The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 29, 1899, Image 3

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3(ood Jiver Slacier.
round pnrty tonight t Mrs. Irwin's.
U. of 0. glee elub, The Dullen.IVc. 28.
Dr. M. A. Joiiph came up from Port
land, Monday.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Clark of Steven
son spent ChrtHtums in Hood River.
E. J. l!l(Kim, rppresnntiiij the Califor
nia Kuw Works of Portland, was in town
liiHt week.
Mra. John Castner went to Portland
Wednesday morning to attend her futh-
r's funeral oi that day.
Clarence Enlkh is in San Francisco,
where he in working at- his trade of en
graving and doing w ell.
Ceo. Booth went to Portland last Fri
day to upend ChriHtnias with l.ia daugh
ter, Mrs.-J. L. Atkinson, and family.
Prof. Landers and Ncff of The Dalles
high ncliool are in' attendance nt the
state teachers' inntiUite ut ftilein -thin
weok. . .
A fine lino of fancy candies for the
holidays can be found at V. B. Cole'
confectionary home-made and im
ported. John Castner, who in working for the
milroad company at LaGrande, wan
home for Christinas and relumed to
LaUrando Tuesday,
Dr. F. C. P.roMus has returned and
ran be found in his ofliee over William
& Brosius' drug store, between tha hours
of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 0-7 p. in. '
S. J. Ln France has the most complete
line of ChriHtmna goods ever brought to
Hood River. . Persons buying early will
have a greater variety to select from.
13 acres Mutable for fruit and dairy
ranch. 20 acres well improved. Choice
acreage tract in town, for tale.
K. E. Savage.
Our friend T. J. Cunning favored the
jLAfiKK with a plentiful supply of shell
bark hickory nuts as a Christmas) gift.
The nut an some of those pent from
Old Missouri by L. 1). Blount.
Another manufactory has started in
Hood River. J. B. Hunt is making mi
excellent furniture polish, which will
make your old furniture look iugood as
new and s;lve buying lie -.v.
Harry Halverson f Wind River is
spending the week in II oi d River. Har
ry has b'i'is attending the Portland uni
versity fir t !; nst two jMirti, and. is
spending his Christina vacation here.
A d. d. va. run in by Marshal Olinger
last Thursday n'ght. Friday uiorn iig
he was brought before Kecorder Nickcl and made to enrich the town treas
' iry to the extent of f5, after paying
costs of arrest. - . .
G. A. R. A special meeting of Canby
post is called for Saturday, Dec. EOth, at
2 o'clock, The inspecting officer will be
present and inspect the post. All who
can attend are requested to do so..
D. (. I lux, Commander.
Geo. M. Cornwall, editor and publish
er of the C dunihia River and Oregon
Tinibernian, at. Portland,, was in town
last week gathering material for his
j. n per from our mill men. The Oregon
Tiniberman is anew publication and one
that will be appreciated by the business
men in whose interest it is published. .
Miss Kiln Macrum of Kansas, niece of
Hon. I. A. Macrum, and who came out
here about a year ago in the hope of
benefiting her health, mid Fiibscquently
went to her brother at Hood River, re
turned to her home in Kansas in the fall
.nd died thereon the 2Hhof last month.
Her affliction w as consumption. Forest
tirovo Times, i
The funeral services tf A. II. Tieman
were held on Friday afternoon in the
Congregational .church. Hood R'ver
lodge of Masons conducted services, after
which Rev. J. L. Hershner gave a short
talk, giving a history of the life of de
ceased as far as is known by intimate
, acquaintances. The services were con
cluded at the gravo by the Masons.
Quite a family reunion was held at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. Pugh on
Christmas day, when s.xteen persons
fathered round the festive board.
Among those present were Mr. and Mre.
L. II. Adams of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
J. 0. Pugh of White Salmon, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Pugh of Hood River, and
II. T. and . Frank Pugh of Sherman
county, who are attending business col
lege in Portland.'
I. C. Nealeigh reports that he has 21
of this year's pullets that have averaged
liim2l" cents a piece since they com
menced laying in October. Tlie pullets
ore a cross between the silver-spangled
Hamburg and Minorca. His rooster
was a full-blood Minorca. This is a good
record, htvrd to beat, and proves the sug
gestion of our contributor of last week is
a good one hatch early pullets. Mr.
Kealeigh's 24 pullets arc now giving him
a dozen eggs a day.
Mrs. Reed came to town from the
Roberts' place Tuesday on the fiery,
untamed steed that gave Meigs Bartmess
B'Jeh a wild ride once upon a time and
that landed Charley Clarke in a ditch.
Mrs. Reed is no novice in eqnestrianship
and delights to sail through the atmos
phere on the back of a steed that wants
to run. At Columbia nursery the horse
took a notion to run away with her, and
ehe let him have the reins till he thought
better of it and came along at a more
moderate pace.
L. C. Ireland, one of the firm of D. C.
Ireland & Sons, proprietors and publish
ers of Sherman county's leadiri: news
paper, dropped into the Gi-aoikr sanct
um last Sum rda v. Mr. Ireland was in
Hood River looking lu.' several carloads
of oak wood. "We hud heard of hs
brother's niarra.'e recently, and think
ing it was L. C. who hud committed the
jact of matrimony, congratulated him,
when he informed us it was his brother.
L. C. sa s he is still -enjoying single
blessedness and cooking Ins own meals.
Uncle Oliver Bartmess presented the
Glacirr with an ear of corn hominy
corn, he called it over eleven inches
long and tilled with plump grains to the
tip. The corn was grown on his farm
on the Wabash, buck in Indiana, and
vas brought out bv his son, W. F. Cart
mess, on tiis recent visit. His son had
85 acres in corn last season and harveskd
4,500 bushels. The land on which it
was grown has been farmed for 70 years,
but has been enriched by crops of clover.
XV. F. Bartmess is an expert, at husking
and can average his U0 bushels a day.
Sam Bartmess held ft record just as good.
Louis Baldwin tame down from Mt.
Jlood on Fridav to attend the funeral of
A. H. Tieman, and in the evening went
to Cascade I-oeks to spend the holidays
with his uister and family, Mrs. Dell
McCrory. Louis was doing the chores
for Mr. Tieman and was w ith him when
he died. Deceased was taken sick the
day before, complaining of severe pains
in his h;ad, breast and back. He suf
fered intensely all night, but towards
morning the pain was not so great, and
a few minutes before li o'clock in the
morning he came to where Louis was
pitting bv the tire, reading. He spoke to
Louis, telling him he was a great reader
and asked what he was reading. He
then leaned back in his easy chair and
fell asleep. In about tive minutes he,
gave a gasp or two. Louis went to him ,
Had found he was dead, i
Geo. Diinmick of Mt. Hood came down
with II. I). Langille ami the undertaker,
S, K. Bartmess, who brought the body
of the late A. II. Tieman to Hood River
last Thursday. Mr. Dimmick will look
after the Tieman place, feeding and
caring for the stock, etc., till some dis
position is made of it by the executors.
There are I!!) head of cattle and four
tiorses, besides chickens, to look after.
Maltie Duki's and Barton Davidson,
students of tho Oregon agricultural col
lege at Corvallis, came up last week to
sjiend their two-weeks' Christmas vaca
tion at home. All male students at the
O. A. C. are required to do military drill
dutv one hour each school day, but
Multie says, fortunately, returned vet
erans from the Philippines are exempt
from this work.
Prof. (5. I). TlMimpson, principal of
the Hood River public school, reports
212 pupils under his charge. This is an
increase of 00 over the largest enrollment
of last year, and is a good indication
that Hood River is still growing. The
building of our big six roomed school
house tive rooms of which are now
being occupied is already proving a
good investment.
W. H. Perry waa presented bv his
children on Christinas day with a hand
some and valuable gold watch. Mr.
Perry was til years old on Christmas
day. A family reunion was held at the
home of E. E. Lyons and of course a
jolly time was had. F. S. Perry returned
to his home in Portland on Tuesday
The many Hood River students who
Lave returned homo from the. various
schools of the Willamette valley to
spend . their Christinas vacations at
home, seem glad to get back to Hood
River. The Willamette valley country
may be good enough for wobl'ootors.thoy
say, but is not congenial for people from
Eastern Oregon.
As indicating of . Hood River peoples'
prosperity the merchants of the town
with one accord pronounce this to have
been the best Christmas season Hood
River ever Lad. The weather was clear
and warm ail week and every body came
to town and having money to spend
spent it for Christmas presents.
. Miss Madge Warren is spending the
holidays with her parents at Frankton.
Miss Warren lias been teaching school
at Cascade Locks for the past two weeks,
having taken Miss Benson's place, who
resigned on account of trouble with
her eyes. Madge expects to complete
the term of school at Cascade Locks.
The Frankton literary elected officers
at its meeting last Friday evening, as
follows: President, Mell Foley; secre
tary, S. C. Sherrill ; treasurer, May
Boorman ; sergeant at arms, Thos. Cal
kins. After rendering' a short pro
gramme, the meeting adjourned without
debating the question for the evening.
A reunion of M. P. Iscnberg's family
gathered at the home in Belmont on
Christmas day and of course a jolly and
agreeable day was spent. .' Five sons
and live daughters, aid one son-in-law
with the old. folks and grand children
gathered at the Christmas dinner.
Congregational Church. Services
will he conducted by the pastor
next Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject,
"From Father Time.s Standpoint." O.K.
service will !' held at 7 p. in The la
dies aid society will meet on Friday af
ternoon at Mrs. Hersliner's.
XV. B. Shute, who is employed with
the house carpenters of the O. R. & N.
on the Snake river branch, came home
to spend the holidays, Mr. Shute says
there has not been as much winter
weather in the Snake river country as
wo have had in Hood River.
V. J. Smith and daughter Helen
spent several days in Hood River last
week. Mr. Smith is now engaged in the
saw mill business at Astoria. I lis fam
ily still reside at Cascade Locks, where
they are comfortably situated tor the
winter. . .
Win. Sayro and wife arrived here last
week from Massachusetts and were
taken out to Mt. Hood by Joe Wright,
where thev are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Prindle. Mr. Sayro taught school
in the Baldwin district" about 15 years
ago. t .
A pound social will bo given this iri
day evening at the home of Mrs. Erwin
for the benefit of Rev. Frank Spaulding.
A musical programme will be rendered,
after which refreshments will bo served.
Price for supper, lUc.
Amos Underwood received a dispatch
from Mosicr Tuesday morning stating
that Herbert Rowland had died at that
place. Mr. Underwood was instructed
to notify Ira Rowland, who lives near
Underwood's landing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, who have
been tenting, at the Nicoiai-Cameron
mill, returned home last week. Mr.
Bailey is on the sick list, ami both will
remain ut home till he recovers.
'F. E. Denzer has finished off four
rooms of his new house in Blowers ad
dition and is occupying the same with
his family. The balaucd of the house
will ho finished at his leisure.
Will Isenberg, a student nt the Port
land universitv, is up to spend the hol
idays. -Will while at the university de
veloped quite a capacity for foot hall.
Howell Ackerman came up from Port
land last Saturday on the Regulator,
and is spending the week with J. 1 Ar
mor and family at Belmont.
Fred Bailey returned last week from
Portland, where he has been at work for
nearly four months. He will remain on
his farm for the present. .
Bert Taylor writes to his father from
Kendriek,' Idaho, that he went to that
country along with Chas. Hill, a Sher
man county larmer.
Omy, Hood River's celestial washee
man, presented his friends with Chinese
hly bulbs for Christmas. He didn't for
get the tiLAClllH.
Chas. Shaw returned Christmas morn
ing from Sherman county, and is visit
ing with his uncle, Dr. M. F. Shaw and
Miss Emily Talnier of W bite Salmon,
a student at the Portland university, is
enjoying her, holiday vacation at home.
Miss Hester Howe, who is attending
the state normal school at Monmouth,
came home last Friday for the holidays.
Claude Copple and Ned Blythe are up
from the University of Oregon at Eu
gene to spend the holidays at home,
P.ev. Frank. Spaulding f reached the
sermon at the dedication of the new
M. E. church at Boyd last Sunday.
Miss Lucy Morgan returned to Port
land, Wednesday, after an enjoyable
visit in Hood River of three weeks. -
There will be union watch night ser
vices at the M. E. church next Sunday
evening, beginning at 8 o'clock.
Henry Shute came down from Echo,
where he is engaged in railroad work, to
spend Christmas at home.
C. O. Ingeretsonof South Bend, Wash,
father of Mrs. S. A. Knapp, is visiting
Mr. Knapp and family.
Si L. Taylor, who hps been laid up
with rheumatism, is recovering and is
again on the streets.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bortseh came up
from Portland to spend Christmas in
Hh1 River.
Howard Isenberg of the Portland uni
versity is visiting his home at Belmont.
C. P. Ross and family spe nt Christmas
ii Portland, returning Wednesday.
Sum C. Smith and family w ill leave
next week for Dallas, Polk county,
where he, in patnership with Roy For
syth, has purchased the furniture of a
hotel ami will engage in the hotel busi
ness. Mr. Forsyth has had experience
in hotel work. Mr. Smith will be new
to the business, but with the help of his
estimable' wife, w ill soon catch on to the
work and we predict will make a success
as a landlord. Hood River society will
be the loser by this change, but Dallas
is to be congratulated on the acquisition
of Mr. and .Mrs. Smith and their inter
esting daughters to society. Messrs.
Smith ,i Forsyth will give the town a
hotel the people can be proud of. Mr.
Smith went to Dallas last week and made
the purchase, returning home Monday.
Uncle Oliver Bartmess, his son, W. F.,
and grandsons Earl, Meigs and Lloyd,
made a trip last Tuesday to the highest
hills east of White Salmon. The party
traveled the whole distance, except in
crossing the Columbia on the ferry,
on foot. It was a tramp of about fifteen
miles, but all felt well repaid for their
arduous climb after reaching the top of
the highest peak and beholding the
grandeur of the picture, the river and
hills and valleys and snow mountains,
spread out before them in all directions.
Lnele Oliver, though over 80, stood the
trip better than any of the party.
The Oregon Lumber Co. presented a
Christmas turkey to each of their cus
tomers, making a total of 72. The Ore
gon Lumber Co's shipments of lumber
for the year lstta will amount to 20,000,
000 feet. The company is buildiug an
other incline to the boat landing, from
their yards at Viento, and another
donkey engine w ill be used, giving room
fordouhling the force of men employed
in bringing rough lumber from the mills
across the Columbia.
The ball given under the auspices of
the Hood River cornet band took place
Wednesday night at the armory. About
40 couples were present,-ami dancing
continued until the early hours. ' An
orchestra from The Dalles was present
and furnisned good music. Supper was.
served. The proceeds of the evening
will go toward helping to pay an in
structor for the Hood River band.
Brother Watson was surprised on -his
70th birthday hyour young people drop
ping in and disturbing his peaceful rest,
hut he enjoyed the pleasures of the
evening as well as they. The delicious
pumpkin pie and. cake was sei'ved and
nowhere else can one find such pumpkin
pies us Ma Watson's. May the bright
sunlight of many more summers be
given them both. L.
Howard S. Soule of Soule Bros, of
Portland, Or., piano tuners and repairers
and successors to W. S. Geary, will be
in Hood River January 2 and 8. If you
will leave your order at the office -of the
Glaciku Mr. Soule will call on you, and
any work intrusted to him will receive
expert attention.
('apt. Blowers, one of the executors of
the estate (if A. Ii. Tieman, deceased,
went to The Dalles, Tuesday, and bad
the will probated. N. C. Evans, J. H.
Dukes and Robt. Rand were appointed
appraisers and on Thursday tbey went
to .l 1. 1 lood to make the appraisement of
the effects of deceased.
The East Fork Irrigating Co. expect to
complete their ditch on the East Side
next summer. Right of way has been
secured from all the property owners on
the main line but two, and on the East
Side lateral three or four have for some
reason refused to give right of way.
Mr. A. B. McGuire and family of Col
fax, Wash., are visiting their parents,
and relatives of this city, and will re
main until after the holidays. Mr. Mc
Guire farms about 500 acres of land,
and is one of the Palouse country's'most
prosperous farmers. i '
W. E. Kewcomb died in Portland on
Coristmas day, aged 75 years. Deceased
was well known in Hood River, where
he lived for a number of years Up to
about two years ago. Bright' disease
was the cause of his death.
The warm chinook wind last Friday
and Saturday took off the snow, and
Hood River had a green Christmas.
Christmas was a clear and beautiful day,
warm enough to go without lires in the
residences. .
Miss Lottie Roberts, who was expect
ed home to spend the holidays, found
that her studies would necessitate her
keeping at work at them, and she had to
disappoint her folks by not coming.
II. F Davidson returned from his
Eastern trip on Christmas day. He
found good weather everywhere he went
and at no place was .the thermometer
lower than 10 degrees above zero. . .
The I lood River cornet band played
several pieces of music on the streets
just "before the ball" Wednesday. Our
band is something to he proud of.
Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. Kline and Wm.
Middleton came up from Portland last
1'ridayand are spending the holidays
witli Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone.
W. F. Bartmess and family started on
their return trip to their Indiana home
on Tuesday night, after a pleasant visit
of two weeks in Hood River.
The Blue lodge of Masons and the
O. E. S. held joint installation Wednes
day evening, after which the ladies
spread :i banquet for all.
John Gatchet, father of Mrs. E. T.
Cams, came up from Portland Tuesday
to visit with Dr. Cams and family.
W. N. West came up from Viento on
Christmas day and spent several days
visiting friends and relatives.
E. D. Calkins is in attendance at the
poultry show in Portland.
Joe Morris of Antelope is spending the
holidays in Hood Itiver.
Tlielr Dinner. f
What the Congregational Ladies Will
Offer to the Public Next Monday.;
The ConRrcRallonnl lndloxa dlnnerwtll give
Dm in the lumrx of Nw Year's ituyr
Ami lliey lilt have iisnoeci, tf permltied tnllrc.
They w ill give one worth more than you'll
For one-fourth of a dollar, or ttfenty-flve
Or twD-tiltH, If that pleases yrvi better;
Ifyoti bring ail ,vur guents, 'twill not cost
you one-lt'iiili
. Whut it wotiiU to provide a hinie dinner.
And beside, nt our rooms, a t K. Hand's former
You cun have for your guests and your
Private tables we'll charge you no more;
For biieb trouble we want not a penny.
It Is sad to consider that chickens must die.
To be stuffed and then rousted for serving;
Also piss for cold bam. and niime meal for pie.
We'll have vegetables cuoked without
There'll be cranberry Ranee with the chicken
and roast; .
Also oilier stewed fruits, slaws nnd pickle.
Lovely Milads, cheese and pies apple and
pumpkin, which we ttoast
Cau't be beaten every piece wortiirt nickel.
The fine enke? are made they will melt In
your mouth. -
Lots ot tliinus time forbids me to mention.
For iwenfy-tlve cents (children fifteen), to be
hud one door norm
Of LKl'nuice s. Su ilon't fail to come: Rood
bye. GnncilEN.
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind.,says,"Kodol
Dysjepsia Cure did me more good than
anything I ever took. "It digests what you
eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. Williamsi Brosius
Horsa For Sale.
A blrtck, cood dispos Itioned horse, weleht
liVi, tor sale. Also, a two-hors wgoa for mile
or trade for a lighter one-horse rig.
da L l. COPPLE.
We wish all our patrons a VKRYl
YEAR, and thank you all and each for j
your liberal patronage during the past !
It is true that nearly every article we i
deal in is raising in value, but we will .
stick to our policy of small margins of !
profit, and will bo better prepared with
a larger stock to supply your demands
than ever before.
Your friends,
Ttis Peopls's Stora. '
East Hood River. " "
The basket sticial held at Pine Grove
last Friday evening was a decided suc
cess in every way. The amount of ftiu.OO
was raised, which is double the amount
needed to buy a bull. A great variety of
devices were adopted for relieving those
in attendance of their money, and we
have not in many years seen a better
uatured crowd ready to be fleeced, skin
ned, yea, even robbed in a good cause.
An entrance fee of It) cents w as charged ;
a huge cream cake was sold at 15 cents a
slice with a prize ring offered with the
winning nunilior; a refreshment stand
plied a lively trade in the corner, and
tempting lunches sold at 15 tents each.
But the greatest money maker of all was
the auction sale of ladies' lunch baskets.
The owners of the baskets were supposed
to bo unknown, but Cupid's shafts are
swift and invisible and in several instan
ces bidding grew spirited if not exciting.
John Jackson did us proud by securing
Miss Mary Mohr's basket at a cost of fo.
Other high figures were touched, such
as v;b75, $2.75, If2 and the like, and
nearly all the baskets sold above fl.
Over f .12 was raised in this way alone.
Under Prof.Kisson's management an ex
cellent programme was rendered by the
school which space will not" allow us to
outline. A party of 18 or 2) young peo
ple came over from the West Bide and
materially increased the profiitsand fun.
What's tho matter with Pine Grove?
Echo answers, "She's all right!"
The numerous friends of Chester Rears
will be pleased to learn that lie is in
Baker City in the employ of a mercan
tile establishment.
Our first term of school closed Dec.
22d, and will begin .again Jan.,2d, 1000,
with l'rof. Sisson continuing in-charge.
Will Sears and Percy Shelley took a
small band of horses to the grain country
last week, that land of cheap horse feed
and dear fuel. . . ' l -
Mrs. A. I. Mason and daughter Joy
came up from Portland last Saturday
morning, glad as usual to get back to
Hood River,' ' -". , , . I, . - -
XV. T. McClure of Mosier isiyiite an
extensive grower of corn for thlteregion.
This has not been a good year for corn
but he has raised' over 200 bushels of
first clas corn, chietly of the King
Philip variety. He brings' 'full loads of
this over to our valley mill several times
each season and retails the meiil in The
Dalles, where fresh sweet meal is other
wise unknown. .
D. II. Sears is building an addition to
his barn. t
Christmas day passed with sunshine
throughout the day and wild strawberries
blooming in profusion on south slopes.
G.H.Appleton.Justiceof Peace, Clarks
burg, N. J.,savs, "DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are the best pills made for constipa
tion. We use no others. "Quickly cure all
liver and bowel troubles. Williams &
Brosius. '
In Hood River valley Dec. 28, 1809, to
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Newby, a son. .
In Portland, Dec, 21, 1899, Capt. J. H.
Ferguson and Miss Anne Dehm,
The bride is a" favorite member of
Hood River and White Salmon society.
The groom is a member of the livery
firm of Ferguson, Dukes and Wright.
The happy couple will occupy ttleir new
residence on Wancoma avenue. The
Glacikr joins with their many friends
in wishing them much happiness and
prosperity, - .
The modern and most effective cure for
constipation and all liver troubles the fa
mous little pills known as De Witt's Little
Early Risers. Williams & Brosius.
Tlie Market. ; .
Flour, Goldendale Diamond, per sk, ; 80
Flour, Peacock, per sk. . .... . : . . 80
Flour, Dalles Diamond, per.bbl ,.'. . .3 50
Bran, per 100 Sa ..: ....'.-. . 90
Bran and Shorts, per 100 fli s.:
' 95
Shorts, per 100 tts
v, :
Barleys per 100 lhs
Hams, iV. .
Potatoes, per 100 lbs . .
Onions, per 100 !tn . . .
Cabbage, per 100 ths . .
Pumpkins, per 100 ft
l..S.'..:,.io.a 25
... to 12W
.;.12ct6 lit
.5s,55e; 10s 1 10
. . . : . :.-:5c to 75
.......' 1 00
,; 75c to 83
...75c to 1 00
Squash and Beets, per 100 foa. .90c to 1 00
Carrott and Turnips, per 100 fcs. . . .1 00
Lemons, per dozen .25c to 80
Apples, fall, per bo :50c to 1 00
Apples, winter, per box $1-25 to 1 50
Cranberries, per gal ...... 40
Butter, fancy 50
Eggs C.Y.-, ... 25
Coffee, fancy blended roast 30
Ooftee, choice roasted .'.16,'
Coffee, Arbuckles and Lions. .'... 15
Sugar, dry granulated, per sk-. . ... 5 25
Sugar, extra C, per sk :.'... .4 75
Ask to see the
Siikand Woolen Mittens
At LaFrance's.
A Present;
Scarcely an order Roes ont from the Colum
bia Nursery lint what hn In it some trees,
vines or plants put in without charge. .
What will you have?
For Sale.
Two work horses' and names", lire firm
waaron and in hack. Inquire Bt this office
or of C 1L LCTILEK.
The delinquent tax list for 1898 is pub
lished in The Dalles Chronicle. The
list fills 15 columns, and Hood River is
well represented. The sheriff's tale
will be held Jan. 22d.
J.I.Bevry,, Ixiganton, Pa. .writes, "I am
willing totake myoath that I wascurcnl of
pnuemonia entirely by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed.
It also cured my children of whooping
cough. "Quickly relieves and cures colds,
coughs, croup, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Children all like it. Mothers
endorse it. Williams & Brosius.
New Eye Tester.
I have a new eye tester and can fit glasses
for all eves not rtf jiiirlnsr ground glasses. My
stock or Jewelry and wiitchos for the holiday
trade will be lull and complete..
Chickens for Sale.
As I have concluded to make but one breed
ing pen of White llruumlis, have some choice
Block for sale. K. 1'AUCLNH.
Farm for Sale.
TO acres, nearly all In cultivation. The very
choice of Hood Hlver valley; 2 miles south-lit
town, Muko me any old olfer.
A. . DISBliO V.
Wanted to Trade.
For a farm nenr Hood Kivor, 10 acres Ital
ian prunes 7 years old near siiiverton. Marion
county, and a house lot ,V)xloO on W illiams
avenue and flolnu sts.. Kast Portland. UK
DALY, 40,1 Hall street, Portland. .
fiuiuiuiuifc-, iiuiuumuuuj-ij
If yonr walls are sick or mutilated, call on
K. L. Itood. Consultation free. NochaiKelor
prescriptions. No cure no iwy. Ofiice hours
from II A. M. till P. M., uiid all night If nei
cssary. tin
J would respectfully announce to the pub
lic that I am prepared to do all kinds of plain
nod funey sewing and dressmaking at my
rooms in the U. it. parsonage.
Canaries for Sale.
Ocrman Linnet and Chinese Canaries for
sale by LKNA C. EVANS.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache,Gastralgi a.Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWltt A Co.. Chicago.
For sule by Williams & Hroeius.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
(Shippers of .
Hood River's Famous
I'aekers of tho
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Munufaeturers of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
ages. Dealers In
Fertilizers and Agricul
tural Implements.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound. Fr'm HOOD KIVERl W. Bound.
10: K) p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
4:00 p.m.
Ft Worth, (Imuha,
Kansas City, Kt.
Louis, Chicago
aun tne i-.asi.
Walla Walla, Spo
kane, Minneapolis
6:17 p.m.
5:17 a.m.
M. ram, jjuiuin,
Mllwnukee, Chi
cago and East.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
Opkajs RTKAMsnirs
For .San r ranelseo
fcai Dec. 3. S. l.UX,
33, 28,& every 5 duys.
8 p.m. Coi.r.MBiA River I 4 p.m.
Ex.isumlay! Ktkamers. Ex.Sunday.
haiuruay, jlo Astoria ana way
10 p.m. landings.
Willamette River. 4-M p.m.
fi a.m.
;Oreiroi) City, New- Ex-uuday.
Ex. Sunday
Deri.xaiem s. way
Willamette akd! S:n0p.m.
Yamhill Rivers. Mon, Wed.
7 a.m.
Tue. Thur.
and Sat.
Oregon C!ty,Dayoin and Krt.
and way landings.!
Willamette River. ! 4:30 r-m.
Portland to Corval- Mon., Wed.
llsi way landings.: and Frl.
6 a.m.
Tues. Thar,
and Sat.
1;-J) a.m.
Lv Lewlsfn
Rsakb Rivkr. I 8:Hi.m.
Rlpiirin to LewiMoni - daily.
W. H. nURLBfllT.
- flen'l Pass. Aent, Portland, Or
J. BAGLEAgent, Hood River.
Pwtara Fa snmiiiiM fife
bone & Mcdonald
Urn if
... J i Ut fa
i ,.in
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
Go to him for pure fresh DriiKs, l'ateut Medicines aud Wall .Pupcr. .Prescrlptluus ami
Family Recipes a specialty. .-
nana race
On all Ms of Fmnimre, Carpets, Wan Paper, etc.
I challenge any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing Goofis than I can quote.
Hpecial llgtues given 011 luiJUtlrg material tor contrail work.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In ths valley."
lOrr GroccLc, Clotlb-ian-gr,
Flour, Peed, Etc., Etc. ' :
At Prsvther'tr corner we 'have opened a fine line of Dreijs.
Goods, Miillinery, stationery, School Supplies, Candies, Cigars,
Groceries and Notions. Our ...
5 and 10c Counters
will interest you. Everything new, neat and clean.
S. H. COX.
To My Friends and Patrons:
I have secured ihe services of an expert me
chanic and am ready to do all kinds of re
pairing and new work at short notice, either
by the day or by contract, I keep constantly
on hand a good stock' of builders' supplies,
including shingles, finishing lumber, mold
InRs, lath and lime. To make room for my
Increasing trade I have rented two rooms on
Second street and connected them with my
Oak street store, hence am better prepared
than ever to please my customers. I wish
also to call attention to my slock of paints
and oils, as well as my complete assortment
of furniture, which I am selling at Portland
prices and you save your freight.
Yours for business,
U 11UUU 1UIU1 liUUXUJ-, UU11
Agricultural Implements, Deere Plows,
- " Old Hickory Wagons, Columbus
Buggy Co.'s Carriages,
20 acre furio at Belmont, well linprovedSOO
2.1 acres Smilos from town. East Side 3,000
20 acres 1 mile from town, West Side
fiO acres near the Divers ranch t25
20 acres near Belmont church 2,20!)
22'4 acres near H. Brown's 250
10 acres valuable timber land -
15 acres at Belmont , 750
10 acres at Belmont 1.000
20 acres at Belmont : 500
Town lots, farms to exchange, ete.
Brahma Pullets.
Full grown Brahma Pullets; also, Chllo club
seed wheat, for Eale by
n2l J. II. KOBF.RO.
BS,PortIanfl & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
I. Mt
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dulles.,
Leave Portland....,
..7.00 A. M.
..7.00 A. M.
One w ay $1 50
Round trip..... 2 fiO
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
In the estimation of
Practical Painters. ,
Every gallon of ' "
Paint ,
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface ia. average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full IT, S. ,
standard measure. It is made ',
to Paint JBuildings .with. It
is the best and most durable'
House Paint nude.
United Htatcs Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 21, 1899. A sufficient contest affi
davit having been filed In this offlee by Ar
thur P. Holmes, contestant, against Home
stead Kntry No. 4.S01, made August 12, 18IKI, for
northwest section 28, -township 2 north,
range 11 east, by Joseph Hchmltt, contcstee, in
which It Is alleged that aid Joseph Hchmltt
has wholly abandoned said hind for more
than six years last past; that he has not com
plied with the hamstead law since making
said entry In -settlement or Improvements;
t lull the HDscnoe of said Joseph Hchmltt from
the tract was not emiBed by his employment
in the army or ni val service of the United
.States in time of war, said parties are hereby
notified to appear, respond and otter
evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. m. on January IS, IftOO,
before Geo. T. Pralher, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office at Hood Hlver, Oregon
(and that final hearing will he held at 10
o'clock a. m. on January 17. l'JOO beOre) the
Register and Receiver at the United Btates
Land Utllce In The Dalles. Oregon.
Tlie said contestant having, in a proper af
fidavit, tiled November 24, 18!I9, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence, personal
service of this notice can not be' made, it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication. ,
dlJ5 JAY P. LtJCAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3," 1878.J
United Htatcs Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 18, 1810. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "Anact
for the sale of timber lands in the HtRtes of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washlngtou
Territory," the following persons have this
day filed In this ofiice their sworn state
ments, lo-wit:
Of Hood River, county of Is'asiio, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 146 for the purchase
of the noith k northeast , southwest ii
northeast t and lot H, snctlon 7, township 2
north, range 9 east, w. M. ,
Of Hood River, eonnty of Wasco, state of Ore-'
gon, sworn statement No. 1M for the purchase
of the west southeast and lot 7 and 12,
section 7, township 2 north, range 9 eaui.W.M.
That they will oiler proof to show that
the land sought Is more Valuable for Its tim-
her or stone than for. agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims to said, landa
before the Register and Receiver of tills office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Buturday, the ;td
day of February, 1900.
Witnesses: O. B. Hartley, W. B. McCrory
Hubbard Taylor, Perry McCrry. and Fred
Simpson, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the -above-described
lands are requested to file
their claims in this office ou or before said 34
day of February, 1900.
n2tJ2rt JAY P. LUCAB, Register.
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.,
Dec. 5, 1899. A sufficient contest affidavit,
having been filed in this ofTice by Hiram J.
Hess, contestant, against Homestead Entry
No. 4423, made June S. 1X92, for southwest
section 8, township 1 south, range 10 eaf t, by
William A. Hallineld, contestee, In which It
Is alleged that said William A. HalUfletd ha
wholly abandoned said tract and changed hi
residence therefrom for at least seven years,
and that such failure stIU exists; and that he
did not abandon said tract to enter the mtl.
Itary or naval service of the United States In
time of war, said parties are hereby notified
to appear, respond anil offer evidence touch
ing said allegation at lOo'clock a. m. on Jan.
2.', lHiO, before the Register and Receiver at
tlie L'nlted State Land Ofliee In The Dalles,
The said contestant having, la proper af
fidavit, tiled Dec. 1. 1809. set forth feet which
show that after doe-diligence, personal ser
vice of ihis notice can not in made. It Is here
by ordered and directed that such notice be
given by due and proper publication.
dSJI2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register... ,: