The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1900, Image 3

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    d Jiver
plaster at Bartniess'. . .
for campers at Bartniess'.
irdPatwnii,G.F.Coe& Son.agts.
Heck brought in about a quart
hcrries May 10th.
ltation free by the eminent oe-
tie Mt. llood hotel.
ship with the Union, get your
i the Box Factory.
or hatching, pure bred stock,
r Fitting. K. E. Ravage.
our magazines and periodicals
ley's Book and Stationery store.
cial eyes inserted without pain
i. Drl Frank, now ,at t!ie Mt.
fail to see the Morrises, . the
of all strona ieoiie, with Le-
;ros. Big Shows.
wned at Sherrill's: Paint.paint
wiiiit ! Floor paint, wagon paint,
mint, outside paint, oil and var-
res finely improved land. 30
ituble for fruit or dairy. Fine
tract, with house, in town. For
E, E. Savaue.
riptinns taken for all publica-
Bradley s Book and Stationery
& 'Graham have enlarged their
s and fitted up ueat ico cream
an At Emporium, 800 in one
improved real CBtate. interest
ett's 'butter at Bone & Mc Doiv
verv Monday morning. Leave
)regonian and the Evening Tel
or sale at Bradlev's Book and
ery store.
W. T. Ilibbardis agent for Fill-
ros.-Musical .Messenger, one ot
t publications of its kind,
adies' aid society of the U. B
will meet at the mrsonage with
. H. Fix, Friday afternoon.
f block 7. l'arkhurst
sightlicfct blocks on the hill, for
tieo. T. Prather. Price fS25.
'. C. Browns has returned and
found in his ollice over William
us' drugstore, between the hours
I a. in., "2-3 aiM o-7 p. m.
vherry growers say the berries
d all at the same time this spring
woquently they expect the ri pen-
son to 03 ot short duration.
E. Ilanna has located at the new
if Shaniko, whore fie will open a
vard a lid store. Mr. Ilanna has
is'iliug in Hood River for the past
Chris Dt'thman ordered half a ton of
land plaster from a Portland
ions. The plaster was received bv
Mr.lethmau in due tinie and m sowed
it on. his clover. The land plaster did
not seem to tie the siune as he had used
before and the results were not satis
factory. R. . Harbison sent a sample
of the stuff to Prof. Shaw of the Oregon
experiment station at JDorvallia, and
his analysis proved it to De Homing
more than slaKcd lime. Mr. JJethuian,
Iv'sides being out what the stuff cost
him, w ill be short ou his crop of clover,
neb. is greatly benetitea by
the use of laud plaster. He will find
out who is responsible for the cheat and
prosecute the case till he is paid all
damages. If there is any law in Ore
gon to reach such Iraus, Mr. jjciumnn
is the right Mian to trace theia up.
Miss Gertrude Erwin gave a birthday
urlvlni mini vrr, her liitla menus.
Monday afternoon Mav 14tli,it being her
tenth vear. Lunch was eerve.d out
under the oaks, where all did Justice.
Afterwards all joined in playing games.
Those present were: Avis att, Larl
Blagg, Grades Prather, lllie Baker,
Lenora Adams, Uoy Blagg, Georgia
Prather.Annie Kent, Howard Hartley,
Etia Blagg, Esta Brosius, Leroy Armor,
Aldine Bartniess, Claud rhompson,
Eva Yates, Ina Newton, Edgar Smith,
Gertrude Erwin, Kenneth Baker,
Flnrenra Brosius. Susie Hall, Hazel
Olingef, Clara Erwin, Blanche Howe,
May' Mooney, Clint Mooney, Laura
Mrs. Pr. Frank, the celebrated eye
specialist of San Francisco, arrived in
Hood Kiver JMonaayauu nas rooms ai
the Mt. Hood hotel. She is here to
practice her profession in the treatment
ot all diseases oi me eye unu iu uujuni
glasses for all who have failing sight.
Urr nifitl-.f.ds of treatment are the best
and most modern used by the profession
n the Eastern cities and lairope. Dr.
Frank is accompanied and assisted by
her brother, Prof. Ernest Benjamin
The newly-married couples ou Lyman
Smith avenue were liberally seieneded.
Roily Phelps got off easy by setting up
the cigars for the boys. But. Jim Riser
was not so fortunate. The sercnaders
took his place by stor,m Sunday night.
By promising to get some whisky by
next evening lie got them to let up oil
the "music" they made with the
horse fiddle aud tin pans. Before next
evening he repented of his rash promise
to get the whisky. Not being a drink
ing man himself he tliought it wouldn't
be right to buy whisky for others. The
boys came back Monday night, and
when they found he had failed to pro
cure the wiiisky thev bombarded his
house with everything that would make
a racket, beat the sides of it with scant
ling and veiled in a manner that would
make a Comanche Indian take a back
seat. Jim finally promised to raise f 1.50
next day ami leave it at one of theatores
iu town' to treat the crowd, and the boys
left. Jim savs the next time he gets
married he will go to some country
Arkansas, for instance where the usages
of the dark ages, like the charivari, are
out of date.
Harbison Bros, sprayed their orchard
three times last year with arsenic and
soda, as recommended bv Mr. Kennedy
in last week's Glacibr, using six pounds
of lime to the barrel instead ot Bordeaux
mixture. Out of sixty boxes of apples
forty were first class and free lrom
worms, which was a irood showinc in an
orchard where nearly every apple was
wormy the year before. Harbison isros
consider I Vb pints of the arsenic mix
ture a little too strong for the first spray
nig, as the foliage while tenner .was
slightly burnt, but no injurious result
followed the later sprayings." If not
followed too closely bv rain, they think
four or five sprayings in a season are all
any orchard needs.
Mrs. Dr. Frank, the oculist and opti
cian, conies to llood Kiver witn many
flattering testimonials of her skill and
success in her chosen profession. This
eye specialist examines and corrects all
Meu's kang. calf, light, perfect fitters, stylish, plain or cap toe,
lace or cong., IRON YEAREBS, 225.
Men's fine Shoes, ton or blaek kid, very stylish, $2.75 to (3.50.
Children's and misses grain, every-day Bhoe, $1.15 to $1.25.
Ladies' black or tan oxfords, latest toe and fine fitters, made ou
lienor, sold on merit, $1.50 to $1.00.
Famous Dia. 70 School Shoes.
Ladies' street Hats, trimmed Hats, or trimmed to order. Our
styles and prices will please you.
Men's, and boys' Alpine, stiff and crash Hats for spring and sum
jner, are very -stylish and becoming to your style of loveliness. . Quan
tity limited until more arrive from Xew York.
Values in new spring suits that are world beaters. We take your
measure accurately ; the Royal Tailors do the rest, insuring a perfect
fit. You are going to lose some money if you order before seeing this
superb line of fabrics, the acme of perfection, at the lowest price for
reliable tailor-made goods.
ti,0 u;ui,nn rntmrxvl from a trin to visual defects purely on scientific prin
Sherman county on Tuesday, lie re- cipies. those sintering irom liupaireu
n.rinu rnnLino ttne Id rill road eVCSIlilll. Wllli:il UUUU cuua in Willi
reached Shaniko last Saturday. V hile
in Grass Valley, Mr. Bishop made a
purchase of 320 acres of land for a con-
.. .. . i a. a nrtrt rM
sKleruuon ci aoout, ti.uuu. mere uic
225 acre in wheat, of which Mr. Bishop
will receive one-third. Mr. isishop has
no notion of abandoning his residence
in Hood River.
If, after reading a short time, you feel
sleepy or vour eves burn, you are not
fitted with the proper glasses. Lenses
scientifically fitted rest and preserve the
ht, rendering frequent changes of will sail from Seattle on the 19th.
i . "'..ll ... 1... AT I 'tn.i.on TwmmliOit fin olllo Ofirmnn 1
blindness, should not neglect calling ou
Mrs. Dr. Frank at the Mt. Hood hotel.
The Dr. is accompanied and assisted by
her brother, Prof. Ernest Benjamin
Rev. and Mrs. Edward Curran are
visiting at the home of the latter's sister
Mrs. 8. i. tshlitt. Mr. L'urran nas
been until recently pastor of the Con
gregational church at Astoria. He
recently resigned to take up missionary
work at Cape Nome, for which place he
Burnett Duncan who is recovering
from a severe attack of pneumonia, is
spending a few weeks in Hood River.
1I will return to his school in Portland
as soou as hia health will permit.
Some thief stole a suit of underclothes
and half a dozen towels from the ack
norch of the residenco of J.K. JMCkei-
sen Wednesday night.
I,ost A pocket-book, containing a fa
Id niece and some small change.
inder will please
and be rewarded.
3. E. Cobell and family of Portland
1 last week and will pick and pack
for H. C. Henest. Mr. CoDell
soldier, having served' through
nl war in the 4-ith Illinois.
T. Prather has 33K acres of John
iy's place for sale. This land is
titered. 2 miles from town, and
is fold in the next 25 dav6 or the
fill be put back to $500. Now $300.
and flour will always be furnish-'
Kand & Stewart at lowest market
Bran, $12 per ton ; bran and shorts,
r ton; Shorts, $14 per ton. Pea
our, 75c sack; Dulles Diamond,
k. :
untely, Tlood River is not called
to furnish many jurors for the
;nn of circuit court. But three
L.IIenry, ('has. Chandler and YV.
rker have been d-tawu for this
rem Hood River.
. IV Ross has just received from
iloring department of theGillett
Jo. a fine line of samples of ladies'
waists, dress skirts and jackets,
she will be pleased to show at
una on Monday, Wednesday and
lay afternoons.
and Mrs. D. R. Cooner of Mt,
were iu town Saturday, on their
om a visit to The Dalles. Mr.
r reports a fine prospect for apples
neighborhood. His trees are so
y loaded that they will require
thinning of the fruit.
meeting of citizens is called for
lav. Mav 19th 'at 1 o'clock, in the
U. W. hall, for the purpose of ap-
ng 'committees and making ar
nients for the celebration of the
h at Hood River. Everyboddy is
'Sted. so let everybody attend this
id evesitrht is the best gift of Na
If your eyesight is failing through
inimg otoid age, or trom anyotner
.call on Dr. I rank, who is ac-
allied and assisted bv her brother,
Ernest Benjamin Arnold, at the Mt
hotel, and bftve- your eyes exam
)r tested for glasses.
: your crates and boxes at the llood
Box Factory. Thev are the best
had, are the right size, have, the
and tmoothost hallocks, and are
ictory. It makes prices low and is
venience to the rruit growers.
Davidson Fruit Co., proprietors.
II. Nickelsen has received the ap
memt and his eonnnisson as census
lerator for West Hood River pre
. This includes the new precinct of
i Hood River. will begin the
of taking the census on June 1st
looointment is irood one, and our
na can rest assured that the work
)e well done,
'timonial. Rev. J.B. Johnson, pas
r"irst Christian church, San Jose
s tinder date of July 7,1894:
pleasure in certifying to the com
ifforded me bv the classes I oh
id from Mrs. Dr. Frank. I regard
is skillful in her specialty aud well
by the confidence of the public.
II on Dr. Frank at Mt. Hood hotel
;o. KnaDD came down from Sher
eountv last week. He says the
jmie of sniell-pox ha run its course
nil quarantine has bsen raised. W.
lellamUlid not have the small-po wife and two children hadligh
ks. Mr. Knann was never quaran
t.- The wheat cron is looking fine
is now in the boot.
ie largo warehouse addition to Reci
itv Corner was completed fa
igli to aliov moving in of goods last
ay night. The painters repainted the
ieot the store building ana eai
v everything was in order for the
:"of customers to this busy place,
Bonney's wnole force helped the
eaters on the addition, while Mr.
;;ev and Henrv McGuire waited
i the customers all of last week.
.'Umonial. Dr. Hugh McNaaiee,
or of the Catholic church of Santa
Cal., writes: "I take pleasure in
ifviug that Mrs. Dr. Frank, opti
, b.18 supliei me with most satis
iry glasses for reading. She is very
essful in giving exact fits. I am
pleased to certify to, her high rep
ion ir, this ehy and to the fact that
persons are much pleased wiih
f'.asses." Db. Hugh McNamee,
t r of the Catholic Church of Santa
Frank is nc-r at ?It, Hotel hotel.
spectacles unnecessary. Call at the Mt
Hood hotel and consult Mrs. Dr. Frank,
who is accompanied by her brother,
Prof. Ernest Benjamin Arnold, both of
San Francisco.
C. L. Copple, candidate for county
assessor, started on Tuesday for a can
vass of the eastern part of the county.
M r. Copple has beeu a successful busi
ness man and is now a farmer and pos-
Curran preached an able sermon at the
Congregational church last Sunday evening.
Judge Prather has registered voters
as follows: East Hood River precinct,
225; West llood River, 209 ; South Hood
River 132 total, 505. He also registered
14 from Baldwin and one each lrom
Mosier and Viento. The highest num
ber of votes ever nolled in the Hood
sesscs all the qualifications necessary for River precincts, Viento included, was
nf the imimrtant office 400. in the presidential election of 189b.
of assessor ot asco county.
M. A. Cook and wife returned to
Hcod River last Saturday, after an
absence of nine months in the mining
districts of British Columbia. Mr
flunk has been contracting and building.
He built a saw mill on Kettle river and
run it for awhile up to last January.
Lately he has been in Republic
The citizens meeting tomorrow, to
m,,b, ..Mniwnmnii I tlm celebration in Hood River, this season. Up to Wed-
of 'the 4th of July in Hood River, should nesday evening he had picked and ship-
not be neglected. ' We owe it to the
children and all those who cannot go
awav from home to celebrate, to observe
the day iu Hood River in an appropriate
manner every year,
The Canbv Relief Corps will sell ice
cream and strawberries umiorruw in
ucksnn's corner for the benefit of the
Hood River band. The band will
furnish music. Everybody is invited to
patronize the tent and help along the
.J ! L.:..k 41,a l.wlu.i lnin 0
gOOU CaUSe 111 WHICH UIC liiuico ntv v
N. P. Anderson left Monday for
Seattle from where he sailed on the
KtPnniHhin South Portland for Cape
Nome on the 17th. His many friends
ipre wish him a safe lournev and. that
ie mav return some day with a good
share of the precious metal.
O. Kinersly, while in town during the
vveek.discovered an old schoolmate in
Prof. Cubberly. Twenty-live years ago
The Junior Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the Congregational church
had a verv aeiigmiui ouung nisi oat
urday in Watson's grove. Thirty little
Endeavorers were present, who enjoy
ed the names and luncheon very much
The society is under many oongaiions
to Mr. Watson for the use of his grove..
Cant. Coe's strawberry patch beats
them all. either at White Salmon or
ned 121 crates. He has had the advair
tage of top prices and will realize for his
shipments so far at least ftuu
Mrs. D. J. raroienter, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Alma IIow, re
turned to her heme at tjanby Viennese
day. takine with her her daughter Har
riet, who has been stopping with her
aunt during the past winter.
18. The Barrett farm, best m Hood
River valley, 140 acres, 70 acres in cul
tivation; 4,000 fruit trees ; 50 inches free
water : 5 miles from Hood Rn er. $5,500 ;
tl .500 cadi, balance in 5 years, interest
at 6 percent. For sale at the Emporium
The Equitable Savings and Loan As-
... n ii i e i ; - u rii ,.
sociation oi rornana, oi wuicu vims.
E. Ladd is president, has perfected a
branch organization in Hood River.
The Hood River bank will do their
collecting at this point.
F. R. Smith, a newspaper man, for-
merlv ediior of the Tillamook Head
they were "boys in Iowa and played light, was a caller at the Glacikr office
and negro meetings together,
Straw berries are rolling in lively. A
busy scene is witnessed at the depot on
the arrival of every east bound train
All hands in the railroad office get in
and help load the crates of berries into
the express car,
A .Tm at work on the railroad, ed
nesday, was struck by one of the. big
steel rails the men were handling and
n the
employ of "the Nicolai-Cameron Mill Co,
Caut. Coe's strawberry pick of Iriday;
the 11th, brought him, net, $7.42 per
crate. ' The berries were handled by
Bone Bros. Capt. Coe's patch is beat
ing them all in point of earlincsa.
Mrs. J. F. Armor gave a party to her
Sunday school class at her home
Belmont list indav evening, auoui
thirty vouiu neonle were present and
severely cut on the leg. Dr. Watt fixed enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
the cut bv putting in several stitches'.
Don't forget the ball tonight at the
armory, ihe committee nas jnauc an
arrangements for the comfort of patrons.
Good music, icecream, and strawberries
will be served in the hall.
A band stand is beingerected on Jack'
son's corner, where the Hood River band
will do their practicing and discourse
music iu the evenings, to the delight of
the music-loving wubhe,
S.'E. Bartmess and Roy Slocum went
. There will be a business meeting and to the hot springs at Collins Landing
jlime social of the V, B. Christian En- yesterday. Mr. Bartniess' rheumatism
deavor Society on Thursday evening, ia8 been getting no better and he is in
Mav 17th, at the homo ot Mr. anu jure, constant pain
Evinger. " ' J. T.-'Neff. principal of The Dalles
The recital of eloeution and music high school, came down on Saturday to
idp.r the direction of Mrs. Louise Boy- attend the graduating exercises of
den will be given on the evening oi June Frankton school. He was the guest
1st. Full particulars in our nexi issue, j. j.-. Armor,
t. .4 ura p.nmps ill move, into! Miss Laura Stevens' of Portland is
n- Kh'ow'a PfiHiiVe on school house hill, guest at Mrs. Alma Howe's. Prof
i!l mnvft into thfiir zard and family are expected to
11. unu jiibi l ui . i . .
new cottage at the head of Second street, up from Portland tomorrow.
leave at this office
wwfcs to good glr
A girl to oo f
enerel housework. Good
MRS. It. 1..,
The Dulles, Or,
For Sale or Trade.
Win RoUmi ttmo or trade for finvthlnii of
o aorr goou mniwnwry muu uuur -uwu.
15 litres near Tucker, partly improved.
Jul. K..tni.u iwtf (mill If
ttcreM mile 'from town, partly Improved
W. A. Hl.lN'UEKt.ANR
Tn TTnntl Ttivpr valley. East Side Sun
day, Mav 13, 1900, Joseph A. Knox and
Mrs. uaturan v. unuiugiiuiii.
The contracting parties to this wedding
never met untill last Saturday morning.
Mr. Knox was a widower 14 years.
About two months ago a friend at Butte,
Montana, recommended Mrs. Cunning
ham bs a suitable partner for him, and
oftpr n correspondence lasting two
tha nn pnenuenient followed and
she came to Hood River. The wedding
took place at the home ot Mr. Knos,
in Dukes valley. Mr. Knox is an old
of Hood Rivar valley and an
hnnmwt nd respected citizen. The
ilaciejb extends congratulations, way
thev live long and prosiier.
Tn TTnn.1 Rivnr. Mav 13, l'.HK), by
Rev. J. L. Hershner, Holland A. rneips
and Miss Nora E. Purser.
At. White Salmon. Wash., May 9,1900,
Miss Mattie Knutsou and I). G. Satre.
At White Salmon, Wash,, May 9, 1900,
-Alisa Tm!i1ir11 Knutsou and U. u. lenoid.
Mav 8, 1900, little Kenneth Gilmore,
agwl 2 months. ,
IJeath has enierea your imusi
taken little Kenneth away. O mother,
we know thine arms are empty ana inou
art lonely. ' i .
' God needed one more angel child
Amidst his shining band,
And so he bent with loving smile
And clasped your darling's luind.
Christ said,- "Blessed are they that
mnnrii. tnr tnev snau ue roiiuoiitu,
Now. mother, dry your tears. Weep not
f,r thR silent dead: he has from all
trouble fled. Vkavv..
To Fruit Growers.
I wish to announce to the fruit grow
ersof Hood River and White Salmon
that I am prepared to market your fruit,
especially strawberries, on the same
r,-oi finna that I have worked in
vpnru nast. namely, careful distribution
to markets, securing inwty
irrowers ana niinimuiu pntcn uu uii
which 1 am prepareu iu lurunu
. m m e i ;11 1
out tnnrUpt. nrices. iUV enoriM win uc
entirely directed to the interest of pa-
Eggs for Hatching.
I nm In the noultrv business nt mv Dlaee on
Plielns creek. I have full-blooded Mllver
held high
In the estimation of
.Practical falnlcrs.
Every gallon of1 . j
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U, S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
M the best and most durable
House Point made.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
Oolohlm for pure fresh Drugs, 1'atont Medicines and Wall Paper. Prescriptions nui
Family Keel pes a specialty.
H.miburtrs and Klaek Snanlsh
Hinee Kebruury 1st I have gathered
lm eggs from two hens. For Cjifc producers,
the liiiiiiliunrs and HimuiIkIi chu'I he beat.
Please call and see lor yourself. Kkk per set
tititf, l.7ft. UllANUPA KLLIfi.
1'helps Creek, May 1 HW. ,
Furniture and Builders' Supplies,
Finishing Lumber and Shingles
New Shoe Shop.
. 1 have opened a Shoo Shop In Iho Odd Fel
lows' building. Have had years of expe
rience. All kinds of mending nt reasonable
rates. J . 1 HOl.MAN.
Hay for Sale.
A good quality of alfalfa, timothy and elo-
ver hay for sale by J. 11. BUOKMAlvKK.
6 to 60 Acres.
I will sell any part of my land, from 5 to (10
acres. Two miles from town. Thirty acres
In orchard. WJ. KAKMt
Farm for Sale.
60 acres, nearly all In cultivation. The very
choice of Hood itlver valley: miles south ol
Mtike me anv old offer.
Light Team.
JUS. FIi.ZIKltt Jr.
"anick Sales and Small Pronts," Our Motto..
A full line of FAINTS and OILS always on ' hand at Portland
prices. A first-class niechnfiic ready to lo all kbds of repairing and
nev vork either by the job or by the day.
Undertaking a Specialty,
Carpets and Wall Paper.
Jiounw on Oak Street and Second Street,
Hood River, Or.
Halo. Inquire of
Pasture for Horses.
lnnrt nnsture for horses at Oaltdnle farm,
IV. miles from town, on the I'.ast Hide. I erinn
$i"a month, In advance. C. U. VOOKHKKS.
, Pigs for Sale.
imnnrM 8tolc. l'les now 6 weeks old.
will keep them till 0 weeks old.
Cow for Sale.
A new Milch Cow, withoutacalf, for sale by
.,27 C. A. (JHAMKll.
miles soulh of Mottler.
Organ for Sale.
An nnrhrhi, Kimball Oman, good as new.
Mn.t i uniil In ten davN. riiee flio. Also.
n miml sewinar maehlne for t'. Inmlre
utthe Ilakettntoie of V. E. Jackson, urgnn
enn he seen next door. hm
Fancy Seed Potatoes.
Vmir klmm. the MeKlnlev. Free Silver,
Champion of the World and Seller's Tlest, for
sale by I- JYK,
S. Coitimssioner. Notary Public. J. P. for Hood Eiver District.
Ate il Conveyancer, M Estate ai Mi;
I Imve ku aiad bioe.ka for sale 1n different part of the town of Hood 111 ver.
Also, have the exclusive sule of lots iu Blowers' Addition, the must beautiful build
ing location in town.
Business, such as paying taxes for non-residents, or anything pertaining to the
County Court, promptly attended to. Can furnish township phils to home-seek-
K1I1K lOr UlllUS. IIUVO UUCil t I WBIUDHIi U, awia ivuvi . .iv
nra or those look 1 1)
years. Correspondence sollclled
Telephone k.
B20 at hm place on the l-.aKt mue.
80 Acres. Imnrnvert furm: 40 acres In cultivation:
near school: irood roads. Price Jl.MO. llest
bargain in Hood Itlver. KKK1) HOWE.
Milk Delivered.
1 have moved mv dairy sows from Trout-
A..ia,.ni inniitofl nt Hond Kiver. Will be nrc-
r ,mMnnt!nnol fhnreli The liastor. pared to farntsli a good quality or mim, ie-
Congregational Lhurcnine r'lsUJ' rlv.,ra(1 H. vonr door, for 60 a quart. Leave
liev. J. 1j. iiersiiner, wm
vh.f.u mTt, Kundav at 11 a. ni. and 7:30
Church Notices.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established Houso In th. viillcy.J
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all its
goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide
with a partner all dividends are made .with customers in the way of
reasonable prices.
orders with H. L. Taylor or at Glacier office.
J. M. Filloon, candidate on the dem
ncrfltic. ticket for county clert, was in
the valley for several days last week,
making the acquaintance of the voters.
Thos.Chapman left a Pefcin duck egg at
thn fii AftKR oiice last Saturday that
measures 8Ja inches" round the long way
and 7 inches round the short way,.
Mrs. Dr. Frank was in The Dalles for
two months two years ago and intended
vt nir Hood Kiver. hut was caueu
home unexpectedly.
O. Kinersly, the gentlemanly agent
f..r Blake. McFall Co.. and the vv . r.
Fuller Tn. of Portland, was in town
Monday. v
Mr John Parker returned on Mon-
dnv from The Dalles, where she had
been visiting for severi day. '
p M.irknam and Howard Isen
berg are employes at the Hood River
Fruit Growers Union, .
Miss Katie Sinnott visited at the
Cascade Locks for ten days, returning
home Sunday last.
Mrs. V3iter McGuire, who has been
quite sick for a couple of weeks, is now
improving. VanJohnson remembered the Glaciks
with a nice box of- strawberries on
F. H. Watts the tombstone man of
The Dalles, is in the 'valley delivering
Republican speaking will be held in
Hood River May 22d and 3ist.
1 a TVarimw is reeove'nr..? trom a
severe attack of the grip.
Sherriil's got it paint, I m?a:. ;
Mrs. Dr. Frank will remain here only
till May 28th. "Those 111 need of her
professional services will govern them
selves accordingly. j
O. P.. Evinger captured a 15-inch sal
mon trout in his flume Monday morn
ing. E. W. Udell got one in the same
way not long ago.
The ladies' aid society of the Con
gregational church will meet at Mrs.
M. F. Shaw's on Tuesday afternoon.
Bradlev t,he baker is having a store
built on Kaiid's corner, where he will
sell bread.
Stop at Sherrill's and look at the fine
stock of floor matting, new designs.
The conductors' excursion next Sunday
is expected to bring about four hundred
people to Hood River from Portland.
Don't fail to see ihe Only Arnolda,
the equilibrist marvel, with the Leon
dor Bros. Big Shows.
Enamel for bicycles and decorative
enamel at Sherrill's.
Miss Hester Howe, who has been at
tending the normal school at Monmouth,
returned home Monday.
Paint brushes and varnish brushes at
Sherrill'8 furniture store.
Miss Pearl Cox returned home Mon
day after visiting several days in Portland.
Mrs. Ed Miller and children of Viento
are vwiting Mr, gnd Mrs. Jos. Frazier
D. C. Herron. in command of the A.
O. U. iV. for the state, ie ia town.
.T. F. Cole ia clerking for Herman
Everhart during the rush.
Call at Sl.erfiti's and E?t prices W.y.
oipi" Lc-r
p. m. BUDjeci ai iiiuriiius
"flnnsos of Pessimism." A
welcome to all who come.
Christian Church Services
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a "m and 7:45: subjects: "Why
America should be Evangelized," and
Survival of the Fittest." Endeavor
at the usual hour.
TT ri Church Sunday school, 10 a
r, Kormnn "Knme applications of
Christain Conscience," 11 a. m.;ChriS'
tiun Endeavor meeting 7 P. m., Sermon,
"The I.inuor- Traffic." 8 n. in. Prayer
each Wednesday evening 7:30.
All are welcome.
virhr .1. W. Jenkins -will preach 111
the Crapper school house on Sunday
May 20th, at 3 p. m.
M. E. Church services Sunday
school, 10 a. pi.; preaching, followed by
class service, 11 a.m. ; Epworth League
prayer meeting, ti:4o p. in.; general
services 01 league, no p. "'
ins?. 8 p. in. ; reirular prayer meetim
Thursday evening, at 8 p. m. .
Spalding, Pastor.
Beware of a Cough.
A cough is not a disease but a symp
tom. Consumption arm Droncnius,
which afe most dangerous and fatal di
seases, have for their first indication a
persistent cough, and if properly treat
ed as soon as this cough appears are
easily cured. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has proven wonderfully suc
cessful, and gained its wide reputation
and extensive sale oy us success m i;ui
ins the diseases which cause eoughiiig.
It it is not Denenciai it w in uui. emi j"
a cent. For sale by V imams urosius.
Inl la) OUS
Time Schedules.
E. Bound.
U-A'i a.m.
&27 p.m.
Mall and
11:42 o. in.
8 p.m.
W. Bound.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Wortli.Oiiialia,
Kiiimiu! City. Ht
IhiiiIh, Chicago
and I tie Eul.
Wnlla Walla. Bno-
knne.MinneanoiiB roruumi
l:W p. 111.
A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps; latest styles and
blocks, including men's stiff Hats, Fedoras and Pashas.
We also have ordered direct from manufacturers in the East the
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain
that we can hold our own, . Come and see un-
Ht 1'anl. Duluth
Milwaukee, Chi
cago und Eust.
Bait Lake. Ienver,
Ft Wortn,i)inana,
KunKKH City, HI.
Louis. Chicago
aud the r.ust.
For Han Y ranciseo
Hall every Odays.
8 p.m.
V.x. Hundav
Haturday, 10 ABMria ana af
10 p.m.
6 a.m.
Ex.. Hunday
7 a.m.
Tueii. Tlmr.
find nut.
4:14 p.m.
Mall and
Fx press
4 p.m.
Portland PrioeB
Oa all kinas of Farmtaie, CarpBls, Wall Pajsr, etc.
I challenge any one to K"t lower prices on House FurnlshtiiK Good than I eanftuote,
Hjuiclulflgijres given 011 tiutjding materlul for contract work.
4 p.m.
Choice Town Property
For Hale. Block IS, with a 10-room houe;
good orchard; it lot In gtrawberrieit and other
Willamette River.
Orceon City. Now-
berit.naiem at .way
Yam ut i.i. Kivkrh.
Oremin t;ity.laytjn
und way landingK.
Willamette River.
Tnt, Tlmr.'l'ortland lo Corvul-
4:;W p.m.
;:) p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and t rl.
anu Mat.
5 a. in,
11 i way landingK.
Rlparla to Iwttoni
W. II,
4;. r.m.
Mon., Wed.
and Fri.
l.v Lewist'n
Lies' Frnili GfflSs, Hosiery, Mew, Notions,
A nu:e line of all-over Laces, Lace Curtains, etc.
Horse Wanted.
I want Ui bur a mood horse, weight 12W or
1.100 poand. J. H. SIlurjJiAhKKi
Graining, Natural Finishing, etc.
Estimates Cbati. E. H. PICKARD.
Tent for
-1 i,r
l: il li
1&-t, J? hv 12;
J. if. KiOZyjLX-iV.
Oan'l PaiM. Ancnt. Portland. Or
J. Daoi.ev, Agent, ikxmi Kiver.
fAnd Offlee atThB Iwille. Oregon, April Zl,
1900. Notice tn twreby (tiyaii that the follow-1
tng named nettler haa flied nolica of hid Inten
tion 1.. make final Droof In mniiort of hi
claim, and that naid proof will tw made before
the Kiiiter and Keceiver ai J ne uanej, ur-
gon, 00 r rmay , j une o, w,
Of Modler, Oregon, II. E. No. SIM, for the lot
laud 2 and aouth l7 northeasl W Kection W,
iownHhlD2 north, raiiea lit eHi. w. M.
He narnet the following witnsi' to prove
hUnllnuouiiriiaenceupon ana cuiuvuuon
ut, said land vir.: .
Ci. T. Brown. A. E. Petnrnon, w. Johnton
nrt H M HncjH. all of Mosier. Oregon.
's'2 JAY P. LVOAB, KegUtef.
With F. E. JACKSON. He and the DAVEN
PORT BROS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.