The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 22, 1900, Image 3

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    u 5
Hliver Slaciei
TyRlDAY, JUXE 22, 1900.
Und plaster at Bartmess'.
Tyiits for campers at Bartmess'.
lie Glacieb wants 16-inch stove wood
, ibcription.
F Tj08i ghere is bookkeeper at Daven
L,r1 Bros.'s planer.
J jje'g all right we mean the new man
'tbttmakea pictures.
I Blngen will celebrate on the 4th. M.
im'f Jienberg will deliver the oration.
ni a light shower Tuesday morning layed
the Sunt and refreshened the atmosphere.
5 J Jan E. Hanna, the lumber merchant
Lf ghaniko, was in Hood Riler on a
badness trip last ww.
ou can now jret up-to-date pictures
. ft s t he tiOOa tuvcr kiici uciiiiig uay
f nturday. L. Bradley.proprietor.
, f twapepsiaean be cured by using Acker's
3 t , gijepsia Tablets. One little tablet will
I immediate relief or money refunded.
1 1 - and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
" Or. F. C. Brosius has returned and
si -,it be found in his office over Williams
a A Brosius' drugstore, between the hours
V -of 0-H a- m., 2-3 and 6-7 p. m.
Mt. Hood settlement had a hne ram
it Fridav night, which refreshed veg
.tion and insures good crops of hay
I vegetables.
lohn H. Cradlebaugh of newspaper
4 gold mining fame was shaking hands
ih old acquaintances on the streets of
;.jod River, Monday.
$. G. Jones of Appleton, Wis., brother
al the late Geo. C. Jones, arrived in
Hood River, Monday morning, for a few
days' business trip.
Miss Maud Brant and Master Russell
Erant, after three weeks pleasantly
nt in Hood River, returned to their
lidrae at Independence last Friday.
Jhe cheapest place to buy furniture
iid building material in town, and we
will back up the statement by figures.
Aik our patrons. . . bartmess.
Mrs. Chas. Chandler remembered the
jacibr with handsome bouquets of
sweet peas and roses on Saturday. Her
roees were wonderfully plentiful this
Richard Kirbyson returned from 6t.
Martin's springs last Thursday. Bath
ing in the waters of these hot springs
did him good. He is troubled with
I Miss Sadie Orr of Wasco is spending a
taree-wcek'a vacation visiting Mrs. P.
dpangler. Miss Orr was in attendance
at the Sunday school convention at Port
land, last week.
'Carpenters are at work re-shingling
the roof of the Frankton shool house,
and lumber is on the ground for the
erection of a covered stairway at the
rear of the building.
I In readjusting the salaries of post
Piasters in presidential offices the post
master general has included Hood River
ind increased Postmaster Yates' 6alary
from $1,100 to $1,400 a year.-
Experienceis the best teacher. Use Ack
er's English Remedy in any case of colds,
Smelis or croup. Should it fail to give im
mediate relief money refunded. 25c and
0c. Williams & Brosius.
I Feed and flour will always be furnish-
d by Rand & Stewart at lowest market
rates. Bran, $12 per ton; bran and shorts,
$13 per ton ; Shorts, $ 14 per ton. Pea
cock flour, 75c sack; Dalles Diamond,
$ Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by nsiDg Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herbdrink. Cures constipation and in
digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 25c and 60c. Williams & Brosius.
J. 0. Push of Sunnyside farm, White
Salmon, brought over the first ripe
beaches of the crop of 1900 on June 14th.
They were Hale's Early, of which va
riety Mr. Pugh will have about 100
boxes. White Salmon ie once more
. J. R. Warner of White Salmon left on
Monday's noon train for La Grande to
attend the state encampment of the
fi. A. R. Mr. Warner goes to the en
campment as a delegate from The Dalles
I have for sale the beautiful place of
JR. M. Hunt, 1)4 miles southwestof town
of Hood River. It contains Z
acres. House, barn, water, fruit trees,
. berries, two horses and wagon, and all
the farm implements included in the
ale. Price $700. Inquire of Geo. T.
j Prather.
Much-needed improvements are being
made at the Frankton Bchool house.
jThey consist of a new roof, a new floor
I for the upper room,, a covered stairway
to the upper room, a belfry, etc., and
the district will purchase a bell. The
worK was let Dy contract, ana J. a. At
tn or was the successful bidder.
A. B. Jones returned to his home at
Grand Forks, B.1 C, last Friday. Du
ring his stay here he sold his two places,
one of 24 acres and the other 6 acres.
He also made sale of Clarence Morgan's
10 acres. The 24 acres were bought by
Mr. Knctcrloll ont iha A on,-oa hv F. C.
I Mooney. A. F. Sonnickson purchased
j Clarence Morgan's piece.
I Geo. Booth and hie dog Spike came to
1 town Saturday with a load of cherries.
Mr. Booth is now picking his Royal
Annes, for which he receives 4 cents a
pound at the Davidson Fruit Co.'s can
nery. He has a force of his neighbors'
girls at work picking his cherries and
thinning his peaches and apples. His
peach and apple trees have set too full
and thinning is necessary.
. Samu el R. Winans made final proof
on his homestead before Judge Prather
on Friday. Mr. Winans has a good
piece of land near the forks of Hood
river. He has three acres in orchard,
nearly all winter apples, the three-year-old
trees of which commenced bearing
this year. He has 60 acres of the best
of apple- land, lying about 1,100 feet
awe the Columbia river, too high an
altitude for the codlin moth to flourish.
H. D. Langille, before leaving for Ta
coma last week, secured the services of
Robt. Leasure, who will take his place
ion the mountain this summer and act
guide for tourists who wish to see the
wonders of the glaciers or climb to the
mountain top. Mr. Langille could have
procured no better substitute. Mr.
' Leasure in thn rio-ht tinrl nf ft man to
look after the safety of a party of sight
srs on the mountain. He is now at
work repairing the road and the tele
phone line to Cloud Cap Inu. This fa-
Write resort will open about next week.
Last Friday night Policeman Alisky
"sde very clever capture of a gold
Watch llt liarl hoon atnlun tmm MrS. C.
L. Roberta of Hood River, and today the
stolen property was returned to its own
er. The watch had been taken to J. D.
Adcox h Go's shoo for repairs, and the
Jewelers' suspicion was aroused that it
had been stolen. In the evening, Mr.
Alisky made a raid on three fellows who
na.1 thi wj? ! ebn-ra. p.nd m-ide taem
jn3 it np. b-j; -. i.J?ve cot a
Al'iky attaVtiaie hid he suttcri
to v.-... 'a r-5,r jjp( j&ije ths.-g -sas sc
vt.c-s ::.s:'.i:5wa':eh rid c-eai sse'en.
'PKa Bfipiiinaa In il.A TT!i.- i
.... , ulo viiiu;a jsretnren
church last Sunday evening were of
special interest ana drew a full house
The programme for the evenimr n
temperance topic. Leslie Butler pre
sided and called the meeting to order at n c.vcrtiseii oegan Wltll a
male quartette. Miss Gladys Hartlev
and Mrs. Truman Butler deserve special
mention. This was Mrs. Butler's first
singing in public in this place and we
are glad to add her to the list of Hood
River singers. Miss Gloria Lane and
Mrs. Boynton gave recitations and were
much appreciated. Clarance Gilbert
with the violin and J. I. Parkins of The
Dalles with the guitar, rendered an in
strumental duet of special merit. The
one thing that prevented the audience
from outward demonstration in appre
ciation of these numbers was the renpect
for the Sabbath in the church. Rev.
Davis lead the opening devotional exer
cises and he and Rev. Hershner after
wards gave talks on evoning's topic.
Earl and Meigs Bartmess arrived up
from Corvallis, Monday night, where
they have been pursuing studies in the
Oregon Agricultural College. In recog
nition of the good work the bovs have
been doing at the O. A. C, both of them
have been commissioned to a corporal
ship in the college batallion, a distinc
tion which is seldom Won by students in
their Freshman year.
J. L. Henderson was engaged Tues
day in surveying the town streets for the
location of a halfdozen monument stones.
Mr. Henderson did the surveying grat
uitously, and the city council is to furn
ish the monument stones. The definite
location of these survey stakes will indi
cate clearly just where the property
lines oueht to lie. should the town be
destroyed at any time by fire.
Peter Brant of Tillamook, who has
been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henry
Swanson, at White Salmon, came over
to Hood River Saturday to visit his old
neighbor, Hon. J. W. Morton. Mr.
Brant is a leading citizen of Tillamook.
He is an old soldier of the civil war, hav
ing served in the 7th Minnesota, and is
a delegate to the state encampment of
the Grand Army at La Grande.
G. J. Gessling, secretary of the Hood
River Fruit Growers' Union, received
returns Monday morning from
five carloads of strawberries shipped by
the union during the first five days of
June, which netted the growers' from
$1.76 to $1.92 per crate. The ship
ments were made to Omaha, and to
points in Montana and the Dakotas.
Hood River's proposed new business
blocks may be erected now from mate
rial of home product. L. D. Boyed re
cently completed burning a kiln of 50,
000 brick from clay obtained on M. H.
Nickelsen's place at Belmont. Mr.
Boyed says he can supply any quantity
of good building brick. If yon want
bricks read his ad in another column.
Services at tho M. E. church Sunday
evening, June 27th will be conducted by
the league. Regular league services be
ginning at 7:15, with Mr. Coe as leader,
after which the report from the delegate
to the district convention, Mrs.., Ross,
will occupy the time, beginning at 8
o'clock. An invitation is extended to
all. Com.
S. J. LaFrance was in Philadelphia
during the week taking in the National
republican convention. In a special dis
patch in Wednesday, s Oregonian, the
Oregon delegation was reported as hav--
ing secured seats in the convention nail
for Mr. LaFrance and a few other Ore
gon visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Payne of San
Francisco are having a two weeks' sum
mer outing at Eggermont. They are
highly delighted with Hood River vallev
as a summer resort. Mr. Payne is man
ager of the London & San Francisco
bank ot San i rancisco.
Workmen were employed during the
week for the Oregon Telephone Co. in
stringing extra wires to accommodate
the increased business oi tne local tele
phone system. Two additional wires
will be strung between Hood River and
Mrs. C. D. Thompson and son Claude,
accompanied by her sister, Miss Alice
Morning, Jett last Saturday ior uorvauis,
where they have been spending the week
in attendance at the commencement ex
ercises of the Oregon Agricult ural college.
Miss Alice Horning of Missilla Park,
N. M., was in Hood River last week
visitine her brother. Prof. Thompson
and family. Miss Horning holds the
chair of household economy in the state
agricultural college of New Mexico.
Maltie Dukes and Barton Davidson
were expected home yesterday from
Corvallis, where they have been in at
tendance at the Oregon Agricultural
"Peck" Ellison, delivery boy for Reci
procity Corner, had a runaway Monday
morning and now he delivers his wares
on the hurricane deck of a black cayuse.
Increase of business has necessitated
the finishing up of some room in the
attic of the Mt. Hood hotel to accom
modate eight additional beds.
Miss Parker of Portland who has been
visiting Mrs. J. F. Armor for the past
two weeks returned home on the Ret-
ulator Wednesday morning.
Geo. F. Coe & Sod have jnst received
a shipment of crockery direct from the
potteries in the East including two pat
terns of decorated ware.
On June 14th, Hawaii became a terri
tory and a part of the United States
government. Stanford B. Dole is the
first governor.
The Dalles-Astoria excursion, via. the
Regulator line, offers a chance for Hood
Riverites to enjoy an outing on the
Hon. E. L. Smith is in Eastern Ore-,
gon attending to duties connected with
his position as president of the state
board of horticulture.
Geo. F. Coe & Son are making a
specialtvof fresh roasted pea nuts. Try
their brand the next time you buy pea
The editor of the Glacier left Mondav
noon for LaGrande to attend tho annual
state encampment of the G. A. R. at
that place.
Wrm. Rogers has located in Hood River
and is occupying the house on the bum
merville place in Belmont.
The hav crop on the East Side is be
ing harvested and a good yield of wheat
and clover is reported.
The county clerk issued a marriage li
cense Monday to Wilbur H. Galligan
and Margaret Locke.
Mrs. Geo. T. Prather and daughters ,
Grace and Lula, are visiting friends at
Ned Blvthe returned home last week
from the 'University of Oregon, at Eu
gene. .
Buv vour magazines and periodicals
at Bradley's Book and Stationery store.
Fred Wilson and mother, of The
Dalles, spent Sunday in Hood River.
L. N. Blowers and family made a visit
to Portland on Monday.
Troy Shelley arrived from Portland
on Tuesday's noon train.
t v. Hmna left Tuesday for a week's
I business trip at Portland.
! Cz'A and ' see the new dishes at Geo. F.
i Cce a Sea.
The Oreiwn Chrinti.ui
, ... uiUUIV'ltlll I Wll
vention convenes at Turner, near Salem,
from June 22d to July 2d. Speakers of
.7w4 .opuwuuu wui ue present and
deliver lidiippSfiPa nn1 tKa
-wVS1 H..u mu niiuuui rcuurv
of the secretary will be the best in the
history of the church. The Valley
Christian church sends their pastor as
iu me convention and Kev.
jenKins win leave today and return
July 3d.
The Union Sunday school picnic
Which Was to linva ham, l.ul.l ,..,.,,.,..)..
was postponed t favlm, m, ...,.,,
... " ."""J HH Vlillfc VI
the rain. If the bad weather continues
uic picnic win be Held, Wednesday,
June 27th. ' '
A reunion of the classes of '98 and '99
m uie iioou im-er public school will be
hnlsf in l,n . ..1 .t .
" '" linors oi tne Mt. liood
hotel, Saturday night.
Miss Virginia Mnr,l, vtm hoo w..
visiting Miss Anne Smith, returned to
"v-i nuiuo m, me lmues yesterday.
Earlv nOfli'hpfl nrA rinn at v K ' f a ci
L ' 'l"- iu I. At W Uttl"
mon. J. R. Warner gathered the first
hid oensuu uii june Hill.
First-class brick at W. E. Sherrill's,
$9.50 a thousand.
A new man in the Hood River photo
From Nome, Alaska.
Wm. Langille writes to his mother
from Nome, Alaska, under date of Mav
27, 1900, and through the courtesy of
Mrs. Langille we print the following ex
tracts: we came down in 48 days, or
oa nuurs traveling time, irom Ta
nana we passed everything making from
35 to 60 miles a day,"64 being the biggest
run, and that was far enough for 12
hours traveling time. We had splendid
.nn4i...H t- . ,
ncaiiici mini wc gui uj ivowicK w nere
a coast storm laid us up two days and
cost a $1,000 bet that we would reach
Nome in 45 days. Mrs. Gates stood the
trip well but thinks now that it hurt
her some.
The future of Nome is problematical.
It will either be one of the richest camus
in the world or a very poor one. At
.1, ....... tUn : ; .. . . m T.-..1.
Anvil, Snow Gulch, Dexter, Banner and
Buster, in the Nome district and re
ported strikes from all over, that lack
proper confirmation and not to be relied
upon, are heard of. The beach diggings
are about worked out in this vicinity, $5
per day to the man being about all that
can be made except at Top-Kuk. There
it ie as rich as here last year. Living is
rapmiy aecreasing in price and soon
will be very cheap. The first vessel in
was the Alexandria, a steam whaler of
San Francisco. Then came the Jeanette
and Jeanie, followed by the Alpha with
268 passengers, to most of whom the
country does not look good.
It is my intention to go to Port Clar
ence and then into the country I was in
after coming here. I was out 32 days
and am interested in a number of claims
in the "Golden Gate." "Bunker Hill'
and "Koog-Ruk" districts, all tributary
to Port Clarence.
The conditions of living on the heads
of the streams over the divide are about
ttte same as living on Coopers Spcr. We
hauled dry wood 40 miles, and that with
what coal oil we carried would fire the
green willows that it took one man all
the time to dig out of the snow and cut.
Snow, snow, everywhere. We would
eet up at 4 o'clock in the morning, fix
up our notices and three would go and
stake, leaving two in camp to get wood
and cook dog feed.- While on. Taylor
creek on the 7th instant, it stormed so
we could hardly face it, and cold enough
to freeze one without plenty of furs on.
And on the 12th we crossed the divide
back on to Nome river about 12 o'clock
at night with a fair ice trail, and at 3 in
the morning the ice broke with us and
we edged it until 10 A. M., camped until
9 P. M. and reached the city at 5 P. M.
the 14th, with one meal between times,
and crossed 35 miles of tundra, with a
swollen stream every quarter of a mile,
ragged, muk-luks worn out and whisbers
long as Rip Van Winkle's.
It I am lucky enough to get a piece of
money, will come out next fall and
spend the winter but if I can't go right
win stay nere or winter in tne
country where timber is plenty,
also moose and caribou. The only game
here are birds. We kill no end of ptar
migan in the back country and they are
fine eating, better than pheasants, quail
or grouse ever dared to oe. I have seen
them in the Golden Gate country in
flocks of 1000 or more, and they are so
much whiter than the snow that one
can see them two or three hundred
yards away when the suu is behind you.
It is a ereat life here different alto
gether from Dawson. When I come out
I mav bfinsr an Esauimo kid with me, as
I want him when I come back in the
winter to do carry work. Y rite me,
care of A. C. Co., and they will forward
it to me.
Facts That
January 1st
THE 1900
Every Patriot
and Vote
Ought to Kaow4
iin Alii
J Political Kcsistcr
Containing Full Information
Upon All Statistical Facts
and figures.
Vill Want;
j atopy. ;
A Complete Guide to the
Forthcoming Election!
of 1900.
SPECIAL i The South African
FEATURES. War; Wartathe Phil.
mwwsvwJ ippines; The interna
tional Peace Congress; Our Naval
and MUitary Establishments; The
Samoan Settlement ; .The Great
Trusts and Their Capitalization, and
many other subjects of equally vital
A complete Hislmy of etch of
the Ship in the American
Nroy, by Edgar Stanlon hlac
Uy, Historian U.S.Navy. -
1 Trice
Postpaid to any tddresi.
To Clos
Certain Shoes we reduce as follows:
Ladies' very fine tan vici kid vesting top, cut from 3 to...... 2 60
Men's stitchdowu flax sewed soles, from $2 to 1 50
Youth's oil Bals, from $1.30 to 1 00
Youth'B satin calf Bals, from $1.30 to 1 00
Youth's oil grain and kang. calf "Kant Rip," from $1.30 to 1 00
Men's Creole Congress kang. calf, from $1.60 to 1 25
And several others which we cannot list.
We sew your shoes free if they rip.
Organdies and Dimitys in beautiful patterns, in ten-yard
lengths, at 12Jc; worth 20c. We cut them if necessary.
Boy's and men's Crash Hats, stiff crown and brim, 30 to 60c.
Our Millinery stock is practically complete yet, but are now
reducing it, and if you haven't your summer hat, make your
selection now before stock is broken.
Don't forget our line of "Royal" samples for tailor-made
suits; finest in the land..
A Hood River Boy.
The organization of Native Sons of the
state of Washington have inaugurated
the custom of holding memorial services
on the last Sunday in May of each year
in memory of departed comrades and
old pioneers. ThisByear the memorial
address for Jefferson Camp, at Port
Townsend. Wash., was delivered by
Thomas A. McKay. Mr. McKay is a
former Hood Kiver boy ana ins many
old time friends here will learn with
pleasure of his accomplishments as an
Advertised Letter List.
June 18, 1900.
Green, Mrs B A McBride, Mrs M
Hayes, Bertha McCoy, Miss Nora
Lindsay, MissM South, Mrs Wm
Brown, Tom Mattson, Matts
Butler, Jim ' Mattson, M Leandsr
Dawning, Geo A O'More, W M
Goran, James Patton, J C
Johnson, Alfred Pierce, Carl
Jones, Rev JC . Sloat, H C
Smith, Lewis.
Wm. M. Yates, P. M.
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
t.hehnriv.RinkincrattheDitof the stomach.
loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences ot impure
I A 1 Vn mnHiv lii-tiir it Kann nia art it trill ut
be purified in order to obtain good health.
Acker's Blood Elixer has never failed to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
any other blood diseases. It is certainly a
l ...f., J.. 1 ,1 u
wonaenui reuieuy,anu we ecu every uuv
tle on a Dositive euarantee. Williams &
In Hood River valley, East Side, May
30, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, a
At Underwoods, Wash., June 20, 1900,
to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Haynes, a daughter.
In Hood River valley, June 18, 1900,
to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller, a son.
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle," says Geo.E.Cary,
editor of the Guide, Washington, Va.
"After using several well recommended
medicines without success, I tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to
say that relief came as soon as I began its
use and a complete cure speedily fol
lowed." Sold by Williams & Brosius.
Church Notices.
Consreeational Church. Services
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., con
ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Hersh
ner. Brtnuay scnooi ai iu a. m. wiui
Mrs. Helen Bateham. superintendent.
C. E. society at 7 p. m. with Mrs. J. F.
Armor, lender. A cordial welcome to all.
VnlW Phristian Chnmh. Sunday
school at 10 a. m., Arthur Getchel, su
perintendent; preaching by the pastor
at 11 atm.; Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m.;
preaching at 8 p. m.
M. E. church service. Sunday-school
10 a.m.; preaching followed by 'class
sfirvirw. 11 a. m. : Eoworth Leazue
praver meeting, 6:45 p. m. ; general ser-
t i t -I - . . . . . i . ; .. o
Vices OI league, t I'. " JJreutnuig o
n. m. : rt-milar wraver meetincr Thurs
day evening at 8 p. m. F. A. Spalding,
A Good Cough Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough
Remed vwhen druggists use it in their own
fnniilifHin nreference toanvother."Ihave
sold Chamberlain'sCough Remedy for the
past live years with complete satisfaction
to myself and customers," says Druggist
J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have
always used it in my own family both for
ordinary coughs and colds and for the
cough following la grippe, and find it very
efficacious." For sale by Williams &
The time has expired for taking the
census in Spokane, and it is discovered
that fully one fourth of the population
has not been enumerated. Citizens of
Spokane are now taking action to do the
work left undone by the enumerators.
A Practical Demonstration.
A fact proved by actual demonstration is
more satisfactory than any theoretical propo
sition. Realizing' thin, and knowing that
Ibey bare a proposition which they ran guar
COMPANY.of The Dalles, Oreeon, have eon
xtructed one of their nun I tar y closet and put
the same Into actual operation.
mm closet is now locaiea in me rearoi
-l. ...... 1J.., 1. 1 ..... 1 n u, ...... nn
Second street, between Federal and Laugh lio
streets. The Danes, uregon, ana uie puiiiic
is cordially Invited to call upon either Chan.
Burcbtorf, at his store, or 1). H. Dufur, Yogi
ISIock, and they will be cheerfully shown tbe
same. This company Is now prepared to Oil
orders promptly. Parties desiring this sys
tem will be furnished full Information upon
application to or correspondence witn 1. 8.
VVf V It. The Iall-s, Oregon.
Graining, Natural Finishing, etc.
Estimates Gratis. E. H. PICKARD.
80 Acres.
Well ImproTod farm: 40 acre In mitigation:
nMr ct!oi!: giiod roaus. If k-a fl,.)'j. B
bargain In Hood Kitr. FKtU HOWK.
Warranty Deeds
Blank Warrsoty betd for sa".e at Ui Oia
eier offlce.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound.
W. BoujtD.
11:42 a.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth.Omaha.
Kansas City, St
1:30 p. m.
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, Bpo
kane, Minneapolis!
8:27 p.m.
rsi rain, uuiutn,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
4:30 a.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft worin.uinana,
Kansas City. Bt.
Mall and
Mall and
11:12 p. in.
6:60 a.m.
Louis. Chicago
ana me ummu
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
Ooban Steamships
For Man Francisco i
Hull every 6 days.
8 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
10 p.m.
Columbia Rivkr
4 D.m.
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
4:30 p.m.
6 a.m.
Ex. Sunday
Oreuon City. New-
DPrg,aiem a way
Yamhu.l Rivkhs.
Oregon Clty.DayUm
8:30 p.m.
7 a.m.
Mon, Wed.
Tues. Tliur.
mi v ri.
and nat
ana way mnainga,
Willamette River.
Portland to Corval
lis A way landings.
8 a.m.
Tues, Thur.
ana Sat.
4:30 r.m.
Mon., Wed.
ana f ri.
Lv Lewlst'n
o a.m.
Rnakr Rivkr.
Rlparla to Lewlston
xr u T-fftpr.HrTnT
Oen'l Pass'. Agent, Portland,' Or
J. Baolby, Agent, Hood River.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks,
Vancouver and Portland,
Touching at way points on both sides of tbe
Columbia Uiver.
Both of the above steamers have "been re
built and are in excellent shape for the sea
son of 1900. The Regulator line Will endeavor
to give its patrons the best service possible.
For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel
by the steamers of the Regulator Line.
Dalles City leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Regulator leaves at 7 a. m. Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
Leave Portland 7 a, m.; arrive at The Dalles
6 p. m. Arrive at Portland 4::0 p. m.
Portland office, Oak st. Dock. The Dalles
office, Court street,
General Agent.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 28,
1900. Notice Is hereby given thai the follow
ing numed settler lias filed notice of his In
tention to commute and make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before George T. Prather, I). S. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Fri
day, July 6, 1900, viz:
Of Hood River. Oregon. H. E. No, 6767. for the
southwest southeast '4 and southeast Vt
southwest section tj.and east "northwest
section 7, township t north, range 10oast,W.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Fred Newby. Samuel McCartney, Frank
Davenport and Henry Prigge, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
JelJyB JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 28,
1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
tbe Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Monday, July 9, 1900, viz:
Of Mosler, Oregon. H. E. No. 4262, for the
nerthwest southeast ., south southeast
!4and southeast H southwest section 14,
township 2 north, range 11 cast, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to provs
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
1 Davenport, W, E. Huskey, E. B. Wood
and J. W. Huskey. all of Mosler, Oregon.
Jcljyf) JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Iind, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Ind Oftlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 3, 1900. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, ltfiS, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory ,"
Of Hood River, connty of Wajfoo, state of Ore
gon, has tbis day tiled In this office bis sworn
statement, No. 157, for the purchase of the
east northeast of section No. 2 in town
ship No. 2 north, range 9 east, W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its tiuiberor stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Tbe Dalits, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 3tu ds v of June, 1903.
He names as witnMk!J.C. Hays, Albert
L. An tone, 13. F. Eadeluian and F. B. Allard,
all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
201 h day of June, 1900.
B20J22 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Registered Jorsey Bull.
I have purchased the thoroughbred Jersey
Bull from Lvman Smith that he bought from
the t-Ma'.e of tbe late W. S. Lad a of Portland.
This bull has a noble peijigree; he wat sired
by Chief Kuglneer 4714;; his mother, Brown
H-eir7iWT. whs the chaixikm but tor cow at
the world's fcjr, with record of 18 B 3 oz, of
iiuucr a wivk, m-rviec vt a t.miiea number,
only l, but uiuei ba u&'A la aAvanuo.
je 1 Q&X KCF.DEN.
bone & McDonald
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt.,
Go to him for pure fresh Drugs, Patent
Family Recipes a specialty.
Furniture and Builders' Supplies,
. Finishing Lumber and Shingles.
"Quick Sales and Small Profits," Our Motto.
A full line of PAINTS and OILS always on hand at Portland
prices. A first-class mechanic ready to do all kinds of repairing and
new work either by the job or by tie day.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Carpets and Wall Paper,
Room on Oak Street and Second Street,
Hood River, Or.
U. S. Commsaioner.
cler anfl Conveyancer,
I have lots and blocks for sale In different parts of 4he town of Hood River.
Also, have the exclusive sale of lots lu Blowers' Addition, the most beautiful build
ing location lu town.
Business, such as paying taxes for noa-resldents, r anything pertaining to th.
County Court, promptly attended to. Can furnish township plats to home-seekers
or those looking for lands. Have been a resident of iioud Klver Valley for St
years. Correspondence solicited. Telephone W.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In ths vallsy.)
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all 4ta
goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide
' with a partner all dividends are mado with customers in the way of .
reasonable prices.
A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps ; latest styles and
blocks, including men's stiff Hats, Fedoras and Pashas.
We also have ordered direct from manufacturers in the East tho
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain
that we can hold our own. Come and see us.
i 0
Oi all Ms of FnniitDiB, Carpets, Wan Pap, etc.
1 challenge any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing Goods than I canquot,
Special figures given on building material for contract work.
tf FiisiE (Ms,
A nice line of all-over Lacex, Lace Curtains, etc.
With F. E. JACKSON. He and tho DAVEN
PORT BROS, havo over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Eveiy gallon ot
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. . It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best And most durable
House Paint made.
at the Glacier Pharmacy.
Medlclues and Wall Paper. Prescriptions aos
J. P. for Hood River District.
Real Estate anil Ins
isw, Unflorwear,