The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 22, 1900, Image 2

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    5c:d Jiver (glacier.
TlwBUifcrm adopted by th wpobli-1
4BCf , f. .1 L . XV.;.
ca ra'.cu rio-.Ti-i-.u . i , j
yitiaexj, indorses la high rralse tfca
admiairraUott of Wiliita McKinley.'
w1 . V .i j rrBn
and declare the kcnocrU party an-.
to be entreated with tbe reboot
..Pi rwi the moter cneatkm, the
platform declare oneai vocally for the
goy standard- There if not his. t at
. . i
Inter-national areeiL.Kt ana me wj
bimetallism U act used. The party
asia rn the lHh in the policy of
prouetk aai Uw nertrieta of smmi- (
rtir,a ci cheap labor. Th pUtorm j
favors Leg islatiaa to advance the interest
of Americaaibippiftf". tliev ia libera!
oetjic-a Ui; ccccRea t w.:
nance of aa eicieat civil aerrice; proia
ueardactioafcf the war U.i: want
the IthmM eaaal to be built and owaJ
by th CaSted Staiea; aski
eocgrea to etthUh a dipartaeat cf
eociBierce, aad coBiBad the part
takea by oar goTeraaieat ia tbe peace
coafereace at The Kajfie. Tor tl Phil-
Ippiaea the p!auorm declare
largest mearore ie!!-rraDtc"
Bauat wiA tLeir welfare and ooi dat
haU be teeared to thera by law. To
Cafce,iadeprdacce ad ie:f-goenmeat
were asrared ia the ame toic Wy which
war wu declared, aad to the letter thi
pkdgc thall be performed."
The molts cf the recent ceaitu taken
ia Cab aader the directJon of the Unit
ed State war department give wb a
teresticg Cgaree. The return i made to
General aagr, the director cf thecea
aa, give aa agregaU of 1,572,77 iahab
itaata, M agaiart 1,631,667 returned by
the eenn uken under the Spaaish aa
thentiea ia 1597, making the low ia
twelve yeara amount to 63,590, or 3
per eeaU Th white pcpnlatica ci Lan
aa birth number 810,208, or M per cent
of the total ; th negroea aad noted
breedj lea than one-third of the total.
Oa the gro&nde of education, property
holdinzcr membership la the Cabaa
army, at leart 10,000 native Cobanj
were qaalified to vote ia the June mnn-
Jcipal electioaa. Tbe fcpaotaa voter in
the blaad, owing to the treaty riht
granting thera the retention of Sjianiih
eitiienhip, amount to U thaa 30,W0,
M a majority of thta have retained al-
leg-'ance to Spain. Thai the domination
of native bora white citaeaa ia Cuban
aolitica ia aucred betond a dtjnbt. The
ceaiua aio diicioiee the deplorabie fact
that 43 per cent of the popalatioa over
tea year of age U illiterate.
With IU iat Uaae the Btae Monntain
American haa beea a year ender it
preneat managemeat. Wbea Edward
EvtreU Young took charge of the paper
the town of Sampler bad a population
of some two handred peopte, ar.d the
Sampler 5ew, aa the pab!ictka wa
thta calhi, hardly kn.jwa ouuid
cf Eaker and Gfant couBt:a. Today,
Sampler U a Souruhing City of 2,3J" pop
nlatioa, aad the Amerkan, a Mr.
Yocog paU iu, "ie bow known aad
q ao ted at the aatipodea, from Lunda to
Saa Fraadtco aad from Alaska to Mexi
co." The Blue Mountain American may
well be termed a freak ia modern iouro
alum. The pp' Kx-colomn, Id
page weekly, with 45 eolumm of payiag
ade, aad tome 19 column of matter of
local concern. The American give every
evidence o! bctag better pay than most
gold miaea, ha aa ably written editorial
page, and ia conducted oa independent,
fearleta priaciple for all that ia for tbe
beat interest of Sampler. Here iao
cea to you, ro. Young.
The Boer armie are atill is the field
aad able to haras the big British ar
mies and eauae them considerable
trouble. The Boera captared over one
thousand prisoner in th past two
waek. The Britiah loasea for the eight
month of war, up to May 2bth, are
atated officially at 377 omcer and 5,rj
men killed in action and died of wound
auddisewj, 712 onicera aad 0,594 men
wootded, and 17S odicera and 4,374 men
misting and prisoner. In addition, 10, -481
officer and men hat been invalided
to England exclusive of the wounded
and akk ia hospital in South Africa.
The total estimated casualties of all
kind among the Britiah troop, Afru-an
native aad Indian attendants since the
outbreak of tbe war are aet down at
50,436. Thia ia probably a larger num
ber of men than the Boera ever had in
the field. mmmmmmmmm
The aignifkaaceof tbe word "Boxer,
the name given to the Chinese rioter at
Pekia, ia probably a punier to the best
of general reader. The word atill goes
unexplained. The Boxer sprang iato
prominence so suddenly in China that it
ia difficult to leara juat who they are or
exactly what they atand for. The 'ew
York Suit aava there i no allusion to
them in any of the standard hooks on
China. If any one can give an interpre
tation for Eoxera" hi remarks will be
listened to with interest.
The enterprising Portland Evening
Telegram ha secured a special lease
T".re for its news service. This leased
wire etteiids to Eastern news center
aad will enabl the Telegram to double
it present amount of new matter be
side securicg a more direct and quicker
service. The Telegram is without doubt
the most complete evening newspaper in
the Northwest, and it patrons, the peo
ple of Oregon, will appreciate this fact
au tne more, cow.
It' op to torn whole-souled citisen cf
the town to agitata tbe organisation of a
voic&tear fir department for Hood
The fire amendment to the constitn
tioa of Oregon voted for at the election,
June 4tb, wire all lost.
Everything point to the coaiinsti jO
of "Teddv" Kocwevelt for vice president ;
f "Teddy" Rocwevelt fn
ca the rentHlican t:cet
CmbcU fwrtrcwiafa.
Begalar .neeting of th town eosncil
wis tei-i Xociay eight. Prwfeat-
,, , - t,. .
Mayor Bruins asd Cocaeumea Biowera,
Betl, Dck, Locker, Dridin lit-1
"uM. tka Ueasea were granted
H ii. AUen m Messrs. Jztei ana
Fonts. Tbe $1200 for tfe license were
1 i advance lata th toa trecry
Tt iadebtdn of $V. of .L:ch
u io w,.p1 ca.
wU ord'faiai; and Marshal UUczs
aalarr Ujt one rear, araoflntici to t0.
i .., ..-. j
iu oevKea irota u.e generat iaai w
rw3l meMinz Tuur tv.M
the a fa.sry iu increased la
excess of to--s to f3 a uiontb.
Hon. E. B. Iifar wa e'ted mayor
of Tha D-ilIs, Moaiiy.
Ei-Conzrwitmaa W. E. Eliia will d-
,irtr U jaI, 0fiu
Iomr p Anzi!. o( Th-
oraucn at Fmi;!.
Ij.ii, ti'
tfi wLaner of the t Failing prize tr
the fcest oratioo, Coemeacemeat day,
at the University of Oregon.
'o. 1 what u aeilic? in The Villa
lot 50 cents. It ia eip:'i that tb
price f;r the sean will not r) tloa
thia owirtjj to the ahortaw both ia tti
eoontry aai foreign. what prcdacing
Epcrt fca it that namerooa f. ::k of
qnaa cave tfo aeea lately in la luu
ijing bwtweea Mosier ani Hxi Eiver.
With proper protecioa for a frw ytr
it u biiieved the wood bordering oa the
CUombia rivr, ia thia eooaty, woald be
fall cf thee birds. Chrocieie.
Saat H'xxf 5t4.
W. H. E.lick made a trip to Cload Cap
Ian Iaat Ttteiar, and rep.yrt the tnoa
ail oce bat the" teiphoce lire i down
ail the war to the In a. lie fay more
timber feii lat winter thaa mnal.
D. E. Cooper broasht hrn? a new
mower tan week aad wiil toon begin
cutting hi clover.
Mr. Hillmer la moat of the lamber
on the groand to build hi new ttore
bniidicg at Mount Hood, whkh ill be
24xW. Still th improvement gooa.
The work on the Moant Hil Water
Sapply Co' ditch i rearing completion.
Alio the work on the M.-i.i!e Fork h
progresiag nicely. Yoc A Mi.
Atterta Exccnlon, Jaly 4th.
The Yoccg Men' Chriitian Aiiocia
tiou of Th J&ille his arricg.i to give
aa excar-ion ou Jaly 4th to Astoria,
leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m., Jaly 3d,
on the DP.ik A.N. tteamer, arriving in
Portland at 2 :30 p. to., giving five hoar
in Portland ; leaving Portland at 7 :30
the same eTening for Astoria, arriving in
Atoria at l o'c'txk ia the evening.
Returning, wiil leave A.toria the morn
ing of the 5th at 5 o'ciock, arriving it
Portland in time to take the b at for
home; arriving in The Dalle at 5 p. m.
the taaie day.
The battleship Philadelphia will be ia
the harbor, and thia together with other
msrm-i attraction, ani the regimeat at
Fort Steraa wiil help to make aa en
joyable day. There will also be the aa
qdI resatta aad yacht caraival, and
the training hip AJam, etc.
Ticket are oa aal eat tbe drag atore.
T Cars a CtlJ U Oae Day.
Ta.kLI riv Boit Qri'lsxTABi rw
Ail lniii.: rvf jn.l tne noy il it Una to
rare. t V. . OroTe Htnmir u oa taca c-x.
f as. di
V.S.Whe.i.n. !ihitrof the First
tunat Back of Winterit,Iowa,'a a recent
fetter scives one experiea-w with a car
pawrin hiemji"oy,that will beef valae
to ot hr ine:b anic. say a I had a!ar-
penter worki ag for me w no w as obiigea to
stop work for Mverat day oa aocoint of
bein 2 1 roa b led w i t h d iarr hoea . I me a tinn
ed tohim that I had beeaaimilartr troub
led and that Cb am beriain ' Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Retuedr bad enred me. He
booght a bottle of it from the druggist
here aad informed me that one do cure.
him, an 1 he t aain at his work." For
.tale by Williams & Broia.f.
In t&sCireott Coan tot th Sttt of Orsgon.
lor luo Cuaacy M .
K. C Broila, Hff, ( Hall to Ffrwkr
U. L. Slrnoioos, Deft, (by Puointatiuo.
To (1. L. 8imm'Mts the above nxm1 difctnl
aiK: !o tb nam of tte Mt.of twifuo, ) t
brwfjy rr)uirvt to p(ikt nl atuoer lh
eiKiiplalr.t B:i aiaxt jf'jj la tau mil ia tne
N)tc ejUwJ win. oa or bPw d
of ABtcu-w. A. ., l'0. tast twinz th ten Uj
pr;rihi ia Ui oeovr &t publli.-ottiHi, hftf
ubn di1. fre toe pablieatiJO -(ii tuta
nnxii. aciersin it wm oroorl, mt uki-J p
lit-Btiua be milu once vc tt its eoaMra
tlT mk, a 1 tor nta mwiwoj, la tb
im4 Kicer lilaier, a D((:r ot fntrml
ctrenbttiuo pub!ii.'i aiy to tb. to ot
Hml KHer, tat 4 county or ao-t state
f ori-Kua: ana If ?on tn appear aaa
iairr -in i-aipllDt. r want tbecef iti
piutDtitT wiU taite JudmDt ojciiast you for
lb sum of One HuU'irvvt la IHtan, witi in
leml tltreoo fr-Jin truoi ttM ;tb day of St.t
smbrr, MM, at th rate of lea per eent pr aa
oum. belnf the amount du oa two cvrtaia
prutulwry om ecar4 by mortyi oa cer
tain teat estate ta tui county of Vfi:a. aa
IberelR cteaeribvet'. togatber sritb toe rur
luer a' i in of 'faro and S'-I'JO dollar
tfetuKtuent taaetf, cbarftw and Interest. xr3
tntenae tlierenn at tne rate of sea per eeut per
aanuni frora the litu day of J un. lW. tnga
er aritii ia furtberauiu cf Thirty e'lTedoilan,
atuirary'a (t and tne coata of tbia auit. and
Sir tbe Krveixture and aaie uf aald mortued
preailaea. Ta aoraice of thbt aurumuua ia
therefore, mad upon you by publicattuD
ttwrvof lo the aatd itovd Uiartrr, a
newaraper of feneraf eireoUthio, published
weekly in aald U'aeeo county, atat of OreiriHi,
iby order of aald cvinrt at it rvgntar May
term, 16"J), tbareiif. Boo. W. L. Kradsbaw pre
aidinf, oa tbe linn day of June. Vm),) once a
artrei lor ai x cucuweuttT weeka and fct seren
iwa:l(( taaertiona, td if tbe Cral
finbiicatloa of b'.ci M tiM ilad day of Juse,
AtUHDey (Or fUiutitf.
ImI Oflk- at Vancouver, Waab.. June M.
1300.-Notice ta b"ttby iea tbat tbe follow-Inc-named
aectlera riave 6 led not tee of tbeir io
teuttou tooiaaetiual prviof tnauppurtof tbtr
clamia, and teat autd pruufa wui be made be
Sw lb Keltr aad P-i-o-iver L. s. land if
Act at Vancouver, WaatL, on WedoeadAy.
Aoguai t, iMi, a ia:
cf 1'hen.iaetb, P. O., Wash., who msi H. E.
No. !tT fur inert W quarter of k. quarter,
and N quarter of s K iji!rterof aectlon U.
F p J X. rane eaa. tl. JUr.
ft caaiea in witneaaea U prove
hU piruincou reaidccco apua aad euiuva-li-n
of ruij Uud. via:
John M. i'rmHer. Clans Pearano, UeorfS Tt
rU, a of Cbenowetts, I'. u., Wa,,a., uJ j.
P. (iilwt'.e of Steven)!:. P. f., Waan.
lan l CtH Vanconrer, Va..h June ,
bWU. Notice u bivt'T fvra thc tbe ft)iiw
ln named fc ttler haa died not i uf b,a ln
teuuon to make ttoat proof ia support of
hla claim, and tbat aaid prvf ui tie made
before th lieytater and lWetver I". S. Iind
trhc at Vauccueer, kuli, oa r'rtaay,
Auguat i. U"00. via:
of White Salmon. P. f. Waan., bi niaJe Ft.
E. No. Si:, (o t&e aotsta baif of S W ouaner.
aac 31). and eaa. tut.. I of N w quarter o wtv, A.
ail ID Tp. S norm, raaa: It eaat. Wit. Xv.
lie aaniea tne foiiuai in; wiumaea to prove
bis conuanooa reaideoca upoa aad euiuva
Uoa of aald land, ru:
Lea Joanna. TUnotT Oeonr. Jaa Carce
and A. H. Jewstt of Watt Saloiou, P.
JuXCi V. E. PCXBAR. Begtater.
Bees For Sale.
lUliao Bees ftr aa.'e PETER MOSR.
Bricks for Sale.
Krtc&a mxf b ofc'airvd from rev ktln
Pe'mout jiu rtr ;r-x.M.n.l. Ti 'ml
",rr "e"-' -tin. sp..
v . i v i mwu ni " . I
. s-terrtl
j Simeon E-A'jja will continue to act as
Ufaty eoeity clerk cnder A. E. Laie.
,1t Dalle) wool Bwr a HI Us em-
tiered 25 men. and : torum oH Erst
J, ,0f k Tb. Tinies-Mocr-tainr
Mr, f,r.hi:i fJ th wi W be shrDced
T,U ttij ie3a w te
After la-litic all the bill !d agaiaat
tL rcan!y and examining the aoeoantW
the rttirir.g i&oer, the cocaty eocrt ai
fMirtiKd at ra Wiaiay. Thia i
the list baicc icfik-n of tlie y rvtrnl
boari, a the cw coart wiil be inaaga
rawd the &nt Moaity ia July.
State Sifrin.Unlizt of Pablic Ia
atrictkm J. H. Aekertnaa ha jnrt com
pleted a bw reyUtur to be tki ia a!i
the public rhoA ia the atate. Tbe
zoeral piia ia the new register ia to
have a dtill rini cf the work cf
evf-ry papil, frosa the tfra he enter
:hocl onU he Ur&vt, aal a copy of the
record to be left by tie teacher for the
ae of hi aaceesior.
The Cwcit! nvx of tri vote of
Moltnoa.ih cocniy iu ci.hl Mon
day, aa l th reotiit fhow that a" the
repabiiaa cacdiate V.-r wxiaty ocen
were e:ectei. Ail the eitiin li?zi-t!a-tive
ticket except M. II. Trpley got ia.
fl-itx. L. St.rv, r;pbiican. haviaj beatea
TirUrj lii voi. AIt Swek. ca
scrat ijt j;nt aeaator, aa.1 A. S. Ireer,
repabtican for j'jint repfwntatiTe. wt-r
eletL U S.Rowe, repabi;eaa.iaeeteil
nrjT'.r, aad the eocneil atacd six re
pa bt ifiasj, foar demeerat and one ia-depeo-icct.
Summer Boarders.
t ana preparei u aei:onnvylate fzimmrr
boitr-ieraat asy p'ici is Blera adjlja to
fiool lUr. V: aai.e fa ta afatmn. New
tbMur. nee 17 rimrabe-?. ascmittaia air. el
eater, ton-t tarrrxaa-iinata aad aoooaa:4ia
tiim. Prtcet reawooabie.
ptkZ XrA AD WtTH.
Seeeral hsadrtd S t of l' or i lar ptpe.
City Property for Sale.
I bare il aal Ifc w-tt-anowa Champtla
property ia H vi River, tocatwmvf of 1 lJt
ana ral baiMisars, tbe taher resting I-.-r )Jaa
oaontX Tbi pr-)trty la Ktaaint oa two
bo w afreeta.wiuiitt a blfleit of tbed'p-.
Pnee ',:. T. i. fVALL.V.
Fresh Cows.
I have tvoor three frwh Coa at RIrsi!
farm, 3 naiiea areat of town, "at 1 wiil
-e-.w,oab:e. J. W. MORTON.
Situations Wanted.
A mas ni woman want altoatioo aaeooi
la ramp, woere ta D3aa eaa e .- or tbe
ircnaa ni o!t and tc man aor ta tne
wrwd.t. Addrvaia f. M NN. Hocul kiver. r.
Wagon For Sale.
A Vlt:cn track waf -a t ia efceap.
ni JAMES P A?.KE2-
Mowing Machine.
Haa yonr clover been ent eieaa where ft
drifted by any ma:bln yet tried? If ek-c. try
a sitsutiard. YiKt car. aij&4 til aiekl to any
iesred an! and pvic tt op atr.b toe joania.
siaiple miicnie at Tintk?r. Cail and exam
ine it; ( ti ajr.n try tt and yoo ea tne
arort. Buy tou best; it coats at raor Try
B. E. Tf 'CKEK.
m5 Ti-air, r.
5 to 60 Acres.
I wiil arH Dy part of my land, 'rora 5 to (0
acre, two m:W from town. Thirtr m;ae
la oreaard. W. J. BAKER.
For Sale or Trade.
Will aeilom time or trade tor anytbln of
l?5if valtw
i aires stood at ra a berry land mrinaa.
V acre near Tatlnr. partly Improved.
C'aii bayera el mt apply.
aer. roilea frora town, partly Improved
3D airrt, T rolies frt.iu twn. Improved.
jtS W. A. siLI.N.jEttLAND.
Hay for Sale.
A rro4 qoaiit, of aJflf. timotby and eky
r bay Hit aatr by J. H. hHOKM K KlC
Farm for Sale.
aitr?. nearly alf ia cultivation. Th very
eiiotoaof Hood River valley. 1 miles aucta Oi
town. Macs ru any ol 1 oCTer.
ri2 A. a tise?JW.
Light Team.
Llfbt team, barneas and aprinf warns, (be
a la. Uji t of Joa. FR7.IKa. Jr.
Two Lots.
Two lu tn Earrett-Si pma addition tmr aale
atTsak)4. Tble la rnol-e residence property.
Apply at the Ulaeier orHee.
New Shop
ForrepalrlncSboea and Hartwaa. Alt work
don to ormanlik order end on hrt no.
tut at reasonable prtoes. with to bt ma
terial are can aecure. Snop la (kid Fellows
b'dlldlrur. Come and aee tw when vi need
winis done. J. T. UOUIAS A iN5t.
Choice Town Property
for Male. Block I, with a lO-roota honset
ar.wid orcnard; i lots in atraw bcrru'a and other
(ra.La. L. flenry.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Alone contain both.
Pally, by mall J a year
Dally and Sunday, by mail 3 a year
Is the freateat Snrvinv Newspaper ia th
Price J? a ropy. Py m.-all twodnllars a year.
Adtlrest TIIE &L'N. Nsw York.
Water Notice.
Persona reqnirtni water fcrlrrieattnet most.
Before tu:nr any water, mat application to
the CTary In writing;, atatln tae number
of kit and a deaerlptloa ot .ime. Also.make
piiyaieat of T3c rr lot, or frattiM of a Uh.
permootn tn advance. Appu.twa will be
Bied and n trrtatina; wiil C permitted ex
cept oa lot eo deatcnateil All lmtr.:t
muat oe ox innnia rrxniatma niie or
array. All reaidini B-irtri of tjaa atreet wtli
ne water only between the hoar of iand
o'ciock A. VC; taoae sooia of saidstreet aavme
bura P. JL
No water will be furawboi any ots fiailicf
to eomptv wrta aoove n::.
For Sale or Trade.
Tyr atook or JIn'xl Eiver farm or timber
land. "! hooes ao4 tbroe reaideoce fcjta.
5t10! ca-n. In th aaburba of Oregon City. A
nne arvnnjj cf wj'r never pie lry. aom
aasa'.t n-o:t. gwl blekeo-yard and euieitea
hooe. T wo iita entirely aub-lrrticteif. Maxe
me an O'T'-r and rte j.jd 4eamsUMai of what
yva bav to trade. ti. E. K EfXiiil.
Moro. Oriiyin.w
fTitEber Land. A Jane LTS.
r. S. Land O:?:.. Th tialleav Ore.B, April
hi Dial. Notice i berb five tnat ia euia-
Eiiance wr.a toe croviaiocts oc tee act oa ee-
r-i of Jan.:i, KA. entitiel -An act Wiethe
ale of ilnoar tanda In the xateaof t aliSirtsi.
urcfoo, Nevada and Wjatfaiactoa Territory,"
Of Hiil Rtwer. eoon'.v of Waam. at ate of Oray
piB, bas thia day CeJ la thia o."S. ber saon
acateaient No. 13, fr the parchaM of the
oortnwaat aoatnwea.. ,. aod amathweat
sort li west 4 cf aevtioa N-x i la toaruh'p No. a
north, rarure Noi. Seaat, W. and offer
proof to show t&at th land xxdrut ta more
valuable S -r Ita timber or esooe than r atrV
caittrii parpewa, and soeatabhaa Bwrr.aim
to aald iand beS-re tbe Reartaaer aad Receiver
r fUi:a oSV-eat The la! lea. tirerea.oa V atnes
dav. tra ftn da of Jane. UuO.
Sne same aa aniftv IV rt JfcTrorry
an.! Jim Sieri cf H.HXl Kiver. tireiroe;
i stmoann or iaae.t lka. Oew;
Wihiana &a!on. H.iod Ki wr. f lenrraav
Aai and ail per&clalii!nsr a.1 verse! y the
aboae-d riceit l vt are rirtel to Ste
tNirr alT in th a offlet oa oc befere aaud
inifafof in-!.
--- i tr r-r- ta-p.
GEO. F. C0E & SON.
Patwon to 8. J. LaTTaiyy
Fresh Eoasted Peanuts
Choice Confections
Qcecware, lamp aad G'aware.
Racine Stocking Feet.
iJff" Eraach 0c IjT Unioa Laaa-iry .
Do a General Eaciing Buainesa.
I a the Clrenit Girt Sjc tbe S-re of Orego,
ia l&e Cooaty cf Waactk.
lis X. Erovo, pIS, Salt tie diTore.
vi ..-aai2Vcs t jt pablica-
Frank Broara. sVft. I tioo.
To Frank Brown. iLe atei-re-aaited dSMS
aal: In tne saneof tne ika'e of Oreoo. yon
are b-treby repaired b apcear and anwr toe
ciM&uamt SM acainat yoa La in a vi:t :n tne
awit ent!tk-d eian. oa or beSur tbe 3"ili
day of Jaly. A. U. ih Utat bein the aan cay
preaerttied la th order jpcbinatiuf aald
HiBSKia, wiaersia tt wa ortierel that aald
puaiicaUoa be aude eavce week lit a:z ea
aeciilite wotkaaal r aereo eocaecauve la-aert.'c-c.
In th Hood P.iver G ju-ter. a aew.
paper of reoeral rin-niatioo. pabiiahed week
ly in tb lull cf ari Kiver. Mid einaty
and atate: and if yoa fail toappear ai.4 answer
aaid eompia. at. Cr waat thereof tne piaintiff
w.ii tike Jndzmefil azalnat yoo tr a decree
dL-wrnv .oi? tne Ual of matiimooy bereto&jre
iB'i )v eiiatinc between th plaintiff ani
df?si?t hereto. aol ctvinc to pixiatiff tbe
care, eitody and edBcatioo cf flenrr. aoa or
avi4 pavniea, aad t eenertai retktf. "The aer-
vure A thia ammoca la ihereftre ma le acoe
yd by pcbLeatioa thereof !a inefiood Kiver
(ji-r. a newtpaper cf cenerat eireulalioa.
paHllineii weekly Its aaid Waaeo Cocntv,
;ts Orexa. by order of aaid Cocrt at lb
regular Jlay tens A. If. IZiX, thera.C tl.
W. L. Bra'lthav presiding, oa the lilb day ai
Jose. A. It. 101, tne aix ojoseexittve weeka
ani Sr eea tooaeeotiv In.ertioc, tbe
date of tbe Ant Enbiicaitoa uf whica la the
Ifci day of J tne, r-ca).
iel4? atiy. tw piaintiS
I arvl Offi-e at Vaneoover. Wh Jon
Notic ia hereby xiven that the SjlWw-in-fiamed
aettier has Cied wxice of bt io
tentioa to maice final pr-wf In anpport of hu
rualoi. and that aaiJ pruif will be ana1 e before
r. . kale, er of tbe ecpenor Coin oi
Mamania county, w un;n;'i5.u Mevenaoa,
Vaaiimi iOB, oa Tharlay, Jaiy 31, lj.0, ti
FI 1 No. M. for th lota S. aocUua Ltownihip
. i il -- ri"
11' -I, imam's om, - . jt.
Hs umo tb SUoartn witnesses to prore
hU CDntinsoss reHtiience upoa. and caiUra
.ljn of aiaid land, viz:
Thjnia W. 1.gk, Charley Myers. John W.
Hill and Geurfe W.iahr,aU of Chsooweth.
jya W. R. PCX BAR, Efyater,
Land trfie at Vaocoaver. Wut. Jne 4.
Wju. N-Jttce I hereby ?iven that the foilow-in-caaied
aetsiera have C led miXice of their tn
tenttoa to make Seal prwjf in anpport of their
ciatniajand tnatauidpro;a will be ni&debe&ira
B. Preaby, Cnited States Commia.ii'wer
;r dLsinct uf Washington, at hla ocice in
fioidendae, Waaiiingtoo, oa palttri., July
Hmesteai Entry No. mx, foe the snotheat
qnarter of sratueaat quarter aectioo 17, nKth
naif of oortheaat lo.irt-r and nortbeaat quar
ter of nortnw eat n aarter of arcti-io M, town
ah : a a nortn of rane Li eaet. W 111. Mer.
ife name the following wiEtiesi: to provr
hU continootu reatdeace apoo sad cultivation
of. aaid land vie
Tbeeda K. Anderwa of FaMa P. 0,Vah
inMn: K.l.ton E. W r.5hi of ijoklendaie f.
anmxtia: ChrUuan paaeir of Lyle P.
'aibin,tia: Cnxket Caatie of Faid F. u.,
WaAhlnjton. ik
Hotnestead Entry Noi 9.HI, tie the north hall
if soouwaet ijoarter and north half of aatte
wrut quarter aectton i. town.i,ip i Bonn ol
ranw U east. Will. Hsr.
Sue name the following witnests to prore
her CTnt:noooa reattteoce upon and cviliva
tkn of aaid land, v izz
Nclwn Anierson of FaMa P. Wanhlns
too; Etoa E. Wright of iJoldendale P. C
Wahinitoa: CbrUtiao Spanscler of I.yle P.M.,
A aahlnictoa; CPJCieU Castle uf Fuitla P. O.,
JwjyU W. K. PCXBAR, Rct'jter.
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, L-OCf
ratted States Land frr,ce. The PalSe. Ore
soo. May 11. KOO. Notice hereby ;tven
that tn cotrtpliaoce wtm the provision 01
lbs att of eur.rv of Jane i. entitled
-Aniol f tbe anie of timber I in la tn tbe
Statea ef California, tregoo, Nevada and
Waaiauton Terntt-ry,
Of T!l IIte. eoonty of Wasrn, atate of Ore
con, haa tma day aied in this office his sirorn
statement No. l-'i S r the rjrrcbaae f th
Iota It and Li and aonUi b-tlf of atneaj-.
Unarter of aeetioo No. IX in towiuhip No. I
corth. ranje No., W. i., and will o?e-r
proof to hw that tbe land aooght is m-jre
valnable &r tt timber or atone than for ag
ricultural parpcse.and u eataollah hisrtalcn
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of th oliiee at Tbe IMilea, Oregon, on Satur
day, the u day of Anijast. IJO.
He nameaaa witoeiwear William Kand.L-E.
Mire aad C. L. Miwse, all of Hood River. Or
egon, and J. H. Pmrmanof TteDa!!ea,Oreeon.
Any and all persona clairr.lar adversely tbe
sflo-. e-describeit la mi" are reqiteitted to file
their claims in th.a office oa or before aaid
th day of Anjat,
Jeiat JAY P. H'CAS. Reftater.
Timber Ijtnd, Act Jane J, IST1.
Tittted HUtes Land ce. The Datles, Ore
eon. April il. I'XD. NUw Is hereby jlveo
that tn compliance with tlte provlaion uf Uae
act of ciKire of Jnne. l.S. entitled -An act
ir the aaie of timber tantta In the Statea of
California. Ore-joe, Nevada and a asoingtoo
Of Hoxi River.ernnty of Wasco, state of Ore
zoo. haa thia dav filed in this office hi
vvrn abatement Nx k tor the pore base
of the wt soctheavt S and fcKa 7 and
ecia T. towo-Miip 1 north, ranite t r-iat.
Ji.. and wui offer pro, vi t- show that
the land aaozht more valuable for ita tim
ber or atone thaa r artimitarsu purpnees.
and M ests.bu.4a his claim So aaid land
before the EUter and Eecetver of tna office
at The Iaii. tyrffyn, oa Fr.tUy, lite 2tta
dav of Jane. iiUii.
He narn a witnewwst Perry XiOrjrr and
O. B. Itartiey of Hurf River. Oreeoo: Hab-
bard Taytoe of Waaca, urecoo; Fred ampaoc
of 'aca.le. tTeeoa.
Any and ail persona etaimln adversely the
above-deaeribed bands are rec,iKHl to a;
cbetr elairca in this otcce on or befure aaid
21.1 day of Jane, fXh
avT:a JAY P. trCA., Regfeter.
Administrator's Notice
TTj anlerained, hjavin been appointed by
the (.' nty .ort of Wa.eo coon y, tn an or
mr aia-ie aad itivl May 7. 1H). a.i-ninL-trat.r
of the eata te of Charles Jrodt. d-faaei
ail parties boMicsr rlaUnus arsiost aaid estate
are aerebv not;?le.l to rreaent the same, ae-
I eorapmnicd by proper vaacaers and prC wa
tte ancersliwt, ai nta rtaeote near noxt
Kiver. .rt'o, witbla atx maiha from the
date of tb ta nottoe
Lwted Uay , l
A'JministraXor of th Etaie of Charles tirodt,
ie.'eaee.l. mlUl
Clubbing Offer.
ATI subscribers to the Glacier who pay In
advamaa aad : a-.lditiooal can have the KepobUe or the Tjieio BLad
sent to their a idra Sir one year.
Foreclosure Sale.
Xatfew ia herefer riven that by Ttrta of an
execntioa taaued Cat ot the eircuit roars of
the state oft reQ -r aco county, oa tne
rta dar of Jane, L, npon a jadjnjttt and
decre la tavor of Boot. 3faye and L. K.
Crowe, partners dotnf baai n- sader the
name of Man A Crowe, piairma. aad af-ainat
Wikaoa R. Winaoa, Jiary
Sendaars.aad to sneairecte-i and eoaucand-Ina-
me to aeil the fcW !,SES"S and the
fE ",- NB S aeetioQ I. townaa'p I
north. ranereS eaat. ia raro cnaaty. Ora
r-o. to aatiaf y a Judgment f w Kt-5I aad SVaXaw
attorney s ike, and t&JS ccavas. I wiil. oa
Satardajr. th Est day of Jaly, tSOB,
At the hoar of o'tW-k A. M at te eiMtrt
i fcoia ion ia Ial.Cly.t.ooio!y,w
ro. sel the fc itb-et bt-f ter
; ahove-aanied and eeribed real esrfatev u
aattafv-aaid jacrmeat.
IaliCity,Ureigoo. J?? J
ieZZjiO RvBihr htui.
he-1T c W-o cca?. C-wroo.
VetaiepiainriUiirytolTto come to our atom
Mens and Eon Shoes, YctiVi Sb:. Ladles' ad Misses'
Sh.s, Cclliren s SLa.
5Iea"s, Boys and Children's
An-d Gents' FaroisMn? Goods. A fine line of Pants. Look for
the sij-a
3D S isT -E3 1H
Clothing Store.
The Proof
Of good Cofiee is in the drinking thereof. The lovers of good Coffce
do not expert to find quality in a low grade package goods.
Jas. Ileekin 4 Co. 'a Eest Mocha and Java.
Old Government Blend Mocha and Java.
Daisy Blend (Costa Rica and Guatamala Blend), are each grtaran
teed to give satisfaction in the cop. We have in stock a complete line
of Coffees and Teas, in balk or packages. QUALITY AXD PKICE
to sait every one. Your patronage solicited in these lines.
Cash is KirigB
PROSPERITY cannot thrive on Credit,
still leads witrt a Full Line
Of staple groceries, flour, feed
And everything you need,
From ice to freeze your cream
And cool your mug;
Wood to warm your beans
And cook your grub.
Tbese fruits and vegetables pure and
Are delivered free on every street,
As are also all your groceries and meat.
Call Phone 21. We want your trade.
Yours very truly,
And all kinds of supplies for
Printing papers, card mounts, developers and toning solutions.
Triers range from t-5 to $20 for Kodaks.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, !n
the County of Wasco,
W. E. StserriU, pUT, Civil action to re
vs. Vcover ntoney. Knrn
Elton A. Hayden, deft, ) inons for publication
To Elton A. Ilayden, Cw above-named de
fendant: Io the name of the Stats of Oregon,
yoa are hereby required to appear and an
twer tne complaint riled asaint you tn this
action in the above entitled court, on or be
Swe the Sth dvy of Jaly, A. U. lltt), that bein?
th fctat iar prescribed In the order f ir pub
lication, heret.fore made for the publication
of aaid sammoos, wherein It was ordered
tbat aaid publication be made at least once a
wecit fcrsii ronaseutive weeks, or for aeven
inacrtioca thereof, in tbe Hood River (jlacier,
and :( you fail to appear and answer said
complaint. Sir wunt thereof the plaintiff will
lake jedament against you for tne sam of
eighty dollars dne and owin tar the funeral
eipensea of your deceased wife, and for th
f-.jrt.ier snm of thirty-five dollars due and or
inp ainiia ( ciedtcincs and services of
your physician, sgsresraiing the sum of one
hundred fifteen donar. tcarcther with in
terest thereon from the first of April, laX), at
ice rate of ti atr cent per annum, and for
the cois and disbursements of thia action.
Tse eervioe of this summous la therefore
maie upon you by publication thereof iu the
said Hood River ijlacier, a newspaper of
renetal ct.-culauon. publkshed wreetlv m s&id
Wasco ceunty, Oregon iby order of aaid court
at its rearuiar F-ortiiry ternu IaW, thereof.
Hob. W. L. iratshaw presidui(t. on the isth
day of May. 1. fc-r n consecutive weeks
and for seven consecutive tusertlooa- the dste
of the first publicauon of which la the Sku
day of lia.v. 1-1.
mjy Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bone Bros.
WiU sell yoo at wholesale prices. Coor. wheaL
bran, anons, roiaed wheat, and rolled barley. I
iney win 'p eoiniriiasnia or bur your
fruits of all kinds. Kemember tbat thev are
areots sbc the Kennedy cannery, and want
fruit and TeKetabtes t- can. Alw aents for
tlae Rain wasoa. Acme mowers and rakea,
the Uacin bcrxi aad Harks. Thev buy
almost ah iracla they hare Kir sale bv the car
toad, alaronst ait bills and wtj trade with
yea oo a r!) basis ocly.
Hay Press.
' My SootharSest bay pr-sawlth aeapac-tr ci
S tons per day. ia ta 2ae repair and rewc v fr i
b-eonr'sa. I wa to kt the rtsbiie Snow that I
i I will bale hay ia Hood Kivr vaiwv tiirocia- !
; oat the season. Xocrs war tyticessC
i Fa-Nai titiiArOiY. '
Bargains !
Foreclosure Sale.
Instils Clrcnft Court of the State of Oregon
. , for Wasco County.
Wesley E. Sherrill, I'lalniitr. vs. Clarence P
Kimpp and his wife. Katie Knapp, De
fendants. rr"
riliritu' 1f an ?x". erc and order
of sK luiy itwued out of and under the seal
? ih ar.CU" vC-rt of lb s' Orcn.Tr
the couuty of S asco, to me directed and
dated the SM day of May. iwo, u,Sn, decree
for the foreclosure of a certain morWe. and
Judnnent rendered and entered In saUI court
on the 16th Uav of May, wm. Iu thw?SS
titleil cause. In favor of the plalntifT and
aaalnst the defendanu. ClrencV V. Knapp
and his wife, Katie Knaip, asliKicmentdehr
an i rr "f nlnetyven
and ,5-100 dollars, bein? the amouut ufi shiJi
'.ml' ?,nJ l!W furtnf r M'm of forty-two and
JiJL"? '" wi"' l"lfrtfsl therein from
the loth day of May. IAV. at the rate of Vaxr
5fr aiiiiitm. and the further sum of
euty-dve dollars, as attornev's f eX r.dThe
tar her sum of eiKhtceu and lfMib U ollar.
costs, and the costs of and o,xia this wm and"
commandinj me to makeaate'f the-val S
ertyembr.-,sli,, such decree of fWctuS
and hereinafter described. I an on the -Jh
day ot June. 191, at the hoar Jt j clk ia
thearternoon of said dav, and at th. fnvVi
door of the county court h.MwtarViiS, ntv'
, Vt asco coudtv. Oregon sell at niii.n "If. .,
to the hlchest bldd7r for cai"" T ?e
r uht, title and interest which the defendanS!
llarence P. Knapp and biswife K.tiJil- "
; or either of them' Lvl on he i ih d-iVo?
1 vember. bat:, th a.i .E ' No-
asco county, tuwib All of the.YY.i, ,
;"rtnh 0rter of .Wn LSm J'wS
. township number one Hi north or.VTS
ten tuv. east of the Willamette Yl?i i?I
all of the southwest quafter 'f tl i."lso
quarteror aectlon two i" toV.hloh"M,
north of rame ten iim ealjiof th2 u RiOM "
Meridian. ronlainl .V IOkW L?rI i""
part of is.. i-.i i?.J .J" t'Vs nd bene
kuapppy,eVe:,oVand, ltrSK
dw-rWWi."! i "'ifT. J .udsment and
Tor Rent
j ai lawaa a l 11 I -.. . .
teoffloa. Wia Wsrn- Iaquire at ia
For Sale
. a
1. Four acres at Frankton. imcrov!
i ; l.-tn ' '
gxw spring , vuiy xrr.
2. Lot 100x130 fwt, on WaucomL
avenue, nortU ol Lr. Btaw'a lormer re.i
klence. Price, 100.
f th
3. John Sipma farm, in lots from S J
20 acres ; j0 to $00 per acre ; terms eac ; t
4. Lot opposite schoolhouse; 75 fetbt
stuart. fnce, iio. I
5. The Atkinson property, cor. Pin-
and Oak streets ; best bargain in torn ' b
6. X. X K. W. H, S. IV. U. X. tv t
and X. V.kS. W.Xkc. 8, T.2 X.. 5 I'
10 ., 160 acres. $S00. i
7. Earrett-SiDma addition : 150 n i 1
$10 down and $5 pvr month ; no iuteret
8. Foar lots on Sherman are., toe-.' A
of Front St., $400 cash. Mast be sold
30 days.
9. The J. II. Frary place, East Sid,! !
near Tucker's miil ; 200 acres, nearly f
level ; part well improved ; price $li au
acre; will be sold in forty-acre tracts it!
small advance. Terms, three-quart,
or more casn. a great oargaiu.
10. T. K. Coon's 80 acres in Pole Flat
7 miles southwest cf town ; 4 acres clev
ed ; f 10 an acre.
11. Chas. W. Gilmer homestead,
(jilmer, asn., iwi acres ; nue taw tn.
ber; good soil ; well watered ; only $30t
A rere barKain.
12. 160 acres on Hood river, 3 mi!
above luccera mm; o acres clears
Price $1,850.
13. The V. H. Eishop home in Ham
River, lot 6 and part cf lot 7, block 1,
Waucoma addition to Hood River; i
pretty home. Only $1,100,
14. The Allen Fnlton farm, 160 acra,
5 miles eaat of town ; price $1,000 ; term
15. The Traca lot, on Oak street
Price $650. Best bargain in town.
16. John Sipma farm, 100 acres, $3,000.
$1,000 or more cash and balance at 8
cent, or the east 40 acres, ?j cleared, lu
fz.lUU. ?or more cash, balance l!
per cent, cost farm in the valley.
.17. 2500 acres deeded land, well at
tered ; line range for stock ; $1 JO an ten.
18. The Barrett farm, best in Hood
River valley; 110 acres, 70 acres in cat
tivation; 4,000 fruit trees; SOinchrsfra
water ; 5 miles from Hood River. $5,500;
$1,500 cash, balance in 5 years, interw.
at 6 per cent. For sale at the Emporiuii.
19. The San lot and building; $700.
20. P. A. Trana place. White Salna,
in s-"glit of Hood Kiver ; 8 acres, S it
strawberries and toma!oe; 17,000 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plaatt
So irrigation required. Price $700.
21. X. a S. E. H, S. X. E. m.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fiat
timber land; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, onlv om
mile east of town ; fine range; $I,5C0.
23. Lots 5 and 6, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $35 for the to.
24. Bernard Warren's fruit farn i:
Frankton, plenty of water, pood build
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price $3,500.
25. Wilkens' fine farm at White Sal
mon fails, 2 tO acres; 25 cleared and in
grass; good improvements; fine water
power; price $3,300 stocked, or 2,7i0k
23. S. II. Cox's fine residence in Kood
River, lot 100 x 160; price $1,200.
27. Lots 7 and 8, block 6, Waucoou
addition to Hood River ; price $125 a lot;
terms easy.
23. A strip of land 30 feet wide by
mile long, with the crek, lyinii botweti
the west side of Blower's "addition and
the county road at Paradise farm. Pries
23. Fifteen acres, 6 under cultivation;
small houe; good water; adjoins E. L
Smith's place. Only $250.
30. Block 3, Parkharst ; 12 lots; $700.
" 31. Emma G. Robinson's 40 acrei,
East Side, adjoining A. I. Mason's frail
rancn; unimproved; $J.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres ot
hills east of White Salmon, known
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $875.
For rent Mrs. Ilarwood's place, east
side ; house, barn and good orchard, aud
plenty of good water. Cash rent, $0
At the Emporium ta kept a first-clw
sursevor'a transit, arid th nroprietof
being a practical surveyor, ia ell p-
parea to ao the work of Ianng out scrfr
ge property in lots and blocks, and do
ing aa Kinos ot surveying.
X. B. Terms are easvon all the abote
lands, with interest at 6 per cent Per
sons desiring locations on hemestes
and timber claims should apply at tl
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood Kiver's Famous
rsciers ai the "
Hood River Brand oi
Canned Fruits.
Manufai-turera of
Boxes and Fiuit Pack,
Fertilizers and Agricul
tural Implements.
.Jfnd Office at Vancouver. Wash. MJ
ISsX). Notic ta hervbv riven that thw 6ik
ing-oajned aettier has ftied noaica of
lentlon to make final proof ta support of a14
claim, aud that aali cronf aUi baj inai
wiore U . R Prebv-, 17. Cotumlsafccr
Iistrktof Washington, at his oScw In H
'J Washtcsuio, oat fcsucniaj. J"
Husband of Ajmla nee Anal afa!-
Jnd. ileceased. Homesteaa tn-j-T No- ti f
the north hail of aortooka H ef aewlioa a
township , north waw E w ilL nr.
lie names the fblk.Wtna: witne So pr"
n-a contitiioaa rev'ience ixn aad 011'--tion
of. laai, v4l.
Thmaai)( .v KivfcaM ROrajivinc.r', and Aldde W Urd. all of i'
J" Waahincn.