The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1900, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JURE 8, 19TO.
1 plaster BtBartmc'.
teu'.s lor cans pern v m.
ivuian Smith was up
from Astoria
If week, on a nusinese trip
Wetherell. of Carson,
th.', is visiting her father, Rev, J. W.
by, ana otners.
r E.'Sherrill will open branch fur
pra store at Stevenson, which will be
ebante of his brother.
Robu Leasure, of Mt. Hood, earned
l election returns of Baldwin precinct
'' s t fjooiin(T now rides ft bike that
""WiwaiMpa-nart of the time. Part of
. time the bike Is on top,
Mouw E. Sherriil hua manufactured
tohla on which h displays
)ck of mixed paints to advantage,
ra n A r Lafrance will start next Tuesday
lean a trip to his old home at Elrnira, is.
. A w-hirh he has not visited for 25
"krs. 1 ,
srw. T. Prather sold the two lots of
V.i n rs-oaintinmrh'a. In Waecoma oddi'
Khn to Conrad Cramer, a railroad man,
a- $275.
irfeJSlkal Rogers picked - 210 botes of.
strawberries on E. E. Savaged place at
elmont, on Monday. This is a record
Sard tj beat.
CnpCDulses and Elmer Rand carried
36 election returns of their respective
8ecirctu, East and West Hood River, to
ly tie Dalles.
12 X. TSi. Miller, now of Scholls, Or., -visited
friends and relatives in Hood River
"Wing the week. He thinks Hood
' liver is all right.
Hi Eben Boorman was the youngest vo
ider to Cast bis vote at the election last
Monday, in West Hood River precinct,
j Se was 21 June 1st.
tij On car of strawberries shipped by
tohe Union, May 24th, netted $2.09 per
irate, and one car shipped May 26th
jetted J.2.07 per crate.
Dr. F. C. Brosius has returned and
l"Wn be found in his office over Williams
k Brosius' -drugstore, between the hours
itof 1041 ., 2-3 end 0-7 p. m.
Dr. and Mrs. II. K. Hines will spend
& weak in Hood River, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell. Dr. Hines
The Davidson Fruit Co. has grown to
large proportions. A visit to their
works nowadays will surprise moBt of
our citizens woo have not kept posted
on the amount of business being done
by this company The two large build
ings are alive with busy people day and
nicht durihjr the season for shiDDinir
and canning berries. The cannery is
now at work putting up strawberries.
About S0O crates of berries are canned
per day, and a force of about 100 women ;
and girls and boys are employed at
hulling and preparing the berries for
the big kettles in the cook room. Or
ders are received in advance for the
canned product. The company has a
new engine, and a larger dynamo is now
being put in that will generate electrc
light enough for every part of their ware
houses and workshops. A room has
been set apart for a tin shop, which will
be in operation in another week, and
the company will manufacture their
own cans. The facilities for loading
cars on the track at. the company's ware
house are complete. An elevator, con
structed after Mr. Davidson's own idea,
is used to lower the crates of berries
from the upper stories. A car is loaded
in one hour.
Mies Bess leeiiberg returned on Tues
day from her trip to Kansas, where she
spent six weeks delightfully in visiting
old friends. On her way home, while
at Colorado Springs, she saw two crates
of strawberries placarded, " Hood River
Berries." uther berries were on the
lone table, but no others were placarded
She inquired of the merchont why
those two crates were Bingled out, and
none of the others marked. 1 he mer
chant said: "Here are berries from
California; here are Missouri berries,
and here are Kansas berries, but these
marked ' Hood River ' are the best.
Thev come from Oregon, where they
can erow the best berries, and vhere
thev know how to put them up in good
sliace for market." She then told the
merchant sne was irom nooo. itiver, ana
asked to see the berries. He opened
will preach in the M. E. church next
I W. H. Perry reports that
terries are doing better thii
that his straw
is vear than
. B A 1
"ever."; uenasaiuu crop oi ime, large
:berr es. He fertilized his patch with
(twood ashes.
f!H tar Your Moner. There are sev
eral thousand dollars Union returns in,
t-which we would like to have growers
-call for. so they will have money to pay
. their picters. ij. J. uesbling.
E. D. Calkins has on exhibition tit
. Williams & Brosius' drog store a Light
" Brahma hen's egg that weighs 4
'ounces. The Franklin poultry yards
turn but hen fruit that is hard to beat
i .
Feed and flour will always be furnish
' ed by Rand & Stewart at lowest market
rates. Bran, $12 per ton ; bran and shorts,
f 13 per ton ; Shorts, $14 per ton. Pea
cock flour, 76c sack; Dalles Diamond,
G. X. Robinson of the East Side re
ceived a telegram, Saturday, informing
him of the death of his brother, Frank
T.obinson, at Weston. Mr. Robinson
took the night train, Saturday, for Wes
ton, to attend the funeral.
Geo. Knapp, after filling up on straw
berries for several weeks in Hood River.
returned to Sherman county last Satur
day. His services as carpenter and
builder are in demand in that booming
section of good crops.
Mrs. Nichols sent the Glacier a box
oi Clark's Seedhne strawberries, on
Mondav. of which 36 rounded out the
txix. . They were very line. From Mrs.
Nichota' patch of lees than half an acre
were nicked 24 crates of strawberries
last Monday.
Mrs. R. R. Erwin is building a house
on her block of land on the Watson
tract. The buildine is -intended for
barn in the future, but Mrs. Erwin will
TtRRiinv it as a residence temporarily.
This is one of the prettiest building
spots in Hood River.
Capt. Blowers received a plurality of
1 r I I T .1 III ..nlln. nA ViantA
lO 111 X1UUU JlVCI Vttlicv im
C. C. Connie, in the same precincts re-
caiveda plurality of 112. Though de
feated in the county, both our Hood
River candidates have reason to be
proud of their home vote.
Judge Prather sent some Hoed River
strawberries to Herbert Folger, manager
of the Phrenix Ins. Co. for the Pacific
coast. Mr. Folger, in acknowledging
rpneint. said the cost of getting them to
San Francisco was less than the cost of
the best California berries, and that the
Hood Rivers were far superior.
Mrs. Josie E. Winstead, wife of W. A
Winstead. and dauehter of Dr. Joseph
Kent, died at Aberdeen, Wash., on May
30th, aged 23 years. Her remains were
. broueht to Hood River, and laid beside
those of her brother, who died here
ubout two years ago. Funeral services
were held at the K. of P. cemetery on
Saturday, by Rev. J. L. llershner.
D. C. Fouts, of Michigan, who has
been visiting his brother, P. F. Fouts of
Mt. Hood, left on Wednesday for a trip
to southern Oregon. Mr. Fouts is quite
well pleased with Hood Kiver, and may
conclude to make hia home here at some
future time. He had an adventure with
a cougar, while fishing m Hood River
near Mt. Hood, last week. The cougar
neemed to be following his track when
"he spied him, and, having his gun
along, gave him a shot. The cougar
was badlv wounded, but managed to
et. awav. Mr. Fouts was & soldier
the 1st Michigan sharpshooters during
the civil war.
The strawberry yield is not so good
thin vear as in, former years. Some
think the shortness is caused by the se
vere frost we had in April. Various
causes are given, but many are ot the
opinion that the Clark's Seedling straw
berry is running out, the fate of all
: plants of its species. Our growers have
' been careless in selecting plants when
i setting out a new plantation. No other
i. berry nas yet been found to be as good
. as the Clark's Seedling for Hood River,
' and this favorite variety might be saved
to us for years to come, by judicious se
: lection of new plants. Setts should be
.; taken only from new plants, and these
new plants should not be allowed to ma-
tore fruit.
The big yard and hitching facilities at
v. Crowell'i store are a great convenience
4 to fanners and others ; but sometimes
teams are left standing in this yard till
-. a late henr at night, much to the an
il aoyanee of Mr. Crowell'u family, who
occupy the upper story of his store
building. Mr. Crowell says the yard is
for the accommodation of the public to
; hitch their teams in daytime, but if
hitched there at night there is too much
racket -mada by the teams -when his
: family desire to sleep. He asks persons
-who know they will be kept in town to
' a late hour to kindly hitch someplace
where their teams will not bother per
crate and thev proved to be very fine.
Thev were from H. J. Hibbard'a fruit
The regular council meeting Monday
evening was 4idjourned to Wednesday,
when the council met ana passea ordi
nance 25. amending ordinance 21. This
new ordinance reduces the saloon li
cense from $1,000 a year to $600, and
allows a license to be granted upon the
petition of 20 legal voters, without puo-
lication. It is expected that three sa
loons will take out licenses under this
new law, and Hood River will put on
ritv airs. With three saloons we will
have a "live" town. Our town has
been rather " live " for the past month
or so, and if we keep on at the present
rate, it will be " live " enough for the
most zealous advocate of the theory that
the ealoon makes the town. Mayor
Brosius refused to sign the new ordi
Mrs. Louise Bovden wishes to an
nounce that she is now prepared to form
classes in elocution and physical culture,
for both adults and children boys or
girls. All who are interested in the
Btudy are asked to meet on Friday, June
8th, at 3 p.m., in the lecture-room of
the Congregational church, lor tne pur
pose of organizing, when particulars and
terms will be given.
Jack Rand left at the Glacibr office
Monday (while the editor was away at
the election) what he labeled: "Old
Mossback; died in the year 1492. uwnea
by A. J. Rand." It proved to be the
skull and horns of an ox that he found
in the woods, and it is covered with a
thick growth of moes.
T have for sale the beautiful place of
R. M. Hunt, miles southwest of town
of Hood River. It contains sy2
acres. House, barn, water, fruit trees,
hp.rrfes. two horses and wagon, aud all
tho farm implements inciuaea in tne
sale. Price $700. Inquire of Geo. T,
M. H. Nickelse'n informs the Glacier
that he has been appointed censusenurn
erator for the town of Hood River and
West and South Hood River precincts.
This is as it should be. Mosier district
will not get credit for so much of Hood
River valley as was at nrsi supposea.
Tha aid society of the U. B. church
will serve ice cream and cake on the
lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D,
Wood worth, Belmont, on fc-aturday
evening. J he proceeas are to to ubcu
in payingoff the indebtedness on church
and parsonage buildings.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gregory went to
the coast last week. After luxuriating
in salt water on th9 beach for a couple
of weeks Mrs. Gregory will visit at Eagle
Creek while Frank is running his hay
press. '
The b ack rabbit that devastated the
flowpr cardens on Oak street is dead
Lou Davidson killed him with his little
shotgun, for which he has earned the
thanks oi tne laaies oi mat neijiuuui
Notice to Oregonian Readers. The
Oreffonian can be secured from
the carrier while on his route and at the
news depot between the hours of 12 and
1 O'ClOCk. to. H. J3RADLEY, Ageni.
R. C. Sherriil. who has been attend
ing college at McMinnville, returned to
1 T, If 1 ,IT 1 ..J U
IXOOd Aiver ivionuay. nouueounr 110
went to Stevenson, where he will have
charge of his brother's branch store.
The Oregon State Sunday School As
sociation will hold its annual convention
at, Portland June 13-15. 1900. The O. R.
& N. Co. names a rate of one and one-
fifth fare for the round trip.
TT. R. Church. Preaching at 11 a. m
and p. m. Subjects, "Tempted" and
T,nnta(it, ." Sunday school. 10 a. m.
O. E. meeting. 7:30 p. m. All are wel
como. .
The cheapest place to buy furniture
and building material in town, and we
will back up the statement by figures,
Ask our patrons. . h. Uartmbbs.
The Pnxlcfir house has 17 "boarders,
This popular summer resort is compelled
to refuse to take guests some days on
account of being overcrowded.
Thn fiimmDlin property, now renting
for $20 a month, is offered for sale by
T n. Dallas at $1,700. This is a rare
Mrs. C. C. Peck of Taeoma, oaugnter
of Judge and Mrs. T. B. Kent, who has
hfn visiting here, returned home last
Lovers of the nutritious, wholesome
and hTftin-huilding peanut will find
them fresh-roasted at Coe & Son's,
Tt A hnccv robe, worked in crazy
vnrr And colored pieces. A reward of
50c will be paid if left at this office
Win. Rogers and family came up from
Salem last week ana are vies.ung mo pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. V. sogers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Middleton and
little son, of Portland, visited in Hood
River during the week.
Boys (or men) wanting to go harvest
ing to Sherman county should apply to
Win. Thompson.
-mv. Y. Masters of Portland is
spending two weeks with Mrs. C.
mv. i p. Rhaw of Portland is visit
ing the family of Mr. and Mrs. W,
The family of Key. E. E. Fix moved
tn Nicolai'B mill Saturday.
Fine fresh roasted peanuts at Geo. F.
W. P. Watson has a berry bnah in
his garden that is a wonder lor pro
ductiveness. The berry is a croea be
tween the dewberry and the raspberry,
and is known as the Logan berry. There
arebushelB of fruit on the vines and
others near by. This fruit, under Mr.
Watson's care, attains remarkable size.
fcomeof the berries will measure two
inches in length. Mr. Watson's place is
visited daily by persons from abroad,
who come to eee Hood River, and all
acknowledge that his fruit and vegetable
and flower gardens and pleasant sur
roundings make an ideal home. His
spring-house, built by himself, and
walls of concrete, is a model structure.
ah visitors are deliehted with it. No
one can see Hood River without calling
at tne atson place.
The recital in elocution and music bv
Mrs. Louise Bovden, Tuesday evening.
drew a full house. It was decidedly the
best entertainment of the kind ever
given in Hood River. Mrs. Bovden is
an accomplished lady, and as a teacher
: i ,r . i . i
in uiucKuon ana music new naa an
equal in Hood River. Her recitals will
be eagerly looked forward to by all who
love music and can appreciate good act
The price of strawberries keeps, up
well. The cash price here went down
to $1.40 last week, but went up again to
2. ihey sell here now at $1.60 a crate,
but growers known to put up only a
good quality of berries are offered an
advance on this price. In the early
patches picking has ceased; the later
patches may hold out another two
Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Gilbert and son
Clarence came down from The Dalles on
Wednesday, to visit friends. Mr. Gil
bert's maioritv for school superintend
ent was about 600, which shows that he
has not lost any of his well-earned pop
Mrs. E. M. Hnbbert left yesterday for
her home at Dillev, after pleasantly
spending a couple of weeks with friends
in Hood Kiver. She was accompanied
by her niece, Pearl Bradley, who goes
to spend a couple of weeks in the valley
E. N. Ordwav. of Portland, an old
soldier who served in the Kansas Jay
hawkers during the civil war, is picking
berries for John Buck. Mr. Ordway is
crippled from wounds received in the
service, anu goes on a crumu.
Rev.J.L.Hershner and daughter Leila
went to Portland on Wednesday. The
latter will spend a month with her
grandparents, in Polk county. Mr
Hershner returned on Thursday even
LostA Knight Templar's watch
charm,' with name on it. The finder
will be suitably rewarded on returning
it to me. K. K. JiRwiN
H. L. C rapper presenter! this office
with a box of strawberries, 29 of which
filled the box. Mr. Crapper's place is
noted for fine berries.
Mrs. Donald Ross went to Heppner.
Thursday, as delegate to the Epworth
League convention.
Mrs. Dr. Frank will go to The Dalles
next Monday or Tuesday.
To Close
Certain Shoes we reduce as follows: ;
Ladies very fine tan vici kid vesting top, cut from $3 to $2 60
Men's stitchdown flax sewed soles, from $2 to 1 W
Youths oil Bals, from $1.30 to 1
YouthNs satin calf Bals, from $1.30 to . 1 00
Youth's oil grain and kang. calf "Kant Rip," from $1.30 to 1 00
Men's Creole Congress kang. calf, from $1.60 to 1 25
And several others which we cannot list .
We sew your shoes free if 'they rip. ' -Organdies
and Dimitys in beautiful pattemsj in ten-yard
lengths, at lMc ; worth 20c. We cut them if necessary.
Boy's and men's Crash Hats, stiff crown and brim, 30 to 60cv
Our Millinery stock is practically complete yet, but are now .
reducing it, and if you haven't your summer hat, make jour
selection now before stock is broken.
Don't forget our line of "Royal" samples for tailor-made
suite finest in the land.
Elect 'on of Officers.
The ladies' aid society of the Congre
gational church held their annual meet-
nig arc election oi omcers, rnuuy, ouuc
st, at the Deautnui ana nogpnauie
home of Mrs. Armor, in Belmont,
whither they had been invited to enjoy
feast of strawberries. :
Thirty-three members and invited
guests were present. It being an ideal
picnic day, iuncn was serveu uu ue
awn under the fine old oaks. After
this had been properly discussed, the
meeting vas called to order ana tne
yearly reports listened to.
The treasurer s report snoweu wie ou-
vetv to be in a flourishing condition
financially, there being a large balance
in the treasury.
The following officers were eieciea:
President, Mrs. Hershner; vice presi
dent, Mrs. Price ; secretary, Mrs. Bro
sius; treasurer, Mrs. LaFrance.
At. the c ose of the business meeting
the society was delightfully entertained
in the parlors bv Mrs. Louise coyaen,
who rendered several selections on the
piano and recited an inimitable sketch
from Samantha Allen, and also by Mrs.
P. S. Davidson, ir., who sang charming
ly. Ice cream and strawberries were
then enjoyed by the company, and wnen
at. S n'rlnV.k. the society adjourned the
ladies realized that one of the red-letter
lavs in the annals of the society had
become a thing oi tne past.
A Practical Demonstration.
A fact proved by actual demonstration Is
more satisfactory than any theoretical propo
sition. Realizing tuU, and knowing that
they have a proposition wnicn iney ruu Kur-
antee, THfc OKEUOJI BAJNll AiiX
COM PAN . of The Dulles, Oregon, have con
structed one of their sanitary closets and put
iha EgmR mtsi 1111.11111 OnerHMOD.
Thin nloHfit, Is now located tn the rear of
Charles Burchtorf's bicycle repair store, on
uonrf -jtrppt het wMn Federal and LauKlilln
streets, The Dalles, Oregon, and tne puonc
Is cordially invited to call upon -either Uhas.
Burcnton, at nis siore, or u. n. uumr, "5
Rim-k. and thev will be cheerfully shown the
same. This company Is now prepared lo till
orders promptly. Parties desiring this sys
tem will Be luruisnen iuu imumiai-i.m ujjiiu
application to or correspondence with D. 8.
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle," says Geo.E.Cary,
editor of the Guide, Washington, Va.
'After using several well recommended
medicines without success, I tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to
say thatrelief came as eoon aslbegan its
use and a complete cure speedily fol
lowed." Sold by Williams & Brosius.
At Mt. Hood, Or., June 2, 1900, to Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Knnpp, a daughter.
At Mt. Hood, Or., June 4, 1900, to Mr.
and Mrs. Dodsof!, a son.
In Hood River, June 6, 1900, to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Davidson, a son.
At Underwood's Landing, Wash.,
June 1, 1900, Mrs. W. II. Kellendonk,
aged 47 yeare.
Church Notkei.
Special services will be hold in the
Vnllv Christian church on Sunday, it
being the time for the annual offering
for home missions, eunaay-scnooi wtu
(nnvene at 10 a. in., and the pastor will
preach at 11 a, m., on " Missions in the
Now TfiRtftnifint."
The Endeavor Society will meet at 7
n. m .: subiect: "Lives That Lift,
Stella Richardson, leader. The singing
will be made a special featuro ot the
services. All are invited.
novoREOATioNAt Chdrch. Rev. C. F.
Clapp, who, with his wife, is spending a
fortnight at jfjggermont, wm prencu
nrt Sunday, at 11 a. m. Junior eer-
vim at. 4 n. m. Christian Endeavor ser
vice at 7 :30 p. m. Preaching service at
8 p. m. Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
M. E. church service. Sunday-school
10 a.m.; preaching followed by class
service, 11 a. m. ; Epworth League
prayer meeting, o:40 p. m. ; genera; ser
vices Ot League, UO p. ni. ; ureauiiuig o
p. m. ; regular prayer meeting nuia
day evening at 8 p. m. F. A. Spalding,
A fflrl to An ceneral housework. Wood
wages to good girl, MKS. H. L. KUCK,
For Sale or Trade.
Will sell on time or trade for anything of
equal value
tj acres gnpci iirawourry inu uom -i.,.,!,
15 acres near Tucker, partly Improved.
rnah hilvnri niwd lli,t unnlv.
acres, 4 mile from town partly Improved
?0 acres, 7 miles from town, Imurovyd.
Hav for Sale.
A rood onalltv of alfalfa, timothy and clo-
gr hay for sale by J. H. BHOKMAKER.
Farm for Sale.
Macros, nearly all In cultivation.
choice of Hood K
ilver valley
The very
1 miles south ot
, mA t.nv nlri nffar
""" J " A. 8. DtStlROW,
Liffht Team.
Light team, harness and spring wagon, f(
sals" Inquire of JOB. FlvAi61Ilt, jr.
Pasture for Horses.
newt nnatiim for hnrsAs lit Oukriale farm,
frnm tnwn. on the East Side. Terms
Si a month, in advance. C. G. VOORHF.KB.
"Milk Delivered.
1 have moved my dairy cows from Trout
dale and located at Hood River. Will be pre
pared to furnish a good quality of milk, de
IlverMt at vonr door, (lit to ouftrt. Leave
orders with 8. L. Taylor or at Glacier pfflc.
(k f'" ' 1 sspir
Held High
In the estimation of
Practical Painters..
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more squat
feet of surface in average con
ditioti, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is & full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier tharinacy.
Oo lo hlra for pure fresh DrngSv Patent Medicines and Wall Paper. PrescrtptloM ana
Family Beelpes a specialty. .
Furniture and Builders Supplies,
Finishing Lumber and Shingles.
foils? si?
"Q,uick Sales and Small Profits," Our Motto
A full line of PAINTS and OILS always on hand at Portland '
prices. A first-class mechanic ready to do all kinds of repairing and
new work cither by the job or by the day.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Carpets and Wall Paper.
Booms on Oak Street and Second Street,
Hood River, Or.
Time Schedules.
Tlrabor Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land OlHce, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, April 21, lOOO.-Notioe Is hereby glvon
that tn compliance with t lie provisions of the
.,t nfnmr nf .Tmi 3 187K. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasnington
Territory,"' v
Hum rauv-rvuini
Of Hood River, count
con, has tnis aa.
E. Bound.
11:42 a.m.
8:27 p.m.
Mall and
11:12 p. m.
Knit Lake. Denver,
Kt wortn.umanav
Kansas City. 8t
Louis, Chicago
and tne Kasu
Walla 'Walla, Spo-
St Paul, Dulhlh,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Wortn.omana,
Kansas City. St.
Louts, Chicago
aud tne Kasi.
Two Lots.
Two lots in Barrett-Slpma addition for sale
at 860 a lot. This Is choice residence property.
Apply at tne wacier omce.
Horse for Sale.
Apply to Mrs. Dishman, near Barrett.
New Shop
y of Wasco, state or u re-
ay nica in wis omce ois
sworn statement No. 150 for tne purcnase
of the west H southeast and lots 7 and U,
section 7, township 2 north, range V east.
W .M., ana will oner pruw hi mt .
the land sought is more valuable for iu tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to suld land
before the Register and Receiver of thta office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 89th
day of June, 1900. .
He names as witnesses: Perry McCroryand
O. B. Hartley of Hood Kiver, Oregon; Hub
bard Taylor of Wasco, Oregon; Fred Simpson
of Cascades. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-d escribed lands are requested to 01;
tbir claims in this office on or before said
Magfeaf J""e'jAY P. LUCAS, Agister.
Administrator's Notice
The undersigned, having been appointed by
the County Court of Wnsco county, In an or
mer made and dated May 7, 1900, adminis
trator of the eBtate of Charles Orodt, deceased,
all parties holding claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same, ac
companied by proper vouchers and proof, to
l.a ..nrlarslirriAil fit. hU TesldOnCe IKr HOOU
River, Oregon, within six months from the
dateot in is nonce.
Dated May 8, 1X). a tr . w
Uxinira i i j i ii t
Administrator of the Estate of Charles Orodt,
deceased. . ""J"'
8 p.m.
8 o.m.
Kx. Sunday
10 p.m.
For Han Francisco
Sail every 6 days.
W. Bouun.
1:30 p. m.
4:14 p.m.
Mall and
bx press
6:50 a.m.
t7. 8. Commssionef. Notary Public. J. P. for Hood River District.
MidB id Coiiwr, M Estate ai Iisiffi,
1 have lots and blocks for sale In different parts of the town of ttop4 ttWeah
Also, have the exclusive sale of lots In Blowers' Addition, the most beautiful build
ing location in town.
Bustuess, such as paying taxes for non-residents, or anything pertaining to the
...... r... .,.Mniiut7anHitfl ir, tfunfiirnlwh townnhln rtlats to nome-seelo
IKWK IOr lailUB, n.fVUQCU.IOHUDUV VI AJWW im. '""y " --
Am rtr IhoaA too
years. Correspondence solicited.
Telephone 63.
4 p.m.
A a.m.
Ex. Sunday
7 a.m.
Tues. Thur,
and Sat.
6 a.m.
Tues, Thur.
and Sat.
Columbia RiVeb
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
nreeou Cltv. New-
oertr.naiem s wuj
Willamette and
Yamhill Rivers,
Oregon Clty.Dayton
ana way lunuings.
Willamette RlveR
Portland to Corval
lis& way landings,
4 o.m
6 a.m.
shake River.
Rlparla U Lewiston
4:80 P.m.
8:80 n.m.
Mon, Wed.
anil I'ri.
Successor to E. L. Smith-Oldest Established Hons, in th valley.)
. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ShoeSi
Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-establiuhed house will continue to pay cash for all ita
goods ; it pays ho rent ; it employs a clerk but does not have to divida
with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way o!
reasonable prices. ,
4:30 r.m.
Mon., Wed.
and Frl.
Lv Lewlst'n
9 a.m.
Onn'l Pass,
BAOLEY, Agent, Hood River,
Agent, Portland, ur
snv i-onnii-incAhnMi and Harness. All work
done In workmanlike order and on short no
tice at reasonable prices, with the best ma
terial we can secure. Shop in Odd Fellows
building. Come and see us i when , yon need
Choice Town Property
For Sale. Block 18, with a 10-room nouse;
;ood orchard: 8 loU In strawberries and other
?rults. L. Henry.
Paper Hansina anfl Wall TMns
Graining, Natural Finishing, etc.
Estimates Gratis. E. H. PICKARD.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation uo.
Regulator and
Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Locks,
Vancouver and Portland,
Touching at way points on both sides of the
. Columbia Kiver.
nnth of the ahove steamers have been re-
built and are in excellent shape for the sea
son of 1000. The Regulator line will endeavor
to give its patrons the best service possible.
For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel
by the steamers of the Regulator Line.
Dalles City leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Regulator leaves at 7 a. in. Monday, Wed- n ,i oiirf h'rtdntf.
Leave l'ortiana i a. m.; arrive ai jiuo u"
p. m. Arrive at Portland 4:30 p. m.
Portland officio. Oak sU Dock. The Dalles
office, Court street.
General Agent.
A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps; latest styles
blocks, including men's stiff Hats, Fedoras and Pashas.
We also have ordered direct from manufacturers in the East the
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to thiBtown.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain
that we can hold our own. Come and see us.
Portland Price.
Di all Ms of FiraWgs, Wall hwM
1 challenge any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing floods than t can:o.oot.
Special figures given oo building uiattrlul for contract work.
80 Acres.
Well Improved farm: 40 acres in cnltlvatlon;
near school; good roads. Fric w,kw. Besi
bargain in iiooa Kiver. mcu nunii.
Warranty Deeds
Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at the Gla
cier office.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Alone contains both.
Dally, by malU
Dally and Sunday, by mall .
.JV year
8 a year
fa ths sreateet So n day Newspaper In tha
- World.
Price 5e a eopy. 3y reaU two dollars year
AddiM THE BUN, New York.
Water Notice.
Persons requiring water for Irrlgatinar must '
before nslng any water, make application to
the secretary in writing, stating tho number
of lots and a description of same. Also.make
payment of 75c per lot, or fraction of a lot,
per month In advance. Application will l
Bled and no Irrigating will be permitted ex
cept on lots so designated. All Irrigating
mnst be done through regulation nozzle or
spray. All residing north of Oak street will
use water only between the hours of ft and 9
o'clock A. M.; those south of said street same
nours . ...
No water will be furnished any or.e falling
to comply wlto above mien.
For Sale or Trade.
For stock or Hood River farm or timber
land, a 6-room boose and three residence lots,
50x100 each, in toe suburos oi uregon jny. A
fine spring of water, never goes dry, some
small fruit, food ebieken-yara and cnlcken
bonse. Two lots entirely sub-Irrigated. Make
me an offer and give good description of what
yon have to trade. G. B.K ELUXja,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
TTntit Ktntnt Tnrt Office. The Dalles. Ore-
or. Ani-u it jscio. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
nr rvinrroa of .Inne 8. 18,8. entitled "An I
I act for the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Sievaatt aua wanning-
ton Territory,"
or n-..ii River, eonnty of Wasco, state of Ore
Konba this day filed In this office his sworo
statement, No. 157, fur the purchase of the
east y. northeast of section No. 2B In town
ship No. 2 north, range 9 east, W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land sougbt
Is more valuable for IU timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to eetabllsh bis
otiiirn n nirl Innd before the Register and
Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon. I
on Tuesday, the ith day or June, wui.
Mo mama, mm wii.nHuM.' J. V. Hnvm. Albert I
L. Antone, B. F. Eadelman and i. B. AUard,
Any and all persons clslmlbg adversely the
above-aescnoea lanas aro requw u
their claims In this office on or before said
C. Ii. ROGERS ils CO.
Lais' Mil Goods, Hosiery, linear, Notions,
A nice line of all-over Laces, Lace Curtains, etc.
Moro, Oregon-
Clubbing Offer.
AllstCbscrlbers to the Glacier -who Ty In
advanee and Sue additional ran have the
Twlce-tv-week Repnblio or the Toledo Blade
t -to tbelr tddreu or one yar.
Registered Jersey Bull.
1 have Durchased the thoronghbred Jersey Tti-fV
O..U l.vmrni Kmllh that he Douebt from I v awm
the estate or tne iew w.b.
Pki. ki.ii hai a nnhi. twultirMi! ha was sired
k- fh4 r..iur nti- hfi mother. Brown I
i740(Fr' mith nh.mnlnn tontter eow at I
the world's fair, with a record of 18 8s oof
better a ween, eservios va m iibuhu
onfLbutmoMbepald &gSS.
Sift jppwb
T. E. JACKSON. He and the DAVEN
PORT BEOS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
atKaynes Spur.
sons in the quiet hoars of the mg ht.
Coe k Son s.