The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 24, 1899, Image 3

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    2Kood liver Slacier.
Ramboo furniture at BarttneHH.
Rocker, cheap aa the cheajiCHt,
JiartnieHa .
Have you seen Bartmean' fine golden
oak Writing dunka.
See those fine gulden oak Xma
rocker" at BartiiieAH.'.
Exceptionally low prices on otirpet at
n It,.-.. .....
Milk for cooking- purposes at 5 cents a
quart at the City Bakery.
Mrs. Pratt Nluteuiiib returned to
Portland last Saturday morning
Money to loan on real estate bv
Jouh L. Henderson, agt
W. O. Ovfrnian of Chicago was the
guest of N. Tostevin, last Tuesday.
John W. Watson of Portland visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.I Watson,
last week.
The circuit court grand jury reported
finding three true bills and six not true
bills of indictment.
Lands bought, sold and exchanged at
Emporium. Keep your eye on.the I'.in
porium ad, 2d page of Ulacikr.
Mrs. Harwood presides over the des'
tinies of the new store at Prather's
comer. It is neat, clean and inviting.
Mrs. ' A. 0. liershey, who has teen
under the doctor's care for some time,
is reported to bo much better and lm
proving rapidly. - v
letters remain uncalled for in the
post otlice for Frank Hickev, H. Macin
tire, Fred (J. Plununer, John Ryan and
I has:, lemplnnre.
Mrs. Julia Harvev was quite ill and
confiucd to the house for several days
lust week, but has recovered and on
Friday camu down town,
N. W. Bone of Wasco is visiting his
brother. C. K. Bone. Mrs. N. W. Bone
has been visiting her old home in the
Kaat for the past two months
Dr. F. C. Brosius has returned and
can be found in his office over Williams
& Brosius' drugstore, between the hours
of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 0-7 p. in
John U. Bolton, who has been work
ing for W. A. filingerland for the past
two vears. lett on me uoai flionuay
morning for his home in Portland.
Joe Purser has built a residence at
1 1 'i nl r(j hliln fur his wife's narents. Mr,
and Mrs. George Sunn of White Salmon,
and the aged couple will shortly move
into it.
Isaac C. Kent, brother of Judge T. B.
Keiit. arrived here two weeks ago with
his family from Idaho and is living in
the lialdwin house, where he is located
for the winter- .
Geo. Booth received a fine blooded
.mi from Portland, oresented bv J. L,
Atkinson. The duo was in charge of
T. C: Dallas for several days till Mr.
Bootli came to town.
A very fine entertainment will be
fiven by the Christian Endeavors of the
'iiited Brethren church some evening
next week. For full particulars watch
"tiett week 8 Gacikr
The a R. & N. Co. will build two
lunpi Ktern-wheel steamboats to ply be
tween Portland and The Dalles. The
Iw.atH. it is said, will be completed ill
time for the spring trade.
Miss Lethe Hiestand, a very capable
dressmaker recently from the East, do
veire to announce to the public that she
'iu'niinirurt tn rlo nlnin and fancv sew
ing at her residence at the U. B. par
uriii nun.
. Van Johnson brought to the Glacikr
nfiieo hiMt Kutiirduv 16 potatoes of the
Buffalo White variety that weigh 31
pounds. One of the 16 weighs 2 pounds,
10 ouncos. They are hard to
' beauty and size. .
.To. A. Wilson started last Saturday
morning on a trip to Pennsylvania to
viuit lii nld home in Indiana county.
Joe expects to return to Hood River
-after enjoying the hospitalities of his
friends in the Keystone state 101
month or two.
. Tha onnntr mirvevor of a county in
r -i.Wnoi nritea to "John L. Henderson
"asTtihg if he can locate a colony of in
utend'mg emigrants from that state on
U. Mr. Ilondenjon says
li run find the lands for them in the
4 miner part of our valley.
The Advent Christian church will be
taken down and rebuilt on J. W.iloore s
" i.lace at Clover Dell. This church was
"originally built near Tucker, it is and,
that W. A. Slingerland
;,rbt ha hronirht. within the fold, but
the good people of the congregation have
been forced to give up his case as liope
. less.
D. II. Clongh reports that einee the
rains set in a great many toadstools
have appeared among his strawberry
nLn Thin fiinirous urowth springs up
Jrom the middle of the strawberry plant
mi r,!iotiin( covers the whole of it.
Upon digging up the plant he finds that
the roots have uirnea mac
k u hiln tha tons are green and
. appear thrifty. The ground probably
needs a change of crop.
A member Of the O. R. & N. engineer
fnmu anvil til lit. at a coint on the road
above Mower is another sliding moun
tain like the one near Cascade Locks.
Rocks keep sliding and raising up the
ties and pushing the track towards the
river. His party explored the tap of the
mountain, where they found the ukull
of a mountain goat with the horns com
plete. They also found several petriuecl
;": trees and parts of trees..
" - 0. G. Hughson, traveling man for
RasmussenA Co. of Portland, was in
town last week. Mr. Hughson is. a
I.,-.., f tKu university of California.
; i tMnn of hi eolWe davs he said he
served three years at the blacksmith
tr Worn enterine the university.
1 hi. Ami niin.n ranee On the CttllipHS
jv Ma 11 1 . 1 .
I.., .,0 .r.ri,T new iair of top boots
ta tnkil in ana Uilt nini-
lfsnn.e nnmpkins. The boys caught
in to his atv-le and commenced to josh
i.i.v, Ttt-n'hnuliv voiins fellows man'
aged to run up against him. at the same
im attemntimr to make it appear that
the severe jolt they gave -mm .- about 6higles and builders' nara
beat for
huskies ami holding them out at arm s
length, rubbed their heads together.
x furthnr ttpmnt. was made to haze
l,im lint he trot rid of his top boots
tv.. n.,..;,i.,.i Fmit To. has purchased
ii.Un .ttended the sale of thi proiierty
: r.,i 1 .ntlt. aiA hiillLht it in for
a omaii lulviince over what It W0UIU
have eost the company to procure ft
boiler and engine for the cannery. 1 he
mmmika renewed the lease on tne
ai;h.iu;i hiiii,1intf for another year
oii .t ! Pnd of that time expect to
Uinir of their own for the box
factory. The box factory bw. now on
i.., ..j h .unu'harrv rratea that were
ordered bv the Davidwn bruit Co. lor
h au.,n f P. F. Bradford s
lease will not expire till the 15th of next
1. ... dm no orders on
lUUIllll, Ulll 3 kuviv ' " . ...
l.,v..o ,f anv kintl. he Will
likely relinquish hia lease and turn the
business over to the new owners before
that time. Mr. Davidson promises that
utrawberrv crates will be cheaper next
Hood River is not behind the rest of
the country in having a representative
in college foot ball. Claude Copple, who
is attending the University of Oregon at
h.ugene, apiMarcU on the gridiron lor
the first time about three weeks ago,
and notwithstanding his short term of
practice has come to be quite a formid
able center on the 'varsity's second
team. The Glacikb's devil, always
noted for his capacity for yelling, we
learn is captain of the rooters club.
Noise is presumed to be one of the es
sentials of the game.
A great necessity exists for a hall in
Hood River suitable for holding meet
ings. The A. O. U. W in charire of the
old school building, have decided to not
let the rooms for meetings of any kinu
after existing engagements have been
filled. The rooms will be kept for the
exclusive use of the A. 0. U. W.,(i.A.R.,
W. R. C. K. of P. and I), of 11. As
there is 110 other suitable hall for meet
ings, it might be a paying investment
for some one to build a hull in some can
tral locality.
It was reported a week or so ago that
young ivlwin Henderson ol the Avui
regiment had fallen overboard from a
transport at sea and was drowned. Ed
win a father received word from the war
department last Sunday stating that the
soldier drowned was Samuel J. Hender
son of the 27th regiment. Mr. Hender
son savs he felt no uneasiness over the
report, as none of his boys could be
drowned in a little pond like the Pacific
ocean. Like their father, they are all
good swimmers. '
M. F. Lov is up from his ranch at
Proebstel. Clark county. Wash. His
daughter Myrtle and the younger boys
are with him on the ranch. VV ill lias
enlisted and gone to the Philippines
They all like their new location, which
is 10 miles northeast of Vancouver, in
one of the best sections of the state of
Washington. Mr. Loy will be in Hood
River part of his time looking after his
interests here.
Mr. J. Baglev, from the main office of
the O. R. & X. Co. in Portland, arrived
Tuesday evening and took charge of the
ollice here Wednesday morning, reliev
ing E. B. Clark. Mr. Clark will leave
next Monday for his new field of labor
at tort Htevens. Mrs. UlarK and
daughter Beulah will remain visiting
relatives and friends 111 Hood River for a
week or two.
Judao A. R. Bvrkett and wife of Bin
gen, Vi ash., were visiting in 11000. mver
durine the week and while here pur
chased two lots of the townsite company
and will build two houses thereon for
rent. The lots are located lust west of
the U. B. parsonage. ork will com
mence at once on the two houses.
Mrs. Mercer desires to inform her
friends and the public generally that
she will serve Thanksgiving dinner on
Thanksgiving day, from 1 o'clock till
2 :.'), at 60 cents a meal. Send in your
orders bv Monday, the 27th. Also,
meals will be served at regular hour
and price.
Itoht. Foley returned from Crook
county last Saturday. He has been
with his brother Doc. who is in the
sheep business. Doc loley has a half
, 1 1 . mi -
interest in 3,W neaa 01 fcneep. me
grass on the ranges is good and stock of
all kinds are 111 excellent condition
The Sunday school of the Valley
Christian church will observe Thanks
on vim? bv rendering an appropriate pro
gramme in the evening. All those
havine anv part in these exercises will
please meet at the church Saturday
Nov. 25th, at 1 p. m., for rehearsal.
The trrnnd display of shooting stars so
extensively advertised to take place last
uonit in m in materialize in 1010 lat
itude. A learned astrologer in the East
has discovered that a miscalculation
was made and that the stars are not due
till next year,
Cant. Blowers on Monday made the
sale of his Goldendale ranch, known as
the Alexander place, to Air. Hoason 01
Kfilem. The once received was I l.uuu.
This is considered to be one ot the Dest
ranches in Klickitat county
New sidewalks are the order of the
day. The latest improvement 01 tnis
bind van made bv T. G. minis in iront
of his property. Mr. Dallas is also
hnildiiK? norches on two sides 01 nis
store building.
Mrs. Julia Knapp is having a serious
time with a swelling in her face. At
firat it nag t.hnnudit that she had erysip
elas, but she has concluded that she has
Ix-en poisoned by a nop piuow sue uni.
She is now improving.
Rlnwers' new store room is being fin
ished in first-class style. The shelving
hnilt bv L. I). Boved and S. W.
A rnnlil find is handsome work. E. L.
Rood did the artistic job of painting
rtnht Pnnd has nurchased from R. I.
Sabin the property known as the Neff
property consisting of a large dwelling
house and four lots. The price paid
. ti ion
Chas. Tempel, the jeweler, will move
into his new store room next wee. i
sed t he huildina formerly oe
hv Evans & Russell as a barber
1 j
fi-a Clan P. frowell combined busi
ness with pleasure on a trip to Portland
during the week, and Crowell's store is
now receiving a big stock of goods.
.T H. Kobere has ordered a De Lavel
cream separator from rortiana anu n
here Saturday. Hood River
will then have a creamery.
tr. r. H Snarksand daughter Dora-
thv, of Sisters, Oregon, visited her uncle,
M." N. Foley, a few days last week, re-
turnins home Saturday.
The Travers Book and Guno ciuo
meet this evening, inov. t-nn, i
reeular place of meeting. A good pro-
cramme is expected.
Wm. E. Loy enlisted at Walla Walla
the 45th reeiment, Co.
L. and is now on ft transport on uie y
to the Philippines.
J. J. Luckey has sold his 40-a ere ranch
K miles west of town to A. t. t'taten
of Salt Lake, who will move ms lamny
here in the spring.
Wm. L. Melton has completed a large
barn for the Lost Uike mmoer vu.,
near the saw mill. The building is 36
by 64 feet.
- . .. a t .... A
Everybody is building wny not you 1
. you can do it by seeing Rand & btewart
micro iiniunaiv.
Allen Fulton baa lumber on me
ground for building two-story house,
30 by 30, on his lots near the armory.
The ladies' aid society ot tne -ongre-
eational church will meet at Mrs. Belle
liraham son trwar m'-
Apples, raisons, citron, currants, I
nuts, and srices. Fresh new stock.
Rand 4 Stewart.
For Sale at Emporium 3 level, clear
ed lots, well and orchard, next north of
armory; only 300.
Men's Woonsoeket rubber boot, hip
length, leather soles and heels for 4.50,
at Blowers'.
Mrs. Harwood will go to Portland in a
few days to lay in a supply of holiday
Idiss Ruth Rigby has returned from
Carson, Wash.
Asa Oiler of Lyle was m town on
Tuetiday. -
Social Gathering.
Tim home of Judge and Mrs. Geo. T.
Prather was the scene of a large and
happy gathering of young folks and
neighbors last Friday evening. Games
were indulged in till a late Injur, and
after a lunch was served the guests do
parted, feeling that they had had a most
enjoyable time. Those present (besides
the "Higgins" family) were: Judge and
Mrs. Geo. T. Prather, Rev. and Mrs.
J. L. Hershner, Prof, and Mrs. C. D.
Thompson, Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Brosius,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bateham, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Graham, Mrs. Wm. llaynes,
Mrs. C. R. Bone, Mrs. A. B. Cantield,
Mrs. W. J. Campbell, Mrs. 11. V. David
son, Misses Amy Angell, Grace Graham,
Emma Bonney, Grace Howell, Belle
Howell, Nellie Reynolds, Agnes Dukes,
Gladys Hartley, l'ansy linker, Marjorie
Baker, Grace Campbell, Maud Parker,
Mellie Olinger, Carrie Copple, Leila
Hershner, Clara Fredeen, Marjorie Fre
decn. Clara Blythe, Idel Woodworth,
lxiva Welds. Jessie Koeers. urace
Prather. Marv La France. Bertha Pra
ther, Georgia Prather, Lucretia Prather,
Nellie Rogers, Helen Davidson, Key.
H. K. Benson, Prof. Fred B. Barnes, H.
F. Blvthe. Charles N. Clarke, A. L.
Hudson. Ben Theyson, L. Hammers-
berg, Delbcrt Rand, G. E. Williams,
Louis Davidson, fcrnent Hall, Hurry
Harr. Harold Hershner. Rodney Hall,
Claude Thompson,Guy Woodworth, Earl
Prather. Charles Tostevin, Lawrence
Well, How About Those Shoes ?
bone & Mcdonald
If they are getting old, mud and rain will want in and ill get in,
then-you will wish you had a drug store in your vest pocket, Better
gee some of our wet weather, heavy dress Shoes, double soled, leath
er lined, men's "Wear Resistors," at. . $2.50
Heavy chrome calf, double sole, men's "Wear Resistors," 3,25
n;ut;.. Tit R..hool Shoes, lmst we know of for the money, youths
and misses. ... '
Heavy kang. calf, best oak soles, children's same . I
Our prices indicate what they are worth to us; you will find them
worth much more to you.
And, about Rubbers we sill at regular prices; Wst we can do on
account of trusts; but we do not deceive you in quality. If we sell
them for first quality, that's what they are.
In MILLINERY we make a special study of styles, quality and
appropriate fitting. ' Another thing, our prices are not too high. .
Change of Time "n the 0. R. &
UcL'innintf December 1st. theO. "R. & N.
will run their Spokane Fiver via Wallula
and the S. R. V. R. R. train No. 4 will
leave Portland at 3.45 p. m., arriving at
Spokane at 7.15 a. m. Train No. 3 will
leave Spokane at 4.30 p. m. and arrive
in Portland at 8 a. m.
In connection w ith the above trains
the O. R. & N. will put on a passenger
train, leaving Dayton at 9 p. m. and
Wa a Walla at 1U.3U P. m.. connecting
at Wallula with No. 4 from Portland at
ll.ain. m.. and with No. 3 from Spo
kane at 12.05 a. m.. leaving Wallula at
12.10 a. 111. and arriving in Walla Walla
at 1.20 a. m. and Dayton 3 a. m.
The Sick and Convalescent. ' . :''
Archie Eastman and Who Boorman
are recovering from their late illness.
Alfred Boorman is down with typhoid
Uov Eastman. George Boorman and
Burns Jonesshow signs of convalescence.
Fred Fossberg's little girl has pneu
March Morse is still very low with ty
phoid fever.
Mrs. E. C. Mooney has been quite
sick and under the doctor's care but is
improving and getting along nicely.
Notice to Fruit Grower.
We. the board of directors of the
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union, feel
it incunilient on ourselves to state to the
tmhlic that we will serve the fruit grow
ers the coming season to the best of our
ah lit v. We expect to proceed at once
to make arrangements for handling next
year s business.
By order of the board.
(i. J. GESSLING, Secretary.
Hood River, Nov. 17, 1899
Mount Hood Notes.
TVfixs Alma Nesbit. Norman Williams,
George and Mark Wevgandt have had
tneir Cianns wurvevcu jj v.
veyor Goit. The Messrs Wevgandt are
located the nearest to Mount Hood of
any settlers here, and 111 time will pro
duce the very best or appies. -
Norman Williams moved another new
wilier from Hood River. Thursday, ov.
Kith Mr. Geo. P. Wevgandt. wite ana
four children. They will reside in W
W. Xason's house till such a time as
they can build on their own claim.
There are a few vacant claims left, also
some that are proved up on that can be
bought at a reasonable price. 1 nev are
situated in one of the best fruit belts of
Oregon and are well worth looking after.
P. F. Fonts is having 200 apple trees
put out this month. Fred Knudson and
Douglas Riggs are doing the work. Mr.
Fonts knows a goon tiling wnen oe kc
it. and in a few more years will have
one of the finest orchards in the Upper
raiser along th coast through hi writ
ings upon the fruit industry, and did a
great dCal: to encourage the raising of
fruit, be'ins Incessant in his endeavors
to get the men engaged in the business
to observe a number of principals in
connection therewith that were neces
sary in the successful raising of good
fruits and the many who looked to him
for information along these lines will
feel that they have lost onejjf their
staunchest friends. "
Durinir Mr". Hixson's illness the busi
ness was conducted by .Waller Bowen.
artner and secretary and treasurer 01
the firm. Mr. Bowen is experienced
and canable; and will continue the busi-
. . A I .
ness and maintain its rank as one 01 tne
leading houses on the'eoast. The pres
ent firm name of J. M. Hixson& Co. will
be retained. Ranch & Range. .',
Rev. Roberts held ., meetings in the
Christian church several nuhU last
The Advents are moving their church
building from near Tucker's mill to the
corner of J. W. Moore's place.
Mrs. French of The Dalles is visiting
with Mrs. Jenkins and family this week.
March Morse is slowly improving.
Mark Davenport is working at Daven
port's mill for a few days.
Mrs. Jenkins made a trip to lhe
Dalles on Tuesday. ,;
James Parker is still engaged in haul
ing wood from the Eaf t Side.
" J. W. Moore has been hauling wood
from II. F, Davidson's, ranch to town.
Wanted to Trade. I
For a farm neiir Hood Ulver, 10 acrM Ital
ian prun7.veiiri!olil near Hllverton. Mitrum
.wttiti I v an ili h.iiiuu lot AUxlOO on Willliiinn I
avenue ntHl (icilnr ma.. Kant Portland. C P.
li.VI.Y, 4UJ Hull utrwt, Portland.
For Sale.
In the estimation of 1
Practical Painter.
Every gallon of
The "'
Paint ,
will cover 300 or more.aqtyire
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. Jt is made
(to Paint Buildings with. It
' Is the best and most durable
House Paint made. '
One of the enrtliwt nnd best pliicoi to make
nmniviiii lliu t o lunula rlvr. ror parm-
ulars i:ull ou or uddreiw V. WINCHtLL.
24 Acres,
One mile from town; 0 In irtiawbcrrlc", one In
blackberries, one In rmnbe rrlcs.MOO fruit trees,
a icraiMJ vlnt. (lood Improvements. In
quire at the Hood Klver HACK ET HTOKK.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt.f at the Glacier Pharmacy. J
0,. lo him for mire fresh Drugs, Patent 'Medicine" and Wall Paper. Prescriptions im4
Kumlly Iteeipesa eeliilty. ,
If rnnr walla am alek or mutilated, cull on
K U. Kood. Consultation free. Noebaiite Rir
prescriptions. No ourc no pay. Otllee youra
from A. M. till P. M., and all nlKht If nec
PortlartcS Ppibe.
On all KMs of Famtiire, Carpas, Wall Pager, etc.
I ehnllenKe any one to get lower prlee. on House Furnishing Good than I can quote.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or-
cans. It Is the latest, aiscovereu uigesu-
Mr. King, from east 6f the mountain, ! ttnt and tonic. No Other preparation
..:..::,. i.:. k-, ,).,,- a w ITimt '. u 1 n amrtannv It. In.
Btantly relieves and permanently cure9
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWltt A Co.. Cljlcogo.
For sale ly Wllliunm & Brosius.
is viaiting his brother, A. V. King
Mrs. K. l'ealer is.; quite lamo v, ith
rheumatism. . .
Work will oon hegin enlarging the
Vallev Improvenient Co.'s ditch just
abo'-e" S. W. Arnold's place.. Nymph.
The Red Cross society of Italy Is send
ina fruit to the sick British soldiers in
South Africa mud medicine to the Boers.
TI TI Tomlinfion is able to walk down
to his mill but is not yet etrong enough
to do anv work.
Hfx.. WVnner is on the sick list the
past few days, but we hope it is nothing
very serious.
Our school began last Monday, witn
Miss Parsons as teacher.
S. B. Hess and wife went to the city
ast Tuesday.
While the trail through the willows
has crown up of late and is not likely to
be opened again this winter, we see one
nr thf till s easi Ol Hie vauey loivi in
likely to be kept open for the winter.
That's right, Johnnie.
n Tt. floooer and family return
ed from The Dalles last wees. . iney
visited the county seat on business.
TVia npw house ui at AVm. Edick's is
nearing completion. It is supposed we
will soon know who will be the mistress,
Miss Katie Gribble came up with the
mail carrier Saturday, having been in
Portland with her brother, who went to
Hip hosnital to have an operation per
formed on his hand. The operation was
successful and the patient is getting
nlnnir verv well and may lie out in two
weeks. Yoc & Mb
The Rev. Irl It. Hicks Almanac.
There is no comparison , between
former editions, and this splendid afma
ma fnr 19(10. now ready.: Printed in
homitifnl colors, on much finer paper.
its 196 pages are packed with invaluable
information on storms, astronomy and
It is illustrated with
nenr v 201 finest halt tones aim ouier
Piicjrnvinira. This suDerb book would
sell anvwhere for fifty cents, but it costs
only 25c a copy, and every subscriber to
Kev. Irl K. Hicks' now lamous paper
Vnr.l and Works, at fl.OO a year, re-
this plotrant almanac as a prem
ium . Word and Works is a recoimized
leader among the best family and scien
tific journals, while nothing of its kind
can compare with the Hicks Almanac.
One dollar a year is a nominal price for
such unique and useful pnplications.
Professor Hicks has justly and of neces
sity, withdrawn his storm and weather
lorecasts trom an iree almanacs, iiurmg
generously given his time and labor free
J t ........... ...... ..!. W i ii .t , I
lor iieiiny twciny rnia.
Works Pub. Co., 2201
St. Louis, Mo.
Death of J. M. Hixson
Seattle and the state of Washington
in particular and the Pacific coast in
general lose one of the oldest and most
cnhtintiiil business men in the death
if J. M. Hixson. president of the com
mission firm of J. M. Hixson & Co. He
nassod awav at his home in Seattle on
Monday last, aged 74 years, after suffe
W an illness extending over severa
months. Mr. Hixson is credited w
twin if th ol.lest commission man on tl
Pacific coast, having been engaged in
thia linn for about fortv-scven year
first in California and since 1S92
Seattle. He was known to every fruit
Church Notices.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held this Tear in the United Brethren
church, on Thu.'SiTTyi'ov; "30th. - Kev.
Frank Spaulding will preach the sermon.
U. B. Church Preaching at 11 a. m.
nml tt t. m. Kundav-tichool at 10 a. m.
i. r. . Xj- ai p.. in. .ums Jifure
mes leader. A hve minute ciiiutren s
sermon at tne morning service, n
prayer service is held every N ennesuay
evening. You are invited to be present.
r,.nriHTMtional Church There will
be no preaching service at 11 a. m., as
le hour win do given io a iianusi
onie service. Sunday school at 10 a.m.
nnior C. E. service at 4 p. m. Christian
Endeavor service at 7.45, with Mrs. Belle
Graham as leader. ; lhe pastor win
preach at 7.45 p. m., on I he eaver
and his Shuttle." The quartette club,
ef.iiKiKtinff of Messrs.' F. C. Brosius, 11. t.,
. m . . v. i ri
Bateham, Kaipti havage, unu
hompson will sing at this service,
elcome to ail wno come.
Born. , .
At Chenoweth, Wash
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
daughter 9 pounds.
In Hood Taver, Oregon, ov. 21, 18W,
ts ATr. nnd Mrs. . l'eter iNevstron, a
daughter. .,'. ,
In Hood River, Oregon, ov. 21, 1899.
to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mahany, a son
Succeiwor to K. U Hmllli-Oldeit KsUibllMietl House In tba valley.'
3DX3T G-oods, Clotls-IxxgV
Vlm-ir. "Feed. Etc.. Etc.
HOOD RIVER, - - '" - '
Time Schedules.
Nov. 7, 1899,
W. Fisher, a
This Year's Crop
Walnuts and Almonds
At LaFrance's.
For windbreak, .hade, ornament and fruit.
at Columbia Nursery,; .
Canaries for Sale.
mile by
Linnet and Chinese Canaries for
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
iiiVi acres 1 mile'i . fiiiin town- 30 -re In eol-
iw.tU. i iiniyl tnvft. moiHv wtnlr; new
cider press; S tons of li" fT1 wani,2 wanons
ndl'urmiiiK i in pie mc uts i tie iin. won wie
Clubbing Offer.
. ii ...kc.rii.i. tn the flintier who DftV In
,!. .,,.., .w iiddltlonnl ran liave tne
TwK-a-weeli Kepubli' or lhe Toledo Illude
sent to their address lor one yeur.
Wanted to Trade.
A fiiriner desires to trade a good waeon for
a good cow. iDquire at the (jlucier oinee.
Settle Up.
10:12 p.m.
i:Sl p.m.
8 p.m.
IHnlt Lake, Denver, 1-nst
vt tt'tiri i. inn in. man
Kansas City, Ktj 4:00 p.m.
I.mils, Chicago
and the Kust.
Walla Walla, Hno-
knne.Mlnnea nous.
Ht I'uiil, Duluth,
Milwaukee, i;iil
cago and haul.
Kor Han Knmeisco
Kvery live days.
6 a.m.
Ex. Sunday
5:57 a.m.
4 p.m.
The best results you must use the best materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY' continues to be up to
date In everything la the Drug line.
Prescriptions a Specialty. ;
Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff.
8 p.m. I Columbia kiver i p.i".
Ex. Hnndavl Htkavkhh. :i'.xjsuuuuy.
rj.itiiruay, roAsuirmauu j
iu p.m. laiuuiiB".
vviiiiiitiPiti River. 4:30 p.m.
Oreson City, New-Ex-unday.
berg.Halcm & way
a Is.
7 a.m.
Tnes. Tliur,
and Hat.
6 a.m.
Tues. Thur.
ana Sut.
I: In a.m.
dally ex.Hut,
WH.I.AMKTTK ASDj :) p.m.
YAMHii.i.HlVKiw.Mon, cd.
Oreeon City .Dayton: and Krl.
and way iiiuuiuk.
Willamette Itlver.
Portland to Corval-Toes., Thur.
lls& way lanamgs.
4:30 .m.
and Hat.
I,v lcwlst'n
Riparia to lwtstoirex.Frldiiy
Gen'l Pass. Agent, I'orllana, ur
E. B. Clabk, Agent, Hood River.
As we expect to mom Into our own building noon, we jill fortes
. . n mniro mH' nl nrlees on iiry uikjuo, o
ing, Hats and Cais, and mer.'s, Women wid Children's Underwear,
you want bargains in these lines sec us.
THE- -
TblfeFA & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger iiine.
All Freight Will Come Through
Without ueiay.
Uave The Dalles.... 7.00 A. M.
LeAve rortlaud 7.00 A. M.
To My Friends and Patrons:
I have secured lhe services of an expert me
chanic and am ready to do all kinds of re
pairing and new work at short notice, either
by the day or by contract. I keep constantly
on hand a good stock of builders' supplies,
Including shingles, finishing lumber, mold
ings, lath and lime. To make room for my
Increasing trade I have rented two rooms on
Second street and connected thera with my
Oak street store, hence am batter prepared
than fever to please my customers, i msn
also to call attention to my stock of paints
and oils, as well uh my complete assortment
of furniture, whleli I am selling at l'ortlana
prices and you save your freight.
Yours for Diisiness,
n Vnnwine tnemse ves inaeou'u
to me are respectfully asked to call and set
tle My books have been left with my suc
,.o'or II D Kverliart, who is aulhoriied to
collect for me and give receipts.
One way l
Round trip 2
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
Farm for Sale.
at .,ri npurlv all In cultivation. The very
choice of Hood Klver valley: 2 miles south ol
town. Matte me m u.--r.
gjij .-X. n. v.ouuu " .
Ijind Office at Tlw IHillea, Oregon. Ort. 12,
lw NolU Is hereby lvtn that the follow-Ine-'named
seiner has tiled notice of bis In
tention to make filial proof In sup
port of his claim. nd Unit mid proof will
be made before the Kuglster and Keoetver at
Thi. Ialli. ureson. on Vnvemlier 2i, limto, vu:
Of H Kid River, Oregon, IF. E. No. 51 12, for the
soiuu northrast and liKs I and t section
o ...irMhin 1 north, range 9 east, . M.
Henammthe followinj witnesses to proi
his eonltniious resldeuce upon and cultlv
lion of said land, vis:
i- u u m.n. Wtnans. Thomas Cot
llnsand O. M. Whoeter, ail ..f HmI River. Or.
ajuSt JA t-LCAa, ucgisier,
f Ml
Anyon seniUng s sketcb sod description mar
CUH-Hy ucertslo, free, whether an Kiventino is
i.robbly patanuhl. rommuiilcstlons itrlctlr
ronBdentlsl. Ohlwit aeencj fiirsecurlnu ptnU
la America. We hir a Washington omr:
Pitiits takin ttirouxli Mana Co. roatlT
special notice In tbe .
beaotlfullr Illustrated, largest elretilatioa of
tnT ci entitle louraal, week! r. terms $3.1)0 a reari
tlU six montbs. Speelmen copies and UXNB
boon ox Fatx-vts sent free. Adores
361 Bread v. Kewr Varfc.
Azriculttiral Implements, Deere 1 lows,
Uia nicKorv iiujiiiT, vuii.i..
Bugtry'Co.'s Carriiif,'es,
20 acre farm at iVImont.well lmproved,2..Vl0
21 acres 8 miles from town, Kast Mdc .... f,utiu
20 acres 1 mile irom town, i omc.
,-i0 acrea near the Divers ranch
20 acres near Belmont church -
tlU. acre near H. Brown's.
piO acres valuable timber land
IS acres at Helinont
10 acres at Belmont
20 acrea at Belmont
Town lots, farms to exchange, et.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Nov. W,
ISiw. Notice is hereby Rivea that the following-named
sfttlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make tinai proof in support of their
clniniK,aod thatsald proofs will be made before
W I l'resbv1, United HUltes Commissioner
for IHatrlct tir Washington, at his office In
Ooldoiuiale, Washinglon, on Saturday,' De
cember i, 18!l, viz.:
Homestead Kntiy No. WHO for the southwest,
diiarter of southwest quarter section 22, and
west half of northwest quarter and southeast
quarter of i.ortliwest quarter section 27, town
ship north, range 12 cast, W. M. . .
i fni nuiinii witnesse lo prove
nla continuous residence upon and culUva-
ttoo of said land, viz: ,,,
Joseph Hilva, John Paffron, E.'B. H ll
and William O'Neal, all of Lyle I , ., Wash
ington. Also,
Homestead Entry No. 9828 for the west half of
northwest quarter and northwest quarter or
southwest quarter of section 22, and northeast
quarter of southeast quarter of aeclion 21,
township 8 north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiia-
r ..iil InnH i-l
Joseph Silva, John DafTron. E. B. Hilton,
William O'Neal, all of Lyle,P.O..Washliigton.
Dissolution Notice.
' U11U u
Folcv A
Hood Stage Com-
Has opened In Hood River with a gxd stock
of UarncK. All kinds of Barnes and bicy
cle repairing. In the Odd Kellows' building.
Vottce is hercbv given lo tne puone mm win
partnership business of Luckey,
Olingi-r, known as the ML
pany, hasdissiiivcn. . -
All person knowing themselves in be In
debted to (he above eompanv will please call
nnd settle accounts, and ail persons holding
bills against said company will pleas send iii
statements so that all accounts can be ad
lusicd All corn-spondence to be addressed
lo J. J. Luckey, Uood River, yre0,n.KFY
V. f. r"l-i- a . -
Dated Hool U1vrtOrM Nov. 10, IW
Taken Up.
A red calf, about six months old, with two
Slips out of right ear. Owutr I notified to
come anil get It aud pay jhrgej
nt7 K. MARKKA M.
We need money more than ony one else.
Advice "Owe no man anything." Kindly
call and square XuaTtEMPEL.
gray horse, with a bell. Marked M on the
right hip and left ear split at the tip. A
reward of 2M will be paid for the return of
the horse to TIIOK. CALKINS,
A Side Saddle in good order, which will be
sold verv reasonable; can be seen at my house
near Tu'ckor. MRS. ALICE kEMf.
year thau'they ever have bocu