The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 19, 1900, Image 4

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Lieu Land Claim Mot Really Effective
Against OocupanU-Burden of Proof
on Railroad, Inateal of Settler.
Settlers in the states of Washington
' and Oregon, and, in fact, in all the
. itaes through which the Northern Pa
cific railroad pauses, are very much in
terested in the rulings now being made
by the interior department on the act
of congress of June 4, 1897, which al
lows the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company and others to select lands in
lien of lands embraced in the various
forest reserves and held by them under
patent or under unprotected claims or
squatters' rights
In lieu of the lands bo relinquished
. the railroad company and others was
authorized to select from any vacant
lands open to settlement.
The department of the interior has
held "vacant lands to settlement" to
mean, if necessary, all nnsurvoyed
lands. Therefore, settlers or squatters
on unsnrveyed lands have been very un
easy for some time, and many of them
felt that there is little prospect of hold
ing their claims.
The land department ol the railroad
company, however, asserts that it is
not its purpose to take the lands of any
bona fide settler.
At the same time the department of
the interior encourages the settlers to
continue their settlement, and within
three months after the acceptance of
the official survey of their lands to as
sert their olaims thereto.
The ruling of the department is that
the party first initiating the right of
settlement has the prior claim.
Congressman Jones, of Washington,
who has just introduced a relief bill on
behalf of settlers, is of the opinion
that most settlers would not think of
fighting the railroad company, and,
therefore, the law as it was enacted
does grave injustice to settlors, as a
rule. In an interview Mr. Jones said:
"It has been repeatedly asserted that
lands upon which there are settlers
have been fllod on by the railroad com
pany under the present law. To pre
vent this is one of the objects of the
law. I know that settlers have their
remedy. That is to fight the claim of
the company and establish their prior
rights. This is expensive. The set
tlers are not wealthy. The prospect of
delay is discouraging, and many prefer
to abandon their settlements rather
than bear the expense and delay of a
, content.
"The railroad cannot complain at
these provisions. If its claim to a tract
of land is just ic will prevail. Delay
and expense cannot hurt it as they do
the settler. All it has to do is to in
spect the land. If it finds a settler
and does not think he is there bona fide
it can contest his claim as any other
contestant, but it should bear the bur
den of such contest. These bills are
introduced without any hostility to the
railroad, but out of a desire to do jus
tice to the settler. I believe the gov
ernment should be quite leniont with
men who are striving to reolaim the
publio domain, especially nowjjwhen
the choice land is taken up. If we
had more owners of small tracts of
luud we would be better off."
Senator Foster and Representative
Cushman have eaoh given much atten
tion to the claims of settlers and their
rights, and in all cases there is an unqualified-
Bentiment favorable to the
pioneer and home-building squatter
and settler.
Price, However, Continue Stead
Nearly All Line of Trade.
JBradstreet's says: Quietness as to
demand but marked steadiness as to
prices is still the leading feature in
trade lines, a condition it might be re
maked not uncommon at this Stage of
the year, which is a sort of middle
ground between stock-taking and in
ventory time and the actual opening of
the spring season.
Aggressive strength in prices is con
fined to a few staples, such as pork
products, wnicn are nrmiy neia on a
rather tardy recognition of the fact that
supplies, both of live hogs and dead
meats, are far from burdensome. Tal
low, cotton-seed oil and similar pro
ducts are sympathetically strong. Raw
and refined sugars have both advanced
this week, not apparently because of
the war between the refiners being set
tled, but really because supplies of raw
are limited.
What few lines of next season's
woolen goods have been reported are at
advances ranging from 25 to 85 per
Iron and steel are extremely quiet,
but signs of weakness are not numer
ous, the shading in pig iron being con
fined to a few grades and markets.
The demand for lumber is naturally
light, but the length of supplies is no
table, as evidenced by the fact that
white pine stocks are 23 per cent
smaller than a year ago.
Hides are dull at the East, but con
siderable buying is reported West, and
quotations are fairly firm. Wheat in
cluding flour shipments for the week
aggregate 4,248,026 bushels against
2,509,682 bushels last week.
The current week's failure returns
reflect the annual clearing out of delin
quent traders in a total for the week
of 295, as compared with 229 last
week, 804 in this week a vear ago, 823
in 1898, 478 in 1897 and 412 in 1896.
Dashing- Volunteer of the Civil War,
FearleM Indian Fighter, Hero at
1 Coney and Hunter of i'llipinne
Dles on the Field. jrj.
The Filipino sharpshooter's bullet
wbicb took the life of Gen. Henry W.
La,wtou did more. It plunged the na
tion in grief, for Law ton was a popular
idol. The same fearlessness which cost
him his life bad given him a worm
place in American hearts and bis gov
ernment regarded him as one of the
most valuable of Its military men.
Law ton's death occurred In San If a
teo. With a small foice he had left
Manila for an expedition In the Marl'
qulna valley, an Insurgent stronghold.
It took all night to cover fifteen miles
through rice fields, mud and over rocky
hills. In the morning an attack was
made on San Muieo. Lawton person
ally directed the work. He walked
along the firing line, 800 yard from the
Filipino trenches, heedles of the warn
Ings of bis staff officers that bis white
helmet and yellow coat made him a
shining mark and regardless of the bul
lets that fell about him. lie laughed as
tney wnistiea past Win. Finally one
truck hlin In the breast, and with the
remark, "I am shot," fell Into an offi
cer's arms and died almost Instantly.
Many tears were shed as bin men, hav
ing driven the Insurgents from San
Mateo, followed the body of their dead
general, borne on a stretcher by six
stalwart cavalrymen, back to Manila.
Gen. Lawton was a victim to his
sense of duty. In spite of his officers
protests he persisted In placing himself
in Imminent danger, remarking, "it h
my duty to see what Is going on oi the
firing line."
Gen. Lawton was the Ideal soldier.
Will? UW F1W1
Flcaaant Incident Occurring the
World Over-Baying thai Ara Cheer
ful to Old or Young-Funny Selec
tion that Everybody Will Enjoy.
Old Beau Ah, Miss Clara, I love you
May I hope to some day call you my
Miss ClaraHare you spoken to my
mothet on the subject?
Old Beau Why er yes, I believe I
did some twenty-odd years ngo. Chi
cago News.
Pinnll Want.
Lady tf the House Go on away
.-c uiu ciomes, no com
victuals, no
Hopeless Henderson I
notbln' lo eat nor wear.
didn't waut I
1 list Pol!.,.. ,
to see If VOU had a M ... .... r
- ""luuiuuue to .
give ftway.-Indianapolls Journal. I
Moat of Them Do.
She-Do you believe that man sprat,,
from the ape? 4
He-No. But I believe nil t
- wujru 9.
Artificial Courage.
Miss Souiface I'm sure Mr. Dash
was Intoxicated when he called last
evening. Why, he actually tried to
kiss me.
Miss Gabby Yes. they say drink
nerves men to desperate deeds. Balti
more American.
(Mr. Cell Dibble Boberti and houie In Ontrevllle! Mr. C. A. Robert and houjo, CentrevUle;
Dr. Maggts Sblpp Robert and home. Salt Lake City.)
There are probably few men In the United States In which the public has a
greater Interest than Brigham H. Roberts, the Mormon, the question of whose
eligibility to hold a seat In Congress became a matter of national concern The
three wives of Mr. Roberts take life easy in their Utah homes, even though Mr.
Roberts is under Indictment for bigamy in Utah. Wife No 1 Mrs C A Rob
erts, and wife No. 2. Mrs. Celia Dibble Roberts, live in separate houses in Ceutre
vll e, a few mile distant from bait Lake City. The third wife. Dr. Maggie
Bhipp Roberts, maintains an establishment In Kait Lake City It Is said that
all the Mrs. Roberts are as happy as If each was the only wife of one man.
Meetu Them Everywhere.
Tired Tread well Dls Is a werry email
world, after all.
Sauntering Sim Wot makes you t'lnk
Tired Tread well Hardly a day goes
by but what I meet somebody I've pan
handled In some other State. Chicago
spring from tho mouse. -Chicago N
Had Met Before.
"What! Do you know that gambler?"
"N-no; he's merely a chance no
qualntance,"-PhiladeIph!a Bulletin.
He Discover the Beaton.
Government Hoapltal at Vancouver.
President Beebe, of the Portland
chamber of commerce, at its last meet
ing, called attontion to the bill locating
a permanent general hospital at Van
couver, Wash., which has been intro
duced in congress by Representatives
Jones, of Washington. George Taylor,
jr., said that the hospital was of great
importance to Portland. "Vancouver's
healthful location is well known,", said
Mr. Taylor. "Before long, many sol
diers will be returning from the Phil
ippines, and Vancouver is the place for
them." The trustees voted to request
the Orugn congressional delegation to
co-operate with tho Washington dele
gation in behalf of the Vancouver hos
pital. Statistics showing that Van
couver is a healthier place than tin
Presidio will be sent to Washington to
help the bill along.
Seattle Market.
Onions, new, $1.00 1.25 per sack.
Potatoes, new, $16(20.
Beets, per sack, 75 85c.
Turnips, per sack, 60o.
Carrots, per sack, 50o.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c.
Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, 75
(g 90o per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box.
Pears, $1.001.25 per box.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Butter Creamery, 82o per pound;
dairy, 17 (3 22c; ranch, 84o per pound.
Eggs 24o.
Cheese Native, 16o.
Poultry 9 10c; dressed, 1314o.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
$17.00 18.00
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, ner ton.
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00.
MillHtuffs Bran, per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $17.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal.
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, 7K8o; cows, prime, 7c; pork,
7c; trimmed, 8c; veal, 8)(&10c.
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13;
breaklast bacon, Uftc; dry salt sides,
I wmmMMMMMMffli'
Northweat Note.
Steelhoad salmon aro reported very
numerous in Coos bay.
The Dalles has authorized a contract
for an electrio fire alarm system for 10
Fish Commissioner Little has ar
ranged to plant a carload of Eastern
lobsters in Puget sound wators as an
A horse, loaded with United States
mail, was recently killed near the falls
below Brewster valley by missing its
footing and rolling over a precipice on
the rocks, 150 feet below. The mail
was recovered.
The Christian denomination of Al-
oany intends to build a new church
and has raised $2,000 toward it. The
pastor announces that the size of the
building is to be determined bv the
amount of money raisod. as the com..
gation intends to build only such a
structure as may be dedicated free from
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 60 51c;
Valley, 51c; Bluestem, 53o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.60; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choioe white, 8486o; choice
gray, 84o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15 16.00;
brewing, $18.00 18.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 nor ton: mid-
AM. . 1 a A . a .a. . - I
uuuga, snorts, $ib; cnop, sis per He was
Hay Timothy, $9.60 11: clover.
78; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 6055c;
leoonds, 4245o; dairy, 8087c;
store, 2227o.
Eggs 1819o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12c;
Young America, 14o; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$3.608.60; geese, $7.008.50 for old;
$4.500.50; ducks, $0.009.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 1517o per
Potatoes 65 85o per sack; sweets,
(Sa40 per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90o;
per sack; garlio, 7o per pound; cab
bage, l'io per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, $1-00 1.10; carrots' $1.
Hops 701c; 1898 crop, 60o.
Wool Valley, 1218o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
euo per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, i
7o per pound; lambs, 7Mo per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5. 50 6. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.604.00;
oows, $3 8. 60; dressed beef, 6
;o per pound.
Veal Urge, 6K7Jso; small, 8
iho per pound.
Courage, strength, activity and endur
ance were his conspicuous traits. He
was a born leader, an Intrepid cam
palgner and a dashing commander. His
lion-like courage was proved !n every
war his government has waged since
he was a stripling, and his rise from a
private volunteer in 18G1 to a brigadier
general of regulars In 1800 was bysaeor
merit. He had not yet been made n
brigadier general when he died, but the
War Department was prepatlng his
commission when the news of his death
came. One of the best Indian fighters
that our army ever produced, he car
ried Indian tactics Into his campaign
against the Filipinos, thus adding much
to their demoralization.
Gen. Lawton was a man of striking
personality. He was 6 feet 3 Inches
in neignt and welgbed 210 pounds. His
forehead was low and brond, and his
Iron-gray hair was thick and was worn
erect He rendered himself even more
conspicuous In the field than his great
size would have made him by always
oeing actually in the lead of bis men.
frequently warned that he
needlessly exposed himself, but he
laughed at all suggestions of danger.
His fellow officers admired him: to his
men he was an idol and an inspiration.
From Sehool to Battlefield.
Lawton's birthplace was Manhattan
Ohio, and he first saw the light ou St.
Patrick's day, 1843. As a boy he was
in the West with bis father, and when
he was 10 years old the family located
at Fort Wayne, Ind.. which he ever
since regarded as his home. He was a
student In college when the civil war
broke out He left school and enlisted
as a private In the Ninth Indiana. Four
months later he was first lieutenant In
the Thirteenth Indiana, and with that
regiment he served to the end of the
war, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel,
with the brevet of Colonel. When peace
established he left the service and be
gan the study of law. ne was attend
ing Harvard University In 1800 when
he received a commission as Second
Lieutenant of regulars upon the rec
ommendatlon of Gens. Sheridan and
Sherman. After a brief service In the
Infantry be was made a Lieutenant In
tho Fourth Cavalry, and with that rcg
Imcnt he was Identified in nearly all
the Important events of bis subsequent
career. In 1870 he was made a -cap
tain, and It was while In this position
that he rid the Southwest of the mur
derous Geronlmo.
His regiment did nothing but light
Apaches for years, and Lawton studied
thein as a naturalist studies venomous
snakes, and took much the same view
of them. In 1880, when Geronlmo and
bis Apache band of thieves bad been
off the San Carlos reservation a long
time, raiding in the vicinity, Lawton
was sent after them by Gen. Miles. The
cavalrymen chased the Indians over
the deserts and Into the mountains.
Their horses gave out and they follow
ed on foot. Their rations gave out and
they lived on what they could gather
as they moved. They ran Geronlmo
down, after covering 1,380 miles. One
day one of the old chief's braves came
Into camp with a message. Geronlmo
wanted to talk, and Lawton went alone
to see him. An Apache Is no more
trustworthy than a mad dog, but Law
ton sat down with the treacherous
chief in the midst of his warriors and
powwowed with him to such' effect
that he presently led him and his war
party prisoners to Gen. Miles.
From 1888 until the Spanish war
broke out Lnwton was attached to the
Inspector General's department, with
the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In
May, 1898, he was made a Brigadier
General of Volunteers and at Santiago
directed the operations against El
Caney. The marvel Is that he was not
killed. He never availed himself of
cover. His commanding figure was the
most conspicuous thing wherever there
was hot fighting, and every Spanish
sharpshooter within a mile had always
a cuance at Lawton. When he recon
noltered, he rode preferably In front of
the, trenches on the firing line. , When
he. had to move about the zone of ac
tion he went right across, regardless of
any storm of bullets, even though a de
tour to tne rear would avoid all dan
ger. He simply never thought of the
possibility of being hurt by bullets, he
had defied them so often.
In the Philippine Jungle.
In January, 1809, he was sent to the
Philippines and did the severest fight
ing. He relieved Gen. Anderson In
command of the regular troops, and on
April 10 he captured Santa Cruz, a
Filipino stronghold at the extreme end
of the lake near Manila TWo
sharp fighting, and Lawton led bis
troops, using the Indian tactics which
he had learned so well on the Western I
plains. Then he captured San Rafael
after a Jungle fight, and then San 1st
aro, tne insurgent capital. President
ik-3Klnley sent him congratulations for
these successful operations. His oper
ations covered tne entire central part
or L,uzon. up to the day of his death
Lawton was In. the field almost con
stantly, dispersing the insurgents and
cutting off the ammunition and sup
plies, tie was under fire several tWa
everywhere. His son, 11 years old. was
with him In the Philippines. The
youngster was under fire with his fa
ther at Santa Cruz, and the General
was intensely proud of blm.
In November the whereabouts of
Gens. Lawton and Young, on account
of the rapidity of their movements, be
came almost as mysterious as that of
Agulnaldo. But It was understood that
Gen. Lawton was ambitious to capture
the Filipino leader, and that he would
run him down If possible. It was just
such a chase as he made after Gprnni-
mo, the Apache. Many of the General's
horses were dying, and the snl.lWo
and even some of the officers, marched
ahead half naked, their clothes being
torn to pieces In gettinir through i,A
Jungles. Hundreds of them were bura-
footed. Bread was scarce and enra
bao meat and bananas made un their
The General was at Tavutr on rw 1
his troops having captured large quan
tities of insurgent supplies. Later h
returned to Manila, and, as already set
forth, started Dec. 18 to capture San
Mateo, where he was shot and killerl.
a detachment of the Fourth avnirr
his old regiment was with him when
he died. By a singular coincidence, it
was while fighting a FIliDlno Iparlpr
named Geronlmo that he met his fate.
Gen. Lawton, like so many eminent
soldiers, died poor. He owned nothin
except a piece of property In Califor
nia which he purchased several years
ubu iur ipj.o,uuu, Dut which is mortgaged
for half that sum. To aid his family
a bill was Introduced Into both House
and Senate providing for a pension of
?2,000 a year for his widow, and an ap
peal was made for a popular subscrip
tion, to which there was a generous response.
Bavin g.
Mrs. B You know well enough how
I scrimp and save. I never have things
the way I did before I married yoti.
Mr. B I've noticed that, mv dear.
hy, you don't even have a birthday
any more. Philadelphia Bulletin
Professor (to whom a stranger ho
Just been Introduced) Have you stud
led at our university?
Stranger- No, professor, I am travel
Ing for a wine bouse.
Professor Ah, that Is the reason why
1 have never seen you at my lectures!
Fllegende Blaetrer,
The Minding.
Mrs. nenpeckke A husband and
wife should be of one mind.
Mr. Ilenpccklse Yes; and
hard to tell who's going to
minding. Philadelphia Record,
Further Evidence.
"There is Tsomething. after all, in the
Idea of opals being unlucky."
"What new light have you had on
"Young Hanklnson has a fine opal
ring. He was wearing it the evening
he proposed to Miss Garllnghorn."
"And she refused him?"
"No. She accepted him." Chicago
it isn't
do th
He To be sure, there are some pleas
ant things about a bachelor's life, but
then there are times when one longs
to possess a being whom he can care
for, and whom be can call his own!
She Say, If you feel that way. why
don't you buy a bulldog? -Hcltere Welt
Wouldn't Be Like Him.
Hewitt Do you suppose that the
clergyman will consent to your marry
ing his daughter?
Jewett Why, of course. Do you sup
pose he'd lose a chance to get a wed
ding fee?-New York World.
Illustrious Precedent.
"That was a pleasing afterthought of
yours," remarked the old preacher who
had listened to a sermon by one of bis
youngest brethren, "when you drew
upon the analogies of nature to prove
ihe immortality of the soul."
. "An afterthought!" said the younger
clergyman. In some perplexity.
"Yes. You thought of it about 2,400
years after Socrates." Chicago Trib
Pop's Side Information.
Tommy-Pop, what is a willful
Tommy's Pop The kind you can't
get your arm around. Sh h h! Her
comes your mother. Philadelphia Record.
An Oifer-elr.
Some of the W'aya in Which He Accu
mulated Enormous Fortune.
Li Hung Chang, the most conspicu
ous Chinese of the age, Is often called
the richest man in the world. This as
sertion Is easier made than proved, for
nobody knows Low rich he Is. His for
tune may certainly be counted by mil
lions of dollars, but how many mil
lions is purely conjectural. One way
in ii i . i . , i . t i ,i
' niiiL'll Jji IOI
A Classical Nurse.
"Mehltibel," said a Boston mother to
the nurse, "did I not see a policeman
pushing Revere's ambulator awhile
"Yes, ma'am, but I was merely act
ing upon Emerson's advice."
"Emerson? What does Emerson say
which Is at all applicable to such a
"tie told us to hitch our wagons to
a star." New York World.
but he drove the Insurgents before him
The common council of The Dalles
has passed an ordinance to refund $20,
000 of 6 per cent bonds at 4 per cent.
.At the December meeting of the
btytrd of Thurston county commission
ers the question of calling $20,000
worth of the Olympia & Chehalis rail
road funding bonds of 1889 was consid
ered, and the cull decided upon. Of
ourse, as the bond have 10 years yet
to run the call was conditional on the
disposition of the holders to release
Ban Crauetaeo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada. 12 641 Bo rr
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216o; Val
ley, 2023o; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1899 crop. ll(ai2o rr
Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack.
Butter Fancy creaiiir sun-
.do seconds. 28il2iiv Imn7 ,uu oi
23o; do seconds, 1820o per pound.
Eggs Store, 2022o; fancy ranch.
2728o. '
Millstuffs Middlings, $16.00
19.00; bran, $13 14.00.
A Pomeroy man has been fino.1 t"n HvW liAufe ftrt Kitan. a
. i. . . ...... w.vwijjff, WlitWfr MUa
for allowing his son to remain on the 't $0.509.00; best barley $5 00 to
streets after 7:30 o'clock in the even- 00; alfalfa, $0.00 7.60 per ton
ing, in violation of a curfew ordinance. raw, 8045o per bale. '
The oldest letter-carrier in Seattl Potatoes Early Rose, 85 90; Ore
is Everett A. Hartley, whose term 'oa thanks, 86o1.00; river Bur
service dates from August 6, 1888. Ik 'nks' 8090o; Salinas Burbanks,
will, therefore, wear two black stars l.aa per sack.
The private banking firm at Burns 3 o"?8 Va,lencta'
-ts s s ;
M 3k Hill
Vi jr . w a- fr ii a Wm
US J&fl JMJ SM WIT Hf l&t
-Denver New
many years made an
sum of monev was t naa
uiousanus of soldiers in his own private
enterprises without paying them a cent
for their labor. In the course of time
he purchased extensive estates in ti,
nee-growing regions and raised more
bushels of rice every year than the
uouanza rarmers of North Dakntn i,SDri
to raise of wheat He got his labor for
uoming ana his sreat oron of ri
aimosr. clear profit Ho simply turned
his soldiers loose In the rice fields, and
they had to be content with th mtin,,
uuu me miserable pittance nnlrl
them by the government
Tllft 1TOO t rttnn 1 . 1 . .
- - u3u uecume uis own
contractor for army supplies. He would
sell his own rice to the government for
muiy rations at an enormous profit
and pocketed a handsome rake-off on
all other supplies furnished to the tens
ot mousanas of soldiers in the Pechili
province. Then he was chief supreme
of the custom houses for a long dis-
ui uuim me uulf of Pechili, and
there was nothing mean about the
eireuin or gold that poured into his
strong-box throueh this ni.nnui n
has long been notorious that one of tho
methods he employed was to
Quantities of goods through his agents
without the payment of a cont nf ,t,.t
and then sell tho oi. 1
c""o i a ruuuu
figure to his countrymen. Tin mui.
od of money-making finally involved
tne old gentleman In trouble, charges
were made against him. and ho m.m,.
near losing his official head: but Mo
power was so great and his real services
to the state were so valuable that he
was almost Invulnerable in snlte of tiio
ujr enemies who have always been
caujr io uCCUSe Blm.
Tliorfl a. ...
"o uuue n vinernir no .v,.i
Tsei-Kwo-Fan. who was said to have
, , iU1 "ccoraing to his sat-
i-oumrymen. he had kmt
all while he was alive. Early in bis
political career Li Hung Chang is said
- ue louowea this Illustrious ex
mple, but for many years ho ho k
too powerful to think it worth
pay the slightest attention tn hi.
and opponents, except those who were
so powerful themselves that he could
not with impunity Inflict personal von.
geance upon them.
One nf tho orao rn4 . .
setting employed by Li Hung Chang
during the later years of his career as
, Z7 ras 89 a money lender. There
Is little doubt that he was the king of
r-.. uaciB lue WOria over. His loan
offices were scattered far and wide over
his province, and he loaned great sums
or money on mortaees an.i
of personal nmn. i . ' t
. - m a countrv
where no legal rate of into i-
h. t,..-; . - "
"uamess nas Droucht
I return, to Ll Hung Chanj.
Then She Called the Dog.
rt m , . . -
miss Bourrace tto tramp) Did you
ever Have a romance in your life?
iramp les, mum; I bad a sweet
heart oncet dat looked like you.
Miss Sourface (setting out another
piece of pie) And did she die?
Tramp No, mum. Me fadder wanted
me to marry her, so I run away from
home. Baltimore American.
Seeking Information.
Mistress And why do you
leave, Kate? Is it anything private?
Kate (disdainfully) Dear mel No.
ma'am, he's a sergeant Judy.
Good Nose for News.
"Henry," whispered the maiden, in
some embarrassment, as they stood la
the hallway, where the young and
handsome reporter was DreDarlne to
say good-nlghf, "it's dreadful of me, 1
know, but I've been eating onions."
"Great Scott, Fannie!" he exclaimed.
"You don't think that's a scoop on me,
do you? I knew that as soon as I came
Iu."-Chicago Tribune.
Getting; Even with Him.
"Money, money, money, all the time."
he growled when she said she needed
a new bonnet.
"Do you know how much it cost to
keep you In the country this summer?"
"No," she replied. "I don't know.
but I know It didn't cost so much as It
did to keep you in the city." Chicago
'Pa, what Is a Journalist?"
I A 4.,.,
juuiuunsi, my son. Is n montni
bankrupt, who failed as a newsnanor
Considered a Rnnhv.
"I guess he married her nfror h ho
been jilted by several others. He didn't
want to give up without winning some
mi n suiy imnz Rhe tc i
wouuin t serve as anv ma
tion prhse.M Philnil.!niiio n.,ni
Divorces Galore.
i:ie leading lady doesn't
Profitable Silence.
"I think that husbands ought to nay
their wives a weekly salary," declared
Mrs. Tomdlk.
"About how much?" asked Mrs. Ho-
"Well, say $10 a week."
"I used to think so, too, until I dis
covered that my husband navs about
$800 a year for my millinery and
clothes alone, and then I decided that
any salary I would like to ask for
wouldn't go very far." Detroit Free
Her Connections.
"The idea of a telephone girl trying
to go in society."
'Why not? I'm sure she has many
of the best people on her calling list."
Philadelphia Bulletin. ,
She's been led to the altar four
-t uuaiielplila Bulletin.
Jinks-Was Coulter cool and collect
ed at the time of the fire?
Jenks-I should think so. He tool
time to take off his nightshirt and nut
ou.v vi piijanias. New
The Fine Distinctio
I never made such
life," said the scare,! horn y
4We don't want a sneooh a
enthusiastic man In the crowd "tc
say something.-Philadelphla North
Not Htart Hungry.
Are yon one of the heart-hungry
women of whom the poet talks?' asked
the soulful young man.
rep,ied Mre- Tarvenn with a
decided shake of her head. "I can't
say that 1 am. My preference Is for
liver aiid ,bacon."-CbJcafio Poet.
Swapping Telephones.
The following story comes from the
Grand Rapids Press, and has to do
with a man and a woman who are em
ployed in different offices in one of the
large buildings of that city. Each
office has a telephone, but as It happens
one Is an Instrument belonging to the
Citizens Company, the other a Bell
One day the man had occasion to use
the Citizens' line, and stepped across
the hall to the lady's office.
"Have you a Citizens' 'phone?" he
asked, and she replied In the affirma
tive. "Well," he ventured, "I'm a citizen.
May I use it?"
Why, of course he might use it; but
inwardly she was inclined to envy his
ability to stand up and assert his citi
zenship in this way, for some of het
womanly propensities were of the
"newish" sort An hour later she bal
anced accounts with him.
"Have you a Bell telephone?" shi
asked, on stepping Into his office. H
did not try to deny It
"Well, I'm a belle; may I use ur