The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 16, 1900, Image 2

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    r"N f """"v. r"y ; Lit il i.v! sr
FM'AY, HAkf.H 14, 1.
( PrJijr. ! B. E. F. C T. i
A f-ir:'.T it:Ui't of tie er, j ' ArMe "Pf ta I9w Oivtii it'r
s .. i - - -- - ---- '( - , -j 1.1,1 -r.. t - OTwwciwsfBmi w bfarx M'
jjkw t4 ti tu .rk a 1 04 , " J outer ever-isc;?.. ioth, 5a.-r
eareWT -.ei tie
a tut ..f K-rr
1: B 5'Ti. tel. of 48
c-wer S.4 tU Urn f Hr. .n, j aft ,
WUWSU. Mf''fi. lf,JT EJ? 1,41 mA
rr- -t -t r"" --s tvw-rrr. i,.Abtb, rt, ' H, J--tT ft&i? f
New, and Up to Date.
A fesr ra..'ii i Lt tl L'&a u r I
ai -
f !.z Letter ihsbi tn t'-.r t'- .
Mitt,, y lynUi: ftach Line Complete. Every Item at I i it . t- - . . - ... . 1
l'.!yAia Moete&i rn, eur'.
t.fMr vl . .o... -.. .. , . .... .
.. i. . . ,'!.. (A! I LM.('nr !) r.r I ..A- . V, . . j, , . it . the it WS- V.VXTZ.
Dry Coci3 Departs: en t
.f,u. nT. frtA trA rir4 to ti1 r V,f T.T!. "V- Tt. 7 Z'l T TV , V.,.
1 ' 3- rxf-sfife. h d ; w fmi OcUzrp
... . ... tat t'U this U r-T tU Xv?r priu.. ..
tt.'.Lif,f x'i. ti,",',t.-f. Ti?' i a cvot
TL IlJ KiTtr (5frr.H Jrvl jfiT i
:'t o list ytx i.i tLe err.Vrf tkb ' f t h;r y'.xr trwrfM at Amory
n i (fft t! ht.xi fAiitij tM
lA&n l (a &t thrt t,t:. i r.-j' K
r TA'.ti vn U. pkw m tr w.-.Vrr.
trV.j il Y'.A tin t pAr-.rizA itA
t,zr.tA list fcrtwrr tft 5'rr Jr.
RejtlSan yr.v.zr mill I U t
ijf,v, at 2 AVk. llt i ffrrf.t re
.'.'. fa VdA hhir trA tr hj iS!
f. t!h'.A to m 'Mown: Eajst
UvA-Kirti Si VTtt ll'M Khtr, 4;
fruth YitjiA ith.r,4: BoMrtiu, 2: M'
hxr.'j,uf. ttst
VyrI yii, . . .
C'lTI.H mA' . . ,
V'lCzl fi'j,, ... .
Vvn! mt, ....
W.i '.ion
V'ctl in At,
Ra. JZt' - ,Tr-alaeaaber'aDd "eJ'ia titSl
HoMd itZnlV? ??a- Uf?1 . , tU oaamect -1 rtLia
fiaawl fceri, v .... i,, a. i J-.. i tr,wr-.r' tewB. la the
Shoe Department
Lfei" ss looz Wear ia D, C, E and
EE ccrrwt ia style, perfect id
is. W1t par Eore ia the cLir lor the
F-.k-c f2A aai fo no
f! S 11 5 1 1 -:"'-Liiir'
Sv-rta sbrn c 40.
O.f rw f fivr m if. 44 in C E
.6 to l)c J i-i. ta-i i-s or fjr.Ke.
.5 tJ 7- A r. rtyl c.i--i Lel Storm
Yoc-Lf' sitia o3. up to date Lais, fl 15 j
- Trt. l ... I
lccm real cai ca.t u
Ia Eueb'f ear oar assortment ia im
En.; p r'ce ncga from f 1 2o to f-5-50.
Sporting Department.
For Sale!
For Rent
Jlr. a.vl Mr. H
lr.r ei
da?s (A, !- - . . , tills mactt. i
S k;!!! -.!... . " J7: " "'. r . - iwraiiaaiatCr- ct fire to! r- ' , ---
' " ' ! biMM .A Uptown: tout ail
ij. k. Kiryl i . j " - itiwri.i v ui x.;ra.ai3 ov&CTTmEZ
... lutnul 7Z?U lomn b.'paiU.M they ttr ial
'uv,zi rt are o"j?n to in-
exUrtt d aar it! ra.ata trenail z
Clarke '
. liar.'! ,
texvia u tikfra
ir, 2; Tk-iito, 2. J'ucb utcr-M im'jn m,i ".
the ikkjezV: from lf-yi j yittHt m,U.
tt.ttttA, ta the (IiTfaV
Eirer will iv rjrt-ri6:d by proxy.
Tf.e i-f'xrratx txutrxl Chusn.'MfmH
at Tfs Da.k Jat Hxiut'Uy. Utrcl 31t
af fizft'i a the date (rvr MlUtg tii
prla ir'&t ri4 April Ktb lurtUvAiutf
e'uttiti'an. H'sA Hitter ttA tftyAu'wt
ptwiiirt: et delUatec a UAUmt :
KtHllsA River, 5; Wet If-yyl liirer,
4;Iyrth I!vJ Uirer, 2; h-Jdwla, 2;
Jf otier, 4 ; Vieato, 2.
W --' 'f r,a i lortlier than to iirtct tt
. J. K. Sn-ka nf,, iu A, Ul Uw,
n. i-a ranee j
. W. E. f.erri;i f The rrtt dauzer from crkb tod" fa
Ian i ! Jmj-f tfn-Ir;n in t.r.-irr.-' If
A. K. I .alee of Wamie i$ iw;titiord a
a arA'Aztc etnmly e'erk ca the re
pvhlxun txket, Mr. Ike ha n.anjr
fn'ewld thro:;ifhott the comity that
would h glad to ftt a to rt
Pr hirn for that 'ffice or any other.
If Jtfli Oouriay i to.k in tfye editorial
.trwM and in writinz red-lt ed.:Ur iat
ar.d briiht Ix!ii on The Dalle Chron
icle, Mr. Goarlay i at lie in news
paper oorlr.
CcmtuinUiwr ffchanno report fine
protpect f'r fruit In the orchard near
The Daik, He ta fruit tree are
three week earlier than niiual in put
liftif out bud.
Tt.e price of c- got down to 11 cent
adfen wholeeale in Portland lat week
the towetit price for to yearn, accord
ing to the Pacific Farmer.
JL . . j i
The ufatn antral cuiuiiittc-e of the
people party of Oregon will meet at
SUlem at 11 o'clock a. m., fiaturdaf,
March 21, VMM.
tL1 1
The Antelope llra:d av Canni
Juflgo May will notlw a candidato for
The fcliso Mountain American call It
the "eruptive diae."
Ibe t'aiilafa.
Tlie cantata of "Lot and feaved" at
tlie armory Jaot Friday nfght drew a V)
Jiotiite. Jcry thing had been done by
the management to make the large hall
comioruwe, aixl tueceeded al
mirably. Every one In the ciwt for the
playacted hi or her part well. The
Hood Kivcr cornet hand furniohed ex
ccuent mumc between the act. Mia
Ida Fox, a the leadinir cl
cited moch favorable comment by her
a -ling in the role of a drunkard' wife.
iiowara lnirg did well uh the in
ebnate huband who wa lot and aved
... ' BI,',"mon" ,n the character of
lletny feharp," an old maid, did unerb
.i m Kupiurea ine appiaue of the
lipu everv time he oi.peared In the
plav. h. E. Kij a "Mr. Jink," the
naru anu uantiiui lover, wan the tier
onatlon Of h a rtini-3.t.,i. ir..
arid tuttered, pemplred and fell over
himself, and got so frightened when the
r h tk m nt nit till:,.. Ii . ft i
jmi .UK Ma iMiiny snarp" cornered
him Anally and forced him to propone
that ho actually forgot hi part ol the
dialogue grid would have caused a break
down had not the ready reitrtnrcc of
... Mis Biniinotis helped them both out of
the predicament, . A, Knapp seemed
jwnecuy at Home In the character of a
minister, and hi every movement and
peech wan in accord with good acting.
Mi ( arrie Copnle, a "Mm. Howard
wS 8 V1 .hcr diffieuH part.
eii' S,' Wjy Rd JIi Urace Ilt'well
tilled well tho character of "Mr Leith"
and "Mrs. Lelth." Little Aldine ilart-
uwM- wttlo Kittie Gray" sang her
7 . roiey, a "Old
Onra," the landlord, flli.-d the bill a a
saloon keeper, w !.;. 8. E. Jlurtmes.
Jos Maye Vsf leming 0d Chester
Wiutu did, well as snluou bum. Ham
IS owr make np a ?'Lnwyer Smith"
brought uown tlie hniiHu." When the
curtain rolled tip and showed S, E, lisrt
mess, David l'k-ming and Chester hhute
l.iagsmet)f csrd in "Old OrimV sa
loon, the sceno wa so realistic that no
one would urpect that 8. E. Hurtniew'
education in that line had b.-n neglect-
li." 'ttbl-,BU wlich Faith, Hope
and Charity were represented by the
Misses Uludy Hartley, l.illiun finite
and Agne Inglebretznn, wa admirablv
eeeuu-d. The only adverse criticism
indulged in by the audience was in re
Knrd to tho w.los, which some steni.Ml to
think were too numerous and lengthy
Jtut the t.lay, taken iih a whole, i all
right and will bear repenting. The same
audience would like ta hear Mixs Him
mon. sing ngnin "W liv Don't the Men
JroH)so, and act again the roloof the
old maid and afterward strong-minded
wife, o well u all the other who took
J'urt in the play.
AdmlWMi, 25c. ; children c&der 12, 15c reasonable care is fcrnrerer, and
f.omiuemesssMt Lzerele. j danger will be troliUA. Itwi.'l oreaeold
Frt annaal cororttennemeot exerrise s ,,T attaek of la grippe in lewi time thin
'A tU eighth grade, Barrett HtUnA, at ! "7 otf'r l,!t. It i pleaisnt and
ll Valley CLriitisa church. March X. i v!?.:Y' Ukr' 1Vr b' 4
ArriHa Poore,
"Oat of tl LarVr, iato the
... . .
Letter fr-i.ui the Philippine.
From a j.rivate letter from Edwin
Henderson of tho SDth regular Infantry,
now in tho Philippines, we are per
mitted to mrtko the following extract:
I am now on detached duty in Manila.
My surroundings are pleasant. I am
happy to think I can be of soma use to
my country. Thi war mar
lust for Ave year unless they go to work
and dean em out. -
I have then in the hospita? for two
T" trcke; bot out jciittfrdav. I wiil et-
p.ain : .i;.e ci our l.e
Aifrl IngalU,
T. a. kiAii.n
Flora Uiiw.nv Mar
Orpha Markiey, Ralph hur-
Andry Jiarslejr, Arthur U. Will,
fcd:th M're, Byron rirnith
Hteiia li.c'Mirlifm, Frar.k Gibbon,
Alft Kelley.
F. B. VnKfz. Principal,
Xern L. Ktxr, Awtaat.
Prayer Elder J, W. Jenkins
Song, "Graduation fiong" Qjartet;e
F.ay, "Etoansion" F'rar.k GibUc
Kwa, "Arfxtratiou" Flora Wils.n
' Hand
F.ay, uVmM,ts" Mat Hinrich
oration, Lincoln" Arthur D.
FJosy, 'IaUt" Audry Markiey
ixay, n.aracier ana neputaiion
Mimic, InotrvmenUl Grace L'otoo
hfsay, "Tact and Talent". .With Moore
Emy. "American Flaa" . k
u:c liand
hiy, "jitory of a Silver Dollar"
A llu--f- t-.'!
Eay, "Stepping fitoiie".." .
. . , . ! M'lta R W.'j
Class Prophecie . . T. G. Bishop
Vale dictoriet , Arvilla Poors
JlUSiC T'.iir.!!
Addretf J. II. Aikrmn
fitatp Stit.t Pnt.'Io 1,..-w..;,
Presentation of Diploma
County fin i.t I. r:!!lr
Closing remark Principal
Kong, "Good Night" Quartette
An admission of 10 cent will be
charged to defray expense of gradua
Farm for Eent.
Ws tnl ffwn tnwn.oo Ksal rk: pUnAf
of it fr Im ,'!); jt'kJ rtrl'ii ton: irt
n tl.,T.f. HH.M. HAkirjL.
t Zi ?A scrvKeaue si: at 4 S3
i5r hTT -c Ovcnll &
p:r f M c'.'ro tot at r
Ntirls Gt-if au.1 Drwa Stins, retisK! Eeel cp to
r "i - i . ... r-ja
5i 22 cartr'drei fr .
1 Fsfc p4e f,r. .
13 Et Lkj hr.
1 -:.l Beel ....
Bas-boo pea...
fl to $10 O)
6 00
Hay for Sale.
elT bjr tr US bjr
Truit Farm for Sale.
scrw, J o.lie from ilA VAxr. Vtt, appJ
"-'7- laojeremi bj.c,
i 5ct, erpec; aceooat or aay other
taauer periiiti,ig to U-eir t'ji;fcs.
JIo4 Birer Tallej.
Its BfvrtLeni boundary u the Colan
bia riTer; iu eastern a LiJi f-at or
diride oat L-m Moost Iloi,
J ' - - -. . , ,.wr ;
base of Mt. H.v.1 .m',!fi-t Ki--.v t?. : la H...i Fsrai-fh-z we are cDreiae.
; ralley to the ft.cth- The arible p.r.ka ! 8 cvi fiJ, I2, tZ, Pi 00
of the T&l'ey is torr.e twenty miles in ' 8 Te Kettle 30
Ittmb U aa averaze width of fire mi?, ' 1 " h Bcani 20
or 4,fi acre bed act 14J9 acres fvr 1 1 Tab... 75
bloffa and trart t- rocgh for coltira- ','r tr c Cirysolite ware,
tion, and we haTe 30.0 seres soitahie i tmItre Tib!ewre at price of com
Jorttilage. Hood riTer receire ail ti j CKS- G:Areacd Lamp?, way down.
(Initisw r,( .-J -.l Farm acl arrl-l Trrf'
i .ii-ri i..s, vaver i .osj.
Brr-kea lice underwear red seed W
5e pair 5teaders new 4
A nobby Ki2 Hat, !att b!-xk . . 2 50
The latest ia cap, fiae ralEs3e to f I 00
i late tyx Crs at Kt each
Hardware and Stove Dept.
V Grocery and Feed Department
Ltxis . . . . . .. V. 25e to 50 pooads D. G. Sa?ar f5 40
Bi '-i-rs' Hiriwiw. rinr.tpr.' Srrr- lfJ" pouiHls Gohlen C Snzar 4 SO
EiSes aad cartridge. tisLermea' out-
A few flO Zithers at 5.
Ilcctin? and fiihin? boot.
Bicycle and Tencis Shj.
Crairlng and Touriets' Sh&ea.
coaif sete camping ouiet.
I. Four ars. st risoklm, iniFn)TC(J. j'
t FSrht sr roon orcherd of t,J
Tr.iih ; only ly, mile f.-r,m town. y
3. John Hinma hrm. In jt frr.n. !
sjx-i. sal from 0 Ui Kfl per act. TtrJ
f:isif I rst Sis. 5C ti il h,t. cans towa torn &
I fv-.'rr mr t.-,Jj 3 cans CoSombtLS Tomatoes 25
or &ore ia fce;ght, a.Iai;raVT . - r. r- ' iiM.nrtos f.r H-t tiu-or rn.;
tLe ssiLey from coll ia ! A PfAkct Kaife f r 25c Jeils and Jams, Pine pple, Clams,
aad the Lot, destrsctire wiisrij! A ILa aisple boczh't right Shrimps, Lobsters, Salads, Jelatines,
rrr ty,' t. . . . Bi-IeT P!ae. Birt,c' CK'jrIa TV. Atrazns.
A full line Fancy Groceries, new.
Saw Filing:.
AU klD'lsof K ruinr r.m, or, h't bo.
I'.-al.- lii'.l
Half-Clyde Stallion.
foor rar old: wrislt ItV). Will mod at
I bars op-nl s l:ntornt snd tanrb
stnoirr In to- lUni bolMmie, lir ( will be
E'fmri tipftrr:t mal n-l Iriiirnei at 1
oer. iliiM. AL''riTA fif.'.N'HAKKK.
Wanted to Trade.
romatr mainuia a large aad eoDsu&t
flow of water. The river Las a descent
of riw-r fr-t tn tl a rr.TU ir. l '
eight aiiie ia length would direct any
yjTKua ci ics waters to uie t;row (A tne
r.l!i-irt tuct il. Ij i- :t...... 4 : VjO t-s Aifalfi
feet above tU rail war liae. E-c Oras .
At the present tim all tire arable' lu fts Set Corn,
lan-ls on the west side of Hood riTer! i l Field Corn..
have jrnatn facilities, and a eocd ' v) Es 1 --i
ommencement l,u Km-ii mrle r.n an I
8 oor rt
Seei Hea.ijuarters. ba'Jc or package
Regular paper package Seed 3c
100 f.s Clovf r S..1
100 S. Tinjotby
Ml 50
. 5 50
. 13 00
freih. hishest grade.
9 1-arj Kev Sc-ap
8 bars bandy
6 bar fn'a Ciaus
3 pj0i3 Gold Dust
3 s Colomhus Wash. Powder. .
The rrorr time for Tar Sood
1 bbl Dalles Diamond Flour $3 40
1 bbl Peacock Flour 3 10
100 lbs Stock Salt 50
50 lb Dairy Salt 40
1 ton Bran 14 00
1 ton Bran and Shorts 15 00
1 ton Short lo 00
Twenty varieties in murhesaud meals,
all fresh from mil!.
Lard, Bacon, Haaig, Codfish, Salt Sal-
4. 8 E. ; so, a T jr.. R. to r. tot only r,
Home impritrr-n'.; 1 j) acr. ' ' ',
i 8. of 3. tV. f of X. W. yt g. 12 T ,
10 E-; 'X acres; wruc Improvement.' f.rj J
acre. iiO. . I .
7. Bamf l-Slpms Addition; XSiwri,,.. B
dr.llnni down and Bve dollars per aioni'h..
miere.t. '"'
. The Chas. ti. Koerrs .Vot" nnnieiJ
Krar.iion: srvl n,ttj,e sod Urn, X
water. Iricei:). '
- i
creeli. Price t-'XJ. " 'oe
10 ThfltV Pflmtfl IniRMMj k ..
d -ulUrnti..n; Sjutih in fruit; fine hdHi,."
. . , -----, ...vv irir Will,
1!. T. R. f not.'s $0 acres In Pole FIni Tmii
noolhwejitof wn; 1 acres cleared. PriML
per jw.-re. "y
II Chas. W.OIlmerHom.!cd. at Ollm,
W ash.; Imj aTe; fiue saw t.'intaer; Rood 7
well watered. Only &. a rre barsain. ,
Ii The WVIduir Hoinwlead. 10 aw .
Musier. .' aeras ciejired: r,rlai!: wJj.'J
1 O CMir;.lA, Vlil .J AA,.
J The W. IT. Blehop Honif In nKl Ri'
lot A.r.rl irf.rf ..f l.U ? K... . 1 i-
tioa to Uood Itlver; s pretty homo! Only tti
irr'.atir.n ;t. K r.n iV.c . f .1 i seeds. lawn, wl
... .. .. ... - 'fc. . v r.y ui iuci ' '
valley tijat will owr 15,05O acre La a
brief time there will not be a ten-acre
tract in all this district bat what
Garden Seeds in bo!k.
hite clover, etc.
.. 10 w . ,
. . 15 00 looa, Jiacserel, of highest grade.
3 00 Oranaes and Lemon.
12 ) Cigars and Tobaccos.
Special The liae is complete. Fresh, new
goods ia sqch variety a will meet all
demands. .
Missionary Concert.
The Women' Missionary Society will
cruouct the service at the Comrretra.
lonal church on Sunday evenimr. st 8
v. hi. 1 ne following programme will be
1. Ilvmn.
2. Devotional, conducted bv fr .1 v
a - J
3. Anthom.
4. Paper, "Every Christian a Mission,
... II l... It f-.t I T.
y .rs. t-tiiei tiuiiou.
5. Music.
. Recitation, Mis Eva Nickelscn,
7. Music.
8. Rendinu. "(llviiiw " MH t?...,.l
w B "el " o. ...,;J
V. Music.
10. Misitianarv Talk Pru-.na1 .t
I CIIL'ITH in A. ni . .A u.-r.r-lr M ll..l..n
... . . ... , . o . . .uitu
11. -Anthem.
12. Offertory.
13. Benediction.
The nri'siiliMit nf f. snotatv Mr.
Armor, will preside at thi service.
Mew Kaod.
The county court last week established
roads and appointed viewer a follows:
W. W. Niimiii t-t ni 7? 1m..n tt tr
Rhoads and II. H. Toiilinson appointed
iiukkts to meet iarcu I4tli.
I). 8. Cranrnr i-r nl II I. rvn.
... '.' : . t" i'i"
1 noiiins; Disiuip ana i. vnAusdalu ap
iuuiit:ii viKwirM in 1t11.fl 11arr.11 1 if k
Douglas Kigg ct ftf 0 u ihJadfj(
11. 11. lornniiwin ai-ui it ouukm sr..
I'uiuveu viewer to meet .March 13tti.
A Card.
A my friends!?) seem to bo anxious
that I should be a candidate for some
tinee, from road supervisor to supreme
judge citric sntrmf Oregon (they have
not decided whlehi. I would .....
- ' --- v, mtmj f DO
that owing to the fact that there i no
governor 10 do elected this year I can
uui. utcoiiiiiimauio litem.
' G. J, Gksslino.
Alvln C. Kmivn of Wiui,
tell the l orest Grove Time that a lir
tree lately cut 1111 on his nl
The Auricilltlirint aut-a A.dAaarv- T
kill begun the aHKeMinent of Klickitat
Caunlv MurHi Kt 1 V it, :
uepuiy assessor lor White Salmon.
Advertised tatter List.
March 12. 1900.
Balnihcn. E, ti.....
Crosby, Thus Mc.Man'nis. Jim
t HUgliman, N pool, C 1)
Driver, F V Smith, Mr Kate-
Jomton, Fred.
Wm. M. Yatks, P. M.
Rcniaikablii Cures or Rheumatism.
Kmm the Vlndleatur, Hullicrfordton. N.C.
The editor of the Vindicator has hnd or
casion to test theehVaeyof Chanitverlain's
lam Halm twice with the most remarks
tile result in each case. First, with rheu
nui t ism in t he shoulder from which he suf
feredeveruciittiiigpainfortoudavs.which jviu relieved with twoapplicatiorisof Pain
Balm.rubbing the parts afflicted and real
tZMiT instant hen.r!t and .ntiu k.ii.i i .
- ... .... ... in t i l i ivt iu a
verv short time. S.mnd in rhan,,.oi;.n. ;..
, . . . . , . ..V ...,, .1.111 iu
thigh Joint, almost prostrating him with
k u re pain.which was relieved by twoap-
K'ikuui.s, riiooii) vun the i.mment on
Forpri-rty In. or ! to Ilmv! Rim ft.
s:r; iof it unit irrigation; llfie t tmVtS
Iff rt'' r.i i-r. vl... t i . . iui..ju wuuus l.
fW.r-rrt- .1.-. . . ! irtriSTierripJ. tn.l.1 M rin,k. Ct
ro.ii.( iftie m, ii, r-ai.isn.r (t rf w.ia Paul, Duloth, benver. Salt Iike and
' . ' . riuariH. w niinmn mi . il - t. . . r-i . . .
.. . - - , . .1. i.f-r maripi. . i rt rf ari. aias. o r.n
120,000 standard fruit trees, largely ap-
Wada, ah.
Milk Delivered.
1 hsiT ir.OTsd my dairy cows from Troou
dal arid or-atwl m lI'Kid Kivsr. Will Is? pra
tred lo fiirciisb a smkI of imifc, &
llv?d st ur (js.r. for J a quart. Ive
ir.)rrs with 1, I. Taylor or at Hhvltrr offi..
Hay tor Sale.
A fool quality of wls?at arH irlovsr bar,
ba.d, for auls by H. HANHF.X,
o ine franst CbaoJier place.
Plymouth Fvock Eggs.
inorouzhbri Plymouth Iiek g fifty
-enr r d(.i. n, anu one to year old ronnter
for sale by ,. o. Hll.U
Cook Stove.
A X(l. X IVink In mnA m..4IHa. B
. , ---.. .-wu ...... v. .... S HI
at A. W. Kins Mu.
It La required jnst Ax months to close ont the bankrupt stock. (There are
h'.ii Lar.'aLcs in many stao'e lines wher wo n-ir nvtr.t, .i-r..- rin .ic
people reported that we would dlscontinne at this time. Here and there odd lines
were sold ont that w m?-f.t "11 An trA , - ' .,,,.. .1 - . 1-..
.1 - civ. . .1 iii-ji-t touipieic ujj-
to-date stock, modem in style and price, that has ever been displayed here. We
invite inspection of oar new stock and will g!ad:r explain our Diethcds.
18. Five aorr elean-d and In rlorer
suibestof ;i,x)J aiv-tfr. Oulyjtii. H
r. The HansJirrry home, TZ miles sm'
wer-t of tou; W tvm. tvervtliing eemw.,
and tatidj;guod trait, x-jod water. Unl)
IS. The Itisster Welds home. In the iWtJ
nilleCMbt of town: a pretty home; ziioti frl
and water. 40 m-rea. Ouiy (I.M0.
la. 2 acres deeded landmen wa'erect:li
range lor stock. Price an avre. r
20. The IV. Morsnr. honso and lot in nj
K.vcr; Dt baiu. culr(.s). j
21. TheSuti lot and bulidine.
Prie TSOa
. . ..... n a.,. uiai 1 .
have its running brook, iu fragrant bargauss in many staple lines whe'jw .
Tlie con n try adjacent to tlie uppr
reacheof Hold nvcr is cyTercd with
forest growth, and the timber adjacent
to the river has fjif-n swrimattvl &a l.!-l.
as a billion of feet. Phone 9L
iaizi year were siuppeil some 37.000
traits, ox over one mttnon tiounds c
Free Delivery.
Two Fresh Cow3.
A ood drivintr tnm
anon. Al., iw,. lruu
culver, for sale by
and t-lneh track
Jersey cows and
JAS. fAltKr.R.
One-horse Mower.
I hllTtfl & triJwlmraSW l Jkard . ll
u 11 I, aw, new, lim. I Will
- . .....,s. w n IH'.MfimT
Blooded Bull.
I htTi 1 ffOrd Hllll Hhnpt.hnrn stlAtr L-s.a
i- van, ociv ex
Farm for Sale.
fl) mrnJ rtftarlv aill In slf I si-u.
.... '' . V-I : vuiMvuiiiwii, a 110 Ttrry
l L , . " VUHI SSI
-"a smmv ura iit uui uuur.
Spray Pumps.
Whan n t.1 nor a Unsnu Unmn a
Hint lnf. flic r.sji ln .;t i i
viuiisui i" Till. UUiiUmv ... .1 .
. , " " '''i"," ia me oniy one
that fully answer this mn om.. U' . an,.
lous toliavn tho orclmrds relve better jray-
...r. ...., mi riiciiurnKf nils we on.T 1110 bCSt
.i iiiiiuuiu), llic. niMU.iiA."
i liAVllWtJM r KlIlT CO.
I.nrwl f '.HI ... St.. Ti.. n.. r. ,
. - - irnfMl.iarcfl Id
IfKXI. Notice Is hereby given that the folloar
Irtir.nuiii! iu.iiIm. h.. hi..j ....1. . . .
.-. ... ' "" i.w.i umitv 01 UIS
I n t.'ll f 11 111 In n.uka ...... I .r t .
. ... ....Ml I'l.n.l in BUIlBOn
or Ills c'slin. and thin said proof will he
nnua venue ueoiite r. rrntlier, U. . t oinrnl
.loiier. at HisHl Ulvw, Ori-gon, on Friday.
April 20, IUOU, vis:
T .1 If . 'T Mr nitttroTuAv
Of IPsid"KlviJr,T)rijD, it. fc. No. ril, for tlie
southeast 1 siclloa 1?, township 2 uortli.
ranse 11 east, W, St,
He nntn.-s the. followlni wltnees-s to prove
h llVinllnitllll. KMtilan ....... I .
I . 1 1 Uiuu, BUU CUIUTS-
tion of, snlil land vis:
Ctmi lea Weds. Jason Rand, XI. E. Robertson
ami John Jackson, all of ll.sid IUver.ur.-t;'n
J.-VI I". LLl AS. Kiv tlur
f Jinrl nfflni at TK Titiu rv w . .
llllJU. NllLlS 1st hftPilKu s....a . k.
1 IIH -nu tnnil il l Isip kiisis rll.ui -.i ,
siiv utfiitTv ui uer in-
I3ii l Ion to utftktf rtiml nr,M.r to
B--J . V Mini niiu pnoi win
e made Iwforv John Whlthad, if. 8. Com-
iliitf. M..f I lull A,cw --jr, D AUt
nrRn.tar.n.. Vw I ' . . . .
lid for tha h..rof Henry A. Bker. defeased
iiHinuii 1110 miiowinic witness to prove
hi Of-iin iiiihi, vi:
fiasntail a. ka ....l r . . .
... . . . . . -. "wir,aiii it osier, tfr.
ii.- iiV ,"n"ny said witnesses will be
iven before th ki. .iM .. ,i .. .
i.ii.. "i er ai i lie
... lii" ', ' . ml-ninetl dale.
JAl I-. I.I'I'AS KMtfl.l...
. . - ..w. , .,6.. ,j
des, in orchard form.
Such, in brief, ' are gome of the char-
acteriirtir i f Itni-t T'i.r V,ll.,.. k.i
... - - - ....... ' u.ll- , lUfc
apart from these it has an sthetic value
wsai snouiu not be overiorjked. Here
beauty and sublimity are added to
wealth of forest and soil. The climate
is most ealobrions, the air a luxury to
breathe. The western breezes come fra
erant with the odors of the pines and
urs oi a riuciireri muca of forest, and
nowhere d.a'il thp f! onr.l'il.l tn.a
a warmer blush ou fmit and flower than
in in: mountain vale. Ascend to the
I(?Vel of thf. tilnt.'atl itl3t akn.'A I.a wit
t - i j - .wc i i.i. ul
lage and objects of physical grandeur
... 1 . l . fr- .1 ..
cicrjsiiere SWU'.. iO Hie SOUtO, SO
beautiful and seemingly so near, rises
n.c raeuiui,iniDiacuiaie snart, 31 1. Ilood
that all Oregonians love. To the north
jvuams rears its Duiity torm more
than 12,000 feet ateve the sea, sovereign
01 an me icsser iass irom Shasta to
Rainier, while at their verv f.-.t flmr ,n
ceasless measures the garnered w aters of
au empire. Mouesi ana plain our
homes, but grand and incomparable our
BUI I VUlltllUKn,
The fruit products are not limited to
aiijiien ami straw oerries, hnt include
pears, paches, prunes, blackberries and
all varieties of small fruits, while clover
and the various grasses, w heat, potatoes,
vegetables and garden products succeed
numirauiy, especially under irrigation.
Six or seven saw milla tV.rnn k:..i.
cut from 50,0(JO to 150,000 feet of lumter
per oay, emjuoying manv men, are op
erating in the valley. The available
water newer is
wu riuam timvoi r-jrOKane. iiunureds
Of ViHltim Brwilil l-Knir ttitmrnui.
. oui.iuici w csa"
tion in the valley, camping, hunting, ui wwasung, eacn year, there
are no cyclones to terrify, no blizzards
to chill nor thunder storms to destroy.
Water is pure and abundant, fuel to be
had at a slight cost above the cutting.
Ijltldll ran til pnliaaa.1 at r.Am )C
ruivni.inu a. 1IUU1 f ..I
to f200 per acre, according to location,
improvements, etc.
80 Acres.
Well Imnmcvd farm- ja imm in . 1 1 .
near school; ersid mads, 'wiiw ti ui
bargain in, II uotf UUer. .. FKED JHOWE.
For Sale.
Ttro work Hapm nA kcn. :
wftifrtn and irin? hakr In.niir. mt ki.
- m '" ' MllUr
wiu i' tl I.I; Tm I. II
Rand 8tewart.
Hood River's Leading Business House,
Ii eetllag at prices that meet the approval of careful buyers.
Carpenter Work.
I have located in Hood River and want
Iu ..r. .1 M r" ,,lrl 1U. rr urn. ueV-
vwiuyuy uuue ai reaHrmanie pncei.
Vn'J A I 11 L'lm
:.b ui our J 1. r . lji,i
the d.-u,; ttjre-to get mm :ul', tivi.-.j tetirisi at ra!.t.d cettitut uo free iron, i iUk ki
I did not know I r- For 6iU by William k Brcaiua. r
1 fruiti
uii prcsoiijitiou.
1 . ml AiRa. . t- 1. .. . 11. n
W11 vi 1. T l'"l,e- "re'n, Jan. 25,
- ..... ,j iv ci hi 1 1 trrf ui ii 1 in
ten thin to mak. flmil proof In support of his
..,.1., J vi..rf. 7". lne v"w.Ort
-" riril S, VU, VIST
He n.ih.eallie following to pro-re
cuio n. Me
ilrrll. Trie
IAT T. LUCAS, Register.
, 'nd Offloe at Vancouver, Wash., Keb. 28.
I90t. .Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Insr-n.mefl
f ' ! . k.Co m i.... .......... .
, ........ .. 1 in . 1. i m burn 1 II-
tentlona to make tl nal proof in support of their
K, . . . . ki-i . in uc umur wiiht
, W. Kale, clerk of the Superior Court of
V, 1 . UJ' juiiniou,ai siuvenion.
W ashlugton, on April 21, issJO, vis: '
Homentesd Kntry No. f(W9, for the southwest
WmT' ii'er'0' ,"",n'11, 3 norlt". nse 10 east.
Who name, the following wltnesse. to prove
hi. contlnunus n.idenee npon and culuva
tlon of said land, vu:
ik-o-jse Uuvanrl. Edward Underwood, Will
iam ke eniliink .ml I'.ii. u . .
HewdKiverRiU orison. Aio.
Homtti'iiil Prtlrv Vn Oi-fi .. .L
of norihetutt B tion 21, and sout h we.
range W east, Ma Mer. r
-- "-lui wuuinni 10 prove
her continiiona ra.i. - . V.. r
tri1rtcir I mhe X. A .A..a vj .
Qeoii thTr.nri .t -0.-0 ,.:rj t--v."ufroo.
of Hood Kiver P. O.. Urnon. Alio. '
HoniHltMd Knlrv Va a-uc -. k
W To il" 0"ub'P s or". range 10 east,
Who names tit folio wins witnesses to prove
his conunuons noldence upon and colli va-
Uod of said hind, viz;
Krw.1 r..-k I.n.i.. f , , . . . .
r. ,, '-"-"iu c uuwwxm. will-
K!iJ W. K. i)C.VSAH, Ec;Ubr.
Bran and Shorts, per ton
Bran and Short3, per sack
Shorts, per ton
Shorts, per sack
Diamond Flour, per barrel 3 40
Diamond Flour, per sack
Granulated Flour, per barrel
Granulated Flour, per sack ,
Little Giant Muah 9 mx,Qlla for
. Iowa Canned Corn, per dozen j
Iowa Canned Corn, per can
Canned Tomatoes, per can....
Canned Tomatoes, per dozen ,
5-pound can Lard, guaranteed ............u
10-pound can Lard, guaranteed
Star Tobacco, plug
Battle A10 Tobacco, plug
Prunes, per pound
And other goods in proportion.
Our stock of coffee is first grade, and along this line our trade ia increasing.
We deliver goods promotlv and free nf rfinrun IVo limn J.o: . ,
, .- -.. o" . 1 a uciivurv can tor
the purpose.. .
We want your trade. - Our rule is tohant it, finditand hold iu. - . ...
Order by telephone. Store opens at 7 A. M. :
Yours very trulv,
CLYDE T. BONNET, Proprietor.
fl3 00
16 00
; 10
I 00
22. Th.I WL-ktiom r... .u
, m cumuli
of town; Si acres: icmnt bulldimrsand Impmti
-i" '" " 1 ioi .a. lucuu. iroe sir
n.ating. Price U;L i
21. North h.iif so'itheiist quart"r, soma hi
irrlheust quarter of .-iloa -t, townsblp.
norih, rani?e 11 enr. White Saluion line lii
berlaud. I'rlee fit) per acre. . ,
2-1. Tbe Huskirk rl-ie.'. I uille west nf W
4 acres: ed sot ins water: osid orchard- Ki
frame Only $.fr, one-thiid o,i
bnlaoc at 3 pci- cent pt r aunuui.
2l . Thfl KmitrAin knn.iuil ...... .
........ 1 - 1 ( 111 i.v tuxu,
cast of town; fir.e ranse; 51.0.
1. . !US aot, block 7, Wlnans aid itte
V: !ce a lot, or 361 fw th! I wo.
27. TheSwsn horaeitead at Vi'hits Palmn
ouix Wiv.ul.iU.hula iiikriwraie foriies. :
St. The Rerjer. plnco, jr.) sores; syj
cleare-J: ia .-.-rvs jrnnVd; fr-o wuU-r. m
hali ch; $1,0!-i)t cjci-I:.
jn. The O rant Eraas home, lot 5, block 1
Hood Kit er, tf,. ,
ai. Wr'lilffr.sflneffliiViatAVbtteSalmnnf:.!';
2aerea; 85 rltmrt-d mt in grass; good h
proveoiunus tine water j-owtr. r.-:c! RX.
stoc!t-d, or Ji.Tjfl for land. '
81. 2'. acres at Hsrrt .Scrabb:n,all cleared u
In; ou iunty road. Friee. tiJ. t
Si lts T nd S. block s. Wuueoron AddliJt
to Uaod l.;ver. Price ilj a K.u Terun wj;
Xft. TYl S P ilKn.l . - , .. J
FiKiiiton. Price loiX) dollar. i
Si 1! im a .am- .1
- , a...- uiii.rr luttiltui?!
sniMit house; s-nml nr; adjoins K.L. Smltli
1.... 11.1 u IJ. "
S. Block 3, Parkharst, 12 lots. Price 5700. ..
. The Sun lot aud bulidine. Price r'A '
For ltont Th Lyrnrtn Smith lmprovol
fai ni, Suxl per aiuicui, Hh.
For Exchange For Hood River Propert;
1. Jfine roomed hard finished hon.ic. bun
water and large km in Chuiupaisu, lliinols,
nearbUtc Umvcndly.j
2. Nice 4 roomed cottnge, wafer, frnlt sni
largo lot, centrally located in San Jose, CM
Forty acres fine fruit and grain land,!'
ml e from Walla Walla, Wash., and l
miles irr.rn railroad station, renced ou
sltles. Jo other iinprovcuieuts. '
At the Emponam Is kept a nrst-clwM m
veyor'S transit, and the nrnnrlclnr heintl'
pract-Ieal surveyor, is wpl! r.r.-.i-nrsH in ,in ta''
work of laying cut ecrcage property in lot"
and blocks, and doing all kinds of si.rve.vlcr
2S. B. Terms sre easv on all th .bon
lands, with Interest at tf per cenU Persons d';
siring locations on homesteads and t!mt
claims should apply at The Emporium.
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Furniture and Builders' SnTmlip
a . A
"wsning Lumber and Shingles,
"Quick Sales and Small Profits," Our Motto.
A full line of PAINTS and OILS always on hand at Portland
IT. t T rCh8DiC rCady 10 d aU kiDds of "IWt d
new work either by the job or by the day.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Carpets and Wall Paper.
oo"u on Oak Street and Second StSei,
Hood River, Or. .
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famotu
Fraits. I
Packers of the 1 i
Hflftn PltTflw l)inJ .(
Canned Fruits, f
Kaanfactnrcrs of
Boxes and Fruit PacSf
ages. I
. . Ieiers in I
Fertilizers and Agricul I
tural Implements. J
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.J I
United Ktates Ijinrt dkim Th n..n. ri
go:i, January 12, l'joo.-Nutice is hereby clvm
that in comDllmint wok . i. n...i.i,..M .n ibi
act of Congress of June 3, Kd, entitled "i
act for tit .a la r.r . ! ..... cm:
ri. , nwi lifllOS IU lilC o." 1
ortalirornia, cregon, .Nevada and WasiiioS'i
ton 'lerri lory." I
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of On1 ;
son, has this day filed in this nflice his o1
1 llMnunl X" . ... . .. I II..
..u, ior me purcuase '
southeast H northwest W, southwest nortb-r
east W, northwest 14 southeast L', and nortlr'
east H southwest S of section No. II. in to;
snip o. l north, range No. 8 east, W . M- '
will offer proof to show that Uie land suu"
itt lunm v.litul.l. t ... .. . .M.fa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish &
claim to said land before the Kcgi"
Receiver of ti,i. oajo, M Tfce panes, Orfg
on Saturday, tuelMih day of March. 1S00. V
Henarneeas wilnesses: Jad Kcrgttson. Jf
pPh,w,nBht' A,bert Lno aud Willtaai K5
U of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all per-ms claiming adverastT
abovxleacrlbed lands are requii
their slulm. in . u i . 1 . ... ajs
'. L'
" c.
, r
' d
. c
t a
fl I
? VI
s 1
1 j
l c
I t
i t
t o
I ?
I t
1 J
-. , ' io .-uiisj vn or wciv .
"J ? Ia y of M area. 1S09. j
at p. Lucas.