THANKSOIVINQ PUMPKIN PIES. II E may not b Trael In hlHtory, theology and that, Fhb has never paid attention to n B harp or A flat; I know lt' very cer tain that tho plan eta In the skies IIae not botht-rail with her akllt In muklug Inxcloua puQiptla plea. She has never wor r I rl r over qim-tlons called obmse, The inraterlea of cy- rllntr Kh baa had atrenih to refuae; Bha would cut a sorry figure In tile social parHllat I'ut the a perfect paragon concocting pumpklu plea. Her mini haa never waded through the lit erature of guxh, Her rheeka hare urrer rrlmaoned other than with nature's bluah. She len t vereed In iubtle ways and fashion able ilea But ahe'a queen of ail creation when sue builds pumpkin plea. Hue haa not applied for membership In any cooking fad, Bha has never murmured polltlra to make all nature sad But she's nilKhtr Intellectual In wreitllng with the tics Burroumllna; the arranging of Thanksgiving pumpkin plea. .A5S Pooo'i "Joqkcy. rJO ES, I come out better with 'em y thun I eipected," said Phoebe " Podd across the barnyard fence to her neighbor, Mrs. Tripp, who ald: "i'bey's aa fine n lot o' turkeyi as I ever tee, Misa Podd, and you'd great lurk 'to do ao well with 'em. Turkeyi are dread ful hard things to raise. Don't you think o?" "I'm, they be; an' I do'no ai I shall ever try It again. They need ao much coddllu' when they're little things on they eat ao much I doubt If It pays to bother with 'em. But I thought I'd try It once Just to see how 1 come out, an' I didn't lose a single one. One of 'em had the pips, too; but I coddled it through all right." s "You'll sell some of 'em at Thanksgiv ing time, I s'pose?" "Oh, yes; I collate on selling all but that young gobbler, an' I'm goin' to eat I'm short of grain and it won't pay me to buy feed for a lot of turkeys. They'd eat their heads off in six weeks." "Yes, I s'pose so. Who you goin' to have for comp'ny Thanksglvln'?" "I ain't quite sure yet; but I guess It won't be hard to git someone to come In am1 help eat a plump, Juicy young gob bler like that." "No, indeed. We're all goin' over to Hebron to eat dinner with my husband's sister. They're golu' to have a big faru' ly reunion there, an' sister counts on hav lu' over forty to dinner." "It must be nice to have that many own folks," said Miss Phoebe, with a sigh. "Here I ain't got any kin at all." "There's your cousin Thyrza," said Tripp. "I don't count her as kin," said rhoe be Podd coldly, and she manifested her resentment of Mrs. Tripp's suggestion by turning about abruptly and walking into the house, while Mrs. Tripp walked down the country road toward her own home, nying to herself: "If ever there was a set piece I'hoebe Podd is one. There's nobody on earth she'd plight to have and she'd like to have help her to eat that young gobbler as Thyrza lHane and her boys, but she'd die, Phoebe Podd would, before she'd ow n up to It." Miss Podd lived on a profitable little farm left to her by her parents, who had also left her cash and stock enough to make her one of the "best off" women In the neighborhood In which she lived. She lived alone, with the exception of a hIred dan. Miss Todd and her cousin Thyria had been more like sisters than cousins in their Intimacy until a tritliug disagree ment had resulted In their complete es trangement, and It had been five years Since they had spoken to each other. Mrs. Deane had become a widow dur ing these five years, and she had been re duced from a state of eae and plenty to ont of hardship and poverty. But these scts had apparently made no difference mmrm ' with Phoebe Todd, for ahe continued to utterly Ignore the existence f her cousin. "I'd like to see myself asking Thyria Deane nud her young ones to come and help me eat that turkey!" said Misa Podd spitefully as "he went Into her spotless kitchen and banged the door behind her. "I've a good mind never to apeak to Saraa Tripp agnlu for mentioning the name of Thyrza Deaue to me!" Three duya before Thanksgiving Misa Podd engaged the services of Jane Gray, a woman who "worked out" In the neigh borhood, and the two women dressed the entire flock of turkeys for market after Job, the hired man, had done duty as a butcher. The plump young gobbler alone waa pared, but his end waa to come on Thanksgiving day. "Although it'd be a mercy to kill him now," said Miss Podd to Jane Uray, "he'll fee! so lonely without his matea. I'll have Job kill 'lm early Thanksgiving morning and put 'lm In the Ice house to cool off 'fore I roast Mm, an' I don't think I'll have any one here this Thanksglvln. I ain't feolln' right well ao' I don't feel able to fuss 'round gettin' up a big din ner. I don't seem to have any interest In Thanksgiving thla year." But her Interest was ar tused when Job came In on Thanksgiving morning,-and informed Misa Podd that the young gob bler was not to be found. "I've looked high and low for 'lm, ma'am; an' he ain't to be found nowheres. I've my s'plcions where he went." "You have? Well, why don't you come out an' say what you think?" asked Mist Podd Irritably. "I think he was stolen, ma'am." "It looks like it," said Miss Podd. "An' Pve my s'plcions who stole 'lm." "Who?" "Well, I met that oldest boy of the Widow Deane's in the woods near your barn Inst evening just at dusk an' he had a white an' black turkey gobbler slung over his shoulders. lie made off mighty fast when be saw me. I never thought anything about it until I come to look up your turkey thla morning, and couldn't find him." "And you ain't seen my turkey since you saw Joe Deane with a gobbler like mine on hia back?" "No, ma'am. The last I saw of your turkey was about 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon when I see 'im goin' out toward A THANKSGIVING HUNT IN YE OLDEN the timber back o' the barn. It's my opinion that the Deane boy swiped that gobbler." Miss Podd was In Just the right mood to be easily led to this same conclusion, and her wrath knew no bounds when she had finally decided that Job was correct In his aurmlse. "Yes," she said finally, "that boy nab bed my turkey, an he probably did It out of pure spite. But then he had a great uacle on the Deane side who was once arrested for stealiu' an', the Tailin' has prob'ly cropped out In Thyrza's children. But she'll wish she'd raised 'em better 'fore night. I ain't crossed her doorstep for most six years, but I'll cross it to day an' tell her to her face what I think of thla performance. I'll tell her some thing that'll make that turkey taste mighty bitter in her mouth, now see if I don't!" It was a raw, cold and sunless day. Miss Podd's anger had made her forget that she was not feeling well, and soon after noon she set forth from her own snug and pretty home to visit the far from attractive and comfortable home in which her cousin lived. There had no money for repairs of any kind on the Deane place and Miss Podd relented a very little bit as she noted the forlorn aspect of the place. But she was determined to carry through what she had undertaken. It was unlike the Podds to swerve from any fixed res olution, and Miss Podd's face wore a hard, grim, resolute look as she knocked at the Deane's back door. "I'll face 'em when they're in the very act of eatin' my turkey," she had said to Job. "I'll make that turkey change from sweet to bitter in their mouths!" Someone called out "Come In," and Miss Todd entered the Deane kitchen just as Mrs. Deane and her fire children had seated themselves at a table ou which there was no sign of a turkey or of a Thanksgiving feast of any kind. A plate of corned beef and a dish of boiled potatoes were the chief dishes on the ta ble. Mrs. Deane's surprise when she saw who her caller was was manifest in her face. "Why Cousin Phoebe!" she said. Miss Podd's sharp eyes took in at a glance the poorly spread table and the air of poverty the interior of the bouse presented, and her first words were: "Well, Thyrza Deane, is this the best Thanksirivlnir dinner vou're able to have?" "Yes, It Is, rhoebe," sold Mrs. Dcnne with a blush. "It's so poor, I'hoebe, that I'm ashamed to ask you to share it. "Where's the turkey Joe brought home last night?" asked Phoebe. "We sold it. It was one he earned buskin' corn all day for Andy Tetlow, and we were too poor to keep it for our selves, ao I dressed It and Joe took it to town after dark lust night and exchunged mm 'IT'D BB A MERCr TO KILL HIM." it for things we needed more thun we needed the turkey. There was silence in the room for a mo ment and then Miss Podd burst out lm petuously: "I ain't fit to live! No, I ain't! I'm too miserably mean an narrow contract ed to be respectable even! I'm " "Why, Cousin Phoebe, I " "You lent keep still, Thyrza, an' bear me out! You know what I come here for? Hey? No, you don't, an' you ain't mean-minded enough to guess! 1 come here to accuse your boy Joe of stealiu' a turkey from me! I " "Why, Phoebe " "You keep still, Thyrza, an' hear me out, an' then order me out if you feel TIME. like It A Vounz cobbler I had ml.. In" this mornin' an' Job, my hired man, saw your Joe goin' home las' night with a turkey on his back, an' I was mean enough to make myself think it was my turkey, an' here you are eatin' a Thunks glvin' dinner of corned beef an' potatoes, an' more thankful for It, I'll be bound, than I am for all the good things I've got In my cellar an" pantry! I'm so ashamed of myself!" "Why, Phoebe!" "But this Is what you've got to do, Thyrza; you an' the children must go right home with me an' keep Thanksglv ln'. I'll kill a pair o' chickens an' we'll make a big potpie like we had the Inst time you et your Thanksgivin' dinner with me. I've piles of pie an' cookies an doughnuts an' a big pound cake all baked up! You've got to go, Thyrza, for the sake of old times! Come on an' welcome to you all!" There was no opposing Miss Podd and in fifteen minutes they were all on their way to her house, the two cousins walk ing arm in arm. When they reached Miss Todd's house Job met them with a grin on his face. 'That young gobbler's a good one," said Job. "I reckon he thought he'd be smurt enough to save his neck. I found him just now in the shed room. The winder was up an' I reckon he flew In there last night an' he found it so comfortable he concluded to stay right there, 'speshly as there was a bag of corn there." "Well, yon get his head right off an put him in the Ice house to cool off," said Miss Podd. "Our dinner'll be late, Thyr ia, but I'll set out a good lunch to kind o' stay our stummicks an' then you an' I will pitch in an git up one o' the rcg'lar Thanksgivin' dinners like we used to gir np 'fore we was geese enough to fall out. But we've fell in again, as it were, an' it won't be my fault If we don't stay friends the rest of our days." Detroit Free Press. "Why School Is Closed. Teacher And now. Jolmnv tn m why school will be closed on Thanksgiv ing aay i Johnnr So that w mnv .r.-a. thing to be thankful for. School Bor4 Journal. BIG TIMBER. Circular Iaaund Telling F.mlern Iopla About the Iteaouroea of the Nurthweat. The Northern Pacifio Railway has Issued a circular gotten out eH3ially to exploit the resources of Western Wanhiatou in respect to its timber and lumber industries. The pamphlet contains gome hanilosine half-tone illus t rations of the bii timler in Washing ton, besides exhaustive statistics ami other valuable informaton for lumber' men. The figures contain dome lnforma tion calculated to startle even Puget Sound lumbermen, who ate accustomed to looking upon these resources iu a matter of fact way. Tho following list shows the following rail shipments of dressed lumber for tho past nine yearn, over the various roads to points with out the state of Washington: Hail ship ments in the year 18U0, 100,000,000 feet; 18U1, 500,000,000; WJ'2, 9(H), 000,000; 18U3, 1,000,000,000; 1891, 1,200,000,001); 1805, 1,900,000,000; 18U0, 2,2r)8,800,000r 1807, 2,800,400, 000; 1898, 8,000,000,000. In referring to what is considered by Eastern lumbermen as abnormal features of Washington timber, tho pamphlet siivs: "The growthj" Washington timber is remarkahie in many ways, for one thing it has single trees of extraordinary size. A King county tree recently cut measured nine feet in diameter at the butt, four feet eight inches at the top, was 186 feet long and scaled 4,000 feet of clear lumber, without knot or blem ish. From a cedar log 22 feet long 73,000 five to two and one-quarter 18 inch Perfection shinnies were manufac tured, worth upwards of $150. "The red fir is not infrequently 250 feet high, the pine 100 feet, the silver fir 150 feet, tho black spruce 150 feet and white oak 70 feet. (darg htivo been found 21 feet in diameter and 120 feet high. Trees from six to eight feet In diameter are frequently seen in the forests of tins region." Oregon Lumbering. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company has stacked on the railroad platform at Saginaw over 1,000,000 feet of lum ber ready for shipment to California and Eastern points. On account of lack of cars and other rolling stock the Southern Pacific seems unable to handle the business. At 10,000 feet to the car, those of the largest capacity, the lumber on hand will require 100 cars. The Necanicum Spruce Lnmber Company, of Seaside, has purchase. the boiler formerly in use in the old Knappton cannery, and will use it to in crease the capacity of the company's box factory and dryhouses. The new dryhouse has a capacity of 00,000 and will soon be completed. An Eugan band rosaw machine has recently been purchased in the East and will arrive t?Vortly at its destination. Tljis com pany recently purchased 2,000,000 feet of spruce timber along the becauicum, and a contract has been let for logging it. A New ltonrf to Dawson J. J. McArthn. who has been in charge of the ''listruc.tion of the ('ana dian government's new winter trail be tween Bennett and Dawson, has arrived in Skagway, having completed the trail. The new route is 150 miles shorter than the old all-river route. The first 50 miles of it by laud beyond Bennett is along the grade of the ex tension of the White Pass railroad to White Horse rapids. Beyond that the government force of 80 men cut tho trail through 100 miles of timbered country. The road in no place is more hilly than in ordinary Western regions, and it leads around the rapids that are a vexation to those traveling the old river route. The first mail to Dawason over the new route was sent out several days ago in charge of the Canadian Devel opment Company, which has tho con tract to carry American aa well as the British mails this winter to and from the Klondike. Koadhouses are being opened every 25 to 30 miles along the road, and the terrors of long journeys in the Arctic region without place of shelter will not have to be endured in making the trip to Dawson hereafter. Transportation companies that will engage in sledding and general freight ing over tho new route this winter er- pect a heavy travel, especially toward Nome. It is said one company will put on 250 teams. Everett's Progress. Everett has made great progress in the past year. Its big paper mill em ploys 150 persons at a monthly wage of $8,000; and the smelter, iron works, four sawmlls, a sash-and-door lactory and eight shingle mills help to swell the payrolls and give steady employment to later. New buildings, include a schoolhouse, a hall, $30,000 court house, several business blocks, and nu merous honses. New Flouring Mill. Wenatchee is to have a new flouring mill at once. K. T. I.Iurdoek. from Chelan. Wash., is to be the nronrietor and manager of the new enterprise, and orK win commence at once. Ihe dllsite has been selected on the Co lumbia river. The mill will have a capacity off50 barrels a day to start ltn, ami tne plant will De increased 3 business demands it. Will Pot in a Creamery. T. S. Townsend, of Portland, who has several creameries in the state, visited Woodburn last week. He pro poses to put in a creamery in Wood burn, provided he can be regularly sup plied with milk from alxiut 200 cows by the farmers. He states that the Willamette valley is the best section in the world for creamery sites, and he has a good market for all of his manufactured products. Potato Shipment. Shipment of potatoes to San Fran cisco from Portland has already begun, something unprecedented so early in the season. Farmers are digging, but there is a chasm in California yawning for every potato taken out of the ground in Oregon, and they are going for the purpose of trying to fill it. The Cali fornia demand has already caused the price to rise from 50 to 60 cents. There are said to be a plentiful supply of potatoes in Oregon this year, how ever, and when digging really gets in inn blast the price will come down sain BRADSTREETS' REVIEW. General TnuL C'lintliiuea mi a Mailnium Volume fur the Year, r.radstreet's review of trade for the week says: General trade aud Indus- try continue at a maximum volume for this season of the year, while prices as a wiiole, manifest a strengtn unap' proached in recent years. Strength on values is still most not ablo among manufactured textiles, bu cereals, hides and leather and the manufactures thereof have also strengthened slightly. On the other hand, pork products and tin are slight ly lower. Iho great majority of prices, nowever, remain firm at uu changed quotations. An active con sumptive demand for wool is reported at leading markets, accompanied by fair export demanj, and a further re ductiou in stocks. Cereals do not manifest any striking change this week, but the resisting power of the market is appraeutly greater, more moderate receipts ol wheat at tne West inducing some cov ering, and corn is sympathetically stronger. Another feature naturally attracting attention at this time of the year is the demand for but goiierally re ported small stocks of coal available Inith East and West. Lumber displays cbntinuod strength Bnd advices are of an expected very heavy cut this winter, both in the Northwest aud at the South. Wheat, including flour, shipments for the week aggregated 4,540,007 bushels, against 4,750,842 bushels last week; 5,679,141 bushels iu tlie corre spending, week of 1898. Cora exports for the week aggregate 4,003,718 bush els against 4,581,447 bushels last week 3,731,724 bushels in this week a yea ago; 3,208,790 bushels in 1897; 2,975, 721 bushels in 1890, and 1,743,167 bushels in 1895. Business failures in tho United States number 189 for the week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Reattls Markets. Onions, new, $ 1. 00 (3 1.25 per sack Potatoes, new, $ 1618. Beets, per sack, 85c. Turnips, per sack, 65o. Carrots, per sack, 75c. Parsnips, per sack, !)0c. Cauliflower, 75o tor dozen. Cabbage, native aud California, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds. Peaches, 65 80c. Apples, $1.25 1.50 per lox. . Pears, $l.00l. 25 per box. ' Prunes, COo per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Nutmegs, 50 75c. Butter Creamery, 30o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20c- per pound. Eggs rirm, 30e. Cheese Native, 13 14o. Poultry 11 12Mc; dressed, 130, Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $17.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.65; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra ham, per barrel, $3.90; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; shorts, per ton, $17.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35.00. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 50 52c; alley, 51c; Bluestem, 52c per bushol. Hour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.15 tier barrel. Oats Choice white, 84 36c; choice gray, 32 33c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $1616.50; brewing, $18.00 19.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 50 55c; seconds, 42245c; dairy, 8740c; store, 25 35c. Eggs 29 30c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; now cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs, $2.003.50; geese, $5.500.00 for old; $4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1314o per pound. Potatoes 60 65c per sack; sweets, 2 2o per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 5flo per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 50o per box; peas, 84cper pound; tomatoes, 75c per box; green corn, 12M 15c per dozen. Hops 710c; 1898 crop, 56c. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 14c; mohair, 27 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 3Vc; dressed mutton, 6K 7c per pound.; lambs, 7o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3. 50 4.00; cows, $33.50; dressed beef, 6)a 740 per pound. Veal Large, 87)ac; small, 8 8o per pound. Ban Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1215o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216c; Val ley, 18 20c; Northern, 8 10c. Hops 1899 crop, 7a12o per pound. Onions Yellow, 75 85c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery 26 27c; io seconds, 27a28c; fancy dairy, 25 27c; do seconds, 23 24c per pound. Eggs Store, 25 32c; fancy ranch, 10c. Millstuffs Middlings, $19.00 20.50; bran, $1 7.50 18.00. Hay Wheat $7. 50 10; wheat a nd oat $7.009.00; best barley $5.00 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00 7.00 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 40 50c; Ore gon Burbanks, $1.251.50; river Bur banks, 50 75c; Salinas Burbanks. 1.00 1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 75c$1.50: do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Iruits Bananas, $1.50 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66io per pound. : Georgie's Qab i After me and paw aud the Pupp Had Lived ou paw'a Cooken Four day paw says: "Well, 1 alu't agoln to Put up With This Outrage enuy Ixinger. I Bin up agliist soul.) Cold propposlsheus In my Time and I was Hun over By a Skorch er Wtinsr, But this here Thing of P.elu left to Stnrve by a Hartlcss Woinim whllo She's away eaten Fritters and frosted Cuke three times a Dny U a Little Bit tho Worst Thing that ever hiiened t uie and It alu't dolu my blstum a Bit of Good." It tutched my Hart to Look nt paw. He had a ead countenuuee and a'xnu 47 Greece Spots ou his Ill.ncss Soot. The pupp was the only one what Seem ed to (Jit along all rite on Paw's cook en, Beeoz he wasent brot tip to be per tlekler about his Vittlcs and got most of tho stuff paw cooked fcr Me and himself. So paw Sed we was goin to Go and Git maw and Little Albert and the next Dny we went on the Three ocloek tmne. We got the Uawsons to keep the pupp till we Got Buck, and when we come out of the Doepo after paw Hot Ills ticket the pupp was thare Lookln up in paw's face and Waggen His tale Like If the Joke was on somebuddy else. "Bluine that Duwg," paw says, "If I Had a Club thay would Be a nock out rite here Iu On i Bound, and it wouldn't be no Chance blow neether." But the tranc come ulong In about a mlult and paw grabed the pupp when the Couduckter was Lookeu the other way and we got In. The pupp lade Down under the Seat and Kep purty quiet till it was Time to Git Out the Ticket. After the eonduckter punched paw's and putt a Little red card In his bat He held out his hand and Says: "Whare's the Boy's V" "What do you mean?" paw ast. "Ain't that your Boy?" the man says. "Yes," paw told Him, "but he's Too young to pay." "That Don't go on this Road," the Conduckter Says. "He'll Be ghavln Twlct a week In a year or So. Come on now, I nln't got no Time to Listen to no Stories about Dates In the Fam ily Bible." "I guess you must Be a new man Ileie," paw Says. "You Don't no the general manager of This Company Is my uncle, Do you? What's your name?" The Conduckter looked kind of sted dy at paw fer a minute and then sed: "All rite." So he went on puuehiu the Tickets, and after he was up at the other End of the Car paw Says: "They ain't nothlu Like Havin' nurve and Keepln' your Wits about you. I Hope you'll take after me and always 'no Enuff to keep Cool and Canini When you git In Tlte places. I wouldn't of Done a Thing Like That only this Bode run over a Cow for Uncle Henry Wunst and Wouldn't pay nothln." Purty soon the Couduckter Came Back and Leaned against the Seat In front of us, and Says to paw: "So the General manager Is one of your fiimbly, Is He? When was you In to See the Old gentleman Last?" "About a week ago," paw Says. "It's a pity about His health, Ain't It?" "Yes. I Couldn't Help notusen He was fallen purty Fast I Told him he was Foolish to work So hard. He ot to take a Best." "I spose you didn't ast him fer a pass Beeoz you Felt so Sorry fer Illm," the Conduckter Says. "Oh, no," paw anserd, "I Didn't no I was Goin then and I ain't Had no time to Tend to it Since." "Look here," the Conduckter Says, purty mod, "the General manager's Been In Yoorup fer Six months, and if He had enny Keelashens like you I don't Spose He'd Ever Come Back to try to live It Down. Now I want a Ticket fer that Boy." Then the pupp Seen thay was Sum thing rong Goin on So he Crawled out From uuder the Scat and Begin to Bark. "Where's the Best of the Fambly," the Couduckter ast "You ain't got a goto or a caff or a goose or ennythlng Like that with you, Besides the Boy and the Dawg, Have you?" "Don't git funny," paw says, Givln the pupp a kick that made everybud dy In the car take an Interest One man Jlst Behind us Hollered: 'I gess you made a mistake. You wanted to Git on the Cattle Trane, Didn't you?" and anuther one on the other side says to the Conduckter: 'You Better Serch Him. Mebbe he Has a Babbit or Two Consealed about his purson." Then paw Stood tip and Shook his fist nt Them and Hollered: 'You Fellers ot to Git a Job With Some Sho. Them Jokes Is So BHte the publlck would go Crazy over Then" Everybuddy In the Car Laft But me and paw Couldn't tell whether It was at the other fellers or us. So paw settled fer nie nnd we Took the pupp and went In the Smoken Car and the next Stashen was wharo we Got off. When me and paw and the Tupp was standen on the platform All alone and the Trane had went on I says: "Paw, Did you Haft to lum to keep cool and caunn In tlte places or did It jlst come natcherel to You?" . raw he set His satchel Down kind of slow and put his Hand on ml Hed and says: "George, Sum day you are agoin to gro up and Be a man If your life is spaired and mebby you mite have Chil dren. Then when thay come In the Times of your tribble and Sho that whare thay ot to Have Luv fer you In thare Brest thay ain't nothing But Dis- especk you will no what It Is to be a fawther with a Surpent's tooth Biten at your Hart. Say, if you tell the folks ennything about what hapened com in out Here I'll brake every Bone In your boddy." Chicago Times-Herald. GAR'S MANNER OF FIGHTING. Habits nt a Hawaiian Specie Made FiahinsT Dangerona. This Is a fish story, but It Is true If the writing of a man who signs "F. It G. S." after his name count for fact We all know the "gar," a long, thin gentle man like an elongated pickerel that of ten occupies a stall In our flh markets. They rarely attain a longtn of aver twelve Inches here, but ut Aru, FIJI, and thereabouts they grow much larger and the bill, armed with sharp tcelh. Is a weapou to be dreaded. The fish bask habitually at the very surface of the water and become extremely ex cited and in the larger specluu'Ug vi cious at the slightest nlarm. The gentleman who describes the In cident was collecting specimens of shells aloug the reef In the Aru Island, natives towing the boat along tho by ways, tossing the useless specimens and bunches of coral overboard agalu. In doing this he noticed that almost In variably tho large gars that were iu the vicinity would start out of the wa ter and dash away at headlong speed, glancing In aud out of the water like a shot. One of the fish coming near the boat, he observed that os soon as Us direction could be determined the na tive lifted up a peculiar flat basket that he carried aud held It as a shield, at the same time raising his club. The Idea of using a basket as a shield seemed a comical one, but was never theless a good one, as a few moments later a native some 300 yards to the left lifted a huge branch of coral and, find ing nothing In It, hurled It back again. It fell with a loud crash and almost In stanly four or five gars darted from the water, rushed away with Incredi ble Sjieed. Two of tho largest came flying toward the boat clearing the water and glancing out again, aud the native had barely time to utter a warn ing cry when one of them passed di rectly over where bin head had been a moment before. The other came full at the native. For a second It was under the water, then sut with a bound, flash lug In the sunlight like a meteor. The quick eye of the native, however, had followed It and, stepping back, ho raised the thick basket shield and re ceived the flying gar full upon It. The blow was so heavy that for the Instant the man staggered and was nearly thrown over, while the fish, evldeully stunned and confused by this sudden arrest of Its progress, lashed the water about him Into foam. A spear was soon put Into It and the dangerous liv ing arrow thrown into the boat Hawalipu Weekly. Cacti in a not le. A new method of growing caetl bat been discovered In the botanical car- dens of Berlin. All that Is required Is a shapely bottle, a little rich earth aud a few cactus seeds that can be bought of any florist for a few cents. Bottles In which ereme de menthe or some of the other cordials usually come, are well adapted to this purpose on account of the clearness of the glass and the grace of their shape. . .V Having secured the bottle, cleanse It thoroughly and then put earth In It un til the bottom Is covered to a height of alwut an Inch. Sprinkle this earth well, almost soaking wet, aud then throw In three or four cactus seeds. Close tho bottle snugly with a tight-fitting cork aud seal It close with sealing wax. Tie a strong cord around the neck of the bottle and hang It In a window that the sun reaches for at least several hours every day. In cold weather the bottle must not be exposed. The living room, with a constant temperature of 70 de grees or more, stilts the experiment ad mirably. Then the entire process of growth can be wntched with im mmill Interest. The opening and rooting of the seeds, and the gradual development of the plauts will follow, almost as If by magic. London Tailors Do Not Kit. "The best that can be said of the clothes Imported by American men from Loudon Is that they are well made," said Nelson 11. Huntington of New York, who has spent years abroad In the study of the hospitals. "They never fit. Indeed, the art of misfit seems to be carefully studied. The garments of both men nnd women never set well, and even the actresses, who are supposed to be exacting, suf fer from the inability or indisposition of the English tailors to fit the figure. The finish, however, shows fine and thorough workmanship. The French achieve better fits, but the work Is atrocious, making the best garments : look cheap and hurried. Not even im portant buttons are secure. American tailors and dressmakers surpass every thing In Europe In making a fit, and the finish compares favorably with the English. The New-Yorkers who Im port garments maae ny rooie ana other . fashionable Londan tailors had themt refitted by American tailors until a year or two ago, when the latter re fused to touch them at any price." Plltlmlitlnhld Vrth 1 m,irlinn Tho Last Opportunity. : ' The Into Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, the famous skeptic, told many stories of experiences which grew out of the com mon knowledge of his skepticism. One of these related to a visit which he once made to Bev. Phillips Brooks, be fore Doctor Brooks became a bishop. . Calling on Doctor Brooks, he was re- fused admission because, as the ser vant said, It was "sermon day," and, some of Doctor Brooks' own home pm-' pie bad nlready been denied admission. But Doctor Brooks learned that Inger-. soil was at the door, and sent out word that he should come in. ' After the Interview, and as Colonel Ingersoll was about to leave, he said: "Doctor Brooks, your man told me that you hod denied yourself to some of your home people this morning. Now bow Is It that you have admitted me, a stranger?" ... "Oh, that's quite easy," said Doctor Brooks, laughing. "They are mj church-members, and 1 shall eee'them again, here or In heaven, but Isn't it right for me to consider your belief,' and that I 6hall probably never meet you again!" Bridegroom Sent Away. A Polynesian bridegroom Is consplo uous by his absence during the wed ding festivities. As soon as negotia tions are opened with the family of the bride, the young man Is "sent Into the bush," and there he Is obliged to stay until the wedding ceremonies are com pleted. Will Be Disappointing. An English scientist shows that llaulri air cannot do the great things expected of It as a source of power or of refriger ation. The cost of manufacture Is sucb that It cannot pay to use the air pro duced by the evaporation of the llould. for the propulsion of an engine. For refrigeration a lump of Ice beats a bot tle of the liquid sir. 1