The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 22, 1899, Image 2

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    3ood iiver Slacier.
"Next June the voters of Oregon will
iigftin vote on a constitutional amend
ment granting women the ripht to vote.
The correct ay to decide thin matter
would Uj to let only women vote on the
amendment. If a majority of the
women of Oregon said by their votes
that they denired to vote aud hold office
and help run political convention and
tuakc stump epeeehea no one would w inh
to deny .them mich rig'.tti. The stak
of Watdiiugtou. voted on a woman suf
frage amendment lttHt year. The num
ber ol votes cast in favor of the amend
loent was 20,000, and the number it-rain-it
it 30,000. '
The Spokefman-Review Quarterly,
publhthed at Spokane by the Morning
tpok.emn Review, is a 70 page mag
azine devoted to advertising the indus
tries ol the state of Washington. The
Jgly number, which we have received,
is descriptive of the great mining din
tricts of Eastern WaHhington and Brit
Uh Columbia. The Quarterly is printed
on a fino quality of paper, profusely il
lustrated by photographic views', and it
a -"era ol the printer's art.
. The upper part of the valley and the
(unrounding foot hills will furnish most
of the apples for shipment from Hood
River thin year. Some of the orchard?
at Mt. Hood and on the Kust Bide have
pretty fair crops. Many tipples will
(tome also from the orchards in the fool
hills of Mt. Defiance. The whole crop
for export from. Hood River will not be
wore thau 4,000 boxes.
The postage rate on drop letters if
only one cent, whether carried by tin
rural delivery or not. Postmaster Yates
madcj ' inquiry of the department and
received a reply saying the question waf
still unsettled, but the patrons of the
service are given the benefit of the doubt.
The department aims to reduce jKtstuge
whenever there is a chance to do so.
' The Portland exposition begins Sept.
28th and lasts a month. There w ill be
many attractions of great interest. He
duced fare will be given on all trans
portation lines and the price of admis
sion is only 25 cents.
There is a fair crop of prunes in the
Urnpquo. valley and growers are receiv
ing 20 a ton for the green fruit. Thert
is big money in prunes at a cent n
pound. '
Farmers are delighted with the warm
spell of weather and are making the
most of it by getting their fall work well
in hand.
lr. Eliot' Lecture.
Dr. T. L. Eliot has made a study ol
the life work and character of Benjamin
Franklin and some time iigo delivered a
lecture iu Portlaud having for its sub
ject this wonderful character in Amer
ican history. Nince giving his lecture
in Portland, Dr. Eliot, while in the
East, gathered additional facts concern
ing Franklin that have only recentlj
been published, and which will add
greatly to the interest of his lecture,
riuch authors as Paul Leicester Ford
und Sydney George Fisher have made
books within this year about Franklin,
turning new light on his character and
achievements. Mr. Eliot has interested
himself in the Hood River library from
its start,, and no one has given more
freely to make it of value to the reading
public. Knowing this, many of our cit
izens interested in building up the
library have requested him by letter to
deliver his lecture iu Hood Kiver for the
benefit of the library. He cheerfulty
accepted the invitation and rived upon
this Friday evening as the date for tell
ing us what he knows about lienjamin
Franklin. The trustees of the Congre
gational church have kindly given the
use of their church for the occasion.
The price of admission is25 cents; school
children, 10 cents. These lovely moon
light nights will give people from the
country a chance to attend, and there is
no doubt but the friends of the, Hood
River library will see that a good au
dience is on hand to greet the lecturer
and listen to a literary treat. lecture
will begin at 8 o'clock, (iood music
will be furnished by local talent.
The tliaiiipion Swimmer.
The St. Louis Republic tells of a man
named Geo. E. Rosenthal, a medical
student of Quincy, Illinois, 2ri years old,
who Rwam the Mississippi for three
hours, going 12 miles without a stop,
.and claims that by this feat Mr. Rosen
thal is the champion long-distance
swimmer of America. Our fellow-townsman,
Attorney John L. Henderson,
made a record hist year by a swim in
the Columbia that is far ahead of that
reported by the Republic. He made the
22 miles from Hood River to the Cas
cades in 5 hours and fl minutes. The
wate of the Columbia is ice cold, and
such a swim is equal to a 35-mile swim
in the warm waters of the Mississippi.
Ir. Henderson lived seven ur eight
years in the South and while there held
both the amateur and professional cham
pionships of America. He has met sev
eral challenges for this title but, has
bested all competitors. One of his rec
ord makers was a swim of 1(1 miles
straight out. into the gulf of. Mexico,
euutil to at least 30 miles in a river with
a current. Mr. Henderson says he has
a standing challenge, for a purse of
$1,000 and up for each side, for a swim
in the Columbia, either from Hood
River to the Cascades or from The Dalles
to Hood River, a distance of a little over
20 miles each way. the swim, ot Mr.
Henderson's from here to Cascades was
published in all the great sport ing papers
in tha United States and England, and
was considered one of the tiest records
ever made. '"
SotUIujr New Usder lli Tent.
I wandered to the circus, John; I sat
beneath the tent and saw the roan from
Borneo, like-wise the tattooed gent. I
heard the toothless lions howl, while
men in spangled clothes stepped fearless
ly iatu their dens and whacked them on
the nose. I saw the sacred elephant
spout water through his trunk, the sal
amander eating lead and other melted
junk ; I heard the merry clown get off
the jokes we used to know when we
were boys together, John, some twenty
years 0. Tlie same old horses wandered
round tlw same old kind of ring; the
tame old comic vocalist proved that
they couldn't sing; the name old hip
popotaniua was grunting with disgust ;
the same old Persian ox was kicking up
the dust; the same old rheumatic acro-
1m':- cr.iw'td painluiiv arowid, ;,ud the
ossilied contortionist was crawling on
the ground, and ladies rode barebacked
steed n to music s:id and slow the mine
old girb we used to see some twenty
years ago.
White Salmon Side.
Mr. Zeigler and sou, Earl, went to
Portland last Monday.
Frank Noble made a busine-s trip to
The Dalles, Tuesday.
Mis Muttie Purser came down from
The Dalles last week to visit friends a
few days. On her return her sister Ada
accompanied her to attend school there.
Lou Morse and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Will Rankin went out to the log
ging camp on the Hood River side.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Moore spent a few
days in Camas Prairie last week.
Miss Edna and Cora Cameron left for
Portland last week where they will
attend the high school this winter.
The new school room is nearly finished
and school will open In about two weeks.
Mrs. Mattie Miller has been very sick
but is now convalescent.
Our faithful mail carrier, J'Xi Alex, b
sick, and his place is being tilled by Ed
.Mays and Mr. Wheeler. E.
All of These Song Free.
Announcement was made last week of
a Sunday World Music Album of ten
songs to he issued weekly. Following is
the complete list.
"In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills,"
by George Taggart and Max S. Witt,
authors of "The Moth and the Flame."
"If All the Girls Were Like You," by
Charles Graham, author of "Two Little
Girls in Blue."
"I'm Nothing hut a P.ig Was Doll, "by
Malcolm Williams, author of "My Ann
"You'll Have to Transfer," by Ah
Holzman, eoitiposor of "Smoky Mokes'
the greatest cake walk hit of the season.
"Sweet Norine," by Gussie L. Davis,'
author of "The Iiaggage Coach Ahead.''
"Snap-Shot Sal," by Williams and
Walker, the two real "coons," authors
of "I Don't Like No Cheap Man."
"Tell Mother Not to Worry," by Louif
Mvll, composer of "Coontow n Camiva
"Prancing Pickaninnies," by Max
Dreyfus, composer of "A Carolina Cake
walk." "My Georgia Lady Love," bv Ster
ling, Howard and Emerson, authors of
"Halloa, Ma Baby."
"There Ain't No Use to Keep oh
Hanging 'Round," bv Irving Jones, au
thor of "Get Your Money's Worth."
One song each week "for ten weeks.
First song published Sept. 3, "In the
Shadow of the Carolina Hills."
The entire set is to be given away with
ten Sunday Worlds, and will be sent post
paid, including ten Sunday World Mag
azines, Art Portfolio and Comic Week
lies, for 60c, today, tomorrow or next
week. This is a liiost exceptional offer
and is only put forth to advertise the
ereat Sunday World. Address Mush
Editor, The 'World, Pulitzer Building,
New York.
Accidents Will Happen.
"The other evening just before wt
changed watch," said the clerk at one of
the hotels, "a fat drummer came uj
and began figuring out his expense ac
count for the day. He took the first
piece of paper he could lay bis hands or
and didn't notice that it 'was the blank
we use for keeping a memorandum ot
morning calls. The blank is arranged
in columns headed by figures represent
ing; hours and half hours, and he began
liia penciling in the 3:30 row. First lit
jotteu down lor nuggy lure, ineti
1-Vcrnts for stamps, 35 cents for car fare,
fl.tiO for express package, f 1. 10 for tel
jgrauis, 50 cents for trunk straps, 5 centt
for a paper and a quarter for messenger
hire. Down at the bottom, as an after
thought, he put 40, and wrote 'beer'
after it.
"Well, at 3:30 o'clock next morning
there was trouble and plenty of it. The
night clerk supposed, of course, that the
calls had been left in the ordinary way,
and while he was a little surprised at so
many people wanting to get up at such
an unearthly hour, he told the bovs to
wake Nos. liiO, 15, 35, 10, 111), 50, 6 and
25, and carry a quart of beer to No. 40.
"They had a terrible time getting the
people up, and everybody was as mad a
blazes, particularly" the fat. drummer
himself, who happened to be in 110, mid
swore he was going right down to lick
the clerk. About that time the boy
with the beer got to 40. There was a
preacher from north Georgia in the
room, and he called out to know what
was wanted. 'I,ve brought yon the
beer you wanted,' hollers the kid, and
the preacher nearly laid a lit. Wlerci
ful heaves 1' he said, 'this will ruin me
for lite! I will iro down mimediatclv
and see the proprietor!' He and the fat
drummer st ruck the office together. The
drummer wanted gore, but when he saw
the call list he turned pale around the
gills and sneaked back up stairs.
"It took nearly an hour to get the
minister cooled oft, and when the facts
leaked out next day several people began
looking for the fat drummer with club.
He lay low, but he has bought a new
memorandum book on purpose to figure
up his cash." New Orleans Times
Democrat. Oi'fgoiihuts are 'Peculiar."
The editor of the Urbrna (Ohio) Cit
izen and Gazette, in writing of his trip
to Oregon, says:
Some of the peculiar matters here are
the things the people eat and drink.
They have baked salmon, mountain
lamb with mint, highly cultivated frog
legs, spiced crawfish, which are very
palatable but which look horrid ; oyster
toddies, spring chicken, claws from" the
soft Pacific seas, etc. ; and in fruits,
plums, peaches, cherries, prunes, straw
berries, raspberries, all very tine ami
some of them superior to our Ohio pro
ducts, especially the cherries. In drinks
they use native wines, white and red, a
peculiar beverage which is spelled
b-e-e-r; another, which thev call Man
hattan, and Hull kun water.
Mrs. S. says that the Bull Run water is
the only article that equals the splendid
crystal of Urhana, anil also the only one
fit to drink. The phenomenal peculiar
ity of these people of the northwest is
their amazing hospitality. We know
little of it in the East. When you realize
that tl e-te people came more than 500
miles to meet us, that they chartered
the hotels to entertain us, that this great
Oregon Railroad & Navigation company
has not only furnished us free transpor
tation over their road, but sent out their
engines, engineers, passenger agents and
commissariat to meet us to ask us to
take these courtesies and to carry us
free of all charges over the Columbia
valley, yon will begin to understand
something of the nature of our welcome
in Oregon.
The hull of the steamer Dalles City,
which was used on various occasions
this summer to transrt sheep and cat
tle, lias gone to the bottom.. A load of
lumber was being placed ou the hull re
cently at Drano, and as the seams were
open the water poured in and in a short
time the hull was under water. -Moun
Expansion has struck The Dalles and
the county surveyor in laying out a new-addition.
A ('hi'.j.'.ii' on JI.ui.
Man that is born, of woman is small
cabbages and few on a stalk.
He riseth up Way and floiirii-heth
like a raw weed, and tomorrow or the
day after the undertaker has him in the
ice box.
He goeth forth in the morning warb
linif like the lark, and is knocked out in
one round and two seconds.
In the midst of lite he is in debt, and
the tax collector pursueth him wherever
he goeth.
The banister of life is full of splinters,
and he slideth down it with consider
able rapidity.
He walkeih forth in the bright sun
light to absorb onoiie, and meeteth the
bank teller with a sight draft for f375.
He cometh home at eventide and uieet
ith the wheelbarrow in his path, am"
the wheelbarrow riscth up and smitetl
him to the earth and falleth upon bin.
and runneth one of its legs into his ear
Iu the gentle springtime heputtethoi
his summer clothes and a blizzard strik
?th him far away from home and tilletl
him with woe aud rheumatism.
He layeth up riches in the bank, and
the president iqieeulateth in margiiu
and then goeth to Canada for his health.
In the autumn he putteth on his win
ter trousers, and a wasp that abideth ir
them filleth him with intense excitement
He starteth down the cellar with ai
oleander, and he goeth first hastily, an(
the oleander cometh after him and sit
teth upon him.
He sitteth up all night to gel the re
turns from Ohio, and in the end learn
eth that the other fellows carried it.
He bit vet h a watch dog, and w hen h
cometh homo late from lodge the watel
dog treeth him and "sitteth beneath him
till rosy morn.
He goeth to the horse trot, and bettetl.
his money on the brown mare, and tb
bay gelding with the blazj face w innetl.
the race.
He marrieth a red-headed heiress with
a wart on her nose, aud the next da
her parental ancestor goeth under, witi
few assets and great liabilities, and com
eth home to live with his beloved siii-
Save (lie Forests,
Vast as the forests of the Northwest
are we should not deceive ourselves at
to their future value. Ten years will wit
ness a terrible denudation of the forests,
but ten years beyond that will be a very
short time in which to repent and at
tempt to renew them. The farmei
would be thought very unwise who de
pended upon one crop for all his life'
income. Trees are treated not as a re
newable crop, but as a mineral which aff
ords but one yield. Because nature put h;
the first crop", man has not attempted t
renew the forests and a most valuable
source of wealth is becoming exhausted.
Orchardists plant fruit trees, which cai.
not give any return for ten years, but
the forests are stripped and then aband
oned. P. I.
I observed u locomotive, In the railroad yard.
one day;
II was walling In the round-house, where lln
locomotives slay;
It wns panting for tut) journey, It was coaled
nnd fiilly manned.
And It hint ft box the flrcmnn was 11111111 ful.
of sand.
It appeHin that locomotive cannot alwuyi
Bet a (-rl
On their mender Iron pavemont, 'cause tin
wheels are apt Id Klip;
nil, when men reach a slippery spot, thi'li
taclien they ciinmnnd,
And to get Ki ip upon the rail, they sprinkle
it with sun, I
It's nhout thin wny with travel along life'
slippery track
tf your Ud l laiher hcuvy, and you're ul
w.ivx KllilillH Ikick;
So, If a common locomotive you completely
fou'11 provide yoursolf In xtnrtlntf with 1
Ifuod supply of Hand.
If your track In steep and hilly, and you
h:i e a heavy irrade,
And II thoe who've gone before you have tli
rails quite slippery made,
If yon ever reach the summit of t lie upper
You'll Itnd you'll have to do It by a liberal use
of Mind.
If you strike Home frigid weather, and dis
cover, to your cosi.
That you're lluble to slip on n heavy coat ol
l'hen some prompt, decided action will l
called into demand,
And you'll slip 'way to the bottom If you
haven't any sand.
Von can iret to nuy station that Is on life',
scheuule seen,
If there's tire beneath the boiler of ambition'
Ktroiif machine.
And yon'll reach a place called Flii-ditown nl
a rate of (peed Unit's Ki-and,
If for all tlie slippery places you've a good
supply of sand.
lilchmond (ind.) Register.
Wm. II. Ash, lute agent for R. L.
8abin in settling up the business of G.
D. Woodwortli, died in Portland, .Sept.
12, aged 6 years.
"Best on the market for coughs and
colds and all bronchial troubles; foi
croup it has noequal," writes Henry R.
Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of Om
Minute Cough Cure. Williams & Brosius.
Postmaster H. H. Riddell of The
Dalles was married in Portland last
week to Miss Emma C. Morse.
E. E. Turner, Compton.Mo., was cured
of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvi
after suffering seventeen years aud tryinj.
over twenty remedies. Physicians 'and
surgeons endorse it . Beware of danger
ous counterfeits. Williams & Brosius.
Cholly: "There goes that dashing
widow Brown, whose husband left hei
so much real estate." Jack: "Reales
state! How much did he leave?"
Cholly: "He left the earth."
DeWitt's little Early Risers perma
nently cure chronic constipation, bilious
ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling;
cleanse and regulate the entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
"famous Utile pills." Williams &
Brosius. -
The Hood. River Glacier has beeu en
larged to a seven column paper and has
a new dress throughout. The Glacier is
one of our most welcome exchanges.
Goldendale Sentinel.
Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
saysL "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
of a severe case of indigestion ; can
strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics.
"Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach and cures dyspepsia. Will
iams & Brosius.
M. J. Anderson of Dufur has about
concluded a contract with an Eastern
firm to manufacture his summer fallow
machine, he to pet a royalty of $7 on
every machine turned out!
There's always hope while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left my lungs in bad shajie
and I was near the first stages of con
sumption. One Minute Cough Cure
completely cured me." writes Helen
Mcltenrv, Bisniark, N. D. Gives instant
relief. Williams & Broius.
. Kodol Dyspepsio Cure is a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians ami the medical
press. It "digests, what you eat" and
positively cures dysjepsia." M.A.Ketron,
Bloomingdule, Tenn., says it cured him
of indigestion of ten "years standing.
Williams & Brosius.
It is said that tlie cases of smallpox
among the men who have beea working
ou the Kiparia-Leu iston railroad came
from the graves of Indians who had died
from the disease years ago. The graves
were opened in the course of the rail
road work.
McMii.:r-il!e v.'ihvo ..ra!cl fret
tuition to all returned soldier boys if
Yamhill county, ami to all ex-soldiers
wlio were students of the college tt the
time of their enlistment, whether resi
dents ol tlie county or not.
l'or wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing heuting as DeWitt's
V itcil Hazel f-aive. Mrs. Minna r.oiies,
Matron Entflowood Nursery. Chicago,
says of it : "When nil else fails iu heal
ing our babies, it will cure." Williams
& Brosius.
Agricultural Implements, Deere Plows,
Old Hickory Wagons, Columbus
Buggy Co.'s Carriages,
Hi acre farm fit Itelmont.well I ni proved, '2,.V
!M acres :i miles from invru, Mist "hie :-t,l
211 acres H miles from town. Kind Kide "St
M acres a miles from town, Kaxt Hide (
10 acres A mileU from town. Kust Hide l,M
iU acres 1 mile troni (own, West Hide
:l acres I'j miles from town, West Hide.. HOI.
M acres near the Divers ranch ''
'M acre near Helmoin church '-M
ti' v acres near H. lirown's
1 .11 acres valuable timber land
Town lots, farms to fxchiniK-e, etc.
Pasture for Stock.
! will pasture a limited iiuinbrr of linraes
lend k le ut Hlverside Karin from and nltei
Sept. a! to Nov. lf, l.Hiiti. Terms:
Hone per month, in advance tl 50
L'i)w per month 1 Hi
I will not he re.pins;ble for any lilud of ac
cidents or losnes. J.JVMOKTON.
Annoiix cement.
To Mjf Frwnd am I'atronx;
I have secured Die servleei of an expert me
chanic and am ready to do all kinds of re
pairing and new work at short nolle, either
by the day or by contract. I keep coiiHlantlj
on hand a nood .lock of builders' supplies.
Including ahtiiglcs, (liilshlni lumber, mold
Iuks, lath nnd lime. To make room for my
Increasing trade I have rented two rooms on
Hceoncl street aud connected them with in.i
Uak street store, hence am belter prepared
thun ever to please my customers, t wish
also to cull attention to my stock of pulno
and oils, us well us my complete assortment
of furniture, which I um selllni'ut Portland
prices and you save your freight.
Your, for business,
Household Furniture
For sale. A Hue nrptnn, mnvlni machine, one
bed-room set. rockin chairs, bedsteads, bcl
lounge, heating stoves, bedding, eie. Prlcea
wnylnun. .!. I'WATKON.
Stock Ranch for Sale.
On account of sickness I wish to dispose of
my Mock rai.eli, consisting or acres, in
in cultivation: .VJ head of entile; -I horses;l'a rul
ing utensils; 70 tons of hav. Price reasonable.
IiKliilreof A. II. T1KMAX, Mt. Hood.
Horses for Sale.
KourgiKMl horses and good farm wagon for
sale. Inouire ut tills olliee or of
Ki.i lll. l.rTIIKIt.
40 Acres for $250.
One half mile from Hprnguo Kmdlng, half
mue ironi i.arson i . u.. Hiianiania coumy.
Wasli. (Jounty road past the place, tiood
box house of lour rooms Hud but li. Wood
house and ottier outbuildings good. Young
nreluird, all winterapples. Haciitlced tor PS?,
worn MM. J K. I5itm jn, i arson, w asn.
clubbing 0ffer
All subscribers to tlie (Under who pay In
advance and nOc additional can have tlie
Twlce-a-week Republic or ihe Toledo lllade
sent to their address for one year.
Side. Saddle for Sale.
A Hide Raddle In good order, which will be
solil vrv reasonable; "Mn be seen at mv bouse
near 'flicker; Mhs. AI.K'K iiKJII',
Strawbsrrics'&s Stawbsriij.'
No mill li r whether yoli have wnler to Irri
gate with or not, Ihe Magoon will produce a
crop. No mailer how early a variety you
have, Ihe Knrlv Hunrlse will beat . litem by n
week. No matter how large berries you grow,
tlie t'lyde or (Hen Mary would be apt to put
them to shame. No mailer how gisid n table
berry you have, the Kb nek less goes one belier.
And for a good lale berry the llunn takes t !'.e
cake, (iu KKUUV TIlY HOIIHOW and get a
few new varieties at tlie Columbia Xnrscrv.
Settle Up.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted
to mt- are respectfully asked to call and set
tle. My books have bsen left wit limy suc
cessor, tl . O. Kverhnrt, who Is authorized to
collect for me and give receipts.
t:. I.. eorri.K.
Ranch for Rent.
2" acres ill cultivation; 400 apple trees, most
ly in bearing; other fruit; an curly place for
strawberries. Ootid hay land; Independent
wider right,. Knsy terms, t'ull nt this office.
Turkeys for Sale.
Trio of Hronzo Turkey. Apply t thlsolllce.
Farm for Sale.
CO acres, nearly all In cultivation. The very
choice of IhMid Kiver valley; 2 miles south ol
town. Price ;5 an acre. A. 8. DlsHliOW;
-k gray horse, with a bell. Marked fifi on the
right hip and left car split at the tip. A
reward of 2..W will be pain for the return ol
the. horse to THUS. CALKINS).
Bids Wanted.
Bv the directors of ..chool district No. 4 for
tlie Janitor work of the school building for the
coming term of 5 nionihs. it ids to be in on or
before Heptember 25. IM. Address "
1'. 11. 11INRICHS, District Clerk.
New Stock of Jewelry.
Call and see my stock and get price. Hy
buying cl ise I find 1 can sell cheaper thun
others. Hpeelal reductions on Jewelry will be
made on t) tarda vs. Cham. M. Tkmim.k.
It your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
K. L. Rood. ConsufUU ion free. Nochoigelor
prescriptions.- cure m par;- entice iiutira
froin A A. M. till 1'. M., and ull night ir nec
essary, i kS
Thoroughbred Jersey.
Thoroughbred Jersey cow for sale, ).
Notice of . Guardian's
Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of
and by vlrtue-ot' an order from tlie Honora
iible County Court of tlie Hlnle of Oregon for
Wasco county, dated September 5, lSWtl, I will,
at 2 o'clock P. M., ou
Saturday, October U, 1800,
offer for sale on the premises the following
described property-!
"lilock eight (Si, containing two (2) acres,
more or less, nnd tracts A and H, containing
seven (7) acres each, more or less, all being sil
nate in Pleasant View Addition to the town
of Hood Kiver." -
Such sale will be by public auction and In
separate areels, or in one entire tract, as
may appear to the advantage of the estate of
Walter lxircll Hull, a minor.
Daced at Hood Kiver. Oreeon. Sept. 9, ISsO.
Guardian of Waiter Ilorell Hull, a minor.
Lund Office at Oregon City. Ogn.. Kept. 2,
ISHH. Notice is hereby given Hint the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his in
tention to make final pnsif in support of his
claim, and that said proof wilt be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon City,
Oregon, on October 14, MM, vi:
It. E. 12.i2. for the southeast of southeast
section 5, southwest lt of southwest , section
4, north iot northwest ' of section , town
ship? north, ranges east.
1 In names the followini witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
John Nick Kiden, Samuel Woodward, Thad
Glar.ier and William Kiusel. all of Cascade
Lorks, Oregon. ...
sSoli I'll AS, B. MOORE Register.
Is the power we rely upon to till
our shelves w ith ( Iroceries, etc,
And it takes only a slight addition
" of the same power to remove theni.
Try your money power at
n n a e .
A Drive Sale on some lines to Close Out,
Immense Reductions on others to Reduce stock
Wo are securing that desired space for Fall
and Winter Goods.
Jewelry ami Silverware
Toilet Articles ami Perfumes .
Clotliini', Men's ami Hoys' . . .
Harness ainl Whips
Mill ami Lojryers' Suilieii, '. .
Men's Furnishing liooils . . . .
Crockery and (.ilassware
Hoots and Shoes ;
, . ,
Bring Your Farm Produce and Cash.
Our prices are same in either ease.
Free delivery. I'mmpt. New ( ioods. New Methods. New Prices. A com
plete line of (ieueral Merchandise.
Rand h
All Teams stop at
A complete and up-
to-date stock of Groce
ries, fresh aud cured
meats, Bacon and Lard,
Cigar3 and Tobacco,
Fruits and Vegetables. I
etc., etc.
. Specials for tliis Week Only.
II. O. Mush, 20c, and a package of buckwheat free with each.
Creamery Itutter, 50c.
Picnic Hums, lie.
Westphalia Hams at. ISU'c, just arrived.
5 Hi Lard at 50r and 10 tti lard Me.
Six 5c packujies Pearliiie, 25c
Four pounds Pyramid Washing Powder, 25c.
Seven bars Lenox Soap, 25c.
Three packages Cream Wheat Mush, 25c.
Store opens at ():.10 a. m. (ioods delivered free of charge.
CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor.
As we ex pect to move Into our own building soon, we will for the
next tti days make special prices on Dry OooJs, Men's and Hoy's Clolh
int, Huts and Caps, and men's, Women and Children's Underwear. If
you want bargains in these lines see us.
Portland Price
On all laiifls of Farnitnre, Carpets, Wall Parer. etc.
I ehnllenffe any one to get lover priei's on
HpC'fiul figures given on building inaUTiui
The best results you must use the last materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continues to be up to
date iu everything iu the Drug Hue.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Spraying materia! warranted the pure stuff.
Cut to half price to close.
Cut to half price to close.
Cut '.',() to 40 per cent to close.
Cut 3o3' per cent to close.
Cut i.'" per cent to close.
.Cut .'50 aT cent to close.
Cut "'t per cent to make triuh'.
Cut L'5 j-r cent to please you.
.Cut 10 tui Wpcr cent .reducing stock
Reciprocity Corner.
Hood River's
Business House.
Meat Market
I l . I rl I L
, r . !,
U f ' V p -
r a i
1 r
llonse Furnishing flood than I can quote,
for contract work.
.:... f i, lb. J' n
for Bale
t. The William Kennedy Improved Krult
I'ioiii, ll miles southeast . ,f II, mil Hner; UK
acres; line hearinj orehard; Kood improve,
mi nis; In si wider, xpriiii;. IVIee 'l.'si.i; will he
sold in small Intcls; :V itercs In culllvntiou,
2. S. K. i of H. W. sc 12, Tp. 2 N., U. U
K., unlniprm i-d; S.l.
.1. The Anton Wise tnipnived Krult Kami,
7 miles Koulhuest of llood Kiver; lit ai res;
20 acres in ciililvnllon. Klne soil. Kjirinx;
water. Trice. t,imii.
i. 8. K. li sih. !B.T. !l X., It. 10 K. l'or only T0O.
Some improvciueuis; l(sJucns.
.1 H. of H. W. t,' of N. W. I, Si. 12. T. 2 X.,11.
10 !'; 20 ucrcs; some Improvements. t.lX).
(I. N. of N. W. 4'. S. W. ; of S. W. V, and
N. VS'. t, of M. W. t S. S, T. 2 N., It. 10 K.; Ii 0
acres, jiinl.
7. Ilinrelt-Sipina Addlllon; $.".i per lol ; five
dollars down und Ihe dollars per luiKith; no
8. The t 'has. II. Hoircrs fi-aire IToniesteml ,
Kriiiiklon: eottiiue und burn; sprint
water. I'l h e UU.
It. The old Ho(crs Mill proTty at Frank
ton, with falls nnd walcr tsivvt'r tin l'hclj ft
creek. I'rici-t.juu.
10. The lr. Karrelt Imiiroved Prult Karin, 4
m.soiilhwcst ol llisid Kiver: 120 ucrcs; "0 aeres
In cull l nl ion; toai'iesln Iruit: tlnesprlni; .'si
lui'hes In IkhIiiik wider. Trlre j.",.!-.'0. will ho
sold in purccls.
11. 01) aeres on llood river. KustHldo.Jmllc
Il0;allon spiiii-. Duly II, hm.
12. Tlie I.. Neir Home;
10 uci-i son Hood rlv-
er; 2 nillis; koiiiI water; (ileutv of fruit; iv
if fruit; iv
hi iiullfiil houte. I'ncu KI,W. Ten ui
ucrcs unil
house lor iv0.
1:1. CIiiis. W.lillioer Homestead, at (lllnier,
'iih.; Its) acres; line saw timher; Kood soil;
Mi II watered. Hilly J.VX); a rare harguln.
II. The Weldncr Homesteiid, IK) acres, nfwr
Mosler; ;U acres cleared; 2 spiiiiL's; 100 fruii
Iris's; KMid Improvements. OnlySI.OOO.
l.i. The W. II. I'.lshop Home iu llmid Rlvnr,
lol K and part of lot 7 block I. Wuiieoina addl
llou to lluod.lilvi r; a pn lty liome. Duly Jl.liO.
UL Klve acres cleaivii nnd In clover, I'J in.
southwest ol Hood Kiver. Itily fl2.'.
17. The Ilansheiry home, 2!, miles sontli,
west of town; 10 acres. Kverylhlru; complete
and handy;i.Kd fruit, Rood wuter. Only jl .VW
Is. Tlie Chester Welds home, In the hllls.oim
mlleeusl of loan; a pivtly home; ifood fruit
and water; in ucrcs. Duly il.llio.
II). The Ilnrvey Crupper SO acre Krult Fnrm,
oneoflhe lest In Ihe valley. All furniture,
liirm i.:ipli'inents ami sloci; no with firm.
Moll, wnler, trull and Improvements first
clus. Trice i.omj.
21. The Ur. Morgan house and lot Iu
Kiver; new burn, only inH).
21. Tlie Frank Cliuiidler Improved fruit nn.l farm; '.k acres; -t.i m culllvullon; l,iHil
hcnriiiKHPple trees; lure liouse and barn; tine
waleruml pleiilvol it; house und lunn fur
nished. 1'rice .'i,0OI; terms easy.
22. The. I. Wlckhiiin farm, 7 miles southwest
of town; l acres; eoisj liuildlnsund Improve
nients; sprlna wiUvr and oO Inciies flee for Ir
rlliuiiiK. I'rice l,i0.
21. Korly iktcs, ;t e'eared; north of youu'f
oreluir I and east of Cr why's: ott I,evl Monroe
furni. A ino. 1 bind. OnlylVlil.
21. The Itusklrk pi, ice, I mile west of town;
I acres; irmi l sprlni wuter; irood orchard; new
frame hiiildluirs. Duly frsinl; iine-lhird cash,
lnil. nice nl ,1 per com per minimi.
N. It. -Terms are easy on ull the above
lands, wilh interest at II per cent. Pers'is de
sirliu local iona ou homesleads and I .her
claims should apply at The K.niirluin.
g,tst Ki'i f) jour cic on the Jinrrctt
Sijimii Addition JJ
Land I tTleent The 1 miles. Oregon, Aiig. 1(1,
ISHH. Notice Is hereby given thai the follow-lun-iniiucl
seiner has tiled mil ice ol' her Inleii
tlon to niiike lliial prisif In support of her
claim, und lluil said priMil' will be iiutiie heforo
lieorite 'I'. I'riillier, V. S. I.VminilsKioiier, nt
lIoodUier,iiri (?iu,on Krldnv.Sept. 22,hsWI,vl.:
Kl.i.A K. Mliii'lfK,
Widow of Turner K. Misire, deceased, of Mt,
llood, Oregon, II. K. No. 4112.1 for Ihe eusl
northwest f4,nnd lois I and 2, section IS, low u
ship 1 south, inline 10 east, W. M.
Hlic niini"s the Inllmvliiu witnesses to prove
iicr c-intiuuous residence upon und culllvu.
lion nl sunt laud, viz:
H. W. Wail, Julia Wail, W. W. Nason and
Frederick Kneudson.all of Mt. 11 1, Or.
a lis22 JAYI'. blXUH, Ibnisier.
Land Ollli-e at Vancouver. Wash , Sept. (t,
1HW. Notice is liereliy tflvcu that tlie follow.
lnK named settler linx (tied noiice of his In
teution to niiike tiniil proof in support of hia
cluim, aud Hint snld proof will be made before
the Henislcr and Receiver II. S. Umd Dllli o
at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday. October
21, 18i)l), vl.:
HYIION E. i 'RAN DA 1. 1.,
Homestead KntryXo. adii, lor Ihe southeast
'4 of sect'on II, township i! north, range 11
east, W. M.
He names tlie following witnesses to prove
his eonliuuouH resilience upon aud cultiva
tion of, said hind, viz:
John II. Jitrvht, lioUcrt M. Clemens, Waller
J. Hales, Kdwln M. .Inrvls, ull of White Hal
nion 1. o., WasliiiiKlon.
so,.'i W. 11. llUNUAU, HegUter.
Ijind Odlce ut Oregon Cltv. Ore., Aug. IN,
IHIW. -Noiice Is hereby (riven Unit tlie follow.
Ini'-uanied seiiler bus tiled noiice ot his in
tentlon to make final proof in support of hia
cliiliu, nnd that said proof will he luinle bi lore
the Reirlster and Receiver ul Oregon Cily,Ore.t
ou October 2, I Mini, viz:
If. K. Xo. 10,011, for the east 's soutlicnst
and lots ;l und 4, section 14, tow nshlp i south,
rnnne tt,' ' east.
lie nanus the follow-In" witnesses to prove
bis couilnuous residence ii'sin, und cultlvu
tion of, said land viz:
Wm. i. Hieel, of 1'ortlnnd, Ore.; O. ('. Yo.
cum, orsuluion. Ore.; t hus. Fryer, oC Wapi
nitia. Ore.- Adolf Ascholf. of Mio inol, Ore.
u2j.s2ti CHAS. li. .MOORJ-'.S, Register.
Land OlRce fit Oregon Cily, Ore., AtigiiRt 1H,
UiOli. Notice Is beieby given that. Ihe follow,
lug mimed setller has II led notice of his Intcu
tion lo make tinul proof in support of hi
claim, and that said proof will be madcbefoie
the Register and Receiver at Oregon Clty.Ore.,
October 2, viz; c. Yoei'M,
II. E. No. 10,0W, for tlie cast ',, northeast
nnd lots I and 2, section 2), township S south,
runge east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his couilnuous resldeuco upon und culliva
tion of said land, viz:
Wm. li. .StecL of Portland. Ore.; F. C. Little,
ofiSuhnon, Ore.; ctms. Fryer, of Wiipinltig,
Ore.; Ailnlph Ascholf, of Miirtnol, Ore.
I12.-S2!) CHAS. II. MOOKKM, Register.
Land Olliee at Vancouver. Wash., Aug. 17,
1HWI. Nollee is hereby given tliat the liiilow-Ing-named
settler bus tiled notice of bis In
tention to niiike final proof In support of
his cliiliu, mid that said proof will be made
before the Regisb r und Receiver V. H. Ijind
Olliee at Vancouver, Waxh., on Saturday.
Septeinier HO, IsWl. viz.!
Hi:iio W. Kt"HNIIArsK..,
H. F.. No. 1017, for tlie west ) norlhwest ,
northeast, 14 northwest , and northwest '1
southwest '4 section ill, township 11 north,
range 12 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hln continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Minerva Berg, Frank fthaw, Vinzens Horde
and Albert ISerlsehl, all of Ulenwood 1. O.,
uugt'xdU W. R. I1. XHAIt. Register.
T.nnd Office nt Vancouver, Wah., An?. 80,
IHWi. Nollee Is hereby given Unit the roilow.
ilig named setller has tiled notice of his In
tention lo muke final pus, fin support of bin
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver !'. W. Land Office 11 1
Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, October If.
IW, viz:
H. K. No. fliftl, for Ihe (southeast quarter of
arctiun biwnship .1 iini th. range l2eust,W'.M.
He names the following vitncss.'K (o prove
his comlnuouK residence upon and cultiva
tion of said hind, viz:
James H. liatsford, Christian PcUUxin.
James Filz nnd Thoinns M. Whitconih, all of
Lyle F. O., Wasiiington.
JoS , W. Ii. Jif KBAR, Register.