The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 29, 1900, Image 4

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Many of the Properties Around Libby
Are Being Worked Into
Spokane, June 25. Operations in
the gold belt loath of Libby, Montana,
continue to absorb attention. The
district is an old one, comparatively,
yet until last fall no effort bad been
made to get a mill on any of the prop
erties. Last year the West Fisher
Mining Company was organized with
Iowa capital. A saw mill and stamp
mill were constructed last year and
several short trial runs in the stamp
mill were made to test the milling pos
Simmies 01 the ore. These runs were
entirely satisfactory. This spring op
erations were resumed in the mill and
the development of the mine likewise
continned. The mill is now running
24 hours a day, using about 80 tons of
crude ore. It is a 10-stamp mill.
Not far from the West Fisher Min
ing Company's property is a group of
claims which have been stocked for
$3,000,000. It is known as the Amer
ican Kootenai Mining Company, and
is owned largoly by parties in Cincin
nati and Libby.
The Faith, Hope and Charity Corn
pay has been incorporated and stocked
at a million shares of $1 each. The
property is located on Dear creek, be
tween the Snowshoe and Silver Cable
mines. The values are silver and lead
with some gold.
Mr. Peterson, of Spokane, has taken
a contract to run 100 feet on the De
fender claim, situated in Snowshoe
gulch, and work is now going on in
that property. This property has been
developed by about 700 feet of tunnel
work and the showing in the long tun
nel is considered to be an exceptionally
good one.
Work is being carried on in all of
the placer claims around Libbv. and
the feeling among the miners is that
the present year will be one of the best
In the history of the creek.
Rich Gold Ledge in the Saddle
Mountain District Near
Mount Hood.
Oregon City, Or., June 25. George
htrong, John Kvans and Gerhard Berg
man have returned after three weeks
prospecting on the Upper North Fork
of the Clackamas river, having discov
ered a promising gold-producing quartz
ledge. Samples of the ore were sent
to Portland to be assayed. The ledge
on which these parties located claims
is situated in the Saddle Mountain riis
trict, which has been prospected, more
or less, for the past 25 years. A ledge
In the immediate vicinity of this dis
covery assays f 15 per ton, and the con
ditions are not so favorable as in the
latter lode. This district is only about
nine miles distant from Mount Hood
and the snow in places is six to eight
inches deep. As soon as returns are
received from the ansity office, these
men will return to their new locations
and run a tunnel or sink a shaft.
at the
Twenty Tons Will Be Tested
Smelter In Trail,
Grand Forks, B. C, June 25. The
main shaft on the Golden Eagle is now
down about 140 feet, all in ore, and
22 tons of the high-grade ores have
been sacked and will be shipped to the
smelter at Trail as soon ai wagons can
be provided. This will be a trial Bhip
ment to test the smelting capacity of
the ore. When the Granby smelter is
blown in, the Golden Eagle ore will be
smelted In this city.
Kloh Strike at Indei.
Index, Wash., June 25. A verv
rich strike is reported from the old
Mountain Mining Company's claim,
the Grand Central. A vein 47 inohee
wide, carrying $320 in gold, has been
cut. This is one of the richest strikes
in the district, and is a very large vein
for so high-grade ore.
Russian Syndicate Start! from San Fran
clsao for Six Month! Tour.
San Francisco, June 25. The Rus
sian syndicate, which is to prospect
the Siberian coast for gold, sailed for
the frozen north on the chartered
steamei Samoa last week. There are
about 40 in the party all told, among
they being 27 miners, headed by II.
Koberts, of Comstock fame. The ves
sel cleared for Alexander bay and will
be gone about six months.
Eighty-five Passengers Bring Out About
.100,000 In I)u!t.
I he steamer JJirigo has arrived at
Seattle from Lynn Canal, having on
board 85 passengers, who brought about
$300,000 in gold dust. The steamer's
ofliceis report 160 passengers at Benuet
who were unable to reach Skagway in
time to catch the Dirigo. These, it is
reported at the Skagway offices of the
steamship company, are bringing out a
very large amount of gold, greater, it
is said, than any party of similar size
that has yet arrived.
mi 1 i m .
ine largest owners oi gold dust on
board the Dirigo were the McDonald
brothers, of Seattle, Roily and Donald
,ine lormer has L'au pounds, valued at
$50,000, and the latter 140 iiounds,
valued at JfUU.OUO. Charles Ilutchin
son Drongnt out pounds, valued at
$42,000. The remainder of the ship
ment is owned by the remaining pas
sengers in sums ranging from $5,000
The passengers all declare that this
summer's output from the Klondike
will be much larger than last, and esti
mates are made all the way from $25,
000,000 to $40,000,000. As yet they
say the clean-up has not started thii
way, and probably will not until after
July 15.
The latest advices from the gold bear
ing districts remote from Dawson, it is
said, show that the clean-up is almost
double the amount first reported. Bo
nanza creek alone, it is stated, will
send out $8,000,000 to 10.000.non.
which will be the largest amount com-
ing from any of the creeks.
The Dawson banks, it is said, have
taken op about 82.000.000 already
and when the Dirigo's passenger left,
were buying very heavily every das
lu cnjr oi uawson Dusiness was
very lively. There was no scarcity ol
labor to speak of, although every man
who wanted work was working at good
wages. Food prices were beginning
to drop, and the general belief was that
before another mouth Seattle nricos foi
ordinary commodities would prevail
Distributee Trade 4s on a Restricted
Braditreet's sys: Midsummer dull
ness in distributive trade and indus
try, and further reduction of prices in
manufactured goods, particularly iron
and steel and raw textiles, but a
marked movement in nearly all agri
cultural products, ate the leading fea
tures of the business situation this
Crop damage has been moving
cause for the adavnee in the price of
cotton. Some weakness has been noted
In cotton goods, without, however,
favorably affecting distribution. Trade
in dry goods has been helped by warmer
Wool is lower, and the woolen-goods
market is rather quiet, awaiting the
next London wool sale and the opening
of the spring-weight season.
A heavy business is doing in refined
sugar, and the manufacturers are over
sold. A good margin of profit exists
in this trade.
Reports from the boot and shoe in
dustry are of rather unsatisfactory
trade prospects, and leather and hides
we rather weak at the East, but stron,
t Chicago, where heavy purchases foi
Philippine army purposes have strength
ened the situation.
Anthracite coal is in seasonable dis
tribution, while the deamnd for bi
tuminous oontinnes active.
Wheat (including flour) shipments
for the week aggregate 4,645.180 bush
els, against 4,678,029 bushels last
Failures in the United States for the
week number 167, compared with 180
last week.
Failures in the Dominion of Canada
for the week number 28, against 23
last week.
Prac'ixea Indulged In by the Young
People in Pennsylvania.
At Shamokin, Pa., some queer cus
toms have survived the march of pro
gress among the Poles and Russians,
One of these observances is "switching
day." It is a favorite day for bashful
lovers, for swiftness of limb, rather
than eloquence of tongue, captures the
belles of the community.
For days the man has been In train
ing for the run of his lift, while the
maids adjure corsets and rub Unament
on their kneecaps every night ere woo
ing slumber. Finally the morning of
"switching day" arrives. The man
sees before him all the maidens of his
village. He may take his pick. All be
must do is to catch and switch and
duck with water the one of bis choice
the maid whom be would have for
bis wife. If she is fleeter of foot than
be and escapes she is free. If the man
is beloved of bis quarry she seldom
gets away, though bis feet are clad in
leaden shoes. .
"Switching day" at Shamokin is
Easter Sunday, when all the lads and
Lust Month 75,000 Tom of Ore Were
Leadville, Colo., June 25. From
one end of Leadville to the other min
ing aotivity is on the inrease, and , the
outlook for the future was never so
bright. The camp last month produced
over 75,000 tons of ore from its mines
already opened np, which had a valua
tion of considerably over $1,000,000.
In addition to these producing mines a
dozen new enterprises were inaugurated
that when they open up new ore bodies
will subsequently be as great as any of
the propositions already producing.
Oregon Mining Note!.
Ihe Bohemia and Blue River dis
t-t I T
n ii-ia, m uaue county, are overrun
with prospectors.
ine sum of $419.93 was the result
oi ine latest crushing of 12J6 tons of
ore from Winningham & Pene's quartz
mine, on Applegate creek, in Jackson
oounty, as sold at the mint. The free
gold went $33.59 per ton.
A rich pooket has been discovered
on Sucker creek, in Jospehine county,
i j, . . -
nuuuieu aoiiars in dust was
taken out in a few hours. The vein
runs from two inches to a foot in width
and will be fully prospected.
Northwest Notes.
The new commercial club buildino
at La Grande will soon be ready for
.. ine canned salmon product of the
Siuslaw river is being transferred to
Coos bay by the tug Koberts, for ship,
nient to San Francisco.
Ihe recent rains will necessitate
spraying in the hop yards as soon as
the weather settles. Hop lice have
made their appearance in large nuin
bers. :'
Beittlt of the Waldo Mine Clean-Up lu
Bouthern Oregon. '
Grant's Tass, Or., June 25. While
the figures aie not made public, the
. .... W 1 I 1V1 I m
imu-p ui mid ti;oi mine ui v uner ine Indians on the Umatilla county
Bros. & Company, at Waldo, is bo- reservation have demanded tint rishiiitr
iievDu w u fiu.uuu, i no run was , on tne reserve on Sunda v be prohibited.
mini uvomuwr i w juue i, during as some of the whites have been dyua
wiucn wum vureu acres oi nirt were nntlng rish. The agent will comply
uiuvuu. mi oiuuuuua iiuue, m ine i wnn ineir renuHMt
same locality is still running, and will
make a tine showing.
Old Prussian Opens I'p Agala.
Gold Hill, Colo., June 25. It is re
ported that rich ore has again been
struck in the Old Prussian mine, near
this place. The vein is said to be
three feet wide and to carry from 10 to
20 ounces in gold.
A rich body of ore has been struck
on the Pike's Peak claim of the Kubli
mine, on Galls creek, in Jackson coun
ty, carrying, according to careful eBti
mates, about f 3C0 to the ton.
Great Oolil Producer.
The famous Congress mine of Arizona
that has produced dozens of fabulous
fortunes is still one of the greatest gold
producers in Arizona. The shafts have
readied a depth of 2,535 feet. Forty
stamps are kept busy on the ore pro
duct. It is reported that the dredger on
Rogue river, near Tolo, which has not
been workiug for some time, will re
sume operations in the near future.
Some Very Kleh. neposlts Pound Near
Tie 8ldlng.
Denver, Juue 25. The Republican
states upon the authority of Thomas
O'Neill, who is operating the new cop
per camp near Tie Siding, Wyo., that
the deposit is of extraordinary richness
and appears to be of great extent, al
though how great is as yet unknown.
Some of the ore is said to be almost
pure native copper. Large bodies, it
is claimed, will tun from 30 to 40 per
cent, with immense quantities showing
from 4 to 10 per cent.
Artesian wells promise to become
general in Lake county. The move
ment has been agitated for several
years, and now that a farmer found a
good flow of water at a depth of 60
feet, boring will commence in almost
every section of the county.
Much hay is being shipped from Ta
louse, the price being $12 per ton.
Medical lake, Wash., is sowly but
surely rising. The lake has no visible
outlet or inlet, and it is supposed that
the water is supplied through subter
ranean passages.
R. B. Blake, ex-superior judge at
Spokane, died iu Chicago, aged 50
years. In 1888 he moved with his
family to Spokane and became a lead
ing member of the bar. He went to
Chicago for medical treatment for tu
berculosis or cancer.
Within 10 days over 120.000 bushels
of wheat have been sold by" farmers
near Waitsburg, AVash. The Brice
ranged from 43 to 44 cents, according
to grade. The railroads are hustlinn
for empty cars to move the grain as it
is wanted for export.
Davenport, Wash., business men
will build a railroad from that city to
the Cedar Canyon section,, to serve a
portion of the mining trade. Two
hundred men are at present employed
in the mines and the development of
the country is iu its infancy.
The green aphis has made its ap
pearance in I'alouse wheat fields, and
is doing considerable damage.
Walla Walla has Granted a fran.
chise to an Eastern company for the
erection of a gas and electric liuht
plant. Construction work will oow
uieuce immediate.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, ljo.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, $15316; $16.
Beets, per sack, 90c$l.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.
Parsnips, per sack, 5075c.
Cauliflower, California 90c$l.
Strawberries $1.25 per case.
Celery 40 60o per doz.
Cabbage, native and California.
$1.001.25 per 100 pounds.
Tomatoes $2.50 per case.
Butter Creamery, 22o; Eastern 22c:
dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 1617o pound.
Eggs 19o.
Cheese 1416o.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c:
spring, $3.60.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $18.00.
Corn Whole, $28.00; craoked. $23:
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
Flour Patent, per barrel. $3.25:
blended straights, $3.00r California.
$3.25; buokwheat flour, $8.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour,. $3. 00; rye flour, $3. 804. 00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beei
steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8K
Hams Large, 13c; small, lS;
breakfast bacon, 12 Mc; dry salt sides,
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6758c;
Valley, 68c; Bluestem, 680 per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.06: sraham.
$2.55; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85c; choice
gray, 83o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00:
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, ton: mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,$7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton.
Butter rancy creamery, 85 40c;
seconds, 45o; ' dairy, 2580o;
tore, 25o.
Eggs 160 per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream. 18c:
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens. $5.00: sonnes.
$1.253.50; geese, $4.005.00 forold;
4.6U6.50; ducks, $3.004.00 uer
dozen; turkeys, live, 1415o per
Potatoes 4050oper saok: sweets.
32io per pouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, l)tfo per pound; parsnips, ftl:
onions, life per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops a 00 per pound.
Wool Valley, 1516o per pound:
Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; mohair. 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8K0; dressed mutton. 7a
o per pound; lambs, 5c.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. 5.00:
light and feeders, $4.60: dressed.
$5.00 6.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Groes, top steers. $4.004.50:
cows, $3.50 4.00; dressed beef, 6
lasses of the country round about gath
er at the town for the annual meeting.
A girl's starting to run Is accepted as a
token that she Is not averse to her pur
suer. The youth's start is accepted as
a proposal, and no matter what mis
fortune may befall his quarry he must
provide for her all the .days of his
future life.
Pathetic indeed was the illustration
of this fact in the case of Susan Man
bok, who was by all odds the handsom
est girl in the Russian colonies for
many miles about. She was tall and
slender and her eyes were azure blue.
She was crowned with golden hair,
which grew in dainty ringlets close
upon her head. Miss Manbok had
more suitors than she could accept,
and she was very coy. Fleet of foot,
the maid had, since arriving at a mar
riageable age, passed one "switching
aay- in safety without the giving of
ner promise.
Miss Manbok until noon on the lat
est festival occasion had succeeded in
outdistancing all her pursuers. Many
were the races she had run," but never
nad a switch or a pall of water come
within reaching distance of her petite
rorni. it was then that Andrew Ko
blnsky, a shrewd young man, who had
purposely waited until Miss Manbok
naii uecome rangued, gave chase. Off
darted the maid, and after her sped the
Down the railroad track they rushed,
an unheeding. So excited wem wv.
contestants the man running for
wile, the girl for liberty that the ap-
proaeu or a tram was unnoticed. The
engine tooted shrilly and at its blast
miss Manbok, affrighted, stumbled and
fell upon the rail. Both of her legs
were cut on Deiow the knees. And
Koblnsky, regardless of her being a
cnppie, aeciares that be will wed her.
Ihe Oldest Postal System.
We find the first recorded postal sys-
tern In the Persian Empire, under Cyrus
the elder; but it Is clear that Rome of
all the ancient states possessed the best
organized system of transmitting let
ters through its numerous provinces,
au aiong tne great Roman roads
nouses were erected at a distance of
five or six miles from each other. At
each of these stations forty horses were
constantly kept, and, by the help of re
lays, it was easy to travel 100 miles a
day. These services were Intended for
the state only, it belDg imperative to
secure the rapid Interchange of official
In the time of Julius Caesar the sys
tem was so well organized that of two,
letters the great soldier wrote from
Britain to Cicero at Rome the one
reached its destination in twenty-six
and the other in twenty-eight days.
Private citizens had to trust to the ser
vices of slaves, and it is not till the end
of the third century that we hear of the
establishment of a postal system for
private persons by the Emperor Dio
cletian, but how long this system re
mained history does not say. New
York Evening World.
Historical Events of National Import
Secalled by the Celebration of July
Fourth -Great Strides Which Our
Country Has Taken.
o per pound.
Veal Large, 67Kc; email. 8
ho per pound.
Tallow 5 5sc: No. 2 and irrease.
J4c per pound.
San rranoiseo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada. 1315o net
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; Val
ley, 1820o; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1899 crop, ll18o ner
Butter Fancy creamery 19a2dn:
do seconds. 1818Wc: fancv Hairr
I8c; doseconds, 15 16s0 per pound.
Eggs Store, I6og'; fancy ranch.
18 Kc.
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00
20.00; bran, $12.50 13.60.
Hay Wheat $6.50 10; wheat and
oat $0.00 9.50; beet barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.00 per ton;
straw, 2540o per bale.
PoUtoes Early Rose, 6065c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 80c 90; river Bur
banks, 8565o; new, 70c$1.25.
Citrus Fruit Oranws. Valencia.
fe-.iogs.Ka; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60;
do choice $1.75 3.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60
x.ou per bunch; pineapples, nom
jinal; Persian dates, 606)t'o per
Accommodating Diseases.
Perhaps the record for school attend
ance belongs to a Walworth lad named
Thomas Ward, who was never absent
or late during his eleven years nf
school life, beginning with his fourth.
The local member of the school board
for London tells ihe story that when
the proud boy received the attendance
medal for the eleventh year which
had to be specially struck to meet his
case the mother was questioned as to
how her boy had been able to make so
remarkable a record. "Had he the us
ual children's complaints?" she was
asked, "les, sir." "The measles?"
"Yes, sir." "Whooping cough r "Yes,
sir." "How is it, then, that he has
never been away from school?" "Well
sir, he had tbem in his holidays," was
the Interesting reply. Loudon West
minster Gazette.
NB of the wise'
men who signed the
declaration of inde
pendence is said to
have expressed the
wish that be might
arise from his
grave a hundred
years later In order
that he might wit
ness the manner in
which posterity ob
served the Fourth
of July. If this wish had been granted,
It is safe to say that the worthy gentle
man who expressed It would have been
exceedingly surprised. During the cen
tury's sleep, says the St. Louis Hepub
lie. America had advanced from a state
of tutelage Into a vigorous state of inde
pendence, nnd the Joy of her people at
Snding their forefathers' dream of liberty
fully realized was never more character
istlcally shown than on the day that
marked the centennial celebration of the
country's greatest holiday. Verily, the
visitor from the land of shades would
have been amazed at the sights and
lounds of that splendid anniversary. In
word, he would have found himself in
in entirely new world.
How amazed this worthy eighteenth
century patriot would be If he could only
shake off his shroud and take a look at
his Fatherland during the Fourth of
July. He would then see how great are
the strides which the country has taken
since that ever-memorable day, when he
bravely signed his name to the most Im
portant document that was ever formu
lated in America, and it would not take
him long to realize the fact that the Unit
ed States hove grown greatly in many
directions since their people celebrated
the centennial anniversary of the Fourth
of July. Indeed, there are many thou
sands of Americans who would tell him
that the country has cause to rejoice on
cms rourtb of July.
Great Achievements.
Is It necessary to enumerate the many
reasons for national rejoicings? Do we
not all remember how American seamen
gave the death blow to Spain's colonial
power on that memorable day before the
Fourth of July, 1808 on the day when
the gallant but luckless Admiral Cervera
steamed out of Santiago Bay right Into
the arms of a vigilant foe, with the result
that he was captured and his entire
squadron was practically annihilated?
Can we forget the story of El Caney, the
charge of the Rough Riders up Ssn Juan
Hill, on the memorable days of July 1
and 2, and the many other stirring inci
dents of the Cuban campaign, or is there
a true American living whose pulse does
not beat faster at the memory of the
at a state of civilization which will ren
der It safe for the nations to turn their
swords Into plowshares. And, after all,
thing may be' barbaric and yet quite
useful. Sickly things, whether nations or
children, seldom make much noise, and
whatever noise they do make is generally
of the whining order. It Is the healthy
children and the healthy nations which
make the most noise in the world, and
they, too, usually fare best in life.
This apparent apotheosis of noise may
rouse the ire of persons afflicted with In
somnia, who Invariably look forward
with dread to the night, preceding the
Fourth, knowing well that their ears will
be racked with the tintinnabulation of
bells, the boom of cannon and the bang
bang of firecrackers. Such persons are
deserving of sympathy, but they ought to
remember that this of all days In the year
is the one on which Young America loves
to show Its patriotism, and that it has
not yet discovered, nor, indeed, is likely
in the near future to discover, any more
suitable manner of manifesting its pat
riotism than by making all the noise possible.
A Fourth of Ju y Joke.
It was a hot, close evening, the third
of July, many years ago. A young law
yer and some friends were sitting outside
Only Regret
Was that B.
Miaeea bo Much.
11 was tne evening after the FiJ
as the glorious sun was sinking
gorgeous couch of red and whit. J
and blue sky, and the small boy, P!
.-iiuu, uui buu a spnnt or two
lying with his face to the west
his father sat by his side fanning
He was doing as well as could be w
ed and was already able to talk
Papa," he said in a dreamy, ,J
ous tone, "did tiiey have a Fw&
July when you was a little boy?" t
"Oh, yes, my son," answered tilt I
"Just the same kind they have m
"Just the same."
"And did you celebrate when tod
a little boyV"
"Yes, but I was more careful thai
were, ana didn't get hurt so."
"I guess you didn't have mnrh
did you?" he asked, trying to turn (oil
nis fatner.
The father looked at the combinatli
bandages and boy on the bed and sc
"I thought I did, but perhaps I
mistaken," he replied.
At this point the doctor came li
made it unpleasant for the boy for
' u p
Populate, .bout 3,000,000
Area (In square miles) . o6u
Wealth, about
t . J, i .000,000,000
St. Louis Republic.
Population (Including Islands) 85,000,000
Area (In square miles) 3,408 ii
Wealth, over $,ooo!o
Island of Key West.
The Island of Key West Is of coral
formation, contains about 2,000 acres
aud has a population of some 25,000
Americans, Cubans, negroes and Chinese.
Redlands' lilmt Mowing; Machine.
Redlands, Cal., has a giant mowing
ing machine which cuts a strip of
wheat fifty feet wide.
It is such an easy matter for the aver
age woman to cry that there Is no dan
ger of her having water on the brain.
When you meet a man who Is lying
off for a ong rest, it is usually a alga
that he has been discharged.
doughty deeds 'done by Dewey and his
men in Manila Bay?
A history of the previous iwlohmtlm,.
of this day would form an Interesting
omue u wouiu snow that some re
markable events in American history
" iukcu piace on tne Fourth of July,
Among these three are esDedallv nroml.
nent the battle of Gettysburg, the sur
render of Vicksburg and the deaths of
joim Aiiams and Thomas Jefferson
Strictly speaking, the battle of Gettvs
ourg began on July 1. 18fl3
on July 3, but ever since it took place it
,u lu minas 0r tne people been as
sociatea witn the Fourth. Al.m.
Jefferson died within a few hours of each
other on the fiftieth aunlversarv of th
. m I . -
jrnamiiuu 01 inaenenrtfinca .T(.
died first, and, curiously enough, Adams'
last words were: "Thomas Jefferson still
Singulurly enoueh.
. .I .1.. . " -" vric-
u.auiia- me rourtn does not Hlffoi. in
many respects from that which was in
vogue half a century ago. Then, as now
patriots everywhere made the day an oc
canton for delivering speeches, for eatlna
h 1 antMiuing picnics, dances and
Lvi,a 01 merrymaking, and for
.'.ism whs ana nnng off cannons. The
small boy of to-day has a better toy pis
tol than his grandfather had when he
was a boy, but it is doubtful if it mikes
more noise than the old-fashioned blun
derbuss which was the favorite Fourth
of July weapon among youths in the old
days. Similarly the fire rockets of our
day may ascend to a height and produce
a more dazzling effect than the old rock
ets were ever capable of, but are we
quite sure that thev adit m. ... "
era! hilarity and enthusiasm than was
added in the old days by the tar barrels
of our fathers? Happily the tar barrel
has not gone out of fashion. The small
boy delights in the blaze that rises from
It and as the small boy is usually lord
of the Fourth, the rwlnnn. k '1
doubtless continue to feed flames for
tome years to come.
lo hypercritical anil nit...
touls our method of celebratin th- .
est of American holidays seems awfully
barbano. and it is qnlte true that noise
is the predominant feature of the dav'a
celebration. Noise, however, is also the
predominant feature nf ..! !
though they. too. .re . Vns.
awfully barbaric, th. world
ot ret seem t v. , .
' arrivta
of his office in Springfield, 111., to get
oreatn of the evening air. They lounged
about comfortably In their chairs, tipped
them back against the wall of the build
ni1 amused themselves talking on
u.icicui Bumecis.
turnea upon tne crow
Ing of cocks, and the young lawyer re
a.Cu lui ne could set all the cocks in
the region about to crowing. So he gave
c,eBr vyocK-a-doo-dle-doo-oo!" In
a second came a response from a rooster
not far away, then another took un thi
mm auoiner, and so on until all
the roosters residing in tw .. r. . ,
h. . . "'u uau
vuiriuiug 10 say BDOUt It.
k. J? ".m . " ?f the town- opened
....c iuoijr crowing, ana taking it as
4 . e 1 TT .r tne elorious
J""yu into tnetr clothes with
the speed that is impossible on any day
but that one. and In . f ay
ban,! bang! bang! wentVa7kerrP !
does, smalt nnn -..j . Vv
, vauuuu uu everyth nc elso
employed on that day to make a noiae
k F the own mounded the boom
and bang, and doubtless. mn ."m
.on, 1-Ar, il 1UUO-
, BS aroused from sweet
slumber by the untimely announcement
of the Fourth, while the young lawyer
and his Companions enjoyed I E
lausrh st th inUo th.. u.i v "tarty
dVHia IUOL IIHII r Hf T nl
on the hnr. "ared
This younst lawvor j. .
rrwiiW "usoecame
Forgot the Flrewnrv.
Farmer Jones T of. ... a.,. .
- a nc 0H1IV I (.,..
we je got everything for the Fourth w
-sticking plaster. lint, sweet oil. ,niZ?
crutches, bandages -,
M. Jones-But, good gracious. Silas'
m've forgot to huv th. " ' . "!
Practicing Solemnity.
Foresyte has taksn m . ... .
btler with the GatherglUs " '
"Great Scott! you iWt ' ...
What on earth ha, he d ttat fo .'
He says that the expression he mu t
acoulre wm eome m h " J t
rich uncle dles."-pUCk.
Girls Preferred.
In Germany and HniinnH .
choeen m preference to -
aU employments m which they can be
advantageously employed.
minutes. Then he went away and ik
boy sniffed awhile and resumed convent
Hon with his father.
"Is the Fourth going to keep on e!
year?" he asked.
There's nothing on earth can atop it
I .guess," replied the father with pain"
otic pride.
"That's good, ain't It?"
"We all think so In this country."
"And how long since it started?" pff
sisted the boy, who should have bee:
trying to go to sleep.
"Ever since 1776: about a hundred ui
twenty-four years."
A shade of disappointment swept ore
the boy's face.
"Gee, pop," he exclaimed, "how mis
I've missed," and then the father hi
ed that he must stop talking and trr 1
get some much-needed rest.
An Up-to-Oate Polly.
BOV PnlltT van 4- aaanlrnrr
Polly See here, young feller, yoo
a-going to spring that newspaper cne
nut about fire cracker, are vou? A.
chase yourself.
Blistering Old Time. .
Johnny Did ver enioy dis Fount
Willie You bet. I only had two De
ters last Fonrt. Dis year I got free W
gers blowed off. Phiisdplnhia Press, j