t j I (ood Iiver Slacier. jj J FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1000. the I BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS.- 1 Are you vaccinated? . Have you registered? ' : Con Repp is night watchman on I railroad at Mitchell s roint. t i Miss Grace Bubcoek and Mies Blanche f Kantner of Salem returned to their i homes Saturday. . I ! S. Koplin received word on Tuesday I that his daughter at Syracuse, Nebraska, S was dangerously sick. Sirs. F. H. Blags has been dangerous- j ill for the past two or three weeks, ; but is now somewhat butter. 1 J. L. Anderson, organizer for the I Woodman of America, has undertaken to organize a lodge in lloud River. I ) Dr. F. C. Brosius has returned and ! can be found in his olliey over W illiam.- & Brosius' drugstore, between the hours S of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and U-7 p. m. i 45 acres suitable for fruit and dairy i ranch. 20 acres well improved. Choice t acreage tract in town, for sale. 1 ( . E. Savaoi. s Mrs. S. S. Noteman was called to White Salmon Falls to nuree Mies Emma Wilkens, who died last Monday of pnen l monia. The girl was silk only a week, i ' H. D. Laneille. Chas. Castner, M. P. : Isenberg and J. 1$. Hunt represented the ' Hood River McKinlev ulub at the state ; league meeting in Portland on Tuesday I : The auction of the personal effects of ' the late Dr. Barrett lasted two nays. I Joe Purser was the auctioneer. The sale was largely attended and the goods i sold well r Mrs. Margaret Lutke and Mrs. D. A. I Douston of Portland, both grand officers , of the order of the Eastern Star, were i guests of Mr. and Mrs. William llaynes I during tne week I i Ilieh winds Monday night overturned I fences and flumes in different parts of I the valley. Kirbyson and Byerleo's flume, where it crosses the state road, f was blown down. Someone broke into our town jail, ' last week, and robbed it of all the bed s dine provided by the authorities for the t use of guests, ft is not often we hear I of any one breaking into jail. t i T. C. Dallas has rounded the half- century milestone. His birthday was I Feb. 5th. Fat. still fair and fifty. May I he live several more half centuries. ' It K would be a cold world, at least in these (. parts, without t. Calliope Dallas. Mrs. M. M. Fewel is in Portland ur.. dergoing treatment with a physician that is making some wonderful cures. Mrs. Fewel has been greatly benefitted end is now in better health than she has been for vears. i Georee and Holmes, contractors for clearing the .pine trees in D street, in the Barrett-Sinma addition, have completed the job and have also cleared several lots for individuals. 1 hey made lzu ticks ot Btove wood, which was sold to Clyde T. Bonney. I Miss Emma Wilkens, aped 12 years II months nnd 14 davs. died of nnue monia ot her heme at the falls of hite Salmon. February 5, 1900. She was daughter of Matt Wilkens. Her mother is an invalid and has been in the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, for the past four months. Capt. Blowers wrote to the attorney eeneral of the state asking his opinion in regard to publishing a petition for a saloon license, whether it would require the publication of the names of petition ers, ilie attorney general sa:a wit names would have "to be published to make the petition complete. John Leland Henderson received a letter, last week, from his son Edwin, In the army in the Philippines. He passed though one battle with the in surgents and is now cjuartermaster's guard. He has been in the hospital with brain fever, which reduced his weight from 150 pounds to 108. i Snow fell and melted about as fast as it fell, nearly all day last Friday ground hog day. Saturday was a beautiful day, and the weather has since been spring like. We have had no severe weather so far, and it is not likely the ground hog, or any other hibernating animal, ever holed up all winter in this section. I Railroad work has gone along unin terruptedly all winter at this place. Graders are now at work moving the big bowlders and dirt west of the depot to make room for a switch that will be put in on the south side of the main track. Contractor McLary has a force of about 75 men at work below the ice house, grading off rocky points and making fills to straighten this crooked part of the road. 5 Last Sunday being Honor day at the Congregational Sunday scnooi, tne ioi lowinor rmoils and teachers were re warded with books: Grace Prather, Georgia Prather, Helen Davidson, Alice Hill. Helen Howe. Donald Hill, Geo, Howe. Rov Armor. Teddie Button, Harry Evans. Mrs. H. F. Davidson, H. C. Bate- ham. Ex Simerintendent C. J.Hayes, was also remembered with a book for his close attention in the Sunday school ,work for the past three years t Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Brant and son Russell of Vancouver came in on the Regulator last Thursday and visited Bflipral Havs with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Graham. "Mr. Brant recently disposed of the Vancouver Columbian, which he conducted for several years. He is ?delecate to the national editorial asso ciation meetine at. New Orleans and with his family will depart next week for the urescent city. He win biso vim rela tives in Ohio and expects to be gone about six weeks. 1 The W. C. T, U. sent for County Kurvfivor Goit to locate the eastern . boundrv line of our town. Mr. Goit came from The Dalles on Monday and did the work. His survey showed that Ihe bunk house of the Lost Lake Lum ber corrmanv was 42 feet east of the cor poration line. This disqualifies about 25 workmen who make their homes at the bunk house from voting for town officers. These men voted at the late town election, and most of them signed the petition for the saloon license 1 The Catherine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Arnold of Pleasanton neighborhood on Saturday evening Feb. 3d, will long be remembered by those rjresent. an one of unalloyed pleasure ,The event was in honor of Mrs. Arnold's 1 birthday and the gathering was a sur- InrisA tii'lmr. Tlie evpnine was rjassed ' ----- - . ' r I with games and music. One feature o I the nr.rram m heiriff a "cake walk. The participants were roundly applaud ed. Mr. Lniiia Tsenhere and Miss Bes3 1 Isenbers walked off with the cake. The jolly party broke up at 12 o'clock after partaking of a bounteous supper sereu ; by the irenial host and heftess. Those oresent were: Mr. and Mrs. S. W Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Isenberg the Misses Bernice Folev, Mary Foley Ida Foss. Cora Fields. Bess Isenberg Ella Isenberg, Sannie Gerking, Mary Gerking, Marion Sabin, Messrs. Joseph trailer. Wm. Sabin. m. Slingenanu F. B. Barnes. M. J. Folev. Wm. Isen berg, Walter Isenberg, l H. Isenberg, w. Uerkino. Rov Ellis, waiter nun, Alfred Inealls. Belieu. Fields, Smith Kellev. Conby post, G. A. R., held a good meeting last Saturday, with ji full at tendance. One application for member ship was received,. with a promise ottwQ more. lue.pojt called in -a body- upon the relief corps and the commander per sonally thanked the-ladies for their re port of relief, work during the past year and 'the interest' manifested iu the wel fare of the old soldiers and' their fam ilies. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the observance of Lincoln day, February 12th, to act with a like committee trom tne ueliei Corps. Canby post may be said to be in a flourishing condition, and it is the in tention of every individual member to do all he can towards increasing the membership. All Union veterans of the civil war in the valley are earnestly re quested to join. The dues are but one dollar a year. - The joint committee from the G. A. R. and W. R. C. met Wednesday, at Mrs. Crowell's, to make arrangements for ob serving Lincoln aav. jicv. rruiiK Spaulding was selected to make the leading address and win oe assisted oy Rev. J. L. Hershner and Uev. t,. iu.tix. The exercises will be held at the Congre .: .i u ....... r..,i.. rk totu at 2:30 p. m. The Hood River band will he in attendance and other cood music furnished. Comrades and others are invited to make snort addresses. Everybody invited. Every person interested in repairing the state road from faradise tarm to the planer are invited to meet next Monda at Stranahan's gravel pit or Cord. gravel pit, to volunteer work on the road. Turn out and bring your teams, axes and shovels or send a hand. Report to R. M. Hunt or V. 11. Ulngg. An institute under the auspices of the Orecon agricultural college will be held in Hood River ten, 2bth and Z7tn. A meeting of citizens is called for Saturday, Feb. 10th, at Judge Prather's office, to make arrangements for holding the institute. W. A. Baird of the East Side met with a serious accident Jan. 25th. While at work, erubbinc. he was struck in the rteht eve with a bush, and the sight of that eve has since been entirely put out- He will eo to Portland to have the in jured eye examined by a specialist. The ladies of the Degree of Honor will give a Valentino social vveanesaay even ns Feb. 14th. at A. O. U. W. hall An interesting programme will do ren dered. Ice cream and cake served. Ad mission 15c. The public is cordially in vited. Come and meet your fate. C. D. Moore of White Salmon has leased his ferry privilege to Huckabay & Bentlev for a term of fivo years. This will give this firm the ferry for both sides of the Columbia. In the summer they will start their stages from Hood River for Glenwood. The Hood River Manufacturing Co's short, alone the railroad below the depot, has been raided at different times and about all the loose tools carried off. The roof of the house has also been punctur ed in several places by falling rocks from the blasts let on near by. A. W. Young of Gig Harbor is visiting the family of John t. wicRham. so.', Young is an old soldier of the civil war havine served in the first Minnesota battery. He is now senior vice com mander of H. R. Loomis post, G. A. R. Gig Harbor, Wash. Wm. Graham has just completed an ice house on the lot in rear of the Racket Store. An ice house don't "cut no ice" this kind of a winter, but "Jerry" may have a chance yet to laugh longest. It's a cold day when the ice man gets left. The Christian Endeavor society w'll give a: social on the 22d, the evening of Washington's birthday. A good pro lamine will be presented. Kefresh ments will be served. Particulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Savage and son arrived Wednesday afternoon from Chi cago and will visit with Mr. Savage's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H,. Hi. havage, lor a few weeks. They are on their way to California. H. F. Davidson has made an improve ment on his "stumper," which he in vented two or three years ago and which was described in the Glacier at the time. He declines this time to give the details of his improvement for publication. The following named Hood River cit izens will serve their country as jurors in the circuit court for the February term : A. J. Graham, E. Locke, C. T. Bonney, A. S. Blowers, J. H. Koberg. . 8. A. Knano is buildine a house of a couple of rooms on his lot in Blowers ad dition. Later he expects to build a more commodious residence, and these two rooms will be in the rear. C. T,. Ttoc?er8. actinc as acent for the townsite company, sold two lots just above the old school house, during the week one to Chas. Tempel, the other to S. H. Cox. Antone Wise and family will leave nevt Monday for their new home at Goebel, Oregon. Their many mends in Hood River regret to lose them as neighbors. Dr. A. N. Fisher, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, has been rusticating in Hood River for the past few d ". the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Crowell O. R. Ball, traveling asent for the American Tvoe Founders Co., Portland, was a visitor at the Glacieb office Thurs day morning. The laxlies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Flagg, at the residence of Mrs. F. E. Jackson, on Feb. 15th, at 2. 30 p. m. William Russell Hackett died at Good Samaritan hospital. Feb. 1, 1900. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of Hood River. Herbert Perry came up Saturday from Portland and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Perry, over Sunday. T. R. Coon has for sale his residence block on Hood River Heights. Ihe finest view in town. Talk to Coon. It is seldom an advertisement appears which means so much for the reader as that eigned by Rand & Stewart. The ladies' aid society of the Congrega tional church will meet at Mrs. K. u, Thompson's on Friday afternoon. E. 8. Olinzer has been laid up for the past few days with an attacK oi quinsy, to which he is Bubject. For Sale or Trade A good family horse for a fresh cow. Inquire, b. V. Usher, Mosier, Oregon. Miss Emma Bonnev went to Tvgh Valley yesterday to remain for a couple of months. Wm. O. Hadlev of Moro visited his family in Hood River the first of the week. Mrs. Eliza Billen and daughter, Mrs. Thos. Laoey, went to Viento yesterday. Mrs. I. C. Kent is dangerously sick with neuralgia of the heart. S. P. Shutt came up from Portland on Wednesday evening's train. Thos. Laev is now section foreman on the O. R. i'N. at Viento. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone went to Portland Wednesday. East Hood River. The oyster supper given last Thursday evening at the homo: ot Mr. and. Mrs.. HeriYyllennagin; in the interest o.f the Methodist church, manced- a pleasant social event.- About 30 guests were pres ent and after the feast some hours were spent in games and other amusements such as serve to lighten the cares ot oiu and young. - While Rev. Frank Spaulding was on his way over fron Belmont to attend the above entertainment he stopped on an errand at a farm house where he was attacked by a savage dog. The brute seized him by the trousers leg at the knee and ripped it open to the ground. A pair of new pants "on" tho owner oi the dog. The annual passing of Feb. 2d, ground hog day, is always a topic of great inter est to lovers of weather loro, but the round hog that interests many of us most is the one that comes at the turn jf the sausage mill. D. II. Sears has caught the land clcar ng fever and with the aid of -a grubbinj. machine is preparing several acres oi ,iew laud for cultivation. Little Pine Grovers keep step at school to the sound of a new drum and a mar tial mein confronts us on every side. fhus "dancer of militarism" continues to manifest itself throughout the length and breadth of the land. Rev. Troy Shelley and Miss Pauline Shelley returned from California, Tuesday-. They came via steamship State f California, and MUs Pauline reports a delightful trip. Uoth are in hue health, Having iruveieu oot iimea uy wuguu aim returned by rail and boats, i be imme diate cause of Mr. Shelley's return is re ported to be a violent attack of nostalgia, which was immediately cured oy iioou River air. No place like Hood River. Following is the report of Pine Grove school for month ending Jan. m, iyuu Knrnllment for the month. 43: average daily attendance, 39 J Pupils neither ab sent nor tardv are, lsiancne naroison, Hester Harbison, Ruth Harbison, 1'runk Hennagin, Charley Lage, Ld Lage, At phonse Mohr. Marie Mohr, Daniel Pra- thar, Clarence Robinson, Eflie Robin son. Mabel Robinson, Dean Sisson, Mer lin Sisson, Warrea Wells, George Win- chell, Nellie Wishart. C. M. Sisson, teacher, Tor every Ukatber. MS r 1 The exclusive agency for (hi city for this popular line. Sbocs Tor men, Jit a Popular Price. Every pair warranted. We have them in styles that fit and in lea' thers that wear. Drivers and Loggers' Shoes a Specialty. We have tho kind that are made to wear. ' ' THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Agents for Royal Tailoring. Married. At The Dalles, Or.. Feb. 5, 1900, by Rev. D. V. Poling, Charles Warner and Miss Saliua Paburn. School Report. The following named pupils of Hood River public schools were neither tardy nor absent during the month ending Feb. 2, 1900: Principal's Department. C. D. Thomp son Vera Jackson, Percy Adams, Lilly Shute, Chas. Tostevin, Carrie Byerlee, Lena Evans. Albert tialverson. Fourth Department, H. L. Howe, teacher Chas. Shute, Harvey Kand, Henry Brown, Pansy Baker, Amy Stuhr, Delia Boling, Ethel Mooney, Margaret tredien. Webster Kent. Third Department, Miss White.teacher Georgia 1'rather, liertha Koroati, j&an Blagg, Blanche Howe, Walter Parsons, Lester Foss. Elwood Luckey, Harry Fre dien, Roy Evinger, Sylvia Russell, Ruth Coon, Harold Hershner, Maynard Colo, Zena Millet. Grace Prather, Allie Welds, Walter Howell, Neil Evans, Florence Coon. Dolly Welds. Eugene Sagers. Second Department, Miss Isenberg teacher Mason Baldwin, George rugh Lawrence Gerdes, Claude Thompson, Clinton Mooney, Kenneth Baker, Carl Kent, Charles Sonniksen, Austin Lock man, Howard Hartley, Wallace Moody, Willie Baker, Fred Fredien, James Udell, Willie Evinger, Lois Campbell, Anna McCafferty, Hazel dinger, Lena New ton, Margurito Kent, Etta Blagg, Marie Lockman, Gertrude Wharton, Anna Kent, Viola Miller, May Mooney. Primary department, Miss titon, teacher Richard Bartlett. Faith Bart- lett, Viola Kent, Esther Cox, Milo Fred- neks. Freddie Gee, Edith MulKins, ises- sio Mooney, Everett Rand, Earl Leslie, Blanche Stuhr, Koy Jiiagg, Aidine tsari mess, Hazel McCrorv, Eva Yatoa, Susie Hall, Willie Pugh, Merle Drake, Harley Drake. Church Notices. Elder Wyman will preach in the Bethel A. C. church Sunday, at 11 a. m. Subject, "The Holy Spirit." Congregational Church The pastor, Rev. J. L. Hershner, will conduct ser vices next Sunday, both morning and evening. suDject at morning service, Retribution m the Human boul." Miss Alice Simmons of Portland is as sisting Mrs. R. R. Erwin in dressmaking. Government Aid Asked. In view of the great damage done to apples by the ravages of the codlhi mot h, the Oregon Btate board of horticulture adopted the following resolutions and sent copies thereor to tne state Doaros 01 horticulture of uuitornia, Montana, Idaho and Washington asking them to co-operate by adopting the same or sim ilar resolutions. . Copies of the resolu tions will be duly forwarded to the de oartment of agriculture and to the mem bers of congress of the states iu which the resolutions are adopted: Whereas. Apple urowing has attained such immense proportions throughout the United States that it has become one of the largest industries, and Whereas, This industry has been and in serioiiRlv threatened with destruction by the codlin moth so universally distrib uted, delving in a great measure, an known remedies : and Whereas. We find that this codlin moth does not exist nor do injury to ap pies immediately along the Pacific coast tide water line as far north as British Columbia, though repeatedly intro duced in infested fruit brought from elsewhere, therefore, be it Resolved, That we most respectfully ask our delegates in congress to use their best efforts with the department of agriculture to send a special scientist to investigate this fact and give us the re sult of his conclusions, andi devise if pos sible from such examination, some re liable method of destruction of the pest ; and. Whereas, It has been asserted that in southern France where the codlin moth is ever present, it has been kept in check bv its natural enemies, wo beg you to urge upon the department the advisabil ity 01 sending into soutn Europe a qual ified scientiest to ascertain the iacts in the case, and if the statement is found to be true, to arrange for the importa tion of these natural enemies of the codlin moth. Died. In Hood River valley, Feb. 4, 1900, Jonas Kiser, aged 81 years. Deceased was born in Tennessee At an early age he joined the Lutheran church and lived a consistent christian life ever afterwards. Three years ago he was paralyzed, from which he never recov ered, but was a helpless invalid till death relieved his sufferings. Funeral was held on Monday, Rev. J. L. Hershner in charge, and burial in Idlewilde. VALENTINES Notice. . Prices on fruit tree have mntprlnlly ad vanced all over tho country, owing to tho un precedented demand, but all orders boolied by me during the month of Fepruury will be filled at present prices. H. C. BATEHAM. Columbia Nursery, n SI Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. Good icliool V't'C jUlLl, H1IV Ulll .11(1...... .-.J ... n..,.v Tt ntlflMalliriilo'oatat.nflfnnn and altia nir.u- in ncr.-u fenced, fi acre cleared: lioune M.U .1 UlUULtttlJ v.- -w 1 . ,. -.-.uir. on1 ..Mm. mid barn: county roHdthrouen tne Dieceuiooa nfftl.IirK III HL CUKIUCUIUK CUM . twu ' .. ..1,1.:: n.. ...I.. 1 . l . J JIa.,I.,a rivur ruilN oil uuu enure Blue; wmwi ,-unij 8tructinar the exhausted digestive or- ... ou, tu lrH2ttIe fl.ora to au atre, l'rice sans. It iathelatestdiscovereddiftestr nomioto so doiinrs per acre, according to . I .. , - -T- ... I ninniml urnntnil jnd I.M'ttl Inn. Will soil ill I can approach It la efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, indigestion, ncuituum, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgi a.Cramps, and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared oy lw" wgibuuv. tor side iiy vMlliuins & Brosius. MrsJ.K.Miller.Xewton Hamilton,Pa., rita. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hizel Salve the grandest salve made." It cures niles and heals everything. All fraudu lent imitations are worthless. Williams & Broeins, AppsoIMMiPaiisr To Residents of Hood Hiver and Vicinity, Ghef.tinq: The houM-renovatlng season will soon be here, and I take this method of calling yonr attention to the fact that I shall also be here, ready and anxious to assist you in .rirv noKsiDie wav. Frtwti paint and pleasing tonns In Wall Puner are like unto a 'mantle of charity." In asmuch as they hide a multitude of delects, and wln properly applied will cause the In coneruent room ti the house to become pieas Ineio the eve and satiufHCtory lo the artistic taste. Tooblaln that usual desired result l my KPK.CIAL BUHIXE.S.S. I cannot warrant k-n dollar effects for a one dollar expenditure, but I do guarantee satisfactory work and results at live and let live prices, or no pay. If jon desire I sball be pleased W call ai your home wilb samples of Paper, measure your rooms and make you price. (feriMATESGHATWl With many thanks for past patron ire and a respectful solicitation for a share of the same in the rulure, 1 am very iruiy yonrs, E. H. PICKARD. Painter and Peeorator, Hood River. Or. Announcement. To My Friend and ratront: I havs secured the services of an export me chanic and am ready to do all kinds of re pairing and new work at short notice, either by the day or by contract. 1 keep constantly on hand a good stock of bulldors' supplies, Including shingles, finishing lumber, mold ings, inth and lime. To make room for my Increasing trade I have rented two rooms on Second street and connected them with my Oak street store, hence am better prepared than ever to please my customers. I wish also to call attention to my stock of paints and oils, as well as my complete assortment of furniture, which I am selling at Portland prices and you save your freight. . yours for business, W. E. SHERRILL. BONE! & TtlcBONALB HOOD BIVER, OREGON. HELD HIGH In the estimation of Practical fainter. Every gallon of The SHERWIH'WlLUAUi Paint will cover 300 or more quart. feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a fu)l U. 8. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Faint made. SOLD BY Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy. Oo to him for pure fresh Drugs, latent Medicines and Wall Paper. Prescriptions an Family Recipes a specialty. . , Poilland P&ice. KOT1CE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at The Dalles. Oreeon. Jan. 8. 1900. Nolle Is hereby given that tho follow-1 Ing-numed settler nus mea notice 01 uis in-i ton lion to muke flnal proof In sup-1 ixii't of his clulm. and that said proof win Im mnrln before lleorue T. l'rutlier. U. 8. Com missioner, ut Hood River, Oregon, on Moii-I day, February it, tuuu, vis: ROBERT II. KEMP, Of Hood Itlver. Oregon, II. E. No. 6.T83, for the east y, southeast 4 section 81, and west V, southwest section 82, township 2 north, runue 1. Cllftt. W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldeuce upon and cultiva tion of, said lund, viz: C. V. Kiiupi), V. Wlnchell, C, D. Ilenrlchs and M. I). Udell, nil of Hood River, Or. Jiarii JAY P. LUUAH, Register. Oi 80 Ms if Mm, Carpels, Wall Paper, ete. t ,ttmnw n v an tn tret lower nrteos on House Furnishing Goods than I can'.quote. Bpeclul figures given ou building material tor contract work. . . . . ., , S. E. BAKTMESS. LAND. GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.) DEALER IN JDxr Grood-G, ClotHa-ing, . AND Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. CD IVER, - ' OECO W ill), JlLI Im Time Schedules. amount wanted and location quantities to suit purchasers. one miie. . - t)n niece 1 miles south of Tucker. 180 sores: county road through piece; creek, with living water, runs through for considerable Irriga tion; several acres good bottom land- good school "A mile: land unlinuroved. Pi ice from 12 to 20 dollars per acre, according to amount und piece wanted. I one niece at inciter, o miie iroui ucpui, Hood Itlver, ;0 acres; will sell one acre or as mnn.v more as wanted up to tne wuoio piece, Price from SB to VMS dollars ner acre; or. If you Imply want to build a home, will give you a lece lor iiuu purpose, pruviueu juu mu i ii I Id noon It.. I If you wish to locate or kuv land, try Tucker before you purchase. Will guarantee to give von more itood sol 1 for nu me amount of money I tnun you can buy elsewhere in Hood River I valley. Rerry ground, orchard or grass, or I anything else raised in this valley. Cull on or address it. R. TUCKER, ti TucKer, Oregon. New Store- E. Bound. Fast Mall 10:16 p.m. Spokane Flyer 6:17 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 D.m. Ex. Hunday baturauy, 10 p.m. Fr'm HOOD KIVEK Salt Lake. Denver, Ft Wort h.Omahii. Kansas City. St Louis, Chicago! and the bust. Wnlla Walla, Bpn- kane,MlnncupoiiS St Paul, Dululh, Milwaukee, Chi cago and East. From PORTLAND. OCEAS STEAMHIJIPa For Han Francisco Sail Dec. 8. 8. 13.18. 73, M,& every 6 days. Columbia Rivkr Hteameks. To Astoria and way landings. 6 a.m. Ex,8uuday W. Bound. Fart . Mall 4:00 p.m. Portland K.x press fi:l; a.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Ex.HunUuy. 4:W p.m. 7 a.m. Tue. Thur, and Sut. Willnmet.tii River. Oregon City, New-;Ex-aunduy. ners.Maiem at way landings. WlM-AMETTB AND YABHII.I. RtVKItS. Oregon City.Davton and way lanuings. Notice of Application to Sell Real Estate. To Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A.M., and the unknown neirs or Anarow a. Tieman, deceased: Take notice that an anullcatlon has been led In the County Court of Wasco county. sluts of Oregon, for an order of said court (11-1 ri-ci lin the executors of tho will oi Andrew 1 II. 'I'iemun. deceased, to sell the real estate of said aeceaem, to wit: uovt is anu 10 kb. iu, and lots 2 und 7 See. 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 E, W. M., In limnin. containing ll0 4-100 acres. Also, commencing at a point In east boundary Hue and a) rods N. of 8. K. corner of N.W. Sec. 2J, T. 1 N., R. 10 E., W. M., In Oregon; thence JN. IOU roos tnence v. nu rous: meiu-u o. iw rods- thence E. 80 rods to place of beginning, containing 60 acres, and that Tuesday, March ft. 1900, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, has been fixed for heurinir and determining said appli cation, at the county Court House in The I imlles, in said wasco county, state oi urcgou. uuwa January ,,1W.A g W. M. YATES. E. E. SAVAGE. Executors. 9 a.m. Tues. Thur. and Sat. Lv.Riparia. l:2ia.m. dally. Willamette Itlver. Portland to Oorval- lis way landings. ::J0 p.m. Mon, Wed. and Frl. 4M t .m Mon.. Wed. and rrl. Lv Lewlst'n 8:30 a.m. dally. Snakk Rivkr. Itlparla to Lewlston W. H. HURLHURT, Pass. Agent, Portland, Or . Ren' Baoi-ky, Agent, Hood Kiver, Pajeftai2,KaMii,etc. tr .m, wall, are sle.k or mutilated, call on E. L. Rood. Consultation free. Nocliaigefor prescriptions. No cure no pay. Ofllce hours from B A. M. till P. M., and ail night If net. Notice to Voters. Under the orovlsions of the Registration law all cersons when renlHterlng are required to furnish to the registering offloer the follow ln Inlh.mal nn. If naturalized, ine tune, pmc nu ,-uii. naturalizntKin. In this connection it is nec essary to produce natural.&ation papers, or lM.lnrutiitn of intention. Residence must ne specine, giving precinct. .wiinn tnurimhln and ranL'c: ir wimin town or city, the street; mimber, if any, and num. fit lor. ann diock. ii u hot uiiiiuihk where rooms are nt.mliered, the number of .utnAmanil flrtor mnit he Iflven. T nrrier tn iLvoia unnecessary ueiay anu in convenience, every person desiring u regisior should be prepared to furnish tne above in- fr.rmnf Ion. facilities will be furnished In every pre- einci in the county by either Justice or the peace or notary puune. a. m . iv ri;m i , jia Dpnty Clerk, " NOTltTERTpUhLICA riON; Land Ofllce at Vanconver. WashJan. 17, 1900. Not i( Is hereby given mat Hie roiiow. I..,.. no men settler has hied notice of bis in tention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made hefore the letilr and Receiver U. H. ijind Oilice at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday February V, 1900, viz: LOUIS CLOQUET, Homestead Entry No. WW, for the east of northwest , soiitnwest $401 norinwesi y.anu sontnwest H 01 norioasi iuuu 10, iu.u hln 1 norlh. ranee 12 east. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. aid land viz: lin R. Reynold and Thomas M. Whltcomb, 11 of 1 .via I. O.. Washington. iVta' W. R. KUNBAIt. Register. At Pratlier'8 corner we have opened a fine line of Dress Goods, Miilliuery, Stationery, School Supplier, Candies, Clgara, Groceries ond Notions. Our 5 and lOo Counters will intoreat you. Everything new, neat and clean. S. H. COX. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ind Office at Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 80, num. Notice is hereby si von that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made hefore - , . 1 . . t 1 . Mnn ,.,v IOC .VI.'K 1 M L; 1 UI1U JVWClVd .,viuu w,.jVJ. , h'elirimrv 2:1. KlOO. Viz: The heirs of loim l), wooawaru, uoceasuu, y . SAMUEL WOODWARI'. One of said heirs, II. E. 12S75 for the north west . norllieaul hi, nortlieasi yt norinwesi yA and south nortnwest y oi secuout, uiwn- uliln 1 iiorlli. ranirA M casL lie names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: John W. Atwell, Henry P. Harpham, G. L. Harnham. Harold H. Weston, all of Cascade tjvu iireiron. ..... ' . . . n ifnAniM DaM(.k for poultry Use Crushed Oyster and Clam Shells. The most frequent cause of hens not laying is the absence in the food of Carbonite of Lime. These shells are practically pure carbonite of lime. Try Groosbeck's Egg Troducer and Health Food as .a preventive and cure for diBease of fowls. It is a mild and stimulating tonic POULTRY FOODS FOR SALE BY HERMAN EVERHAE ' ' ' .V LEAVE ORDERS FOR LU M With F. E. JACKSON. He ana tne iAVJ!i- PORT BROS, have over One Million feet of good Dry Lumber at Haynes' Spur. (Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Ind Omce, The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 2, 1U0O. -Notice Is hereby given inaiincom nlianes with the orovlsions of the act of con gress or June 8, i78, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands In the Mate of California. ........... M.if,.la und tl!iihfnirt,n Terrtt.trv JAMES IRELAND, Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day (lied In this omce bis sworn Ztuie.ment No. 152. for the purchase of the h imir i.i.rt hv st . and north half south west li of section no. zi, in lowoauiy north, ranire No. S east. W. M.. and will Oder Kit to snow mat tne iana nougnv nun t I liable for Its timber or stone than for agrl- enliiirul numoses. and to establish Ms claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otttce atThe Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, the lUb day of March, 1000. lie names as wuuwwn; . ... Wlnans, A. Wlnans aud E. T. Wlnans, all of llrwvl itlver. ureuon. a n v and nil Dersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this omce on or Deiore saia 17th day of March, iww. J liltl 1J . JAI r. liUijAB, negisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r.nnd Offlea at Oreeon Cltr. Oregon. Jan n iism. Kmlea Is hereby trlven tnat tne lot lowing-namea Beiuw oas mwy iiwuwv, m. Intention to make final proof In support of bis eiiLlm. a nd that said oroof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oivgon, on March 2, 1UU-I, vie - HORACE II. PHILLIPS, H. E. W27, for the northeast M of northeast of section 28, township 1 north, range & east He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultiva tion ,.f auid land, vis: Isaiah James, ! ran It Devrojr, Virgil Amend aud John WlilWtl, ail of Bridal Veil, Oregon. The best results yon must use the best materials. Th HOOD RIVER PHARMACY coutiaueg to be up to date In everything In the Drug line. Prescriptions a Specialty. Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i t,a nffleji at The Dalles. Orecon. Jan. 29. inm Nntlea is horebv aiven that the follow ing-named sett ler has (lied notice of her inten tion to commute and make llnal proof In sup. port of ner claim, ana mat suiu uruoi win made before (Jeore T. Prather, If. H. Commis sioner, ot Hood River, Oregon.on Baturday, MarehlO.lW.vl UlUAii n.. niwi Of Hood River. Oregon, H. E. No. 4893, for the lots 9, 10 and 19, section 15, and lot 1, section 22. township 1 north, range ju east, w . ni. iia namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of. said land vis: ,... James A. Cook of Tucker, Or.. Taul Aubert ofMt.Hood.Or.:C. P. Odell of Tucker. Or.; J. A. Lens Of Ml. rtooa, ur. ,. Him 8 ji r. mtiSBi mini' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlce at The Dallce. Oregon, Jan. as, KiO.-Nollie Is hereby given that the follow. lni-named settler has filed notice of ,hl In tention to make final proof In support of his claim, an-1 that said proof will be made before the Register aud Receiver at The Dalles, Ore- Ot Hood River, Ore., II. E. KI88, for the lots t and 2, itoutbcast northeast and northeast W southeast section 6, lowushlp 1 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of, sold land, vis: Robert II. Kemp, Hood River, Or.: frank Mulllkln, The Dalles, Or.; Ralph fehelley, iioud River, Or.; Edwin H. Merrll, The Dalles Or - ' ' fjtultl JAY P. LITCAft, Register. CH Art. B. MOORKtf, Register. Tjind Ofllce at Vancouver. Wash., Jan. 22 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the follow. in..noi,iul saltier bus sled notice of his lnlcn- iinnu make flnal moof In support of his claim, and that said proot win ne niaue betore r . w . Kaie, i iwi oi um nuici i- of the suite of Washington for Bkamanla county, at Hlcvenson, Wash., on Thursday, March is, ww. vis: WILIJAB A. WMWIVr, Hd. No.So55, for the soutbwestqnarter section 15, township 8 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names ine loiiowing uhum"-. w his eontiniious residence npon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: , William KeiieuaoiiK, jm rmucn, ,.ni i Moore and Henry Olson, allot iioou mver.vr. inlj W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlce at Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. , 'iven insi iv hiiiuw led notice of hit inten- I0OO. Notice Is hereby Ing-numed settler lias lion to make final proof In support of hie claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Reiver at Oregon Uly, Oregon, on March 2, 1W9, vis: I8AIAH JAMES, H. E. 100U, for the west H of northwest of section T, township 1 north, range 5 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana eulUv. tlon of, said land, vis: .' H. U. Phlllls,Krank Devroy Virgil Amend and Jonn Wbitsel, ail of Bridal Veil, Oregon. jl-'llo CilAa. B. MOOUES, KsctStM.