3food iver Slacier. F1UDAY, SKl'TKMBKIt 8, ISliJ. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. J. H. Rami in lit vinx in tliu Haynt' llOUW . . i . Do you aant. lunilicr? If no, , i, . TlU'KMt. Mollify to' loan on real entiife bv Job. I.. llRNDKmoji, .jit. ' C. L. Hogvrs: ha moved into hi limine tipt the public .-liool building, former ly oceiiniod by l'rof. Allan!. Mr. 1'. A. Mel'luTHon, who ha been visiting the ('uniiiiitfH and Miirkluiili's, retiirnuil to her home in Portland on Monday. ' ' J. I. Miller arid bin Ikivh t th, MisM May McLaren iiml tliug1i mid Nellie Wicklvnm' went to the ho lields of Ma- rion county, I utrmlny. " Judge Li Henry in Hnffcrinjj from hie old disease con t meted in the civil war,' when be heliil (.ien. (irant t'r capture Vickxburg and 30,000 confederate. Jan. (). I'uijh, a neoliew of II. IujH, in einctil lort witli hia family from Ksbon, Kan, and will occupy Mr. 11 PiiSfliV ilaee on the Washington side. ' - Jndtre Coke, county jud).'e of Multiio mull county, came up from rortland Tuesday to. meet with Wauooma hxljre K. of 1'. Jndjje ('.ike in grand chancel lor for thin Jurisdiction. l'rof. J. C. Hazard and family, who liiivi) been KUfudiiiK the cununer at Mrs. Alma Howe a, left hint week or their home at Portland, Prof. Hazard, bold the tditiir o( f.jlrtlf ill the I'lirTlillrd (Kilrtc tiny. ' " "' ' ' , N. P. Anderson, who has ti claim on th Kant Kde, left on the lteriil;ifor, Monday, for Chinook, VpIi., where he joea to fake a position on the govern-j inent fort: Heat ioiih at the inuutJi of the Columbia. A d H-ree of dlvorpj ha Ikiuvi granted to John Kweeney and (iertriule Sweeney of iliod Hiver; Oro;ou. The pica fit Mr. Sweeney being desertion. Jolui L. HendurHon and Jnlge liennett were Mr. fweeuey'n lawyer. At the regular, iiivtiug of Canity post, font Hiturday, Mtithina flock, who nerved (n the Slith Iowa infantry during the civil war; uh. admitted to member nhip by transfer from J. V. Xeswith post at The Dalles. Mr; W'i P. Wilt huh returned hiHt week from Newport, w here she client several weeks for the benefit of her health. Her health in much improved. Her daughter, Mr.. Howe of Portland, came up with lier and will remain for tUe balance of the mnnnier. J. W; Morton visited The Dalles last Thursday and while there Judge !n nett offered Will' the Kiitioii of traveling agent to d spose of bin fruit in the East. Sir. Morton wiyx th prossureof business til houi". will not permit of his accepting the situation. 1 The following-named parties, started or the hop fields: of Marion county last Monday: T.J. Cunning and wife, Mm. K. F. Hhoumaker, conn Howard and Kent, Harry .Ha: ley and wife, MUs Mc Iareu, J:inii'H and Nellie Wiekham, Jen nie and Maud Miller. .fudge Prather met with a erioun ac Munt one day last week. llu wuh moving bin barn and hud Indian Pat helping b'ni. On a heavy lift Put let go lit the wrong time uixl Judce Prather unstained a sprain of bin back that ma t-ripple 'him for nie time. Mrs. J. II: Ackerrnah, wife 'iif hit'e Huperiutemlent Ackernian, who fm. Ieen vinitiim her relatives in Hood Kiver, l.'ft on- Mondav for her home in Salem. J'rof. Ackernian wsm ivlj lera '4jid vk'lt. name dav for Th Dalles, wberu he will attend tin? teiudierw' institute. - Mra.V.'A. PUiigerland and Antone Wine are recovering from, the dist-ase known as "sbiugles.V. Both have been juit. k. The syniptoniM of th;n dis tase are inanifested by a breaking out on the hod y a cl uister of p'mples.whieh, if they extend 6. ear arouml the btxly, tire apt to prove fatal. Mr. And Mrs. Win. Roornian will start next week for Salem, where they will visit relatives and take in the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P.oorman and laughter, llrtlell, will accoMipiiny them, iind while in Portland will consult an oculist to have .Miss Helen ' eyes e umiutxL'. iibe has been, suffering with weak eyes Uir some time. , , J. B. tluitt returned, during the week, from (iraud Forks, B. C. He .reports the Hood Kiver e mtingent all riding well. Sortie of them, though, are show ; ing signs of homo sickness. M. A. Cook had arrived and was at worlc for Frank Jones, helping to place the machinery in his new sush nnd door factory. Mrs. Cook remained at .Spokane. II. 0. KYevhnrt has purchased the husiness of C. L. Copole and branches out. as 'tine- of HimkI Kiver's promising Imsiness men. Mr. Kverlmrt is not un knowri to our community, having, b-jen in tiie employ of the O. 15. & N. Co. at the Jlood. River Htation for n year or two. We predict for Mr.' Kverhurt miiyessful business career. - C. L. (Vipple has sold his grocery and feed store to II. O. Kverlmrt .and will go to Eastern Oregon or Eastern Washing-, ton to engage in business. Mr. (.ipfu has been engaged in business in Hood Hiver for year or two' and has made many frie&i'is who will regret to lose Iiini ' as a f.itiztiu and business man. May success attend him and his family w herever they choose to loeste. IJew C, I. Xiekelsen bid his congrega tion in Moro ''good bye" Sunday even ing and left next day with the expecta tion that his erviei will he rouired in Nrtm iu rtelil iir'the future. ' ft nurt. Mith Mr. Vickelseii regretfully, but hop ing that his abilities as a working mini ter of his church may be as highly ap preciated, wherever he may go, as it lias been in Sherman county. MoriOl nerver. Thre.i yo in? ' ladies residing not a thousand miles from Mrs. Alma Howe's hitched tlm horse in the bueuy to come to town n day last week. AH went well till thay vame to Mooneyes corner, wlven in. going down grade, the shafts wefit up on the horse's back. They dis covered Unit something wa lacking to complete the harness and went liack lioni J to hunt up the belly baint. 15ev.' Koliert Copple and wife left Eu gene last week for Pes Moines, Iowa, where Mr. Copple goes to enter IVnke I'niversity to complete his course for the ministry.' Mr. Copple has spent three years of thorough work at Kujrene in at tendance at the Kugene divinity school ii nd supplementary work in the literary liepartmeut of the university, and at the Kime time tilled a charge at Cottage irovj. llin H.H'd Kiver friends wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster .".re prepar ing to titart on their trip to California and expect to go next week. They will go by way of the Prineville eouatry nnd will eaterCalifornia from Iakeview. Fa'd is taking a comjilete photographing outfit with hijn and will make a ajiecialty of doing tine work w bile tn his travels, lie is disponing of his furniture and ?ome that was left by Mr. Ballard at prices astonishingly low. A large desk and h'k case, that c ist fM, heotf rs tor J15. M. M. Davenport nnd family have moved buck from Home Valley, Wash,, where Mr. Davenport has charge of the wav mm belonging to the IHiveniiort fonipany. The mill, being run by water jxiwer, has to susjieiid oerations dur ing low water. Mr. Davenport has re lieved II. H. P.ailey as ganger for the Improvement Co., while the latter takes a much' needed rest. Mr. Bailey received another fall recently, by which his broken rib was greatly aggravated, and he is almnt incapacitated for labor. lion. J. W. Morton brought to this oifi.ee last Saturday some samples of to-iiiatm-s grown on bin liiverside farm that are the largest we ever saw. One toma to, though yet green, weighed bounces. Mr. Morton ha about one-guarter of an acre in tomatoes from which he expects to gather 100 boxes or more. His peach crop, though not a full one, is of line quality, at least we should judge so from tlie sample of ivarly Crawford, he left at ouroltice. . - The Hood River Trading Co. is one of the solid institutions of Hood Kiver. It hai a commodious warehouse, 40 bv lot feet in size, .with otlices fitted for the transaction of the different lines ot business the company will engage in. Outside of Strawiierries this company buys and i-hips all kinds of fruit, anil has bought ami shipped probably one half of the present blacklierry crop, pay ing all that the market would stand for the same. . Frank McFarland ami family re turned on tlie Regulator today, Friday, to their home ut Portland. Mr. McFar hind says he lias thoroughly enjoyed his vacation, anil that he has done consider able life insurance business among Hood Kiver people for the Mutual Life Insur-aiK-e Co, of- New York, 1 for ' which 'ctiln pany he is sprtcial agent. , ; The widow of the lute A. K. Iseiuberg is lyinf quite helpless from the effects of her late stroke of paralysis. For the past ten days she nan not been ubiety speak a word. Khe seems1 to suffer no pain, and during the past few days has heen able to take some nourishment in the shape of soft foods. . . Miller Bros, have baled ovfrr 300 tons of hay on the west side of the valley and have considerable yet to bale. The rain stopped them last week at A. P. Bate ham's stacks on Paradise farm. Daven Hirt, & Boorman have also baled con siderable hay on the West Side, and the I Kaat Side is yet to hear fri ni. Miss" Irene Callisoir "passed' thfrmgh Hood Kiver on the Spokane Hyer, Tues day, en route to (Jartield, Wash., where she wuut to visit her sister, who is quite sick at that place. Miss Callison will teach school this fall at Echo, I'matdla county, beginning Sept. 18th. Rev. J. W. Jenkins will deliver his illustrated lecture on Jamaica and "A Trip to the Tropins," at Frankton school house Saturday evening, Sept. tub. This lectnre is well worth bearing, the illustrations are flue, and there'should be a full house on this oceanioip. W. A. Slingerland bus his new apple house about completed. It is 2100 and is one of the most complete apple houses in the country. Mr. Slingerland will lind that it is money well invested when he has another b:g crop of apple to have a good place to keep them.' ('has. A. Staffs, the man who got his arm broken by beims struck withu uiteh- fork in the hands of a fame hand, in Sherman county, still carries his arm in a sling, lie don t know yet that lie will ever have the use of his aim again. Winnie and Florence Champl'ii came up from Portland last Friday and are vis iting their grandfather, trco. Booth. The Misses Pauline Rerham and (iretsciian Isegliam are visiting with them. Howell Ackernian i i Portland, who is spending the summer' at Mr... Amior's, 'will start the latter part of tlli Week for Mt. Hood, and expects to -reach lliw top before returning. " 1 'H"- Congregational Sunday school jjave a picnic on Tuesday on the grounds near tlnijtidrtnc of Alrs.,Bartlett, ,, It was well attended considering the threatening weather. Hon. J. W. Morton recently com pleted an addition 12 by 1 1 to his resi dence and built a wood shed 18 by 21. He will set out two acres in strawberries this fall. . . '. P. D. Hinrichs sowed seven or eight acres of wheat just before the rains came, and now his wheat is two or three inches hijf li with a good . sUiud all' over thd field. ',:, .' ; - . ' ; Parties intending to pluiit fruit tree's will do well to see' Tillett. .He hih a tin lot of trees, and has 1,200 Lambert cherry t..-e.is, two years old, for 10c each. . D . F. C. Brosius has returiiet and can be found in hisotlie.! over Williams & Brosius' drug store, between the hours oi 10--ll.m., 2-3 and ' C-7 p. m. Capt. A. S. Blowers, last week, sold 10 acres of his 40 near Belmont to Tyler &. Saterlee for ifiiOO. The part sold lies just east of M. H. Xickelson's place. L. E. Morse of White Salmon is carry ing bis arm in a sling. In crossing a stile after night he fell and tore his hand Mnerely on a barbed wire fence. Mark O'Neill, a prominent attorney of Portland, ami wite came up on Hie Dalles City last Saturday. and went over to Jewett's at Whits Salmon. C. I). Henrichs,. while up at .Endersby recently, met "Nip" Neal, who U still freighting, driving a six-horse team, and is the same old "Nip." The steamer Regulator' ha heen re paired fri in the injuries received when she blew out her eylender head, and is again on the route. W. A. Slingerland made the first ship ment of Hood Uiver apples last Saturday He sent 8 boxes of -Wealthy apples to, Portland.. K. H. Pickard has finished a neat iob of papering and decorating the house of Miss Ida Koe, which will be. occupied by W. M. Stewart. The new house built by Judge Prather is almost completed anil E. H. Pickard is putting on the finishing touches. . 'A. H. Tieman still improves under the care of his friends at the home of ( J. Hayes. . The 0. R. & X. Co. are securing .right of way to straighten ' the railroad at Jlayne Spur. . . . A heavy rain soaked the valley Iat Sunday and caught out a good deal of clpver hay. . . , The young grass is starting iiioelyand feed on the range will be good in a lew days niore. Lost A bunch of surveyors pins. Finder will please leave with O. B. Hartley. Mrs. M. F. Shaw is making an ex tended visit among friends in Wallowa valley. A pair of sectaries were found and left at this office for the owner. rlchool in the town district will begin iu?ft Monday, September 11th. 12. Quaekenbush and family went out to Trout Lake last Saturday. Dale Copple has gone to Crook county to look for a stock ranch. Mrs. Kline of Portland is viaiting her sister, Mrs. C. U. Bone. (ieo. P. Crowell has been re-commissioned notary public. B. R. Tucker is building a comimxlious lbarn. still plentiful at Rankin's ferry landing at White Sal- moil. Miss Kniily Palmer, one day last week, found 50 lieautiful net. There hi a Mint ledge' at this place, niwl More the advent of the 'pioneer the aborigines used to quarry arrow headH here. . . John A. Smith lost his spectacles on the day of the reception to the return ing wldiers at the armory. Finder will please leave them at this office. The spectacles would be of no use to any one but the owner, us they were made es pecially for him. ' . A number of discharged soldiers of the Pith Minnesota, from Manila, passed up on the SjKikane river, Monday evening. They were healtldy looking' men, but one of them said he hud seen enough of the world to unit him for a w hile. . Joseph Mctiuire has been quite under the weather for the past month, and came down tow n for the first time last Wednesday. His trouble whs something like the r pell he had two years ago. Plantation Social In the A. (). I. W. ball next Wednesday evening Sept. 13th. Plantation songs will be sung. Planta tion refreshments will be .served. :.Ad mission 15c All are invited. Tlieo. Dallas .manufactured a big el bow pipe of galvanized iron through which the shavings from the planer at the I.. I.. L. Co's mill will be carried to the engine. , . r . , John Unit is now lining the bicycle repairing for the tow'ii,'hiviiigsiicceeded Mr. Wilson. Bring your bikes; to him' and he will do a good job! Mrs. H. R. Iewis and family 'of I'ort land arrived on the Dalles City, Wednes day, and went out to Mrs. Alma Howe's boarding house. ' ' :'r '."' '' 1 ' Miss Hester Ihwe will 4r!iVv lievl Ffv day for Monmouth, .wbi-neish? eitpeetrf t; attend the normal school the coming ac ademic year. ' '' ' '''' '' "' Miss Maud Decker has been quite ill ,duriiK the week at thu residence of S. J. LaFrancu. ' She is now at J. 1 ArmoT's. .Willie Carstons, son of A. W. Car stons, the wood sawyer, recently return: ed from Yakima. '",'.', Miss Emily Palmer was over from Whit Salmon and .visited withirie.nds during th"Heek. " ... . The Faster Star will meet on Satur day evening. A full attendance is de sired. Prof. Thompson's wife and children arrived here Monday from C.irvullis.- . Misses Agnes Dukes and Eva S'usher visited at bite Salmon last week. II. C. Bateham went to The Dalles Tuesday. " '"' ' From McCoy Creek. Jas. f lreeu fetunied to L'ndef wmsls nu Monday froni ,Mi:t"oj' creek in ines, where" he was employed ly 'Aijios l'wJ'r'oud. I to work hi quartz xilai.m.: ', JohfivDivrk came w itli Jiiin " .to luitir 1 Tftju'I-alye where, he slopjs-d, Wjlt.h u party oiprtis pectors fnini Citscadi! . Locks;1 Jim brought along khiic sis-ciilieus (if quartt showing rich ifi free gold to tile nuked eve. This, ledge, which is-tlie property ot Lnderwood Unit tiers ami Joitti Dark, gets wider and richer the further if is nrusieetel. McCoy creek ih coining .out ail r.ght and may make rich men yet. of the holders ot .claims,', uouj placer aim quartz. "Mr. dreen came out afoot and I made thVtrifr in a1 days.--jThe distance jis about. 7f or H'J miles over one of fhe roughest trails imaginable1. -.A (.IMIll Jesse liuMer, w hose place rs twmnilps southwesr--f town, takes the lead so far as heard fn in in growing nnioiis jn Hofd Kiver.' He planted one-thirt4jriith of an ucreto Yellow DattverK!iiou need. The lioitsu'be bonglit -416 BI 'f '"ftfllwl it "Prize TaktrsC Z F.rdrn thison'r thirteenth of an acre he marketftl 25 sacks, or a little over one ton of as line onions as one could w ish for. The price reeieved was t cents uioUmL .A t thip rate his onions netteit Ir.nr f.iZ. An acre of the same yiehl would have nettetl him. il, ''lliU is airyfirfbrer's ilrst cro of onions in Hood River. In the shapeof fertilizers heippliediiOO pounds of wood ashea and one bucketful of laud plaster. Also, from one acre of ground, Mr;, linbler harvested thre' tons -of timothy bay. Mr. Imbler's land is not what woiili) he eofisidered good uim nor hay land. ' The timber' growth oji this land wan principally jiino, and .20 yM'rs ugi this same land was Considered by fanners to be the poorest in the val ley. For strawberries there in, none better in tlie valley, as has been dem onstrated every year for the past ten years. ' ' ' ' Barn-U IMsiricC; MisN Stjmson ..has bought 20 acres of 1. W. Angus; and lumber is being haul ed to build a cottage on, the. place. A party of young people went up to Mt Deli a nc.e after Huckleberries Thurs day. They tame home with only a few quarts of berries, but laid an enjoyable trip. The ilartv consisted of the Misses Maud. Parker, . Arvilla I'oore, Stella Riehard'sori," Minta Alexander. ' Messrs. James Parker, Frank tiibbotis . Mrs. Morse .and ilauahter, ,-JUiry, just from California, are very sick witli some thing like la grippe, -, . . Elder L. tJ. DU hits. gone. in-. -Mora to hi 11 a tent ineeting. Charles Gibbons got hurt while work ing on the tiunie last week. The pick used to pull lumber outof-.the flume ae- cidently slipped and went into his leg. Charlie" will be laid up for a while. Mrs. Lucy Isenberg is still very low from re.uatj 1 atrak-)t of piralysis. A - iSlrs. Friedlvis visiting .her son Ar tljur.. Fried.ly or a fgw weeks. ' - " , '" j'Miss Arfnilla Foim. is Uisiting friends in The Dalles. : M ts.f M 'Ptlu?. A mars tiiee'tiii'of 'iitiSii'iiH fif the town and valley is herehy called to nieet in X.,0. V'., W'.. hall, at 2. o'clock p.m. Saturday, September Itith, to consider the proposition and make arrangements for holding the fourlh biennial horticul tural fair of Hood River, White Salmon and vicinity. J. W. Mortov, ISupt.' ' ' ' Ciittrcli Notices;, ; Rtv. J. W; Jenkins will preach in the Valley (Christian churvh next Sunday, morning and evening. : Congregational church. Services will he held next Sunday at 11 a. in. ami at 7 p. m. Sunday scliool at 10 o'clock. M:irrieil. In Hood River, Sept. fi, 1.):) Eggert and Miss Lizzie Ehrck. J. II, The bride is the daughter of Wm. Ehrck of the East Side and in one of the most respected young ladies in the ''.-nmunity. The groom is a prosperous young farmer of the East Side. The Ul.uukr extends congratulations. In The Dalles, Aug, 31, Vm, Jas. F. Blurof (ilenwood and Hannah-M. Rob bing, late of Kansas. Hied At Mower, Or., St-pt,. 1, im, Mrs. M. McGregor, a'ed 73 years. Fanera.1 ser vice were conducted orr" .Siturdav at the family residenee by Rev. . L. Ili'rhner. Indimi arrow heads are LEWIS' WEAR RESISTER. . Shoes of great endurance for men. , These are made "of hea vy ralf, three soles, Knglish last, straight tip, lace, andiFl'I.i. I.KATHER I.IXED. You would expect the price higMr than we'eharge von .'. ' , - . "Wear Reskter" WKI.T, best chrome calf, tbre soles, made for men who want a nice looking whoe that' will efir like a log ger's shoe . . ..' ... ; . ; Men's Hercules, For heavy wear every tlay, best liea vy calf upper, so) id oak sole and heel put on by hand;" never get hsise; seweil with double ... ..wax thread ain'l . rivet ted ; solid as Mt. Hood an.d .-cheap, in huig run . . 3.00 Men's good quality, genuine kangaroo calf, oak soles, new rasy toes, plain or cap, lace and congress ... . $2.10 and .2.20 . ' Ladle' best and finest vici kid custom shoes, w ith splendid welt sole, very liest oak tannage, worth $3.5ll..-. ....... Lidies' very true vici kid, excellent oak Sole; you would expect to pav 2..W or 13. tliev gii fast at ,' , . .. . .' :: '? '. ' ' ' ' nr IH . i!i..s''l'.'?;L , '1,".''' jie. ,ni;t'iMpialed' at the rieein any other line out . v . . If your sole gets. Kiose, don't go around "kicking.;" ..makes it worse. ...We peg; Hieni and resew all seams frei. , , .-. .,, ' ' You can't gi t ti better dt-al than we give on shoex. . THE PEOPLE'S STORED ( rapier lHlfM. 1 ; ! II. Prigge went Vf J-tAo,ti week t i iun:l,4.-i shingles for )iis lyaiiMuoliUi barn.- , f , .;. , .. : .( The little daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. i A. P. lilark in slowly eoilvalescing from an attai'H ' typhoid fever." MiMuR KreiiLi I'riiCL'f. N'e fi Wiekham Slav McCJaren. Malid ami Jehnie Millt'rf and several others leave, this w6cK for ; an outiiig in the WilhuHftte ulleyv,,.. ! On their return from a, visit ill Klick-1 itat county, Rev. Charles Coop ami family'' .will 't remove' b (i'lark comity.,.) asli., to make their future home. . -j Sclnsd H'iied -.,ugu-( SSth. ., There j are about V5 children ofssidiool age in the district and with t)ie present rate of ' ; . I..:'.... .:.!ti :.. .1. '..1 increaseJn jMipuijuioii w'Mr 'oe iieai .. , .. : future reiiuire another room. . .J,;,IM,l.,),lfi'e,a,1Vuii"-ony(;r, v.'nh., Auirnst T, ... , ' ., -i , ., , , i IDBft.-Nolleo In n-rrby lvni thnt the litlliiir- edliesda v, August .mjIIi, a chllilrell s ; hic-i.nmed Mailer has a led notice of Ills Inten- party was given at the heine of .Mr. and ! ""!' " I5"lf-e.,ulVl 1,'"",,f !" ,l,h l M l l,,,,,,!. r,f ,,,.ellm, nun lliillsul.l lrrir Will lie iliMitehefore Mrs. (,. A. Mc( ur.ly in- honor Of thfr W. Kule.Herk r Uir milor court of the tifth birthday of hilen McCurdy and I suite of WuHljinirton, for sknnuoilu eount v. ut Mona (ireeii.' Though liavilig first mxti J!!'?!Vi,lt,!,"t '"!. n'.,l the light in listaiitfitis, their life liiK'si. 'M""'r '' '"'j;VW o. RV ' have met in tlu Vunny; hap)y.hoiirs of j M. SOi ,o-:w,'for the west iflorih-west'i;. childltoisl, and retl4yiii.i .could not be r-i fion 12. townnbii) :i,nirtli. riiiiice jjt,w:,!u. more fond of each other. This was , , "'V1"'" lhl rollowlnn wliiiesH to !rove Iheir first tiarty and if was . .hid. inticii en- joyed. 'rThoV reveled ' in swings under protecjiiig oiilis, romvieil with, their ilof: . lies on the law ii, ami prattled as only! fliiklrrn can. aMhe Inippfl hours flitted j iiway. During the altefnooii. zi iioyfi, . 11 i i .1 .. .". unu gmw, ure.-sro' upfMopriHw ut uk "v- i fusion, were served witli Ice cream aiid cake and .candies., Mrs. M t'urdyr.w ho: is a line entertainer, added much to, the enjoyment of all. irandpa " ,t rapper, wboYarries'the bunte'n i t-U years w ith body erect and intellect uiidiiiimcd, was jireseilt in fyofujr of the ruebfa,tiin. ' .luit ShIjuuii hSfili. ' A party rr.au pustd uf tbs. foljtiwing started for the hop lields .of .Vakiiim Monday: .Misses Mary and Anna Wolf-' ard, Lrila Crow, ' Olga IittfatrbaeJcy rlil Messrs. .(,'f.tlrlie M.firse and ( ! uy, ( 'row.; ' .j, Mr. ilmbertkuwliuid came down fnni j - Mosier aiid.sj'it. several. ihivs ii.i White Salmon iluriiig Die we k.'.'i ,', .',', It: I A verr-plcatfliit pur'y 'ics' teudcrcd ' Mr." and Mrs. Kank.i'--ai-l family '' bite Salmon hull hint Monday evi-ning, lhineing wal.' indulgeil- in nntii bite j hour, and Jrhe. gueti' tlepaiteil biildiug j farewell Hi their lYiefuls," w ho w itl soon i leave for UoldcndaU., Mr. aurl,;MrK. who wiwi them Hticcesw in thBir new homei. Among thrive jirsent were: -Mr. and lr.; agan, .Mr'. aiid LMrs,. Myers,' Mr. ami Mrs. Sisson, Mr. ttndxMrm Ad ams, the Misses flora and lie nil Hanson, Hiflda ami ("hestie. KanlUlU Minnie My ers, Veda 'i'holiEis, . Kostf -r'erTy, Mrs. p., 'If l Ti o'j nanKin, iuov iitoiiuis, i-.o xrahtr, wuit t ('olrjman, Herbert- Howlad;! ih'o. Atr kiilson, ,;Arf'.-j Ward; ' Berriil Robinson; f rank Hunsaker, Johii anjl. I'rank La gan, Tunis Myers and Air. Stevenson. Another roou'i is being added to the public schisd building here,' which w ill lie userl for the irimary pupils. A railing in being nun t.i around tlie White -.Salmon dK'k,r inr improvement w hich -will make it niucli.jiafcr. K. "They tire s'niply jierfect, "writes 1'obt M(sire,"of Ii Kaye'tte, Ind., Uf He-Witt's Little Karley Risers, the "famous little pills" for mnrtiMtioh anrl 'iill liver ull ments. Never gripe. Williams & lirosius. BUTTER PAPER, APPLE BASKETS and - - POTATO BASKETS AT. I..V -FRANCEH Thoroughbred Jersey. Tliorouglitired Jcisi y cow I'or wilf, fid. ... .. , v, , .. K. K SavaisI;:. New Stock of Jewelry. (.'all and see my stuck mli .;t priiw-4. ' Uy buyliiK c1.ise I llinl I in S,T1 c'io.i:wr tli.in ol.liors. MppHttl reilui:tloni ,m Jfinvdiw trill tie mailt: on Saturttit.vs. ( 'if.t, , Ti'.siei.K.. Pailltta!ll;.lSSI!E!C.! If your wuHrnrettek'ttr'ftMillMi'ri.-Rtll on K. I.. ttM)d. tXiiituUt)onf!o, imI rfne Sir lircscrlptiorn. Noeiit'flio vy. , ottlrv' hours from A. M. fill HI'. ,M., uml nit ftlglit'if nei essitr.v. .' .'.." hH a ; ; t rtit-r-h--1 Strawberries as IS Strawberries No mutter wlietlier von have water to Irrl- Ifaie Willi or not. the .Miiaoun will proiliwe a crop. Xo mntter how early variety you have, tha Kurly Sunrise wtlLbeat theiH bv Aveek. Xo mat l'r how large he.r-rie,' you irrow. the Clydcor Glen Mary tvmihl be ant to nut them to rihnme. Xo niatler how pooil h table berry you tiavf. the Mlitit'klt!SKOesime better. And for a kikuI late berry the Hmin takes t lie e:vke. (Hi HKItK V THY SUltltOW ami eel u few new varieties at the (tolunibla Xiiraery. It. C. HATK1IAM. E. H. PICKARD, Painter and Decorator, Hood River, Or., i House Patntlnu. Hnrd Oil FinUhlne. (iniln- I ntr. rner Hnnsini;, Kalsoiotniuii.eti'. Thiny j'earK' expi?rienee. (Titanoiteeti satistaetory results rr no iiv KstiinaliM irralis. I.e:lve onlrrs at ii lacier fMntrmacy. . N01ICJ5 FO It PUBLICATION. Imki Office at Vancouver, v at :. Sept. I Item. XotUtr is hereby irtven that the follow ing name.! settler hax fl(e1 notice uf hlx ln! terM.ior to make final proof In support of hin i olaon, mut t,liiHHirt proof will bumuiJe before I the KeiriMermid Rnrelver V. H. Lam! orfie at ani-ouver. Wash.,, on Tnesdny, Oetoljer i H. lSIO.via: . BYRON F..'fTiANr.vr.I Hoineslead KntryNo. On 19. for the Hnntlieast viit Tiin H, township $ norlh. range 11 eut, W. M. He nionea the tonowivtg ftrieine. to prnv his continuous retJeuce upon anj cultiva tion of. said IriI, vi.: John H. Jarvls. llnliert M"leien. Walfer J. Rates. Krlwiii M. Jarvia,7 (l of White Sal nin P. o., WasMnetiin. .. . - kio.S W. It. DrNBAll, Hesistor. ii . ' ' " ,.''' $2.50 3.25 3.00 2.15 Ten I ;'U I ' JOHN HULLT'a Slxop ItiVer Willi tt'i(iMi ut III. '.if luiKn...u.kii.l I. . Has nnn irt llood IhVe'r Willi u'K'mI st.'s'k "' inoni'ss. AM kinds of liurnewi ami !.- I Hu ropith'lii, ,Jj lie.IUd.i'elloivs' biitUtuk TREES! TREES J Persons ttiitlnj m tn-e or n' tliousnnU will nave luiiney, et flrst-ebivs lines, iind T K K I'X 1 1 1 at n re I i 1 1 A l A XT f. k 1 1 to t.C T H I f. to NAMK by phK-idur their orders wild H. si: lialllguu, who is leuullHin trees from tbv , ... ' Most Reliable Hurssrjf in Oregon. - .. XOTICK FUJI PUBLICATION. Mmiiiiiiuitfl, IV iin1 UIHIH eUlllVU- ii.,.. .,, i ,.,. . llwirue Tymlh t!iiK.rr(iMi;- iM)i6 Tislier find- .1. A. I'lsliet, al of Clieuowetli. r. (I. Wl. AIInI.'i Aiiuir. ve u iti'vi-i ko o.. ..(..,....' Ranch for Rent. i. i hti in cunTitniiili: '21 nmf tn 'iil1ti'11im: 400 apple Invt, tnn. )v , henrinu;.tJluT n ull; an early ine .for HtiHwiienits. tiiioil imv innl; inilfiiemieni 'Hier ri.ui:KAsy4HiH oil m ililsorilcr. Turkeys for Sale. - Trio of Itfi.iiw Jirknys. Apply l IHkoI!W. :'; Farm? for Sale. f'Ohrre. nourlv nil. In riifliynllon. 'The vcrv Imleeor (limit KivifVrflley: hiilm Soutll ut town. 1'rWe iitin ni-re. A.iH,, DHJiltoAV, , . yspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ' ' 1 1 artificially d i gests the food apd aids Nature .in strengthen l,ng .and . recon stnjctlns the exhausted digestive, or gans. I t Is the latest d IscoVererf digest ant and tonic. ' No other preparation cao approach it iti' efflciency. ' It in Btantly relieves atnd permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indrgestion, Heartburn, Flatulence,.: Sour Stomach, - Nausea, all other results cf imperfect dipestioo. Prepared by E. C beWltt A Co., Cblcago. i'or side by i 1 nins & lirosius. Time Schedules. il'r'in HOOD UIVKUl AnniVB Halt I,aUff, Jlenver,! fast ' Mail t-M p.m.. r r. tt oi l ri.i Mnanii,: Kshsiis i'ity., Ht JonlK, Cliicago; anil Ui Kusf. j Walla Wnllu, H)o-. kioii'.Mlnni'M polls. HI I'iuiI. I'lllinh, MllwniikiH', l'tii- eugii mill KusU i Hpuknne' Klyer Fnln ronTLAXI).!' 4 p.m. llCKAN .SlT,AMSUU,,l , , : For Him Francisco: '' Kvery tlve davsj . i. '' i. ' ('OM'MBIA RlVKK 1-4 p.m. STKAMKItH. . , K...SUllllliy. To Asioriii ' nil way " lUIlUIUgH i - ' - WniimicttB UVv'er. 4:'l p.m. !t)rpnTi City, Nett-'Kx!loiilay; . Suiiilay . lieiK.Siilcni iiv . liolilhilrs. - ' ' ' l- Wihamkttr and :t::n) p.m. YAMiiti.r. RrvEfts.'.V'oii. ' WJ. I a.m.-' Tur. Thiir. and Sat. (hinim 'Hy,I uy urn., and. Fri. ami way landing. . , H a.m. Tiles, Tliur. u i ill Hat. Wlllninelte niver. 4:30 .in. PiM tliiiKl to Cir,val-Tues.,Tlnir. Us A. wt)y laiuliiifjs. , ' anil Sat. Lv.Klpuriu.l ... - ,.Iji Lewist n l:l.)U.ni. STtAKK ItiVKR. -:.i:l.ia.ni.ilal daily ex.Siit.llllpafla to lf lntohex.Fi'lilsy. wVii.'lnnu.ljiusT; " (ten't Pas. Aent, Portland, Or . K. It. Ct.AKK, Aicen t, HikkI Iti.ver. -THK-- " REGULATOR LINE." ffls Dallss.PffltW & Astoria Navigation Co.. Through Freight and Passenger Line. : I Daily bet. Dalles aiifl Portland a Fricrht Will Cnmtt Thrnncrh A" r rel?P,,VV "'. V?, e '"OUgn " ' '" .Without Delay:- 'PI. lkillu o 4i . . . . . j t"f r . .-i. Ieave l'ortlaniLv ....7.IW a. M. PASSENGER RATES. One way f t oO IiouiKl trip v....7.w.!ft '2 SO Freight Rates Creally Reduced V. C. A LI AWAY, GeiieralAirent, THE DALLES, OREGON ' -' '' ' . ' : t. V l( V j ' liKI'AaT ' -' Frwt ! le-M li.ni. Lj Hnott.-inA ! ,' Klyrr ' ' 4:.'t7 p.m. : ; 8 p.m. j S p.m.' I I Kx. Siinilny I Saturday, j 10 p.dn. bone & Mcdonald CARRY A Staple Groceries, rXjOTJE FEED, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, (, Whh h we will sell at live and let live ju'ui .- ... . Agents for Osborne Mowers and Reapers. ... rft . ! i t V SOLD EY i Chas. N. Clarke, AgtM at the Glacier Pharmacy. "uhX: ,ru 1'al""t M,"""",es Wrt" ' w.p,...u GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARBING. highest prices ii;:en'a,,n!:"n:!wau;:r1'- I'halxe lara ipianl II ies ol IVnit for canning pnrpostn. : All kimls e'' Iroil bnr uiul enilHK mi iiunil. Coine and sec u; we mean bnstntvit. 1., HtiKlebatrer Wnsonsnnd Sprlns Watnn; Planet .If. Harden Tool and Cultivators: I'aa Ion Clipin'r Plows. Itai'i'iiHH and Hises; Roller Spring Tooth tlaninvs. Thesa are the beat uiii are sold at an low prices as are chargei br cheaper grudcH of tools. (Jet our prices unit exainlae th (fisnln. -f '-., N. Kvakk. Pi-es. K. savaok, Sec. and Treus. THE HOOD RIVER TRADING COMPANY, 1 ! M . ' -. "'" , (liicorpo.'alcib. I'nexeclled fhcllltleo for handlini; real estate. Parties wishing to dispose of real property ' will rind It to their Interest" to list the same with us. Conveyancing oVuie and lit leu eiuui tiled. Abstnmls furnished. , . .Frull 1 luxes, crah-s and packages nl all kinds. Murage warehouse. Thfi Farnoiict Rfisart. at. Will be opened to the public. July ; , , . , The HiKwl IrlpHml most accessible glaciers In Ainerlca. Pure air, omt night, unrivalled winery. Jtulld up your tired system lo the health ' giving ozone of the h.lgli altitudes. . . For lesci viitloiis, rates, eti-., address H. D. LANGILLE, Manager. I.uekey .t Olingcr, Stage .Managers. .! GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to K, L.Kmlth Oldest F.stnhlltlied House In the valley.) ' ' ' '' -HKA I.Kit IX. . . ... ZDr3T 0-ood.s, Clot!ln-Im.g:, '' ,. AND . " ' Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. HOOD RIVER. - - OREGON GEO. T. PRATHER. Justice of tlie Pence . , (Notary FuMio for for Hood Hiver District I . Oregon. , I am prepared at all times lo draw andcxecute Heeds ami Mortgages, and all kind of le gal papers carefully prepared. I am also prepared on short notice to furnish correct Abstracts. ' Also represent. Khe oldest and strongest insurance companies; so if you tvant. your prosarty insured doo't ail lo call m we and get h policy In a reliable insurance company. - . And when It comes to Ileal Kstnte, I am the one you want to see. If you want to buy, e1t or rent uny land In Hood Hiver valley or White Halmon, don't fail to call on or write to me. I also negotiate loanson real estate. I have been a resident of Hood hiver valley for 111 year, therefore am thoroughly acquainted with till! valley. (IKI). T. PHATHKK, Hood River. NOTICE 1'Oii PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1-.7S.1 ' United States Land Orllre, Tlie 1 'a lies, Ore gon, luly II, lswi. Notl. Is hereby given that in compliance Willi tlie provisions of the act of control'', of .ImwH. cntitloii "An act for the sale of 1 1 m her lands in the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,'' KVF.KARn RI'TIjKH, Of Ilivod River, couiiiy of Wusco. stale of Ore gon, has til is day tiled in this oltlee hi.s sworn sliitj'lni'nt. No. Hi, for the purchase of thfi miiih i southeast '4 nnd north southwest of scilion 21,- in township No. 1 north, range ho. 9 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur piwcs, and to establish his claim to said land before the flcgisle. and Receiver of this office at The I miles, Oregon, on Wednesday, the JOIli day of September, IMHI. He mum's as witnesses: H. O. Wyatt, llcrt V. Wyall, YV. A. Winans and A 1. W inans, allot' lliKd River, Oregon.' Anv and all crsons claiming adversely the above-described lands are leijncsied b tile their claims in this oltiee on or before said 20th day of September, Iswi. Jyllsl,-, .IAY P. I.t'CAS1, Register. Stockholders' Meeting. To the Stockholders of the Fast Fork Irrigat ing Com(am: Take notice, 1 hat a special meeting of the stiK'k holders will he. held . , September IS, , At 2 o'clock, p. ni.. at. the nflli-e of the Hood Kiver Trading Comp-ny, Hood River, Or., for the purpose of electing one director, to in crease fhe enpttal stock and' to devise ways' mid means, lor-an -early comrdetion of ihe ditch. Uy order of the Hoard of Directors. . C. K. RON K, Secretary. Dated AiTgtist Ii, IW. ITLL LINK OF Held high In the estimation or Practical falaiirs. Every gallon of The aj Sherwin-Williams TAINT will cover 300 or more square feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Paint nude .' DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. (!. It. 4'ahtnkk, Vice Prel l'. It. ItoNK. Snnw Tinfi nf Mt. TTAnrl""' IU1. . jially jitucs( from HimmI Rjver,,, . NOTICE EOH PUBLICATION. Ijind Otllcn at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 10, ISjW. NotiiT Is hen'by given that the follow- lng-named stiller has filed notice of his Inten tion to 1011 lie anal proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made bctore W. It. Presby, P. H. Comniis.iioner for Ulstrtct of Washington, al. his oltiee In (lol denilale, Washington, on Monday, (September St, IK.KI, vi.: THOMAS KROKNI NO, Honieslcad F.ntry No. !fl:l, for the south half of tumthcast (iiiarter of section 4, and the north hall of northeast quarter of section 9, township 3 north of ranee 12 cast, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vi.: .lames Fit. Ira It. Iiewelt, James O. I.yl. and Frank Reynolds, all of Lyle P. O., W'a'sh ingtoii. aWsvaj W. H. nUNBARReglsler. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION, ' Ijold Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 17, IXWI. Notice is hcrctiy given that the follow-lug-Haiiied settler has II led notice of his In tention to make final j'wof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mads bwlore VV. B. I'resby, IT. s. Comniis.Ooncr for Idstrict of Wnshingtnn, at his office in Ool dendale, Washington, on Tuesday, Sept. 'At vu: A I.RERT M ARKt.RAF, Hootcstead Kntry No. KWi. for Hie smith half of southeast quarter section 2, northeast, quar ler of northeuHt quarter section, fl, and north, wist quarter of northwest quarter section lit, townhhlpa north, range 12 east, W. M. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said hind vm: F.rnest Kiihnhansen, of ftlenwood P. O.. Wash.; Henry Kestorn", of Fulda P. O., Wash.; lieorge Tains, of lilenwiod P.O., Wasli.; Hana Henningscn, of Fulda P. O., Waslr. a2jt-"J W. R. DUNBAR, Regi-ter.