3c3d Iiver Slacier. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2g, lSggi Christmas, the glati time for tbs little folks, and when everybody feels at peace vnth bis neighbor and the rest cf man kind, is at hand. The problem of giv ing presents, the kind most suitable for your friends, is now the leading ques tion to distract the generous minded. If your selections arg things useful you cannot go far amiss, Our home mer chants are well prepared to meet the demand fur all necessary and useful Christmas present. The Glacieii will assihtthe prudent buyer of Christmas goods by mentioning the dealers in cer tain lines of Roods. Begin with us at th ViPnrl of the businesa street. First comes the well-known house of Dallas & fpangler. Everybody who comes to town has occasion to call on Dallas, and therefore it is hardly necessary to add that all have seen that excellent cooking range that would gladden the heart of the housewife more than anything in the thane of a Christmas present. Next comes the Glacier office. Think what an acceptable present a year's subscrip tion to the home paper would be to an absent friend or relative. And before goini any further on your rounds to wok presents for your fnemH, a.-K your self if you are square with the printer If you find you are not, walk into the Ulacick office and kettle up, and we can assure you the printer will be a? thank ful to receive what is clue mm as any recipient of your most generous gifts It is well to remember that no man can consoidiitiuiisly make costly gifts if he has unpaid bills i ho would be spending money put his own. Next to the Ola CiKB oflice Is the Hood Kiver Pharmacy where you will find displayed in neat array, besides drugs, the most tempting goods for Christmas presents, such as perfumery, toilet articles, etc Next pomes the largo general merchandise stor-3 of Rand & Stewart, where you will find a big stock from which to select useful present for home or those do nervine charity. Herman Evcrharfs store conies next, with a well-assorted Btock of croceriea, from which you can select something for the Christmas din ner, Vp ctai", at the Emporium, you can secure one or two of those desirable lots in the Karrett-Sipma addition, be fore the price is advanced Jan. 1st C'has, Higgs will take"" your photo In a style that will please tjio old folks back in the ''States ' The Kacket More man don't you forget, will show you goods in his line that will prove most acceptable Christmas presents. Next iloor, Welds, the pioneer shoemaker, can fix your shoes or gum hoots so that it will not lo necessary to treat yourself to a new pair before spring. At V . E. Sher rill's you will find neat designs in furni' ture and house furnishing goods. Up stairs, Dr. C. T. Cams, the dentist, will be found ready to make that new set of V;eth promised yourself or your wife for next door, deals in watches and jewelry goods always in demand at Christmas time. Then comes the People's Store, where it wiU not be dillicult to find goods to. suit yourself or friends, The window display at the People's Store is attractive for seekers after something nice for Christmas. At the new store of g. H. Cox, presided oyer by Mrs. liar wood, you will find something to please old and voting, in the way of miHuier; dry goods, toys, notions and candies At Bone & McDonald's general merchandise store will be found a, hi stock of goods, from which can be se leoted useful and substantial present for self or friend- S. J. LaFnmce's store is well stocked with a cla&aof goods most suitftbjo far the holiday trade. Santa Claus outfits at this store in his lines of best grades of Christmas presents. A- 8. Blowers & Son, in their new brick, show their hrge stack ol goods to good advan taae. This store will catch a fair share of the holiday trade. Geo. P. Crowell genera.! merchandise store is well stock d with goods of a description that will picet the wants of those looking for bar gains in useful holiday presents. W CoVa confectionery will supply your needs in candies most delioious, hornet made and imported. At "Reciprocity Corner you can procure your Christinas turkey, which should Uo ordered in time' also, the choicest meats for Christ pias stnd other good things. Mr. Bouncy will spare no expense to make his place attractive during the holidays. lb Glacier Pha.nn.ac' eoes nesi, wlie you wit! find an excellent stock of toilet articles and other goods that are alway in demand, for Christmas presents S. F,. Bart mess, the pipiecr fiirnitu dealer, has choice articles in his Hue that will delight the most fastidious re tipient of a Christmas present. John llullt comes Ust on the list, at the end p$ you round, down ono side of the street and up the other. He is in the harness and bike repair business, in Which you might desire somhjs for ChjiutiM. it is more blessed to give haii to receive. Remember the deserv ing poor in your bcuefioence, and your reward will be in the knowledge that you have accomplished good. The Glaciks tins week contains a communication giving some pointers in the poultry business from one who is capable of giving good advice in this fine. Others are requested to write of their experiences, and the Glacier will be glad to give them, space. An inter change of opinions and experiences will be beneficial. Then? is something to be made in keeping a few hens on the farm. If you have a range of eight or ten acres 50 heas can be kept to good advantage. Fifty beus will not bring as much, income as a good cow, but they will help materially in. providing for a family, furaish.imj esgs and fowl for the table at all seasons if properly manaied. No more than 50, hens should be k,ep.' on a farm in Hood River 25 would be a better nui&her and probably more prof lt$b.te. TAere. are. times when, it bq- comes necessury to pea up the chickens to save cropa of fruit, grain and garden vegetables from their depredations. The least number of chickens you nave at this time the better, When chickens are kept for the profit there is in eggs at the market price, 50 hens are enough. If you go above this number you aie more likely to lose than rain. Those who succeed best in the poultry busi ness keen thoroughbred stock and sell etrsia only for hatching at an advanced price. Those we hear of wno nave suc ceeded in making big money off chick ens iu large numbers always live a long wav off, You never hear of any of your .eighbors getting rich in the cnienen business. Some will tell you mere is money in the chicken business they put it there themselves but have never been able to got n out. Tho Northwest Herald of Portland suspended publication last week. The proprietor announces that the paper ill resume after the hrst oi tno now year, when he will isue a daily. Over pressure of business is given as the cause of susicnsion too much prosperity something never before heard of m the istorv of journalism, tiut then a jour nal like the Herald was never before heard of. It was ably edited and gotten up In 0 stylo new to tho craft and the reading public The editor had a vo cabulary extraordinary his big words seemed to be first selected and sentences constructed to fit them, For a paper that posed as the "organ" of the dem oemtic party, the Herald could hardly be expected to make much progress t wards healing the breach in thut party by its uncalled-for abuse of Grover Cleveland, a man who, though out c: politics, is a more consistent represent ative of his party s principles than any of the so-called democrats who continue to assail him, ! L J - . Jit The Boers are proving themselves to be a brave and chivalrous people,worthy of their independence of Great Britain or any other nation that may seek to teach them how to piake laws to govern those who come among them only to gather the precious metals, The terri ble reverses suffered by tho British ar mies at the hands of the Boer forces teaches England that she has a foe more to be feared than any she lias tackled since she undertook to quell tho revolt in her thirteen colonies in America. All England is in mourning over the loss of the iluwer o.f the British army in Africa Queen Victoria, w hose voice has always been for peace, but w ho. has no voice in the diplomatic affairs of her kingdom is overwhelmed with grief for the fallen on both sides. Americans generauy . . . . I sympathize with the Boers in their des' perate struggle for the life of their re public. Our old friend, J. A. C: Brant has sold his paper, the Vancouver Colum bian, to Sam J. Miller. Joe, it is said, will retire from the newspaper business. i '.m Z.utiL w-.- UU J Jba. . lor. gent bullet in an attack on Sap Mateo last Tuesday; Von 1 try Hints, Hoon River, Or,, Pec. 10, lS09.-Ed jlor Glacieh; In. these times of the chicken craze, a few thoughts from those Who have succeeded or would like to succeed would be timely. The most im portant thing to be considered 13 suit able buildings. One needs a good, warm, dry hen house, that can be ventilated Dy letting in an we supiigni possiuie, w'ith sullioient air ta keep it fresh; with most of the windows on the south, and if they are fortunate enough to have a place protected irom tho strong west winds, also iroin tne coiu east wmas, so much the better. But if they are not tjlius situated, a couple of thicknesses of building paper in the walls is an the more necessary, A poor hen house will be a source of expense, while a good warni one will be a profitable invest pient, Without the warm dry hen house there will be no winter eggs, nor will there he early pulMs, from which we must expect to derive an income tile following winter, as layers. I believe that w ith a sufficiently w arm house there would be eggs the year round and not an over-abundance "in the spring, when eggs are cheap. If your hens lay well during winter they are ready to set early, but il they don't begin until spring it is late before any of them become broody, consequently piore late chickens, with none of them old, enough to lay before the cold weather comes on, and you w ill have another year without profit. It will take all the profit of the sumnier to winter a lot of chickens which should be triviim vou iiood returns. Neither will late-hutched roosters be large enough to supply the market until it is too late to get the fancy prices! A hen was never known to lay with a frosted comb or frozen toes, and it takes months if they ever get over it, Proper feeding is another important matter. They need, a good, warm feed in the mornings, but not enough to satify them ; then let them finish thuir , breakfast by scratching urani out ot some kind 01 litter. My warm feed is milk, with the scraps from the table 01 the day before, mixed with shorts. I also put in some fine clover, w hich the htns reli.h. At noon a small feed of wheat in the litter, and at night a good, generous feed of corn or w heut. All the good feeding du ring the cold winter months will not produce eggs if tho h&na have cold, damp, dirty, drafty building in which to roost, especially if it he a large house My advice to those who expect to go into chicken raising as a business is to be sure and have w hat buildings they provide warm and comfortable, and they will not reirret the little extra ex penso. It is very important that the poultry houses are kept clean and free from vermin. Let others give heir ideas and ex-, periences, and we will learn on what lines others have the best success. Alma Hows A Cerm'tion.. Editor Glacier: Iu the rioem en titled "Man," which you published in your last week's issue, the third line of the second verse should read, Made for this creature only," instead of "Made for the 'creature only." H, Mt. Iloqd School. The following is the report cf Mount Hood school for month ending Dec. 15, 1S'J9; Total number enrolled, 13; total nuni-. ber days' attendance, Wd: average at tendance, 10.3. Tbos neither absent nor tardy during the month are Joseph Hess and Clvde Fredenburg. Jessie; Papons, Teacher. Mr. Yt'atson Replies. Hood River. Dec. 13, 1899.-Editor .i lacier (several oi my jnnu . . . i- reed uie to reply to the viewg ot v . Tl Adams in your issue of the 12th inst. For near fifty years my acquaintance with the doctor has been ot the most genial nature. There is so much that it. commendable in our former acquaint- anee that now I am disposed to throw the mantle of charity over his age ana infirmities. In the interest of a consistent prolu- bition record, will say I have not made or caused to be made, kept or aitowcu llt keot. a txtrtiele ot wine or other nitox- icants in my ceuar Horn i vuuiiuvhou to the present, Dr, W, L. to the con trary notwithstanding. But will give r -- , I.. the doctor this benciit: My sou loin vears airo made a number of gallons ol n straw berry wine ana piaceu mo tunic m i . i a i . ....... ;. I. my cellar. The doctor passing (and at the solicitation of my wile, who was anxious to know if the same could be converted to vinenar), he was called on to sample some and give his opinion. After much Huuiphng, and with hmusua. gravity, he said (I give his own words) : "Mv opinion is that a man had better use pure alcohol rather than the adul terated liquors of the present time, as its use lias a kind ot a pickling lenuency on tho human anatomy. fvow, as there was no chaw (or this prescrip tion I have not felt at liberty to taae any advantage of it to tho preseut time. And now, doctor, be assured you taut no more pleasure 111 taking your stand with the majority in, tho wrong thun.l do by taking mv platfo with Uie minor ity 111 the right. A ten-year-old school boy ought to know that there never was a law enact ed in Maine to imprison a man for hav ing a pint or even a hundred barrels ot cider or whisky 111 Ins cellar if an im proper use was not made of it. As this is in keening with the balance of the doctor's assertions, we leave the balance to a thinking publiu and awu't the doc tor's pobt mortem of tho saloon keeper to the bull ring and operate on him Before I closo this allow mo to cum plimeut the doctor tor associating my humble name with the most distin guished names of the oentury, With malice to none and charity for all, I am now, and ever will bo, for prohibition V. iJ. Watson Two Wrecks, In the year 1891 two young men came to Dufur from Fresno, Cali in search of work. Both w-ere well dressed and bore the marks of good breading and ed ucation in their countenances, One was a skilled jeweler and had a set of jewel er's tools with him. They easily secured temporary employment, but Uie first day one was taken ill. His friend had 1,,,, iob,,n tn ut.olti.r ami l,r ur.vprnl rtuuy provided for his sick companion by sao- 1 a..:.... -:..!...... . 4 .., Tl,,.' ,!, rilicinn trinkets of his own. The sick nmn was removed to a hotel and had the best of medical skill nnq uursim;, his companion hardly leaving his eiue for necessary rest, but all to no avail tor in little over a week Ed Albaugh died in his friend's arms and lies buried in the cemetery over the hill. Pride would not allow me survivor iu nave us oeuu friend buried at the expense of strangers, so he sold his own jeweler's tools anU all personal belongings to pay expenses ot the illness and funeral. This man who showed so much nobleness of character was D. K. Carmichael, the same D. K. Cannichael w ho last week attempted to take the ?275 from the dead body ot hi mother who was drowned at the wreck of the Weeott at llumbolt Bar, Cali., and ordered her buried without expense. ill.. ..J olu,; illin Ul WC lUSt seven ye;rs in the lives o this young man and his mother, a utorv Keldom equaled in the complete ruination of a H,, i , , S . l noble man by alcohol or the devotion ol alovimr mother tor an errini;son, ihose who have watched the curiam rise ana fall on the different acts of this tragedy do not know all, but they know this j i v ,v., i ..,i , .V und family iu ebraska and hpent the nr.h u uon.iiTi irr, v nn hpr Hiran . I, last four or live years and all her fortune in thrt ellort to Rave, her bov. From the urik'Ui. uuensesa umi oj, eiKiivv;uo K, Whose good quvtuues, drunk or sober, kept friends about him, young Car michael became a "whisky fiend" whom all recognized to be beyond reformation except his mother, who nursed him out of delirium arid took him repeatedly to out of tho way daces, awav from temp tation ; at one time purchasing a liuwe ,, ' , , miiooa itiver vauey anu Keeping mm there a vear or more, llns last and fatal trin on the AVceott is Bunposod to , l . . . i . , . . - nave Deen laKen uy uns poor woman io nna a new nome lor ner lneuriate son, and when Uie vessel went to pieces on the jetty and the unfortunate woman was drowned, this wreck of a once noble manhood, who had sold his belongings to bury his friend, attempted to rob the body of his dead mother who had given up home, tortune auu me tor him at i , tenmted to take her curse, contaiiiinii hio, anu omereii ner ouuy uirowH into a box and buried without exneni-e. Una is not told as a warning to unnk? nil; men ; such tales never serve as a warning ; it is simply one of tho last ecenes in the lite ot a man who "could drink whisky or let it alone, just a, he desired, or thought he could when we nrst met him. Dutur iisiatch. It takes but a minute to overcome tick ling in the throat and to stop a couirh by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures allturnisof throat andluntrt .indluneuouWes. ilarillless and pleasant to take. It prevents consumption. A ta- mous epecilic for grippe and its after eUects, illiams &. Urosius. Mount (looil .Notes. lion. D. R, Cooper has been sick for the past levy clays, lie is attected with dysentery, . v Mrs. O. II. Rhoads is abla ta he out again. Winter has come to stay, and as usual caught most of us without our wood in the shed. Very few of us were ready lor winter. Louis F. Burkhard is siaVine cedar poets. He intends getting out about ten thousand posts tfus winter. Norman Williams went to Hood River last baturday and brought up a load of lurmture ior nimseit.. n tt tji,j i i,. , . I , , rf., . . . , " J. 11. lllloailO Httl UUI, I1UIIU1IZ 1118 uorst-s last, inurfcuav, ana navine two small tiupr,u'8 along. ;hev tracked a fine . . . . ,w - . ... bear to its den and went ija after him Jlr, Khoads had his cun with him and killed the bear. He would not take toll each tor his young Dear dogs, Every one seems to be eettinz ready ior isauta uiaus at er p.urg, Yqd & Mb, Mr- J Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., raved his child s lite dv Une ilinule Coutb Cure. 1 1nnfc l. J .: - 1 . - .1 : COkls, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lunx troubles, ReUeve at once. Williams k Brosius. A(her! Ued Letter List, Pec. IS, 1S99. Chjt.k, FH Case, C'arenee Dolph, G O. Lark, A Eankin, A W Stephenson, C T SteSauson, Henry Allison, Mrs tj Eben, Mrs C Noble, Emery Milne, A WJI. M, YA.T5S, ?-. M, jwi-iuisimogivi u tier i ptouiewuucroup Kl0.--Noiiw is hereby siven that the follow It s an infallible cure forcomrhs. ermue. inu-named settler iiaa'nled notice of his in-1 IiMd lllveMVliile Salmon Ferry. There will be three applicants before the commissioners next moiitii ior u .. "VC in.i.. aanu,n f.rr cumn,u,mvrti ...il probably grant the license to ttio, present proprietor, Clyde T. Bonney, of" Hood River. This gentleman bought out the interests oi the former ferryman and it would be no more than just to grant him the license, If other parties wish to run tho ferry, they should buy out tne nneresis oi .ur. Bonney. Goldendule Sentinel. On the courthouse bulletin board. J. E. Jneobson of U'hito Salmon, (jives notice t)iat ti,e jalUi,vrv term of the board of county commissioners he will apply for a license to maintain a terry on uie Col umbia river, running from the Rankin steamboat landing to some point near Hood Uiver. Also, at the same session, n Moore of White Salmon will apply ,or hreiuo to run a ferry irom rainier i landing to some point across the Col umbia river. Agriculturist, Jude Davennort of Mosier recently marketed It heud of 2-year-old steers that netted him f-ll" a head in Portland "Iwasncarlvdond withdvspeps'a, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. 1 used k dulDyspepsiaUire. that eurea me. it Quests wnaiyoueui.. vures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and allformsof dyspepsia. WillianistSt Brosius By order of Judge Bellinger, David Garrison was released from tail last Thursday and is now a free man. He had been scntciccd to serve 500 days. Miss Annie E.6o?ming, Tyre, Mich., Fays, I sutlerd a laug ume lroni dyspep sia; loattleshund became very weak. Ko- dol DyspepsiuCureeonipletely cured me." It digests w hat you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble, it never tans to give immediate relief in the worst cases. illiams & Brosius, The Sherman County Bank at Wasco closed its doors last week, lhe suspen sion is thought to be only temporary. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt, says, "Our babv was eovered with running sores. DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skiu diseases Beware of worthless counterfeits. Will iams & Brosius. The trial of Frank MeDaniol for the murder of Claire I' itch resulted in a verdict of manslaughter. He w ill go to prison for 15 vears, but he should be hanged. . .T.RClnrk. Peoria. Ill..savs. "Surtroons ui'uiaw .-.i, iv, jj,, jv, cured inem vuii ye wins vtiiun uazei Halve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. W ill- iums & Brosius, Folding Saw, A FoUUmk Suwinir .Miwhinc, nearly new for sale. luuull'C Hi tli UtAC'lltR OUICC, lja Ordinance No. 19. An Ordinance to Regulate the S;ilo of Spirit- l'reveiil lliu Sale Tlierouf Wilnouc iiuvlny h list ubluiiiBil u License J liereior, and U) Kepeul ah Ordinance and I'm la ol' Ol'di niiiiceii hi Conflict . Therewith. Bell oruaineU by Uie Cuiiuuun Councilor the Town ui lluod Uivki'i beulion i. linn no, I'urnoii Biiah be nerinitied to hell suirltuoiiK, .all or vmoud liquoiH vv itiiiii me orpoiaiu limit!! ot Uie limu i itoou itiver u km uuaiilitie man one (tudou without llr.sl hav- lux ublumeil a hceiiM) (roiu tna cuiuuion unncii ul Kind loun I'M- lliul uui'iKisf. .ec. 2. livery person ooiainuiK a license u sell iiritiioti, mall or vinous li(Uor snail iuiv ml, i tliu Lreiiaurv of saiu town oi ltoou itiver I no nam ol one tliouaii(l dollars iter ainiuni, and i(l Uie alne uniburilull fui' a les nerioJi l'rovmovi. uo Uetuse iiail lue tor a iHh, i.Hi-iod Lan alx nioiiina. ojc. ii. avery UeroB U)piying nir a iichbo to sell fcualiuuiia. mull anU vinous lliiuora. Ijelore securing tne nnie, niihII execute u tne i'j'jf,, ,.,t.,:i iw .-j.' a bonil I" tot. ,..ii HUM) oi out: illOUMVW uoo"", V1I11 .11 oh, id euitirieiu .uieuea. to Iw aopioveu by tlie coniinoii eoiinuil, eonUitioneU mat lie wnl a.pau onim iy nouse, ami iiiatne wiil noi oennil any unlaw ui iiitn ng or riotous eon- r l,u lll3" na tlllll ,ie wil notonen or yeniut ,o be o,eueU ma place oi U! ll,l!i""i'l'i """r" ""?"1 M 2v'o r ,! unit live o'eloeK a. w. at any lime: Hial lie Ul UV Kive, wu or tuuiny puuuoua, ina.i or vluoua liuuijia to uiiaurs or habitual '.., ,, ,'. i,.,.nv , ,., ,,ni, .u,. m a unmkcu or iiiioxu-Hteu eondiiion, ami tnui he Will Umlni; Kit term sul.i licenaeco-'jpiy it.vplii war,iiHiinir or uir...ftiiu toe truilii: in or Uuiiuling oi pt, luu.ua, malt or .lie person obialning suuh Ikenaa of uu.v oi tne eonulitons o, bui'l bond. u,c mayor snail liuiiivuiulely eoiniiicnce u proceeding in tne recoruer's court upoii aald bond to recover Uie penalty tlieieiu proviitcd. And II Judgment Miuii be recovered In aaiii ucuon iigaliial slum boiiuainen, the reconier aliall, ea a pari oi aiwi J"""--"1! cultl ui sue llceiiku. iSl(!- 4 lual Boy perioa Wishlag to sell Miirhuoua. malt or vinous liquor before ob. kilning a license ti .Hereinafter provided, (snall.a Kuall, at lna own trouble and expenae, ob,aiii tne Mimulurni of an actual majority ol Lie M lioie number of lig.il volei s iu siild 'I'cvu o Hood Iviver Ui a pitition to tne uoiumou ouni ll of .mid town praying Unit bald lieeuae be granted: ami no applicant auau ue ueeiucu lo liuvea umiinity nf Ilia legal oters ol aaiu town whom.' piliiioa doea not contain tne names of a number ol leal voter of Bald town equal to a ui.ijority of u the voles caul In said imvu at Uie i.i.-t preceiin cityeloe- liou, and Krenier man uie wuoie numocroi uauie ol Iceal voleis ol said town wuieii may ....... ,...'r ,: ...... ou..,.,-, aiuiuniK oi sueu license. hee. 6. lliatwoen Uie sienntures of an act ual majority of tlie whole number of lejjul volets have been oblulned, as piotided In Hie last uivo.-d.oj teotioii. tlie applieam shall, ai Ills ow n exi ense, cause tne said petition to be iiiilillslied In a weekly newsoiiner of ceuciul circiila ion in said 'town of ln,d Kner, In two consecutive editions ot suld newspaper. to,.fa: litr Willi notice of tlie lime when he wul anolv lo the common council mr su h license. 'liie publication oi the petition and notice herein piuvtiteu for siiull tM proved bjr Vie tittidavit of the editor or publisher of the paper 111 w mcii the putincalion was mane. See. . On the aoplicant prodlicintr to tlie cominon couiicil loe iteeipi of n.e treasurer heieinbefoio prescribed, and proof oj com of said town for laa oaymem ot iue sum pliauce witti all tne preceding provisions of tnls ordinance, tne c.uiiicit may Klve him a I license tor tde term his receipt may call ior. See. 7. 11' an ? oersoti or persons snail bai ler, sell or in uu.v manner dispose of any sptntr iiovis, nmlt or vinous liquors w iimn we ior Doiaie limits of nud 'iown w llood Klver w llhoof Ilrst tiavlh-obiained a license there- I lor as provided in tins ordinance, ncu peison shall be deemed gulily of a hitsumieaiior, anil uuon conviction thereof snail be rtned not less than twin Imudred dollars nor more than tour hundred dollars, tiec. S. TliaLif i.nv nersoii hitvine obtained a license to sell tpiriluou.s. M'alt n vinous lKjuorstts In this oidiuance provided, siiull i;iveor sell anv such liouor to any woman or ulrl or to hiiv minor, or shall permit any woman or Kin or any male minor to fieuuent in o, uusiiivnn, v,J. b.--. "- . waiter, waitress. dancer, siiiior, actor or. musician or nioslctio, or Khali eiv& or sell any such liquor io an habitual di unl;ard, or to a person at tuo time in a uruuitvu or intox icated eondiiion, such person small b" deemed rriilnv oi a misileoiennor. and uisin conviction tuereof shall he ftued ti'oi less than ten nor more man llly dollars. Ann u any person shall Uecouikied of nnY onene unoer me shall Uecouiicied of any on.ene unoer i. . ., tl... ro,.,..,o.r whul I h, i.mmni mis secii.'"', ... ....... . enter up. to a nartof suitt JudKineiitoi con- yh-uon, n oruer forleunig such jjerson I lion,. Sec . All ordinances find parts of or dinances in connicA, -herewith are hereby lepea.ed. Approved December I. ,,. ifayor of Hood. Klver, ureon. jvi'-esi: j. H. JvtCKEIFW, Heeoruer of Hie Town of Hood River. NOTICE FOH rCBLICATIO: I l.at tenttou to make final proof in support of Ins VAVV "Jii1'." .ll,-.l",,l"tfet, I gon, our rioay. t ebruary a, w v v THOMAS Li KOBfcKTS, Of Hood Elver, Ore., H. for the lots; aiid 2. soulneaat i. noriheast W and northeast yA otuneisi section D, wwusuijii uunu. raiifc-e 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove in coiiimiioua residence ujuo auu euitiva tion id. said Inllil. viz- Hbert 11. Kemo. o nod River, Or Frank ( MuUiain, Tne Dalles, nr.; ttalpli Shelley, iH.KKl Klver. Dr.: tdwm 11. ilerrit i'ue Liail.-s, Or. Removed We are now located in our ne store, and while we do not claim to have the only good stock in town, WE ARE PREPARED TO MEET ALE COMPETITION. We have paid cash for every bill of merchandise that wo have bought for the last ten years and believe we can bay as cheap as any other concern in tho state, Call and see us; if we cannot suit you do not buy. We are hero to do business and are doing some. A. S. BLOWERS & SON. HSil '--til a a,:rCL Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries. Here are some weoi yon will find hard to duplicate: Western Refined Sugar, per sack $5 25 Fresh Sugar-cured Hams, per pound , . . 13o Breakfast Bacon, per pound 13c Jumbo Mush, 2J4 pound package l"c Fresh Creamery Butter, per roll , .' 65o Other prices in proportion. Onr terms are CASH and it is BUSINESS we are after.'0j Phone St, ; '' " "" Free delivery. CLYDE T, 'BONNEY, Proprietor, 0U8 Are the Order of tlio Bay. To make good Mince Pies, buy your Minco Meat at Evcrhart's Store. At the same store you will find in stock the BFST QUALITY of Chow Chow, Sweet or Sour Pickle Dined Peaches and Pears, Good Value in Exchange for Your Money. HERMAN EVERHART. Rand & Stewart, Have cut prices again on DRY GOODS, to secure space for new stoek. Have flashed prices on Fancy Goods and Ribbons, for same reason. Have ruined prices on BOOTS AND SHOi-.S to close out broken Unos. The largt st and most upM,&4ate stock ever s?en here is now being made for us. Have decided to close out CLOTHING ,15 suits now ,9.05, Have tiow on sale a GROCERY stock which laeks nothing. Have opened a Flour, Feed and Produce department at startling prices, ' Have completely reorganized HARDWARE. You caa jet what you. want. Have put in line Staves and. House burnishing, at old pr'ees. Have made prices to close out Jewelry, Harness ajid other odd lines. Have put ourselves in nhape to moe-t any competition, furnish yon with the best of everything, and deliver promptly iu any part of the city, FREE. Have deserved your patronage. RAND & STEWART. LEAVE ORDERS FOR With F. E4 JACKSON. FORT BROS, have over One Million feet of good Dry Lumber at Haynea' Spur, Tbe liext retiulU you niBst use the liest malerials. Tke HOOD. RIVER J'HARMACY continues tu Uf up tm date hi everythiug in the Drug line. Prescriptions a Specialty. Spraying materials warranted the pore "tufT. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. Hoed River's Leading Business House. Breakfast Bacon and Sugar-Cured Hams. SPECIALS for tin's He and the DAVJ3N- LIST OF LANDS for Bale AT i THE EMPORIUM. i ,ipop hliwrk n inrKimr", omy i". lleautlliil view, lot l:l by IM fret. I o u r i.,rn w i'ipo.i:. in, i a., n. iu K.,'nniiiiproveil; 8M. ) . John Kliinm fur in. In lot from 6 to 21) ncres. and iroin m io vrj ptr Kir. ,u c-uny. 4 S.K l"fl.82.T.8N..K.I0E.broolyT00. Home liiiproveiiienu; IM urrv. ) k a iy nt a -V U of W. i H. 12. T.2 N..R. 10 E.;'20 acres; wmiu luiprovcuients. TtW. 0. N. K of N. W. Vt, S. W. Va "t N. W.'. nt N V. W -f . W. . 8, T. 2 W K.; Ul) aeies, S CO. I 7. Harii'tl-Klpinn AilJIllon; JlOpertot; ler tnlr down and the dollars er iiiuiiin; no merest. . r a l...a TT tf.ttrnra Jt-npptf, TIAloPKtfnri Krankliin: a I cottage und bum; uprliig water. I'rieei-.w. o Tl, hl Kiurrra Mill nropcrty M Frank. ion. Willi I'hIIm and water power bu I'lielps creek. J'rlteieO. 10. The lr. Pnrrett Improved PrAlt Farm, 4 on I Ii wesi of lloou liivcr. iuuiii'B . aire. in ciililvntlom-KJ acres In fruit: line Hprlim; fto inclieH IrriKiitlng wuter. 1'rUc i,W0; will he Hold Iu parcels. II, raocreoo'i Hood rlvrr. hiuHHlde,Zmllea 0 gallon pruiK. Only gl.luO. 12 The I. NefT Home; if) acren on Hnod rlv. : i in cs: aood wniur; ineui.v in null: a lieautiriil home. TrlcoSl.-mO. Ten ucren aud house lor it .50. lt'Chmt W.rilhner llomestend. t Gilmer. WhkIi.; liiO acres; tiiif saw limber; good noil; well watered, only oOU: a rare bargain. U. The Wpldnor llomeslwid, ll'Oaerca, near Mosier: 30 acres cleared: 2 spl ines; 4l fruit irecsjtrood liiiprovemeiits. Only 1,010. I.",. The W. II. Clslion Homo 111 Hood Ulvcr. lion loliood ltivii;n picliy home. OnlySl.luO. Mu.,.l I .1 I.. I . m.tfl I W't,i.fi,iiu nihil I,.,. ,t,r ni "H tl. ,,, v" v , , .... 4. ill I Invest of Hood Itiver. Only lii. II VI ..n nlunnull ., A In nl.v.,tp U. n. 1'. The lliiiiflieiry homo. 1)4 miles wmth, west ol low n: 10 aereii. KverylliliiK iiiinplelu and liaii(ly;KHd iruit, 1,'oou wider, uulj HI 'Mt IS. The :liester Wt,ld home. In tliehllls.oiie mile east ol lown: a pretty home; good fruit and water; 40 ucres. Only l,lt0. in TI.a lliirirni' IVnmr Mfl ni.re rnll pnrin lie of Uie la st In the valb y All till niture. ill' ill i.upieini'iiis anil ll'H A Kti nuu 11,1,,:. -Soil, wilier, I' utt and iinptoveiiieiils Ilrsl class, n ice M.UUt. It.). The Dr. Morgan house and lot In Hood uiver; new barn, i nly bto. 21. The Frank I'hiindhT Improved fruit nut iiain luriir. H Helen: 4,i in iuIHvhiioii: i.iou OciiriiiK npple trees; In rat house and burn; lino .later and pleniv ot it; noiise anu Hum iur mslicd. I'l lee 4S,00); tei ins easy. 22. The .1. Wicklinm farm, , inllessoutliwest. if town: si) acres: eood hiiiiilliiesiiuu Improve. incuts; sprin-; wider and 60 inchi' lice loi lr r't-'U. iiiK, I'l Ice tl,,0U. 21. r'orlv a'-rt. .t e eiireit; iiorth f ytmnir '.u'linril and easl of ( 'nsln 's; .,11' Levi Munioo lariii. A .vo. 1 laud. Only $'ai. 2i. The Ilusklrk id ice, ) mile west of (own; 4 acres; kooJ sprhiK inner; uood ori liiiid; new Irnn.e iiuii.uiiirs. uniy itnoii, one-iniru cam. I bnl.uice at il is-r cent per aiiuuiii. Vt. The Kliieison luiiin slearl, only one niiki east of town; line iunee; l,ji.0. 27. The Swan hoines'eiid tit White Knlmon. only 2,iAMJ: will be sol i in npar.ue lorlles. 2S. Tlie Herier pluee. U0 acres; 40 ucren denied; HI Hi res Kiubhcd; (ret wat'-r. 2,00 null ea:i; .v sh,i (hiii. The ilordon t'nili Karm. 20 aen s y., miles nest ol town, tl.ldi; ami nhe coUiiue nint lot In Hood Klver, only 00, The Unint Kvuns home, lot 5, block 4, Hood Itiver, ihOO. V. n Terms arcv ruse nn nil tlie ntiovc. 1 lands, Willi InU iest at ii pei; vein. 1 pikoiis d. I slrinir local Inns m liomesteiids and tuiiuer eliiims should itp.ply at Tlie Kuiporium, tlSf Kip your rjir. on (he JUu rtlt- Atjjiita Addition .$3 NO TICK 1'OK .'C15LICATION. Land Offlw at The Hnlles, Oregon, lice. (I. IHti. Xotice Is lii-reliy iriicii UuvV llie tollow-. in-nnmed settler lias Uleu liotlou oi Ins in-, tenllon to nuilir ti mil proof id support of liU In lm. and I lint sunt proor win ie niiule beioro (lie liivisu r and Un eiverut The 1 mill's. Ore-. gon, on, Hal niMuy. Junuai y it', lliOO. viz,; 1'ltANKUX li. Sl UAltT, (If Mosier, 0ri;i.l, 11. K. No. 428:1, for the, lUlluust section 4, tow usliip 2 north, raueo II east, W. M. He names the foUowinii witnesses to nrova Ills continuous re-idence upon and cnlvlvu lion of snUI Uuul, i la; r. s,teiiiaii, i.ucie i, r.iexnnucr, trianea Wells and f. ISullziiian, ull of liuod Klver. Urevou. UKJU JAV I. LUCAS, HegUter, CONTEST NOTICE. tj. S. Land Office. Tlie Dalle". Oreirnn. Nov. l.M,-A KUtlleient conlCKl iilfldavlt liuvlt'B been nied in mis otin e by t h.. r lelds, con-, leslaiil, titfiil iiht. Iionientead J lr No. b'M made Nov. Ul, Innf, ior lots 8 ud 4 and the- simlh Vj huUiv.rsI U si'Clluu & lowimlilp 1 north, iaue 11 east, iy ltoiH.it w. Mitchell. coiilcftee, in which It la aliened that wild -ik tryman. Kohert V. .Mtlctiell, Iimh wholly abandoned hiiUI tinct and changed his resi dence thereirom lor more than six molitlia. since ninklMt said eulyy aud uext (M;lor lo. date of I tils contest, and Hint fiiid tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party nn required by law, said pintles ar- hereby notu tied to appear, respond and otter evidenift toucliimr suld alUi'iiilon at :o o'clock a. in. on Hee. 21 tsuu. beiore the Kenlswr anil Hecehet at the U. . Land I ifrice I The fMa.Oreuon. 1 he said contestant havimr. In a oroiaTaf. fldavit, tiled Nov. 2, ISKi, set fortli racts which show that alter due diligence, pei-soiial ser vice or mis nonce can not im madcj ii is here-, by ordered ami direct, d that such notice bo given .v due and pioper puhikatlon. niiUSZ J AX I'. I.UUA, Kejister. CONTEST NOTICE. U. Lnnd fMTice. The Dalles. Oretron. Nov. H, ItSHfc A H'.itficli'iil contest art'ldavit havihK been filed In this oll'ce by Warren Cooper. contestant, uguinst Homestead Kutry Nos VM), made Oetolwr !, Wi, for nonli norh easl and Mortii mirthwi-wt y, sot Ion XI, loivnsmp , ma in, ranue iu east, oy Tno,v A. t onner, eontestiv. In whic I II. is alleged, thai Thomas A. Conner has wholly nbainlm. Ied said tract ami Changed Ills rest ience there tvoni I'm more than six mouths sjilce making said entry and uextprioji to dale of eoiyVsl, ash iuh uiwemiani uiu not leave uruMD.v dona renwu-e lhereiii hi enter Hie nillllarv. or naval service of the United suites In time of w ar. sfekhl parties. are hereby notirted to nonpar. t,-isiHkd and oBi-r .yidence toiichinir said U ieKulwi at IU o'clock a. vu. on Dec. SO, l8i, be-, fore tin Kenlsu-r and Itewiver at (he U. ' uind ViSut In lhe Dalles, Orce i f ie said contestant having. Iu a imirwr nf fldavit tiled Nov. 11. ISMi. forih fuels whli h, show that after due diligence, personal service o tW noil, e ciwi, u ik Mnle, Il Is hereby ordered and dir cted Htat suelt Dutice be Iflven. tlue-a,!! Driller publication. '"" j. i . LttAS, uegister. ITlmber tandk Act June 8, !78. NOiUIK FUU FUBUCATION. United State Laud utOc The IWIes, Ore. koi., Nov. li, lhW.-v.oiic Is liei-ektv given that tn ooinpUaoce with the provisions of the wt(tconKr.s.t iS Juk) it entitled "An act r the sale of tiuibr tuuu l the Bii),tesof Califoo-iila, oregott, Nevart wul Wajthltttitoa lerrituij' MABEi, RKADtEY, Of Hood Rive , tounXy of Wasex state of l)e gon, has this day tiled In thisotlU-enerswi.ro statement. No. 141. for the purchase of lb north southeast and norlli U soulbmesl f section No. , la fciwsgjblp No. k Biilb. range No. fceast, W. it., frnd wlVoir ui.oirft4 sliom ihal the land w.uxlil w nun valnabl. jr its timber or stone than R rleullural turposes, and to eslabtlsli bet nmnu to-said iud Wf.re lhe Ucgisie aud Keeelver of thin ottice at The Dnlles,irei;ou,uu Saturday, the rtn day of Jtan4Hy, Ijjoa Hhe uaoieas witaeses: W. R. Wlnans, D. Bradley, J. U Heudersoa and Hrry Wyatt. U of Houd Klver, Oregon. Any and all peson claiming adversely th oove-des-rila. lands re reiuested Ui rile. tbeU claims la, Uiu utttce on oi belore said i. Ui day of Juiuarv, I'M! al il3 JAV P, kUXiVS, Kegister. Wanted to Trade. A fiirmerdeHlre to trade d wneon .( good cow. Innnire at lb e, lacier oUi.ce.. ,