The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 02, 1900, Image 3

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3(33d Iiver Slacier
1 t FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1900. : .
Cantata. . ..
Don't miss the cantata.
II. F. Davidson wants to buy a fresh
M. N. Foley has moved into his new
house. Cantata Friday night March 9th at
the armory.
For Salt; The Sim Jot and building,
750, at the Emporium.
For Pale Good Jersey cow, will soon
ba fresh. Inquire at this office.
For Sale at the Emporium. Block" 3.
Prkhnrst,.12 lots. Price $700.
Doctors tell us that the cure for small
pox printed in laBt week's Glacier is no
Regular meeting of Canby post,
0. A. R. and W. R. C. tomorrow, at 2
The Travers Book and Curio club
meets this Friday evening in the A. 0.
U. W. hall.
B. F. Fuller has moved to the Pilkirtjj
ton place, which he will farm for Frank
S. C. Sherrill went to Euger 1 last Sat
urday, where he will enter the univer
sity as a student.
The little child of Mrs. Geo. V. Fisher,
which was dangerously sick last week,
has about recovered.
Freddie Bell was thrown from his
pony while out riding last Sunday but
was not seriously hurt.
iWm. Ellison, assistant at the depot,
was in charge last Friday while Mr.
Bngley was in Portland.
E. H. Pickard is in receipt of some
handsome patterns of wall paper, for
which he has the agency.
T.E.Andrews has built a house at
the planer, moved into it and gone to
work for Davenport Bros,
j Nert Monday is the day set bv law for
the annual school meetings for the elec
tion of directors and clerks.
The Misses Ida and Bella Ward of
The Dalles spent last week in visiting
the fam'lyof John A. Wilsor.
The W. R. C. now meets twice a
month. At their meeting tomorrow five
new members will be admitted.
A few thoroughbred Buff Wyandotte
Cockerels for sale at fl to f 150 )i sold at
once. . E. E. Savage.
t Peach branches brought to this' office
bv Jack Rand showed no signs of injury.
Evidently the peach crop is all right so
Mrs. John Parker will move into O.G.
Chamberlain's house, while the latter
will move to his ranch for the spring
and summer.
' John Vanthiers of San Francisco is
visiting his ranch at Mt. Hood. Mr.
Vanthiers bought the Graham place
several years ago.
- Dr. F. C. Brosius has returned and
can be found in his office over Williams
A Brosius' drugstore, between the hours
of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 6-7 p. m.
i The Hood River Cornet band will give
a grand concert on the 17th of March,
St. Patrick '8 day, assisted by the best
local and outside talent obtainable.
D. 8. Kiser, who has been farming
part of W. P. Watson's place, has moved
to the Wiley and Clark place, part of
which he will farm for A. 0. Hershey.
;" Robert Rand has about completed the
addition to his building on the corner of
Fourth and Oak streets. Mrs. Mathews
and daughter have rented the building.
' D. H. Clough showed an apple at the
institute of the crop of 1898. It was of
the Lawver variety and well preserved,
except that it showed the wrinkles of
r The Glacier neqrlected to mention last
week that Joseph A. Wilson had gone
East. He went to Ronceverte, West
Va., where he expects to remain till
nen fall.
i The social held at the Congregational
parsonage last Thursday evening was a
very pleasant affair. Games were in
dulged in by the younger folks, and at
9:39 a lunch of cake and chocolate was
The Glacifr advertised for stove wood
last week. We wrote "IB-inch" wood,
and the intelligent compositor made it
read "lfi-foot" wocd. Several subscrib
ers called to see the etove that would
take 16-foot wood.
t Mrs. Langille received a letter on Sun
day from Wm. A. Langille at Dawson.
He was about to start with a party of
six for Nome. The party expected to be
two months on the trip, going overland,
and started Jan. 30th. A young lady
accompanied the party.
I The Hood River box factory has lieen
running for the past few days, rolling
, wheat and barley, mivad, for horse feed.
Besides custom work, the factory has 50
or 60 tons of feed to roll for C. R. Bone.
The factory will now begin to make up
' boxes and crates for the coming, straw
berry harvest. ;
? Howard Isenberg has a machete and a
I lacreftse, two dangerous looking knives
that he picked up on one of the first
' battlefields of the Fillip'no war. The la
; crease has a waving blade just 18 inches
long. In the hands of men who know
f how to sling these knives they would be
j extremely dangerous weapons.
Philip P. Moore, a cousin to W. H.
Pugh of Hood River, tiled at his home
in Seneca, Kansas, Feb. 7, 19C0. Mr.
I Moore was a veteran of the civil war,
I having served in the 39th Indiana. He
was a man highly respected in the com
jsmunityin which he lived. For -many
years he had been an invalid, caused by
I his service in the army.
I The Racket Store has removed to the
Rand building where it will remain till
I Mr. Jackson can make money enough to
I build a three-story brick on the old
I CradlebaUgh corner, which he purchased
" last summer. If the patronage evtended
to the Racket Store keeps on increasing
as it has in the past few months, the
tnree-story brick will soon go up.
W. H. Pugh, who advertised last week
to sell out, intending to go back to Ne
braska, has reconsidered the rash move
and will remain in Hood River. Mr.
Pugh is an old soldier and is suffering
from ill health caused bv four years of
hard armv service in his vouth. He
came here for a change of climate, but
has not received the benefit he antici
pated. A summer spent in Hood River
may not maite rum a wen man dui it is
very ant to enre any desire he may have
to return to Nebraska.
At the adiourned nouncil meeting, last
Monday evenine, it was dec;ded to pur
chase the Buskirk property and keep
the house for a town hospital. The pur
chase was made through John L. Hen
derson, the town raving f R00 in town
warrant at 6 per cent, pavable on- or
before February. 1904. The furniture
wag also purchased for 27 on the same
terns. The town is cow the owner of
four acres of land iurt outside the cot
Fate limits, on the wort, with a fur
nished rwese and a thrifty vonne or
chard. The place ought to rent for M a
tnouth. If the occasion arrises the house
can be used for a hosn-'tal. The fonr
acres will be a good start towards a city
park when the town grows to the pre-
Mr. C. L. Smith, whose talks before
the institute proved so entertaining and
valuable to the listeners, was at one time
Btate dairy inspector for Minnesota. He
is a lecturer of national reoutation. on
agr.cultural, horticultural, educational-,
msioneai ana sociaiog'cal subject, lie
is a veteran of I he civil war, having
served m the 11th Michigan. In the
battlw of Misaiounry R;dge he was in
the advance that wiled the heights iit
the face of shot and shell and leaden
bullets 'poured ' upon the assaulting
troops. The line of gallant blue-couu
was slashed and rent and scores and
hundreds went down before the wither
ing tire, but the brave men who sur
vived went on, and up and ud to the ton
mith was struck by no less than eight
ouneis, no one oi winch, miruculoustv,
hit him in a vital part, but his body aiid
face are scarred to this day bv woundr
received in that bloody conflict. Tht
brave men scaled the heights !- hi
climbed to the very top and was thert
wun ins surviving comrades to answer
to roll-call when tho battle was won.
Albert Whitehead, wife and ch'ld. of
Canton, 111., arrived hero last week and
are visiting relatives. Mrs. Whitehead
is ft sister to 11. r. Davidson. Upon
their arrival at Hood River, Mr. White
head jumped from the train and met
H. F. Davidson. Leaving him to look
after his wile and child, he went to the
baggage car to look after h'a dog. The
porter on the Pullman insisted that the
train had not arrived at Hood River and
prevented Mrs. Whitehead from going
to the door of the car. The conductor
called "All aboard." and the train Dull
ed out. Mr. Davidson boarded the train
and succeeded in getting the conductor
to stop by the time they reached the
section house. The train was behind
time and the conductor didn't want to
stop he was mad, and what he said to
the porter wouldn't look well in print.
Hood River is to have a bank. Leslie
Butler of The Dalles has been in Hood
River at different times recently, looking
over the ground, and has decided to
cast his fortunes with Hood River and
open 9 banking business. He has made
arrangements with t. J. Lai-ranee for a
building. Mr. LaFrance will erect a
frame building on his lot adjoining his
store, and the bank will be ready for
business by the first of May. Mr. Butler
desired a brick building, but the bricks
vuuiu nut ue uui.iineu in units. wr. La
France will be ready at any time to
build a brick adjoining the brick build
ing of Blowers & Son for the use of the
The box factory will be kept running
for the next three months, making up
strawberry crates, and will give employ
ment to twenty hands every working
day during that time. The price of
strawberry crates this year will be 14
cents, one cent cheaper than ever before.
About 60,000 crates will be required
for this year's crop, which will take con
siderable room for storage. If growers
will begin hauling home their crates
from now on, and not wait till their
berries begin to ripen, it will relieve the
press of room that will be required to
store the crates.
Thos. Howard, special agent of the
post office department for the inspection
of rural free delivery routes, was in Hood
River last Saturday. Mr. Howard thinks
there is no doubt but that the route in
Hood River valley will be continued if
the people who are benefitted by the free
delivery act up tothe requirements of the
department. He says the roads must
be kept in better chape and that iron
mail boxes must be put up in convenient
places lor the quick handling ol the
mail by the carrier. These iron boxes,
he says, can be procured for about 75
cents each.
Hood River was honored last week bv
the presence of one of the boys that
fought with Dewey at Manila. Oscar
King is his name. His lather, h. K.
King, is stopping with his brother, A. W.
King, this winter, and the young man
came here from Seattle to visit his father
and his uncle's family. Oscar King was
in the service three years and two
months and was l months in the rhil
ippines. He was honorably discharged
from the service four months ago.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church, which met at the home of Mrs.
Jackson last Friday afternoon, was well
attended, and the time was spent in lav
ing plans for the future work of the so
ciety. The following ladies who had
been previously elected to office were
present to take their places, President,
Mrs. E. R. Bradley ; vice president, Mrs.
O. L. Stranahan ; secretary, Mrs. Win.
Cole; treasurer, Mrs. F. E. Jackson.
John L. Henderson has leased the lot
lying on State street, between the old
school building and E. W. Winans res
idence, for a period of ten years. He
will build an office on the lot for his own
use and expects to let part of the ground
to a man from Willamette valley for a
store, ihe lot is owned by A. A.
D. H. Sears had a few Ben Davis ap
ples at the institute. They were firm
and beautiful. When the experts who
now have their fun in ridiculing growers
of the Ben Davis apple can produce an
apple that is more saleable and more
profitable to the grower, our leading ap
ple growers may be Willing to go back on
the Ben Davis.
Col. Hartley was over at Trout Lake
and Camas last week after fat cattle for
Bonney. At Trout Lake he stopped with
our old friend Brvkett and was treated
to Gravenstein apples that were sound
and juicy like the kind we have in nood
Kiver in September.'
Mrs. J. W. Taylor came up from Viento
last Sunday to consult a doctor in re
card to her 9-months. old child, which
had a fall and it is feared dislocated its
hip. Mrs. Taylor and child are now at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mj3
S. Copple, of the East Side.
Supervisor Armor is at work with a
force of men on the school house hill.
He is cutting in a covered flume to carry
the water beyond the state road, and is
also taking off some of the hill above the
state road to make an easier and better
Lvman 8mith's ditch that he is dig
ging to his well to bring the water out
on the surtace ot the ground Deiow nis
house now affords a stream of two inches
of water. Y hen he strikes the well he
will have 8 or 10 inches more.
Albert Mason is building a carpenter
. n i. o : .jj:
snop on nis lois in uarreii-oipuia ui
tin ITa will matra tiaA r.f tho fihnn to
live in with his family till he has time
l : 1 : .1
lo ounu a remueuce.
) oprAs flnlv imnrnvpd land. 30
acres suitable for fruit or dairy. Fine
acreage tract, with house, in town. For
sale oayaob.
IPrv Wotwr and Mr, Hintand. from
Indiana, arrived here last week and are
visiting Rev. and Mrs. b,. tit. air
Hiestand is a brother of Mrs. Fix.
T?o.t a An miliars, snpnt Wednesday
with his family as the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. urosiua.
TKo tmm nf Mr. and Mrs. Eatinirer.
who were reported quite sick last week,
are much better.
One of the twins of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Baals, born Feb. 21st. d.ed tbe same day
Dan Smith and family arrived here
from Illinois on Monday.
Rjitilar meetinj of 0. E- S., Saturday
eve-ay, Jiarot
A camp of M. W. of A., organized bv
J. L. Anderson, was instituted in Hood
Kiver ednufday evening. The follov
ing officers were installed: Venerabie
consul, J. II. Ferguson; worthy advite ,
nenry Leer excellent banker, U. S.
tvans; clerk, i.. it. Eradlev; escoi',
Dr. J. F. Watt; watchman, F."L. Dav'i
son; sentry, J. . J; phvsic: f.
Dr. J. F. Watt; managers, M. M. R.
sell, Jno. J. Myers, Chus. Wells. Cha -
ter members .1. 1'. att, G. S.Eva S
E. R. Bradley, C. If. Temple, A. L. a
tone, M. M. Russell, J. A. Bonser, 11. F.
rredenck, K. U. RIasiker. J. H. Fergu
son, C. Roscnkrani!, Wm. Sabin, Chas.
A. wells, Warren wells, Jason Kand,
F. J. Mvers, Alex. McGregor. F. L.
Davidson, Phil Stuhr, J. M. Cubberlv,
I. W . Mayes, Chas. tredien, Henry Lee,
F. E. Denzer, F. J. Wright, A. Fultcn,
M. r . Shaw, A. Winchell, is. t. Kand.
The Washington B rthday edition of
the Dufur Dispatch, edited by the Dufrr
public schools, has been received. It i
profusi-ly illustrated with cuts of ti e
own and prominent buildings and cit
zens of Dufur. The printing was ai:
done in the office of the Dufur Dispatch,
wmcn shows commendable enterprs:
for a country office. Principal R. R.
A Hard is to be congratulated on the
good showing made for tho school if
which tie is in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Cole, who have
been stopping in Hood River during the
winter with their eon, W. 15. Cole, and
family, have returned to their home at
Two parties want to borrow money on
real estate one 1450, the other 1300
at Emporium. 10 per cent interest and
expenses paid by borrower.
Lost A yellow head, green parrot.
Finder will be rewarded by returning to
Mrs. Mathews, Hood River.
The Hood River Cornet band will ns-
sist in the coiitata at the armory March
Mrs. Mathews' millinery store will
have an opening about March 15th.
Mrs. E. L. Smith and Mrs. J. F. Watt
are visiting in Portland and Astoria.
C. W. Davis, representing Eilers piano
house, Portland, is in town.
Mrs. W. B. Cole is visiting her parents
at Camas Prairie.
Viento Items.
Every one in Viento seems happy even
if the Sun don't shine.
Viento's population is increasing fast,
by the way families are arriving here
from the East. Some have as high as
ten children to the laiuily.
Mrs. Cameron has returned from a
visit to relatives in Illinois and again
taken charge of the Company's board
ing house.
v m. (Jurran is building a house to be
occupied by the O. R. & N. Co's. agent
New houses are going up in Chitty's
About 35 men are at work in the
Oregon Lumber Co's. yards here at
present. dam.
Hassalo Club Reception.
The reception given by Hassalo club
last Friday evening was a recherche af
fair. Hood River's four hundred were
out in force and were hospitably enter
tained by the members ot tne club. Re
freshments were served in the shape of
lemonade and wafers. Chas. N. Clarke
sang a solo and responded to an encore
Hon. tj. L. smith, a member oi the
club, was called upon lor a speech. Mr.
Smith responded in a short speech and
outlined the objects of the club in a
happy manner, lie said the name of
the ciub meant, in the language oi the
Klickitat Indians, "Morning Star."
Rev. J. L. Hersbner was called upon
and made a short address. He said the
objects ot the club were elevating ; it
turned at the advancement ot society;
its trend was upward, and if we had
more such clubs the work of the church
would be lessened. Loud calls were
made for a speech from G. E. Williams,
but from the rapid strides he made for
the door he must have had important
business in the ante room at that mo
After the speeches the floor was clear
ed for dancing, and "on with the dance"
wuii the nrrlnr. in which the vouth and
beauty of Hood River engaged till a late
The Hassalo club was organized in
October, 16W. Xhe old armory hall,
under the direction of the club, has been
renovated and refurnished till old-timers
would hardly recognize the place. A
good class of literature is on the tables,
and it is a pleasant place for young men
to while away their leisure hours.
The membership of the club is com
posed of the following: u.. David
son, president; C. N. Clarke, vice pres
ident; W. 8. Urcgory, secretary; U M
Davidson, treasurer; E. L. Smith.A. S.
Blowers, D. McDonald, C. R. Bone, G.T.
Prather, A. J. Davidson, J. F. Watt,
D. E. Rand, E. A. Johnson, J. J. Mvers,
J. L. Henderson, A. P. Bateham, F. C.
Brosius, G. W. Graham, J. h. Kand,
G. E. Williams, I1. L. Davidson.
The Cantata.
"Lost and Saved." a dramatic can
tata in three acts, on the subject of tem
perance, will be rendered at Armory
hail, Friday evening, March 9th. Ad
m sdion adults 25c, children under 12,
15c. Following is the cast of characters :
Alice Leith (afterwards Mrs. Harry
Gray) Miss Ida Fobs
Mrs. Howard Vane, contralto
Carrie Copple
Miss Betsy Sharp, an old maid
Miss Simmons
Mrs. Leith Grace Howell
Little Kittia Gray Aldine Bartmess
Faith Gladys Hartley
Hope Lillian Shut
Chanty Agnes Inglebretzon
Harrv'Grav, tenor Howard Isenberg
Rev. Howard Vane A. 8. Knapp
Mr. Leith W. S. Gregory
Mr. Jinks E. E. Fix
Lawyer Smith Sam Blowers
Old Grim, the landlord ...Melville Foley
boys ...
Joe Mayes,,
,.W. E.Sherrill,
Chester Shute
Tom Parker,
White Salmon Side.
Miss Ida Foss visited in White Salmon
several days last week.
Miss Frost returned from Portland
last Wednesday evening after a week's
visit. '
Miss Emily Palmer visited friends in
Hood River last Friday.
All reported having had a very pleas
ant time at the- dance at Bingen last
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot returned to Van
couver after two months visiting with
relatives in Hood River and White Sal
mon. Mrs. Lou Morse came over from Hood
River last Saturday, followed by Mr.
Morse on Sunday. Mr. Morse returned
to Hood River Monday but Mrs. Morse
was unable, by illness, to accompany
Mrs. Wm. Foss is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Noble, this week.
Fred Purser succeeded in bringing
home a fine deer last Monday, after a
three da s' hunt.
A dance will be given by the Mutual
Improvement club Friday. March ICtb.
ir and Mr. A. H. Jewett ODened
tiwir Lwspiuiid home to tfee memberi
for Men.
Tor every OJeatber,
Drivers and Lojgers' Shoes a Sp c'alty.
We have the kind that are made to wiar.
Agents for Royal Tailoring.
and frienda of the Mutual Improvement
club last Saturday evening. The house
was tastily decorated with Oregon grape.
The spacious rooms were well filled with
friends. A lengthy but interesting pro
gramme was given a special feature, be
ing an essay on Lord Byron by C. M.
Wolfard. After all business of the club
was finished it was decided the next
meeting should be held at the home of
Mr. Wires. At 10 o'clock the guests re
paired to the dining room and indulged
in dancing for a few hours. The guests
departed near midnight, having spent a
delightful evening. Among those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Jewett, Mr.
and Mrs. Wolfard, Mr. and Mrs. Purser,
Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Butler, the Misses
Frost, Stella Thomas, Veda Thomas,
Cheyne, Lauterbach, Mary Wolfard,
Anna Wolfard, Lvdia Crowe, Emily
Palmer, Butler, Wires, Ida Foss, Savt
age; Messrs. A. Jewett, Prof. Fabrick,
Thomas, Rhad Thomas, G. Coleman, G.
Crowe, Cheyne, Butler, Huckabee.
Church Notices.
Valley Christian Church Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.
Subject, Worldwide Missions. Endeavor
at 6 :30. Preaching at 7 :30. The revival
services will begin Sunday evening. A
praise and prayer service will begin each
evening at 7 o'clock. The preaching
service will begin at 7 :30 and close at
8 :30. These meetings will be made in
teresting and helpful to all who attend.
You are invited to attend.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach in the
Crapper school house, Sunday, at 2 :30
p. m. .
In Hood River, Feb. 20, 1900, Anna
Cordes, aged 11 vears and 8 months,
only daughter of P F. Cordes. Funeral
services were conducted at the Frankton
school house Feb. 27th, by Rev. J. L.
Ilershner. Interment was made in
Irving cemetery, Frankton.
To Residents of Hood Kiver and Vicinity,
Greeting: The house-renovating season
will goon be here, and I take this method of
calling your attention to the fact that I shall
also be here, ready and anxious to assist you
in every possible way.
Fresh paint and pleasing tones In Wall
Paper are like unto a 'mantle of charity," In
asmuch as they hide a multitude of defects,
and when properly applied will cause the in
congruent room of the house to become pleas
ing to the eye and satisfactory to the artistic
taste. To obtain that usual desired result is my
SPECIAL. hU.slNEHS. I cannot warrant ten
dollar efl'octs for a one dollar expenditure, hut
i do guarantee satisfactory work and results
at live and let live prices, or no pay. If'nu
desire I shall be pleased Ui call at your home
with samples of Paper, measure yotir rooms
and make you prices. (E8 TI M ATE8 GRATIS. 1
With many thanks fur past pa.ron ge and
a respectful solicitation for a share of the same
in the future, I am very truly yonrs,
Painter and Decorator, Hoou River. Or.
Stocking Feet.
For sale by 8. J. LaFRANCE.
Digests what you eat.
Tt a ft I flpinll v A icMt.s t.hp. food and nlda
Nature in strengthening and recon
8trtictin(t the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gast ralgl a, Cram ps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
lot Mile ON Williams & BroKias.
Timber Land, Ac June S, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Feb. 14, 1900. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3. 18.8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the mates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Publio Land
8Uls by act of August 4, i-2,
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled la this otllce ner sworn
statement, No. 19 4, for the purchase of the
northwest quarter- of section No. 14, in
township No. 4 north, range No. 10
east. Will, iler., and will ortor proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fmrposes, and to establish ber claim to said
and befire tne Register and Receiver of this
oince at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, tne
10th day of May, 1W.
She names as witnesses: Albert E. Lane,
William Kand and Annie Mathews of Hood
Kiver, Oregon, and James Brown of Husom,
Waao. AU,
Of Hood River, county of Wason, state of Ore
grin, has this day hied in tbi oflce her sworn
statement No. ID75, for the purchase of tlie
soutnwest qusner of section No. 14, in town
ship No. 4 tiorth, range No. 10 east, W. M.,and
w ill offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its limber or stone than
for arlcultural purposes, and to establish
her claim tocaiC laud belore the Kcgl.lerand
ItjcM'er of tills off ce at Vano.idver. Wash.,
on Thursday, the loth day of May, 110.
Hhe Dames a witnesses: Albert K. Lane.
William Kand. Hannah Halnewa. of Hood
ktvtr, oreu jo. and Jauie lirowaof Hmtoui,
Auy and all peoons claiming adversely the
ab-ive-aeseribed lands are requested to tile
their claims in this oince on or oeiore w.:u
lOtn day of itay. 1)Q.
fubinAl W. ii. PUS B Ait, Kegiwer.
Aiiroj os of Paint & Wall Pajsr.
Dvsnensia Cure.
The exclusive agency for tki city
for this popular lice.
Shoes for men,
m a Popular Price.
Every pair warranted. We have
them in styles that lit and in lea-
thers that wear.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby Riven that In purauanoe to
an order Issued by the Hon. Hubert Mh.vx,
Jutle of the County Court of the olale of Ore-
Son lur Wasco county, da led tU The Dallie,
miliary 24, A. D. Iw), tiie uiidur.-dKneil, Ai
med a Hodge Barrett, Iiuh been appointed sole
executrix of the estate of i'erry ..ordon liar
rett, deceased, line of Hood Kiver valley,
Wasco county, state of Oregon. All persons
havlim claims analnst said estate are request
ed to present tbem, accompanied by proper
vouchers, at the otllce of Jo in Leland Hen
derson, attorney for the estate, In the town of
uoou Kiver, suui county ana stale, wumu six
( ) months from the dnteof this notice.
Executrix of the Estate of i'erry Gordon Bar
ren, deceased.
Dated Hood Kiver, Oregon, Feb. 10, 1000.
For Sale or Trade.
Will sell on time or trade for anything of
equal value
6 acres good strawberry land near town.
15 acres near Tucker, partly Improved,
t'asli buyers need not apply.
H acres, 4 miles from town, partly Improved
20 acres, 7 miles from town, Improved.
J 12 W. A. Hl.INGKRl.AND.
One piece one mile southwest of Tucker, 200
acres; 40 acres leneed, 6 acies cleared; house
und barn; county rond through the piece; 1 loud
river runs on one entire side; water easily tak
en out to irrigate from 20 to 80 acres. Price
from 10 to 20 dollars per Here, according to
amount warned ana locaimn. win sen in
quantities to suit purchasers. Good school
one mue.
One piece 2 miles south of Tucker, 160 acres:
county road through piece; creek, Willi living
water, runs through lor considerable irriga
tion; several acres good bottom laud' good
school Vi mile: land unimproved. Price from
12 to 20 dollars pur acre, according to amount
and pltce wanted.
One piece at Tucker, 6 miles from depot,
Hood Kiver, ,0 acres; will sell one acre or as
many more as wunted up lo me wtioio piece.
Price from ! lo 125 dollars per acre: or. if you
simply want to build a home, will ylve you a
piece nr mat purpose, provided you will
build upon It.
If you wish to locateor buv land, try Tucker
before you purchase. Will guarantee to give
you inure good soil for same amount of money
Ihiin you can buy eUewhere In Hood Kiver
valley. Berry ground, orchard or grass, or
anything else raised lu this valley. Call on or
address a. it. i,
12 Tucker, Oregon
ITImber Land, Act Juno , 18 8.
TT a I A tm 'I' i. nniin. r v..H
2, 1900. -Notice Is hereby given thut In com
pliance wltli llie provisions or the act or con.
grcss of June 8, la8, entitled "An uct for the
sale of timber lands In t lie slates of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, has this day tiled lu mis oince his sworn
Statement No. 152, for the purchase of the
south half north w st and north half south
west of section No. 21, in township No I
north, ranire No. 9 east. W. M.. anil will otler
proof to show that the laud sought Is mot e
vaiuaoie lor im umuer or stone man lor agri
culLurul nurooses. and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
or this oince at The Dalles, Oregon, onfcutur
day, the 17th day of .Viaicb. 1H00. .
tie names as wltneses: W. It. Winans. L
Winans, A. Winans and K. T. Winans, ail of
uoou Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
tneir claims in tins oinco on or oeiore said
17th day of March, 11X10.
J12mM JAV P. LUCAS, Register.
Notice of Application to
Sell Jtteai ustate.
To Hood River Lodge, No. 105. A. V. and A.M.,
ana inc unknown neirs oi Atiurew u
Tleman. deceased:
Take notice that an application has been
nieujn tne county ooun in vvasco county,
state of Oregon, for an order of said court if).
recttntr the executors of the Mill of Andrew
H. Tlemun, deceasod, to sell the real estate of
said decedent, to wit: Lots W und 15 see. 15,
and lots 2 and 7 Ben. 22, T. 1 N., K. 10 IS., W. M.,
In Oregon, containing 1 0 4100 acres. Also,
commencing at a point In east boundary line
and 20 rods N. of H. K. corner of N.W, Va, (Sec.
22. T. I N.. U. 10 V... W. M.. In Orenon: thence
N. 100 rods; thence W. U rods; thence H. 100
roas' tnence a. en roas to piace or neginning,
containing 60 acres, and tlmt Tuesday, March
H, 1900, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, has been
nxea for Hearing anil determining said amll-
cation, at the county Court House In The
Dalles, In said Wasco ounty, slate of Oregon
Dated January 81, MX).
A. H. BI1WFR8,
K. E. BAVAOl'i,
Time Schedules.
E. BocsD. Fr'mHOODUIVEIt, W. Bound,
10:4(1 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
4:00 p.m.
Ft worin.omana.
Kansas City. St!
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, Sno-
6:17 p.m.
6:1. a.m.
Hi raui, uuiuin,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
For Han Francisco
Hail Dec. a. x.
23, 2s,4 every & days.
8 p.m.
Ex. Hundayl
Htbamrkh. lEx-Hunday.
10 p.m.
IO Astoria ana way
Willamette River. 4:0 p.m.
t a.m.
Oregon City, New- Lx-nuuday,
Ex. Sunday
berg.aietn way
Wri.i.AMic-rrit audi $: S0 p.m.
Tue. Tbur.
and Sat.
Yamhill Kivrus. Mon. Wed
Oretcon I'lty.Da.vlon and Fri.
and way iundliiga.1
8 a.m.
WlllmnMtjt tllvr. 4: iO .m.
Tues. Thur.
Portland n Oorval- Mon.. Wed.
11 4. way lauUtiuca-l and Frl.
Lv lwlt'n
ird) a.m.
MV4K RrVt!.
Rtn-irla !ltn
w. ii. mmT.iiuTn
flen'l Pass. Ant, Portland, Or
J. Baoust, Aiant, Hood IUvor.
bone & Mcdonald
z asm
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt, at
(In lo him for pure rtesh Drugs, Patent Medtclues and Wall Paper. Prescriptions and
Family Recipes a specially.
A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps; latest etyles and
blocks, including men's stiff Hats, Fedoras and Pashas.
We also have ordered direct from manufacturers in the East tho
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain
that we an hold our own. Come and see us.
Be alffls i MB, Carpets, M P, etc
1 challenge any one to net lower prices on House Pnrnlshlnu Goods than I can quote.
Bpeclal llgurcs eiven on building material for contract work.
for poultry
Use Crushed Oyster and Clam Shells. The most frequent cause of
hens not laying is the absence in the food of Carbonito of Lime.
These shells are practically pure carbonite of lime.
Try GroeBbeck's.Egg Producer and Health Food as a preventive
and cure for disease of fowls. It is a mild and stimulating tonic.
PORT BROS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.
The hest result yon must iiae the tieut materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continues to be up to
date in everything In the Drug line.
Prescriptions a; Specialty.
Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff.
m t 1 1 1 . . t - . n . m. rvn I ilrr
I lie puonw are inviieu vn v .....
and Inspect my work. I aim to Rive satisfac
tion in nil cases where work Is Intrusted to
me. 1'rlces reasonable, unwie vifw.
sueclalty. i:h.n. mho in.
Land Offlce at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 20,1
l!KXJ. Notice Is lierehy (tlven tnui ine ioiiow- .
InK-namcd setllcr has tiled notice of his In
tention to make flnul proof In support of his
claim, and inaistiio prisu win no iiiwdkhu.
II.. Itaniulnv anil lf'ftvr lit. The DalleS. OfO-
gon, on Uaturdav, March Id, 11K. viz:
" ....... I A I- 1.', 1 V
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. W, for the
lots 9, 10 and 111, section 15, and lot I, section
22, township 1 north, ranga 10 east, W. M.
tie names me loiiowiiis wuuw. v.
Mi. ..nniiniiiiiiM rnsldcnca uuon. and cultiva
tion of, said land viz: .......
James A. Cook of Tucker, Or.. Pntil Aubert
ofMt. Hood,or.;;. P. Odell of Tucker, Or.;
J. A. Unzof Mt. Hood, nr.
f2ll!l JAY 1'. I.UUAr'. IM-Kinu;r.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, Jan 25,
KiOO.-Notice Is hereby given that the follow,
imr.nnmvrf lu'ttler lias tlli-d notice of his In
tention to make flnitl proof Insupisirtof his
claim, and that said pnsif will be made belore
the Register and lleceiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Alonaay, April 1, w, iz:
Of IIojmI Ttlver. Ore.. II. E. K1K8. for the lots I
and 2, southeast Y not theast and nortlieast
i southeast yt section , township 1 north,
run.. 11 eiist. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prov.
tils continuous residunc upon anu cmuva
ili.n of up' I Iftnrl. viz:
Kobert H Kemp, Hood River, Or.; frank
MniiikiM Th IihIIhs. dr.: Ralph Hhclley.
hood Kiver, Or.; Edwlu U. Merril, The
Dalles, Or.
IKrald JAY P. LCCAK. Register.
If your walla r iek or mt tlltd. 1 on
E. U Kond. Consultation free Noeha gfor
prescriptions. No cure no n tv. Ottlc. h "irt
..mi a. It. UU P. 41, and all U n.
Held high
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
Sherwin-Wiluaus '
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
the Glacier Pharmacy.
He and the DAVEN
Tlmbor Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Otllce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Ki-b. , lliOO. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act ofcongre-s of June 8, 18 8, entitled "An act
lor tl . sale of timber lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," the following persons have this
day fllid in this office tbelr sworn itate
mcntsr ,
Of Hood River, count v of Wasca. staU of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 145. for the purchase
of the north northeast . south srest
northeast V4 and lot sectiou 7, township 2
north, range 9 east, SV . M.
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Oro.
gon, sworn statement No. 150 for the purchase
of the weslK southeast Vy and lots 7 and li,
section 7, township 2 north, range 9 east, W.M.
That they will otler proof to .how that
he land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and U establish their claim to suld land
before the Register- and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2lst
day of April. 1U0O.
they name as wltnesse.: Perry MoCrory,
O. It. Hartley, Hood River, Oregon: Hubbard
Taylor, Wasco.Orcgon; Kred Bimpson, Cas
cades. Oregon; W. B. McCrory, Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely th.
above-described Isnd. are lequesied to 01.
their claim. In this offloa before said 21st
dav nf April, ltW.
fltiuiO JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
I .and Office at Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 23,
ItiGO. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
wilier has filed notice of hi. intn
ti..n In malt final nrnnf In RUDDOrl Of bi.
claim, and that said proof will be mad.
before V. W. Kale, Clerk of th. Bnperior Court
of the .tat. of Washington for fikamanla
county, at "teventcn, Wasn on Thursday,
March 16, IWM, viz:
Hd. No. 9855, for lue south west qnarter ectlOl
16, township a north, ran, t, W. M-
He names the following witness to pro
bla continuous residence upon aad cult4r
tlon of said land, vIk
William KMler.donk, James Hines. Chs.nC
M-to and Uaury Olson. !lf Hood Kiver .Or.
j2-m3 W. H. DtyjUB, liesfcfef.