The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 05, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 33.
Published Every Friday by
Term of subscription (1.50 a year when paid
iu auvaucts.
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the
same ciays hi noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays; aF.-ives at 6 n. m.
For White Salmon (W ash.) leaves daily at (:4f
a. m.; arrives at 7:15 p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, flllmer,
Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wedues
nays ana riiunya.
ForBiniren (Wash.) leaves at 5:45 p. m.; ar
rives ai z p. m.
i 87, I. O. O. F. Meets first and third Mon
days in each month,
H. J. HlBBARD, N. 0,
J. H. Ferguson, Secretary.
nANBY POST. No. Ifi. G. A. R.-Meets at A
j O. U. W. Hall first Saturday of each month
at -i o'ciocit p. in. au u. A. it, members in.
vited to meet with us.
D. G. Hill, Commander
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
riANBY W. R. C. No. 16-Meets first Satur-
Vj day of each month in A. O. U. W. hall at i
p. m. m km. u. r. irowell, rresiaent,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
TTOOD RIVER LODGE. No. 105. A. F. and A
XI M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
envh full moon. 11. f . UaVIDSoN, W. M,
1). McDonald, Secretary.
11. Meets third Friday uiglil of each month
. li. SMITH, il. f .
G. F. Williams, Secretary.
Meets Saturduy aftar each full moon.
Mug. Eva Haymks, W. M.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
!.F.TA ASSFMWI.V Kn 109 flnl l;..n.
I F Mnets spi'ond and fnurtli MnnHnv nitrhr.
of each month at Fraternity hall. Brothers
and sisters cordially invited to meet with us.
A. -P. Batuuam, M. A
8. 8. Gray, Secretary.
ITTAUOOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P.-Meet
1 in a. u. u. vt . nan every J tiesday liicin.
Kj. k,. raJKKHAH, V. U
M. H. Nickel? en, K. of 11. & 8.
li Meets first and third Saturdays of each
H11MH11. J. JS. HAND, M. W
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. IiowK, Ilecoriior.
nil.vwii.riit i.fmnif w im t n v
J Meets lu Fraternal hall every Thursday
H. J. Hibbard, Secretary.
tfr F. SHAW, M. D.
Telephone No. 81.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office upstairs over Copple's store. All caili
left at the ofllce or residence will b promptly
aiiuiiueu iu.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash,
lnjitom Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as alttiracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisiautiou guaranteed or ns
J F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. & N. Co. Is especially
equiipeu 10 vreai caiarrn 01 nose ana throat
and diseases of women.
Special terms for office treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, S3, residence, 3L
Harbison Bros., Profs.
- Ground and manufactured.
Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom
grinding done every Saturday. During the
busy season additional days Wll be mentioned
in the local columns.
If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
i E. t. ROOD.
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions, rtv cure uu pay. l
Olfli-.j hours fro n 8 A. M. till 6. P. M., aadall
night if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand eticked, $1;
nailed, beat, 75c ; second, 50c ; third, 40c.
Ladies' hand Btitched, 75c; nailed, best,
50c; second, 35. Best stock and work
in Hood River."' C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Canities, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
W. B. COLE, Prop.
P C. BR0S1US, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to S
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Tommsson Bbos, Feops.
Of the best quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
For Bill Hearts, Letter Heads, Envel
opes, Cards, Circulars, Small Posters,
Milk Tickets, Programmes, Ball Tickets,
Legal Blanks, e!c, come to the
Hardware, Steves and Tinware
Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers'
Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc.
h,av a new and complete stock
of hardware, stoves and tinware, to
which we will keep constantly adding,
uur pU ..c8 will continue to be as low as
i-rtland prices.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting; Collection of Items Fror
the Two Hemispheres Presented
a Condensed Form.
San Franciscans are arranging for
big pro-Boer demonstration.
E. C. Hodges & Co., one of Boston
largest banks, has closed its doors.
In the engagement at Ladysmith Fri-
day, 10 British were killed and li
England has discovered that her mil
itary resources were overestimated by
80,000 men.
Mat Chandler, the old-time pugilist
and former partner of John L. Sulli
van, is dead.
The queen has given warning that
British subjects must not help Boers or
Free Staters.
Plague of a severe type is raging and
many deaths from that cause have oo
curred in New Caledonia.
Sydney Paget, William C. Whitney's
racing partner, has left this country to
join the British rough riders.
A Paris dispatch says that Franca
would be happy if the Delagoa bay in
cident caused an anglo-American quar
Alfred Borhni was arrested fn Sar.
Francisco wlile on his wedding trip,
He is charged with being a bank de
Iowa larmers have formed a syndi
cate to grow rice in Texas. They havi
secured options on 14,000 acres of land
to cost $225,000.
me tfoer army on Modeler river is
growing greater eacn day. They aro
building trenches within three and one
half miles of Methuen's picket line.
The Northern Pacifio wreck in Idaho
was a bad one. After 10 days the last
body had not been recovered. The
trainmen were to blame.
Governor Geer, of Oregon, does not
approve of Oregon citizens contributing
to a fund for Lawton'a family. He
thinks the state should look after hei
own heroes' familes first.
The Countess of Canavarro thought
she was a convert to Buddhism. She
entered their convent and changed hei
mind, and has applied to friends is
San Francisco for assistance.
Winston Spencer Churchill hai
cabled to the London Post of his escape
from the Boer prison. He made hii
way overland from Delagoa bay and
scaled walls while guards were not
looking. He journeyed for six days
walking at night, with nothing to ea?
but chocolate.
Over 500 British wisoners canturef
at Stormberg have reached Pretoria.
Buller has destroyed the Colensc
footbridge, and makes no further at
tempt to advance.
Armour's canning department, Chi
cago, is rushed night and day filling
orders for the English army.
A drunken wife in San Francisco haa
charged her husband with murder and
he is being held by the authorities.
The Great Northern will inaugurate
a new departure. A large block of the
company's stock is to be distributed
among the employes at par.
It is said that England had bees
warned by General Butler, whom she is
now turning down, that it would not
be wise to attack the Boers until bet
ter prepared.
Should all Spanish war pensions now
asked be allowed, it would cost $2,-
725,000. The Seventy-first New York.'
asks for annual allowances which ag
gregate $34,662.
Yaqui Indians plunder, kill and burn
villages and the Mexicans do not seem
to make much headway in whipping-
the savages. An entire Mexican regi
ment seems to have disappeared.
The Fenians are organizing at Buffa
lo, N. Y., for an invasion of Canada.
They expect, it is said, to raise 125,000
men, and have two carloads of arms
and munitons of war in concealment.
There is disaffection among the Freo
Stater troops. They complain that
Cronje's men are overbearing and bet
ter fed than they,. The Transvaaler'i
are suspicious and the situation is be
coming grave.
The president of the New York
prison association, who has made n
investigation fit the Cuban prisons tells
a horrible tale of the conditions there.
Offenders of all classes sleep in filth
and vermin. No beds or clean clothing
provided. Money or influence if-
necessary before they can secure theii
The members of the senate committee
on privileges and elections declare
they will carry on the investigation ol
Senator Clark's case without regard to
the decision of the Montana supreme
court under which Wellcome was dis
barred from practice on charges of brib
ery in connection with the senator's
Admiral and Mrs. Dewey have taken
a pew in St. Paul's Roman Catholic
church, Washington.
The entire crop of sugarcane and beet
for 1899-1900 will amount to about 8,-
000,000 tons about the same amount
as last year.
Exports and imports at the five prin
cipal porta of Porto Rico for the
months of May, June and July show
balance of trade in favor of these
A railroad boom has struck Hawaii.
Six inches of snow fell at Macon,
Bechuanaland farmers are helping
the Boers.
Boers fired plum pudding at Lady
smith garrison.
Oregon woolgrowers expect to got 20
cents for their 1900 crop.
Vigilance of Americans preventod a
projected uprising in Manila.
At New York Kid McCoy knocked
out Peter Maher in five rounds.
Idaho produced $2,500,000 in gold
and $6,103,000 in silver last year.
France and England may have
trouble over Newfoundland fisheries.
The United States may buy the
Danish West Indies for $4,000,000.
Ohio Irishmen offer sympathy,
money, arms and soliders to the Boers.
One child received fatal and several
persons serious burns in a New Yoru
flat fire.
Several thousand attended a very
brilliant New Year's day reception at
the White House.
Nicholas, czar of Russia, has again
issued an appeal for peace to the
powers of the world.
Multnomah's football team defeated
Stanford university's eleven at Port
land; score, 11 to 6.
Hilliard F., Johnson, a water-front
reporter in San Francisco, was
drowned in a bathtub.
Government officials say the cruisei
Montgomery was sent to Liberia to
give the Black Republio assurance ol
More miles of now railroad have
been built during 1899 than in any
previous year since 1890, when 5670
miles oi line were completed. Since
January 1, 1899, no less than 4,500
miles of track have been laid in the
United States on 312 lines in 44 states
and territories.
The torpedo-boat destroyor Golds
borough, built by a Portland, Or.,
firm, on her second contractor's trial
covered eight miles in 15 minutes,
which is at the rate of 82 miles an
hour, against a 28-knot current.
Steam was made without effort, and
not a bearing was heated. The run
was made in the Columbia river, neat
Boutelle will probably never return
to congress. .
The Boer trenches at Colenso are
bomb proof.
Pingree's tax resolution was defeated
in the Michigan senate.
People are tired of Colombian war
and ask for intervention.
British Columbia has sent a gold dis
play to the Paris exposition.
If Delagoa bay is closed the Boers
will raid Portuguese territory.
The Stahl & Straub failure in Phila
delphia is a clear case of looting.
An important witness against Sena
tor Clark has confessed to perjury.
Robert Cornelius, aged 20, was
found dead in the woods near Glencoe,
Fossiliferous remains of a gigantic
sea serpent were found on the coast of
At its last meeting the cabinet dis
cussed the agricultural possibilities in
Buller's armv on the Tueela has now
reached the enoromus strength of 28,
000 men.
Luzon hemp twits will be orjened in
time for supplies to reach this country
by next harvest.
A London dispatch savs Russia longs
to seize Herat, and she only waits for
England to ocoupy Delagoa bay.
C. G. Coad, of Dallas, Or., has been
appointed assistant sergeant-at-arms in
the United States senate.
lhe Boers have mounted a new gun
at Ladysimth in the place of the one
captured by the British cavalry.
The clerk of the court of appeals has
refused to administer the oath of office
to members of the state election board
in Kentucky.
A Colorado Midland passenger and a
Santa Fe freight collided near Palmer
Lake, Colo. One fireman 'was killed
and two engineers were hurt.
An English militarv exnert nsBorto
that the time has come for a change in
the cabinet. He favors either a dicta
torship or an all-powerful military
Miss Florence Blythe Hinckley,
heiress to the Blythe millions, was
quietly married in San Francisco to A.
A. Moore, jr., deputy attorney-general
of California.
Americans have captured another in
surgent Stronghold. Many rebels were
killed, wounded pnd captured and an
amount of ammunition and food taken.
Their supposed impregnable position
was north of San Mateo.
An Ottawa dispatch says that treason
is talked openly among the French Ca
nadians, and all of their members have
retired from parliament. All the lat
ent hostility to British rule has been
aroused by Canada's action in sending
troops to the Transvaal.
The Pittsburg baseball club has
bought the pick of the Louisville team
for a sum said to be $25,000 cash.
Mrs. C. A. Burling, mother-in-law
of Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson,
died at her home in Rochester, N. Y.f
aged 76 years.
Ex-Sheriff Weia, of Dayton, O., has
received by mail a commission from
President Kruger appointing him a
brigadier-general in the Boer army.
Weis is a personal friend cf Kruger's,
and once visited him in Africa.
Rosebery Wants the Govern
ment's Position Defined.
Sir Charles Dllke Warns Agalusft
Hasty Overturning of
London, Jan. 1. Lord Rosebery
writes as follows this morning to the
"There are disquieting intimations
which appear to point to our govern
ment having treated foodstuffs as con
traband of war. As this is a matter of
supreme importance, I venture to ad
dress this line to you in the hope that
it may elicit an authoritative statement
on the subject. "
The Times, commenting editorially
upon Lord Roseberry's letter, says:
"Too little is known of the seizures
for any valid inference safely to be
drawn. An emergency might arise
when certain foodstuffs would bo re
garded as contraband while others
would not, especially if the latter were
intended for concombatants. There
might, for instance, be reasonable
grounds for treating canned goods as
contraband and flour as legitimate."
After admitting that it "would be
unadvisable to create a precedent which
might some day be invoked against
us," the article concludes as follows:
"While we fully share the view that
no serious change of policy should oc
cur without cogent reasons and ample
consideration, we cannot but ask our'
selves whether, in the event of Great
Britain being engaged in a war, the
action, either of the enemy or even of
neutral powers, in a matter upon
which such great divergence of opinion
still exists is likely to be governed by
any precedent we or any one else may
have set in the past, rather than by the
immediate interests of the moment."
Two Seven-Story Buildings Were De
stroyed firemen Injured.
New York, Jan. 1. The two seven
story buildings at 425 to 485 East
Twenty-fourth street, occupied princi
pally by the wall-paper factory of Wil-,
lim Campbell & Co., were destroyed
by fire tonight. The loss is fully
$500,000. The plant of the New York
Hygienic Ice Company, which occu
pied the basement of 425, and that of
the Manhattan Electrio Light Com
pany, on the first and second floors of
the same building, were totally de
stroyed. A large portion of the east
side gets its lights from that company,
and was, on account of the fire, cast
into complete darkness. The Campbell
company employed 400 hands, who
will be thrown out of work by the fire.
The properties of all three firms are de
stroyed beyond the hope of saving a
dollar's worth. The losses are partly
covered by insurance.
Three hook-and-ladder men, Andrew
Degnan, Joseph Shaughnessy and Jos
eph Bessinger, were caught on the sixth
floor of Jthe building, and escaped with
great difficulty. All were severely
burned. Shaughnessy and Bessinger
were sent to Bellevue hospital. The
other hook-and-ladder men were caught
on one of the high window ledges, with
the names roaring all around them and
the dense smoke making them almost
imperceptible from the street. Exten
sion ladders were run and firemen
brought them down in an almost un
conscious condition. One of the men,
Lee Potter, was very severely burned,
and was sent to Bellevue hospital.
One Ferson Was Killed and Fourteen
Were Injured.
Denver, Colo., Jan. 1. The Chey
enne flyer on the Union Pacific rail
road crashed into the Boulder Valley
train, at Brighton, Colo., at 6 this
morning. One man was killed, Win
field Randelman, express messenger,
Denver, whose body was burned to a
crisp. Fourteen persons were injured.
The Boulder "Valley train left Denver
a little late this morning, and as usual
stopped at Brighton, which is the junc
tion for the Boulder Valley line from
the main line to Cheyenne. The Chey
enne flyer also left Denver late, and
coming into Brighton in the early
morning dusk, ran into the rear end of
the Boulder train, telescoping two or
three cars and derailing the passenger
Section gangs from Denver yards and
half a dozen passengers occupied the
Boulder train. The mail and baggage
car and the smoker of the flyer were
burned. Mrs. Young was in the chair
car with six children. None of the
children were hurt, although she re
ceived serious injury. The wounded
were brought to Denver and taken to
the hospitals.. Conductor McAllister,
of the Boulder valley train was crazed
by the accident. He attempted to
jump into the burning wreckage, and
had to be forcibly restrained.
In his proclamation to the burghers,
Baden-Powell makes the extraordi
nary statement that the American gov
ernment has warned others of her in
tentions to side with England should
any of them interfere.
General White Has the Fever,
Ladysmith, Sunday, Dec. 24, via
Pietermaritzburg General White has
had a slight attack oi fever, but is
now convalescent.
It is reported that General Joubert it
again in command of the Boers here.
The military authoiities appear confi
dent, but they are very reticent.
About 2,000 claims have been filed '
so far for pensions for disabilities re
ceived daring the Spanish-American '
war. I
rtuguese 8outh Africa Is to B Di
vided -Up.
New York, Jan. 1. A dsipatch
the Herald from Berlin says:
The Lokal Anzieger ptihliohes the
contents of the Gorman-English-Portu-guese
secret treaty. This double treaty
will have executive force as soon as the
Swiss jurists, Messrs. Blaesi-Hensley
and Goldau, have given a decision in
the Delagoa bay arbitration.
The decision, it is expected, will be
given in January or February and will
probably be in favor of England, in
which case Portugal must pay to Eng
land and America an indemnity of 1,
900,000. England obtained in 1891
from Portugal the right of pre-emption
in Delagoa bay, and the cession of Del
agoa bay to England may therefore be
expected in March next.
It is possible that President Kruger
may now declare war on
Portugal and
attack Delagoa at once.
In order to prevent any interference
by France or Russia, Enlgand con
cluded a secret treaty with Germany
regarding the complete partition of the
Portuguese colonial possessions. Ger
many is to receive all the Portuguese
possessions in Asia, with 20,000 equate
milos of territory and 1,000,000 inhab
itants. Germany further receives in
Africa all Portuguese territory north of
Mozambique, except a strip of land
three miles wide, for Mr. Cecil Rhodes'
trans-African railway. For this the
German government will pay Portugal
25,000,000 marks.
Burial of the
Heroes of the
Washington. Jan. 1. Upon -the
windy heights of Arlington cometery,
the Maine dead, brought from Havana
by the battleship Texas, today were
laid away in their final resting places,
with simple religious services, and the
impressive honors of war, in the pres
ence of the president, members of his
cabinet, officers of the army and navy
and other officers of the government.
A cabinet officer, surveying the flag
draped coffins before the ceremony be
gan, said: "The lives of these men
cost Spain her colonies." But there
was no note of triupmh in the grim
scene today. With a touch of sadness
and solemn gravity, the nation per
formed its duty to the dead and gave
its defenders a Christian burial at
home, in soil hallowed by patriotic
dead. '
Buttle With Bobbers.
Seattle, Jan. 1. Two masked men
held up a Ballard street-car at 11
o'clock tonight. There were eight
passengers aboard, and a regular fusil
lade of shots was fired. One of the
passengers inside the car, O. E. Plimp
ton, opened fire on the hghwayman en
tering from the rear, and three shots
were returned. One broke Plimpton's
arm and the other entered his breast.
Shortly after midnight the police
found near the scene of the Ballard
street-car hold-up the body of one of
the two bandits. He had been almost
instantly killed by a bullet from a
passenger's pistol. The body is still
Blg.Bufl'alo Mine Turns Out Rich.
Baker City, Or., Jan. 1. A sensa
tional strike was made today in A.
Goiser's Big Buffalo mine, two miles
west of this city. The miners took
several samples of ore from the tunnel,
which today tapped the 80-foot ledge.
By assays just returned to the owner
of tho mine, the samples all show gold
values ranging from $18 to $102.75 in
gold and five ounces of silver to the
ton. Mr. Geiser, who was formerly
part owner of the Bonanza mine, said
today that if the values hold out
throughout the Big Buffalo, the prop
erty will be equal to the Bonanza. The
Big Buffalo is within plain sight of
this city.
Killed His Young Wife and Himself.
Winnipeg, Jan. 1. Pierre Dentzer,
a German farmer, aged 60, living near
Rathwell, 100 miles from Winnipeg,
shot and killed his 19-year-old wife in
a fit of temper. Dentzer then carried
his baby to a neighbors' house and re
turned home. The authorities were
notified, and on approaching the house
ound that the woman's body had been
.akcii inside the house and a cross had
been raised by Dentzer on the ground
where she had been shot. Dentzer had
spread a sheet on the floor, placed his
wife's body on it, blew out his brains.
Went Through a Bridge.
San Bernardino, Cal., Jan. I. As
No. 88, west-bound freight train over
the Sante Fe toute, 'w&s-,orosaing Cajon
creek bridge today, about 12 miles
north of this city, nine cars went
through the bridge into the creek bot
tom. Six of the cars weie loaded with
cotton, one with telegraph wire, and
one with general merchandise and sul
phur. The cars caught fire and made
a terrible conflagration, destroying the
entire contents and framework. No
one was killed.
A Murderous Collector.
Chattanooga, Tenn.,Jan. 1. Samuel
Mills, a collector for an installment
house, this afternoon attempted to seize
furniture in the house of Mary Ven
able, colored, for a small debt. The
woman attempted to prevent it, and in
the struggle that ensued Mills shot the
woman and her little son and daughter,
all seriously. Mills was arrested.
Buller's Sphere of Action. .
Cape Town, Jan. 1. Colonel Otter,
commanding the Canadian contingent
of troops, is to join the staff of Buller.
nil the members of which are proceed
ing to Natal, indicating that Buller's
fphere will shortly be confined to
Boston Sympathy for Boers.
Boston, Jan. 1. xne common coun
cil of Boston today, after a spirited de
bate, adopted a resolution of sympathy
for the Boers, ' "
General French Has Again
Occupied Colesburg.
The Dutch Were Surprised, and, Find
Jug Their Retreat Threatened,
fled lu Disorder.
Reinsberg, Cape Colony, Jan. 8
General French has completely defeated
the Boeis and occupied Colesburg
The general continued to keep the
Boers on the move and pressed them
closely Saturday and Sunday, giving
them no time to make a prolonged
stand, and when day broke he was
within striking distance of the enemy
Last night all the cavalry, artillery
and infantry, the latter riding in wag
ons to increase the general mobility
started upon a night march with the
object of turning the Boer's right. The
flank operations were successful. The
infantry and field battcrioa immediately
made a feint attack on the Boer front
and while this was proceeding the cav
airy and light artillery-got completely
around the enemy's right flahkas ar
The programme worked without
nitcn. The lioers were utterly sur
prised.and, finding their retreat threat
ened, fled in disorder to the eastward
leaving Colesburg in General French's
Artillery Duel for Two Hours.
London, Jan. 3. The Daily Mail has
the following dispatch, dated January
1, from Reinsberg:
"Yesterdiry afternoon a big force of
cavalry and infantry, with 10 guns.
under the personal command of General
French, moving by a detour, occupied
some hills three miles from Colesburg,
where the Boers were in strength, con
fident in the natural aid afforded them
by the hills around.
"The enemy's position extended six
miles around the entire village. At
daybreak our artillery opened the bat
tie. The Boers were taken by surprise,
but replied vigorously. An artillery
duel was maintamned for two hours.
Then a Boer Hotohkiss collapsed and
was abandoned. We captured it. A
Boer big gun was silenced, but this
and the other Boer guns were with
drawn to the northward, whither we
are harassing the Boer retreat by
damaging shell fire.
"Colesburg is in our hands, and the
few remaining loyalists are jubilant.
We have captured many wagons and
considerable quantity of stores. .
"Our loss was quite slight, but the
Boers must have suffered heavily
They may stop at Achertang or cross
the river altogether at Norvalspont,
whore the bridge is still intact."
Rising of Gape Dutch.
Uape lown, Jan. 8. ugly rumors
are in circulation of a 'Dutch rising,
with the object of seizing Capo Town
and the docks and capturing the gover
nor of Cape Colony Sir Alfred Milner,
The center of the movement is said to
be Paari, a village about 80 miles from
Cape Town, where a meeting of tho
Afrikanderbund was held yesterday.
A similar meeting was hold at Rich'
mond December 28; and it is reported
that the members of the bund in these
two towns are acting in concert.
The members of the bund at Willing
ton and the Dutch in Clan William
district are said to be armed with
Mausers, and to be anxious to use them
in behalf of the Boers.
Although tne stories oi a rising are
disciedited, the police and military are
taking ample precautions.
Philippine Hemp Trade.
Washington, Jan. 8. Assistant Sec
retray of War Meiklejohn, in a letter
to Representative Long, of Kansas, re
garding the opening of the hemp ports
in the Phlippine islands, says:
"The estimated exports of hemp
from tjie Philippine islands for one
year of American occupation will ap
proximate 100,000 tons', of which
amount 29,000 tons should be credited
to the United States. This places the
estimated exports to the United States
for the year of American occupation
at about 17,000 tons less than the ex
ports of 1807. This is accounted for
by the fact that there have been opened
for shipment only three ports of the
Philippine islands.
"Every effort has been made by the
war department in the past and will be
made in the future to comply with re
quests to open all the so-called hemp
ports of the islands."
Acetylene Gas Explosion.
Stromsberg, Neb., Jan. 8. Eden
Baptist church, which was dedicated
only a year ago, was totally destroyed
by fire this morning, and two people
were seriously injured. The fire was
caused by an explosion of acetylene
s, with which the church wag
lighted. The gas generator and the
furnace were both located in the base
ment, and it is supposed escaping gas
was ignited by the fnrr.ce. A large
number of people were in the church
just previous -to the explosion. The
building was badly wrecked, and what
was not destroyed by the explosion was
consumed by fire.
Great Northern's New Branch.
Chicago, Jan. 1. -The Tribune says:
December 81 the Sioux City & North
ern railroad, from Garretson, S. D., to
Sioux City, will pass from the hands
of the co-receivers to the control of the
Great Northern railway. It is stated
that President J. J. Hill, ot the Great
Northern.contemplates radical changes.
ThA Harm An rirpftfl Is hrtfitila tn tha
British seizure of a Gorman ship. Two
German cruisers have been sent to Del
agoa bay.
Opening of the Campaign In Southern
Manila, Jan. 8. The first movement
sf the general southern advance oc
curred this morning, when two battal-
Ions of the Fourth infantry landed and
acoupied Cabuyao, on the south side
if Laguna de Bay. Two Americans
were killed and two wounded. Twenty-four
of the enemy were found dead
in one house. One hundred and fifty
prisoners and four six-pounder rapid
fire guns were captured.
The gunboat Laguna de Bay bom
barded the town before tho disembark
ation of the troops from the caseous,
which was made under the enemy's
shrapnel fire. The enemy evacuated
the place before the charging Ameri
cans, retreating to Santa Rosa, to
which town they were pursued.
Heavy fighting oocurred along the
road to Santa Rosa, which was occu
pied by the insurgents, retreating south
toward Silan. The Americans burnod
the country around Cabuyao.
The gunboat returned to Calamba,
for reinforcements, and thence came
to Manila to get ammunition. She
recently captured two of tho enemy's
Bteam launches, one under the fire oi
artillery, at Calamba, and also four
casooes loaded with rice. Other regi
ments are mobilizing tonight at Sun
Pedro Macati and Pasig, preparatory to
continuing the southern advance.
, Yesterday's capture of bombs' in
volved, the seizure of dooumonts incul
pating 1,000 Filipinos who intended to
rise against the Americans. Papers
were also found showing a distribution
of the city into distriots, and a careful
assignment of leaders and followers.
The precautions taken by the Ameri
cans Saturday, it is now evident, alone
prevented an uprsing.
The provost marshal has requested
that two more regiments be detained
for the protection of Manila. Throe
thousand troops are now actually in
the city.
Aguinaldo's wife, sisters and 18
Filipinos have surrendered to Major
Maroh's battalion of the Third infantry
at Bontoo. Three Filipino officers also
surrendered to Major March, and the
Filipinos gave up two Spanish and two
American prisoners. .
Combination to Control the Output ol
the Country.
Chicago, Jan. 8. -Information has
reached Chicago of a proposed combi
nation to control the zinc output of the
United States. Work on the schemo
has been begun, and the initial steps
have been taken in Kansas City. Ac
cording to one of the best-known zino
operators, who was in Chicago yester
day, the plan inoludes not only the
control of the mines, but of the smelt
ing plants as well. Within a short
time representatives of the combination
will get a price on all producing zino
mines in the Joplin, Mo., district, and
secure options on them. It has been
estimated by the promoters that it will
take in the neighborhood of $100,000,
000 to swing the undertaking suocess-.
fully, and this amounnt of money, with
as much more as may be necessary, is
said to be ready to go into the
Carrier Goes Down,
Crew Is Saved.
Chicago, Jan. 8. A special to tho
Tribune from Norfolk, Va. , says: Tho
schooners Fannie Brown and Margaret
Roper collided off Hatteras, and the
Fannie Brown sank. The 10 men of
the crew were saved by tho crew of tho
The collision occurrod on the night
of December 29, during a high wind.
The big schooners crashed together bo-
fore the lookouts saw the danger. Tho
Brown, being loaded with rock and
phosphate, filled rapidly, and its crew
of 10 had barely time to take to tho
boats, the schooner sinkly shortly after
they put off. . The Roper, disabled,
stood by, and after a hard stiuggle got
the Brown's crew safely aboard.
An Interesting Rumor.
London, Jan. 1. A dispatch from
Lorenzo Marquez, dated December 23,
says a curious story is current, emanat
ing from Boer sources that Matt. Steyn,
brother of the president of the Orange
Free State, and 800 Free Staters have
definitely refused to continue the war.
Matt. Steyn, acting as spokesman of
the party, is reported to have told tho
president that ho was only authorized
to intevene in the interest of peace,
and that the burghers did not feel that
they were bound by his "unwarrantable
conduct," especially as they ran the
risk of confiscation of their property,
and they simply desried to be permitted
to farm in peace and proposed to imme
Siately return to their farms.
Train Without an Engineer.
Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 8. The
overland limited on the Northwestern
railway ran 50 miles last night with
out an engineer. No one on the train
was conscious of the danger until the
fireman brought the train to a stand
still at Bertram. Near Mechanicsville,
Engineer F. J. Fiske, in some unknown
manner, fell from the cab, and the
fireman did not notice his absence until
the train had whirled over 50 miles.
Fiske was picked up unconscious a few
hours later, and died in a hospital hero
Fire In a North Carolina Town.
Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 8. -Fire
last night caused losses aggregating
nearly $100,000, partly covered by in
surance. The heaviest losers are W .
Cleary and the Hague-McCord Dry
Goods Company. "'.
Family Burned to Death. - 31
Barboursville, W, Va., Jan. 8.
William Ellis, wife and two children
were burned to death in their homo
uearhere today. The origin of tln
fire is unknown.
ports of 347,882. ...