The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1900, Image 1

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7" -ggiDAy WHEN WE OCT UliPT." -
C)L A.llv "
r ., . IIOOD RIR, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 27. li)0O. "'
hoodrjverjlacier 'EFENTS OF THE DAY
Published livery Friday by I
Termn of subscrlptlon
In advance.
11.50 a yt'ar whru paid
T II H M A 1 1 u
irk. mull orplvna fmm f 11..... . . in . 1
m. WeilliesilaVS and HutllrilRVH?
m. - ,' nn uig
Dd.iii Hnvl n llmitl.
For CliVnmvetli, loaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Jl!lliin nii'i nil lr HI (I p. m .
For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily at 6:45
B. III.. ii i i - . ,-, in.
L.....I Utllll KU I.I.LI! I'M
rifiui f.miv. i.'ii ivn i .-n mi - n 111 n , I uuer
ir.nt hItii ami 1 1 lull u.ftitit .lull., at n I xt
For MiiiKen (nasn.j leaves at 5:4. p. ni.i ar
rives at 2 p. iu.
l Bl. i. u. vi. r. .ncuig nral anil Muni lnn
. dayi in eacn inonin.
1 1 -8 hTEI.I, A KICHAMMON, X. G.
H. J. HmBAHi), Secretary.
1AXBY POST, No. lfi, (J. A. R. Meets at A
V. u. . utii ai-uwuu ihi IO inn NHrnr.nvu
ol earn momn hi l cir p. ni. All U. A. It.
uiciiiuits mvuey io ineei wiwi us.
M P. Inknusuu, Commander
T. J. Cl'KNlNO, Adjutant.
day of each month in A. (). li. W. hall at 2
p. III. Ml". A OKI. I A o ! KANAII AN, Preside!! I.
Mrs. Uksula Uukks, Seeretury.
TiOOD HIVKR LOIKiE. No. 103. A. F. and A
ill M Jl"cis haturday evening on or before
ru'll nil moon. ii. a. yt ii.lia.M8, v . -1
D. McDonald, Secretary.
7T00D RIVER CHAPTER. No. 27. H. A. M
Jl Meets third Friday uiitlit of each month.
t , U. 11. Castoer, 11. P.
i v. r. illiamh, necreuiry.
II Meets Saturday alter each full moon and
iwo weeks inereaucr.
Mrs. Mary A. Davidson, W. M
U.ETA AP8KMW.Y, No. 103, United Artisans.
F Meets second Tuesday of each month at
aternai nan. u. bkosius, M. A.
D. JiclJoNAi.D, Secretary.
IITAI'CUMA l.OIXiK, No. 30, K. of P.-Mtcts
,1V iu A. O. U. W. hall every Tuesday night.
(iKO. Sthanahan, C. C.
yjj cbaham, k. oi k. t s.
, Meets first and third Baturdavs of encli
until. 0. O. CHAMUEKLAIN. M. V.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
11. L. Howu, Recorder.
DI.ltWILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meets In Fraternal hull every Thursday
k. VJ. U CI I. n mi., IV ll.
jll. J. Hisbard, Secretary. ,
Telephone No. (I.
Ill Calls Promptly Attended
Mice upstairs over Coppie's store. All calls
ft at the office or residence will be promntly
-Bended to. v .
John leland Henderson
for 21 j ears a resident of Oregon and Wash
'"" H had many years experience In
al Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
ai'saud agent. Satisiaction guaranteed or no
epitome of tha Telegraphic
-Mews of thf; World.
A v a
-mereatlng CUtl f JUmt r
llB Twn
iiiiiorea rreant .
In Con-tensed i'tviu-
Harbison Bros., PRors.
Ground and manufactured.
nneat Graham a "specialty. Custom
j'-" uone every Maturdav. During the
I season additional days will be mentioned
jic luutti CUIUIUUS.
your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
-u.muuii me. iso charge for prescrip-
hoiiH ha n a A. M. till 5. P. it., aal all
t a necessary.
Bl f
fcn's half soles, hand eticked, $1;
M, beet, 75c; second, 50c; third, 40c.
fts hand stitched, 75c; nailed, bent,
j second, 35. Best stock and work
food River. O. WELDS. ProD.
nlflia 1.- 1 1 a
, r Kr' latest, aim nest, in
Ctlonflrinn P.n.ilui. rt -i
1 vnuumg, lIUbD, .UUftLLU,
'Phone Central, or 121.
Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Tomussox Bhos, Pkops.
st quality alwas on hand at
puces to suit the times.
Seneral banking business.
Smallpox is prevalent at Nome City.
Boxers are lenorted
. . wicau
The shingle mill at Toledo. Or.. ...
4...11 1 . . " u
luiiunjr uusroyeii Dy lire.
There is said to be a lack of
W iL. . . . "J
ucimecu uiu aiiies in Unma.
Fire in Pomroy, Wash., destroved
ujioiiy m uie vaiuq oi 10,000.
I nnce 1UH11 nan an nrmv nf it nnn
uieu reaay to tignt the foreigners.
Republicans of Idaho
vv. Bianarou, ol liannuok county, for
Ti m i
xnuue man nas lssned an ml nr. in
nx a aenmte date for a general npris
ing in China.
The steamer Cutch has arrivBri at
Vanconver, B. C, from Skagway, with
$300,000 in gold dust. .
Milk dealers of Chicago are beini
prosecuted for using formaldehyde to
preserve their product.
San Francisco Chinese mnv flpht thn
Boxers. American horn Mongolians
are organizing a national guard com.
The steamship Garonne, lust return
ed from Alaska, has been chartered by
the united States and will be used to
carry supplies and troops to China.
England is alarmed over renort that
Chinese are invading Siberia, thus giv
ing Russia an excuse for descending on
Pekin and holding territory conquered.
Germany, Russia and France have
ome to an agreement regarding future
action in China. Russia will carrv on
seperate campaign against Pekin on
the north.
The Chinese empress is alleeed to
feave proposed to Japan a wholesale
massacre of foreigners in both countries.
Li Hung Chang is said to have been
implicated in the affair.
JNew locomotives mst put on 1y the
Denver & Rio Grande Railway have an
nmque attachment as a safeguard
against robbers, m the way of a nozzle
on the I'oof of the cab. These connect
with the hot water of the boiler, and
point at the rear end of the tender.
Ihe nozzle can send a mixed stream of
steam and boiling water at 200 pound
pressure that would kill anyone in its
Llama, Tex., was demolished by
St. Loins Transit , Company refuses
to arbitrate with the strikers.
Chicago Chinese, having just learned
of the trouble in China, are greatly ex
tnH n!?dred marinM left Washing
ton for China, via San Francisco.
A well known packer says he fean
lalmoa will goon be exterminated.
i nT?,, woo,srowers are holding about
4.000,000 pound, of wool for bette
The allied fleet bombarded the fort
M Taku all pight before they were suo-
The report of the state banks of
Washington show a heavy increase in
General Dewet has
Koberts' communications and captured
100 men and a supply train.
LI Hang
Chans; Looked Vpon at Orlf
Inattor of the riot.
Cunard Liner Campania Col.
lided With a Bark.
Citizens of Porotini n flistrlnf
Alaska, have issued a petition protest
ing against British aggression .
Joseph E. Mullen, who vena unnnlnf.
ed in JJew York for the murder of his
wife, was electrocuted in the prison at
Sing Sing.
A terrifio wind, rain and hail storm
swept over the town of Ironton nhin
demolishing a large planing mill, un'
roofing several houses and uprooting
Senator Pettlgrew has a letter from
a Filipino general, purporting to give
the terms of an interveiw with Dewey
at the outbreak of the Spanish war. in
which the admiral promised Philippine
Eleren of Her Crew Were Drovnedi
Camipanln Not Much
London, July 24. A dense fog hung
ver the Irish channel yesterday morn
ing, and the Cunuid line steumer Cam.
. pania, en route from New York lor
iiiverpool, struck the Liverpool bark
Euibleton, bound for New Zealand,
RmillNlllnc m-itl .w. 1.a n rruA
T?i... I I - . . .... '
r.muioion saux immediately. Seven of
the crew were lescued, but it is be
lieved the other 11 members of the
ship's company, including the captain,
were drowned. The Campania had
her bows stove in, but arrived safely at
Liverpool, five and a half hours late.
The Campania had a narrow escape
from serious disaster. The fog had
delayed her passage since Friday noon,
and a tender went out from Queens
town four miles, as Captain Walker
would not take the liner near shore.
At Tuskar light, the fog was becoming
Four nf , ,ffl.. I UD"?Dr """'"' nen tne uam-
e T.MmT Ri- I "i''J pama was about 80 miles northeast of
L a I & ?wer Com- the ,ih a Phantom ship rose suddenly,
ny were arrested charged with man. ,ift,. j:..,.,.. . , ''
railway disaster, in which 43 lmrsnna u..a u i:J F ,
ntiKi un.) . j , . . , jjiiu ucuumo n buiiu nailing vessel,
were mnea and over 00 injured. I into which the liner rrasliprl lior otuol
ine American policy of Droceedino toreioot goina
as if the good faith of the Chinese gov- j like the clean
London, July 81. The Shanghai cor
respondent of the Daily Express says:
"Intense Indignation is felt here at
the honors in Hong Kong that have,
been accorded to Li Hung Chang, who
ia looked upon in Shanehai as the oris-
inator of the whole fiendish anti-foreign
A Chinese merchant who has just
arrived from Pekin gives horrible de
tails of the massacre. He says he saw
European women hauled into the street
by shriekins Boxers, who stripped)
mem ana naclced them to
ineir dissevered limbs were tossed to
the crowd and carred off with howls o!
triumph. Some were already dead,
naivng been shot by foreign civiliaus.
He says he saw Chinese soldiers car.
rying the bodies of white children aloft
on their spears while their companions
snot at the bodies. He gives other do
tans too horrible to be particularized
"It seems that the Boxer leaders had
organized a plan, including the offer
ing of rewards and rich loot, for the
annihilation of Europeans throughout
China, and that Prince Tuan's soldiers
have been emphasizing the opportunity
the soldiers have had of seizing the
bodies of white women."
China Promises to Deliver Pe
kin Ministers Safely.
Another Aeroiint Cornea Through
J"elr Maaanore-Uoiiiora Aboi't
1.1 Hung Chnng'a Mission.
Tha Terrible rate of One of the
San Franoisco, July 21. A Chroni
cle special from Victoria, B. C, says:
Advices received from North China
contain particulars of the awful torture
through the Embleton 1 T , Key' v 0.
cut of a sword. and'who Rev. C. Robinson, was
eminent were not doubted, while in no dividing her just abaft the mainmast. I a.mong. tb flrst of tlle American mis
wise relaxing effort to reach our min-, The forward half sank instantly. The "onaries to beoome victims of the Box
ister. is believed tn hnLl im !,.,.,., stern awnnm vinmnoiv rmi-riA a !, era- A correspondent writinor from
of success to the one chance of the othei ' mast and yards for a moment tore at ! V , ln on July 7- eai' BOme "fugees "ceB8nt,ly rtred, it was known that all flag interpreter
London, July 25. The Chiuene min
Istor, Sir Chi Chen Leu Feng Loh, bus
communicated to the press the follow
ing dispatch from Sheng, director of
the Chinese railways and telegiaphu,
aud Tao Tai, of Shanghai, dated Shaug
hai, July 23:
"Information from Pekin, dated July
18, says that the Tsuug Li Yamuu de
puted Won Jui, an under secretary of
the department, to see the foreign min
isters, and ho fouud every one well,
without any miseing, the German ex
cepted. General Yung Lu is going to
memorialize the throne to send thimi
all under escort to Tien Tsin. iu the
hope that the military operations will
then be stopped."
Ihe Shanghai correspondent of the
Daily Mail, telegraphing July 23, says:
"A letter from a Chinese ollioial in
Shang Tung has been received bv an
active functionary here, containing the
following passage:
At the beginning of the mouth
the foreign missionaries made seveail
attempts to send messages out of Pekin,
hut, thanks to the strict watch kept on
the city, the bearers were all cauuht
and executed. On the 4th inst. onlv
400 foreigners were left alive in Pekin.
and one night, when the big guns were
rillplno Geuera.1 Say It t? tot
Sioux Falls, S. D., July 25. A let
ter has been recoived by Senator K. F.
Pettigrew fiom one of the leading com
mauders of the Filipino army, giving
additional light on the claims of the
Filipino people as to the understanding
that was arrived at between them and
the Americans before the opening of
hostilities in the Philippines. The let
ter says, iu part:
"Hinukwan Encampment. Philippine
Islands, April 12, 1900. Hons. It. F.
Pettigrew and G. F. Hoar, Senators,
Washington Gentlemen: I have read
in some American papers that Admiral
Dewey, compelled by you and other
senators, lovers of truth and justice, to
answer whether he made to us formal
promises of independence, stated that
he had "nevor promised independence
to the Filipinos.' I, who. in the name
of the Filipino people, and of General
Agiunaido, aud as a representative of
both, have had the honor to confer sev
eral times with the admiral, make to
you the following statements, that you
may use them as you think convenient:
in April, 1808. when the ruDtureof
hostilities, between America and Spain
became imminent, and in the absence
of my chief, General Aguiualdo, who
was then at Singapore, I solicited,
through the American consul at Hong
Kong, Mr. Wildman, to have some in
terviews with Admiral Dewey, with
the object of continuing the interrupted
negotiations between General Aguiualdo
and Admiral Dewey, through Mr.
Woo l, the commander of the American
gunboat Petrel. My petition was fav
orably received, and I went with Mr.
Andrew Garohitorena, another Filipino,
on board the Olympia, in the bay of
Hong Koug.
Once on board, the followina inter
view, iu French, took place through the
were prostrated by
Temperature 100
Twenty persons
heat at New York
foreign warships have their guns
trained on Che Foo, in anticipation of
an outbreak.
Fleet of the revolutionists has been
captured by government forces in CO'
lombian rebellion.
The big steel plant of the Federal
Steel Company, at Lorain, Pa., has
been closed down, throwing 4,000 men
out of-work.
Two transports, with 1,200 officers
and men, sailed from Manila for Taku
The hospital ship Relief has also been
sent to Taku.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Tolman, wife of
General J. C. Tolman, and a pioneer
of 1853, died at her home in Ashland,
Or., aged 71 years.
At New York city, Terry McGovern.
feather weight champion of the world,
defeated in three roucds, Frank Erne,
light weight champion of the world.
Sealing claims are to be arbitrated
Russia, United States and England
have finally agreed on a method of die
posing of lone pending isehring sea
In Bombay, India, for the week end
ine July 7, there were 9,928 cases of
cholera in the famine district, of which
6,474 were fatal, and in the native
states 9,526 casbS, of which 5,892 were
Joe Bartoni, a wealthy sheepman of
Westfall. Malheur county, Or., was
accidentally killed while stacking liay
on his ranch, being struck by a derrick
fork, one prong of which pierced nis
Peofia, 60 miles southwest of Dal
las, Texas, was swept by a cyclone,
killir-a tnree persons. Two churches,
several dwelling houses and an im
men.19 amount of farm property was
The first suit for damages growing
out of the Fourth of July street car ac
cident at Tacoina, in which 43 lives
were lost, has been filed by Harry Gaul,
for the death of his son Harry, for $5,
000. Many other suits are expected.
Chinch bugs are doing great damage
to Kansas crops.
American trade with China is
chiefly in the region where the dis
turbance is greatest.
A steam automobile whs built in
England in 1834. It was regarded as
a curiosity.
An Oklahoma woman wants di
rorca because her husband had killed
Vma. After the 26th she drew th
foreign governments.
The St. Paul Cold Storease & Warn.
house Company's large warehouse al
bt. Paul, Minn., was destroved hv fir
The total loss is estimated at ahnnt
150.000, with an insurance of $50.-
000. The warehouse was filled with
butter, fruit, tobacco, eggs, whisky
and other commodities.
Among the passencers on the steam.
ship Ame)lca-Maru, which has arrived
at San Francisco from Yokohama, via
.Honolulu, was K. Takahira, the Jap-
anese minister plenidotentiary to the
United States. Mr. Takahira conferred
the Campania. A lump
came down on her deoks. Then the
stern of the bark also disappeared, and
the face of the sea was littered with
splintered timbers, boxes, barrels, the
, upper works and lighter cargo, the deck
' houses and such things. Then there
was nothing,
From the instant when the phantom
CRme into view from the bridge of the
Campania until the last vestige of the
vessel vanished some 60 or 80 seconds
had elapsed
1 nuu u arriveu mere gathered trom
"v"k nhtn J...I.. ......
Kunaujr UUUI1IB Ol (ne lOrlUre
inflicted on Norman.
It seems that he fell into the hands
of LI, the head man of a little town
hard by the little Anglican mission,
where ne and Robinson had their head
quarters. In a quarrel between Boxers
and Christians, the converts had driven
off the Boxers from the mission and Li
vowed vengeance. This he took in a
horrible manner when Norman was
I thrown into his hands.
the legations and foreigners were fin-1 "Filipino Admiral, it having come
Aim, nuiiuugii preieuuen iHiegiuuis to our Knowledge that a war between
contradicted those facts.' " your country and Knain la ln',mini
The St. Petersburg correspondent of who lmv fun if Ilk tha luff-nii frit nun 1m.
the Daily Mail asserts that there are dependence, are willing, in obedience
differences of opinion in the Russian ' to the desires manifested bv you tn
According to the Embleton's surviv-' - AUer. m caPtnre by the rioters,
ors, for noarly half an hour before the .m. wllom u took the captive, the
collision, the r-anr.nin nd tint-, nd!. ! niissiomuy was stripped by the retinue
with the Japanese at Honolulu, and ' were below at hToaWnut
i of Li and a collar of iron fastened to
win prone" ulBlr claims ,or aamage ag tne l0 whistle of a large steamer could ' A """ tuun was auacnea
msuu oi me Durning ol a portion of be heard every minute, the bark never " 1 uo WBS lBlnerea stake. The
viuuese men, women and children then
II - f nil . .
uuuuen oi war. ine miniNter oi war,
General Kuropatkin, wishes to send
100,000 men to clear the rebels out of
Manchuria. On the other hand, ac
cording to this correspondent, Emperor
Nicholas wishes the operations liuiited
to the defense aud pacification of the
frontier districts, Let two strong
armies, one of the allies in the Bouth ' undertake this war with the humaui
ueuoral Aguiualdo, thiough Mr. Wood,
to take part in the war as allies of
America, so long as it be carried on
with the object of freeing from the
voke of Spain her colonies, giving them
their independence.
"Admiral Dewey The American
people, champions of liberty, will
nonoiuiu aunng tne plague epidemic shifted her course, the helmsman
ceiving no order. When, at
M., the second officer, to use
Lebanon, Or., had a $10,000 fire.
Lord Roberts has attacked Middle
burg. x
Tien Tsin and neighborhood are cleat
of Chinese.
Oriental war is affecting the world's
money markets. .
Forty persons were injured at a street
car accident at Nues, Ohio
The New York Republican state con
vention held Sopteraber 4.
Minister Wu has word that the
Pekin authorities are protecting the
Crop prospects in the Pacific North
west indicate a yield of 40.000.000
bushels of wheat.' 1
The (J ii nary liner Campania cut in
twain a bark, which sank at once, car
rying down 11 men.
Colombian tr jops will fight the revo
lutionists outside of Panama, so as not
to endanger the city
Populists refused to go into the Idaho
fusion, and nominated a full ticket,
Democrats and Silver Republicans
Li Hung Chang got a cool reception
at Hong Kong. Russia has called on
the border provinces of Siberia for the
The Eight infantry is returning from
Cuba to go to China. Heavy artillery
has been ordered to leave Fort Reilly
for the Orient.
Hawaiian plantation owners are
trying to induce 5.000 Puerto Ricans
to move to the Pacific islands on a
three years' contract.
Documents relating to a plot against
the American authorities in Manila
have been found in a rebel lecruiting
office in San Miguel.
The Yaqui Indians, of Mexico, are
eported to have been broken up, and
the government will offer them induce
ments to return to their farms.
The Frazer riyer fishermen's strike
is now deemed beyond settlement, a
serious collision between peace officers
and strikers having taken place.
Count Castellane, husband of Anna
Gould, fought a duel with Count
Orlowski in the suburbs of Paris, in
which Orlowski was slightly wounded.
The executive council of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor issued an ap
peal to all wage-workers to organize
unions or join those already in ex
The Chinese minister at Paris has
notified Delcasse that the foreign min
isters were safe July 18. The Belgian
government has received" word that
they were alive on the 20th.
8:25 A.
his own
phrase, heard the rush of a steamer's
bows," he shouted down to the captain,
who rushed on deck, but he was too
late to give an order.
The Capmania was under one-third
steam. The captain, first officer and
pilot were on the bridge. The engine s
I were instantly reversed, and the helm
put hard down. No precaution was
omitted. Some of her passengers had
even grumbled at what they called
superfluous caution. After the crash
and the sudden cries, the boats were
quickly gotten out. There were no
signs oi panic; me crew was every
where at their stations; the bulkheads
were closed and everything possible
was done to save life.
Some of the Campania's plates were
bent by the collision; her forepeak
filled with water; her foretopmast was
broken short off and her steel rigging
torn and twisted.
The passengers held a meeting, adopt
ed resolutions ot thanks to the captain
and crew, and subscribed 700 for the
relief of the survivors and the families
of the lost.
Eighth Infantry for China.
New York, July 24. Two com
panies of the Eighth United States in
fantry moved off the transport McClel
lan this afternoon and started for Fort
Snelhng, Minn. Other members of
the regiment are en route from Cuba,
and, after the recruiting of the organ
ization to its full limit, it will be sent
to China. The men have been in Cuba
18 months, but they looked to be in
fine condition. About 2,500 persons
were at the docks to meet the soldiers.
and the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation proivded coffee and other re
freshents. The other eight com panies of
the regiment were delayed by a storm
off Cape Hatteras.
poked sharp sticks into his flesh and
I jabbed him with tridents. When he
sank down, weak with the loss of blood
and half crazed by the awful torture,
and was unable to get upon his knees
even, the chain being too short, he
strangled slowly. Molten lead was
then thrown on his nude body and as
he writhed in agony, he was stabbed
to death. His body was cut to pieces
Tl . l. . , i .
.nuuuauii, in a uuier mssionary, was
slaugthered without being so long in
agony. He was cut down by a mob
and hacked to peoes almost instantly
A number of the mission converts were
slaughtered. Some were asked to re
cant and those who did so to save their
lives were saddled and bridled and
forced to crawl to the temple idols
caused Seventy Deaths at New York
Hew York, July 20. The hot
weather today caused or contributed
toward the death of more than 70 per
sons in this city and vicinity. As
many mom stricken ones are in the
hospitals, and some of them will suo-
cumb before the night is over. More
. i. . ,.i 1 1 .....
man iiau me iatanties were among
babies and little children, and there
are now about 40 bodies of the Hi tie
ones lying at the morgue at Bellevue.
This was the third day of the spell
oi intense heat. Late tonight the torn
perature moderated. Early this morn'
ing the sun began its deadly work, and
Deiore the day was fairly well started
the hospitals were busy, . On the
streets the temperature ranged from 98
to 105, and the official report from th
weather bureau, high above ground,
was 94 deg. shortly before S o'clock
One death was from an attempt at
suicide made while the subject was
crazed with the heat. Many little
children are badly hurt by falls from
fire escapes, on to which they had
crawledjfor relief from the oppressive
and the other of Russians in the north,
confront the Chinese, and the lising
so the czar is said to argue would
be bound to collapse. "We want no
conquests," ho is reported to have de
clared at the conclusion 'of the sitting
of the council. "What we denire is to
protect our frontiers and to steer into
smooth waters the Chinese ship of
State, now buffeted bv the wiivph n
civil war."
There is nothing further tbis morn
ing that throws any liuht upon the inyg.
terious situation. Two urgent dis
patches were addrossed yesterday by
tne Chinese minister to the Pokin gov
smment and the administration of tel
egraphs, strongly recommending the
lestoration of telegraphic commnuioa
cion, so as to enable the powers to
learn of the safety of the foroiirn min
Uters. Until such proofs are secured,
no one here is inclined to alter the
opinion that the Chinese are merely
juggling to gam time
Rumor circulates briskly around the
personality of Li Hung Chang. He in
credited with a mission to offer to cede
to the allied liowers two provinces as
indemnity for the Pekin outrages and
also to oner to restore order and Kive
facilities for trade with the outside
world, on oondition of the surrender of
Kiao Chou, AVei Hai Wei and Man
churia by the powers end the with
drawal of all missionaries.
Cleared the Track and Saved Llvea.
Three Lakes, Wis., July 24. A
laborer early to day removed a pile of
ties from the Northwestern tracks, that
had been placed there during the night,
just in time to prevent the passenger
train due here at 4:30 A. M., trom
striking them. He also removed a
nnmhor nf ronWa from a liririua a .hnn ' hospital assistants.
. ... B .j.. a . - ' j " . .
Jl... II!. .1 . . I fe'lfvouuls. ntiAM 4. I .. . ... ll- . 1 .' ,
uiBiauce hwhji ins actions prooaoiy geuvrnuy ueueveu
Tranaporta gall.
San Francisco, July 19. The United
States army transport Sumner, bearing offer to the
Chlneae Luiimtrlei Cloae.
Chicago, July 25. The Chinese
population of Chicago is perturbed over
the reports from the various parts of
the city that because of Caucasian an
tiputhy aroused by trouble in the Celes
tial empire a boycott has been institut
ed against Chinese lauudrius and truck
farms. Wu Sung Lee, a banker in
Chinatown and probably the richest
Mongolian in the city, says four laun
dries have been forced to suspend busi
ness during the past week, and Cliinoiie
laundries generally report a falling off
of 50 per cent in their business. Bank
er Wu sail today: "The white people
think we are in sympathy with the
Boxers, and that they have our moral
support. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Every Chinese in the
city regrets the trouble, and hopes that
the foreigners have not been murdered.
Some of us have even imrborized the
Chinese cousuls at San Francisco to
tanan object of freeing from the Span
ish yoko the peoples under it, and we
will give you independence and free
dom, as we have proclaimed to the
world at large.
"Filipino We are very grateful for
this genorous manifestation of the great
Amorican poople, and being made
through an admiral of their navy, we
value it more than a written contract
and therefore place ourselves at your
entire disposal.
"Admiral Dewey I place at your
disposal the ships of my fleet for tho
conveyance of both the Filipino leaders
and the arms you may get. Moreover,
I think my government is willing to
supply you with arms and ammunition.
"Filipino We are very thankful to
you for this new generosity of the Amer
ican people.and you may be sure that we
are ready to fight at your side foi tho
independence of the Philippines, even
without arms, as we have done during
the recent revolution.
"Admiral Dewey America is rich
in every respect; she has territories
sparsely inhabited. Besides, our con
stitution prevents 'territorial expan
sion' outside of America; therefore,
the Filipinos may be sure of their inde
pendence, and not a bit of their land
shall be taken from them.
' After these conclusive and forinnl
statomontH, the conversation turned to
other details coucemiuir tiie state of
the country."
The IPtter is signed "K.
andiino." He is a Filipino
Who recently surrendered
r ii ienn forces.
to the
saved the lives of 30 members of
local club, who were on the train.
a detachment of troops, surgeons and services aud our m-ooertv. tn Iia pmi
sailed today for that the foreigners, esneclallv t,h
Americans, in China may be saved."
Kngnired In a Lara Flew.
Yokohmaa, Jujly 23. Mount Azu
ma, near Bandaisan, which was the
scene of a volcano disaster in 1888,
lurther orders will be received direct
ing the vessel to proceed to Taku,
China. At least two officers who
ailed on the transport are under direct
orders to join the forces under com
mand of Brigadier-General Adna R.
Chaffee, at Takn.
broke into eruption Tuesday, July 17,
iiuDureus oi persons were Kinea or in
jured. Several villages were engulfed j
bv the stream of lava from Mrmnt
Azuma, and great damage was done in ' "i8lB8 ""ckena, t is having hard a TrJnl . T,U 7
adjacent districts. I Of 800 fowls she has raised, re.Uarantine Wl11 be
Mrs. J. 8. Felton, of Corvallis, Or.,
. whose husband died some months ago.
1 has been endeavoring to support herself
A Birmingham, N. T school teacher
whipped a school boy and exploded a
torpedo. He may die.
A six year old boy at Acorn Ridge,
Mo., shot bis brother dead as the re
sult of a quarrel.
Japan has appropriated 60.000,000
ran or war purposes. A yen is about
the same as our dollar.
The Christian Endeavor convention
in London will be attended by 10,000
delegates. 3,000 from America,
Heavy Artillery for the Orient.
Fort Riley, Kan., July 24. Rush
orders have come for the Seventh Unit
ed States battery of heavy artillery at
I Fort Riley to proceed with all haste to
the Orient, calling for orders at Nag
.asaki. General Merriam promulgated
the order in Denver. The battery was
organized during the Spanish war, and
since that time has been idle. Tho
equipment embraces the heaviest cali
ber guns in the service, with full com
plement of mortars, attended by 250
men and 10 officers.
thieves have stolen all but three dozen.
Sidney Edgerton.
Akron, O., July 21. Hon. Sidney
Edgerton, aged 82, died here today.
He was the first justice of the supreme
couit of Idaho, and the first governor
of Montana, having been appointed by
President Lincoln. He was twice
elected congressman from this district.
Chicago, July 21. James NicoL
vice-president of the Chicago board of
trade, was suspended for one year at a
meeting of the directors tonight The
charge wu bucket-shopping.
Yellow Fever at Plnar del Itio
Havana, July 25. Yellow fe
broken out in the barracks of the Sev-!
enth United States cavalry and the '
tr..- f.wiA 2..r... .-.t
-Tdi. in i mar 4 wag too ,nul.h for him
uui iumo imm uceu nino ueathS . kn
j .1 .l . . , i uo
uunun me iasv muDin, and 11 cases
are now under treatment in the hospit
als. Today General Lee moved the
camp three miles.into the country, and
King of Servla Kngaged..
Belgrade, July 24. King Alexander.
Of Sevia, has proclaimed bis bethrothal
to Mme, Draga Maschin, a widow, who
was formerly a lady-in-waiting to
Queen Nathalie, the king's mother.
Took Morphine and Died.
Seattle, July 24. Joe Greenwald, a
snorting man, well-known all over the
Pacific coast, died here today from
morphine, taken with suicidal intent.
His people are well-to-do Californians,
living near Eureka.
Miiaxnnre In Tenia.
nk-Hgo, July 23. A special to the
Record from Peoria, 111., says: Giorie
Shimoou, a PorKiitn student who has
been attending college in Illinois for
severnl years and is passing the summer
in Peoria, today received a cablegram
from his home at Oroomiah. Persia.
stating that his brother had been cap
tured by Mohammedans and that there
has been a general massacre of 8.000
Christians in Oroomiab. The letter
states that the feeling of the Moham
medans against the native Christians is
growing, and that there have been sev
eral hand-to hand battles with fatali
ties on both sides. Mr. Shimoou 's
father is a native missionary, and this
fact adds to the wrath agaiutit him aud
his family.
Lynching ol a Negro.
Ilnntsville, Ala., July 25. Elijah
Clark, a negro, who yesterday assault
ed Snsan Priest, a 13-yeur-old girl, was
taken from jail in this city tonight and
lynched near the simt where his crime
was committed. His body was riddled
with bullets. Sheriff Fulgham defend
ed his prisoner to the last, but the mob
Will Vining.
attempted to rush through tho
crowd and up the jail steps, was shot
by the sheriff and dangerously wound
ed. After battering down the doors
and gaining an entrance to the jail, the
mob drove the sheriff and his prisoner
into the third story ef the building.
Dallas Street Car Strike.
Datlar, Tex., July 25. Union mo
tormen are prosecuting vigorously the
strike on the Dallas Consolidated Street "
Railway, backed by the entire organ
ized labor forces of the city. W. D.
Mahon. of Detroit, Mich., president of
the Amalgamated Assoiation of Street
Railway Employes, will reach Dallas
tomorrow to take charge of the strike.
The Dallas Typographical Union has
passed a resolution fining any member
riding on the street cars f 25 for eac