MINES AND MINING. lluu Willi New Idea's eeUd lo fros, pect Kaaterii Oregon Min eral Fieldi. James Duckworth, one of the original ooiitt-rs of the E. and K. mine, in Cracker creek district, near Sunipter, Oregon, and one of the best informed men in the camp, says that what this co'uutry needs is a thorough prospecting by men with new ideas. The old , timers always look for a certain kind of float, and are particular about the formation. Now hardly a week pauses without some find being made on hill sides that have been rnn over for years by the old timers and pronounced worthless. .Mr. Duckworth visited a property at the foot of the mountain on the Sump tor-Granite wagon road, and found Ben Yenger and his partner, Montana min ing men, working ou a 200-foot ledt;e that he has been over many timos and considered worthless. Development shows that the ledge is tilled with strata of quartz of a bluish appearance, and all of it pans gold. A number of assays have been mane, giving $3 to .$13. The ledge can be traced for over two miles, from one Hide of the moun tain to the other, and it prospects throughout. At present a 25-foot shaft is being sunk, from which a cross cut will be run to determine if the values go down. If favorable results shall be obtained, machinery will be secured and a shaft sunk 300 to 400 feet. There is such a large body of ore that, with present values, $3 to $1 per ton, the property is another Tread well. Facilities for mining and milling ar excellent. At the head of Hull Run creek, running alongside of this ledge, in eiirly days there was placer mining. There was little wash gravel in tin creek bed, and the diggings frequently dipped to the hillside, where no gravel was found, lint rich dirt. At that time it was wondered where the gold came from, and no one ever thought the big dike was guilty, but this recent discovery is almost proof positive thai the placer gold came (rom the dike. A MOUNTAIN OF QUARTZ. Remarkable Formation In the Blue Hirer District. . ie Blue river, Oregon, district it rapidly forging to the front, and is now enjoying an era of activity but little dreamed of a year or two ago. Extensive develpnient work is being done, annd lmost without exception claims are proving valuable. The sta bility of the district has been conclu sively proved, and as a result prospec tors have flocked in here this spiing by the hundreds. Mining capital has been attracted, and one mill is in sue cescf uToperation and several more are in course of construction. New discov eries are being made in almost every direction; most notable among which ara the discoveries on the Calapooia and MoKenzlo rivers, which show ex tremely rich ore, and the immense mountain of qnartts four miles np Illue river. This mountain of quartz is a remarkable formation, and is probably unparalleled in mining discoveries. The mountain is 1,270 feet high, and appears to bq nearly all quartz. At the top several cliffs of solid quartz project for a hundred feet or more above the surface, while veins of ore crop out in all directions. The ore as says from $3.60 to $12 per ton. The Lucky Itoy mine has been com pelled to shut down Ave stamps, owing to shortage of water, since the dry season set in. The remaining five stamps are kept going day and night. The company has the machinery for a sawmill ou the ground, and, as soon as it can be set up, lumber will be sawed a uil a flume constructed which will furnish plenty of water for operating all of the stamps. . Jones & Co. have the foundation laid for a sawmill at the Blue river bridge, and already have a number of logs ready to saw. The machinery for the mill is expected to arrive in a short time. The mill will be situated at the new Blue River city townsite, and is intended to supply the local market. , It will be operated by steam power, aud will have a capacity ot 10,000 feet per day. Htikinpeda to Ntewart ltlver. The steamer Danube, which recently arrived at Victoria, 15. C, brings newi of a rich strike on the headwaters ol Ktowart rivei, 400 miles from Dawson. A KtnmnArln iu mi. Virmr.a unlnc tin In a -- - i 1 r " "e wi - continuous string. At White Horse a whisky famine prevails. Saloons are licensed, but canuot get permits to bring in liquor. The police are watch ing the boundary for smugglers, and have made many seizures. fioi tliwent Notes. A cold storage warehouse is in course of construction at Troy, Idaho. A hay warehouse, 82x70 feet, 16 feet high is being built at i'alouse, Wash. King county is said to furnish one fourth the iumates of the Walla Walla penitentiary. Walla Walla boasts of shipping 50 carloads of fruit and vegetables th pas two weeks. . ; Applo scab is reported among the , trees in the vicinity of Moscow, mmou, especially iu the American Ridge dis trict. Deer are reported to be plentiful in Coos county this season. They are frequently seen iu bands of seven or eight. . , Washington railroads are following a rule that no packages weighing more than 250 pounds will be accepted oi checked as baggage. Deposits in Walla Walla's bank, reach $1,400,000; iu the Spokane banks $5,000,000. Other Eastern Washington centers are similarly well ' supplied with money. The new wool scouring will at The Dalles, Or., reports a rush of work. A firm at Eugene, Or., recently en paged iu the bushiest of curing meats. Ilia manager imy he will soon begin to buy all pork product that may be of- ered, and will sell direct to retailers, 1 At. O. Owen, a government inspec j tor, is in Wallowa county, Or., to ex amine some recent surveys. He ia ac companied by men from Wyoming and South Dakota. At Elgin they bought1 a wagon, four horse team and pack outfit, aud employed a cook for their trip. KEYNOTE OF THE TRADE. fhs Improved Crop Conditions arc tbs Ureal Factor. Bradstreet'a says: improved crop oonditions famish the keynote of the trade and price movement. As a re sult of them nearly all staple agricul tural products aie lower in price, and at the same time a perceptible livening up of demand for fall delivery is noted in the West, Northwest and South. The beginning of fall trade is conse quently more clearly visible in the sec tions mentioned, while at the Kant the markets are slow to experience this improvement and are consequently rea sonably dull. Bank clearings as yet fail to reflect any perceptible improve ment in distribution, aud railway earn ings, though of large volume, are, ow ing to comparisons being made with exceptionally good results last year, showing less notable increases both in gross and net returns. Hog products have gone lower with corn, as has also wheat, in which con tinued liquidation has been noted, with the result ot inducing partial returns of the export inquiry banished from the markets by the recent heavy rise. Iron and steel prices are evidently scraping the bottom, if reports from leading centors of com of raw material and wvges are correct. Soft coal is going abroad too, a cargo leaving for London shortly. Tin is cornered locally and higher on the week, while copper is nuer. An encouraging feature of the woo) market is the rather better inquiry foi raw wool at Boston, but manufacturing will not apparently do much until the light weigiit season opens. Wheat, including flour shipments, for the week, aggregate 3.020,381 hush els against 2,82,910 bushels last week. Business failures for the week num ber 202 against 221 last week. Canadian failures for the week num ber 20 as compared with 19 in thir week a year ago. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market!. Onions, new, IV4C Lettuce, hothouse, $1 per crate. Fotatoes, new, 80c. Beets, per sack, 85c$l. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Carrots, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, 50 75c. Cauliflower, native, 75c. Cucumbers 4060o. Cabbage, native aud California, $1.00 1.35 per 100 pounds. Tomatoes $1.50. Butter Creamery, 23c; Eastern 22c; dairy, 1722c; ranch, 1517o pound. Eggs 24c. Cheese 12c. Poultry 14c; dressed, 1415c; spring, $3.50. Hay Pugot Sound timothy, $11.00 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $19.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. . Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.28; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra ham, per barrel,' $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millntuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00: shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton' middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed bee I steers, price 7, He; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 lie. Hams Large, 13c; small, IS1; breakfast bacon, 13,'sc; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 55c; Valley, 55c; Bluestem, 5Uo per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85c; choice gray, 88c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00; brewing, $10.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $12.50 ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 pel ton. Hay Timothy, $1011; olover,$7 7.60; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fanoy creamery, 4045c: store, 25o. Eggs 18 j0 per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18o; Young America, 14o; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.50 per dozen; hens, $1.50; springs, $2.008.50; geese, $4.005.00 forol.t: $4.60(30.50; ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1415o pel pound. Potatoes 4050oper sack; sweets, 82?40 per pouuu. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per Back; garlic, 7c per pouud; cab bage, l)o per pouud; parsnips, $1; onions, l H'o per pouud; carrots, $1. Hops 8 80 per pouud. Wool Valley, 1510o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1015o; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8?4c; dressed mutton, 7 7)o per pouud; lambs, S.'s'o, Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light aud feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.00 0.60 per 100 pouudB. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.50; cows, $3.50 4. 00; dressed beef, 6.' 7?io per pound. Veal Large, 6g7'o; small, 8 8 Mo ps pound. I . Sa Franonou Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1815opei pouud; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; Val ley, 1820c; Northern, 1012e. Hops 1899 crop, ll13o pel pound. Butter Fancy creamery 19 20c; do seconds, 19c; fancy dairy, 17c; dosecouds, 15 10 lo per pound. Kggs Store, 10c; fancy ranch, 20o. Millstuffs Middliugs, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.50 18.50. Hay Wheat $0.50 10; wheat and oat $0.009.50; best barley $5.00 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00 0.00 "per ton; straw, 2540o per bale. Potatoes Early IJose, 60 75c; Ore gon Burbanks, 80c 90; river Bur banks, 8565c; now. 70o$I.25. Citrus Fruit Orange, Valencia, $2.753.25; Mexican" limes, $4.00 6.00; California lemons ('5c$i.50; do choice $1.752.00 per Ux. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 1.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian date, tiigO'yO ptf found. j A GREAT INDUSTRY. ENORMOUS BUSINESS DAIRYING HAS COME TO BE. Eeventeen Million Cowa dying Milk in th United States-Aggregate Val ue of Their Produce Exceeds $500, 000,000 a Year-Thls Country Leads. Comparatively few persons realize what an enormous business dairying has come to be in the United States. In this industry, as In so many others, this country beatsthe world. There are over seventeen million cows giving milk in the United States, and it takes au army of over three hundred thousand men working from ten to twelve hours a day to milk them. The aggregate value of the produce of these dairy cows exceeds $500,000,000 a year. They produce nearly a billion and a half pounds of butter, three hundred thou sand pounds of cheese and over two billion gallons of milk yeurly, for the Yankee cow is a good cow, an Industri ous cow, and works all the year round. Dairying iu other countries sinks Into hislgnilk'iiuce when compared with the Industry In the United States. So foud are the Americans of dairy products that It takes from twenty-three to twenty-seven cows to each hundred cf the population to keep the country sup plied with milk, butter and cheese and provide for the export trade. The ex port trade docs not amount to much. It has fluctuated much, but never rose beyond the produce of Ave hundred thousand cows. Nearly all the great output of the dairies is consumed at home. We are the greatest butter-eating people In the world, our average yearly consumption being at the rate of twenty pounds to the person, or about one hundred pounds annually for a family of average size. As cheese eaters, however, we do not shine. The average consumption of cheese in this country does not exceed three and a half pounds per capita a year, which is far below the European average. As milk drinkers we average twenty gal lons apiece yearly. Although we ore not great cheese eaters ourselves we send about fifty million pounds a year to the peoples of the earth, who are fond of that form of food. In Early Days. - 1 All this great dairy Industry of the United States has been built up in the last fifty years. Before that time 'he milch cows of the country were of the mixed and Indescribable race known as "native." It was the "old red cow" of our boyhood, specimens of which occa sionally are seen In out-of-the-way parts of the country living In the "old red barn." The keeping of cows on an American farm was Incidental to the general work. In the fall and early winter the cow was allowed to go dry. Winter dairying was practically un known. The care of the milk and the MILKING FOECE making of the butter and cheese were in the bands of the women of the household, and the methods and the utensils used were crude. The average quality of the products was inferior, and the supply of the domestic markets was unorganized and Irregular. In the Eastern and Middle States the milk was usually set in small, shallow earthen vessels or tin pans for the cream to rise. Little attention was paid to cooling the air In which It stood in summer or to moderating it in winter so long as freezing was prevented. The few who scalded milk had no idea of the true reason for so doing or why beneficial effects resulted. The pans of milk oftcnor stood in pantries and eel The Oaltes Cow Cow of 1900 (Jersey ). PEVKLOPMltNT OF THE COW. lurs or ou kitchen shelves than in rooms specially constructed or adapted to the purpose. Iu Southern Pennsylvania and the States further south spring houses were in vogue. Milk roceived care, and setting It lu earthen crocks or pots, stauding In cool, flowing water, was a usual aud excellent practice. Churning the entire milk was common. This Is still done to some extent iu the Southern States, whore butter Is made every morning, aud where all the milk is buttermilk. In seasous of scarcity of uiiik there was no butter. In the North ern States there were some lustances where families were supplied with but ter weekly during most of the year, and with an occasional cheese, directly from the producers. But the general farm practice was to "pack" the butter In flrklna, half firkins, tubs and lax and ON A P1..-, '"i mm BUTTER MAKINQ THE ww; B l IV'-IpI lite THE NEW WAY. let the cheese accumulate on the farm, taking these products to the market only once or twice a year. Not only were there as many different lots and kinds of butter and cheese as there were producing farms, but the product of a single farm varied in character and quality according to season and other circumstances. Every package had to be examined, graded and sold upon Its merits. It was usual for half the but ter In market to be strong, if not actu ally rancid, nud for cheese to be sharp. With the products largely low in grade, prices also were low. As a rule, except in the pasture sea son, the cows were fed Insufficiently and unprofltably and housed poorly, if at all. It was a common thing for cowa to die In winter of starvation and ex posure, and it was considered no dis grace to rarmers to nave tneir cattle "on the lift" in the spring. "On the lift" was a common expression in the past in some localities, indicating the actual necessity of human aid to raise the emaciated animals to their feet. LARGE DAIRY FARM. There were, of course, some farmers who took care of their cattle and who made a specialty of turning out flrst class dairy products, but as a rule things were In the condition described. Toward the middle of the century the production of cheese being In ex cess of the home demand, an export trade in it began. With the growth of cities and towns the business of milk supply increased and better methods began to prevail. Then came the es tablishment of "creameries" and the improvement of the breed of dairy cat tle. When the improvement of the na tive stock of cattle began, a cow that would give milk that would make a pound of butter a day for two or throe months was a local celebrity. As late as 1805, when good cows sold for $10 or less, an enterprising farmer in New England advertised widely that he would pay $100 for any cow that would yield fifty pounds of milk a day on his farm for two or three consecutive days. Not an animal was offered on those conditions. Nowadays a cow that does not average from six to seven quarts of milk a day for 300 days being 4,000 to 4,500 pounds a year Is not consid ered profitable. There are many herds having an average yearly product of 5,000 pounds a cow, and single animals are many which give ten or twelve times their own weight in milk during the year. The quality of the milk has improved so much that the milk of one cow now will make as much butter as did the milk of three or four of the old native animals. Though the old native stock was a pretty tough aud disreputable race of cows, there would appear ouee lu a while In it a prodigy. Such was the famous "Oakes cow" of Massachusetts, which astonished the world. In 1S1U, by giving forty-four pounds of milk a day, out of which was made 40" pounds or butter In one season. This ostenta tious cow did this when her friends and neighbors were proud they produced sixty pounds of butter a year. It made her famous, and she had her picture painted in oil. but noue of her de scendants took after her, and she was regarded as a freak. Nowadays the Oakes cow would be regarded as a good cow nothing more. The Shorthorn breed led in the Intro duction of improved cattle into the United States and formed the founda tion upon which many fine dairy herds were built They were brought from England, and much of the Shorthorn OLD AND NEW. 1 OLD WAY. blood can still he found in prosperous dairy districts throughout the United States. Soon, however, they began to breed the Shorthorns for their beef qualities, and now few full-blooded Shorthorns are classed as dairy cattle. Ayrshires from Scotland, Holstcln Frleslaus from Holland and Jerseys aud Guernseys from the Chanuel Islands were then brought in, and upon animals graded and Improved from these breeds the vast dairy Indus try of the country now mainly depends. The Ayrshires and Holsteins are groat milk givers, and the Jerseys and Guernseys (often miscalled Alderneys) are great butter makers. Brown Swiss and SImmcnthan cattle from Switzer land, the Normandy breed from France and red-polled cattle from the south of England have also been Imported, but are In what Is known to dairymen as the "general purpose class." They are pretty good In everything, but have no specialties. It used to be believed that successful dairying could be carried on only In the United States in a belt lying between the latitude of Philadephla and the lati tude of the northern boundary of Ver mont and extending as far west as the Missouri River. Even In that belt it was believed that the true dairying dis tricts were In detached sections which did not occupy more than one-third of its area. This idea has been exploded. It has been found that good butter and' cheese can be made In almost all parts of Northern America. As a rule good butter can be made wherever good beef can be produced. Mechanical Devices. Along with the growth of the dairy business came the Invention of many mechanical devices for doing by ma chinery what had hitherto been done by hand. One curious device Is called the dairy "centrifuge," "cream separ ator" or "skimmer." It Is a closed bowl revolving at the rate, sometimes, of 25,000 times a minute. The milk flows through a feed pipe Into the rap Idly whirling bowl, and from the bowl two projecting tubes discharge continu ously the one cream and the other skimmed milk. A skimmer of standard factory size handles 250 gallons of milk an hour. This Is different from the good wife "setting" the milk and then going arounu witn Uer little tin skim mer and removing the cream for the morrow's churning. An excellent example of the changes wrought In dairy practice is afforded by an instance In Northern Vermont, a region long noted for Its butter pro duction. St. Albans Is the business center of Franklin County. During the middle of the century the country made butter from miles around came to this market every Tuesday. The aver age weekly supply was thirty to forty tons. This butter was varied In qual ity, was sampled aud classified with much labor and expense, placed In three grades and forwarded to the Boston market, 200 miles distant. All this but ter was made upon 1,000 or 2,000 differ ent farms, In as many churns. In 18S0 the first creamery was built in this county; ten years later there were fif teen. Now, a creamery company in St. Albans has fifty-odd skimming or sep arating stations distributed through this and adjoining counties. To those Is carried the milk from more than 30, 000 cows. Farmers having home sep arators may deliver cream, which, be ing Inspected and tested, is accepted aud credited at its actual butter value, just as other raw material Is sold to mills and factories. The separated cream is conveyed by rail and wagon largely the former to the central fac tory. There, In one room, from ten to twelve tons of butter are made every working day. A single churning place for a whole county! Only one thing In dairying remains unaltered and unchanged. That Is the milking of the cows. Many mechanical devices have been invented aud pat ented for the milking of cows by ma chinery, but none of them has been a success. Cows are milked now as they were in the days of Abraham, and still Mary "calls the cattle home across the sands of Dee." There M ould Be No C tianstc "No, Harry, I am sure we could not be happy together; you know I always want my own way in everything." "But, darling, you could go on want ing it after we were married." Brook lyn Life. It's far easier to show another m.m his proper place In the w VJ thau If U to find your own. luiiOB OF TEE WEEK TORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Odd, CrlM " ,flwu N.tr Or.ukteH Fx- Ou Owa Day A Budget Farmer-Do you think much butter is healthy? Gardner-Yea, it may be healthy, pro vided It is strong-but not bealthful. Boston Transcript No Lat Train. Porter (at the Irish country railway station, in voluble, but dreary niono-ton)-The half past 9 o'clock train wln't sthart to-night till 10 o'clock, and there'll be no lasht traln.-Tlt Bits. Mental Arithmetic in Boaton. "And now, Georgle, if I take three oranges and cut one in halves, what popular story will It remind you of?" "That's easy, dad. "Two Half and Two Whole. of course'-Cleveiana Plain Dealer. The Modern Engagement. Heiress Your offer Is flattering, Baron, but I cannot marry you! Baron Well, then, at least become engaged to me for about three weeks to Improve my credit!" Fllegende Blaetter. Get All the Newt. "No," said the Oldest Inhabitant, "I don't s'pose a dally paper could do well here in Bowersville. You see, there's either a quilting bee, a sewing circle, a literary society or a sociable every night an' when they don't happen the women folks goes to the milliner store or the dressmaker's." Discomfort of Home Comforts. "That's a cozy-looking couch, old man." "Yes; but I never go near It" "What the matter?" "Well, there are only three pillows that I'm allowed to put my head on, and I can't stand the wear and tear of picking them out from the other seven." Chicago Record. Expedience. Blobbs So Bjones has married his deceased wife's sister. Slobbs Yes; he didn't want to take chances with a new mother-in-law. Philadelphia Record. Terrible Risk. "Weil, Maria, I have decided to take the awful risk " "What risk. John?" "Even though it may be my death." "John, for goodness " "And I better tell you In advance that I prefer a granite monument" "What in the world are you going to do, John Stubb?" "I am going to take off my flannels, Maria!" Superflnona Question, A Was your wife still awake when you came home this morning? B Was she! I should say she was! Fllegende Blaetter. Juvenile Foresight. "Sammy, where did you get that Ice?" "Th' Iceman gimme It" "Isn't It too cool a day for yon to be eating ice?" "P'raps; but mebbe he'll come along some hot day an' won't gimme any." Chicago Record. A Medium Rap. The medium stood behind the black curtain. Suddenly there sounded a loud rapping. "Is that dear Charles rapping?" In quired the lady who was there to Inter view her deceased husband. "No'm!" spoke up the medium's son "that's the iceman at the front door."' Loud Demonstration. Fearl Were the clown's Jokes funny' Ruby Yes, he succeeded in making the lion roar. Good Definition. Little Willie-What Is a hypocrite pa? ' Ta-A hypocrite, my son, Is a man who always acts differently when he knows some one Is watching him. Soft Boiled. Ida-When we were in London our waiter Insisted upon calling an eer a "hegg." I told him to drop the "h " May And did he, dear? Ida-Well, my silk gown shows that he dropped the "egg." The Usual Season. Daughter-Papa, 1 wish you'd Eet ffl. the New Universal International rn nS-nine3 SST"' wLatthtnWhttUker! " DaughteZ-Because Clara WayUnD bu one,-New York Week!. PP A. Pralrla Tata. "Hank" Green cam in the otaw day with a drove of iteera. "Hank" iaj, there Is a man In his settlement u stingy that he wants to die right awa because be beard tombstones are going up. Never Limited. "Sometolmes," said the Janitor pull, osopher, "th solze af a doctor's practicj is limited, but thor'g nlver iny limit to th' aolze av his bills." New Toes. Shoe Clerk "Entirely new toes will be seen In shoes this year." Customer "Well, I guess I will b satisfied with the same toes I've alwayg had." Logical. Little : Willie Where do sea horses come from, pa? Pa Why, from the sea, of course." Little Willie "Then bay horses must come from the bay, don't they, pa?" Point of View. The Dear Girl Life In camp must be truly grand. The Rough Rider Yes, Indeed! It's simply in-tents!" Abont the Bize of It. The Youth What is the secret of true happiness? The Sage To have what you want when you want It The Man of It. . "Poor Lot!" exclaimed a lady In the art gallery as she paused in frout of a painting representing the family leaving the doomed city ; "I wonder what he thought when he beheld his wife transformed Into a pillar of salt!" "I suppose," replied her husband, "that he thought he would now have a chance to get a fresh one." Chicago News. All Be May Expect. . "So, there," said Mrs. Henpeck, con cluding her remarks, " 'A word to the wise is sufficient.' " "Yes, my dear," replied Henpeck, "and to the average married man a word In edgewise is sufficient." Phila delphia Tress. A Financier. Browne lie's to marry Miss Sumrox, eh? I didn't think he had enough money to support a wife. W7hat's his business? Smy the Banking. Browne Really? Smythe Yes; he's banking on the money her father will give her. Phila delphia Press. New Field of Labor. "Work? You make me laugh., Whal kind of a Job have you got?" "Cleanin' horses fer an nutermobile line." Feminine Intuition. Mistress Jane, you may clear away the breakfast dishes and put the house In order. 1 I'm going to my dressmaker'! to have a new gown fitted. Jane Yes, ma'am. Are you going 10 take your latchkey, or shall I sit up for you? Chicago News. Nothing Serious. Sweltering Passenger (on railroad train) This window sticks so I can t get It up. Conductor Yes. Wood Is swollen a little by the rain. It'll be all right iu a few days. New York Weekly. Got It All. Superintendent I was watching you and observed that you entered but one house In the square between Upth and Blank streets, yet your report gives full statistics of every family in that square. Please explain this, sir. Census Taker The lady whom 1 saw lu that one house belongs to the same card clubs as do all the other ladies In that neighborhood Baltimore Ameri can. It Impressed Her. Bob Nan, what first attracted youi attention to me? Nan Well. Robert. If know, It was your pale, silly-looking 1111.1 1 ... mue mustacne. Indianapolis Journal. In the Case. Stubb Young Stillman said that his girl always kept him waiting. Penn So I heard. Stubb Well, he has had her picture reproduced on his watch so that she will always be on time. In Dear Old Lnnnon. Ida Is the air very thick In London! May-So thick that It frequently chokes the air-brakes on the trains. , From the South. Ida I wonder where the new board er got those sandy whiskers? May I guess he got them from eat ing strawberries. Many Theaters in Italy. The population of Italy is 8,000,00C less than the noDulat'n il nl fYVansta Kill Italy has more theaters than France ana twice as many as England, though the population of the Till I tfH 1Z n fvAnm Is fully 5,000,000 larger than that of Italy. There are approximately 1,000 places of amusempnt in ti,a TTnitt States. In Italy there are 44S, In France 437. In Germany 390, In Great Britain 3o2, and in Spain 210. of the large number of theaters in Italy 10 ue iouna m the fact that the culti vation and appreciation of riiusic are perhaps more general in Italy than in any other coiintrr on . J 1 u UiatiJ ui LUC Playhouses, therefore, are devoted not . luearxioai, but to musical, entertain ments. Pie in Philadelphia. "Really," exclal Mrs. SUrvem's hnrdinr--r,rtert had seen better day's, "we never fur auue witn pie. "No?" remarked tho nQ , wen, then, bring the m."-PhUad Dal Record.