The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 08, 1899, Image 2

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    5ood iiver (Slacier.
The Election,
The election In Hood River on Tues
day for town officers was more interest
ing and exciting than usual. One hun
dred nnd thirty-four ballots were cast.
The ticket nominated at the citizens'
primary was elected by a large majority.
Tor mayor, recorder and treaatuer there
was no opposition, the union primary
bavins nominated the name parties for
theae olEces that were nominated by the
citizens. A fight wan made on two of
the candidate for aldermen. Mr. Bon
uey wan outspoken in his opijnitian to
licensing a saloon under any circum
stances, and the result shows that those
ODWJSed to his views got in their work
ery effectively. S. E. Uartmess, who
ta with Mr. Bonnev on the license
question, also fell outside the breast
works. The successful candidates are
all representative citizens and business
men and can be relied upon to do what
is right and for the best interests of the
town in considering the liquor question
or anv other public matter that may
tome before the council.
The poll" opened at 8 o'clock In the
Trading Co.'i rooms and closed at 0
The election board was composed of -the
following: L. Henry, M. V. Hand and
E. W. Winans, judges; W. S. Gregory
and A. P. Bateham, clerks. L. b
Olinaerwasln attendance as marshal.
The election board was sworn in by Re
corder Nickelsen. Following is the re
sult of the ballot:
For Mayor F. C. Brosius, citizen and
union, 115.
For Aldermen, to serve two years
C. A. Bell, citizen, 92; A.S. Blowers, cit
izen and union, 119; C. T. Bouney,
union. 46: F. 8. Davidson, jr., citizen
and union, 110.
For Aldermen, to serve one yenr S.E
Bartmess, union, 42; J. J. Luckey, cit
izen, 87; D. McDonald, union, 115.
For Recorder J. It. Nickelsen, citizen
and union, 118.
For Treasurer Geo. P. Crowell, cit
izen and union, 123.
For Marshal Ed Mayes, union, 35;
. 8. dinger, citizen, 93.
Bell, Blowers and Davidson were elect
ed aldermen for the long term and
Luckey for the short term.
Valley Improvement Co,
Report of secretary for the year end
ing Nov. 20, 1899:
Building new flume, 630 rods;
lOUrods 1x3 lt-et; 1-w rous
1x1 feet; 50 rods new ditch
1x2 feet; 100 rods ditch 1x8
feet ; 40 rods extra sideboards $750 62
Lowering and improving diteh
2x8fe-t; lowering main flumo
mid reuairs 287 88
Om-ratiiig expense for season . . 428 40
raid old accounts
Notes nnil accounts, duo com-
oI3 10
Total 12,200 00
5(K) inches water sold, 1899, 2,20O.
All improvements have been made in
a g'Mnl, substantial manner, which not
only adds to the value of the property,
but will reduce operating expenses at
least 25 per cent the coming season.
F. DAVENPORT, President.
II. H. Bailky, Secretary.
Pratt Whitcomb is up from Portland.
Miss Ethel Davis of The Dalles is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. E. G. Mahany.
C. H. Stranahan came down from his
ranch in Sherman county on Sunday.
Miss Nottie Kemp was a visitor at
The Dulles last Friday and Saturday.
Miss Bcrnice Foley is visiting hi The
Dalles, having gone by ooat on iuesuay
Hood Elver Teachers' Association.
The following programme will be ob
served at the local teachers' association,
which will convene in the public school
building at 2 o'clock p. in., Saturday",
December 9th:
Song No. 141, Uncle Sam's Song
Programme in Graded Country
Schools, J. T. Neff.
Discipline; What is It? How Secured
and Maintained, Miss Madge Warren.
Duet By pupils from room A.
A plan for teaching United States his
tory in graded couutry schools, H. L.
Recitation Mix Mullie White.
Closin Suiik No. 93, Uncle Sam's
song lkok.
Plea lor Prohibition.
Hood River, Or., Dec. 1, 1899. Editor
Glacier: The wise man, centuries ago,
asked the ouestion. "Who hath woe,
who hath sorrow?" and many other like
aillictions. Then the same wise man
answered by saying, "They that tarry
long at the wine; tnev mat seeic miAcu
wines." Had he lived until the present
time he might include many other poi
sonous sample drinks. His answer then
was a truism, is now ana ever win ue
till time shall be no more.
That the rum traffic of today is the
W. E. George and family moved up great enemy of the human race admits
frt m Portland last Saturday and are oc
cupying the Loy houwi.
Dr. G. W. Sellers of Mt. Moriah, Mo.,
ml Miss Kate Wurnock of Orfctron City,
arrived here Ttiewtnv and are truest of
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning.
Mrs. E. B. Clark left on Tuesday even
inii for her new homo at Fort Stevens
Mr. Chirk met her in Portland. He is
well pleased with his new situation.
Rev. H. K. Benson has accepted an
invitation from Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
Wood worth to sojourn with them for
two months at their country home at
of no successful argument. The might
iest forces in the universe are moral in
their nature, otherwise the evil forces of
the rum traffic would engulf the human
race. So, Mr. Editor, our motto is and
ever shall be, Prohibition. We are op
posed to any form or grade of license to
vendor sell alcoholic beverages, and can
maintain that the present law, or any
law legalizing the same, is a disgrace to
American civilization. It is the govern
ment that makes laws, but the people
nmKe tne government, it nas no exist'
ence aside from the people, is not a
thing that lives and acts independently
and of itself. Mr. Editor, you and I, in
The Portland Evening Telegram now
reaches Hood River the same evening it
ia printed. The Telegram is the bright
est daily newspaper in the state. It is
certainly the most independent, and its
hort but pointed editorials show up the
w.eak places in the make-up of our "lead
ing rtateemen" in all parties.
EuVar Stevens came up from Portland connection with every other citizen, are
Thanksgiving day to visit friends and simply factors of this government, and
relatives for a few days. He is the government is simply what the peo
nmv in tlm pmnlov of Randall & Van tile make it.
Vleet, job printers of Portland. Who then is responsible for the pres-
M- 0,I Mrs .1. n. PI.p.W from Ma- ent ruinous liquor traffic? W e answer,
... . .,!;.;.. itj ii,in not the saloon keeper but the people
nun CUU111V, niv (LDIIUIK I1CWO , L 1- - 2 i
mother, Mrs. D. H.Clough. Mr.Phetpa 1.he hole 1'fnse system, from begin-
came to Marion county in 1875, from w '
Experience of au Army Nurse.
The Yamhill Reporter publishes the
following letter from Mrs. C. Bedell, an
army nurse who came with sick soldiers
on the transport City of Pueblo from
The trip was rough, and the poor pa
tients! We had 105 poor boys. Seven
died on the way. , It is no way to send
sick home, and suclt very sick ones
some of them were. We came the
northern way bv Nagasaki, Japan, up
through the inland sea. Beautiful it
wus indeed. We were 2ti days, I believe
lost some time on account of storms.
I wish I could tell you how lovely Naga
saki is; so clean, looks as though it had
been scrubbed with soap. There are a
great many walls. All along the seawall
up the hillsides, the place is so green
and fresh, alter musty old Manila, and
the people look so happy, the place is a
good tonic. The climate is very like
San Francisco, not quite so cold. We
had one Jap dinner. In the first place
we had to remove our snoes oeiore going
into the house. There were no chairs,
only cushions, a little low table with a
ho e in the center, where was piaceu a
little charcoal stove, and our dinner was
cooked right there before us. it was
great sport, only we would get tired sit
ting tailor fashion, end hud to got up
and walk about a bit. Our dinner lasted
about two hours. I ate I don t know
hat all. Everything is nicely cooked
and clean. We ato with chopsticks,
nonched eszs and all. I cot so I could
r .. - . . .
manage very well, it was a queer sigm
to see the Jans coahnz the ship, lne
omen do most 'of the work, ine coai
is uut into baskets from a flat boat
alongside, steps are set on the side of
the shiD and the little Jap women on
eoch step up to the deck, then they pass
the buckets from one to the other, fast
fact can be, just like clock work,
never stownnu until the coal is all in.
I s:iw seven Dovs die on me way nome
Their bodies were all embalmed, and
brought home for interment in their
native land. They used to bury them
sea. but the eovernmcnt does not
allow it any more.
The Crook County Journal is groom
ing Hon. J. N. Williamson for the race
for congress next June. Mr. Williamson
represented Crook county several times
in the state legislature and is one of the
ablest members of that body. He will
be put forward by the rheepmcn of
Eastern Oregon, bnt the great majority
of the republicans of the second district
will want to return the present con
gressman. .
Agoioaldo's armies are being rapidly
dispersed or captured, and the war in
Luxon seems to be nearing the end.
Dukei Yalley.
Edrob Glacikr: As there has been
nothing in your valuable paper from
this part of God's footstool for some
time, perhaps an item from here would
tee read. W e will begin with the boom.
Dukes Valley has at last got a move on
and is trying to keep in sight of its neigh
bors of the surrounding country. Old
man Knox's barn begins to look rather
tarnish. He has only been at it now
about a vear and a half ; has the main
Dart up and one shed all covered, the
other snea reaay to raise. v new com
pleted it will be the largest and most
convenient barn in the valley.
John F. Dodson has gotten up steam,
too. Ha traded some land for two span
of eood horses, making in all seven head
for him and his boys. He has had to
enlarge his barn considerably, to make
room for hi stock.
C. W. Murphy has built an addition
to his dwelling in the shape of a kitchen.
W. G. Dodson has raised his barn
three or four feet, put one new shed 11
bv Id feet, with new roof over all, and
has nlanted a small orchard. He also
built a Doreh at his front door.
J. A. Cook is building a bedroom to
hia residence and is getting ready to go
to grubbing, to have some land ready
for the plow in the spring.
Roads, roads ; yes, roads! We must
nive a loud kick on our new road. Ev
ry other community has public roads
built bv the Duhlic at the expense of the
public We have a road granted, and
our very honorable county court has or
dered the supervisors to proceed to open
it. Our supervisor on the south nas
opened about one and a half miles of
the new road and left it to grow up
Main. Our supervisor on the north ot
ns tells us there is no work (or taxes) to
be put on the new road, except one or
two men. besides those that signed the
petition. He savs we will have to do
nate the work to open it if we get it
Mr. Editor, I am afraid this little item
l,ttfnan,nff tA milch, hilt. With VOUr
permission I will finish our kick about
our road. There are nine ranchers here
ia this valley. We have no public road
out. neither north or south. We all feel
like we are entitled to a public road
As most of us are now situated, we will
have to pay taxes, having our lands
deeded. We have spent considerable
time and a eood deal of bard labor on
the road. We have put in from one to
tour weeks' work on the road and are
willing to donate more work yet. Now
hist whv it is that our supervisors have
Jailed to obey the order of our honorable
county court ib somewhat of a mystery
to us poor benighted souls over here in
the backwoods. Will they five us good
Tenons for it? This is enough now , but
we have more ammunition left.
Jo. A. Ker
Pine ttrore School.
Follow ing is the report of school dis
trict No. 7, for month ending Nov. 24th
Enrollment for the month, 44. Average
number in daily attendance, 37. Num
ber neither absent nor tardy, 16, as fol
lows: Carrie Boardman, Ruth Harbi
son, Ev Hennacin, Frank Hennagin,
Fred Hennagin, Alphonee Mohr, Josie
Mohr, Marie Mohr, Mary Mohr, Ray
mond Ordwav, Daniel Prathar, Etfie
Sobivoa, Mabel Robieon, Clarence Robi
oo. Merlin Siesou, George Winchell.
C. M. Sissos, Teacher.
Dukota. with wife and three small chil
dren. He bought 40 acres of brush land,
mostly on time, and by energy and in
dustry is now the owner of ltW acres,100
under cultivation, with good buildings
and is out of debt with money in the
Mrs. C. B. Atterbury and son of Salt
Lake . have been visiting Hood River
during the past week. C. B. Atterbury
and family expect to move to Hood
River about the first of March, when
they will occupy their place purchased
last summer of J. T. Neff. They are
neighbors in Utah of A. C. Siaten and
familv. who recently purchased J. J.
Luckey s ranch. these people are all
estimable folks and will be welcomed as
tunable members of Hood Kiver so
ciety. They learned of Hood Kiver by
reading the ulacieb.
Election of Officers
At a regular meeting of Canby post
G. A. R., last . Saturday, the following
fficers were elected for the ensuing
year :
ommanner i . r. isenoerc.
Senior Vice Commander E. D,
Junior Vice Commander O. L.
Surgeon G. R. Castner.
Quartermaster L. Henry.
Ollicer of the Day A. S. Blowers.
Chaplain C. J. Haves.
Officer of the Guard M. V. Rand
Representatives to State Encamp
ment! . J. Cunning and t. l. Calkins
Alternates G. R. Castner and II. II.
A committee was appointed to confer
with the ladies of the Kelief corps and
make arrangements for installation.
The committee decided to have a joint
nstallation January Mh, at 1 :w p. m
The meeting w ill not be public, but all
old soldiers and their families and Sons
of Veterans are cordially invited to be
present. After installation, lunch will
be served, and all members of the post
and corps are requested to bring fundi
baskets. A special invitation is extend
ed ex-soldiers of the Second Oregon to
be present. To Mrs. h, L. femith, chair
man of the committee of arrangements,
is left the matter of procuring music
The W. ft. C, on the same date, elect
ed the following officers:
President Adelia Stranahan.
Vice Presidents Acnes Cnnnine.
Junior Vice President Helen Blow
Chaplain Anna Flagg.
Treasurer Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker
Conductor Mrs. L. Henry.
Guard Carrie Crowell.
The secretary, assistant conductor and
i - . . .
assistant guard are to be chosen
rage on humanity, a burning shame and
a disgrace to all civilization. If whisky
drinking and the barter and sale of al
coholic poison are right, w hy restrict it
by statute! v no ever heard oi a law
being enacted in a civilized and Christian
nation to restrict the free exercise of the
right? Law is made to suppress the
wrong, not the right. If the whisky
traffic is right, what authority has the
law to step in and restrict it? u by not
encourage the sale of it, for one man
has the same inherent right as another r
V hy not sell it same as dry goods, gro
ceries and hardware ! ihe government
realizes the fact that such a system
would be ruinous in its effects, and
therefore the restrictions. Hence the
party only who pays a certain amount
for the privilege, together with a bond
requiring certain restrictions, is allowed
to encage in the infamous traffic. If
right, w hy restrict it r ii wrong, wny
license it? No legislation can make
wrong right. The inherent principles of
right or wrong are eternal. hy then
allow me to inquire, does our govern
ment legalize and license wrong by stat
ute, permitting her subjects by law to
undermine and destroy every solid prin
ciple on which good society and good
uovernment are loundear from tne
same standpoint whv not legalize rob
bery and license cut-threats to ransack
and plundor indiscriminately? In short
to license a saloon keeper to vend hi
poisonous traffic is outrage upon out
rage, to rob man of his manhood, to
drive the spirit of action from his brain
to rob life of all its noble anections, ana
last, but not least, the soul of its great
est and future happiness and immortal
lty. License to nil jails and peiuten
tiaries. insane asylums, criminal courts
to break the hearts of loving wives and
mothers : to rob home of all its sacred
affections; to turn love into hatred. Li
cense to clothe innocent children with
disgrace and rags, to crush out of thei
young hearts every hope of life and hap-
mness lor time ana eternity.
1 1 -. . .i i..o i. . . : Vw.
nut. la viic reiiieuy i lb icbw 111
will of the people. Contact law with
law. Moral suasion is good as far as it
goes, but it has been a failure to pry
oien the sealed consciences of the na-
. : J :u .. 1 . f . - 1 D,,
lion, unu vtiui uie lever ui iuuibi buu-
sion it is like a short chain anchor, it
fails to touch bottom. Now, what w
want aud must have is authority from
the powers that be, and then say to the
manufacturers, estop! mako no more
Drunkenness cannot be remedied utiles;
the temptation is removed.
Of what advantage are saloon keepers
to society? Do they, by their sinful
traffic, contribute in any measure to its
well being? Do they increase the wealth
of any community by their infamous
business or tend to elevate the moral
Christian standard? Whoever heard of
a saloon keepers Christian association
or works ot chanty maintained, or u
whisky ring sending abroad Christian
missionaries or encouraging Christianity
at home? Did whisky ever found a
church, erect an asvlum, found a college
or build a school t in short, what have
they done, either with low or high li
cense, to advance good morals, good law
Mount Hood .Notes.
We had quite a fall of enow last Mon
day. It was the first snow of the season
in our settlement.
A. B. Billings is getting along nicely
since the doctor s came up to see him
Arthur Disbrow has sold most of his
apples but has some good ones yet and
good many small ones left over.
The Kincrs club opened -at Mount or good government?
Hood on Thanksgiving evening with the ihe momentous question is, How may
11. f- iVmnor 1 we manage the present generation of
elected chairman and fireman ; W. K. drunkards and still protect the youth of
Edick, secretary, and the rest of the our land? Not by the high license sys
elnh. treasurer. tern, but by wise legislation. .Enact t
v. h. fk and liert landman went stringent proniDiiory uouor mw ana
tn thn on Monday and found the thereby wipe out all license laws and
roads very muddy.
Henry Kies started lor Klickitat
county on Monday, where he will spend
the winter.
Mrs. O. II. Rhoads has been very sick
for about ten days, but was getting
better at last accounts.
C. P. Knapp was up to the mill last
week, putting in logs for Robt. Leasure.
1 OD Ot All.
( loverdell.
The Advents have their church about
The missionary entertainment which
was given in ' the Christian church
on Thanksgiving evening was well at
tended, notwithstanding the stormy
J. Vt. Moore is making extensive im
provements on his place, in the way of
sheds around his barn for the comfort
of his cow and protection of his wagon.
The Advents expect to give mission
ary entertainment m their church on
Friday evening.
Mrs. S. W. Arnold entertained a num
ber of relatives and friends Thanksgiv
nigdar. Atmph.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxativ-b Bromq QciwikkTablbtb.
All drou-gists refund tne monr n it lam tn
cure. L . urove a signature w ou eaen dox.
iie. .
Mi?a Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
says, "I sufferd a long time from dyspep
sia; lostflesh and became very weak. Ko
dol Dy spepsiaCure completely cured me."
It digests what youeat and cures all forms
of stomach trouble. It never fails to give
immediate relief in the worst caaec.
Williams & Brotius.
4jj itilE
or Bale
1. (innrer t.lnck In rnrkliiinit, only SUM.
llfimliliil view. 1)1 l.V by ISO fret.
UTrGGlb. locate.
The Market.
Flour, lloldendalc Diamond, per sk, 80
Hour, reacoek, per sk o"
Flour. Dalles Diamond, per sk 80
Bran, per 1(X) fts l5
liran and snoris, per iuu a s j
Shorts, per 100 1 00
Barlev. per 100 tt 1 25
liacon wc to
Hams, 12jcto ti
Lard, 1 5s, 55c; 10s 1 10
Potatoes, per 100 lbs 05c to 75
Onions, per 100 lbs 1.00 to 1 25
Cabbage, per 100 tn 75c to 1 00
l'umpkins, per iuu lbs ioc 10 i ou
Snuash and Beets, per 100 fts. .90c to 1 00
Carrott and Turnips, per 100 ft s 1 00
Lemons, per dozen due to so
Apples, fall, per box 50c to 1 00
Apples, winter, per dox ? 10 i ou
Cranberries, per gal 50
Butter oo to ou
v IS tn 30
Coffee, fancy blended roast 30
Coffee, choice roast-;d io.
Coffee, Arbucklcs and Lions 15
Sugar, dry granulated, per sk 5 'o
Sugar, extra C. per sk 4 ib
De Witt's Little Early Risers purify the
blood, clean the liver, invigorate the sys
tem, l amous little pills lor constipation
and liver troubles. W llliarns it Lrosius
Sweet Potatoes
and Cranberries.
Breakfast Bacon and
Sugar-Cured Hams.
Hero are some SPECIALS for tliis
week you will find hard to duplicate:
Western Refined Sugar, per sack fa
Fresh Sugar-cured Hams, per pound 13c
Breakfast Bacon, per pound 12c
Jumbo Mush, 24 pound package 10c
Fresh Creamery Butter, per roll b5c
Other prices in proportion.
0" Onr terms are CASH and it is BUSINESS we are after.Sj
Phone 21. Free delivery.
CLYDE T. BOKNEY, Proprietor.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
KlllpiXTS Of
Hood River's Famous
Packers of Iho
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Pack
Dealers in
Fertilizers and Agricul
tural Implements.
Are tlie Order of tlio Day.
To make good Mince Pies, buy your Mince Meat at Everhart's
At the same store you will fi:;d in stock the BFST QUALITY
of Chow Chow, Sweet or Sour l:ekl ;s, Dried Peaches and Pears.
Good Valao in Exchange for Your Money.
Water Consumers.
All neraona deslrlnir to purchase water for
the lmuaUiiL' Miau of 1IRX) will please hand
... iT..i - t is luni
in iiieir Hppncui iifiiv pi ir ii juii. iu, i-.w.
Blunk application cirU will bo furnlihed
on Himlli'Hilon to the Secretary. II. II. B.illcv.
1 he directors imiM Know now iiiucii w.m-r
will bo reaulred fur the senson ai early as
Jan. loth, and application will out be receiv
ed niter that date.
In order lo be honored, on applications ior
water must be made on the cards prepared by
tne company for mat purpose.
VALI.r-l 1A11'HUVL.11E.,M VVJ.
F. Da VKNeoKT, President.
Rand & Stewart
Stockholders' Meeting. !
The reeular annoul meetlnz of the stock-
holders of the Hood Kiver Transportation
and llonm Company will be held in Commer
cial House at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Tues
day, December 12, thill, at z o clock r. M., lor
the purpose of electing directors and transact
ing regular business.
Bv order of Exoi-utlve Committee.
E. E. SAVAGE, Secretary.
Dated Dec. I, eaa.
I.nnd Office at The Dalles. Oreeon. Dec. 8.
1809. Notice Is hereby (riven that Ihe follow.
lUK-named net tier has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, und that said proof will be made before
the Register and ileceiver at The Dalles, Ore-
goo, on Saturday, January , ikuu, viz;
Of Moslcr, Oregon, II. E. No. 428;), for the
Koutheaut y. section 4, lowuslilp 2 north, range
II east, W. M.
He names the following w ltncsss to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
N. Baltzman, Lucie D. Elevander, Charles
Wells and 1". SaltzniaD, all of Hood Kiver,
dKjli JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Have cut prices again on DRY GOODS, to peeure space for new utock.
Have (slashed prices on Fancy Goods and Ribbons, for wme reawn.
Have ruined prices on BOOTS AND SH ) S to clone out broken lin
The largest and most up-to-dute s-oek ever here is now h.iinij
made for us.
Have decided to close out CLOTHINC; (15 raits now f9.o5.
Have now on ealo a GROCERY stock which lacks nothing.
Have opened a Flour, Feed and Produce department at startling
Have completely reorganized HARDWARE. You can get what you
Have put in a line Stoves and House f urnishing, at uld prices.
Have made prices to close out Jewelry, Hanu-f t and other odd lines.
Have put ourselves in ehape to meet any competition, furnich you with
the best of everything, and deliver promptly in any part of the
city, FREE.
Have deserved your patronage.
the saloon business, wholesale and re
tail. The case ia a desperate one and
reauires a prompt ana aesperate rem
edy. In the bygone e have tlumbercd
and slept s a nation until we nave De-
come well nieh paralyzed in relation to
this great national evil. It is high time
that we as a nation should arise and go
forth in the majesty of our strength for
prohibition, and thus meet and destroy
toe demon, for Uod is with the mint
No license or folding of hands while
one hundred thousand oi our country
men are filling drunkards' craves an
nually, and four times that number of
our women and children are reduced to
want, beggary arid disgrace. The re
turns of the national revenue depart
ment show in our own loved free Amer
ica 6,400 distilleries, 3,300 breweries,
and 375,000 saloons. Then, with these
fearful statistics before us, let every
voice cry- out, Down with the license
system ! And let everv lover of his race
cry out, Prohibition! Prohibition! until
the accursed ruin of our race is banished
from onr land. And once for all for
God and home and native land.
W. P. Watso.
J.P.Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Purgeora
wanted to operate on me for piles, out I
cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve." It ieinfallible for piles and skin
diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Will
iams & Broaius.
Advertised Letter List
Dec. 4, 1899.
Cook, V C Tomlinson, Justice
Gray, George Wilkinson, D M
Sabin, Alden
Wx. M. Yates, P. M.
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Ore. ,
Dec. 5, 18W. A KUtticlent contest affidavit
having been filed In this office by lllram J.
Hess, contestant, against Homestead Entry
No. 4421, made June 3. 1S92, for southwest !t
section 8, township I south, range 10 eatt, by
William A. Hallifleld, contestee, In which It
Is alleged that said William A. Haillfieid has
wholly abandoned said tract and changed his
residence therefrom for at least seven years,
and that such failure still exists; and thai he
did not abandon said tract to enter the mil
itary or naval service of the United States In
time of war, said parties are hereby notified
to appear, respond and offer evidence touch
ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a, m. on Jan.
J;, liiOO. before the Kegister and Receiver at
the United Statos Land Office In The Dulles,
The said contestant having, In a proper af
fidavit, filed Dec. 1. i8iM, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence, personal ser
vice of this notice can not be made, it is here
by ordered and directed that such notice be
given by due and proper publication.
dHJ12 JaY P. LUCAi-VKeglster.
anyone sending aketck and description may
quickly ascertain, frea, whether an liirenUon is
probkbl? pstwiUbla. Communications strictly
cootklenttsl. Oldest accner for securing patents
la America. Wa harfl a Wasblncton offle.
Patents taken tbrwutn Muua a Co. rsoalre
special notloa in tha
koaaftfaltr innrrratad, lanrest circulation of
any ideotifle Journal. veex!r, terms CUV a year;
$1.50 six months. Fncimea copies and lLmlifl
Book on 1'atixts sent free. Address
aI Bmlrsf. Sew Vs..
At Prather's corner we have opened a fine lino of Dress
Goods, Miillinery, Stationery, School Supplies, Candies, Cigars,
Groceries and Notions. Ouf
5 and 10c Counters
will interest you. Everything new, neat and clean.
S. H. COX.
2. H. K. H of !. W,
K., unimproved; 8-jO.
8. John Hliitna farm, In lots from
acres, and from too to IH-O per acre,
sec. 12, Tp. 2 X, It. 10
S to 1)
4. H. K. M sec. S2.T. 8 N.. R. 10 E. for only tfOfi.
Some Improvcmeiils; I'jo acres.
R. S. of 8. '.V. of X. W. M H. 12. T 2 X..R.
10 K.; 1!0 acre; some Improvements. fTOO.
!. . W. ;ofN. W. . and
M. 8, T.
, K. 10 V.. K0
0. N. kof N. W.
N. W. W of !. W,
acres, W.
7. llarretl-SlpniB Addition; S-IOperlot; ten "
dollars down and five dollars per inoutu; no
8 The Chns. II. lingers 5-ncrc Homestead,
Fninki.m: ttoo-l cottage und bain; spring
water. I'l Ice i.llO.
9. The old Hinfcra Mill properly at Frank
ton, wlih lull" mid water power ou 1' helps
creek, l'lli-o juo.
10. The lr. Harreit Improved Prull Farm, 4
in. out h west of Hood Itlver: I'JO acres; "0 acres
In cultivation; ) ui-res In fruit: tine sprlmr; W '
inches In iciiHnif water. I'rlce sh.ltJO; will be
sold In piir-cl.
11. iDui rt-KO" Hood river. FjisI Side, 2 utiles ,
.0 gallon spi lux- I 'My m.iui.
I.' The I.. N (f Home; 40 acres on Hood rlv
i; 2 mil-s; d water; plenty of fuiit;
'Htiiitii'til iioiiic. 1'ntv il.HU. Ten acres and
IuiUi lur t "it).
11. Chii". W.t.limer Homi-Mead. nl (iilmer.
ash.; Iml neivs; din' mw limber; k(mm' '"
well watered, (-ill) iouu: a rate buryuin.
14. The Weldncr IlomeMcnd, liflacrw, near !
Moslcr; 80 iicrea cleared; 2 sprlnus; 4UU fruit
Uws; K'Kid improvement. Only jl.UOU.
l.'i. The V. II. I'.lshop Home In Hood RlTcr,
lol it and part of lot ', li.ock 1, Wm-orna addi
tion lo Hood Hivi r;npiellyhonic. only $1,100.
10. Klve acres cleared and In clover, XV. m,
southwest of IIimmI Kiver. Only 425.
I". The Iltinslirrry home, 2 miles south.
west of tow n: 10 acre. Kverytliltig complete.
and hiiiuly;Kood truit, Rood water. OlilyiloU)
18. The t'hester Welds home. In Ihe hlUa.oiie
mile oust ol'lou u: a pretty home: good Ii ull
and water; 40 ai res. Only 1, lie.
19. The Harvcv ("rapper SO acre Fruit Farm,
one ol Ihe beat III the valley All furniture.
Hum l.hplcniciltN and stock no with Uiiii,
Moil, water, fruit mid Improvements ursi
clans. I'l ice tM.OiKI.
2). The I)r. Morgan house and lot in Hood
Itlver; new bum. Only MX).
21. The frank ('handler Improved fruit and
Kinln farm; m-iw; 4"i in cull Iviillon; I MM
hearing apple Irii; hire hoiiM' and burn; lli.e
water and plenty of It; houro aud Uilla fur
nished, l'ricc ff,ft; li mis easy.
22. The. I. Wlckinim farm.7 miles southwest
of town; ttu acres; uood InillJliigKand Improve
menu; spi Inn wider mid 6tl inche fre lor Ir
rlgil lug. l'ricc 41,- OU.
21. Forty ncitw, 3 cleared; north of young
orchard and hum of Crosby's; off Levi Monroe
Itirm, A .So. 1 bind. Only HMO.
21 The llusklrk place, I tnlle west of town;
4 acres; uood spring water; good orchard; new
frame biilldinita. Only ouo-inlrd euyh,
balance al A s r cent per milium.
2i. The Emerson homestead, only one mile
ciisl of town; line rungc; SI,o(iO.
27. The Swan homestead at White Hiilmon,
only 2,uKl; will Im sol 1 tn .-wparate forties.
H. The llerger plnec, 140 m-ii; 40 acres
cleared; 10 iiitim Kruhhcd; free water. 2,000
halt cash: 1,4X) spot cali.
TheHordon Fruli Farm, 20 ncres, miles
west ui town, SI,); and nice cottage und
lol in HimkI Kiver, only S .00.
N. 1!. -Terms are ctuiy on nil the abovsj
lands, with Interest at per cent. 1 ersons de
siring locniloiis on homei-teads and tlmlsee
claims should apply at The F.inporlum.
the BurretU
Kerp your rye on
Hijtuut Addition. -JFl'lt
I.nnd Olllce at The Dulles, Oregon, Oct. HI,
iWI'.l. Not lee is hereby gi ell lllul Ihu follow-Ing-nnuH-d has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to niiiUo liual prooi In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore W n. T. Frill her, U. H. l niml-sioicr, at
1 1 e nl l!i er, O. Ci,-on, on Thursday, Heccuibcr
14, IS'.Mi,
tif M-is!er, Oregon, 11. F.. "o. aim, lor tlio
no t iwi'i-t !i southwest l,,s-.uih yt northwest
. and lot . M-rli-Mi 2-i, township 2 uoltll,
lMinic- 1) east, W. .VI.
He names the lollowlng wltnessi s to prove
uis eonlimions residence upon und cultlva-
1 loll ol, -;t!o Miliil, iz:
Mutliicw le.iiy, t. I). Fisher. ( harles A.
Ci aiuei and John K'iins, nil of Moslcr, Or.,s JAY 1'. Lt'CAM, Kcglsier.
I. S. Land Olflce, The lialles. Oregon. Nov.
II. l--i. - A Mitlicient contest affidavit having
been lile.l in thli. oll'b e by C. Fields, roll-tct-ninl,
i.paii"-t liomoteiiil ei tr. No. 6;!i,4,
in;, h- Nov. ui, Ki, .or lots :l and 4 and tlio
south nov'.liw'.-i ' Mct'oii 2, township I
noi l I
tr in
si lice
: II 1111, h
tee, 111 whieh it
n, UiiDcrl W.
unci so id M arl
Itolii rt W. Mitchell,
Is nliced Unit Mild eii
Mitcliell, lias wholly
and cliauged his reel-
M.-ic- In:. n six months
With F. E.
BROS, have over One Million
feet of good Dry Lumber
at Haynes' Spur.
The lM??t results yo'i must use the best materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continuea to be up to
date in everything in the Drug Hue.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff.
lanl-ii.i Mud entry und next prior lo
if this c-iiiti-si, and thai said tract Is not
I uuu:i an. I cultivated bj' said party as
d by law. Mild i arllcs are hereby l.'Hl-
to npi'ear, r-!si'Oiid atid oiler evulemfi
huiir s in! alienation at Ulo'clis-k n. m. in
21. ISi'f. hciore tne Kcic later and Kecch er
ic I'. S. l I In flic Dalles.Oriltoo.
Mini conu-ianl liaviinr, in a proper i-
tii'uivit. tiled Nov. 2, B, sel t.uth tacts which
how Hint niter due uiliifoucc. persoiuu ser
vice of Ibis ti. it ice can not be made, It Is here
by ordered and d I reeled that such notice bo
given by due and pioper publication.
maJ J.l l. 1-ui.rtn, iicgiBirr.
U.S. Land Ofrice, The Dalh-s, Oregon, Xov.
4. lsiiH.-A sufl'ielcnt conbst affidavit having
been tiled in this o,ftw by Warren CoH;r,
contestant, attulnst Hoioe.Htead Kntry XNo.
Yi0, made October 2. 1SH2. lor north nortn
east i-4 and nor'h northwest sts tUvn 31.
township i north, tange 10 cast, by itiomiut
A. eonncr, vmila-tMV In whlo.i it Is- allegsd
that Thoiniw A. Oonuer has wholly nbandoi..
ed said tract and changed his residence there
from fin more than six months since nuiKini
stud entry and next prior to dat e of contest.
And that tic en iaiit did not leave unman
don a residcii e hereon to enter the niilltnry
or naval service of the United States lu time
of war.
Bald parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond and oiler evidence touching said al
legation at. 10 o'clock a. in. on tun. 30, lsttit, be
fore the Register and Receiver at the U. M.
Land Office In The Hallos, Oregon.
T ie said contestant having, in a proper af
fidavit, filed Nov. 14. I SUM, set forth facts which
show that after duedlllgenee, personal service
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and dir cted that such notice be
given by due and
n i us.
J miner publication
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United Slates Land Office. The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 1:1, lsiKi. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of ennui-ess of June 8, is, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the State of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Wasiiinzwn
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement. No. 141, for the purchase of the
north southeast k und north southwest
of section No. 2o, in township No. 1 north,
range No. east, W . M.. and will offer proof to
show that the land soutrhl la more valnnble
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and lo esuibllsb. her claim to said
hind bet-ire the Register and Kecelver of this
otlice alThe liailts, Oregon, on Baturday, Uie
Z7th day of January, luu)
She names aa w itnesses: W. R. Winans, D.
Bradley, J. L. Henderaon and Harry Wyatl,
all of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this otlice on or betore'sald
27 Hi day of Januarv linn)
nITJID JAV P. LUCAS, neuter.
Wanted to Trade.
A farmer de.-lres to trade a rood
a gixd cow. inquire ai the Oktcler oiUcc.