The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 12, 1900, Image 2

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    TV H G. A, R. Oyster Dinner,
lVwr WtcLClr. Canby post, O. A, E., decided at its
peetipg last Saturday, after feasting of
FWPAY, JANUARY 12, 1900, tjuj good thing" provided by tho mem-
r-. : rT : ; bo, t tho W, B, C to give a grand
A pepial committee -of the national dinner, with oysters, to the ladies, A
lucational aa&opiatioa, appointed to In- committee appointed make arrange
quire into the advisability pf maintain. penta met at Capt. Pukes' office Tuea
ing . nation) university t Washing,
j. v., nas reponaa urn it considers II o'clock, in Uia lull, Tins mun are to
such a scheme opt within the pale of the do all the Mwkwg, waiting on the tables,
onvArnmnnf Mro, Inro fW -on- iiuk HftflllillK, fetO. There BTO W)1J10 eX-
rm'ri;; Grand Army bo-.
special interest to thinking Americans at
the present day, and that is the resolu
tion to establish at Washington a school
or consuls, analogous to West Point
and Annapolis, and like thesa schools,
leading to a Ufa career in the govern
ment service, The Scientific American,
jn commenting on tbiij-esolution of the
committee, says if "it (the committee)
paq through its influential membership
and a good square meal may be expected
All past commanders, consisting of A.
H, Jewett, C. J, Hayes, J, II, Dukus,
l, nenry, v. L. htranuimn, A.
Blowers, P, Q. Hill and 8, F. Rlvthe.
will act as wailers. The committee on
arrangements will wash the dishes
Members of the G. A, B.and their wives
and families and members of the W. R.
C. anU Husbands are invited,
Installation of Offlcers.
The following Eastern Star officers
tret practict 1 politics to reooirnixe that ere I1B,?J ed 01 Uecember, for
' "t.i .j tneyenriuuu; w, matron, JMrs. Mar
B. Davidaoni W. Patron. II I-
penoyarethe three essential keynotes son; A. M Mrs, Elda Bartmess i secre
to Ue Upbuilding of a really invincible tary, Rev, J, J. Hershneri tresisurer,
consular forpe, placing us in foreign I ?r.r'.' 1101Jie L!ole 'f0ODH1'' "ra- 'Vinnie
t.adwWthl Llin af'Annnni;. ."ni A- C. Mrs. Sarah Phelps j
....... w, Aaa0( jjrs, ftva navnesi with, .Mrs,
nas piaoea U in naval afjairs, their Emma Rrosiusi Esther, Mrs, May
Ubors will have been amply productive Yates ( Martha, Mrs. Ellen Blowers;
and beneficial," Thji ia certainly good lect- Mrs. Bachael Ilorshnerj warder,
lark. 'A rimiu, ...tam I. in JL. Mr,. Anne llayesj sentinel, A. L.Phelps ;
. -j.rr. --, marsnai, airs, juaggio
operation In Germany, where young lain, Mrs, Anna Flntrif.
men reooiva sneoial tralninn In tha uni- Canby post. No, ltf. O. A. R. and W
varsities to fjt themselves for govern- R Fv. tIPftrtmen.t ol 0rf?n. held joint
In Reply to Dr. Adams.
Hood River, Jan, 8, " 1900. Editor
Glacieb: JnaHmuch as "open" columns
is an iuducement to express our own
and others views, I desire a few words in
reply to the article by Pr. Adams in your
lust issue. Having no personal matters
to write of, and deeming them out of
place in so great an issue, I shall confine
myself to a few shots at principles.
To place myself in opposition to a
doctor may seem hazardous, but as even
doctors disagree, there is quite a margin
for me in the faut that they are not all
right, and this one may be the exception.
As the burden of the article is directed
to thej)lea for "drink" from the Bible,
the indifferent reader of the word may
be led to bclievcthat it is a "wide open"
on that subject. That God has saved
men that were drunkards I am glad to
admit; but be saved them not because
they were drunkards, but notwithstand
ing that fact, The Lord would save the
drunken "vagabond," for whom there is
so little svmtiathv. because God is mer-
riful, And it he did not save some such
cases that renont of sin. there would be
, Mary difficulty in peopling the hereafter with
JJavid- those who have sufficient realizing sense
of what sin is to never repeat it. And
while the drunkard is desnised of men
bacause he it "debauched.'' vet the hale
fellow who gave him the glass is among
the respectable of earth, and the framer
of the law that gave the "license" is of
the nobility. Albeit God has said "Woe
to him that giveth
mental position! in foreign countries.
With the greatly expanding foreign
trade of the United States, suoh posi
tions as the consulships ahould be re
moved from the spoils system of politics
and placed on a ound basis of oornrner
pial business, That thia will eventually
Uka place may be evinced from Secre
tary of State Hay's recent report in
Which he urges the keeping of a strict
watch on our growing trade with China
and the far East, and reoomroemda the
appropriation of II, QQQ each to pay the
salaries of 1Q student interpreter!, at-
liia neighbor drink
tliat T.nttutk tl.., V.: 1 t.
marshal, Mrs, Magg.o I, Jtogers; chap- eth mm drunku also (JJab " 5 ,
II the Ur.does not think this woe involves
all who have been party to makina the
vagaoona, - ne certainly lias read more
installation services at their hall last
Saturday afternoon, There was a good
aiiunqance oi ootn post and corps and
aiso several mem Dors ol the Second Ore.
gon aim members of Grand Armv fam
dies. A lunch was spread by the ladies
and a general good time was spent by
nil iirtmtiiH,
Tne following officers were Installed in
the W, K. C. bv fast President Agnes
running: rresiuent, Arteiia stranahan ;
vice pretddont, Agnes Cunning) junior
vice prenmupi, ueien mowers s cnapiain,
Anna Flag; treasurer, Mrs, K, F, Shoe
maker conductor, Mrs. L, Henry;
guard, Carrie Crowell,
The pew officers of Canby post are as
lonowsi commander, m. r. men burin
tached to the delegation at Peking, The enior vice commander, E. P. Calkins;
ecretarv further recommends tha ad. i"nior V!C8 commander, 0. L. Stran-
vancing of consular clerk. BTa 'a:
places after five years satisfactory ser- Hayes ; oHluor of the day, A. S. Blowers J
Vice, tnina, wltft her population of oiuceroi tne guard, m, V, Kandi quar
400.000.000 of peoole. la a countrv pana. termaster sergeant, J . W, liigby ; ser
pie nf consuming vast quantities of
Anierican goods, and for the United
States to secure her share of this im
mense trade her merchants could be
greatly aided by an efficient consular
ervloe, for the- Chinese are reported
very ibrewd traders, TltP suggestion!
for a consular school should be put into
A working reality by the present congress.
a;eant malor. 8. F. Blvthe.
Riverside lodge, A, O, U. W. installed
the following officers last Paturday
evumngi m, u. u. uiamberiain;
foreman, Jas. Parker; overseer, Ralph
oavHgej recorder, u. i,. Howe; finan
cier, J. F. Watt; receiver, S. J. La-
ranee; guide, F. B. Barnes; I. W
H, wrapper u. w., trea Howe,
Congregational Societies..
Tho Christian Endeavor society of the
Mnf . . 'Jm .. "Sregational church was reorganized
. . i. V " i'jnwMP past week with the following result)
R. A. Kistler, the gentleman who gave President, Carrie Copple; vice president,
fitxxi iwver wo excellent write-up tor HP"""! wneyj. reporting seoretary,
thainenlal .llt.lnn r tha fit irrr. !,, Melio Olinger ; OQrresnonclinaseorctarv.
July.r Mr. Kistler is now editor of the SSlS?r'RSW1
East Las Vegas Pally Optic, in New l-ookout Committee Emma Ronncy,
Mexico, a paper ne started and with rr'e vopiie, uaipn Ravage.
which he was connected for IS vears. . fraye!' Meeting Committee - Mrs,
Besidei beine a pleasant gentleman and Arr")r' Wri' MR-V edenoks
fine writer, Mr, Kintler is thorough Social Committee - Fay LaFrance, lil'Mli J0
Olinger, Agnes Pukes.
flower Committee Maude Pecker,
Mrs. M. F. Shaw, Mrs, Georgia Bone,
Tina Cramer,
Missionary Committee . C. Bate.
ham, Mrs. Mary A. Pavidson, Mrs
Belle Graham, Mrs. A, B. CanOeld and
f rof, F. B. Barnes,
out of the Bible than iu it. And if tl
too-familiar scenes of every-day life, due
to the drink custom, are not sufficient
evidence of the need of such a clause
the writer of this can but think the mind
"biased" thut would den vthe application
From a careful reaclinirof the 8mntnre
T 1 , . . " . .
i Know ox out one license to give intox
luauiiK uriuK, anu 11 ine ur. oniv lonow
inui, no is in a saio and good way
uivo strong umiK to mm tnat is ready
to perish and wiue to those that be of
heavy soul." (Prov. xxxi.. 6.5
Hero strong drink and wine are licensed
and separated as to their qualities, Jiow
since, according to such authorities as
are generally accepted, "fermented"
wines were the strongest drink then
known (the process of distillation beiuu
of modern times), the wine referred to
must have been unfermented. Whi
our Pr. may not recognize this distinc
tion, some doctors do, and the willing
ti Die siuaent preserves tins distinction
throughout the Scriptures. There are
two or three words in the original, we
are told, that make the distinction, but
translators of the New Testament have
rendered them as one wine. I do not
enter this as an argument in contro
versy, for the Pr. will, have it otherwise
anu tne oia adage aoout "opinion" is
too familiar to use space,
1 he obiect lessons of the drink habit
are of too great magnitude in evil to be
lightly spoken of, or the debauched in
any age to be held up as patterns to fol
low, or picas ior lis necessity,
aow, wo ul know that it is wrong to
"bear false witness," but the Pr. makes
pis customary "mistake" in referring to
the drunkenness of Noah after the Hood
and stating that the prohibitionists were
drowned in it, The facts are that
"drinking" was one of the soeeial sins
that made tho flood necessary to pre
hibit, and Noah wastheonlvono "sober"
enough to build the ark and get into it
newspaper man. Success to the Optic
under lt now editorial management,
The services of a Boer regiment of
1,000 men were offered to our govorni
pent Jn the war with Spain,
Perry G. Barrett, M, P., who died at
his home In Hood River valley, on Suu
day evening, Jan. 7, 1800, was born at
Kingsville, Ohio, July 27, 1830. Age at
time of death was 09 years, 5 months,
and 10 days, lie wa the second son of
a family ol 8 children, six sons and two
daughters, His eldest brother survives
him at Buffalo, Hew York,
At the early age of 16 pr, Barrett
taught in the village school of his native
town ana continued his profession pi
Great Campaign of 1J00.
The wars of America have, heretofore,
settled affairs of state. Great questions
of policy.of national motives andnational
conclusions have been answered as soon
as the battle smoke oloared away, and
me vicior realized ins victory. The
war with Spain is unlike its predecessors,
It has not answered questions, hut has
created problems which may not be
solved lightly, These problems are
being formulated by the politicul parties.
mistake can only be attributed to his
failing that he will rend out of the Bible
God did prohibit for a time at least
and further declares that "no drunkard
shall inherit the kingdom of God;" and
men's ideas of "drunkenness" at that
time will not likely command a premium
I would suggest a few subjects for the
versatile pen of the Pr., such as "The
Virtue of the Prink Habit;" "The
Health and Happiness Insured by the
Glass:" a scientific treatise on "The
Beneficial Effects upon Parent and Off
spring;" a work entitled "Licensing the
Nuisance will Cleanso Societvi" and an.
other on "How Asylums and Prisons will
be ueoopulntcd bv its Extended Use:"
Such subjects would vary the roonotonv
ftnd h 4lnihtv intpri'Rt.ina, rMrliniFu fnr
7 o-j . v.. ...... B
a change.
jow, ne is neither a philosopher nor
in ol , p " viimi fnttico. oeneiacior wno aocs not recozmze as an
teachine several vears. whun h ntmH Bna. DeIore t,ley W be definitely sottled axiom that "everv evil invnUfia all thnt
medical institution at Buffalo, N, Y,i at T l".ot-0 it is necessary that the leads to its ultimate effect." This being
where he received the degree of M. P. P6?8 WJinforroed in regard to the sit- self-evident, is the Pr. prepared to deny
He then went to Kansas where he "tIon:.. The result of the campaign of that evil is m the thing itself, that the
practiced his profession until the war w will make a broad mark upon the first glS is the step dowpwards towards
unroot, wuen ne returned w unio, 1 : : r V " r w , uepiorauie "vagaoonqc" js mere
There being a demand for a larger mod- h H16 lT,oy " . grrBt UePubllc of not poison in the cup? If something
j.hi.V. nn.Ti 1 ... I America for annarternf i mhtnrv. IMj...:i. i. . . itf
;7',''""',' ruiy,viov, iou4 , un.ti jm 7iLUi m.. 10 ucveB6?V. un 1,118 pomi, ine
nun tne appomtwent Ot assistant sur- "V,:'T !L .r " V vc,7 writer is prepared w an Quantum sumnit,
Seon ! Ws ability and fa thfulness soon ' ' Blll"y Ule "uauon uirougn The Dr. has no twentieth centurv idea
earned for him a promotion to the posU wwiums, a greni newsjiauer, 88 to what constitutes temperance. Half
' V , ? Bomraiss onea army surgeon, in ulV" c, WZ'J, .'. i B,PVlur' even a w.a" ?oul? 8ta8eer
wnicn caDacuv ne lova lv aervnrt h " " "t t.v' . " j "i uu- a i inrouun t ie various shudnanf mm itv
country until the close of the war, ufl.v,cl 'W?. B powprchensive view and quantity of the stuff and be a "tern-
In 1808 Pr, Barrett was united in " NW ?"wft: ?m,ft on w " lw pemnce" man so long as bedidnotlodge
marriage with Miss Almeda 11. Hodge, L"8: .A P Wishes the new news. The u the gutter nights nor take more space
pis Dereii, companion, at jeiierson.uiuo. " ' i, . -i V 1 -Z man an ordinary sidewain to and from
After their BWriSKe they located at KfJT' ,',-Jfwi its 'eaters the "business." The "viigabopd" pf today
fcrie, Pa., where they emharked i hW. J5!NUth,. P?l'tcal parties, Was the drunkard then, and the "mod.
nesn. viosing an tneir property py are r vywwi t erate" dnpKer now the "temperance"
in 187Q. they came to l)rtgoa in 1871, ",VBPttPe'' Us telegraph and cable man of yesterday, But, reallv. Pr., can
settling q (he (arm Which hS Since i 06 Si n I?r0Ved tobetThe it be that you have never read in your
been their howe. best employed by a wodern paper. I s professional study of tho effect of stim-
vr, ttarrett toilawed the praotioe of : r"r t ' ,rH, w is nts upon the vital functions, and can
his profession until about sixars ago. ""Wi0-! the reftdor wbo lm wr practice he so limited as not to have
since Which time The lived a quiet and ni".to Tiy P , single case for observation? If so, I
retired life at hts country home. His .,W leaturea, art, ana literature com- entreat you to "read ud" and extend
T"1 ouiiuuy your practice. I hsd former v RiinnnsRH
attractjve weekly a doctor's "reme.1
for the ill, but in the article alluded to
I see the mistake, and am srlad I can
change doctors and escape the effect of
his remedy, Pou't want my family af.
fected that way, remedy for the "saloon nuisance"
retired Ufe at h s country hJme. Uis w?W?EVhIl
aindly disposiUon. lofty sWse o Voncr Kw t0 wake .h?, w
and integrity, noVle devotioa to high Mg?me a Vv$y i
principle, of We scoured for h"m a warm U
.tone illustrations I
lace fu the affections of a larca c role nf tws Waeaairie any.
eighhor and friends, to whom he he- wngever atttempted by a newspaper.
queaths a name untarnished, and an in w!t .P"".018 4, pjmtography are
JvonoB tha,t will always abide, ft x V"?0 Sf ui? PaPor- Special
Pr. Barrett was largely inatrumental rt!cle y trained writers on the news
In bringing about the. organization of the ? ens'ua tu V-W ttn-
River yaile.y, nd he rerflame tr9 to
jin religious convictions until the l&stt
jile was a wan who was well read, well
uformed on general topics, and had one
Pi tne pest, it not the best, private 11
Sunday Magazine, A distinctly useful
ana auracuve teature ol t
it tho fashion department
uaoie and, np with the tirnes,
find the fasliioa tvaueadtvlieb
me iiepuoiio s Minuay magazine ap-
(thanks for so appropriate title) is hv no
means new: vet if he is willing to tjikn
the rightful effect of the medicine. I
IWS to every member of tho family
sui)prip.iiu price oi tne semi-
branoe in the valley. A most devoted
husband, and loving father, he, will be
(ortahle appointments. His estimable J? 08 W. VWi is i f 1 per yew The touwr
wife, who Jo heroically hears the loss of ep Wic Sunday Magaxina 1.85 per cftses
a loving, me iwyt companion, receives i,,K-t.
tha warm vmnait.v r, . Lr,n ;.l St the Very
friends. 1 ycar,j T secure this low rate both must
Furneral services will be conducted at " ?e " P'a or at tn.? same time.
... Woui oe opty too glad to watch it oper
r. - iivv w tucsus 10 secure ipe mil oen
, m.o iw etit, t would have in addition to
curate account, would suggest that our
Vr.j if he is "above suspicion," be seat.
m in t.tiA r,rlvatA fftnm with A 'Mnilr
door" and render assistance, lie could
liberally advertise the "remedy" and
help "rub in" the application. (Local
institutions are not intended.)
No, no; don't thrust part of your rem
edy upon the helpless woman. Pon't
put her to the extra disgrace of "adver
tising" the fact that her husband is be
ing "debauched;" she has enough to
bear already. Io woman who tmnks
anything of herself or family will take
sucn a bwp unless in sneer desperation i
and too often then the only result would
be to make her lot harder to bear. This
"drop too piuch" advertisement has too
many turns between the doctors, law
yers and saloon keepers, to induce an
honorable woman to run the gauntlet of
"biased opinion and drink evidence.
The writer of this is "tired" of such
There are but few women whose hus
bands drink but what know that any
liquor at all is too much, and to shift the
burden of the remedy upon her is not
fair to say the least. Is it, Pr.? She
don't want the stuff. She hates it. Yet
day after day she must witness the net
lect, the loss' of sympathy, the lack of
comforts in the homo, tho weakened
mind and constitution of her well, for
her sake we will call him husband. (The
primitive word was "housoband." All
this the direct result of fostering a traffic
ana "remeay tnat never pays one cent
on the dollar in true health, wealth or
Happiness, but whose gross, and net, re
turns is pauperism and crime, physical
and mental wrecks.
Kow, if it is necessary to substantiate
this by facts and figures, I will guaran
tee such an array that the Pr. even will
not ngure a possible per cent discount,
The cry that "prohibition is a blow at
liberty" is tiresome It is much in effect
like the plea heard some years ago, that
"a negro has no rights that a white man
is bound to respect." Wow, there is a
respectable minority who would like
some liberty also. There is a respectable
minority of mothers, wives, daughters
ano sons tnat would like the "life, lib
erty and pursuit of happiness" talked of
in tho Peclaratiou of Kights, yet denied
mem oy ine arum goa ana his "rem
eaies, mere are vast and growing
asyiums ana prisons overnowing with
imocciie wrecKs.and partakers ot crime
who, had not tho accursed stuff been
given to them and put to their lips,
would be free men and tho nation's
pride today. There are tons of thousands
born annually who ought to have hud
the "liberty'' to be bom right, but who
came into tnis world slaves to their onlv
inheritance, "a craving aunetite for
drink," and a weakened mind and con
stitution to resist it,
Talk about liberty! Can the risht to
indulge the worst slavery that ever
galled the human family be liberty?
Does it curtad liberty to banish the leoer
from society? Will it curtail liberty to
abolish the admitted "nuisance" from
all danger of contagion? Would it be a
Plow at liberty to remove the most no
tent factor for evil that the world knows?
A power that controls politics by moving
We take the liberty of sending you a card, whieh we kindly ask
you to bring with you or send, when making cash purchases at our
store, and have the amount of' such purchase punched out until all
the amounts represented on margin are cancelled. We will then
present you FREE, a large three-quarter life size, (bust) crayon or
water color portrait of ycurself, or any member of your family or
dear friend, whose memory you may wish to perpetuate.
Knowing the very general desire among our customers for family
portraits, we believe that there is not a family in this section but
what would take a GOCP portrait in preference to anything we
could offer as an appreciation of their cash trade.
These portraits Mill be made from any photograph or tintype you
furnish (tame will be returned to you). Rremember you are not
required to buy a frame, ve are presenting the portrait as an appre
ciation of your patronage. However, we shall carry a large line of
frames whiclfwe will sell to portrait customers at the lowest possible
price, but if you can Luy a frame cheaper elsewhere it is your
privilege to do so.
To enable you to undentand more fully the value of this offer, we
invite you to call at our store where samples of the work and
frames cau be seen.
We hope you will appieciate our endeavor, and favor us with
your patronage, and in return we will assure you courteous attention
and the best goods at the lowest prices.
Yours very truly, '
Wo are now located in cur new store, and while we do not claim
to have the only good str ck in town, WE ARE PREPAREP TO
MEET ALL COMPETITION. We have paid cash for every bill of
merchandise that we have bought for the last ten years and believe
we can buy as cheap as any other concern in the state. Call and see
us j if we cannot suit you co not buy. We are here to do business
and are doing some,
Written for the Gi.aciku.
To "Tommy Atkins."
Tommy Atkins," '-Tommy Atkins," have
yon "wiped It olftho shite?"
"Tommy Atkins," havo you humroered
K.-Ujjcr Pan!?
From the rumors In the air we perceive yon
Still are there,
But are lierJed like the onttle in a kraal.
men to yield up principles for appetite? Hunting Boers. O "Tommy Atkins." isexhii.
a jioncr iuai coiurois vasi municipal
ities, where hot-beds of crime flourish
under their fostering care, .and where
the foulest deeds are winked at by the
minions of the law? The writer does
not pen at random ou these matters
would it be against liberty to cut oft an
article of such vast consumption as to
require half a million to deal out that
which they know deOauches and makes
"vagabonds" Are these such bene
factors of the race that they must be
built vn while they tear down multi
tudes whom they involve in distress and
ruin? Can it be a blow at liberty to turn
the stream of capital employed in "nui-
saiice-makipg" to a betk-r use?
Are governments instituted to estab.
Ush "nuisances" and go into partner
ship in the "business?" The character
ot the products is a sufficient comment
on the crying need of such a "joint stock
concern," Are governments instituted
e ruling sport,
But the Boera they took to Hon hunting, too,
And now, O "Tommy Atkins," K is not the
safest sport
That aristocratic Britons may pursue.
lcs, you're fond of sticking pig), T ro, you
came to spear the Boer,
But the Boershave put you nicely all to hole;
And before you go back home, Tom, I telieve,
upon my soul,
You will have to bear a Boer-signed parole.
O. D.
E. C. Miller, who had his arm taken
off last summer at Viento by fullii g into
a pianer, Dcen spending Uhr.stmas
witu ins nuner. J. . iUi er. at Si ho a.
Or. lie goes from there to attend Prof.
Armstrong's school at Portland.- Forest
Grove Tunes.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Bev are of
counu'Tieit ana woruuess euive onei ed for
to protect only the liberties of the strong evviw 8 Mm Hazel aive. fJeV itt'sis
"temperance men in them? Can it h tJ?.e only original. An infallible ri re for
that the "temperance" man's Hhprtinx Plles and all ekin diseases. -Williams &
are in danger who drinks all the wav rosius,
uoiu it gui to nan canon oi tne sum wen. i-awion maae nis national rep'
daily "tor his stomach's sake and oiten utution by capturing the Apache chief.
infirmities," when every drop of alcohol Geroninio. It is a singular eircu mi tance
can neitner furnish bone, muscle or mat ne snouid nave met his death while
power, and which leaves a deadly trail attacking the Fillipino General if the
uuou every nerve and cell ot human same name.
structure? Can it be libertv to enthrall
the delicate mechanism of the bodv and
entail posterity in the act? No! The
ultimate object ot government is to pro.
tect the weak and give them libertv.tmH
where it fails of this it fails utterlv nf its
design. And since no government is
stronger in this direction than the
strongest m it, we cannot look for much
better things of this generation ; for it
verily resembles mightily in "drinking"
the one before the floo"d. a thim? tho
Author of Christianity foretold, and a
result tnat many are determined "shall
come to pass regardless of consequences
.mule iu UU iciiiijorunco in me naoit-
L. T. Travis. Aeent Southern T? Ti..Sf.
hna, Ga., writes,"! can not sav toi. much
in praise of One Minute Cough Cine. In
mycase itwovkedlikeacbarm."Tlu only
harmless remedy thatcivesimmedii te re
sults. Cure8,coi!Klis,colds.! nchi.
us, anu an tnroat and lung troubles.
vv imams a iirosms.
The Glacier prints a two oolnrrnin.
terview with the business men of Hood
River. It tells a similar story to that
recently published in the Mcrning
Register. There is no holn for it. Tho
country is prosperous. Eugene Re istcr.
Lewis Penni3,Salem,Ind.,says,,,Kodol
uai use ot that which causes fiitemner- T)vKnr-nsin f',, riii i
ance, a thing whose every drop contains anything I ever to.ok."Jt digests win t you
the active principle thereof. Temper- eat and can not help but cure dysi epsia
ance is not a matter of degrees of "in- audstomach troubles. William,i Pmiin-
Jersey Gow.
Full bred Jersey (,'ow, fresh, and ca'f. lor
sale. Price thirt.v-nve dollars.
.1. H. KOPVRG.
yio lamuy residence, en r inlay morn
ing at 0 $0 o'clock. Rev. J. L. Ucrah
per will wake the address, The Ma
sonic fraternity, of which 1 Barrett
waa a mem,br,' will conduct the ritual
erylce at the gra,ve in, Idlewilde cW-etery,
pen door and "clean window" Pro
visions a clause bindine tho saloon keen
er to keep an accurate record of tho
quantity of all liquors sold to each cue-
, and men, when the criminal
; .. . u ,.i . a . .
Both papers are now being offered Kffi iJ 'TX " L
low price ot n.ot) for one ii.i v,; ' ...i". ".'rv
- i - v vi w-v, ma
would work no "hards im" and lev
peaceable people free to. iuvest what is
now "blood money" in a better way.
However, I wouldn't have a license, for
it does work a "hardship." The rjoor
Address all orders to The Iteiinhlip
sv. feouig, ai
C. II. Wilcox, an old-time friend nf
the editor's, dropped in on us Tuesday bartender can barely "make a "living"
morning., Mr. Wilcox ia traveling for under the license system. Andthegov
the Pacific Coast Standard, Account CO rnnientt state aud municipal, can't get
toxication." It is not indulging the
nuisance, but avoiding "even the an-
pearance of evil." Paul did reason of
"temperance" and judgment to come, a
wung most men don't ao. i-elix "trem
wed over im account, as many won't
w, .tv-k neivavi jor u - convenient season. '
aa many do.
The, writer is willing to grant to the
drugs their proper place, but that sphere
in iuu narrow in an canaor to sutler by
meir prohibition as a beverage. And
ut more can l say ot liberty? Well,
is mq libertv to, indulge- t
principles or practice of slavery "and
tins be treason make the most of it."
Since the Pr. out himself on wmpH no
for license and libertv." in order to
seem opposed I must snhscrihn v.
. - . - - , vtt.
ior no license and slavery,
C. A. Wtyman,
XiKinloy CluU.
There Will be a meeting of the Me- o'ltle.a0 uu.sor hay, horses, harness, wae
Kinley club Saturday, Jan. 20th, at 2:45 etcS,S'eS .!&""' "Uuid ioto.
p. m. atrratiier's, to elect officers
iorifto ensuing year and to elect 6 del
Notice Is hereby given t hat the undersigned
at the next regular meeting of the Common
Council of the Town of Hood Itlver, ill pre
sent to them a petition of a majority of the
legal voters of said town, asking said council
to grunt a license to the undersigned to reluil
spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in less
quantities than one gallou, for the term of
oue year lu said town.
It. E. FEWEL 4 CO.
Copy of petition, signed by a majority of
the legal voters of the Town of Hood Kiver,
virguu, is net iuiiuws;
To the Common Council of the Town of
moou niver, in tne county of Waseo and
State of Oregon! Wo, the undersigned, legal
voters or said town of Hood Kiver, in the
county oi w asco ana state or Oregon, respect
fully petition your honorable body to grant
to 11 . E. l-'ewel & Company a license to sell
spirituous, vinous and malt llo uors In It-KK
quantities than one gallon, for the term of
uue year in Baia town ol flood Ulver:
Signatures. I Signatures.
or Bale
-1. Quarter block In Parkhurst, only lioo
Beautiful view. Lot 135 by 150 feel. ' 5
2. H. E. K of S. W. yt sec. 12, Tp. 2 X., R. U ?
E., unimproved; 850. I
8. John Blima farm, In lots from 6 to jn '
acres, and from 560 to W0 per acre. Turiu. '
4. 8. E. K ec. 82. T. 8 N R. 10 E. for only roo. I
Some Improvenieuts; lu) acres, t
,5. 8. of 8. '.V, K of N. W. K 8-12. T. 2 N..R, t
10 E.j 20 acres; sune Improvement. 1700.
6. N. of N. W,
N. W.fcnf H. W.
acres, $O)0.
7. Barrett-Blpma Addition; H0 per lot; ten
dollars down and five dollars per month; na
,8.W.WofN. W.W, and
kH.8,T. 2K..B.10 .; 1W)
The foregoing petition, together with the
signatures signed thereto, will be presented at
tne meeting ol the Common Council In ac
wiunuun wilu tutt uuuve notice.
K. E. FEW Et, A CO,
Notice to Voters.
Under the provisions of the Registration
law all persons when registering are required
w lunusn to tne registering otlioer the folluw
iue Information:
If naturall.ed.tho time, place and court of
iiutmauzuiiun. in mis connection It Is nec
essary to produoe naturalisation papers, or
Residence must be RDftciflo.
section, township and range: if within town
or uuy, we street; number, if any.andnum
Der 01 lot ana block. If in any building
Where rooms are numbered. t.h mmiiu, r
ic ruoiii muu iioor must De given.
In order to avoid unnecessary delnv mil In.
convenience, every person desiring to register
should be prepared to furnish the above in-
Kaoiitties will be furnished in every pre
cinct in the county by either Justice of the
uuim-y puuiic. A. jn, KtLiSA Y,
J" County Clerk,
News and Opinions
National Importance
Alone contains both.
Daily, by mail
Dutly aud Sunday, by mail
1 a year
1 a year
the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the
. . World.
Price 5c a copy.
Address TH
By mail two dollars a vmi
V titlXT XT ir.... V
y ouii, wew lorK
Thoroughbred Roosters
Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Ror-k and
Silver-Spangled Wyandotte Roosters frrsale
Pf M. V. HAND.
Seed Corn Wanted.
I war.t 10O nonnds RnrlvMn.i rv...n . da.
adlse farm. Also, houses to rent.
J" W. I.. ADAMS.
Wagon for Sale.
A two-horse wnenn fni
a lighter one-horse rig. C. L. COPI LE.
Personal Property.
T&e?.!?,lre Prson' properly of the es ate of
V ,,r tei"an' deceased, consisting uf 8 head
Land Office nt nmnn riiv n- T.
6, 1900. Notice is hereby given that ii'iefnt
lowiug-nained settler haa nied m,tiMi,i.
intention to make final prouf in support ofbls
c aim, and that said proof will he made beiora
II, a lfflL,lulul ant L ...1 . .v -
au ivcuoivor ui uregoa City.
Orecon. on Muivi. . iuat i . '
3,.5S27,.or.the norteast '4 of northeast W
of section 28, township 1 north, ranges east.
v.iV ,i " wl"lesses 10 prove
,iT i"3"" "Pon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Isaiah James, Frank Devroy, VirellAmend
a.?,"ha Whitsel, all of Bridal vXtogon.
CHAS. B. MOOKES. Reelstlr
of J?oHiandr
E. J, Middkiswart ol Mosier was in
town Wednesday. JIe reports spring
imuu uuwers oif umin oa uis ranca,
A T - 1.1? ....
j, i,, xiousun oi MicKitat. county is
Hooo Jan. 8, 1900. Editor
Cuctsi;: brother Gourlav seems to he
aiigotiy 0 in ms wymote o the xo!uua visiting hia lamily iu Hood River
of wator in ood river as ahc-wo, by hi I and ra-. Wn- Thompson's.
article m tne ?r Yeai'a Ojegouian. Viento, Mi Hood and rlane'r iterus
ntM! w ow is oeing isu,vra; cudic were erowaea out.
inAaa ham... A T L. . .. . . . i , I
.rtfyVa .was called, to Viento
f kT.. i I 7 . AXr,m Wr.nnursaay morning to attend to a man
iSM OMXS f8 that foirog traiu8 No. 4 while it Va?
V? P,QQp miner s inches, croasiajt the b treaty at that place.
ewT tN Helen 70 feet. The man's nam nor
Jt, W. Cwkv a Portla.n4 capitalist, hs
onatd. eevei acres of land within that
city'a limits for an industrial achool for
boys. Mr, Cook ii a brother of Mr. A.
Middleton, formerly a resident of
hi iijjvuries were not learned as we bo
To fare a Cold in One Dar.
TakLAX.4Tivs Bkoxo Qui ink Tam-sts.
All drotf lJit refund the money If it fails to
cm. E.W.GrovfbrnalurUoMWehbox.
one-half enough from the. tax to pav the
extra expense o( crime and pauperi'sna it
cugimuers, io, no ; let all the poor fel
lows who gaunoi una any other business
suitable to their '
Let them have all the prolit tberebv!
A,nl K., ...V... 1 . i .. . -
n,.v uicu--nur uien inev can OUUc up
the towns aud cau donate liberallv to
ine support oi tne charitable iuatitu
tions o which they furnish the chid in.
aiaies, inis would relieve the church
of a burden and rejoice manvataxpaver.
No, 1 wouldn't work a 'hardship on
the drug stores either. Let them follow
the saie method as the saloonkeeper,
taretully note the Quantity eseh one
takes (save, those rIly to wrish), and
then hand in the record t th
court, and let them adjust the pro rata
for tho expense of the criminal docket,
the asylum and iwnr Iiohob aa it .k
druist is too busy thin tq keep a
egates to the 6tate league meeting to be
held in Portland, Feb. 6th.
w -.r ,rG- J" Gkssung, President,
VV. 51, Yxygs, gecre-tayy,
J.I.Bevry, Loganton, Pa.,writes,"I am
willing to take my oath that I wasenrpd of
pnuemonia entirely by the useoi One
j"""10 vwuav vure auer qootors tailed,
H also cured mv childror.
- iraicica anu cure? colds,
coughs,croup.grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Children all like it. Mothers
v.ojooii,. imams x lirosius.
""'"wuinn are snowea un
with business at this time, and
tuorninrr. siirronnft,.l Mitt
charts and what not, in the endeavor to
ruiiwnci me county that is the road
district and election precincts the iudse
was at tne same time laying before th
wmiuiasiogeroine claim of some of the
county a poor, while a woman stood by
waiting to preseat her erievance t ihi
commissioners in regard to taxes. Each
uiouriooKeaasu he wished he had
been bora twms.Chroniqle,
F.B.Thirkicld.Heahh Insrorrjr'i,,--
cago,say8,"Kodol Bysiepsia Cure cannot
be recommended tm hiAu. i. .j
of severe dyspepsia." It digests what v w
eat and cures indigestion, heartburn and
aIlf.otmao(dyspepsiaN WiUianis48rositwl
etc., for sale. Inquire of
WM. M. YATiv-,
Executors Estate of A. II. Tieman. ,hc'i.
For Sale or Trade.
Will sell on time or Ira da fnr anwi,;n
equal value s
o acres good strawberry land near town.
lo acres near Tucker, mnlv i,n..rf
Cash bnrprs nwH or.. .if,
fflce. The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
Is hereby given that in com-
' TTimber Land, Act June 8. 1878.
lT. S. Laad Offlce.
8. 1M0O. -Notice is
nliln,W With the e .... . U.
, , 7 1","" w uieactoi con
LV,1JUKe3rl,8'?,uulecl "An for the
sale of timber lands in the states of California
Oregon, Aevada aud Washington TemuSy
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
!n V" da-y le,d 'a tin, omce his sworn
itement No. lii, for the purchase Of the
south h.U.,rthw and SSb . hif
"ro, section iNo, 2i, in township Ko I
north, rane .No. ist, W. Al.,aud will ofler
pi-oof to show that the land sViught u m5re!
valuable tor its timlwr
,m n?ic? 0r?S0I Clty- 0re8on, Jan. 6,
i9Uu.-iotice is hereby given that the folio w-ng-named
settler hai tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make flnal proof in support of ms
claim, and that said proof wiU be made be!
fore the Register and lleceivei at OreaoUtv
Oregon, on March 2. liKX), viz: vreBua wf
H. E. 10014, for the west y of northwest V of
section 27, township north, rangiaeaTt
.... o tuuowing witnesses to orove
nfihSllk.PAY!illl Amend
JUtld "d"1"? ,8' . Oregon
wwnra, Register,
8. The Chas. H. ltogen S-acre Homestead,
Frankton: good cottage and barn; spring
water. fricefrOO.
9. The old Rogers Mill property at Frank,
ton, with falls and water power oa Phelpi
creek, Price uOO.
10. Tho Dr. Barrott Improved Pmlt Farm, 4
m. southwest of Hood Kiver; 120 acres; 70 acres
in cultivation; 40 acres in fruit; fine spring; 60
inches Irrigating water. Price 8,320; will b
old in purculH.
11. T. R. Coon'a 80 acren In Pole Flat,7mllei
southwest of town; 4 acres cleared. Price sn
per acre.
12. The L. Neff Home; 40 acrea on Hood rlv,
er; 2 miles; good water; plenty of frulf a
beautiful home. Prioe 81,800. Yen acres and
bouse lor tJM.
13. Chas. W. Gilmer Homestead, at Gilmer
Wash.; 100 acres; nne saw timber; good soil!
well watered. Only SoOO: a rare bargain.
14. The Weldner Homestead, 100 acres, near
Mosier: 80 acres cleared: 2 sDrinira! 4cm fn.i,
trees; good Improvements, Only 81,000.
IS. The W. II. Elshon Hntnn In FTon Dl.n.
lot 0 and part or lot 7 block 1, Waucoma addl'.
lion to Hood River; a pretty home. Only 11,100,
18. Five acres cleared and in olnvor. iu.
southwest of Hood River, Only 425. . '
17. The Hnnsberry home. Sti! miles south
west of town: 10 acres. Evervthlno- rnmnki.
and handy;good fruit, good water. Only $1,600
18. The Chester Welds home. In the hills nn.
mile east of town: a nrettv home-1.00,1 ivi.o
and water; 40 acres. Only 81,400.
19. The Gordon Fruit Fnrm 90 liy
west of town, 1,4U0; and nice cottage and
lot in Hood Kiver, only f .OO.
). The Dr. Morgan house and ' lot In UnnA
Rlverj new harp. Only 800.
21. The Frank Chandler Improved fruit and
rain farm; '.it acres; 45 In cultivation: 1,000
euringapple trees: laree house and hum- ii
water and plenty of it; house and farm fur
nlshcd. Price 85,000; terms easy.
99 Thl .T Wlnbltam fnn, T !, .1 .
-- " " ...... .(.tin, , lUllCIMJUlllffni
of town; 80 acres; good buildings and improve
ments: sorliu; water and 0 Ini'hns fi- ivr i-.
ligaiiug. Price 1,W.
21. Forty acres. 3 cleared: north of vnnn
orchard and east of Crosby's; off Levi Monro
m, ui. Aim. iianu. uniy tsiou.
24. The Buskirk place, 1 mile west of town;
acres: good surina water: eood nr-haril- m.J
frame buildings, only. SsliO; one-tblrd cash,
balance at 8 por cent per aunnm.
25. The Emerson homestead, onlv
east of town; tine range; 1 1,500.
21. E. U. Mooney's 8 lots north of armory,
oloared and in I'rult; well, and fence, only J300!
27. The Swan homestead at White Salmon,
only 2,u00; will be sold In separate forties.
28. The Berger placo, 140 acres; 40 acres
cleared; 10 acres grubbed; free Water. 2 000
half cash: 1,400 spot easli,
29. The Grant tlvans home, lot .5, block 4.
Hood River, SHOO. . . '
SO. Wilkeus One farm at While Salmon falls;
210 acres; 25 cleared and In grass: good im.
provements; ttno water power.. Price 83.300
stocked, or 42,750 lor lnnd. '
81. 2'A acres at Hard Scrabble; all cleared and
in fruit; on county road. Price 8250.
82. John Sweeney's place; 1,000 bearing fruit
trees; 48 acres S5 acres in cultivation; 'i mile
from Hood River; good well and spring. Price
twenty-seven hundred dollars; after March I,
1900, three thousand dollars.
At the Emporium Is kept a first-class stir,
veyor's transit, and the proprietor being a
practical surveyor, is well prepared to do the
work of laying out acreage property In lota
and blocks.
N. a-Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with Interest at fl per cent. Persons ds
siring locations on homesteads and timber
claims should apply at The Emporium.
4t3 Keep your eye on the Jiavrett
Sipma Addition. jgQf
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
Pnekflra nf thn
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
MannfftntiiPAffl nf
Boxes and Fruit Pack
Fertilizers and Agricul-
xuraj, implements.
Land Office nt The Tlnlii iwnn n,
1899. Notice is here tiv ofvpc that h iYiiir.iv.
ing-named 4ier has filed notice of his In
tention tO make fin l m-nnr In ininnnri. nf hit
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, January 20, 1900, via:
Of Mosier, Oregon, H. E. No. 4283, for tha
southeast k section 4, township 2 north, range
HananifinthA fi-iUnwino. wttnoouB in
Ills Continuous vesidctnA nnnn unrl fMill.lvfl..
Hon of said land, viz:
,N. Sultzman, I.ucie D. Elexander.lCharles
Wells and P. S:lll7.ilin.n nil nf Mraiii R(vr.
JAY P. LUCAS, Registsr,
iA?D v106. I1 Tne DalIe8. Oregon. Jan. 8
1l'Jltic.!.i.8..heby Biven that the
"r"M Dlea not ce of his in
teu ion to make flnal proof in suSC
Prt 5 his clim. and that said proof wfi
be. made before George T. Prat her t s enmi
miss oner it f)i " o. wnv
day, February fc, 190Q, VlV:' v B""
Of Hood River. Uresnn H
east M southt in .T ior tne
He nam Aft tho biiAmt..
his coMnir..," "aeK w prove
tionof.saidlaid.viir el,
tosaldlaml tha u.i..,T..V. r 7
day, the 17th day ( Marc 19uf
Wirf."1.6 itnesss: W. R. WinaBs, L.
Hood KivS, brSoi " " w
Anr and nil AintE .. j .. i
ahirk:.T "'"is rtuvrrseiy tne l
aooxe-describeit land are rnuiMfl
ineircnima In thi r.m "i
,t,k , . . v : v w uviore sain
iUttitt jAX P. LCCA3, Register
Land Office nt Th nniiso nroo-nn Tu. 18.
1899. Notice is hereby giveu tliat the follow
ingaifted settler has. tifrd notte of bis in
tenlRHa to make.flnMl nmnf In uiinnort. nf hfft
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Hie Register and Receiver at The Dalles. Ore-
u, ou r naay . rtuiuary isoo, v if
Of Hood River, Ore., H. E. 6388 for the lots I
and 2, southeast J northeast and northeast
M southeast W section 6, township 1 north,,
range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prov
bia continuous residence upon and euitiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Robert H. Kemp, hoo4 River, Or.; Frank
Maillkln, The Dalles, Or.; Ralph Shelley,
Hood River, Or.: iidwin. H. ilerril, Tu
d2ijil JAY P. L.VCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, K78.
Cnlted States. Land Office The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 13, l59tf.Notice ia hereby glvea
that ia eompiia&TO with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3. B.8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Of Hood River, coontv of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled la this olfiee her sworn,
statement. No. Hi, fet the purchase of th.
north W soatbeast k and north. K south wes,
H of section No. 25, In towasbip No. 1 north,
raiure No. ftpat UT M and will offer proof t
show that the land sought Is more valuable
wr its timoer or stene than lor.agricuiiui-j.
pttrposes, aud to establish he cuum to "a'.a
land hpfun. t.l,A KwIm tail Receiver of this
eake at The Dalles, Oregoa, on Saturday, the
27th day of January, 1900 .
Sh names as witnesses.- W. R. Wlnans, IK
Bradley, J. UHenOerson and Harry Wyntt,
U ot Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely mm
above-described lands are requested W .'
their claims in this office on or before m
87th day of January, 1900
W74ig JAX r. i.uwAOi