The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 08, 1899, Image 3

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    3(ood Iiver Slaciei
88 tlic cheapest, at
Bamboo furniture ut Burtinc;'.
Little Annie C'onlt s in quite Hick.
The ('lurk place in for sale. Fee C. J
KockcrH, clieap
liurtmi.'HH .
Have you Hoen Hardness' iini!
oak writing d(!Hkn.
See those, finu golibn onk XmaH
rockerM at HurtiuiW.
Exceptionally low prices on carpet fit
BartniebH' furniture Htore.
DulIuH & Hpnnulcr have hud the Htrtet
gmveled in front of their store.
A few full blood Plymouth Rock
roitrn for ulo by 1. (i. Hill.
Old paper for wile at the Glacier
cilice for two bits u hundred.
D. Bradley ha organized a lodge of
the order of Pernio in .Stevenson.
Money to loan on real CKtate by
JoHX L. IIkNUHHSON, fttft.
Mis Loilie Trmpleton diel recently
at Los Angeles, California, of conxunin".
The Frankton literary meetB at the
6elooI house Friday evening of each
wock. .
G.' R. Castner nearly eevered Lin left
thumb while (splitting wood with an ax
on Monday.'
Win. Havnes. after wrcstlina with
chicken po t for a week, w out ngi
the streets.
Prof. Duut. the (skilled optician from
Tho Dallee, was in Hood Biver last Fri
day and Saturday.
Lands bought, Hold and exchanged at
Emporium. Keep your eye on the Eiu
Iorium ad, 2d page of Glacier.
Note the O. It. & N. change of time
table. The first train from Portland
now passes Hood River at 0:17 in the
A fine lino of fancy candies for the
liolMuys can be found at VY. B. dole's
coiu'ectionary home-made and im
ported. Dr. F. C. Broaius has returned and
can ba found in his oilice over Williams
& BrosiuM1 drug store, between the hours
of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and (i-7 p. m.
S. J. Ln Franco has the most complete
line of Chrihtnma goods ever brought to
Hood River. Persons buying early will
have a greater variety to select from.
Tom WickenH has rented his farm to
Jocob WagonbUiHt. Tom think of buy
ing a lot in town and building upon it,
where he will make a home for himseli
and mother.
V. E. George has taken a contract
from J. L. HeiiderKon to open D Mree.t,
running houUi from tlx; M. E. church to
tjie Barrett-Sipma addition. He com
menced work on Wednesday.
The U. B. parsonage will be improved
by having porches built in the front and
rear. uev. Jr.. r.. nx mi Mmnm-i-ici
to do tho carpenter work and the Umt
Lake Lumber Co. donated the lumber.
Winaim Bros, received an engine and
boiler from Portland on Monday which
they will use on Hood river to draw Iurs
from the bluff to the water. They also
received 500 feet of cable that will be
used in thid service.
Mrs. Wm. Thompson was called to
Goldendale last week by the serious ill
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Inez Hodson.
Little . Murl accompanied her. Mrs.
Hudson, it is feared, ia iu the runt stages
of consumption.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bono went to Port
land on Monday. Mr. Bone was on his
way to Monmouth, where he has a suit
iu court against Jas. Ilamia. S. 11. Cox
was unpenned as a witness and ulto
utarted on Monday for Monmouth.
'Geo. Knapp came up from Stevenson
on the boat Monday. He says the east
wind was blowing a gale at Stevenson
when ha left. R.'O. Evans is running a
racket store at that place and doing
well. Mr. Knapp says he keeps no fire
in his store and has no room for loafers.
. n If. Howell is at work for the
Nicolai-Cumercn mill company in build
ini7 their taw mill four miles below
n n. He suvs the late rains made the
work very disagreeable, but the mill is
now nearly inclosed and the roughest
part of the job is over with.
Davenport Bros, have moved their big
aw miil from the Parker place to four
miles below. The frame for the new
building is up and the roof on, and all
the machinery ia in place except the
boiler. The mill will be running within
ten days, employing about 40 men in the
timber at the nail.
F. H. Blag? is canvassing for the sale
of an excellent book for young folks.
It is "The Twentieth Century Speaker,"
450 pages, handsomly illustrated, and
containing gems from the writings of
eminent authors. It will be n great
help to school pupils and others who
wish to take part in debates and public
A letter from Alvin, Texas, to H. C.
TUtehnm sneaks of ripe strawberries
Iw 1st The writer further says, in
speaking of strawberry plants received
from Columbia Nursery; "We are set
ting the Hood River today. Many of
these plants have the finest root system
I ever saw on a young strawberry plant,
and I have handled over half a million.'
A young man named Snipes of Tl e
Dalles got off the west bound train last
Wednesday evening. He was armed
with a shot gun and said be was looking
for two men who had entered his house
and robbed it of a valuable shot gun and
other articles. He seemed to think the
pniltv nnrtieu were about the Hood
River station, and as he was handling his
pun in a nervous manner in me crou,
Marshal Olineer took it from him and
placed it in the Mt. Hood hotel. Snipes
failed to locate the robbers here.
inhn F.lHu Into a soldier in the Sec
ond California regiment, passed through
Hood River during the weeK on ins wa
east of the mountains. He is a printer,
on foot, without a cent. He was with
his regiment in all its hard battles and
mare lies in the Philippines. He served
as bugler in the Seventh cavalry during
the Indian war under General Custer.
li V.ltiti mid lie has had enough sol
diering hut 'doesn't know but that ho '
would be better off if he had stayed in
the Philippines; it was letter than
tramping through Webfoot at this time
of year.
Thanksgiving day in Hood River was
generally observed' as suggested in the
president's proclamation. Business
houses were closed, and the union ser
vices held at the V. B. church were well
attended. Rev. Frank Spaulding
f reached an able sermon, and Rev. J.L.
lerehiwr and Rev. H. K. Benson as
Hinted bv the former offering prayer and
the latter reading the president s
thanksgiving proclamation. In the
evening, at the voting folk entertain
ment for the benefit of the U. B. Christ
ian Endeavor fund, a good programme
was well rendered to a full house and
appreciative audience. The U. B. s
never fail to have good entertainments.
The receipt of the evening amounted to
G. 1). Wood worth has the model farm !
in the valley. His ncres at Belmont
have lieeii improved and lieuutirlod to
such a degree that it is without doubt
the most desirable place in the valley.
For nearly the whole length of his east
line he has a stone wall. His orchards
contain, besides apples ami other fruits,
nearly 2,(100 cherry trees. His residence
and barns are built on the most im
proved plans, with a view to convenience
as well as architectural beauty, lie has
a well eipiipjied blucksmith shop and
does his own blacksinithing. A frost
proof root house is half tilled with as
line potatoes as any produced in the
valley. Carriage Iioumcs and sheds pro
tect his vehicles and farming machinery.
Mr. Wood worth recently bought a spring
on Cieo, Rich's place, which he walled
up with concrete and pipe the water to
his place, and which gives him a tine
head of water in his residence and barns.
This water privilege alone is worth more
than f 1,000. lie hiis ditched and drain
ed his land, ami by this menus has se
cured u running stream of water all the
tear that will go towards irrigating the
lower part of his place. Everything on
(lie place is kept in good shape, and the
proprietor may well be proud of his
Little Edna liurke had a narrow es
cape from being seriously burned on
Thanksgiving morning. She was play
ing with some children iii her uncle
Dallas store, when she hacked np
miainst the hot stove and her dress tot
tire. She ran screaming to her mother
in the back part of the house, and Mrs
Burke, in her friiiht, attempted to ex
tinguish the flames with her hand
Mr. Soanifler came to her assistance and
with more presence of mind picked up a
irunnv tack and smothered the hre. Lit
tle Edna's back hair was burned off, but
otherwise she escaped. Her mother's
hands were burned but not seriously
The child continued to sob and cry after
the fire was put out, and her mother, In
ulteiiiptiiisi to nuiet her, said she would
get her a new dress in place of the one
destroyed. "Yes.and a new apron, too,"
added" Edna. The promise of a new
dress and apron quieted her.
A pleasant surprise party was given
Grandma Harvey at her home on Friday
evening, December 1st. The occasion
being Grandma's 73d birthday and also
the 50th anniversary of her marriage.
Grandma is hale and hearty and says
she feels as young as she did when she
was sixteen. The evening was spent in
playing games and pulling taffy, after
wards adjourning to the home of VY. B.
McGuire and enjoyed a pleasant hour
listening to music. Those present were:
Mrs. Julia Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
McGuire, Lilian Shute, Carrie Shute,
Miss Hall, Chester Shute, Bert Rand,
Edgar Stevens, David Fleming.
W. P. Watsou brought to the Glacikr
i flice last week three pears picked from
the tree, a nolato vine a foot high, show
ina no sitni of the effect of frost, and
with new notatoes formed; mustard tops
in bloom; an apple tree branch that
had bloomed and on which perfect ap
ples had formed; and an apple branch
with green aphis at work the same as
thev mi'-iht be in Mav. This might be
considered a remarkable showing for
December in some of the blizzard
stricken states east of us, but in Oregon
it will hardly receive a passing notice
Blowers & Son are moving into their
new brick building, which has been
finished in excellent style throughout,
The eiiroenters, L. D. lioyed and S. W
Arnold, have completed the counters
and shelving, the painting and graining
of which was dune by Lane the artist,
and is an artistic piece of work. The
new store will be running full blast on
.Saturday, when .of course ; every body
who conies to town will want to set; the
store on its opening day.
At the last meeting of the directors of
the Valley Improvement company an
agreement was reached that no water
would hj sold for the season of l'JOO for
less than 5 per inch at the main ditch.
A form of order blank was decided on
for the use of customers the coming sea
son, which wtll le supplied to all old
customers by mail. The blanks can also
he had on application to the secretary,
II. 11. Bailey.
A few young folks gathered at the
home of Miss Hall Tuesday evening and
spent a pleasant evening playing games.
An elegant lunch was served at 10
o'clock, after which the young folks ad
journed to their homes. The following
were present: Mrs. nan, juisses uau,
Carrie Shute, Snsa Hall, Clara hrwin.
Messrs. Ernest Hall, Kodnev Han, l.eri.
Rand, Howell Metcalf, David Fleming,
Chester Shute.
An entertainment will be given by the
pupils of the Barrett school on Friday
evening Dec. 15th. A programme con
sisting of songs, recitations and the
temperance drama "The Last Loaf" will
be rendered. The Hood River Cornet
Eland will furnish music. Admission 10
and 20 cents. Proceeds to go to library
fund of the school.
Fnwik Gregory arrived home on Sun
day from Sherman county, where he
has been baling hay. He has purchased
the Davenport and' Boorrmai hay press
and will run it nest season. He leit, the
press at Grass Valley under shed. Mrs.
Gregory visited Mrs! Jas. Hong at Wasco
while her husband was engaged baling
hay. .
The Indies of the M. E. church will
hold a sale of aprons, cushions, etc., at the
h imiof Mrs. X. J. Mjrcer on the 15th
and liith. Light refreshments will be
served in the morning and afternoon,
aim dinner in the evening. Price 25c
(or adults, 15c for children. Come one,
come all, bring your money and leave it.
A petition has been drawn up asking
for the continuance of the free postal
HMiverv in Hood River valley. All those
who are accommodated by this free mail
service are requested to sign uie peti
tion, which will b3 in the hands of the
mail carrier on the first of next week.
Mrs. Lester died, Wednesday evening,
nt thp residence of her son-in-law, Mr.
Martin, in Crapper district. Deceased
u as n resident of Crook county and was
h.-re on a visit. Her age was 72. The
date ipf the funeral has not yet been set.
8 .r Lit France has a display of holiday
goods that is a pleasure to look at. His
store is always neat and his goods of the
best, and if vou wish to make a vaiuaDie
nnwit vnii will make no mistake in
looking over his well selected stock.
Kenw frosts occured in Hood River
rm the mornings 'of Dec. 2d and 2d
Dec. 4th a light sprinkle ot snow leu in
un avu the surrounding hills were
,,l!ta The wind changed to the west,
and since Tuesday warm showers have
Henry Maeumber, wife and three
children, arrived here last Friday from
in'huvler county, Mo. Mr. Macumher
is an"aequaintanee of II. Pugh, for whom
he at one time worked in Missouri.
ti. number of votes cast at the elec-
A Thanksgiving picnic was held at T.
Cunning's last Thursday, at which
the following familiei were present:
B. F. Shoemaker, J. H. Shoemaker, Mm.
Sturteviint, Chijs. Chandler, II. L. Crap
per, C. E. Marklmm and J. L. Blount.
In all, 2S persons were seated at two
tables in the enlarged dining room, and
though there was some difference, polit
ically, the dinner made them all expan
sionists. An interesting programme was
rendered, and though the rain seemed to
make the day dreary in appearance yet
all seemed to enjoy themselves and
wished it longer. Dr. and Mrs. Barrett
sent their compliments with llowers and
The Ladies aid society of the Congre
gational church will meet with Mrs.
M. I'. Shaw today (I riday) at 2 p. in.
Fast Hood River.
Money for a new bell is the absorbing
topic .in t ine lirove school just now.
An entertainment and basket social will
be given at tho school house, Friday
evening, Dec. 15th, for the benefit of the
Mrg. G. D. Boardman started last Fri
day for ios Gatos, California, where her
mother resides, r.eing lit poor heaiti
she hopes to be benefitted by the change
and may decide to remain away until
Our new road leading out from town
is in such bad condition that the super
visor has closed it for the winter. The
trouble lies in the earth grade at a point
about half way up the hill. JJeing nar
row and soft it has given way under the
weight of trullic and will not be easy to
repair during the rainy season.
Robert Roliertson had tho misfortune
to lose one of his valuable draft horses
last week. By some means, while in
the corral, it threw itself heavily, re
ceiving internal injuries which proved
Daily mad was not the least ot our
reasons for feeling thankful on Thanks
giving day and many other days also
There is a crv Irom some quarters, most
lv disretiutable. "why this waste?" but
our good Uncle Samuel does not intend
that "The Man With the Hoe'' snail
ever become native to tins iann oi
sovereign people. W e believe that the
day is coming when tho system will not
only be made far more complete iu our
own valley but also be extended to every
farming community in the land. On
Nov. 1st, the service was in operation
over 3H3 routes in 40 states; many routes
already paying for themselves. I nele
Sam is wide awake in this matter ana is
determined that the farmer shall not he
obliged to travel miles after his mail
while the city man within a block oi tne
post ollico is supplied at his door.
France started free delivery 70 years ago,
England 50 years ago. The same sys
tem also extends over Germany, Aus
tria, Switzerland and Belgium. Are the
farmers of these United States less de
serving thanthoso of European coun
tries? We were in error last week in regard
to Mr. Shelley's whereabouts, lie and
daughter Pauline spent some time trav
eling in the Willamette valley and then
on to California. They encountered
severe weather in crossing the mount
ains into that state. They traveled by
wagon as far as Highland Springs, Lake
county, and there located. It is a fam
ous health resort. Mr. Shelley is very
much improved and will probably re
main in California all winter. Pauline
was iu Sail Francisco a few days, but
will shortly return to the Highlands.
. Miss Marguerite Shelley has finished
her school and returned home.
A Thanksgiving social was held at the
residence of Rev. Troy Shelley on tho
evening of Unit day. A prize was offer
ed to those present for the best written
plan for spending an evening for recre
ation. Plans to be deposited in -Mr
Shellev's mail box under a worn d
plume by next Thursday.
A box social will be held at Pine Grove
school house on Friday evening, Dec.
15th, to raise money to secure a bell for
the new school buiiding.
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Judge and Mrs. Gjo. T.
Prather on Thanksgiving evening, Nov.
30, 1899. Frank L. Davidson and Miss
Nellie Reynolds were the contracting
parties, and the ceremony i as performed
by Rev. E. E.I ix.
The Fall Milliiu-ry season is advancing, and we offer entire
stock of Hats at reduced prices.
If you waitU a trimmed Hat, borne early, before stock is
broken; if you want a new or old Hat trimmed to order, we
promise promptness and satisfaction; or if vou wish to trim your
own Hat, we have the trimmings for you at reasonable prices.
We have a full line of GUM ami FELT BOOTS for men
and hoys.
Ladies, misses and child reus' Gum Boots and Rubbers at
prices as lnw as hew first quality rubber goods-euu be uld.
Affenta for the Royal Tailors. They Have Clothed Over Six
Kchoul Report.
The following 'named pupils of the
Hood River public schools' were neither
absent nor tardy during tht month end
ing Dec. 1st : ' . ' J
Principal 's Heparins nt Loova Welds,
Vera Jackson, Clinton Parsons, Laura
Cramer, . Amy Angell, j Carrio Copple
Gladvs Hartley, I'has.: Tostevin, Belle
Howell, Pearl ('ox, Albert llalverson.
Fourth Department Chas. Shute,
Ilarvev Rami, Willie Fobs, George Howe,
Herbert Wharton, Neil Evans, llernie
Rand. Harrold llerslmer, Joy Russell,
Walter Howell, Melvin Coon, Harry
Brown, Pamy Baker, Marjorie Raker,
Delia Doling, Maud Parson:, Ethel
Mooiiev, Grace Prather, Ruie Blagg,
Laura 'Met calf, Amy Sluhr, Stetta Stnlir,
Margaret l'redein, Clura Fredein, Edna
Morrison, Jessie Roger, Daisy Camp
bell, Blanche Blowers. - -
Third Department Georgia rratlior,
Ethel Cox, Florence Cox, Myrtle Jones,
Earl Blagg, Dolly Welds, U-ila llersh-
ner, Walter rarsoils, Lester loss, 1.1
wood Lackey, Harr? l'redein, Sylvia
Russell, Frank Gee,' '-Maynard Cole,
Mary La France.
Second Department - Mav Mooney,
Clinton Mooiiev, Clifford Sluhr, Anna
McCaft'ertv, Claude Thompson, Willie
Baker, Freddie Bell, Marguerettc Kent,
Gertrud-f Wharton, Lawrence Gerties,
Viola Miller, Joe Pugli, Austin Locknian.
First Department Richard Bartlett,
Faith Bartlett, Esther Cox, Vera Mays,
Arthur Jones, Paul blowers, Blanche
Stuhr, Edith Mulkins, -Hazel Mct'rory,
Roy Blagg, Eva Yates, Susie Hall,
Floyd Campbell.
; Wanted, to Trade.
Vnr n firm ninr llivnr. 10 HTfM Itiil-
Inn prunes 7 yours old near Sllvi-rton, Marion
cotinly, urnl ft lnuso lot Wxl'W on v ilbani
Mvi-mie lojil Aioliig n:i., 1'orUulut. . C. I
1'Al.y, 40i Hall .ircel, Pol lliool.
bone & Mcdonald
For Sale.
One of the curliest ntul best place tn nmlii-
inom-von t ie ( iiluinli u river. I'or panic-
.m. 1 1 r. i . t,j.
ulars call on or HJcIresa V. WISl'l
24 Acres,
one mile fiilnl town; fi in utrnwlierrles. ore" In
Pliickberi-ifS, one In niile-riies,lnW fruil lio-s,
2) uiapo vine. Uooil Improvements. In
UUhv ut the flood liivir- K.U K KT ei'l'OKK.
Ka SAltilMfiH!
If your v itlls urn ulelt -or mutilated, call on
I-;. I,! liood. Oili-nllatlon tree. NocIiiOkc for
Divseriiihom. - No cure mi I'.iy. MIe lioum
from II A. M. till lil'. M., unit all nljilit If nei
V3 .
W I AWt2v
V 1
In the estimation of ' ;
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of. . k
. The
' will cover 300 or jnore squart
feet of surface fit aVefage c'ofc' '
' ditiori, tVo coats to the gallon. ; -Kvcry
gallon is a full U. 'S'
standard measure. It is made '
to Paint Buildings with.'' If"
is the. best and most 'durable '
House Paint made. ' -
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at tho Glacier Pharmacy;
Go lo 1, 1 111 lor pure fr.-sli line's 1'uk'iit Medicines and Wall Paper, l'twcrlptlonii ui
l-'iimity lUvipesu fpci-ialty. ., 4
Canaries for Sale.
( lerman
fa le by
Linnet and Chinese Canaries for
Miss Re.rtha Prather
acted as bridesmaid and L. M. Davidson
us best man. the bride, is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Reynolds,
old residents of Hood Kiver, ana 11 sister
of Mrs. Ceo. T. Prather. The uroom is
a son of P. S. Davidson, sr., president ot
the Lost Lake Lumber Co. The guests
at the wedding were: Judge and Mrs.
(ieo. T. Prather, Mrs. P. S. Davidson, sr.,
Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. 1. K
Davidson, 'jr., Rev. and Mrs. J. L.
Hershner, Mrs. W in. liaynes, iiirs. r.
Spangler. Arthur Davidson, m. David
son, Frank Reynolds, Earl Prather, Joe
Spangler, Grace rraUiex, uoorgia
Prather, Lulu Prather.
rianer Notes.
A small break down at the engine
stopped the planer Wednesday after
noon. S. C. Smith laid off Wednesday to do
some ranch work. Bam intends to run
the ranch the coming season for all there
is in it.
Warren Miller quit work at the planer
the first of the weeK. loo mucn moist
ure in the atmosphere. Ask Warren
almnt that, canary. He says it was a
singer, but Perry MeCrory's dog thinks
R. A. Phelps will not return to work
till nJjout a week from next Monday.
Everybody says Raleigh is going to trot
in double harness in the near Juture
J. O. Eastman was down at the planer
this week, with one arm in a slim. He
inns th name Oat. but pretty badly
knocked out. He remarked that Old
Scratch was after him. If a friend of
mine used mv arm so badly hist shak
ing hands, Oat, I'd cut him cold.
Planer runninsr nieht and day and
cannot keep up with orders. Xear 2U0;
000 feet behind now. Shipping two to
four cars of wood per day, 1,500 to 2,000
ties a week and seven to ten ears of Uim
ler. Three cars of lumber co to Utah
this week.
School .Nates.
Next Saturday, local teachers' asso
ciation. Decemls r 1st closed the first term of
three months of the town school.
Term examinations were held Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of last
School closed last Wednesday after
noon for the week.'. '' .
The Hood River school is progressing
nicely in all its branches.
Misses Elton and While spent their
vacation at The Dalles.
Church Nuiices.
V. B. Church Preaching at 11 a. 111.
and 7:30 i. 111. Sunday school at 10 11.
in. The Christian Endeavor meeting at j
0:30 n. in. will be led by Mr. S. C. 1
Smith. A prayer service will he held i
each Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, j
You are welcome to nil these services. !
Congregational Church The pastor, j
Rev. J. L. Hershner will conduct public I
services at 1 1 a. m. and 7 :45 p. m. Sub
ject at morning sorvicu, "Three Choices
of Life." The eveiiinc service will he
bserved as an anniversary of Dr. Isaac
Watts, whose hvmns have immortalized
bis name. C. E. Service nt 7 o clock,
with miss Emma Lonney as leader.
It takes but a overcome tick
ing ill the throat and to stop a cough by
the use of One Minute Cough Cure. 11ns
remedy quickly cures nil forms of throat
ind lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant
to take. It prevents consumption. A fa
mous specino for grippe ami us inter
effects. Williams & Bwisius.
Stevenson is promis il another saloon.
The Pioneer says, "Get right in, boys ;
opposition is the life of trade, and the
more the merrier.
One Minute Cough Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for cough.s and colds.
It is unequaled for whooping cough. Child
ren all like it."writes U.N. Wiiliams.Oen-
trvville. Ind. Never fails. It is the only
harmless remedvthat "ives immediate re
sults. Cures emails, c.ilds, hoarseness,
croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all
throat and lung trouble.Its early use pre
vents consumption. Williams & Irosiiis.
Oh! a iov and consolation creepeth
over one anil all, when the clouds begin
to gather and the ram begins to tall ; tor
the average Oregonian loves the din of
patt'ring drops -that drive away malaria
and give life to growing' crops. " .When
tho autumn crrnjix arc gathered and: the
summer's work is o'eraud tho farmer
from the market lays away his winter's
store, 'tis a joy and consolation creepeth
over one and nil, wneu tiie ciouus ooyiu
to gather and the rain -begins to fall.
.ugene. register.
. Mr. J. Sheer, Swlaliag Mo., saved his
child's life bv One MilUlte t ough I lire.
Doctors had given her up to die with croup
It's an infallible cure for coughs, grippe,
colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat
and lung troubles. Relieves at once.
Williams & Brosius.
Fruit Ranch for
).)'.; acres i iuile from town- nil nrren In cul
tivation; iSW apple trees, lnoslly wlnli-r; ny'V
elder pres; S tons of linv: ir I leion,2 wagons
and l'urinlhn Implements to he soin ivtin me
place. .1U11X s VVKION KY
Clubbing Offer.
All snli-eriliers to llie (Jlaelcr wlm pay. in
advance and nut liave tin
Ttt lce-i-wcek Ki'imhlic or th Toledo Hindi'
sent 10 their inlilics for one ear.
Farm for Sale.
CO neroM. tienrlv nil In rntilvutlon. ' The very
clioicoof Hood Piver valley: I mites nr.itli oi
Mu lie 11 iu uny old oiler. .
A.S. Idsl!!:0 .
. . . ... V
Portland Price..'
- - - t. .j
tion on Tuesday 134 multiplied bv 5
indicatez a population of WO. A dozen
voters have been counted who did not
exercise their right of suffrage.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Trego of Portland
came up to attend the meeting of the
Eastern Star last Saturday evening.
They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. t. Rogers.
The Glacier is in receipt of handsome
illustrated calendars for RKX) from S. E.
Burtmess, Clyde T. Bouncy and Dallas
and Spanglef.
Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says,
"Our baby was covered with running
sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured
her." A specific for piles and skin diseases
iiewareot worthless counteriens. i in
iams & Brosius.
It is estimated that an ordinary apple
cron removes from an acre of soil aliout
50 pounds of nitrogen, 40 pounds of
nhosnhoric acid and 72 pounds of
not-ish. When clover is crown in the
orchard the land is benefited by having
its proportion of nitrogen increased, but
it. will gain nothing in mineral matter.
The land devoted to apples should re
cieve fertilizer or manure every year,
and when there is a heavy crop of ap-
nles in siaht the fruit should he thinned
out in the early stages of growth.
Ranch and Range.
"I w as nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried
doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew
worst-. I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That
cured me." Itdigests what vou eat. Cures
indigestion, sour stomach, heatlurn and
all forms of dvspepsia. Williams A Brosius
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests thefood and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dist
ant and tonic. No other preparation
enn ill efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Tcint.nlAnrfi. Sour Stomach. Nausea.
all other results ot imperfect digestion.
Prepared by t. c uewiu a wo., igicago.
I'or sale by Williams & Brosius.
I elnillen... anv one to Re! lower prices m IJou-e Fnrnlshl,K Ooods than I
I I, 'ores given oiiuinuin n ni -
pCC iV.
Kueeetwor to E. I.. K.staUlshcd House iu the vulley.
iii-:.!.i:ii is
A Nil
Flrmv. Feed. Etc., Etc.
Time Schedule
As we expect to niove lift-' our own hiillding soon, wc will for the
,.!,.,. ,ite ,K-,ml prices on Dry (loo Is, Men ami m.j .
Inlliits ami Ctuis, ami men's, Women and Children's Underwear,
you want bargains In these linos see us.
Fast '
10.46 p.m.
Four Cent Apple Trees
Strong 2 year-olds, but overstock varieties.
(1:17 p.m.
8 p.m.
W. Bound.
!5ult Lake, Denver,
Et Worlli.Onmlin,
Kansas City. St.
I.onls, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, Hpo-
kime.Minneii polls!
Hi Paul, Dulnlli,!
MllvvuuUen, Chi-i
cago and East.
Ooka Ptkamsuips
Eor Sun Eraneiseiw
Hail Ueo. H. S, Pl.l.'i,
23, 2 every 5 days.
. Fast
4:00 p.m.
Tori land
5:17 a.m.
4 p.m.
S n.m. .1 Columbia itivicn
Ex. Sunday; Stkamkks.
S:ilur(1ay, TO Asioi-ia imn wny. iioiuoiii.
Willaniette River. :
. iv. in. .'
Ex. Sunday
4:-:0 p.m.
Oreami- city, New-Ex-Snmlny.
liei-jf.Siile.iii & way '
i landiuus. I
To Mij Friend and Patron:
I have seeured ibe servieos of an expert me
elmnie and uni ready to do all kinds of re
pairing and new work at short nollee, either
by tho day or by oonlrai-t. I keep constaully
on lunula S,rood stoek of builders' supplies,
Including sliinules, linlshhiK lumber, ni.iid
Incs, lalli and lime. To miike room for my
increasing t'lido I have rented two rooms on
Second street and conni.cled tlicm wilb my
Oak street store, hence am bettor prepared
than ever to please my customer. I wish
also to call attention to my stock of pulnls
and oils, us well as my complete assort Weill
of furniture, which I am Mtlllnsiit Portland
prices and you save your freight.
Yours for business,
iUU liU
Ariitiltural Implement, Peere Plows,
i.V Old llii-.korv Whouh, (loluiiibuu
BugKv'Co.'it t'arriiKe!t "
20 acre farm nt lielinont, well lmproved,S'2,"in0
' 7 a.m.
Tues. Thar,
and Sal.
6 a.m.
Tuesj Th nr.
anc. Sat. '
Wtl.t.AMKTTR ASI), KIO p.m;
Vamhu.i. HrvKiw. Mon, Wed.
Oregon Crlv.liayton and Eri.
and way landings.!
1.-20 n.iii.
daily. .
Willamette Uiver.
I'orlliind to Corval
lis& way laudings,
; 4:10 f.m. :
Jlon., Wed.
and Ei l.
I.v ljf iht'll
Hnakk Rivfr. i 8::t0a.m.
Klpuriu to l.ewistonJ daily
w.. nrKUjrliTi
Cien'l Pass. Agent, -Portland, Or
J. Haoi.ev, Agent, Tlood Hiver.
We need money more tlmn ony one else.
dvice "Owe no nmn any tiling.'' Kindly
call and uare accounis - ,..
U1Q I It ( i r. M t J !j.
K pray horse, with a bell. Marked M on the
right hip mid left car split at th tip. A
reward of M will be r the return of
Ibeborseto TIloS. CALKINS.
A Hidosiaddle In good order, which will be
sold verv reasonable: cn I wn nt my bouse
near Tucker. MK. ALICE KEMI'
1 would res(TccifuIly annonnce to the piib
licthat I am prepared to do nil kinds ol plain
and fancy spring and dressmaklnn ut my In the E. H. t'r,r"-,A . v .,
Enlted States Land OnVe, The Ilallcs, Ore
gon, Nov. 21, 1 !. A siillicient. contest alll
davit having been tiled in this otl'lce by Ar
thur P. Ihilmes. contestant, against Hom
stead Entry No. 401, noulc August 12, X'.r, for
northwest 4 soction 2s, township 2 north,
range 11 east, by Joseph S.-hmilt, cimtesie, in
which it is alleged that sa.d Joseph Sebmltt
has wholly aimndoned s:ud land for more
than six years last past; that be has not com
plied Willi the homskud law since making
said entry in settlement or Improvement:
that the absence of said Joseph Schmitt from
the tract not caused by his employment
inlhearmv or nival s-rvice of the I niied
States in liiiv." of war, said parlies arc hereby
notified to apis-ar, respond and oiler
evidence touching .ht nllegation nt
10 o'cUsk a. in. on January 11. V.).
liefore (ieo. T. Pralher, f. s. Commis
sioner, nt his olflce at Hood lilver. tin-gorf
oind Hint flnnl hearing will be held at 10
o'cl.x-k a. m. on January 17, .WIS belort-i Hie
Kegi.-ler and He.-eiver at t lie l ulled stales
Land llliiw in The Ihilles. Oregon.
The said contestant having, in proper nf
fidavit, filed NovemlMT H, f, set forth facts
u-h'ch show that alter due diligence, prrs.,nal
I service of this n'otiif can not be made, it is
- hereby ordered and directed that 'ieh notice
: be given bv due nd proper pobiieation.
dljj - " .- JAY P. -LUCAS, P.cgistor.
( Jri
I acres miles Irom ton n. i-.ui-: s.ine
li iin n s 1 pole from lown, Wist Side..
50 acres m .-ir tin- Divers ranch
'Jo acres near lielinont church
2JVj acres near II. Brown's
1.0 acres valuable timber land
l"i acres at Belmont ;
10 acres at lielinont
20 acres at lielinont
Town lots, l',irms toexehiingc, .etc.
Brahma Pullets.
Full grown Brahma Pullets; also, Chile club
need wheat, for sale by
notice F.on.i,ur4LmAii.oN..
Land Oilice at Vancunver, Wash., N'ov. Mi,
Irtiti.Nnlieo is hereby given Hint, the follow-Ing-r.nnied
set Hers have (lied not ice of their In
tent Ion to make final proof in supporl (l their
cinims.nnd that said proofs wil lie nimle.befoie
W II I'rosbv, Culled State -.Commissioner
for IMflrht of Washimtton. at bis office In'
(ioldendnle, Wasiiinglon, on Satiud,y, J)e
tcinber21, viz: - "
Homestead Entry No. WHO for the sont'hWCijt
nimrler of southwest ijuarter sec tion 22. am
west ball' of northwest qunrUM- ujkI wiutJieant
quarter of northwest (pinrter section 27, towu
sbipil norlli, range 12 east, W. M.
lo numes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlvBr
lion of said land, vi.: . '
Joseph Silva, John Daffron, E. H. Hilton
and William O'Neal, all of Lyle P. O; WiwIh
tnglolle Also, ' -. ;-
llomeslead Enlrv No. IW28 for the west h'alf ot
norihwest ipiartur and northwest .quarter of
south west iiinrter ot section 22, and Hortheij
quarter of soutliPiist quarter of section III,
township ;i north, range 12 east., W. M. -
lie names the following wllneKses to .provo.
bis continuous residence upon and cliMl.vas
lion of, said land, viz: , .' ' '.
Joseph Mtlva, John Dntrron. E. B. IHlhiiK
William O'Neal, all of I.ylc,P.O.,W(ishingUmi
nl7ilJ2 UCNHAR, WeRiiiWfjJ
" Dissolution Notice;
Notice Is hereby given t the public flmt tbft
parlnersbip .lMislm'f f Lnckey,. J-'Otex.- t
Olinger, known as the H;.. Hood Htnge Cojn-.
panv, t-,iisdissoifed.J ' - " ' '
All persons knowlwa theipnalvpH to h4n
del. led lo the nljovv company wHti'lvasecull
and settle accuunts. Hhd .all, persons luildlujf.
bills against said (sinipany-will pUame send lit
sliilemen's -so Hint' all nccountH .can-fle mlf
juslct. .Vll eorresporMliioio V be addrtwsed
Ui J. J. Lui Ui-y, Uooil Uiver, Oregon. .
J. J.'Ll'CKEY, -i
A. N. Eol.lfV; J v'
- E. S. OI.I NtjElt.
Dated Hood ltlver, Or., Nov. 10, lHWl.'... .; ,
....A , tTw. ' -"i -r a' T 7
. . . : : .
Triili'd Stales Land fiilice, The Dalles, OriV
coll. Miv. is, is-.i-.i. iSiu ice i nvivwy kihh
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily i3Gt. Daliss ana Porilanil
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles 7-00 A. M.
Leave Portland 7.00 A. M.
Oneway SI W
Hound trip... H M
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALLAWAY, (ieneral Arretit,
that in compliance li h tlie prov.tnionfiof tfiff
net orcongressof Juue.X, 1-S'f .enflUed 'VVniti'.t
for the sale of timber lauds lit the Matt '-ij
California, otvirnii, Nevftda.' Bnd ,-WasIilngWa
Territory," the following person have tlu
day riled in this oUlce tbuir.sworn stat.'
ments, lo-wlt: , ;'
Hood River, county or Wasco, Male of ore
gon, sworn statement No. 1 15 for Ibe pOrcbiixB
ofthe noiih '.. iiortheast t, noiiUiwest.
nortlieast 1 , and lot ft, section 7, tow.hhlp J
fiortli, rauye (i east. W. M. -
HCllf MWItORV,' ' ; - - t.
Of Hood Hiver. 'count v ff Wafn. stAte of Oiv
gon. sworn statement No. I.V) lor the.iiureli(Ue
ol the west lj soutliea"t and lot 7 and 12,
sccllon 7, towDsliip I north, range II eaM.W.M.
That they ill U'.-r pr("'f to show that
tin- bind sou2ht is more valuable for it tim
ber or stone thn for Bsrrkath oral purpose,
and to e-taldish their claim to said land
before the Register awl Kweiverof thin oilice
at i be Dalies, Oreuon, on Salurday, the; ad
i day of February. ll". '
Witnesses: O. I!. Hartley, W. B. McCror
' Hubburd Taylor. Perry MeCrory uud Fred
' Slmpn, ail of Hood I'.lvi r, Orgoii.
i Anv and all person claiming adversely tbfl
! above-dewrils-d lands are tcqueid to Jlle
I their claims in this oijice on or before aiU :kl
(lav of February, I'oi.
n-it)-M JAY 1'. l.rc.S, ReglsU'r. -
Taken, Up. h : .;
A red heifer, 2 years otd.-marked ln-'rlg(it
ear. ' iwner will piwiw. run una uiKcme an-
imal avtay and pfi uliHige
' ANTONEWlsi.';