The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 23, 1900, Image 2

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    ?fcsd Jiver Slacier
FRIDAY, IT.l'dU'ARY 23, 1900V
The late jboM eriap with enow, wo
welcomed by fruit nicn. There has been
, injury to fruit tit Jlood Uivr to far
fhis v inter, mid the jrosjcct fr a full
rop in excellent. The t raw berry vine
were covered with a good coating df
enow ht7i we had o;ir foldc-d weatlier
36 degrees ulxne uto. In the V.'ill
pmette valley, in wne plucec , it Lh f a red
that where the (drawbcrry vine were in
bloom flhen the late cold roup came on
there jvilJ Iks r.o fruit, Some early
(iathc in flooj River ohowr-d a few
iAMf, hut not enough to cause any
eriou damaze.
i ... 1 . . 1 . ..j.-p
Col. J. W. Itedington has a;:;dn ae
uii)e4 editoriul charge of the llejjiiier
i,i!te. The Gazette i one of the
leading newKgra of Eastern Oregon,
md under pl. I!elinj;tcm' iWge
vill furuiahgood clipping for ei
changes. JJfl uling a versatile pencil,
flni ft vein of huuor readily diseern
able in hifi writingn. Col. J. Watermelon
Jtedington heljied to make the history
(A Eastern Oregon and we are glad to be
Wc slf.0Kie itixu back to the haunte
wherein he made hi record an printer,
journalist, Indian fighter, ranchman
ir.d humorist.
TheeoBiiZ institute, to be held in
Hood River Feb. 2ith and 27th, nhould
have the undivided attention of our
farmer and fruit growers. The learned
jnen from the agricultural collegu and
pcrimerit station ilevote their vhole
tifrie to nvetUieationn for the benefit of
ihe agriculturist and horticulturist, and
the rcKultd o! tlidr inveiitiyations cannot
fielp hut benefit all who am interested
jj thews industries. Turn out and he
prepare to give your experience in
pmtlir tlwt will be discussed.
iov. Stanley is to confront a novel
fiicthod of attack in the pending KanwiH
Campaign. A Stafford photographer in
fitting out stereQptieon outfits: for use in
(he miIkx.I Louden of the state, and the
chief picture will be one taken of the
governor while in the act of taking a
drifik in a Leavenworth joint. The pho
tographer cay he will see to it that thin
jiitur! hi .nIiowjj in every school bonne
J n the statu fojr the benefit of t)ie KonnaH
prohibitionists who voted for Stanley,
- U. ..WW U -i. I
The Ar.tiAopp Jhrald is crying out
pgaiBHt high txe and unequal BHser
nientH. How arc we genii; to reme'k
the wit, brother? Certainly not by
sleeting the eamo gang to office every
two or four years. The people (should
call for a jjjw deal. .
Lftte&t dinputchea from the war in
South Africa state that the Bocm ;;re fall
ing Intck at all point-, and it in rumored
phot LadyHinith lue been relieved,
' The senate has passed the Indian war
j'cteran penmon bill.
Letter front tiie rjiillaIiii's,
Manila, P, I Jan. 15, 1900. Mrti.C.L,
Jlendereon, My Iear Grandmother: I
jironiibed to write you a letter u long
' inja ago, io will keep my promine now.
An you know, I am a soldier, which 1
will probably be all my life. Only a
private, but na proud of my jonition n
I would be if I ranked ns a noii-conijiiijfc-
Mior-eJ officer. Botne clay in the far fu
ture I may be higher than the rankn,
hut as yet am only a private in the
even of my fmperiors only a tool which
Will he in their hands juct a few montliH,
and why not uko it to raiHe them higher
and higher in the world? I have boen
in only one light, mid have junt coni-
. pienced to get over the effects; mill I
feel that the war here is far from buina
over and hope to see at li-Ht one good
light. 8oldiers June been killed m al
pinist every tingagemeut wo have had.
In the one tight ut the water works I
f&W 43 dead lads going to town. Oniv
the other day I was down on the dock
and eaw an etiurmuus pile of boxes that
pontained corpses. hat a ehame that
)hey don't Bontl them home to their deur
puen! liflnths ere no common hare that
. no one notices a funeral. Hundreds die
fcvery day.
, I saw a torriblo deed last night while
pnsgiug in front of a saloon. One of the
boy i of the 11th cavalry and oiie poor
lad from the 2Utlj regiment got into a
drunken brawl. It seemed to he some
thing serum, as I noticed they were
both angry, and I stopped to see what
iva up. After receiving much abuse
from the 11th man's tongue, the Stoth
punched him on the jaw and knocked
Jiiin down. A the 1 Jth man staggered
jq his feci ho slipped his hand behind
him. An ho did so I cried to the boys to
watch him. I thought ho was diving
ifter his gun. (When I saw n light was
going on, w ith a soldier's curiosity I en
tered the joint). Rut to everybody's
horror ho whipped out an enormous
dagger, and with an oath an; a cat like
spring, plunged at the ioor 20th lad.
drove Hie dagger through the left side ot
the breast, just above the heart, and
two inches into the hard mahogany post
the man wag leauing against, luick us
lightning i wriippeit out an enormous
police whistle, w hich some meu on si3'
pial or secret duty always have. ( Kvery
limn on detached duty is examined, and
lfhe is found capable of doing secret
service amy, ts given papers ana a bmige,
two fine woolen and a civiliau suit 1
will tell you all about it as soon as I
finish my story.) 1 blew a Bhrill whistle
and at the naino time pulled my gun and
yelled I would shoot the first man that
luoved. All this time the would-be
murderer was trying to withdraw his
knite. I had covered him with one gun
and the crowd with the other. At the
same instant another man in civilian
.-dress clapped a pair of handcuff on
him and coolly drew his irona and back
cd me up, I didn't know what second 1
might get my till, and I tell you it made
jne feel good to know 1 had at least one
jiiaii 10 ohck me. suuuomv ttie u'ors
were burst open and in rushed twenty
guards. The doors had been closed
when the row happened. The niea in
the saloon all this time had kept up a
pontiuuous growl, and as the guards
rushed in they saw it was their liw
chance and with a wild yell rushed at
the would-be murderer ' with cries el"
t'Lynch him!" "Shoot him!" but the
guards drove them back ut the point of
the bayonet and soon had the prisoner.
When 1 saw ttil was safe i ordered the
bugler to blow the ambulance call, ami
soon a u ambulance came dashing up. j
Vith the help of hosp.tal men I get h.iu j
into the anih iiaoce and he wan r.:k n
t'.i'J ! I'-. :!. j-;,-;V ;. . ,
Inches long. It looked bigger than that
to jne.. Toe man gets ten years in I'illU
bed prison, breaking rock.' The wound
ed man w ill get weti. It was a terrible
deed and imtue me sweat ail over for
A Hitiop in the secret service
Manila is one of the uost e kciting in
the army, iour main duties are to
hmU-Ii for MUHpicioUH yatiierings of Fu
lipiiios, break up opium dens and arrei-t
ml rnt-n caught in Chines gaaiMiiii:
liouw-s and take the jiiouey, and Ut lw m
tbe right place at the n'ht time. Out
of the questions thev ai-ked me wa
" here is the bet place for a tcre. r
lice to tiv: I aiinwer.'d as Rbove "lii
the riwht place at the ryfht time," whicl
they a;d was correct. Sometimes I am
cjiiiieiled to be uy all night, but I don'
in. lei ;l mucli.
I w ill not try to describe Luzon. It ic
diet!"ting down in the swamps anl
not inucu M-tter in the mountains, lht
city is dirty. The house breed dis-ease
and it looks like the Fillipinoi or Chi
nese had atKiut as much skin disease a
they could pack around w ith them, from
lepresv to ground itch. (f all the dirt
people I ever w, these people are the
worut. J he Aw-ncan Indians are an
gels to then -ojile. I get so disgusted
at times 1 almost w ish I had never come
here. The hovs are tickled to think
that Gen. Milt s, "the scrapper from Cu
ba, incoming here, it the rumor is
true this fight will Is-gin afresh, and we
w ill surround the "gu gtis," Au!iie and
all. w hip the ikrht all out of them and
make them y.-il, "fvirrendero Amen
icatio, amego lillipmos. I'ohee tempa
vi'.;j;oobeie coinhatte Aggie do re Amer
icanos." Vi hich iiusans. ".Surrender to
America, friendly Iillipinos as native.
liy and bt we will go and fight ourgreal
commander, Agtiinaldo, with Amer-
icaiis." I know 1 have not selled their
'gtl gu hr-amsli rit'ht, but it is tJie wav
we would spell it..
-These gu bus are the best runners I
ever saw. While you are marching
quietly along, thinking of home am
loved ones, you are startled bv 25 or 50
bullets from an adjoining thicket. You
pick up two or three dead and wounded
comrades and charge the undertirush
go through it and you come to a rice
paddie with 5(1 or IK) gu gues in it with
rice knives and forks to stack up the
rice with, Search them as von may
not a weiirion of any conceivable shanc
can you find ; hunt every foot of ground
lor a square mile, not a rille or weapon
anywhere, f t , -1 1 inn thiv nm alum.
Ali the time they holier at the top of
ineir voices, ".Amegos! Imbcthmen
The 2 ith (colored) are the liovs. When
they charged on Linus a hosniial stew-'
ard, tliree lirst sergeants, four duty ser
geants, a lieutenant ami a nuniljer of
men were killed. The hovs went mad
The order came to cease firing, but they
rushed up the streets, killing women,
men and children, simeiros or any others.
I tell you, if they would do that all over
the island there would not he so many
sonners KiiieJ. i remain as
ever, your wayward but Joying grandson,
Co. K, 2'Jth Infantry.
Jno. Dirr,Iosi-yvi!!e,Ind.,fays,"I never
used anything a.? gx:d as One Minnie
oMgh t ure. We are never without it
Quickly breaksnpeoughsand colds. Cures
all throat and lung troubles. Its use will
prevent conwunipuon. Rlcasant to take.
) illiams Ac Drosius.
A Cniiviiiciii Answer.
"I hobbled into Mr. Rlackmon's drug
ptore one evening, "saya Wesley Xelson.of
Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try
Chamberlain's Pain Rulm for rheumu-
tiHiu with w hich I hud suffered for a long
time, i told him (hud no faith in any mod'
mine, as they all failed. lie said: 'Well if
Chamberlain's Tain lialjn does not help
you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bot
tle of it home and used it according to the
direct ions and in one week! whs cured,and
have not since been troubled with rheu
matism. Sold by Williams & Rrosius
De Witt's Witch llnzol Salve is unen tial-
ed for piles, injuries and skin disease. It is
the original Witch Hazel salve. Rewareof
all counterfeits. W lllmins & Hrosms.
J. II. Preston, on trial at The Dalles.
was found not iruiltv of the cliarne of
larceny from a dwilung. Ho was ac-,
cased of stealing clothiniz from E
Geo. lSarbe.Mendota.Va., Ravs, "Noth
ing did me so much good asKoJolDyspop
siaCure, One dose relieved me, a few bot
tles cured me." It digests what you eat
and always cures dyspepsia. Williams &
Miss Rose Michel), city editor of The
Dulles Chronicle, is a delegate to the
national editorial association at New
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine
w as so effective as Kod'ol Dyspepsia Cure.
It gave immediate relief. Two bottles pro
duced marvelous result." writes L. H.
Warren, Albany, Wis. It digests what you
eat and cannot fail to cure. Williams &
The Dalles has a fair prospect of get
ting free mail delivery,
"I had hroiichitisevery winterforyears
and no medicine gave iiie'permaneut relief
mi i oegan 10 tiiKO une mi mi to Cough
Cure. 1 know itis the bestcoutth medicine
made, savs J.Koontz.Corrv.Pa. Itouick
ly cures coughs, cuIds,croup, asthma, grip
and throat and lung troubles. It is the
children's favorite remedy. Cures quid
ly. Williams & Rrosius. "
The republican slate convention will
meet in Portland April 12th. Wasco
county will bo entitled to 10 delegates
who will also attend the district con
vention, April 13th.
The greatest danger from colds and la
grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If
reasonable care is used, however, and
v nanibcriimvs L ough Hemedv taken, all
danger w ill lie avoided.. It wilfcure a cold
or an attack of la grippe in less time than
any other treatment. It is pleasant tind
sale to take, l'or sale by Williams
Iho d'tily morning train from Port
land will, it is said, bo put on about
April 28th. . . . r
The claim of other cough medicines to
be as good as (. hatnberlam s areeflectual
Iv set at rest in the following testimonial
of Mr.C.l.G'ass,Hu employe of liartlett &
Dennis Co., Gardiner, Mei He says; "I
had kept adding to a cold and cougli in the
w inter of LSiir, try n ; every cough medi
cine I heard of wi ho it permanent help,
until one day I wasuithedrug store of Mr.
lloiilehaiiand he advised metotrvCham
berlaiu's Cough Remedy and offered to
pay buck my money if i was not cured.
My limits and bronchial tabes were very
sore at this time, but I was completely
cured by this remedy, and have since al
ways turned to it when I got a cold, and
soon find relief. Inlsoivooinmend it to mv
friends and urn lud to s, v it is the best of
a.i cough medicines. tor sale bv Will
inms A. Rro,ius.
Meant Hood Xriei.
The weather w as cold for a few days
and the mercury went down to zero at
this place, with ubout 0' inches of Know.
Alien Macrum, who was in the hos
pital for a fewda s, returned home hist
luesday. He says Mt. Hood is good
euoujji for ail.
We hear that the settlers are building
the br.dge the tact fori o Hw.a
The Kitg's elub has about winked out,
as it is hard to -get a sitting. Wo huu
uctter elect ft new liremau.
V.. Henson tays the voters are coming
into register very slowly, letter not
put it hi t'jo latebjys.
It takes some of our bovs two days tj
make the trip to Hood River and re
turn, on horsc-bacK. Never mind ; the
weather will be l.-tter in a short time
and we will fix tbe roads; then well,
we cau't gues what excuse then.
You & Me.
White hiilmoii fide.
Mrs. A. II. Jewett spent feveral davs
in Portland last week, and returned
home last W ednesday eveuinu. accom
pauied by Miss Savage of Portland, who
experts to visit at W tnte ealiuou.
I. C. Bently, the mail currier to Glen-
wood, rece.ved serious injuries while en
route with the mad several da vao. 11
was thrown over a log by h.s horse, and
his back was badly sprained. II, went
lo The Dulles with Mr. Huckabee and
remained there for medical treatment.
Mrs. Eliza Pngh of Wasco siient
several days at W bite Salmon, visaing
irienas ami relatives.
Rufus Ryrkott and Will Rankin came
over from the logging camps at Hood
River, last week.
Glen Fabrick, principal of the White
Salmon school, returned from .Stevenson
last week, where fie has been attending
the teachers examination.
The Home Mutual Improvement club
met at the home ot V. M. Wolf.ird s lust
Saturday evening. A very pleasant
evening was spent in music and games.
Ow ing to weather a number of the mem
bers could not be prseui,
Mr. Ward's sister and family arrived
from California last Sunday. They ex
pect to visit relatives, in hite Saimou
several weeks.
Miss Lillie Moore of Glouscester coun
ty, New Jersey, is visiting her brother,
if. Moore and expects to remain for a
couple of months.
Ja. 0. Pugh returned from a Portland
hospital, where he had a successful sur
gical operation performed.
A dance will be held at Thomas' ball,
Ringn, this Thursday night.
Koitok Glacier: We discover in the
column of the Glacier edited bv the
board of directors of the Hood River
Fruit Growers' Union, that "Competi
tion against ourselves is the principal
thing which the Union is intended to
accomplish." This being oflicially an
nounced, must be conclusive ns to the
objects of the Union, long a matter in
doubt. We are gkd that the present
board of directors so frankly announce
the policy to he pursued. X. Y. Z.
A meeting of the Hood River Repub
lican Uuo m hereby called to meet ut
li. 0. U. W. hall on Monday evening,
Feb. 2'Uh, at 7:30 i. m., for the burnose
of effecting more thorough organization
and other business of importance. The
membership rolls will he open and a
large attendance is desired. Ladies are
cordiully invited to attend.
II. D. Laxoillk, President.
Geo. T. Piiatjiki:, Secretary.
Two Fresh Cowo.
A Rood drlvlnz team
IVlllfuIl. AInO two flCall
cuisi'j, fur ide by
ami S Inch truck
.li-r-asy cows (mil
Cow for Sale.
Krnsh Jersey cow uml hulfT calf.
w J. ii. iconrno.
Bids Wanted.
tilts fir curiHifttur work will bo receiver! nt
the school clwrk'n inslileiine untd u I. U. Km
urrtuv. Ki'li. 2llli. Tliu board of dlr.'cinrn r-
M;rve the rigln, to r.jet any or nil bias. 8ieul-
iieuiioiiH uro ojifii at mo firni i rt.siieiml!.ut
llelmout. M. U. NU:KKLEX,
Clerk Beiiool UUirlot -Vo. .
Water Notice.
Notice Is lipn-br Klven to nil uersonn who
have applied for wuter fur th coming soiison
from liiu Walur Munply C'r. of Hood Klvor
Valley to meet liiu board of dlreetoni ut tim
oilicuoftlie rrult Urowers' t'liion, hi llyod
klvcr, to make Bind oomntcts for tlieycar.on
Sutl.lUay, tliood d of Mitrch, lieu.
ii. J. miiii.Miii, (vrctiiry.
For Sale.
f.otsonfnnd two. In bloelt nliip.teen. tu-st
West of tlie t;. Il.eliureli.
unlinprovcd laud, for sale by
Roosters for Sale.
One Plymouth Itock Kooster. weit-ht nine
PouiiiIh; iiiio sbvor-laii. l Vi'vnndot e HuosUr.
Laundry Notice,
Cole 4 Urubntil will collcot laundrv fur tlio
Troy LHitndrv on Tuesday nioi niiiij uud de-
Chickens for Sale,
As 1 brtve -nniiuded to muhe but one breed'
lie clmii
inj; P' lulu llramalis, liave simt- clmice
siocK lor saio. 1. (.Ai.K
Farm for Sale.
CO noiw, nearly all In cultivation. The verv
choice of HoodUiver valley: 2 miles south ol
own, jiiine nie any old oner.
Wanted to Trade.
Porn form nenr Hood River, 10 ncros Ital
ian prunes . years old near Mllverton, Mariou
county, and 11 liousu lot odxIOO on Williama
inenuaaiul tlolnn sts., Kast PorUand. C. F.
DAI.Y, 401 llnliHtreel, Furtlwnd.
Spray Pumps.
When usliijr a Spray I'ump you want one
that annates the upraylne lnatcrial ttn-tead of
yourself. TUK "ItiMOSA" In Hie oniv one
that fully answerii thla purpose. Wen re anx
ious toliav the orchards receive beHersurav
Inif. and toenctMiraKe tills wa otrt-r the "best
for the niuuey," 'THK INI.MONA."
80 Acres.
Well Improved farm: ae-es In eulMratlon
nciir school; gciod roaiU. I'riee SI."X). Bei
bargain In Hood River. FKKI) HOWi;.
QnadruplB silverware fets; a new lot of
Alarm Clocks, Just received bv
For Sale.
Two work horses and harness, lnrre fnrn
wagon and spruiif hack. Inquire at this otMw
Zl IlilliKit.
H. It. F. (i. V.
AMIelM ftppe.-irlrnr lo the GLACtrB nndcr
the above lieudlnir fro n we-k to wttt will lie
l.irnisnd and edited bv the board of dlicior
ot the Hood Itiver Krult unmcrs' L aien.J
The Jlamiltoji County J'rnit (iroviers'
Union of Tennessee rej.rts that the
acreage of ttra berries Uiis year will be
reduced 40 per tent.
TIks Wiijipers Association of Villa
Ridue, III., last year, handled 101 cars
strau berries, 59 cars grajs s, H cars wax
b.ans and Ci cars tomatoes, csutaloupes
and cucumbers, besides a hire cuiount
by local fre (-lit. Their estimate for 1'JtX
. for one half crop of straw berries.
Hood River may not cme up to the
above record iiMjiuyjtity hut tjbe oa:i!itv
of our fruit is recofrniaed everywhere.
It isacocd indie.ition when onrg.-ower
recognize the nacetvsity of intelligent Co
iperation in markeliiig our fruit. Let
usau'reon this fsiint for the sake oi
dollars and "skim-."
After the busy season is over it would
not cost tis much to hire a hah
and have a real traU.'rnal quarrel on.
some other subject just for amusement,
you know.
Bct Food far Infi lh'cfiial TaofU'hr.
No man can vote intelligently unlei
he thinks intelligently. In this time ol
"wars and rumors of wars" the greatest
aid to intelligent thinkinz and the best
. 1 f. m: .... . 1 . ? . !..!.....
ioou ror intelligent inount is tout new
parxir which is ureatest and he.-t. Im
rsrtitiit political issues are daily grow ing
more important. An intelligent under
standing of the policy of a nation or n
jireat political party w something to be
desired, and it is the duty of eervc.t-
i-n to thoroughly irforrn himself upon
the leadinif topics of tbe dav. i he bemi
Weekly Republic is the greatest and
best of all newsbapers Its telegraphic
and cable news service excels that of
any other paper. It prints the new news
fully; not imaginative occurrences, but
domestic and world-distant, fully an-
thentieated facts. The policies of the
great political parties are now- beina;
lormed and the candidates discussed.
Now is the time to subscribe for the best
n.'jhm.-. keeping in towh with the
whole world, the Semi-Weekly Republic.
No less worthy of attention hi the
Republic' Sunday Magazine. It 'is re
plete each issue with the best of special
articles written by the !est of literary
talent. Its beautiful half-tone illustra
tions have already made it famous and
their quality and quantity will be pre-
served, sew leaturt of absorbing at
traction are illustrated and eniargci
upon in a manner equal to the high
priced magazines. Events of current
interest are set forth in entertaining
style, mere is humor in its pages, too,
and for the benelit of the ladies the
latest runs laslnons are each week ex
quisitely illustrated and described. The
Republic s 8undav Magazine is standard.
The subscription price of the Semi-
Weekly Republic is (1 per year. The
Republic .Sunday ' Magazine' (1.25 per
year, iiotn papers are now liemg ottered
at the very low price of fl.50 for one
year. To secure this low rate both mut
oe ordered and paid lor at the fame
time. Address all'orders to The Repub
lic, St. lyouis, Mo.
Report f Grand Jury.
Following is the report of the grand
jury for the February, l'JOO, term of cir
cuit court;
e have been in saasion sis duvs. and
have examined seven casei, and returned
six jiiaicinienis, ana one not true hill.
n e have examined the clerk's, sher
iff's and treasurer's offices, uud find the
books and records well kept, and the
business of these offices well conducted
as far as we are able to determine.
ne have investigated the selling of
cigarettes to minors, and lei:'eve the law-
has bwsn violated, and would recommend
that tiie law be strictly enforced.
From information laid br-fore the
grand jury we hnd the county poor well
careu ior.
We extend our thanks to A. A. Javne,
diftr et attorney, and W. L. Bradshaw,
judge, for their instructions to us which
have aided us in the discharge of our
vie turtner recommend that the
county court have the hooks of the
county oiliecrs examined bv an expert
oeiore me expiration ol each term.
J. L. Kullkt, Foreman.
Cim o for SmaJI.pox.
A cure for emall-pox and scarlet fever,
which the Re Adirondack Murrav
claims to be infallible as fate, is com
posed of one grain of sultdiate of zinc.
one grain of digitalis (commonly know
as iox giove; ana a halt teaspoonful of
sugar. Ibis is to be thoroughly mivrrl
with two tcuspoonsfulsof water and four
ounces of water added. The dose for
adults is one teaspoonful every hour and
for children smalter dotes according to
age. Murray says: "The medicine is
harmless and is recommended by the!
best schools in Pans. I have cured mv
children of ecarlet fever and others of
small-pox w lien doctors said the patient
must die. Either disease under this
treatment will disappear in twelve I
hours, it tlia countries would compel
their physicians to use it their would bo
no need lor pest houses. '
W. G. Steel, editor of the Oregon Na
tive fcoii; was married to Miss Lvdia A.
tiateu ot lacoma, leb. Kith,
, The Arlington Advocate gives thp "re-
tori courteous: . "the Antelope Herald
nunipeu us ouck up in great shape last
wee uecausv) we ca en it .eve nnm
Next time, when we copy from them.for
tear oi iiurung tne editor a teelings, we
w in put ins iiRine at the end of the ar
ticle in o;g caps.
"After doctors failed to cure me of pnue-
uioniu.j useuune.AiiniueLougiiUureaiid
thrfe bbttlesof itemed me. It is the bift
remedy on earth for whooping cough. It
cured my grandchildren of the 'worst
cases,"writes Jno.Borry,Logantoii,Pa. It
is theonly harmless remedy that gives im.
medate resuds. Luasix)uchs.colds.emn 11
and throat and luna troubles. It prevents
luiipuiuiuidii. vtiuuren aiwavs like it.
-Mothers endorse it, Williams & Brosius.
The Dalles has failed to get its wool-
scouring null, but its citizens have not
given up tne ctlort to get thp.t or some-
tiling octier.
Succcwor to E. L. Smith Oldest E,tab!:lied flease la th valley,
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, flour and Feed, etc.
This oll-cstahlihed house will continue to pay cash for all its
gor Js; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk hut does not have to divide
with a partner all dividend? are made with customers in the way of
reasonable prices.
"Quick Sales and Small Profits," Our Motto.
PLIES, etc., is complete end not equaled between Portland and The
Dalles. A first-class mechanic ready to do all kinds of repairing and
new work cither by the job or by the day.
Shingles and Finishing Lumber
Constantly on hand.
Rooms on Oak Street and Second Slrctt,
Hood River, Or.
Certain Goods ordered to leave our house. No prize-packase dis
play or catch-penny scheme, merely an old-fashioned gift of I)uliai.
2.75 and ?3 goods, best makes, odd pairs, now $1.25 and $1.59.
20 per cent off on broken lines of regular goods. Many odd lines of
fered regardless of cost to i:iake room for our new' and up-to-date
stock duo February 20th.
f 15 0!) Paits now
2 00 Trousers now.
, about March
out regardless
....$9 65 I t0 00 Suits gone, to ?o CO
. . . 1 65 I All Clothina ill thwe rates.
U 00 Mackinaw Coats now. .f.3 00 I 00 L S Gum BwU now. t.1 50
3 00 Mackinaw Coats now.. 2 00 1 25 Normandi.t Hubhers 1 oj
3 75 VleterOercoatsnow.. 2 00 1 00 Ladien.orm. BuWwrn 75
i;roKen lou underwear retl.33 f ct 50c Storm RtshberD now .
. CJiCup talk dietountcd by Facta and Plain Fiffurt .-,..
Vv'e liave little to say before arrival of now stocl;
5fh. In the meantime present stoek will be closed
Ileductions rangina from 10 to 25 ner eer.L
Carpenter, builder.-', logger, woodiimen, erervbtalv can g'-t
What they want, correct in QUALITY cud.PlUCE. '
Stoves have declined iu prio, !sn Steel Eanw.'. In Crockery v.e
fchow a hamlscmo line imported Semi IVre, at p'rices' a.-kc-d for .
ir.on. Inspect our house furnithing lines; it rocanx inanev tvi and
up-to-date goodM.
Onr succe?s in this department leaves no room to doubt that vnu
appreciate tne value oi our eiljrts.
AH l
makers ;
cost I
e guarantee (is a BOND) to evecute any bill of gof-ds at Port
land prices a sweeping offer that Laves us "a proiit and keep vour
money at home, where it will do you some farther good.
Produce accepted. Hoods delivered free. .
We deal in Everything.
1. Four nTf nt Fraukton, Improved; good
uprlnir; only S.iJ.
2. H. E. U t,t s. V. 'J sec. 12, Tp. 2 N., R. It
E., titiliiipioreil; h.i0.
3. J'lhn f-);nu fii'in. in lou from S to 24
m ies, uuJ from lo $1) per acre. Teiiiu
I. 8. E. Si f .12, T. 3 X.. n. 10 F. for only rut.
some iiiiiiovciiHiils; PJiu reH.
5. m. v, or h. -y. ; ; of x. v. .i s. 12. t. 2 n..r.
10 ;.; u u-ic; mouic !uii.veui(.tii4.
C. X. !'. of X. VT. . '- of N. W. if. unit
N. V. V4' i.f H. V. ti. 8, T. -1 X., It. 10 I'..; M
uei tu, i 'Jl.
7. Itam;t-Slp!ii 'vWHIonr ?15 perint; ten
d 1 : 11 1 Uuvii uml live dullur jmr niuu'.b; no
lnlenat. '""
R The Cliw. II. I!o?em o-aere llotnestPad.
Frankton: gttni collnije mid tiutii; tprlnie
wuler. I'rict i.tO.
9. The olil I!iKPr9 Jlill jirnjiorly Hi Frank
ton. Willi lulln noil water power oa.I'liilpn
creek, l'l lee OiAI.
10. The Dr. lUrrplt Imtroved Prtilt Fiirm, i
ni.fouttiweid if HihhI Hi .tr; IJ) iicreii; 70 ucri-s
In i iilllviukiu: 4i) ai'iiM in fruit: fine primr; .'l
IncheM irriituliiiK water. Price ,'&; will l.e
fild iii piireels.
II. T. It. Cni.V?0 noren In Tole Flat. 7 niii'-n
out h west of town; i acres eknrod. I'riee ili
M;r uere.
1? The I.. Xi'ff Hoinij -10 urrcs on Iloml riv.
it; in ili.; ffmul WHlcr; plenty ul fruit; u.
tvit'it ifiil Itonie. I'riejt t,(iUI. l'tn ucies uml
Iicul-c lur it "J. v
10. Chns. W.OIImnr Homestcud. at Oilmer,
W i'sh.; IiO ai'i'e; line aw tiliil-r; (joo'l noil-,
well wittered, Only OfX1; a rre biirsulip
H. The Ve'dner ftutnextifid, 1 0 ni'i-rs, neiir
Moslcr; ;i0 itcrPH clrurtd: 2 sprlimw: HiO fruit
trees; gjiiu liiiproveuannt. Onl.vil,W0.
I. 7. The W. II. l;llinp Homo in Hood Rivr.
liilfJnn.'l pitl liif lot 7 Ijloek I, Wuiieoiun iil I
llou tolluotl lil tr; it pit-tl- home. Onl jl.UiL
II). Five nerr.i elonri'd und In clover, IJ-J in.
.iutliweil of HiMid J'.ivei . Oiilj'4'25.
K. The Hanslisrry lu:ne. mil foetli,
Wi-M ol town; IU hi ihs. Kvcr 'lidiig coiiipli-le
and lianU.yjttiiiid fruit, Riii yaier. Dni.v il .iOI
H. The ChcittT M'ciils home. In the liills.or.e
in tic p.iht of lo'.vn; it pretty iimne; guild fruit
And water; iljai'ic.i. Only S1,!U).
lil. acres Veiled bind; well watered; fin
ranee lur sioelf. Price iM an aire.
T!iC Dr. Morsim linnie and lot in ilooit
Kiver: new burn. unly(A).
21. TheSuii lot and building. Price 750 d 1-'
In 1 1.
J. Tim . I. M'lckliiim f.irm," miles south west
nl'Piwn; i iiere: sood biiiitllngmiml lmprnvtv
incuts; pri!u water an j iM InelK.s lice for ir-
log. Pi ice Si,' 00.
2!. John Sweeney's pluco; I.OCK) 1'ttirin.e; fruit
tii.o; 4;; itercH :n7 mi r in cnlilvallun; J miles
f'nm riixKl llivcr; mod wi.H .mil .spnnsr. 1 rice
Iwcniy-wvcn liundred tloliars; ai'ier M ureli I.
HJfti, tlox-e lhou.u;d doliars.
'if. The Uusklrk pl ice, 1 niil, wcrtt of towr;
4 acres; s;iiii. sprint; water; ".'iioil urehard; new
frtin.ii buillintrs. Diil.v t illl; iiio-lhild ttV-h,
li ilance ut i! n.r cent per unntiii!.
Si. Tim Kinc:.o;i hoiucKiend, only one tnilo
e!Vt ul town; tine mrise; $l,3Hi.
2 . I.ns 5 niiil ii, lilnck 7. WitianK addltiir .
Price tHin l a, orf.w lot tlje two.
27. Tiic Swan hoinen;id id White Salmon,
only 2,.m1; wiii he ;i!d ill isepar.ito lortien.
I-). Tlie Ecrcer ppie(, 140 hcicr; iO w'r s
riearwd; iii r-:-. gi'nt.bcd; l'ife water. i.'.TO
lot 5, block
ii;ill' Ci'.sii: l.e.e snoi cash.
21. Tiki Irani. ;-.vaiin li ine.'
Uoi.rl :vpi jJ.
f'.O. Wlih'M.;' line f irm nt WliiieSalmnr. falls;
240 Here; S c!iK-d and In fcrass; good im-
toeked, or J2,7,;'J for land.'
lil. 2 iiterenul Hart! icriihhle, ail elr-nred and
in I'ri i;; mi cniinty rmrd. Price Sim
! fS. I."ts 7 an:! !, Ijlm'!; (i. Waucoirlfl A Irliti'-ii
! to llooil iliver. Vtkufilia lit. Terms e-wy.
J Fur Kale i;-, ncrps; ti acres under fultlvHtion
;nm!l lioiiKe: aid we.U r; adjoiiiii ti.U f n.itliU
I (.line. Only clX
j :Z. T!ic s. i. shiitt ieieience pr.-iycrlv nt
; Fra.'iKtnn. Price Iks' dil:nrs.
j At the Emporium i kept s lirtK-li sur-
j veyoi's transit, niid tin: pniprictnr bcini: a
ul furvcyor, Is well lirepnrerl In (In the
of by i iii; out iicVkisc pi'ui'erty In Inti
adulterated foottiitf had been vi-ipctl out and returned to the
strictly pure articles takina the nlac at. little if nv
to you. We Docket thu loss t.h"ron-h .liftV-pn,,. in in
intention of forcin-' a ITRK FOOf) J.WV '
Rand M Stewart ,
and blocks.
X. I. Terms ore- tssy inn nil tiic nbovo
lami.i, Willi Inlfregt at ii per i-ent. I'e.-Rons rl -lirins
lo 'ittiiinH on heme.-teads and timhi-r
claims should apply at'i'iic Kiiiporiurn.
A'c-i'p 1ot'i' on (lie JUin-i 't-
Davidson Frmi Co.,
Klilppcrs "f
Hcod River's Famous
We take the liberty of sending you a card, which v.e kiudlv ak
you to bring with you or send, when making cash purchases at our
store, and have the amount of such .purchase punched out until all
the amounts represented on margin are cancelled. We v.ill'then
present you FREE, a large three-quarter life size, (bust) crayon or
water color portrait of yourself, or any member of your family or
dear friend, whose memory you may wish to perpetuate.
Knowing tho very general desiro among our customers for family
portraits, we believe that there is not a familv in this section but
what would take a GOOD portrait In preference to anything we
could offer as an appreciation of their cash trade.
These portraits will be made from any photograph or tintype you
iiii7.i tannic i,i uo resuniea to you). Krenienib:
required to buy a frame, we are presenting the
ciation of your patronage. However, we shall
frames which we will sell to portrait customers
price, but if you can buy a frame
privilege to do so.
Packers of fne
Eccd " Ei ver Brand
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Eoses and Fruit Pack
Dealers In
Fertilisers and Agricul
tural Implemented
r you are not
portrait as an appro
carry a large line of
at the lowest possible
elsewhere it is vour
To enable you to understand more fully the value of this offer
invite you to call at our store where sanmlca of th '.
names can ue seen.
oa Thursday, April
J. F. r.hny is the new Y. M. at filnn.
wood. Wash.
W. Fhihiot. Allumv. 11a.. mm
WitCnhinh l'.itrlylvisers'ditl liietiu'ireL'mul
than ai'V pills I ever tiHk.' the famous lit-
..Ml . c . 1 ...
up inn.- o r coiiMipaiion, lilioii!iiess I'ed
liv.r and bowel troubles, Williams A
For Sale.
iVastnn. double harness biv-ev. My) pounds
of timoihy hay, an J stable 12 s ii).
J. K. nil r
Hand Building, Hood Hiver.
Land for Rent.
!.and and a largo orchard to rnt at
Thoroughbred Roosters R.trrro riym.mth U.n-k und
Ml-crfiitt:ts!fd Wyandolto limisie firs-tie
bv -M. V. K.VNU
Clubbing Offer.
li . r'b-" t.i thp ' liieier who mv in
: ' ' ' 5- B'iifuiMl n hat' the
. .V'.--.--5 taWV ..r the T.deaj njaa
1 .at to tueu da;vs far oae ear.
I.nnd Oftlee at Vflnconver, Wash., Feb 13
IM. Nolica la lierfaby given that tiip fiili.W
insnanietl si ttlcriias Bled notice of his In
tention to make final prwif In suppiirt of his
claim, niul that said proof will bs made before
tuc nmiwrr ana Hnviwr t . . Land
i aniHiuvcr, w ash,
5. lSufi. vis:
Il.-imestcad Entry No. luv?, fur the northeast
of nnrilieasl S f.cilon Si. township 4 noriti
ranja Oqisi, W. ., amj iw 1 snd auj
simtheasl of northwest i vectloa M. town
ship i north, ransre ii eat, W. M.
lis unities the foliowtiiQ wlirtesscs to prove
his eoniiniMnii rvidence up in oad cutiva
tion of, said 'and. vin:
w.iilani stanJIey;e, Tharlia !
Aut!t Fe'dlnand Wnken and John
num. all of Hiisom P. t . Wtohintfton
finn-O W. H. J.f . BAR, Register.
We hope you w ill appreciate our endeavor, and favor us with
your patronage, and in return we will assure you courteous attention
and the best goods at the lowest prices.
Yours very truly,
24 Acres,
One mite from town: 9 In strawberrlf, one in
l.'acKherrie, one In wpberrios.KV f nit ire's.
V graiw vines. ti,yxi
qulrti at ihe Uo.d Kiver
improvement. u-RVCKKrsrORS.
. Warranty Deeds.
Blank warranty Deed for utle ai th Qfr.
r . ri." a"UJ".T3 Hats and Cans; latest styles and
Fedoras anj Pashas,
blocks, including men's stiff Hats
W e have ordered direct from manufacturers ir. the Ea.t .,
latest ,-hipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town.
LtwLUn1 'rV aU contiti- thlL,e and feel certain
ttwocanholdourcwu. Ccme and see us.
Land Office at Viinumver, Wash., Jan. 10,
Ii 00. Notice is her"hy tven that the lollicv
S named sctllcr ims lilcd uirtlco of bin in
tsiition to 11111 i;u ileal proof in support of hirt
ciHsm. and that said pr.inf U )(. madi! heforu
tho Ifegtstcr and Ucceivor f;.M. Land dlllceut
Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, ! tbruai y V,
WOO, viz:
John p. sisson, '
Ilnmcstcad Entry No. pjjtg. for. the lot -I and
east 3 ot iou.1 invest 14 se.-iion 7, townships
Diirth, ranijci 11 en-it, Will. taer.
lie names tha tollowini; witncsivs to prou
his continuous resith-nce upon and culiiva.
turn 01' said land, viz:
Jonah Ii. Turner. Abe niiishnnsr. Fran'.-
Oroshong and James J. Jtuller, all of While
fiHlnioit, Vasliiiit?Vn.
JUiiai VH. DLT;;t!AB. KcgWer.
Timber I.and, Act June S, 1S7S.)
United Ktales Land OlDre, The Dalies Oro
gon, January 12, liHlV Notice Is herc.hv g I veil
that in compliance with ihe provisions 01 tho
act ot Congress of Juuu 8, li entitled "n
net lor tiie sale of timhsr ijmiii. in Ihe. States
olCaliioniin. Oregon, Nevnta and Vyasiutii;- '
ton ferritory,"
Of Hood River, county of Wasco. sta!o oOro
Ron. hiiR this day filed in this oflii e his worn
sliitcnient. No. 151, lor the purchaso of the
southeast northwest souihvrest K north-cast1-,,
norinwest !j eotniieust ami nnrtii
cast L, southwest i,4 ofgixtion o. 11. in town,
ship .mi. l north, ran.o No. 8 east, V M., and
.....uujt, toriuiw inai me lana soutt.
is luoro vniunble for Hs timber or stone man
for agricultural purposes, ann to establish his
claim to said iand befoie the Kegisler and
Itees-iverof ihisi-riice at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 2)ih dav of March, life).
Ue nam.-s ns iviinesses: Jud Keivunon. Jo
seplj Wrisht, Aihei t l,ane and AVillutui Kami,
ull ol tiood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiminir adversely the
above-described ianus are reou. strd to lile
their claims in this office on ir before said
21lii day of March, lHVi.
. Jhm&t JAY P. I.TJCAS, Krs,'isler.
' t'lsoliiied Tract.l
rccLic land sal::.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance c,f
iaslrttrtions from the t'omniisiiiner i;f tks
Oeuerl lnd Oirne, under authority venttel in
him by sei.iion iNij.L'.S. nov..Sil.,r-auinf!-&l
by the act or conjjitss i;prived Feb. 2",
1Mb, we will proceed to offer ut public s.i!e, mi
Saturday, the 3d uey of March nest,
at the hour of !0 o'elnek A. M., at this olHce
the Miiowini tract of lan.U to vrit:
E 5- N W. i bee. I i, X. 3 N., a. Ii E.. W. M.
Any and ail iiers.:!s e;iii,. rt ii-i
nbove-oesenhtJd ia.Usarendvihed to file Useir
eittinu in ibis office on or barbie the tigy
Bbove deisnat;i for tiro eominencocient oi
said sale, oi.nej'wiv'? their r'sbis i!i be for
fciied. - JAY P. Lt;c:,vs. Rceisur.
' 'TldPAri'fciK.SON.Tu.'.tiv-er.
U.S. Lmndyffis,Tiie 1:hU.-s, Or., Jan.!M"t-'.