NEWS AND GOSSIP OF THE SLATE CREEK MINES Eureka Group Sold to C. D. 'Lane of California. i Seattle, June 14. News onmei from Anacoi tea that work will be resumed on a large scale on the Eureka group of mines in the Slate Creek mining camp, which now belong to C. D. Lime, a millionaire mining operator of Califor nia. The final transfer to Mr. Lane was effected in Aiiacortes a few days ago. This is the property that some yean ago was under bond to Colonel Hart fur Montana parties. After spend ing upward of $50,000 they allowed ther bond to lapse, but the owners, having faith in ther property, continued working it until Mhout two years ago, when a bond was made to Mr. Lane. Aim Ant llnsdjr for Operation. The property is nearly ready for oper ation. The tramway between the mine and the stamp mill miiBt be finished. The mill has 10 stamps of 1,100 pounds each and is substantially constructed, The property has a saw and shingle mill and electric light plant. The ptamp mill was completed last fall and found to work perfectly. It is the intention to put in a roast ing furnace as soon as supplies can be shipped in this summer, to treat all ores on the ground, instead of shipping concentrates. People who know the property, say that it will develop into a big mine. TWO REPUBLIC MINES. Active Work on the Qullp and on the Knob Hill. Republic, June 14. Work is ac tive on the Quilp mine. The now ma chinery is giving satisfaction. Two drills are making about five feet por day. The compressed air hoist is work ing smoothly at the winze and good progress will now 'be made in gottina out the ore for shirroinu. The shaft Will be extended to the 800-foot level Joseph Shepherd in prospecting a ledue before cross cutting. The ledge en- n Grubb oreek, a tributary ot Sterl countered on this property has in- iaS Informs the Medford, Or., Mai' creased greater in width in proj)ortioii that he and his partner took out a sma. to depth obtained in sinking than any pocket last week from which they real mine in the camp. In. the tunnel it i"d over $27 at the bank, and Mr. measured 26 feet, at the 50-foot level Smith says the pocket is not by any It was 80 feet wide, and at the 100-foot means exhausted. He says the pooket level it was between 00 and 100 feet in Prve to be a large one, as the width. This is the largest body ore in 8 character of rock continues, the camp and it is hard and clean. I They will lose no time in going At the 60-foot level there is 80 feet of 1own on tne vein, which varies in size ore that will average $13 per ton. In ' from one to four feet and all sufficient the lower levels the values are higher , mineralized to make it a fine paying somewhat. The new seven-drill com- proposition. Tho quartz is blue and pressor is in operation and the com- Danv will be in a nosition to shirj 200 ' tons of ore a day for an indefinite ' period, if necessary. More men have been put to work stoping in the tunnel and each level. Thirty men are em ployed. The survey has been completed for ii i i. . . . . . .. ..... . . ,"-'v""'1 u1B, connecting tne mines in m liinlnif 0 fnM aliirttiim tn OUa -..ilk vicinity for shipping to the mills, The Quilp will furuinh the new Repub lic mill with at least 100 tons a day. North of the Trade Dollar and east of the Ren Uur is the Knob Hill, a prop erty supposed to be valuable. A cross out tunnel has been extended in the hill 640 feet, where the ledge was struck, and the indications are now that they have a fine property. A shaft was sunk at the first where the vein was found in place and an average of values obtained of $30 per ton at the 10-foot level. The tunnel level is 850 feet from the surface and there are now three feet of fine looking quartz that should run even higher than in the shaft. A drift north and south has boon started on the ledge. flood WaahliiKton Mine. Spokane, June 14. A oontraot has been let for sinking a 100-foot shaft on the Rebeoca and running 125 feet of tunnel on the Rebecca extension. These olalma are owned by Spoakne and Cheney parties. About 600 tons ot ore are already on the dump and it averages about $45 to the ton. Some assays run bb high as $200, mostly cop por. The Rebecca and Reheooa exten sion are located near the Columbia river, about 16 miles from Keller, Wash. New Idaho Mining IXitrlut. Grangeville, Idaho, June 14. A new mining district has been organized across Salmon river from this place, ualled the Crooks Corrall distrlot. The boundaries of the new district are as follows: Commencing at the head of Race creek, thence to Snake river, thence to the summit of the divide at the Larry Ott saddle (between Snake and Salmon rivers), thence along the divide to place of beginning. Improving the Blue Jacket. Cuprum, Idaho, June 14. Hoisting machinery, pump and engine for the lilue Jacket mine have reached the property and will be rapidly installed. Several cars of ore are ready for haul ing to the railroad for shipment to the Eastern smelter. Gold Output This Year. Nome Probably $16,000,000. Washington Rough estimate, $3, 000,000. Klondike Some say $18,000,000. Others $25,000,000. Oregon Rapidly increasing aud this year's output will reach close to $5, 000,000. Klondike' (fold Output. Victoria, B. C, June 14. The first crowd of Klondikors this season arrived by the steamer Amur Saturday. They report that 200 miners have reached Skagway. Six steamers have passed op the river. The gold output is estimated by Daw son papers at $18,000,000. News is eiveu of a stampede to the Koyukuk 1 and to Sulphur creek, gravel being I found in the old channel which goes 60 ' cents to the pan. A nugget weighing 77 ounces was found on Chue Chako. Looking for Coal, Cias or Oil, Port Angeles, Wash., June 14. Ar i rangementi have been completed by C. j Van Sickle, of New York, to drill here for coal, gas or oil. He claims to rep resent Eastern capitalists who are will ing to spend $10,000 to determine whether coal or oil can be found in I this vloinity. More ray fnr Coal Miner Seattle, June 14. Coal miners Carbonado and Wlkeson mines, in state, have been notified of 10 . cent inorease in wages, These iniLoS mploj 875 men. THE MINING WORLD THE ROSSLAND DISTRICT New Owners of the Giant Tako Hold of the Property. Rossland, B. C, June 14. The water is being taken ont of the Grant shaft in preparation for the resumption of sinking on the ore body. This work is being done by A. D. Coplen and W. G. Armstrong, of Spokane, the representatives of Philadelphia and Michigan capitalists, who have ob tained control ot the company. The now owners express confidence that the Giant will make a mine, and are willing to spend money to proving it. They are the third party to make the at tempt, the last being Colonel W. M. ltidpath, E. (i. Sanders and others of the old Le Kol syndicate, from Spo kane, but they threw up their bond last April. Other Canadian Mines, Work is to be started on the N Nth- cm llelle, which adjoins the St. Elmo, on Red mountain, by R. E. Palmer, j who has Just returned from Montreal, .where he received instructions from the owners. There is a good showing and if the summer's work confirms its valne a plant will be installed in the fall. Andrew Drewey and others have bonded the Sunset, near Whitewater, in the Slocan, for $30,000. It adjoins the Wellington and a short extension of the tunnel from that claim will tap tho vein at a dejpth of 600 feet. The vien is 13 feet in width, with 10 inches of high grade ore. New Machinery In Friico. Gem, Idaho, Jane 14. New ma chinery is being installed in the Frisco mill here. One of the largest crushers in the Northwest, weighing 15 tons, will be ready to start in a few days. struck a Pocket F. M. Smith, who has been assisting porous and all of It carries more or less free gold. The walls are granite and porphry with cyanite and feldspar, Work In Bring Pmhed Work is being steadily pushed at the Mountain Lion mine, in Southern Ore gon, owned ny uauey brothers, on Missouri flat, says the Rogue River courier, ine lower tunnel has now reauhed a , th of , 400 ( t Rnd . . - ' it is expected that it will tap the ledge inside of 40 or 50 feet farther. Through out the whole course of this tunnel, the rock has been easily worked and not so hard but that a good showing could lie made each day A Mow of water almost sufficient to run the mill is now coming from the tunnel and it is expeeted that when the vein is struck, the tunnel will yield an ample water supply for milling pur poses. The ore at this mine carries high values in gold, and the new tun nel will open a large body of the ore, The mine is well equipped with c good stamp mill and is one of the very best properties in that section. Two New Ledge Opened. The placer district in Southern Ore gon is showing up some very fine prop erties. In addition to the valuable claims already under an advanced state of development in the district and which have been proved to be high grade and permanent, Paul Scharing son is prospecting two new discoveries which give promise of being no less valuable than the Greenbaok or Brown ing veins. One of these ledges is seven feet wide, and though the ore is not higr- uraae as lar as prospecting lias yi shown, still it is sullioiently mineral ized for a milling proposition. There is 350 feet of tunneling and a 70-foot shaft on the other ledge. This vein is about 18 inches wide. Consid erable money has been taken from this ledge with an arastar. Outlook 1 Bright. A correspondent at Geiser, Or., writ iug to the Baker City Demoorat, says the mines of the hnipire Mining Com pany are looking fine and the company is planning for the ereotion of a mill The White Elephant owners are go ing to build very soon. The Bonanza mine has plenty of good ore for its 40-stamp mill. A $312 nugget was picked up in the placers of Austin, MoMudre & Co., at W iuterville, near here, the other day The owners of these claims expect to clean up $25,000. They are working a full crew on the Black Bird and pushing development as fast as possible, 'With three or four mills in this camp we will begin to have a day. A new bank building is going up in Coqnille City, Or. A scarcity of laborers is reported at Gray'B Harbor, Wash. Tacoma has adopted plans for a new school house, to cost $20,000. North Yakima, Wash., is soon to have a fruit and vegetable cannery. Sixty-five men are employed build ing the Groat Northern railroad bridges in Spokane. Machinery for a sash and door and furniture factory combined has reached Coquille City, Or. Ellousburg, Wash., has passed an ordinance forbidding the use of barbed wire fences within the city limits. The promoters of the Tierce county, Wash., fruit fair have decided to ex tend its scope and inivte the entire state to participate. An electrio plant to cost between $150,000 and $200,000 will be erected at the Nisqually Falls, near Elbe, 22 miles southeast of Tacoma, providing the latter city will make a contract foi lighting. The rate proposed is 20 par cent lower than the present contract priet. BETWEEN-SEASONS DULLNESS. Yet Trade, on the Whole, faitorr. Il Satli- Hradstreets' says: Measured by re cent records and recollections of busi' ness activity, the present between seasons dullness seems specially mark ed, and the reactionary movement of prices makes trade look worse than it really is. Judged by such indicators as railroad tariffs and statistics of foreign trade, the volume of business doing is considerably larger than a year ago, when, it will be recalled, trade was cheerfully active. It is true bank clearings are considerably smaller than last year's clearings, which undobtedly included much of the speculative char acter this year almost wholly absent; and ret outside of the metropolis bank clearings are heavier this year than last. Wool is dull, and, on the whole, weak in the East, while good prices have been secured in the West. Man ufacturers are not buying, because their business is not active, and lower rates for the next lightweight season for men's wear goods are predicted, though leading mill agents will gurantee prices as late as October. Lower prices for iron and steel have not met expectations of causing a re duction in output and increased stock. though this latter feature apparently has been magnified because supplies of high-grade pig iron are still scarce, particularly at the South. On the other hand, low grades are in plentiful supply, with little demand. Rails and structural steel are still well held, but there is talk of a leduo- tion in prices for the latter product. The other metals are dull, and the whole weak. . PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market. Onions, old, 7c; new, 2o. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate, Potatoes, $16(gl7; $17 18. Beets, per sack, 90c$l. Turnips, per sack, 4060o. Carrots, per sack, $1. Parsnips, per sack, 60 75c. "auliflower, California 90c $1. Strawberries $1.00 per case. Celery 4060o per doz. , Cabbage, native and California, $1.001.25 per 100 pounds. Tomatoes $2.50 per case. Apples, $2.002.75; $3.003.50. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 22o; Eastern 22c; dairy, 1722c; ranch, 1617o pound. Eggs 19c. Cheese 14 15c. Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c; spring, $3.50. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $28. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings,' per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 8o; cows, 7c; mutton 8o; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8a 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13; breakfast bacon, 12jc; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. ,6455o; Valley, 64o; Bluestem, 57o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $2.90; graham, $2.40; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85c; choice gray, 83o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.0015.00; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $125 ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,$7 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 3540o; seconds, 45o; dairy, 2530o; store, 25o. Eggs 15o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.50 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs, $1.003.00; geese, $4.005.00 forold; $4.506.50; ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 14 loo per pound. Potatoes 40 50o per sack; sweets, 8240 per pouna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, 14C per pound; carrots, $1. Hops 28o per pound. Wool Valley, 1516o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best Bhcep, wethers and ewes, S'jc; dressed mutton, 7 7)o per pound; lambs, 6jo. " Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.50; cows, $3.60 4.00; dressed beef, 6a 7?4 0 per pound. Veal Large, 67Mo; small, 8i 8)io per pound. laiiow o5J4c; No. 2 ana grease. 3,l4o per pound. an Franeiieo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1416o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; Val ley, 1820o; Northern, 1012o. nope i8uu crop, iijao per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 2021c; do seconds, 1819to; fancy dairy. 18c; do seconds, 16 16gO per pound Eggs t-tore, 15o,l8; fancy ranch, 18o. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.50 13.50. Hay Wheat $6.50 10; wheat and oat $6.009.50; best barley $5.00 00; alfalfa, $5.00 6.00 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 65c; Ore gon Burhanks, 80o90; river Bur- banks, 3565c; new, 70c$1.25. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, .75(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 6.00; California lemons 75c$1.50; do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 60 por bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66)o mi pound. NOTED HOMES IN EUIN TWO HISTORIC PLACES ARE GO INQ TO DECAY. Aaron Burr'a Mansion in New York in Handa of Wreckere James Bu chanan'e Jjjg Cabin liome Haa Also Gona to Decay. In New York the home of Aaron Burr and in Mercersburg, Pa., the home of James Buchanan, are falling Into de cay. Both men were once signally hon ored by the country, and both have In teresting records. The old homes of both are full of historic Interest not only attaching to their owners, but to the great men who visited them. Burr's house on the southwest corner of Hudson and Charleston streets In New York City will soon be torn down to make room for a modern structure, At one time It was the finest residence Buchanan's bibthplace. on Manhattan Island tho Richmond Hill mansion, celebrated ns the place whore distinguished men gathered, and to which guests from all over the world wore proud to be Invited. In this house Washington had his headquarters awhile during his stay In New York; here Mrs. John Adams lived for a num ber of years, making It the social center of the city, and it was here that Aaron Bimr passed the most haDDy rears of his life. In 1782 Burr married Mrs. Prevost. the widow of a British officer, and so came Into possession of the Richmond Hill house. On account of his gallant services during the revolutionary war Aaron Burr was a popular hero of the time. He at once entered politics, and was elected a member of the New York Legislature the year after he settled AARON BURR'S In the city. At that time the mansion stood on what Is now the corner of Varlck and Charleston streets. It was surrounded by a park of 100 acres, ex tending to the water. When Burr's wife died twelve years later, she left one daughter, Theodosla, who became mistress of the most beau tiful house In the city. Between the father and daughter there existed an unusually strong affection. Theodosla was a beautiful girl, and many tradi tions of her wit and charms are still extant. Among visitors to the mansion In those days were Alexander Hamil ton, Talleyrand, Volney, Jerome Bona parte and Louise Philippe. Nearly all distinguished foreigners coming from Europe were entertained there by Aaron Burr and his daughter. At this time Burr's fame was at Its height. Ills home life was happy, and a great career was open to him. Theodosla Burr, while still quite young, niarnea uov. Aiision, or soutn Carolina and went to Charleston to live. In 1800 Burr and Jefferson received an equal number of votes for the Presi dency, the -House of Representatives finally deciding In favor of Jefferson, Burr being made Vice President This caused much bitter feeling, the result of which was the duel between Burr and Hamilton, resulting in the latter's death. Burr fled from New York, going down the Mississippi to the Southwest. There he bought several hundred thou sand acres of land, Intending to found an empire and conquer Mexico. Jefferson had him arrested, brought to Richmond, Va., and tried. No act of treason could be proved, so he was set at liberty. He then went to Europe, trying to carry out his schemes for con quering Mexico and founding an em pire, all of which came to nothing. Af ter a few years In Europe, where he was scorned by men who had known him In former times, he returned to New York, broken In mind and spirit He looked forward eagerly to meeting his daughter again, and she set out by boat from her home tn Charleston. Disappearance of Theodoaia Burr. The vessel on which she sailed was never heard of again. It has been said that the boat was wrecked at Nag's Head. Another story Is to the effect that It was boarded by pirates and that all on board were forced to walk the plank. Burr afterward married Mme. Jumel, but they were soon divorced. Richmond Hill house passed out of his hands, and for a time was used as a theater. Seventy -five years ago the house was torn down when Hiohmond Hill was leveled, and part of the ma terials were set up again In the house which stands now on Hudson street. and Is all that Is left of what was once the finest mansion on Staten Island. Pennsylvania has had one President, James Buchanan, and the house In which he was born stands neglected on Fayette street Mercersburg, Pa. At present the building is fairly preserved, but unless steps are taken to maintain it it must soon make way for modern house. .b As It stands now the house wa chanan's birthplace and the house In which he received his schooling. Both the residence and the school house once stood at Stonv Batter. In Franklin County, and were removed to Mercers' burg, the logs from the school house be ing used to build an annex to the resi dence. This school was kept by the Rev. James R. Sharon, and was located In Mercersburg. Many other noted men besides the future President gained their first Instruction there. Con slderlng that this school was situated In a thinly settled section of the State and was attended only slightly, the scope and erudite nature of the studies were little short of marvelous, for Greek, Latin, French, German, metaphysics and philosophy were Included, It was here that Buchanan gained the foundation of his remarkable talents as a linguist and profound reasoner, and which gained him so much praise on his celebrated tour of the world, when he was entertained at . the courts of Europe and held his own with the most brilliant and erudite minds. The father of President Buchanan, James Buchanan, for whom be was named, was a resident of Mercersburg for thirty years. During his long resi dence he was one of the best-respected citizens of the town, a prosperous mer chant, and man of affairs, and held many positions of trust James Buchanan's early school days did not very well presage his character and his life. At school he was exceed ingly nlmble-wltted and mischievous, and at one time he failed of winning a prize for scholarship because It was considered a bad example to reward a boy whose deportment had been so far below the standard. Afterward at col lege Buchanan became a bard student, and In his statesman's career he was reckoned very dignified, If not pom pous. Dickens at Tynemouth. The London Academy quotes from an unpublished letter of Dickens his account of his visit to Tynemouth, on one of his "reading tours:" I wish you could have been with me (of course, In a snowstorm) one day on the pier at Tynemouth. There was very heavy sea running, and a per fect fleet of screw-merchantmen were plunging In and out on the turn of the tide at high water. Suddenly there came a golden horizon, and a most glorious rainbow burst out, arching one large ship, as If she were sailing dl- OLD MANSION, rect ror neaven. I was so enchanted with the scene that I became oblivious of a thousand tons of water coming on in an enormous roller, and was knocked down and beaten over by its iiuy wuen it broke, and so com ineteiy weuea through and through iuui me very Dockets In my pocket book were full of sea." It was at Tynemouth. by the that Dickens was tickled by the story of a poor dressmaker, who, when a lady lodging in the same house sent her up a plate of goose on Christmas day, returned It with a request that iub iauy wouia "disseminate her goose iu ucr own spnere. Wonderful Memories of the Blind The acuteness of their memorlei aoama 4--v Ka uii T X tt comPen8ation for the uuuu. une or tne visitors to the read ing room for the blind in the National Library at Wnahin . - -- '"-"en expressed a lu .earn t0 use the typewriter. There was none provided , x Hutcheson very kindly sent down his' vu. iu gin sat down to the ma- vume, mm naa explained to position of the letters pn her the the key board slowly read to her tww She practiced for a few moments, and then wrote a letter in which there were only three mistakes, a feat which it would be difficult for a seeing person o surpass. One afternoon Mrs. Ward the Kansas vice regent of the Mount Vernon Association, read in the na yilion. While doing so she repealed Iron Quill's well-known verses 0a Dewey's victory, beginning, 0h Dewey was the morning." Later in the afternoon one of the blind listeners, brought to her a complete copy of all of toe verses, which he had remembe -CoZZnnS her-W Home Common Delusions. Full nine out of ten persons plume themselves on being different from others, when their very belief In the notion is its own contradiction. We complacently aver, "I have such a keen sense of the ridiculous." when a true thfL W0Uld have Prohibited the boast But what we most plume ourselves upon-if we are the average woman or man-is our power to read character. "I may not be particularly clever," we'll observe, with that gulh less braggadocio which masquerades as humility, "but of one thing I'm cer tain, and that Is, I'm a good Judge of human nature. I'm never deceived in a person, when, If such perspicacity were really possessed, we'd say noth Ing about It before those capable of scenting our limitations. It is an unfortunate and mistaken notion of women that when they dis cuss the latest novel, they are "talk Ing over the heads" of the hard work Ing men present who haven't had time to read It It will usually be fund that the girl who has no originality In any other way spella her name in U newest and moat ridiculous fashion. LET US ALL LAUGH J0KES FROM THE PENS 0F VA; RIOUS HUlviunisji P,....nt Incident. Occnrrlug tn. World OTer-Saylng. that Ar. Cheer- m to Old or Yonng-Funny pc tl... that Yon Will Kojojr. "She seems to delight In riding on crowded cars." "Yes; I've noticed it." 'T wAiider whv?" "Well it seems to me her fondness for it developed about the time that I thrown into the lOiU lici a " "" lan of a handsome young man w-hen the car suddenly went rouuu u Chicago Post. Another One. The patrol wagon rattles noisily over the stony street. "This." erunted the drunk and disor derly pugilistic celebrity, whom me po' lice were taking to tne station, nother hall of fame, isn't It, bgosm -Chicago Tribune. Her Way of Putting It. Mrs. rutcherfutIn-"We had meant to call long before this, really, but with the best Intentions, somehow we kept putting off the evil day as long as pos Bible." Funch. Economic Measure. Sunday School Teacher (during les son In tho children of Israel) Robert, tell me why It was the children of Is rael built the golden calf. Robert I don't know, unless 'twas that they didn't have gold enough to make a cow. Life. Discovered a Prize. First Business Man I have a gem of an office boy. Second Business Man Why, thought you said he was so stupid? First Business Man So he is, but now that the baseball season has open ed, I've discovered that he has no liv ing relatives, so he can't ask to get off for funerals. Philadelphia Record. The Only Explanation, The Good Man What causes your husband to get on these periodical drunks? Mrs. Malone Shure, awn 01 dunno, unllss It's from radiu' th' magazines. Chicago News. A Woman's Reason. She You are so peculiar! He In what way? You tell me that I am faithful and manly and steady in my habits, and you know my love for you Is unswerving. She Yes; but there are times when I would like you to appear otherwise than all this. Her Fecret. She Doesn't the grand old sphinx awaken glorious emotions In your breast? He Well, yes; that is she always reminds me of a woman who has firmly aetermined that she will never tell her ace. Very Naturally. "Miss De Fast's clothes Were fitnlpn rrom tne bathing house." "Well, what of that?' "She asked the court to redress her." Brutes. The book agent-I would like to Rh you this beautiful work. It tells about me uuuiis or savage animals. ine severe lady at the dnnrr i ,i . . lt. i nave been married four wmeo. inaianaDO lis Proaa Explanation of Her Penchant. I notice that she has a portrait paint but never has her rw ed, taken." Yes. You see, the camera is exact." so Her Champion. Fay-That Miss ful, Isn't she? " J"1 uate- May Yes. louwwnr. . daywhenshetoldmelTb .CZ nest girl In our set," weren't you? Fay-Yes, and I gave her a piece of my mind about It afterwards May-That was kind of you dear but I hope you weren't too severe Fay-Well, I told her ah lit . remember how sensitive you be about it-Catholic StoV,., ,USt Times. """nu and Criticism. FvirSvMeSSef SeF Boy wnteringly) Say, Muggsy u DUrtv nhf . .. ain't he? 3 vu ms Ieet. ouslyHe must be purtv liht neaa to be sprintin- Uk. at .r...."? A rvAiffiihAB.1. w. your neighborhood with borm. f - vumni th. Mrs. H. (innoeently)-Yes , deal. My neighbors don't swnk anythlng I want. T-j . Caesar and Chicago. I Ruth Caesar snlrl nii . I iucu ami iiuet Parts. Kitty-Did he say how much vuaagu ui UltiUJtfr gOl f I Muet Have Them. I Asklt-Why couldn't a bird J run on a cash basis? Tellit-That business caa't I without bills.-Baltlmore Aaierl Borne Old Hut. i "Harry, don't you thiuk thj pretty good straw hat I boue ' for 30 cents at the 'rummage V "es, indeed; I liked It last i when I paid $3 for It." Chlcae' ord. 6I What About "Heavies?" Bobbs Did you read Pr,f scope's artlclj on how to weigh I iouos io. i suppose you'd vf theiu Just the same as you chorus girls, wouldn't you?-Bal American. He Guessed Wronu. Brown You seem to be h silliJI,' saw that life insurance agent ? your house this morning, and iil than half an hour after him J doctor. Smith Well, what do from that? you ci Brown-Merely that you wen great hurry to undergo the pL examination and have It over vit Smith You're wrone. Tho i came to examine the insurance! wounds. rnlladelphla Press, After Takinir. "Sny, I've got a new story on M (Tells It.) t "Yes; that's a new oue-on Bil It was on Jones when you told ltj before." Chicago Tribune. r Supreme Test. Many a young girl makes themk of thinking that because she would! for a man she truly loves him. h restless, throbbing age it Is nJ for her to ask herself in all ness, "Would I take in vf him?" Detroit Journal. Britain's Hearts of Oak. rolite Frenchman "Mon ami, eet ze way to ze von mooseem Bt esh zat zoo can enstruct me?" . First Tough-"Wot d'yer syT Polite Frenchman "Mon ami eet ze way to ze von niooseeui h esh zat zoo can enstruct me?" Second Tough "D'yer know wot sylng of, Bill?" First Ditto-"Blowed if I do!" Second Ditto "Then why do 'it 'im acrost the mouth?" Moonst . Not Taking Chances. Neighbor's Boy Pop sent me on: borrow your lawnmower. Suburbanite He's early, Isn't We haven't used it ourselves yet Neighbor's Boy He said he thoa youse hadn't, and now would I good time to cut the grass before ji got it out of order. Philadelphia if ord. Blissful Ignorance. Mother (sternly) He kissed yon W to my knowledge, and I don't t how often after that. Dauehter Neither do I. ma. If was much good at mental artbniel Philadelphia Press. An Expensive Vnsiry. "Why, who half-killed you, old ms: "Oh, It's just some more of mj":i My mobe got away from me and me through a plate-g as wlnliwi1 terday." "That is hard luck, sure." "Oh, I'm not kicking about that ticularly. But It was a mill nen dow, full of spring bonnets. Now.1 couldn't It have picked out a Jew or goldsmith's, or some cheap w like that to destroy things?" Lift Tne Savage Uacneior. i H-T-l, .. 0 X. An-n Cfl'll . A UC VVUU1UU VI IU-UQJ, I i. . . . ... . i l-tnnrs'J youinrui Doaraer, - aoes not .uh -i Bne wants." "The woman of to-day, youn? KBld tho Sqvoo-q Ronholnr "IS lit' woman of any other old day she .L I. " 1. - Anllantlt) uuy uiiug, as soon as sue cannot get it" Indianapolis Pre Amputated Leg Sensation A eori-psnondenr nf the Fniladeif Press writes: "My right leg wasts Off at the mMillA third of the nearly thirty years ago, but sine i time the sensation of the preset toes, Instep, hoel, foot or knee Is c ger than in the other leg. or w than It was before amnutation. c it seems that when the leg Is "R normally, there Is no consclousot-1 , any sensation at all In it, there Is always more or less In the stumn. Mv lee was amp"" in such a position that it seems w stand to be flexed with the foot he rn T hoT-a nttan triaA til SPl 11 of the way of a closing door or of ,1 sons passing me on the street. " day I often fall by trying to p"1 nix. .... a Kn StlllDr quickly from a slttinff position. 'I ny year, also, there is a senu- shortening, the foot seeming top nearer the body. If I make aa as if to extend the knee a sen Of heat nonilm In ttia fitlimD. Mm. A. Ara "t:"." the rest of my body may be &esi - i