if" troll f "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." P ,, I I I I - ' - " ' ' " .1 -I .. --.IMI..I... I III. l.M.ll III , ...... , I VOL. XI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1900. NO. . 35. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by B. F. BLITHE. Term! of subscription- fl.50 s year when paid la advauee. ! THE MAILS. ' The mull arrives (mm Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock ' a. Hi. Wednesdays and Saturdays; depart! the same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thiirsdavs ami Saturdays; arrlvea at (p. m. . For White Salmon (Wash.) leave! dally at : a. m.; arrive! at 7:15 p. m. ' From White Salmon leave! (or Fiilda, Gilmer, ' Trout Lake and Ulenwood Monday!, Wednes '; iavi and Friday!. ' ForBlnten (Wash.) leave! at 5:45 p.m.; ar fives at 11 p. m. SOCIETIES. T AUREt, REBEKAII DEGREE LODGR, No. J J 87, I. O. O. F. Meet! Brat and third Mon day I In each month. II. J. Hibbard, N. 0. j J. H. Fixquson, Secretary. (1ANBY POST, No. JO, G. A. R.-Meets at A. I U. U. W. Hall tirst Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All U. A. R. luemberi in. vlted to meet with us. v 0. G. Hill, Commander T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. ' CANBY W. R. C, No. 1-Meets first Satur day of each month In A. O. U. W. hall at 3 p. m. Mrs. G. P. Chowkll, President. Mrs. Ursula Dukks, Secretary. HOOD KIVKR 1.0 DUE, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.Met'ls Saturday evening on or before each htll moon. H. F. Davidson, W. M. j 1. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD ItlVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each month. E. L. Smith, H. P. ; G. F. Williams, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25. 0. E. 8. Meet! Saturday after each full moon. Mas. Eva Uaynis, W. M. ' fl. I. Williams, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans. Meets second and fourth Mondav nights of each month at Fraternity ball. Brothers ; and sisters cordially Invited to meet with us. A. P. Batiuam, M. A. 8. R. Ghat, Secretary. W ACCOM A LODGE, No. 80, K. of P. Meeti in A. O. U. Y. hall every Tuesday night. C. C. Markham, C. C. ' M. H. NlCKKLsEN, K. Of R. ii S. RIVERSIDE LODGE, No. 68, A. O. U. W. Meeta tirst and third Saturdays of each m.iutli. , &. Kand, M. W. , J. F. Watt, Financier. . H. L. Hows, Recorder. :. t" dlkwilde lodge, no. 107, 1. o. o. f.- t 'J Moots in Fraternal hull every Thursday ' Bight. 0. Ii. Hahtlit N. G. , li. J. Hibiahd, Secretary. J F. SHAW, M. D. Telephone No. 81. All Calls Promptly Attended Ofllce upstairs over Copple's store. All ealli left at the ofllce or residence will be promptly attended to. JOI1N LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash tngton. Has had many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of titles and agent. Satisiautluu guaranteed or na aharge. J F. WATT. M. D. Surgeon for 0. R. & N. Co. Is especially equipjied to treat catarrh of nose ana throat and diseases of women. j fejiecial terms for olllce treatment of chronic cases. 'Jclephone, office, 83, residence, 31. piONEEIt MILLS Harbison Bros., Props. FLOCR, FEED AND ALL CEREALS Ground and manufactured. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom grinding done every Saturday. During the busy season additional days w(ll be mentioned in the local columns. BOtm KIVER. OREGON. pAPERIIANGING, KALSOMflNING, ETC. j If your walls are sick or taut Hated, call on E. Ii. ROOD. Consultation free. No charge for prescrip tions. No cure no pay. Oifli-e hours from 6 A. M. till 6. P. M., and all night if necessary. ECONOMY SHOE 6H0P. PRICE LIST. Men's half soles, hand etlcked, $1 ; nailed, best, 75c; second, 60c; third, 40c. Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best, 50c; second, 35. Best stock and work in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop. piE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nats, Tobacco, Cigars, etc ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... W. B. COLE, Prop. P C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 P. M. JflT. HOOD SAW MILLS Tomlinsox Bbos, Props. .....FIR AND PINE LUMBER..... Of the best qnality alwas on hand at prices to suit the times. JOB PRINTING. For Bill Heats, Letter Heads, Envel opes, Cards, Circulars, Small Posters, Milk Tickets, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Legal Blanks, etc., come to the GLACIER JOB OFFICE. DALLAS & SPANGLEE, dialers m Hardware, Steves and Tinware Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers' Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete stock of hardware, stoves and tinware, to which we will keep constantly adding. Our ptia will continue to be aa low u Portland prices. lErllHIS TIIflHE I SFE.liLTT. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items From the Two Hemispheres Presented In a Condensed Form. William Jackson, the soout, is dead. The United Verde mine wus sold fox 500,000. British authorities have released the German steamer Herzog. Two white men were shot and two negroes were lynched at Ripley, Tenn. Premier McDonald takes the attorney-generalship of the new Manitoba cabinet. A British flag and ' portrait .of the queen were trampled under foot in a Victoria saloon. President Hill, of the Great North ern, regards the ship subsidy bill as a national scandal. Lord Balfour in a speech denied that the lust for gold is the incentive to Eng land in the Tranvaal war. Snit has been begun in the United States supreme court to test the valid ity of the Bland-Allison act. Governor Brady and tho Cape Nome delegation have appeared before the house committee on publio lands. The president has recommended the promotion of Howison, Kautz, Remeny and Farquhar to be rear admirals. The United States cruiser Albany, purchased from Brazil, developed a speed of 20.87 knots during a builders' trial run. England will release Seized Ameri can flour. Foodstuffs are not consid ered contraband of war unless intended for the enemy. Barnat Grinberg, formerly a well known Jewish business man of Seattle, has been arrested in Tarnapoli, Ga licia, Austria, on a charge of buying girls for export from Austria to the United States. Secretary Gage gives as his reasons for his recent action in utilizing na tional banks as depositories for national treasury notes that thereby he prevent ed a disturbance in the business world. He denies that he has discriminated in favor of any bank. A London dispatch says the long pent-np storm is now bursting over the heads of home government officials. It says that if parliament were in ses sion, it is doubtful 'if they could retain power, and only a remarkable change in the situation can save them when the next session convenes. Senator Hoar has made public a let ter he had addressed to a number of Eastern papers in reply to a speech made by ex -representative Qnigg, of the Essex Club. In it he says that Aguinaldo is honest, and that the war was caused by a mistake made by Gen eral Otis; that the Americans were the aggressors and Aguinaldo wanted peace. . A pro-Boer meeting was held in Seattle. English parliament may be convened before the end of the month. Frenchmen are opposed to the new treaty with America. A Missouri lodge of Hibernians de cided that it would not help the Boers. The Chicago baseball club will make its spring training quarters at Los An geles. - An Ontario (Or.) man has a scheme for using the natural steam of hot wells. The Pacific coast has sent forward over 10,000 to the Lawtou fund, and more will be sent. The Boers have refused to allow the American consul at Pretoria to act aa British representative. ; The secretary of war has asked for $750,000 for expenses in sending the Spanish prisoners home from Manila. California wants foreign countries forced to reduce the duties on canned goods through reciprocity treaties. The shipbuilding trust has not yet been organized. The amount of capi talization is not yet determined upon. The Big Four railroad will resume payment of common stock dividends and will take over the Chesapeake & Ohio. Uncle Sam will press her claim against Santo Domingo. France got her money and now demands an apology. The Boers in a spirit of humor have named three prison streets in Pretoria "Ladysmith," "Mafeking" and "Kim berley." England cannot understand why Buller's forces did not press a passage on the Tugela while White was engag ing the Boers to the North. At Battle Creek, Mich., the body of Sherman Church, a miller, was found wedged nnder a water wheel. The hands were tied and a weight fastened to the leg. John Boston, a negro, of Russell county, Ala., convicted of chicken setaling has been pardoned by Governor Johnston on condition that "for twelve months he shall not buy, steal or eat another chicken, or any part thereof." A lady in Baltimore was so attracted to a pet monkey that when it shuffled off this mortal coil she gave a 'bang-up funeral. There were six pall-bearers, four carriages for the mourners, and several floral designs, one of them be ing an "empty chair." LATER NEWS. . The bombardment of Mafeking was renewed Friday morning. Many Boers are believed to be trek king northward from Ladysmith. ' The national convention of United Mine Workers opened at Indianapolis. When Bryan visits New York he will be entertained exclusively by Tam many. For the first time in history trocery stores and meat shops closed in Chicago on Sunday. General Wood has crossed Orange river and established the first British post in the enemy's country. A determined woman and a huge bread knife kept a mob at bay in Chi cago until assistance arrived. Sir Wilfred Laurier says that Can ada will give England both men and money to help her in the present strife. Summer resorts of Rockaway beach and Jamaica bay, New York, may have to move on account of threatening waves. Wheaton and Schwan's troops are keeping the rebels of Southern Luzon moving. Americans have few losses, but the rebel losses are heavy. The trans-Atlantic steamship lines have increased their passenger rates be tween New York and Europe, owing to the heavy travel expected to the Paris exposition. John P. Reese, under arrest in Fort Scott, Kan., has been released by Jugde Thayer's order. Reese was being held for contempt of court for address ing striking miners. The Servian ministry has resigned, owing to King Alexander insisting on granting amnesty to all the political prisoners convicted of high treason against his father, King Milan. A circular appealing for peace and pledging for the Boers, signed by 400 clergymen of all denominations in the Netherlands, has just been delivered to the ministers of all Christian churches in Great Britain. The suit for the prize money for the destruction of Cervera's fleet involves the question of whether or not the cruiser New York really participated in the battle. The attorney-general avers that as all the Spanish fleet and property were destroyed they were not prizes. The urgent deficiency appropriation bill, the first of the important bills for the government, reported to the honso by Chairman Cannon, carries $56,127, 841, of which $47,603,832 is reappro priated for the military and naval es tablishments, and $3,825,500 for dis trict appropriations. The Boers have looted all the stores and mines in Swaziland. Two case3 of bubonic plague are re ported from South Australia. Londoners are still complaining over the rigid censorship of war news. Carter Harrison has refused to accept the candidacy for governor of Illinois. The rodmill workers at Cleveland, O., will strike, involving 4,000 work men. General George Sharpe, a veteran the civil war, is dead at Kingston N. Y. Dutch colonials taken in arms are not treated as war prisoners, but are being prosecuted for treason. The latest official report upon the foreign commerce of China shows a great increase both in its imports and exports. The Cree Indians of Canada may take the warpath and strike a blow at Great Britain, now that the British are busy. Frederick D. Bonfils, one of the pro prietors of the Denver Post, was shot and mortally wounded by a lawyer of that city. French warships have taken posses sion of Kwong Chan Wan bay, where a boundary dispute has been pending for several months. The wreck in St. Mary's bay, N. F., is still unidentified, although it is be Meved to be the Helgoland, which ws nder charter by the Standard O Jompany. Ten bodies have been lo cated among the rocks. A lone robber held up two restau rants in the midst of Kansas City at 6 in t the morning. Both jobs were ac complished in less than five minutes, and the robber escaped, the gaping people making no resistance. Mrs. C. M. Foote, of Los Angeles, Cal., aged 73, died suddenly on the north-bound Oregon express between Gazelle and Montague, in the Siski you s. She was accompanying the re mains of her late husband to Seattle for burial. John Barrett, ex-minister to Siam, in a public address in Chicago, said that Senator Hoar's speech, which was cabled to Hong Kong, and subse quently put into hands of the Filipinos, caused the open insurrection in the Philippines. Mrs. Christina Hirth, of East St. Louis, emerged from a trance to find herself under process of being em balmed and prepared for the grave. A movement of the . eyelid saved the woman from death at the hands of the undertaker or from burial alive. From the stomach of a woman w! died in Indiana, a short time since, th handles of sx silver teaspoons were taken, and now the stomach of a dead child at Lebanon has turned out several silver coins. Toothache troubled a cat belonging to James Dever, of Norristown, Pa. A dentist extracted all her teeth and fitted an artificial set in her jaws. Every night, before retiring, she runs to her master to havo her teeth removed. NCREASE Kow- Our Exports Have Grown in Past Five Years. NATI0SS WHO BUY OUR GOODS Cnlted Kingdom by Far the Beat Custo mer, and Germany nrnl Fruuue ' Come Next. Washington, Jan. 10. Frank II. Hitchcock, chief of the foreign mar kets division of the agricultural depart ment, has prepared an interesting col lation of figures showing for the first time the respective amounts of our agricultural exports which go to the several countries of Europe and of the pther continents. The period oovewd li 1894 to 1808. Tho statement shows (hat the agricultural products exported from the United States in the five years .ad an average annual value of $003, 538,201. Of those enormous exports, about 60 per cent found a market in the United Kingdom and its various dependencies. The sum paid by the British people for the American farm products purchased during the period mentioned readied as high ns $403, 053,054 a year. Great Britain alone took more than one-half of our agricul tural exports, the consignments cred ited to that ocuntry forming about 65 per cent of the total shipments and having an annual value of $302,407, 701. Germany, which ranks next to the United Kingdom as a mrrket for the products of American agriculture, re ceived about 16 per cent of the export? for 1894-98, the average yearly value amounting to $36,820,251. France, with purchases that aver aged $48,988,791 a year, or about 6.6 per cent of tho total, was the third country in importance. These three countries the United Kingdom, Ger many and France received togother nearly 75 per cent of the total agricul tural exports. After the three countries just men tioned, The Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Italy and Spain afforded the most important markets. The Nether lands bought 4.3 per cent of the total; Belgium, 3.6 per cent; Canada, 3.5 pei cent; Italy, 2.2 per cent; and Spain, 1.5 per cent. The averago value of the exports to these countries. CROSSED FREE STATE BORDER. Reports of Proceeding in the Slodder Klver Country. Modder River, Thursday. General Babington, with two reigments of Lp.ncers, the Victorian mounted rifles' find a battery of horse artillery, loft here on the evening of January 7 (Sun day) and crossed tho Free State border on Tuesday. Simultaneously other movements were made. A column under Colonel Pitcher went from Belmont to the south of General Babington's route, while a portion of the garrisons 0 Klokfonteiu and Honey Nest kloof, un der Major Byrne, advanced toward Jacobsdal. General Babington pene trated 12 miles and his scouts 20.' They saw no signs of armed Boers. The farmhouses were found empty, the oo enpants having had news of the ad vance and gone further into the inte rior. The British bivouacked at Ram don. They burned three farmhouses, the property of Lubbe, one of the Boe, loaders. Yesterday they swept around southward, returning here today. Nothing was accomplished except a reconnoisance. Colonel Pitcher came into touch with General Babington and then re turned to Belmont. Major Byrne reconnoitered the hilk about four miles from Jacobsdal and saw 700 Boers. Boers Near the Sea. Durban, Natal, Jan. 16. There is e Boer commando in the Zambaan country, Zululand, within a day's, march of the sea, with wagons. It i believed to be waiting for supplies and ammunition secretly landed near St. Lucia's bay. The Boers have looted all the stores and mines in" Swaziland territory, and the ruined natives oro completing the destruction. Beyond the Tugela. London, Jan. 16. A special dispatch from Cape Town, dated Friday, Jan uary 12 (evening), announces that Gen eral Warren has crossed the Tugela river. Great Battle Imminent. Boer Headquarters at Colenso, Thursday Everything points to a great battle within the next few days, Lady smith for the last two nights has been firing rockets. The object is not known here. Fighting in Cebu. Manila, Jan. 16. Advices from Cebu report a sharp fight January 8 between a battalion of the Nineteenth infantry and a body of insurgents oc cupying a strong position in the Soud Ion mountains. The enemy was routed, the Americans capturing a smooth-bore cannon, some rifles, and destroying the fortifications. Four Americans were wounded. Rumor of Ladysmlth's Belief. Durban, Friday The entire absence of news from Cheveley or Krere camp continues, but there is a persistent rumor here that Ladysmith has been relieved. Exportation of Aelils Prohibited. London, Jan. 15. The Gazette to day proclaims the prohibition of the exportation from the United Kingdom and the carrying coastwise of a variety of acids capable of Leing converted Into military stores. VOTES HIGH IN MONTANA. Witness Wanted BSO.OOO to Vote for Clark and Was offered 919,000. Washington, Jan. 15. Dr. Ector, a dentist of Missoula, Mont., was the first witness before the Clark investi gating committee today. He had par ticipated in the campaign in Ravalli county in the interest of E. P. Woods, Democratio candidate for the legislat ure, and who was a friend of Clarks. Ector said he had acted at the instance of Bickford, one of Clark's managers. Witness said Bickford had promised to pay him for his services, but no spe cific sum had been mentioned. A number of letters were read intending to show that Bickford had been an agent of Clark in the senatorial race. Cross-examination of the witness was postponed until the defense could look up the letters received from Ector. Representative Sullivan, member ol Montana legislature from Granite county, certified to having been ap proached by Bickford in Helena pre vious to the meeting of the legislature and asked to vote for Clark. "I said," the witness testified, "that I might do so if there was enough in it. He said how much. I said, twenty thousand. He then asked me if half that amount would not b enough. I replied no, and we parted." Sullivan said he met Bickford, wha suggested fifteen thousand. Witness told Bickford ho would not vote ioi Clark under any circumstances, and had seen no more of him. THE PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. Report 'Will Probably Be Beady Be. fore February 1. New York, Jan. 15. A social to the Times from Washington says: About the last of January the Philipi pine commission will submit their full report to the president. President Schurman was at the White House Thursday to announce that progress was being made, and that before Feb ruary the work of the commission will be completed. The report made in September was a general one, in which all the commissioners joined. In the full report eaoh commissioner will deal with a separate subject. That of Pres ident Schurman is on government foi the Philippines. He has considered the matter fully and has discussed hie report with the president. It is as sumed that such practical points as be may offer will be brought to the atten tion of the appropriate committoes ol the senate and the houso. As to the question of again sending a commission to the Philippines, it hat been suggested in congress by both sen ators and representatives that a joint commission of members might be named for that purpose. It would be very popular and also very expensive, but it is insisted that it would be a better way of preparing congress foi legislative action than the plan of mak ing up a commission outside of con gress and expecting members of both houses to read their report after it had been made in order that it may become informed. It is said that a special committee of members well-known would be more interesting and impres sive. France Will Be Monarchy Again. Chicago, Jan. 15. Count de la Chasney, who was married in Colorado Springs two days ago, and who passed through Chicago last night on his way to Paris, believes eventually France will have again a monarohial form of government. 1 "Nothing will be done in a political way to reorganize the present govern ment," he said, "until after the Paris exposition. That is practically a mat ter of agreement among the high states men. But France is near a change, The Fashoda incident and the Dreyfus affair added much to the general dis content among the masses. At the proper time the man to lead the royal ist party will be found. It is not un likely that Prince Louis Napoleon, now a colonel in the Russian army, will be the one chosen." Plague Cases at Honolulu. Washington, Jan. 15. The state department has been informed by Mr. Heywood, United States agent at Hono lulu, under date of January 1, that eight deaths have occurred from the bubonic plague at Honolulu since the last telegraphic report, December 26 last, which announced three deaths from the cause of the plague. Dr. Heywood also states that the entire city of Honolulu is quarantined. Teneiaela Finances Improve. Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 16. The financial crisis is ended. The diffi culty between the government and the bank has been amicably settled, and publio confidence is restored. India Will Buy Silver. London, Jan. 15. Renewed buying of silver by the Indian government, the Statist says, cannot be much longer de layed in consequence of rupee coinage requirements, and this will lead doubt less to a marked improvement in the price of silver. Portland Carriers Will Register Hall Washington, Jan. 13. The plan of having mail registered by carriers when collected will be put in practical opera' tion January 15 in 60 cities. Among the cities chosen are St. Louis, Denver and Portland, Or. The service will be inaugurated elsewhere when oonsid ered beneficial, upon the applications of the local officials. . .reat Northern Will Go to Colorado. Sioux City, Iowa, Jan. 15. Colonel W. P. Clough, vice-president of the Great Northern, has definitely admit ted that system's intention to build to Omaha and Denver. It is under stood, however, that the terminals here owned by the Sioux City Terminal Railway & Warehouse Company will first be required, at a price of approxi mately $400,000, or permanently leased before the extension movement begins. AROUND THE BOERS Two British Columns March ing to Relieve Ladysmith. WITH COMMISSARIAT STORES One to the Kast, The Other to the West of the Main Position Burgu ers Moving North. London, Jan. 17. General Buller's latest authentic word as to what he and his 80,000 men are doing was wired from Springfield after his first forward step. Striving to think out the unknown, London is confused by surmise and rumor and disquieting suspense. Spenser Wilkinson, the military ex pert of the Morning Post, asserts that the Boer force in Northern Natal is larger than General Buller's and Sir George White's together, so that the Boers are able to leave a force around Ladysmith larger than that within the town, and yet to oppose General Bnl ler with a force superior to his own. The Standard gives prominence to the following dispatch, dated January 13, from Durban: "A man who has just arrived here from Springfield says that a British column proceeding to the relief of Ladysmith has crossed the Little Tugela. When he left it was facing the Boer position on the Big Tugela, and a howitzer was shelling the Boer trenches. He says also that 270 wag ons laden with commissariat stores for Ladysmith had left Frere, and it was expected that the column would join hands with General White Monday evening. "The traotion engines have been do ing excellent work in hauling heavy wagons out of holes and swamps. This they accomplish with the greatest ease. "British patrols have discovered par ties of Boers in the direction of Ennors dale, between Frere and Estcourt." A dispatch from Cape Town, dated January 16, says: "There is good reason to believe that the statement that Sir Charles Warren, with 11,000 men, has gone toward Weenan is correct, and we may expect important news shortly. "Reports have beon received here .that dysentery is very life in Lady smith. "Everything is phenomenally quiet at Sterkstroin." Reports from the Boer campB affirm that the circle of investment has been drawn closer by the occupation of some hills nearer the town, thus liberating reinforcements to oppose General Bui ler. The Daily News suggests that a mul titude of the rumors that originate in South Africa and London are given ourrency by the English military au thorities in order to mislead the Boers. The war pages of the great dailies this morning are almost barren. Never theless, the instruments on the loops connecting the war office with the ca bles continue to olick. PLAGUE AT HONOLULU. Twenty-Two Cases Up to Date, One a ' European. Honolulu, Jan. 17. Since the 1st inst., nine oases of plague have devel oped, making 22 cases to date. The board of health has adopted heroic measures, and it is believed the work now in progress will stamp out the scourge in a short time. Thus far but one European has been attacked. This case was that of Ethel Johnson, a Nor wecian srirl. aced 14 years. The other 21 cases are divided as follows: Chi nese, 15; Japanese, 2; Hawaiian, 8; South Sea islander, 1. The 8d inst. the board of health de clared the entire judicial district of Honolulu under quarantine. The council of state has appropriated $273, 000 for which to fight the plague and place the city in a proper sanitary con dition. The bubonlo plague appears to be spreading in Japan. Even mail cannot come from there while the present rules are enforced, and the island steamship companies will suffer heav ily. The Ke Au Hon arrived this morning from the island without hav ing been able to approach any wharf. There were deputy sheriffs with shot guns at every landing place, and they shouted the order to keep away. The result was that the steamer returned to Honolulu absolutely empty. Leung Chi Tso, the Chinese reformer, is now in Honolulu. The Chinese con sul has written to the government pro testing against Leung being allowed to remain here. Freneh Guns for the Boers. London, Jan. 17. The Daily . Mail publishes the following from a special correspondent at Le Creusot, trance: "After two days' inquiry, I do not hesitate to assert that the Sohneider company is not only working night and day in the manufacture of guns and ammunition for the Boers, but that it has already packed, ready for shipment to the Transvaal, six heavy guns of large caliber. The workmen told me that ere long 80 additional guns would be dispatched to the Boers." The Grip In Spain. Barcelona, Jan. 17. An epidemic of crrip has seized the town and mortality has increased. Half the population is bedfast and in the stores and work shops only one-fourth of the usual num ber of employes are working. Perished In a Fire. New York, Jan. 16. Three people, a mother and two children, were burned to death in a fire tonight In a two-story dwelling on Pine street. BOOM TIMES COMING. Vancouver Soon to Have a New Rail way to Portland. Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 17. It has been reported in Vancouver that the mortgage held by the Portland Loan & Trust Company against tho Portland, Vancouver & Yakima Railway Com pany has been re-leased by a well- known transcontinental line, and that the latter road will push the construc tion work from the present terminus of the road to North Yakima, and from Yanoouver to Portland. It has also beon assorted, by people who are in a position to know, that the Portland, Vancouver & Yakima Railroad Company has "jumped" the old bridge pier in the Columbia river opposite the lower end of Vancouver. Nobody has claimed ownership to the pier for the past ton years, and a quantity of material which was on the bank when construction work ceased was sold for taxes. The old bridge pier in the Columbia river was built in boom times by the Union Paoifio Railroad Company. During the years of 1889-00 that line established a grade from Puget sound to Vancouver via Kelso and Ridge4eld. It was the intention to bridge the Co lumbia river at Vancouver, and to euter Portland from the north. The draw pier was built at a cost of $250,000. When construction work ceased there was about $50,000 worth of bridge ma teiial on the bank. Construction work along tho entire line ceased suddenly, and there was a large number of labor claims unsatis fied. For some time a watohman was kept on the bridge pier. It was his duty to hang a bright light on each end of the draw rest every night. He worked several months, but was unable to collect his salary. No one seemed to know who owed him money or who hired him. He attached some of the material, which was sold to satisfy the olaim. Since that time no one has claimed ownership of the structure. If the report that the Portland, Van couyver & Yakima Railway Company has taken possession of the pier, and that the mortgage, which has been hanging over the road for so long, has been released proved true, the dream of the residents of Yanoouver and Clark county will be realized. A bridge across the Columbia river, with rapid transit between this place and Portland and direct communication with all por tions of the country by means of a transcontinental line, will put Vancou ver far ahead of the position it occupied in the boom days between 1888 and 1892. REPLY TO PETTIGREW. Woloott's Scathing Arraignment of South Vukota Senator. Washington, Jan. 17. A spirited debate on the Philippine question occu pied the attention of tl;e senate for nearly three hours today. Berry, of Arkansas, first addressed the senate in support of the resolution recently intro duced by Bacon, of Georgia, regarding the disposition of tho Philippines. He was followed by Pettigrew, of South Dakota, in support of his resolution of inquiry. Pettigrew was very bitter in his attack upon the administration. Woloott, of Colorado, replied to Pet tigrew, scathingly arraigning the South Dakota senator for the attitude he had assumed on the Philippine question, lie declared his belief that if Agui naldo hiuiBelf oocupied the seat in the senate occupied by Pettigrew, repre senting the people of South Dakota, who had sent their sons as soldiers to the Philippines, he would be too patri otic, too devoted to the interests of the country to assume the attitude assumed by the present South Dakota senator. Today's session of the house was do voted to consideration of District of Columbia business. Representative June W. Gayle, of Kentucky, was sworn in, and Cannon reported the urgent deficiency bill, with a notice that he would ask that it bo taken up tomorrow. Rebels on the Run. Manila, Jan. 17. Part of General John C. Bates' troops are operating about Lake Taal. The insurgents con tinue to retreat south. Colonel Hayes, with the Fourth cav alry, is supposed to have reached Lipa, where many Spanish prisoners are held. Colonel Anderson, with the Thirty eighth infuntry, took Talisay, on the north shore of the lake, with but little opposition. Major Cheatham, with a battalion of the Thirty-seventh, on his way to San Pablo, dispersed 400 insur gents, whom the cavalry are pursuing toward Alaminos. A troop of the Third cavalry lost two men killed and three wounded in an engagement with the insurgents near San Fernando de la Union, Janu ary 12. Kruger's Proclamations. London, Jan. 17. A dispatch to the Daily Mail, dated January 15, from Lorenzo Marques, says: "President Kruger has issued a proc lamation ordering all burghers to th j front. The Volks Stem, the Transvaal official organ, suggests that the moment the British cross the border, the gold industry should be irretrievably de stroyed. "President Krueer issued a circular to Boer commandants .nd burghers, urging them to show more energy in the Transvaal cause. He quotes psalm xxii:7, as God-given instructions to the burghers, and says that the British have fixed their faith in psalm lxxxiii. He also quotes psalm Ixxxix:13-14, and asserts that be has searched the Bible without being able to find any other mode that can be followed by the Boers, who must fight 'in the name of the Lord.' "Commandeering is progressing bus ily at Pretoria, where the town guard is exchanging Mausers for Martinis, as the former are badly needed at the front. "It is said that there are nearly 8,000 British prisoners in Pretoria."