The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 19, 1900, Image 2

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    'Koei Iiver Slacier.
The British jncome tax, which is at
present 8 pence in the pound, or 2 per
cent, yield? annually 18,000,000.' The
income tax whs firHt employed by Grat
Britain in order to raioe money for the
prosecution pf the wars with Napoleon
Bonaparte. William Pitt introduced it
1763, and, it was continued until 1815,
when. tie (lefept of Bonaparte at Water
loo and the peace which ensued enabled
the government to dispense wilh it.
Thereafter it was not reimposed until
1342, when Sir Robert Peel uced it in
pider to compensate for certain rcdue
fiopa in the duties on imports which
forpied part of LiH reformed syijtepi of
finance,' Mr. Gladstone, in 1353, pro
posed to abolish it after tho expiration of
(even years, but the Crimean war inter
vened and prevented the carrying out of
his project. In 187-4 he again undertook
abolish the tax, but before ho could
ilo It lm had to ivyifcii Inn office to air
pitiraoli, afterward Lord Baconhiield
. who refused to reliiHiuinh ho convenient
a Hource of revenue. Ever since then it
has consitutcd a permanent item in the
British scheme of taxation.
Much sarprifo was expressed by the
public at the publication in lust week'?
(iLACi m of the petition to the common
council for a saloon license without the
names of petitioners appearing. The
ordinance, under which the license is
;isked for provides (hat the petition must
po published. J ho petition is incoin
plete without the names of petitioners
'How much land plaster should be
used per acre on clover, and when
should it bo applied?" is ft rjutstion
asked by one of our tubacribers who is
pew in the plover business. Wo hope
' sonic of our numerous clover growers
will reply through thew columns.
Fruit Commissioner Kclianno advises
praying fruit trcs now with a solution
of lime, sulphur and salt for San Jose
. From Klondike District
BpiTOR Olacirh: Who has ever seen a
finer winter in Hood River? I got a
Jettpr from Canada which stateu that six
or seven families want to como to Hood
River. My word has gone that far from
An you know, things have pone along
nicely in Hood River ever since the II rat
house was buil t, when every man had
(he privilege-'of tp.l'itijj a drinlf out of his
own jug. wtiynot do tiie same ironi
this on, and let the license bo paid
wnere the sum came irom luslf
My yutin;; wil I stop short if I must
produce 'naturalization papers everv
time I want' to' vote, and first pity the
county clerk $1 for a copy.' This J never
win qo again, i procured a copy a little
over n year ago. My party will be short
"yne yofe every time." J. 1'. H.
i lie ItoariN.
JIood, .Tan. 17, 1000. Editor
(iuacihr: Hood River has a reputation
for having pretty good reads, even in
Wet weather, yet we often hear remarks
about the roads being bad. This ki sim
" ply because our people are so used to
(tootl roads mo, ot tlio year that when
that frosts and rains do como the ruts
and puddles are all the more noticeable,
k'ovv, suppose wo should each' one make
himself a committee of one to look out
- during these he;vy ' rains for the section
of road adjacent, to our own or adjoining
properties. A few minutes work after a
peiivy f4.n would sometimes save a bad
rut forming, or drain a pond which has
had to he' driven; through for months.
This is tho way the wall of Jerusalem
was built each man building over next
to his own house and the sumo plan
put in practice on our roads would make
a marked improvement for the winter.
A gentleman coming in froiji the East
tide, last Saturday, said ho' crossed two
culverts which vero choked up and the
water cutting across the roiiil. Now,
who could attend to this matter easier
than the man who lives right there? If
all took as much' interest f'i good roads
as Grandpa KartniesR, or as the late
l)eacon McCoy used to, a marked change
would be noticed very soon B.
lVliiit VuvJftii's of Allies fit X'laut.
Many prospective planters of apple
orchards have asked my opinion on this
tubji'ct in the past and I have invariably
uggested to them that the early fall
apples should not bo neglected for this
reason ;
Ready ciuih hi always a good thing.
Teli trees of red Astnichans may yield
20 to PO Ivi'shelsof appb's. If they bring
&0 cents. 'per bushel net (which is cer
tainly a low figure at the time of year
when they are ready for market) it gives
the grower just that much money to
buy neeessarins with. Then come Urav
enstelns.; they are alwayB in good de
inanUv ' The grower that, has one or
more 'cars of tiravejisteiua ciui always
ten them at trom so to ni cents per oox
net. iti money lor these early apples
alwayu conies bandy to a fruit" grower
and does siway with the necessity of. his
acruiuiij? ins, vinter wool;, l have not
the tinia t give more BUgjwstiniiH in this
tine or go more into detail, but t.i the
thinking grower my few suggestions will
convince him that my plan H nearly
correct, "
I alway suggest that the nmia crop of
apmrn t.-.niui eunsisi oi uravensTeins, Baldwins, SpitzenUrgs, Ben
Davis and lellow; Newtown 'Pippin.
Tho latter variety h've a. prospective
export trado value, besides keeping qual
ity, i he other varieties arts lor. Amer
ica a uiarkots. Besides tho vaneties
above suggested thoio are many other
first class red apples such as the Roman
beauties, Northern Spies and other also
oiae nev varieti'M, Klickitat and Yaki
ma, that are vory promising;' all of
which could be bandied to good advan
tage for winter and spring trade.
A good nwiiy fruit growers sti'J stick
to t )3 old varieties and the met hods of
twuhty-tive years ago, not looking for
anything (jet'ter. Xiich people stand in
Iheir own' light. To ho successful in
these days cf competition oye nut be
on tho constant watch for better fruits,
and better niUhods of growing and
handling them.'
frot A'lantor.
-L. M.
Viuii. Joubert visited t!;i3 country
lWnit nino years ag,-, with his wife anil
yrand 'daughter. He never served in
the Confederate' army. Ho was horn in
South Africa, as were his ancestors" as
Lr lack' as liioO : they enmetbere u!ch
.men, not Huguejict-;! Their' Heguenot
incestor8 fled to the republicof Holland,
then the only free country in the world,
anoV !:ecanie Dutch citizens; tiome of
them came to Manhattan island; some
sj them wnt ta South Africa
Viento Items.
Written for last week.
Vionto has lost the railroad agent, Mr.
Barber, who left Tuesday for Eastern
Washington. Mr. Krodant, from Port
land, takes his place.
Several of Viento'a young men went
to the I.ocks on Wednesday, Coming
back, one of then-), named Moore, fell off
the train while crossing the trestle be
low town. He fell 40 feet end was pick
ed tip nearer dead than alive, Jiat he
will recover,
One of our townsmen saw a large bear
near town a few daytssgo. Quite a num
ber of our young men took to the hills
with jruns, but did Dot succeed in bring
ing in Mr. Bruin. ,
Ed Miller came up from Portland
business college nod spent Saturday and
Sunday with his family.
The Oregon Lumber Co. hst a val
uable hoise last Saturday night. Cause
Drs. Erosius and Williams were at
tending the sick here Wednesday eve.
One day last week, while tho Regu
lator was making a landing bore, the
high wind causea her to swing in so cs
to almost demolish tho pilot house of
the Oregon Lumber Co.'h tug Pearl.
Mount Hood Nate.
Written for last week.
Jiome of the farmers hwve been plow
log and getting ready to put in their
spring gram,
The Mt. Hood saw mill started up last
week. Mr. Tomlinyon is not well enough
vet to do much work, but fa doing what
tie can.
Norman Williami is logging for the
mill at flit. Hood. 1). VI. Cooper is go
iug to log some to get lumber enough to
inula a new house go by jW, with a
double porch all round. Nothing like
it, David.
A large timber wolf tried to catch Mr.
Fischer's dog last week. Better carry
your gun when von ira out, or he wiil
catch you, Mr. Fischer. Yoo & Ma
In JU'tiioi'iaiii.
Whereas, The untimely death of our
beloved brother, E. Ramsey, has bereft
us of a most honored member; there
fore 1)0 it
Resolved, That this lodgo extend to
the bereaved family of E. Ramsey their
heartfelt sympathy, and that we hereby
pledge to th'ioa the assistance and pro
tection within our power and consistent
with our order.
Resolved, That wo extend thanks to
ColiUT.bia lodge, ISp. p, or. their assist
ance and manifestations of brotherly
Resolved, That the foregoing resolu
tions bo entered upon tho records of this
lodge aoq a copy thereof under seal ot
the lodge, be given to tho family of the
deceased brotoer, and that the charter
bo draped in mourning for thirty days.
F. J. Wr.ioirr, '
O. !. IIartusy,
O. G. CuAMiirrif.Ais.
Committee Idlewilde Lodge, I. 0, O. F.
Hood River, Or., Dec. 2H, 'I8!.
ferry Rates.
The county court of Klickitat county,
Wash., has granted a license to CD.
Moore to run a. ferry on the Columbia
river, fror,i a, point known as Palmer's
ferry lauding, air-White Salmon, to a
point near Hood River. Ferry rates
were established as follows.
Footman $ 2o
Man and liprso or inula I 00
Wagon and one Lorse'. . 1 00
Wagon and two horses 1 00
lor each additional i-part of horses
in same team ; . 25
One loose animal, horse or cattle. . 1 00
hrtch additional animal Jio
Freight per. ton..,....,. 1 Gtf
Freight, V. ton To
Freight, ton 50
I'reighl less than ton, per 100 U.8 12k;
Freight, less than M0 loss.; 15
L lection'ei'..
Following is a I iut of tlio judges and
lerks of election appointed by the coun
ty court for precincts in Hood River and
West Hood River Judges. J. JO. Rand,
A. S, Blowers, L. Henry'; clerks, M. P.
Isenberg, 11. L. Howo.
youth Hood River Judges, D.B.Crap-
per, Ihos. Bishop, II. Pngge; clerks,
V, K. Markham, ,1. P. Miller.
Fa.-t Hood Rivinv-Judgos, John Mon
roe, J. 11, Uulcej, l. li . Jankson; clerks.
I). McDonald, Milton Odell'.
Baldwin lieo. Whmns. II. II. Tom-
linsoii, Robert Lewis; clerks, Wm.Edick,
M. its lu win. ,
Viento Judges,- D. P. Harvey, Ed
Miller, (-;. Mr. Curran ; e'etks, 1I.C. Jack
son, K. J. .tucker.
Mosier Judires. Robert Dunsmore, J.
P. CJurrolI, Lee Evans; clerks. J. T. Dav
enport,, V. A. Husbands,
School Closed.
The Mount Hood school closed Fridav,
Jan. 12th, with the folkvivig programme :
Song, !' America."
Recitation, "Always Spoali the Truth, "
Rollan Meyers.
Recitation,- "S.uppoae," Myrtle Tom
lim:on. Recitation, "Kindness," Clyde Fred
enbnrg. -
Recitation. "Fly, Birdie," Hattie
Song, "Mount Vernon Bells," ,
Recitation, "A Queer Little House,"
(loot-go Cooper.
Recitation, "Twinkle, Little Star,"
Delbert TooUiuson.
Recitation, "The XioWn," I-.loyd liess.
Recitat ion, "Expansion, "John Cooper.
Recitation, "Columbia's Flag," Joseph
Recitation, "Piny Softly, Boys," May
Song, "Tho Old School Bell."
Council Commiffees.
Mayor elect F. C. Biosius was sworn
into otlice last week by Recorder JC it-k
elson, lie has since appointed the fol
lowing standing committees of the coun
Finance Bell, Blowers and McDonald,
Judiciary Davidson'. Dukes. Luckev.
Fire and' Water Blowers, McDonald
and Dukes.
Streets and Public Property Duke?,
Luckev and Davidson.
Health mid Police McDonald, Bell
and Blowers.
JIcKlnloy flub.
There will be a meeting of tho Mo
Kinloy club Saturday, Jan. 20th, at 2: lo
(. m., at rrather s othce, to elect officers
tor the eusuing year and to elect 0 del
egates to the state league iieetig to be
nei-.i in iortiana, reo. tun.
ti. J. Gkssuxo, President.
W. M. Yatks, Secret ?.rv.
J.I.Rovry, Logauton, Pa. .writes, "I am
willing totuke usy oath that I wiucnredof
nuuemonia en'tire'y by the" use of One
Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed.
It also cured iny'hiidre:i of whooping
cough. "Quickly relieves and cures colds,
coughs, coup. grippe and throat and lung
troub'es. Children all like it. Mothers
oni'orsa it. Williams & Brosiai.
To Cure a CoW in Ono Cy,
'taV'.c Laxative Huomo C.rixisKTrT.Ers
Ail druvpist!! rr fnnd the money if it tads to
cure. K. W. Urove s ifiptHitui' is un eoh box,
'.W - tlk
Beef Likily to Advance.
Fresii beef is likely to be higher i'i
Portland this spring than even it is now,
according to D. W, Ralston, a well
known cattle dealer sf Yamhill county,
who mskes a business of traveling ail
over the Northwest in Cjue::t, cf steers tit
for market. He finds that the supply
has been well-nigh exhausted, in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho,
The inrjs cattle ranges of South
eastern Oregon, he says, have been de
nuded oi both iteers and cows, by Cal
ifornia dealers, who paid such fane;,
prices that toci;men almost decimated
iheir ranges, and are thus eta disad
vantage as regards ra;s!i:g row crops oi
calves. The dry seasons of llalifornia.
bad almost annihilated the caitle.of that
state, and when grab's again 'returned to
the plains thia winter, the land owner
w ere willing to pay most any figure for
stock to start with. The war in the
Philippines also added to the demand
for fresh beef in Kan Francisco, and so
stock, badly ncc-ded in Oregon, v.a
drivjn south in obedience to the abnor
mal demand.
Mr. Kalnton does not look for ship
ments East from Oregon this spring, as
local consumers are willing to pay
higher prices for cattle than can be ob
tained east of the Rocky mountains.
Oregon not only has to iced Ler own
population with beef, hut the cities ol
l'uget sound and tho widely scattered
sotilonienisiof Alaska look to this state
for their fresh beef and inutin. North
ern people are used to paying fancy
prices for the necessaries of life, and so
the ber.t market in the world exists on
that side.
In regard to mutton and pork, Mr.
Ralston has no such misgivings, as sheep
can be kept, fat on the ranges nil whiter,
while n poik gees much higher than at
present, shipments will be made from
the great packing centers of Chicago',
Kansas City and Omaha. Beef, how
ever is bound, to go up along in March,
April and May, and tha present retail
prices which consumers think so high,
will suficrquitean advance. Orqjcniun,
F.B.ThirkioTLTfoalth Inspector of Chi-
eago,says,"Kodof Dyspepsia Cure cannot
bo recoiii mended too highly. It cured me
of severe dyspepsia," It digests what you
eat and cure indigestion, heartburn and
all forms cf dyspepsia. YVil!iu:i;skL'rosius
l?ond Supervisor.
The following road supervisors have
been appointed by the county court to
serve until after the June election, when
they will bo elected by the various
District No.
2 M. V. Bird
'd J. F. Armor
1 Thos. Bishop
"i D. 8. Crapper
6--J. 8. Harbia.U
' 7 John Himiehs
8 Robt. l.easuro
9 V. Husbandij
10 Frank J.apeere ....
US A. li. BlWw'i
..Hood River.
. Hood River.
..Hoed River.
..'Moi d River.
..Hood River.
Mt. Hood.
Mt. Hood.
Grand ball Jan. 20th.
Regular meeting of -the O. E. G. Sat
urday evening, Jan. 20th, 7 o'clock.
Pr.t sulphur in your shoos, half a tea
spoonful in cadi, to ward off the grip.
The ladies' aid society of the Congre
gational church will meet at Mm. J. II,
Dukes' on Friday afternoon.
Mr.?. Cordlov; wife of Prof. Cordley of
the Stale Agricultural college at Corvnl
Ve, is the guest this week of Mrs. C. D.
K. L. Smith, G. J. CessTing and A. P.
Batcbiira are attending the session of
the Northwest Fruit Growers' associa
tion at Tacoma. -
District Clerk M. II. Nickolsen hap
posted notices for a school meeting in
Frankt'in district, Saturday, Jan. 27th,
at 10 o'clock a. rn.
Attention!! Dr. Barrett's Farm!:
Please return all books and oilier articles
borrowed from Dr. Barrett-, immediate
ly. Miia. P. G. Habrett.
Miss Virginia- Harden, after spending
three weeks in Hood River, the guc-st oi
Miss Anne Pmit.ii, returned to her home
at The Dalles Wednesday evening.
Correction The invitation to the din
ner given by the G. A. 11. to the ladies
of the W. R. C., Saturday, Jan. 2t)th,
includes only their husbands ami guests
especially invited by the committee of
Dr. Adams informs U3 that ow-h; to
the dangerous sickness of Lenorc with
brain lover, from which she iy rapidly
recovering, he is compelled to postpone
bis article Temperance versus Prohi
bition till naxt week.
The proprietor of Indian Gardens
ranch has purchased John Sweeney's
cider mill and came to town Monday
with a supply of sweet cider. The ed
itor drank to his health whilo sampling
the jug left at the Glacier residence.
Kjze doesn't indicate qurdi I y.
.oware o;
count or foil- n nd won hleis sal vo
fo red for
DeWitfu Witch Hazel Salve. DjWitt'sis
the only original. An infallible cure for
piles and ail skin diseases. Williams !
Tho newspapers of a town are ite look
ing glasses. It is bore you see yourselves
as others see you. You smile on them
and they sioiio back at you; ycu frown
on them and you are repaid in kindness.
They are the 'reflex of the tow u. If the
tow.'i is doing business, the newspaper
will show it in its advertising columns.
If the merchants are spiritless, shiftless
fellows, whose stores arrf jumbles of junk
and jam, the newspapers will show by
the lack of space they take. If you want
the world to know that you have a, live
town, you can only let it bo known
through ita newspapers. North Phila
delphia Cassette.
, L. T. Travis, Asent Southern R.R.,Se
lina, Ga., writes,"! can not say too much
in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In
my casa it worked liken ckarm."The only
harmless remedy that gives i airoeUiate re
sults. Cures, eougVip,ceids, croup, bronchi
tis, and all throat and lung troubles.
Williams & Brosius.
The Market.
Flour, (ioldendale Diamond, per s.
Flour, Peacock, ver sk
Flour, Dalles Diamond, per bid . . .
Bran, per Pos
Brau and Shorts, per K'0 Is' s
Shorts, ver 100 'a
1 00
1 2o
. . ."c to I?1.;
.12c to lo
Barley, per 100 U'S . .
Eacoii, . ,
Potatoes, per 100 K.s
Onions, per 1C0 Its . .
Cabbage, per 100 tt3 .
ooc; lti!! i 10 i
.... ooc to 73 i
i -:
Ov- to K ;
Pumpkins, nor 100 tls
to 1 t!
Snuash ami l-ot.-;, per 100 'is. .o,
Cam-d.t suh! lur.iips, per 100
I.t'nu!i!, per J,
r:n .
bo v.
. . . t.t 10
Apples, l'ajl, por
. .6i! to L-OOi
Applet--, winter, per !
?t.-.'a to 1
t I'lr.ioervics, ner ':.-.l
Hnt!t-r, f:','
Colter fancy bleu Jed nast...
Coffee, choice roasted
Coffee, Arbm-k'es and Liens. .
Sugar,'. iry granulated, per ak -5?in:ar.
extra C. tvr sfc .
. so
.16 V;
. la
.5 fa
.4 75
Lawis r-'!-'ialt'm.!ud.,?ays,"! '
I vspcpsia Cure ditl u.o UKirc- stood than :
nn taina 1 cvt-r UH'k.' lt iitvcsts what vou i
i i,.i
e.U tun.! van not help hut
euro iivsiif'a
ctonwo.h troublo? WilliuinsA Brt'sin
Vr;ttju for the Gi.ACiKrt.
Jit. Hood.
O mlgbty mounwln! villi thy snovr-crown-cl
t'pltOu to the irs, nave we well read
The Oi!c uotolO, fiii'ola'nf,' tlK.' around.
Cusyllahle'laiid wMsperlfse, devoid of und?
C;oi wu tl-y wondrous hlorolyi-lilcs tell?
N've.l we foros old-time acciiiinn'ji-'s ; f !l,
I hot w.- thy pan' tnny brinj to llgntoacetnvrc
An 1 iidij thy stury to tilttyr'.c loiv?
Wlint of llict talc, O niooniiiln, grim and ot.l?
Help no to trace I lie outlliies, ni;;:Hfl, bold:
ilnlp i! lo con ut the years Ujou l.;i-t hutu here.
To read the tmwrittcu lau wilh lu tuition
When wast thou horn? In oci? pa-aiwl away:
' fierce s eililnj lire and. i iriii-tiiroi:s isui !o &
lim d'ty;
'jj-h'-'Mv.i'n vaa :, n toniog, suruing sea
Oi H-.ill'l huid tuniLdiiix lumultuouuly.
Amid the wild convulsions, lii''.ed hlph,
Angrt' and lormred, upward to the sky
In l.c-lluwlng ivy., aiiiiidia- hart Ihy clialns,
While r.eiii nil f.o-y from ih.v io.fh.jud r:ihi.-.
tjptbrous'a the ether, Mselc with 'il;ihurous
Tns-s tho ml-ii atod roclrs, and Sary plumei
i'luotit in wild siji;nd';i- round Ihy rundiu
And lura-torrents scorch thy pantlnj brciat.
lluaifo, bellowing thunrtc-rs cru:ih
The uriler.;c s-inri eeholn,'; haclt the Kontid;
f'iash upon (his.h of an'if tursv aad Sifl'i
HivJi whs the rtm:rd thy comiu.., made.
And then, how many ure tho cgeii rassa'J
Measuring tho ioa-th of Ihy volcanic day,
Till, throtikd ty the slant baud ut Tims,
Tny terrors ceuscd yet k-U tlms stili iiuoilmt
foweriiis aNjft, thy summit in the bliw,
.-only Ujj :i,n.J enwi'Hp thos. All hucw
Tiie clim.'ut combiiiK, r-i'sh glory cl tol'nid,
i'o Iti.-c;) Iht-e still a klny ii.'iiclk thy Iviiid.
Down in thi. j-nwii'.n crattr, enij'ty vida,
'1 hi! ;i..C' y uow of ctntaries huvo Sought to
hi J,
And iiiitny a (imn.''s sun and winter's cold
iluve icy luuiiiR-s wtmijjhtthy ibrni to enfold.
Silent mid awesome is thy presence now,
siiii rnvD and mo'Xthgut falling hi thy brow;
uiiu soliuny point yet t.rcuttiiBg tulidiuroua
Liitc ioteiise from an ultar'a vanished gleam.
.ViiJIy t!ie winds howl rounu thy echoing'
I hy giueicrs lltsU lu cvcr-cliaiisiis,; lights;
While vast crems&tn yawn, curie, deep and
And (i'l'indiug avah.nohKj (.-r:i,!,l! on every alCc.
Bcl''.v, where kindly verdure can a foothold
i'hy lints glow soft, as if thou '.ver'. inclined
lo ;alhri' new ultructloua to ihv nione,
;Nfc-.v btauilt'ii tiutl shall certil,! thy liuae.
And clown Ihy felopos, like gr.thered cohorts,
li.'.rli tjiaiit tvtivri'Ons, a loyal bund,
uunruing, in fHl soil'.', taeir iM-,i-.i:iea kins,
And nil prai.ic in fj-jh-nm aiitiiei'iii ya:g.
i'roud, silent ti.onarciil cold and pwniiinlosft,
Snail weitri unwriMen seroll unf:M untl mil.-qk iiia.y he u-a.-t.'d in ce.t-s vet to cuuie"
diiuli e.ei-iiioie thy uiigluy voito he dumb?"
(n-urt thou but lion, con. 'bant now,
U ith sleeping terrors 'neatii tiiy r-l'ieid brow,
t'alin! y aw ailing, at suino uistai.t (Say,
cuvlus-likc, to uury toute l uuipe.i-
ol-l lii'iiiile.hi, lei. nic le!l a 1: t tic talc:
Uost know U.e white man cmta thy heights
to scale; know that, nestling on thy thoahieis
Where the short (p uss thy rougher wonders
loot .
With trees and glaciers plrtyir,;; hide and seel;,
A hi'siehy is hid? .The Mraiist freak:
i.drai.;:c, .ike thyself, 'lis ol ti..-e:r u part,,
And thou shotiidM- hold it ch-ly to thy
Down In thy rocks ivcre !t.i foundation laid;
Ktoru thy tad silver iiis lis nulls weie made;
Thy iiiitleied ehilCien gave it ornann lit,
To n. tike a shritie lor tiito is its iii t nt.
A chriue where willing votaries may eoiv.e
To biv.- heluic thee, gntheiiiib', speechlesi!,
In prt i-eiice Cf Mich awful tnaj stv.
Such tortured arandcur and such purity.
Iiil'ti-S Viriii-J.
Bv V. B. Joxas.
Published by l-f quest of -Mrs. V. H. Elihnp.
1 saw a father with hiury head,
. Weep o'-r ins eliilOren's tomo;
Oh! led ine way in yumii uiey died?
iie only aiisv, e: ed. iunn.
I iret n mother, forced to fly,
A hiis-oand's hlv$ to sliun;
V'lial Is the cause? Willi bitter sigh,
And l-eara, she answered, Hum.
I met n ei-,11.1, who asked for bread,
lioie.t ni a h-.thei 's home;
Inl.;i:ip-.'r;iuee hail done the deed
And ruined all, by kiini,
I saw o youth wO-h blood sie.inerl knife,
Who u mol tier's donin;
I :i...l:ed him wtiy he toolt l'.ts lire,
lie madly uaswereU, hum.
Is tV.eve oo help in prayei-? I sighed;
My Uoii, in ri-seue ciimel
Oar happy land in criirisMi dyed,
And peace desireyed by iluai.
An Appalli!!:; Kceord.
Tweiity-si.t tiiousand arrests for
drunker.efisa year and eight thousand
imprisonments is the appating record oi
one of tho most enlightened oi Asacriv-an
cities. It means one arrest ior every
four families. V, it mean.-; to the
taxpayers may be reckoned from the
fact that, while the fines collected
amounted to less than twenty-five
thousand dollar:?, the cost of maintain
ing the prisoners took irom the public
nioie than one har.Jred and twenty dive
taoiu-nud dollars. The nat cost to tlie
city was therofote more than one hun
dred thousand '.dollar?!. Were it pro
pond to appropriate that sum fur a
library or any b;-iieliui:il public institu
tion, the Butter would be carefully con- ivM mo .j;y cyo.inv ot etnv-
a.;ance. A remedy" for thia yearly tribute i
to the city's shame and curse s n-.neh !
moiv worthy oi consideration. Youth
Companion, Jan. 18, PAW.
Joint G;tvin wss clcMc-d chair.u of
tho demxntic count v central committee
nt it-i uitictii-g hist y-.i'iun'uty.
Advciiiscd Letter tit.
Jua. 13, 1900. Tho 3
Chirk, Louisa
f :hv:u-d? B F
flavours, K 13
T.oe, L
Lvcn, Wra C
Sir.iliiin, Fro!
Tkoaias, Frcol S
Taylor, Airs V A
M. Yatus, P. M.
uuinns. V
., .
1 J:e -vae ot
The -vlie of the editor cf
Jourarl jvresuntod him on J.u-!
an's day
rs v.iU
tolOOjwitn a ton-pound boy.
. .1 CO says: "fehnijuent bul
liinclly Um the hint."
Spray Fmi;pg.
ll'.lli a S;i-iy Pamo von r.-r
it: es ti e sii;, ins t.'a;, ;i.i'-sh', V
i. -iriV ",VMi,.A" is tl,,. OI,,v
u" ausuers th.s pm cs.. Wurl anx
l! e toe ori-:oi-,:s i,., ;v
u o - i:;:i. o.i'ye I Ols we r;u-
h'r Hie uivuey." "IKK l'i;Vr,i
' ''' mvtiso;j Vr?riT co
FHiTrnfil? ATS.G mnd Clue? r.t Vanennv.- I TlftMn Inni nlU n1 J
l 7 :.-Not..- j, he:;eoyveu 'thai W H HS H Y 1 HI
M TV.epui.Peareiuvacd to ca'l a: mv sailerv T Vv', f.'J1 ;i''"'1 "'" 't hiain- 1JtaiJ Wl UalMli. lUlU lUiUUiiU
o3 mid ir.s;rci y work. I mm -o .ivesatiMiie. ! li .1 .'liM'l. P'.1'' .'Ptt of his I AM Freight Will fftraa Tk..K
, tion ni, cases wufro work mmiswd to : i-. i V ' VV.u; I-""1 v'ii! be made before I tri-i,W rT mv-8U
me. l'n.-es n-aioablo. Outbid v'cwl a ' I ' '' 'Jjn.eiver V. st ! .! t.m.var Without Delay.
I ca.U: WtKis. a ! S!"' 'W. y? Leave The Dalles 7 nn .
V.'e take the liberty of sending you a card, which we kindly ask
you to bring with you or send, when making cash purchases at our
store, and have the amount of such purchase punched out until all
the a:r,iui:ta represented on margin arc cancelled. 'Wo will then
prevent you FREE, a largo three-quarter life size, (bust) crayon or
water color portrait of yourself, or any member of your family or
dear friend, whose memory you may wish to perpetuate.
Knowing ilt-2 very general desire amon our customers for family
portraits, we believo that thera is not a family in thia section but
v hat would tiLe a GOOD portrait in preference to anything we
could offer as an appreciation of their cash trade.
Thee portraits will be made from any photograph or tintype you
fjmiieb (same will be returned to you). Rrcmernber you are not
recjuhod to buy a frame, we are presenting tho portrait as an appre
ciation of your patronage. However, we shall carry a large line of
frames which we will sell to portrait customers at the lowest possible
price, but if you can buy a frame cheaper elsewhere it is your
privilege to do so.
To enable ycu to understand more fully the value of this offer, we
invite you to call at our store where samples of the work and
frames cari be seen.
V'e hope you will appreciate our endeavor, and favor us with
your patronage, ard in rdurn we will assure you courteous attention
and the best goods at the lowest prices.
Ycuro very truly,
V.'e aro now located in oar new store, ami while we do not claim
to have the only good stock in town, ' WE ARE PREPARED TO
MEET ALL COMPETITION. We have paid cash for every bill of
merchandise that we have bought for tho last ten years and believe
we'eau buy as cheap as any other concern in the sta,te.. Call and see
us; if we cannot suit you do not bay. We are here to do business
and are doing some.
Water Consumers.
Notice in her.-by 1'en to all persons desir
ing we.ter for tin; coming season irom the
Water Sjjppiy (.'.). i.f Hu m iiive.' Valley, that
llie.v most ine Iheir applications for iko ptime
with the secretary on or Oel'oie in.' hist sjalur
day oi r'eo. aar.v iext..
l',y oriler of tin? IViard of Min-et'M'S.
Jjated this the l'.th (lay of .lannarv , 1900.
tl. .!. milil.i l!.. Sec'y.
Taken Up.
aek sow piir, 5 or u rnomhs old. Owner
ill at my place, .iv cln-rsfs a.-d fcike it
A. m.'iTON.
SO Acres.
V'e!l Improvod farm; -p) acres in cn'.livation;
near school; irood loai'.s. 1'riie Tree. Best
bargain in Mood Ul er. I-MTi lKr,VK.
Quadruple Kllvcnra'e ."els;
Alarm Cloeits, received l.
a new lot of
stamps for our Jam ?ry issue.
Trail. Box Ul, rSca'.tle, Wash.
Kend li! in
The Wcitei n
Jersey Co.
Fol! h-ed .'er.--:!V (,v. f,sh, and calf, i:
.".lie. ri-tee t.hiri,v.8v dollars.
Thoroughbre d E ooster s
flai-reii l.ock and
Wyand.-'tte i;o-.isrr. lorsale
XI. V. liAKU.
Seed Corn Wanted.
J wii.t 100 pounds Ilarly Seed Corn at far
ac'ise farm. Also, houses to rent.
n W. li. AT A MS.
NOTICE 1'OH F li tlL 1 C AT 1 OnT
'Isolated Tract.)
S'.iCA is liei'chy
losti-i.'K-Hons from
i-ivi-n llif.t hom-oi'onnnftfl,... . '.- , . '. ''. . .1 1 ""J , "'. ii on
: '.' i
iim. , oiui.n .si-u.ei oi ine
lo-nerl oano oil lee, nmtcr nutie-ril v xestedin
him by seetl-m 21;V, U. Si. liev. Slat... ns ainend
eii D.v the act, cf eori'-ress approve,! Feb. 2-1,
1S66, we will procee.l to. oifer at public wile, on
Saturday, thio.l flay of March next,
at. the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., al this office,
the folio-.vina tract of ::.nd, to wit:
ii Y, XW. i,; H e. l.l, T. 2 X., It. 11 E., W. M.
Vny and all pervms clamiin ; inivcifely tne
ab,)vo-ae"i'lii!d ltnl.s are advised io Me their
claims in ihls, op.iee on or before ihe day
Hoove desi'inaleO lor tlie. eoni'.oenet ivcnt of
said sale, olhei".vi-e Iheir rights will be for
leited. ,J.Y !'. J.t'C.SS, litshlcr.
n;-iA'l'fc;l!tii.X. Kceetver.
V. H. Lund Office, The I '-i I ies. Or., Jan. 17, 1'JOO.
Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. Jan. 17,
1000. Notice is hereby given that thV follow-iim-mimi
d settler has li led not .ee of Iiis in
leniion lo make oroof (a tn; rort f
hiseiaiin, and that said' proof will t,e made,
before the Iieulsmr and U.-eeiver lj, l,nnd
Olhee at Vancouver, Wivh., on Ti.CaCtav,
I'tbruary lt-Ce, vi;
Il'imcstif Entry .Vo. Wi, for the cnrtU of
norll' ;,. Rout'iiivi, );;ot'norlli.vfSi J'.'.n'nd
southwest i of iii.illie.-isi u M-.ima 15, town
shin 3 iioriij, ranse P.'ea:-t, vin, .icr.
He names tlie foho.vimj witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cult. vation
ot. said Itiii'i v;:
James O. l.yle, Thomas ,T. Wh'immb Frank-H-.Keynoid
and Jf. Whncomb,
ah oi Lvle I'. o., V.'usi'.'ie'ioii.
J1'-"'-"' W. U. 1UM1AH, Keg'stcr.
Tiinher Land, Act June H, l.j
X'citod Slates
-lales I.aad ij(pef The r-il', i fin.
my IS. h-L-Nof n siieivh Vv
mpliance with ths orox ism, : Zt xti
po:i, J anu
i.iai in compliance rmi ine pro isiou.. of the
acti'f roniiress ot .hme 8, l.s t, emiu.d "An
i; i. i , saie in uiuuer lands in the States
oi v.iiu.-i inn, i 'll-you, ie
ton 'lerriiory,"
nun and i.biiitig
C UAUI.-ES i; E K X A T! D,
i if UflOd I-t'.ver, county ot- Waseo, state cf Orc-
iiuii, mijiiiisui,) meu in tmsoUoehisswori:
sia'.ement, .m. )M, mr the pmciu, 0f the
s.mtiicasi. noi'iiiupst wmihwe-l l. nori'h
easi t- nonhwes! .somueast !. , aim sarth
east 4 so'.iilnve-t J4 of 5,-i-t.i.,n i u, f0wn.
sain 1 north, rausjo Ao. 0 east, w A! aud
villi ctler m-ooi to shun-toal the land : oiia'nt
is more valuahle ior its timber or sion, than
tor wgricttliovtil pm oses, un,t to establish his
claim lo smrt laud before :he lieeise r and
hecc.-erof tn-.sonice at The Dah. s . , eSoa
onfisiiuday.uion,!) eti ke "
l.e names as witness's: Jud Ker-us, n Jo-
'oVtt'HivK.""" WUli"'"
Any ami ail.:;i ii..i,s adversi Iv the
ab.,Ve.uescrib. ,i i re"ed :S ii;.i JAV P. I.l'CAS, Reitister.
in;:; r ?issnx.
-td Kiorv v., tii-- r, ,h , .
u-,:l:Ui ..iH.a Trtownihipaf
lie names the loil i.nti.- i-;;-.-....,.,
. ---. .... . IV. ,l.,.t3 .
SldClIlt? I'll,." ,o.l !,!,.
inn o: siiui lam . viz:
JoiUiU K. Tniliei'. h "irr.c-'.r, c
"iK- tV j
3 '
X mi yffiPN ra SKI.
v3 - IS
U via
For Sale or Trade.
Will sell on time or trade for anything of
ecjiml value
ij acres good strawberry land near lon'n.
r acres heir Tucker, purtly improved.
Ca."h hn;.crii need not apply.
jiJ W. A. SLINGEfiLANf).
W agon for Sale.
A two-horse wagon for sale, or will trade for
a lighter ono-honse ria. C. L. UOpPLK.
Notice Is hereby given t hat the undersigned
.:t the next regular meetiior of the Uoinmon
Cooncil oi' the Town of Hood Rii'sr, ivill pre
eent to them a petition of a majority of Hits
lf'i'.al voier:i of said town, asklnijc said council
to 'ranL a lieenu to tho uoch ri'jned to retail
spirituous, vlnona and malt hquoi-s in less
niiii.niiliin than one gallon;- for tho term of
unu year in iaid town.
R. E. FEW Efi & CO.
Copy of petition, signed by a majority of
the k-jjal voiers of the iowu of Hood Kivcr,
Orc3'in, is as mliinvs: ,
'loltio Common Council of the Town of
Hood Kivcr, in tho Coimty of Wasco and
.state of oil-son: We, the umiersiisned. legal
Voters of said town of flood iiiver, in' I lie
county of Wasco and state of Oregon, respect
fully petition your honorable body tocvant
io ii. rewei o; company a license to sol!
spirituous, vinous ana .mall, liquors in lesi
i,.iK.nlitu-.i than mm gallon, for Hie term of
one year in said (own of liood Hirer:
The- fnr;o!njr petition, toirether with the
sisaatiin s .i-saed thereto, wjithe presented at
I use niHi-nr.:; oi t'.e t oimiLon uouncil in a
eorilaiiee witn the ebove notice.
U. I'i. KiiiW EL A oo.
to Voters.
Under the provisions of the, Kt-Kltitrnltoji
laiv all penons when regmti-riux are required
io mrni.Mi io mo runisiermg oiueer tne lollow
Ini; iniorinatioii:
Jf mtiurali.'.ed, the time, yilac.e and court of
na'.ui aiii.ion. in tins connectiori it as ne-
essRry to produce. iiHtardhzalton papers, or
ueciaiaiion i.i llnoiiLloll. . -.
Uesidi-iice niii'at lie specific, jrivin.?: precinct.
section, township and rane; if within town
111 I'I V t , I, m.vv.l.n,. I f,,r .....
! oct oi mt anu diock. it in tiny oiultlin.
i wiicr? rnoius are numbered, tho number of
t te room and itoor, ae l-ivcii.
in order to avoid unnecessary delay and in
convenience, every person desirijn; to reyistor
soomu oe prepared to lurmsti tne tuiove in-
f acini ifH will Do furnished in everv pre
cinct in the county by cither Justice of the
peace or notary puhjio. A. M. K&LSAY,
Ji" County Cierl!
Land Office nt Oregon flitv, Oregon, Jan.
(1, KM). Nonce Is hereby elvon that ine fol.
lowms-nair.ed hett.ler has tiled notice of his
intention lo nip. Ita proof In support 0: his
claim, and that said proof will-be made beiore
ine itegiMer and Kfceivtr at Oregon City.
viiiiii oil ii.iuien , iyij( Vi;
HoItACii If. PHILLIPS, ....
II. K. 8S27, for the northeast ), of northeast
oi seclion ii. townshii) 1 uuriii. fiiui, ,-..,si
lie names the following witnesses' to prove
ni i.o'.ii,iiiui.iu;i resfueiice I Tl ill una Ctllti vtt-
tii'a of, gjid land, viz:
Isaiah James, hi anlt Devroy, Virgil Amend
mm joi.u vvimsei, uiioi eridal Veil, Oreson
J lail'i CiiASS. B. MOOKE.S, KeaisUi'.
ITimber Land, Act Juries, 18,3.
U. S. I.nnd Ofilce, The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
2. IMOi ; -Notice is hereby given tlhuincom-
i'i.. :i'nN iiib provisions oi tne act ol eon
sr. ..i, of June ;j, l.-.s, entitled "An act for the
wl:F of timber lands in tin-suites of California,
Oregon. Nevada and W.ishlmrmr, 'ro,-,.it.. o
J A ilia IKEIiAND,
Of lho Dalles, county of Wasco, stnie of Ore-
son, uas mis uay nieu in uns o;tice his xworu
statement .No. 152, for the nnrnhase ,,r iu
south halfin.-riinv st and north liaif soutii-
west of section So. 2i, in township Ko I
j;" lh, ranKe 0 east, v. M and will oner
Si-,0'T thlU --aht is more
vamaoie lor its tlmt-er or stone i i,-t,-n fop o,rri.
cultural purposes, and to establish Lit elsmi
to i said land befoie the lleister and iieeeiver
oi tmsomceat I he Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 17th day of March, lnuo.
names ,,s wimes.-es: W. li. Winans, L.
U1v:!?' A- taid E. X. Wiuans. all of
iioou niver, ureon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovo-desenoed lands are requeued to nie
jiicir claim': in tiiis office on or before said
l. th day ol .March , 1QQ.
Jni JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
THE-- '
ft Mis, Will & m
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Leave rortlund
.7.00 A. M.
$1 so
.-I ...
tc ; o sn
Freight Raiss Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALL AWAY, General Agent,
1, Clnar'cr block In Pnrkhurst, only $100
Beautiful view. Lot 133 by 100 foci. '
2. S. R. i of S. W. )i sec. 12, Tp. 9 N., It. IB
E., unimproved; 850.
.1. John Sipma farm, in lots from 6 to 20
acred, and from JoO to foti peracr. Term
4. S. E. sec. 32. T. 3 K.. R. 10 E. for only J:00,
borne im provemeuts; IGOaeies.
5, S. V, of S. '.V. '4 of N. VS. M S. 12, T. 5 N.,fi.
10 E.;W) acres; some iDiprovcniBiilu. troo.
6. N . k of N. W. W. S. W. K of N. W. V.
N. W. ;"of S, W. H S. 8, T. 2 N., It. 10 .; ljn
4 ol !
acres, M),
7. Bnrrett-Slpma Addition; flOperlot; ten
dollars down and five dollars per month; no
8 The Chas. IT. IIorpi'S Sunie Homestead,
Fninkton: jjooil cutuge and bam; nu-Aui
water. Vriai 700.
9. The old lingers Mill property at Frank
ton, with falls and wuter power on l'hclut
creek. Price 300.
10. The Or. Barrett Improved Fruit, Farm, 4
m. fouthwest of Hood KiVer: 120 acres; 70 ncii'n
in cultivation: 40 acres In fruit: fine sprint;; 60
Inches Irritrntuig water. Piice 48,.",20; will be
sold lu parcels.
11. T. R. Coon's SO acres In Pole Flat, 7 mllfj
soul h west of town; 4 ucrcs cleared. Price 3,5
per acre.
12 The h. NcfT Flome; '10 acres on Hood rlv.
er; 2 miles; good water; plenty of fruit; a
beautiful honm. Price Sl.SOO. Ten acres and
housa lor StiDO.
13. Chas. W. Gilmer Homentead. at Gilmer,
U'asli.; PiO ucrei;; flue saw timber; Rood soip
well watered. Holy g5oy; a rare buryain. 1
14. The YVcidner Iloinestcid, lfO neres, near
.Mosier; DO acres clEiired: 2 springs; 400 fruit
irees;good improvements. Only J 1,000.
1.1. The V7. II. lilshop Rome in Hood River,
mt It anil part of lot V block 1, Wauconut aildl
Hon to liood Kivcr; a pi city home. Only 1,100,
10. Five neres cleared and in clover, yt ra,
s.iulhwesl of Hood Kivcr. Only 42b.
V. The Hansherry homo, 2i niiles Bonth,
west of town; 10 acres. Kveryihiiig complete
and handy; good Hint, Kood water, oiily jl,6W
18. Tlie Chester Welds home, in the
mile east oi town; a pretty home; good fruit
and water; 40 acres. Only jl.-iW),
If). The (7oi don fruit Farm, 20 acres, 1JJ m;
west ol' town, Sl.JuO; ami nico collate unl
lot in Jlood Kiver, only 00.
25. The Dr. Morgan house and lot in Hood
Kivcr; new barn. Only 00. ,
21. The Frank Chandler improved fruit and
Kiiiin farm; ;ti acres; 46 in cultivation; loco,
hearing apple trees; large house and barn; line
water iind plenty of it; house and farm fur
nished', i-'riec ifo.OOU; terms easy.
22, 'Tho J. Wicknam farm, 7 miles ivmihwuit
of towu;80 acres; i-ood buildings and improve.
loetits; spring water and 60 inches it ne lor ir
l'iktaiing. l'rice i 1,1.00.
21. Forty acres, 3 cleared; north of young
orchard and east of Cros'bv's; off Levi Monroe
farm, A io. 1 land. Only 3W,
24. The Btiskirk place, 1 mile west of toiL',
4 ncres: coou Kpi lug water; ood orchard; new
f'ume hulldincs. (inly SHOO; one-thirtj cash,
buhinee at 3 per cent per annum.
2i. The Kmerson hompstead, only one mile
cast of town; line range; Sl,600.
21. F.. C. Moonev's 3 lots north of arniorv:
cleared and in fruit; well, and Kmee, only $30$.
27. The Swan homestead at White Salmon.
only 2,o00; will be sold in separate forties.
'M. The Bertier rilaee. 140 acres: 40 acres
cleared; 10 acres grubbed: free water. 2,000
half cash; 1,400 spot cash. ..
2a. The Grant Kvans home, lot 5. block 4,
Hood lllver, K0O.
80. Wllkens fine farm at WhiteSalmon falls;
210 acres; 2i cleared and In grass; good -im
provements; line wuter tower. 1'rice t3.;,00
storked, or "2,760 for land.
ill. 2', acres at Hard licriibole, all cleared ntitt
in fruit; on county road. l'i;lce J250.
S3. John Sweeney's place; 1.000 bearlncr fruit
trees; 4ii acres-riS acres in cultivation; 2 miles
from Hood Kivcr; good well and sprinir. 1'rlce
twenty-seven hundred dollars; after March I,
l'.V), three thousand doliurs.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class sur
veyor's transit, and tho proprietor beiiijr
practical surveyor, is well prepared to do tho
work of laying out acreage property In lots
and blocks. " ' -
N. B. Terms are easy on all the nbova
hinds, with interest at li per cent. I'ersons da
siring locations on homesteads and timber
claims should apply at Tho Emporium.
EST Keep your eye on the BarrcU'
Sijpina Addition.
yhlppers of
Hood River's Famous
Packers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
ages. JPealers in
Fertilisers and Agricul
tural Implements.
Land Office at Tlie Dalles. Orsaon, Dec. 13,
Irt'i). - Notice is hereby given that the follow-imr-named
setllcr has filed uoti?o of his in
lentiim to nmlte tihiil oroof in suooort of Ins
claim, and tiiit taid proof will be made before
liie Hcclstai' and deceiver at. The Liailes. Oie-
Son, on Friday. February 2, l'.'OO, vii:
Of Hood Rivi r, Ore., U. II. 5:!3 for the lots I
and ', southeast northeast and northeast
H southeast section , township 1 uortu,
ran;;e II cast, v. M. ' '
He names tho following witnesses to prove
tiis coiilinuous residence upon and cultiva
tion oi, said land, viz:
Hubert if. Knnu. hnnil Rivur. Or Frank
Mullikin, Tne l)alies. Or.; Kalph Shelley,
Kiver, Dr.;
Edwin Ji. ilerril, The , l
JAY I LUCAS, Register.
(Timber hand, Act June 3, 1878.
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
on. Nov. 1:. lMiii. N ot ice is hereby given
that in coinpliance with the nrovisions of tho
uct ot congress of June 8, 18. S, entitled "An
iict for the sale of timber lands in t he States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
j.lA!fc.lj tiKAIL,t.X.
Of Hood Kiver, countv of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this ollice her sworn,
sUitenient, No. 144, for the purchase of the
norm 4 soul beast and norin soutnwesi
f-4 of section No. 25, Ut township No. 1 north,
ranpe No. y east, v . M Md will offer pn of to
show that the land sougiit is more vaiuaoiu
for its timber or stone than for rtgriculturu
purposes, and to establish her ciaim to saiu
lurid hpforpllif. Hio-iwior nnil Receiver of tlll.t
otloe at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the
27th day of January, 11100
::e namej as witnesses: w. k. viiiau,
Bradley, J. L. Henderson and Harry WyaU,,
ii oi Hooa Kiver, Oregon. ,
Any and all oersons claimins adverse! tne.
nbove-aescribed hinds are requested to nie.
their cUums in this oillce on or oeime
2, th day of January, 1!KH)
m.jia j Ax f. lows, iKsii"
Taken Up.
A red heifer, 2 years old, marked in right
ear. Owner will please call and taKe lnc
imal away aad pay charges, ;cr
Notice to Creditors.
The tmdersisned, bavin? been appointed
executors of tne last will and testament
Andrew K. Tieman, deceased, late of V.fcc
count v, u.eaon, herebv notify all I1""'
liaving claims against 'the estate, to i,res'
tliem. with t.'.p mvicr vouchers, within w
months from tlie date of this notice tu i w
execuiors at Hood Kiver, hi smd county ai"-,
Dated January 5, 190?. p EL0,.EKS)
" K-e:r. i nit, UALLES,