The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1900, Image 2

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'Hood Iiver Slacier.
English patriotism seems to be of the
Kind possetwcd by tho 1te Aitemua
Ward, who expressed a willingness to
s;crifloe al l)ia wife's relations in the
war (or the Union. The situation in
grave, and the Eiiglinh people boast
fully proplaim what tbey will do if it
takes the last ntu and the last dollar
but we don't Jieur of any grand rtiHii to
the repruiting stations. In 1801, after
our Bull Run, three hundred thousand
Volunteers enlisted to wivo the Union.
and war we)l drilled spldicr before tie
real oonlebt began in 1862. And the en
JiatmenU kept up till three men out of
every Ave of our male population were
pnrolltd in the grandest army tho world
ever saw, Tlip other two men stood
ready to go. But republio every
man is a soldier when bis services are
jieeded. In an empire citiseng look to
'Vhelr standing army far protection and
are not to. ready to enlist ip time of war.
The republican league clubs met In
Convention in Portland last Tuesday,
when nearly delegates were in ati
tendance from all parts of tho state,
The following wore eleoted. new officers
pf the state league I President, J, M,
Church of Union; vice president, I. A.
Macrum of Washington. Executive
pommittecmen-rfir district, J. IV.
Meldruni of Clackamas! sepoiid dMritf,
W. II. Moore of Hliorman; at lare,
Theodore Cameron of Jackson. Del
egates to national league At large, 8. B.
pakiri cf Lane) W, A, Howe of Yamhill ;
pr. M. H. Eis pf Uw Cluster V,
Dolph of Mujtnornah) Georgo W, Jolirh
son of Waoo, and 0. V. Hurt of Benton,
First district, J. C. Haytor of Tolkl W.
H. Odcllof Marion; E., P, Stratford of
Pouglasj C, S. Moore of Klamath. .Sec
ond district, J. II. Johannson of Clatsop ;
P. E. llaseltine of Multnomah; V. II,
Conyersof CymW; h 8, Cupr of
Wm, Gocbel, contesting for the gov
ernorship of Kentucky, was shot from
ambush, In front (J H'P capital in Frank
fort, Jan. 30th, and .died from his in-.
uries Feb. 3d. Vublic sentiment, which
;iad decided that Taylor was tho legally
elected governor, will now side with the
victim and lis party.. Tl'e returns gave
the republicans tho state offices, but t;e
demoorats claimed fraud, and the dem
pcratio legislature, being the final ar
biter, depided in favor of tho democratic
contestantai Tho cowardly assassin hs
pot been, approhenacq.
A provisional psitout has icon granted
py the British government for the ex-,
fraction of gold from sea water. The
patentees say thoy have discovered a
combination of vhcmieals which wilt
precipitate not only the organic matter
fn sea water, but also the gold, without
the uso of electricity. A mint analysis
cartifips that a sample pf sludge, repre
senting fifty gallons of wat! cputained
Q.15Q grajps of gold4
Thomas R. Bard, elpcted V. . senator,
by the California legislature, wus born
fn Cham'-erbburg, Pa,, ft 1811, The
pditor of this paper know him when a
boy, If tho boy ever foreshadows tbe
man, Thomas It. Bard will make the
most respectable senator Ciforuia, has
hud in many a yeat
The Boor war is beginning to drag.
Both sides socm to be taking o, much
needed rest.
ttitorprislug Kcttlera.
Dueks Valley, Feb. 5, 1900. Editor
Vlacikr: Being conflnod to the house
for several days with a demoralized leg,
VvW.g fpHWcd with a road scraper with
a four-Jiprse attachment, with ypn per
mission will scribble a few lines from
this place, fru? settlers in here hive
been busy of latoj somo grubbing, some
mak(cg road, and somo hauling wood
find othors spreading manure over their
land,; and all hands Dodaims (i), Murr
PW'S IS). Cools', Stu.Ua and Knoi have
been opening out our new road running
from Tucker south to Paul Aubert's.
Ve have about half of it open for travel.
Jt is ppon as far north as (jnclo Woods'
nlaoe, and a lorco of men and teams w ill
probably commence grading the Tucker
LiU about Fob. 8th, weather permitting.
vvnen me rona is compietea clear
through, six. miles, it will be thestraighu
six miles of road, in tho whole vaUey.
We are proud, of our now road. We
imagine the health of the valley will
improve now, as we can get a breath of
ireih air from tho north, and it does not
como Uom trans vnru either- o antic
Ipate trouble m windy weather. The
road boing straight, the air will
through with such velocity that it niuv
develop into a cyclone and bust some
thing; We nxake a strong effort to
get Uio road opened, clear through this
season. If our road supervisors will co
operate and call out the men that simied
the petition it will be easier fora.ll of us.
i may ian, to ppey tua orAier oi tue
court this year we viU see tho law on
the Bubjoct, Settlors in tho valley are
gettinn verv tired of travolina nine miles
to get live or six riiiios from home, when
yuu HfJW loan giv us Hi SvraiKlU rouui,
and all this opposition is for the aalio of
some time in the distant future the up.
ier valley settlers may put a road, some,
where else to reach Hood River.
As tho public-do not care to be bored
wm a very dull auger, wo will ctoso.
Jo A. Kkh.
TThO Vast,be Man wllU S? Much Slogtyl
LaBt Saturday night a ' resident of
Jlood Rivet was coming to The Dalles
on tb.e train, hut went to sleep, and for
got to ,vnke until, aftpr th train had
pulled, out of t ho yards. He got the con
ductor to stop and put him ofr and as
be wandered hack toward the t(opot was
encountered by a footpad who ordered
bim to throw up his hands and deliver
$is money. u ponvplitjd with the do
andj and gave up, a few dollars in sil
err Scarcely bad he got started toward
Vie depot until another knight of the
load demanded a division of his worldly
possession- This follow didn't get any
ling, nor did thp third, robW, who
bel him. p just lKfore he reached the
depot, When ordered tbo third time to
Virow up liia hands the Hood Riverite
kegai to gQt used to the performance,
iid, told, his assa l int that lie hd just
been robbed twice, and had not even
enough left to get a meal,. This touched
the heart of the robbyr, aii,d handing the'
Viotiro. 35 cents said, "There, pard, I'm
kottorog than you and I'll divide.' Vi
tycuntainpr I
At While Salmon,
A weight social was giyon at Iauter.
bach's hall, Wednesday evening of this
week, the proceeds to be devoted to
charity, Admission! was charged ac
cording to the weight-'of tho lady
ladies taken by a gentleman - M cent
per iouwl. Gentlemen without ladies
were chanted x,i int per pound of thei
own weight. The folfowing programme
w as rendered :
Greeting Hopg .
......Many Children
....Geneva WMfard
Kolus Jewett
.Miss Belle Cheyne
5. Hong .
fi. Recitation Roy Ward
7. Song ,... ,.,..., ..Trio
8. Recitation., , ,Theresea Butler
Negro law :
".Moon Believers ciuu
Recitation Miss Miller
..(leorjo Purser and J&Am Jewett
Recitation ,...,Mrs. Jewett
13, Cake VVulk .....Four Colored Couples
14. Lunch Everybody
l;, Good .Night bong
"3Ir. Diiolej " on Woman Suffrage,
"An' annyliow, women'll niver vote,'
said Mr. Dooley, interrupting Mr. Don.
ahuo's discourse on womn suffrage
In th' first place, th' men wou't lave
thim to do it. They have th' nionnop
oly now, an they re tar from foolish
enough to let go iv anny iv it. ipm no
woman pares l r polittps, yown in her
heart she hates an' despises it, and won
dhers what it's all about. An' I don't
blame her. Not till thev start a polit
ical oolumn in iHitthriok's Pattherns
will vo ivcr be able I f to musther a oori
n'ml's (iinrd iv women at th' tx)lls.
h'lieve if ye was to take th' sthrongest
woman sullerejest in th counthry an
surch tier vo d pnd she qidn t care
whether V ilium J. O'Brien was Aldher
man or Congressman. Th' on'y time th'
likes iv thim knows who's President is
whin th' President gets married- He
has their devotion in his wife s name,
February Ladies' Homo Journal,
Cats, of High fjpgrec.
John Wanamaker's ad in the Jfe.w
York Bun of recent date contains the
On the fifth Hoor we have built
epecial little store to hold the splendid
Angora cats and kittens pur rcprescnta
tive has collected down in Maine. There
arc cats of many colors, with wonderful
and wondering eyes; their fur in all the
beauty that conies of high breedintr and
good health, the youngest is a kitten
of 3 monthsT-$lQ. The finest is a cat in
the glory of full cat-hood 5Q, Quite a
number, but we're euro there won't be
enough and no more can be had In time.
A Couvliicliiff Answer.
SI hobbled into Mr, BIa,ckmon's drug
storo ono evoniug, "says Wesley Nelson.of
Hamilton, da., "and ho asked me to try
unamneriain s rain calm for rheuma-
tism with which I had suffered for a long
time, I told him I had no faith in any med
icine as they all failed. He said! 'Well if
Chamberlain's fain Balm does not help
you, you need not pay for it.' 1 took a hot
tie of it home and used it according to the
directions and in one week Iwas cured. and
have not since been troubled with rheu
matism." Sold bv Williams & Brosius,
DeWitfc's VIteh Ilazel Sal vo is unequal-,
cd (or piles,injuries and skin disease. It is
the original Witch Hazel salve. Beware of
all counterfeits. Williams & Brosius.
Ralph Lasselle, who sells newspapers
in isorway, Me., has a remarkable lienrt
of hf'ir. It is fine, thick, of a rich gold
on color and curls in ringlets. He has
it cut once a year., lie had it cut last
week, and sold tho hair for .'i5..
Geo. BarbcMendota.Va,, savs'Noth;
ing did mo so much izood asKodolDysnep.
siaCure. One dose relieved me, a few bot
tles cured me." It digests what vou eat
and always cures dyspepsia. Williams k
A Bible trust is among the latest, and
the price of Bibles has advanced. The
greatest increase in price is said to bo in
teachers' Bibles.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine
was so elective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
It gave immediate relief. Two bottles pro
'duuud marvelous results." wriwis L. H.
Warren, Albany, Win. ft digests what you
eat ana cannot tan to cure, Williams $
Puller Run is suggested as a good
name ior rugeia river.
MI had bronchitis evorv winter for vears
andnomedieine gavemc permanent relief
uu i negnu to wsa una Miunte Cough
Cure. I know it is the best cough medicine
nmuo, says J.KoonU,Corry,tJa. Itquiek
ly cures coughs, colds,croup, asthma, grip
and throat and bine troubles. It is the
children's favorite remedy. Cures quick-
I.. Willi o. ii ' t
rirnaa Vullair iu iiimi. n vntlfrtnY Iah.h
the Columbian Southern having reached
that place.
Tho Washington County Hatchet has
been resurrected and a WW published
n. ii. iuiNiruni.
The greatest danger from colds and 1
grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If
reasonable caiv is used, however, and
unamneriam s Cough Kejuedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold
or an attack of la grippe in, less time than
any othor treatment. It is pleasant and
safe to take, Fyj sale by Williams
"The meanest man in Hoppner ex
posed" is to be the subject of a sermon
in a Hyppne church, A subject like
that ts lifeely to keep many a man from
going to church for fear the preacher's
remarks might be too personal for Uim.
The claim of othw cough, medicines to
De as good as v ham owl am s are effectual
ly set at rest in the following testimonial
of Mr.C.l' employe of Bartlett &
Dennis Co., Gardiner. Me. Ha savs: "I
had kept adding to a cold and cough in the
winter oi wj, trying every cough medi
cine I heard of without permanent help,
until one day I was in the drug store of Mr.
Houlehan and he advised me to trv Cham.
berlain's Cough Remedy and offered to
pay back my money if I was not cured.
My lungs and, bronchial tubes were very
soro at this time, bu.t I was completely
cuml by this remedy, and have since al
ways turned to it when I got a cold, and
soon find relief. I also to my
friends and am glad to say it is the best of
all cough medicines." For side by Will
ituns it Brosius.
The city council of Kenosha, Wis.,ha$.
enacted an ordinance compelling saloon
keepers to post a list of habitual drunk-,
ards in the saloons and that no intox
icants bo sold to them ; that photographs
bo taken of the persons so posted and be
printed on sheets, which are to. lie dis
tributed, about the citv. The photo
graphs are to be paid for by tho persons,
lasted and in case the drunkard has no
money, his relatives must bear th ex
peuso W. S. Philpot, Albany, G., says,"De-
thin any pills 1 ever Kxk."The famous Tit
tle pills for constipation, biliousness and
liver and bowel troubles. Williams &
To Cure a CoU lu biie Da
TkI.AXTivn BmiMrt
All drueijlsts rvliinl the mon.-v If It i'hIIs In
chit. I, W.HrovfV ?ii;iiifnrc la on ..-Ji ho
J'oultry Notes.
The hen trust is busted and eggs are
selling at 15 cents.
E. D. Calkins received a Black Minor,
ca rooster from Tremont, Oregon, last
E. D, Calkins took home two large
packing boxes Monday, in which lie will
place his Minorcas and let them live in
his orchard to look after the insects that
prey upon fruit,
J. H. Kolxsrg received, last Saturday,
ters from Albany, Oregon, wfiich he will
use to cross on his two-year old Brahma
Parties wishing to Improve their
breeds of chickens bv purchasing thor
oughbred stock should first inquire at
home or of dealers within the state
before sending to the Eastern states.
which is costly when the frieght bill
are paid.
G. J. Gessling has ten yearling hens
and five April pullets that laid 216 eggs
in December ana W ot'gs in January.
They are cross between Barred Plymouth
Kocksand Minorcas. flis May pullet
are iust commencing to lay. The record
made by his hens for winter months is
hard to beat.
Owners of small orchards who let
poultry run among tho trees arc usually
troubled with fewer insect pests than
usual. Hens are great scratchers.
Emit World reader says that bis hens
help eradicate codlin moths. He sow
grain near the trees as reed, turns it
under, and in scratchine for the feed
tho hens get most of the moth grubs.
fruit World,
Mrs. Alma Howe has recently com
pietea building a warm and commo
cuous chicken house, ihe walls are
double lined with tar paper. The win
dows are all on the south side, A ehim
ney Hue in tho center- of the room will
allow putting in a stove in cold weather
Mrs Howe contemplates getting an in
cubator ana will keep the room warm
for early batched chicks. She has
bone outter and finds that her chicken
are always eager for freshly ground
Dones. bhe has a hne lot of Plymouth
Rock hens that have been furnishing
eggs right along au winter,
J. II. Koberg lias two pens of chick
ens. J'en o. 1 consists of 80 hens two
years old and of mixed breeds, mostly
Brahmas and Cochins; laid in December
26 docn eggs at a profit of about $2 oyer
tneir teed bill, in January the same
lot laid 40 dozen eggs at a profit of
1 1. ho over expense, fen jno. 'i consists
of 75 pullets, mostly Plymouth Rocks
and silver-laced Wvandottcs; laid in
December 81 dozen casa at a profit of
about $14 over their feed bill; in Jan
uary they laid 88 dozen eggs at a profit
of 19.50. Thia .record shows that it
hardly pays to keep old stock for egg
production, although we must keep
them tor Dreeaing. Mr. Koberg say
that for an alUround good chicken
Plymouth Rocks and silver-laced Wyau
aottes cannot be beat.
Advertised Letter List.
Feb. 5, 1900.
Atkeson, G W Jones, W 11
Chase, Elder A M John, N J
Uardestv, Mrs 11 Oberacker. Fred
Laucks, Edward Ott, L
Rankin, A W
Wm. M, Yates, P. M.
''After doctors failed to cure me of pnue
monia.I used One Minute CoughCure and
three bottles of it cured me. It is the best
remedy on earth for whooping cough. It
cured my grandchildren of tho worst
casos,"writes Jno.Berry,Loganton,Pa. It
is the onlv harmless remedy that gives lm
me-liato results. Cur6scouch8,cald3,croup
and throat and lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Ghildren always like it
Mothers endorso it, W U.hams & uroslus
To illustrate his idea of the Christian
daily paper, Rev. Charles' Sheldon will
run the lopeka Capital one week, com
menciiig March fyth.
Jno. Dirr.Posevville.Ind., savs. "I never
used anything ns good as One Minute
Cough Cure. We are never without it.
Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures
all throat and lung troubles. Its use will
prevent consumption. Pleasant to take
Williams & Brosius.
Roosters for Sale,
viiv v "Vvi ivnmiwi, nvigut lmu
pounds: unoHltver-laced Wynndotte Kuonter,,
inmii wju prize uiucii. etiun,
f9 J. 11. KODERG.
Any Derson found outline tlmbnr on thp fol
lOAVlns described land, visa W. V of N. W. Vi
.. IF 111 1. ..i i 1 i nn .
b,ip N., K, 11) K., V. ii?, 111 Oregon, coutnln-
ing racrvs, win oo proifciuca 10 mil exiont
or the law. V. J. OLARKK,
Laundry Notice.
Colo A nrnlmm will rollpf lunnrlrv fni
TroyLunndry on Tuesduy morotngand de-
Chickens for Sale,
As I hnve concluded to mske but ono breod-
Ing iipii of While Bramnlis, have mmt choiet
sloes for sale.
Farm for Sale.
fO ocrca. iworlv nil tu PultlvntUvn. Tho varv
choice of Hopd River vdlloy: 2 miles south ot
uiwn, iwuko me any oia oner.
Wanted to Trade.
For n farm near Hood River. 10 acres Ital
ian prunes 7 vears ohi near Sllvei ton. Marlon
couuly, and a Iwusa lot 60xUH) on Williams
avenue and Going s ts., Kat Portland. Q. t
Spray Pumps,
When uslnir a Mnrav Ptimn vnn vint nnn
that agitates the spraylnc inaterlal Instead of
ourseir. THK " 1)M(A" W l ie on v one
hat hilly answers this mimosa. Wears anx
ious 10 nave ine oreiiarus resolve bettH-sornv
1U. ml taeiW-onniCFOv this vrn nffw lh "hest.
ior me money," "in K I'OMOXA."
j' iiAviimus Kun' to,
80 Acres,
Well Imnroved farm? 4naors In milllrnOon.
ner KchuoJ: gotij roads. Price $1,500. Best
enriHUn, in uomt Klver. KKKD HOWK.
Onadrunle Silverware sets? a new lot or
Alarm l'iocks, just received by
Seed Com Wanted,
I want 100 nomids Enrlv Seed Corn At Tar.
nuuo r,rui. Also, nouses vo rent.
Jia W. h. ADAMS.
For Sale,
Two work horses and harness, lanre farm
wkd and iiixlux havfe. Inquire at thlaottlce
For Sale.
Wan. double harness, hnyv. I"ftt nnnnriu
m vuuviiu uu , uuu vmuie x
J. r. COtE,
ra Rand BnlWIn?, Hood River.
Wagon for Sale.
A two-horse wa?on for anli
e,or will trade for
Jianticr one.oorse rig.
N0MF Alu about it.
Send 13c In stamps ftir onr Januarv Issue
he Westein Iran. Box 8it, heattle, w'asb.
Thoroughbred Roosters
Thoroughbred Rarred riv
lyinonth RocI; and.
Roosters t'orsal
Silver-Simiigled Wyamipte
Tb4 public are Invited to rail at mv iiar
and msiHVt my work. I aim to ewe" satisfac
tion In all cases where work is Intrusted to
me. lrlee reamnable. Outside views a
pr.!a'iy.. rms. Ri;s,
ii. it. f. g. r.
(Articles appearing In tho Olaciko under
the above heading front week to week will be
furnished and edited bv the hoard of directors
of the tiood Klver r ruuurowertr onion.)
The II. R. F. G. Union is tho original
and oldest shipping agency here. It is
the only concern using tho co-operative
principle by which all the profits go to
the growers, it has estabiisheu bus:
ness relations with tiie most responsible
fruit dealers iu all the markets, and the
question is, "Why pay tribute to un
necessary middlemen and speculators."
Co-operation is becoming the watch
word in all the fruit-gtT-'ing sections;
not only in California but in Colorado,
with its vast melon shipments, and in
the strawberry-growing sections of the
Untea Mates. Ihe bouthwest, an ably
conducted horticultural paper of Spring
field, Mo., says;
"Jf co-operution Is right, fruitgrowers
should never become discouraged. It is
not in armed conflict alone that courage
and patriotism ore manifested, and all
the great victories that lift up human
ity are not won by the sword. Bear in
mind thit more is accomplished by co
operation than is credited to it, Asso
ciations serve to restrain powerful cor
porations from adding to their present
charges. Without organization the pro
ducers will have no profit."
Most assuredly the growers are en
titled to receive all the profit that prop
erly belongs to them,
Some Pointed Questions,
Editor Glacieb : Noticing in the last
issue the petition for a licensed saloon
in the town of Hood River, and feeling a
real interest in the welfare of the place
and its surrounding country, I beg to
submit for consideration a few of the
many points that are involved, seeing
that an invitation is exteuded for that
1. As the present saloon enterprise is
carried on without the consent of the
locally governed, will the principle in
volved concerning the will of the people
be inviolate by granting a licenser
2. If there are evils connected with a
quantity establishment.will they be less
ened by the more extended retail traffic?
3. If the principle of license shall car
ry, must not the legal right of suffrage of
one be extended to all who may apply?
4. As increased patronage in that line
is intended by the petitioners, will the
results of such patronage justify an en
tire submission to the licensed system?
6. If, it is now difficult for parents to
isolate their children from the evil influ
ences of the saloon, would their diffi
culties be lessened by increasing the in
fluences? 6. Will a licensed saloon bo a financial
gain to the. merchant? For do not the
dimes and dollars spent over the bar
leave the merchant's customers with
less to pay bills and make new pur
chases? Villi credit lists be decreased
and cash receipts enlarged?
7. What about tho argument "that
the saloon will stay if not licensed?"
What has been your experience in the
8. Will the public health bo advanced?
For does not the general use of liquor
render men less able to resist disease or
recover from its ravages?
9. Will the village marshal or sheriff
have less to do under the license system,
or will he need an assistant at times
and demand more pay? Will crime be
lessened and wives and daughters more
secure upon the streets?
10. What about mortgages? Docs the
license help to lift mortgages, or will not
general indebtedness be increased?
11. If Hood River has maintained a
permanent growth financially and mor
ally without a licensed saloon, will the
same progress bo more apparent by a
licensed one? ' Make some comparisons
Fargo, North Pakota, and Moorhead,
Minnesota, for example. The latter has
45 saloons, paying f5U0 each. Fargo has
none. The towns lie upon opposite
sides of the river, with equal advantages
and facilities, and while Mooiliead., with
so much license accruing, is falling be.
hind annually in citv improvements
and population, her per capita tax is in
creasing. Fargo has added in tho last
year about one million dollars in build
ings, has fine streets, a large increase in
population, and its per capita tax is
among the very lowest in the United
States. Make other comparisons.
12. Will the farmers, 'who are the
backing to the town, be benefitted?
Will the results oi, a licensed saloon, put
hinges upon the gates, locks upon the
doors, glass in the windows, clothes
upon women and children and shoes
upon their feet? Will increased traffic
bring comforts to the home, happiness
to the heart and education to the miud?
id. Will tfie reputation of Hood River
as a model plage for people to come to
rear and educate their children be bet
tered by the willing existence of the
saloon? i
14. Will my boy, or yours, or- vour
neighbor's children, have a better ex
ample before them and thus be made
stronger to resist a downward course?
lo. is it true that one or more licensed
saloons will build up the place? Will
they build school rooms, found libraries
or in any way benefit the voung?
18. For whose benefit w the saloon
17. Will tho money accruing to the
town from the license more than bal
ance the cost of trials, the loss of char
acter, the bad bills, bad tempers, weak
ened minds and loss of comforts in the
homo that are truly incident to the sa
loon (
It is true that justices of the peaceand
attorneys will have more to dot for who
knows of a town where liauors are freelv
uiuyprn w quarrels, ugius uuu
other difficulties are not of common and
V... . i
serious occurrence, and suits of action
become frequent in consequence? It is
true that doctors will have- more to do.
because there ara "wounds without
cause," bruises without number, and a
long list of ills that even a Keely cure
Cannot heat- But as no one meditates
such things as valuo received for a li
cense, they cannot weigh in its favor.
liow about the results of the "treat
ing system" that surely follow retail
liquor traffic. Is it not netter that the
present enterprise should exist, if stay it
must, without the encouragement and
support guaranteed bv a license.
Hoping that these points may touch
some oi tne reaj, questions tor consid
eration, and that a license shall not
carry, I remain as one who has sincere
motives, ior me name, nonor and pros
peruy oi nooa itiver ana viciruty.
y. a.
Man or Beast!
The Western states are- beincr shaken
from center to circamferenee bv a bill
introduced in congress by Senator Foster
ot W ashington, wuieu provides tor the
leasing, to corporations or to individuals,
at a; nominal rental, iu the direction of
the secretary of acriculture. vast tracts
of land for lonsr. periods of time. Time
enough in Oregon, for a bill liko that
when the people cease to exercise the
homestead privilege, which, acordina to
recent reports of local land offices, is
being exercised today more than ever
before. The policy of the government
hould be to encourasre peonlins of the
Western atates instead of their deneo-
pling to make roora for the stock, live
and watered, oi wealthy corporations..
A verv similar issue to this was fousrht
out years ago in the Highlands of Scot
land, whei wealthy British codfish
aristocracy sought to establ sh large
deer forests and game preserve As all I
Certain Goods ordered to leave our houso. No prize-package dis.
play or catch-penny soheipo, merely an old-fashioned gift of Dollars,
2.75 and $3 goods, best makes, odd pairs, now f 1.25 and $1.50.
20 per cent off on broken lines of regular goods. Many odd lines of
fered regardless of cost to make room lor our new and up-to-date
stock due February 20th.
$15 00 Suits now T9 65
2 00 Trousers now 1 65
4 00 Mackinaw Coats now. .$3 00
3 00 Mackinaw Coats now. . 2 00
3 75 Ulster Overcoats now.. 2 60
Broken lots underwear red. 33 ct
Cheap talk discounted by
We have little to say before arrival of new stock, about March
5th- In the meantime present stock will be closed out regardless.
Reductions ranging from 10 to 25 per cent.
Carpenters, builders, loggers, woodsmen, everybody can got
what they want, correct in-QUALITY and PRICE.
8toves have declinod in price, also Steel Ranges. In Crockery we
show a handsome line imported Semi Pore, at prices asked for com
mon. Inspect our house furnishing lines; it means money saved and
up-to-date goods.
Our success in this department leaves no room to doubt that you
appreciate the value of our efforts.
AH adulterated foodstuff has been wiped out and returned to the
makers; strictly pure artloles taking the place at little if any added
cost to you. We pocket the loss through difference in cost to prove
our intention of forcing a PURE FOOD LAW.
We guarantee (is a BOND) to execute any bill of gqoda at Port
land prices a sweeping offer that leaves us a profit and keeps your
money at home, where it will do you some further good.
Produce accepted. Goods delivered free.
We deal in Everything.
Rand it Stewart
We take the liberty of sending you a card, whieh we kindly ask
you to bring with you or send, when making cash purchases at our
store, and have the amount of such purchase punched out until all
tho amounts represented on margin are cancelled. We will then
present you FREE, a largo three-quarter life size, (bust) erayon or
water color portrait of. yourself, or any member of your family or
dear friend, whose memory you may wish to perpetuate.
Knowing tho very general desire among our customers for family
portraits, we believe that there is not a family in this section but
what vronld. taie a GOOD portrait in preference to anything v$
could offer as an appreciation of their cash trade.
These portraits will he made from any photograph or tintype you
furnish (same will be returned to you). Rremember you are not
required to buy a frame, we are preasnting the portrait as an appre
ciation of your patronage. However, we shall carry a large line ot
frames which wo will sell to portrait customers at the lowest possible
price, but if you can buy a frame eheaper elsewhere it is your
privilege to do so.
To enable, you to understand more fully the value of this offer, we
invito you to call at our store where samples oi the work and
frames can be seen.
Wehopftyou, will appreciate our endeavor, and favor ns with
your patronage, and In retv-wi we will assure you courteous attention
and the best goods at the lowest prices.
Yours very teuly,
A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps ; latest styles and
blocks, including men's stifj Hats, Fedoras and Pushasv
We also- have, ordered direct from manufaeturers i the East the
largest shipment of Shoes that we have ever brought to this town,.
We will meet any and all competition in this line and feel certain we can hold our ow.. Come and see us
too often happens, in such cases, wealth
prevailed, the question of'Men or Deer?"
was settled in favor of the latter, and
today all oyer- the Highlands may be
seen piles of ruins where once were
thousands of happy homes, and one iy
travel for days and hear no sound save
the curlew's lonely cry. As a consequence
of that short-sighted and inhuman
policy, Scotland a best and most virile
blood, has been scattered to the- ends of
tho earth-a calamity that caa not be
oftset by countless columns of, dollars
ano; cents.
If ever, in. the course of time, a gov
ernment landJeasing law shall become
a necessity, we sincerely hope ita farm
ers will have sense enough not to make
it, as in the Foster bill, a penal offense
to trespass upon leased land. The most
autocratic English lord could ask for no
sore than that,, and the America.! peo
ple would never stand it. Fossil Journal.
IMler Trail Co.,
Agricultural Implements, Deere Plows.
"ii.-i 1 1 ; ..i. ii i .
uons,, voiumous
Buggy Co.'s Carriages,
CO acre farm at Belmont, well Improved S2..VW
Ig sores 3 inlte&fronv towo. East Side Jo
SO acres near tho Divers. rancli,
20 acres near Belmont cUurch....... ""
224 aorta near H. Kmrn' '
., P25
... 4,21V)
..- L000
M avt valuably timber land..'.'.'.'
io acres ui eeimoct
10 acres at Beliaont I.
ai) acres at Beijiumt .' "
Town lots, tonus to exchacgii,' e'iL"'
For Sale or Trade,
Win sen on time or trade for
iua virtie
o acres good slrawherrv lands m-ar town.
i acres noajr Tucker, parij- improved
Cab buyers used not apply.
1 i J11!,1 ,owa Prty improved
20 acres, 7 luiles from town, improved.
il W., A. sUXtSFRUtXa
$9 00 Suits gone to 6 60
All Clothing at these rates.
$6 00 L H Gum Boots now. ,3 50
1 25 Normandia Rubbers. , 1 00
1 00 Ladies Norm. Rubbers 75
50c Storm Rubbers now, 40
Facta and Plain Figures.,
Notice Is. hereby given that the undersigned
at the next regular meeting of the Com moo
Council of ths Town of Hoed.KlverK NlU,pr
nt to them a petltifta ot. a, voctty f It
legal voters of said tows,, asking said council
to grant a license to the undersigned to retail
spiriluoas, viuons and malt liquors in less
quantiflf-s than one gailon, for tb,e- term of
one year in said town.
R. E. FEWEi & CO,
To the Common Council of the Town of
Hood Kiver, in the CVumtv of Wasco and
(State of Oregon: We, the underslgued. legal
voters of said town of iiood IUvei la the.:
couuty of Wasco and state of Oregon, respect
fully petition your honorable body to grant
to K,. i,, t ewel 4 Company a license to soil
SpiritlKlUS. VinOUS and malt. Hnnnra In
quantities than one gallon, for the term of.
Signatures. Sigsatures.
S O MeCafferty.
Geo Fox,
E J Komeyen.
C 8 Jones,
E H Plckard.
H U Wyait,
John HulLt,
E F Williams,
T C Dallas.
H T Frederick.
G 8 Evans,
M M Russell.
L G. Whaling
Eddie George.
CH Stokes,
A S Ames,
L A Kerr.
jiuuuriniiu tifiiuei'son.ji UKerber
'J? H Emerson,
j-iw iovenion,
J: H Gerdes,
E 8 Rand,
J S Baileyt
Al. Hudson r
Li Hammprsierg,
V L Davidson,
A J D&vklson,
J J Meyers,
KM Kent,
Ben Graseth.
Chas Cee,
D F Thayer,
Chas Miller,
Henry Lee,
Anton HaUkv
G W Hsonijtoa,
J. & Band,
Louis Seward,
J M Cubberly,
J H Groves,
Ncls saxvicls
Nels Hogeo,
D S-Keiser,
W C Iddlngs,
Thomas Lacy,
Levi Clark,
T B Kent,
H V Langille,
J 3 Simpson,
d i neyson.
W W Moodv.
Kd A Johnson.
O N Moore,
ST Moody,
1 1 C Rosenkrans.
Vi F Gaston.
WH Allen,
Chas N ciHrk
m Thompson
F E Jacsson.
G W Bat-kui
Joseph M.Guire,
M E Wel,.h
Ah.. -..1
.J'1 foregoing petition, together with the
signatures signed thereto, will be presented at
tee meeting of the Common Council K
fordonee with, she above notice: ,0v
. Ik EE W, EL CO.
Land for Rent.
Land and a lany orchard to rent at
Por Sale
1. Pour anrea at Frankton, Improved' rnrut
spring; only S&oO. u. looo.
2. R. E. K of H. W. V, see. 12, Tp. 3 V., R. ,
E., unimproved; 800. "
8. John Rlpma farm. In lots from 8 to M
acres, and from (j0 to tUO per acre, TernTii
4. 8. E. K ce. 88, T. S N It, 10 E. tor only roo
Home Improvements; ItiOuorcs. '
10 K. 20 acres; some improvements. $:oo.
8. N. y, of N. W. W, 8. W. Y. of N. W. W, and
T, Hnrrett-Slpma Addition; 845 per lot- ton
dollars down and flvo dollars per munth: no
Interest, '
8. The Clms. H. Holers 8-acre Homestead.
Krankton: good cottage and barn: si.rlua
water, Price 700.
9. The old Rogers Mill property at Prank,
ton, with falls and water power on 1'helui
creek. Price iiuO. e
10. The Pr. Barrett Improved Prnlt Farm i
m. southwest of Hood Ulvcr; ISO acres- 70 acres
Iu cultivation; 40 acres In fruit: tine spring- ra
Inches Irrigatiug water. Price S,Si0; will be
sold in parcels.
11. T. R. Coon's 80 acres In Pole Flat, 7 miles
soul h west of town; 4 ucres cleared. Price jilt
per acre.
12. The L. NeflT Home; 40 acres on nnod rlv,
er; 2 iiiIIki; good water; plenty of fruit' a
beautiful homo, Prico 8 1, WW. Ten acres and
bouse tor
13. Chan. W. Gilmer Homestead, at Gilmer,
Wash.; ISO acres; fine saw timber; good soil!
well watered. Only S500; a rare bargain.
14. The Weldncr Homestead, 1G0 acres, near
Mosier; SO acres cleurcd; S springs; 400 fruit
trees; good improvements. Only f 1,000.
15. The W. H. Bishop Home In Hood River,
lot (I and part of lot 7 block I, Waucoma addl'
t ion to Hood Ulvcr; a pretty home. Only 11,100.
10. Five acres cleared and In clover, IV. ni,
sou th west of Hood UI ver. On ly 425.
17. Tho Hntisberry home. 2 miles south,
west Of town; 10 acres. Everything complete
and handy;good fruit, good water. Only jl,6U0j
IS. The Chester Welds home, In the bllls.ona
mile east of town; a pretty home; good fruit
and water; 40 acres. Only 1,400.
19. 25O0 acres deeded land; well watered; fins
range for stock. Price tl.oO an acre.
20. The Dr. Morgan house and lot la Hood
Kiver; new barn, ouly SW).
22. Tho J. WIckham farm, 7 miles smith weal
of town; 80 acres; good bulidlngsand Improve,
meats; spring water and 60 luetics free for lr.
rigaiing. l'i'l&e ii,. 00.
94. John Sweeney's plnoe; 1,000 bearing fruit
trees; 40 acres H5 acres in cultivation; 2 miles
from Hood Ulver; good well and spring, Price
twenty-seven hundred dollars; after March I,
1D00, three thousand dollars.
21. The Buskirk place, 1 mile west of town
4 acres; good spring wuler; good orchard; new
frame buildings. Only SX10; one-third ea.--li,
buluiice at 8 percent per annum. ,
2i. The Kmorson homestead, only on mil
east of town; flue range; f,000.
21. E. 0. Moone.v's a lots north of armory
cleared and in milt: well, and fence, only
27. The Swan homestead at White Salmon,
ouly 2.UO0; will be sold iu separate forties.
28. The Berger piams 1 40 ncrea; 40 acres
cleared; 10 acres grubbed; free water. 2,000
half cash: 1,400 spot cash.
20. The Grant Kvuni borne, lot 6, block 4.
Hood lllver, SMW.
SO. Wilkeus due farm at WhlteKalmon falls;
240uores; S3 cleared ar.d in grass; good im.
provemeuts; lino water power. Price J3.SO0,
stocked, or 52,750 for land.
81. 2! acres at Hard Kcrabble.all cleared and
in fruit; on county mini. Price SlioO.
82 Lts7. and 8, block ft, W oleoma Addition,
lo Hood Kiver, price 125 a lot. Term -i easy.
For Sale 15 acres; II acres undcrrullivalin'
small bouse; good water; udjoius K.L. Smith's
place. OnlyjfJiO.
AttheEmpormm ts kept a first-class uis
veyor's transit, and the- prvr?otor being n
practical atirveyar, Is well prepared to do tho
work of laying out acreage property in lots
and blocks.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 0 per cent- Persons de.
siring locations on homesteads and timber
claims should apply at The- Emporium.
0" Ketfymr eye est the Barrctt
Sipma Addciian.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
SWppws of
Hood Kiver's Famous
Packers of the
Hood Eiver Brand ot
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers nt
Boxes and Fruit Pack
Dealers in
Fertilizers and Agricul-
xnrai implements.
VilJ OfBce at Vnnconver Wh .Ttin in
1900. Notice, la hereby givea that the follow
ing named settler has flicd notice of his in,
tention to make final rannfin Biinnii't. nl hln
claim, and that said proof will be made before
iuj ncgisier uuu receiver u. . Land omceat
Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, February It; '
WOO, viz;
HoB3jtea,d -Entry No. for the lot 4 and
east of southwest section 7, townships,
uoi-ui, range ii easi. wu . Mer.
He names the tolinu'lmr wltnptuii tn nmvA
bis suai iijiuaus resWese upon and cultlva.
tioii Bam mini, viz:
Jonah B. Turner. Aim flmnUrjr CronV
Groshongand James J. Huller, all of While,
Salmon, Washington.
W, ttv DUNBAR. Register..
fTimber Ind, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land oatce. -u riuiina nr.
goa January 12, lUOO. Notice is hereby given
lhat in compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 18.8, entitled "An
act for the sale of limber la nils In the States,
ol Call (?&, Oregon, Nevada au.4 Washing-,
ton, lierruocy,"
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this olBce his sworn,
statement, No. 154, for the purchase of the
southeast 4 northwest 14 southwest K north..
will oaer proof to show that the land sought,.
Is more valuable for Us.- timber or stone than.
for agricultural pw-posss, and to establish his.
cilaiin to said land before oe- Register and.
Receiver of this office at The Duller Oregon.,
on Saturday, the 241U day of March, 1900.
He names as witnesses: Jud Ferguson, Jo.
seph Wright.. Albert Lane and William Hand,,
all of Hood Ki.-v.or, Oregon-,
Anjr and ai persons clainjjng-- adversely the.
&bovetescribed lands are requested, to file-,
their claims iu this office on or before said,
241 h day of March, 1900.
HOmSI JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
(Isolated Traot
Notice is hereby given that in pursnance ol?
Instructions from tbe Comaussioner of the.
Geuerl Land Office, under duUiortty vested In,
him by section 2455, U.S. Kev.StaL,asamend-k
ed by the act ot congress approved Feb. 2Bfc
1895kwe will proceed, to olfer, at pu.bljo sale, on,
Saturday,. the 3d day of March next,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at this ofllce
the following tract of land, to wit
E N W. V Sec 13, T. 2 X., R, U, E., W. M.
Aryr and ail persons claiming adversely tne
above-described lauds, arc mi to fiUvlhelr
claims iu this otljce on or beSose the day
above designated for th commencement ot
said sale, otherwise their ?!gbts will be for-.
iciuniv J. f. VCCAS, Kegisier.
OIlsiPATrERSON, Receiver.
Cv8. Lftcd.Otnce.The llailes, Of .. JaJU7,19C0
Warranty Deeds.
Blank Warranty Deeds fax sale at the GJa
cicr office