The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 20, 1900, Image 2

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3(cpd Iiver (glacier.
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1900.
perils of a Trip to Some.
Bebino' Ska June J4, 1900. Editor
Placier: In coli i pi i a nee with your re
quest in regard to sending you a letter
of my trip to this northern country, I
'herewith submit the following:
We are in the Bering Sea, about 150
rniles from Xome, and yet can not get to
our destination on account of the ice.
I have teen great icebergs in my time
but had to conn) to this northern lat
itude to see whole licld. of them. Our
Wsiel goes forward a few miles, then
backward to get out of the mass of ice
that would crush the hulk only too
quick if once in it m meshes. One day we
made 8 miles in our course, another day
'3 miles, 14 miles, 11 miles, and eo on.
It in Blow and dangerous navigation. At
time the cold and' wind ore bo severe
that one, can not stand it to move about
tho deck.' The poor officer on the
bridge and the man who occasionally
goes up in' the lookout at the top of the
niast with the glasses, continually warm
up with hot conoe. Their positions are
awe-inspiring, and passengers comment
jon their bravery.
' The dayB grow longer as the season
advances and we get further north. One
)lay, as it reared 10 p. in., dusk was set
tling ana our paptain, C. 1". Hall, saw a
great iceberg ahead, live or six times
larger than the ship. lie prepared to
Anchor to it for the night, and slowly we
'dangerously moved towards it. The
rope ladder was put over the bow, and
a sailor made ready to jump off onto the
frozen ice. Just as the boat struck the
mans he leaped, and down onto the
Jirokeri mass' he fell, steadying himself
fo keep from slipping into tho cold
ocean. The great hawser was thrown
Jo him, and ho ran w ith it to a large
projection to circle it round. But the
wind was high and the angry waves
(lashed the ship far out of reach of the
'anchorage. The man was left standing
on the iceberg. Women shouted, "Can
'we save him?1' and men looked up, with
fear in their eyes, at the fast approach
ing night. It was an hour later that wc
managed to bring up to the windward
pt the ice, and then, with a great crash,
we were against it. The sailor, catching
the'secorid line thrown from the ship,
fastened it securely around a projection
and immediately climbed on board. All
around us was "the ice, and even our
fiassitge southward was blocked. We
hen kept moving in order to keep out
uf the crushing ice drifting towards us
from all sides.
A week ago we spoko a big vessel on
our starboard which had been in our
present position, trying to get to Nome.
They were running short of coal and
turned back for the MX) mile run to
putch Harbor. A boat belonging to the
tame company as the honth luruumi
arrived a day after we landed at Dutch
Harbor, The malinger of the company
was on board, arid it was decided to
travel together to destination. We went
but of port steaming side by side, and
the eight or nine vessels in the harbor
blew their whistles in a farewell saluta
tion. We were out from Dutch harbor
only a few days when we got lost from
the Alliance; they presumably going to
the westward of bering sea, to get
around the ice, and our captain going
uirecuy norm.
Later our provisions began getting
low. ' Whpn we started from Seattle we
bad in the cabin six or seven kinds of
pleat, vegetables galore, delicacies, and
even fresh milk which, by the way, we
bad all the way to Nome, as Phil Will-
tarns was on board, taking seven cows
tresn meat nrst ran out and we were
1 eating pickled beef and pork, and then
migar gave out, and finally we were re
duced in everything. Ten days out of
Dutch Harbor we awoke one morning
nnd found our boat surrounded In an in
extncablo field of ico. Wo could get
neither forward nor backward, luero
was never any fear of tho passengers on
tho score ol running entirely out of pro-
tisions, for our hatches only had to be
ppeneil to allow us to get to the freight.
ilere indeed was enough to keep a reg
iment, consisting of several restaurant
outfits, individual stores, ship supplies,
etc. Our trip to Nome, which wus prom
ised to last but a to 1U days, was being
kiretctieu to over a montn. .
: We had our diversions on tho trip.
On leaving Seattle two stowaways were
' found, and our boat pulled in at Port
Angeles to put them on the light-houso
bench. Another, a young boy, popped
his head out of the cabbages'in one of
the life boats on the deck when twodays
out, much to the captain s ana passen
gers' surprise. He was put to work
sweeping the deck nnd scrubbiugouttho
Jiilot'houee, We called him "Cabbage"
on the trip, and much sport did the more
frivolous of the passengers have in mak
ing mm ounce tor their amusement.
Card games were ever the diversion.
jUames started from the wake-up bell
and continued till late at niuht. Then
Ktnokera would get together and fill the
little Smoking room, pulling away with
till their might in order to run the other
1' A ' .:.l.
tenons um. A passenger Willi a gram
ophone gavo evening concerts. An old
man fiddler gave selections. The ladies
gathered in tho dining saloon after the
three sittings at the tables were over,
and singing, accompanied by tho strong
Voices of tho men, passed many a gay
hour. The ladies also formed a sewing
Circle ami offered to patch and sew on
buttons. Ono of the engineers asked
them to sew on a pair of pants to four
buttons he had. lie got back a pair of
trousers mat would lit a nionKey.
vne morning we awoke with ice
jammed on all sides, and in this posi
ion we iay mr nearly a week, the ice
pumping on the iron sides, threatening
destruction at any minute. Filially the
mass nioveu, urawn nv me great cur
rent northward,' and we were tree. Our
taptain drove the propellers as fast as
s lea in wouia taKo us. it was Hearing
usb wneu we tuit a crash that shook
Vhe vessel from bow to stem. We had
tun into a gfgautic iceberg! The loud
orders of the captain, the screaming ol
the passengers, the hurrying to and fro
pi me sauors, caused the utmost con
itornation. The news was circulated
that we were going down. The captain
tent his officers forward to investigate
the hole in the bow. The pumps wert
tartedalso. The officers soon 'returned
And reported holes on both sides of the
bow large enough for a man to crawl
through, but that the tear occurred
Where one of the fresh water tanks was
located which saved us from sinking
Immediately. It was doubtful whethei
th water tank! would withstand tin
Outside pressure. Two davs after th.s
f'.ccideut we sighted a steamer and slow
y made our way through tho ice does to
her. It was the Charles Nelson, and
with her we staid for safety in case c i
Heed. M e were getting extremely low
on water. The tank of 7,000 gallons wa
Completely lost when the ocean wate
ran in, but luckily our captain spied a
Iceberg containing a lake of pure eiiu
Water. We tied up alongside it, a
eailorj and passengers tqok tutus pum -ing
the water through a hose. Tim
day in and day out we are spending oc
time with no diversion but tlie harrow
lag fact of a vessel w ith its bow stove in.
Coal bunkers low, provisions low. anelu i
Jon. more than a mouth on the journey.
tnd still impassable to Nome; ice for-
vor around apt to crush u at any time, j
tun liimrl...,! tiautuniKiru tr.twrlnrr il.inrl
aim viie gic&uihiiip company m an ex
pense of $500 per day.
We parted from the Charley .Nelson in
a fog and were left alone uguin. Three
days later we had located ourselves uouth
of our destination some 150 or 200 miles,
and before us was a sheet of icebergs a
quarter cif a mile thick. We spied a big
vessel to, the southward and whistled for
it. Soon' it waa in calling distance and
we saw it was the i'enator on her way
back north from .coaling in Dutch Har
bor. Slje saw our disabled condition
and agreed to lead the way through the
sheet of icebergs.' We followed fn a zig
ag way around the mass of frozen ice
directly in the stern of the big steamer.
Finally the Senator got through and a
great cheer rose up from her hundreds
of passengers. But it happened that
the moving of the pnpellors of the front
vessel had moved a gigantic ice Hoe im
mediately in our course, and the captain
could not stop the engines quick enough
to save anotliererash on our open bow.
The captain stqod on the bridge with
sweat standing out in knots on his face.
He was undergoing a tremendous ner
vo.ub strain, ft'e all stood on the deck
looking with jvild eves at one another.
The Question was, "Vere we to go down
I -1. .. I t
in Bering 8ea After coming so far and
enduring eo much?" The Senator wait'
ed for us, to give assistance if needed
We backed, then went ahead, then to
port, then to starboard, and filially out
in the emoothWaters of iNorton sound.
The danger was over, and the passengers
had a regular Methodist revival in hand
On the evening of June 14th we are
near land, and slowly we move towards
Nome City in the distance. Our trip is
ended. We have some passengers who
insist on saying thev will not go back to
.i . .... .. .-r . . i l
ine states until a rauroau is duiii.
S. P. Andeksox.
Pick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herbdrink. Cures constipation and in
digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 25c and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
A Good Showing.
July 12th the Hood River Fruit Grow
ers' Union made final statements on the
strawberry business for tho season of
1900. Following are tho daily averages
paid the grower;
8 $S 42 25: $2.10
9 50 26...!... 1 91
10 .'. 5 80 27 1 80
11 6 92 28 1 72
12 5 52 29 178
13 4 88 30 1 (53
14 3 44 31 1 79
15 3 50 June 1 1 74
10 3 27 2 1 77
17 2 94 3 1 77
18 2 91 4 1 88
10 2 64 5 1 87
2a 2 11 0 1 75
21 1 89 7 1 85
22 2 78 " 8 1 85
23 1 79 9 1 71
24 2 02 10 1 71
The entire crop handled by the Union
averaged to the grower $1.91s. The
lowest individual average was $1.76)a,
and the highest $2.75.
Looking back now we can see some
mistakes that we made, but it is always
etiBier to see back than forward. The
beginning of the season looked very
much as though it would be a repetition
of 1897, as we had exactly the same con
ditions to contend with Eastern mar
kets being filled to overflowing with
Southern berries and Western markets
full of California berries; but by careful
handling we have received much higher
average than the Union has ever receiv
ed since its organization, and have
closed up the business more than two
weeks earlier than ever before. We
have at all times had plenty of money to
supply tho needs of all bur shippers
without giving individual security in any
case. G. J. Gesslino, Secretary. '
School Fund Apportionments.
The total amount of funds apportioned
for the schools of Wasco county, on the
first Monday in July, 1900, was $2(544.80.
The total number of children in the
county between 4 and 20 years of age,
4-108; per capita, 00 cents. J he next ap
portionment will be made on the first
Monday in October, for both state and
county funds. Following are the
amounts for the various Hood Kiver dis
tricts: No. of
Bis Same of Bchool Clot k,
2- M II Nickelsen
3 L Henry
87 00
180 tiO
4 P D Hiurichs 75(10
5 CDJlenrich 43 60
0 Wiii II Kdick 19 80
3 J rl Peak 40 20
Y RW T Murium
13 20
10 20
28 80
l. utprjui J iliu.
60 M F Ilnird
T.. 1. A
til J I Miller 45 00
A (jiuod Cough Medicine.
Many thousands have been rebtored to
health and happiness by the use of Cham
berlain's CoughRemedy. If afllicted with
any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial
for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs
that have resisted all other treatment tor
years.havo yielded to this remedy and
perfect health restored. C ases that seem
ed hopeless, that tho climate of famous
health resorts failed to benelit, have been
permanently cured by its use. Sold bv
llhams & llrosius.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Tnlto Lax ati vk Ukumo liciNiNK Tablets.
AlUlrukKlxfM rrfuiul Ilia money If it lulls to
euro, K. w, Urovo s signature Is on each box.
oo. us
Celery Soda
cur a bMdcli at oiue. It Is
t, shrilling, fffcmsoeiil drink that
ii'ts iinmediawiy. It cliu and pur mt
tt ttomucb. (tnt!y oiutti tb ur
ud rll.e- all pa n. It our alck and
nrvou hJ-lu-, Mmnckiie-a ami m n
tal fouu,. IOc 2.SC, BOc, ft.OO
Pasture for Stock.
will have good pasture t,r stock
utis uuie 110 irte uiiuaie ot sentemoe
tie middle of September. Rt the
Blowers ranch, S mile south of (own,
During the month of May an infant
child of our neighbor was sufferinc from
cholera infantum. The doctors had given
up all holies of recovery. I took a liottle
of Chamberlain'sColic.Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt sure it w ould d jgood if used accord
ing to directions. In two davs' time the
child hud fully recovered. The child is
now vigorous and healthy. I have recom
mended this remedy frcocently and have
never known it to fail.-Mrs.Curtis Uaker,
Itook water, Ohio. Sold by Williams iS;
Ladies, Attention.
We desire to Inform the Indies of Hood
Kiver nnd vhIIpv that wo are jirHpurt-d to do
lmKS.SMAKI.NU III tlrn laUvt style of .he
art and would unpnvtnto your orders. All
kind of plitln no J funry Hewing neully done.
Koniiin on aecond floor of H. K. HurtNii-ss'
lore. M US. T. H. CLAIM .
Jyai M HH. K. A. I1K A DI.HY.
Bicycle for Sale.
A lady1 bicycle, nn Ideal, lu good repair,
j)e tires, for Mile ul !'.
Two Cows for Sale.
I have for unle two eood milch rows. Aluo,
youiiKundold chicken for sole in number
to suit purchaser. V. 1,. COrTl.K.
Bids for Wood Wanted.
The Hoard of Kchool Directors of District
No. want hid to supply wood for the school
hotixe, n.4 follows:
10 cords of Oak wood, 4 feet Ions, split
2.) cords of Kir wood, i ftf Ionic, split; or 25
cordsof KlrHlub wood, 4 feel Umn.
Wood to be delivered and uieaxnred in
basement of school house by Oct. 1, law. Illds
will be received until 12 o'clock, Aug. a). liKXI.
The board reserve the rlKht to reject any
and ull bids. L. HKNKY, Clerk.
For Sale.
Not the bent, but one of tho best 40 acres In
the valley; Kod Improvements; Id tons of
wheat hay ItH good; a good net of black
Ktnilh'n tools. Kine location for country xUre.
Inquire at the fitrm, 7 miles oottth of town
The public Is hereby warned ngainfit the
purchaneof any of t lie following school war
rant analimt school district No. 3: One for S.t0
dated, Kel. 2, 1D00, In fuvor of Minnie Elton,
endorsed blank: one, same amount and date,
favor of H. I.. Howe, endorsed blank; Uue,
payable to my order, not endowed hv me.
5 to 60 Acres.
I will kcII any part of my land, from 3 to (50
acres. Two miles from town. Thirty acres
In orchard. W. J. BAKKK.
House for Kent.
H. Warren's new R-ruoin house in Mowers'
addition. Inquire of B. WAHKKN.
Stray Calf.
A stray steer calf, 8 or 4 days old; lltiht red
and wiilte; came to my place, owner can
have the same by paying cost of this ad and
for i rouble of curing for culf.
(Timber hsnd, Act June g, JS78.
United Slates Land Offlce, The Dalles,
Oregon, July 10, MOO. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1S."8, entitled "An
act for the sale ol timber lands In the Slates of
Ciilifornlu, Oregon, Ncvudu and Washington
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has tins day nied In this omcc his sworn
statement, No. im, for the purchase of the
east lj southeast V section 7, and west
southwest y. of section No. 8, ii. township
No. 1 north, range No. i nst, Willam
ette Meridian, und will oiler proof to
show that tho land sought is more vainalile-l
ror Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fuirposes, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Kegister and Receiver of this
oilice at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the
2M day of September, lisJO.
He names as witnesses: Lee Slorsp, Lew
Morse, Frank H. Button and Will Uankln.all
of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming Adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
22d day of September, ltHXI.
Jyl'lslt JAY i IX'CAH, Register.
Land Office at Tho Dulles, Oregon, July n,
ICWI. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
Ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make ttnul proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof wil
be made before Oeorge T. l'ruther, L. S. Ooml
mlssloner. at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Sut
urdny, August 1IKW, viz:
Of Hood River, Oregon, Hd. E. No. .7K8. for the
W N tV "4 sec. Zi, Tp. i N, K K, W. M.
He names tlie following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence tipjii and cultiva
tion of, said laud, viz:
Frank Davenport, Charles Chandler, R. B
Lindsay, Jack Levy, all of HimxI Kiver. Or.
Jiattl7 JAV r. CAS, KegiBler.
United States Land office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, July II 1IMJ. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 1. 1878. entitled "An aet
for the sale of timber lands in tlie Stoles of
California, Oregon, Nevuda and wubington
Of Hood River, comity of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, lias this day tiled in this office his
sworn statement No. I.) for the purchase
of the west, southeast and lots , and 1'2,
section ?, township 2 north, range 8 eaL
W. M and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for its tim
ber or atone than for agricultural purposes,
aud to establish his claim to suid land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Tho Dulles, Oregon, on Friday, the 21s:
day of September, UKX).
Ho names as witnesses: Perrv MeCrorv and
O. B. Hartley of Hood Kiver, Oregon; "Hub
bard Taylor of asco. Oreeou: Fred Simoson
of Cascades, Oregon,
Any and all nersons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this otllcc on or before said
21st day of September, l'KJO.
Jylllslt JAY 1. LUCAS, Register.
Notice of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned,
guardians of the estates of Euutm Lela O'Dell,
and of William Paul Kemp and Dave Ru-
worth Kemp, being authorized thereto by an
order of the county court of the state of Ore
gon, tor v asco county, wiu,anerlhe2Sth duv
of July, IW0, sell at the residence of Alice
Kemp, noon Kiver, Oregon, at private sale,
for the highest price obtainable in cash, the
following described premises of the said es-
lales, aitt-attj in the county of Wasco, stale of
Oregon, 10-wn: .n undivided interest .V7 In
terest In and to the South west 1-4 of the north
west 1-4 ot section St, township north, range
10 east of Willamette meridian. Dated, Juue
duaidlan of the estate of William Faul Kemp
sum 'e nawortu &enu, minors.
Onnrdtanof the estate of Eunice Lela 0'lell, a
miiior. JuJS)ly20
Iad Offloe at The Dalles, Oregon, June 2S,
HW. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his inten
sion to niake ttnsi proof in support 01 his
ialm. and that said proof will be made before
eorgT. Prather, U. 8. Commissioner, at
'food River, Oreson, on Friday, August S,
liW, vi:
OfMt. Hood, Omon. H. B. No. 4is, for the
N N K aud N u, X , sec IL Tp. 1 north,
ranee id east, W. Xf.
He names the lollowirm witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence tyxin and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Amos R, Billings, P. n. (tKiper, Robert
Leasutv, J. T. Coovrr. ail of Mt. Hood. Or.
JuJuJ JAY r. L-iCA-S KVster.
Io the Circuit Court for Ihe Htate of Oregon,
in the county or waaco.
Ida M. Drown. DlfT.. I Suit for divorce.
vs. Muminons for publics-
franK Brown, aert.i non.
To f'rnnk Browu. the above-named defend
ant: In the name of tho btule of Oregon, yon
are hereby required to apear (snd answer the
complaint filed aioiinht you in this suit in the
uoove enuiieu coun, on or ociore tue vtm
dav of Julv. A. 1). Ill . that belDi; the lat day
prescribed In the order for publication of mild
summons, wherein it was ordered that said
publication be made once a week for six con
secutive weeks and for seven consecutive In
sertions, In the Hood River Glacier, news
paper of general circulation, published week
ly In the town of hood Kiver, said nomity
and slate: and if vou fall toattearat,d answe-
seld complaint, for want thereof the plalntld
will take Judgment aialn.U you for a decree
dissolving tht bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between the plaintiff and
defendant herein, and giving to plaintiff the
care, custody and education of henry, son ol
said parties, and for general relief. The ser
vice of this summons Is therefore made upon
you by publication thereof In Ihe Hood Kiver
tilacier, u newspaper of general circulation,
imblishcd weeklv In said Wasco County,
fitiuc of Oregon, by order of said Court at Its
regular .viay trvm A. li. into, tnereoi, lion.
V. I.. Bradshnw nresidlnir. on the litis day ol
June, A. Ii. IIKJO, for six consecutive weeks
and for even consecutive insertions, the
dnleof the first publication of which is the
i.jin uuy oi june, ii-sj.
Jeryy27 A ttyfor plaintiff.
(Timber Land, Aet June 3, lnTS.)
United States I-and omce.The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 11, 1HUU. Notice is hereby given
that lu compliance with the provisions of
the act or congress or June 8, i., entuiea
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
Stales of Cull Torn la, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this on ice his sworn
statement No. for Ihe purchuse of the
lots 11 unci U and south half of southeast
quarter of section No. 19, in township No. 1
north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer
proof to show tiiat the land sought Is more
valuable tor us timber or stone than tor ag
ricultural nuruosos. and to establish his claim
to said land before the Kegister and Receiver
or this on ice at The italics, Oregon, on sutur
day, the 4lh day of August, 1KO0.
lie names as witnesses: ".Villlurn Rnnd.L.E.
Morse and C. L. Moise, all of Hood Kiver, Or-
egou, and J. H. fhlrmunor Jhel.ialles,oregon.
Any and ail persons clalmin adversely the
aoove-aeseriDea latins are requested to nie
Ihelrclaims In this office on or before said
till day of August, lxou.
Jetiiit JAY V. MTUA3. Register.
United States Ind Office, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, June 2i, 1IHJU. A suulcleut contest am-
davit having been nieu lu this otnee by
John liels. conumnt, against Homestead
Entry No. 4i(, made August 21, IS!'.', for south
y. h W of sec. (I, T p. 1 south, range 10 east,
by Andrew Johnson Aoserot, contestee, lu
which it is alleged that said Andrew Johnson
Aoserot has wholly abandoned suld tract.and
changed bis residence therefrom for more tlian
six months, last past, and Hurt his absence
from said tract Is not due to his employment
in tlie military or naval service of the United
states In lime of war, said parties are hereby
nottHed to uppear, respond and offer
evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock . a. in. on August 15. 1!XX).
before Geo. T. l'rather, L'. S. Commis
sioner, at his office at Hood Kiver. Oregon
(und that Hnal hearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. on August 30, ISiOO before) the
Kegister and Receiver at the United States
Lund Office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The suld contestant having, In a proper af
fidavit, tiled June Ul, 11)00. set forth facts
which show ihal aHcr due diligence, personul
service of this notice can not be made, it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
Jii2J127 JAY V. LI CAS, Register.
Foreclosure Sale.
Notice Is hereby given thut by virtue of an
execution issued out ol tlie circuit court of
tlie stale of Oregon for Waseo county, on the
7th day of June.lSOl). upon a judgment and
decree lu favor of Robt. Mayes and L. E.
Crowe, partners doing business under tlie
name of Mays & Crowe, plaintiffs, and against
Wilson R. Wlnans, Mary Winansetal, de
fendants, and to nie directed and command
ing me to sell the SW y SE y. NE and the
NWSE H NE H section 1, township!
north, ranges east, In Wasco county, Ore
gon, to satisfy a Judgment for &'I3.50 and SW.U0
attorney's fees, und S15.C0 costs, 1 will, on
Saturday, the 21st day of July, IP00, '
At the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the court
house dtsirin Dulles City, Wasco county, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the
above-named nnd described real estate, to
satisfy said Judgment.
Dulles Ulty, Oregon, June 15, l!H)0.
Sheriff of Wasco county, O.'egon.
Land Offlcc at Vancouver. Wash., June is,
1D0C.. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and I list said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver IJ. S. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday,
.-vugusfc a, iiw, viz:
of White Salmon. 1'. O., Wash., who made H.
E. No. So",'!), Tor the south half of S W quarter,
sec. 20, and eaa , half of N W quarter of sec. ',
all In Tp. 3 north, range tl east, Wil. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Lee Joshua. Timothy Georere. John Cavuse
and A. H. Juwelt of White Salmon. P. O..
W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 23,
I'HJO. Notice is hereby given Hint the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to rnuko final proor In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before tjeorge T. Prnther, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Friday.
August 3, 1SKW, viz:
Of ML Hood Oregon, H. E. No. 41173, for the
E Vv S E '4, sec IS: N W , 8 WM, sec. 17, and
NE14, NEl4, sec. 19, Tp. IX, range 10 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or, said land, viz:
J. T. Cooper, D. U. Cooper, Warren Cooper,
W. S. Grlblle. alt of Mt. Hood. Oregon.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Jn the Circuit Conn for the State of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco.
F. C Brosius, Plff, ( Suit to Foreclose
vs Morteuze. Summons
G. L. Simmons, Deft, (by Publication.
To O. L. Simmons, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the sUte of Oregon, you
'are hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you in this suit in the
above entitled court, on or before the 3d day
of August. A. D., liKXI, that being tho lust day
prescribed in the order for publication, here
tofore made, for the publioit ton of said sum
mons, wherein it wus ordered, that said pub
lication be made once a week for six consecu
tive weeks, aud for seven Insertions, In the
Hood River Glacier, a newspaper of general
circulation published weekly in the town of
Hood Kiver, said county of Wasco and state
of Oregon: and if you f.iit to appear and
answer suld complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take Judgment against you for
the sum of One Hundred ten Dollars, with In-tere-st
thereon from the 7th day of Sept
ember, lSXi, at the rate of fen per cent per an
num, being tlie amount due on two certain
promissory notes secured by mortgage on cer
tain real estate in this eouuty of Masco, as
therein described: together with the fur
tner sum of Two aud 87-100 dollars
delinquent taxes, charges and Interest, and
Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from the llth day of June, lJM0,Ugeth
er with the further sum of Thirty Fivedoilars,
attorney's fees, and the costs of this suit, and
for the foreclosure and sale of said mortgaged
premises. The service of this summons is
therelure made upon yon by publication
thereof In the said Hood River Glacier, a
newsivaiier of general circulation, published
weekly in said Waseo county, state of Oregon,
(by order of said court at its regulur Slav
term, liOO, thereof, Hon. W. L. Bradshaw pre
siding, on the IsUh day of June, 1000J once a
week for six consecutive weeks and for seven
consecutive insertions, the date of the firs!
publication of which is t he 22nd dav of June.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
ITimber Land, Act June 3, IS. S.)
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, June at, l'.U). Xotice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory,"
Of Hood River, county of Waseo, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this 0BI00 bis sworn
statement. No. 1'vY, for the purchase of the
lots 7. 8, and 10 of section Xo I, In town
ship Now 1 uorth, range No. 9 nut, W. M and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before the Kegister and
Receiver of this office at The Dalles. Oregon,
on Saturday, the 22d day of September, Isnxi.
He names as witnesses: J. .Mark ley, Ear
Mark ley, L. Nealey and H. Hartley, all of
Hood Ktver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-dtftcribed lauds are, requested to file
their claim In this office on or betor said
22.1 day of September, lrtu
jyiid JAY P. LCCAS, Register.
Greatest Bargains
On Earth !
In Staple Straw Hats just receiv
ed today. They are odds and ends, ,
and we are bound to close them out ,
25c, 30c, 35c, up to $2 at wholesale.
Will close them out at 5c, 10c, 15c,
20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c.
Come in and price at the
Denver Clothing- Store.
'iff .
ii ft m m riMRr !l ),.
F1 II HI II I (I I Dl Mr i "--- lViJ
A. S. Blowers & Son
Are still in the procession and prepared to supply your wants
in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Feed, etc.
Just arrived, a carload of Walla Walla Flour bought before
the advance in prices. : Will meet all competition.
In Shoes we have a great deal of competition in prices' but
none in quality. The Miller Shoe is the. best wearer on earth. .
ivould rather sell 20 Sacks of Bran at a small margin than
' one at (i large profit. -'
We buy close for cash and sell close for cash.
BRAN for the cow, -SHORTS
for the hog,
BAkLcY for the horse,
WHEAT for the chickens,
. TEA,
and all GOOD
for MAN,
, .who
We want your Trade, guarantee our Goods and deliver promptly
and free of charge.
.Phoned. CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor.
The Proof
Of good Cofiee 18 in the drinking thereof. The lovers of good Coffee
do not expect to find quality in a low grade package goods.
J as. Heekin & Co.'s Best Mocha and Java.
Old Government Blend Mocha and Java.
Daisy Blend (Costa Rica and Guatamala Blend), are each guaran
teed to give satisfaction in the cup. We have in stock a complete line
of tottees and Teas, in bulk or packages. QUALITY AND PRICE
to suit every one. Your patronage solicited in these lines
Water Notice. .
Person requiring water for irriirn tine must,
before using any water, make ii.lntton to
tbe secremry in wrltlne, ttmB Uie number
of lot and 8 desorlption otsame, Also.mske
payment of per k)t, or fmctln of a lot.
per month iu aitvam-e. Application will be
filed ana no irriratlnff will h ..n,m
must oe
done throMsli retul.itlon n.,i ..I
pray. All residln north of Oak sir wfi
use water only between th hnnn c j i
thow southof widstrwwm!yonon Tr!,n tan(1 wUl trdewith
bonrs P. M.
Xo water will be fumlh.i nv nr r.m
to comply with ab.we rnles. i
Bees For Safe.
Itallaa Bscs for ci fcy tETER ilCSR.
State Normal School,
FaE m m l
The students of tlie Normal Bchool are
prepared to take the State Certificate im
mediately on graduation.
Graduates readily eeetire good positions.
Expense of year front $120 to $150.
Strong academic and professional courses.
New Special Department in Manual
Well equipped Training Department.
For catalogue containing full announce-
P. L. CAMPBELL, President,
Choice Confections
Lamps and
O-Branch Offlce for Union I.uundrj-.JSj'
35 cents per sack.
60 cents per sack.
75 cents i e sack.
- 14 cents per pound.
holds dominion
over the rest.
Bone Bros.
Will sell you at wholesale prices, flonr wheaL
i ney will snip on Comnii't-ion M
fruit Hnd vetjiMu i.. anu want
Aleo nirent'ji f..r
i??"L., Acra mowera and rlru
iliimr.M. L'i?s'M nd Hacks. Th-T hni
I.... .4 Hi . . --- - ., ..... v r
SZ by he
H blllsdue the ufe hi,Slei..,5l!-t
Call apor. or addmT ' ma
3.I.XALUQH,Hooimvtr. .Si,
For Sale
at . :
ji.'-SjAj'''- i'.i': rl
JULY 20, 1000.
1. Fmirnwesat Fmnkton, improved
gowl spring; only $551). 1
2. Lot .100xi::0 feet, on Wan,,,,,
avenue, north of Dr. Sliaw'n forint-r n-l
ident-c. I'riee, 1W. s
3. John Sipnia farm, in Lots frnm5t0
20 acre ; $50 to $(0 er aura ; terninisy
4. IM opposite schoolluJUBf ; 75 fef,
ftjuaru. Trice, $175.
5. The Atkinson property, oor, Kim
and Oak streets; best Lsirguin in town
(i. X. K N. V. i, B. W. l'. X w v
and X. S. yx . see. 8, T.g X ' 'il'
10 K., 100 acres. $rt00.-
7. Harrett-Hipniu uddition ; $50 per lot.
$10 down and $5 per month ; 110 inu-rest
8. Four lot8 on Sherman ave., ' routh
of Front t., $400 cash. -Must he mild :,,
30 days. , ( . , . '
9. The J. II. Frary place, Faint KiJe
near Tucker's mill ; 200 acres, 'nearly ali
level ; part well improved ; price $li tt
acre; will be sold in forty-ncre tracts
small advance. Terms, three-quarters
or more cash. A great bargain.
10. T. K. Coon's 80 nereg in Pule Flat
7 milea Houthwebt of town ; 4 aervHelnr!
ed; $10 an acre.
11. Chas. V. Gilmer lioniestead, t
(iilmor, Wash., 11(0 acres ; tine taw tfci.
ber ; pood soil ; well watered ; onlv $500.
A rare bargain. '
12. 160 acres on Hood river, 3 miles
above Tucker's mill ; 8 acres cleared
Price $1,850. . ,,'
13. The '. II. I5ishop home in How
River, lot 6 and part of lot 7, block 1
VVaticoma addition to Hood River's
pretty home. Only $1,100, .
14. The Allen Fulton farm, KiO acre,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000; terms
easy. '' ' ':(
15. The F. E. Bailey place; 10 acres;
good improvements; all in fruit; new
house.barn and out buildings. Au klenl
home. Price $2,500. .
lfi. John Sipma farm, 100 acres, $5,000.
$1,000 or more cash and balance at 8 per
cent, or the eRrt 40 acres, cleared, for
$2,100. $500 or ' more cash, balance at 8
per cent. Uett farm in the valley. , .
17. 2500 acres deeded land, well Va
tered; tine range for stock ; $1.50 an acre.
18. The 'Barrett farm, best in HikhI
Rivor valley ;'140 acres, 70 acres in cul
tivation; 4,000 fruit trees; 50 inches five
water ; 6 miles from Hood Rijer. $5,5ll;
$1,500 cash, balance in 5 vears, interest
atti percent: For saleatrtieFmporiuHi.
19. The Sun lot and building; $700. '
20. .P.. A. Trana place, White Salmon,
in sight of Hood River ; 8 acres, 8 iu
straw berries and tomatoes 17,0011 straw
berry plants an"d. 1,4(U) tomato plant,
No irrigation required.' , Price $700.. j
"21. X.-f S..E. UK; T..Ai'm'
4, T. 3,X., R. H E,-, Wliite .Sitliiionfiiw
timlwr land ; $10 er acre. ;:
22. The. Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,5U).
23. Lots 5 and 0, block 7, Winaiis ad
dition; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.' .
24. Bernard Warren's fruit farm t
Frankton, plenty of water, good hiiild.
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price $;i,500.
25. ' Wilkens' fine farm at White Sal
mon falls, 240 acres; 25 cleared and in
grass; good improvements; fine water
power; price $3,300 stocked, or 2.7E0 for
20. S. II. Cox's flue residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x KiO; price $1,200. v.
27. J, II. NickelHenV place at Bel
mont ; 35 acres ; $2,1(X). Terms easy.
2. A strip of laud. SO feet wide by
mile long, with the creek, lying betwewi
the west side of .Blower's addition and
the county mad at Paradise f arm. Price
29. Twenty acres lying north -of Peter
Kopke's, East Side;" good land; unim
proved. Price $500 ; terms easy. ;
31. Emma O. Robinson's 40 acres.'
East Side, adjoining A. I. Mason's fruit
ranch ; unimproved ; $850. ,j
32.. Emma G. Robinson' KiO acres on
hills east ol White Salmon, known a
the Dryer place; fine timber; iinini
proved; $875.' ; , '
, For rent Mrs. Ilarw-ood's place eaft
side ; house, barn and gomi orchard, and
plenty pf good water., Cash rent, .$40 a
year. '
To Iioan $800, in sums to suit.., ,!
At the Emporium i kept, a fiwt-clafu
surveyor's transit, aud , the proprietur
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and block, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
X. B. Terms are easy on all the alntt
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. : Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at tk
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co,,
Hood River's Famous
irmts. ,
Packers. of the .
Hood River Brand of
uannea Jtruits-
JIanuraoturers of ,
Boxes and Fruit Facfc
... ages.
Deiers lit -
Fertilizers and Agricul-
turai impiemenis.
Lnnrl DAiiu r ix-- I. TiiTlO
....lire , neronyi;iven wi t"
ln-uaiiud settlers have tiled notice of UiT
ixiriof tbrir
ti, and that suld pyuofc will w mr
the Reglstef nd KKetver U.S. knd.jT
at HiiTOTer, WasU., on Wedn.T'
Urt I, IS00, viK
of Chsnoireth. P.O.,Vsh., who in(J;
' 'Jot Mm 8 W quarter of N K V??
nnd N w quartet of sj E qu&i ter of fcectio"
Jl . - . njiEP i tan', w i. .Mer.
H aamra the folinwtsc witnessc V P
nl eoailnuout nsidente otn bo4 W'
- . . . - wiom Ulni
Ttnn a, ...14 t... j
...... v auiBna, tix: .. fv.
-iHi m. waiter. CUui Fcarscn. wivj
gswtiofCheoowtUi, P. O., Wsb-.B,U
P'iM PL M 6to--eoo . O.. Witt. J -