The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 26, 1900, Image 2

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    t J
3(ood Iftver Slacier.
The iiroceedingH of the mooting pf tho
McKinley club of Jlood River, lioM last
Saturday iimi iiubliislictl in another col
li mn, hIiow that many n;v voters, you n
fimn, are taking an intercut in politicK
ThiH !h as it oiiouhl bo. Young nie
i i i i .i i i . . .
uioupi migrt tuemtuves vrii:i a political
pur,-, join political clubs, muku then
p'.'lven conversant with poiit'es, volu
the primaries, go to cenvention.1, and
cot nominated pud elected to ollice
JSvcry voter nhould be politician enong
to koep tho run of ponticH and help to
pinke purer the "filthy pool." The bent
piejj are ;)ot always nominated for office
Mid one reawon for this in tlio antipathy
pf many voters to mixing in politics
It in not ho eawy for a few Hcbemera to
fool all tho voters of a party in a precinct
Or district when all tho voters take part
in the caucuses.
Ig-L 1 1
The lateht war news from South Africa
is not encouraging to tho Uritiish. Gen
fuller is making glow progress in hist
advance to tho relief of I.tnlyeinitli, an
the lack of definite news causes much
ilnxiety in London. A dispatch from
Pretoria, Jan. 23d, telling of the "big
pattlo" last Sunduy and operations aince
Ertys: "Tour or five times during tho day
flic British replaced their wearied hoI
diors by fresh ono. Tho Boor casualties
fo date lire pno mail killed and two
sightly wounded. Our men are in ex
CeUiiiit spirits. There is a larcc slauj-h-
tor of the British."
The political pot beyins to simmer.
Jlood. HiycT will compote this time for
eorno o t)ie important county offices in
Jho gift of the republican majority, We
have good timber hero for either Hhcriff,
flerk, county judge or commissioner.
find the delegation from here to the
County convention will go prepared to
Capture a fuir share of the olliccs,
Thanks to Secretary of State Dunbar,
the Gi.acikr has received a copy of the
hlection Laws of tho State of Oregon,
Completed and published by the eecro-
(ary of state, 1390.
Has a Uctter Juh.
The editor of the Oregonian settles the
Juestion of his candidacy for the U. S.
lenftto in tho following paragraph in his
paper of Jan. 22d:
To thoj persons who have been kind
enough to "mention" H- VV. Ncot.t for
fho United Kates senate, the ()regonian
will say that he does not desire it, is not,
nor will be, a candidate for it. Neither
that nor any other oilieial position lies
Within the sphere of his ambition. He
jia,s no dosiro to undertake- the labors of
tjiu position, and his modest estimate of
his own abilities would not justify him
1U necking it.
A FomoloKlst Hum,
Othors have spoken of the lata Dr.
fturrett as a neighbor, a doctor, a Christ
Ian and a philanthropist, but little has
(teen said about tho services he has ren
dered, this community by his export
menta and research in testing and fruit
ing new varieties of fruit. Ho snared
lio paniB nor expense in his endeavors to
ascertain jiiHt what apples, pears and
oilier truits combined tho most good
iimmuea io naruiness, navor, eize and
.feeping qualities. Shortly before his
death lie made out a list of a dozen or
nioro ot tlio best winter varieties of
pears yet originated and sent it to wiv.
r;U jnirrymen to isee how many he
vuuiu nei ne warned litem to test in
this locality to see if some would not
supersede tho Winter Mellis, of which
no uu a (urge orchard,. Jle was the
first one to introduce in tliis vicinity
many of the large, red winter apples,
(uch as SnrinL'flalu. Ktnrlf. Kmmlfir if.
kunsas Beauty mid Babbitt, which are
now becoming better known. At the
last Hood River fruit fair several m
these new varieties were exhibited bore
lorU'e Hint time, Irom his place, and il
the fair is held again this fail, there will
doubtless be an exhibit from the Dr,
Barrett place that will open the eves of
pome of us, '
Th doctor was always very willing to
tell hia experience with different va
rieties, and that saved othera'much ex
pense ttnd trouble in going over the same
ground. Ho always kept a chart of his
Orchards and also made memoranda ns
to the hardiness of varieties. It in to be
hoped tho future owners of this ranch
Wirl continue the work so well started
by the doctor, and not allow these now
varieties to become neglected or de
stroyed. U. 0. Batemam.
to war for a picnic, or for the privilege of
holding a govern rnont position, but' the
men of old wept to war to fight, and the
Boors have the same old fashioned no
tion. The Boers have had no military
schools, and have hud no military train
ing, but. they are u hipping the soldiers
of a nation which spends millions of dol
lars annually (in military training. This
little blow to the graduate of military
colleges should be remembered in the
armor in me uiuhi Mutes lr more
costly schools ta teaeit jromig Americans
the art of Y'itmhi'll Heporter.
J.I.Bevry, I.oganton, I'a.,writcs,"I am
willing tj take re oath Unit I was enprd ot
pnucmonhi entirely by Hie use of One
.Minute C'outi Cure after doctors failed.
Jt alr.0 cured my children of whooping
cough. '''.iuickly 'relieves and cures colds,
coughs, croup.g'rippo and throat and lung
trouble. Children-all Jiko it. Mothers
endorse it. Williams & Brosius.
The Kflimmstrmicp.
Hood Rivkh, Or., Jan. 23, 11)00. Ed
itor Glacick: A remonstrance against
the granting of n license for a saloon in
the town of Hood "Uiver ia beir.g oircu
tated by tho W. C. T. U. and their
friends. I am authorized to sav that il
Riiy are overlooked, who would" like to
fign the remonstrance., that a copv mav
be (oinl at Mr. Crowell's store.
I liftvo noticed one peculiar thing:
those who want to establish the liquor
tratlic in our midst do not sign the re
monstrance. Another thing also is true,
that some wlo ro not total abstainers
feel ii to bo their dutv to oppose the es
tablishing of a "pub'lic school of vice"
m the form f saloon. If on account
of such in institution a few lives shall
ti wroelied --whose we cannot predict
how much money paivl into the town
treasury will make good thobssY Ithh
an arithmetical problem r" Is it "busi
nciis?" I fancy that in the great book
01 accouiitinc- not a single item will be
'"" umen'u in me uuiguago ot Hguivs
and dollar marks.
I propose a working organization of
ho.Vci guards" to be composed of all
persons who are willing to protect the
community against saloons or other
moans by which truffle Kav thrive while
wo furnish the vitlj.s. ' '
"The law e Silserty" permits all of us
to $it and drink what we think bestor
what we know is worst, so lor an we do
not injure any one else. Tht !,. of
Charity does not permit u to "judge
iinoilior harshly. The law of unity coia.
pels us to work together liarmoriiously
m order to accomplish unv good thing".
Let us recogui? these lw and or
tanize. Let us first put out . ihe iiro
then nrjo.e the fine points of the tem
perance question afterwards.
, R. Coon.
We read a great deal in the news
pptM about the terrors of modern war
fare. Thti Boers seem to be the real ter
rors of modem wnrfjro. It baa been
(Stated that the diving war ship, and t:e
wa.r Walloon, are terrors of modern war
(are, bat they &re not to be compared
with the Boers. Modern war is not so
jjcjtructive of life as wee the wars of
fiq Olditiite. The modern man goes
3k-Kin ley Club.
In pursuance of a call published by
tlK! president, a meeting va-j held at the
office of Cieo. T. Prather, at 3 p. m. Jan.
2()lh, for the purpose of electing officers.
ana io:egntC3 to the league convention.
In the absence of the' president, the
meeting was called to order bv M. p.
Jsenberg. A. 8. Blowers was' elected
temporary chairman and II. D. La;gilio
temporary secretary.
'the election of officers resulted ns
follows: II. D. Lunaillo. nresident:
Geo. Ptratiahan, vice president; Geo. T.
Prather, recording secretary; D. M.Gib-
ooiis, corresijor.( iii2 secretary: (;. K.
Williams, treasurer.
Executive Committee A. H. Hlrtw.r.
Chris Detlunan and J. II. Shoemaker.
Committee on By-Laws Hurry Bailey,
J. B. Hunt and H. D. Langille.
Committee on Membershin ' M
Yates, 11. I). Lam-ille and W'.H.Gnw ore.
Committee on Ualiv. Enterf iiirnneiit.
and Koception A.Wiiians, E. . (linger,
Urn. Jsenler', J. Ii. ? idea sen. Howard
Isenbcrg, D.'M. Gibbons, Grant Evans,
Win. Edick, Chris Dethman and L. N.
Proceedinu to the election of .Iftlewitxi.
the ballot resulted in the election of
Chas. Outlier, J. II. Hunt, W. Jt. Wi
nans, E. S, (dinger, M. P. Ln'iibera
ud If. 1). LaiiKille as deleiates to the
republican league convention to bo held
in Portland February (i, I'JOQ.
The secretary was instructed to tire-
Kent a copy of the minutes of the meet
ing to the Hood Uiver Sun and the
Glacikk for publication.
lliere beim; no further businesn before
the meeting, a motion to adjourn, sub
ject to the call of the president, was ear
ned. II. I). Laxoii.i.i?.
f-ieere'tary pro tern.
Lewis Dennis. Salem. vs." Kr.rln!
Dyspepsia Cure did me more t-'ood than
inylhing I ever took, "It digests what you
Jin unn can noi iikit) Oct. cure d veneris n
and stomach troubles. WilliamK&Brosins
Local Teachers' Association.
I'ollowina is tho crocramme to he ren
dered at the Hood Uiver nublie sclu-ol
building at '2 o'clock p. m., Jan. 17, 1000.
Opening- music.
Variety versus Uniformity in Methods
f Recitation. Led by F. B. Barnea.
Class exercit-e from Miss Iseiilxinr.'F
Methods in teaching Geography. Led
by S. C. bhcrrill.
Olosmg IH1I310.
Prof. Paut, the well known optician of
The Dalles, was in town Monday.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of
counterfeit, e nd worthless salvo oi'k-red for
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Sidve. Do Witt's is
the only original. An infallible euro for
piies and all skin diseates.r-W'illian-is &
II. S. Soule, piano tuner, who puccceds
W. B. Geary, was in town during the
week. Ho will make visits to Hood
River every six months.
L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R.R.,Se
liim, Gil., writes,"! can not fav too much
in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In
my case it worked like a charm. "Tho only
harmless remedy thatgivr.simmediate re
sults. Cures, coughs, colds, (Toup, bronchi-"
us, una mi rnroiu unci lung troubles
Williams & Brosius.
The Jlarkct.
Flour, Goldcndale Dianiond, per sk,
I-lour, Peacock, per sk.
Flour, Dalles Diamond, per bbl . . .
Bran, per 100 n
Bran and Short:', per 100 lt s
Shorts, per 100 ll.a
Barley, per 100 lbs ,
Potatoes, per 100 lts
Onions, per 100 lis
Cabbage, per 100 Iks
iVpiaHh and Heets, per 1C0 H.s . ,00c to 1 00
Carrott and Turnips, per 100 lbs 1 00
tCto lL'h.'
li'c to 10
5s, 65c; 10s 1 10
8de to Oil
1 25
.V5o to 8o
licnmua, per doiwn 25c to 30
,pplos, tall, per box 5uo to 1 00
rVpulos, winter, per box H.SS to 1 m
Cranberries, per gal 40
muter, tancy 85c to 43
Eggs Ifie to m.
Coll'ee, fancy blended roast SO
Ciffee, choice roasted CM
Cofloo, ArLuckles and Lions 15
Sugar, dry granulated, per sk 5 05
Sugar, extra C, per sk 5 15
F.B.Thirkield, Health Inspector of Chi
1x0, says, "Kodol Dvsneu.sia Cure ivinnnt
bo reconnneudi-d too hiudilv. It cnri-d me
ot severedyspepsia." It digests what you
eat and cures indigestion, heartburn 3ml
all forms of dysnoi-.sia: WilliamsA iimAins
153 0
Dr. Adams on Deck Again.
Hood Rivkh, Jan. 21, PJOO. Editor
Gmcikr: I see1 in the Glacikb of Jan. 12
an article wholly devoted to me and sign
ed C. A. Wyman. Who this C. A. W. is
f know not or of what sex. After a
careful reading of the article'! place ber
among the soit sex. A laueu that I
wouki break on a wild hoaroj the forest,
a "whiskered Pundour" or a "fierce tiu.s
tar," I would scorn to use on a tender
it mule who traces her pedigree back tea
"rill." I would hardly uam disturb hei
waving curls by "bummer evenings lat-
est s:gt, that shuts tho rote." lanvuys
" i'aiKi Iibi uji lendcily,
t.i. t In l- itli iiiip;
ruiiidiie j t,it ftlvntlily
oui.g mm mj lau I'' '
Now, sister, I want to examine you a
httie. Don't ten-urn so! It's only youi
Glacch article that 1 am going to piao.
on the dissecting tabic not you; no,
darling, not you! 1 regara ou as. a sec
ond Jouu of Arc a line specimen ot a
iemuie warrior. W hat other woman in
llood Kiver would have dared to wain
on tt.e stage, pick up Bru. V .'a -1-ouncc
gloves tliiit lie had thrown down in die
gust and returned to his "corner" to
sulk as did Acmiies, when lelused the
embrace ot the laircaptive Linseus? (.See
Homer's Liad.) 'I he gloves were too
Heavy for your predecessor, my dear
they don't lit your iitue duhcate list.
Your wild swings, never gutting in on
the ribs or even a lett hook on the juv, ,
show it. I do not believe, i cannot be
lieve, owing to my respect lor the mtel
genco of my friend "in the corner." that
our wild a:r beating twmgs have even
nutiieu his lace with a crimson ot satis
faction. I know it hasn't to any bod.
else. But I promised to be tenUe with
you. I have a very tender leeling for a
woman, and I will say without causing
jealousy 111 theamily IhatjUoi-eailsucii
women as Paul describes in 1 Timothy,
uurn to it ana read it, my cieur;
and even now, in my old age, I, like Bv
ion, wish they had or.erojy nioutli that
1 -might r.ujs them all, irom north to
south.," bo if you possess those charac
teristics that Pan! and I to much ad
wire, just cousiaer yourseii kissed at
long range." You cannot get a short
range smack from me till you shed those
'i-ouiice prohibition bo.ung gloves. They
are not iuc.uded in Pain's inventory 01
heavenly adornments for a ladv. Ii she
wear his sjwikiingjawels, I don't care a
cent, whether she is a Jewess, U.iahoine
dan, Catholic, heathen, or even a Meth
odist just bring her along and see me
hug her. But now to business.
Dear sister, you evince a small shak
ing of tlio knees when you start out with
the hazard of encountering a doctor but
console yourself with the worii-out saw,
"when doctors' disagree, " &c, and con
clude those who doctor the body having
disagreed 011 diagnosis, remedies
treatment, there is a good opening for
the good old mother to slip in with her
ban of herbsher catnm tea miL-hr n-iwi.
the spot, where cpuuiuic, calomel and
opium had failed. You are right there,
sister; ii possible, more than'right. Bui
lias it never suggested itself to you that
the advocates of curinst "their rhou-
matiz" by carrying a horse chestnut, a
potuto or mi onion in the i'Jt breeches
pocket have ra.sed a storm cf remon
strance lam these who insisted thee
cure alls should be putin the );'! back
action pocket to do any good? Do doc
tors ol divinity, who are trying to keep
the sickest patient in the world alive, an
agree as to just what will loniiest keen
breath in its body? Tho pa lie ut see mo
to be passing uwuy with slow consump
tion, He lea iaiien off several tons iu
ilesh since I visited Jris bedsidd nouiu Vo
years ago. The more light of tcieiiet
ttie world gets the bicKer u.e- old gentle
man becomes. In the course ot i
don't know just how long, but some time
in the future, the did genuehiau wui tie
gathered io the tomboi his lather .Moses,
and posterity wdl gaze upon bis em
balmed remains us I, ni 1W, revereutij
looked upon the shriveled skm thacsiui
ciung to the bones ot Pizarro, the con
queror of Peru, down in a subterraut-uu
vault in Lima, Peru, one of the mooi, re
ligious vet bloodthirsty savages Uiutevei
dyed the virgin soil With mnuccnl blood,
iet Pizarro kissed a crucdi.v. reeeiveu
uwreme unction, ana went to glory to
tout u go.den hii-n alongside ot Duram
who was hanged with tne "benetu ol
Clergy." isoiue doctors of divinity have
located these saints 111 one place, some
in a warmer climate. Great is thu m.i s
tery of Godliness! The "natural mail"
cannot seo Us beauties, but to an un
natural man they are as clear as mud.
Sojou tee, dear sister, doctors ot ah
shades will d.fter. iov, what are we
going to do about, it ? Is there any better
way than to use what, kttle brains we
have think a little, read ail sides with
an honest desire to reach the truth, and
reject all. that does violence to every no
ble principle within us, whether it be a
pretended "revelation" from some god
or some devil? if we cannot do this, we
are already sidetracked on a railroad
that leads down to barbarism, the throt
tles are pulled wide open, the air brakes
are removed, and down we go, till at the
.loot of the lull our n.angled-remaina lie
there to rot and slink, till our bones are
gathered up and hauled off in a dung
cart by the "coming race." Before the
whistle announces "ail aboard," I walk
along the sides of the "caboose" halt
tilled with the "sanctified'' crowd. I
uoticj their cadaverous faces with noses
flattened against the windows, with faces
wreathed in withering scorn, which say,
"Thank (led, I am too good to beiong to
the crowd outside; I wish I had you bv
the hair of thu head long enough to pull
you into the caboose." They want a
clean btil of health before skirting on
their downward trip. 1 walk into the
tioiusts but only advocates of temper-
anco, and was kind enough to tell you
just wliere to find them, you turn up
your httle nose, and waving your boxing
glove ut me, shriek out, "Oh! all your
rending is outside ot the Jjible an old
saw you had probably heard your irrand
mother u.-e, or sofneveifow-legged chick
en eater with about three months school
nig, when cornered in an argument bv
some bright bov that knew more than
he did. 1 hardly think your friend 11.
the "corm-r'' was satisfied by that left
handed swing and laimostseeluni now
moving his knees as if in the act ,
i-priiiguig up to snatch-a way his gloves
1 thought 1 had driven the nail anu
ci'nched it, but I see there is no use 111
i-linchiiig a nail after driving it throug!
ii l.Kiidiul of sawdust.
You s-.iy that, all the world was drunk
oelore the Hood and .Noah was the onl
one sober enough to build the ark. Did
yju learn this in the Bible? You carm
dud one word in the Book to show thai
wine was ever known before the flood
U e inter it was, because iN'oah planted
.cultivated a vineyard as toon as lit
ieit the ark. Nothing more natural than
lor ii 1 111 to go sirs glit to tils o-id hoini.
and scratch a little around tnoe choic
grapevines. As to where he got the win
to gut drunk on, theologians differ. hl
opinion is that one of his "sons," know
ing tiro old gentleman's fondness for it,
had Mowed away a lew demijohns undei
the loose liav in the ark, which accord
ing to my figures w as about 2,127 tons
and even then the animals had to be pui
on short rations belore the grass started
You say, sisier.that God saves a drunk
ard now and then if he repants, or In.
would probably lack subjects to fill up
nis - hereauer.'- vt in you pioa.-e pomr
to mo your prcot that jNuuh even repent
ed of his debauch? If he slipped in as
an unrepentent drunkard, why not let a
lew more nice him sup 111 whiietiie gates
stand ajar? You say that, the flood de
stroyed the world because' they were all
drunken. Were the sheep and the doves,
canary birds and all the innocent an
imal that Gtd said he would drown
and did drown all drunk? But there is
another animal, the serpent, that was
"more subtle than any beast of the Meld
which the Lord God had made." Gon.
3:1, What became of him? Was he
stored away in the ark because he, like
INoaU, was temperate? Or was God so
"merciful" as to overlook the little slip
he made in tempting Eve to involve the
whole human race, including all animals,
in everlasting ruin? lie ayd his wife
must have been taken in by Noah, or
else, crawled in and hid themselves under
the hay alongside thosedemijohns; eith
er this or they were mighty "good swim
mers. Wc certainly have no evidence
that they ever got drunk the reason
why the flood was cent.
Now, as to this wine business before
tho Hood, people differ. Cruden, the
greatest Bible reader of his age, treats it
thus: "Several of the ancients were ol
opinion that wine was not in use before
the doiiiire, and that Noah was the sirst
who used the liquor. It wine, sav thev.
had been known before the tlood, Abel
would not have failed to bring an otter
ing of it to the Lord, and Noah would
ave been on his KUiird so as not, to ha ye
drank of it to e.icess. But on the ether
hand, it is mairuaintd by others thin it is
much more probable that the lirst men
were not ignorant of the use of wine,
which is a liquor so generally useful and
tyrcoable that it could scares! v have
W'e take the liberty of sending you a card, which we kindly ask
you to bring with you or send, when making cash purc-lmses at our
store, and have the amount of such purchase punched out until all
the amounts represented on margin are cancelled. We will then
present you FREE, a large three-quarter life size, (bust) crayon or
water color portrait of yourself, or any member of your family or
dear friend, whoso memory you may wish to perpetuate.
Knowing the very general desire among our customers for family
portraits, we believe that there is not a family in this section but
what would take a GOOD portrait in preference to anything we
could offer as an appreciation of their cash trado.
These portraits will be made from any photograph or tintype you
furmsh (tame will bo returned to you). Rrcmember you are not
required to buy a frame, we are presenting the portrait as an appre
ciation of your patronage. However, we shall carry a large line of
frames which we will sell to portrait customers at the lowest possible
price, but if you can buy a frame cheaper elsewhere it is your
privilege to do so.
To enable you to understand more fully the value of this offer, we
invite you to call at
frames can be seen.
our store where samples of the work and
We hope you will appreciate our endeavor, and favor us with
your patronage, and in return we will assure you courteous attention
and the best goods at the lowest prices.
Yours very truly,
11 a m'Aii rl
y E3
We are now located in our new store, and while we do not claim
to have tho only good stock in town, WE ARE Pit EPA RED TO
MEET ALL COMPETITION. We have paid cash for every bill of
merchandise that we have bought for the last tjn years and believe
we can buy as cheap as any other concern in the state. Gail and see
us; if we cannot suit you do not buy. We are here to do business
and are doing some.
To Itislilcnts ol Hoo.l It Ivor uiut VIelnltv,
liiiiiitnNii: The tuuisivrenoviitln"- season
will soon tm liciv, smt I hilts tins method of
calling your attention to tlio fiict Hint I slmll
also ho hero, vilely ami unxlous to assist voa
01 firry 1'cssl wo way.
f nvHti T-Hint 11ml lOi-.i ..,..w i.. a..h
1'iilnT a iv IMvO uiiio a mn 11 1 In nr i,',
iisniia !) us 1 hoy hhlc 11 iiuiliiuiilc of riVrl-ois
unit w.kii pinpci-ly iipphtM wi'i caiiso the tu-!'iii!;r,;(-m
v.)u;u ol tho houso to tHoomo I
.j w I -.- i- r 1111,1 sausMoioi-y t uie unj.-t:,.
taslo. loolitam thu; iisiuil ilosiroil rosult in
my svinl tnisiiu-.-s, 1 cannot wiimint ton I
uollHi- otlools lor 0. 0110 ih.n.ii-, hut I
1 iloHUiiniMt.-o. satisinoiory work niul iw.ills i
It live niul lot livo lu iooi. no nv. H' win !
1 I vlvill K ..1.,. 1 ... .. 1,,. ' . . , ' v...
witn sum pica of Patwr. m.nsr.iv vour r-.o.i 1 , . vl-' "' . P'oniOMor, caboose this arti
n.t HiHwyoacriwu. tKsi'lMATtfsuKATls. do w not tor vou. It' it falls under the
" """' thank.'- for oust pu, inioi.j.. and' i ev of sahw .f s.,.o); . .1 -
IHVtml Mil'.onation forush ,1-ooftln.s.Hnm i . ....... .7 ., " , u"1"1'" . VVV1 "
caeooso to examine them. I find them
all atlhctod with, monomania, harder to
cure than the bubonic plaeue. I put rav
ear to the place where tho heart ousht
to be no systolic or other sound audible
except that of the low murmurs of a
faintly grinding jrizzard. I examine the
pulse, which indicates approaching dis
solution. The tongue shows a terrible
nervous prostration bordering on a soft
cnine; of the brain. Abdomen expanded
fo it needs hooping. Cause, too much
uiu ot one kind and intemperance in
chewing caiechisms and prohibition lit
erature, with no sensible reading to neu
tralise the poison. Prognosis death at
the foot of the hill. No use (oy argu
mentative med'uino. "Kphraim is join
ed to his idols ; lot him alone." (liusea
-1:17.) Dear sister, if Von !. 'iw..,t....
In tho muuv, I u.11 v
tv tiulv vo irs.
1.' ri ni,.i.' a ot
Till n tor a n ;t Down, tor, "ll noil ii i v or." Or
1113 oil
Land for Rent.
I .m J iin-t b large orchard to ivm m
0mce Vnr.o.jiivor, VViili.
lie,'. -.Noiuo is horohy eivon that t!
lou-iui.iita s.tior nus p. roii.s. 01' 1
prevents them from gormaiic'
i:eiiioiiiou ana cmeciusin literature till
tney look as though tl-.ov bad Hoen con
uned to a dried apple diet. I am content.
Prohibition literature looks all right to
you, s:or; so does Mahomedaniani and
every other ism to those v. ho look at 11
thrash gobies with glass stained just
ttie 10 1 or to make its deformities
look Iiko httie angels Hopping their wmil's
vhile one liavmS a Wve! head lookina
!iuauaKCU eve or ttiri.u-'h an nnroi.
been unknown to Adam himself.
have traced the use of wine from Adam
down tlirotiL'h suec-edins aces nowhere
condemned, often recommended till v.e
come to a little squad haunting a prohi
bition l'r.g, and carried by a little
blue-bellied Yankee down in-Malne on
a soil so poor, and rocky as to product;
little else than Canada thistles and social
monomaniacs. Put it seems you have
round a passage in llab. 2:15 that you
think disproves all tassaees I have elicit
ed in tuvor of the temperate use of wine. J
ii menus as you read it: "U on to n.m
who (iters his neighbor a drink of wine,"
but you put your tout in it by quoting
the passage in full; "Woe to him that
givelii his neighbor drink, that putteth
ihy bottle to him and tnakotn him
liti'hhui." In your blind struggle to
find Piblo arjiuments to contradict niv
quotations in favor of Unnpe.fance, you
nre a passage at me denouncing drunk
cnncus, and yet. you boast of being a care
ful reader of the Scriptures; ?j Don't
you think, dear sister, it iu about time
tor you to throw-up the sponge and re
tire to your "coniei 't" You are sprawl
ing on tho floor, "knocked out" by that
terrific left-swing intended for me, but
which vou landed squarely in your own
eye. Let us look a little further at earn-,
pies of your learning and logic. You say'
that the passage in Prov. SI :fl, "Give
strong drink to him that is ready to per
ish and wine to him that be of heavy
soul." . You say that is all right. Very
well. Then why does vour little clan
wish a law to "prohibit" us from doing
eiiiierr uo you clamor lor a statute law
iu u;oe;u oiib 01 itou s laws! Again:
You think that wine and strong drink
are not synonomous that strong drink
io fermented, and- wine imt'erniented
grape juice, and you conclude so because
they had no distilleries then. Do vou
know of any distillery now making wine?
Do you not know that otnoa, the Greek
for wine, meant or strong
drink, and the translators who furnished
us theeptuagint use. the two expres
sions merely to avoid a tautology?
Doesn't every classical writer ahvavs
avoid the use cf the same word twice in
close connection? You "say we are told"
that there was "two or three words" in
the original that, make this distinction.
You have, been "told so" by vour aunt,
perhaps, who found the statement in
the little tract, "Poor Diind Sarah," a
converted squaw, which I read and cried
over. 75 years ago. I cannot find the
two or tnree words" 111 the Septuagint,
cannot find them in the Hebrew Bible, j
or the Koran j they are absent in the
wiaiaean iargums; they arc conspic
uously absent in the writings of the
Puiddhist "St. Satya, the 9th incarnation
of M isdom ;" they are not in the writ
ings of Confucius (Kungfuue), born in
China, Jan. 19, 551 years before Christ,
;,, lal,c111 i';e same doctrines!
V 1 ,. " ailU 1?RVQ us t!l "Goiden
uuie, word tor word, as Christ gave it.
I cai.cot 2nd vour "two or words"
in the -Mormon Bible," the Westminster
contossion of faiih, orevc-11 in the "Meth
odist Discpline," where it ought to be if
tnere is any truth iu it. Bat vou your
self seem to h in doubt whether you
nave been correctly informed about vour
"two or thrto words in the original that
iiiiviv uiu uistuietion uctween gtrc
uiuiKiaiu wine. or mi ii-T,n,.oti...
proceed to tell us that the translator
made no distinction but tianslated both
as one wine
It requires a great deal of patience for
w .. .... uma joo ever iiad) to
odow an ignoramus through all hi
.. ;- .-. ten ne tries to go into the
heid e! science he crawls through a the-
""is'vai laiur so crooKCit that he
u 1 uie source 01 .tne to 1 m hi rivf.r
with a corncob, or prohibitionists stop
uiu injw vi nuuian noerty uv stinting in
a few drunkards' shirts. "Watch the
slow moving hand of eternity as it slow
ly moves through the cycles of ages and
murks the piogress of the race under the
laws of evolution up to jelate, and then
tell me if you can how long it will take
to carry the race to enlightenment.start
ing with the "first pair," that dwelt in
a t ave, eating raw meat killed with a
bindgeon or stone hammer, down to a
nu dern prohibitionist. Tho tall struct
ure that has reared its lofty top to the
heavens and extorted the praises of the
gods is a graded school for God's child
ren Christ said it consists of "many
mansions," or stories. In ths basement
are savages, where Adam and Eve ro
sidi d ; in the second story are semi-savages
; in the third story are the civilized ;
in ihe fourth story are'the Christianized;
in the fifth story are the enlightened,
where Confucius, Christ, Tom Jefferson,
Franklin, Lincoln, Howard, Humboldt,
Da. win, Spencer, Huxley, Henry Ward
Leec.her, and a host of earth's brifht.t
jewels have climbed up on "lire escape
ladders" placed outside the walls of the
(ouith story "mansion." No prohibi
tioi ist ever reached there or ever will.
The heavenly atmosphere hasn't enough
d ne oxygen in it to keep him alive
sail hum-ttd hydrogen is best suited to
his iiings. W hen all the race reach the
upptr story, then tho millennium nnt
betore. The man who lies to you, the
man who will not pay his honest debts;
who fails to pay the printer for his pa
per; who cheats his neighbor in a horse
trade; who puts little potatoes in the
bottom of the sack and big ones on top;
who misrepresents his goods; who starts
a saw mill or a store to break up with
money in his pocket, defrauding his
creditors; and every man who doesn't
lookout for-his neizhhor's interest hq
clearly as he docs his own, is down in
the fourth story, which is literally crawl
ing with them. We are glad they arc
not ;n the tilth story. We dislike their
soon, ty . They are onl v tolerated in such
places as are accustomed to "pass the
hat." .
YlU Complain that I imnnsen
burden on a woman bv asking her to
give ti whisky seller notice to self no more
Uquer to a drunken husband. I ahvavs
believed that when that "rib" was taken
Irom Adam's side there was a small slice
of bf ckbone chipped off with it, for
eome women seem to be all backbone,
and others all rib. To meet just such
casts as yours, I stated in my article
that any of her friends could serve the
notice. If the is unfortunate er.oush to
have no friend, just consider me as "such
and if I don't plaster his saloon out-
suie ana ui 11 necessary, not neglecting
to hire at my own expense a bill poster
to plaster them all over hia back. Mc
kinley's wife had backbone enough to
head the W. C. T. U. ladies in raiding
the saloons 111 Canton, Ohio, while her
husband and Mark Hannawere at home
laying plans for getting to Washing ton
and figuring out just how many thou
sand barrels of whisky it vvould'take to
Hood the country and raise revenue
enough to carry on the c-overnmont
irysui was doing the same thing, while
the cor old, lonesome prohibition can
didate was sobbing at home because his
prott ssed mends were mostly going over
to the camp of the enernv. i
w nen you located me in the back room
0. a drug store, proscribing wine for mv
patients and "rubbing in tho remedv "
you thought you had got off something
For Sale or Trade.
Will soli on time or liailo for unvthins- 01
eqnul values
o ncrus pood strawberry land near town.
1") acres near Tucker, partly improved.
L'sh buyers nood not apply.
t acres, 4 miles from town, pnrtly Inirjroved
20 acres, 7 miles from to.wn. Improved.
J12 VV. A, SUNUKliliAXI). -
Water Consumers.
Nottee Is hereby given to all persons desir
ing water lor tho coining season Irom the
Water Supply Co. of Hool Rive.- ViUlev, Hint
they must llle their applications for the same
with the secretary on or belore the lirst sutur
diiy ot l-uhnniry next.
Hy order of ttie Bonnl of Directors.
Uatod this the i'lth day of .January, iP00.
H. J. iilUliAUD. Sec'v.
80 Acres.
V.'feH improved farm; 10 acres In cultivation;
near school; good roads. Price Jl.wo. Iiest
b'nJn UorKl Kimr. FK-HU jlOWK,
Quadruple .Silverware sets; a new lot of
Aiurtti.Uofkt.jnst received by
1. Fourn"resat Frankton, Improved- ,.,'
spring; only 3i0. wna, gnol
2. S. E. 4 of S. V,', y SpQ jo Tn 9 v
E., unimproved; S00. 7aA"u lP- 2 N.,R.1C
3. John Sipma furm, In lots from r .
acres, and from 550 to A
4. 8. K. M wc. 82, T. 3 N., R. 10 E. for only rv,
.Some lmprovemcuts; Itoueres. "''Wli
V.Mof.V.W.iis.i2,T 2 I
; some Improveriients. r.S.
, N. i of N. W. Yu S. W. Vnf v v I
5. S. of 8,
10 E.; 20 meres;
7 . TJnrretl-Slpma Addition; JI5 per lot. . E
8 The Chas. II.
I'runktori: (rood
water. I'ricetlCO.
Hogers B-aere
uuiiuge and taru
alu; sprinj
6. Tim old Rogers Mill property i p,.,
ton. wiih fiiiu nnii Rt fran!:-
power on ITieipn
vatlon: In frail: jt,,e .'nw1
irrigatlns water. lrice , "i f J
pan-els. ' K" M
creclt. I'rieciOO.
10. The Dr. Barrett Improved Pmlt Firm a
m. Mmthwcst of Hood Kiver; IS) aerei- -n . ' 4
In eullivatlon: I,, iv, i .'9
sold In par
11. T. II. Coon's SO acres in Pnln pi.
soul Invest of town; 4 ueres eirurcfi p.'i" .if?
12 Tho L. Nf ff Home; 40 ncres on twi .,
er; 2 nines; (rood water: nlentv r....;.' "
Wasli.; IliO .teres; line saw timber; good soil!
well watered. Only $30U: a rare barijain. ''
11. Tho i Wcldner Honicstead, P;0 acres, m
Mosier: m .lercs c ennui r 4 h. -us!
trues; (,'oOd iniproveinoitts. Unlyil'ooo
15. The W. II. Elslion IlorrH In rtnr.,1 ni,...
lot (1 and part of lot ; block 1, Vuucnnm adill'
ion toiiood niver; 11 pietiy luime. OnlyMJou
1H. Ki've nei-es cleared and In cti,v.r 11...
b.iutliwesl of Uooil itiver. Only -125. ' '
1. Tlie Hansherry home. 21!; miles ni,ih
west of town; 10 acres. ICvervthiiiir eon:r,liJ
and lialidy;HO d ll uit. Hood v. nmr. (jnli i i
U. The Chester Welds home. In the bills one
mile cast in town; a pretty Inline; good fruit
ana u-iitcr; iu aen-s. tmly it.HM).
2.1. The Dr. Morn
liner; new barn.
;rn house and lot in
ijiiiy suu.
Seed Corn Wanted.
I wai.t 100 pounds Early Seed Corn tit Par
adise f arm. Also, houses to inr-t.
J'2 W. L. ADAMS.
The public are Invited to call at my gallery
and inspect my work. I aim logive'SiiliiNuc
lion in ail cases where work is inlrustod to
me. 1'ric.ys reasonable. Uiitsido views
specialty. UUAS. ItlUCIS.
Spray Pumps.
When usinj! a Spray Pump you want one
that aiiiKtes the spmying instead of
yourself. TdE "Pu.MOAA" is the only one
.u.iv uiiij iiuawtrs liiis pin pose, vveateanx
ions io nave 111c oroiuuds receive better spray
"" w eneouniite mis we oner tlia "best
iui toe iiioiiuy, "iirii, ruivioiSA."
21. The -'rank Cluuuller improved frnlt. nn,i
Kiain lurni; ,M acres; 45 111 eullivatlon: l,ceu
beiirmj apple trees; lane lioitre and barn; tuns
water mid plenty of it; iionsii and lurm fur
nished. 1'riee jj..,0); terins easy.
I. The J. Wlcklnim fnrin.7 nHliiinihii-...
of town; ;) acres; kooiI buildiiiL'sand tniLrove.
uir.iits; spriiis; water mid lie iiirlu-.H lien inr ir.
rl(jiiiing. l'rifei:l,'.Wi.
at. John Sweeiiev's olai'e: l.fiM ).p
ticcs; 10 acies'-.-i"i uvta In enlitvaii.Mi- 9 in
fiom ll iod Klveriftood well and siiriin.'. Viil'o
Iwenty-spvon hundi-eil iloiiars; after March I,
1MX), tin ee tliousand dollars.
21- The Busklrli place, I mile west of town:
i acres; food spring witter; stood orchard; ne
naine uuiciirias. inuy jipti; oiio-third ea.-h,
baiaiice at II per cent per annum.
i. The Eiribi son homestead, onlv one milfl
castor" town; tine range; sl.600.
i. E. C. Mo( ne 's 1 lots north of urn..
cleared and in nnii; well, mid lence, only u,
27. The ytvan lioiiiestcnd nt Whita Riilnui i
only 2,i,00; will be sold in sopurate forties.
2H. The Bereer 1 nl MCl-PH- jn iini.m
cleared; 10 acres urublicd; free water. 2.0U1
Hull cash; 1,400 spot, cash.
20. The Grant Kvans hiinm tot k iiim.L- j
Hood Kiver, W!0. ' '
oO. Wllkens tine farm nt, IVMlaKulmAn f.,!l.
2-10 acres; 25 cleared nod In (,'iass; good'in.l
provcmenLs: line water t,iwr. lrt. S:io
stocked, or J2,7;i0 for land. '
SI. 211, ucrvd at Hard Scrabble, all cleared and
in fruit; on county road. Price S250.
At the Emporium is kept tv flrslKilass sur
veyor';! transit, and tha proprietor being it
practical nurveyor, i well prepared to do the
work of luying out acreage property tn lotB
a ud blocks.
K. 13. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with Interest at 0 per cent. Persons de
siring locutions on homesteads and timber
claims should apply ut The Emporium..
SW Keep your eye; on the Barrett
Sijjma Addition, jfflg
Notice to Voters.
Under the urovisiuns of Mih tft.ii...n.nii
law all persons when rcsriKterinsr me n-MiiiicH
to furiiisii to the rejisturing officer the follow-
1111; 111 101 11111 Lion:
.If nutiirultzed, the time, place and court, of
.uuuihiii,iiiiiii, in inis couiieciion it Is nec- 10 prouuue nutui'utiX.ttion papers, or
declaration of inieiuion.
Hesidence must be speoific, pivini prooinct,
seelioo, 'township and riiiijte; if witiiln town
or city, the street; number, if any, and num.
... nuu , 11 iu any ouiminu
where rooms are ruonbr-red, the number ol
1. io n.-oiii unu uoor must ne given.
In order to avoid mi necessary delay and in
.wint-iii.-ncc, every person iie.sirnnj to register
"""' . "o pu-paroa to mrnisu tne above in-
facilities will be furnished In every pre-
enieno me county by either justice of the
jiuuev or iiuiary puuuo. A. ill. KEiiSA V
Jii i County (.:ur'k.
Luna Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, Jan.
N lieo. .Notice is licivtu-given that, ineiui.
oiving-named .settk-r has rued nonce of nis
itiWiiiKin to nial.e UiiiU pr.n.t in support i.f ins
claim, and tiuitsaid proof will be mane bwiure
the lav idler una Ueee.ver ut ortaoii Cuv.
(Jiegou, on Marcii 2, 1iaj,i, viz: - "
lit) H ACE H. I'lIliAIPS,
II. E. I).2", for the tioitheasr of northeast U
01 section 2S, townslilp I norih, raugii 0 east
fie iniiiies the following to prove
H-frw',""11.1!0,-'" fill,:" ' and t-uitiva.
Don ot, said land, vi:
Isahiii James, i-'rauk Devrov, Virgil Amend
and Jonn Whitoel, all of Bri.ial Vetl. 61"',!,"
JliUo UiAS. Ii. iiuoUEs, iteg.ktSr.
ITimber Land, Act June 3, IS 8.
tilllDv i Jt .3 . .." 1
I - "", y uel,r gi. isat vour
."uon-est Loid ; you would shine more
con.-iiouonsty in domestic affairs uch
asliiigicg dish cloths or ironing dfdie
cw, my dear sister, I am done with
you and done forever. I gently lav mv
hand on your badly disheveled hair and
' 1 wnh my hlessmsj. T will tmi
lyoir no ruore. M'orid without end.
I Amen : e.xt. W. L. Adasw.
; win5- !vn.d 03ico' Tlie L'!liles- Oregon, Jan.
rcKr!fh?. w "ereby iveu tUtt'Hueoiir-gre-
,.j Junes, v-ntuiea "An act Sir ihe
Oitgon, evud and W jshiugtou Territory
Of The Dalles, county of Waseo, state ofOre
e'"' y'.vriled in tliUoilice hiss vorn
wJ - -, . '"J ."'' i and north half souiii
no,.,,;4. ' se"-''ion, -1. in township -o 1
north, ranse .No. east, w. M.,and w,ii ofi
i;.';?nM? ?VhM the' land soujht il more
, i. r "s loaoci or stone tiiau
vui.iiiu, purposes, ana to est.
Davidson Fruit Go.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
Fruits. .
Packers of tlie
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manul'acturerg of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
ages. Dealers in
Fertilizers and Agricul
tural Implements.
Land Oliiee at Tlie Dalles. Orecon, Dec. 18,
Ib'JH.-Ivol.iee is hereby given that the follow-inn-named
settler has fili-,1 n,ii ,.r i.
leiitioti to mulct, fhinl ii-.u.f i .- i.iu
claim, and that said proof will be inade befoie
tlie Kesister and heceiver nt. Tim iiniiou n.
gon, oa Friday. February a, pjoa, viz;
Of Hood Hivrr, Ore., Jl. E. KSS for the lots 1
and souiiH-ait ',1 norih.iisi i. unit n..r.ih,.i
southeast ).. section 0, tottnshipl north,
ranae il easis W. M.
He ruoiies thi l'o!!mvli-n wilnm... m .,.i.
his eoniiniioiis residence upon and euitiva-
iion 01, saia innci, vis
Robert 11. Kprnri l.onfl rjiyre nn . ir....i-
Miiliikin, t ne Dalies, or.; Halpu" Shelley,
Hood liiver. Or.: Kilwit, n m.m r..
Uallrs, Or.
J-Y P. LUCAS, Register.
;irJi!n ins ci
-notice for publication.
CTlfO fit Vrtttrt-M.t. XT-- T
5W.-Notlee is herebv Pivr,,''. , r",.:.1.0' nouce oi nislii.
nis; nan ed settler ha
I lemion to ninke final prof in smvn, 1 7.V , "
coiim. Mid that ssitl prwt iviil be made
the Kcs sier and Itecoiver U. s. , :
f ,Vi" erooitett that he alwavs I on Tuesdsv. Feiixarv
"."V". I-n-s'i '" Mu.pori of Ids UrtM elass is verv R-c'v .,1- ...1.... . . : ' - -c s-iuru-a m .touv i. cccx.
tieft'p" u!. VL I!" you ll aa ansref ft, Vaw ut, "r,w:M ,ornl ct "'Miira ia HoW,tF,v: ; ... . . Ot said, VU; f. t I . MlOIllst 8. 1 CVer. I WOU'li r-l-cr i it..'
U llliiini I,-p. .1 ...I, T tt ,.v . ,lter I OUOted T..saca s'lan ,.-...., I.i , . "OL.U , ..1 y" 1,1) tll
NWrcaiTdltyn lds jt 111 it "C7q.
U. Dl''jj.Mt, Koslsirf.
' n.iir iif i.,.t
Christ, raul r Timothy woro prohibi-
Jtittll i;iIIU 1PIOVQ tn-l !.-i.r..-t .1 i.
d -;? lhe, L'ulles' Oregon, on Satur
day, the 1. tli day of March. lii
He names, as tvitnes.-es: W. k. Wnn T.
lfh,Ji.?"-a:iI!'r,SOI,f claiming adversely the
ti. AZVr1. "Ms."re requested to lile
iTlhvofAlircMW "r before aaid
J1- JAY P. LUC A3, Reiister.
i-.van;i 0ffice nt vancouvor. Wash..Jnn n
u?e ls,bfrebyfiven that the foll'ow
;"a'" a w has. filed notice of Lis in-
,i " "icive iinai pitior in support of
his ciann. and ihot s,.m ".,
before ttie listermid lie ve? U. s "na
Hornostead Entry Xo. ss, for th e-st v f
J norm, 12 e:,st, "ill. iter
lie names the ioiH...t-iusr witnesses io nrove
Tiuiber l.und, Act June 8, 1878.
United Slates I.nnd omce. The Dalles. Ore-
son, .Nov. K IsW). Noiire 114 lii'ichv niviiti
tiial in compliance witn tha th
act of eonjirtiss of June S, is 8, entitled "An
act tor the sale of timber lands in the Suvtes of, uregtiis, Nevada and Washington
Of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, bus tins day tiled in this office her sworn
sUttv-uient, .o. Hi, for the piircnase of tiie
norm southeast and north south west
ot section .Not 5, in township No. I north,
range No. Ueast, YV. SI., and ttiil otter proof to
stiow mat the laud sought is more valuable
lor its timber or none than for agricullurul
purposes, and to establish tier claim to said
land oelore Hie Hcnister and Kecuiverof this
omce at, The Dalles, Oregon, " Saturday, the
4Ttn day of January, 11M0
bhe name:, as witnesses: W. R. Winani, D.
bvadlsy, j, i,. Henuerson and Harrv Wyatt,
ail in I,ood Uiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons churning adverseh the
above-nesc-ibed lands are leo nested to tiio
tneirciaims in this oltk-e on or belore said.
2. tli day of January, 1'jnO
"'-Ji'.i JAY P. LUCAS, R?Kiste
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned, havinj been apiointed
executor of ti.c last wilt uau testament of,
Anarew H Tiemnu, deceased. Jate or tVasio
couuty, uregon, hereby notify all persons
having claims uguinsi the estate, to present
them, with the proper vouchers, within six
months Irom the date of this notice to said
esecuiors at Hood Kiver, ia said county and
Dated January 5, 0OC
..... . .ici uii iui nn. m i ..:.t..
up, however, vug J
. k. DISBAR, Register.
COPPLE. j im.J?
!?n1,,-120 )n stamP" for our January issue.
jiic esiern mil, tsoa sit), sjeat'-le v asa.
Thoroughbred Rooster
Thoronshbred Barren Plymouth Rock and
Silver-Spangled yaudotti Roosters lor -iie.
by Si. V. BASVi