$(ood Iiver (Slacier. ntlDAY, 5CT0ER 27, l89aT BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. C. J, Ilnvew in plactoring and build ' ling an addition to hie Iiuhw. Money to loan on real cutate by - John Li IIrnpkimom, agt. ' ' Lamia bought, sold and exchanged at Emporium. Keup your eye on the Em porium ad, 2d page of Glacikr. .Frank McFarland and M. E.Mont- fomery, well known insurance men of 'urtland, were in town the first of the week. ' ' A girlrB cloak was left at the Congre gational church lant Memorial day. The 5 owner can get. it bv calling on Judgw I'rather. - Rev. J. L. Hernhner in in attendance ' t the Congregational association meet ing at Eugene this week. He ia expect- ; d to return home today. Letters remain in the post office for George Honeyman, Mr. rihanahaii, D. . M. WilkinHon, Mr. Minnie Meiterntan and Miss Lillie Snap. Dr. F. C. RroHius has returned and can be found in )iin office oyer Williams v& Eroding' drugstore, between the hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 6-7 p. in. - o.''ylV. ft. Winaiut brought to town a rare furiosity on Monday. It is a -white chipmonk. ...Itwa, killed by a pine ,.iij(iirrul Bud waa picked up by Mr. Wi- pJHHJ.2 ;'. ' , fi. II. Cox lion purchased part, of El mer, Hand's lots on State street, .just 'west of P. F. Bradford's jjlitas arid has commenced the erection of ft dwelling housecost fl.OOO.' " ;T t. I n'jvbounty clieck drawn irt'favor of D. .it. Jackson was lont-by him. It was inclosed in .an .envelope on which iasft picture of the state house. Finder will please leave at this ollice.-" Joe Frazier, jr., who haw been in Sher--maa county during httrrest, came hone last week to remain for the winter. He accompanied his sister Alice to Portland tort Saturday, where hevyviir take in. the 'jiositioir. ' v p. CUHiggs.iaAhef-ol Dr. D. Riggs of Mt. Hood, has recently-ome from Illi nois and has located a-homestead at .' Mti Kood. He, is ft years old. , The old .geiHleinua is well pleased .with this part of 'the country. . !. .-''. . . Word' has been received "from L. T). .. Blount; who arrived at Mt. Moriah,Mo., Oct. I5th. He fpund his mother quite jeble but able. to go -about tha house. Mr. Blount will probably remain in Missouri during the winter. : , ,: ...Miss Alice Frazier, after spending the (hummer in Sherman county, returned home to Hood River last week. Satur day morning she went to Portland, There she wilf be engaged for the next ihree months at dressmaking. 'lf Mr; and Mrs. R. Peahir have' taken a Jjoy from the orphan's home in Portland )to give him a home The boy is 14 vearg old and" his name is Charlie I.. . WriBuren. , He will be a great help tp hid benefactors,' and the boy is fortunate in securing a good home. . ! Robt.yLeasure' and . wife came down from Mt. Hood last Katurday to consult Dr. Shaw in recard to Mrs. ' Leasure'e health. The whole family have been Kick. .' Too much worry during the sick ness of their., child that died last week cmuc( Mrs. 'Leisure's sickness. ' ' Rev. C. Fl Clapp of Forest Grove, who .waa announced to preach in the Con fregalioual church of Hood River last Sunday, was called to Condon to offlcir mvn nv v3 muri ill ui wio .,in)C i uuum minister at that place, and for this rea eou could not fill his appointment here. TOur'enterprising neighbor, Dallas, got the job of tinning the roof on Dr. Ad ams cottage, as The Dalles tinners were one day too late. The old tin roof, was torn oft in time to catch the heavy rain of a week ago, and the floors of the cot tage were flooded nearly shoe-mouth deep. F. E. Denzer notifies the, Glacieb that he is superintending the building of Mark Davenport's house near Tucker, and that we were in error in stating last week that B. F. Belieu was building the house. Mr. Belieu informed us that he was working on the job, and we of course supposed he wag also superin tending its construction. S. Pedlar, representing the Equitable Life Ins. Co.", . is spending a week in Hood River. He says he learned of Hood River while in the mines of Brit ish Columbia,' hundreds of miles from a railways Our strawberries had fourd theirway there, and the miners would buy them "regardless of price, so long as they had the Hood River brand. '.Keeping Cows for Profit" is the well chosen titl of, the newest work oh pratv tical dairying to "come under our notice! We understand that a large issue of this JiUle publication is being gratuitously circulated with the compliments of. the De Lavel- Separator Co., 74 Cortlandt etreet, New York, which concern offer to send a copy to every reader tf the (ilACiKit ,upon request. Drop them a porttal card and you will get the book. i The. Hood River teachers.', association organbjed last Saturday The following teachers were in 'Attendance;: , Nettie Kemp, F. B..tTBarnes, Barrett; ' K. E. Dawnjprt, Madge Warren, S,. C. Sher rili, Frankton ; Jennie Parstms, Under VMfip ; Cora .Topple; " Viento r C. M . Sis on, 'Pine Grove; Minnie Elton,' MelhV White, Grace Graham, H. L. Howe, C. D"..Thomp9on, Hood Ri-er. " The-following officers were elected v F. B. Barnesi prenident: D. P. Thompsons vice Dresi- 3nti-Miss Gruc Graham, secretary; Miw Mella White, organist. The text meHidg will be held on Saturday, ov. 4th, at 2 o'cl jck p. m., for wh;ch a good programme hafl been arranged.' ; . C. D. Ilenricha returned last Thurs- dav fifom a trip to the Willamette val- lejr?" 'While .coming up the river on the Inland Hver. he savs, the chief engt neer Of the boat fell overlioard. He was leaning on the ate, when it cave way. nd both went into the river. No one Mf hlii) fall in, and .the steamer went about half a miio tmore it was qisco,.. ered that a. man was overboard. He was then seen in the distance float ing on tht gate' and striking for shore. Capt. Coe ordered the life-boat lowered, and then it was discovered that there was not a man among the deck hands who knew how to handle it. The captain woa obliged to pull the boat himself to the man s rescue. A social gathering was held at the res idence of Mrs. J. E. Dishman, last Fri day evening, ' Oct. 20th, invited to be present by Miss Arvilla Poo re. Chinese lanterns. 'were hung in all directions about the place. Games were indulged in and a' very pleasant evening was epent. . The sK'iat ended by an old fash ioned taffy pull. Those present were: The Misses Maud Parker, Mabel Boor-maiij-tJraee Cpton, Stella Richartlson, Edith Moore, Xttie Kemp, Laura Bishop, Andry and Orpha Murkley, Grace aad Flora Wilaiui, Arvilla Pooiis, Faith iDinhman ; Mesars. Frank Gibbons Alfred Ingalls, Walter Isenberg, James Parker, . Bert Kelley, Howard SearleS, Ben Upton, Charles Gibbons, Fred In galla, Albert Gibbons, Fred Barnes, Tom Bishop, Oliver Richardson, Elbert and Alvin Piire; Mrs. J. E. Dishman, Mrs. Jehu Kelley. Little Ivan Allen, after a heroic tmj.'gle with diseiwe for six weeks, died Tuesday morning. Everything that loving hands could do, assisted by tlie physicians, failed to save his life. The family has been sorely afflicted. Mr. Allen was engaged on the. railroad in the upper country and had his family with him. All were stricken with ty phoid fever and were brought to their home in Hood River. Good rare and medical treatment brought all through except the little boy Ivan, who at one time seemed to be in a fair May to re cover when he was taken with chicken pox, and being too weak to withstand another seige of disease, succumbed to the grim messenger of Death. The af flicted family have the sympathy of the enure community. The morphine fiend who has been loafing around Hood River since last spring was arrested on Monday by Con siaoio uniiger, charged with Having stolen canned fruit from the cellar of Mrs. J. J. Luekey. Mrg. Luckey missed 19 quart of Royal Ann cherries, and she doesn't know how much other fruit was taken by the thief. The man had been stilling the fruit about town and wasensily caught. He at first denied the theft but afterwards owned un to it claiming that he was not able to work and was refused anything to eat when ever he went out to beg. The man and his wife occupied a shack below the depot. Both are addicted to the use of the drug, and both have reached about the lowest depths in human existence. Fred Rordan recently purchased 14 head of Angora goats and has them at his father's pluee west of town. ... These goats are said to be quite profitable. Their wool brings a high price, and the goats feed on willows, oak grubs or any old thing. 1 1 hey are often used to deaden scrub oak 'and other wild under brush for clearing land, and fire soon does the rest. Thev are esDeciallv fond of young fruit trees and are dangerous things to have round a young orchard. Fred got his coats from down on the lower Columbia and paid apiece for mem. A milk famine prevails in Hood River. F. H. Button, wliose herd of thorough bred cows supplied the town for so many years with pure milk, has gold his cows and turned his attention to supplying logs for the big saw mill of the Ivost Lake Lumber Co., of which he is a large stockholder. It will pay some one to start in at once supplying milk to our town. F. L. Rice and J. B. Nice, commis sioners to establish the boundary line between Oregon and Washington, stop ped in Hood River on Wednesday while on their way to Eastern Oregon. Mr. Rice is from South Bend, Wash., and is an old acquaintance of our townsmen, iS. A. Knapp and Judge Kent. Mrs. L. C. Davis arrived in Hood River Monday. Mrs. Davis is a sister to Mrs. M. V. Rand and Mrs. Harwuod. She comes from the state of Maine and was a delegate to the W. C. T. U. con vention at Seattle. She will visit for about three weeks with her relatives in Hood River. Dr. Adams bought a fine brood sow of Mr. liockman for 15 two-thirds Poland China. He has a full-blooded imported China boar, said to be the finest in the state. ' The doctor says' he is going to try to raise hogs on clover, as even Po land China hogs turn up their noses at weeds. Ike Nealeigh's little four-year-old hoy, Clinton, was kicked by a horse the other day. The boy was chasing the horse around the door yard, when he received a kick that cut a severe gash in his lower jaw. The wound wag drtTssed by Dr. Shaw and the boy is getting along all right. The Neff brothers, who are farming Capt. Blowers ranch, formerly the Divers place, had a piece of barley this year that went 90 bushels to the acre, f his ranch is noted as being one of the best for grain in the valley. Neff Bros, have seed barley for sale. The trustees of the M. E. church ex preus themselves as well pleased with the manner in which Dallas & Spangler have tilled their furnace contract. They feel assured that they will have plenty of heat at a moderate outlay for fuel. R. Penler hi d the misfortune to break his buggy last .Saturday. After arriv ing home, the boy Charlie attempted t back the buggy up to the porch o u. il ad some shorts, when the horses bicked too far and the circle o.i the t mgue was broken. J. II. Gerdes has reopened his restau. rant and bakery. . He has also fixed up good quarters tor lodgers .and has been doing a good business generally. He has a first-class oven and makes a good quality ot Dread, pies, cakes, etc. The wave of prosperity is still rolling up the valley. We learn that Davis Divers, who has been a resident of the valley for 40 vears, has just built his first wood shed, which was put up by Mike Neff. : Lost Between the Valley Christian church and the residence of Mrs. J. E. Dishnian, a hitching Btrap with snap and ring, t inner, piense leave at the Glacier office or at J. E. Dishman's place. H. W. Wait and family have moved from their ranch at Mt. Hood and are camped on their lota in Blowers ad dition, where they will build a residence and occupy it for the winter. Judge Prather has two nephews in Gen. Funston's regiment, the 20th Kan sas, and another nephew in the 1st Col orado. All returned from the Philip pines in good health. Thos. McDonald, who is getting quite f eble and a great care to his friend., in a tit of absent windednesSj the other day, dropped his false teeth in the stove and they were destroyed. Attorney J. L. Henderson will visit his son at Vancouver Barracks before his regiment sails for the Philippines. The regiment expeeta to sail in a few days. The Epworth league will give a tem perance entertainment on Friday eve ning Nov. 10, 1899. The programme will appear in next week's issue. . P. F. Fouts of The Dalles came down Wednlay and went out to his rancfi at Mt. Hood to gather his apple crop, Which ia said to be very fine. A big bulletin boartl -was put up at Reciprocity Corner Tuesday. Prices marked on this board will give market rates from day to day. Doug Langille was at Mt. Hood during the week, gathering bulbs for Fastern parties and putting the toll road in shape for winter. Mrs. F. E. Jackson and daughter Anna spent a couple of days in The Dalles during the week. Mrs. H. H. Bailey lost a black cash mere shawl, which "tli finder will please leave at this office. Wm. Froebe, a prosperous farmer of Sherman county, ia visiting his friend Frank Caddy. A. B. Jones is very low ith typhoid fever at his home in Grand Forka", B. C. Edgar Stevens is up from Canby for a few days visit witfrrelativei and friends. AVanted At A. S. Blowers fc Son, one thousand sacks of good potatoes. Miss Maud Parker is clerking in La France's store. Lcvk cut or Hollow 'eea- Mrs. H. F. Davidson went fci The Dalles Tuetidav evening to visit Colum hia chapter, No. 33, (. E. S. The beau tiful floral work was the feature of the evening. A report it promised Hood River chapter at their next regular meeting, iov. 4th. C. Welds has at his shoe fchon a nota to vine of the White Star variety with good-sized and well formed tulerg ou the vine, some of them grown a foot or more above ground. He w ill plant some of them and see what they will bring ion ii. Last Friday Mrs. Heavener, wife of jonn iteaveuer, living near Tucker, left on the train with six children for Port land, where she hopes to find friends She charges her husband with cruelty ana says sue lias leit him lor good Dr. Adams lias rented to N. N. Hall and Alma, his wife, Paradise farm for a term of years. Mr. Hall sold a fine farm near Portland to rent of the doc tor. The two families have been ac quainted for years. - Roht. Leasure of Mt. Hood added samples of Ked Chaff spring wheat to the Glacihb's collection of farm pro duce. His samples show that Mt. Hood soil is hard to beat in wheat. growing spring Mrs. S. E. Bartmess and Mrs. O. B Hartley went to Portland Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bartmess will visit Mrs J. M. C. Miller at Woodstock for a week or ten days. Miss Eliza Stevens arrived at Sun Francisco October 19th and has com menced work in the children's hospital where she expects to graduate from as a ii in nt. . . . Mrs. C. T. Cari.a and son Clarence went to Portland last Saturday. Mrs Cams has since been quite sick and will come home as soon as able to travel iur. trank l awk, a progressive young larmer and hop grower of Polk county spent a few davs in Hood River this week, visiting friends. Clyde T. Bonney will pav 10 cents In cash for all his empty lard buckets re turned in good shape. Chris Bartsch arrived in Hood River Tuesday from Dawson City and is visit ing triends here. E. C. Mooney will take a band of horses to Sherman county Nov. 10th. See bis ad. . Thanks of the Glacieb force are due J. F. Armor for flue big Hubbard squashes. 11, .Morse, an old time insurance man of Portland, wag in town Wednes day. J All the houses on Paradise farm are now rented and paid for. The Travers Book and Curio club meets this Friday evening, See the "Cracker Jack" window cleaner at Bartmess' John Chapman has returned from Alaska. The Gold IHscoTeries at Mt. Hood. Peter Felthausen called at the Glacier office last Friday and informed us that he was the discoverer of the quartz mines near Mt. Hood, tie said our item of last week in regard to the dis coveries was incorrect. He and George inner have been prospecting on the headwaters of Hood river for the past two Hummers, miring last summer thev discovered three ledjjes of gold bearing quartz. One, which is feet wide, assays fo.fll in gold and ' 18 cents in silver to the ton; another assays $4.54 in gold and 21 cents in silver; and the third $3.72 m gold and 24 cents in silver. These mines are on the East Fork of Hood river, southeast of Mt. Hood They are about 15 miles from the Mt. Hood road, starting at a point 2i' miles nelow the Jblk lieds. A wagon road can be made over this 15 miles without much expense. These discoveries were made in the latter part of August, and since tnen the weather has been so un. favorable that the discoverers could not do much towards developing their finds The ascays were made from surface croppings, and of course it is expected the rock will prove to be richer when the leads are developed. Mr. Felthausen feels highly elated over his prospects. Cunsln-Cliamplin. The marriage of Miss Winnetta M Champlin, eldest daughter of Mrs. J. L. Atkinson, to Mr. Albert B. Cousin of tlvs city, was solemnized Wednesday morning, October 18, at the residence of the hncle s parents, 385 Third Btreet, Rev. Huber lerguson, of the First United Presbyterian church, officiating. Mr. Brandt Wickersham acted as best man, and Mies Florence Chamrli l. sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. Only relatives and intimate friends of the family were present. At the close of the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Cousin left for a short trip to Victoria. Their home for the coming winter will be in Southern Ore. gon, where Mr. Cousin and J. L. Atkin son have mining interests. The youn couple are well known in this city, am were the recipients of many handsome gifts from their numerous friends. Oregonian. ' Married. At the residence of Mrs. Sarah Cam eron, in Viento, October 19, 1899, by M. F. Bird, J. P., Wm. E. Wheeler and Miss Mattie Burton, both of Hood River The many friends af the young couple extend congratulations and wish them bon voyage on the sea of matrimony. At Trout Lake, Wash., October 15, 1899, F. M. Coate and Miss Annie Moore. . .... Died. '; In Hood River, October 24, 1899, Ivan, ohk-st son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, aged 9 years . . Church Notices. Congregational Church. Services next Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7.45 p. m. The pastor will speak at the morning service on "Crumbs from the State As sociation." A cordial invitation ia ex tended to all to attend. . U. B. Church. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Christiam Endeavor meeting at 7 p. m., will be led by Mrs. O. B. Hartley. The pastor's theme for the day will be "The Great Divine As surance." All are cordially isvited to attend these services. II. K. Benson, Pastor. Elder F. W. Brampton will hold ser vices at the Bethel A. C. church at Tucker on Lord's day, Oct. 29th. Ser vices in the morning at 11 o'clock, in the evening at 7.30. All are cordially in vited to attend. Dr. Roberts of Los Angeles, Cali., preached to a larce audience last Sun. day and Monday evenings in the Vallev Christian church. Tuesday, he left for The Dalles to visit his son. 'Mrs. Roberts accompanied him. He is an able man and handles his subject well under the action of the Ho y Spirit. -If he should come this way again he would receive a warm welcome. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J. ! Kirkman, Belle Rive. 111.. savs."Afteri suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured bvOue Minute Cough Cure. It is all that is claimed for it and more. It cures coughs, colds, ! grippe and ail throat and lung troubles. Williams & Brosius. i Rain and We have shoes that will keep your feet dry and save doctors' bills. Remember, our prices are the hnret au4 we new M peg yur fcWea free. Shoea are higher, but we till ge.U at old prices. New stock of first quality Rubbers and Gum Bootg at regular prices. Men 'a stried Worsted Pants, new and pretty patterns, great values, at f 1.65; others, 95c to $2.50; all good values. Men's nat ural wool Underwear, $1.60 suit, ladies $1.65. Men's good, firm cot ton Sweaters, 60c. Armour side Corsets, black satin, nicely finished and very strong, usually $1.60 to $1.25, our price $1.00. Dr. Nossah's Corsets, patent braided sides, 60c. , Ladies' wool Hose, 25c. ' Reliable line of men 'a Hats at greatly reduced prices. Latest styles, all new goods, lowest prices in Millinery. Any spe cial order will be filled promptly. THE PEOPLE S STORE. Agents for Royal Tailoring:. Frankton Seles. I'avenport isroa. arc putting up a building opposite their office for a store. They will move their stock from the mill and have the store ii operation in about a week. . i . , Mr. Noble has been at work on his house near Scott Boorman's, on land he purchased of Hon. J. W. Morton. The house is nearly finished. ' Two more new dwellings are being built at the planer. . Mrs. Gillis Hubbard is quite sick at fver home at the planer, . , Graders hive commenced work on J. W. Morton'g place. I. . The railroad company paid D. N. Bv- erlee $75 for right of way. for straighten ing tne road. . "It did me more good than anvthinff I everused. Mydysjiepsiawasof months' standing; after eating it was terrible. New I am well," writes 8. B. Keener, Hoisington, Kag., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Will iams & tirosius. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT I,A FUASCE'B. What Fruit could be more prwtllnn than blf I,ucrlln Dewberrlea. Yet tfioy are amy to ftow and euy to get at Columbia Nuraery. 60e dozen. Wanted to Trade. A farmer de8lr?K to trade a s-tvwl ntmn fur a juort cow. Inquire at the (JuicUt utile. Fruit Kanch for Sale. 4U1,? acrea 2 nil lot from town' M) aern n cr.L tlvaUoiit 1,000 apple it, nMt!y winter; new cider press; 8 ton of hay; good mm, 2 wtynna and farming Implement to be wild with the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Imllen. Ore eon. Oct. 14 18!). Notice In hereby given that the follow. Ing-niimed Hettler haa tiled notlre of bin In tention to commute and make final nroof In mip port of his claim, and that nald proof will ik: luuuir nviore uie itegwicr taa ueceiver at i ne uuiHW, uregon, on .November 21, isus, vIk FKED r KAUTHCHY, Of Hood lllver, Oregon, H. E. No. SI 12, for the south y, northeast and lots I and 2. section i, uwunnip i norm, range veaKt, w. M. He names the rollowinr wltnemcs t prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of wiM land, viz: . W. R. Wlnnnx, 8am Wlnani, Thomas Col linn and O. M. Wtweler, all of Hood Rlver.Or. oaiat j ax r. LU'.AS, KeKtater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oretron. Oct. 5. 1SSIH. Notice In hereby eiven that tho follow. ing-named settler has filed notice of her Inten tion to commute and make final proof In sup port of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The i mues. uregon, on Wednesday, .November ti, 13119, viz: 1-.UC1T H. U&EKK, : Of Hood Ulver, Oregon, H. B. No. 87 IS, lor the nouthwest '4 southwest lA section 9, township i north, range 11 east, W. M. noe names tne following witnesses to prove her continuous residence npon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Jerome Wells, Charles Wells, Mollis Haltx nian and K. Stuart, all of Hood Rlver.Oregon. mi r. i.lcab. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tjinri lim n ot Ttia n., 1 1... r r. .... . 1 I'B it., w I . K ' ' n , " i , IC'Jll V,.li.. U. ............ . v. . . i. .. . ri. ... ...w. ..u.avv in n;i vuy K I ril LIIUI. bllC IIIIIUW- Ing-named settler has filed notice of his In tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Reginterand Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Tuesday, November HI, MUS, vis: ' DOUGLAS CAMI'UKLLs i Of Mohler, Oregon, H. E. No, :, for the south southwest y section land north southwest '4 section 10, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, vis: . , james j. liewis, i,. i. uavenbort, J. T. Dav enport and ii. D. Fisher, ail of Mnsler. Oregon. illnlT lltrfl II'. 1 . U ( t -. Wool lir lli Co;, DEALEB8 IX'1'- Agricultural Implement", Deere Plows, Old Hickory agon, t'olunibtm Buggy Co.'s Carriages, REAL "ESTATE. 20 acre farm at Belmont, well Improved 2,500 Z acres 3 miles from town, Kan: Hide .... 3,009 28 acres S miles from town, Kast Side 7W bOacres miles from town.astHldc 1100 10 acres & miles from Uwa. Kaat Hide 1.1M0 20 acres 1 mile from town. West Side a acres 1 miles from town. West Side. 800 60 acres hear the Divers ranch ... (" 20 acres near Rclmnnt chnrch.... . 2.200 ltlO acres valuable timber land lown lots, farms to exchange, etc. Announcement. -1 To My Friend and Patrons: I have secured tha services of an expert me chanic and am ready to do alt kinds of re pairing and new work at short notice, either by the day or by contract. I keep constantly on hand a good stock of builders' supplies. Including shingles, tin lulling lumber, mold ings, lath and lime. To makt room for my Increasing trade I have rented two rooms on Second street and connected them with my Oak street store, hence am better prepared than ever to pleas my customer. wish also to call attention to my stock of paints and oils, as well agmy complete assortment of furniture, which I am selling at Portland prices and you save your freight. Yours for business. W. E. SHERRILL. Farm for Sale. choice of Hood Kiver Tfti.ey S milet oatb, of it a! MM ..1,1 nr.. w i v diuni use HUj uivi iiit . si A.?. riSBBOW. JYIud; Strayed. A rray home, with blt. Marked U onth rlRbt hip and left car split at the tip. A rewurd or2.50 will be paid r (he return o( Side Saddle for Sale. ' A Hide Haddle In good order, which wilt be old very reasonable; ran be seen at my bonne near inciter. Hits. ALIIE KEMf, For Sale. One of the ear! lent and bent placei to make money on the Columbia river. Kor partic ular! can on or aaarcaa v. WINCHKI.U. Hay for Sale. The bilt CitlAtltr of clover, whral and nnl hay for rmIo at i2 a ton, t my plac. 5 mtli wuui ui iuwo. a. W . 24 Acres, One mile from town; In itrawberrlea, on In DincKoemea. one in raanoernei. uuu rruit traea M grape vines. Mood Improvement". In quire at tne ttooa lllver RACKET HTOIIK. Pfrfciiwisiaiiylc. j ' vm hiuvi in tvu , vaa i vru K. L. Hood. Consultation free. Nochmge for If Vnur walti aMalnlrn nfU4ut from A. M. till tf P. Uu an all n I if lit if neo trvncriuiionB. xo cure no Dir. omc iMMira Turkeys for Sale. Trio of Jlronte Turkey. Apply at thlaefflce. Heavy Team. Heavy team for kmlnr. or truck Inr. fhr mr uy , r.eeri. inquire 01 capt. J. 11. JOHN HULLT'a S:b.p Has opened In Hood Klver with a good stock i iimiicM, ah .iiiiin ui names ana Dicy cle repairing. In the Odd Fellows' building n7 Dyspepsia Curo. Digests what you eat. It artificially digest the food and aids Nature in strengthen in? and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures jjspepsia, indigestion, Heartnorn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgi a, Cramps, ana all other results of imperfect digestion. Prsporsd by C C. DtWitt Co., Cfelcag. For sale by Williams & Brosius. 0 Time Schedules. Dei-art Kr'm HOOD KIVER Akrivb Fast Mail 10:42 p.m. Halt lAke. Denver. Fast Mall 4:00 p.m. Ft Wortb,Omaha, Kansas City, Kt Louis, Chicago ana tne unt. Walla Walla, fipo kanr, Minneapolis HI Paul, Duluth, Spokane Klyer 4:87 p.m. Spokane Flyer S:S7 a.m. jHiiwanaee, ini cago and KaiL Sp.m. From PORTLAND. 4 p.m. OCKAlt 8TBAKMRIFS For Han Francisco; Every live days, S n.m. Columbia Rives Htbamkiuj, 4 p.m. Ex .Sunday. Ex. Munday nuiuraay, 10 p.m. To Astoria and, wayj lanaings. Willamette River. 4:.' p.m. Ex-Sunday, ta.m. Oreeou CltT. New. Ex. Huuday berc.Kaleni A way lanuings. W I M. A M KTTS AND 3:30 p.m. ' Hon, Wed. and Frl. 7 a.m w auuivv tr w vwwtt Tues. Thur. Oregon Clty.Dayton I ami wav ltt.nlfn and Sat. a.m. Tues, Thur. and Sat. Willamette River. 4::r.m. Portland to Corval-Tues.. Thur. lis way landings. and au Lv.Klparla. 1:15 a.ni. dally ex.HaL Lv Lewlst'n StVis.m.dsl ex. Friday. 8KAKK Riven Rlparla to lwlston W. II. HUUI.BtjRT. Oen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or E. B. Ci.akk, Agent, Hood River. THE-- "REGULATOR LINE." Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. DailrbsL Dallss and FertlriEd Ail Freight win uome Through Without Delay. Leave The Dalles- ...7.00 A. if. Leave Portland. ...7 00 A. M. PASSENGER RATES. One wy- $1 50 Hound trip.. .. 2 60 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced W. C. ALLAWAY, Oenenil Ajrent, THE DALLES, OTECON n Id) oW oil lio Liuo t, '. : ""'- t-J bone & Mcdonald CARRY A FULL LINK OF rXjOTJK PEED,-; Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, LADIES1 AND GENTLEMEN'S UOTERWEAl U'liMt we will netl at live and let live prkes. Agents for Osborne SOLD 6Y TyW ' Chas. N. Clarke, Agt.. at the Glacier Pharmacy. o lo him for pure fresh Drags, Patent Medicines and Wall Paper. Prescrlutloni and Family Recipes a specialty. GENERAL COMMISSION TTTriTJ L1QrP THTin'T7'Q reallaed; returas made fxxwnptly. OonsUnmenl a lAVJXAXiO X JCXXJIUQ lldted and liberal advances made. We also pur chase lanre quantities of fruit for cunning imrposes. Ail Sloan of rruit axes and crates on hand, Htudebaker Waion and ftprlne Waeons: ton Cluuier l'lows. Harrows and Dlsra: lladitcr and are sold at as low prices as are charged lor examine the goods. GEO. P. CROWELL fSuccessor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.' -. DEALER IN IDx-y G-ood-s, Clotlb-irigr, -AND G-eneral Ivllercli.azi.dj.se, Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. ;; HOOD RIVER. - - GEO. T. PRATHER, Justice of the Pcaee 1 fur Hood Itivtr District I am nreparcd at all times to draw andlexceute Deeds and Morteazcs. and all kinds of le gal papers carefully prepared. I am also prepared on short notice to furnlnh and strongest Insurance com pan tes; so If you want your property insured don't fall to call m me and get a policy In a reliable Insurance company. - And when It comes to Heal Estate. I am the or rent any land In Hood lllver valley or White also negotiate loanson real estate. I have been therefore am thoroughly acquainted witn tne To The licst results you muat use tlie best materials. The HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continues to be up. to dute in everything iu the Drug line. m Prescriptions bpraying materials warranted the pure stuff. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS.1 I Timber Iind, Act June S, 187ft. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Mate Land Office, The Palles, Ore gon, Hpt. 6. IWIK. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June S, 1R78. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Htntesof California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," the followlng-ni med persons have this day filed in this omoe tneir sworn state ments, to wlb FRED K. SIMPSON, Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. lo, for the pur chase of the nortli X northeast 1, southwest nonneast w. ana lot . section 7. townsnip i north, range i east, W. M. HUBBARD TAYLOR, Of Hood River, ooun'.y of Waiwo, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 140, for the pur chase of the south southwest H section, southeast Vt southeaHt 14 section 0, and north west northwest : section 8, township 2 north, rauge 9 east, W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Henetver of this office at The f hiTles, Oregon, on Saturday, the IKtli day of November, MOO. Witnesses: O. B. Hartley, W. B. MeOrory, Perry McCrory, Kred K. Hltnpsoii and Hub bard Taylor, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their elelms In this office on or before said 18th day of November, 19. siinlO JAY P. LUCAfr, Register. Pasture for Stock. I will pasture a limited number of horsea and cattle at Riverside Karm from and alter Hvpt IB to No. 1'l IMS. Terms: Horses per month, in advance. fl 50 Cows per month . 1 U) I will not be responsible for any kind of ac cidents or losses. J. W. MORTON. Settle Up. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are respectfully asked to call and set tle. My books have been left with my suc cessor, H.O. Everhart, who ka authorised to eolieet (or me and give receipts. C. U OOPPf ,E. Horses for Sale. Tour good horses and good farm wagon for sale. Inquire at this office or of 815 . C. H. LUTHER. a.. . v-' Mowers and Reapers. 1. -. In the estimation of rracucai fainurs. . Every gallon of ' " - The SHERWIN-WlUJAlh fAINT , win cover 300 or more square ' feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. " Every gallon is 4 full U. S. " standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It''; is the best and most durable 1 xiouse traiat made. HELD HIGH AND FORWARDING. i come and see us; we mean ausuwws. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. Planet Jr. Garden Tools and CultlvetaM: fan Hprlne Tooth lliirrown. These are the best cheaper grades of tools. Oet our prices a4 ..: - - - - OREGOrt Notary rublic jfor Oregon. " ... correct Abtttracts. Also renrenent theoldwnV ewe ym want to see. If vou want to buv. sell Salmon, dnax (ail tocall on or write tome. I a resident of Hood Mvrr valley for IV years. valley. uwi. 1. ruATHr.lt, iioad Klver. a Specialty. 1 1- tl:' (Timber Ijtnd, Act June 3, 1878.J NOTICE FPU PUBLICATION. United Htntcs 1 And Office, The Dalles, Ore- ' gon, Aug. 10, IKM. Notice Is hereby given ' that In compliance with the provisions of tho act of congress of June 8, W7S, entitled "An act for the sate of Umber lands In tite MtaAes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,'' . MAHEI. BRADLEY. Of Hood Klver, eonnty of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day filed ia this office her sworn statement. No. 141, fur tiM purchase of the north i southeast i and north 4 eoothwest . of section No. 2L in township No. I north, range No. 9 eat, Vi . Xf .. and will offer proof to how that the land sought a more valnable for Its timber or stone than forairrieultural fmrposes, and to establfHh her ciaim to said and before the Register and Receiver at th( ' office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Haturday, the lith day of November, lme, . . ;. Hhe names as wltnesitrs: W. R. Wlnans, fl. Bradley, J. Ij. Henderson and Harry Wyatt, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tlte above-described lands are requested lo file, their claims In this office on or before an 14 11th day of November, 1K09. -8n 10 . J A YJ'.J.UCAJegjster1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iand Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. . WW. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his In tention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and thai wild proof will be made before the Register and Receiver IT. H. fnd Oflk-eat Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, November 21. 18U9,vlz: JAMES MORGAN, . . II. E. No. 9791, for south half of northeast , quarter and north half of southeast quarter section nine, township three north, range twelve east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove . his continuous residence upon and eultiva- ' Hon of said land, viz: , Thomns M. Whitcomb, Joseph Chamber lln, William Iaton and Thomas Kroning, ail ' of l,yle P.O., Washington. . oltnl7 i W. It. DUNBAR, Register5 Clubbing Offer. ; . All subscribers to the O lacier who pay In advance and 50c additional Can have ftie Twice-a-week Kepufalic or the Toledo Blade seat to their address for one year... . . , Poland China Boar. One year old. Service II m 3. C. BOOOS.