WHEAT BADLY DAMAGED. riilrtjr Districts Heport Injury to rll Sown Grain. Reports teceived by R. G. Dun & Co. fiom their corieepondents iu the grain center of Oregon, Washington nd Idaho, uliow that the damage to wheat in 44 districts rims from a nom inal figure to 50 per cent of the crop, and, in a few instances. 60 per cent is exceeded. Sixteen districts stated that there has been no loss whatever. Out of the 44 centers mentioned, 80 reported the injury to fall wheat and 22 the injury to spring wheat fl ex ceeding 10 pel oent. The greatest damage was caused by heavy rains, and in many cases the correspondents de clared that if the storms continued the crops in their neighborhoods would be nearly destroyed. In a low fields in Washington and Idaho, hot weather also had an injurious effect, and in some instances cold weather caused the freezing of lall-sown whoat last win ter. Reports of the prospects for fall trade partook of the discouragement of the farmers in the damaged districts. The predictions, as a rule, were "fair," "not very fair," and "not fluttering," while one correspondent thought it necessay to add to these lines, "there will be no dietess," and another tempered his opinion "fair" with "considering." Many who are sta tioned In thriving places said the out look might ba called fair if the lain would stop. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, Valley, 6l)60o; Bluestem, 6859o; U061o pur bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.65; super line, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 4244e; choice gray, 89 40c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $1617; brewing, $18.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $89; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o; seconds, 8540o; dairy, 8085o; store, 2227Ho. Eggs 17M 18c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12a; Young America, 13o; new oheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60 4.50per dozen; hens, $5.60; springs, $3.263.60; gHese, $rt6.60 for old, $4.50(3 6.60 for young; ducks, $4.00 4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13)69 13'c per pound. Potatoes 75c$l per sack; sweets, 82ic per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90o per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, 1Jj2o per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 66c per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 84c per pound; tomatoes, 60c per box; green corn, 12' 15c pel dozen. Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair, S730c per pound. Mutton GrosB, best sheep, wetheri and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 6)j 7c; lambs, 7c per lb. ' Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $0.00 ($0.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.60t4.00; cows, $3.00(3 3.60; dressed beef, 674C per pound. Veal Large, 67c; small, 8(3 8jC per pound. Seattle Market. Onions, new, $1.60 (g) 1.65 per sack Potatoes, new, 90c $1 Beets, per sack, $1 10. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Carrots, per sack, 90c. Parsnips, per sack, $11.75. Cauliflower, 75c per doz. Cabbage, native and Californii f 1 1.25 per 100 pounds. Cherries, 75otl. Peaches, 7 5 90c. Apples. $1.25(1.75 per box. Pears, $1.75 2 per box. Prunes, $1 per box. Watermelons, $1(32.50. Cantaloupes, 60c $1. Blackberries, $1.50(31.75 Butter Creamery, 25o per pound dairy 1720o ranch, 12 l tj 1 7c per lb. Eggs, 26c. Cheese Native, 12 13c. Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 16c. Hay Puget bound timothy, $79; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $14.00. Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked, $23; feed meal, $33.00. Barlev Rolled or ground, per ton $31; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.25; California $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3; rye flour, $4.60. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Choppod feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Ban Franeiseo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1214c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10( 14o; Val ley, 1419e; Northern, 810c. Onions SHveraicin, U0cfl per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 2728o; do seconds, 2226c; fancy dairy. 2325c do seconds, iv&iio per pound. Eggs Store, 1922o; fancy ranoh, 2326o. Hops Nominal. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3.76(3 3.25; Mexican limes, $4 5.00 California lemons, 76o$1.50; do choioe, $1.75(32.00 per box. Hay Wheat, $609.; wheat an3 oat. $788; oat. $39; best bar ley, $4. 60 7; alfalfa, $0.00 7 per ton straw, 20 (3S5o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 90c; Oregon Burkanks. $1.25$1.60; river Burbanks, 4590o; Salinas Burbanks, $1.26(31.50 per sack. Tropical fruits Bananas, $1.60 3.60 per bunch; pineapples, $2 4.00; Persian dates, 6i3,S.l,c per pound. INDIANS OF SCOTCH DESCENT. Infusion of Blood from Acroes tha fiea In therokee Vein. Cherokee come well by their stub bornness, their shrewdness and their love cf controversy. As Indians they bad these traits to begin with. As the result of a strong Infusion of Scotch blood they added to the strength of the characteristics. It Is Scotch history that after the battle of Culloden many Scotchmen left their native land rather than ac cept Eugllsh sovereignty. It Is Chero kee history that numbers of these sturdy Scots found homes nud wives with the Cheroke nation before the enforced migration of the tribe from Georgia to the Indian Territory. John Ross was one of these Scotch exiles who accepted Cherokee cltlzeushlp. He became a chief and was given the name of "Coo-ls-coo-ee." When the nutlon moved to the territory one of the dis tricts Into which the reservation was divided for government purposes was named "Coo-ls-eoo-ee." Ross founded a family which became powerful lu Cherokee councils. He and his son were frequent visitors to Washington and had much to do with the treaty making which gave to the nation the stroug legal position 11 hold la ltB ft lutlou with the United States. A de scendant of Ross, the Scotch exile. Is one of the officers of the nation to-day. Tim Adalrs are another Influential Cherokee clan established by a Scotch man who came over after the battle of Culloden. As the descendants of Ad nlr bv his Cherokee wife grew up they were seut away to American colleges and given the best of opportunities for education. McNalr is another of the familiar Scotch names Introduced into the Cherokee nation by Sils bcotcn in- fusion. The McNalr who came over after Culloden was a Highlander. One of his descendants lives on a magnltt ceut estate of 1,500 acres In the beau tiful valley of the Graud River. Dun can Is another Scotch name found anions the Cherokees. The head and front of Cherokee opposition to Amer ican citizenship Is a Duncan, whose claim to Cherokee citizenship would not be guessed by any physical charac teristics. He Is Scotch In loons ana t,.h in his love of a controversy St. Louis Globe-Democrat VAST HELP TO FARMERS. Experiment Station in the. Weateru State Doing Uood Work. Dr. E. W. Allen, assistant director of experiment stations In the Agricultural Department, has recently made a pro longed tour of the West for the purpose of Inspecting the various stations in that section of the country. He states that one of the most Inter esting linos of Investigation which are being pursued In these stations Is that with regard to cheesemaking. The sta tion In Wisconsin is taking the lead In this especial work, and discoveries have been made there which revolu tionize the European theory that the ripening of cheese is due to bacteria. The American experiments demon strate beyond doubt that the principal hange In the albuminoids which takes place lu the ripening process Is depend ent upon a ferment which Is contained In the milk Itself and not to the bac teria. It is believed that this discov ery will have an Important bearing up on cheese manufacture in the future. In the stations throughout the seml- nrld region much attention is being given to the Investigation of excessive alkali in the soil. In many sections, notably In California and Utah, there are large regions of irrigated laud which are practically nonproductive on account of the presence of alkali. Investigation makes It plain that this is due to Irrigation, and In many in stances to excessive Irrigation. The water applied to the soil brings the salts to the surface when It rises. The work of the experiment stations In con nection with this problem is to find a remery for the evil, and this they are seeking to do by demonstrating that in most Instances crops do not require nearly so much water as Is applied to tliem. In Montana, Idaho and other semi- arid States there is much work looking to securing forage plants adapted to the altitude and climate. In those states most satisfactory results have been se cured with the cow pea, which is gen ernllv nlanted with oats. Red clover Is also found to flourish In that sec tion even better than in the Eastern States. In other regions much atten tion is given to the rotntlon of crops, Dr. Allen reports a growing friendship Itoward the experiment stations on the part of the farmers. Sensible Feat. Since fashion has many a time de creed that some good old custom should be no more, it Is only fair that now and again, by way of compensation, she should sweep out or existence a ioonsu oreludlce. Something like this fashion has late- Iv set herself to do, and has succeeded, at least In New York, according to the verdict of a daily paper of that city. The old Idea that It Is a disgrace for the daughter of fortune to know bow to earn her living Is now obsolete. The latest fad of the rich girl Is to master mnio trnde. New York girls do not claim orltrtnallty in this respect. They have adopted the idea from the Princ ess of Wales, and other royal ladles, who are adepts at several useful em ployments. Millinery and dressmaking are vigor ously taken up by New York young la dles under the guidance or proressors. Cooking classes are also well attended by girls who have no idea of going out to service. One New York girl of the "upper cir cle" boasts that she has seven different accomplishments, by any one of which she could. In case of necessity, earn her living. Tbey range all the way from a practical and extensive know! edce of housekeeping to an acquaint ance with French so thorough that it enables her to tutor boys for college examinations. Leather work, book binding, hair dressing, nursing, law business, and art In Its various branches, are among the subjects that now engage the at tentlon of the young ladies of New York. Under the loss of fortune sev eral such ladies have actually turned their accomplishments to account- Youth's Companion. Some people who set out to go to helL can't get there. LION BITES NOT FELT. ATTACK SEEMS TO DULL SENSE OF FEELING. Attacks of Leaser CarnlTora More Painful tban Those of King- of Ileiata Experiences Kelated by African Hunters Corroborate Thla View. The attacks of the lesser carnlvora, smaller In proportion to man, are fre quently very painful; but matters are so ordered that the bite of a dog or a ferret is usually more painful than the Injuries Inflicted by the jaws of a lion. The Instances quoted are very numer ous and striking, and properly grouped according to locality or the species of the attacking beast. In Somallland the experiences of the bitten are sup plemented by Capt. Abud, the resident at Rerbera, who has had a long expe rience of cases, English and native, as most of the former, unless killed out right, w hich very seldom happens, are brought to Rerbera. He states that "the view that no actual pain Is suffered at the time seems almost universal. In most cases It would seem that there was no knowl edge of the actual contact, even In the first rush of a lion, much less of any pain experienced from tooth wouuds." This was the view not only of the En glish, but of natives. In one or two cases where consciousness was entire ly lost lb j person "came to" while the Hon was still standing over him, a peri od of complete anesthesia and uncon sciousness having Intervened. But more commonly those who have been attacked and have recovered are con scious all the time, and If they suffer at all do not feel acute pain. This may be accounted for partly by the shock given by the charge, which forms the usual preliminary to being wounded. A Hon comes at his enemy at full speed, galloping low, and dashes a man stand ing upright to the ground by the full Impact of Its body. Major Inverarlty states that "the claws and teeth enter ing the flesh do not hurt as much as you would think." but that the squeeze given by the jaws on the bone Is really painful. When knocked over, he was still keenly conscious, and felt none of the dreamy sensation experienced by Livingstone. Major Swaine, struck down by a lion ess going full gallop, was unconscious r' TnE KISS-BY for some minutes and did not know what had happened until he found him self standing up after the accident. "I felt no pain," he writes, "not, I believe, owing to any special interposition of Providence, but simply that the shock and loss of blood made me Incapable of feeling It. There was no pain for a few days, till It was brought on by the swelling of my arm on the twelve days ride to the coast." Capt. Noyes, at tacked In the same district by a lion in 1895, was charged down and bitten, until the creature left him, probably when attacked by his servants. His hand was badly bitten, but he "was not conscious of any feeling of fear, or any pain whatever, probably because there was no time, but he reit exaeuy as u he had been bowled over In a football match, and nothing more." A far worse accident was that which befell Lieut. Vandezee in the same year, near Belra. The lion charged him down In the usual way and mangled his thighs and fractured one of his arms. "Dur ing the time the attack on me by the lion was In progress," he writes, "I felt no pain whatever, although there was a distinct feeling of being bitten that Is, I was perfectly conscious, Inde pendently of seeing the performance, that the Hon was gnawing at me, but there was no pain. "I may mention that while my thighs were being gnawed I took two car tridges out of the breast pocket of my shirt and threw them to the Kaffir, tell ing him to load my rifle, and Immedi ately the Hon died and rolled off on me. I scrambled up and took a loaded rifle and fired at the carcass." London Spectator. Paying lor Poor Patients. A unique charity, established by a rich woman of San Francisco, Is de scribed by the Chicago Inter Ocean. A San Francisco doctor performed a successful operation for a rich woman, and when asked for his bill presented one for $50. The woman smiled and said, "Do you consider that a reasona ble charge, considering my circum stances?" The doctor replied, "That Is my charge for that operation; your cir cumstances have nothing to do with It." The lady drew a check for $500, and presented It to him. He handed It back, saying, "I connot accept this. My charge for the operation Is $50." "Very well," the woman replied. "Keep the check, and put the balance to my credit." Some months afterward she received a bill, upon which were entered charges of various kinds, rendered to all sorts of odds and ends of humanity, male and female, black and white, who bad been uieuded at her expense. She was so delighted that she immediately placed auother check for $500 to her credit on the same terms, and It is now being earned In the same way. THE KISS. flow It Is Managed in Different Conn tries of the World. Medical scientists tell us that we may no longer kiss; that It Injures the health, and the evils resulting from the oscillatory habit, if persisted In, are set forth ad libitum and ad nause um. Man Is the ouly animal that kisses as a murk of affection, and the kiss is undoubtedly as old as human nature. In the old catacomb pictures of Egypt fond lovers are depicted in kissing attitudes, while as far back as Jacob we are told that this worthy patriarch kissed Rachel and "lifted up his voice im.l went" thouirh whv he wept Is only a matter for conjecture. The Ro mans divided kisses Into three classes the osculum, basluin and sauvlum, which meant the kiss of friendship, of politeness and of love. The Oreeks recogulzed but one, the kiss of love. We of the present day have the kiss of reconciliation, of respect, of adoration, to say nothing of the Hobson kiss and the "Judas kiss." What will the scien tists give us In lieu of the sweet, tline honored kiss? Perhaps, after awhile, we, like the New Zealanders, will rub noses as a mark of affection. In Fran-e tin i-a.-rp thousands of op portunities for plentiful kissing. Broth ers kiss sisters, husbands wives, friends each other. It would even be thought prudish should a young lady refuse to offer her cheek for a kiss to . friend of the family on his departure or return after a long voyage. In England kissing among member! of a family Is less common. Men never kiss one another. Still more restrained are they in Scotland, where a woman would consider it beneath ber dignity If she kissed her grown-up sous, and mothers are sparing of caresses even for their little boys. Ia Northern lands the kiss is reserved exclusively for love. The definition of a kiss by a Chinese is Interesting. A mandarin who trav eled in the West for the purpose of learning the European customs was greatly perplexed lu trying to explain a kiss a thing unknown In bis coun try. "The kiss," he wrltcs,v"ls an act of MAX LUBIEDZK1. courtesy, consisting in bringing the Hps of one person into contact with the chin of another, whereby a sound Is produced." Kissing, however, is not a privilege reserved exclusively to love; there are occasions when it is prescribed by court etiquette. On the occasion of the crown prince of Greece's wedding the bride, Princess Sophia of Prussia, the Kaiser's sister, was obliged to bestow no less than 150 kisses. The King of Greece received three kisses; so did his Queen; so did the Empress Frederick and the King and Queen of Denmark and Kaiser WU- helm and the Empress, while all the princes and princesses present received one kiss apiece. The poor crown prin cess on leaving the church must have had all the kissing she wanted and probably bad but few left for the wed ding Journey. A recent experiment made at Berlin, where a young German undertook to press his Hps to those of his sweet heart 1,000 times an hour, for ten con secutive hours, with short intervals for rest, is evidence that there Is a limit to osetilatfo -achlezsments and that kissing cannot be carried on as a continuous performance. Having kissed his sweetheart 3,750 times in two hours forty-eight minutes and ten seconds, this young German's Hps were paralyzed and he swooned. Costly Admiration. A characteristic story of Gen. Lafay ette was told In a Paris journal some years ago. . At Lamarque's funeral the crowd took out Gen. Lafayette's horses, as the famous soldier was returning home from the service, and drew bis carriage to his hotel with many evidences of enthusiastic love and admiration. The scene was a stirring one, and a friend, In referring to It some weeks after ward, said, "You must have been very much pleased." Lafayette looked at him for a mo ment In silence, and then, said, with a whimsical smile: "Yes, I was very much pleased, very much pleased, Indeed. But I never saw anything more of my horses, my dear friend!" A Fortune in Strawberries. J. P. Bryant, the Bardwell Ky). mil lionaire, owns the largest strawberry patch In the world. It covens 1,700 acres and has made his fortune. When a bride's husband goes away, It is necessary to amuse her, as they j amuse a baby when Its mother goes down town to a dry good stora. ADMIRED BY LINCOLN. Death of a Kentucky Heaut-r Recalls Koinance In "Abe's" Karly Life. The death of Miss Mary Love Law less, of Lexlugton, Ky., recalls the ro mance of ber girlhood days with Abra ham Lincoln. Mrs. Lawless was Mary Love Joplln, daughter of Dr. Joslah Joplln. She resided lu Mount eruon. where she became a reigning belle aud was known throughout western and southern Kentucky for her extraordin ary beauty. The occasion of ber Introduction to Lincoln was the marriage of Judge Alexander McK.ee, of lllluots, to Mary Hardin, In Mount Vernon. Miss Joplln was one of the bridesmaids at the wed ding and was pointed out to Mr. Lin coln as the handsomest young girl in Ill v l AWT? MRS. LAWLK-fl. Kentucky. Although Mr. Lincoln was not handsome, his humor and dash made blin popular with the girls. Miss Nancv McKee. a sister of the bride groom, was maid or nonor ami sioou up with Mr. Lincoln. She appeared to show Jealousy of Mr. Lincoln's fre quent glances and attentions to Miss Joplln, who was much his Junior. Mr. Lincoln remained In Kentucky a week after the wedding and visited his old home In La Rue County. Owing to the chaffing of his friends, Miss Joplln was embarrassed, aud although Mr. Lincoln called on ber and spoke to friends of her, she was retiring when hpr ndmlrer. was nresent. Mr. Lincoln soon afterward married Mary Todd. Miss Joplln was married at the age of 20 to James Richard Lawless. Itenn.s. Renncs, the anciifnt capital of Brit tany, is a strange medley of ancient and modern France. Its streets in the old, as well as in the new, quarters of the town are lined by stately mansions, with huge portescocheres and Immense windows, such as one sees lu the aris tocratic Faubourg St. Germain, at Paris. At Rennes, also, the territorial nobility from all the surrounding coun tries estublish themselves for the win ter season, after having spent the sum mer and autumn at their country seats and chateaus. The whole city bears an intensely dignified aud stately as pect, and there Is nothing to suggest that frivolity which one Is accustomed to associate with the French charac ter. The mixture of the old and the new at Rennes is duo to the fact that dur ing the last century two-thirds of tne city was destroyed by fire. The older part Is very old tho cathedral, for In stance, having been begun rJ far back as the twelfth century. -King Henry VII., of England, presided over meet ings of the English Parliament at Ren nes, and it was near Rennes, too, that the French hero, Bertnind du Guesclin, routed the English, aud performed some of his greatest acts of' valor. The celebrated Madame de Sevlgno made It for a time her home, and from here she dated many of her famous letters. Up to the time of the revolution Brit tany as a more or less independent duchy enjoyed a certain degree of au tonomy and had a parliament of Its own, which sat at Rennes. Blind Spot in Every Eye. Of the many curious facts which are discussed concerning the eye, what is knowu as "the blind spot" seems the least understood. In the eye itself cer tain things may go on which give us wrong sensatious, which, although not truly illusions, are very much like them. Thus, when we suddenly strike our heads or faces against something In the dark, we see "stars" or bright sparks, which we know are not real lights, though they are quite as bright and sparkling as if they were. Vhen we close one eye and look straight ahead at some word or letter In the middle of this page, for example, we seem to see not only the thing we are looking at, but everything else Imme diately about it and for a long way on each side. But the truth is, there is a large round spot, somewhere near the point at which we ore looking, In which we see nothing. Curiously enough, the existence of this blind spot was not discovered by accident and nobody ever suspected It until Marlotte rea soned from the construction of the eye ball that it must exist and proceeded to find It Philadelphia Record. Thought It VVaa Beverage. "These queer, new-fangled names that they get up for summer drinks confuse the country folks," said the clerk at the soda fountain, "and hon estly I don t much wonder. A man carrying a big, old-fashioned valise came wandering In here the other day at the hottest part of the afternoon and sat down by the corner. He pulled out a red bandana handkerchief, and while he was mopping his forehead, he looked the place over from top to bottom. 1 could see he was trying to make up his mind what he could get the most of for his money, so I said nothing and waited for his order. Tretty soon he noticed that sign hanging on the corner of the fountain: 'Fresh vaccine received daily. 'Is that there vaxeen fresh?' he asked. 'Y'es, sir,' says I, thinking he must be a country doctor. 'Got It In to-dayf 'Yes, sir,' I said, 'just arrived. He thought for quite a while and then he suddenly pulled out his pocketbook. Oh, well,' he said, 'I reckon y' kin gim me a glass. "New Orleans Times- Democrat Nothing makes a woman feel quite so badly as to have company -tall and catch her husband in his stocking feet, with holes In bis stockings. When most men tell a funny story they have U Ltugn theinselve to show the ptlnt loUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE. joke and Jokslets that Are Supposed to Hare Beeu Keceutly Horn-Hayings and Doing that Are Old, Curious aud Laughablo-Tu Week's Uuroor. "And now that you are through col lege, what are you going to do?" asked a friend of the youthful graduate. "I shall study medicine," was tne gTave reply of the ambitious young man. "But Isn't that profession already overcrowded?" asked the friend. "Possibly It Is," answered the know ing youth, "but I propose to siuuy medicine Just the same, and those who are already In the profession will have to take their chances." A Natural Inquiry. Soft'eish A bwilliant aw-ldea twucl me lawst evening, aoucner uliow. Miss Cuttlng-Indeed! And did have a fender on it? . Not Hi Fault. The vicar's daughter rapa was very hocked, Giles, to see you standing out side the "Green Man'" this morning, after church. The village reprobate 01 can 'sure ye, miss, It wus na fault o' molne that I wus standln' ootslde! I'unen. Merely a Fusraeation. Long Have you forgotten that $5 you borrowed of me some time ago? Short Oh, no; I still have it in mina. Long Weir, don't you think this would be a good time to relieve juur mind of it? A Contributory Canae. Sagebrush Sam Yer say Bill died of a lume arm. How could that be? Cactus Charlie Why, yer see, his arm wu. so stiff that he couldn't draw his gun quick, an' the other feller got the drop on him. ' The Dlleninin'a Phort Horn. "I can't invite Mrs. Seron Yellow to my house any more." Why not?" 'She gets mad if I don't ask her to sing, and all my guests get mad If I do." Cleveland Leader. From Dlff-rent Pointa of View. Inventor What Is your candid opin ion of my device? Friend It Is practically worthless. Inventor Yes; I supposed as much; but even a worthless opinion Is some times better than none. Why lie 'turned It Over. "Fardou me, Mr. Stuffer," said the landlady, "but will you kindly inform nie why you turn that piece of pie up side down?" "Because it's an open-faced pie, Mrs. Durham." "What has that to do with it?" "Well, you see, Mrs. Durham, I was brought up on pies with an upper crust" Cleveland Tlaln Dealer. An Unpleasant Proapect. Baron To-day you will get the sev en marks I owe you; I am engaged to a rich woman. Schuster (frightened) Surely, Baron, you will not marry on my account Fllegende Blaetter. Fluterly comment. "She Is two-faced, that Is what she "Well, she does enough talking to keep six ordinary faces busy." Indian apolls Journal. Woes of a Wife. "Oh, that I should have married i funny inan!" she walled. 'What is the matter, lovely dear?1 asked her most Intimate friend. "He came home and told me he had a sure way to keep Jelly from getting mouldy at the top, ad when I asked him how he said turn It upside down. Boston Traveler. No Cauae for Worry. Kind Lady It must be awful not to know where your next meal Is coming from. Tramp Dat don't bodder me none. Ez long ez I know dat it's comln' don't keer where It comes from. New York Journal. 1 he Way of the Summer Girl. Maud What made you accept Chaw ley so soon? Madge Why, dear, I wanted to get his ring secure before Jack proposed. Jewelers' Weekly. Coal of Fire. Ethel Loitle Totklns said you was too mean to live, 'cause you wouldn let me play with her. Fond Mother And what did you say Ethel? Ethel I heaped coals f Are on her head. I said I hoped her mamma wasn't as mean as you are. Ohio State I Journal. Freklnar Information. noax Mblack's getting religious. I saw him reading the Bible to-day. Joax Hub! He was Just looking through the Old Testament to Bee If there was any mention of golf In con nection with the lynx N'oah took Into the ark. Not Wanted There. Mother-Robby, this Is the third time I've caught you stealing Jam, and I'm getting tired of It. Bobby Well, why don't yc-ti quit hanging 'round the pantry, then? Another Victim. "My father," suhl the sweet young thing. "Is a gold bug. Are you?" "No," replied the young num. "I be long In the uiehitioeste plclpes class." "Good gracious!" she exchtlmed, "What's that?" "That," he hastened to explain, with the aid of a practical Illustration, "Is the scientific name of the kissing bug." In the Poetry "linninraa" A correspondent, writing from Tex nrkana, says: "I have two sons In the poetry busi ness. They can write It by the yard, or foot Just as needed. I don't know how you measure it, but what would you give for five or six yards? My boys are hard-working fellows, and they need the money." Atlanta Con stitution. The Worst Part of It. De Jones I hear your llrrn dls- charged you. Smyth Yea; but I wouldn't mind that so much If they hadn't added In sult to injury. De Jones How so? Smythe They advertised for a boy to All my place. Chicago News. Of the Kiulit MnfT. "Did you notice? She has a whlto silk suit which she wears to the base ball game." "Yes; she told me she thought It ap propriate. It was made over from an old ball dress."-I'hlladelphla Bulletin. Money No Object to Them. Are the Spenlows rich?" Rich Is hardly strong enough word for It. They own a half Interest In an automobile." Chicago Tlmes-IIerald. One Attraction, Anyway. "She's going to marry a liveryman." "Well, I presume she Is sure that he has a stable income." Philadelphia Bulletin. I a foolish yound U. vio i)w-tried it-on rit.kn f rionc.l-A for-itmadf-Ktr.txcessive' New York World. No Longer a Joke. "Squlbber doesn't write any more Jokes about mothers-lu-law." Oh, no; you see he has one now." Philadelphia Bulletin:. Knew the Port. Eleanor's Mother You do Eleanor a great injustice, my dear. She is not idle, only delicate. She has no power of endurance. Eleanor's Father Humph! I know all about her power of endurance. It's the kind that'll let her dance all night In shoes two sizes too small for her, and make her too tired the next day to dust tie parlor. New York World. Objection Overruled. He-I am going for a drive In the country this evening. Would you care to accompany me? She I would dearly love to go, but I'm so afraid of a horse. He But mine Is so gentle that I al ways tie the reins about the whip and let him follow his own inclination. She And you have both hands free? Oh, how delightful. Of course I'll go. Chicago News. Not a Confiding Nature. Mr. Johnslng I don't like dat Farmer Jones. He's too 'spltious. Mr. Jackson What's he done now? Mr. Johnslng He's done gone an' put a Six-root, nano-wiau ieuce aroun nis melftn patch. New York Journal. A Delicate Matter. "No," said Miss Cayenne, "I don't think I should care to vote. Public affairs are too difficult for me." "You used to say they were very elra- ple." "I have changed my mind. It seems to be almost as hard to determine whom you should snub In politics as It Is la society." Washington Star. Railroad Smoking Compartment. European railroads have smoking compartments for men, and women's compartments. They have now to deal with women passengers who Insist on smoking and will not go Into the men's compartment Belgium, where the first cases have arisen, now puts up the sign, "Smoking forbidden," on all women's compartments. Ilritlsh Boy of Bulk. At Dearham, near Mayport, the win ner of the belt awarded for wrestling by youths under 10 by the Northern Counties Wrestling Association was J. Tunstall, of Great Broughton, who Is only 12 years of age, stands over six feet In height and weighs about twelve stone (108) pounds. Birmingham Post Jealousy. Dolly My cheeks are all on flre. ner best friend I thought I smelt burning paint! Boston Globe. An honest man has very little to say about his honesty. The sun has no need to boast of Its brightness. The short tale Is all right in litera ture, but the docked horse no doubt thinks It Is all wrong in fly time. i btak-bear away If b fait F W. (