The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1900, Image 1

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w , ., . ,, 1 y' - . i. i i. i . .- -
Published Every Friday by
Ternn ol subscription 11.50 a year when paid
lu advance.
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs tha
same davs at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Tbnrsdavs and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m.
Fur White Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily at 6:43
a. m.; arrives at 7: IS p. m.
From White Salmon leaves (or Fulda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake and (ilenwood daily at 9 A. M.
For Blniten (Wash.) leaves at 6:45 p. in.; r
rives at 2 p. m.
J 87, I. O. O. F. Meets first and third Mon
ays In each month.
H. J. Hibbard, Secretary.
CANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. R.-McetsatA.
0. 1). W. Hall second and fourth Satur tavi
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. k.
members invited to meet with us.
M P. Ibenbkro, Commander
T. J. CUNNING, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. 18-Meets first Satur
day of each month In A. O. U. W. hall at 2
p. ra. Mas. Adklia Stranahan, President.
Mrs. L'hsula Dukks, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE, No. 105, A. F. and A.
M. Meets Saturday eveninif on or before
. aacb full moon. G. E. Williams, W. M.
1). McDonald, Secretary.
Meets third Friday night of each month.
G. R. Castnkr, H. P.
. G. F. WilliaS, Secretary.
Meets Saturday after each full moon and
two weeks thereafter.
Una. Mary A. Davidson, W. M.
"VLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans.
' V Meets second Tuesday of each month at
Fraternal hall. F. C. Baosrus, M. A.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
W ACCOM A LODGE, No. 80, K. of P. Meets
in A. O. U. W. hall every Tuesday night.
Geo. Stranahan, C. C.
, G. W. Graham, K. of R. & 8.
jL Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month. 0. G. Chamberlain, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. HWK, Recorder.
Meeta In Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. A. 0. GKTCHILt N. Q.
H. J. Hibbard, Secretary.
F. BHAW, M. D.
Telephon No. It,
All Calls Promptly Attended
' Office upstairs over Copple'J store. All calls
left at the office or residence will be promptly
attended to.
lAai ruHLit; ana kkal,
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash-
in J ton. lias had many years experience In
teal sUtate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent, atisiaction guaranteed or do
J F. WATT, M. D.
Burgeon for O. R. & N. Co. Is especially
, equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
. and diseftnes of women.
Special terms for otlice treatment of ehronlo
Telephone, office, 33, residence, 31.
Harbison Bros., Props.
Ground and manufactured.
Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom
5 rinding done every Saturday. During lb
tisy season additional days will be mention
in the local columns.
If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
Oftlms hours frj n 8 A. M. till t. P. M., and all
night if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand (ticked, $1;
nailed, beat, 75c; second, 50c; third, 40c.
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
We ; second, 35. Best stock and work
in Hood Kiver. U. WELDS, irop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Conf- ctioneries, Candies, Nuts, lobacco,
tjigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.j 2 to 8
and b to 7 r. M.
ToMi.iseo.v Bros, Props.
Of the best quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit tlie tunes.
The public is invited to call at my
I gallery and inspect my work. I aim to
eive satisfaction in all cases where work
- is iniiuxt' d to m. Prices Reasonable.
3 Out Side Views a Specialty.
Hardware, Steves and Tinware
Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers'
Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock
of hardware, stoves and tinware, to
which we will keep constantly adding.
Our pii- ea will con tin ne to be as low a
fYrlland prices.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Interesting Collection of Items Frun
the Two Hemispheres Presented
In a Condensed Form.
Pretoria and Johannesburg have been
abandoned by the B jers.
Fire destroyed the Palisade paper
mills in Hoboken, N. J., causng a loss
of $100,000. '
Filipinos stirprieed an American gar
rison at Bulucan,- killing live and
wonnded seven.
Decoration day was fittingly obseived
in the house by the passage of nearly
200 pension bills.
Boer Envoy Fisher, in an address at
Boston, says the war will not stop until
the last man is killed.
One thousand citizens will he sworn
in to assist the sheriff of St. Louis in
putting down the street car riots.
Cholera is spreading rapidly in
Indian famine districts, and the death
rate has increased 40 per cent ia three
Boxers have attacked and burned a
mission station at Lan Tson, China,'40
miles southwest of Peking, and have
murdered the missionary in charge.
Ahmprl Pnnha. thn Turkish vice-
admiral, now in Washington, is well
pleased with American shipbuilding
nnd may give an order for a ctuiser for
Samuel W. Walker, an inventor ol
Omaha, after working 25 years to com
plete a gold-rehnmg maomne was
struck with heart disease in Brooklyn
and died, aged 48 years.
Hon. James A. Head. Democratio
committeeman from Tennessee, wants
some place other than Kansas City lor
the national convention of 1900. and
the reason is the exorbitant rates quot
ed by Hotels of Kansas uity.
A bnce military scandal has been re
vealed at Belgrade, Servia, by the issu
ance of an order for. the mobilization of
the Serivan reserves. Scarcely a uni
form was found in the magazines. The
accounts of the war office, however.
show a large expenditure.
James Finiiecrnn. a reculse. living in
thn northern Dart of Perry county,
Ohio, was fatally tortured by masked
robbers. The old man could not te
made to tell where his money was hid
den, and the robbers beat and burned
him with a red hot shovel until he was
unconscious, then ther gauged him,
covered him with a feather bed and
left him to die.
Many Chinese are said to be coming
north from San Francisco.
Panic and confusion are said to pre
vail everywhere in the Transvaal.
Thn Northern Pacifio Railway has
asked for a franchise into Bellingham
Dolliver. of Iowa, may loom up
prominent)' for McKinley's running
The fuinreme court has decided
against Dewey in the Manila bounty
Fifty JaDanese have been denied
landing at Tacoma, the result of a rigid
Thn Hteamshin Breconshire arrived
at Tacoma from Yokohoma with 155
Pemihlicnn congressmen are said to
be fearful of losing the house in the
coming election.
ttftv. William Beecher. a Mormon
preaoher, blew out the gas in Los An
geles and is dead
Poor Admiral Kemnff. commanding
the Asiatic squadron, is at Takn, ready
to protect American interests
Thn steamer San Bias sailed from
Seattle for Cape Nome with 510 pas
sengers and 1,800 tons of freight.
One man wag killed and several serf ininred bv the oollupse of a cold
storage building at boutnampion, .uug
e.K Francisco's Chinatown will be
rigidly quarantinea ana nu uuo win u
. . . . . J, ...ill In
allowed to pass witnoui proper certi
ficates. Pr.ort1 Pico asks for a tariff change.
She wants duties on rice and olive oil
reduced for a period of a year and a
Cnn-nt. do nsteltane. husband of Con
suelo Vanderbilt, caused great tumult
in the French chamber ol deputies uj
attack ins the government
Clouds of war are hovering oyer
China. Russia has ordered all avaua-
ble gun boats to Tkan and it isbeiievea
the czar will won lana zu.ouu
Several Belgians and their families
were cut off by "Boxers- at v,hiib
Hsin Tien, 10 kilometers from Feng
Tai. They are now defending ineiu
. hn Thn safety of the Bel
,-t,w is doubtful. Several
missionaries have been cut off at Poa
Ting Fu.
Gov. Allen, of Puerto Rico, possesses
a thorough knowledge of Spanish,
which ne is said to speak like a native.
Japanese promoters plan to push the
sale of tea by establishing tea aalooni
in all the big cities in the United
At a recent election of the school
board in Dundee, Scotland, Mrs. Corn-
law -Martin, an indepenaen cuuiui,
.. . .1. I,rto nnmlmr of VOtgf
inroest number ol oiei
British agents are buying horses in
Eastern Oreogn.
Another death from plague has oc
curred in San Frenoisco.
Congress has appropriated about
1500,000,000 this session.
Boers are making strenuous efforts to
cut Roberts' communeations.
Three men were killed as a result of
a feud at San Augustine, Texas.
Twenty-five armed insurgents sur
rendered at Calere, island of Fanay.
Charles Farrell, of Albany, Or., foil
from an excursion train and was in
Btantly killed.
Wirless telegraphy will be estab
lished in Sftn FranciHco, Puerto Rico
and the Philippines.
Boxers have destroyed 1,000 mission
houses throughout Chiua. Eight
Americans are missing from one mis
sion. Mrs. Alseina Parsons Stevens, oue of
the best-known woman socialologists
in Chicago, died suddenly at the Hull
President McKinley has cabled con
gratulations to Prince A lhert, of Bel
gium, on his engagement tu the daught
er of the Duke of Bavaria.
Robbers attempted to hold up a
train 60 miles from St. Louis, but the
plucky fight of the express messenger
and baggage master prevented their
work from being successful.
Dr. Reitz, the Boer state secretary,
lays that England will require a perm
anent garrison of 50,000 soldiers in the
Transvaal, and that the rebellion may
be expected to continue for centuries.
He believes that many Boers will trek
to German South Africa.
Louis Klopsch, of New York, pub
lisher of the Christian Herald, who is
at Bombay, writes of the famine
stricken districts in India in the fol
lowing terms: "Everywhere I met the
most shocking and revolting scenes.
The famine camps have been swept bv
cholera and smallpox. Fugitives, scat
tering in all directions and stricken in
flight, were found dying in the fields
and roadside ditches. The numbers at
one relief station were increasing at the
rate of 10,000 per day."
The Russian minister of marine has
taken measures to increase the eflioieu
cy of the Baltic, Black sea, Mediter
ranean and Asiatio fleets. Under the
instructions given, three battleships,
three coast defense ships, one cruiser
and the imperial yacht are to be held
in reserve in the Baltic; five battle
ships, three torpedo gunboats, one
transport, one third-class cruiser and
one training ship in the Black sea, and
in the Mediterranean, the Russian
squadron will comprise one battleship,
three gunboats and one torpedo gun
Strikers of St. Louis are quieting
The plague situation at San Francisco
Is unchanged. .
Washington diplomats say England
is the cause of the Chinese trouble.
S. II. Clark, formerly receiver of the
Union Pacifio railway, is dead at St.
Louis, aged 68.
The constitutional amendment em
powering congress to regulate trusts
was voted down in the bouse.
Eight men were killed and several
severely wounded by an explosion of
nitro-glycerine at Marietta, Ohio.
Russia has 11,000 troops at Takuand
14,000 at Port Arthur, ready to take
part in the disintegration of China.
A general strike by all the building
trades at Kansas City has been ordered
and 5000 workmen will be involved.
One man was killed and several
severely injured by an explosion in the
Eastman kodak works in Kocnester,
N. Y.
Pnhhnrs llew nn the safeof the Bank
of Sheldahl, at Des Moines, Iowa, se
cured $1,600 and escaped, after holding
50 citizens at bay with rifles.
Jose P. Ruiz, who shot into a group
of small children and killed Patricio
Channon at Albuquerque, N. M., May
28, 1898, was hanged at that place.
An epidemic of black cancer previals
at West Derby, Vt., three deaths hav
ing occurred within a week. About 50
houses have been quarantined, schools
closed, and everything possible is be
ing done to prevent a further spread of
the plague.
El Correo Espanol, the organ of the
8panish colony at the City of Mexico,
says regarding Enlgand's policy of an
nexing the Boer republics: "Poor
Boers. The world has applauded your
heroism, but has not moved a finger to
prevent the spoilation of which you are
the victims. The 19th centuiy goes
cut dishonorably."
News has reached San Francisco
from Lapaz that Colonel Rafael Garcia
Martinez, governor of the of the south
ern district of Lower California, will
be recalled by President Dia on ac
count of complaints made against him
by Robert F. Grigsby, superintendent
of the Triunfo silver mine, 85 miles
from Lapaz. The Triunfo is the larg
est producer in Lower California. The
nature of the trouble is not made pub
lic, but it is asserted that the operation
of the mine was in some way hampered
by the governor, and complaint was
made to President uiaz.
The Seaman's Friend Society bai
placed 1,068 libraries on Americas
naval vessels.
Judge Simon E. Baldwin.of the Con
necticut supreme court, publicly advo
cates the whipping post for petty of
fenders. The Brotheihood of Locomotive En
gineers, in session in Milwaukee, unan
imously adopted a resolution expressing
disapproval of attaching anything of an
advertising nature to the American flag
The Filipino Leader or Hia
Adjutant Shot
Richly Caparisoned Horse Was Left,
With Saddle-Bags Containing In
surgent's Diary and Papera.
Vlagn, Luzon, via Manila, June 5.
Major March, with his detachment ol
the Thirty -third regiment, overtook
what is believed to have been Agui
naldo't party on May 19, at Lagat,
about 100 miles northeast of Yigan.
Tho Americans killed or wounded an
officer, supposed to be Aguinaldo,
whose body was removed by his fol
lowers. Aguinaldo had 100 men, Majoi
March 125, the American commander
reaching La Boagan, where AguinaK'io
had made hia headquarters since March
6, on May ?. ' Aguinaldo had fled seven
hours before leaving all th beaten trail!
and traveling through the forest along
the beds of streams. Toward evening,
May .19, Major March struok Agui
naldo's outpost about a mile outside ol
Lagat, killing four Filipinos and cap
turing two. From the latter he learned
that Aguinaldo had camped there foi
the night, exhausted and half starved.
Major March's men entered Lagat on
the run. They saw the insurgents scat
tering into the bushes or over the pla
teau. A thousand yards beyond thf
town, on the mountain side, the figvrret
of 25 Filipinos dressed in white with
their leader on a gray horse were
silhouetted against the sunset. Th
Americans fired a volley and saw thf
officer drop from his horse. Hia fol
lowers fled, carrying the body. Th
Americans, on leaohing the spot
caught the horse, which was rich,
saddled. Blood from a badly woundf
man was on the animal and on th
ground. The saddle bags contains
Aguinaldo's diary and some privat
papers , including proclamations. On
of these was addressed: "To the Civ
ilized Nations." It protested againf
the American occupation of the 1'hlli)
pines. There was also found copies .
Senator Beveridge's speech, translate
into Spanish and entitled: "The Deat
Knell of the Filipino People."
Major March, believing that th'
Filipinos had taken to a river which !
a tributaty of the Chico, followed it fo:
two days, reaching Tiao, where he
learned that a party of Filipinos hat
descended the river May 20 on a raft
with the body of a dead or woundec
man upon a litter, covered with palm
leaves. There Major March reviewed
his command, shoeless and exhausted,
and picked out 24 of the freshest men,
with whom he beat the surrounding
country for six days longer, but with
out finding any trace of the insurgents.
The Americans pushed on, and arrlvec
at Aparri, May 29.
The officer shot was either Aguinaldo
or his adjutant, and as the horse was
richly caparisoned, it is fair presump
tion that it was Aguinaldo.
Several Disturbances by the St. Louli
St. Louis, June 6. -A riot of smal
proportions, during the progress o
which a boy was fatally shot and '
dynamite explosion occurred, marre
what would have otherwise been ai
nneventful Sunday. As a car on th
Tower line was passing the corner c
Twelfth and Calhoun streets, a crow
of strike sympthizers threw rocks at i
An unknown man in - the car fired
revolver into the crowd. The hulls
struck Peter Frank, 16 years old, wh
who was sitting in the doorway of hi
father's house. A detachment ' c
police dispersed the rioters. The "bo,
will die. ' '. " .'
' At a late hour this afternoon an ex
plosion of dynamite shattered the cab),
conduit and switches of the Olive stref
line, at the intersection of Marylar
and Boyle avenues. No one was it
jured, but traffic on that end of the lir
bad to be suspended. There is no clu
to the perpetrators.
More than the usual quota of polk
was furnished today for the protectio
of passengers and crews, and as a rt
suit the number of cars on the varion
lines of the Transit Company wa
materially increased. Cars were opei
ated on 16 lines.
This morning the nucleus of the first
regiment of special deputies forming
Sheriff Pohlmann's posse comitatus,
consisting of 10 companies of 60 men,
each armed with shotguns, were as
signed to active service in preserving
order. Their duties consisted in pa
troling the streets and doing guard
doty at the various power houses and
car sheds.
Floods In Texas.
Dallas, Tex., June 4. Tremendous
rains have fallen in the last two days.
The rise in the Brazos at Waco since
last night in 23 feet and the river is
still rising six inches an hour. It is
out of its banks, and much alarm is felt.
Trackmen and section men on ths
Central New England railroad in Con
necticut and New York, struck for
$1.50 a day
The Strike la Chalon, France.
Cbalon, Sur Saone, France, June S.
-The strike here reached a critical
stage taut night, and today the city is
studded with soldiers. The trouble
began during the afternoon, and at
night the street lamps were extinguish
ed and missies of all sorts were thrown
at the cavalry and gendarmes, who
fired, killing one of the rioters and
wounding 20, some of them seiiously.
Fifteen gendarmes and two cavalrymen
were injured. The trouble is not j
Chines of San Francisco Stnte Their
Grlevanoes lu Detail.
San Francisco, June 2. Referring to
quarantining of Chinatown, the attor
neys for the Chinese Six Compuuies
have made the following statement:
"We shall do nothing precipitantly
in the way of litigation, and therefore
we do not coutemplate making an ap
plication to the courts at this time for
any order to modify or hinder the oper
ations of the board of health.
"A cause of oonsidorable uneasiness
among the inhabitants of Chinatown is
the lack of quarantine regulations thus
far observed within the quarantined
distriot. The general quarantine order
keeps 20,000 people within a pre
scribed district, and that a compara
tively samll district. Iu this district
It is not claimed that there are or ever
have been more than nine or ten cases.
The contention made by the people who
re subject to the quarantine is that if
it is necessary to quarantiue this num
erously populated district, it is tho
duty of the board of health to go furth
er ma nii'w"" or solate the houses
8n.m tfv-
mat the house was doomed, dragged
out a brother and a sister, who were
intent on rushing through the fire to
their mother. Then he returned for hia
mother, whosa arms clasped the baby,
but her weigh! was too great for his lit
tls arms, and, as the flames were clos
ing on him, he fled heart-broken to a
place of safety.
Ignorant Foreigners In Riot.
Chicago, June 2. A free dispensary
at 610 West Eighteenth street, said to
be conducted by medical students,
was attacked today by a crowd cf in
furiated Bohemians and Lithuanians,
and before the police arrived in re
sponse to a riot call, the building was
badly damaged. Today a boy disap
peared, and his boy companion report
ed that he had been waylaid and killed
by the doctors. In a few moments a
mob of several hundred people was at
work demolishing the building. The
police arrived and several arrests were
made before the crowd was dispersed.
Later the missing boy was found un
harmed. Flags Under Control.
Chicago, June 2. Bubonic plague,
whioh has been eoidemlo in Sydney,
' Australia, is said to be under the con
' trol and dying out, in a private cable
I gram received by Charles Oliver, head
of the commission in charge of the
hIIwhi nf New Houth Wales, who is
I visiting Chicago.
Republicans Win the General
Republican Candidates for State Office
and Congressmen Elected Leglp
latur Will Be Republican.
' Portland, June 5. Returns received
up to 3 o'clock this morning give very
little definite information. They in
dicate, however, that the state is safely
Republican. The vote polled foil con
siderable short of the registration, and
for the most part the election was very
quiet. Wolverton is re-eleoted judge
of tha supreme court, and Bailey ia re
elected dairy and food commissioner.
Moody is safe for congressman in tha
Second district and probably Tongue In
Vine first, with slightly reduced plural
ity. The legislature will be Republi
can, but probably less heavily so than
the last one. Fusionists were suocea
ful In eleoting part of the county ofn
curt in several counties.
Vote by Counties.
Multnomah Results in Mnltnomali
county were mixed. Moody has a ma
jority of 6,000. Rowe, Republican, i
probably elected mayor.
Baker Inoompleta returns show
that the Republicans carried the coon
ty by a small plurality.
Clatsop The Republican state ticket;
has a large majority in this county
Umatilla Democrats will oarrj
most of the county offices, but tha Re
publican stato ticket will receive a niu
Wasco Indications are that Moody's
majority is about that of two years
Gilman Returns from this county
Indicate a close contest. Three pro
ducts heard from give Moody 160,
Smith 130. The Democrats will elect
some of the oounty officers
Morrow Morrow has gone Republi
can by 200. Moody leads the ticket.
Republican county ticket is elected.
Grant The Republican state and
legislative ticket curried this county.
For sheriff and school superintendent
Democrats are elected.
Union The vote in this county is
olose, five precincts giving Moody 233,
Smith 232.
Sherman Moody is in tho load in
this oounty.
Marion Incomplete returns from
uei rly all precincts indicate that the
Republican, ticket ia elected by a large
Douglas Indications are that the
entire Republican ticket is elected in
this county, with the exception of as
sessor and one representative, which
are in doubt. Tongue is running up
with his ticket. Wolverton is getting
bis party vote.
Yamhill Tongue has carried this
oounty. Vote on county officers is
close. Democrats make a gain.
Columbia Moody will have 800 m&
jority in this county.
Lane The election of the entire Ro
publican legislative ticket is conceded.
longue is ahead.
Linn Partial returns from 10 out of
80 precincts in this county indicate
the election of two Republican repre
eentatives. Judge Wolvorton will car
ry the oounty by probably 600. Tongut
is running ahead of his ticket.
Jackson Of 280 votes counted,
Tongue gets 163 and Daly 115. Dem
oorats carried a number of county oth
Josephine One-third ot the total
vote in Grant's Pass shows a Republl
can majority of 26 on state officers
Representatives about even.
Claokamas Incomplete returns
from seven precincts show Republican
pluralities for Tongue 174, Wolverton
105, Bailey 60. It is conceded that
the entire Republican county ticket ia
elected with the exception of sheriff.
Benton Five precincts complete out
of 16 give Dalv 278, Tongue 257.
Democrats here probably carried tha
Klamath Contest is close and re
sults uncertain.
Coos It is concede 1 that the legla-
lative and district Republican ticket Is
successful. The county ticket will be
Curry Five precincts in this county
give Duly 77, Tongue 129.
Polk Nine out of 21 precincts giv
486 for the Republicans and 420 for
tha Fusionists.
Hearing Tien Tsln.
Tien Tsin, June 6. The Boxers are
reported four miles off, and an attack
is expected. Everything is ready, and
the residents are confident. Thirty
five German missionaries arrived here
this evening. Three Belgian engineers
have arrived. The French consul says
11 are missing, but there are hopes of
saving them.
Guinea In Havana.
Havana, June 6. General Maximo
Gomez arrived here this morning. lie
was met by representatives of the var
ious political societies and an enthus
iastic crowd. On reaching the palace
Gomez stood up in his carriage and sa
luted General Wood, who was on tha
Baden Weiler, Baden, June 9. Ste
phen Crane, the American author and
war correspondent, died here today,
aged 80 years.
Nif Gold Camp Springs Up at Ketehl-
- kan, Alaska. .
Seattle, June 4. Reports from
Ketchikan, Alaska, brought tare by ,
Portland men, toll of a new gold camp
that has sprung up near Ketchikan, at -a
place called Port Johnson, but here
after to be known as Dolomite, where
a postoffice has been established by tha
United States. The pla?e takes its
name from the dolomite formation that
abounds and some rioh veins of free
milling quartz have been discovered.
Discovered by Portland Men.
The first discoveries at Dolomite are
claimed by Portland men, and the first
mine ready to ship ore is owned by
Portlanders, J. B.Capp, A. B. Eardley,
W. F. Sohedd and others, who are
proud of thoir Valparaiso group. From
tide water to the mine, about one
mile, a road is being built. The ledge
of this property is about seven feet
wide, runs cast and west and some as
ays show upwards of 133 ounces ot
gold and 68 ounoes of silver to the ton.
Ore shipments will boign in about one
Other Good Properties,
Another mine near Dolomite Is the
Golden Fleece, and the 100-foot tun
nel run into the ledge has produced
good results. Dunn & Company, own
ers of this mine, are building a tram
way from the town out to the mine,
and will also run another tunnel 800
foot below the first, cutting the ledge.
On the beauty group a 40-foot shaft
has been sunk on the vein. The own
ers, J. A. Preston and O. C. demons.
have brought some hoisting and pump
ing machinery from Seattle for this
mine and will sink another shaft auJ
cross-cut the lede.
Bonded Three Clnl-ns.
Three claims in the Dolomite camp,
not far from the Golden Fleece, have
been bonded by Judge Munloy, of Port
land, for $30,000, and development
work will be pushed at once by R. L.
Dunn. Judge Munlcy's personal repre
sentative on the ground is Major Free
man, ol Portland.
This new mining settlement, now
known as Dolomite, is situated on the
east shore of Prinoe of Wales island,
28 miles south of Ketchikan, Alaska,
and is thought to be in a rich mineral
Will Build a Stamp Mill.
James Bowden, superintendent ol
the Craokorjack mino, near Ketchi
kan, was at Portland last wook arrang
ing for machinery for a stamp mill on
the property, as the mine is worth it,
with a three-foot vein of rich ore along
the surafce for a distance equal to three
claims, between walla of slate and por
phery, and recent assays demonstrate
the mineral to be worth around $100
to the ton. The mine 1b located with
in throe miles of a good harbor and In
dians have been employed to carry out
ore at $2.50 per day. They work all
right unitl a few dollars have been
earned, then quit and spend thuii
Ketchikan Is a Trading Center.
Trade for a distance of 60 milos in
all directions seeks Ketchikan and the
town is able to provide for the ordinary
needs of the peoplo. The town is grow
ing and soenis to be satisfied with the
prospects for the future. The Nome
rush has not affected this camp and aa
mining goes on the year round, there
is reasonable permanency to the busi
ness interests. Numerous . canneries
are operated in the neighborhood every
summer, having a fair run of fish for
the two months of ths busy season,
July and August.
Reeves & Williams, who own the Cold
Spring copper mine, in the Galice
Creek district, are pushing develop
ment work on their property. A large
amount of ore is on the dump which as
says well, both in gold and copper,
says the Medford, Ore., Mail. The
ledge is clear cut, well defined, has
perfect walls, and there is indication
that it will prove to be a permanent
an valuable property.
Burnt River Cssld Mining and Dredging
Company coiitemplatos building a $75,
000 electrio plant on its property, with
600-horse power capacity, for operat
ing the mills, hoists and lighting the
tunnels and shafts of the mines. This
is one of the large properties of East
ern Oregon, embracing large quarts
claims and placer grounds.
V. .1. fliirurin nf T,n AmmlaH. him ar
ranged to open a large coal mine near
Coos City, Ore., says the riews of that
city, with water shipping facilites, and
if necessary a shaft will go down 1,000
nace operations will soon begin at the
Black Butte mines, near Cottage Grove,
Ore., and instead of working 40 men,
as now, a large inorease will be the re
sult. PRODUCING GOLD. The old
Henry Wines claim, near M6dford,
Ore., that created big excitement in
1866, is still a good producer and the
winter's clean-up has been very profit
able. BEEF FOR NOME. A steamer load
of cattle went from Portland this week
for the Nome gold sifters.
ELECTRIC PLANT. Funds for the
electrio plant and dam at Swan falls,
on the Snake river, in Idaho, are avail
able, and tho Consolidated Trade Dol
lar Mining Company expects to gener
ate enough power for its mills and
mines, besides lighting all the prop
NEW COMPANY. The Jersey Gold
Mining & Milling Company, capital
$160,000, is a new one at Baker City,
having mining proverty near by.
15 candidate!.