5f ood Iftver Slacier. FBIDAY, OVEMPEB 3, 1899. JJilop potter and Pr. Rulus V. Clark ul Detroit were among the sneakers at the Episeopu! church congress at St. Paul. pisho Potter, as is well known, is An avowed anti-ex naiisinnUt, and lijs addresses are listened to with tho ri speet which his words always command. He ia rejOTted H saying: "It Is possible that a nation whu-h still preserves the (orjps ot'demoeratic government may in time subordinate them to methods of jts administration which sooner or later Will brijif! the suLstni!e of imperialism along with thern." This is the .lunger which he apparently apprehend in the Philippines, where, he udds, America's "tlrst word is subjection, its first de mand, surrender, its first, second anil third conditions are, 'We will recognize nobody, we will treat with nobody, we ttlnne will dictate all tins terms.' " Asau hirurablfl alternative, he proposs that "we submit to an international court, representing the best wisdom of t)u best peoples, the question of the present dis. position and future administration of the Philippines." Dr. Clark, on the ether hand, insists that expansion "does po rest without qualification upon the principles of 'personal luVrt-. It rests upon the principle of th largest gol to the greatest number," a contention which he confirms by citation from our past history. Evidently; everything is not seranely pleasant for tho imperialistic, members i.fthe Canadian cabinet. The Ilritish government asked for a contingent of GOO troops from Canada to aid the Eng lish in South Africa, and the Canadian itovernment was going to send 2,000, un til MrTarU!, minister of public works, threatened to resign'if such a force was sent. Mr. Tarte declared that the par ticipation of Canada in one of England's foreign ,entnitglenienfs was a phase of imperialism' which French Canadians would not tolerate. A compromise was reached fcnd Canada will semi 1 ,000 men. The season for tree planting has again arrived. Hood River fruit growers will plant a good many apple trees this fall. His good plan, when buying trees, to go to the nursery and see them taken fropi the ground see that they have good roots. A two-year-old tree is best to plant if it has good roots and is care fully dug from the nursery rcny. A yearling tree is more easily dug to save all the roots, and for this reason it is preferred by many to two-year-olds. The British sustained a severe defeat Jn a battle with the Pnprs at Ladysmith lat Tuesday.' Two balu.iions of British troops and a battery were lured to a part of the field and captured after being cut to pieces. 1-ossea on both Bides were heavy. Tho situation looks gloomy for the English and they may have U. rutreat or surrender before re. enforcements can reach them.; The Boers are putting up a good fight. ''Thriee armed is he whose cause iM right." ' , Indiana was the great volunteer state during the oivil war. It put 2Qf,000 men into the ..field, and it can lie said that no other state in the Union spilled so much blood and participated in so many 'bloody engagements.?, Indiana's war history is written in letters of crim aop on the soil of seventeen states. It furnished the first and last soldier to lay down his life in that w ar a nicmber oftlic 7th, at Philippi, ' in 18M, and a member of the 34th, at Talm Beach, Mexico, May 12, 1805, Jt is a common belief among straw berry growers that prices w ill be good next season, and extra efforts have been made to cultivate the plants and set out pejv .patches this fill . Thrifty; plants H putt even, at; this date will make'a crop'next year that w ill go a good way towards paying for the work of setting and cultivating. Ranch and Range says the demand for hay on the Sound is now very great and local dealers find it almost impos sible to fill orders., The price has taken A good high jump and an average of $10 is now being paid for Paget sound hay that sold for 6 and $7 a few weeks ago, and even then was In little demand. ; . . , ' , The new populist editor of the Sun got out a yery creditable issue this week, Hjq best 'that lifts appeared. But his editoral ptigu was doypted ohiefly to the (iiAOKB, and Pf pourap hp had a good subject,1 - -'' ; ' " ' -" ' It is said that much butter is now on the market which' lutt been churned and worked without file use of water to w ash out the buttermilk. The flavor is said to be fine Und the keeping' qualifies good. : ' ' '"' ' firea't Britain has about 36,009 sob diers in the -Transvaal, with probably 100.000 reinforcements on the way. The forces of the Boers are estimated at from 40,000 to 50,000, men! Oregon, if, after investigation, they find that such youth have not departed from the paths of virtue. Mr. Gardner says he wishes it distinctly understood that this class of children does not embrace the class known as fallen.girle. The society is" maintained by state ana county aid, by the inlsrest of a bequest fund,' and bv voluntary contributions. About one-half the expenses are paid by the latter. The superintendent while litre was the guest of Capt. A. K. Blowers. He further says that it has been stated by business men of Hood River that a per son has been canvassing for rnibrcrip tions from time to time, and many pc. pie here have been led to believe that it was fur the Bvs nd liirls' Aid Society. This is entirely wrong. Although the society has taken many homeless or abused children from this county, they have never asked nor received one cent from anv perwui in Hood River. The Ki.cietv completely covers the work of the rescue of children all over the state of Oregon and never refuses to cure for anv case reported und sent to the Hoim.' No red tape is required ; to know that a child is in need is milliciein t nlitnin nilmiisioii to the Home. All such eases should - lie reported to the county judge or commissioners. I ln.re arei now on hand at the Homo in l'or timid uUmt 1:7 children, 20 of wlinin art bovs and 17 Kills. The boys ramie in uge from 2 (o U years, and the girls from 8 to RS years, Besides the above, the society has under its care a l,v tmliv of excellent narentaue ated 7 months. All the ulsive children are for iiikiiition or indeuture. and any person wiJiiiiK to obtain ono 4jf them should address the superintendent of the Boys and Girls' Aid Society at Portland. Mr. Gardner would like to get the till nils of the public schools interested in the soeietv's children and on Thanks- giving to bring to the school some small article of provisions or cluthing, which, after being gathered together, will be forwarded bv the principal to the Home. Thus a twofold object will be secured a grand lesson of charity taught the chil dren anil aid to those "who can not help themselves. Mr. Gardner w ill visit all towns be tween here and Baker City where any of the society's wards are placed. The society places on an average i!5 children each month, or 300 a year. : Planer Notes. The new trimmer is in ojieration and does nice work, with J. O. Eastman at the wheel. : J. O. Eastman laid off Tuesday on ac count of the sickness of his little boy Roy. v-. Mr. Helms, one of the planer crew, took a trip to Portland last week to at tend the exposition. He spent four days visiting relatives in the city and re turned to work Monday. The contract has been let to build three more houses; at the planer. Mrs. Gillis Hubbard's death is the first to occur at the planer. ., Gillis is a steady worker and has the sympathy of the entire foroe. The O. It. & X. are-pushing the work of straightening their track at this point, and great changes will be made here within the next few weeks. The store building is Hearing comple tion. We will soon lme a place to trade near home. Business never was better than it has been the past month. We have been rushed almost every day. Mark Davenport's genial phiz was in evidence at the planer last Tuesday. Murk is doing good work on the irrigat ing flume, miing a large amount of lum ber,. '' - ' ' -.: Mr. Pred Xew by and lady came down from the big mill last week. Mrs. New by is still at her father's (Frank Daven port's) home, but Mr, Newby returned Monday. . Just look out for the new uniforms cm the switch this week if the rain sets in with the new moon. They will be "out of sight." . Harry fiarabrant. who wont to the coast with his father and Mr, Copper, in August, has returned and is at work at the planer. He says times are not nearly so good in the Siushuv country, and the climate there does not compare at all favorably with that of IIoodKiver. lie hays this country is good enough for nun, " . The Unappreciated lieu. There are many reasons why the hen and not the eagle should be the national bird. Among them ia the growing dis content our beat citizens feel for the eagle, w hich bird has never given thor ough satisfaction, because of its low down nature. The eagle is a cowardly creature and never makes war except upon weaker things.- It never earned an honest dollar in its life, and its daily food is stolen from some poor bird too small and too weak to defend itself and its property, says the Chicago News. Moreover, the eagle swoops down among children, lambs and other inno cent things, and bears them to its home, among the mountain crags. This alone is sulhwont to oust it Ircm tne position of U'ing the bird of .America and pre vent its picture from continuing on our dollars. The hen, however, is a sweet tempered, hard working, productive creature, She is identified with our home life and our domestic and national prosperity. She lays 1300,000,000 worth of eggs every year, or four and a fraction eggs for each individual in the land. When the eagle is loafing around, waiting to steal something to eat, the modest hen is attending to business. And after a lifo of activity, laying eggs, cackling, and laying more eggs and hatching little chicks, she gives up her lifo that the American boarding house may thrive and wax fat. How much better tho hen than the bald-headed eagle for cur national bird. As a just recognition of her supremacy in the money producing industries she should displace the eagle. Tho domestic side of her life -kmf-since endeared her to every home in the Union. Calm, gentle, somewhat coy, sno is, nevenneiess, a strong, courageous, uncompromising foe to all t hiit -tlio eagle ia. W e hope to see her, visage' stamped in our moneys and become-the national bird of freedom. Wild -Oese'LoNt in a Storm. The Baker City Republican tells of the advent of the wild geese last, week as follows : It was evident that the geeso had become lost in the storm w hile searching for their feeding ground, aiid attracted by the lights ot the brilliantly illumi nated city, were unable to get away from it, as a blue bird is fascinated by a rattlesnake. Their wings soon packed with the heavy snow.,.- and. exhausted beyond endurance, they comineiiecd dropping from the clouds into the street, the noise of their squaking being almost deafening.. Then commenced a wild scramble, men and boys joined in the sport. . Geese or brants . were picked up on every side alive, and it was noticed that amongst the game birds were all kinds of birds known to Oregon, that have been mixed up with the geese. Boys went out on the hills and built bonfires, Which attracted some of the birds to them, and they secured a dozen more that way. Others took their shot guns and killed a large number. . i r Sued .the County. Henr'v Gardner, through his attor- neys, Moore & 'Gavin, has begun an ac tion for damages against Wasco county for injuries sustained while traveling on a county road near Fifteen Mile creek last winter. In his complaint he al leges that he was coming down a grade on Dec. 21, 18'JS, with a loaded wagon, when, because of the bad condition of the road and tho ice that had accumu lated tliervon, 'his team was, unable to hold the 'i'wtigon'; that it went ctr tne grade, and thereby he sustained injuries that will be permanent. He therefore demands damages in the sum of 0,500. It will be remembered that iur. uartiner and Mrs. Reese were coming to The Dalles when the accident occurred, and that 'rs. Reese was killed while Mr. Gardner had, an arm broken and sus tained other serious injuries. Moun taineer.' Taking; the Census. Notwilhst i.ding the law, there were many who seriously objected during the last census to giving any information in regard to their personal affairs, and in many instances it was only with great ditliculty that the de-aired facts were ob tained. Some misguided individuals barricaded their doors and treated the census-takers in the light of villains w ho were seeking to rob them of their pos sessions, and not infrequently a poor eeifsus taker (or ''enumerator, ' as he is officially called) was hustled out-of-doors by the indignant woman of the house, because he had drtred to ask her how old she was or whether she knew how to write. This unwillingness to answer questions would no doubt be overcome if it were known that the replies are intended only for official use in prepar ing statistics and will never be given out to "the public. In fact, the huvexpressly provides that if any enumerator shall so far forget his duty as to communicate to any one except his superior officer any information he obtains in the pcr- fnrnmnre of his work he shall be sull ied to a fine of five hundred dollars The law is verv strict with reference to the duties of the enumerators, for unless this work is done properly and carefully tViR centum fiffuren would be of little rahin. ('onNemi.mtlv. overvone who enters upon this important duty is given understand that if he shall knowingly make a false statement regarding the nersons whom he has ennmenuru, pHhprna to rlieir number or any facts reltitiuff to them in anv possible way, he aha It b iknin..! c )!. ? of misdemeanor, niid noon ronvtn.'iii'ho may b fined five thousand Qullirs und' imprisoned for two years. .... r- ' A ButtleScarrod Flag-. The Wocdburn Independent is respon sible for this story about the banner that the Second Oregons carried to vic tory in the Philippines: The Second Oregon regiment flag was in only one engagement, and that not a serious one, at l'asig. In the march through bush and in other battles the emblem was not taken as it was con sidered too much bother. Yet when the flag w as turned over to Governor Geer in Portland it was rent with bullets. Tat tered and torn, it presented the appear- anco of having gone tnrougn a ien war. While civilians beheld the Stars and Stripes in shreds, through tear be dimmrd eyes, and shuddered at the ter rible story without words, the returned volunteer gazed in amazement at uiu Second Oregon's flag ami ailently won dered "what had t-truck it." riant in? of the A;lw Tree. BY WILLIAM Cl'I.LKM BRYANT. Come, lei in plant the apple (roe, Cleave the tough greensward with the spade. Vv tile let its hollow bed te imnio; Thou Ki-ntlv lav i he rools, una there Hifl. the durk mould with kindly cure, And prwlt ii'ertti'-m tomletly, As round th sleeping infant's fuel, We softly told the orartlr kIimM, bo plant we the hp;1 tre -. What niant we in this apple tree? Duds, which the hreath of nummer duy Shall lengthen Into leafy pra.v; liotiifliM where Hie thrush with crimson breast Shall haunt and Hints and hide her uesl; , We plant upon the sunny lei A shadow for the noontide hour, , A shelter from the sumimx shower, When we plant the apple tree. Rand Stewart, : , DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Men's Fur nishing, Boots ana bnoes, Hardware aaa-d. PtoTres- Crockerv and Glassware, House Furnishing, Groceries, Feed and Flour, Produce amli- ruits. An i arui prouucis uuugm. All lines have been renewed and increased until we are able to meet every want. Bargains secured in Woodworth stock aro made more attractive than ever. We are most grateful for your royal reception and solicit your enquiry on every future want. Do Y,ou Qse -.Cbem? Diamond D. Flavoring Extracts, Vanilla ,Lccr , Pine Apple, Nutmeg, Banana, etc. A complete assortment. Purity and strength guaranteed. The preferred stock of Canned Goods-Salmon, Oysters and corn is 'of tl.t best Quality for us to buy. We solicit your favors for any goods in our line. HERMAN LVERHART. LIST OF LANDS for Bale " AT THE EMPORIUM. I. The William Kennedy Improved Krult Farm, N miles southeast of Hood lllver: 1IU res: line lieanilK oirnyru; kinmi trntw itit n liter, sol' in if. Thee t-VinV: will 10 sold In small tracts; 30 acres In cultivation. 1 S. K. V, of w. 'i see. 12, Tp. 2 N., II. 10 E., ntilmpioved; S"iO. The Anton Wlsr Iinoioved Fruit Farm. miles southwest of Hood Klver; liSI ni'ienj 20 Meres In eu-tivatlon. Hue soil, hpring water, l'l iee, M.'M'. 4. N. V.. V, see. S2.T. 3 N.. H. 10 E. for only 5700. mine linpioveiiieiils; ltU acres. ft. 8. V. of R. -V. V of N. W, .' H. 12. T 2 X.,R.' 10 K.; 20 acres; some improvements. J'.Ou. . WiM Hood .. : mmmHmmn Hoy anil filrls' Aid Sflidetjr. Pnpt. Ua,rduep of the Jloyu and Girls Aid Society of Oregon, w as i tpwn Sat lirday, being here for the purpose of vis iting wards of the society placed out in thin vioinitv. of whom there are quite number, lie savs he has found them to be in excellent homos. The society Mr. iar.lner represents is under the dt reution of some of the leading men of the city of Portland, as follows; II. W forbett. president : F. K, Punch, seere tarvi u L. llawkips, treasurer) Judges !'. It. Hellinaer, W. B. GiltK-rt anil Geo, H. W illiams; !. T, L- Kliot, A. H. Breyman. Mrs. W. A. Buchanan and Mrs". Levi White. The objects of the society aro to rescue homeless, neglected or abused children of the statu, to care for such, until suitable homes or em ployment are found for them, and there after to continue a systematic oversight of their condition and treatment. The society also receives juvenile offenders who; u'my be in danger of being impris oned or sont to the reform scIhkiI -under aetka HH of the annotated laws of Mount Hood Sates. James N. Knight is with us again for a short time, and is very much in hope of being able to return to his Mount Hood home 111 the spring to remain per manently. . ' Moc nt Hood, Or. .Oct. 29, 18!.i: Fred Knudsnn, has picked bis small though vVrv.tine apple crop. His trees are in thoir'second vear of. bearing, )t being an off year, and a voting orchard. Mr. Knudsnn only bad almut titty boves, nut what, he has are very tine. lsit liim and be will be only too glad to show any one his apples and fine trees. The Middle I-ork Irrigating company of Mount Hood have itone a large amount of work in their ihtcli through S'titetnber ami October. The dam, in the west branch of the Middle fork, is a substantial structure, also t he head gate. Both are completed, and have been coiv Htructed in the very best nossible man ner. In addition to the construction of the dam and head gate, the company have done a larire amotintof excavating and another season will see the ditch ponmleteil which will add another, very substantial improvement to Mount Flood and be a irreat benefit to the upper val ley, David Wishart and Henry Ries were very active and took great interest in tho completion of the dam and had gate. ' II Selnad Report. Following is -the report of Barrett school, district So. 4, for the month of October: K umber enrolled Primary, 30: gram mar, 35 total, t".-. Names .of pupils neither absent nor tartly during the month i ' First Grade Willis Kollov, Willie Gibbons, Wesley Markham, Alma Hin richs. Second Grade Kent Shoemaker, Wil lie Davidson, Grace Sherrieb. Third (Irade MabclJenkins. Fifth "Grade Viola Wilson, Maud Tyler, Carl Gahigan, Alvin l'oore. Nettir Kkmp, Teacher Sixth Grade Albert Gibbons,- Bert Tyler, Ernest Smith, Nora Wallace, -Ar thur Gunning, Irie'-! Hinnehs. Seventh Grade Howard Shoemaker Alice Hill, Fred Ingalls, Pearl Dit-brow- Hiilda Hinrichs. Eighth tirade A udry Markley,IaTph Hinrichs, Flora Wilson, Bvron Smith, Donald Hill, Alfred Ingalls, Grace Up ton, Arvilla Poore Ali'rt Kelly, Mart ! Morse. Max Hinrichs, Orpjia. Miirklev Ninth lirade Ida Stranalian, Laura Bishop. Frkd B. Baknes, Principal The president has, by proclamation set apart l nursoay, ,ovemoer ou,- tis day of thanksgiving. . ' I a Lrime. with its aftor effects, annu ally destroys thousands of people.. "It may be quickly fun4 by Cue-Minute Gotigh Cure, the onlv rvineily that pro ilo.iw imnifdiate results in COUL'hs.cords. croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat , everywhere prescribe it. and lung troubled Williams A Ir"sHS. 1'BrosHUS, - ' What plant wo In Oils apple trew? Sweets for a hundred tlowerv )rlneH To load the May wind's resllc.su wins, When from the orchard row he pours Ita l'raaranre Uuouli our open doors; A world of bliwa-uus for Ihe bee, KloweiH for the slek gliliinileiit room, For the glad infant sprigs of hlimni, .. Vv'e plant with the upplo tree. What plnnt.w In this apple troc? FruiU that shall swell In sunny June, And redden In Hie August nix)n, ' And drop when geutle nil conie by, That f in tho hluu Sepwiiiuer sky, While children come with cries of glee, And welt them where'l he frasrsint grass Keiravs their bed to4hoso who pass, At Ihe fiot of tiie apple tree. H. M. Prindle and wife of Mt. Hood went to The Dalles Wednesday. Little Jimmie Wickham w as reported quite sick -Wednesday. Geo.Koland, Rockland, O., says, "My wife hfid piles 45 years. De t ltt's itcb Hazel Salve cured her. It is ihe best salve in America."It heals everything and cures all bkin'diseasos. Williams & Brosius. Sunt. C. L. Gilbert returned Saturday night from a visit to the various schools throughout, the county. .When asked how their condition pleased him, he spoke very, flattering concerning the success attained bv the teachers. Al though looking much better, Mr. Gil bert totincl Uie rilling very tiresome, particularly eo as the riding jars his hip, which lias hoi yei recovered iroin .me fall- received some time since. Chron icle. . . yl Dr. W. Wixon. Italy IIill,N.Y.,says, "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief in suttocating asthma, rieasant, ro taKe. Never fails to qujekly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Will- ims Js Brosius. The supreme court has affirmed the decision of Judge Bradshaw in the suit of Levi and Burris Jones against the Oregon Lumber Go. The supreme court opinion concludes, alter stating tne liituciuty in deeming - uie case, owing io the different statements, as follows: The testimony of plaintiff s (Oregon Lumber Co'b) witnesses, in our judg ment answers every requirement of the law, as announced in decisions, and hence it follows the decree is amrmeci.' "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any consideration, "writes Thos.B.Rhodes,Ceriterfield,0. Infallible for ii!eff,dii,l,b'urns and skin diseases, lie ware of counterfeits. Williams & Brosius. Senator McBride is in Portland, sfop- ping ftf the Imperial. He will start for aslnngton soon. . , Dr.H.II.IIaden, Summit, Ala., says, "I think Kwdol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine;,! prescribe it.and my confidence ill 11 grOW 11 II COllMIHK-U HC. IIUIOTIP what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. -.Williams & Brosius. Caot.: Hiram E. Mitchell, ' son of ex- Senator Mitchell, returned to Portland last week from the South, Ho was ma jor in the Oregon militia at tlie outbreak ! oi tne war wiui fpain ami receiveu n commission as paymaster in. the army with the rank of captain.'- He was mus tered out with the volunteers. You never know: what form of blood poi son will follow- const rpation; Keep the liv er clean by using DeWitt's Little Early KUers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little nills for constipation Tind liver and bowel troubles. ' Williams & Brosius. Prof. J. M. C. Miller, formerly princi pal of the Hood 1'iver school, has pur chased a home at Mann station, J. D. Bridges, editor Democrat, Lancaster, X. 11. , says,. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup' I ever used." Immediately relieves and curtis coughs, eolds-.croiip,asthma,pneiuiionia, bronchi tis, grip and all" throat and lung troubles. It prevents potisumption. Williams & Brosius, I had dyspepsia, R7 vears and never 1 - ", '..t. li.o'll T .....1 1-..1..1 The' Market. CORniSCTED BY. HAND t STEWART. Flour, Goldendale Diamond, per sk, Flour, Peacock, per sk Flour, Dalles Diamond, per sk Bran, per 100 Its Bran and Shorts, per 10U ft s ....... . Shorts, per luu lbs . , Barley, per 100 lbs ; , Bacon, Hams, . 1-ard, Potatoes, per 100 lbs Onions, per 100 Its . Cabbaae. per 100 lbs Pumpkins, per 100 fts 9c to 12 W 12ic to 10 5s, 55c; 10s 1 00 65c to 75 ,...$1.00 to 1 75c to 1 00 .....75c tol 00 Smmsh and Beets, wr 100 fts. .90c to 1 00 Carrott and Turnips, per 100 fts. . : .1 00 Lemons, per dozen .30c to 35 Apples, fall, per box, 50c to 1 00 A pples, w inter, per box .... $1 .25 to 1 50 Granee. oer box ::. ..... ,40c to 75 Cranberries, per gal'.' . '.' 50 Butter . .-. . . . .-. i . . 40c to 45 El?h ;.v; .;;v. 25 Coffee, fancy bleuded roast. '. , . HO Coffee, choice roasted 11 Coffee. Arbuckles ..12)6 Siiiiar. dry critnulatcd, per sk 5 25 Snirar. extra C. her sk ; .4 75 Two Milch Cows. Two new milch cows, grade .lerseys, for sale by y.-A. slimikiu.ami. Leading Business House. Grrocerle, JUST ABRIVED Order Your Dressed Chickenfor Sunday Dinner. Sweet Potatoes .'; 5 and Cranberries. ' Breakfast Bacon and Susar-Cured Hams Phone 21. Free delivery. Oil! Merit cm til pat rails. CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor. LEAVE ORDERS TOR M With V. E. JACKSON. He' and the DAVEN PORT BROS, have over One Million ; , feet of good Dry Lumber at Haynes' Spur. ( Stockholders' Meeting. The regular nnnnnt meeting of stoekholdcrs of the Huocl Klver l'rutt tlrouerH' Union will be held at A. O. U. MV noil, Hood lllver, Ore gon, on Sntiirda-; .November 11, liW, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. ' . - ., Article XI. or By-Laws: "A majority of Ihe stcx-k subscribed, upon which all legal calls or assessments have been paid In full, hall eotiKtltme a qiioriim ut auy sU)eklioiler' meeting, and no fcotw shall be counted which Is not represented by one share of the stock upon whli h. nil- !! or assessments have been paid.' v :-' ' ''i' - ' THEIIOODRItFR ' " F' K IU T U HO W E RS' ION, 'X. r.'EVAN. wi-rewry..- liated Oct. itl,l!t- : ; NOTICE FOl PUBLICATION. Land Office t'Ti Holies, Oregon, Oct. 81, iSiW. Notice Is hereby riven that the following-named settler tm.! ri Itsrt notice of his Intent lion ui malm finnJ ocoof In mipuort of his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore Geo. T. Fratheiv II;- H. Commissioner, at Hood liiver, Oiewoo, on Thursday, llecewber 11, Hffltl, viau - GEORGE n. woon, Of Moslcr, Oreson, II. E. No- W. 'r the northwest y. southwest '4, south y, northwest , and lot 3, section 23, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. . Ho names (he fullowlng wltnes. to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, vlv Matthew Duly, tv D. Fisher, Charles A. Cramer and John Evnns, all of Mosier, Or. . n18 JAY V. LUCAS, Hegisler. found triualu'm't relief till I iifed Kodnl Pvspefisia Cure, Tov I am well nnd feel litre rftiew nrnn," writes S. J.Fleniing,Mur rHv.Neh. It in the best digestunt know n. CiirefKll form of indigestion. Physicians uliams & is BM River tefe DEALEKS IN ' AgriiHiltural Implements, Deere Plows, Old Hickory Wajjond, Columbus Bugsy Co. 'is Carriages, REAL ESTATE. 20 acre farm at nelmont.well Improved,!!! a acres :i m i r fmrn town. Kast ISIdB 8,0110 2ii acres 3 miles from Uiwn, East Side .... 7s(l ul nern .! miles from town, Kast Siile ijeo 10 acres n miles from town. Kant Side . l,ItH) !cres 1 mile from uwn, West hide a acres 1;-, miles from town, West fcide.. 800 50 Veres near the Ihvui'S ranch - - 20 acres near UclUiUiit church 2,2oU 22' acres near II. h-own's. ; .',... Id It) ner valuable tiuiber land ,..,..... - Towu lots, farms to exchnnite, etc. ' . . t - ' of N. V. V., S. V. i of X. V. , and W. 4 . 8, T. 2 X., K. 1U hO N W. of . icies, 7. Ilarrett-8lpmn Addition; I0 per lot: ten lolliirsaown und five dollars per month; mi. interest. 8. The Clms. IT. Hnuers 5-acre Hoinestend, Kiaukton; good cottage ud burn; spring -titer, n ice IMA). 9. Tiie old lingers Mill property at Frank-. ion, wiih (ails and water power. ou i neipn reel;, l'l'lcc OK). : ' ' ' ' . 10. The Or. Barrelt Imteoved Prult Farmf4,:' m. umiliwel of Hood Kivit; 'JD acres; 70 acres ,,ll cnllivallon; 4U ai'-ci tu u nit; iiitf sprini;; csi - n.'Iies li riixatiufr wuier. i i tee n-u, nt imj ld in parcels. ,, i-O nere. r: fl-vi.t river. F,:ist Side, 2 lilllei linn sppii. I.'i'.l.v l,iul. 1:! The.!,. N.'fl ti. t.i, '.in'.l'iil lr P. !U acres tin Hood rlv 'plenty of fruit; a. I, (M. Ti n acres und.' !. fhns. yy.r.w ii 't- It if !:.: J . aeris; fin li nuteird. onlj ,tetend, nt OMnier, niw tiinher; (rood soil; oHi; a l am bargain. .' .' II The WVlilner Homestead, in0 acre, near" losler; ,KI acres cloaicd; 2 sprliniNf :4II0 irXut ' ' ices; ii'.od Improvements. Only l,0tw. ;. .;.! I.",. Tiie W. II. Illslmp rinnift III Iltvld' UiwiS ;l Hmii! Part of lot 7 h nek I, v uuciuiiH adHV-'. ion lo Hood Limi; u pieitj home. Onlyl,IUL. ; 1(1. Five tie its cleared and in clover', 1J J m. iu Hi west of Hood Klver. Only '..,-'" 1". 'Hie Han-lierry home, 2'i miles soiil.1', -....t i.r I.,,,-,,, hi ,...,,i i.'.eervllilnir eonilIM mil liiiud.v;s?'o"d h int, Koiid water. onl tl,500 IS. The Chester Welds home, ill the hllls.nne iiileenst ol town: a pretty home; good fruit ; ind water. 40 acres. Only Kl.tlO. 111. The llarvev Clapper H0 acre Fruit Farm, ineoflhe best In the valley All furniture, laini l.iipleinenls und shsk o with tiinr. oll. wider, fruit and Improvements first..; lass. I'l icc w.tKXi. .- ; 2 . The Ir. Mornan houeand lot In Hoi.d." liiver; new barn. Only NX). 21. The Frank Chandler Improved fruit and " K-raln farm; ',K acres; In culllviilion: 1,MI0 hearlnKiinple trees; larije nous- nnu uurn; line wnler aim piemy oi h; noiisu unu mini uii- nished. I'l ice Sf,000; tci ins easy. ' ' 22. The. I. Wlckliam farm. 7 miles southwest . uf town; ll acres; uuod bulldinKsand Iniprovc- merits; spring water ana ou ineues nee lor ir-, , ri(filng. l'ricel,'.00. 1 at Tf. ..,., n.... 11 i.m,mi1 ntrth tit Vftttnff orchard and east of Crosby's; otf keyl Xionnja farm. A So. I land. Only ). 24. The Husk Irk place, 1 mile west of town; I acres: mood siirini? water; irood orchard; new fiair.o buildiiiL'S. Only snuU; one-third cash, balance at H per cent per unnum. . .. , 25. The i :merson homestead, only one mile east of town; line raiiKc; Sl,o00. 2i. Two an t u half acres at Hardicrahh-e, 2' miles west oi Hood Uiver, In. bcuring u, chard. S2,'i). 27. TheMwan homestead at Whlto Kairtioh, only 2,u00; will he wil l In sejwi'ate fortlev U. The Ueraer -place, IW acres; 40 ur -, cleiueil; 10 aeies Kiubhed; free water. 2,MKI.. hall cash: l,4uo spot cast). The Hoi-don Fruli Farm'. 20 acres. I'hiHt't tnt. ol' tftu-ii. l.liKl! nml nice 'etltin:& Hird lot In Hood Klver. yn1y . 00. .' . The Orant Evuns home, lot o, block 4, Hood . Uiver, MM. ,' ' N. B. Terms are easy on all the abn e " lands,. with Interest at i! per cent. l'einons dti- ', siring IcK-iitlons on homesteads and timber : claims should apply at The Emporium. W Keep ;jnur cie on the Barrett Sipina Addition. Jg3 NOT It 15 tOK PUHLICAIION. Land Olllcc nt Vancouver. Wash., Scot. SO, . lMiii. Nolice is hereby kIvcii thai the follow, iuil-miincd settler has tiled notice of his In- -U nlioii Ui make II n ul proof In support of His vim in, itud that suhl proof will be maiVe before lite i.culst. r and Iticclver II. h. Land , i nhce at Vancouver, Vath on Tuesday,' Nu.'umher li, viz: " FRANKLIN I'. GItOSHONU, II. E. No. KMW. for the east half of southeast quai ler anil northwest iUarler of soulheust' tiiui'Kr seel Inn II, lownsliip 3 north of rangd 10 cast, W. M. He names Ihe following witnesses to prove his eunliiiUoiis resilience upon, and cuUlyii lion of, said mud viz: - ' , Howard C. Ctsik, Fcter (IroslionK, Itoimld it. Cameron un i isianly LoeKe, all of White S.lnioii I'. O., W'lKhingioii. isJnlU. IC HUNBAtt, Iteglnter. NOlYu: FoRTl'IJUCATIfN. As we expect to move Into our own building soon, we will for the next GO days rpake special prh-fs on ,lry Oooia, Mensancl Uoji'sloth i lng, Hal and Cups, and men's,"W'omen and Children" Underwear." If .. you want bargains In these lines nee us. . ' . .' A. S. BLOWERS & , SON. O12II Ms of FornlturB, CarBEts, Wall Papsr, etc. 1 challenee any one to itet. lower prices on House Furnlshinft Ooods than I can quote. Special figures given op bulldirg material for contract work. S. E. BARTMESS. TREES 1 TREES 1 Persons wanting one tree or a thousand will save moncv, eet fli-st-cla!a tres, nnd TKi:K-tlmt ar lit' K ANTFEIl to heTRVK to NAMK bv pla hif Ittnir orders with H. 8. Galiisun, io Is haudling trees from the Most Reilab'e form in Oregon. " VALLEY fflPROVEMENT CO. BlWKiIOIJ)F.(t8' JIeetixq. Notice Is hereby Rlveri that the annual shK'kholders meetimc of the Valley improve ment Company will be held In A. O. C. W. hall, Hood Klver, 011 - - Tuesday, November 21, J89I), At 2 o'clock r. M-. for the purpose of eliytlns a board of directors, reading rorts of of ficers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before tilt meeting. By order of the Board. V. HAVEXPORT, rresldent. H. H. BAILEY, Secretary, , . Scientific Amerlcac Agency for irWM Fruit Ranch for Sale. 4K'; acres 2 mih fi'om town- 30 acres In eol tivatuin; 1.0U0 apple trees, mostly winter, new cider nress: S tons of hav; eood U-ani, 2 wairons and farming Implements to be srld wiih the place, juii- oncr.rvur. CAVEAT. , 4 TRADE MARKS, riA DESIGN PATSMTIt tor information nd free TJaixlboriT write to MINN A (XI.. 381 Bhoadwat. Nkw Yokk. Oldest bnraau for seeartng patents In America. Krery patent taken out by as Is brought before tae pabUo br a uotloe given free of charge In tua f fittttific amcrirau I Arrest el real at ton of any scientific paper In the rorld. gplenJidtr llluMrsted. Ko lmellirnt tail should be vHhtmt It. Week!, f .1.0(1 a Tear j tJtl mi mmitbs. Address MUNN A CO. Land. Oflicc ul. Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 20, 1K'.I'.I. .Notice is neifb;.' nlvi n thai the foliow- ;eolltn to make final pmuf in support of their clalins.aiul ihat salil proofs will be made beiore. F. W. Kale, eierk of tiie superior court of trlrO-" state ol a.-h,iix'"ii, Ipr Miamiuiki conntj,-, at .ii,-Mts.,t,. v,i. til,.' .nil. ori l iiuitiulil v.-iu,,. veiiilier !l. IsHI. vl.: .. : '. . " . - kAlti. A'tN'Ol.Tl V ALTlfKH. -"' It. K. Nt). Hi, lor Uie noi l beast (uiurter ofllift ? noriiieni itiai n-r 'i i?t:uuii ivwunoij, norlli, riiiiKe h e.s.-l, w. M ,lV IioiiHiueA the following wilnessesloprove. tils e.iuumious lesiUeiice uihhi and cultiva tion i.-f Milti.iauii, ''..: . . ... c . J it nies I lull :c.v an -. ri.mue v aimer, cacn oi-.- t'lieiiuwclu I'. O., W'asljlnglon; Ueorge Div-", vanel and Fred Luthy, each of Hood HI ver" ' JAMF.S C HOW LEY, ' U.K. No. tfil-l, for the southeast quarter of eel ion 111, township ;l north, rnn;;e lOeast.W.M, . Who names the following witnesses Ui prove his contiintous residence noon and cultlv-a... Hon of suid land, vl.: - Karl Arnold watt her unit Kiiiile Walther, eacn of Ciienoweth I'. O., W aslilngton; Ueorga . Imvnnel and Fred Lutliy, each of Hood Hiver 1 O., Oregon. Viz: . . . . - . .. .' EMILE vVACTHEft, - t: II. E. No, 6I2H, for the southeast quarffr -ftf KftiiMtunsI n tuo'lj'E seel Inn U4. .noil iioi-lh west quarter of northeast quarter, and north bait of northwest quarter til section 20," township i north of ranue a east, W. M. VV homuues the tol losing witnesses to prove his continuous rmhiencu upon aud culllva tion of said land, viz; Karl Arnold Waliher and James Crowley, , each of Ciienoweth F. O., nsliingiou; Fied Lnthy and Oeonse Duvanel,. eucu of Hood" Klver P. O., Oregon." - t2nnS W. K. DUN BAH. Register. : ' "KOI'ICE FOK PFBLIUATION..;; Land Office at The On lies, ; Oregon, Oet. II-,' isiiy. Notice is hereby given that the follow,., inif-mimcd settler haslilcd nolicc 'of his in tention to make final pruof- In support of hlsf" claim, and that said proof wilt he uuulebefore the llegisler and Kecelver ul The Oalles, Ore-' gon, on Saturday, November 2i, 1KHH, vik PEl'HU HKNNINUSKX, "; Vr Arnuluv n,iu,n ll I,' V K-rrr. L, south Y southeast . section 2l and norttieasi northwest and northwest northeast section HA, township 2 north, range H east, W. M. - ' He names the following witnesses to prove tion of, said land, vi.: . H. Wood, Joiin Kvnns, 8. D. Fisher and ohinl7 JAY P. Llfc'AS, Keglster. ' " NOTICE POR PUIJLICAtTonT I-and Ofllce at Vancouver. Wash., Oct. H, lSdB. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named seitler has filed notice of his In tention to make final commutation proof in support uf bis claim, and that said proof will he made before F. W. Kale, Clerk of the htu perior Court of the slate of Washington for skummla county, at Stevenson, Washington, . ou Saturday, November in, 18W, viz; LEWIS C. RAY, H.fi. No. 10,73a, fur the west half of northwest quarter suction 12, township a north, range 9 east, vt . m. lie names the followimr witnesses lo ins continuous resiuenee upon un oi saiu iani, vik: rove aud eultiva- (Jeorge Tyrell, C. Itoberlson. Oeorce Fisher ami J. A. FiHiier, ail of Ciienoweth I. O., Wushlngtou. oimU W. B, DUXBAK, Itegister,