to have sur
rendered in the United Mates of Co
lombia. A drunken Kansas doctor killed three
persons, and was Bhot dead by a sher
iff's son.
William M. Johnson, of New Jersey,
succeeds Perry Heath as assistant
Lord Roberts issued a proclamation
prescribing severe penalties for Boers
who violate their oaths.
Estimates of the shortage in the
Pacific coast salmon pack vary between
600,000 and 1,000,000 cases.
A' posoffice employe killed a Kansas
City woman and wounded her husband
as a result of a quarrel over rent.
The Chinese government asks that
Conger or some other American be ap
pointed to open peace negotiations.
The Willamette valley hop crop is
practically out of danger. The yield
will be heavy and prices, re advancing.
The state Board of agriculture orders
the erection of 150 additional stalls for
livestock exhibit at the state fair at
Salem, Or.
Caleb Powers, ex-secretary of state
of Kentucky, issued a statement in
which he declares his innocence, and
says he had a poltical trial.
The reported of the plague in Manila
for the two weeks ending July 17, a
just reported to the marine hospitu
service, is seven new ciibbs and five
deaths. Ot the new cases four were
Filipinos and three Chinese.
The Kansas City firemen, in a class
created at the Paris exposition for paid
firemen, won the world's champion
ship cup. The officers received gold
medals, and silver medals and the
money prize, 600 francs, was divided
among the officers and men. The min
ister of war. General Andre, presented
the prizes to Captain Hale, Portugal
won the volunteer championship.
American troops shared in the as
sault on Pekin.
Fire in Wellington, Ohio, caused a
loss of $50,000.
Frenchmen accuse England of dupli
city at Shanghai.
Unirrigated crops in Idaho are suf'
fering fiom drouth.
Another attempt was made to assas
sinate the shah of Persia.
The Typographical Union has refused
to enter the political field.
Two persons were killed in an acci
dent at the Paris exposition.
The population of Greater New York
is shown by the census to be 3,487, 302
Four deaths and 15 prostrations as a
result of another hot wave in Chicago.
Steel mills at Wilmington, Dela
ware, shut down, affecting 1,500 men
The Shanghai muddle is beginning to
assume a serious aspect, international
tioops being landed.
Puget sound salmon pack for this
season is about 199,000 cases, compared
With 528,000 for 1899.
Philip Koenigberger, a New York
tobacco dealer, cut his throat m a bar
ber shop in San Francisco.
Caleb Powers was convicted of com
plicity of in the Goebel murder and
sentenced to life imprisonment.
Lord Robettii will be recalled from
Africa in October and appointed com-
niander-iu-cbief of the British army.
War in China caused the closing of
a large mill in Biddeford. Me., throw
ling 8,000 hands out of employment.
Shipments. of lumber' from the state
of Washincton for the year just ended
amount, approximately, to $7,500,000.
Foreign anarchists, said to have
noma to this country to assaasinate
President McKinley, are under arrest
at New York.
Ex-Pre&ident Ignacio Andrade, who
was deposed from the presidency of
Venezuela and succeeded by Cipriano
Castro, the present incumbent, is ueau
A forest fire near Encampment,
Wvnminir. has burned over a territory
eight by 10 luiles in extent and now
threatens two ' towns. Two thousand
sheep and one man have perished in the
The general attack on Pekin began
August 15, in the morning, when the
.lananese demolished the Cham Chang
Lang and Tong Chi gates and entered
the cauital. The other armies emerea
h th Tonir Ouien gate, and sent de
achments at once to the legations,
where the ministers were louna saie,
, i.l.nid 4nr AnniAaA that a wi fft
All AbWUm J"' ' '
is responsible for the burial expenses
of her husband.
Cheap lands in Nebraska have been
taken up so rapiJly that few desirable
acres remain.
am AAitinn nf tvn milAfi will efcort
J U RUUIUWW v. " " - - "
ly be made to tb.e fine avenues on the
Gettysburg battlefield.
The Kansas City produce exfhangeJ
weight instead of by the dozen.
Admiral Remey Also Sends
duel Sam's Troops Entered the Le(-
tloa Ground! on th Kveulug
of the 14th.
Washington, August 21. From Gen
eral Chaffee today the war department
received official confirmation of the fall
ot Pekin and the rescue of the besieged
legationers. The dispatch of the
American commander- was not long,
and contained but few details, but the
unconcealed satisfaction with which it
was received by officials of the admin
istration indicated clearly the anxiety
that had been engendered by his pro
longed silence. His last communica
tion to the government prior to the re
ceipt of today's advices was dated Aug
ust 1 1, at Ma Ton, almost 80 miles from
Pekin. The explanation of his silence
is suggested in advices received by the
navy department today from Admiral
Remey, who, telegraphing from Taku
;on the 18th, says tbs telegraph line be
tween that point and Pekin is in
The cablegram from Admiral Remey
contains some important information
not mentioned by General Chaffee.
He makes the startling statement, on
Japanese authority, that the inner city
of Pekin was being bombarded by the
allied forces. Admiral Remey says,
also that the dowager empress is de
tained in the inner city by Prince Yun
gedo. Advices received last night
from the foreign offlec at Tokio, Japan,
by the Japanese legation in this city
confirms and amplifies previous ac
counts of the capture of Pekin by the
allied troops.
Following is the text of the dispatch
from Geneial Chaffee, as made public
by the war department:
"Che Foo, August 21, Pekin, Au
gust 15. We entered legation grounds
at 5 o'clock last night with fourteenth
and light battery. Eight wounded
during day's fighting. Otherwise all
well. CHAFFEE."
The dispatch, which was received
during the morning, was transmitted
immediately to the president at the
white house. He expressed his gratifi
cation at the news it contained, par
ticularly at the small loss sustained by
the American troops.
It will be noted that the dispatch
indicates that the American troops en
tered the legation grounds at 5 o'clock
on the evening of the 14th inst. By
the Washington officials and by several
legation officials to whom it was shown
the date of General Chaffee's commu
nication is regarded as an error of
transmission. It is believed that the
date "15" should be "18." All prev
is advices, official and unofficial,
have indicated that the legations were
relieved on the evening of the 15th,
Wednesday, after a day of sharp fight
ing. Minister Wu, the Chinese repre-
sentative, and Minister Takahira, of
Japan, were quite positive on this
point, all their official advices being
that the entrance to the city oi reuin
was effected early in the evening of
Wednesday, the 15th inst.
Biz Ax Plant Burned.
Alexandria. Ind.. August 21. The
entire nlant of the Kelly Ax Manuiac
tnring Company, valued at $800,000,
was destroyed by fire tonight. It was
rhn laronKt ft it lactoiv in tne worm.
nmnlnvine 900 men when lunning at
full force. The insurance on the plant
is thought to be $4B0,U0U. ine nre is
tVinnuht to have originated from an
overheated boiler. The fire was dis-
rnrnrd liv the watchman, and the
woodwork between the boilers and the
grinding room was ablaze. The plant
was thoroughly equipped with an an-
rniTifttin snriukler. but owing to the
steam in the boilers being so low it
would not work. The great establish-
mnnt vena divided bv a railroad switch,
and all of the buildings on one side
was burned. The burned district in
eludes the forging, drop, grinders, pol
ishers and pattern makers' dejart-
mnnU. In addition to the buildings,
machinery and half of the finished
stock. $150,000 worth of manufactured
goods were destroyed.
Bldin With Hummer.
Nw York. August 21. Catherine
Kcharf. aeed 22. was beaten to death
with a hammer in her rooms on the
second floor of 674 Second avenue,
noma time between 7 I . M. and mid
night Saturday, the body not being
found until early this morning. Her
brother made the discovery when he
home after' midnight. The wo
man's body lay in a pool of blood, face
downward. Near by on the floor was
a bloody hammer and the rooms had
been ransacked of everything ol value
It is the opinion of the police that a
thief entered the house and was sur
prised in his work by the girl and that
he killed her to prevent identification.
Aberdeen, S. D., August 21. A
severe wind and rain storm is raging
in this city. At Columbia consider
able damans was done. The spire of
the Congregational church was blown
off, and numerous barns and other
buildings unroofed.
Base to Gain Information.
for Town. Anirnflt 21. General Da
wet's demand for the surrender of the
British force at Commando Nek is con
Kirlered as a rjretense of gaining in for
roation. Finding that Commando Nek
wu atronelv eariisoned. Dewet re
timed his march northward, shadowed
by General Baden-Powell.
Krcroee Died From Heat.
Louisville, Ky., August 21. Two
negroes died at Louisville today from
beat. The maximum was US-
Warren Carries Over One Thomand
Troops to China.
San Francisco, August 20. Three
ransports sailed for the Orieut. The
Warren carried the headquarters, band
Bnd two squadrons of the Ninth (col
ored) cavalry, under command of Col
onel McGregor; 75 hospital corps men,
under oommand ot Surgeon-Major Ives;
188 recruits for the Ninth infantry.
166 driveis and other government em
ployes and also a detachment of hospit
al corps men for Manila. The Warren
lso carried $1,500,000. According to
present arrangements the tioops will
be transferred at Nagasaki to a trans
port that will take them to Taku. The
Warren will Mien pioceed to Manila
with a few officers and men together
with freight. Thtre are 1,100 troops
and civilians on the transport, and the
oabin accommodations are taxed to
their full limit. It was necessay to
leave considerable supplies on the dock.
owing to lack of room.
The Aztec sailed for Kobe with 500
horses and mules for China, and the
Siam sailed for Manila via Guam with
5,000 tons of freight.
The general hospital at the Presidio
is to be enlarged to - accommodate the
extraordinary detachments of sick and
wounded on the way here from the
Philippines and China. Fifty wall
tents will be erected inside the in
closnre at the rear of the hospital aud
large serve as a ward.
The Seventh Artillery.
Washington, August 20. Light bat
tery M, Seventh artillery, wuion nas
been stationed at Wasnington oarracss
for seveial months, will leave here
Friday for San Francisco, en route to
China. Light Battery F, Second artil
lery, has arrived here from Cuba to re
lieve Battery M, and will garrison the
aresnal post for the prosent. At San
Francisco the troops from Wanhington
will be joined by light battery C, also
of the Seventh artilley, and will sail
on the first available transport. The
equipment of Battery M, including
horses, has been shipped to , San Fran
Second Infantry Hurrying Weit.
Kansas City, August 20. Five
hundred and fifty soldiers of the Sec
ond United States infantry, destined
for service in China, being rushed
throueh to San Francisco from roil
Thomas. Ky., arrived here from Chi
cago this afternoon, with their oincers
and eouinments. and were hurried on
President Hae Resigned and the vice'
President Succeed Ulm.
Nbw York. August 20. A cable
disDatch was received here from Jio
gota, announcing the resignation oi
President Sauctlemete, of the republio
of Colombia. Vice-President Marro
quin will Berve out the four years that
THimiin of his term. The action of
Senor Sunotlemete will bring about a
change in the political system of Co
lombia. and may even end the revolu
tion which has been in progress for 10
' Intervention of Oonmli.
Colon, Colombia, August 20. The
tollowing is the fnll text of the state
ment regarding the alleged inter iren
tion of the foreign consuls during the
recent fighting in Panama, as contain
ed in the official report ol General Ha-
lazar, commanding the government
forces, General to Alban, civil governor
and military chief of the province of
Panama, who was in command ot the
garrison whon the city was attacked
by the revolutionists:
"The revolutionary leaders, alter
taking positions around Panama, placed
themselves in communication with
several foreign consuls, hoping that
their intervention would lead to the
surrender -of the city. The interven
tion of the consuls produced such dan
eerous and pernicious effects, morally,
that only the resolution ot uenerat
Alban averted serious consequences.
villa Pauner'e Grave Became or tne
Provlalone of a Will.
San Francisco, August 18. The Ex
aminer says: Asa Packer Wilber, one
of the heirs to the $20,000,000 estate
left by Asa Packer, the Pennslvania
railroad king and coal baron, has died
in poverty in this city, and yesterday
was buried in a pauper's grave, iie
was a victim ol the morphine habit,
and until a few days ago worked at in
tervals for J. P. Bogard, proprietor of a
dramatio paper, to whom he assigned
half of his protective estate.
He was a nephew of Asa Packer,
whose will made over his immense
estate to hi children, but contained
a clause that should they die without
issue the estate was to revert to two
brothers, named Elisha and Jeremiah
Wilber, who were related to Packer by
marriage, or in case of their death to
their direct heirs. FJisha Wilber
took charge of the Lehigh Valley rail
road and the Packer coal properties
and operated them, increasing the
value of the property.
One by one the Packer children
died, leaving no direct heirs, nntil only
one daughter is left. She has no chil
dren, and her life is said to be all that
stands between the Wilber family and
the Packer fortune.
Philadelphia, August 20. Three
freighters the British steamships Key
nolds, Trevanian and Katbmoor have
been clu rtired to carry coal from this
port to Fiance. It is stated that five
more vessels will be chartered for a
similar purpose. The miners' strikes
in Germany and Austria have resulted
in a scarcity of bituminous coal in
France, and for several weeks agents
of the French government have been
endeavoring to secure ships In England
and this country available for carrying
Tornado Burst Over Town
of Sheboygan.
Wai Preceded by An Intenne Heat Thai
Mo One Wm Killed Seem Al
most a Miracle.
Milwaukee, Wis.. August 22. A
speoial from Sheboygan, Wis., eays:
A terrific wind storm struck the oity
this afternoon. The storm came very
suddenly .from the north. Eight large
buildings were completely wrecked and.
200 small houses were blown down.
The loss will be more than $300,000.
At noon it was dark as night and in
tensely hot. A few moments before 1
o'clock the storm broke, increasing in
force until a tornado was blowing.
Persons were thiown down and fences
and signs hurled hundreds of feet. The
storm raged for some minutes and
passed off to the south. The storm
started in the western pait of the city,
near the cemetery, and swept down on
to the south side and off into the lake.
It was two miles wide and wrecked
everything in its path. All was over
in 10 minutes, although it seemed hours
to the panic-stricken people.
The roof of the large warehouse of
the Crocker Company was blown off
and thrown against the large factory.
The building was wrecked aud a large
stock of chairs was left without proteo
tion from the rain, which iell in tor
The street car burns weie wrecked,
and street cars were smashed to pieces.
The electric wires were all blovu
down. The roof of the malthoiiBff rjf
the Keneid-Schriver Brewing Company
was lifted from the building, carried
over 150 yards and thrown into tne
streot. It was carried over the huge
ventilators of the brewery. The
American Folding Bed Company's plant
was demolished and the sheds in the
Simhall & Sons brickyard were blown
down and the debris scattered in every
direction. '
The storm struck the South Side Ln
thoran church, and the steeple wus
blown down on to two residences,
smashing in the roofs. The Fourth
ward school house, a beautiful build
ing, was completely wrecked, one side
and the front being blown in, causing
the roof to full and crushing the floors
down into the cellar. The plant of
th Opetenberg & Sonueman Company
was partially wrecked. Several freight
cars standing on the Northwestern rail
road tracks were blown over on their
That no one was killed seems almost
a miracle. The wind wrecked build
ing after building, with the greatest
rapidity, and there was little warning
of the approach of the storm. The peo
pie in every case were out of their
homes before the storm broke, and those
who were struck by flying debris were
only slightly injured. In the factories
the employes were in many cases
bruised and cut from wreckage.
The 6-year-old son of Mrs. Thomas
Atkins had a remarkable escape. The
house was torn into shreds and scat
tered about in the roadway. What
was left of the house was only about
three or four timbers where the build
ing stood. The child was buried in the
ruins, and when found was standing in
the corner, with timber piled in front
of him in such a manner as to shield
him, and he escaped with only bruises.
Four box oars ln the Chicago &
Northwestern yard were carried off the
track and stood straight on end. Some
of the bricks from the Crocker Com
pany's warehouse were thrown with
such force against the adjoining build
ings that they passed through the sides
of the buildings and yet no one was in
jured. Other portions of the building
of the Crocker Company were torn to
pieces. There is scarcely a whole pane
of glass left in the tornado district.
Telephone, electric light and trolley
wires and poles are torn down, and
street car has not run in the city since
the storm struck. Sidewalks and trees
were carried away like chaff.
The principal sufferer is the Crocker
Chair Company, whose loss is $250
Three Bftther Drowned.
Cape May, N. J., August 22. Ellen
young, Salina Newhouser and Albert
J. Schwab, all of Philadelphia, were
drowned in the surf at Cape May point
today. They were bathing and got be
yond their depth. Schwab made
noble effort to save his companions
holding their unconscious bodies above
the water lot some time. Just as a
boat, which went to their rescue
reached his side, he loosened his grasp
on the women and sank out of sight
The women were taken ashore and
although the usual methods for remind
tating drowning people were resorted
to, they could not be bi ought back to
Cattlemau Aseuanluated.
Wichita, Kan. August 22. Mr
Huff, cattleman and farmer, was shot
dead in his home in Custer county
Oklahoma, riiday night by someone
who fired through an open window
The herd there is said to be the cause
of the crime and more trouble is feared
Serf cant "Buck" Taylor.
Washington, August 22. Sergeant
"Buck" Taylor, 42 years old, known
as "King of the Cowboys," a dashing
cavalryman, and one of the bent-know
of the Rough Riders, died at Provi
deuce hospital today of consumption
the resnlt of illness contracted during
the Cuban campaign. Taylor's correct
name is said to have been Berry t
Tatum. He was the son
well-to-do merchant of
of a former
ayi HI Trial Wa Political
Judicial Faroe.
Georgetown, Ky., August 22. Ca
leb Powers issued a statement to the
public tonight, in which he says:
"That one of the greatest judicial
farces known to history has been en
acted here in my trial, under the forms
of law, no well-informed man can
doubt. Innocence is no shield with
100,000 and the methods of Campbell-
Bin against, you. The rectitude of
one's past life counts for naught. They
say Taylor is guilty, because he was
at his office, and that I am gnlity be
cause I was away from mine. This
has been a political trial throughout,
for political purposes, and no greater
mistake has been made by the Demo
cratic party since they robbed us of.the
offioes to which we were fairly elected
by the people. . From the beginning of -.
the campaign until now I have stood
with what little of merrit I have bad ,
for the rights and liberties of the peo
ple. That is my crime. That is the
only offense I have committed. That
is the only thing they have proved
against me. I swore to that myself in
testimony. I have never had, and I
now have no apology to make for be
ing true to the trust imposed upon me
by a majority of the voters of this
state. History will draw its dark
lines around thoBe who have outraged
me and disgraced the judiciary and
blackened the history of the state."
Loit Somewhere Between Chicago and
Burlington, la.
Chicago, August 23. Somewhere
between Chioago and Burlington, la.,
an express package supposed to con
tain $25,000 is alleged to have gone
astray. 'The Commercial National
bank of this city sent the package to
the Burlington agent of the Chioago,
Burlington & Quincy railroad a few
days ago on orders given from the Bur
lington headquarters in this oity. The
money was sent by the Adams Express
Company. When the money was sent
fiom the Chicago bank it was wrapped
ln the usual way in which money is
transmitted. In due course of time the
Burlington agent of the railroad re
ceived a similar package, but it con.
tained nothing by brown paper. The
wrapper containing the worthless pa
per was returned to Chicago and the
bank officials are certain it is not the
one sent by them. Representatives ol
the corporations interested in the mat
ter spent a busy day today investigat
ing the mystery of the missing pack
age, and laying plans for the arrest ol
the robber, if the money was stolen
between Chicago and Burlington.
Drouth in Kama.
Kansas City, August 22. Two-thirds
ot Kansas, west of the three eastermost
tiers of counties, is experiencing one
of the most severe droughts in the his
tory of the state, and the general opin
ion is that the Kansas corn crop will
be the smallest in proportion to its re
quirements for feeding, that has been
raised in many years. In 1899 there
was 225,000,000. bnshels. Secretary
Cohurn's report of conditions in Au
gust indicated a yield this year oi
about 145,000,000 bushels. Since
then there have been two weeks of hot,
dry weather, which has further materi
ally reduoed conditions, and the most
liberal estimates ot well-informed men
on change do not exceed 10.000,000
bushels, while many place the crop at
not over 75,000,000 bushels. The plow
ing for winter wheat is delayed by ths
dry condition of the soil. Pastures are
dry and stock water ln many cisterns
is scarce.
Porto Hlco Striker Auk Aid.
New York, August 22. The Sooial
Demooratio party received a letter to
day from Alwin Hushler, secretary ol
the Federation Libre, a central labor
body of San Juan, Porto Rico, asking
for'aid on behalf of a number of strike
leaders who were arrested there. The
letter stated that the cigar makers,
painters, carpenters and bricklayers
were on a strike in San Juan, and the
strike was beginning to spread over the
whole inland,. In all, 20 strike lead
ers were arrested. The subject was
brought up at today's meeting of the
Central Federation Union, where the
letter was read, and It was decided to
send a contribution to the tl'orto Rioo
strikers and also to ask President Mc
Kinley to act in the matter.
Bod In Located-Hlne Still Burning.
Muhonoy Citv. Pa.. August 22. Af-
tar many hours of destierate battling
with deadly white damp, one of the
successive rescuing parties suoceeaod
tniiuv in lnnn tint? the bodies of George
and William Thompkiss and Charles
Iritis, who were entombed in the burn
uing colliery. The 60 mules which
were in the mine when it was discov
ered to be on fire are also dead, and
were raised to the surface today. The
flra it still rinrninir fiercely, and the
mine officials are bending every effort -
to exunguisn tne names.
on Killed Father.
Lincoln, Neb., August 22. James
N. Burnham, publisher of the Wymor
ean, at Wyrnore, Neb., shot and killed
his father, Captain Collins A. Burn
ham, at their home today. A coroner's
jury immediately exonerated th son.
Both father and son were prominent
political workers in the county in
whioh they reside. The killing was iu
seif-dufense. The sou gave himself to
the officers.
CollUlon In Pari.
Paris. August 20. A street-car col
lision, resulting in injuries to 35 per
sons, occurred lust evening at the cor
ner of the Boulevard des Batignoles
and the Rue St. Petersburg, where
electric and horse lines cross. All the
injured will recover. No American
was hurt.
The United States army will aid des
titute miners at Cape Home, feeding
there those that cannot be gotten home.