Sfood Iiver Slacier FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1819. BRIEF LOCAL JUTTEttH. Shortcut day. Merry ChrintinaH. Bamboo furniture at Bartmesa U. of 0. glee dub, The Dalles, Dec. 28. Rockers, cheap aa the cheapest, at BartmeHH1, Grand Ball of the Hood River cornet band Deo. 27. Havej you seen Bartmesa' fine golden oak writing desks. Win. Graham ia assistant at Ever linrt'd store. Clyde T. Bonney spent Monday of this week in Portland. See those fine golden oak Xmas rocker at BartmusH'. V. j. Smith and daughter came upon the train Wednesday. Lxcentioiuuly low prices on carpet at Bart mens furniture store. M. F. Bird, the dispenser of justice at Viento, Was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Win. Rankin ia lying dangerous ly sick at (lie homo ot Jos. Purser. Miss Ida Fo returned on Sunday from a twg-weeks visit to Portland. Judge Hi'nry made a trip n Portland during tlieweek, returning Wed lenlav Evurhart' store wan eloned part of tin day last Thursday on account of the ill nesa of the proprietor. A. H. Ruhm, who has been at work for Solum & Co. at btevenson, in the logging camp, came homo lata Saturday Capt. Coe received f250 damages for excavating done on his premises by the railroad ana f.iou tor right ot way A fine line of fanny candies for the holidays can be found at W. B. Cole's confectionary home-made and ini ported. Prof. C. D. Thompson received a nice letter of thanks from Sunt. Gardner fur the donations sent from Hood River for the Children's Home in Portland. Dr. F. C. Brosiua has returned and can be found in bis office ovsr Williams & Brosiua' drugstore, between the hours of 10-11 a. m., i-i and tw p. in. S. J. l.aFrauce has the most complete line of Chratnma goods ever brought u Hood Kiver. Persons buying early will have a greater variety to select from 45 acres suitable for fruit and dairv ranch. iW acres well improved. Choic. acreage tract in town, for E. E. Havaok. At the next regular communication of the Eastern Star, Dec. 23, all members are requested to be present at I;I1U p. ni AIRS. fcVA IS, JIAYXES, , M Geo. II. Xicolai has purchased the river front and rvoral acres snuthof the railroad track of' the place of R. S. An tlrews. The II od River cornet band will give a Brand ball at the armorv next Wed neiday evening, proceed to go towards iinyuu an instructor lor trie uaua A. G. AmeK and David Fleming have rented the I) ir armorv hall and will open a skating rmk, ltd it week. The rink will be oucu three nitfhts in the week. Cant. Dukes was eiuasjd on Monday H-ith a team and scraper, moving gravel from the b i ii!e on Second street to places in the streets where it was mos needed. L. D, Blount has been heard from again. He is now visiting his daughter! jn Kansas ami e . poets to come to the coast before long and to Hood River in the spring.' E. Locke has purchased the Childers place, on the Vashington side of the Columbia river, and is now engaged in building a boat to make trips to his new possessions. E. L. Gregg and Mr. Stratton arrived liera last week fmtn Wisconsin. Mr. U regit is an old soid.er, having servtd in the 2d I iwa cawiiry during the war ot the reii;l on. The II d R'cer students at Eugenu, Corvallis, l ..mm nit h and Portland are all eipected home to spend the holida, s. Thev will arrive on the 10:i(i tra.n this Friday evening. Mrs. Jesse Imhlcr lost a crochetted lace cape at The Dalles, Dec. 5th. The find :t will hi reward.-d b receiving one dollar.h sending the cape by express C. O. D. to Mrs. A. E. Imble.r, Tilla niook, Uregoii. A new manufactory has opened up in Hood R.ver. Andrews & Co. are en- uiiiwrl in niiinnfiieturiiiL' a iflue that is warranted to mend broken glar-s, china, furniture, leather, meerschaum, etc This gUie is for sale at 25c a bottle. J. L. Henderson made sale of An tone Wise's nlace. last week, to Joseph J Jordan of Goebel. Or. Mr. ise gets two small places at. Goebel and H'SUO to boot. Mr. Jordan and family, consisting of wife and two daughters, will soon come to their new home at Hood R.ver, and Mr. and Mrs. Wise will take up their ubodo at Goebel. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett died last Sundav in Port land,' where it was taken last Thursday by lta parents and Dr. Watt. An oper ation was performed to remove a sarcoma of the kidnev, a growth of only a few weeks but as large as the child's head. The child had been in usual good health up to a month ago. AhioS. Watt, father of our townsman, Dr. J. F. Watt, furnished the Yamhil Reporter with an interesting historical relic, being the docket for the .March term of the circuit court in Yamhill county in ItSiU, the first court held under the civil government of the United States on the Pacific coast. Of the par. ties litigant iu 17 cases only two are now living. , . The entertainment given at the Val ley Christian church, last Friday even ing, for the benefit of the Barrett school library and bell fund, was a success rinnnelnllv mill HVerV Other V. lllU ........ t,t tlio pvpniniF nmounted to tn:23. The house was filled to its ut most, showing the wisdom of not hold, ing the entertainment in the school house, which is not roomy enough. Ail the Barrett school children were ad mitted fr?e. A 'verv pleasant surprise party was given Mrs. Harry Haekett on Tuesday of last ' week. The occasion was K;,.tiiil.ii, nnniversarv jnerry crowd of neighbors gathered and the hours ghded swiftly. Those present Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett, Mr; and Mrs. J- Wicklmm, Mr . ni EhamMrsiK n! Mi- nnnn. Grandpa Hackett, 1W1 Cranner. Nellia Wiokham The big powder magazine belonging to xne rn-uruau bii"" , bottom below Uwn, J yards north o l, ru.lr.aitl track, was reporteu o , ha dansrerous. iiiarbiiai violet" , , - j r,...t, . .n,,;t. it is said, is siortu -:: :::: ..v im town if . . ..ii.. i,.,i.i at nlace. "lie .5... .i.:t. !... nn d:lll!rer. the au come niniK incio r . .,, .k.u; ok ruartv tn order iu remoxal if some one will make complaint i.,.,o, .hnni.t tie made llllllk Iran. , I mouut of explosives kept oa hana. A to the A section of Rocky Mountain weather moved (low n on Hood River valley last ween, i nursday evening tho first snow storm of the season put in an appear ance. Friday morning about six inches of beautiful snow covered our streets. It was a wet snow and clung to the trees, producing au effect to delight the eye of lovers of winter scenes. By Mon day the snow had disappeared from our sireeis out remained throughout the valley to the depth of about six inches. .Monday evening it turned cold. Tues day nioruing tho thermometer marked 24 degrees above zero. Another licht fall of snow occurred Wednesday morn ing.and during the day it turned to rain. Thursday morning a coating of ice covered the streets and sidewalks, and jiedeatnans found locomotion precarious. The Young Men's Institute and Ath letic Association is a new organization for noou Kiver. 1 tie object of the club is a worthy one, as will be seen from the preamble to the constitution adopted, as lollows: "We, the undersigned, for the iniprovenientuf our physical, intellec tual and moral well being, do hereb ! ordain and establish this constitution for the government of our association." 1 he olhcers of the club are as follows: David Fleming, president; Chaa. Tos- tevin, vice president; A. J. Ames, treas urer: Leon Llrich, secretary; C. D. Thompson, corresiwmding secretary; board of directors, Rev. E. E. Fix, Rev. H. K. Benson, Prof. C. D. Thompson. The club has engaged tho big armorv lor g mnastie e erc ses. C. L. Rogers had a runaway Tuesday, but without mtuius results. He had hitched up his double team and it stooo in front ot his residence, tied, when n loose horse came along and ran between the team and the hitching post. The team started and ran towards town but returned, and as they neared home the pole of the buggy struck a tree and it was broken in three pieces. Tho har noss also broke, but the horses escaped injury. New Year.s Dinner The ladies of the Congregational church will give a New tear s dinner (Monday, Jan. 1st) at the Rand store building, lately vacated by A. H. Blowers & Son. Dinner will be served from 12 to 2 o'clock, and supper from 5 to 7. The public will be served at well-laden inviting tables for 25 cents, children under 12 years, 15c. Home made candies, etc. will be for sale. The committee on entertainment will pro vide attractive social features for the evening. F- S. Perry of Portland came up nn Monday for a visit with his parents and other relatives for a few days. Mr. Perry is now employed in Wren's trunk and box factory, where he has a good situation and has become proficient as a workman. Ho says he has learned a good trade since leaving Hood River a year and a half ago. He finds many changes in Hood River in the short time he has been away. Mrs. S. E. Bartmess, Mrs. W. F. Bartmees, Aldine and Lloyd Bartmess went to Portland Wednesday morning to meet Earl and Meigs Bartmess, who came up from Corvallis college to spend the holidays at home. The boys came home a couple of days earlier than they expected, to enjoy the visit of their rela tives irom Indiana, wno win return home on Christmas day. The many friends of J. D. Williams will be sorry to learn that he lies dan gerousl ill at his mother's home in Falls City, Oregon. He has been sick for six months, but had got so he could be around, when he was taken with relnuse. from which it is feared he will never recover. J. M. Cubberlv. instructor for the Hood River cornet band, went to The Dullea on Tuesday to secure suitable music for the grand ball to come off next Wednesday, Dec. 27th. Nothing will be left undone to make this ball the great event of the season. A oound party will be given at Mrs R. R. Irwin's Friday evening, Dec. 2Uth, for the benefit ot liev. frana epauiuing, F.i-uri'ViiKi v romfi and bring vour pounds, A musical programme will De rendered. Cuke and coffee will be served for the small sum ot 10c. Com. Congregational Church. Services next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sub ject at morning service, "Star of Beth lehem." C. E. service at 7. Leader, F. B. Barnes. The lad.es' aid society will meet at Mrs. Herahner's on Friday afternoon. Fifty-five head of nice mutton sheep came down on the boat Wednesday morning for Clyde T. Bonney's meat market. They came from south of The Dalies and were bought by Mr. Bonney in The Dalles stock jards. Don't engage New ear's dinner any niacj nor eat them at home come to u. old stiind of R. Rand & Son, where the lad es of the Congregational church will serve sumptuous dinners tor Joe Trunk Noble was over from White Salmon on ednerday. Frank was Ti.h Dalles the night that Ramsey wa brought in fatally injured, and he help to care tor him ana siaia up an nigui. l"mir,d. M. P. Ncff brought to this ..fliiv on Tuesdav a pocket book contain ini? a sum of money, which ne iounu on the road near Tucker. Owner can huv the same by calling at tins otnee. Or. Shaw has purchased the vacant ..mHst. of the M. E. church. N. W Bone bought the lots, just north of the church. Both purchasers will build elegant residences in the spring. Vrn.1 Underwood and i-d Wyers Xhmnka. on their way to Coos nay. stopped over in Hood River, Monday, to uniit .iniiife ana iura. l,. ucui y, uw" " o - - neighbors. t ,m1 VAWh Mulkins wa nun tl.o r.lin.,1 nliiv trround on luesday Dy being run ovsr uy a Doy s sieu. iici icg was injured so that she had to be car ned home. Katie Sinnott. who is a student iKt Mnrv'g academy at The Dalles, is home for the holidays. She will resume hr studies alter iew tears. v T? l.vnn was in town Wed. nesdav for the first time since her late accident. Her childreu are recovering t'rom the catarrhal fever. V. H. Button came "P from Portland h. h.iut on Monday, where he had bee to engage men to work in mmu at Stevenson. i t t iWshner ia assistina Post Vat during the busy holiday t.mes and the making out of quarterly reports. " 'Harvey Scott,' or the Orejonian on n..on IUiIp." was the subject ot Kev C. D. Nickelseu'i sermon at Heppuer lust Sunday. - xt AiDermott. who acted as nurse for Mrs. Prindte at Mt. Hood, went to Portland on Wednesday and will go to California. w K Bartmess went to Eugene on Tuesdav to visit W. O. Zeigler and tarn t v and other acquaintances r,rT Smith, brother-in-law of Geo. II v;..ioi una taken sick and went to Vast Portland last week. til you see the Xmaa rlnlnv at Bartmesa . Blodgett, the harness man, has moved to Southern Oregon. J. B. Hunt has moved into the Champ- lin building. 0 say 1 Xma doll buggies at Bartmesa Rev. J. L. llershner exchanged pul pits with Rev. Poling of tho Congrega tional church at The Dalles last Sunday. Mr. Poling gave two eloquent sermons. The Mountaineer says Kev. llershner delivered two excellent sermons. Jerome Wells was iu town Monday. While everything was frozen up in town, with everybody shivering, ho reported mild weather on the hills and a misty ruin falling. Miss Fay La France returned home Wednesday evening from Corvallis col lege to spend the holidays. East Hood Kiver. Jackson & Silliniun'a new horse power drag saw ia said to be a great success, two men doing tho work ot eight in the old way. Some of our grain, which has reached a height of near two feet, tinda difficulty holding up ita head under the present light snow. What will become ot it if it happens to get buried a foot or two? is a question which concerns a number of wheat raisers. Remember the basket social to be held at fine Grove school house thisrriday evening. The ladies of the district are working at a lively rate to make it not only a success but an enjoyable occasion 10 all who attend. As was before an nounced, the money received will be used to buy a bell. Will Sears is hauling lumber to build a house on his lo-acre tract near Straight's. Grandfather Monroe's 81 winters still rest tiuiilly upou tutu, but sujcu the u.i inur u-.iia vi la. huuse, JuUn Kubiu sou, uiuvtd away, lie lias naturally leu somewhat lonesome. Anyone wishing lo tucuru three good rooms and a h re place can lease niein from him on very reasonable terms. Although the snow at this writing (Dec. 19th) is not very deep, prudent stock owners are running in strays and making ready tor a ' spell o weather. Goo. Knapp finished the new house for V. W inchell last week, and on Mon day left for Ins homo at Gorman, bher- an county, w here he expects to remain the winter. Mr. Knapp a sympa thies in the African war are strongly ith the Boers. Ho says, when a big og jumps onto a smaller one ho likes to see the big dog get licked. V. Winchell took a band of horses to ight Mile, last week, to be wintered here horse feed is cheaper than it is in Hood River. Doc has been offered a job on tho railroad and thinks he may ac cept. Death of A. II. Tieinan. A telephone message to Ed Williams from Mt. Hood Thursday morning an nounced the death of A. II. Tieman at home at Mt. Hood, Oregon, at 0 'clock a. ni., Dec. 21st. Mr. Tieman had been in poor health since last sum mer, at which time he had a very seri ous spell of sickness, but he hud re covered and it was supposed that the old gentleman had regained his accustomed good health. Deceased was a pioneer of Uuod Jtiver valley, in early mo ne served in the U. 8. navy. Ho was a good citizen, respected by all who knew him. Ilia age was about 83. The Masonic lodge of Hood River, f which he was an honored member. will take charge of the funeral, tho date of which has not been announced. Christmas Curkops. We don't sell them but will give you such bargains that you can get your turkey with the money aaved. Irresistable values in solid gold and gole-filled Rings, Chaius, Bracelets, Cuff Links, etc., etc. Heavy reductions on these goods and nothing more acceptable for it Christmas present. Can save half a turkey on most any of our ladies' Trimmed Hats; also, Golfs, Walkers and Children's Hats and Caps at heavy re ductions. Men's Fedoras, in black, brown and pearl, $1.50 up. New style Crusher, regular 1.75 value at $1.25. Men's embroidered plush Slippers, very pretty and always ap preciated, and ladies' fancy felt Juliets. New and elegant line of gents and ladies' Ties, latest and pret tiest. Fascinators, Gloves, Shoes, Mittens can't enumerate everything, but see our windows and call In. We are well supplied w ith all kinds of useful presents. at at his lumber THIT PEOPLE'S STORE. Acronta fnr thn Roval Tailors. Thev Have Clothed Over Six o - Tailors. They Million Men. A Card. Editor Glacier : I notice in your last issue a statement from Clyde T. Bonney in which he denies ever having advised any young man to buy liquor from R. E. Few'el. As you gave hint room for his statement I think I am justly entitled to the same consideration at your hands, as I am the young man he refers to. Shortly before the city election Mr. Bon ney askod,mc how old I was. I replied, nineteen. ' He then said, "It would be a good scheme for me to go down to Fewel's and buy liquor, that he might be prosecuted for selling to minors." He may not call this advising me to buy liquor, but it is certainly suggesting it. I regret very much that Mr. Bonney has seen fit to rush into print over this mat ter, but I cannot let a reflection of this sort pass unnoticed. The above state ment is a tact, and i, am prepareu to make an affidavit to that effect. Sam M. Blowehb. Northwest Fruit Growers.' Association. The next annual meeting of the above ssociation will be held in the. city of Tacoma, Wash., on the 16th, 17th and 18th of January next. The programme is not yet complete and we can only give some of the valuable papers that will be presented, as follows: Fruit Growers' Organization, II. B. Miller, president of Oregon state board of horticulture; loreign Markets, 11. h. Dosch, secre tary Oregon state board of horticulture; Jams and Preserves, J. O. Scoby, Olym- pia; Canning and Canneries, 11. It. Gregg, Chicago; 1-ruit inspection in .Montana Markets, B. vv. ornery, uoze- man; iNew Horticulture, rroi. j. a. Balnier, Pullman, Wash.; Liming Soils. Thos. Sharpe. British Columbia. The committee would like to nave some one give tno experience oi tne Hood River Fruit Growers Lnion in methods and results. A representative of the Oriental steamers running to Japan will bo pres ent and explain conditions of markets in Janan. and Capt. Fife will give infor mation relative to rnuippines. The North Pacific railroad company has made a rate of one and one-nfth fares from Portland, and it is hoped that eeveral Hood River fruit growers will attend. E. L. Smith, Vice President for Oregon U. of 0. (ilec Club. The glee club of the University of Ore gon will make its annual Christmas tour of the state this year through the towns of Eastern Oregon and Washington, and wiil eive a concert at lhe Dalles on Thursday evening, the 28th inst. This will be a treat for me people oi ine Dalles, and one of which Hood Riverites ran take advantage. The club is com nosed of lt young men of the state uni versity wno can oe reuea upon 10 give something not heard every day. Col- .'ge glee clubs have that spirit and vim found in no other class of singers, and the U. ot O. glee club is reputed equaf to the best. . At the Congregational Church. The Christmas exercises of the Con gregational Sabbath, school will be held Saturday evening, Dec. 23d, at 7.45 : Song, "Joy to the World" Congregation. i riiver ou.ci mt-u.ciii. Aduressof welcome...- Grace i'mlher. KiHiUbtlon'A Christina Blessing " fcverett Hand. Ant'iieiii' :;-"i"-.-.V'!10'r- Exercise By 18 children. Kiicilatlivi. ' lilly, Isn't Christmas Jolly?" Lena Newton. Sons S.CHOOI. Keel union i'lc ' . Kiclittitim - Mnry Armor. muiik M i lo i ederick. Keelutiion. "Long iigo on Christmas" Leuore Adams. Exeic.se, "Away in a Manger'' .... ...Susie HHll,ifa7.el ulinner.Lenore Adam. Keoitation, "A buy 's Complaint" Ksty Biasing. Keciialiim'SanlH's MUittke."....Ueoige Howe. King exeiui!M."Pra!seilim" By S girl. UBciutUiu,"! 'rouble Ahead." Claude Thompson. ruet . Agnes taiKes and Carrie topple. Rec'ilation,"Cliristmas in fnunyland.". ... ' Clara Hlylhe. After which Santa Claus will be present and shake the tree, hoping presents and good cheer will fall for every one. SUNDAY MORNING. Christmas services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. L. llershner, at U a.m. Following is the order of service 1. iHixolitty: 3. Jnvueallon. a. tituria fairt. 4. Anthem. Voice of Jestu" (Gabriel), Choi. V koTM.iiMiv SU'rintui. fc. Antliem, "TUe Angels' Song" (Gabriel), clioir. .. i-criptnre Lesson. 8. Prayer. i. Anliiem. "Bethlehem" (Bartlett), choir. 10. tMln,"T lie Holy City' (Adains),Mrs. 1'. 8. Davidson, 11. hermon. 11 OOWUiry Dnet, "Carol of Bethlehem (Jacksoro, .Mis. P. S. Davidson and Mrs. H. C. Bateiiam. W. Benediction. To Cure Cold in 0w Day. Take Laxative Bromo QcinineTabiits. All drnirctsts refund the money if It fails to cure. L. W. Grove's signature is oa each box. 2ic J. J. Luckev has been confined to his house during the week witn tne grip. Born. In Hood River valley, Dec. 13, 1809, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rankin, a daughter In Hood River valley, Dec. 20, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boardman. a son. New Eye Tester. I have a new eve tester and enn fit elaiws for all eves not requiring ground glasses. My suek of Jewelry and waU-hes for the holiday trade will ue lull ana cimiim-iw. dfj i.ha. ir.Jiri.r. Chickens for Sale. As I have concluded to make but one breed. is pen of White Bramahs, have some choice stock for mile. k. D. CALKINS. Farm for Sale. m acrca. nenrlv all In cultivation. The very choice of Hood 'Kiver valley: 2 miles south ot town. Make mo any old oner. a A.H. UlSliKUW Wanted to Trade. For n farm near Hood River. 10 acres Ital Inn nnines7 vears old near sttlverton, Marlon countv. audi house lot fiflxXK) on Williams avenue and Going sts., I'.asl fortland. C DALY, 4Ui Hall street, Portland. Paiitaii,Kalsiimi,itc If vour walls are slek or mutilated, call oi E. L. flood. Consultation free. Nfx'hmge Tor prescriptions. No cure no pay. Olllee hours from ft A. M. till tf P. M., una all night If nec essary. Dressmaking. announce to tne puri ne that I am nreuured to do all kinds ol piai I would respectfully Died. In Portland. Sunday. Dec. 17, 1899, Dorsey Scott Crapper, aged 2 years, 2 months and 15 days. The funeral ser- lce w as held at the home of its parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv A. Hackett, in Hood River valley. Burial at Idlewilde. "One Minute CJfT-Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. t.j t i :...., r'K;u. ills urieooaieu mr wnuujun nmiiii.uimu ren all like it, "writes H.N.Williams.Gen tryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedythat gives immediate re sults. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles.Its early use pre vents consumption. Williams & Brosius. The Slarket. CORRECTED BV RAND A STEWART. Flour, Goldendale Diamond, per sk, 80 Flour, Peacock, per sfe o Flour, Dalles Diamond, perbbl 3 50 Bran, per 100 ihs 90 Bran and Shorts, per 100 B s 05 Shorts, per 100 lbs 1 00 Barley, per 100 lbs 1 25 Bacon VCV) Hams 12,Wcto lb Lard 5s, 55c; 10s 1 10 Potatoes, tier 100 lbs 05c to 75 Onions, per 100 His 1 00 Cabbage, per 100 lbs :.- 75c to 85 Pumpkins, per 100 Bis 75c to 1 00 Squash and Beets, per 100 fts. 90c to 1 00 Carrott and Turnips, per 100 fcs. . . .1 00 Lemons, per dozen zoc to Apples, fall, per box 50c to 1 00 Apples, winter, per box $1.25 to 1 50 Cranberries, per gal 40 Butter, fancy . 50 Eggs 25 Coffee, fancy blended roast 30 Coffee, choice roasted 16,M Coffee, Arbuckles and Lions 15 Sugar, dry granulated, per sk 5 25 Sugar, extra C, per sk -4 75 and fancy sewlnir and dressmaking at my rooms In the U. B. parsona-fe. nl24 MISS LKTHK 11IEMTAND, bone & Mcdonald GeneralMerchants s HOOD KIVER, OREGON. ft f HELD HIGH t In the estimation of Practical Painter. Every gallon of The Sherwih-Wiujams Paint will cover 300 or more square ieet of fiurface in average con iditton, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Taint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Faint made. SOLD BY Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy, flo to him for pure fresh Drugs, l'ateut Medicines and Mall Taper. I'rcscrlptlous aua Kainlly Keclpesa specialty. PortI ana race On all kinfls of FurnitorB, Carpets, Wall Paiier, Btc. I i hallence any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing Goods than 1 .. . ... . ... ,...11.11.... ... .......lul l.ir n.ttrflil WurK. Hpeciai ngures given u uumuub can quote. S. E. BARTMESS. Canaries for Sale. German Linnet and Chinese Oinarles for iale by LKNA C. EVANS. Am Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans, ltisthelatestdlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Gastralgla,Cramps,ana all other resultsof Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C DeWItt A Co., Chicago. For sale by Williams & Brosius. GEO. P. CROWEIX, Successor to E. L. Smith-Oldest Established House In th valley. DEALER IN TDx-y G-ood-C, Clotli-ingr, AND aeneral 2vGrclan.d-Ise, Flour. Feed, Etc., Etc. HOOD RIVER, - Ask to see the Silk and Woolen Mittens At LaFrance's. A Present. Scarcely an order noes out from the Colum bia Nursery but what has in it some trees, vines or plants put in without a charge. What will you have? Davidson Fruit Co., Shippers of Hood River's Famous Fruits. Packers of the Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits. Manufacturers of Boxes and Fruit Pack ages. Dealers In Fertilizers and Agricul tural Implements. frH as TMT JIM Time Schedules. E. Bouwd. Fast Mall 10: ft) p.m. Spokane Flyer 6:17 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Ex. .Sunday (Saturday, to p.m. Fr'mllOOD RIVER Salt Lake, Denver, Kt Wortb.Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louis, Chicago and the bast. Walla Walla, Spo- kane.Mlnnea polls SI Paul, JJuluth, Milwaukee, thl. cago and East. From PORTLAND Ocean Stbammuipm for Han r ranetseo Sail fee. 3. 8, 13tlS,i 23, 2i,& every 5 days. Columbia Hivke Stkamekm. To Astoria and way landings. S a.m. Ex. Sunday W. Borsrt, Fast Mail 4:00 p.m. Portland Kx press 5:17 a.m. 4 p.m. 4 u.m Ex.Sunday Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Oreeon City, New- Ex-Sunday. herg,ftiein at way landings. 7 a.m. Tues. Thar, and Sat. 6 a.m. Tues, Thnr. and Sat Lv.Klparia. 1:20 a.m. daily. u-tt t AMtrTTF. Avn 3:tl0n.m Yamhii.i. Kivrrh'Moii, Wed Oregon City.Dayton: and Fri. and way landings.: UMiiameiU! River. 4:30 r.m. Portland to Corval-Mon., Wed lis way landings.: and Fri, Lv lwlst'n SSAKB RiVKB. 8::a.m. Itlnnrla to Iwlslonl daily. W. H. HURLBIj RT. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or Baolby, Agent, Hood River. CONTEST NOTICE. TTnKori states fjtnd Office. The Dalles. Ore, nee. s. 1SWM. A sufficient contest affidavit k.rin. hwn Hind In this ofT"ioe hv Hiram J Hess, contestant, against Homestead Entry No 4423, made June 3, f2, for southwest Aiinn i inirnhin i south, ranire 10 eaU by William' A. HalltnVld. contests, in which It i. uiik. ih.i ... ih William A. Hallltield has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom lor at least seven years. and that such lallure sun esisu.; aim mm no did not ahandon said tract to enter the mil itary or naval servtes of the United Suites in time of war said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond n1 ofl,T vluui touch ing said allegation nt 10 o clock, a. m. on Jan. 2 MO before the Hoglster and Keceiver at the I'nited States Land Office In The Dalles, The said contestant having, lo a proper af fidavit. Bled Dec. f. t forth facta which show that after du diligence, personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, it is here tv ordered and directed that snch notice be eiven by due and proper publication. dsjij JaVP. LUCAS, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore Kr.u si. tsflfl A sufficient contest affi davit having been Hied in this office by Ar thur P. Holmes, conu-siant, winl stead Entry No. 4N0I, made August 12, ltt, for northwest M section 24, township 2 north, range 11 east, bv Joseph Schmitt, contestee. in nhioh li Is alleeed that said Joseph Schmitt has wholly abandoned said land for more thun cii vears last mist: that he has not com plied with the homstead law since making said entry in settlement or Improvements; that the absence of said Joseph schmitt from . l. . . ... u.Aa panujl hv. his .mnlnvmpnt in the army or nival servU of the Ini ted smiH in lime of war. said nartles are herehy notified to appear, respond and offer ctrifnc. touchine said allegation at in n'oiru-k a. m. on January 13, lflOO, before Oeo. T. Prather, V. S. Commts- jw at his office at Hood River. Orego (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Jannary 17, WW uetorei tne Register and Receiver at the United (states i na rtfli.-n in The DhIUm. Oregon. The said contestant havlne, in a proper af fidavit, filed November 24, ltS-9, set forth fact which show that after due diligence, personal u,vii.n( this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be elven by aue ana pniwrpuui;. dlja JAY P. LUCAS, Regtster. ORECOM NewStore. At Priither's corner we have opened a tine line of Drew Goods, Miillinery, Stationery, School Supplies, Candies, CigarB, Groceries and Notwns. Our 5 and 10c Counters will interest you. Everything new, neat and clean. S. H. COX. Announcement. To My Friends and ratrom: I have secured the services of an expert me chanic and am ready to do all kinds of re pairing and new work at short notice, eitner by the day or by contract. I keep constantly on hand a good stock or buiiaers suppn, including shingles, finishing lumber, morn ings, lath and lime. To make room for my increasing trade I have rented two rooms on Second street and connected them with my Ouk street store, hence am better prepared than ever to please my customers, i wisn also to call attention to my stock or paints and oils, as well as my complete assortment of furniture, which I am selling at Portland prices and you save your freight. Yours Tor business, W. E. SHERRILL. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancou ver, Wash., Nov. , W, 18!H.-Notico is herehy given that the Mtow. Ing-named settlers have filed notice of the r in tention to make final proof In aupport of their cliilms,and that said proofs will be inadebehire W. B. Presbv. United Htates CoinnilssUmer for District of Washington, at his oft ice 1 Ooldendale, Washington, on Saturday, De cember 23, WOO, viz: ROBERT A. SNIDER, Homestead Entry No. ma for the southwest, quarter of southwest quarter section 2. and west nan oi nonuwrov quo, . , ' . " quarter of northwest quarter section 27, tow n- .,1.1., 3 nnrlh rnntrft 12 east. W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rcsidunce upon and cultiva- DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements, Deere Hows, Old Hickory Wagons, Loiumuus Bugfjy Co.'s Carriages, REAL ESTATE. 20 acre farm at Belmont, well 'n,Prved''l 23 acres s nines irom town, r.s nmc 20 acres 1 mile from town. West Side B0 acres near the Divers ranch - - 20 acres near Belmont church '! arc nenr H. RroWll'S " h acres valuable timber land 15 acres at Belmont 10 acres at Belmont 20 acres at Belmont Town lots, farms to exchange, etc. !... nf tiulH land, vix: Joseph Suva, jonn lmnnm, r. B. Hilton and William O'Neal, all of Lyle P. O., Wash ington. Also, ALBERT J. SNIDER, Homestead Entry No. 082S for tho west half of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 22, and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 21, township 3 north, range 12 east, W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said laud, viz: Joseph Silva, John DafTron. h. B. Hilton, William O'Neal, nil of Lyle,P.O..Washington. nl7d22 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the public that the nartnershln business of Luckc; Ollntter, known as the Mt. Ho , 750 , l.ono . COO Brahma Pullets.- Full grown Brahma Pullets; also, Chile club seed whet, for sale by , jt h. KOBKRG. THE-- 1 REGULATOR LINE." Mate.Mflifl& Astoria Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. MlFMJffisaiMlifl All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. Leave Tbe Dalles ....7.w a. m. Leave Portland T.ou A M. PASSENGER RATES. Oneway Round trip I SO Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALL A WAY, General Apent, THE DALLES. OREGON Foley A tage Com- nun.. hu.rllsiW.lved. Ai"l persons knowing themselves to he In debted to the above company will please call and settle accounts, and all persons holding bills against said company will please send In statements so that all accounts can be ad justed. All correspondence to be addressed. to J. nucaey, xxuuu M. fKKir A. N. FOLEY. E. S. OL1NOEK. Dated Hood River, Or.,Nov. 10, 1KW. ""Timber ijmd. Act June , 1878. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, Nov. 18. 1800. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June ft, IR78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," the following persons have this day filed In this office their sworn state ments, to-wtt: FRED E. SIMPSON, nf flood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. U5 for the purchase of the noith northeast M, southwest i northeast Vt and lot ft, section 7, township 2 north, range 9 east, W . M. BURT McCRORY, Of Hood River, county of Wusco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 150 for the purcbaso of the west H southeast Vt and loU 7 and 12, section 7, towDShlp 2 north, range 9 east, W.M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor IU tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims lo said lands before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the Sd day of February, 1W0. Witnesses: O. B. Hartley. W. B. MeCrory. Hul. bard Taylor. Perry MeCrory and t red Simpson, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to 111 their claims In this office on or before said Sa day of February, 1C00. .... , . n2j2fi JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Taken Up. A red heifer, 2 years old, marked in right par. Owner will please call and take tbe an imal away and pay charges.