The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 30, 1900, Image 3

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    fo3cT Itiver Slacier
The following parties
iloor key was found and left at this
ic for the owner. ,
for hutohing, pure bred stock,
per sitting. E. E. Savage.
E. Savage is on the sick list and
clr the doctor's care.
2A. Hartley is building a neat fence
mrsd his residence block. .
ili Pueh is building quite an addition
his house occupied by Capt. Davidson.
Austin Wilson is laid up with a bad
IdundLas been under the doctor's care.
J. U. Xiekeleen and family visited C.
Early and family at Viento on Satur-
Full-blood one-year-old mts comb
own Leghorn rooster for sale by J. II.
The ladies aid society of the Congre
tional church will meet at Mrs. Noah
ine's on Friday afternoon.
Rayburn, the milkman, delivers milk
orn'ing and evening, lie drives a
liite horse and a new spring wagon.
Mrs. Charlotte Koplin has been dan
rously Biek with heart trouble fjr the
ust week, but was improving at last
Mia VinlU' Pulmer of White Salmon.
ho w as quite sick last week with the
in. is irettinsr better and is now in a
ir way to recover.
Dr. F. C. Tirosius has returned and
in bo found in his office over Williams
Brosius' drug store, between the hours
10-11 a. m., 2-3 ana 0- p. m. .
9.Y news finelv improved land. KO
suitAhle for fruit or dairy. Fine
t!'sit( tract, with house, in town. For
ilo, E. E. Savage.
xir Clioir'a nnttnim nn St.ito utreet.
eat Second, is nearims -completion, ana
sing in a commanding location, will
jake one of the prettiest homes in town.
Judge Prather has procured for the
load Itiver library the Standard Ilis
iryf of All Nations, in ten volumes.
Ins is a most valuable addition to our
It 11. Crawford, of Ha7.eldean, near
VliHe Salmon, died of heart failure at
lis home Friday, March 23d inst., aged
2 years. A wile and adopted daughter
fi V Tl'.rwm- ia mullilKT tvrirlr nn tin-.
innmer boarding house he is building
t.. 1 I-,-" (.li ...1 1 . :
n Jplowers auuiimn lorruruunu pu,i hub.
'ha building will show up nicely from
he state road.
E. K. King, who lias been visiting with
lis brother A. W. King, in Hood River
luring the past winter, left last Satur
day for his home at Weiser, Idaho,
rhere he has a large stock ranch.
Mrs. A. C. Lender of Groton, S. Da.,
:ousin of Mrs. F. W. Angus and the
dorse brothers, is visiting her relatives
n Hood River. Mrs. Lender's husband
s editor and proprietor of the Groton
Our valley was visited by a soaking
ain last Saturday night and Sunday,
it was the first rainfall for two weeks,
md rrmds were dustv and newly set
itrawberry plants were suffering for
W. L. Clark of Cascade Locks was in
town Saturday. Mr. Clark is sub-inspector
011 the works at the Locks. He
eports that about fifty men are employ
id in building a protection wall on the
sland at the mouth of the locks,
Nn nnrt. of town is building ud more
rapidly than Blowers addition. The
now houses of N. Tostevin, V. E. Denzer,
S. A. Knapp and 11. V. Wait, along the
State road, have been occupied for some
time and the owners have graded off and
are beautifying their lawns.
E. D. Calkins, proprietor of the Frank
ton poultry yard, laid an egg on our
table last Saturday that weighed
ounces. The egg was first laid by Mr.
Calkin's favorite Light Brahma hen,
and to the hen of course all credit is
due. Mr. Calkins is making a success
of; the poultry business.
- 'inminintwpinpnt. pvircisfs at Barrett
school, on the evening of March 21st,
were attended by over 200 people. The
essays read by the graduating class were
highly complimented, which speaks well
for the teachers as w ell as pupils. Profs.
Ackerman and Gilbert were both present
and delivered addresses, the latter pre
senting the diplomas,
i Ed Miller of Yiento was a spectator at
Tl.n nnl!r.u VA. !IS IS Well
known, lost his right arm in a planer
jasi summer, auu is uiuiuiuie mi.airav.i
tai.wl fr.nn fnllnwincr his trade as a saw
mill man. He has lately attended busi
ness college in Portland and brushed up
his knowledge of clerical work. He
may bloom out as a candidate for county
clerk when another republican county
Convention comes along.
I The fruit crop was never more prom
ising. Peaches, plums, cherries, prunes
and strawberries are in bloom, and
early apple trees are showing the bloom.
Orciiardists are preparing to spray for
the codlin moth. The heavy loss of two
years ago, when we had an immense
crop and lost most of it through failure
to spray, was an object lesson that will
not soon be forgotten.
I The cantata of Lost and Saved, that
-ntfiliHvHhep.n reoeated March Slst,
ha hoon rinfctnnnfid indeliiiatelv. Miss
Simmons was called to Portland by the
;!!t.po f i,or ciutur Misn lila Foss. the
leading character, is teaching at Trout
take. Vv. is. uregory win reiuuvu iu
V.wtlonrl onH nthpr rhanens have taken
place which necessitate the postpone
ment of the play for the present.
J Instructions sent out from the post
nffipn ilpnnrtment. office of the superin-
iKiiripi-.t tVpp dpliverv svstem. state that
n .. - Vp f.nri-nl nf the
5 all V.H1I1C10 U1C Ultui,! v. . - -
postmaster from whose office the service
is established, and it is his duty to re
v. anxt flprolirtinna nnnn their cart.
Rural carriers are now supplied, with
stamps, postal cards, etc., for the ac
(Mjmiuodation of patrons, and they can
also receipt for money orders.
I Fred Bailey and wife came to town
Jiie night ot the nana concert io
She same. - While driving down Oak
i-treet one of Mr. Bailey's horses sturn
bled at the crossing at Rogers' store,
5 where the gravel crosswalk makes arise
lin the ground. When the horse fell, it
was pushed along bv the impetus gained
f by the team, and with its head on the
Wound, rubbed the skin from about its
es raided the happy
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Bailev,
armed with huge well packed lunch
baskets, on tlie l'5th inst., it being the
anniversary of Mrs. Bailey's birthday :
Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Bailey, sr., Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Chandler, Mr.'-nnd Mrs. J. H.
Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crupper,
Miss Pearl Crupper, Mr. and Mrs. ll. F.
Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Cunning,
J. L. Blount. A splendid dinner was
served and it would be difficult to tell
who enjoyed themselves the most (lie
surprisors or the surprised. Fred Bailey
and Mrs. J. II. Shoemaker illustrated
Sioux courtship, J. L. Blount explained
when expansion was not beneficial or
clnrnble. and T. J.' Cnniiiiia answered
whv he always ate so much when away
from home.
Amos Underwood of White Salmon
.l,vi,.ii!,t intd ntir Kiiiwluni on Monday
dud incident!)' remarked that "44 years
ago today tne inaian massacre ai me
Cascades' took plaeo." He and John
T.. L. Peek. Ilenrx
Miepparu, Jim inoinpson, ipi. xkiuku
mnn wprp nn the south nido of the Col
umbia river and saw tlie bloody work of
1 twl ul.-iiiu 'I hn rttirtv rolllil tpf Tile
Indians trying to fire Bradford's store
liy throwing torches from the bluff. P.
i. Hradtord, now ot iiooa mver.was one
of the firm of Bradford Bros., but lie
was in the East at tlie time. Lawrence
Coo, brother of Capt. toe, was a cktk
in the, store and took a leading part in
defending the same. The number of
whites killed on that day was zz.
pvna h iti pvf-s RT;re SOOn SO UilUlv
swollen that the horse could not see on
5 Tu-n n-iPTi trflv-plin 11T) the Columbia
.r..o -f J..fl
in a scow met wun qane u nu.v
last weeK. nen near v.aiueruu c
t tha Tvinntli nf Vhitf Salmon, the wind
calmed, and the men put an anchor into.
a small imt ana toweuiiiescun
the shore. In attempting to cast me.
anchor tlie chain got wound round the
leg of one of the men, and when the
anchor was thrown overboard it took
the man along to the bottom of the
TV - ,1 U,..t .... .1 ut.Uft flllll
iiver. me small ui,'in. l,i,J -
! -hi. ntJ-.PT- men llirnwn into the TlVfer.
Some men in a skig near by immediate
ly came to their assistance. The anchor
l rina-n n, nnd thp man Came UP
with it. He was turned over a barrel
and worked with till he came to.
The small-Dox patients at the town
hospital are all about well. It is
thought they w ill be ready to leave the
hospital the latter part of this week.
The prompt and efficient work of the
mayor and town council and the physi-
Um twi-i in niifirnntinir the
1111113 V UlU W . " v. . -
small-pox case prevented the spread of
the disease and thereby saved the coni-
...ntlv Ii..iiya hoattir hmsl Plirf'lt imi Off
the pe'st house and caring for the family
sent there has cost the town about
fl.OOO, but we may consider that we are
getting on cneap.
A boy from Mt. Hood, about ten years
of age, rode into Hood River Monday
morning, on horseback. He accosted
Judge Prather with the question, "Is
this Hood River?" The judge knew the
boy and saw that he had lost his bear
ings, and to have a little sport told him
he was in The Dalles. "Well," said the
boy, "I must have passed through Hood
River and didn't know it. Ditn't know
I was riding so fust." And when the
tears came to the boy's eyes the judge
. .... 1 .. ;.. ii .i 7 : 1 ..n
told mm ne was in noou aiver mm no
We do not know who is responsible,
hut tl-.p :r An notes with res ret that
the fine oak trees along State street,
between Watson's place and Lapt. L-oe s
are being grubbed out. There was no
necessity to destroy these handsome
shade trees that have taken centuries to
attain their growth. There was not too
many trees on this part of the street,
.. .1 !i .1 4 1 .w. rt l..i ii.nir.-in
Illia ll IIIU)' siuuu uiu illay vj mv; ni
tract, the road could have been made
around them.
The funeral of Joseph McGuire, on
Wednesday, was largely attended. Rev.
J. L. Ilersimer preaclted the sermon in
the U. B. church. 'At the request of the
deceased, his remarks were chiefly de
voted to the work of the Oregon pioneers.
The floral tributes were numerous and
handsome. The pall-bearers were 0. C.
Burliness, E. W. Winans, M. V. Rand,
Judge L. Henry, Capt. A. S. Blowers
and S. F. Blvthe.
A magnolia bush in W. P. Watson's
garden is a beauty. 1 111s semi-tropicai
.-.lunt f.f.iit,-.iiia nliont -MO hlonms. Many
visitors to Mr. Watson's gardens have
admired tne plant ana say mey imvc
never seen anvthing like it. Monday,
Mr. Watson had the bush photographed
1 . .ii 1 iL. riMrw...inn
ana w in sei;u a piciuii; iu luc
One day last week five men sat down
to dinner at the Mt. Hood hotel whose
united weight was 1,385 pounds. 'Their
names and weight are as follows : Hale,
of Hale & Smith, railroad contractors,
220 pounds;. Haves, tie inspector, 310;
L. D. Blount, 275"; S. W, Arnold, 280;
Joe Philips, 500.
W. J. Baker, who has some of the
Lest orchard and strawberry land near
town, lias decided to sell his place in
lots to suit purchasers. He desires only
to retain 10 or 12 acres for his own home.
His land can be bought in tracts from 5
to 00 acres.
Miss Kate Davenport, teacher of the
primary department of the Frankton
school, closed her school last Friday and
will go to her home at Mosier. Her
vnnmrpst sister is visiting her at the
home of Mrs. E. D. Calkins.
As w ill be seen by announcement in
another column, "Capt. Blowers has
withdrawn from active service in the
business of A. S. Blowers & Son. The
captain will now have more time to looK
after his political fences.
W. H. Wilson of The Dalles was 111
Knn'fl TJiver Tuesday, as attorney in
Justice Prather's court, in the suit of
Mrs. Doling against R. Rand. A jury
trial was ordered and 10 o ciock inursuay
fixed as the time.
tip nrimnrv fnr Eft&t Hood
A liy "I'V I""" J
River will be held at Judge Kent's office
o n',.l,u.L- KutiiNlav AInrrh 31st. In
U.V yj lluva , -
West Hood River precinct the primary
will De neiu at me annuiy, uu uio Kmc
d:iv and hour.
A.1..M Pimnlnr a 1 .nv 1 9 VP.B r OKI.
linn vuuiiiuei wj
was neither absent nor tardy for the
whole term ot school in tne isarrun ui-
trict. He passed the sixth grade exam
ination and will enter the seventh next
ino Pnrt-pr will an to Nome alona
with Dr. Siddell of The Dalles. The haa fpnnrpfl t.ransoortfl.tion on the
first steamer that leaves Portland for
Nome, which will be about the 15th ot
Cole & Graham, agents for the Troy
Laundry, drive a neat delivery wagon
that was presented by the laundry firm.
Cole & Graham gather the wash every
Tuesday and deliver on Saturdays.
The republican delegates to the county
convention placed in nomination for
justice of the peace for the district of
East and West Hood River, C. J. Hayes;
for constable, E. S. Olinger.
tn town Wednesday
,7... tiip firt tune for three months. The
old pioneer i3 looking well. He was in
town to attena tne iuueri ui vzyu
W. S. Gregory expects to go to Port
land about the first of the month. He
has about finished the wind up of the
business of R. L. Sabin at this place.
A sharp frost visited Hood River Wed
nesday morning. The fruit crop, beyond
a few early strawberry blooms is thought
to lie all richt.
Regular meeting of the Book and Curio
kin Frirliv pvpninc. at 8 o'clock, at
K O U. W. hall. A full attendenee is
Supervisor Armor is opening up a fine
lot of gravel on rarauise uui. j
Hunt is haulimr eravel on the state road.
Th hniMinM of C. L. Rogers and
Matt Russell, on Sherman street, are
hai n v Till shed toward completion.
The People's Store has enlarged to
accomodate increasicg traac ana meir
large stock of goods.
Big bova and little boya play marbles
en the streets these fine days.
Mio IT T Prpftprii.t'ia filitilhlill.l hlr
Sabbath school class last Saturday after
noon from three until live o clock.
Games were played and stories told,
after which light refreshments w;ere
served. There were ten little folks
present; four were unable to attend,
namely: Everett Rand, James Udell,
Fred McMillen, Emmet Anderson.
Two members of the Soule Bros. Co.
lliranr.l S. nnil Shinlev S. SouhM will be
in Hood River Aptil 4," 1000, and will lie
prepared to do all kinds of piano work
in tlie way of tuning and tone regulating,
action and case repairing. All orders
left at the Glacikk office promptly at
tended to.
Mrs. Will, Davidson of Cloverdell en
tertained a number of young folks Wed
nesday evening. Some of Hood River's
young folks went out.
Robt. Rand's cottage in South Waueo
nia is nearing completion. Joe Mayes is
also building a houso in South Waueoma.
A good picture of the late Joseph Mc
Guire, along with an extended obituary,
appears in the Oregonian of March 27th.
VI. lrt T W L.tilinu ramp flown from
Mosier on Wednesday to conduct the fu
neral services oi airs, r.non nayuen.
t- A Tl Pnnfli.1,1 Inn llPPll nllitP
sick with the grip for the past two
wocks urn is now conviiiesccuu
David Miller is putting up an addition
to 11. 11. Holmes' summer residence on
Lvman Smith avenue
The Parker house, under the manage-
f . v. vi, ir..:. i e
men?, oi airs. n. v . an, una ioui
Regular meeting of the Eastern Star
Saturday evening, luarcn aisi. ors.
E. R. Bradley is confined to his house
with the grip.
Carelcse people
Say prices are high. Careful people know that no otlier store sells
equal goods for so little.
Careless people blunder when they think that lean purses are
helped by buying "cheap" shoes.
Tho people who mot need to save really waste by buying too
Our Dis. 70 School Shoes are money savers; they come in black
.and tan kid, calf and Russia calf; very clever styles; prices from
f 1.15 to f 1.(15 up to t'-'-
Men's Working Shoes as low as good shoes can be sold for.
Hathaway, Soule & Harrington's men's fine Shoes in tan black and
ox blood, fa.00 to H-00. All fully guaranteed.
Soles renailed and all machine seams sewed free if they rip. We
save you money.
Our stock of Millinery is complete and we mako a specialty of
trimming to order. Prices always very reasonable.
bone & Mcdonald
Hood River Teacher' Association.
Following is the programme for the
teachers' association March, aist, com
mencing at 2 o'clock p. m. :
Opening song.
Methods in Geography, by C. M
Duet, bv Eva Nickelsen and Lilhe
McMaster's Methods in Teaching, by
II. K. Benson.
Closing song.
Pioneer Meeting.
A special meeting of the Tionecr As
sociation of Hood River is called to meet
on Tuesday, April 3, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m., at A. O. U. W. hall.
All pioneers are requested to be in at
tendance, if possible. .
M.N. Folry, Vice President.
T. R. Coox, Secretary.
Church Notices.
Congregational Church The pastor
will conduct service at 11 a. m. Com
munion service will be observed. The
Christian Endeavor service will be held
at 7 p. m. Leader, Ralph, bavage.
Rev. Frank Spaulding will be in his
pulpit in the M. E. church both morning
and eveniii1' next Sunday, April 1st.
Episcopal Service Bishop Morris ot
the Episcopal oioeese oi uregou win uu
in Hood Kiver on nexi ounuuy evuumg,
April 1st, and will hold services in the
Congregational cnurcn, commencing ai
eisiht o'clock p. m.
Elder J. W. Jenkins is conducting a
protracted meeting at Mosier and will
not be here to preach in the Valley
Christian church next Sunday.
T TTooil River. March 24. 1900. to
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Curtis, a daughter
In Belmont, Hood River valley.Marel
) iooo Mra Mnv diHimi.m Ifnvdeil
M.rt IU t.parc 11 mnntiiM lino H (lavs
iift- jv-w.o, .........
Funeral was held H ednesaay, irom tne
residence at lieimont, at z o uiock.
Notice to Fruit Uiwcrs.
W'a u-iuh tn oniinnneft to the fruit
growers of Hood River and White Sal
mon that we will accept consignments oi
fruits of all kinds, and we are making
onnriiil nreoarRtion to market the com
ing strawberry crop. We will have
ninntt. nf nrutPH fliiil will sell them iu
l'Vlll. v v.... " . .
competition with, any proposition that
v.,,r Mum ulniiir ' W b tifivH niviiiln room
mi; uuiu .1. r -
f.i-c (liam un riiHtniiiprH need not
prepare a place, but take them away at
their convenience.- na to marKeuug
..m, tinrrioa wn fppl Burn that we can
obtain the best possible prices and your
-,1 I. A W- 1 l.r.A
returns win oe pronipi. o oavu uau
i ... ........f ri- ..a.iiiiifia in n(r
various kinds of Oregon products, and at
n times )Mve had to name wnn me
u; iwmniprcin (Ipn ers ot tne
Northwest. Old-timers will tell you that
it has always been our purpose to en
hance the value of a crate of strawber
ries and to frustrate buyers who combine
to buy cheap. BUlst. JiKUH.
I wish-to say to tho people of Hood River
and vicinity that I have opened up business
tl. tmildlnff recently occupied by V . 15. Cole,
mid would resueclfully solicit a share of tho
nnhlln ntf trnnue.
Having leased the Glacibh Job plant and
mniln some necessary additions thereto, I am
prepared todoall kinds of JOB PRINTING In
up-to-date style, and will appreciate your or-
ders In this hue. Ucspectiuiiy,
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism.
From the Vindicator, Uutucrfordton, N.C.
The editor of the Vindicator has had oc
casion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm twice with the most remarka
ble results in each case. First.with rheu-
.v. 1,. t V,n ehnnhlr from whiph he Kllf-
fered excruciating pain forte ii days, which
-.1 .wn nvvrl i.ot intiu nf Pain
W US ririicvcu niiunw i7j....v.w.w v. ...
Holm milliliter iVir ttiirhs afflicted und real
izing instant benetit and entire relief in a
very sliort time, rueumatismin
thi.rh inint nlmoKt. tirostratinor him with
severe pain, which was relieved by two ap
plications, rubbing with the liniment on
retiring at night.and getting up free from
pain. For sale by Williams & Brosius.
f 7 TS
An Honest Medicine for La (Jrlppe.
Geo. W.Waitt.of South Gardiner.Me.,
says: "I have had the worst cough.cold,
chills and grip and have.,taken lots of trash
of no. account but profit to the vendor.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only
thing that has done any good whatever. I
have used one bottle of it and the chills,
cold add grip have all left mo. I congratu
late the lnanuiaeiurersoi an imiiraiuitu
icine." For sale by Williams & Brosius.
To ResldenU of Hood River and Vicinity,
Rni-ETivii! The house-renovating season
will soon be here, and I take this method of
culling your attention to the fact tnai i snuu
also be here, readv and anxious to assist you
1 every rK?lme way.
t resn p oui. mm V. ,Vii . nf i.ititiltv ' iii-
t aper iirv tiKu tiiii'. . ........ ... . ---
' ..! t. i. ht,i a nut imln of defects.
UXIIIUVII "O fclicj i' T III .oiianllillfn
and wlien pro periy u m - "
wHigim.."" -,i, hui.i
IHK 10 ineeye mm nuiinw,. i..... ...
,oim Tnntitnln Hint usual desired result is my
.hl . 'I a T lllTrif Mi'SS. I eullllOt WUlTUllt tll
oi r...-. . . - . I.,,
.1..11 H-....IU r. ... .1 ..ii 1 1 ii i nr r, iiHiiiiii ill t'. mi.
U.llllll .T.i..n ',.
I do euaranuie khiimiu;ui j ,u..v .....
..I liv mid let live prices, or no pay. Ifjou
desire I shall be pleased to cull at your home
vith samples ol rape. , n ;j "iV'"-
and make you prices. (1 1 1 M A rlvs UHA 1 is.)
.t.i.i ii.....irdi'.ir mwi. iiftiroiiife and
a respectful solicitation for a share ol tliesanie
in the luture, x am ''Vii pit'lvTlin,
. . i II,.,. t lU-of fit"
rainier anu in-niiiuui, nv
For Sale or Trade.
Will sell on time or trade for anything of
equal vniue
l)lirn,8gwuriii'r'ij n.iiv. ......
ir acres near iueKer, puriiy uupruTru.
VH" H I'll.. .IB in... ..... " v .
H acres, 4 miles from town, partly Improved
zn ucrea. 7 miles Il'om low iiunivv-u.
Held High
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
... . . ......... nc.iii..... nnA UT..1I Tlnini Praanr! lit Innfl Rllfl
Oo lo him for pure iresn Drugs, i iucui uiuuh.uh.-. u..
Family UeciH u specialty.
J 12
W. A. HblNliKIU.ANP.
iK-res; 40 acres fenced, 5 acro oleuivd; hoiiKe
.1,1 iintiro ulili' va t lP Plist 1 V tllK-
I IVWI I "113 -J i v. . I
en out to irrigate (nmi 20 to HO acreH, Price
UIlH'llllt iiiu am. wvi.w... ... ... ;
quantities to tailt purchasers. Uood school
OIOne piece 2 miles Houth of Tucker, 1(10 ares;
county road through piece; creek, with HvIiir iV.n itiiiiuiilttruiiln irrlorn.
Wilier, luim iuiwii i". vi...i.."." ...t"
m,h- upvornl iiorcH tftioil bottom land' eond
NCIIIHH - nine, muu uiiiniM..i -
12 to 20 dollars per ncro, uceordlng to amount
and piece wanted.
One piece at Tucker, 5 miles from depot,
Hood River, 70 acres; will sen one aero or hm
hi ii it v tiinrtt n m Willi ted ud to the whole niece.
Trice from 25 to 12a dollars per acre; or, II you
.. ,.. ........ ... K..11.1 n li.iliin U'ill iriv.1 Villi H
HllllUl HllllwtMiw... e- - - --
niece for Hint purpose, provided you will
Ull I III lll-MMI IU .,.,.
If you wish to loeateorbnv land, try Tucker
Delore you purenase. win gimiuiurc iurhc
vou more cood mil I nr nameumoiiiii 01 iuuihj
'.. , ..l.....l.....A It. II.W..1 IliVl.l'
Illllll JUU CMH UUJ .-II...W l,,;ir .1. .
valley, lierry Kround, orchard or Brass, or
iinvth ne else raiseu 111 mis viuicy. ummvi
niliiresM 11. It. TLCKKlt,
r-2 Tucker, Oregon.
Stocking Feet.
Tor sale by S. J. LaFRANCE.
Peaches. Whew !
Elherta PcaeU trees are all the t'o. Hcduced
n price. rnfnti 'viTi!i.'iiv.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 20,
1(0. Notice la hereby given that the follow
iniri.umi.iutt!prhu8 tlied notice of his in
ternum tn make final uroof In siipnort of
hia claim, and that said proof will
be made before (ioorge T. Prather, 1'. H. Com
nUsiiin.r. m Hood Itiver. Oreuon. on fjl-
day, April 27, l'JOO, viz:
Of Viento, Oregon, II. E. No. oOiil, for the
t.out 1 B.tlllirflUf. . Mild Hllllth V. ROllLll-
east lA section W, township 3 north, range
lie names me ioiiowhik niiiieni w piw.c
hta Miniiniimis rnidnce ddoq and culliva-
tiou of, said land, vi.:
M. Ostergari, jienry jiruuire, v. i. ixmucy
abd H. F. biythe, all of Hood Klver, Oregon.
m2ia27 JAY V. LUCAS, lglsttr.
Land Offlee at The Dalles, Oregon, March 8,
15)00. Notice is hereby given that the follow-im-naniedettler
has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in nuport of his
claim, and that a id j.roof will lie made before
the K-gitr and Ileceiverat The Dalles, Ore
eon, on Tuesday. April 17, 1!K), viz;
Of Mosier. Oregon, II. E. No. for the
southwest yt southeast M, east Vt southwest
W and soiitnwcst i southwest V, section 1 j.
: :., . i . . u.- u
IAI. U.UIfJ tt ll". ..s., ...u,... . ...
He name, the following witnesses to prove
hiscontinnous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land vis:
.rtire i uu y , swwwiv(.i"'..."'"'. ........
Charles B. Piathar and uilli Hubbard, of
. 0 I . v o r Trr A a D .i..
ITimher Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
1. ii ml omee. Vancouvor.
Wash , Feb. 14. 1(K)0.-Notlce is hereby given
that in compliance wuu me iiii.".."'
"'r 'r r l,.m. H ik:-h. fill, t I'd "All
act lor tlie sale of timber lands In the Slates of
California, Oregon, meyaua aim
'p...u,.rir " m Yir,i nil to al the l'ublic Laud
HUites by act of August 4, lK'Jli,
Of Hood Rlvor, county of Wasco, stato of Ore
gon, has tins day filed in this olilce her sworn
stalemem, io. wn, iui n.c ..i,..... ... ..
. . n.uil l Mil I, i in
northwest quaiier n ou...... ...
ownslilo Iso. 4 norm, iivmku .-k. v
east. Will. Mer., and will oiler proor to
. ... . I I .....1.1 I.. I'll I Illllll.,
show wax tne mnu sui -
for Its timber or stone than for agrlculttira
purposes, und to esiaousn ner tmnu
land before the Hegister and Receiver of this
olilce at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the
lutn aay oi aiay, iijw.
Khe names as witnesses; Albert L. Lane,
.1.1.11 nn.l Annin MillllllWH ol lIl.lOll
W 11I1UIII Illllll ...... -
River, Oregon, mid James lirowu of llusom,
wasn. also,
rxen A m.. ti.innt v tf WllSCl. stlltG Of Ore
w.... .ui.. ,i.'.,. hl.,1 in this oil'ce her sworn
LMI11. imniiito uu,, ... . -
statement No. 1175, for tho purchase of tlie
southwest quarier oi toiw i ... ". ""
ship No. 4 north, range No. 10 east, W. M.,and
will oiler proof to show that Ibo land sought
is more valuable lor Its timber or skme than
for agricultural purposes, and Jo establish
her claim to said land before the Register and
Reeelvorof this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, the 10th day of May, HKX).
riho names as witnesses: Albert L. Lane.
William Kaud, Hannah Mathews, of Hood
Klver, Oregon, and James Brown of Husom,
WAny and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to llle
their claims in this olllco on or beforo said
Mtty,WmR. DUNBAlt, Raster.
Timber band, Act June 3, l3;8. .
i'..i,.i u,..,na i ami fifNn Th Dalles. Ore-
L.'. K 1 IIIIMI Kill lift IU IIHIHIIV II Villi
ii... in ,..!,.,'.,ii..iw.o with the nrovlstons of the
act of congress of June H, 1;8, entitled "An act
lor the sale oi uiiiuit muu
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territorv," the following persons have tills
dav filed In this office their sworn state-
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 145, for the purchase
of the north 'A northeast . south sest V
northeast HUil lot , seciiou i, iousini
north, range i) cast, W. M.
r ttj AAnniu tf Wnun ftfjifp nf Ore-
gon, sworn statement No. 150 for the mirchnsa
of tlie west sout heast '4 and lots i and U,
. h lA klniln.ll. rnntra U 0I14I W M.
seciiou i, wjwusnii, , v ,
n.... !... ...ttl ..,ft.i t..rif 11 sliow that
lie land sought Is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than Mr agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claim to said land
before ttie Register and Receiver of this olilce
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the lt
nay oi April, w. .
They name as witnesses: i-erry Bici.rijiy.
O. ii. Hartley, Hood River, Oregon: Hubbard
Tavlor, waseo.uregon; rreu niiiimrn, .
cades. Oreuon: W. R. MeCrory, Hood River,
Oregon. . , , ..
above-destribed' lands' are leqm-sied to tile
their claims in this office before said 21st
dav of April, im .,. ,, , .
, 1 tm,. A, Th. lii.llus nrmrnn Miirrh lfl.
inrm Notice Is hereby given that the follow.
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his
Intention to niase iiiiiu inr. "im""
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before ;eorge'l. rrainer, w. ra.i,'miini.
loner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Friday,
April SO, 11)00, viz:
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 47i.1. for Hie
southeast Vt section 17, township 2 north,
. i 7 it- vi
range ei, . .... , ...
lie names me iouovi mg im,cr ...
his pontinnous residence uuou, aud cultiva
tion of. said land viz: .
CbarM Weil. Jason nana, n. r.. iwurvrimju
and John Jackson, all of HH,d River.Oregou.
nilr4) JAY 1. LL'CAM, Register.
, , r.n X' ITnh 1!1
lillim vriiice ui. . iiiinuii ,
HHW. Notico Is lirreby given that the follow-
i.. ..1 .... .!.. I,.... III. .,1 nnlioil ilf Ills 111.
II1U UUIllKli Bruin mi. .... v. w. ..... ...
teution to nmlte final proof In support of his
. i jt ....... ....i.l ..... ...f ... I N l.ui.iuilnliiirnri.
eiaiiii, ami iimi atiiii in...., win .......
.. . t ii..i....s T Innil flllll...
llle negisii-'i anil ii-i:.-i,i ,'. ...
at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, April
0, wuu, viz:
Homestefid Entry No. 11007, for the northeast
VI or Hormonal. '4 sccuim i nsiiii innui.
in ....... Ill 1 .....1 l.ilu 1 nnil mill
I'llHKC IU viisi, i'.., ...... .
soniheust '4 of northwest ; section .10, towu
shlii 4 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names tne lonowuig wiiiiessi s m inw.u
liis continuous rosidnhce upju and cultlva-
IIOII Ol, SI11U lllllil, i. .
William Htandlcy Locko, (ihnrllo blsson,
August Ferdinand Wiiken and John Deth
man, all of llusom P. (., Waslilnglon.
.fi'linliO W. It. DUN HAH, Register.
' Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
United States Lsnd Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 1, IWM. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions ol
theuct of congress or June II, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber -lands I" Ibe
Hlutes of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, stale of Ore-
i...u ti.tu iiuv 111..1I In thin iifliee his sworn
.... ..!.....,.. v.. f,.,. ilm mivMillKA nf the
southeast lint section Hi, ill township No. 1
noi'tn, range ino. easi., w. .u., nun .vm .,,..
uroof to show that the land sought Is more
r 1 l ... It. .I...I...H .... Blnna tlilin 1117.
vaiiiuuie 101 its iiin.,1-1 ... . . . ,
ricultural purposus.und to establish hlsclalm
to said land before the Register nd Receiver
of thlsotl'icc at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Friday,
tne isin uuy oi miij, iijw.
... ...11 ............. T .tin 1fvun TTm-HPV
IIH llllllll-.n IIS W n in isnn. ..." ................ ......
Marklcy, Jolin Bird and John Tucker, all ol
llOOU Itiver, uii-K"ii. . ...
. , ..It nln ,n n, n,tt.i.rBAl V tilll
Ally Uliu Mil 1'ui ntuii,, .. .....
above-described lands are requested to file
inc r claims iu mis ouice on oi umwiw
18th day of May, WOO.
niilmll JAY r. LUCAS, Register.
r .. rti Tl.. Tt..1l.ii rWnivnn MnrchA
1.U11U 1,111CW ai, j no j'nii.r,, v. ft.'.-i - -,
1000. Notice Is hereby given that tho follow
ing nanicu nti ii:, ino ,i... ....... w ..."
!.. i... ,i..l. Ii. uiiiiiinrt nf h u
llllll lO IliniVO lllll.l 1'l'n.i ... n..,-,....- "
claim, and that said proof will be made before
tlie Register and Receiver at Tho Dalles, Ore-
. . ..ut, IT lliAA .!.
gon, on iuesuuy, ni'i" n, n."',
nliVllinti' TITT1V
Of Mosier. Orciron. H. K. No. 4120, for the
west yi norineasi ami wesi. y.t nwunnr-i.
section 21, township 2 north, range ll east.W .M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Reese Prathar of Mosier, Oregon; Charles B.
Prathar, Gillls Hubbard and Jerome WellB of
Hood Rlvor, Oregon.
milaia JAY F. LUCAS, Register.
Furniture and Builders' Supplies,
Finishing Lumber and blungles.
"auick Sales and Small Profits," Our Motto.
A full lino of PAINTS and OILS always on lmnd at Portland
prices. A first-clnBS mechanic ready to do all kinda of repairing and
new work either by tho job or by the day.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Carpets and Wall Paper.
Booms on Oak Street and Second Street,
Hood River, Or.
IHucoessor to E. L. Smith-Oldest Established House In the valley.)
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Jb'iour ana jeeea, eic.
This old-estttblirilied house will contiiuio to pay cash for all its
goods ; it pays no rent ; it employs a clerk but does not have to divido
with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of
reasonable prices.
A film lot of Men's and Bovs'. Hats and Caps; latest styles and
blocks, including men's stiff Hats, Fedoras and Tashas.
We also have orderod direct from manufacturers in the East the
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain
that we can hold our own. Come and see us.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound. Win HOOD KIVEIl
10:10 p.m.
6:17 p.m.
8 p.m.
4.HXI p.m.
K X press
5:17 a.m.
i p.m.
H n.m.
Ex. Monday
10 p.m.
A n.m.
Ex. bunday
Milk Delivered.
1 have moved my dairy cows from Trout-
dale ana iooaii ui jkkki r.m-r. m "n piv-
...1 ... r.imi.l. a trcuui .himIIIV Of lllllk. Oft- "r . i ...... .. j - --,
icrril at vour door, for 5c a quart. Ieave
orders with 8. L. Taylor or at Olwler otru.
ra-i JOU-S KAYBUliJf.
7 a.m.
Tues. Thtir
and Hat.
Salt Lake, Denver,
V i worui.uiiiaiiii,
Kansas City. Ht
IamiIs, Oliicago
and tue f.ast.
Walla Walla, Bpo-
8t 1'aul, Dululh,
Milwaukee, i;tu
cago and ICut.
For Han Francisco i
Man i.mj. .1, o, u,io,
23, 24,4 every adays.
Columbia Riveb
Ktv.iii KkS.
:To AsUiria and way
Wll1iimrlt Klver.
Ori'mm City, Ncw-
nt.r.aiem ot way
. ,iuvrT Avn 3.yi n.m.
Vimiii.i, kiVKHH. Mull. Wed.
Orcnoii Clty,layun! and rrl.
aliU FH, Hiuwiiiftm
W. Bound
ft A.m.
Tuns, Thar.
and Sat.
i n.m
i-rta fi.m.
u'ill.mtilliiRlriir i 4'M r.ttl.
I'orlland to Corval- Mou., 'Wed.
lisdiway landiugs.l and rrl.
t,v lwlst'n
ha k m kivkh. S:;fl)a.m.
Riparla to Iwlston! daily.
W. H. Ht'I'.I.KI'fn,
Gen'l Pass. Auent, Portland, Or
J. IUOMtY, Asent, ilood itiver.
t AnAfiori a bMtjifirnnt. and T.nnrh
n t.. In llunii Itnildinv whpm I will be
nronArAti tn rve miH ana lutionos at nil
I challenge any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing Goods than I can;quote,
Bpeclal figures given ou building muterlal for contract work.
for poultry
Use Crushed Oyster ami Clam Shells. Tlie most frequent causo of
hens not laying is tho absence in the food of Carbonite of Lime.
These shells are practically pure carbonite of lime.
Try Groesbeck's Egg Producer and Health Food as a preventive
and cure for disease of fowls. It is a mild and stimulating tonic.
With F. E. JACKSON. He and the DAVEN
PORT BROS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.
The best results yon must use tho best materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY eoutinues to bo up to
date in everything iu the Drug line.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Bprayiwg materials warranted the pure stuff".