The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1900, Image 2

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5od Iftver Slacier.
FRIDAY, MAKCli 23, 1900,
lnv,us Kminicialoriii.
The supervisor of tjie census for l!;e
second diet net cl Ureaon is now con
sidering the fitness of tlie various uppli
rants for appointments rh eiiuineralurs
The qualihcutionn are tot fuitii in a cir-
pular lroni the director of the ctnt-iiH,
Jrein which the following eUrHi't n
tHkcpi "The Appointment of enuiuer
(iturB will be made with reference to
I'liyoirul activity and to itptiiei-p, ueat
IiUbh, and accuracy in v.ritiiij,' and in the
tu-e of figure. 'Ihe ceniun requires ac
tive, energetic pertonn of good addretf
ind lendincKS with tho pen. Only Mich
inn do the work with fcutihfartlou to the
government or profit to tlieniKelvc,"
Laeh applicant ia given a t-pecimcn
blank, or tent :httlule, with cuiiplete
jiiMtruetionn for filling it out. He in alffo
hen a "narrative" buppoM-d to contain
li facts likely to be gathe red in a day's
ranvBD. lie is required to pliiee thit
narrative on the tewt schedule. This
l)lan (a c.vpmined by the Mipervitior,
end if it conies up to the required
andard, the applicant is lifted lor up-,
roinlnient, TIiib lint, with the applica
tion pnj test Ktlicdules, will bn fur.
yarded to the director of the census at
NVahhington for final approval, The
candidate mutst certify that tie liand
writing ih fiia own, an 1 that fie has re
ceived no iiHsinlunce in tilling out the
tchtdule. The ollicialu of the eeiibus
pre not allowed to render any anniKtanee.
Jsq ope vill he apiiointed who ia not
thoroughly nnalilleU for the work,
Many applicants are sending in letters
vt endomnieiit. 1 his is uiuiepesniry.
The tuperviEor will base his selection
entirely upon the litncsxoi the candidate
(is iih(,wn by the test work. The neces
sary application blanks will be furnished
upon application to George F. 'felfer,
supervisor ol census, Portland, Oregon,
Wldle Salmon Side,
Mrs, J. L. Henderson and baby are
isiting with Mrs. obe this week.
Meccrs. I'ruther and Henderson Sun-
daved in White Salmon.
Miss Aineley of 1'ortUind passed
through tiis vicinity last week, enroute
IP tier tonooi,
Mrs. Nfciicon of The Dalles vlnited
friends in Lite Salmon hi tit Friday
also attended tho miiKiuerude, return
inn bonie via boat Saturday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. ('reps and. Mr. and Mm
John yers visiied relntives and Ineno
in thin section lust weeU.
Miss Emily 1'alnier is on the nick list
A surprise party was given, aioiwiuv
evening, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs
Jcwettin honor of Miss Frost's birthday,
Gullies were indulged in for a short time
when all repaired to tie dinijig room
wnere lliey tripped the "iii'lit fantastic
Until tj lulu hour. A very enjoyable
time Is reported
Mcetnw. Hand and Hapimersburg were
pniong the Hood ftiverites who attended
the ball last Iridiiy evening,
A party of Washington's young people
praveq tho wind Murni t-jiturduy night
and crossed the "tinny deep" in ordi
to take in tho band concert.
The members of the Ladies club met
with Mrs. A. II. Hvrkett hut Wednc
day. The nieetiou this week' will be
field at. the home of Mrs. lititler, who
we understand, is soon to leave us and
return to her mountain h me.
Mrs. Jewett is procteing nirelv In
t lie chicken businct a. Hhe now has ICO
little clucks running about the jr.rd
We will know where to go to get fried
chicken this summer.
Vhilo crossing the Columbia, Gunday,
piefsu. iiatner and Jiaiihburrv s.iw
corpre floating down stream. After
lnrdipg the j.aa-engers on the fined
ltiver side, Ilnnsberrv thought to bring
the corpse to shore. Alter sa:hng down
telow the White r'almon dock he dis
covered tho chastlv rcn.aiiiR. which
proved to be the remains of somebody's
The mask ball ulven bv tho Imnrovo
ineut club, Friday evening, was a grand
success, uver one hundred persons were
present, and more tliiin fifty maskers took
part in the dance. Prizes' were awarded
to the following: Peker Wvers, best
Brewed genth man; Harry Han-berry,
nest sustained character among the gen
ileinen. Charley Marble captured the
toouy prize from ninnv competitors
Vlliuil IUU men, ui;u LV.IUIU .KU1 lol'lt'll
the Ividges into pivnur him the hoohy
1rizj as the worst dressed ladv. Theresa
iutler got. the prize as tho best dressed
lady and Lydia Crowe with her wooden
musket frightened tho judges into giving
her t,he pmo for best sustained char
peter. 1 herewero several line cost times
worn, that ol tins Coleman being par
yieularly handsome. Minnie W'yers, in
tlie character of a gypsy girl, deserves
ipecial mention.
Mount Unutf Not v
Every one is busy farming and setting
cut fruit trees since the weather lias
Veen tine.
i he republican primary Mas held at
the school house and the following del
egates were elected to atteud the county
convention at. The Dalles: H. H. Toiii-
liuson ond John L. Pimmick, The fol
lowing precinct olllcers were nominated:
tor justice, George D'mmick ; constable,
fcert Sandman; road supervisor, dis
trict 85, A. P.. Billings; district 8, Vnr
fen M. Cooper,
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Spau'd'ng moved
to Mt. Hood Monday, where they will
spend the summer on their homistead.
M. F. Bird lias a large camp at the
Pishrow bridge, where he intends to go
o liijfinH. o viH nui from hvontv
tjve to thirty men all summer, getting
logs for tho Lost Lake Lumber Co',
Boye, you better whet up your spears;
t,he salmon are coining.
We see Buffer once more at this place
the last few daya,
Robt. McKamey eamo hone for a
phort time last week but did not stop
f There was two uew county roads laid
vff last week, the tirst roaiiis they have
tried to et. They are in nee4 (.f 'a road
On that side of the base line, ts thev
iave a large settlement tnj no roads
except the Mount toll road.
You J Me,
li. n f v.
(Artlrkwnppcnrlnv In tho C,i.AriKi! under
tluHh,)v lii'ii.llntt fi'd i wwk t' wvK will be
niriiiviiru ami f.uieii nv I lie lii;tr:l hi ilircclur
VMf HsjU Utver Kiiilt (.o-uweis- I'alim.
Correspondence received from the
market points indicate that our berries
will be in good demand. It ii,av he that
conditions will be such that "selling on
tra; V lwe in cur loads will ho possible
in the first prt of the season. The
l' nio n will be in positiou to uuet all
Comers along this hue.
When the time comes that growers
must ship in car lots, the Union wii! be
glxd to handle a large slure of the bns:.
The Uni.m cm d.i as much hi the wiv
f getting cash i-uUs here a- any a-."Mu'v,
amj it dtsnot coi.ilict with the pur;,'s
C-f tho Uaon ij its pat ion sii j,r cas!i
here or supply s;iia!l Ku ia Kval i.jar
tetn. In a limited wcy we are ali .n
depeniteut. But hen it ccmea to get
ting the bot resnUs ( .r the main crop,
tfia uefu ness cf the UnW si! u.-.. The wise grntr w;l. not a'u.ui
b,is owp war in. t!;is matter. I
Kcuiihllcaii Primaries,
The republican primary elections in
Hood It.vtr luit Saturday resulted as
Wett Hood IJiver Ir. F. C. BrosiuB
was elected eiiairmau and C. J. Have
secretary, lit. legates to county conven
lion: .M. P. lMiiibetg, J. W . .iJorton.L.
Olmger and O. L. Mraiiahan. Wurrei
-Vilier was noininated tor road super
Joust Hood River J, J5. Hunt, cha
mailt ;C. M. Sitson, secretary. JJele
erales to county convention: J. V. Jiin
nchs, 11. l.aie, J. Jf. Dukes, Jas. W isl
art and C. L. Ungers. t-'am Harbison
was hoinihHtcd lor road tuperviwr
district (i undJ.W. H nrichs in district,
South flood River fl. ! Pailey
chaiiijiin; C. 1.. j:ar!:liani, seendar
Delegates to county convention : E. !
J.voiii, tieoiL'e Sti aiiiihan, John A. il
sou and Jl. j. Hiljljuid. T. J. Cunning
was nominated lor justice of the peac
and ilarrv JJadey lor constable. V
Cranper was nominated for road super-
visoriu district 4 and Fred JJailey in
district 5.
D. niacratic County Convention.
The democratic convention for Wasco
county is hereby called to meet at the
court house in Dalles Qiy, on Tuesday
April 10, 1W0, at 10 o'clock a. rn., for
the purp so of lK.minatini' candidates
for county i Hires, electing seen del
egates to U.e democratic atate, congress
ional and district conventions, and to
transact such other bcsiness as r.
come before said conventiaii. The con
vention will consist of Ul delegates. Pn
manes will he held in the several pre
dicts on Saturday, March bl. Last
Hood River will be entitled to 5 dele.
gates; West Hood River 4, South Hood
KivorJ, Baldwin g, ios;er 4, ientoa
Al voters, irrespective ol party aliihu'
who are now opposed to the McKinley
administration, una those who lavor erii
eient, eeoiioniic und impartial adiiiiu
istratioiud county affairs, are invited to
join in said primaries and in the fon.
ventioii lollowing. By the new hiweacl is rt-quntd to elect one or more
roaa supervisors, u tnereiore recoiu
mended that the nLinimitiOiis be made
at the primaries. Jon.v Gavin,
Chaiiman Dim. Co. Central Com,
J. H. Jackso:j, Secretary,
W. J. Bryan vill speak at Portland
April 4th.
Ordinance No. 31.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance to
provide for, taxing, regulat
ing nnu resiriiinn.g narrooins, armu
ing shopH and the tale of intoxicating
liquors within the corporate limits ot
the town of Hood River, and repealing
Ordinance w. lw, entitled An Ordi
nance to regulate the sale of spirit
tious, vnalt and vinous liquors and to
prevent tne saie iiiereoi uiiout. pav.
ing first obtained a license therefor
und to repeal all ordinances and parts
01 ordinances m eonilict therewith,
Be it Urdaiped by the Common Conn
pilot the Town of Hood River: Section
1. That no person, persons or linn shall
within the corporate limits of the town
of ffood River, directly or indirectly, in
person or by another, sell, barter or de
liver, or knowing, jiernut to he sold, bar
tered or delivered lor or on his or their
account, any spirituous, malt or vinous
niuors to be drank on the premises own
ed or occupied by him or them, without
urst Having obtained a license Kiereior
rec. i. 1 hat every person to whom
license snail no granted under the pro
visions of this oidiiiance shall pay into
tne city treasury in advance the sum ol
one thousand dollars per annum, or
proportionate amount tor a less period
lor a license to well spirituous, malt or
vinous l.onora within the corporate l;m
iU of thy town of Hood River: provided
that no license shall isiiiofora less pe
ritd than tin months or mure than one
fee. 3. That, any person or firm who
shall violate any of the provisions of see.
tious one and two. of thisordinanceshall
on conviction thereof, be fined in a suni
not less than ten dollars or more than
htty dollars, besides the cost of iiroseeu.
tiou, or be imprisoned in the town jail
uoi icas iiiuu ion nor more man twenty
days for each offense, and each day shall
oe considered a separate and new
Sec. 4. That any person wisliina to sell
spirituous, malt or vinous liquors. before
outaining a Mucosa as iiereinalter pro-s
ded, shall, at his own trouble and ex
pense, obtain the signatures of an actual
majority of the whole number of letral
voters in said town of Heed River, to a
petition to the common council of said
town, praying that said license be crank
ed ; and no applicant shall be deemed to
nave a maionty ot the legal voters ol
said town w hos petition does not con
tain the mimes 01 a number of leeal vot
ers of said town equal to a majority of
all the votes cast in the raid tow n at the
ust preceding city election, and creator
than the whole number of mimes of le
gal voters of said town which may be
signed to any remoiutraiK'o against the
granting of such license
See. 6. 1 hat when the siunaturcsof an
actual majority of the whole number ol
legal voters have been obtained as pro-.
...,i...i i ... .t .
viuvu 111 me nisi prcccuiiij section, tne
applicant shall, at his own expense
cause tho said petition to be published
in a weekly newspaper of general eireu
union in satu town ol Hood River, in
two consecutive editions of said newspa
per, together with notice of Iho time
when he will apply to the common coun
il tor such license. The publication of
tne petition ami the notice herein pro
vided lor shall be proved by tlieallidavit
ot tne eanor or publisher ot tlie paper
ui nuu.u urn ihi oiaaiioii was made,
fc!oe. li. That bolore anv iicenso shiill
issue as provided for in this oidinanee.
the applicant shall Ulo with th recorder
the receipt man the citv trctutnvr show
ing that Mich applicant has paid into the
town treasury tne required amount for
the kind ot license desired and the pe
riod to be covered bv such license. Such
applicant shall at 'the same true tile
Willi the recorder his bond to the town
in the sum of one thousand dollars, w ith
two or more sullieitnt sureties to be
approved by the mayor, conditioned. that
the applicant will keep au orderly house
and comply with all the nniuiivments of
law ami v the ordinances of the town of
Hood River that are now in forty or that
may hvreaiter lie passed, and that lie
will not permit any unlawful gaming or
riotous ivndiu I in or about his house or
place of business, aud that ho will not
open or ptruut to be opened his place of
bus-net lor the purpose of trallio on the
lirsl day of the weeK commonly called
Sunday; that be will not sell, give or
supply spirituous, malt or vinous liquors
ivHuuiots or imie.uud drunkards, nor to
any person at the time in a drunken or
iniovieaied condition. Upon the filing
of such receipt and bond with the record
er as a tVrvsu.d, the council shall lake
action thereon at any regular meetina
thereafter, and it satisfied that a good
and suilie.eut bond has been tiled aud
by the mayor duly approved, the council
sni.ii ionnwitit enter the recorder to is
sue a I.tvu.-e to such apriieaat as prawd
for in h:s paaion.
Sec. 7. That hcense to sell spirituous, or vinous hqiu rs l.;',ii not be giant-,
id to any Woman or any minor, or to
any ersoa wuo shuil permit woineu and
g.rlsor in ate ni.uors u trixjuem. his cr
the r ph'.et of bvs res-s either as guests,
sci v,u:.t , v .ii; s,
actors, or wusieuvna.
f-ec. 8. That the recorder shall not is
sue any license to any person or firm ui:
til ordered to do so by tho council, and
no license issued under the provisions if
this ordinance shall be assignable or
transferable. Any person who sha!
directly or indirectly, in person or by
another, sen, tarter or iieuver any spi.
ntiions, malt or vinous liquors within
the corporate liuiilsi.f the town of flood
Kiver under or by virtue ot anv licenst
attempted to be assigned or transferred
in violation of this section, shall be sub
ject to the same fines and penalties as
lor a violation of section one of this or
dinance. See. 9. That any keeper of a bar-room
or drinking shop who shall permit any
breach of tho peace or disturbance ol
public order or decorum by noisy, riot
ous und disorderly conduct on the prem
ises, or who shall sell or give any inlox
icatiug liquor to an habitual drunkard
or to any person already intoxicated, or
to any male person under the age ot
twentv-one years, or to any woman or
girl, or to anv Indian or half-breed, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon ctnviction thereof shall be nned
not less than ten nor more than fifty
dollars, or bo imprisoned in the town
jail not less than ten nor more than
twenty days, and shall forfeit ttie license
to such bar-room or drinking shop.
Sec. 10. That any keeper of a bar
room or drinking shop w ho shall permit
any woman or girl or male minor to
frequent hi place of business, or
who shall permit or employ . ant
woman or girl or nude 'minor to act
as w aitress or waiter, or to sing or dance,
or to play as actor or actors, or perform
as musicians, or serve in any other ca
pac.ty whatsoever iu such bar-room or
drinking shop, or anv room attached to
or connected with such bar-room or
drinking shop, or who shall employ or
permit any person to sing or danco in
such bar-rot ii or drinking shop, or who
shall permit any theatrical or minstrel
show, exhibition or concert to take place
therein, or in any room attached there
to or connected w ith the same, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be lined
not less than ten nor more than fifty
dollars, or be imprisoned in the town
jail not less than ten nor more than
twenty days, and shall forfeit the license
to such bar-room or drinking s.hop,
oc. IJ. Any keeper of any bar-room
or drinking shop, or any employe there
in, who shall, on the day of a general
or city election held under the laws of
the state or the United States, or under
the ordinances of this city, sell, give or
otherwise dispose of intoxicating liquors
to any person, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be lined not less than ten
nor inure than fifty dollars for each of
fense, or be imprisoned in the town jail
not less than ten nor more than twenty
days, and forfeit tho license of such bar
room or drinking shop.
bee. VZ. that it shall be unlawful for
any keeper of any bar-room or drinking
shop to keep or have within his place of
business, or in any adjoining room or
rooms or place connected I herewith, any
pool.billiard or cai'd table or tables of any
kind.or chairs or benches, or other furni
ture for the use, comfort or convenience
of customers or frequenters thereof, or
whereby customers or frequenters there
of may be induced to meet or congregate Any person vioUuint!
the provisions of this section shall, upon
conviction, be punished by fine not less
than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or
by imprisonment in the town jail not
less than ten nor more than twenty days.
and shall forfeit his license for such bar
room or drinking shop.
bee. 1 j. i hat it shall bo unlawful for
any keeper of any bar-room or drinking
shop to sell, give or otherwise dispose ol
any intoxicating liquor, or to open or
permit to he opened his plane of business
lor the purpose of trallic cn the .first day
of the week, commonly called Sunday,
and any person violating any of the pro-
) isioiis oi tins section shun bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
yiiuvu vin-itm euiiii ue puiitsiii-u oy line
not less than ten nor more than fifty
uou irs, or oy imprisonment in the town
jail not less lhan ten nor more than
twenty days, and shall forteit Ins license
tor such bar-room or drinking shoo.
Sec. 14. That it shall bo the duty of
the marshal to institute proceedings for
the violation of tiiis ordinance whenever
he shall have reasonable cause to believe
that any person or persons have been
guilty of a v.olation of the same; and
upon every conviction for such violation
the marshal shall, in addition to his
other tees, receive a fee of five dollars.
and the same shall be ta.;ed aw.inst tlie
deieiidaut as partot tlie costs ot the case:
provided, that nothing in this section
shall be construed to prohibit any person
oilier than uie marshal liisiiUiUug an
action lor violation ot this ordinance.
Sec. 15. i whenever by reason of a
violation of this ordinance u license shall
have been deemivd forfeited, the record
er shall report such lorfoiture to the
council at the next meeting thereafter,
aud the council shall not, lor the period
v one ,ieur, gram uie Minie person or
him license to sell spirituous, mult or
vinous liquors.
Sec. In. 'that the recorder's court shall
have power to declare iinv and all li
censes granted under tlie provisions of
this orauiunee forfeited and revoked
upon conviction of the licensor licensee
oi the violation of any ol the provisions
Sec. It. That upon conviction of anv
licensee of the violation ot any of the
provisions ol tins ord. nance, the court
shall aiso iirder the bond hereinbefore
provided forfeited.
Sec. IS. that all ordinances nnd nnrts
of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
Passed i lie common council of the town
of Hood River March J, ltWO, and ap
proved by me this loth dav of March,
HW0. F. C. BROS1LS. Mayor.
Attest: J. R. Mckkusu.v, Recorder.
Ordinance Ko, 22.
An Orainume entitled An Oruluunce to
hincnu oiuiuiiiieu iSo. 1, entitled au Ordi
lmin vaaoptiiiij it'VUiiu uiles K.r tbetnive.u
Itaul oi u.e oreicfuhtus ui tli ctoonon
l oimeil of Uie iowu oi tini Knei, hii.i
inouuing lor the uppoiiiin.eiu uuu linlles
ol Hie i.iiiniiUii-a ol tue t'omieil.
he 11 OlUllll.eil tlV 11 t .ill. li. i,,i fViiinnll nf
the 'Juwn ui iiuuU tiivec: Hiiou I. The
LuuneH siiail holu rtuulur nitiliwn ul, in
louiieu cuaiiibeis in liieiow n oi Hood Liver
ou lue UiKl uno lluiu Alonusvs of i-m-ii
uio-.uu, yjiveii w lien uie mm or inn it .uona.iy
mils on u lejiul lioiunij', in Inch tnae lue
iiUllell fcliall lllell ou ll.e next tlnv inllouii..--
t'luvibeu, Hull ( u sueu lesuiar liioeiiiii;
llieeoi.iicii iiitt. uujouin lo u K ivillea lime
liieieiilier. huh kiteu m.ioui-neil io,..-i,n-.' simll
bo eoiisiueieu tt ukiiIui iiieeniij,, hi wuieli all
biisnus muy be tiMiixuvteu too Millie us m
ivxulur lutviiiia i.ila ui lue. unio uppoiuleii
Oj' lion oruiminie.
ukM-tl ll.e Coiiiiuon Council of the town of
noon uivvr. .uutcu l-ML una uuorovt-u bv
tue Una I3iu uuy of Mine),, l;oe.
1". i'. liuisill s. Mayor.
Attest: J. 1!. NiCKxi..-ifc., invoiuer.
Ordinance No, 83.
An Ordiiiuuiv to amend An Ordinance en-iitk-u
".iu (iviimtniv ,o Jiuhm' nuu ts.
untie Liev iises u,ion t'etiuin i rants or i nn
li.(,. ami KtfcUiuiuig lue .Viauueroi lssi.uo,'
l.e u oiualncJ bv the fomuinii r,r
the tow u ot tiovM.'itiwr, ituil sivtiou emnt ol
i.i iiiviil.uiieu No.vtu ittio s lonows;
-ttuw..ei k.iHU ph.v u Ltx'Use vi two t.uhurs
nnu uo. uliis iu is.-., ui leu ui'il..i pel
viVfc. .-tny oiiv vviit i:Ui-s g,tiHjs tot csB.e oy
ouuiy.w iio.,ao iMiioiiet 0 ,m.v. Tt
su.uu u li.esti r.t uah id uiuiea hwker liiisoiii'aiue."
1 i,6;i lue O t. uiou O ui.e.l of the low u of
ttvi.x. nnu, .i.s nt, l!-, ku ii.llVCii UJ
WoC i wui UV tii .ic.i, lv
AlK-si J. t.lt64UsvJt.tuer.
V'e ifo Keini.
The . present March weather is the
finest ever ewrieneed in A'iento.
A grand St. Patrick's ball was held at
Chitty s hull. Nearly everybody at
tended, even Ifoeg Christy,
At. tlie republican primary, C. l-Lany
and M, F. Bird were elected delegates to
the county ((invention ; J. W. Wallaci
was nominated for justice of the peace.
and rlnl t arren for road supervisor.
Ross Miller is Laving a hoiia; built in
Chitty's addition.
Mr. Hansen's house is leing enlarg
and a building, to he occupied as a drut
store, wilt be put up shortly.
Re mark a hie Cures of Riicnniatisiii.
From the Vindicator, Kutheifor.ltnn, NX'
The editor of tho Vindicator has had oc
casion to test theeflicsny of Chamberlain
Pain Balm twice w ith the most reniarka
ble results in each case. First, with rheu
rnatism in the shoulder from which lie set
fered e v crucial i ng pai n for ten days, wh il l
w as relieved with twoapplicatior.sof Pair
Faint, rubbing the parts afflicted and real instant benefit and entire relief in t
very short tune. Second, tn rheumatism n
thigh joint, almost prostrating him witl
severe pain, which was relieved bv two ap-
piK.tuons, running vvitn tne liniment 01
retiring at night,and getting up free fron
pain. For sale by W illiams & Brosius
Advertised Letter List.
March 10, 1000,
Barne, Mrs Y C McMamis, .Tas
Eben, Miss Annie Roberts, E X
Gustafson, John Talty, John
Luch, Scott Thofp, Mrs W
Wvi. M. Yatei, P. M.
The greatest danger from colds and lr
grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. I
reasonable care is used, however, am;
t hauiberlain s Cougii Remeav taken, a!
danger w ill he avoided. It. v. iil cure a eoh
or an attack of la grippe in less time thai
any other treatment. It is pleasant unci
safe to take. For sale bv Williams &
Furnished ilooni to Let.
A conifnrlablv fui-iils'iert room, on Ulvci
street, to let. Iiirinirn hi the tinx hw-tnry.
MK, t 1-. liltADKUUK, Jr.
Worli BorE63 iov Sale.
My black span ni V. truck wnson. Small
work huisc lu excuaiiKj,
inz-j i ion suif.iii.i'iv
Cedar Posts.
Klrst-clnss cellar posts for sale at my place
ima f RANK K ErF
Farm for Eent.
Six miles from town, on N'riil rreeki Plenty
01' wntir for Irrigation', uonrl jfni'fien liimlj pari
111 CHIVIT. . Blli.. il. fj. llAli ttiJUD,
Bay for Sale.
A Rood quality r,r ulfului, timothy and
elovor fiuy for salu by
ini .). li
Fruit Farm for Bale.
41 acres, 2 intles from Hood j'.iver: 1000 appl.
trees. (;. I:, lvinrtt, Couiuieicml block, 1'm-t
lumi.Or. nils
Saw Filing
All kinds of Saw Fllina dune on Rhort no
tins by A. V COKKTE;,
111 I -I l'lllHCliSO Hill.
Half- Clyde" StallioST-
four years olii; weight. H"A Will Ktund n(
my plucc, two miles snut Invest, ot town the
tlenduioon iiluee, berv icn S'0.00, insured.
11 M 1 1 1 N KAY i!U NT
Wanted to Trade.
For property In, or cHwe to Hood It Ivor, TO
ncie.-i; JO ot it under Iriisnlion; fine tor fruil
nr vegetables; rest of I'M, wheat, land. Al
lencod; also new nyi'UM'n coitaijn of ri'lit
rooms, oik; lot, In be.t ivsirionee part of WhIIh
Walln. Address, No. Ei," V Uiliimu St., Walhi
w nim, vv usm
Hay for gale.
A ptood iiealtty of wheat and clover has
baled, for sale by 11. Hansen,
on the Frank l lifiinllcr pluee.
Plymouth Rock Eggs
Thoroughbred Plyinoutli It;-I ecu lift.v
cents per dozen, nnu one two year old rooster
ior bh in ny v. u. miili.
Cook Stove.
A No, 8 cook slave In goad condition. For
sale by I,; K. KINO.
lit A. W. King'H jitiice.
One-horse Mower.
I have a one-horse Mow er, new. that I will
sll i-heitp. W. H. GIWM RY
Blooded Bull.
Ihnven good Bull, Short-horn stock, ken
atmyUarn. Service il.W), t
mj t'KIIIGE.
Farm for Sale.
HO acre, nenrly all in cnltt vntlon. The very
ehutoe of Hood Kiver viilley: i miles south ol
town, ilalte me any old oiler.
& A. S. l)I8BUOV.
Land Office at The Pivlles, Oregon, Marcti 13,
1!:00. Notice. Is hereby given tlmt Uie follow-lng-tmmed
settler has filed ni.'tiee of his
hiKMition ta make final proof In support
of hid claim, nnd tluH suid proof will be
miide before HeoiEe T. I'rnther, U. si.Conimls
ionyr, lit. Hood Silver, Oregon, oa Fridiiy.
April 'JO, tm viz;
Of Hood IMvcr, Oreuon, ii. II. No. for tlie
soiitheiKl '4 section l:, township i north,
mniiC II east, W. M,
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
hii continuous reskleuee upon, and cultiva
tion of, said iuml viz:
Ch!' les Weds. Jason Hand, tt. E. Robertson
and John Jackson, nil of ilooU Ki er,OivKn.
ml iiiiO ' vJAY I'. LlTCAS, Hegister.
Land Oulee nt The l);ilks, Oretui. March 13,
1000. Noiiec is hereby given Hint the toilow-ing-naiiied
seitler lias liled uotice of her In
tention to nm',;e tinal proof In sup
lun t of her e-hii-.u, nr.d that said proof wih
be made before. John Whitehead, u. sj. Com
mlsb n-r al Newark, New Jetsey, on Tues
day, .May 1, , vi:
Of East Orange, New Jersey, one of (ho heirs
and for the helrof Henry A. IS.iker. deceased,
oflVrtland, Oregon, H. K. No. aixi, for the
northeast - y section M, townaulp
inorth, range II east, VV. M.
sin? names tne toiiowio!: witneEicato prove
her continuous ceidiiee upon and cultiva
tion of s ild land, vis:
Daniel A. suirgis. James I. Lewis. Louis I.
Davenport and V. A. Siark, all ol (Hosier. Or.
That Ihe testimony of said witnesses will t
plveu before the iteglslor and Receiver ut The
llalles, Oregon, ou the last named dale.
myiasi j.ti r. i.tfA", liealster.
Land Oftlee Rt Vancouver. Wash.. Fob. at
l!)O0. Notice is herthy given that the follow
ing i.amed settlerslutvealed notieeof thetr in
tentions to make tinal proof in support of their
chtims,and luaUaid ptwfs will be made before
F, V. Kule. eh-rk of the Superior Court of
fsaiiianiii couniy, w ssieveuson
waslilugton, on April '11, viz:
HomestesJ Kntry No. ft'tSJ. for the southwest
St seel ion io, lotvnsintj a noun, ranjc toctist,
tt oi. .tier.
t no nrtmes me loi owins wiinesuesinnrovp
nis coniiiHious resilience upon. and cultiva
iiou oi saui laiui. vix:
lleo'ije UnvKiiei. Kdvrnrd Underwood. Will.
la m Kellendonk and Frieda lkiech, all of
uuuu inter i . i., tjregon. .-lo,
IIoneskad Kntry No. St'ti, for tho swtVieast
'iiif noriiieast i, section il. and sonuiwest
ornoi tliwesi '4 section Si'tov.nsUip S uorlli,
range iUeasl, M ill. Mer.
Woo naities the following witnesses to prove
vvr cou-.iuuuus l-siueuee ujHtn ana c-ttluva-tlon
of s;lld laud, VI.;
Kretirlek l.titliy. Idwurd rndrrtTwxi,
Geo;t;e Diivanel and NViiliam Kehendook.ali
of Huud ltiver f. O., oroeon. a s
Hoaiestend Fntry No. for the northwest
i. se.tioii ij, tottusuipit north, range 10 east.
Vt ill. Mer.
l lio itames tlie foUowlpg witnesses Uvpnwe
hio coutuiuous iv.-i.Uuc upun and rullivit
tln of anl land, t ir;
t-nvrek t.ntiiy, lidward laderwootlvVVilV
tain Keiltad oi aou eiietia buocue, uil, ot
Uood Ktvcrl'. y.. Ort-i..
U.-vV3 V", V V'V'NB-VI Utls i
U. S, Commssioner.
I linve lots nnd blocks for oalc In dim rent parts of the town of Hond River.
Also, lin ve the exclusive sule of lots lu Blowers' Addition, the most beautiful build
ing location in town.
Business, such as paving taxes for non-residents, or anything pertaining to the
County Court, promptly attended lo. tun furnish township pints to home-stek-ers
or lliosti looking for hinds. Have been a resident of Hood liiver Valley for 2i
years. Correspondence solicited. Telephone uj.
New, and Up to Date.
Each Line Complete. Every Item
Dry Cood3 Department.
Tlie early uliiiment8 have arrived. It
h worth your while to inspect nnd come
ngain every few days, aa new gooda will
reach us every few ilays during next few
Xew Lawns and Summer Suiting?,
per yard 5 to 40c
Fancy Ginghanio 0 to 15c
New pattern Outings 0 to 10c
Nobby prints 5 to 7c
The latest in Duck and Linen Suit
ings, Bonnets, Shirt Waists, Wash
skirts, Notions, Braids, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Ribbons, up to date and low in
I rice.
Men's Furnishing Department.
$15 00 Nobby Dress Suits at t10 45
7 25 good serviceable suits at 4 95
Coc heavy ti-oz Overalls at 50
4 pair good cotton Sox at. . .. . . 25
Fine cashmere Hose 25c to 35
Negligee Golf and Dress Shirts, reduoed
Broken lines underwear reduced
7oc pair tsiipiwnders now 4!)c
A nobby stiff Hat, latest block ... 2 50
The late.-st in cans, fine values, 25c toll 00
5 late style Collars at 10c each
Hardware and Stove Dept.
Keg Nails $4 99
1000 Shingles 1 80
Locks 25c to 2 50
Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Sup.
plies, Loggers' Outfits, JJill Supplies,
hiniontls X cut iSaws, ouo to ?1 toot.
Cutlery and edge Tools.
A 75c Pocket Knife for. 50c
A 50c Pocket Knife for 25c
A line of samples bought right.
Bailev Planes, Barton's Chisels, Diss-
ton Saws.
High Grade Goods.
In House Furnishing we are supreme.
No. 8 Cool; Stoves, ,8.50, $12, $20, $30 00
No. 8 Tea Kettles 50
Wash Board 20
1 gal v. Tub 75
Ask for the new Chrysolite ware.
Semi-Pore Tableware at price of com
mon. Glassware and Lamps, way down.
Farm and Garden Tools.
Planet Jr Tools, Oliver Plows,
See our slock.
Seed Headnuarters, bulk or package
Regular paper package Seed Sc
100 Bis Clover Seed $11 50
100 R.s Timothy 5 50
100 lbs Alfalfa 13 00
100 Bs Bine Grass 15 00
10 lhs Sweet Corn 80
100 lbs Field Corn 3 00
100 n.s Flax Seed 12 50
All Garden Seeds in bulk. Special
seeds, lawn, white clover, etc.
Prime Onion setts and seeds.
It has required just six months to
still big bargains in many staple lines where we were overstocked.) Certain busy
people reported that we would discontinue at this time. Here and there odd lines
were sold out that we might, "as we do today," show you the most complete up-
to-t'ate stock, modern in style and price,
invito inspection of aur new stock and
Phone 91,
Rand & Stewart
Hood River's Leading Business House,
Is selling at prices that meet
Bran and Shorts, per ton .,..
Bran and Shorts, per sack
Shorts, per ton
Shorts, per sack .,...........,
Piamond Flour, per barrel ....,...,.
Diamond Flour, per sack , ,....,
Granulated Flour, per barrel..... ,
Granulated Flour, per sack......,, .,
Little Giant Mush 9 pounds for
Iowa Canned Corn, per dozen ;. ,
Iowa Canned Corn, per can .... '
Canned Tomatoes, per can ......., ,,
Canned Tomatoes, per dozen ......,.
5-pound can Lard, guaranteed ......
10-pound can Lard, guaranteed ........,..
Star Tobacco, plug., , , , ,
Battle Axe Tobacco, plug
Prunes, per pound ,......,.....
And other goods in proportion.
We offer no bargains in staple stale goods, as we have no old goods to shove
We turn our stock every mouth, not every six months.
Our goods are fresh and new. We
own the only delivery cart in town.
e w ant your trade. Our rule is to
Order by telephone. Store opens st
L Fwlii GooOs, lirr, Wm, wm
A uica line ot Trimtued Hats about March 20th.
J, P. for Hood River District
Shoe Department.
Ladies' fine Foot Wear in D, C, E and
EE widths, correct in style, perfect in
fit. Why pay more in the city for the
same goods?
Broken lines $2.50 and $3 goods, now
$1.25 and $1.50. 4J
Lndies' Storm Rubbers now -10c.
Our new foot wear for misses iu C, E
and EE, half heel or spring.
A new style misses spring heel Storm
Youths' satin oil, up to date bals. .$1 15
Youths' veal calf bals 1 70
In men's wear our assortment is im
mense: prices range from $1.25 to $5.50.
Sporting Department.
50 22 cartridges for 15c
1 Fish pole for 5
12 Fly hooks for 25
1 good Rel 25
liamboo poles $1 to 1,10 00
Reels up to tj 00
Ritles and cartridges, fishermen's out
fits. A few $10 Zithers at $5.
Hunting and fishing boots. "
Bicycle and Tennis Shoes.
Cruising and Tourists' Shoes,
Complete camping outfits.
Grocery and Feed Department.4
100 pounds D. G. Sugar $5 40
100 pounds Golden 0 Sugar 4 90
Cube and powdered Sugars.
3 cans Iowa Corn 25
3 cans Columbus Tomatoes 25
Headquarters for Hood River Fruits.
Jellies and Jams, Pine Apples, Clams,
Shrimps,. Lobsters, Salads,,
A full Une Fancy Groceries, new,
fresh, highest grade.
9 bars Key Soap , '25
8 bars Dandy i'5
0 bars Santa Claus i5
3 pounds Gold Dust 20
3 fts Columbus Wash. Powder. . 10
Tho proper time for Tar Soap 5
1 bbl Dalles Diamond Flour $3 40
1 bbl Peacock Flour 3(0
100 lbs Stock Salt 50
60 lbs Dairy Salt 40
1 ton Bran. 14 00
1 ton Bran and Shorts 15 00
1 ton Shorts 13 00
Twenty varieties in mushes and meals,
all frefch from mills.
Lard, Bacon, Hams, Codfish, Salt Sal
mon, Mackerel, of highest grade.
Dried Fruits.
Oranges and Lemons.
Cigars and Tobaccos,
The line is complete. Fresh, new
goods in such
variety as will meet all
close out the bankrupt stock. (There are
that has ever been displayed here. We
will gladly explain our methods.
Free Delivery.
the approval of careful buyers.
,.......,..,,.$15 00
.'. .. 50
ig fjO
3 40
3 10
1 00
deliver promptly and free of rlonw
- " C -
hunt it, find it and hold it.
7 A. M. Phone 21,
Yours very truly,
B0N1TEY, Proprietor.
i j3 If CsC.i
For Sale
AT .
1. Four acres at Frnnkton, improved
good spring; only $550. '
2. Eight-acre young orchard of Lymnn
Smith, only $850; ljji miles from town,
3. John Sipma farm, in lots from 5 to
20 acres; $50 to f(i0 per ncre; terms easy,
4. S. E. H sec. S2, T. 3 N., If. 10 E
1W acres; $700; some improvements,
5. S. )i of S. W. M of X. W. M sec.
12, T. 2 N., K. 10 E., 20 acres; some im
provements. $700.
C. N. Yi N. W. M, S. W. H. N. W, U,
and N. W. M S. W. Vx sec. 8, T. 2 N., k!
10 E., 100 acres. $000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; $45 per lot:
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
8. Tho Chas. II. Rogers 5-acro hon e,
stead, at Franktou; good cottage and
barn ; spring water j $550.
9. The old Rogers 51 ill property nt
Franktou, with falls and water power ou
Phelps creek; $500.
10. T. R. Coon's 80 acres in Pole Flat,
7 miles southwest of town ; 4 acres clear
ed ; $lii an acre.
11. Chas. W. Gilmer homestead, at
Gilmer, Wash., 100 acres; lino saw tim
ber; good soil; well watered; only $500.
A rare bargain.
12. The Weidner homestead, 1C0 acres,
near Hosier ; 30 acres cleared ; 2 springs ;
400 fruit trees; good improvements. On
ly $1,000.
13. The W. II. Bishop homo in Hood
River, lot 6 and part of lot 7, block 1,
Waucoma addition to Hood River; a
pretty home. Only $1,100,
14. The Allen Fnlton farm, 160 acres,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000; terms
15. The Hansberry home, 2 miles
southwest of town r 10 acres. Every
thing complete and handy; good fruit;
good water. Only $1,500.
16. The Chester Welds home, in the
hills, one mile east of town ; 40 acres; a
pretty home; good fruit and water.
Only $1,400.
17. 2500 acres deeded land, well wa
tered ; fine range for stock ; $1.50 an acre.
18. The Dr. Morgan house and lot iu
Hood River; new barn. Only $300.
10. The Sun lot and building; $750.
20". The J. Wickhain farm, 7 miles
southwest of town; 80 acres; good build
ings and improvements; spring water
and 50 inches free for irrigating; $1,000.
21. N. U S. E. i, S. X. E. V, sec.
4, T. 3 N., ft. 11 E White Salmon ; lino
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile cast of town ; line range ; S1.5U0.
23. Lots 5 and 6, block 7. Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.
21. The Eerger place, 140 acres i 4Q
acres cleared; 10 acres grubbed; free
water; $2,000 half cash, $1400 spot cash,
25. Wilkens' fine farm nt White Sal
mon fulls, 210 acres; 2-5 cleared and in
grass; good improvements; fine water
power; price $3,o00 stocked, or 2,750 for
215. 2)4 acres at Hard ScraUhle, all
cleand and iu fruit; on county road;
price $250.
27. Lots 7 and 8, block 6, Waucoma
addition to Hood River ; priee $125 a lot ;
terms easy.
28. Tlie S. P. Shutt residence property
at Franktou ; price $1,500.
2D. Fifteen acres, (1 under cultivation ;
small house; good water; adjoins E. L,
Smith's place. Only $250,
SO. Block 3, Parkhursst ; 12 lots; $700,
81. Emma G. Robinson's 40 acres, j
East Side, adjoining A. I. Mason's fruit j
ranch unimproved ; $850,
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known aa j
the D.-yer place; fine timber; unim
proved ; $875. j
For Rent The Lyman Smith improv j
ed farm, $250 per annum, cash.
For Exchange for Hood ltiver lrop
erty. 1. Nine-roomed, hard-finished house;
barn, water and large lot, in Champaign,
Illinois; near State University.
2- Forty acres fino fruit and grain
land, 10 miles from Walla Walla, Wash.,
and 2 miles from railroad station ; fenced
on three sides; no other improvements.
. At the Emporium is kept a first-claw
surveyor's transit, nnd the propriotor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
X.- B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads,
and tiatber claims should apply at the
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers or
Hood River's Famous
backers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
Dealers In
Fertilizers and As ricul
tural Implements.
Timber Laad, Act ,Inue 3, 1873.
I'nited States Land Offlce, The Dalles, Or
gon, January 12, ll5. Xotiee Is hereby given
itiat in compliance with the provisions of the
actofCongreisof June 8, is. 8, entitled "AU
act for tne Kale of timber lauits ia the State
01 California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory,"
Of Hood River, countv of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this offlce his sworn
statement, No. 154, ar the purchase of th
-. ..... in, inui. . , . j. e t.iii. .....
caV'r nroof to show that, tha land soUltnt
Is more valuaWe for Its titnberor stone tuaa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim to said land before tlie Kegister and
Receiver of this office at The Dalies, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 2t:h day of March, WW.
UenumpKll, u-i 1 n.o.- li.1 l?Artxnson. Jo
seph Wright, Albert Lane and William Eand.
all of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbs
Rbove-descrihttal lands aro requested lo nu
their claims in this office ou or before
M: h day vt M&i-cu. ISfti.
oMumeasi vt uormwest soutnwesi ; norm
east . northwest southeast nnd north
east H southwest U of section So. 11, in town-
shin Yn I t,,.ptl. . n .... u- r ttnd