The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 08, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 29.
i: :
I'ubllnhed Every Friday by
Term of subscription a year when paid
in auvence.
The mull arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. in. V eiliierdays and halurdajs; depart ilia
lame UHtim noon.
Knr Chenimcih, leaves at a. m. Tuesdays,
Thiusdavs and fcHtitrdavs; arrive at a n. m.
fur Vt hite mlmon (U ash.).leavc dally at I it
a. m.: arrive, at 7,1.". p. m,
from W hlte Salmon leave for Knlila, flllmer,
Tioiit Lake ami G lull wood Mouda), Weduea-
savs aii'i r iwas.
for H iik (Wmh.) leaves at 5:43 p.m.; ar
rive i i v. in.
Jauim, KfiirAti jir.ititr.B luihik, no.
1 87, I. (). (I. K.-Moet Arat and third Mou
lin), lu each niuiitli.
H. J. HlBBAID, N. O.
J. H Kerui kok, Secretary.
iMANHY POST, No. Id, (1. A. R,-Ml at A,
(I. II. W. Hall first Katurdav of each mollis
at z o'clock p. in. All u. A. 11. member iu.
vlled to meet with u.
I. n. Iln.L, Commander
T. J, Cunning, Adjutant.
"1A NBV W. K. (.'.. No. 18-Meets first Hatur-
J day of m. h month In A. O. U. W. hall at 3
p. m. aiK. ii. r. I Ron ell, rreslueul,
Man. I'Knui.a lilian, Secretary.
HOOD UJVKrl I.OIXiK, No. Mi. A. P. and A.
M . M i is Stt urdav evciiiiiK on or before
tncti Inn moon. H. r . UiVluaoN, w. M.
II. Mi Iji in l., Secretary.
11 Meets llilrd rilday night of each month.
c. u smith, u. i.
G. F. William, Secretary.
Jl atcala featmdav afiar each full moon.
Man. an llimu, W. M
n, I. William, Secretary.
I LETA AHSEM BI.V. No. 10.1. t'nlted Artisan
I I Meet. second and fourth Mondav eights
of each month at Krateniltv hall. Brother
and slaters coidially Invited lo meet with ua.
A. P. Uaixham, M. A,
8. 8. Ciur, Secretary.
TAI'COMA I.OIXiK, No. SO, K. of P.-Meeti
In A. O. U. . Iiall every Tueailay nlirhl,
. II. NlCKKLsKN, K. Of It. & H.
IlVKRhIDK I.OIXiK. Ko. 6a, A. O. U. W.
i Meets but an J third Saturdays of each
month. J. a. Kajiu, M. W,
J. f. Watt, Financier.
11. L. llowi, Kucoidur.
1DI.KWII.liK I.OIXiK, No. 107, I. Q. O. F
Meet in Fiaterual ha.ll every Thursday
O. h. IIahtlcy N. U.
ii. J. HmiiMi, Secretary
ty F. 611 AW, M. a
Telephone No. tL
All Calls Promptly Attended
Ofllce fl(nt,lri over C'on.le'i .tore. All Calli
leit al the ufllce or re.ldeace will ba promptly
aiiunacu to.
TARY I'l'llI.lC and REAL
For 21 year a realdcnt of Orefron and Wash
ington, tttii na.l inaiiy year emparlance In
Itcal Katatv niaUeiH, an atihtracter, .earcherof
title Mid agent, balm. action guarautuedor uo
J F. WATT, M. D.
HnrRcon for O. R. & N. Co. I enpectallv
equipped to treat catarrh of note and throa'l
and (lucaKCfi of women.
Hpecial terun for ollice treatment of chronic
ca ea.
'ieleplione, ollice, 33, residence, 31.
llAKBiwiN Broh., Prop.
(iround and manufactured.
Whole Wheat Oraliam a siieclalty. Cuitom
erlnilini; done every Hatiiroay. liiirhiit the
tniHy aeason additional day il be uientioued
In the local eoluinni.
It your w all arolck or tnutilated, call on
roniultatlon free. No charge for prescrip
tion. No cure no pay,'w hours fro n 6 A. M. till t. P. it., and ill
Ulght if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand (ticked, f 1 J
nailed, hest, 76c; feeond, 60c; third, 40c,
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; Bailed, beet,
bOc ; second, 35. lleet stock and work
in Hood Kiver. C. WELDS, Prop.
Ts the place to get the latent and best in
(!onffctioneries, Camiies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
W. D. COLE, Prop.
Thone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3
and 0 to 7 P. M.
ToMi.isfiOS Bros, Props.
Of the beet quality alwaa on hand at
(irioes to suit the times.
For Bill Hearts, Letter Heas, L'nvel
oives, Card", Circulars, Small l'oster?,
Milk Tickets, Programme. Ball Tickets,
1a gal Blanks, ec, come to the
Hardware, Steves and Tinware
Kitchen Furniture, numbers'
Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc
We have a new and complete stock
of tmrlvrare, stoves) and tinware, to
which we will keep constantly adding.
Our pii ti will continue to be as low as
IV rtlaud prices.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Aa InUrastlng Collection of Itaiua Fror
tha Two lleniUphera iraanta4
'n a Coaden.ed Form.
Lawton has reachod Bayomliong.
The battle of Graspan was the first
battle fought on Free State territory.
The Internal revenue collected it
Oregon the hist lineal- year amounted
to $418,775.
Troops In Cuba are to he removed.
General Wood has given his uppvova)
of such action.
Secretary Gage will probably con
tinue the purchase of goveruuient bonds
for another mouth or more.
Ex-Collector of Customs Thomas J,
Black, died suddenly of heart trouble
and asthma at Portland, Or.
Four blocks of Ijuhuhihh houses were
laid iu ashes in Philndulphia. The
total loss is estimated at $3,000,000.
The iron and steel trmio is rather
quiet in some lines, but prices are
holding up, and scarcity is predicted
President McKlnley is considering a
plan for dividing Cuba into two parts
and placing Geanels W. Wood and Lud
low in charge. ,
The Oregon, Sumnra and Callao,
with 160 bluejackets and marines cap
tured the port of Vigan, province o.'
south Slicos, notrh of Manila.
American manufacturers are selling
to the outside world over $100,000,000
worth of iron and steel in excess of any
earlier year in their history.
General Methuen, in command ol
the BritiHh forces, was slightly wound
ed at Modder river. Colonel Northcott
and Lieutenant-Colonel Stopford wen
The great Thanksgiving football
game at Portland between the Mult
uomikIw and the Olympics, of San Fran
cisco, resulted in a tie, neither side
Eight thousand Boers were defeated
by General Methruen iu the hottest
brittle of the war. The fight took
place at Modder river and lasted 10
Great Britain has protosted vigorous
ly to this government againnt the or
ganization of expeditious here, in
tended, presumably, for the assistance
ot the Boers.
Tho Vanderbilts now have the B. &
O. They have also acquired Morgan
holdings in the Big Four and Cheas
poake & Ohio. This is a combinatioc
not contemplated.
Lightship No. 50, whose station is at
the mouth of the Columbia, after vicis
situdes probably never experienced be
fore by a lightship, is ashore on Mo
Kenzie head, botwoen Cape Disappoint
ment and North head light, and will
probably be a total loss. Her ciewof
eight nien were rescued by the breeches
Richard Croker says Tammany will
support Bryan.
Chicago is after the Republican na
tional convention.
Admiral Dewey balieves war in the
Philippines is practically over.
New Zealand's government is stock
ing up the island with American game
Great Britain now realizes that the
war is real and seeks expression of neu
trality. Bert Repineff, of Nashville, Tenn.,
won the six-day wheel race at St.
The transports Elder and Belgian
King are now out of the government
It is expected to have an all-trolley
line from Portland, Me., to Boston open
by spring.
If Goebel is given a certificate of
election martial law will be declared
in Kentucky.
Whalers are preparing to go out
again, expense of the business has
increased 40 per cent over last year.
General Methuen's second battle in
the advance to relief of Kimborley re
sulted in the loss of nearly 200 British
The Pacific Mail Company is charter
ing tramp steamers to replace these
chartered by the government for trans
port service.
The Knights of Labor will depart
from their time-honored custom and
take a hand in politics. It also con
templates establishing schools for its
A manufacturer of wine asserted be
fore a senate committee that 50 per
cent of the imported wines are Ameri
can wines sent abroad, doctored and
sent back.
The Puget Sound Can Company has
incorporated under the laws of New
Jersey, capital $200,000; Oregon Can
Company, $200,000, and California Can
Company, $200,000.
The descendants of Queen Victoria
now number 71. She has seven eons
and daughters living, 33 grandchildren
and 3 great-grandchildren.
Frita Eloff, one of President Kruger's
50 grandchildren, bears the honorary
title of lieutenant, despite the fact
that he is only 4 vears old.
Mrs. Roger Wolcott, of Boston, has
given an imposing monument to Pep-'
perell, Mass., in memory of the men
of that town who fought at Bunker
UilL I
The British transport Ismore was
driven ashore near Cape Town.
Private Merritt, of Battery B, com
mitted suicide at San Francisco.
Archbishop Chapelle will sail for
Manila on the transport Sherman.
Thirty-eight wheelmen started in a
six-days' bicycle race in New York.
General Methuen is believed to hav
resumed the advance to Kimbereley.
Four vessels from Brazil are quaran
tined in New York for fear of plague.
The schooner Eureka, on the beach
near Coquille river, will be a total loss.
After 82 days the Glory of the Seat
has arrived at 'Frisco from Puget
Five persons at a Thanksgiving party
in Medford, Or., had a combined age
of 370 yeurs.
.The postmaster at Cape Nome reports
to Washington that the district is as
rich as is represented.
Mr. Taylor, of Ohio, objected to the
swearing in of Roberts, of Utah, at
soon as congress opened.
A big log boom gave away at Che'
halis and 2,000,000 feet of logs are
afloat in Gray's harbor.
Appropriations for the three state
Rcohols in Oregon are running short
and the schools may have to quit.
The United States supreme court has
declared that a combination of pipe
manufacturers is unconstitutional.
Owing to the death of Yice-Presi
dent llobart, the president's message
was not sent to congress on Monday.
Section men on the Southern Pacific
near Milwaukie, Or., struck because
they could not go home to meals and
Eastern woolen mills have bought
1,250,000 pounds of wool in St. Louis
at one sale. It is the biggest sale ever
made in the West.
The latest report from the Modder
river camp says the Boers were not
driven to retreat, but marched away in
the night after the battle.
Among the river and harbor improve
ments eestimatd for under continuous
contracts on which the sum asked for
is $100,000 or more are the following:
Oakland, Cal., harbor, $180,000; San
Francisco harbor, $170,000; San Pedro
habor, $200,000; Everett, Wash., har
bor. $150,000; Gray's harbor, Wash.,
$345,000. Also the following river
and harobr improvements: Mouth oi
Brazus river, Tex., $220,000; lower
Willamette river below Portland, Or.,
$200,000; Columbia river at the cas
cades, Oregon," $125,000; waterway
connecting Lakes Union and Washing
ton, $100,000.
The Samoan treaty was signed at
This year's hop product of Washing
ton amounts to 33,983 bales.
The new Austrian budget provides
for a consul-general in Chicago.
The tone of the Japanese press on the
war in the Transvaal is decidedly pro
British. Genreal Joe Wheeler writes that the
Filipino war i being prolonged by the
antis in this country.
The British railway companies have
agreed to convey free to the port of em
barkation, all books, papers and peri
odicals intended for use of the troops
engaged in South Africa.
At the caucuses held in Washington
the democrats chose James O. Richard
son, of Tennessee, as their candidate
tor the speakership. The republicans
nominated David B. Henderson, of
General Leonard Wood will be the
master of all Cuba under the direction
of tha president until the time conies
when congress takes action by provid
ing a new civil government for the
The Hernandez revolution is gaining
ground in Venezuela from day to day,
and is supported by leading members
of the financial and commercial worlds,
who supply the revolutionists with all
the arms and money they need.
The British dead and wounded at the
hard-fought battle of Modder river
numbered hundreds. The war depart
ment has given out tho information
that the total number of cansualties
was 452, and, the number kilhd, 73.
The Boer loss was slight.
Bubonio plague has made its entry
into Japan, five undoubted cases having
been reported at Kobe, three already
proving fatal. The pest is traced to
cotton imported from China. Much
dismay prevails in the infected city
and the most drastic measures are be
ing taken by the authorities.
According to late advices the great
drought in Australia was broken in
October. Terrific storms followed, do
ing great damage, epecially to build
ings. The Adamstown Roman Catholio
school, in which 40 children were as
sembled, collapsed. One scholar was
killed and two others seriously injured.
It has been definitely settled that the
auditing department of the Oregon
Short Line is to be brought under the
supervision of Auditor Erastus Young,
of the Union Pacific, and all accounts
for both lines audited at Omaha. It
is also rumored that the O. R. & N.
auditing department is soon to follow
in the wake of the Short Line.
Mrs. McKlnley has made over 4,000
pairs of knit slippers for charitable in
stitutions. Former Senator Davis, of West Vir
ginia, is to present me state witn an
orphan asylum.
Hiram Cronk, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., !
is 99 yean ei4 and the last survivor of
the Mexican war.
Harry J. MacDonald, who died in
New York recently, was the son of t .
native African king. i
Filipino Force at Bayombong
Surrendered to Monore.
Laid Mown Their Arm and Released
Their Prisoners, Among Wliniu
Ware Several Americana. "
Manila, Dec. 4. General Conon sur
rendered 800 oflicers and men with
rides, several Americans and 70 Span
ish prisoners aud the garrison at Bay
ombong, province of Nueva Viscaya,
to Lieutenant Monroe, c'ith 60 men ol
the Fourth cavalry.
Otis' Report of Operation.
Washington, Dec. 4. General Otis'
advices to the war department show
that the advance into the interior is be
ing vigorously pushed, and the Ameri
can troojis continue to drive back and
disperse the scattered bands encoun
tered. He states that Captain War
wick, of the Eighteenth infantry, was
killed in an engagement atPaai, Ho Ilo
province, November 27.
He and Alvare Stirred the People up
to the Point of Insurrection.
Manila, Dec. 4. The steamer Sal
vador, from Zamboanga, island of
Mindanao, which has arrived here,
brings details of the occupation of the
town by Commander Very, of the Uni
ted States gunlioat Castiue.
The revolutionists in Mindanao were
led by Alvarez and Calixto, who left
Luzon some time ago and for the last
seven months had lieen stirring up the
people, winning a considerable follow
ing. The commercial depression and
the lack of food resulting from the is
land's blockade set the people against
the revolutionists and culminated in
the assassination on November 15 of
Calixto, a firebrand and the real leader
of the revolution, by Midel, mayor of
tho town of Tetunn.
Midel, under a pretext, secured Calix
to's presence in Tetnan and where the
mayor station guards. The latter fired
a volley, killing Calixto instantly.
Midel at once repaired to the Castine
and arranged with Commnnder Very
for the occupation of Zamboanga.
Commander Very asked that Dato
Maudi, with 500 of his followers, sta
tioned on a neighboring island, como
to Zamboanga.
The following inoniIiiglidei raised
the American flag over Zamboanga, the
insurgents offering uo resistance and
evacuating the town. The Castine
was saluted with 21 guns, and Com
mander Very landed 100 bluejackets
and took possession of the town aud
fortifications. Datto Mandi's men ar
rived in the afternoon. They were
armed with wooden shields and swoids,
and were used on picket duty.
Commander Very dispatched tho
gunboat Manila on November IStoJolo
to convey troops to reinforce him. A
company cf the Twenty-third regiment,
under Captain Nichols, arrived on No
vember 17, and two more companies
followed them shortly. Mandi's fol
lowers then returned home and Alvarei
sought to arrange for a surrender of the
arms and the artillery pieces.
On the afternoon of November 20,
Midel called a meeting of the local
chiefs, who formally deposed Alvarei
as leader of the revolutionists in the is
land and elected Midel president of the
new insular government established
under American sovereignity and con
trol. The chiefs formally requested
Commander Very to grant exemption
from taxes until the re-establishment
of commercial relations, permission to
carry arms in the mountains, religious
freedom and the power to conduct local
government as they had previously
done, which requests, pending the ar
rival of Brif .dier-General Bates, the
military governor of tho district, the
commander granted.
Commander Very then effected an
apparent reconciliation between Al
varez and Midel and their followers,
Alvarez signing a formal resignation of
the position of revolutionary leader on
November 22, at a point on the coast
near the rebel town of Mercels. Al
varez delivered 14 Nordenfeldts and
Maxims, with ammunition, which
were stored on board the Castine.
Eight Nordenfeldts and Maxims were
delivered to the army at Zamboanga,
as were also 200 rifles and ammuni
tion. The artillery came into posses
sion of the revolutionists from six
Spanish gunboats bought by the army
from Spain, which the revolu
tionists looted before the Americans
could get possession.
Alvarez and only a dozen follower!
left, the remainder of the. revolution
ists having scattered and returned to
their occupations. Commander Very,
having started to occupy Zamboanga, it
considered to have handled the situa
tion in its many phases with energy
and diplomatic skill.
Wood Will Return to Cuba.
Washington, Dec. 4. General Leon
ard Wood will return to Cuba next
week. He says he expects to remain
in the line of the army as long as he
lives and is permitted to remain.
Hla First Report.
Washington, Dec. 4. In the first an
nual report of Secretary Root, jus
made public, frequent reference is
made to the report of General Otis to
show the magnitude of the task set for
him in the Philippines with the inade
quate forces at his command when tho
)utbreak came, and a high tribute is
paid to tho courage of the troops who,
n the face of great hardships, volun
iarily consented to forego an imme
iiate return to their hornet upon the)
apiration of their terms of se-vioa.
Daring Robbery of an Kipres Car It
South Carolina,
Charleston, S. C, Dffc. 4. An un
known white man, closely masked,
held up the two messengers in a South
ern express car tonight, and uudei
cover of a revolver, compelled them tt
give up $1,700 in cash. F.iuht thous
and dollars in another safe was over
looked by the outlaw. The train had
just left Branchville when Messengers
Ramsey and Rhodes were covered with
two revolvers. One messener was
made to stand with his hands over his
head and the other was compelled to
hand over the money packages in the
safe. After warning the mossengers
not to put a foot outside of the car un
til the train had got under way again,
the robber pulled the bell and jumped
off as the train slowed up. The con
ductor aaw the robber escapiug along
side the track, but, thinking him a
tramp, signaled the engineer ahead.
When the train got under way the mes
sengers came out and told their story.
The car was a combination baggage
and express, and the door had been
opened to permit the conductor to
reach the baggage section, which was
in the forward end of the car.
How the Khalifa Died.
Cairo, Dec. 4. Officers from the
Soudan who have arrived hore say that
when General Wingate's force overtook
the khalifa, the hitter tried to outflank
the Anglo-Egyptians, but failed. See
ing his position was hopeless, the kha
lifa bade his emirs stay wth him and
die. He then spread a sheepskin on
the ground and sat down on it, with
the emirs on each side of him. The
khalifa was found shot in the head,
heart, arms and logs, and the emirs
were lying dead beside him. The
members of his bodyguard were al)
dead in front of them. General Win
gate's fore swept over them without
recognizing tho khalifa and his emirs,
but they were identified later. The
khalifa is described as of medium
height, strong and stout, of light
brown, color and wearing a long gray
Wrecked by a Breaker.
Eureka, Cal., Deo. 4. The steamei
Weeott lies a total wreck on the south
jetty of Humboldt bay, having struck
the rocks there, and of the 24 souls on
board all are safe but two. Oue pas
senger, Mrs. Carmichael, a resdent ol
Feindale, this county, aud Gus Nelson,
a seaman of the steamer, lost their
lives. Mrs. Carmichael was the first
person the lifosaving crew tried to res
oue. She was in the basket which was
on the lifeline run to the doomed ves
sel from the jetty. A big breaker
struck the basket as- she was almost in
the arms of her rescuers, and she was
swept away. Her body was hot re
covered. Nelson was killed by a falling
spar which struck him, breaking his
Storm In Texa.
Rockport, Tex., Dec. 4. Reports
from points on the gulf in this section
show that the damage to. property and
loss of life by the recent severe storm
were much greater.than at first report
ed. A number of small, fishing craft
are missing, together with their crews.
The bodies of James Sanders and two
other men not yet identified have been
found in the mouth of St. Charles bay.
Several thousand head of sheep and
hundreds of cattle were driven into the
gulf by the Btorm and diwned. One
ranchman, George Brundett, lost over
3,000 head of sheep in this manner. In
Refugio and Aransas counties, there
was a terrific fall of hail and chunks ot
ice, some being five inches in diame
ter. More than 700 head of cattle were
killed by falling hail in the vicinity o)
Lumar.- .
A Cure For Leprosy.
Honolulu, Nov. 25, via Victoria, B.
C, Dec,;. 4. Experiments are to be
made here with a remedy for leprosy,
which is said on reliable authority to
have actually accomplished cures. The
cure is a Venezeula shrub, of which
samples were forwarded here by Sur-geon-Geheral
Wyman, of ' tiie United
States. The shrubs' are growing here
under the caie of Dr. Carmichael, of
the United tSates marine hospital .ser
vice, who was asked by tlie department
at Washington to make experiments
with them. The shrub credited with
the power of eradicating the . malady,
hitherto found to be known
in Venezuela as tantua. ;
Seoretary Hitoheock'a Annual Report. -
Washington, Dee;1- 4. The annual
report of-Secretary of the Interior
Hitchcock, made public tonight, while
summing up the work in all the bu
reaus, is of special interest by reason
of its statements regarding pension
policies. ; . .;. . t .
At the close of the fiscal year there
were 991,519 pensioners,- a decrease of
2,195 during ther year. The average
annual alue of all pensions 'was
$132.74. The Spanish war probably
will increase the pension roll in the
coming fiscal., year. : The secretary
concurs in the recommendations pro
viding that no-pension be granted to
commence prior to the dato of filing
the claim.
Gigantic Sngar Trust.
Chicago, Dec. 4. The News says to
day: A $200,000,000 trust is in con
teni ilation. There is every prospect
that the American Sugar Refining Com
pany, and all so-called independent
sugar refineries, will be consolidated.'
. Advance In Wage.
Fall River, Mass., Dec. 4. All cot
ton manufacturers in this city repre
sented in the Fall River Association
decided today to grant an advance of
10 per cent in wages-beginning Decem
ber 11. About 2,800 hands will be
Elgin. 111.. Deo.' 4. The Elirfn Na-
tional Watch Company today surprised
its 2,400 employes by giving notce of a
restoration of the wage scale of 1892,
the advance being unsolicited.
Senate Adjourned as Mark of
Respect to Hobart.
Objection Was Made to Oathtaklug and
tua Matter Wa Referred to
Special Committee.
Washington, Deo. 6. Appropriate
tribute to the memory of the late Vice
President Hobart was paid by the sen
ate today at its first session of the 6Gth
congress Monday. The session lasted
only 83 minutes, and. only , the most
formal aud necessary business was tran
sacted. After the adoption of the usual
routine resolutions and the admin intra
tion to the new members of the oath of
office, Sewell (Rep. N. J.) presented
fitting resolutions upon the death of
the vice-president, the resolutions were
ordered to be communicated to the
house of representatives, and the ses
sion, on motion of Kean (Rep. N. J.
was suspended.
As usual on the opening days of con
gress, the senate chamber was a verita
ble conservatory. Pending the actual
convention of the senate, the chambet
presented a most animated and pictur
esque scene. The galleries were filled
with a brilliant and distinguished aud
Two protests were filed, one against
the seating of Quay and the other
against Clark, of Montana.
In the House.
Washington, Dec. 5. Enormous
crowds witnessed the opening scenes in
the houso yesterday. The principal
interest centered in the disposition of
Roberts, the Mormon representative
from Utah. Those who anticipated a
sensational denoument were disappoint
ed. The programme outlined by the
Republican leaders at their conference
Friday night was partially carried out,
The objection to the administration of
the oath to Roberts was entered by
Tayler, of Ohio, as predicted, and he
stepped aside without protest except to
ask if by doing so he waived any of his
rights. To this the speaker responded
in the negative. There was not a pro
test from any quarter against the objec
tion to the administration of the oath
to Roberts, but on the contrary the only
voice raised, except that of Tayler, was
that of McRae, a Demcorat of Arkan
sas, who joiued with Tayler in his pro
test. Tayler offered his resolution' to
refer the case to a special committee,
and by mutual arrangement the consid
eration of the resolution was postponed
until tomorrow, in order that the rou
tine business iu connection with the
organization might be transacted today.
Although Roberts was not sworn in
today, he secured a seat. This was by
an accident, pure and simple. In the
seat-drawing lottery, no provision had
been made for Roberts, but when the
drawing was completed two others, as
well as himself, had not been provided
with seats, and the speaker asked and
secured from the house permission for
those members who had not drawn
seats to make such selections as they
could. ' Under this authority, Roberts
got a seat in an obscure portion of the
hall. His daughter sat in the gallery
'and watched the proceedings from be
ginning to end.
After the election of Speaker Hen
derson and his induction into office,
the appointment of the usual commit
tees to wait upon the president, the
seat-drawing contest, with the usual
amusing features, went off without a
hitch. The only feature out of tho or
dinary was the reception of the Reed
rules as the rules for the present con
gress. They were adopted by a strict
party vote.
Seldom, if ever, have such enormous
crowds swarmed around the house to
witness the opening scenes of the ses
sion as besieged the doors today.
Very early in the day a monster peti
tion, said to consist of 7,000,000
names, protesting against the. seating
of Roberts, was brought into the hall.
It had been collected by the New York
Journal. It consisted of 28 rolls of
names, each about two feet in diam
eter, encased in the American flag.
These rolls were stacked up in the area
in front of the clerk's desk and were
viewed with great curiosity.
Women Use Gun and Knlvea to Drive
- Men From Work.
Cheyenee, Wyo., Dec. 6. A week
ago 600 miners employed in the mines
of the Diamondville Coal & Coke Com
pany, at Diamondville, Wyo., struck
for an increase in wages; Their de
mands were refused, and a small force
of non-union men - went to work. At
an early hour this morning a mob of
800 women and girls, armed with guns,
knives, clubs and stones, marched to
the mines and compelled the operators
to flee.
The miners at work were dragged
from the mines and also driven away.
Several were injured by being struck
with clubs, and one man was shot at,
presumably by one of the number of
strikers concealed near the mines. The
small force of deputies guarding the
company's property was powerless.
The miners have been importing
arms and ammunition and more trou
ble is looked for.
Caught In a Care-In. .
. Denver, Dec. 4. By a cave-in at thy
excavation for a sewer at Thirty-fourth
and Downing avenues this evening,
several laborers were buried. The bod
ies of George Holts, C. A. Carlson and
Henry Nelson, have been taken out.
It is not known how many were in the
trench, but the foreman believes all
are accounted for. '
EHvted a Fight at Tagudla,
I but the Kneiny Fled.
Manila, Doc. 0. The Spanish trans
port Aliva and the gunboats Villa
Lobes aud Quios, with the Spauinh gar
rison aud civilians of the Caroline
islands, arrived here today. They re
port that tlit) German governors of the
islands, who arrived on the warshifi
Jaguar, occupied Yap November 3,
Reipau Novenilier 16 aud Ponapi Octo
ber 3. They garrisond the places with
15 men each. The Spanish governors
of Yap and Ponapi said they considered
the small German garrisons in danger
from the natives. The Spanlch gun
bouts will probably be offered for Bale
to the United States government.
The Spanish secretary, Senor Ben
quente, has arrived here with a note
from Lieutenant Gilmore to his sister,
Mra, Major .Price,- Ha say he has
been 111, but is now in fairly, good
health. The Spaniards befriended him
and gave him money and clothes.
The Americans left Namapacan, prov
ince of Union, this morning, expecting
to have a fight ' at Tagudin, in South
llicos, but they found, on arriving
there, that 600 rebels under . General
Tino had evacuated 86 hours before '
deserting an almost impregnable posi
tion. .
The residents of Tagudin receiver! '
the Americans outside the town with a
brass band. They had been robbed of
almost everything by the insurgents,
and were glad to welcome friendly and
protecting troops. , ";
A similar reception awaited General .
Young at Santa Cruz. i '.
The inhabitants of Santa Cruz and of.
other towns through which', the Ameri
cans passed say that Aguiualdo and his'
entre refugee army have gone into the
mountains eastward since the Oregon,
Samar and Callao attacked Vgan aud
landed a force there.
Havana Commercial Company Rend
Armed Guards to Its Plantation.
Havana, Dec'.' 6. -The Fatria; 'diB-
cussing the references' to Cuba, in Seci '
retary Root's report, pronounces Ahem"1'
very satisfactory, 'und says that "im-I'
dependence is safe. !.!.; . .'i,t4
The Neuve Pais says;. ; .; 4tf:
"The Americans.. .evidently still be-i
lieve that the Cubans are not fit to gov
ern themselves, owing to their lack of
education, and they still intend to edu- "
cate us until we are fit for self-govern-
ment. Mr. Root does', not 'discuss the.
subject of independence;, leaving it ,
where it was on January 1. " ' '" '
The Havana Commercial Companv'iV
placing armed guards on its' plaata-
tions in the province of. Pinatdel Uiit, jv
Hid will apply to Governor-Getretal r ?
Brooke for. an infantry contingent.,
Mr. Merryless, the manager, says.:,, ..y.
' The company would not go to the
expense of arming ' a number of me'n
unless this was thought necessary io!'-.''-'
the protection of its interests. .. We-tforrl
not believe there is any immediate
cause for alarm, but ' we do think that
the spirit of disaffection, it preadtog
and is likely, later, to, Wr. ..;
into flame whenever the United Sfeflk,-,
government does or refrain frora",doin-jr
something which the Cuban leaders pp;
pose or desire." .; ': .'-"
SHIPS .WRECkK;'j3Y-" SiO&&?'t:'
. ; r ..V.
Australian RtruggTing With " TarUCJ-
yucstloii The Wool Criij, .,. '.,
Vancouver, 15. C; Dec. 6. Unuaur?
ally cold weather and hoavy jjateaViire&s
reported from Ivew. Zealand..- purrng-i
a storm in November the ship Plejadesr
went ashore on the New Zealyni cpatit; '
Her oflicers and crew were siu'tsd,' Jmt ,
the ship cannot be rnovejl'i'fnini 4hd'l.tJ.
rocks upon which she is now "-rwtiflij.'i
high and dry. During the-' same g tat '.t
the steam eollier Hesketh went "ashore"'
at the Greymouth bar, wher alto-; the ' -
Mapowicka was recently stranded..' ", .
A tariff conference has been held, at "'
Melbourne by manufacturers and others
interested in securing a protective tariff
for Australia. Tbey prepared a farjlT'" '
schedule for submission to parliament.;
when customs regulations of the federal -v
tion are being determined, ftnd 'anin-'i
tercolouial protectionist 'association"
nas oeen iormea, ana enors are Doing ;
made to change the. free-trade, sent!-' "'
ment throughout all the colonies..' -. .'' t
The wool crop this year will -proba- -
bly be less than that of 1898. -. - ; ... ;
Mistaken for Aguiualdo, ' ,-
Vancouver, B. C, Dae. 6. This city- -.'
was thrown into a state of tremendous ;"'
excitement tiday by the 'detention at 'C
police headquarters of a man supposed -.y
to be Aguinaldo. H. W. : Treat, of.-:..
New York, informed the American ;
consul this afternoon that a suspicious- -looking
stranger, bearing a marked re- ;
semblance to Aguinaldo, had come overA
from Victoria today. It finally devel- "
oped that the stranger, who is a Hin
doo, had been under suspicion in various
American cities. hen he learned ' "
that he was believed t) be Aguinaldo, '
he quickly proved an alibi and was re- -teased.
Hobart' Will. .
Paterson, N. J., Dec. 4. The will ol; .
the late Vice-President Hobart was ',
filed for probate today. The-Value .of -
the estate is not given, but it is under-v
stood to be $2,500,000. Of the estate;-'.
the widow receives $1,000,000 and "
half of the remainder. After a number
of bequests are paid, the son, ' Garret .
Hobart, jr., inherits the other half
when he attains his majority.
Rear End Collision In Colorado.
Denver, Dec. 6. Arei,r-end coIlLsiou.
occurred between two passenger trains .
on the. Rio Grande this morning. In ' ".
which six persons were killed outrighi' 'l
and several others severely injured.". .
The accident happened -at English,"
switch, about six miles eapt of Salida, j
at 6 A. M. The killed are: Cs E. Os-. t-
good, Denver; IL R. Matthews, Den-
ver; Peter Barnes, Denver; Jdtf;' Gee.
Porter, Grand. Junctjim; . A: B. - Johft-'-1
eton, Oberlin, Ohio, and an unknown '
man. - '