The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 13, 1900, Image 2

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    5opd Jiver Slacir.
PRU-'AY, JULY 13, lfi&O.
The two great parties Lave held th'.ir
jif.tional conv'-iitior adopted platforms
setting forth their respective political
principles, and nominated candidate
for the offices of president and vice pres
ident. Wjn. .McKinley of Ohio, the
prcseBt chief executive, jmd Theodore
Roosevelt of Key.- York, are the repub
lican nominee';, while William Jennings
Pryan of Nebraska and Adlai E. te
yenson of Illinois represent the dem
ocrats, A few weeks and another great
presidential piv.paign rill be oi: ia
earnest. It imagain ft etrife between
McKinley and Bryan, but with entirely
new iiif-ues. Tho position of the two
candidates ), in one mtntm, the very re
vere of four years Cm'O. In 1393 the
emocrata fere in power, and the coun
try was jufet beginning to recover from
the throes of a Dnantiul trihis, for which
Jhe party wa. made to appear responsible-
by the republican campaigners.
The dejnocraiai Jiad been tried, and the
verdict of the people at the polls was
Ibat they were found wanting. So there
was a change. Today, the administra
tion has on its hands the unpleasant
Jak fit explaining the unsiipprened
Philippine insurrection, the discrim
inating tariff against Porto Rico and the
Cuban postal scandal. Such mistakes
as these, bo early in a career of colonial
expansion, fere very opt to furnish ma
terial for eeriou consideration pf the
wii-doin of fupjwting the new venture
which the present administration has
. thrust upon the nation. Four years ago
fhe democrats tres'.n.ted Bryan with the
radical Chicago pktforni, and the con
servative element of voters elected Mc
Kinley in order to save the country
from the 'evils of a debased currency.
.Today, the paramount issue is imperial
ism, whether or not the United States
hall enter upon a colonial policy. The
republicans will term it ''expansion"
and maintau that the national honor
and welfare demand a retention of the
islands Spain loet to us in the recent
war, while the 'democrats, the opposi
tion party, will use as their ghibbbleth,
."anti-imperialisrh," and will lay the
claim, as they do in their platform, that
luch a policy involves the very exist-
nce of the republic and t'le destruction
of our free institutions. Rvlical party
men support their ticket, whatever its
platform. But the numlicr of men who
yote for an issue independent of their
party affiliations is increasing with each
presidential election, and the party that
captures these independent voters will
elect the next president of the United
When will the newspapers of the land
cease to impose upon the intelligent
American public such senseless tirades
and silly harangues as they make agninet
political leaders and political issues?
8uch stuff in years gone by passed wel
enough as crushing "argument," but to
day the people are demanding substan
tial facts, and will be satisfied with
nothing else. Papers of all political
parties are contaminated with thin evil,.
iQUi wuen tuo great newspapers of na
tional reputation and influence stoop to
iruch ft vmioug custom, it becomes all
Jhe moro nauseating. The editorial col
jimns of the New York Sun furnish ex
cellent examples of this dishonesty
when, in attempting to make out that
silver is the supremo issue of the cum
ing presidential campaign, it makes the
assertion that that was the only ques
tion to excite tho least debate or to pro-
yoke the slightest enthusiasm at Kansas
City. All intelligent readers are well
aware that the ably written and un
piurcd reports of tho convention given
put by the Associated Press go to prov
that the mention of silver created little
pnthnsiasm, while the part of the plat
form touching on imperialism stirred
the delegates to the wildest enthusiasm
ever witnessed at a political convention
The enlightenment of the average indi
yidual has readied a staae where he
jvould prefer honesty even in politics.
I. ... J L-IU. .1 -J '-
The 0. R. & N. Co., it is4said, reports
the shipment of 75 carloads of straw
berries from Jlood River during tho sea
son just closed. This may be an over
estimate, as the crop fell short. But
pie prices received were better than for
several years, and the apiount of money
received by the growers has encouraged
them to give more attentian to the berry
crop, The work of setting new plants
has already commenced, and the acre
ago for next ynr promises to be greatly
The apple crop, from present indicn
tions, jill be the best ever gathered in
Jlood River. The codlin moth is not
much in evidence bo far this season even
where the trees have not been sprayed
but it is time enough vet for their work
The large orchards are being sprayed
and every precaution is being taken to
tave the apples from this destructive
Woraau?s Missionary Meeting1.
Sunday evening at the Congregational
church wag devoted to a special meeting
of the women's mhwonary society of
that church. The object of the meeting
was to raise funds to - assist
fn releiving famine-stricken India.
The programme wrs rendered as printed
In last week's Glacikh, and the neat
eum of $35 was raised to swell' the
India relief fund. The exercises opened
wnn a nymn, mm scripture reading and
prayer py m rs. luc.Miuan. The church
choir furnished special music, and there
Were vocal solos by Mrs. Helen G. Bate
ham, Mrs. A. B. Canfiold and Mrs.
Louiae Boyden, a violin solo bvClaranet
Gilbert, and a daet by Mrs. Armor and
Rev. Hershner. Recitations were given
by Miss Eva Nicklason and Sola Atter
bury. Select readings on the the great
India famine were presented by Mr
Wharton, Mrs. Belle Howe and Mrs.
Slinnie Rand.
" The condition of starving India prtt
enta a situation hard to deal with.
Owing to lack of rain, vast portions o:
the country near Bombay and in the
interior will produce no crops for the
eJttsii months, and the natives, ac
customed to living from hand to mouth,
are left destitute and without iuuds.
The tuperstitious and fanatical religion
of the Hindoos prevents them from
making any effort to better their wretch
ed condition, ior, according to an ex
tract from the Missionary Herald, read
fcv Mrs. Howe, they wiuld deem such a
tfiirig impossible and wicked. An ar
ticle from the Independent, by Mrs.
Rand, touched the vital point of the
great o,ueJwi ivhen it told of the indus
trial schools which had been established
by the mirsionarie, where the hoys and
girls were trainod in the mechanical arts
and afterwards ecurl employment in
the cotton and carpet factories estab
lished in the country by Europeans.
With the system of slavery prevalent
before the " English government con
trolled afTairf , the natives were not com
pelled to look out for themselves, but
now, thrown upon their own resources,
they are not equal to meet the demands
of a new civilization. Much of the land
is still held by wealthy Hindoos as wild
hunting tracts, and not enough land is
cultivated to furnish sustenance for the
constant increase of population. If , the
government of India can construct irri
gation canals through the country and
secure a division of the immense planta
tions, and if the natives can be taught
to work for themselves and to prepare
for seasons of drouth, tue Cnrietian
world would not have tafore it such a
desolate picture as India presents today.
A Pythian Home.
The Senator for June contains the fol
lowing generous offer made by one of
our prominent citizens:
In a conversation with Bro. Ocorge T.
Prather of Hood River, recently, he in
formed the Senator that he would donate
two acres of land in a sightly location at
Hood River, the famous strawberry val
ley, for the erection of an indigent
Pythian and Widow's and Orphan's
home provided the grand and subordi
nate lodges would build and maintain
the rame. Here is an opportunity for
our loyal-hearted and chivalrous Knights
to do noble things, not dream them all
day long. Take this matter up.brothers,
and see what can be done. It is worth
your earnest consideration and encour-,
agement. The grand domain of Wash-'
ington has laid the foundation for such a
home, and why not Oregon?
Democratic Rally.
We the members of the Jeffersonian
Democratic club of The Dalles, do here
by extend a hearty invitation to all cit
izens who believe in the principles of a
true democracy to join with us in a rally
to bo held at the Baldwin opera houso
next Saturday evening, July It, 1900, at
:JU lor the purpose oi -ratifying th
nomination of W. J. Bryan and Adlai E
btevenson for president and vice preei
dent of the United States. There will
bo a report of the national convention by
delegate a. Is. Jieuuett, an address by
prominent sneaker from Portland, and
general good time. By order of the club
11AKK Y U. LIEBE, President.
Earl 8a.vdkrs, Secretary.
A Good Cough Medicine.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the nse of Cham
berlain'sCoughRemedy. If afflicted with
any throator lung trouble, give it a trial
for it is certain to nrovo benencial.Couphfi
that have resisted all other treatment for
ycars.have yielded to this remedy and
perfect health restored. Cases that seem
ed hopeless, that the climate of famous
health resorts failed to benefit, have bee
permanently cured by its use. Sold by
Williams isrosnia.
A post office has !ecn established at
Underwood, Wash,; Grace Dark, P. M
The beer made by August Buchler at
the Columbia brewery at The Dalles was
pronounced by the United States Health
Rejiort .Jum Wh n be pnva awl
recommended to be prescribed by phy
Acker s dyspepsia 1 ablets are sold on a
positive gnarnntee. Cure heartburn.dis-
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
nny form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief. 25c and 60c.
illiams Brosius.
The municipal authorities of Tho
Dalles have made application to the bob
tul authorities for a free delivery system
in that town. .Law requires the gross
receipts ol the olhee to be 110,000 a year
and The Dalles office exceeds that
amount for the fiscal year ending June
win in the sum ot f uu.bU.
To Cure a Cold in One Par.
All druKKlnU refund the money If It fulls to
cure. w . move ugnulure is ou each Oox
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 1873.
United Mlatoi Land Offlcn. The Dnllra.
Orenon, July 10, 1900. Notice Is hereby kIvcii
lluil In compliance with the provisions of tho
aot ofroiigruJi of Juoo 8. Ih.i. entitled "An
net for the nk- of tlmtter lumta In the mates of
Ciilirornln. Oregon, Xwvada aud Wtiitiliigto
Of Hood Ktvcr, cotintyof Wasco, stato of Ore
gon, Hits tins any tiled In this ottleo lui sworn
stutcment, No, IJi, for the purchase, of the
eust soutnensl seclluii 7, aud west y,
southwest y. of sectloti No. 8, In townnhlp
!Si. 1 north, range No. t i sst, Wllluni
cite Merldlun, and will oiler proof to
show thKt the Inml soiiKht la more vtilnnhle
for iu tliuhcr or stone tliuu foriucricultural
purixises, unil to tnuiollsli his claim to said
land before the Itcuister and lieceiver of this
oftloa at The I'kIIoh, Oretrou, ou Saturday, the
uuy til rn'iMeuioer, itw.
lie inline in wltne&ses: Lea Morse. Lev
Morse, l- innk H. Iiiiltou aud Will Knklu,)l
of Hood River. Oregon..
Any hiuI Hll piTKinis clnlming adversely the
nbovr-dencribed hinds Hro requested to file
Lneir ennuis in mis tiuit'e uu or ueiore saia
1CM ilu.v of Heptoniuer, l!KW.
JylH.l JAY I.VfAH, Register.
Stray Calf.
A stray steer calf, S or 4 days old; llnht red
and white; came to my place, owner oun
have the snme by pnylu cost of this ad and
torirouuieoi caring tor cair.
r many times the csiise of various
d seaws. Ninety per cent of tha
Amsrican people are add to b
troubled is lth livar ant stomach
. complaints sank as constipation,
atumiesa, ludisrostioa, biiiouaueas,
slufjisli livsr.elo.
No. 25
OTsrcoms and cur thew Ula.
Jhe ubleta act as a gentle laxa
tive. ' iey make th liver an 1
stomach dJ their dnty aa they
should. The most obstinate cases
m inwe int.e tahlets. Ttiey
II OueciK- aud tan be procured St
G. E. Kellogg, editor of the Republic
at Moro, underwent a successful opera
tion for appendicitis in Portland last
week. '
During the month of May an infant
child of oar neighbor was suffering from
cholera infantum. The doctors had" given
np all hopes of recovery. 1 took a bottle
of CiiarriU-riain't-Colie.Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the bonne, telling them
I felt sure it would dog'xl if ue-.l accord
ing to directions. Ia two davs' .time the
child had fully recovered. 'Ue child is
now vigorous and healthy. I have recom
mended this remedy frequently and have
never known it to fail.-Mrs.Curtis Baker,
Bookwater, Ohio. SjM by Williams &
Ordinance No. ?5.
An Ortlinancfl entltM: "An Ordinance U
amend .Six-t Ions 2. (, 5 and 6 "f ordinance
No. 21," 'j tUal tbcsaitl scctloDS shall reud
as fnllowi,:
H.".. 2 -That every person to whom a II -ens
shall be uranted an-'cr the provisions of this
ordinance shall pay Into l'ie city treasury, in
s lvanco, tha sum of .Six Hundred llliir
iSOUO) per annum for a license to sell spirituous,
malt or vmous ii'iuors within tue corporal
llmitsof the Uivra of flood River: provided,
that no license shall Usue for a leas period
than one year.
8oe. 4 That soy person wlshtntr to sell splr
itoous. malt or vioous ll'iuors, before obtain
Int: a license iu hereinaft'-r prodded, shall, at
his own trouble and expense, obtain tho sig
natures of twenty ii or more lesal voters In
said town of Hood Hivcr, to a petition to the
common council of said town, praying that
said license be grunted.
8ee,.4-Trmt when the said sietiatnres are
obui.'ncd be 'hall present tbc same to the com
mon council.
Hee. s-Ttmt before anv license shall irsne as
provided for In this ordinance, the applicant
shall llie with the recorder the receipt from
the city treasurer showing that such appli
cant bas paid luto tbs town treasury the re
quired amount for the kind of license desired
and the period to be covered by such license.
Kuch applicant shall at the mme lime file
with the recorder his bond to the town la the
sum of One Thousand Dollars (SI ,000). with
two or more sufficient sn ret lea to be approv
ed by the mayor, conditioned that the appli
cant will keep an orderly house and comply
witb all thnrvairementaof law and of the ord
inances of the town of Hood River that are
now In force or that may hereafter be paased,
and that he will not permit any unlawful
training or riotous conduct in or about his
house or place of busioewi, and that hew 111 not
open or permit lo be opened his place of ousl
D'jsa f r irafJIc on the first day of the week
commonly called Hundoy: that he will not
sell, give or supply spirituous, malt or vinous
liquors to minora or habllnal drunkards, nor
in any person at the time In a drunken or In
toxicated condition. Upon the fllimrofsuch
receipt and bond with the recorder as afore
said, the council shall take action thereon at
any rcmilur meeting thereafter, and If satlsiled
that the applicant Is a suitable person to re
receive a license and that a good and sufficient
bond has been Hied and by the mavor duly
approved, the council shall forthwith order
the recorder to Issue a license to such appli
cant as prayed for In his petition.
Passed second reading, June6, 11109. Report
ed to the council at regular meeting, Jane 17,
IWD, without the mayor's signature. Accord
ing to law, will be In full fori and effect after
publication In the Hood Klver Obicicr.
Recorder of Town of Hood Klver.
IJtnd Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 9,
lhOO. Notice ia hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bis In
tention lo make final proof In
support of his claim, and that snld proof wll
be mada before (icorxo T. Prattler, U. 8. Corn I
mlssloner. at. Hood River, Oregon, on Sat
urday, August 2o, 1900, vlx:
Of Hood River, Oregon, Hd. E. No. 5r, for the
N W y N W sec. 23, Tp. 2 N, It E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Frank Davenport, Chnrles Chandler. R. B
Llndwiy, Jack Levy, all of Hood Kiver, Or.
JI3ul7 JAY 1. LUCAS, Register.
(Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878.
United Htales Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon. June 29, MM). Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with tlie provisions of the
act of Congress nf June 8, W;8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the Slates
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory,"
Of Hood Klver, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, bits this clay tiled in this odice his sworn
statement. No. i'vj, for the pin chase of the
lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of section No. IK, In town
ship No. 1 north, ranee No. tf east. W. M.. and
will 'fH'cr proof lo slio tha t!w laud
Is m re valuable lor Its llnihcr or stone than
for agricultural purposes, und to establish his
claim to sulci land before the Register and
nuceivoroi una omcc at the 1 miles, Oregon,
on Saturday, tho if.'d day of (September. Usst,
He names as witnesses: J. Markley. ltay
Slnrkley, L. Nealey and JL Murkiey, all of
ttoou Kiver, orejon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
ineirciHiuis iu ui's on li e on or ueroie said
lt duy of Hepleuiber, I'JW.
JyljWJ JAV 1'. LUCA8, ReglKtor.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
lT. 8. Land Offlce. The Dalles, Oregon, July
9, liiOO. -Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance wun me provisions of the act of con
gress of June S, InTK, entitled "An act for the
suieor tininnr lands in the. States of California,
urcgon, Nevada and W ashlngton Territory,
rilCEllE MOltHlC,
Of nood Rl-er, county of Wasco, stuteof Ore
gon, nas mis any men in tmsomee heraworn
statement No. IS-, for the purehuso of the
northwest H aouthwent k, and southwest k
northwest of section No. 5 in township No.2
north, ranito No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer
prooi 10 snow inai me land sought Is more
vainauie tor us timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said laud before the Register and Receiver
hi una omce hi ine jiaiies, urcgon, on Fri
day, the iilat duy of September. liK.
Hho name aa witnesses: Bert McCrory
and James KKgert of Hood River, Oregon;
Kred hlinpson of Cascade Locks, Oregon;
William Baton, Hood Klver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in mis omeo on or before said
ilsl day of September, HiOO.
JyUtefs JAY 1'. LU
CAS, Register.
- (Timber Land, Act Juue 3, 18:8.
United States Land Office, Tho Dalles. Ore-
sis, amy v iiiw. notice is nereDy given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of ooniirass of June S. IS. 8. entitled " Amo.i
for the sale of timber hinds In the Ktmn r
i uuiornia.uregou, Nevada and Washiugton
01,'KT .MClUlOitl.
Of Hood River, connty of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, nas this day tiled In this ortlee his
sworn statement No. loO for the purchase
oi uie west yt soul neat and lots 7 and 12,
section 7, townsnip a north, rauge 9 east,
W. M., and will offer proof to show that
uie lanu sougnt is uioi-e valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for aerlciiltuml nnrivra.
and to establish his cUim in vuiii iu.i
before the Keirister and Ttccoimrof tni. nni,
at The Dalles. Oreiron, on Krlday, the 21st
uay oi oepiemoer, lyou.
He names aa witnesses: Perry McCrory and
O. B. Hartley of Hood Kiver, Oregon; Hub
bard Taylor of Wasco. Orwron: Vrd simiann
of Cnscades, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this offlce ou or before said
2lMt day of tk-plcm ber, limo.
JyKlsW JAY P. LUCAS, Realster.
Notics of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned,
guardlnnsof the estates of Eunice Lela O Dell,
and of William Paul Kemp and Iave Ka
worth Kemu. belna theri hi- n
order of the county court of the state of Ore
iron, for WaSCO COUnLV. Will Ufr.rtlin --hi, I. Ha.-
of Julv, llKXl, sell at 'the rvsldeuce of Alice
ivenip, noou mver, uregon, at private sale,
for the hlchc.n Drice nhtuini 1,1 PiUh lha
following described premises of the amid es
tates, situate in the eountv of Woacn stma t
Oregon, to-wlt: An undivided Interest 3-7 In-
icieai in anu 10 tueeiouinwest 1-4 of the north
west 1-4 of section 8j, township 2, north, rnuge
.w . ... . v, ,f uinuivus uieroi'sn. I'atea, Juoe
it. M A I .icv u- ru o
Guardian of the estate of Wliliain Paul Kemp
-" tmi'. uiiuors.
Uuardlan of the estate of Eunice Lela O' Pell, a
Land Offlce at The Itatla.
lW. Notii Is herebv slvan tht th r.iiim
Ing named settlor has tiled notice of bis lntn
tton to make llnal proof In support of his
' u i til a 1 ). .. d,,.4 . , . . .11 I ' . .
ory T. Trather. U. . Commissioner, at
lxd Kiver. Otwus. on Frlii. Amrnm
110, rl
fMt. Hood, Oregon. 1L E. No. 4-4, for the
S n. NE V. HIHl N i. X Wt av. 31. In 1 north
rne 10 east, V. XT.
tie names tne loilowinj witnesses to prove
Is imtlnitoui residence naon and eultlva.
tlon of said land, vii:
Anns a. lli!lluo, D. R. (VKper, Robert
Leasure, J. X. Cuooer. all of Mu Hond. Or.
lo the Clrcnlt C-Mirt for the Ftate of Oregon,
1.. .1.. ...,.,. ..t" 11 W-.
Ida U.,
1 Kult flr divorc.
'-kuijju.ons tot piibllca-
Frank Erosrn. defl. I Hon.
To Frank browu. the above-named defend
ant: In tne name of l:ie Stile Of Orexon, yoa
are hcrebv reqtired to appear and aiuwer the
compiain: Aied aeatnst you In tU Ot in the
above entitled totirt, on or before the 2stn
day nr July, A, l. l!0, that being the last dav
prescritjed lo the order for publication of said
summons, whe.eiD it was ordered that said
publication be made once a week for six con
secutive weeks and for seven consecutive In
sertions. In the Hood Kiver Olacler. a new,
paper of ccnerai circulation, published week
ly iu the tmrti-of iiood hlver. snld eounty
and state; and if you full tosppearat.d answer
said complaint, for want thereof toe plalntiD
will take Judgment aealnst you fr a decree
dissolving the bonds of inntrimony heretofore
and now existing between llie plaintiff and
defendant herein, and glvlug to plaintiff tbe
care, custody a id education of Henry, son oi
aid parties, ai d for veneral relief. The ser
vice of this summons is therefore made upon
yon l.y publiivl.on tliereof in the Hood River
Olaeier, a ncwf as;r of Reneral circaUtlon.
published weekly In said Wasco County,
MiHteof orcein, by order of snld foort at Its
r-gulnr May tr-r.u A. I). !X). thereof, lion.
W. I. Biadliw presiding, on the lith day of
June, A. It. 1:0, for six consecutive weeks
and for seen consecutive insprtlnns, the
dateor the first publication of which l tbe
15lh day of June 1WM.
Jel-(Jy27 Atty. for plaintiff.
Land Oillce at Vancouver. Wash., unci.
IMu. Not i Is hereby glveu that Jhe following-named
settler has Hied notice of his In
tention to niak fini proof In support of his
claim, and that mid proof will be made before
K. W. Kale, clei of llie Superior Court of
SHaninnia count v, Washlngum.ut MievenMin,
Washington, on f hursday, July il, ltja, viz:
nd No. loot?, for t, lots section I, township
(north range i esst, W. M.
He names ther ,'i'lowinr witne-es to r.iove
his continuous 4.,.ueuc uiou aud cultlva-
iionoi sani lumr.vix:
Thonias W. Lu-tt, Cborlcy Myera, John W.
Hill and George ,S . t islier, all ot Chenowetb,
M!l V. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. June 4.
WjU. Not Ice Is hereby a-lveu thnt the follow-
iiiK-nanieaseiuos naven leu notice or their In
tent ion u make final proof in support of their
clalms.and thats'iid proof, will be made before
w. n. rresoy, Linicu Slates uommissioner
fordistilct of Washington, at his office in
tjoldendale, Wa,-hlr,gtou, on Saturday, July
is, 1IKJ0, vk
Homestead Kniry No. itnisl, for tbe southeast
quarter of southeast quarter section 2.", north
half of northeast quarter and northeast quar
ter of northwest quarter of section 34, town
ships north of rjiige 12 east, Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
discontinuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land viz:
Tbeeda E.-Anoerson of Fulda P. O., Wah
Ington; Edson E. Wrigtnof ijoldcndale P. 0.,
Wahiniiton; chr.tian Hpanglor of Lyle P. 0.,
Washington: Cn-:ket Castle of Fulda P. 0.,
Washiugton. VI-:
Homestead Eut " No. ItHtl, for the north half
of southeast quarter and north half of soutli
west quarter sec 2. its, lowushlp 6 north f.f
range 12 east. Will. iler.
Hlie names thci blowing witnesses to prove
ber continuous '''-.idence upon and cultiva
tion of said jamb ;
Nelson Andcniuu of Fulda P. O., Waslilng
Um; Edson E. Wright of Ooldendalo P, 0..
Washington; Christian Bpuntlcr of Lyle P.O.,
Washington: Crockett Cosilc of Fulda P. 0.,
Jciyyla W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Iud, Act June 3, PfTS.1
United fttnte Land Office, The iMillcs, Ore
gon, May 11, l'.tti. Notice ia hereby iilven
tiiat In compliance with the provisions of
the act of congress of June 3, lo78, entitled
"An act for tho sale of timber lauds In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada aud
Washington Territory,"
GEOK-'jE A. I'll I km an.
Of The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn
statement No. 162, for the purchase of tbe
lots 11 and 12 and south half of southeast
quarter of section No. 1. In toweshlp No. 1
north, rungc No. 9 cast, W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the lund sought I more
vuluublc for Its timber or stone than tor ag
ricultural purp.'ses,and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this office at The Dalies, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 4th day of August, lHOO.
He names as ltnesses: William Rand.L.E.
Morse and C. 1 Morse, all of Hood River. Or
egon, aud J. 11. j lit ,can of The Dallos.Orcgou.
Any and all i-Tsnii, claiming adversely the
abiivo-dcscri!'ti,lft'1s ore revues' eft to tile
meir claims in tins office on or bulore said
4tn cay or August, mo.
Jelft.1 JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
United 8 tales Laud Offlce, The Dalles, Ore-
icon, j uue et 11.-W. a 5u:Ticieii contest a.H
davit having lieen riled In this office by
John HciB. contestant, ORBlnsl Homestead
Entry No. 4Jl'5, mode August 21, lsW. for south
?v n ;j oi sec. , i p. i soutn, range iu east,
by Andrew Johnson Aoxerot, contestee. In
which it Is aliccfd tiiat said Andrew Johnson
Aoserot has -wholly abandoned said tract.and
changed blsresidencctherefrom for more than
six months, last past, and that his absence
irom saiu tract is not one to tils employment
In tbc military or naval service of the United
States in time of war, said parties are hereby
notified to appear, respond and ofler
evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. m. on August 15, WOO,
before Geo. T. Pralher, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at his office at Hood River, Oregon
(und that flnnl hearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. ni. on August 30, 1900 before the
Register and Receiver at the Uuitcd States
Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper af
fidavit, filed June 28, ItKM, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence, personal
service of this notice can not be made. It is
hereby ordered aud directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
J AX r. LUCAS, Register.
Foreclosure Sale.
Notice Is heiehy given that by virtue of an
execution Issued out ot llie circuit curt of
the state oft iregon for Wasco county, ou the
vi .um-,111,1, uoou n juug.iient ana
decree In favor of Robt. Mayes and L. K
Crowe, partners dolii business under the
name of Mays 4 Crowe, plaintiffs, and against
Wilson R, W loans, Mary Winans et al, de
fendants, and to me directed and command
ing mo to sell the HW H SE y, NE H and tbe
NW SE NE section 1, township 1
uv.,.u, muKuf in m usco conniv. i ire
gon, to satisfy a Judgment for pm.W aod 3SO.00
aituiiiey s ices, anu sia.wj costs, t win, on
Saturday, the 21st day of July, 1900.
At the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the court
house door In Dalles City, Wasco county. Ore
gon, sell to tho highest bidder, for cash, the
above-named and described real estate, to
Dalles City. Oreeon. June IS. lfinn
emeriti of wasco county. O.ffton.
I .and Offlce nt Vanreinvor Vh Tim. m
1900. Notice is herobv eiven that ii' f.ii!..'
Ing-nnmcd settler hiis tiled notice of his In.
tendon to uutke linl proof in support of
. . . o . nvj timv shiu proti wjm oe niftue
uur uie neirisier ana kpwivpf ri h nA
us i i soTOUver. bsd on Kririav
AugiBtS, 1000, vlf "
of Whlto Salmon. P. O., Wash., who made H
K. No. S5T9, for the south half of 8 W quarter
sec. ai, nd cas ; half of N W qimrter of sec. a
all Iu Tp. 8 north. ran?e 11 east, Wll. Mer. .
nffun nian unowinir ahum tn wi.
his continuous residence upon and culilva-
liuit oi biiiu ian(i, vie:
Lee JoshiiA. Tlmnttiv fi.w.nro T.v, ...
'nl A. 11. Jewelt of Wnlte Sttlmou. P. O..
U '
W. R. DUSBAB. Register.
Land Offlce nt The Halle
Ks, Notiv Is hereby given that the follow-
inir-naniea seiner nas ni,-t rw-i. hi.
Intention to make rinal nmtf in cunn..
of his claim, and that said proof wAr l
made before Ocorge T. Prattler, U. 8. Commis
sioner, si nooa iii
Siver, Oregon, 'on Friday,
August S, 1900, vii:
Of Ml, Hood Oregon. II. E. No. 4973, for the
NEV N Ki, aeo. 19, Tp. l V. range 10 E. M.
Ue naraea the following witnessea to prove
his continuous residenoe npon audcultlva
Uou of, aald land, vis:
..r' oTV?poP?r' a K- '-"oow, Warren Cooper,
W. 8. Orlbbla, all of M L Hood, Oregon.
JP'-m JAY P. I.ViCAH.TteglsteT.
Thj public ta hereby warned against the
purchase of any of the following St-nool war
rants aralint school district No. S: One fnrfrfl
dated. Keb. S, lnM, in favor of Minnie Elton,
endorsed blank; one, same amount and date,
favor of H. L. Howe, endorsed blank: Oue,
payable to my order, not endopwd bv me. '
' C. D. TUoXtPiSuN.
5 to 60 Acres.
I win sell any part of rcy land, frnra 4 to a
acre. Two ratios iroa town. TDlrr aeim
ta orotaj-d. W. J. BAKE&,
A. S. Blowers & Son
Are still iu ihe procession and prepared lo supply jour wacU
in Dry Good, Groceries, Boot and Shoes, Flour, Feed, etc.
Just arrived, a carload of Walla Walla Floor bought before
the advance in prices. Will meet all competition.
In Shoes we have a great deal of competition in pricm but
none in qdlitt. The Miller Shoe is the best wearer on earth.
I would rather sell 20 Sacks of J) ran at a small margin than
one at a large profit.
We buy close for cash and sell close for cash.
BRAN for the cow, - - -SHORTS
for the hog, - -
BARLEY for the horse,
WHEAT for the chickens,
and all GOOD
for MAN,
We want your Trade, guarantee our Goods and deliver promptly
and free of charge.
Phone 2i. CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor,
We take pleasure in inviting everybody to come to our store
Men's and Boys' Shoes, Youth's Shoes, Ladies' and Misses'
Shoes, Children's Shoes.
Men's, Boys and Children's
And Gents' Furnishing Goods,
the sign
The Proof
I B - JL E m J
Of good Cofiee is in the drinking thereof. The lovers of good Coffee
do not expect to find quality in a low grade package goods.
Jas. Heekin & Co.'b Best Mocha and Java.
Old Government Blend Mocha and Java.
Daisy Blend (Costa Eica and Guatemala Blend), are each guaran
teed to give satisfaction in the cup. We have in stock a complete lino
of Coffees and Teas, in bulk or packages. QUALITY AND PRICE
to suit every one. Your patronage solicited in thesa linos.
Bone Bros.,
Will sell yon at wholesale prices, flonr, wheat,
bran, shorta, rolled wheat, and rolled barlev.
Ihey will ship on commission or buy yotir
fruits of all kinds. Remember that they are
agents for the Kennedy cannery, and want
fruit and vegetables to can. Also agents for
the Bain wugon. Acme mowers and rakes,
the Racine buggies and Hacks. Thev bny
almost ail goods they have for sale bv the car-
l?n(1kdiscou?tKal! b1"8 and wi trade with
jou on a cash basis only.
Hay Press.
hav in Hood Rirnrv.n... ,t, ?
out the season. Yours for bus! neas.'
Water Notice.
before umng any water, make application to
tTcrei?ry Jn writinK. 'at:ng the number
of lots and a description oi same. Also uTak
payment of 75c per V, or fcon o? a 1m
perm.nth In advance. Application wUl be
tiled and no trrieatintr win ' ...r'J'"e
eept on lota so designated. All Irrleatimr
sbf.lrtthr,U11 jWtlon noi?le or
uate ot"ll will
- lh0 of satdsWsame
w'" furnished nny one toiling
to cajnpi.v wtth aiiove rules. . utnC
txxjn ttiVatj fePKIKQ W4TER fJO.
Bees For Sale.
Italian Bees fhr sale by PFtptt MOHB.
9n .!7??l 7lc1 h,a-T, nresg wltn capacity of
tons per day, Is iu fine repair and readv for
business. I wish to let the nnhnn 1
1 will bale
Choice Confections
Lamps and
-Branch Offlce for Union Laundry -t
35 cents per sack.
60 cents per sacK.
75 cents per sack.
- -
- cents per pound.
Jioldd dominion
over tbe rest.
A fino line of Tants.
Look for
. ; Summons.
In the Circnit Conrt for the State of Oregon
T.C Brosius, Plff, j Suit to Foreclose
Q. L. Sin, ?.. Deft. tlgttSjf"1
ntT i; n S iSf Ye n?W'l defend-
herebv iZJion
complaint filed afiirtyKTi-tSff,; 5f
of Oregon; and If vou fill L na stal
answe?sid " m Lfnu t Jl," ,a,1(1
promissory notes sSl h.
tain real ritate ta ,''rSSW
nntoc . , i
therein d.rihS." I T. J,1 ? Wasca, as
tner aura of Two Ai - !L
delinouenl .J ni dollars
intend. ,T,rri.V.,"nf ana mteresL nrt
vv HI. Lltrt MtAnf .-. . '
er with the fnrfhK.."! 'i)0. toeeth-
o T.." . - l-v MCI
attorney s fees, anj T he Xos,5o,-ivc JoDar
for the foreclosure VSSJA'h nd
premises. Tue serv i TA? . .,.a .ortagef
nade nnon L" """"'pons
thmnri. Vu--" you
" sua Itood
j piipucation
newspaner of wneral eSin er '"' ier, a
in saida,leCiuT,,'l JKWtehW
toy order of said conri t "ron,
rm.lSw.tberf.H. Fjg??1? W
siUiog, on tue lSth day it :', Pr
week for six consveVeJi000
oonsaemtive tessrSoaa kT ad.:r seven
?oas lelax d Hyf son" d'
For Sale
JUNE 13, 1900.
1. Four acres at Fraukton, improved
good spring-; only f550. '
2. Lot 100x130 fcet, on VVaucom
avenue, north of Dr. Shaw's former res,
idence. i'rice, $i00.
3. John Sipma farm, in lots from 5 to
20 acres; $50 to 100 per acre; terms easy,
4. Lot opposite schoolhouse ; 75 ftg(
square. Price, f 175. ,
6. The Atkinson property, cor. First
and Ouk streets;
argain m town
0. N. N. W. X, 8. W. H- X. W. U
and N. W. i S. W. M sec. 8, T. 2 N ft
10 E., 100 acres. $t!00. '
7. Barrett-Sipnia addition ; ff0 per lot:
$10 down and (5 per month ; no itiWrc:;!,
8. Four lota on. Sherman ave., scnth
of Front St., f400 cush. Musi L sold iu
30 days. . .
&. The J. II. Frary plaice, EasfPide,
near Tucker's mill ; 200 acres, nearly all
lewl ; part well improved ; price fl2 an.
acre; will be hl in forty-acre tracts at
rtiiall sdvance. Terni, ' three-quarteri
or more cunh. A great bargain.
10. T. R. Coon's 80 acres in Pole Flat
7 milt'" south west of town; 4 ncreselear'
ed ; f 10 an acre.
11. Chaa. W. Gilmer homestead, at
(iilnier, Wash.,. 160 acres; line eaw tim.
ber ; good soil ; Hell watered ; only (5tX).
A rare bargain. '
12. 100 acres on Hood river, 3 milei
above Tucker's mill; 8 acres cleared
Price $1,850.
13. The W. II. Bishop home in Hood
River, lot 6 and part of lot 7, block 1,
Wauwmia addition to Hood River; a
pretty home. Only fl,100,
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 100 trret,
5 miles cast of town ; price f 1,000; termj
15. Tha.Trana lot, on Oak street
Trice $050. be&t bargain in town.
10. John Sipma farm, 100 itrrvs, fS.OOk
$1,000 ur ijmre cash and balnnee at 8 per
(H)nt, or the east 40 acres, cleared, lor
?2,l(i0. fjOOor more caxh, balance at i
rwr ivnt. Vt'i ffirm in tho v-rdinu
17. 2500 acres deeded land, well ws.
tered ; fine range for stock ; f 1.50 an acre.
18. The Barrett farm, best in Hod
River valley; 140 acres, 70 acres in eu.
tivatioii; 4,000 fruit trees; 50 inches free
water; 5 mils from Hood liiver. $5,500;
f 1,500 caii, balance in 5 vears, intercut
at 0 percent. For saloatthe Emporium,
19. The Sun lot and building ; $700.
20. T. A. Trana place, White Salmon,
in sight of "lood River; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 17,000 straw,
berry plants" arid 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigation required. Price $700.
21. S. E. li, R. Vt N. E. V. sf-c.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; line
timber land; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson hemcstead, onlyono
niile ea?t of (own; fine range; $1,506, ..
23. Lots 5 ar.d 0, block 7, Winans ad.
ditiou ; $50 a lot, or $S5 for the two.
24. Bernard Warren's Iruit htrrn at
Fraukton, plenty of water,.good build,
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price $3,500.
25. Wilkcns' fine farm at White Sat,
mon falls, 240 acres; 25 chared aud in
ctriliiK' oirwl'cinnr.lL!. A.ia ...t..
power; price $3,!)00 stocked, or 2,70 for
land. .
26. S. If. Cox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 1K0; price $1,200.
27. J. R. Nickelren's place at Bel
mont ; 35 acres ; $2,100. Terms easv.
28. A strip of land 30 feet wide bv M
mile long, with the creek, lying betweeil
the west side of Blower's addition anJ
the county road at Paradise farm. Price
20. Twenty acres lving north of Peter
T." l.l . r...A i.r " , , ,
vuoki: r, jchsi eiue ; goctt ntna ; unirn.
proved. Price $500 ; terms easy. !
SI. Emma G. Robinson's 40 acres.
East Side, adjoining A. I. Mason's fruit
ranch ; unimproved ; fs50. -
32. Emma 0. Robinson's lfiO acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber: unim
proved ; $375. '
For rent Mrs. Ilarwood'a nlace. eat-t
side ; house, barn and good orchard, and
plenty of good water. Cash rent, $40 a
To Loan $S00, in sums to suit.
At the Emporium is kept a first-clans
irveyor's transit, and the nroDrietor
beina a practical surveyor, is well nre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
X. B. Terms are easv on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per.
sons desiring locations on homestead)!
and timber claims should anolv at the
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of " '
Hood River's Famous
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
M A nn fa n t n rora nf
Boxes and Fiut Pack-,
Deaiers lu
Fertilizers anrJAgricul-.
tural Implements.
, Lad Offlr at Vancouver, Wash.. June !,
W00.-iotiee Is heiebveiveu that the follow
lng-natned seltlers have tiled notite of their in
tcu tlon to make tlnal proof in support of their
claim, and that said proofs will M made b;
for the Register and Receiver V. 8. lJnd Of
Ue at Vancouver, Wash- on Wednesday,
August t, 1300, vlx:
PfCfcenowotb. P.O.. Wash., who madell.E.
'Vn. 911"? for the 8 W qtutrter" of N E qnartor.
and N V quarter of K qoarter oi section M.
Tn S , range 9 eai Wll. Mer.
He names toe folio wing witness to
nis conUnuoos residence cdoo acd curB
Won of aaid UaoVrliT -
Jpho M. Oonltar. Qats Pearson, George T
relUeaohofChenoweti, P. a. Wash., uti .
P. Giliette of etevtneno, P. O., Wash.